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Thread replies: 313
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/metal/ general: Literally edition, this time with twice the /pol/

old >>73552120
Arghoslent made me start lifting and eating healthy for the white race.
Holy shit rome in 1200... to cringy to even quote you
third for numales are the future and whites are going to be extinct in about a century
You're just a demotivated nihilist with no values and trying to drag people into the mud with you. There's many reasons to want your own people to do well regardless of holocausting others or not.

Also, Arghoslent lyrics can literally be a first realization of truth for some nihilistic metalfags like you that would otherwise be stuck in a loop of hedonism. But other than that they're just nice lyrics with good stories.
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Factually wrong.
>no values
Oh no!
>drag people into the mud with you
There's nothing I'd love more than to not drag anyone anywhere. I don't like any of you, so why would I want you to follow me?
>There's many reasons to want your own people to do well
Begin ennumerating them so I can start laughing and tell you why they don't matter
>stuck in a loop of hedonism
You say that like it's a bad thing.
>other than that they're just nice lyrics with good stories.
Well fuck, finally we agree on something.
>ywn live 210 years as a body and brain sculpting android
why live?
That's what the jews want you to believe
so did /pol/ just discover arghoslent or something?
>how humans are right now
whats the issue now?
>IQ is scientific and correlates with more than you can imagine.
[citation needed]
I don't care about the jews as much as most white nationalists. I think the white race has a lot of issues to deal with besides that.

Angela Merkel isn't jewish, neither is Theresa May, or a thousand other european politicians that enable this hell.

You should try editing that question and maybe you'll get closer.
>whats the issue now?
muh white genocide
But are you guys brave enough to wear an Arghoslent shirt at shows?
denying reality makes you look like a faggot
Look for the history of IQ tests, it really have no solid basis, it's no more than pseudo-science.
Also, you can solve 3 math books and your IQ score will increase.
>nu male listen to arghoshit
>well numales be numalin lel
>lol u better just go head n google it bc I dont no w im talking bout
I bet I'll find nothing but unbiased, detailed, scientifically sound information.
did /metal/ just discover /pol/?
>Niggers that are adopted by white families and raised with white siblings still have typical nigger IQ
[citation needed]
Why not meme a superior NS band?

Quesion: What does this (probably one poster) arghoslent defender think of Varg?

metalcore fan detected
I can't take nazi slavs seriously
>All these arghoslent and gbk shilling

NWN gtfo
>Don't respond to my post, and don't say something about how this video is biased and unscientific
>hey guy don't call me out on my bullshit
Maybe theres a new album coming out and they're trying some viral marketing?
fucking kek
Stefan Molyneux is about as credible, unbiased and scientifically sound as Alex Jones.
>quite delusional about "memories".
Wait, what do you mean
on Debating Nu-Males

The more I debated with them the more familiar I became with their argumentative tactics.
At the outset they counted upon the stupidity of their opponents, but when they got so entangled that they could not find a way out they played the trick of acting as innocent simpletons. Should they fail, in spite of their tricks of logic, they acted as if they could not understand the counter arguments and bolted away to another field of discussion. They would lay down truisms and platitudes; and, if you accepted these, then they were applied to other problems and matters of an essentially different nature from the original theme. If you faced them with this point they would escape again, and you could not bring them to make any precise statement. Whenever one tried to get a firm grip on any of these apostles one's hand gasped only jelly and slime which slipped through the fingers and combined again into a solid mass a moment afterwards.
If your adversary felt forced to give in to your argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. The Nu-Male would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday's defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct. Sometimes I was dumbfounded. I do not know what amazed me the more--the abundance of their verbiage or the artful way in which they dressed up their falsehoods.

I gradually came to hate them.
lot of projecting here
Some of his claims about what pagans did come from his wives claims about remembering things from her past lives.
Brah am I on /pol/ by accident or are metal fans on here really so autistic that they'd rather call eachother low-t nu-male cucks instead of discuss music?

New Dying Fetus came out and I'm listening atm. Like what I'm hearing.
you should probably delete this post, even though you don't know how retarded it makes you look
The nu male shrieks in pain as he hits you
still projecting, I'm retarded huh?
Fucking kek
ugh, that's what happens when you marry an autist
Dude, did you write all that yourself? Hopefully you're just high on adderall or something cause otherwise I wouldn't imagine that typing that would be fun at all.
Last DF album I listened to from front to back was Destroy the Opposition.

Have they made anything worthwhile since? I kinda dig the new single.
i guess you could argue hitler was projecting when he wrote that
is this copypasta?
>Hopefully you're just high on adderall
No; people sometimes write compelling things when high on adderall
>Have they made anything worthwhile since?
not really
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You know who I hate, though? Fucking turks.
Are metalfags this ignorant of history? No wonder you deny race realism.
Oh sorry, I forgot to turn my tripcode on! :)

You probably will now be unfriendly to me but to answer your question: Yes. Reign Supreme was actually a masterwork of surgical modern brutal death.

Descend into depravity is also very good, but less so than Reign Supreme.
there is literally nothing about race realism in >>73562454 it's just autistic screeching.
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What's your favorite Arghoslent lyrics?
How do you even pronounce Arghoslent?
It's literally an excerpt from mein kampf you fucking ignorant nu male
>this thread
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>You probably will now be unfriendly to me
Nah I don't see a reason to...

>a masterwork of surgical modern brutal death
"I Love Cum"
There is nothing about race realism in that adultered except from mein kampf
New Dying Fetus album is pretty good so far.

They're sticking with the crystal clear production style of the preceding album and man thats some crisp tremolo picking I hear.

Yeah, compared to like infatuation with malevolence or destroy the opposition, your dealing with a far more streamlined, high production value modern brutal death band with a solid focus on technicality.
No one said there was
Tell me exactly why that statement changed your sentiments? Although there was some obvious subjectivity in it, it nonetheless is accurate.
Nigga why are you so dumb
You sound like a complete tool.
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Please do remember that I am an idiot. The "0)))" is like one of those big red helmets that special ed kids wear.
I've been educated by american white supremacists
Brah you can't "sound" like anything when communicating via text.
Does anyone do mediafire shares anymore or are they too dangerous?
Almost 100 posts in, no metal discussion

Why can't you faggots take it outside
Well, the stereotype is true then, they don't actually read any literature or history
I guess it's because those ideas are so shunned higher IQ people are afraid of even thinking about it because they'll be doxxed.
What's your favorite Arghoslent song?
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what's the best black metal from this year? all i've heard so far that stood out to me was pic related. but i haven't been keeping up with it much. have i missed anything?
>I haven't memorized Mein Kampf, therefore I am 100% ignorant of all literature and/or history

But yes, white supremacists ARE pretty ignorant of literature and history
Man why am I even back here? I don't have my album desxrips saved so I'd have to write new ones. Any effort that I put towards that would/will be repaid with something negative.
>have i missed anything?
No. It's all shit. The past five years have been a disgrace.
It's required reading whether you're on the right or a retard.
is it okay to listen to goregrind at 4 am
How so? And how does "required reading" equal "memorize it to the point you can spot a random memed paragraph of it on a vietnamese baking forum"?
Leave me alone please
is it okay to listen to arghoslent in college?
Answer my questions Alex
is it okay to tripfag in metal ?
It's ok but you need to graduate to fully understand
is it okay to force memes and contribute to the eventual /metal/ meme overload supernova that'll tear /mu/ a new asshole ?
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Nu male repellent.
>implying graduating from college helps you understand anything
good goy!
graduating helps you separate yourself from the mental aids pool that is college so you can think more freely
One of these is not like the other.
>USNS metal
>not nu-male
you need to go back
You can achieve the same result for free by not going there on the first place
t. NEET insecure he couldn't even achieve the minor accomplishment of graduating from university
Nu males don't listen to nazi music. Nice try, cuck.
Good point
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>Nu males don't listen to nazi music
>college makes you dumb, you need to get away from it
>lol you can't even graduate from college what a loser

totally makes sense
>inb4 cuck/nu-male/other dim-witted meaningless name-calling
I'm a numale and I love nazi music.
These aren't the same people how new are you
This is a new tactic unheard of before... identifying as a nu male to false flag your enemies side

they're getting more clever
No namecalling, but those albums are all mediocre, especially Mgla and Behemoth
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Is this nu male or not?

I have a hard time deciding
But both posts where made by the user "anonymous"
Whatever, man. I still listen to Arghoslent and Fanisk, and no, I do't do it "ironically".
FIFH is that you?
What's the band's stance on race mixing?
eh i have to disagree with you there, but it is just a matter of opinion. what are your favorite modern(ish) bm albums
I don't know but it's just high testosterone music
It's not all the same guy
who dat
>what are your favorite modern(ish) bm albums
None. They're all boring and sound like recycled albums from the mid-late 2000s
metal for this feel?
A tripfag that loved The Satanist and Orthodox bm.
Metal for this anti-soviet russian song feel?
their debut is their only good album
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Nu-males hate this
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New Sielunvihollinen was great
Are you sure about that?
>Motörhead isn't nu-m..
>women usually have more sense than men

lmao lemmy is a fucking cuck
Which is Arghoslent best album?
First full length holds up the best, other two are honestly ear candy. I used to like them earlier but not as much now.
the one where they're edgelords
>walking down street
>see pretty chick with this on
what do?
I ask "what the fuck is that?" without making eye contact, then keep walking. If she says anything (since she's wearing that shirt I assume she will) I just say "why aren't you listening to Riffside Journey?" without turning around

I'm just alpha like that
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Why is Kirk Hammett wearing a Gastunk shirt?
probs bc he likes the band
Incorrigible Bigotry in my honest opinion famalam
entry level pleb

metal for this feel?
More % of IB is good compared to Galloping
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Far-Right Metal that is worth listening to:
Arghoslent - "Galloping Through the Battle Ruins" and "Incorrigible Bigotry"
Bound For Glory - "The Fight Goes On" and "Hate Train Rolling"
Durandal - "La Peste Brune"
Mudoven - "Truth and Tragedy: Life in the Occupied Zone"
Berserkr - "The Voice of Our Ancestors" and "Crush the Weak"
Excalibur - "Apokalypsa" and "Thurisaz"
Estirpe Imperial - "Estirpe Imperial", "Herederos de una historia", "Himnos de gloria" and "Sin miedo"
Fortress - "Victory or Valhalla" and "The Fires of Our Rage"
Frakass - "Bouclier contra bouclier"
Spear of Longinus - "Nazi Occult Metal"
Кoлoвpaт [Kolovrat] - "Пpaвoe Дeлo"
The Raunchous Brothers - "Hail Metal: Destroy Faggotry"
Genocide - "Propaganda 1939 - 1973"
Ultimatum - "Jeunes et Europeens"
RaHoWa - "Cult of the Holy War"
Fanisk - "Noontide"
Bomber - "Das böse lebt!"
Squadron - "Decade of Defiance: 1985-1995", "Our Time Will Come/Take the Sword" and "Combat, Battle and Burn"
Honor - "In Flames of the Rising Power" (English version)
Iron Youth - "Respect/Create/Defend"
Absurd - "Facta Loquuntur"
Kontingent 88 - "Générations futures"
Vaginal Jesus - "Affirmative Apartheid"
Warlord - "Ascension"
Buldok - "Triumf"
Death's Head - "Feast of the Jackals"
Der Stürmer - "A Banner Greater Than Death"
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Is there metal that talks about how all races are the same?
Are they all confirmed right wing?
Isn't NM nazi? Wouldn't that make Voices Of Steel the GOAT NSBM album?
None of those are worth listening to though. You lied to me.

They used to be
The only weak song on galloping is The Entity. Incorrigible bigotry is 4 good 4 meh. Though the 4 good songs are fucking top notch, galloping is more consistent.
Most of these are musically vapid and derivative
Is this the GOAT GBK song, /meal/?

some proge, probably
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You forgot Grinded Nig
Hobo of Aramaic Tongues
>Heaven Shall Burn
>Genre: Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore
>Lyrical themes: Society, Anti-fascism, Anti-racism, Animal rights

Guess label without googling

>Genre: Thrash Metal
>Lyrical themes:Death, Evil, Politics, War, Anti-fascism, Human/animal liberation, Rebellion

Guess the band you guise
Shit that's a tough one. Toxic Holocaust?
>Genre: Brutal Death Metal
>Lyrical themes: Corporate Control, War Operation, Decay of Earth

try and guess the band
>Genre:RAC (early), Epic Heavy Metal (later)
>Lyrical themes: National Socialism, Paganism, Polish History

Every altrighters should know this one
>Drug smuggling, Mexican pride, Satanism, Sex, Gore, Racism, Politics
easy one
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ass cum
should've been guess country without googling


Lol is this a joke
But guessing the label was the fun part

Nuclear Blast?
There's a fuckton of Polish NS bands
boggles my mind to this day
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This is like if Arghoslent had balls
not liking a band with great riffs because you disagree with their worldview is nu-male
>None of those are worth listening to though. You lied to me.
Confirmed for having never listened to Arghoslent, Vaginal Jesus, Bound For Glory or Durandal. You're a faggot.

Seeing that this won't be helpful without samples of their music, I present to you songs of the following bands.

Durandal (fans of Slayer will love this):

Bound For Glory (anyone who hates these guys are faggots):

Mudoven (racist Cro-Mags by a purported Siege and Anal Cunt associate):

Fortress (the Australian Skrewdriver):

Bomber (one man Motorhead-influenced RAC):

Frakass (sounds a little like The Exploited's later years):

Estirpe Imperial (if you like NWOBHM-style Metal, you'll enjoy this):
Good guess, but no. You're close, though

on an unrelated note, I love these two word captchas. They always give excellent band/album/song names. Right now my captcha is Church Of Kemang
Only if their worldview is non-PC
It's Honor. I would know.

"In Flames of the Rising Power" is basically a Manowar-worship album.
Arghoslent sucks cock you faggots, go listen to Lifelover.

>a Manowar-worship album

Can't tell if that's a good thing or not...
>those black bars
You see, mods? You see what you've reduced us to?
Lifelover sucks cock you faggots, go listen to Five Finger Death Punch
>Piss on Abe
>Desecrate his grave
>While he dies

>Abraham Lincoln
>Loved niggers so
>He wanted their cocks
>In his asshole

>Abraham Lincoln
>You stupid asshole

>Hail to John Wilkes Booth
>For shooting
>his nigger loving face

>Not equal

Oh my gosh! :$
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You be the judge:

For individual highlights:
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when did all these /pol/fags invade metal
should be ulver instead of summoning on the first one
>all these fascists in the thread.

Well guess i am not touching the /metal/ threads from now on
Grinded Nig is retarded, and not pleasantly so.

Most WP Death Metal sounds fucking horrible. The exceptions are later Excalibur, Arghoslent and Berserkr.
Wannabe /pol/fags you mean
Also great album senpai
Like, ten generals ago when one poster started spamming Arghoslent and went on tangent after tangent about good ol' family values and how stupid niggers are and how anyone who disagrees with him is a refugee-loving bleeding heart libtard
hi dmshareguy

and bound for glory fucking suck, their riffs are about as interesting as on the average fear factory album
i for one am glad the violet cold meme took off
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Have you guys actually Roman Salute at shows, do you get beat up afterward? I do that all the time but with close fist
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haha wat.gif
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>violet cold meme
>people think Arghoslent-posting is new
is anomie even black metal
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Why this band's guitarist is in Emmure is beyond me
I will take Arghoslent over Vektor memeing any days
Summoning will never play live

You will never see MIDI trumpets live
>Dragonforce with harsh vocals edition
shilling Desperate Dreams to people asking for brutal recs will never get old
I prefered all the Striborg and Xasthur shitposting to these autistic WP death metal bands.
>will never get old
Something that never took off indeed can never come down
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this is now a ghost bath themed thread
What's your favourite Ghost Bath lyric?
theyve played twice in my city over the past 6 months and I havent been able to bring myself to buy tickets either time
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I like china

I did and i got hella drunk that one time and moshed to literally Ghost Bath lol
They put on a solid live show honestly
is Ghost Bath the closest thing to romantic black metal?
>romantic black metal
what did he mean by this
>romantic black metal
if your idea of romance is just a pile of naked dudes frotting
No that would go to Violet Cold
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ya ok bud.jpg
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I mean gay dudes sucking eachothers sacks while I nut
CoF; Ov Hell
Doesn't IB have 7 songs?
hey cuck
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When was it ever a thing?

Bound For Glory rules, faggot.


Berserkr (funny how they went from Groove/Heavy Metal to some sweet-ass Death'n'Roll on the later album):

The Raunchous Brothers (if The Mentors discovered Teutonic Thrash, they'd be The Raunchous Brothers. Anyone who hates this should kill themselves):

Squadron (British Oi! turn Thrash):

Warlord (NWOBHM-style Metal):

Excalibur (Czech Metallica-worship turn Death Metal on later albums):

Ultimatum (French NS Thrash):

Genocide (NS Blackened Thrash)
Do you disagree that a race that has a 70 iq average is objectively stupid?
What is the best DSBM album to cum into my own mouth to?

I have a very specific fetish and it is the only way for me to achieve orgasm.
>Arghoslent sucks cock you faggots, go listen to Lifelover.

This is the scope of cuckoldry we're talking about. These nu males literally prefer lifelover to Arghoslent.
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reminder that the only czech metal band worth a damn is Trist, all others are complete fucking trash, especially Excalibur.
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what, you dont like cock, faggot?

>What is Master's Hammer
gonna check this out
t. Hasn't heard of Root or Drakar.

Get the fuck out of /metal/, you cumguzzler.
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I remember the 9th grade.
Do you know what a non-sequitur is?

>hold on while I google it


excalibur is the only band here which comes close to being worthwhile
Trist is generic and boring atmoshit.
Goddamn guys I love ice cream

metal for this feel?
Arghoslent since non-whites are lactose intolerant
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>non-whites are lactose intolerant
well fuck me sideways
Ice cream confirmed for white supremacist
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wtf i love dairy products now
>implying /metal/ buys music
commie faggots go back to punk rock
I do
Death Fortress
Breathing Hell (blackened thrash)
I used to, but now I have nowhere to store them
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oh wow
Don't pay attention to him. He like Electric Wizard. He's a numale.
p-pls don't bulli
kek indeed my friend, kek indeed
What are some good liftin' tunes, /metal/?
Violet Cold - discography
*pushes you over and steals ur'e dubs*
I know you're shitposting but Babymetal is great for cardio at least
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no really if there's a better black metal aoty than the Death Fortress ill give you a bj (no homo)
Amiensus (even though it's an EP)
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>new Havukruunu

oh damn thanks anons
fucking kek. nigger bitch 666
the whole genre of power metal is nu-metal repellent
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holy shit
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>album is shorter than 1 hr 20 min
never see arghoslent here i feel like, nice op
whats wrong with this
>grind/thrash/death album longer than 35 minutes
straight into the garbage bin
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straight into the garbage bin

give more

click the first channel in the comments and click about
typical black metaller
>demo longer than 15 minutes
>EP longer than 30 minutes
Where have you been for the kast 10 threads?
Vektorposting already achieved that last year you absolute newfag

I, Ts Chloe Charlize Chantal / Ts Gabrielle AKA Sexy Feminine Goddess, The #1 Premier White Touring French Upscale Adult Internet Celebrity Tgirl ESCORT am a real pre-op Tgirl and am always ready to play ! I have Just arrived and am on tour right now at this very moment visiting BUFFALO, NEW YORK For the very First TIME EVER From Tuesday November 24th to Thursday December 3rd for 9 DAYS ONLY or Maybe More !! Get ready everybody so come and get me BoyZ ! I love you all !! Meow ...

I wanna nail a shemale while listening to Mutiilation.
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>vidya music

fucking trash it
what a cutie :3

White Death
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childhood is idolizing onward to golgotha
adulthood is realizing the infernal storm made more sense
>NS In Flames
and old age is realizing Arghoslent is perfection
Whoredom Rife - Dommedagskvad
Your forgot Soundtrack To Your Escape
Dolving or Aro era of The Haunted meal?
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>tfw Come Clarity is a guilty pleasure and an album that hasn't left my phone for like a decade now
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off the s/t
first track was boring
Warpath has some cool drumming but is mostly bad
Cunt is pretty good
rest of the album is just alright, worth mentioning and without major flaws
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Nobody here is actually racist right?
Arghoslent is just a /b/-tier meme?
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hello my fellow metal heads have you heard that new DEVIL WEARS PRADA song? It is pretty BRVTAL if you ask me haha. Have a nice day.
Do you sincerely think all races are genetically equal besides skin color? How are people this retarded in 2017?
i am frm brazil my band hell is new band from south

from the hell we play
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>This demo was self-released and distributed only to close friends and members of the KvltKK
>the KvltKK
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>This is the kall of
>Kvlt Klux Klan

>Lurking in the night
>Searching for
>Dark skinned maggots
>Armed with
>Ancestral muskets
>We kill niggers

>Take their wives
>Snatch their kids
>Rape them all

>Grim beings
>In white hoods
>Lurking through
>The woods
>Raze the cross
>Of the bastard

>Twist the knife
>Into the skin
>Until the blood
>Runs thick and black
Any James Bond black metal?
there are black people way smarter than you, you know that right?
And some chink out there has a huge dick. Racism fucking disproven!
t. still believes there is any significant worth in a race touched by a flawed genome
i love Endless Pain and Pleasure to Kill, after Coma of Souls they can go die
You're afraid to go to shows because you don't want to be knocked out for being a racist, right?
Where's your proof, you stupid cunt?
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I've gone to my share of shows, even Crust Punk shows.

I know how to keep my powerlevel in check.
There may be a few that are smarter. But based on where their bell-curve sits, the vast majority will not be smarter than me.
>waaah everyone except me is stupid, my mum told me so!
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