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/metaru/ general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 328
Thread images: 70

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prev: >>72313680
post some jap metal nu-males
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Goat album
LE PENIS, epik keks were had my friend
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Is this what passes for humour in america? You people are pathetic.
Seeing Alcest tomorrow, what am I in for?
true touhou $lam hours
$Lam is the ultimate form of musical expression
disfear fuckin slaps and there's nothing you can do
>originally released in 1977
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>order the new Heretoir shirt as I like Fury's art, album itself is just alright
>no preview of the back of the shirt at the time
>it has an anarcha-feminist quote on the back, as well as plastered all over the physical copies of the album
F-fuck, I didn't ask for this.
Friendly reminder that Steel Panther is the best glam metal band not named Wasp
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Does /metal/ like death metal?
hey I wanted to make that joke :(
So is it just one person or are there multiple autists posting this every day?
Evanescence is unironically better than 95% of death metal bands /mu/ jerks off to
Like who
>death metal bands /mu/ jerks off to
Such as?
>first actual track is eerily similar to Golden Number
Does this mean it's the only half-decent track and the rest will suck?
What happened?
This is my favorite Death Metal band
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Fuck, forgot pic
muh viking memes
No wonder he looks unhappy, he has holes in his fucking earlobes.
>post some jap metal
Does Japan have anything that isn't shitty babymetal or powermetal?
It probably isnt a bad album, but people calling this lucky charms metal 'depressive suicidal black metal' is cringeworthy.

>was once the voice of a generation
>got so many people into metal
>now does generic pop
>not even a single scream
>not even some guitars
Wtf happened lads?
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I don't even want to look at it.
The back is this, there's a preview now.
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Is the band's gimmick that all their albums are almost called Sunbather but not quite?
That's probably only because Funeral was close enough to DSBM for people to assume the band is a DSBM band.

They got tired of being called edgy music for angsty teens so instead became the generic pretentious pop band.
Go on /fa/, ignore the faggotry, and ask in the diy thread, you can erase it
But Funeral
That was when their trendhopping wasnt as bad

Just happens to be a quote by an anarcho-feminist doesn't it? I don't really see how anyone would make that connection unless they already know who Emma Goldman is. I was expecting "Smash The Patriarchy #Yesallwomen" or something
>Relapse has Myrkur
>Century Media has Vattnet Viskar
>Nuclear Blast has Ghost bath

Are major metal labels finally catching on the hipster black metal now?
Why haven't you listened to Alestorms new song yet? Do you hate fun?


>They actually have decent harsh vocals now
>self-tiled track
Into the garbage it goes
I know, maybe I've just been around on here so long the principal of it annoys me when it shouldn't.
I don't like big text on the back of shirts anyway, but I could deal with it if the quote wasnt meh.

Yeah, I mean regardless it's not great, never quite understood why bands pay good money for album art which they use on merch and then when it comes to the backprint they're happy to settle for a slightly distorted windows font
What does /mu/ think of screaming mechanical brain? Been listening to them a lot lately
So theyre metalcore now? At least its still catchy.
literally WHO?
Isn't all buttfolk metalcore with accordions and folk themed lyrics?
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>metal blade has downfall of gaia
>it's nowhere near as fun as before
>medium paced with no real energy
>dat image
>it's metalcore-tier now

I just want every track to be Wooden Leg.
No it's all just watered down melodeath or watered down power metal with accordians, I don't think I've legitimately heard a folk metalcore band except for that mongolian one.
I have no clue what buttfolk is, i just thought that was metalcore because of djenting and harsh vocals.
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>except for that mongolian one
it's hilariously bad
So memes have enough power to turn a melodic death metal band into a melodic ""death metal"" band?
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meme magic can achieve anything bad
Good folk metal sounds like heavier Tenhi or Wardruna
Buttfolk metal sounds like heavier Flogging Molly
Eluveitie is much more similar to metalcore than melodeath or power metal

This is buttfolk


Basically just bands that have thick, chugga chug guitars and write songs about drinking and having fun
>throat singing kicks in
>more boioioing
This is chainsaw penis or alien fucker level niggery, and those bands are actually comidic. Really makes you think.
there's actually good examples of mongol throat singing in metal, it doesn't sound too out of place since guttural vocals and asian throat singing use the same general technique
It could be worse, if i were drunk those bandms would be fucking amazing.
Slam with deep earthy throat singing when?
Kek I remember looking for folk metalcore years ago and I found this gem
Is there more like this?
I love buttfolk, it's so fun to listen to, but it's not exactly the finest form of art that exists on the planet
Jenovavirus's vocals sound like somebody took mongolian throat singing and made it brutal
it just sounds like somebody burping into a mic
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Why do Grindcore/Pornogrind bands make for the best live shows?
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Anything coming out next month?
what does /meal/ think of the new Virus?
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gimmie some good japanese power metal
>japanese anything besides BDM/Slam/Thrash
>those metalcore vocals at the start
Just closed it right there.
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Anti-islam Glam metal
Now i understand why hitler considered japaneses as honorary aryans
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Here you go lad

>band members are more attractive than the woman
really makes you think...
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activated my almonds
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*blocks your path*
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Versailles 2.jpg
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*tramples over you*
>that CIA pose
*blitzkriegs over you*
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*unsheathes longword*
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*riffs over you*
Rec me some metal like this:
Just prepare for ultimate cheese.
Is there such thing as Wild West Metal/ Country Metal?
Djent is the trap of metal
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Post trap metal
literal trap metal

I'm dylan, but this doesn't explain me :(
magical fourchan fortune ruined
Who's the Lil Yachty of metal
the trailer for the new Progenie Terrestre Pura just dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1eViQ2QLm4
>Russian power polka
Why the heck not

Why is this so good
loving the faux soviet propaganda video look
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I unironically really like this
>Unreadable band logo
>Edgy album art
Into the trash it goes
It's very easy to read and if you don't know this band already, please leave the hall

I mean I don't like them but you still gotta know the big names to post here
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the cover is still cringe tho, and i'm a big dying fetus fan senpai. not even the edginess, but the execution of the art is abhorrent.
The cover gives me bad Iron Maiden/Monstrosity flashbacks
Okay, it's Dying Fetus, that makes it even worse because they're buttdeath
Yeah the cover is edgy but in a boring way, I didn't even know it was possible
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I liked Trivmvirate and even if their other albums weren't nearly as good I still have hope.
Not to mention the awful album title

Hard to find their music on youtube, but you can find some of their discography on youtube. They blow Motorhead and Rush out of the water.
the cover may look generic at first glance but it will most likely be relevant to the lyrics/story of the album.
>dying fetus
what exactly makes them deserve this branding? their lyrics and song writing are much more profound than any typical run of the mill death metal

>kill your mother, rape your dog

ahhh yesss i can just feel the refinement and the je ne sais quoi
I've always thought Cobalt had a kind of westerny vibe to their later records, especially Slow Forever. I know it's pretty much guaranteed that everybody here hates that one, but I think it's a very well-crafted album. New vocalist has an insane range, and I love the groove.
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Fenriz's commentary on Darkthrone albums is usually just really funny, but listening now to his commentary on Transilvanian Hunger and it's pretty much just him spitting facts with no jokes. Not what I was looking for, but very informative. I didn't know he also played guitar and bass on that album. And the huge pauses between songs.
Thanks Fenriz.
I don't hate the new one, I just miss the energy they had on previous things.

Weirdly enough when the guy said "western metal" I thought of Cobalt but just assumed everyone would laugh at me. Gin has some pretty western moments.
Like I don't know, I can imagine a cowboy duel going down to the backdrop of The Old Man Who Lied For His Entire Life or the opening of Pregnant Insect.
Switch American with European and I'm fine with this list
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they improved a ton since fucking 1998 dipshit
Yet another reason to dump atmoshit
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stay triggered, you deathmetal buttbaby
European power metal is twinkly flowercore, it's fine just where it is
What's the angriest release of 2017 so far?
My little brother
Little shit won't stop screaming
Sabaton, Stratovarius, Hammerfall, Rhapsody, Sonata Arctica

Manowar, ???
shieeet better lock him up
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Three Inches of Blood, Kamelot and other reddit bands
what would you jabronis recommend for someone who likes Ulver and Agalloch?

don't meme me.

a rope and a stool
Antlers - A Gaze Into The Abyss
and >>72346648
Let's go vote /meal/
All those bands you listed are shit tier.
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US Power Chart.jpg
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bad bait desu

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The power of this shithole
is it acceptable to mosh during death metal show while wearing black metal shirt?
Metal equivalent of Ennio Morricone?
>Inb4 Ghoultown
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>when the 1:09 riff hits and devastates the entire Europwer scene
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*teleports behind you*
*unsheathes katana*
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our boy.jpg
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*teleports behind you*
*whispers in your ear*
pshh... nothin personell... kid...
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*blocks your path*
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Yeah i think this death metal holy diver cover is super cool! https://youtu.be/NR7dG_m3MsI
not enough pinch harmonics 4/11 would not bang
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>Track name : niconiconi
>No niconiconii samples are used
Weebslam was a mistake
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What did they mean by this?
Would a black cover on Sunbather have changed how it was recieved?

And what if the name was
V. E
R. T. I
G. O

Excuse the punctuation.
Is there a metal equivalent of goreshit/lolishit?

I feel like listening to some metal with hentai samples
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when the illegals $lamz hit u.jpg
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Manilla road is bad though
What does /metal/ think of Virgin Black?
Please be sent to Necropolis for that.
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>band insults its own fans
kek fuck those subhumans and their meme band.
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Any Tiamat fans here?
Clouds is solid death doom and Wildhoney is a goth metal classic, ADKOs is some kind of weird mix of goth rock, trip hop, psych rock and prog which surprisingly works and then they just turned into buttgoth, they still had some solid tracks like Cain, but nothing amazing.
well said
Is there a NWOBHM chart?
I'm honestly fucking excited for this.
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>downloading the whole discography of these guys on soulseek
174th for Master
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is weeb glam a thing?
I need metal that makes me feel like im in a gothic lovecratian victorian castle/city. Kind of like Bloodborne.
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visual kei
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this has been a good thread
wtf is that shit man hahaha
We need to get kvlter
Leviathan (the band) is shit.
lol get fucked this is the kvltest bm
What do you guys think of Trap Them?
Is ok
Is nu-male
What are some wanky prog metal bands I should avoid?
You should avoid every single prog band
lol all of them lololol
Every of them
Fuck you. Fates Warning, Crimson Glory and Opeth are great.
>Fates Warning, Crimson Glory

Ahahahahaha you fucking blew it.
t. retarded blackies/ glamshitters
t. nu-male
t. retarded progie
Really? What's up?
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>in 2017
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Anyone like Doomcore here?

I came here to call you a faggot for making this thread and say its related to metal.
t. glamfag cancer
kys nu-male
kys contrarian faggots
10/10 lifting music, desu. Not much for anything else.

I love you too anon :3
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t. falsie
Fuck off blackie faggot
Get stoned and listen
t. homo
wtf i'm a blackie homo now
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This thread needs more RIFFS

They have much better songs. ITHOW is their best work.
I'm glad marie put the bullets away, Varg can larp without killing anyone this time.
I agree

Gotta love how the best black metal band ever was a parody of the entire genre
>the best black metal band ever
Name a better band
>protip: thou cannot
Black metal sucks
ummm deathspell omega, darkthrone, deafheaven, burzum (nazi things aside), caladan brood, xasthur
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Going to see Hammerfall live next week, what am I in for ?
What do you cucks think of the leaked new Suffocation album ?
Suffocation wasn't good in years
You aren't wrong
Delete this
Hoest is wonderful
Hammers falling
>Dying fetus
I like the band, but they never made concept albums
>Recommends doomcore/sludgewave
>Only posts black tongue
Every time.
I havent listened, read the DMU review, they spend most of it talking about how the album art belongs on a video game and how immolation and suffocation were always for idiots". The cunts even tried to shill the Hobbs meme shirt.
>DMU sponsoring a writing contest involving erotic fanfiction in which the author engages in intercourse with social justice warriors, reds, pinkos, queers, liberals, or Democrats
Has /pol/ gone too far?
Is this Berkeley battleground not actually a battle but one big tsundere orgy?
B-but they are the dankest
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thank you for this

also can I get moar like this band pls
DMU is MetalSucks for alt-right cucks
Sumerlands, Demon Bitch, Iron Sword

i'll add Gatekeeper
>band name - album name - song name
>all 3 are the same
list as many as you can
>band name - album name - song name
>all 3 are the same
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Angel Witch - Angel Witch - Angel Witch
Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
Metal Church - Metal Church - Metal Church
Electric Wizard - Electric Wizard - Electric Wizard
Saint Vitus - Saint Vitus - Saint Vitus
Motorhead - Motorhead - Motorhead
Iced Earth - Iced Earth - Iced Earth
Vektor - Vektor - Vektor
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I unironically love chuggcore
>featuring Bjorn "Speed" Strid and Daniel Tompkins
>actually typing it 3 times even though it's already implied
How else is anyone supposed to know the artist and the album?
>forgetting helloween

>Implying he needs anything more than a pocket knife
Best metal-themed movie?

With top-tier soundtrack by Fastway

Shit quote but Emma Goldman was pretty based
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Master - Master - Master
Even the album art is just the band name.

Sabaton/Powerwolf are the Nickelback of metal, all their songs are literally the same and written specifically to be performed live, they have no creative merit to it.
Six Feet Under in the Nickelback of metal
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>this is the face of mastodon fans

scroll down and you'll see what I'm talking about
Some all white, uninfected metal for you fine fellows.
I unironically like the new Ghost Bath record
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when did this general get so infested with progniggers goddamn
Prog is superior to all other genres. The one true poseur deterrent.

You mean magnet
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Post wife-beater core
You mean deterrent

My wrists are slitting themselves. Cant get more peasant than this.
Nu Cynic is as poseur as it gets broski
It's better than Focus
What would you name as the quintessential album within each genre?

>Black (First Wave)
>Black (Second Wave)
>Blackened Death
>Viking Metal
>War Metal
I'm ready nibba
>Black 1st wave
Venom - black metal
>2nd wave
Darkthone - blaze in the northern sky
Slaughter of the soul
none so vile
>viking metal
Scream bloody gore
Either scum or enslavement to obliteration
>>Viking Metal
Does Wardruna count as metal?
If so, Wardruna.
Epicus doomicus metallicus
Blasphemy - fallen angel of doom
Electric wizard - dopethrone
Probably sunbather
>Thrash - kill em all or hell awaits
Wardruna is not metal in even the slightest way
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>Slaughter of the soul
Tell me your pick
so am I allowed to enjoy Pallbearer without being a low-t numale or should I accept my place as an untermensch?
Not true. It sounds like pop metal
Do what you want, asking this board for approval before listening to something is the most cucked thing on earth.
t. Nu-male

okay so no then thanks.
Re re ra ra ra ra baby kilrrr rara ra gra gra gra
Focus is pretty poppy
Nah, blowpeth sux
Demos fucking slap
t. Dumb blackie
So whats wrong with Aesthethica? Its a really aggressive bm album with just odd time signatures. I never get the hate for it.
osdm is where it's at
p.s. blowpeth sux
what is the best Immolation album?
>osdm is where it's at
None lel
>liking autistica

>doesnt give a reason as to why its bad

>disliking autistica is contrarian
>in /metal/
hi /mu/
Hello me
How about TRITSIO you unironic assfaggot
>people that disagree with me are contrarian
>not liking Aesthethica

Its probably the best bm album in the past ten years
>brought back the old logo
there's no way this won't be badass
They have two songs online for it already. The riffs are top-tier
yeah because an autist with a shitty keyboard chanting "hey" makes black metal t r a n s c e n d e n t a l
>best album ITT has no replies
>highest tier
>not French power metal with eurodance covers
Weebgrind is one of those things I try to explain to myself but I can't.
Is it just me or is /metal/ full of more wiggers than usual today?
It may be better than slaughter, but it definitely is not representative of melodeath.
They asked for good melodeath though, representative my ass
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They didnt ask for good melodeath. They asked for quintessential, which is the most well known, typical album in this context
Fine, you are actually right. SotS fucking sucks though, it's a shame it's so influential.
Its good, but not bm at all, its post rock.
bm songs similar to a fine day to die? Every other bm song just seems like blast beats with incomprehensible tremolo picking
I dont think its awful, but overrated as fuck. Can you rec me some good melodeath? I could never get into atg (ritsio was more techdeath imo), IF or DT but can into black dahlia murder, early amon amarth and heartwork.
>good melodeath
SotS's influence already took over the genre though.

Heartwork is the pinnacle to be honest
Try >>72359197
The Jester Race
The Gallery
Stone's Reach (don't enjoy it as much as I used to but I thought it was pretty good for modern melodeath)
Used to enjoy some Insomnium albums very mildly

Basically everything that's been said a million times that isn't SotS itself or modern Dark Tranquillity. It's not exactly my favorite genre.
Have heard jr and tg before, will give them another listen though. Thanks for the recs
>bm songs similar to a fine day to die?
Literally any blackened thrash
>Sunbather is too mainstream for hipsters
>Too hipster for metalheads
>Too weird for normies
>Not good enough for everlasting praise
Is it obsolete?
The Gallery can be very over the top to some ears, but back when I was really into it I would have put it among the best of the genre. It took me a bunch of listens to really get into it though, the first time I was listening to it I found it pretty shitty, stupid even. Didn't expect it to be a grower at all.
>albums name is a rap reference
>hard to read logo
>self produced by the band
>john 'mr clean' gallager is into hiphop
>awful album cover
Is dying fetus going to go full blown wigger slam?
Ill give it a go, i always preferred the 'heavier' melodeath releases. I know the black dahlia murder has a reputation as the only late 2000s emo melodeath band to exist and amon amarth is radio rock with distortion since with oden on our side, but everblack and once sent from the golden hall were releases i really liked, as both had beefier riffs and more appealing imagery than the gothenburg three. If you havent checked out dead shores rising by deserted fear i suggest you do, it probably isnt for everyone but was very enjoyable for me.
Air horn driven power metal, how fucking cool is that?
Saint Vitus S/T
Inalienable Dreamless
The Mantle
Psalm 69
Oceanic or Panopticon
When The Kite String Pops
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