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It's my theory that all alicorns get a maredong upon being

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It's my theory that all alicorns get a maredong upon being coordinated and have an insatiable libido
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that's a terrible theory
Nothing in the show even supports that headcanon
The maredongs are invisible so naturally we can't know.
Only in the universe Princess Molestia's from!

Don't you mean "It's my fetish that all alicorns get a maredong..."
But hey, that's just a theory!
>upon being coordinated
So if you're a klutz you don't get the cock?
Just hide the thread senpai. These kinds of posts are constant, I think it might just be a single low functioning autist.
Maybe it means alicornication buffs a pony's dexterity.
A GAY theory. Thanks for watching
Alicorns have traits from every pony race, why not both sexes?
>upon being coordinated
WTF are you even trying to say?
coronated, probably
Luna is my waifu, I'm completelly ok with her having a maredong.

So it means if a stallion turns into an alicorn he gets a marehood?
Yes, just like how when Cadance got elevated she got a horn instead of an extra set of wings.
But does anything explicitly disprove it?
There is, at this very moment, a teapot in orbit around the sun between Earth and Mars, prove me wrong.
I would suck the royal dong
Except earth ponies because they have no traits.
the royal dong can suck back
>your dick will never get sucked by a royal horsecock
What if alicorns got new stuff regardless of current stuff. Earths would get 2 super strenght, pegasus two wings and unicorns two hors

mares would end up with with a cock and two vagina and stallions a vagina and two cocks.
>I'd be ok with her having a maredong

Lunafags everybody
sometimes it won't stop there
and then what happens
I support this theory.
This is what I roll with for any alicorn clop I write. I made a draft of a fix forever ago that I should really finish of Twi struggling with her new assets and lust immediately after her coronation. But then, girl struggling with her new futa assets is a big fav of mine.
Write something for us.
I'll try to make some green when I get home. Will be about four hours.
Spider-kiss version when
imagine getting your dick sucked, but instead of your dick it's your entire body
>not loving your waifu regardless of what hardware she's running
You don't deserve your waifu.
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>You are Twilight Sparkle.
>You are also now the Princess of Friendship.
>You are just waking in your loft bedroom in the Ponyville Library.
>But, more than anything else, what you are is frustrated.
>You groan, toss, and turn, twisting your tail and bedsheets around you.
>When you transformed into an alicorn two nights ago, to say that your new form felt strange would've been an understatement.
>The wings were what everypony focused on. New muscles controlling new appendages, which somehow felt both natural and alien.
>Some changes were less obvious. Your magic felt different. Your whole body felt strange. "More" in ways you couldn't put into words.
>You didn't have time to dwell on it with how quickly preparations began for your coronation.
>It was there that you first felt it.
>You'd been dealing with "the big change" the whole day. Gettings used to your magic's new strength, the way your new wings would flare out when you got excited, and you even seemed a little stronger than before.
>But it was only when you were standing before the crowd, newly crowned, that you first felt a sudden surprising sensation at your nethers that made you blush.
>After your speech, your mother teased you about how red your cheeks had been.
"M-Mom, don't tease me like that!"
>You'd blushed harder as you laughed and turned away, feeling the sensation growing stronger, almost throbbing.
>You'd wanted to tell Princess Celestia how strange you were feeling. You cringe now, thinking how embarrassing it would've been.
>Fortunately, Fancy Pants and Fleur Dis Lee beat you to her, leaving you to wait in line behind.
>You'd shifted restlessly, the strange feeling only growing more intense.
>Then Fleur shifted her tail, revealing her nethers for a moment, and your steadily growing new appendage throbbed fully, tapping against your belly.
>Your stomach had dropped as you'd realized that your new body had more extra appendages than you thought, and that you'd just gotten your first erection.
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>You hadn't dared say a word about it to anypony.
>You had just smiled, laughed, and mingled while everypony thought you wer blushing all night at being the center of attention.
>In reality, you'd been utterly ashamed of the fact that underneath the most elegant and beautiful gown you'd ever worn in your life, your new marecock was growing larger by the moment, bounding lightly with every step you took.
>It was unbelievably distracting, and the more you dwelled on it, the longer and stiffer it seemed to get.
>Everypony was a bit disappointed with how early you decided to leave the festivities. Your parents doubly so when you said you couldn't stay in Canterlot the night. But you needed to get home to the library to find a cure as quickly as possible.
>Convincing Spike to stay behind one day was easy. Nopony but your mom could make chalcedony and chocolate chip cookies the way he loved.
>Unfortunately, Celestia had insisted that your attendants for the coronation see you back to Ponyville, insisting that it was part of the ceremony.
>So, when you arrived back at Ponyville last night, instead of a bunch of study about how to undo magical marecock transformations, you'd been left trying to hide as all of those blonde-maned mares had tripped over one another in your living room trying to help you with every little thing. It would normally be sweet, but when you're trying to keep a secret, it's just exasperating.
>You'd tossed and turned all night. Weren't these things supposed to calm down and go limp at some point?
>Somehow, you finally made it to sleep, confident that this spontaneous arousal would at least have settled down by the morning.
>That night, you had the most sexually-charged dream you'd ever had, involving Shining Armor of all ponies in scenarios which you'd never dare repeat.
>And upon waking a few minutes ago, you were now more horny than you or possibly any other pony had every been in their lives.
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>Dreading what you'll find, you finally cast your bedsheet aside and gasp.
>Stretching high to the sky is the biggest horse cock you've seen in your life. Granted, you haven't seen a lot, but either this thing is record-setting or you've caught sight of some of the most unfortunate stallions in Equestria.
>The size would be intimidating enough, but when it visibly throbs you let out a fresh gasp and scoot back, trying to escape it. But it simply follows, the motion setting it wagging in place as if to tease, "No, no!"
>Even though you feel every twitch of it, you can't convince yourself that this thing is a part of you.
"You're not me. You're just some... thing latching onto me! And I'm going to get rid of you!"
>Your cock- No, THE cock, not yours, twitches silently in response, then give a sudden throb that sets a trickle of pre running from its tip and down its side, drooling with lust.
>You lean back in disgust, somehow trying to stretch your body as far as you can from the attached appendage.
>As you do, your marecock moves with your body, a hanging thread of pre dangling over your belly.
>Disgusted with the idea of it touching any of your "real" body, you quickly reach out a hoof to tilt your erection away.
"Aahnnnn! S-Sweet Celestia!"
>You cry out the moment your hoof touches it, drawing back as though you'd touched a flame. You never would've guessed that it was so sensitive!
>It throbs more readily and you feel your heart racing. Precum is now trickling from its tip at a steady drizzle. Is there supposed to be that much?
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>Realizing it's quickly moistening a spot on your bedsheets, you reach out again and grasp your over-flowing fifth leg, and in an instant your back is arched as you let out a loud cry.
>Your hooves feel it throbbing between them, and you feel yourself throbbing between your hooves, the feel of anything against your long length setting you shuddering with almost blinding sensuality.
>You pull your hooves back again as your whole body shivers with a heart-racing blend of fear and lust. Your marecock continues throbbing, each pulse of it tingling up your back and down your haunches.
>You're terrified to even try touching it again, but another part of you desperately wants to.
>Your hooves hover over your lap indecisively when you're snapped from your dilemma by the sound of hooves on the stairs.
>You glance around in a panic and quickly pull your sheet to cover your lap, which only succeeds in making the world's tallest tent.
>As the trotting steps grow closer, you quickly flop onto your belly, letting your body cover your shame.
>As your sensitive mare cock is pressed between your bed and your warm soft belly, the sensation catches you off guard, and a long and sultry moan passes your lips.
>Your cheeks flush red and you clamp a hoof over your mouth just as your "attendants" enter the room.
>"Princess, is anything amiss?"
>"Yes, we heard you cry out! Are you alright?"
"Oh, yes, perfectly fine! I was just stretching! Because I woke up a little... stiff."
>You giggle nervously and shift in place, which you immediately regret as the feeling of your long cock dragging against the bedsheets forces you to bite your lip to stifle another moan.
>"I beg your parden, Princess, but are you certain nothing is bothering you?"
"Haha, of course, what could be bothering me!?"
>Besides this white-coated, dumb-blonde bimbos.
"I'm a princess, I don't have a care in Equestria! But I think I pulled a muslce, so I'm just going to sleep some more, okay? Okay! See you in the morning!"
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>The mares glance at one another for guidance, whispering quietly.
>Your hips wiggle impatiently as you wait for them to leave, a motion that feels surprisingly nice against your new tool. You catch yourself humping the bed and stop just as the mares turn back to you.
>"Princess! If you pulled a muscle, please, let us tend to your injury!"
>"Yes, perhaps we could offer a massage?"
>"We'd just hate to return to Princess Celestia without having been any help to you!"
"Well, thank you, but I'm fine! I'd much rather sleep it off! New alicorn, need to make sure I don't have any dream powers like Princess Luna, you know!?"
>The attendants frown and hang their heads, but obediently return downstairs.
>Your blush fades as they leave, and you bitterly wish the blood would leave your engorged erection as well.
>You feel bad for being rude to them, but the lust overtaking you overshadows the feeling in an instant.
>You sit up to find a strand of clear pre running from the tip of your cock to the wet and sticky spot it had been resting at on the sheets. Nearly the whole of its massive length is now glistening from the steady trickle of pre that's been flowing since you woke.
>You swallow at the sight and your cock throbs rhythmically, its steady swaying mesmerizing you as you slowly reach for it again, but draw back at the last moment.
"This isn't going to work. Ooh, maybe I should have said something to Princess Celestia! But it's too late for that now! I'd never make it to Canterlot like this, and Spike isn't here either! What am I going to do!?"
>You rack your brain, struggling for a solution as cohesive thoughts become increasingly difficult.
>As your hooves reach for your cock again, you wrap them around your pillow to keep them occupied.
>The pillow brushes against your body, and you find yourself gripping it between your four legs as you thrust into it again and again.
>As your humping speeds, you bury your face in the pillow as a long whine escapes your muffled muzzle.
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>Stop. *hump* You need to stop. *hump-hump* Why can't you stop!? *hump-hump-hump*
>By some miracle you wrestle the control to throw the pillow aside and stagger onto all four hooves.
"If I can't control this, then at least magic can!"
>Your horn alights with magenta magic, intent on numbing the nuisance hanging between your legs.
>The instant your magic encircles your erection, the sensation of its electric aura around you makes your knees buckle, your horn spark and fizzle, and your mouth open wide as it emits a lewd wail you would never have thought you were capable of.
>Panting and trembling, eyes watering with frustration, you realize there's no way you'll make it through this without help.
"I can barely think or control myself! There's no way I can make it to Canterlot like this! B-But, I can probably make it to the edge of Ponyville before I lose all my self-control. Once I reach the Everfree Forest, I should be able to reach Zecora's without being seen."
>You're sure that by then you'll hardly be able to walk without touching yourself, but if you can make it there, she should have a solution.
>Still, even if you can make it out of Ponyville without stroking yourself in the streets, there's no way ponies won't notice the new princess's giant marecock swinging between her legs.
>Digging through your wardrobe and suddenly regretting that you prefer short skirts, you find the longest in your collection and put it on, followed by a saddle whose belt you use to cinch your cock to your body, keeping its swaying to a minimum.
>You find yourself groaning and drooling lightly as you tighten the flank billet over your cock, giving the cinch an extra tug that nearly brings you to your knees with pleasure.
>A quick look in the mirror leaves you sure that nopony would notice your stallionhood unless they were looking for it. You consider cleaning the drips and pools of pre you've left about, but suspect that you won't make it out of the library if you wait any longer.
>You descend the stairs swiftly, not wanting to risk one of Celestia's attendants glancing up at you from an inconvenient angle.
>The four white mares are on their hooves and smiling in an instant, happy to see you finally up and about.
>"Good morning, Princess Twilight!"
>"We were beginning to worry you might sleep our whole day together away!"
>Another of the identical mares smiles serenely while stomping on the previous one's hoof.
>"What she means, your highness, is that we're happy to see you and to serve you!"
>The mares bow in unison, lowering their blonde manes to the floor.
>You quickly turn aside so that your skirt faces them before any of them happen to see between your legs from their low vantage.
"Oh, that's... REALLY not necessary!"
>"Nonsense, we'd be happy to accompany you!"
>"Or escort you!"
>"Or bring you whatever you're going out for!"
>"Or carry the train of your skirt so it doesn't get dirty!"
"NOO! No. No, that's quite alright! I'm just going to see a friend! Since I'm the princess of those now, apparently!"
>"Without your crown?"
>The last thing you want is more attention.
"Not today! I like to keep things casual with my friends!"
>"Please, Princess Twilight! Isn't there any way we can serve you?"
"I would really appreciate it you would just stay here and... clean the library! Yep, no Spike here, so do that, and definitely don't come looking for me!"
>"Yes, Princess Twilight!"
>In the blink of an eye, the quadruplets are sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, and dusting.
>You breathe a sigh of relief and head out the door, before quickly turning back.
>A mare that was heading up the stairs slowly backs down them.
"I, um, like to keep it private."
>You deliver a nervous grin before heading into Ponyville, a hard, hot marecock throbbing against your belly with every trot.
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End part one. Took way longer than I planned on, but I wanted to make sure I got it to a good stopping point before going to bed. Please enjoy, anons!
Do it man. This idea sounds hot as fuck.
Nevermind, you already got to it. I'm liking it so far.
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But I already did.

I want twalot to get a herding instinct with her 5 friends and be driven to sheperd them around with bodylangauge, intimidating them like a pushy chad.
the princess of microagressions
Everyone in this thread should read "The Benefits of Princesshood", "Royal Instruction", and "Royal Sisters Have No Secrets" by darf if they have not already done so.
It's going to be really embarassing for Twilight when she talks to Celestia about this and finds out that the attendants' primary job is to smooth out her transition to princesshood by relieving her raging futa lust.
and then what happens
something wonderful
Which princess do you think has the biggest mare wiener?
I love it.
This. I'm normally fine with anyone having whatever headcanon they want, but I will not accept any scenario in which Celestia doesn't have the largest in the land.
Yeah, probably.
After her, Luna's would be a bit smaller since she's the little sister, then Cadance's would be a nice medium size that everyone can enjoy, because she's the princess of love, and then Twilight's just got an average stallion-sized dick but it'll get bigger as she grows into her full-size alicorn form.
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Thanks anon. I'll try to get part 2 done tonight, hopefully a little earlier this time.
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Is Cadence bigger than her husband?
Well, she's taller than him, and she's an alicorn, so it wouldn't be surprising if she were.
Futa are always bigger.
Cadance is exceptionally long, but not too thick. Luna isn't quite as long, but still longer than most stallions, and much thicker. Overall bigger. Celestia's is more than any mare could take without training and practice. Twilight's is just on the big side for a normal stallion. Cadance clearly had the biggest crotch tits though, as the only mother amongst the alicorns.
>they'll never stretch your hole with magic so that it always fits just right
>Celestia's is more than any mare could take without training and practice.
That must be incredibly frustrating for her and her admirers.
Everyone in the guard is probably trained to take at least half or more.
One of the things that made Shining Armor attractive to Cadance was the convenience of not having to train his ponut to accept her length.
They wouldn't even need to; Equestrian sex lube is enchanted to magically make whatever fit comfortably into anything.
this thread is fucking GAY
yeah, it's really
Activity in my
THREADLY REMINDER that futa is GAY and if you like dicks on girls and are male you are a faggot that wants to suck a dick and have one shoved up your butt.
I can like dicks on chicks that are only used on other chicks.
>I like futa in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation
You're just the kind of sick fuck I'm looking for
>Anon goes to Equestria
>Gets raped by an Alicorn
"Welp, this is my life now."
Can't rape the willing.
Writefag here. Working on part 2. Got a fair bit to go, but I may dump half of it in a bit while I finish the rest.

Truth be told, I do, too. Aggressive dom futa have a hard time appealing to me. I like scenarios like yuri girls that get excited that their crush has a dick, or shy futas that want senpai to love them but are terrified he'll never love her back because of her dick.

My futa tastes go out the window for ponies, though. Any futa pone is fine.
It's "gay" like wanting to fuck a muscular and hairy cuntman is "straight" desu.
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gfycat dot com slash ApprehensiveCorruptGalapagosalbatross
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>The streets of Ponyville are sparsely populated this morning, and your trot to the edge of town is only interrupted by a handful of hellos and congratulations.
>Even with so few diversions, you begin to wonder if you can make it that far.
>The lustful need in you is growing by the moment, and you swear that you can smell the scent of each mare that passes.
>You don't even LIKE mares, but your new body seems to disagree, and your trot gradually slows until you're practically stumbling, your raging hard-on throbbing against the constraint of your saddle's cinch.
>Berry Punch passes by you with an expression that leaves little doubt that she started drinking early today. But even through the thick smell of wine, you can pick up the scent of her marehood, sending a shiver down your back and to your crotch, where your marecock strains so tightly against the belt that you think it might break free.
>You lean against the wall of a home, dizzy with lust and horrified at how badly you want to spin around and mount the mare you just passed, your mouth watering at the idea.
>You swallow before you start drooling and continue staggering to the edge of town, Everfree now in sight.
>Your skirt is pulling double disguise duty now, as it's not just your stallionhood feeling the need. You can feel the wet lust running down your inner thigh, letting you know that your marehood is in need just as badly.
>You take another step and aren't sure you can take another.
>You need to touch it so badly. The cinch that once teased your cock now feels painfully tight, and you long to free it. You pant, trembling. You can't even remember where you were going. The last spark of lust-free thought in your mind isn't able to do anything but tell yourself not to start masterbating in the streets.
>Why? Why can't you do that? You don't remember. It feels good. It would feel so good...
>You pull your hoof from between your hind legs, struggling to focus on the voice.
>Fluttershy approaches with a concerned expression.
>Her long, flowing pink mane cascades over her daffodil-colored coat, obscuring one of two wide, deep green eyes.
>She's one of your closest friends. And a mare. And you can smell her.
>You can't hold back a whine, both from lustful need and worry of what you might do next.
>"Are you alright, Twilight? You don't look well."
>Oh no, she's moving closer.
"Please, Fluttershy. G-Get Zecora."
>"But, I can't. She's on a trip to the other size of Everfree this week."
>You let out a groan and nearly collapse at the news.
>She rushes to your side, helping to support you. You breathe in and almost start drooling again. Fluttershy always smells beautiful, like flowers and springs. But that's not what you smell now.
>"My cottage isn't far! Let me help you!"
>The pegasus all but drags you to her home, thankfully situated at the edge of the town and the forest.
>Fluttershy guides you to her sofa to sit. You want to thank her, but can only moan.
>"Oh, Twilight! What's wrong? Should I go get a doctor?"
"No, no doctors! I can't let anyone know!"
>"Know what?"
>You stare at your friend as she bites her lip, her brow furrowed and her eyes wet with worry.
>"You can tell me anything, Twilight. This is a safe place."
>You sigh. Or try. It comes out as some obscene whimper.
>You can't even walk at this point. There's nothing more you can do on your own.
"P-Promise you won't tell anyone?"
>"Your secret is safe with me!"
"Promise you won't freak out?"
>"Oh. Umm, well, I have a hard time with that... But I promise not to freak out much?"
>You place your hooves on your skirt, your own eyes watering less with embarrassment at this point, than with the sheer exertion required to control yourself.
>You lift your skirt.
>"Twilight! You have a-!"
>Fluttershy covers her mouth with a wing as she realizes what she almost said.
>You long passed the point at which dirty words bothered you.
"A cock. I have a giant cock, Fluttershy."
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>The pegasus nods, unable to break her gaze from your marecock. Her face is still hidden behind her wing, her cheeks burning red.
>"I can, uh, see why that... that thing, would, um, bother you."
"It was just distracting at first, but now... Sweet Celestia, it aches so bad! I don't know what to do!"
>"Maybe it aches because you accidentally put your saddle on over it?"
"No, I did that to help hide it!"
>"Oh. B-But, it looks like you put it on so tight..."
"It wasn't like this before, it got bigger on the way!"
>You reach out to touch it, and instantly cry out. You pull your hoof back once more, knowing you'd never stop stroking it otherwise.
>Your cry snaps Fluttershy from her embarrassment.
>Her wings carry her onto the sofa beside you as she places a hood around your shoulder in consolation.
>"Does it hurt?"
>You bite your lip and nod, tearing up.
>You honestly can't tell if it's pain or pleasure anymore. The sensations are too intense to distinguish anymore.
>Fluttershy holds you tighter.
>"It's okay. I'm with you."
>She glances at your cock again, furrowing her brow in thought.
>"Even if you're trying to hide it, it looks like that's so tight it has to hurt. I'm going to unbuckle your saddle, okay?"
>You nod, sniffling.
>Part of you says it's not a good idea, but you can't think straight anymore. You trust Fluttershy more than yourself now.
>She places a hoof over your lap as her muzzle lowers to grab the strap of your flank billet.
>As she takes hold of it, she blushes at how near your cock is to her face, but proceeds to unbuckle the cinch.
>You groan and clench your teeth as the strap rubs against you as she struggles to release the belt that your swelling cock had tightened beyond your intent.
>With a clink and a swish, the leather strap flies to the side and your long cock swings forward.
>You let out a high-pitched lewd cry as the blood flows freely to the tip of your cock again, loosing a spray of built-up precum.
Holy shit you're a faggot
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>Fluttershy yelps as the sticky clear strands graze past her muzzle, recoiling before your long heavy cock

falls to your lap and across her hoof.
>She stares wide and blushing at it, then you, then it.
>The unleashed appendage throbs, and just the feel of her hoof beneath it is enough to make you moan.
>"O-Oh... goodness..."
>You pant heavily, scared of what you might do if you move.
>Your friend eyes you nervously before finally reaching out to lift your cock off her hoof.
>The moment she lifts it, you arch your back and let out the loudest, lewdest cry you've ever made.
>She drops your cock back in place, staring wide-eyed.
>"Did, did I hurt you!?"
"I-I don't think so. But I go absolute crazy any time it gets touched."
>Fluttershy eyes your cock curiously as it jumps lightly in place with each beat of your heart, pre leaking

from its tip in a steady drip.
>"I've seen animals like this before. But, never anywhere near this bad."
"Y-You have?"
>You wince as your cock throbs again. It feels like something in you is wound so tight it's about to snap.
>"Twilight. I think trying to fight this is bad for you."
>You stare incredulously. You doubt she'd say that if she knew what you wanted to do to her right now.
>"I think you need to cum!"
>Fluttershy smiles confidently, then blushes and covers her mouth once more.
"Fluttershy... I can barely control myself. If I give in to this thing, I don't know what I'll do. I'm

>Fluttershy pushes her mane back with one hoof. She still has a string of pre across her muzzle.
>She stares. Normally the most worrisome of your friends, she seems surprised that you're more frightened by

this then her. A sudden look of firm resolution settles on her face.
>"Don't worry, Twilight. We'll figure this out together once you feel better."
"How am I going to feel better!?"
>"If all you can do is control yourself, then just do that. I'll take care of the rest."
"F-Fluttershy? What are you-?"
>"Shh. I'm going to take care of you."
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Here it comes! Taking a break. Be back with the rest of Part 2 either in a bit or in the morning.
>it's one of those faggots who makes waifu memes and changes waifus once a month because he doesn't really understand what it means
You are the very worst of all of us by any measure.
>not defending the purity of his waifu's image
Get a load of this cuck.
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You. I like you.
aww yeah
Earth ponies have sexual stamina. It all makes sense, anon.
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Here. Have a little memento.
I had a look at animating the images in the screencap but preliminary calculations say that the resulting gif would loop once every 58 minutes 18 seconds.
>the resulting gif would loop once every 58 minutes 18 seconds
worth it
earth poners were made for breeding
Rarity, an expert on princes and princesses, knows exactly what Twi's new wings mean.
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>It's been a bit longer than "a bit"
We wait for dawn!
Well, it explains why there are so many Earth ponies. Maybe they take their heat seasons too seriously.
It doesn't. Sexual stamina is applicable to stallions, which, as we all know, are supposed to have no stamina whatsoever so that we can feel better about ourselves.
I'd reckon they would have better stamina than wild horses, but still not quite human levels because they're still evolved from a prey species scared of almost everything.
Which is why Earth ponies tend to procreate more. They dont have the luxury of flight or magic.
>the prey memesconception
It's actually the size and awkward way of mating that's the limiting factor, while at the same time there being no selective bias for longer sex. The former's not true for ponies, and I don't see why the latter should be.
That's a human butt.
>at the same time there being no selective bias for longer sex
Do you mean to say that we do have selective biases?

Oh, sweet Celestia, I'm so sorry. I never noticed.
Isn't longer sex considered better? There seems to be at least some selective pressure towards longer sex, which drives this trait, whether through natural selection or other means.
Not necessarily? Sex is sex at the end of the day and has one function. The most consistent selective pressures for humans are based on those who can secure wealth, power, and property. Or simply not die at this point. That's all outside of whether someone is naturally a quickshot or not. If anything the opposite would be better in nature because it's less time spent being vulnerable which is why people bring up the prey thing in the first place. The other thing you have to keep in mind is that evolution is quite slow. We haven't been hunter gatherers for a very long time but we are still built for that kind of lifestyle as well as equipped with vestigial things like a tailbone.
Necessity is not a necessary condition for a trait to be selected for. Desirability suffices.
Mating isn't an activity that makes most mammalian species vulnerable to attack. Birth and REM sleep make you much more vulnerable overall. REM sleep happens several times a night, whereas mating is over once the fertile females are pregnant. Interrupting REM sleep takes a while and leaves you disoriented, mating can be interrupted almost instantaneously. Guess why many predators are nocturnal. Birth doesn't happen very often, but it takes time. That's why some uniparous animals developed the ability to flee right in the middle of giving birth.
The coccyx is not going to disappear, because first, it's not selected against as its presence doesn't decrease your chance of reproduction, and second, it's actually useful, because it's a flexible structure into which insert some of the pelvic floor muscles. And yes, evolution of morphological traits is a slow process, but behaviors and neural processes can adapt more quickly. Knowledge can evolve even faster. Knowing that longer sex is desirable will likely make you seek or develop techniques to achieve it. Note also that this particular trait directly affects sex, which gives it potential to increase its selective power further. This is no longer strictly true however, because contraception exists.
How dependent is stamina on your biology though? There are definitely animals that can last much longer than horses and aren't even close to human intelligence. There would have to be a limit to how much you can tweak this within a few generations based on that, wouldn't there? I don't think that's strong enough to make an impact because humans, and presumably other sapient species, have a bigger list of priorities and courtship rituals that determine if you're going to pop out a kid. We might desire longer sex, but we've always put up our own barriers that have made bedroom skills and things pertaining to the quality of sex a small thing in the grand scheme of things. At the end of the day, it's your bride price or equivalent that secured you a child, not how long you could last in bed. At least that's how it goes down for a good chunk of history. I also don't see any species caring enough or having the know-how pre-agriculture. Would they even know if they're missing out on sex that lasts much longer if it's all relative?
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It's clearly Flurry Heart, though.
Or at least it will be once she grows up.
Just look at the size of her wings.
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Shouldn't want.
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>Fluttershy extends a hoof, pressing it to your cock.
>You cry out once more, but this time she continues dragging her hoof slowly and gently along your length.
>You breathe sharply through clenched teeth as your whole body tenses and twitches.
>The yellow mare's green eyes intently study your reactions.
>A twitch in your loins makes your marecock leap lightly, and she does the same.
>"Oh! It got bigger!"
>Her stroking pauses, allowing you a moment to catch your breath.
"Yeah, they do that. Sexual stimulation causes the body to direct more blood towards it by dilating the arteries that-"
>"O-Oh, yes, I know... I just... It was already so big. I thought it had already finished, and... Well, I've never seen one so large before."
"I just hope it doesn't get any bigger than this..."
>Fluttershy smiles sympathetically as she resumes running her hoof up and down your cock, slightly faster.
>Your wings flare out in response. Your new cock had made you completely forget about those nuisances.
>As her stroking slowly builds in tempo, sitting still becomes more of a challenge. You twist and whine, throw your head back and gasp, and brace your hind hooves against the floor and moan.
>"A-Are you about to...?
"No, I'm just so pent up! My whole body's on fire and restless, and this THING I have feels like the biggest cramp of my life!"
>"Oh, is this... not helping?"
"Well, it feels good, but..."
>"But I'm just making it worse, aren't I?"
>Your dizzied mind can't think of a way to deny it, and she takes your silence for an answer.
>"I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this."
"It's alright. I don't think there's many mares that can give a good hoofjob."
>Fluttershy drops her hoof with a miserable expression.
>You straighten in your seat and your long rod juts up and out, bobbing and throbbing, prompting you to grit your teeth and whimper.
>"Oh, it hurts even worse than before, doesn't it?"
>You can only manage another whimper.
>"Maybe... I can try something else?"
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"I-I'll try anything at this point. Please..."
>Fluttershy nods, her eyes tearing up again at the sight of her good friend in such a state.
>She hops from her seat beside you to the floor, settling on her haunches in front of you.
>You barely notice. Once her hoof left your marecock, you couldn't resist stroking it anymore.
>The motion only makes the feeling worse as your cock continues pumping a steady trickle of precum.
>"Twilight, please. Stop."
>Fluttershy takes your hooves in her own, pulling them to your lap.
>You whine like an infant as soon as she does, squirming in place with a need to touch yourself, setting your shaft swaying side-to-side.
"Shhh. Let me."
>Your friend smiles at you reassuringly before leaning forward slowly and running her wet tongue up your long cock.
>You moan and press your hooves tighter to hers. Your marecock throbs, loosing another current of pre down its side, meeting her tongue as it continues its upward journey.
>While nearly anything is enough to trigger a response from your over-sensitive new marecock, the feeling of Fluttershy's tongue, soft, wet, and warm, is something new altogether.
>She gives another long lick, rising from your medial ring until her tongue flicks from your tip, then looks up at you.
>"Is that any better, Twi-"
"Don't stop!"
>She blushes but returns to her task, licking each side of your cock, kissing along its side, and running her tongue in circles along the head of your cock.
>You moan along with each move of her tongue, making noises you'd be ashamed for any other pony to hear.
>Another full spurt of clear pre hits Fluttershy's muzzle and she pauses with an ashamed expression.
>A glance at your pleading expression restores her conviction and her tongue extends once more, licking the trails of pre from the side of your cock.
"Ahn! H-Hey... Fluttershy."
>She pauses with her tongue at the tip of your cock, looking up at your curiously.
"Can... Can you try sucking on it?"
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>Fluttershy draws back, her cheeks the reddest you've ever seen them.
>Without her tongue on your cock anymore, it begs you to stroke it, and you obey.
"Your tongue feels so good. I know your mouth would feel so much better."
>"Oh. Well, thank you, I think, but, something like that-"
"Something like that so warm and wet, and all around me... I think that's what it wants."
>You're not even thinking about what you're saying anymore. Just saying what you feel as you stroke yourself.
"I think that's what 'I' want. I need it. I need you, Fluttershy. Please."
>The pressure in your cock builds and you wince as it throbs again, loosing still more pre.
>She swallows nervously.
>"I just... I don't think I can even get my mouth around you!"
>You're stroking yourself with both hooves now as your precum runs over them, your pent up marecock pulsing and overflowing with too much lust for any mare to handle.
>As always, touching yourself doesn't bring any relief. Just a desire for even more.
"Nnn! Ah! Fluttershy, please! Uhn...! I-'m begging you! Don't leave me like this!"
>Tears bead at the edges of her eyes as she watches you losing yourself.
"I-I'll try, Twilight!"
>You aim your cock at her muzzle, painfully desperate for it.
>She draws back, then tentatively extends her tongue, licking the clear fluid clear from your tip.
>Another trickle of pre immediately replaces it, which she clears again.
>As a third bead of pre forms, she realizes the futility of her efforts, finally opening her mouth and pressing it to the head of your cock.
>Her mouth isn't even wide enough to surround you, but her tongue flicks around and against the head of your cock, making you cry out as another spurt of pre is loosed.
>Fluttershy pinches her eyes shut as it hits the back of her throat, but swallows and stretches her mouth wider.
>Her upper lip curves around the end of your cock, but then retreats as she pushes her lower lip around it, struggling to find an angle that fits.
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>The feeling of her lips searching their way around the head of your cock is stimulating on its own, and your hips jerk erratically in response, pushing your cock against her as you continue spurting pre across her tongue.
>She draws back, swallowing again with a sour expression.
"T-Twilight, I don't think I can-"
"You're doing great! Don't give up! I believe in you!"
>She eyes you uncertainly before you pull her muzzle back to your cock, leaking pre across her closed lips.
"You can do it, Fluttershy!"
>Reluctantly, she opens her mouth wide, clenching her eyes shut as she struggles to stretch it around you.
"Ahn! Yes, like that!
>You grab her head, pulling it against your throbbing cock.
>Her eyes go wide and she looks up at you with worry. You can feel her trying to pull back.
>Your marecock urges you on, loosing more pre into her mouth with every pained pulse it makes.
>With a thrust of your hips, the end of your monstrous marecock finally slips between her soft lips.
>Fluttershy makes a muffled cry around your cock, but you can't hear it over the sound of your own scream of pleasure.
>Her wet tongue darts about under your shaft, rubbing against you as it searches for escape from it.
>The firm, humid roof of her mouth feels better against your cock than any hoof could.
>The soft back of her throat throbs against the head of your cock as you splash pre steadily against it.
>Fluttershy's lips are stretched tight as a vice around you, making every miniscule movement between them the best you've ever felt.
"Haah! Ahh... Oh. My. Sweet. Celestia!"
>Your hips draw back and thrust forward. Fluttershy lets out another muffled cry as your cock hits the back of her throat.
>She winces, her tears finally falling, thought from gag reflex rather than sympathy.
"It's so good! Your mouth feels so good, Fluttershy!"
>She answers with muffled whines as you thrust your long thick marecock rapidly in and out of her mouth, slicked with blend of spit and pre that runs down her chin.
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>Fluttershy's hooves press firmly against your lap, struggling to brace herself or pull free of your marecock.
>"C-Can you take more? Mmm! Please suck more of my alicorn marecock, Fluttershy!"
>You hammer the first few of many inches of your marecock down her muzzle again and again, trying and failing to find an angle to slip down her throat.
"I want to feel more of you around it! I want it all inside you!"
"Mmmm, talk more! I love feeling your sweet voice around me!"
>You speed your thrusts into your friend's mouth, the wet and sloppy sounds of your face fucking playing background to your moaning over her alternating whines and gags.
>She finally manages to pull free, thick sticky strands of blended spit and pre hanging from your cock to her lips as she coughs up more still.
>You felt so close. The pressure inside you is fit to burst. You need to be inside her again.
"Did you catch your breath? Okay, then this time we'll fit it all!"
>You press your cock forward but she turns away.
>Your tip rubs needily against her cheek, smearing pre against it.
"It felt so good, Fluttershy! A little more! Just suck a little more!"
>Fluttershy backs away as she continues coughing.
"I-I'm sorry Twilight. I just can't. My mouth can't take any more of that!"
>"N-No! Fluttershy, please, don't stop! I-I can't stop!"
>Your whole body is trembling with lustful need.
>"I'm sorry, I've done all I can. You should go see somepony more experienced than me..."
>Fluttershy cringes at your frustrated shouts, tears falling.
>"Oh, Twilight, I feel so awful! You came to me for help, and I only made it worse! I'm so sorry!"
>She turns away, and that's when you see it. The source of the scent that's been driving you insane.
>A moist parting of flesh calls out to you, dripping clear lust just like your own body.
>Somewhere inside you, a voice tries to remind you that this is your friend.
>But that's not the voice you're listening to anymore.
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And, done again for now. Part 2 is ending up a lot different (and longer) then in my draft. Sorry for not getting it out in the morning; I got kidnapped for July 4th festivities. Part 2 will finish some time in the next 24 hours.
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Foals have needs, too.
Why not?
Taking rarity from behind when?
That sluts ponut needs to be a cumdumpster
Twi's gonna paint Rarity's insides as white as her outside.
Writefag here. Working on it.
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t. Writefag

The Rarity segment is probably the part I'm most excited to write, but that also means it's a fair bit off for escalation purposes. You'll know who's next by the end of tonight.

Anyways, I'm running behind because reasons. So I have a question to ask. Tonight's update will be about six posts. Possibly seven if I get too wordy. Don't wanna' fuck this part up. I've got three posts done and I'm re-working the rest. Post three now, or wait for all of them?
As long aas it doesnt stop midaction, i dont mind getting it bit by bit.

I might do some writing since im in a train for the next 4 hours but dont get your hopes too high
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I'd love to have other writefags along for the ride. I even have other futa alicorn stories I'd like to tell. There's a NMM/Celestia story I've had in developmental hell for a while, and would love to write. /mlp/ is honestly pretty good for helping me get off my ass and keep a regular writing schedule.

That said, it's pretty much action all posts past the first this time around, so I guess I'll just tease with that.
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>Fluttershy's still talking. Apologizing? You're not listening, only staring and wanting.
>You've never felt more than a little awkward or displeased at catching a glimpse of a mare's nethers.
>Little more than that for the stallions, actually.
>You'd roll your eyes in annoyance at how worked up some stallions seemed to get about mares.
>But now you can only wonder how they stayed as composed as they did.
>You can't stop staring, drooling, throbbing, needing the glistening mare pussy that each move of Fluttershy's pink tail briefly reveals, making your heart skip a beat each time.
>Your stomach drops and your heart is racing with hot blood, pulsing it to your nethers.
>You're panting like an animal.
>You don't know what's wrong with you, but you know what you need.
>You take shaky steps forward, struggling not to gallop.
>It's all you can do to not immediately leap upon the yellow pegasus and dive into her.
>You stammer, your mouth feeling dry even as you lick the drool from your lips.
>"Yes, Twilight? Oh!"
>She gasps as you rear up, putting your forehooves on her haunces and mounting her.
>"T-Twilight!? W-What are you-"
"Is it okay? I need you to tell me its okay. I can't hold back anymore, so please...!"
>Fluttershy's emerald eyes open wide as they read your face, and as they meet your own eyes, her cheeks flush.
>"W-Well, I... I...!"
>The tip of your spit-soaked marecock presses against Fluttershy, rubbing against her body.
>Her body trembles at the unfamiliar feeling.
"Hurry, tell me it's okay! Before I... Mmm!"
>You shake your hips, awkwardly struggling to aim the large tool you've never used.
>You're too restless and addled to line it up properly.
>You take some slight pleasure just in feeling the warmth of another body against it as you gradually coat Fluttershy's rear with your over-flowing juices. But it's not enough anymore.
>If she says no, it won't change what happens next.
>Just whether you have any hope of forgiving yourself after.
Not used to writefagging but i'll have the next four hours to improve I guess
>green thumb
...but hooves
Anything's better than nothing for most anons, so I wouldn't worry about it. You're always your own worst critic.
H-Here we go

>be anon
>be flurry hearts foal sitter
>her parents told you she could be a very demanding and exhausting little filly
>crying, refusing to sleep, or simple bitchiness you were prepared for
>a lower arm long marecock, needing to be satisfied every 3 hours, you were not
>“its a feature all alicorns have, to deal with“ cadence said, her husband blushing next to her
>“but a foal being born as an alicorn brought problems with it, i didnt expect her having to deal with so, uhm...soon...“
>oh well, its a world of colourful tiny equines, you should have expected more bs to come with it
>after flurry tried to mount several colts and fillies of her class she was taken from the school and into homeschooling, and with it they hired (you) took look after her, after schoolhours
>thats where you learned about her insatiable "appetite"
>it took some time as well, as losing some reservations to getting used to jacking off a little filly
>heck, your fingers could barely meet when holding on to the damn thing
>luckily, she still had what you assumed to be regular stallion stamina
>n-not that you would know what that is

>the first weeks, you simply gave her handjobs
>you didnt need any lube, as she was quite capable of producing enough lubricant herself
>starting at the tip, you would slowly finger and massage her little opening at the top, spreading the neverending flow of pre downwards
>at the same time, you started massaging her medial ring with your other hand
>once she was all lubed up you could simply pump her till ejaculation with both hands
>sadly, it didnt stay that way and soon, it was taking longer and longer for her to finish
>things needed to change
Where to go from here? Should we try oral, toys or something else? Maybe she is into some roleplay, who knows?
also, critique plox
Good so far. I also had plans for flurry fics, but they're so far down my to-do list that they'll never be gotten to.

That said, nothing in the bit you wrote gives any indication about how much of a personality Flurry has at this point, so I say go in that direction. The few that have written her write her slutty, and for good reason.
Get in some dialogue, from Flurry, and make it hot. Flurry's young enough to go for anything, but too young to know what to ask for. That's the fun playground you get when writing Flurry fics.
Thx. Yeah ive got some ideas on where to go now as well. Propably gonna need some time though. Other problem is shitty net coverage at the moment
wont finish writing today... keep the thread alive plx
Writrfag for the Twi story here. I failed you anons. Passed out writing and drinking. It's mostly done, but trapped at work now. Expect in 7 hours, I'd say.
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I believe this is very relevant
Drinking so much that it interferes with your life is probably something you should make an effort to correct.
>Your life = writing clopfic green for /mlp/.
Whelp, it's time to die.
>drinking until you pass out is fine
>it's OK for your alcohol consumption to cause difficulties with the things you enjoy doing
I'm concerned about our writefag's well-being.
Unf. Hope that writefag comes back to /mcg/
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Finishing up the last post of Alicorn Needs part 2 now and will be posting shortly. I hope it's worth the wait!

I genuinely appreciate the concern, but my post was a bit of a joke. I was drinking, but obviously not so much that I didn't make it to work the next day. I would've been passing out around that time even without drinking.
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>This is wrong. This is your friend. But Celestia herself couldn't stop you now.
>You've never wanted anything so much as to be buried between this mare's legs.
"I need you. Oh, Celestia, please! I'm losing my mind! It hurts so much, let me, help me, Fluttershy..!"
>"I-It might not fit. Or feel good? I'm obviously not any good at this sort of thing..."
>You moan over her words as your cock continues searching across her rear for the only thing that matters now.
>"But, umm, if you think my body is good enough, and you, uh, want to try, well... then..."
>Every pause and stammer she makes feel like an eternity of unrequited longing.
"It is! I want to! I want you!"
>Flutterhsy blinks her long lashes and appears taken aback, perhaps even flattered.
>She smiles warmly and reaches back, placing a hoof to your cheek.
>Her tender touch somehow manages to pull your attention from Fluttershy's flank to your friend's face.
>Her green eyes, wet like morning dew on leaves, stare at you with love and concern.
>You're snapped suddenly from your mindless daze, and in this sober moment, swallow as you realize what's happening.
"Oh! Fluttershy, I..."
>"It's... It's okay, Twilight."
She gives you a bittersweet smile as she runs her hoof soothingly against your cheek before reaching back further.
>Your own eyes mist over, heartbroken over what you're asking of your friend.
>However, the lucid moment is lost as soon as you feel Fluttershy's hoof guiding your cock, stroking the tip of it against her moist rear lips.
>You each moan in unison as you feel the other's hot, humid flesh against yours.
>Fluttershy's hoof leaves your marecock at her entrance as she braces, waiting.
>"I'm almost ready, but, i-it's my first time. So please be gentle TwilAAAAAAIIIIII-!"
>The second her hoof left you, like every time you went untouched now, you lost all restraint.
>You thrust your thick marecock as deep into her as you're able, diving into the oasis without restraint.
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>It's indescribable.
>Warm, wet, inviting flesh hugs around over half of your mammoth marecock.
>Her body twitches around yours as it throbs inside hers in a dance that escalates the erotic excitement with every movement and moment.
>You feel happy, ravenous, desperate, overwhelmed with love, lust, joy, and pleasure, each feeling surpassing anything you ever thought it could reach.
>You're more satisfied than you've ever felt, but rather than feeling content, you're blindingly desperate for more.
>Your gasp of pleasure ends, letting you draw in a breath.
>Fluttershy's initial scream is still fading when you thrust again.
>You'd read erotic fiction before, for research purposes only.
>When you read things like, "My hips were moving on their own," you assumed it meant they were moving without thinking about it, like a runner's high.
>But now, you wonder if this is what it meant.
>Overwhelmed with pleasure, your hips spasm in uncontrollable jerking motions, ineleganty thrusting your alicorn cock in and out of your friend in ways that only elicit further reflexive fucking.
>Your marecock is reacting to the inside of Fluttershy's cunt as much as your hoof would to flame, something instinctual driving and guiding its movements beyond anything you could ever control or overcome.
"AAAAH! F-Fluttershy! F-Fuck..!"
>"A-Are you okay? Hah! Nn! Is this-HnNGH! Is this alright?"
>That she's still worried for you warms your heart, but somehow ignites your passion even more.
>"It's wonderful! It's so warm! AHN! Fluttershy, it's so warm inside you!"
>She clenches her teeth, sucking in a breath before forcing a smile as she looks over her shoulder at you.
>"Nnngh! I-I'm glad! Ohh... Uhn! I'm so happy for-HAH! F-For you..!"
"You feel so good! It's amazing! Nnnn! Do you like it? Am I hurting you?"
>Fluttershy purses her lips, struggling to reduce a scream to a whine.
>"D-Do whatever you need to Twilight. I-AhhhHHNN! I... I'm here for you."
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>You scream with pleasure and dart forward, clamping your lips over your friend's.
>Her eyes go wide.
>The shift moves you deeper into her, the medial ring of your marecock pressing against the entrance to her wet pony pussy.
>The deep penetration provokes a loud and lewd cry from the mare that's muffled against your muzzle.
>You moan your own equally lewd sounds as your hips buck feverishly, hammering your thighs against hers.
>Fluttershy's eyes water and her hind legs press back against your forelegs, bracing against the pain and struggling to control your bucking.
>Her wings flap desperately from the sensation.
>You finally pull your lips away, a heavy trail of saliva hanging between your lips before falling across her neck.
"Fluttershy! It's amazing! You're so amazing! Ooooh, sweet Celestia!"
>She gasps for breath, but the sight of her open mouth provokes you to quickly cover her lips with yours again as you thrust your tongue forward.
>Fluttershy flails, her rear legs scrambling as you raise one of them, leaning against it and stretching Fluttershy wider.
>Your tongue chases hers as your medial ring presses into her pegasus pussy.
>The thickest part of you grinds against her inner walls, and your mouths part in a shared lustful wail.
>Your hectic thrusting draws your medial ring in and out of her, stretching her tight marepussy anew with each motion.
"NNn! T-Twilight! Th-That's too much!"
>The more of her you feel, the more of yourself you long to fit inside her.
>You draw the long inches of your marecock slowly back through the mouth of Fluttershy's tight, wet marecunt before forcing your way foreward until the whole of you is taken in its entirety.
>Fluttershy throws her head back, wide-eyed and mouth agape, struggling to get any breath out.
>A long, low moan finally emerges, and as you resume your rapid thrusting, her moan rises in pitch, creating a sharp, endless whine punctuated with every alicorn thrust.
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>Something stirs inside you, sending a chill up your spine and an electric current humming through you.
>You cry out, horn aglow with arousal and sweat beading your coat as you continue thrusting.
>"F-Fluttershy! I think this-! I think I'm-!"
>Your trembling body collapses atop your friend, your endlessly thrusting hips the only part of you still moving.
>Move it does, hilting the whole of you in the tight canal of her cunt at breakneck speeds, your mixed juices splashing sloppy strands across your thighs and the floor with each penetration.
>Your weight brings Fluttershy to the floor, her rear held up only by the rigid pole impaling her.
>Her tongue hangs loosely as she wails indecent whines.
>"Fluttershy! Fluttershy! FLUTTERSHY!"
>You spasm, slamming your marecock into her with a force that lifts her hind legs from the ground.
>The breath is knocked from both of you as a numbness sweeps over you, all sensation dimmed compared to the waves of pleasure that run through you.
>Your alicorn cock throbs, twitches, and pulses more than ever, your pent-up lust exploding from you with an almost painful force.
>Wave after wave of marecum erupts from deep inside you, coating and filling your friend with your thick, hot seed.
>Fluttershy gives an odd wavering gasp, staggered by each spasming thrust you make inside her.
>You're cumming! You're cumming from your marecock for the first time! You're cumming inside your dear friend, pouring your pent up love and lust into her.
>It suddenly dawns on you. You're cumming inside Fluttershy.
>As your seemingly endless orgasm overflows inside Fluttershy, you slowly pull your pulsing cock back.
>It seems like it takes an eternity to draw it out. Every inch you pull from her is followed by another.
>You can't believe every bit of it somehow fit inside her.
>You finally pull free, continuing to spurt thick ropes of hot jizz across your friend.
>Seed spills sloppily from her pussy as she collapses to the floor, her screams finally fading.
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>You fall back onto the sofa, panting rapidly in the embrace of afterglow.
>Every bit of you is tingling warmly, and for the first time today, you feel free from your lustful burden.
>The exertion of the encounter hits you suddenly, leaving you dazed and weary.
>You smile softly at how pleasantly placid you feel.
>As the afterglow begins to dim and your mental faculties gradual return, you blink at the sight before you.
>Fluttershy lies collapsed on the floor, taking long shaky breathes, covered in your cum as still more flows out from her.
>The realization and shame set in.
"No... Oh, no. F-Fluttershy, I... I'm sorry! Are you alright!? I'm so sorry!"
>You drop to the floor beside her in a panic.
>Her eyes open slowly and she smiles dumbly, gazing past you.
>"O-Oh... T-Twilight. Do you... hah... Do you feel... hah, better?"
"I'm myself again, but what about you!? Oh, what have I done!? I hope I didn't hurt you!"
>"No, I'm just happy I could help... It felt really good, actually..."
>You're not sure that you believe her. She seems like she barely knows where she is.
>Fluttershy slowly extends a hoof and you quickly take it in yours, nuzzling against it with teary eyes.
>She smiles gently, but her smile fades as her gaze shifts to your crotch.
>"Oh. Oh no. It's still kind of big."
>You glance down at your cum-glazed marecock. It isn't fully erect anymore, but it doesn't seem quite willing to return to its sheath either.
>"I'm sorry. W-We can try again, but I might need a minute... Or a few days..."
"Fluttershy, you have no reason to be sorry. You did more than could be expected from anypony."
"You're a true friend."
>She smiles sleepily.
>You watch her eyes slowly close before a sudden knocking at the door startles you onto your hooves.
>You look over the sorry state of your semen-covered friend.
>You can't let anypony see her like this.
>The knocking continues as you nervously wait for the visitor to leave.
>Instead, the door begins to open.
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>"Fluttershy? Twilight? You guys here?"
>The familiar voice spurs a panicked gallop to the door.
>A blue pegasus with a rainbow mane begins a step through the opening door before you push your muzzle to hers, pushing her outside.
"Rainbow Dash! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you here?"
>The weather pony scrunches her muzzle and stares suspiciously at you.
>"Well... Yesterday, before your big ceremony, I agreed to come over and teach you some flying basics. Remember?"
>You smack your hoof to your head. You'd completely forgotten.
>"I went by your place, but there were just a bunch of weird unicorns there. You may want to tell them that when a tree's still alive, it 'probably' doesn't need that much wood polish."
>You groan. You'd also forgotten about them.
>"I asked around and some ponies saw you heading this way. Were you getting flying tips from Fluttershy, too? Because I wouldn't recommend it."
>She cranes her neck to look over your shoulder.
>Your wings flare out in an instant, blocking her view.
"Oh, no, Fluttershy was helping me with other... concerns."
"Yes! Concerns about... making sure being a princess doesn't get in the way of our friendships!"
>"Pssh! Yeah, like that'd happen! Anyways, come on, let's hit the skies!"
>Rainbow takes flight as you glance back at Fluttershy.
"I'm sorry, I can't right now. I, uh, actually need to check back in with Celestia's attendants at the library."
>The pegasus settles back to the earth with a frown.
>"Oh. Well, maybe later then? I'll see if Fluttershy wants to go flying."
>As she moves to walk past you, you push a hoof to her chest.
"On second though, they can wait! I'd hate to put off time with friends for some royal attendants!"
>"Right. Don't want your being a princess to get in the way of your friendships, right?"
>Dash smiles with renewed excitement as she nudges you with her hoof.
>You give Flutterhsy one last regretful glance as you close the door and take flight with Rainbow Dash.
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That wraps up part 2! I may take a day or two off before trying to get started on part 3, depending on how I feel. I hope everyone enjoyed! It ended up a little rougher and toed the consensuality line more than I'd originally intended. I've got a full outline, but critique and suggestions welcome as well. I'll probably make an effort to keep the rest shorter than this one ended up.
Got a pastebin?
I liked it a lot, definitely looking forward to whatever's next, particularly if "escalation" happens. I'm a big fan of escalation.
Not yet. I usually fire and forget with my greens. I'll probably make one this weekend, though.
Great job anon! I may write a little later today to keep the thread active for your fic.
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needs more marecock
I just skimmed the conversation, so I might've missed the finer points of the argument, but I've got a couple of things to note. Stamina in human males is mostly acquired through desensitization and use of techniques and even though it's a popular /mlp/ meme that we last hours and hours, when you look at the actual statistics and averages, you'll see the score is pretty pathetic despite the outliers that last hours and hours. Also, MLP ponies aren't real horses. And why the hell would you want them to prefer short sex? Is wanting sex to be over soon even a fetish?
It's less that and more that the justification here is pretty silly and doesn't seem quite right. Just say "magic" and call it day for anytime they aren't like real horses.
>Page 9
Dash is proceeding directly into an area of serious risk.
They have thick legs because magic? They can breathe through their mouths because magic? They can talk because magic? Sorry, but I prefer the 'hypothesis' that they have sapient brains in their skulls and don't need sorcery in order to be able to think and talk.
>ywn apply for a job in one of the castles
>ywn be responsible for their relaxiation
>ywn massage their wingroots and hoofsies
>ywn be forced to lick their ponut
>ywn be slowly stretched to fit their tools
>ywn be the cocksock for the princesses

Why live
mareparts need love too
mareparts are to be recieve 5 piercings on each lip and be closed up, only to be used to tease
t. mare
>enjoys having a variety of holes to stick his dick in
>must be a mare
t. intellectual
Magic would probably be a catalyst for a lot of those. I feel like with griffons and other chimera creatures around it's the obvious suspect in direct or indirect ways.
I mean, yeah actually. I kinda like to think the only difference between Earth and Equestria is the presence of magic historically.

Hence all the similar mythology, and the more human than pony-oriented tools and design.
And ponies are magically-genetically modified humans.
I want to believe
That's a hypothesis not a theory, and I really like it.
Equestria doesn't have mythology.
>two days with no new green
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I have created a Pastebin for Posterity.
Alicorn Needs part 1: https://pastebin.com/MiqbUAnf
Alicorn Needs part 2: https://pastebin.com/0MRQ54EL

Working on part 3.
Neat, thx.

But please make them public in case the thread dies :(
Someone read Twilight's Midnight Violations I see.
You should probably make those public.
Drinking alicorn spunk keeps you young and extends your life.

Technically you only need a drop every year or so, but there's no reason you can't chug it by the gallon if you find a princess or four who like you.
Done, thanks.

I have not, but perhaps I should look it up if I made it come to mind!
After you're finished.
It'd be a shame if your artistic vision were contaminated by other, similar works.
>many among the Canterlot elite are hundreds of years old, but unlike Granny Smith they've maintained their youth with one weird trick
>Prince Blueblood perpetually struggles to decide which is more offensive to his vanity: sucking his aunt's dick or the idea of getting old
more like "autistic vision"
>Cadance getting shitfaced and fucking a raincloud machine, with predictable consequences
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>get teleported to equestria
>fluttershy won't let you eat any of the delicious animals
>when you tried to argue that humans need protien to live she got Twilight to equip her with a pair of heavy swollen protein generators and delivery mechanism
>she's used to stubborn critters that won't eat their dinner, its for your own good and she knows how to get any animal's cooperation
I'd be stubborn in that I want her to feed my backdoor most of the time.
>Crystal ponies just assume it's some great celebration ceremony
Exactly. They have thumbs in their hooves. That's why they're such good farmers.
Many of her animal friends, and Rarity's cat, are obligate carnivores.
I wrote half a fic a while back about EQG Fluttershy with a dick but quit. I feel like I might write this in MLP style, though.
Captcha: fucking gondolas, wtf?
When I read "coordinated" I thought that it meant that if one gets horny they all do and if one feels a sensation on their dong they all do. Sounds hot as fuck.
>Celestia and Luna, barring the rare accident, have things under control and don't interfere with each other
>Cadence and Shining Armor occasionally take a weekend to go crazy on each other, but generally have a reliable schedule and don't cause too much trouble
>Twilight Sparkle is the Princess equivalent of a randy, unsupervised teenager
>the others are waiting for Twilight to figure out the presence of the link but have generally adjusted to her frequent masturbation
>they're not sure how she'll react when she learns the identity of the stallion who has been giving her ghost blowjobs
>woowoo woo woo woo
>they're not sure how she'll react when she learns the identity of the stallion who has been giving her ghost blowjobs
She'll be fine. She probably already knows.
Hot as fuck. Will write that or >>30489185 tonight or tomorrow morning since my work schedule is fucked.
>barring the rare accident
How intriguing.
You know, morning wood (or Luna's equivalent), a diplomat wearing the wrong type of pheromonal cologne, a momentary lapse of focus for Celestia or a particularly interesting dreamwalk for Luna.
Triggers are dangerous when they're spread over several sensitive individuals.
>a diplomat "accidentally" wearing the wrong type of pheromonal cologne
no die thread
That's pretty hot.
please return
>the others are waiting for Twilight to figure out the presence of the link
That could take a while; she's kinda dumb.
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Hey, come on.
She's not "dumb"
Princess Twilight Sparkle has a uniquely individual learning style.
She's very investigative! She's detail oriented!

But it's been years since she ascended. She has to figure it out eventually, right?
>She'll get it right, eventually, after all other options are exhausted
>just like America
The problem with >>30489185 is that I just can't relate to a character who would resist chugging marecock
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I want to be surprised you literal dick slurping faggots have actively kept this up for 10 days now, but I can't
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Excuse you, I won't be a literal dickslurper until someone invents a portal to equestria and I can slurp marecocks
>tfw slurping literal horsedick is impractical at best
Then what would you do instead? I suck at writing fics without anon, so >>30491015 won't work without some sort of revision.
>Anon gets sent on vacation from being Cadance and Shining's mutual boyfriend to break in clueless newbie princess Twilight's weiner and weather the initial surge of futa alicorn lust so that she doesn't embarass herself by knocking up half of Ponyville

>not wanting to be a normie who gets repeatedly mind-controlled into chugging marecock until you've done it so much that it comes naturally and you can't imagine not doing it
>She has to figure it out eventually, right?
She doesn't have the best track record.
>mutual boyfriend

>Shining Armor doesn't have a 'pressing magical need' for release like Cadence does
>But Anon is really good at handling really big horsedicks
>And Shining Armor sure does have a really big horsedick
>Anon is around anyway, so it just makes sense to let him handle it
It would be a good life.
>Shining Armor doesn't have a 'pressing magical need' for release, but he's still a dude with needs
The ultimate fantasy is when they alter your memories so you can't remember a time when you weren't addicted to marecock
>Twilight is feeling horny, her cock throbbing
>she got distracted studying and hasn't got any relief all day
>she's still absorbed in her books, somehow not noticing the signals her body is sending her
>from your perspective as you sneak up behind her it is incredibly obvious though
>her fat testicles swollen even more than normal
>her half hard shaft hanging most of the way to the floor
>the way her hips shift unconsciously, itching to thrust brutally into some poor sap
>everything is perfect
>"HEY TWILIGHT!" you yell as you squeeze her balls with one hand and ram a couple fingers from the other past her cute pucker
>You've never heard Twilight whinny before. Hell, you've never heard any of the ponies make a sound like that
>her cock thumps solidly against the bottom of the table she was leaning over and her balls pulse in your hand as she fires a thick rope of pre across the ground in front of her
>if you didn't know better you'd think it was a full on ejaculation, but you're too familiar with her to make such a rookie mistake
>"Anon! Why- You! Ahhh... I - AAGH"
>you cut her off with a firmer squeeze and some finger wiggles
>her sack tightens in your hand again, but before she can waste another spurt you disappear in a purple flash and reappear under the table
>just in time to safely nestle her cock in your throat and catch every drop
>the glowing aura of her magic surrounds you as she pulls you all the way down her shaft in one long stroke, until she is fully hilted and you can't see anything but purple
>her hips move back and forth on autopilot, aided by her magic dragging you irresistably up and down
>"Honestly Anon. You're such a pain sometimes, I don't know why I keep you around."
>she says, as her balls clench up to deliver another load and a shiver runs all the way up from her hooves to the tip of her horn, tickling your nose
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Quite so.
Socks, or horn condoms?
>nothing in the show even supports that headcanon
>implying askthatguywiththeglasses is never canon
>See >>30511579
piss off
>not being able to look back in confusion and disgust at the way you used to be, full of pride that you've since come to your senses
Socks. Came from a thread about anon putting his socks on their horns before bed so they wouldn't poke him while snuggling. That said, I'm always disappointed horn condoms aren't more of a thing.Earth ponies having to put on condoms with their mouths at least seems to get some decent attention.
>anon putting his socks on their horns before bed so they wouldn't poke him while snuggling
God that's cute.
guys I don't think the writefag's coming back
I will maintain hope
For at least a while longer
Does that mean if two of them rubbed their dicks together it would cause a feedback loop?
It would be amplified, but wouldn't loop infinitely
What if they all touched dicks at once, including Flurry Heart's precocious foal pole?
How do you anons feel about fucking your waifu's giant futa cock? Or is that too degenerate for even you?
She's a little pony; it would be weird if her dick were big enough for me to comfortably penetrate her urethra.
Gotta protect yourself from magical discharges somehow.
Well, how else would you fuck a dickmare?
Dickmares aren't for fucking, they're for getting fucked by
Why not both
right in her coltpucci
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>you've been standing in line for 6 hours now
>after camping out outside the building for 3 days
>and putting in your application 6 months ago
>but its all worth it, because today is the day you get to emigrate to Equestria
>all you have to do is pass the interview, and you've been studying your ass off since they announced this whole thing
>You know more about their political system, geography and history than your own, several times over. You're going to nail this
>and now its your turn, butterflies dancing in your stomach despite your preparation as your number is called and you walk into the interview room
>sitting across a desk from you is the first pony you've seen in person, and it isn't who you were expecting
>she's a lot bigger, whiter and more royal than the random government pony you were expecting
>the princess of the sun herself is going to be judging you, and now you're nervous as fuck
>your knees are shaking and you barely manage to make it to your chair, collapsing into it as Celestia watches you calmly
>You've heard her voice in video clips before, but in person is a completely different thing. It takes you a couple seconds to get over the shiver of delight that runs up your spine and realize she was expecting you to return her greeting
>Good thing you studied traditional pony greetings
>"I'm doing well, thanks, and you?"
>"Just fine, thank you."
>and having completed the exchange of platitudes, leans forward and crosses her hooves on the desk, ready to begin the interview
>this is what you've been preparing for for months
>"Shall we begin? I hope you've been practicing" she says with a small grin
>you pull yourself together and prepare to start on your introduction when something gives you pause
>she just gestured at something below the desk
>your eyes follow her motion down, peering into the shadows
>and looming out of them like a shark from the depths is a great white horsecock
>your brain and body freeze
>and she says "Commence the oral exam."
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Excuse me, but Princess Celestia is light pink
You had better continue.
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Maybe in like 10 hours, I have to go to work and I'm not very good at actual sex scenes in the first place, even in butchered meme arrow english. It's way easier just shitting out fun scenarios.
Still whiter than most Equestrian civil servants.
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also naturally pink-maned
Alright, I hope you do continue though.
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>Good thing you studied traditional pony greetings
>"I'm doing well, thanks, and you?"
Imagine being autistic enough to need to study for that.
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>You look up at her, then back down
>and up and down once more for good measure
>her calm grin never wavers, patiently letting you get it out of your system
>lists of ancient equestrian political figures and important historical dates drain from your mind as you watch her cock bob slowly
>you've been watching it for almost a minute now, waiting for the candid camera reveal, or to wake up from the dream, or anything
>you're starting to think maybe you were studying wrong
>endlessly accommodating, Celestia gives you time, only cocking her head curiously at your hesitation
>"Whenever you're ready, I know this is important to you. I'm sure you' worked hard to prepare for this."
>You know what, she's right. You worked your ass off. Maybe not at fellatio, but are you really going to give up here?
>nerves steeled, you slide off your chair and under her desk, her slit staring you in the face, a thick drop of pre welling up
>and before you can second guess yourself, open your mouth as wide as you can and stretch your lips around the tip
>you didn't really give yourself time to think about things like flavor before filling your mouth, but if you had you definitely wouldn't have expected this
>her slightly flared tip barely fits in your mouth, your tongue pinned under it, your taste buds completely overwhelmed by
>okay, not exactly vanilla, there's the expected saltiness, a hint of tang, but it's similar
>Celestia moans above you, her cock twitching in your mouth and dragging your head around with its heft
>you're starting to feel a little overwhelmed, and you've only been at this for a few seconds
>and a couple inches
>every interview prep guide you've ever read stresses the importance of a strong first impression
>so you close your eyes and press on, filling your mouth with even more of her thick, rich taste
>progress is very slow, but steady, you're starting to feel more confident
>until you open your eyes and see how far away her medial ring still is
Holy fuck I'm slow at this
That's it for tonight unfortunately
More tomorrow maybe
It's shit, don't bother.
Well I just got a boner so fuck off
>this isn't a normal part of the Equestrian immigration process, but in the end Anon gets his visa anyway for being such a good sport
You're shit.
waiting patiently
>okay, not exactly vanilla, there's the expected saltiness, a hint of tang, but it's similar
God, that sounds nice.
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>Celestia's face when
She's thousands of years old; she's got plenty of time for foreplay.
>you gulp nervously
>which helps/doesn't help depending on your perspective, since it causes her to fire a glob of precum at the back of your throat
>your gag reflex lights up like the fourth of july, throat convulsing as you try to maintain composure
>somehow, you hold on and avoid throwing up all over her dick, and swallow
>as her thick gift runs down your throat, it leaves a warm tingling sensation behind it, and you can feel the soreness fading
>you subconsciously lean forward, wanting more of the soothing feeling, and when her head pops past the entrance to your throat you feel your gag reflex give up
>you're feeling pretty pleased with yourself at this point, and from the twitching in your mouth and the faint appreciative moan from somewhere above it seems she is too
>this is off to a surprisingly good start, now to press your advantage
>you drag your tongue back and forth along the bottom of her shaft, as much as you can with the little room you have to work with, each swipe rewarding you with more vanilla flavor and lubricating her for the task to come
>upping the ante, you start thrusting back and forth, "glukk"ing audibly every time her flare squeezes in and out of your throat
>she clearly appreciates your efforts, even if she can only communicate her enjoyment by throbbing and firing more thick globs down your throat you get the message loud and clear
>and it drives you forward, every thrust laboriously shoving another inch deeper, another inch closer to your current goal: that fat ring of flesh sitting frustratingly out of reach despite your progress, and you're running out of air
>time to reassess. You pull back all the way, finding yourself proud of how much cock slides up out of your mouth until the head stretches your lips and pops back out into the open air
>you swallow down the remnants of pre that didn't go straight down your throat and take stock of the situation
>her skin is shiny with your saliva all the way from the tip up to just a couple inches below the ring, bobbing softly in front of you
>you can do this, it'll just take guts
>and with that you throw yourself forward, spreading your lips and ramming past the entrance to your throat in one motion
>the momentum carries you halfway, and you force yourself onward, even wrapping your hands around her shaft to pull forward
>you reach your previous record and surpass it, then run up against her ring and come to a stop
>but you will not be denied
>hauling with your hands, pushing with your neck, stretching your mouth wider than you ever have before you begin to creep forward once again
>barely moving, but moving nonetheless, her thick flesh compressing under your assault until it suddenly gives
>and you take another six inches all at once
>Celestia whinnies loudly and her cock lurches powerfully, thumping your head against the underside of her desk
>but you don't even notice, completely overwhelmed by the feeling of her tip flaring and her shaft thickening as cupfuls of thick goop belch almost directly into your stomach
>and then... stop
>there's no way that was it, was it
>you hear her panting above you as the blood rushing in your ears fades
>"Oh, oh. My. That was close."
>Her voice is noticeably breathier than before, you must be effecting her pretty strongly
>but you still aren't done

I'll try to finish tomorrow.
This interview's going well.
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>This thread
I choose to believe that this Anon ís female due to their apparent lack of ignorance of general fellatic procedure, apparent willingness to perform said fellatio for the purpose of achieving a goal, and apparent lack of revulsion at the sight of a penis. While it is still possible that Anon is simply an extremely sexually prolific homosexual male it is far more likely that they are female due to homosexual males being significantly rarer than heterosexual females.

I am not gay
Okay, this started out quite lewdly, but now I just feel bad for her...
Or he's just a typical /d/ goer.
Don't worry, we'll never hear anything about this story again.
That just makes you want to comfort her even more though, right? And I'm sure you know how to do that.
>tfw no lust-crazed alicorn to cuddle
>you're on the final stretch
>quite literally, your neck visibly distended in evidence of your progress so far
>she's twitching and pulsing more rapidly now, goading you onwards
>your hands are stroking back and forth on the diminishing inches not inside you, squeezing tight and pulling when you need a little extra pressure to slide her medial ring down your throat
>it feels like wrestling with a python, but you're winning
>your hands are running out of room, a thick bulge tracking the progress of her medial ring towards your collarbone
>until finally, almost gently, your lips kiss against her sheath and you can go no further
>you take a second to congratulate yourself, this wasn't how you were expecting to earn your entrance, but you're pretty confident you're acing it
>and now to drive it home
>with nowhere else to put them, you rest your hands on her thighs
>somehow, the velvet soft fur under your fingers makes having her dick in your throat feel intimate
>you caress her thighs with a gentleness you counteract by violently swallowing repeatedly around her shaft
>and then brace your arms, draw your head back as far as you can and slam forward, her whole length plowing you back open before your throat could fully close
>you repeat this twice more, each thrust accompanied by a loud panting gasp from above, an incredibly lewd noise from your throat, and a spray of spittle
>until the third time, when you try to draw back you find yourself pinned in place by a warm golden glow
>her cock bucks like a horse, her magic presses you into her crotch, and her flare expands deep inside you, locking you in place even if she wasn't holding you there
>a pulse runs down her shaft, stretching your jaw just that little bit wider and proceeding down towards your stomach
>warmth blossoms in your core, suppressing the beginnings of panic, and you relax into her hold
>throb after throb, each depositing another load of solar seed
>you're starting to feel full, but its a comfortable fullness, only intensifying with each spurt
>you've lost count of how many its been now, or rather you never started counting, but you've gone quite a while without a breath and your vision is starting to go dark around the edges
>but you can't bring yourself to be worried, you're only able to think good thoughts
>you wonder who your neighbors are going to be in Equestria as you lose consciousness
>but only for a second, coming to with a gasp as her magic pulls you off her, only a couple seconds having passed
>you didn't quite take her whole load, but you can't imagine that she'll hold it against you
>particularly since she's enthusiastically coating your face with her last fitful jets
>you slump against her chair, resting your head against her legs as you catch your breathe, her sated cock draping over your chest as it finally softens
>you could sit like this for hours, just enjoying her presence and the flavor of her cum in your mouth, the same almost-vanilla as her flesh but even more rich

>but a polite cough from above brings you back to reality
>your performance might be over, but you can't rest yet
>somehow you manage to climb back out and into your chair, meeting Celestia's gaze with a sleepy smile
>she's done an admirable job maintaining her composure, but slightly disheveled mane and heavy breathing give her away
>now all that's left is for her to tell you you passed
>she takes a deep breath, steadying herself
>"That was fantastic, I can tell you're going to be very popular in Equestria."
>"But you still need to fill out the form, and do the interview" and she points down again, indicating a sheet of paper sitting on her desk

Anyway, that's it. That took a lot longer than I expected, and is probably it from me for the near future. Tell me how it sucked if you want, if I ever try this again I'll want to know what to improve.

Its a girl's dick, anon. It would only be gay IF a girl sucked it.
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91KB, 727x600px
Oh it sucked all right. In all the right ways.

That said, I think you should work on your punctuation next time. It's greentext, but it's still way easier to read with capitalized sentences and full stops.
I like to think Cadence and Shining Armor are a rare exception to the "futa are always bigger" rule. She's very well endowed, but he's beyond exceptional.
>They're practically the same size, and whoever appears larger at the moment is entirely dependent on who's more aroused
No, actual growth due to arousal is totally an alicorn thing. It just so happens to affect a small percentage of stallions as well.

>Cadence takes a week to visit Twilight, while Shining Armor stays behind
>on her vacation, Cadence has plenty of opportunities to keep herself in check: whether it's fooling around with Twilight or servicing herself
>Shining Armor is constantly occupied and constantly on edge
>by the last day, Shining Armor is permanently erect, frequently dripping, and so long he hangs out between his forelegs
>when he catches her scent he surges larger
>he can't help but beg her to rut the size away
>Twi discovers this aspect of alicorn sexuality
>edges herself until she's big enough to totem pole all of her friends on the drooling meaty laundry pole jutting from her loins
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