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Best horse thread? Soarin thread.

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Best horse thread? Soarin thread.
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Keep it in your gay soc containment, homo horse
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um sweetie, that's just an unfair assumption :)
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Soarin Scrunchy.gif
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I'll post what I got.
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Why wouldn't you post this in /hhh/?

We like soarin, and could use the bumps. We're all too busy worrying about finding love to post pics.
I have no interest /hhh/ let alone shipping Soarin with anyone for that matter. He's been a pony I've liked since season 1 and I think it's dumb to lampoon him just as a gay pony. This is a thread for Soarin fans as a thread with the Mane 6 etc are on this board.
>have no interest in lampooning him
>post 400 pics shipped with a pie
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>Twisting my words and missing my point
Also I'm not even close to being done. Not my fault that artists depicted him as being obsessed with pie. That's basically all he had in Season 1.
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He a good horse.
It's a shame that stallion threads always has "hurrr >>>/hhh/" shitposters. It honestly surprises me that they can even work a computer.
And every main 6 thread turns into lesbians or waifufagging. It's the same.
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I wouldn't be surprised if it was just 1 butt hurt nerd that despised anything remotely masculine, gay or not

People enjoyed themselves in the early days when we had these threads before, There wasn't really any fighting. People just talked about the horse and what they hoped to see from them in the future. Linked up good stories and artwork for them as well.
I like soarin, he's handsome and nice and doesn't have a huge ego. He is pleasing colors, and pegasi are the best pones for petting. He and Spitfire are tied for looking best in the wonderbolts outfit.
I really want to orally pleasure this stallion and swallow his semen, and snuggle him after licking his cock clean.
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He is heart shaped
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You are anon
>and you had fallen asleep on your couch during a movie
>You were awoken from your slumber with banging from the door
>It took you a second to realise where the noice was comming from
>"yeah yeah, a second!" you yelled as you got up grunting
>Your watch says its 1:39am
>it could only be him
>atleast you hoped, maybe it was the mafia
>what the fuck would they want with you you chuckle making your way to the door through your small apartment
>As look through the peephole you don't see anyone
>shit, maybe it is the mafia
>after a moment of indecision and another knock, you decide to open up
>It's raining heavily, and now you can hear the banging of the rain too
>you look around sleepily, but all you see is the plexi glass fence
>a small voice came from below you, and there he was slumped on your doormat
>Soarin and soaked red roses
>it was difficult to tell which looked worse
"She laughed at me..."
>Well somethings clearly wrong
>"you want to come inside?" you ask, you need to get him into a towel or he's going to catch a cold
>He gets up, and pouting he walks past you head down, without a word
>Closing the door to the rainy night you make quick 180, get a towel from the bathroom and follow the liquid trail to your kitchen, which was not far away as your apartment only had 2 rooms beside the bathroom.
>He's slumped on the kitchen table, roses next to him and clearly shivering
>Wrapping the towel around him he gives you a tiny smile before looking down again
>What this guy needs, is a pie you think
>luckily you still had some of his favourite apple pie that you baked for him yesterday
>some whipped cream on top and voila, special de anon
>You also boil up some tea
>sitting on the opposite side of the table you put the plate of pie and some tea infront of him, settling for just tea for yourself
>You just sit silently, nursing your tea and wait for him to talk
No that would be spike.
My headcanon is that soarin was in a "biker" gang type group of daredevil fliers as a teenager, like the greasers with wings. He straightened his life out though because he had a lot of talent and Spitfire followed him around and kicked his ass until he joined up.
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Pretty good headcanon, only it doesn't really match with his show personality.
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That's all I got. I'm always on the look out for good Soarin artwork. Especially pieces that involve him flying.
I'm trying to remember where I saw it but Soarin actually holds a number of Flying records. Might have been a on a trading card somewhere.

One thing that really surprises me with wonderbolt artwork is the lack of pieces with condensation clouds,wingtip vapor or vortices.

Kinda like pic related.
Thanks for the dump anon
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rip pic
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this could be interesting, you thinking of continuing?
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its a 3 year old green text I found in my Soarin folder, I think I'm the writer, maybe.

>You learned long ago that its easier to get stuff out of ponies when they were ready, instead of probing
>a couple of silent minute pass
"She rejected me and laughed Anon" he started suddenly, now resting his head on his chin and looking at you
>"Your feeling sad about being rejected" replied
"Yeah, I asked out Cloud chaser and she laughed at me" he replied, poking moodily at his pie, head down again
>"Your feeling humiliated about her laughing at you" you replied again
>He looked at you again, with a stare of a man who has nothing left to live for
"It isn't just about her laughing at me its-"
>he hesitated, but you knew you must wait patiently
>A deep sigh, he looked down at his pie again
"I'm so lonely anon, I only asked her because of that. I just want somebody you know?"
>There it was. You were not quite sure to say, though loneliness was very familiar to you too
>Soarin didn't have that many friends, and he had never dated even though he was a world class flier
>It was more cause of low-self esteem than bad looks, you thought he was quite the handsome stallion with his mane and green eyes
>Though he still had other friends, a family and colleagues, something you didn't
>He was your only friend, and a very good one most of the time too
>Now was your chance to make him cheer up
>"Soarin" you began
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This Really ain't that good. but I'll post it anyway for some thread content.

>he looked up at you, still the pain on his face
>"If she laughs at you she's not worth it, you need a relationship with somebody respects you and appreciates just how good and nice guy you are"
>"I know you like to think less of yourself, but the fact is that I think that you are smart, handsome, athletic, funny and fun to be around. On top of all that you are a very nice pony and anybody who ends up with you should consider themselves the luckiest pony alive"
>You might've overdone it, He was so red you think you could've cooked eggs from the heat radiating off-of him
>And finally there was a real smile
"T-thanks Anon" he was able to say
>and suddenly he grabbed the pie and he downed it almost in one
"I forgot there for a second that I was hungry and just how good your pies were"
>It was your turn to be flattered
>"You think my pies are good? I should be flattered that a pie enthusiast thinks so highly of them"
>His ears twitched and you could swear they were turning red too and a small chuckle actually escapes him
>Another silence falls again, penetrated only by Soarin's chews and your last sips
>Once you both were done you quickly washed up the mugs and plate
>Though you had managed to cheer him up slightly he still looked kinda down
>His ears were slightly droopy and the smile had gone
>A yawn escaped you, he had woken you up in the middle of rem sleep
"So, I guess I should be going?" He asked tentatively, apparently realizing that he had woken you up at such an hour
>As you turn from washing the dishes he looks heartbroken again, the towel actually falling to the floor as he drooped
>Your heart melts and any slight annoyance you might've still had had melted away with it
>"Nonsense, I'm not gonna let the most important pony in my life fly home in a thunderstorm"
My take on him in terms of flying is that he always wanted to know how high he can fly, and just kept flying until he became Wonderbolts member and will continue to seek how high he can go.
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>right on cue lighting struck outside, momentarily lighting the entire dark kitchen
>aand he's red again. Boy he must've really needed a compliment or two. He usually didn't behave like this.
>"Though you did wake me up, so it's back to bed. Come on, you can sleep with me tonight."
"R-r-really?" he stuttered, his wings positively popping out with excitement
>"Well yeah, I'm not letting you sleep on the floor. The bed is big enough for two." "Oh and dry yourself properly first" you added, pointing at the towel and then mozying into the other room where your bed was.
>The apartment just had three rooms: a small toilet which you currently heard Soarin stumbling into, a clean kitchen with modern apparel as you were an amateur cook and a neat freak and finally where you spent most of your time, the room with a bed and a computer
>As a minimalist your apartment was very simple, nothing too exciting
>You laid down on your bed again, putting your spare pillow next to you
>only now you realized how tired you were as the drama was over and felt yourself drifting off again
>You vaguely registered the slight pressure and Soarin laying down next to you
>He said something but you had no idea what, and with that you fell asleep
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>You are Soarin
>and you can barely contain your glee
>You're currently drying yourself in Anons bathroom, and he had said amazing things about you earlier and now he wanted to sleep with you
>The amount of Happiness you were feeling was greater than you thought possible
>He liked you too, you couldn't believe it
>He had been your best friend for years, and he had even saved your life once
>Truth be told you had realized long ago just how amazing he was, but you never had had the courage to tell him just how amazing you thought he was
>After making sure that you were dry, positively jumping and tail wiggling you made your way to his bedroom
>He was already under the blankets and eyes closed, he was facing towards your spot though
"Umm, so its really okay?" you ask hoping against hope
>He just mumbled slightly
>You took that to be a yes
>Here goes nothing, you thought
>You pick up the covers, slide your way under them and right next to him
>Wow, his blankets were really soft. They must be silk
>But there was something else that was distracting you
"Anon" you cooed
>no reaction
"Anon" you said slightly louder
>The only reaction was more deep hot breaths on your face
>wow, he must have been really tired
>He had promised to sleep with you though, so you slowly scooched closer until you were pressing against him, and wrapped your limbs around him
>And you were in heaven. Cuddling really was as good as all the books said even if he was asleep
>You snuggled into his chest and closed your eyes
>and all was okay again
I want him to sit that cute horsey butt on my face all day long.
He's also Spitfire's fuck-buddy.
I love pie.

You'll can never understand the love of pie and the inevitable tragedy that comes from it.
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almost ded
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