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CYOA Discussion

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 556
Thread images: 72

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Completion Edition

>We discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs.
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: https://www.anonpone.com/
List of related content: http://pastebin.com/JfNFvCxZ

Read this advice first:

>What day is best?
>What time is best?
>What genre are you interested in?
>What if I cannot into art?
>What race would you play?

Remember: It's about the journey, not the destination

Previous Thread: >>30144996
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sekrit cloobhose
What is that now
5th for bdsm is an acceptable fetish and people who enjoy it are probably decent people.
No, seriously though, why is the link different?
apparently someone made a general mlp server and linked it all over the board and it just happened to have a similar name to our server.
Active threads

Big Mare Hero: >>30158984
Give and Take: >>30097692
Nebula: >>30103451
A Historical Perspective: >>30145407
Kingdom Hearts: >>30127592
Hail: >>30121046
Slave: >>30117550
Last Chance: >>29899886
Long Name: >>30066784
Cirquesque: >>30064061
Custos Luna: >>30095207
Do No Harm: >>30142142
Week Long Vacation: >>30150323
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My god, it's glorious.
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Thanks for crashing the Whispen market asshole.
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What shit, how much are my whispens worth? Have Choosies been affected! What's the conversion rate in memebucks?
Needs purple.
You hack violently into a talon and cough up a wad of hair.
Damn furballs. You toss it to the side.

Of course you're a gryphon! How could you forget? It must be the lack of food.
And as the though of food crossed your mind your stomach growls in anger from the lack of sustenance.
You remember you didn't get anything to eat last night.

Dammit. You traveled all this was to Las Pegasus because you heard this was the city of opportunity! Or was that Hoofington?
You shake your head. It doesn't matter now.

You're a salty, smelly and very hungry gryphon. How will you acquire some food this fine day?
Go hit the cash out buttons on the slot machines until you find enough pegabucks to buy something to eat.
Where did the shitposting go? Did they move on to sekrit?
Go down to the ground and hunt for animals.
What is an iFag?
Yo, someone throw me a miniquest idea you've had so I can run one tomorrow.
Both cyoa cryomancers locked in lethal combat.
No they're mine, get your own.
a pony attempting to go on a shoplifting spree without being caught.
I don't know but apparently something really bad happened to him when he was 15 and I really wamna know what.
Sorry, Anon but that is pretty much the one thing I don't feel comfortable sharing. Ask me pretty much anything else about my life if you want.
I don't know, I've been afraid to bring it up. It's wonderful. I'll never complain of this thread being dead again.
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Geez turns out the complainers were the real problem all along.
Someone told me you liked cuck porn. Is it true? Do you watch your husband have sex with other men, or is it more of a private fetish that you partake in alone, and instead watch other people watch their husbands have sex with other men?
Once they were restricted to only talking to each other they got bored.
>Is it true
No. I am in no way into cuckoldery. I have however kept a policy of not shitting on others fetishes for more then half a decade so I do not screech at it like many people.
Stop talking about yourself, you were doing so well
I don't believe you. The guy who told me was a reliable source, he wouldn't lie to me.
We're all pretending to be adults here. You don't need to be ashamed of your fetishes, even if they're garbage.
AND YOU, you're not helping.
What's wrong, anon? We're just having a discussion about fetishes. There's no need to be a fag just because we aren't talking about you.
Maybe if you were cool, people would like talking to you more.
Bitch, you love talking to me and you know it. I just want you all to myself.
Maybe if you'd spend more time with me I wouldn't have to find other people to shitpost with.
I have needs too.
I- I'm sorry, I'm just so confused lately. I think I just need to sleep, but it's so hard without you lying next to me.
With the way you smell you'd be lucky if anyone would allow you into their store.
How long ago was the last time you bathed? A week?
You give yourself and wiff and cringe.
Yuck. You smell like week old trash. Which is pretty accurate since you occasionally dig through garbage.

With a little walking around you could find a bird, maybe a pigeon. And if you're desperate then rats. Bleh.
Rounding a corner you spot a small flock of pigeons picking through a torn trash bag.
As silently as you can, you approach the congregation of birds and pouncing....

You're now flying back to the abandoned warehouse you now call a home with five dead pigeons in your bags. Little victories. Now if only you could remember why you were in that alley way this morning....
I'm just assumed we were mainlining crystal nip again.
Because it was nicer than our old alleyway, and isn't in quite as shit a part of town.
You always say that. "I'm sorry, it's not my fault I put the cat in the oven instead of the turkey, I'm just tired" or "No I don't want to blow all my cash to buy you expensive food right now, I want to sleep."
You're always tired, and you never do anything with me anymore.
We were out late last night and could not make it home before we fell asleep.
We just said we live in a warhouse chucklefuck.
It sure has been a quiet day
I cannot just not answer the question. Having your questions left unanswered is a terrible feeling I would not wish on anybody.

Admitidly I brought it on by saying ask me anything else about my life but I meant that just to drive home how unikely I am to reveal what happened that day. I should have worded it better or more likely just not said that part.

I am well aware it was mostly a shitpost but it is possible he was sincere about thinking I had a cuck fetish.
I am proud of my fetishes faggot.
>I am proud of my fetishes faggot.
Then why are you lying about your cuck fetish?
If he says he does not have a cuck fetish he does not have a cuck fetish you faggot.

I have a cuck fetish though. Top tier fetish.
>a terrible feeling I would not wish on anybody.
So it turns out he does have empathy. It is simply misdirected.
It's.. it's just too soon anon. Ever since HE came into our lives, I've just become so drained. I'll make you a fresh cat dinner next time I see you but right now I need sleep. I know we can pick up were we left off, the turkey misses you and so do I.
I assume you meant to quote
He's just shy. The guy who told me he had one wouldn't lie to me.
But enough about him, what about you? Do you enjoy acting out your cuck fantasies and watch your husband get fucked by foreigners with a dick bigger than yours, or do you prefer to keep it as a fantasy?
Yeah, ok. Whatever. Go ahead and sleep like you always do.
Sometimes other men sometimes other woman but always a girlfriend. I don't date dudes. It has been 3 years since my last relationship and 7 since the last one I was able to indulge my fetish with. I tried cuck porn but it is just not the same.

I don't watch though. I have a genuine cuckshed. I have not gotten to use it in so long.
Do you keep anything in your cuckshed aside from yourself and maybe some gardening tools? Like a microwave or a minifridge so you can make yourself snacks while you wait?
There might be some food in there. I have not been able to bring myself to go back in there without a purpose and it has been so long I cannot remember.
Nips quest when?
Hush little battie don't say a word.
Players gonna get you a funding boost.
And if that funding boost falls through.
Players gonna get you some solars to kill.
And if those solars blood don't spill.
Those are the only two bats I could think of anything for.
Did you come up with an alternate verse for either of them?
In fact I did.
Players gonna get you some bondage gear
And if that bondage gear ain't safe.
This is Dime fang.
Is this Silver Smith or the Darkest Hour bat?
Tell me what happened to you that was so fucking bad a 64 year old man considered it basically life ending dammit.
I find it amusing thay the order of best special talents for cuddle bug is almost opposite the order of most likely.
Tell me about Frosty Rime. Why does she summon the ice?
She's a deadly warrior.
She sells ice cream. You should power read through the cyoa.
For luna
For Celestia
Does it still count as a hivemind if they say different things?
Kind of.
I am finding myself having a problem. I have fallen behind in two quests and cannot bring myself to catch back up.
Who should we request that is both not Whispen and distinctive enough to make it worthwhile?
No fuck whispenposting.
That's pretty neat. Does he only do ponies?
He does all sorts of cool shit. 40k, various anime, pokemon, yugioh, tolkin, animals, handful of things that are not even pop culture refrences such as the veild virgin and a manora, inklings, even some sonic.
I gave up on typing this up about when I got to the inklings. point is he does a lot of cool shit.
He ain't gonna do it.
Just starting now faggot, probably should have started writing a few hours ago though. Any last minute input from anybody looking to crash this vore with no survivors?

Now you remember. Sort of.
You were getting pissed drunk last night with your little buddy. Your fellow vagrant. Your tag team pal in the hobo fights.
What a swell pony.
But now that you think about it, you can vaguely recall something about snorting pixeysticks. Must be a pony thing.

After twenty minutes of uninterrupted flight your eyes begin to make out the shape of your home.
A decrepit old building of rusting metal and broken windows with graffiti dotting the building.
It ain't pretty, but it's better then sleeping outside.

You land in front of the door to the building.
You're home now. Shall you head in side and get a fire cooking, or will you look around first?
Look around I guess.
You are met with a sudden realization. You forgot to close the store. Rushing out to the door you flip the open sign to closed and douse all the lights.
Heading back in you start to talk yourself up. "come on Cut you have eaten penis and testicles before, sure it has never been sexual in the past but it is not that great a leap is it? Just prepare and cook them like you would a bulls genitals"
1/Fucked if I know how long this abomination is going to be.
I have a last minute suggestion. Cook them up alongside another cock and balls to make it less weird.
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What is /cyoag/? A miserable little echochamber of hate.
*another animals.
And Paranoia. Don't forget paranoia.
Removing the parts you intend to eat you hang them up on a hook to drain the blood. This being your special talent it does not take long at all.

getting the pot for boiling the testicles out on the other hand does. Your hooves are shaking so much you drop the pot 5 times before you get it on the stove.
Suddenly you have an idea. You can put some sheep and cow genitals in at the same time to make yourself more comfortable. That kind of makes it bestiality alongside how gay this situation already is but it is a meal you are familiar with and you are willing to put up with that thought if it makes this easier.
2/ I am doing this a bit at a time.
You better not pussy out Anon. I never thought I would be this invested in Hard fucking vore.
Does "hate" include "self-loathing"? Because that's definitely a part of it.
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>last thread
>hard pony sex
>shit quest
>pinkie stop
>fuck anonymous
>wanted something good
>also cyoa
sums up /cyoa/ pretty well lately.
I feel like Pluto is getting better at not making downtime drag on while still offering a similar level of control over it.
Hold your horses. I am working on it. I just needed to go do some stuff.
That brings me back. How dare you remind me of better times, I hate you.
Should appreciating the finer aspects of someone from the same sex paints you as a homogay individual?

Quest resumed.
Character fucking, though.
Forgot to add the name but whatever.
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Your favorite QM is now standing before you as a pony. What will you do or say to them?
"Bend over"
"Now neither of us will be virgins anymore."
"You left too soon, Nigga."
Your quest is shit.
Get out of my safe space.
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No question horse, but I will still answer this because I like the question. I would say "I brought you socks. Please run again."
10/10 would fuck again.
That head/face looks fucking awful. The artist seems rather proficient, but that style is horrible.
I disagree.
It looks like somebody implanted a huge potato into a Fraggle.
Snrk s-shut up potato Fraggles are cute!
Is it weird if I pet you?
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Hola amigos. Don't you think that bad qm Lis deserves billys, I know I think that.
>mare muzzle

I'm a dead qm Anon. Please stop bringing me up. It just makes everyone sad or uncomfortable.
NotLis is a trap?
Yet you felt the need to reply.
>It just makes everyone sad or uncomfortable.
Speak for yourself.
Jewish Internet Defense Six?
Not that anon, but I liked seeing that, and that was my favorite qm too. Why do you think it makes everyone sad or uncomfortable? Keep in mind we've had a lot of trolls in here lately. When did you become a dead QM, was that mini your last?

I ocassionally make silly Lispone things and references myself, but it's always been out of appreciation. I'll stop if you want though.

I just don't see myself ever returning in a happy way. It's been made clear to me that what most people, (not all, but certainly the loud ones,) want from me is more Curse, and it's the one thing I can't really provide.

I enjoy seeing the little Lispone memes, but I feel like other people probably are less enthused by now. If you like posting them then continue on doing so I guess.
Does that mean I have carte blache to run Curse hmmmmmmmm?
>I can never run a quest anymore because some people want me to run something else
Can you run a quest? Any quest?
Yeah, I'm with this anon. That's silly.
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How do we revive you? How many virgin sacrifices will it take?
Are we really going to have this bullshit whenever somebody says something good about a qm.
Ok, I just want to let you know that as much as I loved curse, it's not something I want from you anymore. I'd be happy with miniquest or just art, whatever makes you happy.
yes but we both know you won't
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Anon all QMs have different summoning rights not all of them take virgin sacrifices. Like with Lurker you need a copy of Sum of all Fears and candles if I remember correctly, and as for myself you need to open a cheap bottle of scotch and recite my true name backwards.

Also >>30164962
Lis, dude, do what you want man. This isn't a job, nobody is gonna die if you do what you want instead of what they want, and if people are not going to spiral into depression from seeing your horse and saying silly little quips about them.
WHY aRe there so Few qms LeFT acTIve , HeaLTHy, anD wITHouT peRsonaLITY DIsoRDeRs ?
>qms LeFT acTIve , HeaLTHy, anD wITHouT peRsonaLITY DIsoRDeRs ?

Where do you think you are?

You just notice it because the QMs are trying to do something structured instead of random posting
Yea, what bath said. There has always been a lot of support for you in general between one or two anons shitposting. One of them was deffinately /that guy/ by the way.

Also, telling you you smell is my way of saying I love you and appreciate what you've done for CYOA, but it's ok if you don't want to run again, I just want to have silly fun in this thread like we used to.
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What does this mean scientist? Will Whispen's point hole eventually collapse in on it's self and consume us all! How much time is left!
Joke's on you, now I have to do it just to prove you wrong.
Euro Beat Quest when
What is the most recent major event in a cyoa you play and what did you think of it?
can I purple this?
After Interstate 76' Quest/when you make it/ a year or two ago on /o/ back when Dew Trail was still being run.
Interstate 76' quest when?
20 years until ponutgeddon
In Nebula it turns out our diamond dog is a changling

I think it was retarded and fully intend to ignore it as much as possible.
I can't wait that long, someone give her some growth hormones.

I don't think anyone would stop you.
Why do you think it was retarded anon?
It overcomplicates things and now we have to constantly consider how could a ling help with this situation.
Also A diamond dog is a hell of a lot more interesting then a ling.
That does sound pretty terrible. I wonder if it was intended from the start.
> we have to constantly consider how could a ling help with this situation.
>we have a useful tool at our disposal and have to think how to use it

I guess I know where you are from.
>I guess I know where you are from
I don't care if you mean australia, derpi or something else you can fuck right off.
We got our powers in Big Mare Hero. Aside from the godawfull cutie mark things turned out great.

The cutie mark isn't awful. The rainbow gradient is a bit awful though, would have been nicer if it had just been coloured rays or swirls.
Some mares are bigger than others and that's ok.
The three feathers should have had the 3 elements.
Or if that would not look good colors representing those elements.
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Big Mare Hero continues with the usual business day:
>Or if that would not look good colors representing those elements.
>I guess I know where you are from.
Go away.
After Ascent, black horizon and a possible ending to Altare.
It was never intended from the beginning. I had the idea a few days ago.
This horse looks like it its having an allergic reaction.
Hipsanon tell Annun to stop being a fagmo, we need him to color a thing.
Go for broke dude, I give no amounts of fuck what people do with any of my stuff. You can recolor it and roleplay as Celestia's long lost, alternate universe, she's her own grandma OC for all I care.
>I guess I know where you are from.
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A new CYOA tomorrow.
Oh, right. Sweet, thanks, my whims are fleeting though and I just got back from Costco which means I'm too depressed to hold a stylus right now.

I will take that role play advice though.
As Long as we are talking about Nebula I found it odd that we sort of skipped over the first kidnapping attempt on the lithanian planet. Especialy given the usual level of precision control Pluto favors.

The purple menace is actually Celestia's grandmother? Can someone from sekrit confirm if this is Lis pone's secret backstory?
No, I'm Celestias grandma, none of this is true.
She's been using big mare hormones, they affect the snootle most rapidly.
Wow that's terrible music.
It's okay.
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It's from Planes.
This video led me to discover there was a cars 2 and it was a spy film
Why did nobody tell me. That sounds fucking awesome.
Cause it was super mediocre, even moreso than Cars 1
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>Excited for Cars 2
I'm sorry Anon. You may have autism.
That said as much as I hate that revelation this new one about dealing with a civil war sounds really fun.
It was Pixar's first true flop, so if they really didn't know about it then they might not have to be autistic to be excited for it
Cars 3 should be nice.
I'm sorry Anon. You may have autism.
I can't believe somebody would say that on a board dedicated to a girly cartoon about colorful horses.
I didn't say I don't.
193 posts and only 5 people that need to kill themselves.
That's gotta be an academy record.
You missed one
If I had intended to include post 194 I would have said 194 posts faggot.
He got you there Anon.
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Talking about shitposting is shitposting and creates more shitposting?!

Who could have known....
>>30162236 (You)
199 posts and only 11 people that need to kill themselves.
>implying only people who reply to ifag posting but not ifag need to kill themselves

They all deserved death.
iFag barely posts anymore retard.
But he did say he approved of discussions about himself.
We know retard, you're 10 times worse, also you're ifag now.
Then to whom were all these posts directed to, huh?
Time to pull out.

Horses are different. I don't come here for the hugs or boops or gay ass rainbows and friendship. I come here for lewd clop stories and shit. Anyone who still seriously watches the show or comes to 4chan for nothing more than horses being cutesy is a retard.
>approved of discussions about himself
>putting it in in the first place
Assorted people who need to kill themselves. Nobody ever said any of them were iFag.
This is iFag though.
>Anyone who still seriously watches the show
No, Anon, you don't see. You're the cancer.
I never meant that. I think talk about me at this point is pathetic. I simply think it should be allowed to happen or we are no better then reddit.

I want to believe that was bait, but that idiot is probably serious.
I don't mind a bit of cute but cute horses doing cute things fags are cancer.
Good try, but there is not enough mistakes, so you are clearly not iFag.
Things were going so well for a while, I wanted to believe. Seriously though, I'm out again.
Alright. See you tomorrow.
Hey, fuck you.
See ya then, I had one more important thing to post.
>Anyone who still seriously watches the show
>Fan of the fandom
>Anything but cancer.
are you retarded he learnt to grammer
As it was intended, iFag is not a person, but a title.
By learning how to write, think and not seeking attention by constanly mentioning himself whenever he is brought up he will lose it.
>iFag is not a person, but a title.
People kept saying that but it never ended up true. Only time it is true is with jeff.
He gave a reasonable reason for responding to questions about himself.
>iFag is not a person, but a title.
I know I am risking that one picture but.
And your point is?
I dunno what his point was but I am fascinated by the revelation that he does have a lot of empathy after all. It is simply misdirected.
>iFag is not a person, but a title.
Oh wow. Still pushing this shitty justification for your bitching.
You are so very stupid anon. Please leave.
He is right. I believed that for so long but then never saw it used in that way
So why exactly are people turning in favor of iFag now?
It's because he only now has learned how not to be spotted.
Partially because we want this to end, partially because no one is here anymore.
Are you telling me we now have 3 Luna-Celestia civil war cyoa?
What are they?
Darkest Hour
Custos Luna
And now apparently Nebula. I don't know anything about Nebula though so I may be mistaken.
I don't know anything about Nebula either. Someone give a review or plot summary.
Please, I forgot to say please. Thank you.
I just wanted to let you know that I'm drifting away from cyoa for many reasons, which include social interaction and getting a gf.
I apologize for letting you down.
Gimme a bit and I will write up a summery.
The main points are it is a quest about exploring space for 2 years as equestrias first space explorers.
Nah. Nebulas war is oc aliens on another plannet.
How in depth do you want the summery to be? Light, medium or heavy?
It's up to you, whatever you think most posters would want to read. Probably not heavy.
Go get 'em tiger.
Roll to have a good day.

1 - 5 is a good day
6 - 0 is a succ day
You are making a terribad mistake that's going to cost you (literally) down the road.
The dice are lying to you anon.
Are there any games right now where the mc is fugging someone?
Like mid coitus? I don't think so. Maybe lewd text adventure. I need to catch up on that.
Silver is fugging Luna
Ok, bye. See you tomorrow.
Holy shit really. Almost makes me want to pick it back up.
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I'm going to indulge this, but I will include a random CYOA pic to make myself feel better about doing so.
I'm going to indulge this, and I'm not going to include a random CYOA pic because I don't care about how my actions effect other people anymore.
No not really

Rolling for my day.
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I'm going to include a random CYOA pic for you, because you aren't a bad person, and I know deep down you still care.
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I'm not so sure about you, here's one anyways.
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Thanks, Doxelite, that's very kind of you, but since your CYOA pic is for my post, your post is CYOA picless.
Here's one for you. We can share this one.
Awwww thanks, Anon. I am sure you are a good person and I would love to bring you sexual pleasure without forcing you to do anything you don't want to do
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Thank you, that makes my day. We can share this one too, even though it is of a lesser quality, I hope you will still appreciate it.
Not Darkest Hour that's for sure. Suck it edgefags.
It makes me sad to hear some of the secondary edgefags are not suffering the same fate though.
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I do appreciate it, but that ponk looks like she needs a bath.
Little edgier then most but largly a meme.
Everything about Darkest Hour is exagerated in both directions.
People call the art better then it is so people say it is worse then it is in retaliation.
People say it is edgier then it is so people say it is not as edgy in retaliation.
>taking both sides at once so you cannot be seen as biased.
Clever but it relies on /cyoa/ having more maturity then it does.
He first presented the critics as the ones retaliating with the art then he presemted the fans as the ones retaliating with the edge.
Gonna be running my first quest soon. How much detail should I put into the lore and setting? I feel like it has to be vague enough to work with on the fly, but fleshed out enough to answer any question.
Sounds about right. Whats it about?
Depends on the idea.
Would anyone be interested in a Total Recall-inspired CYOA?
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Made them transparent somehow, didn't mean to do that.

>People call the art better then it is so people say it is worse then it is in retaliation.
Would you say it really is to bad to post?
Absolutly not. Anybody who thinks the flaws are bad enough to not use it is either a retard or still buthurt that one guy liked it after several months.
Agreed. I feel really bad for his players. They don't deserve the shit hand /cyoa/ dealt them.
how do you fuck that up?
Have we somehow acquired NC Mares as CYOA fan in the midst of all this? That's the best art related thing to happen to us in a long time.

Thanks! Bard mare a cute. Does anyone have the Harmony that Lis drew? It's missing from the fanart section.
I used the same option to export as I normally do, so i'm not sure how I fucked that up. I had to slap white into the background to get it to show up how I wanted it to show up and I normally don't have to do that.

I hate to burst your bubble anon, but this was commissioned.
Yes, anything Philip K. Dick related would make me moist.

He also drew a pone from the Big Mare Hero cyoa recently.
That one wasn't commissioned though, he just likes Big Mare Hero
Well be that as it may, and no offense to the runner of DNH, I think NC's interest in DNH only ran deep enough to get payed for doing it. I think the reason that BMH got fanart from them is because they seem to enjoy macro stuff.

That's not to say they couldn't be interested in DNH and just haven't posted fanart for it, though.
No, that's still good, I just thought the transparency issue was a sign of the original artist posting it. If you have both I actually prefer transparencies, totally not because it makes them easier to defile with shitty editing though.
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really nigga.png
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>they seem to enjoy macro stuff.
>seem to
Help, I need support, I'm being tempted to engage again.
If someones been with you long enough to want to engage, then either you love them enough to do it or you don't.
Just ask yourself if its really what you want.
Your waifu is dumb and smelly.
ahhhh thank you
You're also dumb and smelly.
Y-you too.
And it's not a "good" smelly either. It's one of those unpleasant smells that isn't quite bad enough to make you vomit, but enough to make you hard to be around for extended periods of time.
yes, yes I will marry you.
That's great. I'll be by to touch your butt with or without your permission after work, unless I forget about you, in which case I won't bother.
If I do remember, leave a window unlocked, or else I'll break all of them, as well as whatever other glass items I find in your home when I get in.
This. Holy shit it is not that fucking bad guys.
Hey anonymous CYOA people, is there a book, or series of books that you think would make a great inspiration for a CYOA? Is there one that already inspired you?
The Hyperion Cantos
Books are dumb and so are you.
Also Watership Down.
CG wanted a version where there is silver hair. There is also a version in the link where there is silver in his hair from the hairdye falling on his head.


Transparent version in imgur link.
The spooky quest I'll never actually make is inspired a lot by this whole genre in general.

Is it the spooky depression quest?
Why did you delete your post and then repost the exact same post?
look at the horn
Dead post had a multiply layer on the horn where I didn't mean to put it on the horn. It's dark where I didn't mean for it be, in other words.

Newling or oldling?
Also yeah. Depending on how lings are seen in that setting that is a dangerous twist that could derail the entire cyoa.
Yes, I'm way behind schedule and still haven't learned how to draw.
I have noticed the only use of newlings in cyoa so far is food. Was it like that with twilicorn?
Which is weird because to me the nulings have the potential to be much more visually interesting. I keep planning to draw something for Give or Take but I put it off because the classic changeling design bores me.
Inept did not even know about newlings when she made give and take.
People told her about them, but she claimed she wasn't watching the show at the time.
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Don't know, but I for one have really warmed up to newlings. I liked them in the season opener and feel like there's a lot of potential CYOA hijinks to be had with them.

You should draw Bowie Bug Buddy as a confused newling.
I did not much like the way it was handled but it seems like they are going to fix it in an upcoming episode.
What is the biggest copout you have ever seen in cyoa?
For me it has to be the anthro wasps in Colt Quest.
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Partialy that and partialy people mad not everybody places the same values on aspects of art as them. But yes you are mostly correct.
Was not so much the anthro that bothered me as the sapience.
You know that did not turn out as terribly as I expected. I still don't think we should have done it though.
Actually, it's that they didn't exist yet during the GaT planning stages. So there really isn't a good place for them right now.
Like with Twalotcorn, I'll probably cave and use them eventually in something. But there's nothing planned in GaT for them just because I never considered that they'd be a thing in the near future.
I thought you said you had no idea what the guy talking about gems and shit in chargen was talking about.
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Whoever said Res doesn't have a poner is a dirty lier and I hope their pants are on fire.

Or maybe this is a different poner by the same name, I don't know.
I want Tuypo and Warlock to get qm poners so we can make funny comics.
Nobody said Res didn't have a poner.
Lets make him an oc.
Ok iFag.
Favorite color and what is your prefered hairstyle.
Pink and rainbow afro
Bald with a medium length fu manchu mustache that goes down to just above the bottom of my chin.

holy shit Is this really happening
One of you is impersonating iFag and I want to know who.
Yeah, but the newling episode had only just aired at the time. So even though I was slacking on the new episodes and didn't know those hideous things existed until shortly after the game started, there's still no way I could have known about them while planning GaT since I'd been doing that for a few months prior to the S6 finale.
Clearly it is this >>30167956 anon. green is a terrible color.
Fair enough. I must have misread the later conversation to mean it was the first you heard of them.
Yuh huh, some derpi did, in the last thread.
Is me

I would verify my identity in sekrit but you know.
I don't see any post saying Res didn't have a poner.
This is a very, very, very bad idea.
Specificly a darker green.
I don't care enough to bother pointing it out to you.
You can't point it out to me because it doesn't exist.
Fuck it we will come back to this part.
What should his special talent be. Unlike the inital apperance stuff this discussion will be open to the public.
Really anon. Why is this important?
Sending people insane.
Because ur dumb.
Sucking his own dick.
I approve of this idea.
I am iFag and I also approve of this idea.
Alright. How do we represent sending other people insane as a cutie mark?
I was wrong, you were right.

You still have a discord account and other servers, don't you? Go post in the colt quest server or something.
Nice dubs.
With multiple dicks in a line, wrapping around to form a swirl.
That does not work at all. I think you are just mad nobody liked you idea.
I managed to get in contact with him. He was the bald green fu manchu guy.
And when I got in contact with him, he said he was the afro one.
Fuck it I give up. Is that what he actually looks like?
White confusion swirls.

I also managed to get in contact with him, and he actually wanted a blue horse.
I'm not mad, I'm sad. And it does too work.
Have you ever looked into a swirling vortex of dicks and left with all your sanity?
Looking into the endless dick abyss would drive even the most stable of men to madness. The dick beasts that lurk in such a plane are beyond our comprehension.
You're just jealous cuz you can't come up with anything better.
Nah. It is what I would go with if I did not have responsibilities getting in the way of that.
He told me he wanted turquoise with a Mohawk
I remember a conversation on /co/ in the lead up to the release of the doctor strange film about the possibility of a phallus dimension.
I'm not sure where we are in this process, but now that I've given in, is it to late to request his cutie mark be a cone of ignorance?
ahctualy my OC should has rainbow coat and pink afro i think it will be cool
I like it. I have seen it said white is the best color to represent insanity because there are so many ways to go insane. The man has sent people insane in many different ways.

That would just be a Cthulu or shoggoth cutie mark, wouldn't it?
Ok. Dark green coat. No mane. Black tail with black fu manchu mustache that goes just above the bottom of the head. White confusion swirls for a cutie mark

Now we just need some madman to draw it.
Pretty please paperpone anon. I want to see this madness realised. We can call it tuypone.
But I have fallen behind on Colt quest. What if I get spoilt. Fine I will go post in the other cyoa section.
Tell the pedos to kill themselves for me while you're there please.
To late. I had already posted and left the server by then.
Ah, thanks anyways.
Holy shit he did it. The absolute madman.
He said afro one, guys.
Is anyone else feeling like they've just hit rock bottom right now? I think it's time I go to rehab.
Every waking moment is pain, and I regret not being a miscarriage every time I wake up.
Do I have to take a fucking pucture of the text. I don't even care that much about this shit.
Azathoth if you go with the later mythos, Nyarlathotep if you stick with Lovecraft's works.

They're never really consistent in his writings, but those are your go to blind idiot God's of madness.
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There were a lot of posts, and I wasn't sure who was who, so I just tried to merge as many as I could.
This is a quick job, because I am very busy doing very important things.
Nobody said pinapple. Where the fuck did that come from?
Does it make sense? Does it make you mad?
BMH is the only quest nc reads, unfortunately. He isn't usually a big fan of the format but it caught his eye after it was talked about in big horse
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The dick swirl seemed like the more popular one, but that was hard to draw, so I just did a pineapple because they're cool.
Needs eyes derped to both sides, like the newling
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Looks more like the confusion swirl to me but I suspect that is the joke

Also uploaded the first on to derpi. did you know they have blame canada writen above the earlysode tag shortcuts.
That is the confusion swirl, it's not a joke. You wouldn't be able to discern the dicks at that resolution, and it'd just end up looking like the swirl anyway.
Nah the joke is the confusion swirl was more popular.
>1 upvote 2 downvotes
What the fuck is wrong with derpiborru.
They know what they're talking about, I'm a discerning connoisseur of microdicks and can confirm this.
For someone who claims to not want to stand out, you sure seem to have turned out to be that one guy who insists on using question marks (or the lack thereof) in a very distinctive, noticeable, and uncommon way.
Running, might be a tad slower today.

Is it pathetic? That running a quest makes me the happiest I've been in months?
It was clearly a rhetorical question. Shut the fuck up about question marks you fucking autist.

>the upvote and favorite was Tuypo
Nobody fucking cares. Fuck off.
I used to play smelly questâ„¢
Is there anything like that out there, that wouldn't take me too long to catch up to? Ie; Adventure themed
Does not make the other derpifags any less retarded for downvoting an obvious joke. Alos the upvote came before the favorite. I don't think he upvoted it for some reason.

I typed up a reply about how favorites come with automatic upvotes, and was going to chide you about calling people retards for downvoting things they don't like or have context for, when that is the entire reason the upvote/downvote system is there. Then I realized I was the retard for replying or caring. I've started it again, there really is no hope and I need to leave this place. God help us all.
No, yeah, I get that. I know it is a rhetorical question and I know it is technically correct to not need a question mark. I was just pointing out that it makes him significantly less anonymous because it is such an uncommon thing to leave it out, correct or not.
No, but that is subjective. I think you're fine for now.
I don't like thing.
What a coincidence, neither do I.
I'm so sorry anon, I'd say I'm here for you, but even I don't know anymore, I'm no longer of sound mind. This is a horrible place forsaken by God and decency, yet I keep returning, driven by some idiot compulsion beyond my control. I fear I may no longer be the anon you once knew, I fear my very soul has been corrupted, and that I am no longer even known to myself.

Once I would say that I will pray for you, but God is no longer listening, he is dead and my supplications only echo across the void, returning back to me as a quite mocking whisper.
This is hell, and you're here forever. No god that cares is listening.
It's best to just get used to the suffering, and learn to enjoy it.
>get questers trying to insert their shit into other quests.
If dubs this anon is gay.
yur both gay
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What have I done to deserve such torment Choosie!?

It was this, wasn't it?
Being born was your first mistake.
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Satan is on the ball tonight!
Dammit iFag you faggot tell me what happened when you were 15. What turned you ino the broken shell of a man you are today.
He got raped by a clown.
Well since we are on the subject, my guess is beaten up real bad or in a car accident and left with brain damage of some kind. That or raped, but usually rape victims don't refer to it as "what happened to me that day" in fact, that sounds a little too melodramatic. I have no idea how much of the posting has been real and how much has been trolling.
Someone billied him and broke his toy train, and the trauma from the event caused him to develop multiple personality disorder as a way to cope with the horror. Most of the Australian posters and his supporters, like iMum, are just alternate personalities with fake backstories that he fabricated to protect himself. He doesn't even realize he has the disorder and genuinely thinks the other posters are someone else.
These two pics are oddly similar. Oh my God hijjjij a tracrer! no, not really, it's a neat coincidence though, I wonder if they used the same reference
I don't really want to spoil the plot too much, but it's an RPG-like quest that should be an odd mix of action and horror. I think I'll have the thread name the MC, and their goal is to gather a party of characters to get back home.
Dude. You know we're all the same person, it's time to admit it to ourselves.
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No we aren't. It's you who has the personality disorder. I can prove it too, just look at this pic. There's only the one (You). If we were the same person, they all would have (You)s next to them, silly.
Oh thank God, I was getting worried there for a minute.
Why did we post this? Is this happening somewhere?
I doubt he was raped. He does not seem the type to let that get to him permanantly. He does apparently comment on pictures of rape saying they might not be rape though so there may be something to that.
Nah I wasn't raped. Well I was almost but I got over it pretty quickly and that was at 17. Lets just say it has left me stuck spinning my wheels for 5 years after 7 years of buildup.
Uhh, you know rape is a traumatic event right? There's no personality type that makes you immune to serious trauma.
Some people just get over it dude. Most people do to some extent really. Although full recovery is admitidly rare.
I dunno. iFag is a disgustingly positive person.
I guess, to be honest I'm the personality type most prone to ptsd, so maybe it's just foreign to me.
That doesn't necessarily have anything to do with things. I'm also disgustingly positive when considering and communicating with others, but I'm textbook depressive when alone.

The positivity could always be a coping mechanism too. A heathy one at least, as long as it's grounded in reality anyways.

Sorry, I don't normally let myself get so incredibly off topic, but this is all something I'm very familiar with and we've already gone there and back again.

I'll stop now.
I think iFag shitposts to dull the pain.
Don't we all?

I think he has cognitive processing issues too though, to the point where I feel bad talking about him like this and hope he realizes it's not meant to be malicious.

Whoever that anon is who links back to old arguments sure as hell does anyways.
It did turn out most of his stupid suggestions were caused by sleep deprivation. As soon as he dropped Darkest Hour the stupid suggestions stopped. Were he an American the general would likely not have died.
I know it is unlikely but I honestly really like the idea of Cuddle Bugs special talent being sex therapy. Even if it meant she had to wait a few more years to get her mark.
You mean like helping people come to terms with being homogays and having weird fetishes?
Mostly yeah.
I don't play it though so my opinion counts for diddly squat.
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Melody OP is a fag.png
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Drew something for the anon a couple threads back asking what happened to Potion Quest.
Dam right you are.
kek. Might come back some time in June, but no promises.
That's cute mang
Same on both counts. I would probably pick up the quest if that happened. Considering his players sperged out over fucking fetish pondering though I doubt Mora would do that.
Twilight is the best princess
What would we do without her always being right?
(continue by adding 1 or 2 words)

>Hey /cyoa/,
>Michael here.
Ponies are
peculiar creatures, they are
super gay.
>1 or 2 words
>adds 4

Sometimes they
touch ponuts
With little
reluctance to
totally wreck
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Angel Wangs did nuthing wrong
upward inflections?
>Peyronie's disease
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better angel wings.png
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What have you done /cyoag/?
I cast a spell that would make everyone move on from bitching about Psker.
made a CYOA
ur mum lmao
I didn't do half the things I said I would.
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A little late, but moon!
Is that really a thing we used to do? He seems harmless enough.
He was a whiny cunt from offsite. He also namefagged for no reason. More than enough to get some shit thrown.

You decide to familiarize yourself again with the surrounding area. You don't see anything out of the ordinary.

Trash litter the weed infested sidewalks, bat ponies peddling drugs, and that one guy that preaches on the corner. Yep. Nothing new.

Returning from. Your walk around the block, you enter the decrepit warehouse. The interior is one big room. Large shipping containers are stacked in the far end of the room. Far above you is a catwalk leading to an office where you keep some of your stuff and the entrance to the roof of the facility, with a staircase leading up to your left.

From one of the opened shipping containers you can your bum buddy Double Digits as she waives at you.

>"Hey there [insert character name here]. What's up?"

woops. forgot to include name.
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Big Mare Hero continues, like the age of wireless tech:
At home with Double Didgets we spend some of our time known as fucktoy

I got nothing for a real name. What species is Double?
Oh I did not know he was a namefag back then. Yeah that explains it.

Le ebin derpitard maymay though
If someone goes to a new place and acts like they're somewhere else, it's pretty obnoxious.
Don't know why so many kiddies around here think calling something a meme discounts it.
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bat pony.png
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Which /cyoa/-bat would win in a battle royale against all the other /cyoa/-bats?
And would you fug the winner?
Dirty Work is up for it's hopefully final thread!

You got me.
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Is there even a contest?
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Any other answer is wrong
He won't give you a choice
Nice meme
By calling something a meme, and continuing to do so, usually while pretending to be other people, or among people with a similar mindset, i.e. those that share in either the dislike of something or have a similar disagreement, people, the people will attempt to form a mob mentality, wherein anytime the opposing viewpoint is brought up, everyone is so used to seeing it called a meme, that it will be immediately discounted as such and summarily ignored and responded to with "nice meme" or some derivative therein
Cool story, bro.
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Cool starry bra.
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cool story bro.jpg
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Twilight cool story bro.gif
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Not any of these anons here

but that's a cool story, senpai.
thanks for the (You)s it was a pleasant surprise for after my shower
Is that a CYOA bat?
Describe a CYOA (or more) you play with a single sentence.
Either a character of GC's quest which I didn't play or just a sketch of her's
Robot waifus.
it's not
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1MB, 5546x7996px
Then describe one you don't play in one sentence.
I don't play it.

Some guy goes back in time because reasons
So you play Big Mare Hero and you don't play... A Historical Perspective? Or is it RePony?
Well hype is right out. Silver Smith and Wild Gust might have a chance. Bitch killed a manticore with a piece of metal pole.
Mellow Flicker and Midnight from Space and Space Hunter are cybernetically augmented and have guns so they'd be in the running.
Semantic Error: "I would fuck aaaall of these robots."

Longname: "Your sister is a bitch and so are you." Still enjoy it tho.

Big Mare Hero: Playerbase can't agree on shit.

Circ-ass-ass: Seaweed is a fun character.
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Pinkie 02.png
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Hey /cyoa/, what's the best way to open peanuts?
Confessing your love to them, and taking them on candlelight dinner dates and walks on the beach, until their comfortable enough with you to shed their shell and show their true self.
Then you can eat them out.
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pinkie happy s6e03.png
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Hey /cyoa/, creamy or crunchy peanut butter?
Creamy, like what's left of my will to live.
With a low and sultry "why hello there"
You know it's creamy.
With my penis
Hey /cyoa/! Did you know that peanuts aren't nuts?
yes, I did actually
No but I know someone who's gone nuts alright
They're legumes!
Yes I did
Are you alright, Ponk?
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Pinkie drink.png
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I hope that vore quest faggot comes through.
He said he "hopes that vore quest faggot comes through."
ur mum lel
He said "He said he "hopes that vore quest faggot comes through.""
Do you need help?
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Pinkie drunk.png
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Yes, make sure I never get sober.
That doesn't sound very healthy.
Do you have a link to the quest?
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Go from here you no attention paying faggot.
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Go to bed penk
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Hey /cyoa/, did you know that peanuts aren't nuts?
You already said that you retarded pink horse.
Hey Ponka, did you know that bananas grow upside down?
You seem to be nailing Pinkie Pie's annoying personality, you should make a quest featuring her.
Thank you anon
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penk can see forever.png
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We should probably use this Cainart as the next threads op.
Man, Cain has really improved his dynamic positioning.
How can people complain about Cainart when Craftart exists?
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Whats that anon.gif
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Hey Ponk, if you were to throw a party for any CYOA, which would it be and what would you do to make the party unique and special?
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pinkie cocaine.png
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Because one guy got mad that a fan of it used the word best instead of favorite and because that one guy was iFag everybody went along with it.
new thread
He never even said he was the best. He said one of our best
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Craftart is good though
pick one
Better than Cainart
A+ meme, Anon.
I like Craftart when he does something besides the standard side shot. He doesn't have that apt for positioning that our good artists do, but when he dose a non-standard pose they're usually pretty well done. Like that Incognita.
Thread posts: 556
Thread images: 72

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