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Thread replies: 163
Thread images: 55

File: Stop Being Such A Whiny Bitch.png (184KB, 610x343px) Image search: [Google]
Stop Being Such A Whiny Bitch.png
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Right now, there are spergies cruising this board whose filter list is longer than their tax return, because they get triggered by everything and need 4chan/mlp/ to be their safe space.
That's funny because /mlp/ was created because the rest of 4chan ridiculed you bronies to death and you couldn't handle it
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baitpone really loves your bait.png
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Let people not enjoy things.
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Kek, we loved the attention, it was everypony ELSE who made us come here.
You have that situation entirely bassackwards, but thanks for contribootin'
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>stop not liking what i like!
It's okay
To not like things
It's okay
But don't be a dick about it
It's okay
To not like things

Don't be a dick about the things you don't like
There was a time when filtering anything on /mlp/ was considered wrong, and anyone who did it was rightfully called out as a faggot. Seeing everything on the board, no matter the subject, was encouraged. That's how we used to get so much cross-thread and boardwide activity here.

But now, filtering is what's encouraged these days. Fucking great.

You better believe filtering and creating safe spaces is a part of why the board is so slow these days. Not the only part, mind you, but a big one.
Kek, it's not us who literally explode in shit and fire the moment they see a picture of a pony outside /mlp/.
I wonder how many people have shift-clicked this thread already...
Maybe it's dead because your fandom is dead
Why leave your catalog cluttered with threads you're not interested in and will never open?
Just poor brony behavior in the face of being rejected by the rest of the site
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Go play in traffic.
Oh no, how will we survive now with a one of the fastests boards and season 7 on the way. But at least /b/ rejects us.
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Everyone rejected you

That's why you're into mlp

Also.your board is dead as shit lmao
Filtering the shitposts and generals is the only way to find anything interesting.
>stop liking what i dont like!
Isn't people with filters better, than people bumping shitty threads or people posting negative replies in threads they just don't like.
Filters are useful, I filter shitty CYOA threads & generals I never browse nor will, what's so wrong about it?
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Haha it's funny because /mlp/ was created because the rest of 4chan couldn't handle being ridiculed by pony posters.
>you bronies
so much
They couldn't handle us, and moot didn't want to lose a good fraction of his ad revenue.
What's wrong OP? Did your last Glimmer shitpost not get enough replies?
But you are bronies

You had to rebrand yourself because the net figured out you're all fat autists and losers
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How mad were you in this picture, Lee?

Knowing there was a pony behind you must've really pissed you off.
You can tell by your expression.
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Dyed Hair.png
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I agree, how can everypony love and tolerate the other bronies on the board if they just ignore everything they find upsetting.
>he's genuinely upset by barneyfag

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>sucking barneyfag dick
I agree. Filters are stupid. it's not even like you're browsing /b/ and don't want to accidentally see a decapitation or something, which I still wouldn't respect. What's worth putting so much effort to avoid on /mlp/?
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You shut your mouth.

Fuck off let me be miserable.
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Meh. It's not hard to filter things and makes for more enjoyable browsing when you get rid of a lot of shitposts.
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shitty general circlejerks which I will never open anyways
That's funny because that's not at all what actually happened.
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>don't filter the 100 shitpost threads I make a day
fuck you
Two fucking clicks is less effort than scrolling past another general thread I have no interest in every time it's on page 1. Same with hiding threads, it's just one click.
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>What's worth putting so much effort to avoid on /mlp/?
EqG threads and the vast majority of fetish generals because I'm not interested in them.
160+ glimmer and nyx shitpost-related image MD5s, plus a bunch of others for footfags and other fetishes.
Shitposts with no pictures, through effective regex filtering because they don't get caught in the above list.
Contentless bumps.

People actually filter what they're not interested in, or what brings nothing of value. Only shitposters push the "filters=trigger-free safespace" meme because if people filter them they lose the attention that keeps them going.
I didn't eben know you could foilter 4 Chan.
In the end, I guess some crybaby using filters is better than some crybaby dropping into a thread to post an angry Pepe with the caption "RRRREEEEEEEEEE!!!!". Shit gets old.
hamburgle harder faggot
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>mfw I've never used filters on any board in all these years
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>(you) farming shitposter doesn't use filters
who knew
Hope you're happy with all those (You)s, turdburglar.
I want to hatefuck Glimmer
I never bothered with filters, I just scroll past threads that don't seem interesting to me
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Safe space is when you demand that other people be forced to not say things; it's not when you merely refuse to listen.
Give me a reason why I should use filters
This, tbqhfam.
These, the only people ree'ing about filtering are the shitposters
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I'm using the clover app so I can't filter anyway.
Shut the fuck up.

Human does NOT belong on this board. In fact it is illegal.

Like almost everyone else, I have ALL human content filtered. Human posters are a cancer to this community, they deserve to be ignored.

All human posters are doing insane damage to this fandom. They have managed to drive away most content creators, and are continuing to spam their off-topic garbage on this board even today.

Human posting must be removed from this community. All human posters must be punished immediately. Human posting must be vanquished.
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>please view my shitty general and CYOA
If this board wasn't the same old constant fucking shit all the time, I wouldn't filter anything
>not using filters
Death to all newfags, EQGfags, and CYOAfags.
Back then there weren't a shit ton of cyoas and generals for far-too-long greens that each take an hour or more of reading to even be at the level of understanding necessary to know all the thread's OCs.
You speak the truth. Just in the past six months, the number of CYOA's has doubled.
Good thing they all have CYOA in their thread name you can filter.
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I'm so happy this triggered everyone.
How about we just ban all greentexters? Giant walls of text have no place on an image board anyhow. They have FiMfic for trash like that.

And let's be honest here: CYOAs are role playing, and should be banned in any event.
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Here have a human
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The fucking truth right here.
Genius, ban everything you don't like. What a novel and just idea.
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lee goldson.png
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We know, Lee, you're so ebic, dude
It's a fucking imageboard.
Having thread upon thread taken up of walls of rancid, green writing is getting annoying.
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No one cares, faggot
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Being factually wrong comes naturally to you, non?
Filterfags aren't the problem. Shitty moderation that makes aggressive filtering necessary is the problem.
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Ree about it some more, dude, green ain't going anywhere
All greentext to /trash/. Make /mlp/ great again.
>ban everything that nobody likes
>nobody likes
That's why there are so many threads?
Then stop going into greentext threads.
Make threads you want to see.
>write shitty self-insert wall of text on pastebin
>post URL in thread
>people who want to read it can go read it
>people who want to ignore it can ignore it
>everybody wins
>stop being such an attention whore
That's called shitposting, son.
Oh sure, all of this is an elaborated, six-year-old ruse.
Filters aren't a problem. If someone doesn't want to see a thread, then giving them the tools to remove that thread from their catalog so that they can more efficiently ignore it is good. The problem comes when faggots who are easily triggered refuse to use filters, and instead go into threads they don't like to complain, or make threads demanding that the mods turn the board into their personal safe space.
That's an awful lot of green for someone who hates greentext threads.
>whines about filters
>is the type of poster you want to ignore

it's not a coincidence, folks. OP remains a faggot at large.
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Stay triggered/mad/butthurt/salty/almond-activated.

>you should eat this turd! I love turds!

People can hate shit if they want, you cunt. The problem people are the ones spamming their 'I hate this!' messages like triggered SJW landwhales.
Your post is little fucking better.
Op is right, thats the sad part.
This board is slow because these delicate little bitches can't just ignore but need to be sheltered from things they don't like.
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The moderators took all of our threads down. Why else did people post pics like this?
Once again, the people ree'ing the loudest about it are the shitposters who want attention
>people filter my posts and i'm really upset about but i'm not a delicate little bitch! you are!
If they are going to 'just ignore' the thread anyway, how is not filtering supposed to speed the board up? That's absolute nonsense. If someone who filtered a thread wasn't going to post in that thread anyway, nothing of value was lost.
Why isn't this a more celebrated event?
This is both parties fault

Is the shitposters, and the anons in this board in general that caused a downfall in quality of this board.

Filtering shitposts is fine, but it stops being fine when you have more than half of the board filtered. If that's the case, you shouldn't be brownsing this board, go to another safe space.

Although is true that the CYOA's have doubled their number, these threads are content creation threads, a long with drawfags/musicians threads.
Only morons want them deleted, then if that happens, will wonder 'Why the board seems slower nowadays?'

The greentext stories threads are sorta annoying, then again, content creation, even if it's cancerous or not.

Filters are okay, the problem are both the Filterfags 'Waaah no good quality content I can't ignore wwaah filtered' and the Shitposter 'lol lets make another "Hello anon!" thread, sure is funny and original xD'

>go to another safe space
What other safe space? This is the only acceptable ponyfag hugbox.
There are other ponyfag hugboxes, Derpibooru, Equestria Daily, Ponychan, Reddit, etc.
It's up to you to lower your standars enough or not.
None of them offer the same content and userbase that I've grown to love of /mlp/.
I don't filter threads because sometimes I like to check out new things. I've seen threads that started out as shitpost S yield some pretty interesting content.

But neither am I hesitant about hiding threads which are obvious crap.
File: are ya saddlesore sugarcube.png (485KB, 2313x3525px) Image search: [Google]
are ya saddlesore sugarcube.png
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Aren't we all.
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Oh no, I posted a human
So scary
I'll bet you must really dread having to look in the mirror.
When was the last time you got beaten the hell up?
Go and kill yourself if it's just that hard for your group of idiots to fuck off with the greentext for one day. Double standard idiot. Not letting anyone enjoy anything else just because your retarded dick gets in the way of everyone.
Hostile much?
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Wait people don't browse all of mlp/4chan with zero filters? Haha
File: twilight frown mote ready.png (77KB, 274x312px) Image search: [Google]
twilight frown mote ready.png
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For a show about friendship, a lot of people on this board are dicks.
File: filtered.gif (421KB, 535x319px) Image search: [Google]
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Thanks for using a name, dickhead
They deny it, but that's exactly how it is.

At least by filtering, they keep their /trash/ from the quality posts.
Why doesn't it say "filters off, filters off, 1 2 3 4"? That would fit the rhythm of the song much better.
File: Screenshot_2017-03-15-15-20-47.png (95KB, 540x960px) Image search: [Google]
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rate my filters, /mlp/
I actually somewhat agree with this statement. Getting mad at everything won't help, but ignoring it won't either. Negotiation and discussion is the best approach to differences of perspective.
You're a human you dumb fuck.
le mrs goodra
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filters march 2017.png
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Get on my level, pleb.
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So, how many threads do you actually see when you look at the catalog? Six? Maybe seven?
Right now I have seventeen shown, but I average thirteen or fourteen.
Learn regular expressions. It improves filtering tenfold.


Just these three do the same job as 10+ of yours.
>he sees less than 10% of threads
Such an upstanding and social citizen.
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These are mine.
I wish there was an easier way to filter out the shitty CYOA or fanfiction threads, I don't want to see a fucking thread full of greentext about MUH OC HOMO DIAPER WEARING DEMI-BAT APPLEJACK SUPER MUTANT.
the only time i used filters was for experiments. less than 10 minutes in total
filters are for pussies
I don't like your attitude son, but you've got a point. Maybe you can agree to get all the CYOA's to put CYOA in the title, but I doubt it.
not everyone enjoys spam threads, filters just make things nice and neat
You wont get any serious replies to this because the shitposters like OP know it's true but don't want to be denied their (you)'s
Here. No more generals, cyoas and greentext for you.
>episode discussion
What the hell were you expecting?
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>"filter things you like instead of complaining about them!!!"
>"lol filterfags get triggered!!! xDdddd"
filterfags are fucking retards
if you don't want to see it you have every right to filter it. it's no different than blocking an ad and the people crying about it are always the obnoxious type of poster you would rather ignore anyway.

people just want to be *big tough guys* on a pastel imageboard. i shit you not. it's really, really sad. also, it's on the my little pony board. they told you they were hardcore.

granted i haven't actually filtered anything myself.
you talk like a fag and youre shits all retarded
filtered ^:)
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what are we doing here.gif
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One of the only fair and level headed posts in this whole goddamn thread.

This thread proves almost everyone here is a selfish asshole that doesn't care about reason or logic, they just want things their way like spoiled brats. It's no wonder why the mods STILL don't give a fuck about this entitled, stuck up it's own ass board.
If it helps you, Anon, this is the nature of 4chan
I understand your despair, but you shouldnt be surprised by this behaviour.
>almost everyone here is a selfish asshole
But not you, amirite bud?
I'm not surprised, anon, just disappointed. I'd hoped by now /mlp/ would have matured, not gotten worse.

You are right, anon, not me. Because I understand that while there are many things on this board that I do not like, or even hate, they have every right within the rules to be here. The board is a big place with plenty of room.

As it's been said before, if you don't like any of the current threads up, everyone is free to make ones that do interest them anytime. So why not stop whining and arguing, and instead create discussion and content you do want?
The important thing is you've found a way to feel superior to people on both sides of the argument.
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/mlp/ used to not be filled with underage shitposts, generals, and 20+ completely dead CYOA's that have 0 effort put into them. A few years ago I made fun of people who filtered stuff because the majority of content was decent, or at least bearable.

If you came here after 2015 YOU are part of the problem. Realize that.
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improved browsing experience.png
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>words offend me
I don't think 4chan is the place for you
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Neither do I
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>In fact it is illegal
Only Donald Trump gets to make random shit up and pass it off as factual.
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>asshurt liberal who has to inject politics into everything likes EqG
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You have to go back
We /mlpol/ now...
Idiot from /r/4chan spotted
We always /mlpol/
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You can stop samefagging again, Lee
So what exactly are /mlp/'s politics? Are you Trumpkins or butt-hurt?
pleb/10 learn into fun
Trump all the way.
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Thread posts: 163
Thread images: 55

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