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[ D a i l y A u s f a g T h r e a d ]

> barely holden together Edition

>'Strayan Cars & Bikes
>'Strayan Questions & Answers
>'Strayan Pictures & Videos
>'Strayan Blogging, Bitching & Moaning
>'Strayan Scenc as fuck

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Previous thread: >>16756200
These threads are barely Holden together desu.
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OP is Jimmy
>op miss spelled scenic again
Some guy likes to spell it scenc instead of scenic and rushes to be the OP all the time. I figure he's covering for fucking up spelling it wrong a long time ago.
no op is probably falcunt
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>being such an autist that you have to post a new thread long before the other thread even hits the bump limit so you can be OP
Yeah nah, I'm gonna stay in the other thread.
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Spent my first weekend camping at Ballina this weekend. Fuck the weather forecasts, it barely rained at all!
i sold my astra sedan because of jimmy
Nah not this one last one was mine
someone pls post the audi tt pic i know he posted one when he first got it
Lads, what car would you buy for $40-50k
15 astra convertibles
V8 manual swap into an Astra Convertible.
Pretty sure it was squishy a long time ago.
dat mem now
I got an STI for 40
hey you cunts. murrican here, how much would a '92 falcon coupe cost me?
>92 falcon coupe
we never had any
no such car
woah there son that would need too much oil and you've have to carry a few jugs of it
fugg, really? what about just a manual sedan?
like fiddy bucks
RIP "Commodore" 2018+ model


the ONLY good thing about that car was the v6 and AWD and now thats all up in the fucking air.

GM EU and AU just cant catch a break can we ?
How long am I allowed to "ride the clutch" when doing slow maneuvers?

ie. my driveway is very narrow and about 8m long . if I don't use clutch control I would most certainly crash from backing in or out too fast.

should I only go a few metres. rest the clutch for a bit by putting it in all the way. then continue on and stop every few metres or even every 15 seconds or whatever?
allowed? As long as you want but dont "Slip" the clutch too much so that you start to smell clutch burning (Bad, dont want that)

If its a new clutch theres nothing to worry about but if its getting older then yeah go easy on er
It's a Squishy meem
can anybody recommend me a vehicle for transporting mountain bikes?
Subaru forester
How many bikes?

Any car with a towball or get a wagon or 4x4 if you want to chuck them inside
just my own but sometimes one more
roof racks
>hungry for lunch
>check freezer: nothing
>check fridge: nothing
>check pantry: nothing
god damn fucking mum can't do anything right
Buy your own damn food you lazy sod.
Casually self employ yourself to courier some food from Coles.
no he didn't it was one of the sa anons that said he bought the audi tt which I don't even believe to be true he was a neet with no money and wouldn't be able to afford it
what camber should I run on my 121?
how long does it take for it to start burning?

like how long should I let the clutch slip before fully engaging the pedal again to let it rest.

and how long should I let the clutch rest
-10 degrees all round
Jimmy posted that he bought it you dumb cunt. It was one of the last posts he ever made.
I might have the image saved, let me check my jimmy folder quickly.
>jimmy folder
what is it with you meme loving fucks
Not with his trip on he didn't, last posts from his trip were about selling the Subaru and the teal Astra convertible.
Can any Victorians help me out?

I'm 18 years old but am still on my Ls. I've only got 60 out of the 120 hours required before I can take the test for my driver's license.

Is it true that driving with a professional instruction that it counts as triple the amount of time? I know that it works like that in QLD, but not sure about Vic. So if I take 10 lessons that are an hour each, it would count as 30 hours? So far I've only driven with my parents.

>Jimmy sent me
Thats a fuckin cheap cunt infection
Nope. An hour is an hour
pretty sure he was in the picture with the audi the day he bought it
plus webms of the audi and even him in the old mr2 appeared a few months ago
I want to import a Commodore of Falcon, how much are they? Where's the most likely place to find one still functional after 25 years?
You can find one anywhere for dirt cheap. There isn't a single parking lot or street where you won't find one, they're that fucking common.
In decent condition though?
Fuck, that sucks.
Yeah there was a webm on WSG of driving on south road in the TT and jimmy talking about the turbo.
Since you haven't listed a year or model or price range, I don't know.

Anyways, I was at this dealer a couple weeks back and they were selling a 2011 Commodore for $12,000, and it was in really good condition too.
Lol my job is literally a meme
It isn't a job though lel. You're not officially employed in any form at all.
doing some errands for your mum isnt a job
Lol k
>no ABN
>no payslip
>no record of employment at all
>not actually employed at all
they're not though, he flat out said he has none of those things.
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>technically im not employed
Detripped falcunt here you fall for my shenanigans every time
You got us good with your casual self employed bullshit. I was starting to believe you were being serious. 10/10.
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Who /rural/ here and /boredasfuck?/

>living in small rural town in bumfuck nowhere QLD because was offered a job here
>really want to get a motorbike, want to get my L's
>forced to pay 600+ dollarydoos on a "compulsory pre-learner" course that teaches babby-mode strats
>I live outside of the the exempt range (100+ km from a Q-ride operator, I live 120km from it)
>although if exempt from the pre-learner course you have to hold your L's for a whole year instead of 3 months
>no bike clubs near me or people I know who ride
>I have to travel to Cairns to even look at buying a bike if I wanted to which is at least 2 and a half hours drive.

I know you won't believe me but holy fucking shit, this just happened to me.

>Driving home from work
>Highway patrol (vic) behind me
>Yellow light, play it cool and decide i'll stop for the yellow
>Hit the brakes fairly hard but not enough to brakecheck them, they were a fair ways behind me at this point
>Tires screech a bit because ABS

Long story short i got lit up and BARELY got off an impound. He was telling me how i could have been impounded under hoon laws for my loss of traction and i thankfully just got a fine for excessive braking.

Pretty pissed because i would have just kept going through the yellow but i've been watching highway patrol and they fine people all the time for running them.

Can they really impound me if my tires screech when i brake?
yah mate technically you did lose traction. In reality you'll get off if you take anything to court in victoria and cry about hardship. think everyone here knows about how vic courts work so nothing more needs to be said
had a dream last night where i was driving an 03 viper and was driving like a madman through the streets and stopped next to an abandoned house because i stalled somehow

5 seconds later a cop car appeared from down the road and they pulled up next to me and listed all the laws i just broke which they somehow knew

scariest dream i've had in a while lmao
i got done in vic for not having my shift pattern displayed on my stick
yea its actually a fucking law cunts
I fucking hate this state so god damn much.
now we know where they're getting all the money to dump into the failed nbn
remember it's the nbn turnbull killed to ensure telstra got a slice of it and his wife is a shareholder in telstra.

pure coincidence its now shittier and over budget
You'd want to import about 10 other running ones of either one if you're after any 90s or older models. Probably better with a Commodore desu, buying engine parts won't be as annoying as for the Falcon's I6, the Falcon's v8 is just an Windsor. The XR6 Turbo model has great power potential from the Turbo Barra i6. They're all piss cheap mate
LMAO! Cucktoria is such a joke.
just googled it apparently nsw cunts get done too

tas master race
I caught crabs. WTF do I tell the missus? FUCK!
To start boiling the water and whip up some tartar sauce.
That you're a cheating piece of shit of course.
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Quality advice.

She doesn't like crabs, guess I will score some good boy points and give them to mummy.
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Fuck /dat/
In NSW with an instructor 1 hour counts as 3 but only for 10 hours. Any with an instructor after that only counts as 1
thats fucking stupid
Calling bullshit, 'excessive braking' isn't a felony.

amerilard detected
No worries
I just bought a mates VX wagon for $500. it's in pretty crap condition and high km's, but it runs and has a couple months rego which I need.
The drivers side window doesn't work and it needs to be pulled up or down. What should I do about this? I was gonna just take the door panel off and chuck some wood underneath it to hold it up so people can't get into the car, but then I won't be able to have it open..
I don't wanna put any money into this car
Do you like it? It's on my radar, they can be had for 30k now.
Dual cab ute, and get a pad over the tail gate.
I think takima/yakima make a good pad.
Other than that, anything with a tow bar and a rack.
I saw a Holden ute drive past me a couple of days ago and I instantly fell in love with it. How common are they in Australia? Are they meme tier vehicles or do they actually see use by tradesmen and other folk who need a truck bed?

t. pom

>I've only got 60 out of the 120 hours required before I can take the test for my driver's license.

holy shit australians are cucked beyond belief
One of the most common work vehicles in the country along with Toyota utes.
Victards get the worst of it so no one of value gets hurt.
for $500 drive it until it dies, if you cant fix the window dont bother fixing it

slap some insurance on it if you're worried about it getting stolen so atleast you get payed out from your loss. its only a vx after all
i see like 20 of them every day and im a neet who doesn't get out of the house often

but dont think they're actually used for work, commodore utes are used as sedans

> no rear seats
> used as sedans

what did you mean by this?
Couldnt tell you bud just go out there and practice
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It's an image thing, much like Americans and pick-up trucks.

You can't haul much with an SS/XR6T/XR8 ute anyway
>Are they meme tier vehicles or do they actually see use by tradesmen and other folk who need a truck bed?
more often or not they are just used as meme tier vehicles. something thrown in there a few times a month or to carry tools...
but mostly tradies use like a hilux/other jap ute or a falcon (more suited to trade use than the commodores) even the old holden one tonners are real popular with bricklayers etc
Yeah i must admit i have my car for Image and im a wunnabe bogan
Mainly used by sheilas who want to be one of the blokes.
Yeah i noticed this lately

Its always a VT-VZ as well usually a Bogged out Auto (shudder) SS
and you are?
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i think we both know who we are
So thats the plate I look for when down your way?

t. rapist
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which one of y/o/us did this?
Lol cunt go for it /o/ has been stalking me for 6 years most of my life is intimate knowledge here haahah.

Despite the /o/ cancer im actually a friendly guy
never seen an r8 maloo put to actual use for tradies.

does the backs even come off? do they make soft trays?
Yes and Yes
>Despite the /o/ cancer im actually a friendly guy

But yet you didn't want to meet that friendly truckie?
sold my 86 with a replacement engine after i blew the old one and it got fixed under warranty

>2015 gt
>not even gts
>idiot paid 26,500 it

/o/ went all spazz bout dat i shouldnt have listened to them.

How much did u blow on buying it and maintenance to begin with doh?
I paid 28,700 around 2.5 years ago (employee discount).

400 and 600 service.

another 1000 on tires
so ur only down 3k ish not bad muh dood

Whats working at a stealership like? Got any good Long Post Guy style aussie stories?
nah brah uncle works for toyota
B-but wheres my delicious stealershit stories? ;_;
A bit underwheming stock power wise, great grip but a bit under-steery.
I've spent 10 on it since I got it. Now it'll chop SSs all day, and untouchable on the Togue
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