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Thread replies: 308
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Christus ist tot edition

>General Folder #1. Renaissance up to 20th century/modern classical. Also contains a folder of live recordings/recitals by some outstanding performers.
>General Folder #2. Mostly Romantic up to 20th century/modern, but also includes recordings of music by Bach, Mozart and others
>General Folder #3. Mostly 20th century/modern with other assorted bits and pieces
>General Folder #4. Renaissance up to early/mid-20th century. Also contains a folder of Scarlatti sonate and another live recording/recital folder.
>General Folder #5. Renaissance up to late 19th century
>General Folder #6. Very eclectic mix
>Renaissance Folder #1. Mass settings
>Renaissance Folder #2. Motets and madrigals (plus Leiden choirbooks)
>Debussy. There is an accompanying chart, available on request.
>Opera Folder. Contains recorded video productions of about 10 well-known operas, with a bias towards late Romantic

>Random assortment of books on music theory and composition, music history etc.
It's Good Friday.
Post Passions.
someone explain feldman to me

it's literally just single notes being played with an interval of 2 minutes
Thank you for putting the pasta in the OP
I have a better idea.
Feldman was a conman.
There's nothing to explain.
I like maybe four pieces from him

Watching this interview with him makes me wanna punch his shit out


Elliott Carter being based as usual (that pun)
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Can someone identify this piece? Its probably Schubert.

The fact that he's so popular on rym makes me mad.
Are those his groupies?
Either Carter's groupies or Feldman's unwilling victims
Reporting back. Fine concert, except for the fact that there was a tranny sitting in the row in front of me in the Tchaik who spent the whole performance looking at lecture slides on its phone and taking notes, seemingly paying no attention to the music. No clue why you'd pay money to hear a student orchestra (albeit with a p. good professional soloist) play Tchaik just so you can have background music while you study instead of going home and just searching something on youtube and doing the same. Baffling really
I don't think Christ is dead yet lads. Not until this afternoon.

Posting my favourite non-Bach Passions:
(would post Schutz's other two passions - the opening and closing choruses in the John are probably better, but I prefer the layout of the Luke more - but if you enjoy this one, you'll probably listen to them of your own accord)
(and would also post Macmillan's John Passion, but it's not on youtube, so his Seven Last Words will have to do instead)
Ay macmillan.
What are your favorite percussion only pieces?
School credits, maybe? Sounds like a cunt either way.
unlikely since the uni in my town doesn't offer music as a "proper" subject. They offer a couple of modules in it where you are required to attend at least three concerts and review them in three different ways (a "blank slate" listening where you just write down your impressions of the piece as they come to you; a "newspaper" quality review; and then one where the music has to be a piece you know well that you then compare to a pre-existing performance to discuss the differences in interpretation.

So yeah overall I couldn't discern a reason. Thankfully it was all clear for the second half of the concert so that was fine.
Good music
About to marathon Tristan und Isolde, wish me luck.
Which record?

See you in 2020.
I guess this is a better place to ask than anywhere else;

does anyone have any works similar to Peter Hamel's Organum?

One I could find with video + subtitles
On the prelude, heard that famous chord. Starts a little slow but that's fine and intentional, it's building now.
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drinking vermouth at 7am listening to Marais

such is life, jesus' tod
Will he just get to the fucking point already? It's taken 20 minutes just for Isolde to ask Tristan to come to her
Poor lad.
Getting tired real quick of Isolde's sappy, overblown hissy fits
I'd be mad too if saved some dude and then he later kidnapped me and sold me off to his King
[spoiler]That will be the cause of her death in the end.[/spoiler]
Where'd you hear this?
I don't remember now. If I did I would have included a longer snippet.
It sounds kind of familiar but I can't place it.
Last thread someone uploaded a great recording of Haydn's Seven Last Words oratorio. Good for the occasion.

Someone in my timezone? Finally I don't feel so alone with all these ameribros all the time. Good morning.

Having breakfast and listening to some cozy Haydn music for the best section of the orchestra:
Life is good.
I love all of these

you should too if you know what's good for you.

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>gamba that emotes like Sainte Colombe's while harmonies lush like Lully's
Do you know any more great music for winds only?
>a fucking love potion
10/10 plot twist. Truly deep.
I'll watch the other two acts later, if I'm honest it's kind of boring. Mozart's operas are much more engaging and not nearly as long.
More Haydn:
Am I the only one who finds the female soprano voice to be ugly? It doesn't matter who's singing in particular, it always sounds like a screechy cat to me. Contraltos and more especially males are much more beautiful.
I actually prefer the bass clef in many ways myself. Classical music's drift into the treble is quite unfortunate.
P.S. piccolo players need to die horrible deaths
>children talking about opera
wow this thread is off to a great start

post your favorite female vocal performances to repent:
Sorry if the truth upsets you. Wagner is a typical autistic German who's incapable of real feeling (Mozart was Austrian). T&I is supposed to be some great love story, but they fell in love because of a fucking potion? Sorry, that's total bullshit. Even Shakespeare wouldn't pull something like that out of his ass. Also, Isolde is a spoiled bitch who sounds like a dying cat. Just a typical woman, really.
I find basically any soprano from the 70s onwards to be typically unbearable. A soprano utilizing minimal vibrato and can actually sustain her notes is fine.

But, yeah, contraltos are easier on the ears overall.

Soprano is good if they use vibrato tastefully. Too much and it's shit, same with any singer or range.
This is easier to listen to if you're not into opera
You do know it's adapted from a very, very old legend, yes? One that Shakespeare was possibly inspired by. The basic plot points are more or less the same, you're directing your autistic screeching at the wrong person here.
Listen to the end you faggot.
Old doesn't mean it's good - and if Shakespeare was inspired by it he had the good sense to excise the retarded bullshit, but Wagner was clearly too obsessed with "muh Germanic legends" to care.

>dude trust me it gets good after 4 hours
the love potion is a metaphor for the fact that none of us are capable of choosing whom we fall in love with and not a plot device but i don't think you really give a shit
why are you forcing yourself to listen to something you knew you wouldn't like? that's sad
anyway the version you're watching is from the 80s i remember so i doubt they have a capable woman singing the role of isolde
You're a faggot with shit taste throwing a hissy fit about women being women. Gtfo.
>Old doesn't mean it's good
Never said that. I was explaining the origin of the text.

>but Wagner was clearly too obsessed with "muh Germanic legends" to care.
It's Anglo-Norman.
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Why the fuck would you make that a metaphor? That's just stupid, that's not some deep concept. Just have them fall in love like regular people. It wouldn't even make the opera any longer, all he would need to do is cut about 15 or 20 minutes in the first act of nothing happening (Isolde calls Tristan... he doesn't come... she keeps calling... music plays... nothing happens... she keeps calling...) and he could easily fit it in there.

Wagnerite please go

Anglos and Normans are both Germanic mate.
It's more of a metaphor for women being needy and manipulative.

You're an idiot.
>Why the fuck would you make that a metaphor
The libretto was written 158 years ago. It was a pretty controversial thing at the time. It would've been unacceptable socially for them to fall in love on their own. Wagner was a slave to his audience even when he did have Ludwig II supporting him
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>Chooses to listen to Wagner Opera
>Complains that its too long

What the fuck did you expect? Its Wagner. Don't listen to his operas if you want something you can digest in a single sitting.
The motif is oldr than that and as I said before, the love potion is used to symbolise the nature of women and how their wiles are a sort of poison. Neither of you seem to have gotten the story.
Yeah the story is an old folk legend I know but Wagner wrote the libretto himself and was inspired by his affair with Wesendonck.
If you think it's entirely pushing the same story and lesson as the original tale you didn't get the story either.
Isolde insisting that Tristan drink the potion is a stand in for her flirting and seducing him. Him drinking the potion is a stand in him putting his dick inside her. Sex is power. Now you know.
The original story is also based in the affairs of others. These things tend to go in circles. The motif is unchanged in Wagner's opera.

Love potion = pussy.
Women use pussy as bargaining chip.
The rest is romantic sugar coating.
>Just have them fall in love like regular people
Are you stupid, or something? They fell in love before the love potion was taken.
Wow didn't mean to trigger the Germans so much, guess I'll stick with Mozart (aka good opera)
Not an argument.
I'm not even German. But you're an autistic brainlet who fails to identify obvious allegories.
Go ahead. Everyone knows you only watched it because you had an axe to grind and were fishing for (You)s
Yeah that's true. They really use it as an excuse to do what they wanted to but knew they shouldn't all along.
Once again tying into his own affair.
Just because I didn't take 4 hours to say it doesn't mean it's not an argument :)

Oh I get it now, the length of the opera must have been an allegory for Tristan's dick right? They're both long, wow amazing wagner so deep xd

I watched it because German academia and neo-Nazis have been in an eternal circlejerk over Wagner since he dribbled out that schlock, I expected a masterpiece and got fetid tap water
you're the one that sounds irreparably triggered and butthurt desu
>I watched it because neo-Nazis have been in an eternal circlejerk over Wagner
Ah, so you're a triggered leftist.
>I expected a masterpiece
All those academics happen to be right on this: it is. But you're a pleb.
is just really bad bait and shitposting, id just not reply to him at all

he's just saying whatever to get a rise out of people
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I hope you're happy with all your (you)s
Let's get back on track here
>if you're not a neo-nazi you're a leftist
really noggin my joggin
Wagner was a crossdressing faggot who wrote shitty music, deal with it.

>if you disagree with me you MUST be baiting!!!!
>I like castrato
Sounds like Wagner triggered you.
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>Wagner sucks because I can't understand allegory
I want /eftypol/ to get the fuck out. At the very least, I want you to come up with better reasons for dissing Wagner than not getting that drinking the love potion = having sex.
I think people see themselves in the plot of Tristan und Isolde honestly. It says a lot about a person what they consider the lesson of the story to be.
Which is really a testament to it's brilliance in my opinion.
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Wagner makes me sleep and indeed all post-classical opera do.
Baroque-kun, your brain ain't right my friend. A laser sharp focused on a single period of music? Must be the 'tisms. Did you take that autism quiz? What'd you get?
Yeah, but that's ok. You're a faggot but you're our faggot, faggot.
That stabat mater is a favorite of mine but the academy of ancient music performance is the best with emma kirkby.
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Heh, nothing personnel, kiddo.
Reminder that A. Scarlatti's Stabat Mater > Vivaldi's Stabat Mater > literally anyone else's Stabat Mater > shit > Pergolesi's Stabat Mater
you're so fucking boring jfc

someone bring ame back
i really doubt that guy was being genuine, he was autistically screeching from the beginning and probably planned to do so for attention-whoring. his nonsensical post regarding the plot and the overuse of exaggerated green text just makes me think he was trying to get a rise out of you guys.

i would say "just report and ignore" next time, but /mu/ doesnt have mods
Fuck off, Ame.
It seems like he only got a rise out of himself though.
He must not understand the clientele he's working with here.
Who the fuck are you? Don't fucking talk to me.
>drinking the love potion = having sex
But it clearly doesn't, because they never consummate their love, they almost do in Act 2 but they get interrupted. They never consummate while they're still alive, you fucking dunce.

>someone doesn't like my god wagner, heretic! You must be faking it!
Also, Wagner sucks because he's overlong and boring.
the irony of most shitposting tirades is that it often requires the poster to get as emotionally involved as he did. then they project that anger onto everyone else.

it's funny to watch, but honestly not really worth replying to.
How the fuck would you know? You only watched one act. (You're wrong anyway.)
>I have no argument so I better just run away like a bitch

>I know more than someone about an opera I didn't even finish watching
lmaoing @ your life right now bub
So what's the best Tristan recording? How do you like this one:
>lmaoing @ your life right now bub
For like 10 seconds straight I thought I was reading an email address.
i dunno if it's even worth it to listen to someone other than flagstad sing the liebestod, even if she couldn't reach the high notes herself at that point, but i haven't tried much outside of that version and would love to be proven wrong
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They have sex several times actually. Tristan und Isolde is erotic as fuck. Not that you'd know, because you're a faggot.
Very good singing but much too slow for my tastes. If he had recorded it 3 years prior, it would've likely timed in a 3'5X or something like that, which is more reasonable.
My opinion on Flagstad: Deliciously clear and straight-through singing, but lacking in theatrical ability. Melchior described her as being very aloof to her roles, and I've always thought this as well.

I probably prefer Frida Leider and Paula Buchner overall, even if Flagstad is most likely a third choice, and all of these would be top-tier anyway.
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Anime site
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/classical/ is weeb turf
deal with it
"There are two kinds of orgasmic climaxes in musical composition: male and female. And the Liebestod is clearly an example of the female, which is to say it is attenuated and multiple, as opposed to the slam-bam, thank-you-ma’am climaxes of most other composers who, from their music, I suspect have never been party to a female orgasm, for whatever the reason, or who chose not to appreciate it for what it is (orgasm was not the sort of thing a “lady” experienced in the 19th century).

There is no mistaking Wagner’s long, drawn-out climax in the Liebestod for anything other than an analogue of female orgasm, even though we are to assume, I presume, it’s a climax built for two. I suspect Richard not only appreciated but envied his wife’s ability to experience sexual release. If he couldn’t experience that physical experience personally, he could at least duplicate it musically and thus make it accessible to all the rest of us."

Is this right? Is the opera about Isolde not being able to cum?
>tfw petrenko hasn't officially released any Mahler

This is amazing, hopefully he records the cycle
Yes, there are parts in the last movement which distinctly remind me of Mengelberg and Mahler in terms of the rubato utilized. Not as pronounced, but still effective.

iirc the only Mahler of his that's been captured is the 4th, so it might be the only one that he's actually performed.

It's kind of a shame that someone with his conducting ability is often doing such boring programs. I hope he branches out.
>Good Friday
>Talking about Tristan instead of the Wagner opera with Good Friday music
I'm godless so I'm going to listen to the Glagolitic Mass instead.
*tips fedora*
Recommended recordings of Beethoven's sonatas for piano and violin?
Can anyone recommend me something to get me into more classical. I listen mostly to experimental electronic and ambient music. Of the limited stuff I've listened to I've enjoyed Philip Glass' violin concerto (don't let that guide recs to much though, was recommended by a friend) I've enjoyed some minimalist stuff but that's what people always recommend and it wares on me after a while
>Is the opera about Isolde not being able to cum?

You missed the point of that quote: he meant that female can experience extremely long, drawn-out orgasms, compared to the male one, which has its climax lasting a few seconds. This is why, according to the guy you're quoting, Wagner opted for this alternative type of climax, which does not find its peak in a precise moment.
Isolde is a pretty good example, but I don't think this goes beyond pure speculation, especially when you consider how defined and precise was Wagner's aesthetic philosophy (which you can still read and study).

says he'll be performing the 5th, the 7th and das knaben in the following months, hopefully it's recorded officially

favourite current virtuoso pianist?
Srsly tho Mozart operas > Wagner operas
Mozart operas a great

But recitatives are shit
thoughts on mephisto waltzes no 1 and 2?
>Recommended recordings of Beethoven's sonatas for piano and violin?

Is Scott Ross the best harpsichord player of all time or is this a meme? https://youtu.be/AElsO0eiVfU?t=8m50s
>image deleted
What the fuck?
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Oversensitive euromod strikes again.
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Why do wannabe political revolutionaries like Wagner so much?
Chilly Gonzales
/classical/ finally tried its hand at sex appeal to garner a larger audience
Because Wagner was revolutionary?
something something something consummation through death transcends sexual pleasure etc etc
Mods are prudes. I bet all the sex talk made one of them blush (a roastie probably) but since Wagner isn't against the rules she deleted a work of art because it has nekkid tiddies.
Is 432hz autism a meme, or is there actually something there
415 should be the tuning standard again
Fuck off Baroque autist
it is a very, very bad meme

this is my favorite concert band piece. The performers fuck up the balance pretty hard in some spots, but the recording is still enjoyable because the piece is great.
It's a pop music meme. If you know about classical music you should be aware there are many different tunings for A between 415-444Hz.
I don't get it?

Is it just me or are Schumann's symphonies very bland?
listen to the fourth - maybe the scherzo?
They are some of his most conservative works (the same brand of romantic traditionalism that was later on embraced by Brahms), so you may be looking for the wrong things. See them as a consistent continuum with the German tradition (which finds his main inspirations in Beethoven and Bach, especially in the case of Schumann, who studied obsessively their works for his entire life).
Keep in mind the prevalence of form in these compositions, and maybe listen to them while reading their scores: you may finally get them.
>when scores have illustrations like this

I like them a lot. Look out for the cyclical structure in the 2nd and 4th symphonies (and especially the 4th).
So St Matthew passion is this weekends soundtrack, right?
I'm probably gonna do >>72172321 today since it's short and I don't have much time. Then St. John Saturday and St. Matthew Sunday

follow up question, is making a schedule like this autistic

We should do a /classical/ plays Bach's passions this weekend
Piano Concerto, Piano Quartet/Quintet, Lieder, and piano works for life

Anything that doesn't involve a piano with Schumann is usually shit
What is the best non-low quality execution of the 9th symphony? I really can't stand the hissing that i found in the old recordings that everyone reccommends

Try Tennstedt, he's very underrated

Try Leibowitz. It's still an analogue recording but made by an audiophile team.
When did you realize the human voice is the greatest instrument?
what about the organ?
Tennstedt is pretty good, but good god I hate most of the british caves he conducted in
God awful acoustic on a lot of his recordings.
The best he ever sounded was on a trip to Japan.
Imagine the throat of a castrato wrapping around your dick as he showcases his coloratura skills
Bach Passions are so firetrucky compared to everything else from the same era.
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>"Actually Ravel was deeply moved by Debussy's music, in particular by his Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun: 'On hearing this work I really understood what music was.' He confessed one day to Long: 'There is nothing in the world more perfect than Debussy's Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun; I would like to die listening to it.'"

Where were you when you discovered Ravel was a Mozart under rater?
what a fucking moron
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> Bach's John Passion on codeine alone on this sorrowful day

What's /classical/ listening to/feeling today?
Nah he's right

I think the Faun belongs in the realm of Wagner's Tristan, Bach's Passions, Mozart's Don Giovanni, and Beethoven's late sonatas
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Men who did nothing wrong
what's so good about don giovanni?
Listening to the Matthew atm.
Read Kierkegaard. And listen to the opera.
I always feel guilty as fuck when listening to the Ninth, like I'm not supposed to be listening to something so ubiquitous and overplayed.
I never liked Beethoven's symphonies

Only the 6th and 7th I love with a passion
I like them in a cheesy and childish way.
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>enjoy listening to something but know some one online will call me a faggot for enjoying it
thank you i'll check everything out

music is not only about advancing, and you are not supposed to use the "ubiquity" of a work as a parameter to decide if you should listen to it or not
>tfw would love to go to the opera and see some of my favorites, but every opportunity I can, I turn it down because all productions are some variation of gay robots from space

Boulez was right. We need to blow up the opera houses.
I know, but the guilty part of me says there are lots of lesser known pieces that deserve more attention.
Parsifal, Pelleas, and From the House of the Dead are the only ones I need senpai
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>that Ring cycle that took place in High School
North Korean classical music?

lmfao you lames talking about easter and shit while everyone that actually has friends is at coachella

lmaoing @ ur life
i can picture Alberich being the fat nerd who gets bullied by 4 cheerleaders
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Old link expired. Still want to find this piece.
sounds like Scheherazade
No its a chamber piece I am nearly certain its written by Schubert. If not Schubert then Schumann.
>I'm not supposed to be listening to something so ubiquitous and overplayed.
/mu/ in a nutshell
Pompous, overblown. A buzzword that not only wasn't valid in the 19th century when it was coined but is at most useless when talking Baroque of all fucking things.
One of the earliest operas to successfully combine the music and drama in a working whole. Most serious operas from the 18th century suck. Too jovial for the serious moments. Mozart's operas are not that different in that respect (see Clemenza di Tito -- nice music, but it doesn't fit the story at all) the exceptions being when the subject is half-comedic, half-serious.

imho anyway
the part when he gets thrown in hell is fucking awesome

also it blends tragedy and comedy really well
which don giovanni recording do you guys recommend?
Busch for best singing & classical-style conducting, but dated sound
Furtwangler (1950 or 1953) for very good singing & heavy romantic conducting, and slightly less dated sound
Fricsay for very good singing as well (DFD is fine as the Don, fuck off), and early stereo
Currentzis for crazy
thanks m8
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What's the version of Liszt's Dante Symphony to get?
I'm partial to Josef Krips'. Great performance by Siepi (as always) just like Furtwänglers two recordings and my all around favorite cast bar none. I feel Furtwängler's two recordings have rather lackluster Commendatores at the end.

Pic relates to both parts of my post I guess.
Nothing makes me madder in this world than so-called jazz "music".

People (well not really) dare call it "american classical music". Disgusting.
no one calls it that
hes right you know
Yeah jazz sucks
I like jazz, it's better than other popular music genres.
what's some anti-christianity classical
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go to bed ado*no
Go to bed Adorno
>watching chink cartoons
>everything Gould did was perf-

It's weird, he plays some of the sonatas way too fast and others way too slow.
I like that recording of the turkish march though, the slower pace allows you to appreciate the piece more.
>listening to radio 3 and jazz comes on

really nurtures my niggertoes
I hate you for proving me wrong
I know this is off-topic but what's up with the current anti-jazz posting going on all around the board? Been noticing it know more than ever.
autism and bandwagoning
Much better version
better than beethoven t b h
People have began to get taste.
where exactly
you know 4chan is not your council's public hall gathering, you can post links to exact posters
I can't find them now but i swear there was at least 2 or 3 anti-jazz threads going on the past 2 days, which is more than usual since /mu/ doesn't even have many jazz threads in general, maybe I'm just going crazy though.
didn't know that Crowley was a composer

jazz is anti-music
Why can't white bois handle the brass section if it's a highlight in so many classical compositions?
because i prefer when humans play the instruments
Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
Jazz isn't real music.
Is monkeys hooting and smearing shit around music? No.
Does anyone have the Emil Gilels Collection CDs?

Would love a share.


not jazz

julius eastman was a mentally unstable subhuman
I can't talk to animals.
>mentally unstable subhuman
all geniuses are
Not mentally deficient though? Like 99% of Eastman's kind.
What are you queuing up for your Easter Day listening /classical/?
It's /mu/. This board is a living abortion that eats, drinks and breathes its cancerous memes, what do you expect?
see >>72192898
Jass music is meme
Post your own compositions

bretty good
brass more liker braps
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fuck off wolfie
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>niggers can't do classical
uhm, try again sweetie
What's the most beautiful slow movement you've ever heard?

nigger music
Why the hate?
literally JASS "MUSIC"

Ragtime is proto-jass
It's still very closely related to early jass styles, which of course means it's shit.

It's pop music at any rate and isn't worth mentioning in a classical art music thread.
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if being a jew is doing wrong then put me in the oven
Beethoven op 130 movement 5
roll over beethoven
here rolls stravinsky

my peepee feels weird guys
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>modern opera
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beethoven 2nd mov of sonata no. 8
Found a score for Schnittke's Concerto Grosso. Interesting stuff.

Also, please recommend me more works that deal with soundscapes like his.
was gonna say this

not even the best slow movement from his piano sonatas
This is the only right answer.
We should all do a 3x3 of our favorite recordings
i like it a lot. what is the best slow movement from his piano sonatas?
not him but I like the appassionata slow movement more

while we're on the topic of beethoven slow movements, the violin concerto and archduke trio ones are also really beautiful
>it's a 'let's pretend beethoven is good' episode
further proof
ragtime is utter filth by and for undesirables that led to the spawning of the worst genre ever created of undesirables pathetically appropriating classical instrumentation and compositional styles to make horrendous pop music masquerading as art music
Liszt's Dante Symphony.
Is it any good?
Holy shit you're mad

Are all classical fags this autistic?
We just have taste.
fuck off jass faggot
i didn't know animals could use computers
I'll take that as a yes
get out and take your colored music" defending with you
Hope you come to terms with your fear of brown people. Peace.

>"perfect nocturnes don't exi-"

/last piece of classical you teared up to/

I never cried listening to music, are you a fag?

you're missing out, pleb
are you not? what are you even doing on an Antarctic fag hookup forum
I do cry watching movies sometimes.

No, pdf.
>goy music
not even once
Easter Bump
>posts a jew
good goy leonard bernstein is a hack
Is enjoying Mozart's music the fate of the pleb who wants to appear sophisticated?
no, that's Haydn
Ravel's music will be modern forever.
This piece could have been written 400 years from now. He was too harsh towards himself: he has certainly succeded as a composer. Humanity won't ever forget his compositional voice.
Is this drone music or are they ever gong to get to the damn point?
People who care about politics more than they care about art tend to produce shit art.

chill the fuck out
Get out pleb.



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