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/mlp/ I just realized something. And honestly its kind of scaring

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/mlp/ I just realized something. And honestly its kind of scaring me.
I remember after season 5 aired, one of the DHX people said that Starlight's name was originally Aurora Glimmer. But they wound up not using it because of Disney's trademark on the word Aurora. At the time, that seemed like a logical answer with no need for further examination.
Anyways, just so you know where im coming from with this, im a lawfag.
I dont know why, but today i was sitting in my office, bored out of my fucking mind. And randomly, i Started to think about what differences the show would have if they had named her Aurora Glimmer. I dont know why, but i just did.
Then, me being a lawfag, my autist meter went the fuck off. I fucking realized, You cant trademark a word as a name. It has to be specific, to the point that its easily distinguishable, then it would qualify to be trademarked.
So i went into the a US Patent and Trademark database and searched the term "Aurora" and sure enough.. Nothing was there trademarked by disney.
NOW: if you search the term PRINCESS AURORA it comes back with a live trademark my the Walt Disney Company.
So, out of curiosity, i searched PRINCESS STARLIGHT. Nothing came back




also young glim glam a cute
>inb4 tl:dr
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>inb4 "her name was never going to be aurora you autist stfu kys"
That's stretching it.
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Huh, never thought of that.

I'd only be ok with it if Twilight gave up her princesshood so Starlight could have it
>wall of autism
>poochie the shitpost horse
>wall of autism
well im at least im autistic enough to be able to think freely. Unlike the rest of the board
>poochie the shitpost horse
She's 100% precent relevent to what im saying. Plus this wasnt intended as a shitpost. You know damn well what im saying is based on fact
so if i walk back up to my office and repost this from my computer you would actually read it?
I think copy rights can extend to names and phrases that are similar.
Aurora night not have been copyrighted directly but the copy right of Princess Aurora might cover the name of just Aurora.
>giving socialists power
Turned out well in Russia.
He wants to conform to the other horfuckers, so he shoots all of his meme arsenal to do so.

Don't be angry with him.
He just wants to belong somewhere.
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hasbro is big enough to fight disney on that
fuck that makes a scary amount of sense
Hasbro is Disney's bitch, you realise? A decent chunk of their profits come from Disney contracts alone.
I would fuck that filly so hard
Aww hell. They had better fucking not. I was just thinking today about how shitty it would be if they kept cranking out alicorns for no reason.
While I think there's something to what op is saying I don't think it's that they planned for her to be a princess so much as they were keeping the possibility in mind for the future. At most.

I doubt they'll actually go through with it, at least not for a long time.
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Can confirm
They have 5 other horses they could have done that with
you're scaring me OP
dont fucking scare me like this
yeah true, hasbro makes the action figures for the new star wars movies
Another marry sue becomes another fucking alicorn princess.
Why the fuck am I not surprised?
Oh, yeah, I come to accept everything turned to shit a long time ago.
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Makes sense. The finale was all about her learning how to be a leader after all

Jesus Christ that would mean there would be 6 main cast pony princess, 7 with Ember and 8 with Platinum. We have enough Princesses, we don't need anymore
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It's inevitable now.
Man that's a cute Glim Glam
Yeah it is probably that there were no plans to make her a princess after all what if nobody ended up liking her they just changed the name just in case they ended up doing so they are gonna end up doing so
it's pretty much an inevitability at this point after the s6 finale
She's a Twi clone. She'll obv become the Princess of Socialsm--err, "Equality".
I actually believe you
If Starlight becomes an alicorn before Sunset, I'm gonna stop with this whole goddamn franchise.
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It doesn't sound unreasonable that Hasbro might be planning to make GlimGlam a Princess, or that they just want to leave the option open in the future, but I think you're reading too deeply into it. As a lawfag you should already know that huge corporations like Disney will bully and threaten to sue anyone who they see as a threat to their IP's, whether they have a leg to stand on or not. You only have to see how Zenimax reacted to the game "Scrolls".
why would sunset become an alicorn? she's not canon
Well you wasted your time on this but as long as you had your fun I'm happy for you.
As soon as they introduced her as twilight's student it was obvious that she's going to be the next big thing. It's not like any of the other 5 sidekicks have any potential. One of them is even systematically being reduced to a background character from time to time. Rarity is showing some phase of growth by opening shops all over equestria but that's not a direction of becoming a princess. I expect we will going to see her as an arch villain in the future. The only other character that has some chance to make it somewhere is spike, now that he bonded (practically a child safe term and gesture for "banged") the current queen of the dragons.
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God damn, that's how yo make autism work for us all. Nice work OP.

Of course it could just mean that Hasbro played it safe in case the ever want to come out with a line of "mlp princess" dolls...
Aurora Glimmer is an even worse name than Starlight Glimmer. Also, Aurora is the name of the OC from Rainbow Factory.
I bow to you!
Of all the conspiracy theories I read during the last years, yours are the only one that made good sense and was entertaining at the same time.
Of all the conspiracy theories during 2017 I will only follow this one. (Even though I much prefer the name Starlight to Aurora and it might be possible that others at Hasbro did too.)
Princess Glimmer!
this is my hope for the MLP movie not even kidding
our failed trips uncover your lie, liar.
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I have to create a character named Princess Starlight Glimmer as soon as possible and get her patented.
Purple pokemon dinosaur OC do not steal.
If you think this may remotely work, you are deluded
Nice try Hasbro, you can't scare an Anon off, no matter how much vile jew magic you use!
GO ANON, GO! Your credit scores may be damaged by (((sorcery,))) but your will cannot die! GET THAT SHIT PATENTED.
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Princess Starlight Glimmer will mark the end of these ultra conservative alicorns, and the same day, she will use her magic to neutralize all of Equestria 's magic, making all ponies finally equal, and not privileged.
She will also abandon the status of princess, and name herself president of the Republic of Equestria.

Then it will be a pleasure to work together in building a better world.
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do it
yes, delete this image
Well a rainbows tale isnt quite as nice
op here
i get what you're saying about the intelectual propery threats. But im basing my claim about the human VS pony idea on the 'rule of distinguisgment' (pretty self explanation)
But i get what your saying. And yes large corperations wouldnt give up a chance to shut down a competitor's *similar* ideas in a heartbeat, but every moron on the planet knows that large companies (such as The Walt Disney Company and Hasbro) would much rather settle an infringement case out of court than have a ridiculously oversized judgement ruled against them, just for having a similar name
>thought it was going to be another shitpost based on previous glimglam experiences
>turns out to be legitimate and have thought put behind it
Interesting point, OP.
wow thanks anon. i honestly thought i was just going to get called a faggot and have people tell me they're going to sage my thread
I am no lawfag but is the full starlight glimmer name to much to make distinct with the princess at the start
you could probably just do princess starlight if they were not able to call her princess aurora glimmer
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The ride has no brakes, Anon.
god damnit
some one screencap this thread so it goes down in the history books that we we're prepaired for this inevitable travesty
Do you mean
>you could probably just do princess glimmer if they were not able to call her princess aurora glimmer
op here
'rule of distinguishement'
all depends how easily the ip can be recognized and belief it could be mistaken with something similar.
Just so you know, the names Pinkie pie, applejack, rarity, fluttershy, twilight sparkle and rainbow dash are trademarked by hasbro. The fact that they are so easily distinguishable (cutie marks, mane style, general characteristics) makes them able to trademark them
also, upon looking, i found something intriguing, but i dont know exactly what it means. but scootaloo and sweetie belle are trademarked, but apple bloom is not. At least not that i can find. Strange
op here. I just realized i didnt actually answer the question and let my lawfaggyness show..
anyway yes they can coin the name starlight glimmer, but havent.
and as to 'princess starlight' thats my beleif on what the WILL do since they couldnt call her Princess Aurora without legal consequence.
I hope for /mlp/'s sake OP is wrong.
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Duh, everyone knows that. Glimmer is haber's pet character and him and jim's "Own" character, compared to the mane six being faust's creations.
he's going to try and make his legacy turning her into the new main character, and kick the other 5 to the curb to make room for her adventures.
>jims "own" character
he does not and has never written an episode
Hail to the Sun, Hail to the Moon, Hail to the Princess Aurora
he's still heavily involved in how the episodes run and got involved late into the show after faust.
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Oh fuck you might be into something.
he got involved season 2
he draws storyboards and oversees production of episodes. He doesnt write them
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The GlimGlam cometh
Young Glim Glam looks like she needs a BSC (Big stallion cock)
>can't spell
i posted from my iphone, if you couldnt tell from the 7th reply or the filename of the picture in my op
You know what's funny?

That'll never happen, because when the movie is done and work on S7 starts, Jim will be replaced the second he tries to bring the REAL mlp writers to his level. So either he stops being shit, or he gets kicked from a position where his shit can hurt the show.

No real brony likes Suelight Shitter.
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>It doesn't sound unreasonable that Hasbro might be planning to make GlimGlam a Princess
It absolutely is if you're implying she'd be a Princess before the Mane 5 who have deserved it for far longer.

It seriously annoys me when Glimmerfags and Shimmerfags ignore the Mane 5 and act like it's only them and Twilight. Not all of them do, but too much of them still. Stop it.
Face it, for quite sme time FiM was "Princess Twilight Sparkle and Friends Show", then it moved to "Princess Twilight and GlimGlam Adventures"
Mane5 doesnt matter anymore, nothing matters anymore.
I'm not denying it but maybe it'd help if more people realized "Hey remember when this show wasn't just about overpowered unicorns who use DBZ magic to save the day"?

I'd be tolerant of more Glimmerfags, Twifags and Shimmerfags when more of them realize that's not just their characters on the show, and yet only a select few seem to know that.
Im sorry your background character waifu isnt as important as the mane characters
Nope, guess again.
oh im sorry, i meant nyxfag
Nono, I feel your pain.
I also wish show would come back to its early days, to little ponies in a big world discovering said world, themselves and each other, to times when almost every character had a meaningful role.
But sadly those times passed, and short of reboot, new gen or major reset.
>Alicorn Glimmer
It's not like everybody expects it by now
>think freely

Memes aside, that's an interesting theory
Bump before i start screencap
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>TFW Glimmer will become an alicorn before Sunset is even canon
op here
i shall consider it, brave thinker
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thats my first screencap im sorry if its not that good
This is legit reasoning.
>yfw Glim Glam becomes a princess in a two parter and then she goes back to normal at the end of it.
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>Glim Glam ascends to the princess dimension
>doesn't become princess
>Celestia gives some speech about how you can only be a Princess if it's what your heart truly desires
>Glimmy's entire existence was just setup to address the criticism that Twilight was forced into being Princess.
fugg this makes sense
*insert le ebin reaction image here lel xDDD*
Zoomed words was spawned by a redditor who didn't know a thing about emphasis.
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If she becomes a princess i will fucking kill myself
Didn't meghan say Glim's not even in the movie because she hadn't been conceived yet when the script was written?
wouldnt be surprised if she has a non speaking cameo thought
This is the only reason she's NOT in the movie though, but yes.

Well get your knives sharpened up because its going to happen. NOT in the movie, but in the series.

I'd put my money on Season 7 or 8. They need to give starlight an element of harmony for her to ascend, and so it depends on whether they want to rush it and have her transform into an alicorn when she gets her element, make it a REALLY big thing when she gets it, or hold off and give her her element as the plot of Season 7 and then make Season 8 about her ascension into a princess.
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Glimmer fags think they are so fucking cool. Kill yourself, faggot
Its because, for giant world destroying crap, the other 5 might as well NOT exist. that's not their purpose in life. Their goals and their dreams are civilian pedestrian things. AJ doesn't even have a goal in life, nor does pinkie or fluttershy-- and its not that they just haven't had anything laid out, its literally that they have stated that that's ALL they want in life. AJ's entire schtick in cutie mark chronicles was "I don't want shit! I want to stay here forever!"

Twilight and Glimmer are blank slates who are perfect magical girl goddess characters; their purpose and goals in life are literally to constantly become stronger and more powerful mages to defend their world. They're pure, perfect magical warrior girl material, they have the malleability to be thrust into world destroying scenarios, access objects of great magial power and constantly grow and evolve. That's their purpose in life.

The other 5 aren't needed in these scenarios just like the cutie mark crusaders aren't. They can act as moral support or cheer twilight and glimmer on, just like the CMC or the civilians of ponyville can, but that's where their role in the world ends. Their purpose is to be civilians, be a wonderbolt, live on a dirt farm, make dresses, ect. Not fight evil.

The others are slice of life, but that's it, and they need to bow out when things get serious so the characters who's purpose is action and fighting demons and gods can show up.
>telling someone to kill themselves over the internet in 2017

consider committing homicide against yourself pleb
Glimmer is a more important character than the mane 5. It's irrelevant that they were around longer. Being the student of a princess makes Glim more important
Also being one of the most powerful beings in existence (magically) makes her more important by default than someone who works a Minimum wage cash register.
>before the Mane 5 who have deserved it for far longer.
>deserved it
Top. Kek. The other 5 don't deserve shit and they most especially don't deserve to be alicorns. Rainbow "destroy a weather factory because my turtle has to sleep" dash as a princess? fuck the world.
>No real brony likes Suelight Shitter.
>Haters actually believe this
Glimmy is not a mary sue, she's a deeply flawed character
Twilight mind raped a town, your point?
Her flaw is absurdly shallow.
Honestly that season finale ruined her. I guess a mystery's better than a reveal.
This. As a villain she was top tier. Like Discord. Even beter than Discord. She genuinely believed in her twisted ideology.
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>she was just thirsty for friendship after all

Like, I know it's a friendship show and all but man, what a disappointment.
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I honestly don't understand why they didn't just use Moondancer's back story for Glimmer instead. I mean she was someone with a legitimate axe to grind against Twilight, and would have made for a far more dramatic reveal.
This would have been good for the S5 finale Glimmer, but would not explain the S5-opener Glimmer's ideology.
What is this?


S7E1/E2: "Far Far Away"
>Twilight Sparkle finds a star that fell from the sky turns out to be the leaders that came before Princesses Celestia and Luna but must keep them away from the other leaders or chaos will insue.
Too gramatically incorrect to be real.
Nice bullshit, faggot.
I agree, probably someone making things up.

And the release dates on that page and on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_episodes#Season_7_.282017.29 disagree.
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He was a storyboard artist even in S1, if I recall correctly he stated he boarded the scene of pic related.
>cannot grammar
Not real.
And they'll be keeping the "before equestria" world building for the movie.
her story is shit, but I will admit that Sunburst is a good character that came from it. he's a nice addition to the show.

They SHOULD have made him and Glimmer two halves a whole instead though-- Glimmer should have had raw magical talent but be a magical retard who couldn't figure out basic spells without someone there helping her along, to balance out Sunburst being a genius who can't do spells himself.
So the friendship theme would have been stronger since the two of their cutie marks would have only actually worked together, with him directing her with spells and her casting them.
Instead, she's a fucking genius even smarter than twilight who effortlessly combines or improves on spells on the spot (like in every little thing she does) and improved fucking starswirl the bearded spell a thousand times.
>Being this much of a fucking hypocrite
It's so obvious it's laughable really, I shouldn't even need to bring up with what's wrong with you.
Being best friends with a princess and being responsible for her being a Princess > Princess's "student"
>written by megan mccarthy
top kek
Twilight is solely responsible for her being a princess. The other 5 don't have any credit to that. It was twilight's journey that made her one.
The other 5 would be terrible princesses, it clashes in every way shape or form with their very hardly established destinies (AJ's destiny is to live on a farm and never work for anything more: that was very clearly established when she got her cutie mark), and they haven't done jack to earn it either.

There's literally no reason for the other 5 to become alicorns except fan jealousy of twilight, sunset and glimmer.
that would be cool as hell.
destiny is a fucking stupid, overused concept, and twilight is a mary sue

she doesn't deserve a fucking thing, she was handed everything from the beginning
cutie marks are destiny. That's been an established concept from day one. the other's purpose's are not to be princesses. That would go against everything that cutie marks have established for them up till now.
>Implying glimmer isn't Twilight's friend
Nigger, Glimmer is, at this point, basically twilight's BEST friend. Twilight's never had any real chemistry with anyone else in the mane six, Starlight and twilight hit it off like two halves of a whole.
cutie marks have always been a stupid idea, and so is this "destiny" fucking cockshite
>she doesn't deserve a fucking thing, she was handed everything from the beginning
There's tons of ways to fix that. The CMC have shown that there's lots of ways to use a cutie mark, and they're not so much destiny as a vague idea of what you're good at. The mane six's destinies/cutie marks could always be shown to be just being linked as friends (look at how the important thing was not figuring out their cutie marks, as they still had their cutie marks in the bad timelines, but being linked as friends by destiny). So the mane six's true Cutie mark purpose could easily be seen as being the elements of harmony and the other things they figured out are just secondary skills.

They could always pull out some bullshit like evolving cutie marks too or something. Sell more toys that way.
>Using destiny as an argument that Hasbro wouldn't go full mane5icorns.
>When we know they forced DHX to make her an alicorn princess despite no suggestions of that happening at the start of the show.
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>Twilight is solely responsible for her being a princess. The other 5 don't have any credit to that. It was twilight's journey that made her one.
Do you even watch the show? Even Twilight has said the opposite.

You have a minute to justify why Sunset and Glimmer "deserve" to be anything except thrown in jail. They were forgiven it of their mercy, they deserve nothing more. They didn't work for anything, they were criminals.

In fact, Sunset deserves shit just because of the fact that she's currently in this situation because she tried to force herself to be Princess, she didn't work for anything.

Stop wanting more Twiclones in the show. You're cancer.
>forced DHX to make her an alicorn princess
oh god, plz dont tell me you're one of those retards that thinks jim writes the show
>The other 5 would be terrible princesses
Only because of the show's stupid notion of destiny.

Applejack could be a princess and be in charged of all the farmland and their workers, and she could use her powers to make life easier for them.

That's just one off the top of my head. Twilight is a boring princess if you ask me.
>You have a minute to justify why Sunset and Glimmer "deserve" to be anything except thrown in jail
Starlight redeemed an entire goddamned race of succubi, showed that she knows about being a leader and about friendship better than TWILIGHT HERSELF, and saved all of equestria (God princesses included) herself.
I don't even know why you're bringing sunset into this, she's not canon.
That was thorax, not starlight.
>Twilight concedes Princess of Friendship position to Starlight and becomes a unicorn again

we can only hope
Yeah, and to top it off, Thorax already got his "alicorn reward" too, which he probably deserved more than Starlight.

Also, even if she did do that, and that was her doing, at BEST that merely cancels out her villainous actions. At best, if we're being extra generous.
Thorax wasn't doing shit but getting eaten until Starlight told him exactly what to do and fixed the situation. That was all her. Not to mention that she lead them all there safely and figured out the changelings issue.
She also was instrumental in fixing the crystal heart; her magic was needed in the premier to do it as well. She's already on par with an alicorn in how powerful she is based on how instrumental she was in fixing that object.
The only reward that traitor should get is his head on a pike.
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>Thorax wasn't doing shit but getting eaten until Starlight told him exactly what to do and fixed the situation. That was all her. Not to mention that she lead them all there safely and figured out the changelings issue.
If this is actually your argument then you're completely biased. You can't genuinely say that, then turn around and say the Mane 6 deserve jack shit for everything they've done with helping Twilight save the day.

I mean if you're really going to play that card, Rainbow Dash should be definitely given some attention at the very least considering if she didn't get her cutie mark, Equestria would have turned into at least 4 different shitty worlds.
Dash did her sonic rainboom by accident, Starlight knew EXACTLY what she was talking about and doing. Starlight showed wisdom, dash's action was dumb luck.
It's undeniable that it still happened though.

Just like it's undeniable that those at least 4 different shitty worlds, where countless pony lives were in danger, and were forced to live out their shitty lives, are all directly Starlight's fault for preventing Dash from receiving her cutie mark.

>Inb4 "s-she didn't know what she was doing"
Doesn't change that it still happened. At least 4 times. One world completely destroyed, one world under a dictator, and 2 at constant war. Can you imagine that? And it's all her fault. And you claim she deserves to be a princess in spite all of that, just because she kinda saved Equestria by motivating someone once? Chalk that up to the at least 3 times Equestria was saved by the Mane 6, depending on how you want to count things could go higher? At least 4 if you count the fact that if it weren't for the Mane 6 (Thanks to Starlight!) you have those crappy Equestrias? And you still claim Starlight is more deserving?

I honestly don't know where to go from here. I don't want you to admit Starlight is shit or anything, but you're delusional if you think she's more deserving than the Mane 6 of anything.
>Doesn't change that it still happened. At least 4 times. One world completely destroyed, one world under a dictator, and 2 at constant war. Can you imagine that? And it's all her fault. And you claim she deserves to be a princess in spite all of that, just because she kinda saved Equestria by motivating someone once? Chalk that up to the at least 3 times Equestria was saved by the Mane 6, depending on how you want to count things could go higher? At least 4 if you count the fact that if it weren't for the Mane 6 (Thanks to Starlight!) you have those crappy Equestrias? And you still claim Starlight is more deserving?

Look at those timelines: The only one of the six that's missing from all of those scenarios is twilight, not the other 5. It seems less that the other 5 are important to the world so much as Twilight is important and she's not around due to the mess up.

>she's more deserving than the Mane 6 of anything.

She's has a full understanding of friendship and what true leadership is. She is vastly more qualified than even twilight herself to be a ruler due to this.
None of the others are even faintly qualified. Pinkie is an ADHD retard, Dash is an idiot, and rarity is... well rarity.
Goddamnit, I'm still pissed that the cutie remark didn't revolve heavily around dash. Its her goddamned sonic rainboom, her entire big damned moment, and they never touch on or visit her in the episode at all.
An episode about the rainboom never happening should be about dash, not others.
You can't make that argument about only Twilight missing, that doesn't make sense. You don't have any proof Twilight wasn't the one there, she could have still been in Canterlot, which was still never shown. The fact of the matter is the Mane 6 were never friends, and therefore the world sucked, not that there was no Twilight.

>She is vastly more qualified than even twilight herself to be a ruler due to this.
Words cannot possible describe how insanely delusional you are at this point. This is laughable at this point.

>Pinkie is an ADHD retard, Dash is an idiot, and rarity is... well rarity.
And P.S., Glimmer is still a sociopath whose only friend is Trixie, and can't make any other friends beyond that. Some "Princess of Friendship" you think she's so qualified for.
Who the fuck is """""""""Starlight"""""""""?
I only watch canon material (Pre season 3), so fuck off.
your fault for thinking the remane 5 would ever be relevant in a two-parter
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Untrue, the other 5 will become alicorns in the movie and then it will give the show over to glimmer as a normal unicorn to run with a new group of 5 mortal ponies.
>ivory tower dweller causes the avalanche of socialism
For one I'm not surprised.
>the other 5 will become alicorns in the movie
DO we actually know anything that will happen in the movie besides the sea ponies yet?
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Another alicorn shows up and starts wrecking shit, and the mane six have to find three mystical stones that control water, air and fire to stop him. Other alicorns aid the mane six along the way.
This was the script from like 2 years ago, but They most probably kept a good chunk of it since they broke with sony over them trying to meddle with the script.
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>Hasbro ended a deal with Sony for the movie
>Because Sony were attempting to force their own ideas into the script.
That doesn't mean they give enough of a fuck to try.
Its funny in a sad way, isnt it?
Better than a pony version of the smurfs.

Or that shit that was made for that Trolls movie reboot awhile back.
I want this. It would be a great cap to the series.
Yeah, but, is self awareness a thing to these people, or is it "one rule for me, another for you" hypocrisy?
I want to burst Starlight Glimmer for being a filthy socialist.
double dubs.
cutie mark for me but not for the.
Agreed. If anything it should have been about RAINBOW DASH having to travel through time and fix things, not the others.
Like a Pony version of its a wonderful life.
let the glimmering come, I welcome our new purple overlords.
>I'd only be ok with it if Twilight gave up her princesshood so Starlight could have it.

>Glimmerfags get the cactus-sodomy treatment.
>The people who don't unJUST their SHIT.
>FIM is singlehandedly saved.
Too bad Hasbro are actively intervening to prevent a script like that from forming.
We all want
Why not? Glimmer was the only good part about season 6.
Dash was a top cunt with the Wonderbolts being shown to be total assholes; none of dash's episodes were good.
AJ was literally shit tier the entire season. she has jack shit she's doing in life, and the most "exciting" things he did was fix a pipe. WTF.
Pinkie pie continues to be an autistic ADHD whore.
Twilight literally had no episodes.
Rarity just opened another fashion store and said darling a bunch. Absolute shit.
And finally fluttershy might as well have been a "who?" this season given how little she showed up.
Starlight SAVED this season and is singehandedly saving the series. The Finale was the best ever in the entireity of FIM.
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I agree for the most part, but I still don't think Glimmy deserves to be princess.

Twilight was hoof picked by Celestia after a thousand years of searching and false starts and has been groomed for the part for her entire life. Glimmer meanwhile is Twilight's very first student and only just now, as an adult started learning the ways of friendship. Hell, Twilight's ascension felt like it came a bit too soon, and now we're going to see Glimmer ascend after only studying friendship for a couple years?
>only studying friendship for a couple years?
It's even worse considering how the passage of time has been presented, meaning Starlight has only Twilight's student for a few months at best.
Its like DBZ, once Goku became a super saiyan everyone did, now that Twilight's an alicorn everyone gets to ascend.

just twilight will get to go Super alicorn 3 before everyone else.
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