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New EqG Music Video

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Thread replies: 277
Thread images: 88

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>dat bed head
>dat hoodie

This short sucks. There's no way a cactus like that can survive in a humid environment like a bathroom. The moisture in the air would almost certainly cause its roots to rot.

Fuck everything about this
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So, first look at where shimmer lives; it looks like she's living alone in a one room apartment; I guess she's 18?

it actually is a nice contrast to twilight how everything in sunset's house looks kind of junky and jury rigged compared to twilight's-- Sunset's clock is held together with duct tape and has cracks for example, and her lights are christmas lights strung up.
Not a great song, but SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER than that twilight mad science song (Seriously, WTF. Just wtf at that one).
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>Sunny's room
finally I have a place to be with her in my fantasy, thank you, really, thank you.
>that one fag touched her hand
he must die
>pinkie's hair
>the bird's nest
>that transition when sunny and sci twi meet
this thing is pure unbridled kino
Vectorize, plz.
So is this what the EQG series is? Just a bunch of music videos?
No, that hasn't been given life yet. They just unveiled their plans for that.
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Holy kek this shit is terrible. So glad I never watched eqg
Huh, so that's why my cactus died.
Nice song
I don't think you care one way or another, you're just capitalizing on the climate.
Nigga, when did you think putting a plant that grows in a desert environment inside a fucking bathroom is a good idea?
one question still remains: WHY THE FUCK ARE THESE TV Y7.
IS IT BECAUSE THEY HAVE BOOBS?! I mean... there's no reason here.

First bitch
What the hell?
Is Sunset poor?
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>ywn live in a dirty run down apartment with Sunset with little money to spare but be fine with it because you love each other
while this did suck, I just want you to know that this is one of the biggest nitpicks i've ever seen

She came from another dimension, has no family, and is like 18.
Why the fuck WOULDN'T you think she's poor?! she's goddamned lucky to not be homeless with that backstory.
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Oh you cheeky fucks
>First bitch
delet this
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damn son
heeeey that was actually really cute. again, not a great song, but this one makes up in its visuals.
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Y7 is an amazing rating for cartoons. I demand more.
>Rarity's running makeup

Hhhhnnnnngggg. My fucking dick.
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There is no way someone who presumably has only a part time job, if even that, could afford an apartment that nice. I'm calling bullshit
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kek no fucking way
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>Sun comes out the very second Sunset gets inside
>There's a fucking three foot hole in front of a store for absolutely no reason other than for Sunset to fall in it
So is it canon that god hates Sunset?
>the day after tomorrow.png
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>three foot hole
the fuck you talking about
anyone got a webm of bedhead sunny in the mirror?
It's after that
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Damnit. That's actually fucking clever.
It'd be kind of funny if sunset was shown to be constantly sneaking shit for horses like eating hay when no one's looking.

The House is actually HAUNTED so its price is ultra low.
Sunset's just like "fuck it, I've had worse room mates"

Sunset Shimmer is likely an emancipated minor and gets some sort of compensation and/or her friends' parents pitched in to pay for it.
>Actual horse shampoo
I don't even know why I had a cactus. I don't like them.
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I only got a shit version.
The universe abhors things that "don't belong"-- its like paradox in the world of darkness.
Its constantly trying to murder the fuck out of her and all magical pony girls as an immune response to outside agents entering its "body".

Equestria girls 5 will be about the universe spawning monsters/weapons of its own to kill the mane seven and cleanse the world of magic.
>tfw 3rd worlder and this is everyday business
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>The House is actually HAUNTED

Right in the fetish...
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Pinkie doing a thing that doesn't involve screaming is funny.
Blame the city council
I know. I wish the staff would realize this and throttle her back.
She's basically a female spongebob right now in how they treat her.

Okay, so the question remains: Do none of the mane seven have CARS or something? I mean, they all are freaking soaked and look like they ran through a hurricane.

Sunset I can understand because she looks to be fucking broke and has no family, but twilight's family should be able to buy her a car with a house like that, and Pinkie's family looked to be wealthy in equestria.
>Do none of the mane seven have CARS or something?
apparently no. the only one loaded is DJ
That was clearly a transformer. You cannot own a sentient being.

At least one of them in the IDW comics had a car, forget who.

Women can't drive worth a shit, though. It's probably for the better they don't have cars.
Twilight's situation may be that they sacrificed getting her a car to send her to Crystal Prep
Sure you can, Anon.
People own animals all the time.
>Sunset actually uses horse shampoo
All of my yes.
Fuck, sapient.
Rarity had one and I think Applejack did too.

but its comics, so "LOLCANON" comes into play. and given how horrible that one was, I'm inclined to go with a "disregard it as canon" approach. (Especially since the CMC would have been expelled in a second for that shit in pretty much any american school for what they pulled)
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>Horse gold.
I hope sunset enjoys horrible stomach pains; her human stomach's not designed to process the same things as horses.
She learned the hard way.
It blows my mind how they are slowly unfucking this universe, it feels like it was yesterday people were making homeless Shimmer generals
>implying homeless Shimmer was a bad thing
Those had some good cute and feelsy stories, Anon.
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blame the senate
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>Charlie Harper: "the night was great. It's the morning that's killing me!"
>writers giving a fuck and developing the world is a bad thing because it contradicts muh fanfics
Fuck off
Well we dont know since when shes been living there.
I think that's the first joke they made about Sunset being a horse.
And I doubt that the little kids will get it so it's nice that Ishi is still making jokes for us.
This is a nice pallette cleanser after the summertime shorts.
This isn't incredible, but its at least ENJOYABLE, while the other shorts were fucking horrible. (And don't even get me started on the twilight music video)
I kind of want to know more about the mane seven of this world and their lives now; It'd be a nice chance for them to differentiate them from their pony selves a bit too.
>Sunset still has some horse habits left in her
>probably eats like a pony when nobody else is around
>smells like hay
>is only interested in sex during specific times of the year
It's decent enough, thanks.
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Does she fart like crazy, though?
The fact that they bothered to show she lives somewhere is a step on the right direction, do we already know the name of the town where they live?
>I kind of want to know more about the mane seven of this world and their lives now; It'd be a nice chance for them to differentiate them from their pony selves a bit too.
Same, if they can map the landmarks and explain where human Shimmer was the whole time they will have something nice going on there, even if its not as visually interesting as Equestria they can still find ways to leak magic into the world
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That takes the cake
She also gets a horse pussy when she ponies up in addition to horse ears.
but all of the mane six do too, so its nothing special.
I really enjoy it when people put words in my mouth on an anonymous image board.
I never said it was a bad thing.
I was contesting you referring to the world as fucked just because we didn't learn were one character slept.
Did the micks make this one or did DHX?
>I wish the staff would realize this
I wish ANDREA realized this, after all she's the one interpreting the lines and doing all the screaming.
I really liked this one. Hoodie Shim a cute.

I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that. Wasn't Amy Keating Rogers told to include those scenes, in Filli Vanilli, in which Pinkie Pie goes full OOC and makes Fluttershy cry?

She didn't scream in the first two seasons -- why would she suddenly do so, unless she was instructed to?

In other words, it's Vogel's interpretation of the character.
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Everything about this new short is so adorable. We got no warning on it.
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Um, no sweetie.
Quite the opposite actually if mirror magic is anything to go by. She doesn't know how to pone anymore
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>implying she doesn't always have a horse pussy
how would that even work?
I used to have that shampoo. It was really thick and white so whenever I was in the shower, I would stroke it and close my eyes so I could imagine it was Hideyoshi as the thick cream came out of the tip.
>EqG thing focuses on Sunset
>it's good
Controversial opinion:

Equestria Girls > MLP
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>I never said it was a bad thing.
Neither did I yet here we are
>I was contesting you referring to the world as fucked just because we didn't learn were one character slept.
I used homeless Shimmer as an example of the fandom trying to fill the spots the writers never explained.

A big complaint about EQG back them was how half assed it was, unlike Equestria where everything exists for a reason this world was put together without any thought and its only meaningful landmark was the high school, the world building was (and still kinda of is) shit and it was obvious they were just worried about telling the generic high school plot without answering any questions

The homeless Shimmer thing was a big question at the time because Shimmer herself was from another universe and had no family or friends in this new world, its not like she could just live with her family (assuming she has one) because there was another Shimmer in that world, which makes you wonder what she did during all these years, how she managed to take care of herself, the writers never answering such obvious question was just one of the many problems with the original movie.
wait, are you asking how it would work for her to physically, at all times, have a pussy like a horses?
because that honestly seems pretty simple, she'd just HAVE one down there, that winks whens he's horny and biologically is similiar to a real horses.
Equestria girls makes me smile because Shimmy is great, but man the rest of the mane 6 take a real hit in character quality in the world of horse girls. I chop that up more to the rushed really focused nature of the EQG stuff and not getting 7 seasons of faffing about.
This is really good. And cute
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>shaved version
Pubes are fucking degenerate and so are you.
>Pubes are fucking degenerate
>biology is degenerate
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This is all TV-y because the final Short is going to be Glimmer helping the mane six to fight an evil Magical girl and getting killed by her Like charlotte in madoka to show how dangerous the magic leaking into the human world is.

This has the added benefit of removing Glimmer from the pony series.
>replying to yourself
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It's like Spiderman Homecoming, the producers get paid by car companies to show how shitty life is without a car, which is admittedly true.
>sunset lives alone in a big studio loft where half her furniture looks like she picked it up off the street
>that mirror scene
>running in the rain with her hood up
>coming out of the coffee shop with her breakfast
Such a fucking cutie.
I didn't know that was a thing.
Oh yeah, it happens all the time. It's not even subtle, really. Like when I was getting my forklift operator license, I had to watch a video on safety. Every forklift was from the same company except for the only one in the whole video which was used to show how you can injure someone.
Apparently Sunset has a pet lizard named Ray.
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U.K EQG magazine.
Sunset says:
>"Don't worry Ray, I'll take care of you."
It didn't say what type of lizard it was though.
A few decades ago you would've seen cigarettes prominently featured in every fucking movie.
How old is she supposed to be anyways? She is obviously a teenager but she was already queen of the prom as a little girl, did Celestia banished a filly?
Probably 18 or 19. 18 makes the most sense by our real world standards, but since it's EqG and we don't know specifically how their laws work, the actually range could probably be 17-19. Technically speaking, a 17-year old could live on their own if they went through the legal process to declare independence from their parents, but Sunset obviously didn't have parents in this world. Maybe she's 17 because Hasbro wants the kids to have teenage role models or maybe she's 18 because Hasbro knows they'll get more sales from adults looking for fap material. There's just no knowing for sure, but I would guess 17-19.
I like to think the portal takes 7 years away from a pony.
>Sunset appeared during the mane 5's freshman year so Sunset came to human land when she was 22, but the portal made her 15.
>Time might move slower in humanland vs ponyland.
>What supports this is that Twi was a filly and became Sunbutt's student right after Sunset left.
Source: chapter book
Pinkie Pie low energy reaction made me laugh like i havent in a while, goddamit ponk
>this meme
>used in this way
kek im dead
a duet with sunset and sci twi since the deleted one
the deleted one is a hell of a lot better but at least they finally gave us one
It's only true because those same companies bought out mass transit to run it into the ground, and paid politicians and city planners to deliberately design cities to need cars. In countries with cities designed for people, and functional mass transit, cars aren't needed, and most people don't want them because they're so expensive, noisy, and dangerous. Fuck cars, fuck the auto industry, and fuck corrupt politicians.
Nigger I live an hour from work by foot. I want a fucking car.
They don't look the same
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wtf I hate hooves now
Goddamn if there was ever a time to flesh out that song into a duet and release it as a short, it would be now.
someone needs to ask Ishi if this was intentional
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Zoom my words
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Twilight has a pretty nice house
What ever you do. Do NOT put me in the screen cap
Damnit. I REALLY hope hasbro decides to redesign the other 5 at some point, like for the youtube series.

Their boots just look horrible, and them being side by side with twi and Sunset, who had the benefit of being designed later on with functional looking feet, just brings it really to the forefront how shitty those boots look.

This is why we need to be investing in things like japan's mass transporation systems.

She's rich
I tweeted him saying that I noticed it but I didn't ask if it was intentional. It's tooich of a coincidence to not be.
>She's rich
Yeah I figured that anyone who could afford to send their daughter to preparatory school must be well off.
Imagine he says it's not the same and its just a generic design I will LMAO @ you
Roses and dandelions are edible though
agreed I'm really hoping for a redesign, especially considering how pretty much all of the new characters (juniper, starlight, scitwi, sunset's redesign) don't have them
>still gets turned on by stallions...
this guy won't ever be mentioned or seen again
Those are roses, chrysanthemum, and english daisys. All completely safe for human consumption
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Sunset's so poor just the other day she had to put her cardboard box up for a 2nd mortgage.
He still held her hand
That's better than you'll ever get
that's one tiny fucking hand
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Howhigh are you?

Tbh a madoke crossover would be cool.
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>Sunset takes the time to and stop and pet an alley kitty in a cardboard box
My heart
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fucking richfags
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Sunny, face it, boys don't wanna eat pop-tarts for dinner every night when they get married.
Who is that other portion of bed and pillow belong to ?
okay, that HAS to be on purpose
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>ywn hop on her back while she's half asleep and use her convenient up-turned bottom like a bongo drum to get her woken up and ready to start the day while she tries to push you off
it's not fair
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She's too good and pure for this world
>you will never be a cat in the side of the road that get cuddled by SunShim.
why even live ?
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Sunset, if I were you I'm gonna sue the shit out of that shop for not putting any warning sign above the hole or even fix it... someone can even get a broken bones because of it.
>Shimsham's wet leggings
Are they see-thru?
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no, and they're jeans
wet jeans are the worst
Those are some strange off-color jeans with no seam lines.
Fuck the canon, imagining her prancing around in rain-soaked leggings is so much hotter
Is that a ghost behind rarity :o
I'm hoping you're just being silly, but no, it's from the impact RD made on the lockers when she slammed into them
those are some extremely skinny jeans then
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that's why she's not from this world
>sleeps with curtains open
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Do these have any schedule?
>during the month of August
>Friday and Saturday after the 7pm movie
Releases rely on Hasbro's bowels opening.
>I guess she's 18?

No, she's older than Horse Twilight. I don't really like guessing the ages. But i'd say if Horse Twilight was 18-23, Sunset would be 21-25.

But when they go through the mirror they become teenagers. So I doubt she's 18 in the context of the Equestria Girls world. But then she's a total anomaly to that world, she probably doesn't even have a social security number. Obviously she got a bunch of money somehow and just fucks the landlord.
This apartmemt would cost 10 million in copenhagen if not more
About the same in Vienna, especially if it has a good view.
What do you mean nice?
It's literally 1 room. Her kitchen is composed of a fridge and a microwave that's located under her bedroom. It's probably not that expensive. In a city like San Diego or New York where rent is a couple Grand for a cardboard box, then yes, it would be out of her price range, but this looks like a small mountain town. Rent isn't expensive in those places. I'm guessing a single room apartment is only a few hundred a month which she could easily afford on a part time wage but Ishi confirmed we will see her job which is most likely her Sushi truck so I'm sure she gets by just fine.
It's probably nothing compared to what she used to have, seeing as how she lived in a castle before.

What really interests me is that they didn't just do a generic teenager bedroom for her. They really thought about Sunset's situation and based her home around that. You can tell that she is borderline destitute.

Scitwi on the other hand seems like she's a spoiled brat living in such a huge fucking mansion for a house.
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>Scitwi on the other hand seems like she's a spoiled brat living in such a huge fucking mansion for a house.
She is and she does.
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what's with that "???" at the lower left side of the picture ? whose house is that ?
That Pinkie Pie greeting feels like me
Might be Zecora's, possibly Cranky's. Hell, it's even possible it's Steven Magnet's.
>Fluttershy lives this close to school yet she looks like she walked through Mirkwood by herself
I wonder what she was doing.
Maybe she got to school early but was just hanging out by the trees with the birds until the last minute.
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This is some next level background shit.
Oh god my everything
I haven't seen anything EQG related since LoE. The shorst look dumb and all about highschool shit. Like literally Monster High/Barbie cartoon shorts.
Sci-twi does so many things to my dick
Are all the videos uploaded somewhere?
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Here's your (You).gif
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Yeah, the same channel linked in the OP has all the summertime shorts so far. Right now there's only Monday Blues, and Mad Twience for music videos, along with four other shorts.
They're going to have something else to show later tonight as well.
Can someone tweet to Ishi and ask if this was intentional?
It seems pretty obvious it was intentional, granted it might have just been an unnamed animator who snuck it in past the rest of the staff but there's no way that's a coincidence
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>"And so, kids, that's how I met your father"
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This song sounds really nice but it's a crying shame they had to waste such a mood-building and dramatic-sounding song on such a mundane situation.
>They get together
>This triggers Flash
>"So, lemme get this: you (a horse) can date a human being, but I (a human) can't date a horse because 'princess~'? TALK ABOUT DOUBLE STANDARDS, BACONSHIT"
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"Deary me, you made me all wet..."
i-is that a hint of a heart shaped pupil?
>"Flash, don't be a pussy all your life. I never said you couldn't date horses, just that you couldn't date horses that are almost NEVER here. Next time someone decides to make permanent residency here from Equestria, you can stop bitching and go for it."
"Oh yeah? And tell me, ms 'hot teen body which is not mine', what are you going to do when you'll get back to Horseland? Tell poor Indigo 'hey, bby, wanna disappear forever with me?. DOUBLE FUCKING STANDARDS"
Speak for yourself fag
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and then they hatefuck
mai haato
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>"Alright, you asshurt needledick, here's a novelty idea: if you're so desperate for equine vaginas, why don't YOU go through the fucking mirror to horse-land and find yourself a nice mare yourself? Afraid you'll move from 'that guy who's been rejected by every girl in school' to 'that guy who's been rejected by every girl in multiple parallel universes'?
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>Anon yells in the background.
"Just shut up and fuck already!"
"That's a lie, I'm not dating anyone else!"
>Everybody looks at Anon.
>He suddenly realizes what he's said.
>"Who are you?"
>Power level revealed.
>Tactical retreat.
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Get this autism out of my thread. What does this look like -- the Moth Pony general?
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>tfw a cactus almost died on me because I was watering it too much
luckily my mother knows about plants
worse, it's E Q G

Ah, yes. The dreaded offshoot that's better than the main show, at the moment. Anything but that.
Rarity's mom
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Who knows, maybe she's a fan of Tip.
No, he's right. The summertime shorts are pretty straight shit.

This monday blues is the first GOOD one to come out of the Summertime shorts yet. Its why its getting so much more discussion than the Mad Twience one for example.
Quadubs of truth. That Twience one was fucking weird. This one's actually kind of neat. We learn some cool stuff about the characters, it's pretty laid back, song's pleasant, and lots of little easter eggs to enjoy.
Vodka pony who has dailymotion banned requests the same video on some other site

Slavbro wants an alternative place to watch the short because DM is blocked where they are.
You're really not missing anything.

A dull premise, forgettable music, animation still stranded deep in uncanny valley.
go choke on a dick
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eqg series in 2018.png
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so, who's ready for 2018 with the new eqg series?
I really like it, the song is catchy enough that a silly little music video is all it needs. I wouldn't mind if more of the EqG stuff turned out to be just fun little things like this.
works in Poland
Here's hoping you get a knock on your door in the middle of the night, that would certainly improve both this board.
even between these two screenshots you can tell where most of the effort is being put in (hint: it's not EQG)
>slavshit can't into vpn
kys, senpai
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Extremely hype for this, I like to think we meme'd an EQG series into existence. I guess dreams do come true sometimes.
It's so fucking pathetic when clowns like you get yourselves so worked up you can't even keep your thoughts straight. What a thrill this must be for you.
lol, no
No, I'm perfectly straight with this.

I want you to die.
lead by example
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who the fuck cares about ponies anymore?
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>who the fuck cares about ponies anymore
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stop bullying poner, sunset wouldn't like that
but everyone is slwly moving to EQG porn
besides the obvious anthro porn of course
God damn, just install opera, enable their "vpn" (proxy) and watch whatever.
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Fuck me, that's hilarious and adorable!
These niggas know what's up. Sunset owning the whole 'horsegirl' thing would give me a mile-long headcanon-boner non-sexually.
Good. Horsepussy is degenerate.
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i approve this
Is this episode available elsewhere online? When I open Dailymotion it just gives me a blank page and I don't know how to fix that.
>A dull premise
It's just grills being bros. You remember friendship, right, Anon?

..................Anon? Why are you crying?
Did he sound that out before he wrote it?
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>much of Sunset's anatomy remains "horsey"
Yeah, her private parts, which makes sunset prime waifu material.
>skinny jeans
Gee ya think so?
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sees your lizards.png
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Two more sun-focused shorts today
Both were bad but mad twinace is much better then this.
Is winona a puppy?
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Just a reminder Sunset will never look at you like this.
WTF i love this short now.
>Implying I'm not one of the subterranean lizard people
Honestly that seems like a stretch.
But oh god how I hope it was intentional.
Seems a little bit of a stretch yeah.
Wait, so it's for humans as well.
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I love how Sunset straddles the line between tomboy and girly girl. She'd be a blast to be around...
I like it.
Do you think Sunset would be good mom? Would she nuzzle her baby like a mare with her foal?
>The exact same colour scheme and back design of a 45° blue label with white letters in the middle
>Bit of a stretch
Pinkie has not changed one bit.
Pinkiefags grew up.
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Se forgot how to magic. That's all.

Stop being a turbo-sperg; there's a massive difference between S1 Pinkie and post-S2 Pinkie. To be more specific, she very rarely screamed in the older seasons, except in Party of One when she was going mental. Compare that to Wonderbolts Academy.
Rarity in particular gets shafted.
Oh no my waifu is getting killed.
My waifu is Mami. I couldn't care less if glimmer dies.
Because ylu fucking told him not to go there retard.
she just wanted Flash for herself
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Cinderella, is that you? What a cutie.
Pone is dying, and they need to make shekels somewhere after all, gotta milk the series for all its worth

Its probably because the pony target demographic grew up and they can pick them back up with the same show but with in a school setting, watch it flop miserably
>watch it flop miserably
it's adorable that you think that
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This is why I secretly love shimmer even as I give a hard pass to the movies after rr.
I think you need to stop and smell the roses more often.
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What fucking sorcery
I demand someone go to Amazon and write a customer review as Sunset Shimmer without saying you're Sunset Shimmer!
you have to buy one first
You have twenty bucks, go buy some.
that's twenty-one bucks more than what I have
bills suck ass
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