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/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

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Thread replies: 314
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Classically Trained Edition

How do I start learning guitar?

Suggested Practice Routine:

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack

Previous thread: >>73988557
First for jcm 900
Waiting for someone else to post so you can shitpost and pretend its not you while you reply to yourself?
I won i broke him
Okay, how do you know so much about me? This is getting weird.
Yeah, I think public saging gets you b&. You might want to delete. Check the rules, if you don't trust me.
>tune 3 lowest strings down half a step
>now the highest strings are all tuned up half a step
>tune them down to half a step below standard
>now the three low strings I already tuned down are back at standard tuning

Why does this happen?
do you have a floating bridge. if so, thats why.
I'm not certain what a floating bridge is. Is this an example of one? If so, yes I do.
can someone help me understand (and train) the picking technique in this song? FYI it starts at 2:40

For reference the guitar player is Nile Rodgers of Chic, who helped catapult funk guitar/16th note strumming patterns into mainstream music.

I'm not talking about the chords either; rather it's that funk like guitar picking but on single strings/notes.

is it angled torwads the body
Yes, ever so slightly. Is it because the bridge itself is affected by string tension?
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How would a fellow learn to play like this guy?
>that fretboard

Django was nasty motherfucker
bump for my question
yes. tighten the screws on the claw where the strings are
With $5K you can get quality... The Fender guitar, amp of your choice, etc. I say work up to it, though. Spend $250 on a Squire-tier amp and guitar until you get your shit together with lessons or vids... You'll know when you're ready for better.
Youtube videos
How can I learn jazz guitar without knowing theory?
Will do, thanks anon
Get really good at ear training, and learning other musician's solos.
loosen the strings before so they dont break
I lost my fender Stratocaster whammy bar where can I get a replacement?
More than half a step down, or just tighten them any time after I tune down, and loosen them before I tune back up?
Where should I start with ear training?
is that a human being
How do I create good melodies?
You can't. Simple as that.
Music theory is pretty easy, though. They teach that shit to children ffs. Stop being lazy and pick up a book.
But to really get good, at some point I'm going to have to gather up some gypsy relics, right? Let's cut to the chase.
youll have to tune down quite more than some steps, get it really loose, you tighten the claw and tune back up
Gypsys are just stealers now
>tfw I got to you but you can't get to me

Don't mess with Texas, amirite?
I'll repost this since it wasn't answered, I'm looking to replace the Boss Super Chorus on my board because it's pretty boring and I don't use it often, any pedals that are very versatile without being a Line 6 multi-effects fuckfest?
I was looking at the Electro-Harmonix Tone Tattoo and that's looking like a good contender atm.
yeh no one dunt answered cause aint nobody gives uh shit
haul ass nah ya hear
How do I improve sliding to different frets? It always feels like my fingers are sticking to whatever I'm on, and sliding down takes so much force that I'm likely to overshoot my next fret
Sorry didn't realize /gg/ was suddenly a bunch of cunts.
bit slow eh m8
Have you tried washing your hands you filthy fuck?
That makes it worse, you smelly fish fucker.
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Remember when I told you to watch?
just learned a minor pentatonic
can i play blues now?
have you ever had to pawn your guitar just to pay a bill
You play the blues by learning the blues. you can learn the blues through music theory m8.
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I'm officially out of space
weird your mom said the same thing last night
well /gg/ are you gonna help him or not
I have too dads, faggot
me two senpai
I like guitar
me two
no probs
What's the pedal to the left of the pitchfork?
It's a limited edition Hipster Doofus® by Boutique Ripoffs™.
not him but some kinda zvex fuzz factory
Zvex instant lofi
this one is kinda sad ;___;
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>tfw no tele playing qt gf
>barre something while playing with strap
>wrist is unmoveably fucked at close to 90 degree angle with hand
>pull guitar neck up closer towards head
>wrist is now fine and quite straight, but impossible to tremolo pick or even pick at all with accuracy because the guitar is at an uneven angle and the edge of the pick hits the strings
what the fuck do i do
JUST kys and get it over with already
great post
damn you're still alive? why?
id like to play guitar
you're only delaying the inevitable
yeah, so i have more time to play guitar
why? you're just gonna end up dead sooner or later
yeah i know
so i can play guitar more
you don't deserve it though so why not go ahead and kys
i dont care what you think i deserve, i have the ability to do so, and im going to use that
you shouldn't though you should kys instead
i dont care though
more reason to kys
i dont think so
wrong now kys
bitch I said kys
you need to
that's okay
How do I come up with spiderland style riffs

Some of the Shit on this album is great
Just curious why are ppl such dicks on this thread? I don't get it lol were all doing the same shit.
people are young and stuff anon, young children come here
I don't know about anybody else but I made a promise that I'm keeping.
anyone play classical?
what compositions are you playing?
>whaaaah puss puss bends his hairy flabby nipple to sucky sucky
>whaaaah mommies giant ass up in the air
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These look pretty cool, for $99 its worth a try

anything from NAMM you like?
They will likely be $300 by the time they reach australia. and i cant buy one from the US because all guitars with rosewood are banned.
I'm actually going to get a guitar in a few hours, I've made up my mind on acoustic, but I still have my doubts since classical really interests me, although acoustic fits the style of the music I listen to.

What would be your recommendations on acoustic vs classical? Also if I learn one will it be easy to pick up the other?
Acoustic necks are thinner and easier to play but steel strings will hurt your fingers at first.

Classical necks are wide and will hurt your hand, but the strings wont.
How can you be so god damn shitty at guitar after seriously playing for years and years? He was a prolific songwriter yet simultaneously the Sid Vicious of guitar and his amp was practically turned off most of the time. He never even reached the level of Mick's rhythm playing on the first record.
I don't know.
I told people I was willing to try high-end profiling amps before judging them, and it was all pitchforks and brimstone even though I currently own a four tube amps.
Gotta say music theorys kind of hard to wrap your head around.

Like how do you develop that sense to tell the scales apart. My mind can recognise the tones are different but can't quite pinpoint what exactly is different, and just recognises the note pattern.
Wouldn't the note pattern show you the scale unless it's extremely simple? I might be missing something here
I got 99 dollars and a 'pip' looks fun. Yellow for me.

Now I'm wondering if my future Japan/China purchases are fucked, since I'm in Canada.

>fits the style of the music I listen to
Get the acoustic.
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tfw dont play for hours every day anymore because strings rust
i just do exercises on the acoustic and keep the electric for recordings and playing/reharsing with the band
>just started learning to play guitar
>learn C and G chords
>finger status: dead
>tfw you never listened to guitar music while you were learning guitar so you have no discernible stylistic influences
I'm pretty new to guitar, rate my playing and my "toans"?
>tfw your only influence in guitar is that of guitaristic moves and licks because you didnt listen much to music before
no, sry
pretty good tone and tight playing u have talent
no srsly
someone can give me a new nut
i need my les poor i'm suffering withdrawal
What type of les paul?
Always wanted one.
condor les paul
condor clp2
standard les paul type
Is there a good disto pedal for modern metal/metalcore ?
The vintage trem bridge on my guitar is rattling when I hit a string. Stops when I push down on it lightly. Should I tighten the trem springs? I don't even use it so I'll probably block it completely in the future.
Which artists use them?
les paul guitars or this clp2 copy
That specific les paul, want to listen to it in action.
When in doubt get a muff.

But, I'm sure there are better pedals for your specific sound, you just might have difficulty finding it.
turns out all recordings i have of it are processed with cheap digital modeling
except for this only one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rT5Qagf2D4
Is that you?
You look like a mix of prince and zappa.

Also guitars ok, but I want one with heavy low end sound.
this one doesnt have much low end as expected of a les paul but thats some trebly pickup and amp too
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I'm thinking about theses 2 pedals, I know that Metal Zone is bad but what about the other ?
Oh, that bridge isn't adjustable.

>tfw you nail it the first time, delete the recording because it was on your phone and low quality, and subsequent times you just mess up over and over.

Man. I'm never going to git gud at this.
do exercises
consistency comes with practice. lots of practice.
Trying to work on as many scale patterns as I can with bass. How do you go about getting a clean, smooth legato when playing, say, F, G, A on the E string? I can play it clean with space inbetween, and I can slide to remove the space, but that introduces a sliding sound I don't want. Is it even possible, given the stretch?
keep your thumb in a place and wave the hand
bumping my question again
A strech from F to A on the E string? Forget it, either play the open A string or do a slide (the "sliding sound" will be hard to hear in a band setting and you'll get better at it over time). In the lower position 1 2 4 is the name of the game for virtually all players, stretching more introduces lots of stress in your hand, I really wouldn't recommend it.
do i have to pick in a static order like 123123123 if i want to sound gud and not wreck the fingers in fast parts

for slap i should slap over the fingerboard or not
i'm willing to pay with videos, dick pics etc
>for slap i should slap over the fingerboard or not
Standard technique would be at the edge of the fingerboard, yes.
Kill some small animal or get some roadkill, get a properly sized bone, clean it and file it to shape, cut/file the notches. There you go, a nice replacement bone nut.
first post on four channel that makes even a "lick" of sentence.
You're supposed to pick with the edge of the pick. Angled guitar like that makes everything easier once you're used to it

Nuff said.

>relic blonde

Tryhard. Expect anal for Chad on first date.
Is fret buzz common in electric basses? I just recently got an Ibanez SR350 and even with a very loose truss rod it still buzzes across the entire fret board. Would a lighter string gauge help?

Ed O'Brien sustainer strat, fairly affordable and outside of the sustainer it's pretty nice. Prepare for all the people shitting on it for being Mexican and being from Thom Yorke and the Radio Heads.
A lighter string gauge would make it worse. You're not supposed to just loosen the trussrod. Get the trussrod set properly and then raise the saddles to get rid of the buzz. If the action ends up being too high then the frets are probably not leveled properly. Do you need advice on how to set up your bass properly?
>tfw no keyboard/piano
>tfw no bass
>tfw no money
You can pick up a used keyboard for 20 bucks or even less, how poor are you?
right now I have like 25 bucks which I need for cigarettes/alcohol/weed
I've setup my regular 6 string electric myself and it sounds very good, however I have zero experience with setting up basses. I've never really dealt with fret buzz on my other guitars so this is a new problem that I'm figuring out how to deal with.

Also, I've raised the saddles fairly high already. Really uncomfortable to play with, but it did make the buzzing a LITTLE better, however it's still quite audibly there. I'm up for any advice you'd be willing to share.
I agree.


in other words I play a duo-sonic but i snapped the high e when i capo'd at the 13 and held the string out on the top of the cap and lit the string on fire to see how it sounded
Measure the neck relief by pressing down a string on the first and last fret on your bass (it needs to be in tune), the string is now a straightedge, adjust the trussrod so the relief is between creditcard thick and business card thick at the 7th or 8th fret. After that raise the saddles. If the action needs to be higher than 4mm for the E and 3mm for the G string at the 21st fret then the fretwork is shit.
Okay, I'll do that--thank you kindly.

>then the fretwork is shit
Is it rare for brand new store-bought guitars to have shit frets or nuts out of the box? because that was the last thing I would expect to be the problem, which is why I went straight for adjusting the truss rod.
On cheaper instruments it definitely happens. My Yamaha guitar also had rough fretwork out of the box.
By the way the measurements for the string height I gave you are a fairly high action, so if that's not possible without buzzing then the fretwork is seriously bad.
I did what you said and the buzz is about as bad as it was out of the box (pretty bad). I guess this means the fretwork is terrible? Is that the confirmation, or are there other methods of testing the frets?
Just to make sure, the bass is in tune and when you press down a string on the first and last fret the neck relief (on the 8th fret) is roughly credit card thick?
And the strings are 3-4 mm off the 21st fret?
And it's still buzzing?

Yes, then the frets aren't level, guaranteed.
My E was about 5mm lol. G was like 3 1/2. I reduced them both down to 4mm and 3mm--man if I had zero buzz that would be a dream to play.

There is a little bit of room when I stick a credit card beneath the 7 and 8th strings holding the 1st and last fret. Also, while the buzz is across the entire fretboard, it is most prominent in the E. But I doubt a little bit less relief will cure all the buzz.

Get a job, neet.
Yeah, especially if it's all over the neck I'm absolutely sure that it's bad fretwork. So, either get the frets levelled and crowned (complete fretjob) or return the bass if you're not happy with it (and if that's possible). A very low action on bass would be less than 2mm on the G and less than 3mm on the E string, just for comparison. That's on a bass that's properly set up and has flawless fretwork, no buzzing if you play with a light touch and only minimal buzzing if you dig in.
>which I need for cigarettes/alcohol/weed
Cut that shit, senpai.
Would it be stupid to ask if leveling and crowning could be done properly myself with extreme care instead of taking it to a guitar shop? The nearest shop is like 3 hours away (I live in the middle of nowhere)
I wouldn't expect a good result on my first try, and you need some specialized (kinda) tools for that work. My first try at doing fretwork myself ended with decently levelled frets, but I messed up the crowning. Look up how to do it on YouTube, the decision is up to you if you think you can do it.
If I get fed up enough with the buzzing (it's not too noticeable with headphones on plus some distortion) I'll probably buy a leveling kit or something and try my best. Thanks for your wisdom anon.
hows my bayz playing anons
what makes guitars from the 1960s so special besides being rare?

Baby boomer nostalgia
Just bought a new guitar yesterday.
Used to play (badly) when I was about 12 but stopped when the strings broke and I was too lazy to fix it.
20 now and starting again, just re learning some of the basic stuff I could do
For me it's just that the finish feels nice, the nitro has fully crystallized and some of it has sunk into the grain so it feels like a super thin finish. I haven't tried anything new that feels like this, closest is a guitar I made that has a mixture of shellac/nitro for the clearcoat, but it's brittle as fuck.
Honestly, if he has a good ear, and can follow chords, he could most definitely play jazz without music theory. It would be more difficult than learning theory, but it is most definitely not impossible.
What are you guys listening to lately? I have recently found this band Elder, and they are absolutely incredible. I will definitely be learning their songs.

People over-intellectualize jazz. A large amount of jazz musicians from the 20s-50s were basically their generation's equivalent of street thugs. If you learn enough licks,chords and solos you eventually internalize that knowledge into your playing without knowing how to theoretically explain it.
I can already play guitar decently and have calluses. If I do a thirty minute guitar workout/and just jam for an hour or so a day, how long until I'm good?
>Kenny G
anon I...
Why did you think this was worth sharing?
youre wasting your time on gg
>He was a great and genius musician, man, but he was also on of the slimiest and greediest motherfuckers who ever lived in this world, at least that I ever met. He was something.
I remember one time we was coming down to The Street to play from uptown and Bird had this white bitch in the back of the taxi with us. He had done already shot up a lot of heroin and now the motherfucker’s eating chicken— his favorite food — and drinking whiskey and telling the bitch to get down and suck his dick. Now, I wasn’t used to that kind of shit back then— I was hardly even drinking, I think I had just started smoking— and I definitely wasn’t into drugs yet because I was only nineteen years old and hadn’t seen no shit like that before. Anyway, Bird noticed that I was getting kind of uptight with the woman sucking all over his dick and everything, and him sucking on her pussy. So he asked if something was wrong with me, and if his doing this was bothering me. When I told him that I felt uncomfortable with them doing what they were doing in front of me, with her licking and slapping her tongue like a dog all over his dick and him making all that moaning noise in between taking bites of chicken, I told him, “Yeah, it’s bothering me.” So you know what that motherfucker said? He told me that if it was bothering me, then I should turn my head and not pay attention I couldn’t believe that shit, that he actually said that to me. The cab was real small and we all three were in the backseat, so where was I supposed to turn m head? What I did was to stick my head outside the taxi window, but I could still hear them motherfuckers getting down and in between, Bird smacking his lips all over that fried chicken. Like I said, he was something, all right.

Miles Davis on Charlie Parker.
good evening, /gg/! i tried to cover Johnny Cash's Hurt to check out my own progress. i consider myself a beginner, but i'm always looking to improve myself. would it be alright if i could get some feedback?

I know my singing needs improvement.
Completely agree. In the end of the day, you are just matching sounds that "sound good" together. Theory doesn't teach you how to write a good lick/song, it merely explain why said song/lick sounds "good".
I don't know if it's intentional, but the rhythm is off from the original song. Try to play the song with a metronome, it is boring to do so, but it will help you loads, especially early on your playing. Other than that, I think you are doing pretty good. Keep at it, mate.
>20's - 50's
>Kenny G

You're not too bright are you?
A couple of years
see >>74019709
he was crunk af I was wrong
thanks, that means a lot. i had a feeling that something was really off about the rhythm. i've got to use my metronome more often.
tips on writing emoviolence? got asked to jam with an amazing drummer.
what kind of accent is this
Should we tell him?
i speak a Jaerish Norwegian dialect. we sound really weird, even to other Norwegians.
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you're garbage. Listen to the original, the rhythm (not to mention the way the song was played) is wildly different, then listen to your recording (or better yet, play it again) and compare.
BUT if that doesn't make you feel like dropping everything and giving up, you should be able to improve and develop very fast.
also, I would recommend to stick to strictly playing for now, don't bother with singing. Work out that rhythm, then you will be able to hum to it without even thinking, and singing's just around the corner from there.
wait when you start learning barre chords
the C-shape barre chord is killing my fingers. but it's so practical to be able to switch from a B minor to a D major by simply moving the pinky over to the fifth string.
Ho can the LP design be modernized?
my guesses:
lighter body woods (alder? like early 80s LP studios)
stronger neck wood (maple)
reinforced headstock joint area (duh..)
two knobs instead of 4 (volume and tone, or 2 volumes)
less radical headstock angle
>Jaerish Norwegian
Kva er det? Dau blaase daase c:
>selling a Squier VM70 Strat
What's a good asking price? It's in like new shape.
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is it possible to get rid of buzzing on a guitar with a zero fret?
mine was set up well but it still has buzzing when playing the first 5 or so frets on the low strings.
what changes with a zero fret
eg e i fra Jæren, Rogaland. eg va litt usikker på koss eg sko oversetta det på engelsk.
tuners that move inward and not outward on the headstock, so the string angle at the nut isn't so stupid. that or this string butler thing pre-installed, that should fix the majority of the tuning issues on LPs.
That has nothing to do with the zero fret,at all. The zero fret would only be a problem if the open string buzz. Try loosening the trussrod a tiny bit or raise those bass strings a bit.
Why did nobody ever tell me that picks make such an insane difference? I used thick triangle picks before, they sucked, then I got .5mm tortex picks, which work great for strumming but are completely useless for anything else. Now I switched to .73 ultex picks and everything is so much easier, thanks by the way, you guys recommended me the ultex sharp picks and they work great.
Also I'd stick with the 4 knob + 3-way switch design, I think it's useful and I'd even take it a step further: 2 3-way mini switches, one for each pickup, to switch them from serial, parallel and single coil individually. I think the humbuckers make sense.
how do all these retards end up here? what mechanism funnels these idiots in like this?
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>tfw you found the guitar to end all other guitars
it's 4chan
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What do you guys think of cursing your guitars with black magic? Thinking of putting one of these babies in the guitar I'm building.
are these real bones
it can't hurt, i sold my soul to a faceless demon to play guitar well
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>...aaaaand it's a fucking Gibson™ Les Paul Standard Historic Custom Shop Reissue R9
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You were right about the Gibson part. ;)
do any beginner/intermediate guys in here feel like they practice too many styles of music? I feel like I'm slowly improving but I'm not becoming fully proficient at anything in particular
Eventually you'll find your niche and roll with it.

nah the real ones are actual dead fetuses
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it always is anon
>tfw dead
does it really matter whether if you start electric or acoustic?
>tfw the fucking sun
not really but acoustic will be a bit harder to begin with, it'll be tougher on your fingers.

really though go with the one that suits your style of music most though

like if you're wanting to play some nick drake there's no point in getting an electric
whats up with that horizontal "vibrato" that actually reaches the other fret, kinda like a slide
if im playing f, do i have to worry about completly barring g and d like the other strings?

It makes all the difference in world.

>does it matter if i buy a 2.000.000 supercar or learn in a Honda

You start at the bottom, no skipping. An acoustic will teach you some very important lessons about hand positions, dynamics, strumming, etc. Thing you need to know to not get thrown back 3 steps when starting electric.

A barre chord implies you press down all strings, even the ones who get pressed down further up.
what songs comes the closest to making love with the guitar? I'd say it's valleys of neptune by jimi hendrix
>inb4 steve vai
tender surrender
kiss' 100,000 years

skip to 2:30 https://youtu.be/9GKhMFAhqmk
little wing
I bookmarked this the last time it was posted:
those comments are weird as fuck
my akg414p headphone is starting to buzz/clip with lows at normal volumes
why did he leave the sitar
Go sell some sopa de macaco
is that guitars fretboard covered in indian poop? well never know. mystery

it's because they're shit
get some proper headphones
/mu/ has ids
no theyre decent. korta pro tier
so keep your fucking buzzing sound

that's the sound of poverty
Since when? I don't see shit
ok keep trolling me
Just read a couple... yeah.

I have no idea.

I doubt if I'll ever read a stranger question in this general.
do you really need 3 mics to record an acoustic guitar correctly?
i used only 1
May This Be Love is easily the musical equivalent of orgasms
hows this vocal take
Uma Delicia

jazz anyone?
its not buzzing anymore, the speaker is fine. you lose
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What are some T H I C C fuzzes to pair up with my JM?
What are some good clean sounding Dimarzio humbuckers to get the Modest Mouse sound (with coil splitting enabled)?

This is something I did the other day to get back into things. Sorry for the noise, I literally stuffed a Rockband mic into my guitar
Now that pop music is not advertising guitarists any more, haven't done that since halfway 90s. Guitar as popular instrument has been and is going back to the back row. Ironically there are now more guitar manufacturers than ever before and so many different artists have their own signature models. The industry has been fragmented in a way.

What will happen in 10-20 years from now? Do any teenagers play guitar or is it just for the weird kids who listen to "dad rock" as they say? All my guitar heroes are at least 40 years now btw.
yeah, keep telling yourself that

cheap headphones won't fix themselves

seeeffFFFZzzzzzzz (youuuuUUU)hhhzzzffzfzz
>"T H I C C"
>my JM
a gun in your mouth
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36th anniversary PAF
lol thats not Slash you're so retarded lmao
how to go from this
to this
Thanks. Is that on the bridge or neck?
Both, they're the cleanest humbuckers dimarzio has.

Got a new guitar so I've been kicking myself to work on my chops. I'm just learning some more advanced chords and the pentatonics
I might get it on the neck then and balance it with something heavier on the bridge to play E standard QOTSA, Tool, and grunge.
Woah... Dude... You're total gay faggot. Nobody plays guitar without distortion you motherfucker. If you can't play metal you are out of the game faggot.
how to get technically fluent on bass
right hand specially
Practice guitar on the side. Learn scales and learn how to play fast and clear. On both bass and guitar, they complement each other. Depending on the music you play, think if you want to use your fingers or just go with pick. I'd just use pick anyway.
oi cunts
I threw up a bit and had diarrhea drip down from my rectum at the same time. I don't understand the concept. How this has been recorded? The lead sounds like someone's torturing cat and doesn't let her die.
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Just came back from the store and bought a guitar, where do I start.
Hal Leonard's Bass
Bass Grimoire
also got a classical if I should do things differently from acoustic.

>look in comments
>I was Jimi Hendrix in a past life
fucking hell
i practice guitar too
im finding it hard to play fast especially on bass
cant get faster than this https://clyp.it/2v0vfve0
guys on youtube do slap and fretted notes fast like shit
I still like guitar
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Can I install one of these on a bass that does not have an active pickup, and only 2 knob holes?

Pretty shit but I'm going to sample it thanks man
Is this The Offspring
youre welcome. want to fuck my wife too
what i have to work on
Yes but only if she's white and over 200lbs
It sounds like Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)
oh yeah i see it realy does
best strat cut models?
Shit man, this hits home
if you have the you can play the blooze
kek here he comes
what electric guitar should i buy? ive almost mastered the beginner lessons on justinguiatar using my sister's old acoustic.
dublahs cornfirm
not gibson
Nope, it's just a common phrase dude
Nah son, you play the blues by LIVING the blues.
Ibanez Gio
>counting 123212321 on the right hand while countin 12341234 on the left hand
here you go
Is that even possible?
how else i can do such exercise
been out of the game for a long time, need a new guitar

half the gibsons i tried at the store today had serious issues, the fuck is up with that

has epiphone stepped up since last decade?
if you dont have any idea what your doing and you just blindly copy other players chordss and solos you wont develop anything as a guitarist and will realize how much time you wasted if you ever wanna create any music. if you don't know what your doing, you can't apply anything on the instrument. covering artists is development. also ear training makes theory easier. no need to get good at one and disregard the other. another big waste of time and potential
this makes no sense as a major part of theory is understanding harmony and voicing which quite literally helps you build better melodies or at least gives you a better place to start.
I bought a brand new strat that for some reason came set up with a floating tremolo and only one trem spring.
I'm home from college and won't be back (I left my guitar there) for a month, will anything bad happen to the guitar because it only has one spring?
friendly remainder

do not buy cheap metal/rock guitars. and i mean entry level ones.
people online tell whole lot of bullshit about quality and playability. but generally anything that's below 500$ is trash.
the bridge in these be so cheap it will break if you try to adjust it
just pay for someone to do a setup when you get back.
Simebody owes you some springs. I think I have 4 in all of mine.
I bought it at Best Buy and my guess is that some dude that worked there liked playing it, since it was on the top part of the guitar wall (unreachable unless you asked for it) and was setup in a really specific way
I'll get it to a luthier when I get back and ask for some springs
has epiphone stepped up since last decade?
their high end guitars don't even cost alot. you should try the probucker 2 les paul and maybe the acoustic texan.
some people say the quality change its because they moved to Indonesia
Are you in a one store town? Keep shopping and try other brands in the price range.
>yes they went from being turds to highly polished turds



most guitars are made by the same guitar makers don't expect awesome quality from something that is mass produced
bullshit you faggot. epiphone japan mass produces and makes extremely high quality guitars for nearly the same price chink epiphones cost. not talking about elite line either
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