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Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls and Humanized Thread #226 - Rebirth

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Thread replies: 474
Thread images: 122

Previous thread: >>29269303

Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.

This is it, fellas. The beginning of the /fb/ Principate as we know it. Let's take this new groove and kick it into high gear!

Fimfiction Group: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/204505/human-eqg-fingerbang

Thread Resources (Best Stories of 2014 & 2013, Thread Archive and more): http://derpy.me/b783H

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>How did this Humanized thread get started? What happened to Fingerbang?

The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads (including Fingerbang) on /mlp/ decided to merge. The rest is history.


Add for Discord chat:

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Why the new thread?
Writefag of the Indigo Zap story here. I will be continuing my story in this thread.
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why do I get the feeling NaOH is going to post something soon?
>no hooves

get out
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So it's an official thread that links to the previous one and was linked in the chat.
I linked it in the chat just now.
And this guys is about to write here.
Because he usually only comes back after a while.
NaOH, if you're here, posting sometime around now would be a big help.
Because you're a sad faggot?
Whoa you seem to switch sides on things a lot dude.
Anyway, just lettin y'all know I'll be lurking. Thanks again for helping me write the Cadence green. I preciate it.
>Green turns back around to the light side and betrays Disco
I knew you still had some good left in you buddy.
Dude, stop. We just didn't agree because I changed my mind and Disco didn't. Just like the first time, no one betrayed anyone. The words you're using are out of proportion to the situation.
Not sure if you've seen this go down from the start, but I have been on the fence on this ever since the beginning, as you can see here: >>29152415 >>29160384 >>29269259
But it's nice to know you're still lurking. Your story is pretty good.

Anyway, here's a thing I posted in /nst/ a bit earlier to kick things off, I guess:
>Trixie sits in front of her computer, it's about five in the morning.
>She wants to sleep, she has classes in about four hours, and she hasn't slept much at all in the past week or so. But that doesn't matter in her mind, despite it mattering in her heart.
>When it comes to Trixie's mind, there is no way to avoid posting on the internet. The act of doing so eclipses everything else she thinks about.
>Trixie can hardly suffice the overwhelming urge to post on the internet once a day.
>A couple hundred words a day keeps the chain together; don't break it.
>Trixie is in no mood for stopping, even though she actually is in every mood for stopping.
>Something has to come out every day, something new, fresh out of the oven.
>These sleepless nights are... w o r t h i t ~
>But Trixie gets bored of posting in the same place over and over again; she sometimes delivers a couple hundred of her words in different directions to spice things up a bit.
>But still wasting her time away nevertheless.
>It comes to the point where she hasn't left her room at all.
>Trixie cannot stop.
>She barricades herself into her room and goes wild with her computer.
>Searing the surfaces of her keyboard with her fingertips and the ways of her words.
>Only piling up wasted hours after wasted hours.
>Letting the rest of her life slip away.
>No one is able to locate her for days, not having predicted what horrors she would subject herself to.
>Finally, Trixie's friend, Starlight Glimmer, hears maniacal laughter coming from the basement of Trixie's home.
>A familiar laughter.
>She calls all of her friends and neighbors to try and get Trixie out.
>Meanwhile, Trixie builds a literal wall out of brick and cement she extracted from the house's foundation by digging.
>Blocking the door even more.
>Smashing her webcam and documenting her life on lined paper.
>Saying the world wishes to deceive her.
>Trixie tells everyone who comes to her barricaded door that she's not fooled by their tricks because she herself has a history in trickery.
>She just K N O W S that they are trying to deceive her.
>Doctors, police officers, the townspeople, the local superheroes, practically everyone comes to Trixie's door and tries to get her out.
>But her wall blocks them.
>Starlight Glimmer is their last hope, and she assures them that she knows the perfect way to convince Trixie to come out.
>She hauls over a yamaha keyboard and starts playing it.
>Trixie asks through the wall what that beautiful sound is, and. To which, Starlight responds with "It's the bestest mechanical keyboard in the whole wide world that can do magic and shit", which in reality, it's just your average everyday yamaha keyboard that can't actually do magic.
>"How does Trixie know you're not using the keyboard to imitate Starlight's voice?" Trixie yells into the hallway. "You're just trying to deceive her!"
>"You can touch all of the keyboards you want if you let me in!"
>"Not by a long shot! This is Trixie's room!"
>"C'mon! Just tear down your wall!"
>"HA! How did you know Trixie built a wall if you never saw it from the outside? You saw it through Trixie's webcam, didn't you? Because you're spying on her and trying to get her to come out!"
>Starlight's had enough of this.
>She goes through the portal to Equestria, but only sticks her head through the portal.
>Now she has her horn as a unicorn, and she uses her unicorn horn magic to teleport herself into Trixie's room.
>This works because of course it does, just go with it!
>"Wha..." Trixie is shocked, stunned, befuddled and befused. "How did you..."
>"Because I'm the real Glim Shady! Okay? Listen, I just need you to do something for me."
>"Is Shim Shady here with you too?" Trixie asks before she is handcuffed to her bed from hands and feet. "What the..."
>Starlight takes out a pair of scissors. "I think you're wearing too much~"
>Trixie can't seem to escape the hold the handcuffs have on her.
>She struggles to break free as Starlight approaches, but it's to no avail.
>"It's okay, Trixie. I'm just gonna snip your clothes off. Not going to open the door or anything."
>"Ergh, what?" Trixie strains.
>"Not gonna tear down your wall."
>Starlight starts with Trixie's blue jacket.
>She snips it up the back, reaching under Trixie to start cutting.
>"Trixie is warning you! Untie her this instant!"
>Starlight pulls the halves of Trixie's jacket down the other girl's arms.
>She snips the sides of Trixie's shirt next, starting from the bottom.
>"Just relax, everything's going to be made okay."
>"Why are you cutting Trixie's clothes off! Trixie doesn't like being stripped!"
>"Shh..." Starlight finishes cutting all the way up to the sleeve holes and pulls the shirt away from Trixie. "That's a nice bra you're wearing."
>"Fuck off!" Trixie makes angry eyes and starts to angrily foam at the mouth.
>Starlight takes the scissors and places the front knot of the bra between the blades. She snips it apart, and lets Trixie's tits bounce out into the open.
>Starlight then loosens the front of Trixie's pants and starts cutting down the leg.
>"There is no reason for this!" Trixie gripes.
>"It's okay, Trixie. I'm your friend." Starlight responds, soon getting Trixie's pants completely dismembered.
>She then turns the scissors to Trixie's purple panties, and snips both sides apart.
>Pulls it away and Trixie is completely nude.
>"Now, then." Starlight starts to take her own clothes off.
>Trixie watches in a mixture of arousal and horror as this happens.
>"What are we going to do on the-"
>"Shhh..." Starlight, now entirely naked, climbs on top of Trixie. "You've been in here a while. I think it's time to give you some fun. From a friend."
That's all there is so far.

And to explain the thread thing:
Long answer: The last thread and the previous thread have done so much better than the prior threads have in almost a year. I've wanted fb to have a rebound ever since last summer and sort of gave up on the idea right before the holidays (15th of December to be specific). I didn’t expect an increase in content; I thought this place was hopeless and was going to stay a struggling mess until the end. But we're actually improving now. And I love it!
There's a reason (kinda) why I named the previous edition what I did. I’ve wanted to ask you guys if you’d stay here if the word “Fingerbang” were in the title, but I decided to not mess with the flow we now have and keep the momentum going. I basically just made the previous thread EQG/Humanized for all of you so you all could keep doing your thing and there wouldn’t be any drama. But I did personally want to bring Fingerbang back, and wanted to know if the ones making this thread better felt the same way. Which is why I wanted to know.

Short answer: I would enjoy seeing fb back so it can feed off of this new activity and have a legit rebound. I’d personally write even more stuff here to bring back the life that I only caught the tail end of when I first joined.

And all of what I just stated above is what lead to what happened a couple of hours ago. The last thread was near the bump limit, and I stalled on making it because the others and I still hadn’t come to an agreement on the thread name thing. I wanted to try having Fingerbang back to have a rebound, but they said it was a bad idea and talked me out of doing it for the time being. And I was okay with EQG/Humanized anyway, so I left it alone when I made the previous thread. But then someone and made a new fb thread on their own when I had yet to make one, and then the rest is explained in >>29349528 to an extent.

In summary, this thread is the real one, and I’ve kind of wanted that.
Oh great this cancerous shithole is back. I though it had finally bitten the dust, back in the filter you go faggots you won't be missed.
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Nice b8 m8, but we all know you're a shitposter.
It never left, Anon.
Yes! Can't wait for more Indie.

It was really getting hot.
Thanks for having a change of heart, Greeny. I did miss Fingerbang a lot I will admit. This whole thing is still really confusing though. Just promise us no more drama, okay? You don't have to do what the chat thinks you should do.
>ctrl+f "bump" in last thread
>1 out of 8
>only three of them are actual bumps
Holy shit.
Call it what you want but it's fact, 90% of the board thinks this place is cancer and it's probably the most filtered thing here. It's just your little circlejerk that thinks it's so great.
Just asking because i'm curious, but you said you're filtering this thread again, right?

Why did you unfilter it at all? Why not always keep it filtered?
Ok lemon.
Is the Pinkie/Rainbow Dash story gonna continue?
>People got this autistic over a name

Never change.

Also might want to edit that faq.
>so it's an official thread because I say it's official
Ya' know, I thought the same thing. If he had 'Fingerbang' filtered and was only here for EqG general, why did he unfilter Fingerbang? You wouldn't need to unfilter it if you only liked EqG. But then I realized >>29350278 was right. This is just a shitty shitposter. >>29350279
Holy shit, its the real thread. And the right number too. Its a good feeling, though I am pretty much done here though. Anything fun happen while I was waiting?
Wrong, you betrayed the thread by deciding for yourself and the discord chat, your still a piece of shit for continuing the shitposting for so long, but its good to know SOME people are doing the right thing here. Even if your incapable of learning a lesson, but whatever. The job is finally done. On an unrelated note, Flash is still shit everyone.
Oh god, please don't piss off the autistic people man. Just say you were on leave or something. I don't want this thread to be full shitposting, please. Also a bit of new writefriends showed up.
>implying you had anything to do with this
>implying more people agreed with you
Why? Why can't we just NOT piss off the morons? Just let them be who gives a flying fuck. Honestly I don't read most of what he post anyway but still don't piss off the people that do, their annoying as fuck.
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Neat, so some spineless bitches showed up after Greentext made a few fake threads? At least something useful happened while I was away, so long as He doesn't make the same fuckup again its nice knowing the thread will live on like its supposed too. Remember kids, no matter what stupid shit greentext decides for you, Fingerbang is never dead, just put into a healing coma until someone wakes it up, even if the biggest writefag here treats it like the Norm Normalson thread, it will always be there.
Chill dude, I'm all good now, the thread is in proper order, though I am still going be out though, what with Greentext going on a shit taste spree and writing trash with Flash like a certain dead thread. I might drop by to see if he is writing anything good though. Compliments to everyone that didn't give up an all that. See ya EqG fuckers.
duh, if the influx was from shitposters waiting to have their way and get rid of the proper brand, then they weren't going to be here to begin with. Not for long at any rate.
I don't think he >Implyed anything. He was just putting hate for green out too piss people off. Can we please not start this, who cares who's right and who's wrong? All us fighting does is ruin our thread. If you don't like green, don't read his shit. If you do read it. The end. Who cares about the name? It happened. The end. Can we please just try to make our thread good and not fill it with shitpost? >>29351297
I'm glad you're happy, hell I am too. I hated the way he went about it. But you know what happened last time. They kept shitposting until the 'Won' just leave them be, It's over.
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Nobody really knows, actually.
>Still trying to shill that the last couple of threads were fake
>Anything you don't agree with is shitposting, even if it's a writefag writing in a thread you didn't want
Genuinely stop posting.
The people who "didn't give up" supported the eqg Humanized thread, you know
>Telling one of the autistic people not to piss off the other autistic people.
Yeah good luck with that. I'm just going to sit here and wait for more of the Pinkie+RD story.
>still being mad about Flash
It figures that salty as fuck retard was you.
>The job is finally done
>Even though Green changed his mind on his own completely unrelated to anything you did
>Writefags posting in thread you don't like are "spineless bitches" instead of just wanting to write stories
>All this other implying bullshit

Not even kidding, someone needs to take away your computer and your phone

I also love how you're straight up ignoring posts like >>29350266 and >>29350334 because they don't help you paint your little picture of the non-Fingerbang thread doing badly.

Seriously, go whine somewhere else. Kinda like how you did in the Sunset thread, huh.
ffs stop giving the troll replies. We wait for smut fics now.
This. And only this.

What do you think helped make the last thread so great? We ignored the butthurt faggot and let the downpour of new content do the talking and btfo everything he said.
Plus if this thread doesn't do as well as the last, then that only proves him wrong about the original name being better anyway. He has literally nowhere to go with this, there is absolutely no reason anyone should be replying to him anymore.
Just stop this annoying drama and wait for whatever content comes our way. Like, damn.
>Change the name
Thread picks up, gets new content and only one guy freaking out
>Goes to fingerbang
Shitposting, shitposting everywhere.
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Pretty much. Indigo Zap story when?
you said you'd change it back to fingerbang!
Why did i get added to that? I'm just trying to get him to stop before we have another thread full of shitposting about 'THIS IS RIGHT THREAD REEEEEEEE' again.
>goes to fingerbang
>b-but it's not official because my tripcode wasn't in the OP
>make another one
>shitpost in it
Ah yeah forgot the guy throwing the fit was the guy who's sole purpose in life was to make the thread, pretty pathetic really even by /mlp/ standards.
Oh yeah the No Hooves infinite thread is back
oh everyone is happy, ok.

Look at how swapping the name back made this a better thread, wow it's amazing. The thread was doing much better under EQG/humanized.
You're not helping. Stop.
Well shit it's actually in the dictionary.
no until fingerbang n°100000
Disappoints me that some anons are going to scare away the writer of the awesome Indigo Zap story because of the thread.

Please don't leave.
Post here, a thread that isn't a cancer filled shithole.
>Change name to Humanized general
>Attract more content
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>no twilight and shining armor

this sibling pic is incomplete
Gonna just post this so you know I'm here. I'll do a more some time tonight if all goes well.

Previously >>29342969

>"What do you mean they messed with the schedules?"
>Dash slumps in her seat on the couch.
>Pinkie Pie pats her on the shoulder.
>"I already told my cooking teacher about it."
>"Yeah, but what does that mean?"
>"She's trying to find another time."
>Dash sighs. "Well, I guess that's something."
>She looks to the other side of the living room.
>"We'll figure it out with the text you got too." Pinkie Pie brings up.
>Rainbow Dash flinches when she hears about it.
>She doesn't dare pick up her phone, not wanting to see the new messages on the screen.
>"Hey..." Pinkie Pie says. "We'll find a way."
>Dash rests her head on Pinkie's shoulder.
>Sitting together, they talk some more and try to figure this out.
>And they don't bother going to Sugarcube Corner later that night.
>Lest they run into the Shadowbolts again.
>Dash sits with Pinkie on the couch.
>Needing her company to be the thing that gets her through the night.
>Holding hands, each girl comforts the other.
>Rainbow Dash fetches a blanket after it starts to get cold.
>"What do you think about... just kinda getting it out there?" Asks Pinkie.
>"What do you mean?"
>Pinkie sighs.
>"I mean, in a way where..."
>Dash gasps.
>"You mean like... just tell everyone before the Shadowbolts do?"
>"We already have the schedule thing to worry about, Dashie!"
>"But..." Rainbow croaks. "We promised to never tell anyone."
>Pinkie Pie takes a deep breath.
>"I know." She answers, voice shaking.
>Rainbow Dash is shocked to hear Pinkie's voice something so sad sounding.
>Pinkie holds Rainbow under the blanket. "But I don't want to see you so upset from the soccer games."
>"Please, this choice is already hard enough."
>"Dashie. It's okay. You know our friends will stick up for us. No matter what."
>Rainbow sobs. "But we kissed on it. It was such a special night."
>"And tonight." Pinkie continues. "Let's make an even stronger promise. For both of us."
>Dash widens her eyes.
>"You don't mean..."
>"Listen. If we could keep out relationship a secret, I'd be so in for it. But we have to be strong, Dashie. Take what we can get."
>Rainbow Dash sniffles.
>"Remember when you told me that?" Pinkie says, leaning into Dash.
>"We're not giving up if we tell everyone, we're just cutting off a weakness."
>"But... what will they think about us?"
>"It doesn't matter what they think. All that matters is that I love you, Dashie."
>They slowly kiss.
>Rainbow Dash stops sobbing, hearing out her special friend.
>"I love you too."
>Pinkie Pie's voice gets strong and energetic again.
>"So what do you say? The only way to top the promise from before is to do... more."
>Rainbow Blushes.
>"You wanna really promise?"

All for now. See you tonight hopefully.
Finally! Some green! Keep going, I have to catch up on the rest of your fic but it looks good.
Pinkie and Trixie would make for an interesting ship.
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we need to go BIGGER
I'd add my two cents but these posts pretty much said it better than I could've.

Anyway enough of that shit. The troll isn't worth mentioning more than once imo.
Can't wait until the Shadowbolts find out they don't have leverage anymore. That is if RD and Pinkie go through with coming out of the closet. Looking forward to more Green.
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Those curves
Lord have mercy
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God Damn, is this not edited?
There is no way hasbro doesn't know what they're doing.
Nope not edited
Writefag here. Don't worry I'm not going anywhere. I know falseflagging when I see it. As long as we have the other writefags willing to keep Fingerbang alive, I'll be here.

Here we go.
>Indigo pins you against the ledge of the pool.
>She doesn't let up.
>You're sweating and feeling it coming.
>Try to hold it back.
>But Indigo doesn't help with that.
>All she does is push you forward.
>Seeing how much restraint you have.
>Her vulva slides along your shaft.
>Very little friction.
>Indigo pushes right up into you.
>You're sandwiched between the athlete and the corner.
>Her motion is now shorter in distance but faster.
>"Come on! That all you got?"
>You're holding it back for the meantime.
>But you know this won't last.
>Indigo looks up at the ceiling and licks her lips.
>Flipping her damp hair to the side.
>Looking down at you.
>You wrap your arms around her.
>Keep her right against you.
>It feels so fucking good.
>Almost impossible not to cum though.
>But you're too horny to care about losing.
>"Is that all you got, wimp? Huh?"
>Indigo breathes down your neck.
>You can't stay entrapped in this pussy much longer without busting a nut.
>You're so ready.
>Ready to burst I inside of Indigo Zap.
>You can't hold it back anymore.
>This girl is quickly jack hammering herself on your lap.
>It feels so irresistible.
>You are enveloped all the way to the base.
>Your balls touch her ass cheeks.
>The whole length of your cock is inside of her.
>It's too much to prevent.
"F-fuck! Fuck! Fff...f-uck~"
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That pastebin is fuckhuge. Anyone have some recommendations for a long read?
Super Anon by Sergeant Nonymous, An Anonymous Werewolf in Canterlot by Stoker (same guy under different name), Time After Time by Alexander Grey, High School Reunion / Lustful Temptations by Liquid Plasma and Winter Formal Dash by NaOH (Liquid Plasma under a different name). Those are the three really long reads I can think of right now. Whether you'll like them or not really depends on your preference.
*Five really long reads by three writers.
My bad.
Thanks m8
Words of wisdom. Don't even acknowledge his existence next time he (probably inevitably) comes back to start a fight. We can do this, just hide/ignore the bait posts and carry on. We must not scare the writefags away this time. NaOH please come back
Does anyone have the link to the story where Pinkie hooks up Anon and Rainbow dash and they go camping and become bike couriers for Filthy Rich?
rebirth until 10k
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Not this thread, it was its own thing.
Maybe ask in an RD thread.
The first half of that was top quality though, good stuff.
Has that la phantoma guy written anything since that amputee anon green? I thought he had hope
You shouldn't be giving any thought to the fucks in the Discord chat period, they provide nothing here and just wastes of space. Why the hell are you giving them more consideration then the real thread? Side note, don't forget to remove the Discord link, if they want to keep up with the thread, those bastards can do it in thread.
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You are missing the point he made, it was because Greentext took it on himself to decide what to do with the thread(and the Discord) and not do a proper vote, he wasn't bitching about the name being change he was bitching about how it was changed and why. If that didn't happen, then the thread would carry on as usual.
Pic related.
What does any of the conversation above have to do with the writefag leaving? Its entirely irrelevant. If he cant handle some shitposting that isn't even directed at him, what makes you think he would do well literally anywhere else on this board. There is always some shitposter somewhere.
Never heard of it. Got a link?
NaOH takes months for him to post, just wait awhile, he'll come around eventually...huh, I just got reminded of him being like a cat.
I wonder when Sargent Anon will come back, I hope his hand heals.
Found it in the archives.
What are your stories about.
thank you.
... That's hot, and /now/ we've hit critical mass. Explosion is imminent. She wants us to cum, do it.
Might as well say my piece.
This. It's pretty funny how much more content we got while the name was changed. Used to be that a thread would be up for 20+ days, but the more recent ones were up for half that.

>they said it was a bad idea
All things considered, I'd have to agree with them.
But it's back to square one and all you've done is vindicate that one autist.
Some new writers, though, and hopefully the rebound is legitimate.
Maybe we should attempt to change it back (again) but do it more like the Superhero thread, with a vote.
It was disco false flagging cause he wants the thread to do bad as fingerbang
And KittyKat m8, don't forget about him. He is also shitting in "Alone in Equestria" too
>carry on as usual
So... a sea of bumps and with the exact same guy starting an anti-flash circlejerk? Yeah, that totally sounds fun.
The thread has been a mess since 2015. Maybe even earlier than that.
more rebirth until 10k
It's been a mess since it was born.
I mean I've been here for years now, I'm just shocked it's still going.
While parting with the fingerbang name was jarring at first the extra content we got was nice.
Hopefully that doesn't go away now.
Well we got 4 writefags in here so far. So that's a thing.
>dat back
>Bucking your hips, you cum.
>You feel it so much.
>Like the greatest thing in the world just happened everywhere.
>All because of what happened in this pool.
>The climax rocks your body and the water around you.
>Oh fuck.
>Indigo's pussy is pumped with your semen.
>Your dick is still in so deep.
>Her ass on your balls.
>Your dick exploding while completely inside.
>Indigo sighs and moans.
>You exhale with a smile.
>She holds you and kisses you.
>Calling you names.
>Stretching her arms as if she just worked out.
>Stretching the far.
>Arching her back and pushes her tits in your face.
>"Oh Anon."
>Your face rubs with her slippery wet skin.
>You just know none of the cum made it out into the water.
>In too deep.
>"Alright enough relaxing." Indigo says. "Come on and race me again."
>She strips off her swimsuit completely.
>Your dick exploding while completely inside.
That sounds simultaneously awesome and painful.
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That was pretty good, man. They gonna nude swim now? Sure hope no one walks in on this.
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Damn, Indie.

We're going to lose the race, but if we're swimming around nude, I'm all for losing and getting a nice rear-view.
page 10 save!
i miss naoh and sarge
>missing faggots that are practical dead
Her ass should be toned too.
>First movie: Bad
>Second movie: Great
>Third movie: meh
>Fourth movie: Good

Will the fifth movie be good or bad, because patterns are pointing to it being like the 1st and 3rd.
>that one backgrounder in every movie with the fucking fishlips and wide face

Who the fuck is she even supposed to be the human version of?
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Why is there only Rainbow Dash and SciTwi versions of this
I remember seeing others. Look up pregnancy test edit on derpibooru or something and you should find more.
>Implying they can't just join in.
>fifth movie
>You do the same.
>Indigo leads you out to the center.
>"We're starting on the other end now."
>You follow her.
>Get perched on the wall next to her.
>"Remember what I told you."
>You step higher.
>She says go.
>Launch and try to swim as fast as you can.
>Fuck, you have like no energy right now.
>Indigo Zap passes you in like a half second.
>Damn she's fast.
>Fall behind and the race finishes.
>You're so out of breath.
>"Come on, wimp. Again!"
>She races you three more times.
>Winning every single time,
>You reach the point where you're not even trying anymore.
"Why are you doing this?" You finally ask.
>"Gotta have stamina, man!"
>You groan.
>She seems to be happy finishing first each time.
>She then stops after the fifth time.
>"Alright, come here."
>Wades over to you.
>Her arms open.
>Sugarcoat walks in on them fucking again.
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How soon is soon?
I'm digging the shit out of Sarge's Anonymous Werewolf story
There anything worth reading in which Anon is a vampire?
Quite the showoff, isn't she?

But oh, what's this, the waddling over to us? Hmm... what's next, I wonder.
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Where the fuck is NaOH!?
>implying they have working internet in mexico
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>You and the rest of your friends open up the presents to prove that Anon's cruel joke from his father is still active to this day.
>Applejack looks around the box, whereas Pinkie Pie is looking right through her own.
>Twilight's scratching her head, and Rainbow Dash throws her box to the ground.
>“Man, I would be angry if my family did that to me.”
>”I'm way past that point now.” He heads over to a chair and tries to relax in it. “I just want this holiday to be over with.”
>”What should we do now?” Twilight whispers over to you.
“Nothing.” She's stunned by your reply. “There's nothing we can do.”
>”What about the party?” She asks out loud.
>”Not my thing, especially when it's Christmas themed.” He kicks back in his chair. “You guys know your way out, enjoy your party.”
>”Leave him, we're done here.” Rainbow Dash cuts Pinkie off.
>”We did all we could. There's nothing more we can do, sugarcube.” Applejack says to Pinkie when putting a hand over her shoulder, guiding her over to the door.
>You and Twilight were the last ones to leave the house, making sure that the door was closed shut.
>”I can’t believe this. We went through all of this just to give up?!” Twilight complains.
“You saw the tape. He isn’t going to accept any of our help, no matter what we do.”
>”I swear, there must be--”
>”Wake up, Twilight! He sprayed us with piss!” Rainbow rudely interjects her.
>”I know, but--”
>”Uh-uh, it’s over!” Rainbow Dash pulls up her hoodie and walks away.
>”But what about the party!?” Pinkie Pie yells out to Rainbow Dash.
>”I think I’ll skip it this year. All I want is a hot shower and some rest after this horseshit!”
>”Stuff a candy cane in it, Sunset. I’ve dealt with this long enough!” She heads off, sliding her hands into her pockets.
Killed himself after Trump wrecked his poor country.
Ayy, Fifty's back!
Oh man, I can't handle these feels.
>Applejack does the same thing; staying silent as she is walking away with her hood up and her hands in her pockets.
>Rarity comes out from the opposite side of the street and runs back to you.
>”Fluttershy isn’t coming back. She locked herself in her own house and refuses to continue with our travail.”
”I wouldn’t blame her.” You depressingly say.
>”Goodness, what did I miss?” She questions your low energy.
>”We’ve given up.” Twilight plainly states it to Rarity.
>”It was that devastating?”
“Not only does his family leave during the holidays, but they also give him empty presents.”
>”Oh dear.”
>”I know, right?! What an awful gag!” Pinkie criticizes.
”Ever since he was a child, they gave him pleasant-looking presents that were always empty.”
>”And that’s not the strangest part.” Twilight adds on. “I noticed something from all of them. What did the tag say on your presents?”
“Mine said that it was from his father.”
>”Yeah, that’s what my present said too!” Pinkie mentions the similar folly that’s going around.
>”Same here. Do you think that his mother had any input, or she just allowed this to happen?”
“You’re right. We’re missing something here.”
>”This isn’t over yet, is it?” Rarity hints at a sudden spark in this case.
>”We’ll figure this out one way or another!” Pinkie Pie says in cheer. “But first, we should probably take a shower; I’m getting all sticky with Anon’s stuff!”
>”You said it. Heck, he even got it all over my glasses!” Twilight whines.
“Rinse it under some hot water and some dish soap, it’ll be good afterwards.”
>”While I’m at it, I may as well grab a bottle of bleach.” She jokingly waives off.
>”Guess I’ll be going to the party myself. Wait; are you coming, Rarity?” Pinkie Pie asks.
>”I may as well, right after I take a shower.”
>”Yeah, good point. I’ll see you later!”
>Everyone gives out their send-offs before going their separate ways.
>You start to wonder if there is anything that you could do to get Anon out of his past, trying to get him into the excitement for the holidays.
>But whatever he has with his family must be discovered first before you could draw out a suitable plan.
>For now, you need a good scrubbing and should send out a text message to Fluttershy later on. Probably a good idea to check-in on her, right?

Ayy lads. Apologies for the nearly three weeks later update. More later, along with something for February once this is hopefully over with.
>"Let me show you the right strokes."
>Indigo holds you and kind of bends you over.
>Gets you into a swimming position.
>But she's holding you still.
>And you both being naked maxes this feel... better?
>You sure like it that's for sure.
>"Now just do like I say."
>Indigo shows you how the "right" way to swim looks.
>You let her move your arms the "right" way.
>She gets really touchy.
>Gives you a couple of kisses on the back of the neck.
>You kiss her back.
>But you start to worry about someone else coming in here.
>All it takes is for someone to come in for a swim and they'll see you.
>Do a couple of casual laps with Indigo.
>This time she doesn't pass you.
>Stays beside you, giving you instructions.
>You go laps around the pool.
>Locking arms after a while.
>It gets brighter outside.
>What if someone comes in?
>Your bathing suits lay on top of a chair.
>Can't go anywhere.
>Indigo is holding you in a cradle position again.
>She seems ready for another round of fun.
>Fuck this is getting risky.
>Kinda makes it hotter.
Great to see you back dude
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>inb4 they start hearing footsteps.
Why is one so much bigger?
Ask the animators.
I'm sure he meant the specials.
low quality post
That's not helping, man.
Bumping for more RD Pinkie
Same here I need to know what happens next.
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Have you met my wife
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Yes. in fact, we had anal sex..
You are a cuck my friend.
Page 8
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I just watched kitty Kat get utterly Blow the fuck out by Ethan Gradberry in the discord.

Mfw I read the whole thing.
>Her reaction when a greentext about her from this thread is read to her

Which greentext would it be?
What happened? Did she sperg out?
>Which greentext would it be?
The one where Rarity is addicted to touching herself and gets in a threesome with Anon and RD.
neither autosaging.
Yeah gonna have to ask for a link to that.
A girl in the chat who claimed to write at least 7 stories that no one but her has seen or knows what they were about before she allegedly lost them all.
Anon if what you're saying is true, then...________lel________
Awesome, this is pretty gripping so far.
>It's definitely time for someone else to in now.
>Indigo clamps you hard.
>Not doing much swimming related stuff anymore.
>And you're doing it back.
>Water up to your necks.
>You're kissing with Indigo.
>Getting hot again, caressing each other.
>Shit's going well even though someone could walk in.
>No one here yet.
>You're erect.
>Indigo lets you corner her this time.
>She's looking pretty exhausted now.
>Hold her.
>Touch her body, feeling how fit she is.
>Start to slide your boner in.
>A door opens somewhere.
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Shit, just dive underwater and hold your breath until whoever it is passes by. Then come up for air.
just go on the discord chat link in the OP, then scroll up quite a bit. I would screencap it, but I'm lazy and a bit busy at the minute.
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You sure that's a good idea?
>no hands
seriously though when is naoh coming back
How about you wait and stop being a whining bitch? If you want an update, it will take a while.
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In the words of George Clooney, "Well, when?"
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I feel like this picture requires some context.
So the rest of the eqg movies were dubbed for japan huh? Supposedly they're a big hit over there. I guess that's why we get so much fanart from them.
This. I don't want NaOH to end up like Waid
found the underage
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>found the underage
>Sucking this much mod dick
Found scruffy's cum dumpster.
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>Just figuring out MODS=FAGS
You must be new here.
more stupid
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ok downvoted ,cvck.
stop that ,faggot.
because nobody cares of your whimmy glammy.
Anyone see purp trix?
>Oh fuck.
>Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
"You hear that?"
>You look to find Indigo diving under you.
>Swims right past.
>Towards the chairs.
>You watch her as she swims just as fast as before when you raced.
"What the." You're confused at first.
>But then you see Indigo get out if the water.
>Grabs the swimsuits off the chair.
>Throws yours over to you.
>It lands where you can reach it.
>This all happened in like ten seconds.
>You slip it on, ignoring the fact you still have a boner.
>Indigo literally jumps into hers and pulls it up her body.
>Shit, there's footsteps.
>They're right around the corner.
>Silently, you root for Indigo.
>She gets it on before the two new girls appear.
>You stay in the water, hoping the rippled surface hides what's going on underwater.
>At least until it goes down.
>Just play everything off cooly, feeling like ninjas after a minute of then not knowing.
>You're about ready to leave anyway.
>Drying off, you get your stuff.
>The boner has retreated for now.
>"Hey." Indigo catches you in the hallway.
"Do you realize how close that-"
>"Shh. I know. And I'm sorry. But how about I make it up to you?"
>"The showers here are separate, but not the one where you live, right?"
>She smiles.
"So like... you're still up for that? I don't have class until much later."
>"We have unfinished business don't we? I don't have classes at all today."
>She's already following you back anyway.
>You have several hours to spare.
It's only the beginning
They usually disappear after a couple of months and then come back.
Who's that under the sheets?
not this shit quallity
I kek'd
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Did Sergeant Nonymous ever come back?
Doesn't look like it.
Shinning Armor
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Night light
Let's try to discuss the previous movie and upcoming specials until someone else updates. What do you guys want to see happen?
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Two words. Human. Sunset.
Well, I haven't seen the recent movie yet but I heard it sucks. What went wrong this time?
That absolutely has to happen..
I have been waiting for this moment since we saw SciTwi, which made me realize that there must also be a human Sunset.
>spoonfeed me
Y'all niggas posting in a troll thread.
every fucking day until fingerbang 10000
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I'm back, for now have an update:
Previously on WFD ASC: http://pastebin.com/gDR83Vgr
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>As you prepare to run away you hear the elevator door opening, so you hide behind the front door of the first apartment to and wait for the enemies to emerge.
>”THE FUCK HAPPENED?!” One of them yells.
>You kick the door open and fire the remaining shotgun shells at the three thugs, killing them instantly.
>There’s plenty of criminals on the floors above, and you know that they’ll come for you.
>You’re jeopardizing everything.
>Your second chance. Your friends’ peaceful lives. Your identity.
>You wish that at least you had your rooster mask on your head.
>But no, you left it in your locker to avoid suspicion on you for your previous crime.
>The only way from now on…
>Is forwards.
>You grab a pistol from one of the thugs’ hands and enter the elevator, then you push the elevator’s button to get to the second level.
>The first thing you do is shoot two guys preparing to enter the elevator, you don’t even wait for the elevator’s doors to completely open.
>As soon as the elevator’s doors open you shoot a vicious dog dead, then proceed to enter the crowded apartments full of pricks from age seventeen to twenty-three.
>Wasting them wasn’t that hard.
>They didn’t put much of a fight. Although they had knives, chainlinks and a few of them had guns.
>Perhaps you never gave them enough time to shoot at you.
>You discard the pistol and grab one of theirs.
>Third Floor.
>Same as before.
>Killing these pricks doesn’t bother you at all, instead of fearing for your safety you’re worried more for the safety of your friends and parents.
>Somehow, these assholes lured and used Gilda to push their nasty product into the school.
>Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, the poor girl Rainbow always finds annoying, were about to try those dreadful drugs.
>To be honest you find them annoying too, but they are sweet and innocent girls.
>You’ll never forgive Gilda for this.
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>When you’re done with these scumbags, she’ll be the next girl on your list.
>You recall Fluttershy’s scaredy voice from earlier in the morning.
>As you keep murdering the thugs in each level, you notice that each apartment hides some nasty stuff you really did not want to see.
>There are a few gun racks and crates full of ammo.
>These might come in handy.
>You grab one and carry it to the elevator, as well as a shotgun from one of the gun racks, a submachine gun from one of the bodies, and a chainlink, just in case.
>As you prepare to go to the last level, you really think of what you’re doing.
“…What the hell is wrong with me?” you ask to yourself as you look down your shoes and notice they are dampened with blood.
>You notice the shotgun you are carrying isn’t loaded, and that the UZI doesn’t have bullets left in the chamber nor in the magazine.
>That guy you got this Uzi from really wanted you dead, and you capped him before he could reload.
>You nervously look at the crate and search for shotgun shells or a magazine for the pistol.
>”This is the last day of your life motherfucker, you feel me?!” A voice shouts as soon as the elevator door’s open.
>A horrific sight meets you.
>A thug with a bloody chainsaw charges at you.
>This is it…
>You’re dead.
>You grab the chainlink you stored within your pants and swing it at the maniac as hard as you can.
>Fortunately, it breaks his jaw just in time and makes it drop the chainsaw.
>You step on his head the times necessary to break his skull and kill him.
>Another guy comes out of one of the apartments and aims his weapon at you.
>You lunge at him and swing the chainlink within your enemy’s range and break one of his wrists.
>You grab the weapon from his hands and blast a shell into his body, killing him instantly.
>Then, you cock the gun and look at the used shell coming out of the chamber, then you wait for your next victims.
>Two dogs.
>Two shells.
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>As you enter to the apartment you see how two armed men were awaiting you and shoot their guns at you.
>Fortunately, they miss and you get an opportunity to enter a bathroom for cover.
>A disgusting sight meets your eyes.
>A sliced-up body was being dissolved in acid.
>Shit, these fuckers don’t play around.
>You start to miss your old timeline, where you were hated by everyone.
>Now, you’re stuck in this clusterfuck, and that voice keeps telling you it’s your fault.
>You decide not to think about it and keep moving forward.
>As soon as the attacking men start reloading their guns, you hear their footsteps coming closer.
>You blindly shoot your shotgun twice and hope they died.
>Loud thuds are heard on the floor.
>You peek your head out of the bathroom and see their bodies on the floor.
>You check there are no more enemies around, and blast the last one of them.
>A big guy who looked like their boss.
>It’s not Silver Fang.
>Anyways, he’s dead.
>Everything is cleared now.
>You drop the shotgun on the floor and fall on your knees.
>It finally kicked in…
>What have you done?
>Did you actually kill thirty people?
>You look at the bodies.
>Brain matter and guts scattered all over the place.
>You can’t hold it anymore.
>You puke on the floor.
“Oh God…fuck! FUCK!”
>You stand up and look around.
>Bullet holes everywhere, gun smoke, blood.
>You check out what’s inside the rooms.
>There are two rooms filled with crates full of drugs.
>And a table with chemicals and powders on it.
>You go back to the main hallway of that same apartment and notice there are a couple of fuel canisters.
>They are full to the brim.
>You look at the bodies, and at the rooms filled with drugs.
>You have an idea.
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>You pour fuel all over the bodies, drugs and chemicals since you plan to leave no evidence.
>Then you look inside the other apartment.
>There’s a very weird room.
>It’s…quite clean.
>It has some green and purple pills on the coffee table, sure. But it’s nothing like the other rooms in the building.
>You notice a notebook under the bed.
>It contains notes which read:
>Shipments to: Los Santos, San Franciscolt, Las Pegasus [Scheduled for tonight.]
>Whores: CANCELLED. -> Investigate 51st street incident.
>Blonde Virgin: -$650.000 [Buyer from Saddle Arabia won’t pick up phone. Pink Penny is pissed.]
>Pink Penny?
>These are important, you better keep these notes.
>You enter the room behind it and-
>There’s a fuckton of money in it.
>Bill counting machines, gym bags filled with money, tens and twenties on the desks.
>This…could be helpful in the future.
>You can even get a better car! Gifts for your friends! A brand new PC!
>You don’t hesitate and grab ALL the money bags and stuff all the money on the desks inside them.
>You’ll have to be careful though, and spend them wisely or else your friends might get suspicious.
>This will be your little secret.
>Whoever was supposed to guard this place fucked up hard.
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>With the money strapped to your body, you pour the rest of the fuel all over the money room and hallways, leaving no spot clean.
>You grab a shell from the ammo crate and load it into the shotgun, then fire at the poured fuel and order the elevator to take you to the first floor.
>The elevator’s doors close as you see how the fire rises and follow the fuel trails to each apartment.
>As soon as you exit the building with the moneybags and the ammo crate and stuff them into your car’s trunk you see the last floor’s room explode.
>Oh crap, the floor’s gone weak and the fire is making its way to the third floor.
>Time to get the fuck away from here!
>You get in your vehicle and drive away.

>Silver Fang’s gang integrity: +60%
>Dark Blood’s wrath: +100
>Sunset Shimmer’s friendship: +100
>Sunset Shimmer’s love: +15
>Rank: S
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>Minutes later, back at the pizza parlor.
>”There you are Anon! What took you so long?”
“Oh, hey Shimmy…I-I almost got carjacked.”
>Sunset Shimmer gasps.
>”Oh my, are you alright?”
“I uh, put up a fight against the jacker.”
>”I can see that, you’re kind of messy…why are your pants and shoes wet?”
>You had to wash the blood away.
>Sunset Shimmer blushes.
>”Uh, don’t worry Anon. I would’ve wet myself if I ran into such dangers…are you okay?”
“I didn’t wet myself Sunny! I gave the guy the beating of his life…he happened, to uh- puke all over my jeans because I hit him hard in his stomach. That’s why I took so long.”
“I know! Terrible right? You must think I’m some sort of monster for not going easy on that guy.”
>”And have your car stolen? No way Anon, I’m sure you did what you had to do…”
“Wichita Gardens is hell Sunny. As I was leaving that place I heard an explosion nearby!”
>”Really?! Oh my goodness, were you injured?”
“No, I’m okay, I just wish I had driven sooner. I called 911 and left the area.”
>”Canterlot was not like this…” she says with a sigh, “anyways Anon. Do you think you can keep working or do you want me to cover you?”
“It’s okay Sunny, I’m no weakling.”
>”One heck of a second day of work don't you think?”
>You let out a chuckle.
>In that moment a phone rings.
>”There it is, the second call of the day. I wonder why there’s fewer and fewer calls each day that passes by.”
>You shrug.
>”I’ll get it,” says one of your coworkers.
>Phew, your alibi worked.
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>Some of coworkers are watching the news.
>[BREAKING: Explosion reported at Wichita Gardens…”]
>You glup.
>”Oh man! I wonder what happened!”
>The news reporter makes an appearance.
>[“I’m currently outside the building unable to access due to the police barricade. We do not have reports of the cause of explosion or the count of the bodies found inside the building, but we believe it’s in the toll of seventy to a hundred!”]
>The news anchor asks for details.
>[“Uh, we’re just REPORTING the toll, we’re not sure who the perpetrators or the cause were but it all leads to a gang war between The Order of Silver and their rivals.”]
>”The Order of Silver have rivals?”
>”The news said they had!”
>”I bet it’s the same guy who got the girls out of that building!” Your coworkers argue.
>”What do you think newbie?” A girl asks you.
“Uhh…who knows? I was nearby but I didn’t pay much attention, I just beat the shit out of a prick who tried to steal my car,” you say as you point at your vehicle’s broken window.
>”That sucks! You okay right newbie?”
“Yeah…I’m fine.”
>[“Are you sure about the death toll?”]
>[“Uh…we’re just reporting it. But yeah, pretty much yes. We’ll keep you informed.”]
>Stupid CNN.
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>Some cops and firefighters run away from the building.
>”What’s going on?” Some coworkers ask
>The building collapses.
>”Oh damn!”
>”Oh my goodness!”
>[“We just saw the building’s apartment rooms collapse…although the building’s façade looks fine, the insides have collapsed. And we report about ten firefighters trapped in the debris!”]
>[“Uh, not really. We all made it out!”] Said the Fire Department Chief, [“we saw a few bodies though, this sure is gonna make investigations harder.”]
>You let out a relieved but quiet sigh.
>All of a sudden the TV shuts off.
>”What happened?”
>You all turn around.
>”M-Mr. Dusk!”
>”Go back to work y’all!”
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>Four hours later.
>Mr. Dusk decided to close earlier to take his wife to an appointment she had at the hospital so work hours have come to an end for the day.
>”What a day huh Anon?”
“Sure was Sunny, stuff’s getting out of control…”
>”Yeah, but let’s not think too hard about that. Let’s have fun instead! It’s Friday night.”
“Oh yeah, of course! Did you call the girls or something?”
>”I have, but some of them are busy. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were so angry. Do you know why?”
>You gulp.
“Err…I wouldn’t know anything about that. We’re all in good terms.”
>Perhaps Applejack knows about Apple Bloom’s drugs already. Poor girl must’ve fainted when she learned Apple Bloom had drugs hidden in her locker.
>Maybe even Granny Smith used the wooden spoon to beat poor AB.
>”Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie’s parents already forbid them to go out late due to the crime wave the city’s having…so that leaves the two of us.”
>You put on an awkward but cute smile that makes Sunset laugh a bit.
>”Let’s do something fun together! You and I! What do you say?”
“Yeah, I’d like that…”
>”So! Where are you taking me tonight?” She asks in a very charming way.

>Movie Theater
>The Nightclub
>The Mall

That's it for tonight, keep tuned in for more tomorrow.
Still thinking that now?
Thanks dead man
>You can even get a better car! Gifts for your friends! A brand new PC!
you know Anon has gone off the deep end if that's what he's thinking about after all that shit
Movie theater
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Movie theater for sure man!
See what's at the movies. If nothing good go to the mall.
theater kissing incoming
Anything but the nightclub. No Station nightclub fire happenin' to Sunny Bunny.
He's held up to his word sometimes
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Thank you for the update m7!
And the movie theater.
>Back to your dorm.
>Kissing as the door closes.
>Still in your swimsuits you take all other clothes off.
>"Come on, let's do this." Indigo whispers.
>Go to the shower.
>Turn the water on.
>Keeping your swimsuits on, you get under the warm water.
>Watch the beads of water roll down Indigo's body.
>You feel her up, appreciating how her tight muscles feel under your fingers.
>Kissing her and turning the water hotter.
>She moans.
>Your dick almost rips through your swimming trunks.
>Everything gets pulled down and off.
>Zap does you and you do her.
>Frenching and cuddling.
>"You did so great today Anon."
"You were better though."
>She lightly spanks you.
>Spreading her legs.
>you kiss her tenderly and back her to the wall.
>Already penetrating her pussy.
>She welcomes you.
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Not pool sex, but shower sex is muh fetish.
Thank you for the update.
Not even close.
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this is fingerbang, the same crap every day.

Is it still EqG? Than it is still a thread about trolls.
Great, now go get a life, troll

But this is my thread. For me and my people. A troll thread.
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>the fire rises
you just couldnt resist could you?
A shit thread for shit people and filled with shit writers. Seems legit.
What the hell happened, guys? The thread a week and a half ago did almost perfectly. Is work season finally setting in?
Greentext went on a nostalgia trip and let the thread go back to Fingerbang so it can have that """Fingerbang rebound""" that pretty much only exists in myths at this point.
Fuck, I forgot the name of this webcomic...
>tfw he saved fb then un-saved it

Also wow I guess I was wrong about NaOH showing up today. I hope he's not busy.
>still trusting that spic
You fanboys are that retarded that you are that gullible.
It's like r63 on Kim Jong-un
Hey I admitted I was wrong didn't I? It's not like I'm just gonna believe him again.
Well this thread still has an acceptable amount of content. Less than last thread so far but still noticeably better than how it was in December. We'll just have to wait and see.
It's still Saturday isn't it?
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True that. Looking forward to the next time you post, as I'm going to continue to post here as well now that it's finally the weekend again and I have more time.
I don't think I've said it in here before, but a rocky start to things is usually a given. I've meanwhile been posting some things in another thread since a day or two before the last thread pruned. Pretty much because there's been enough content here that things were going well on their own for a while. However, I'll soon continue posting here anyway. Probably later today.
We still have more active writers than we did a month ago, so there's that.
>That body shape
The animators SO knew what they were doing.
Good to hear from you m8s
My life would be complete once there's a swimsuit scene with her.
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"Hey there Fluttershy, nice outf-"
>"I am not Fluttershy, I am Bloodycry."
"Bloody what?"
>"It's part of transforming myself from a doormat to someone who stands up for herself. My image represents the darkness of humanity, the red is the blood that cloaks me, I am invulnerable, I am untouchable!"
"Uh, great? Listen, I just came by to pick up my laundry, remember, my washer broke and I had to use yours?"
>"You dare ask me, the Princess of Darkness to do your laundry?"
"No, it's already done, I came by to pick it up-"
>"Fool, you dare not tempt me, I am a sorceress of evil black magic, I can curse you in over a thousand different ways! Feeeeeeeear me!"
>You sigh.
"So 'Bloodycry' can I get my clothes?"
>"I don't know, can you?" She mocks.
>You don't have time for this.
"May I get my clothes?"
>"Since you asked, sure."
>She steps aside, allowing you to enter.
>"What's the special occasion?"
"What, is my laundry that weird?"
>"All you brought in this time is nothing but a white shirt and black pants."
"And a pair of black socks. I swear, if they aren't inside the dryer, you better pray to Satan about your safety."
>"Don't be ridiculous, Anon. It's Cthulhu that I await, for he shall bring havoc and mayhem to this wretched world."
>You try to hold back from laughing, but it's proven to be a challenge when you noticed that she's actually serious with this.
>To keep your mind preoccupied, you keep on walking and make it down to her basement.
"So, why the whole getup?"
>"Don't you get it? I have been doing this for the last two weeks. How can you fail to notice?"
"That explains the different eyeshadow."
>She grunts.
"Come on, you barely made any eye contact when I met you. What made you think that I would notice anything?"
>"What about everything else?"
>You take a good look at her current attire.
>Bloodycry has a few wristbands from various bands, a single black highlight in her hair with a bat hairpin. Her clothes look similar on how she used to dress, but all of it is now dark purple.
>"Do you like them? I was thinking about Green Day or My Chemical Romance."
"Why don't you get a Nickleback wristband instead?"
>You turn back around to dig your pants and fortunately enough, two black socks out of her dryer.
>"I have been thinking for a few days about what happened to your washing machine."
>You stop.
>"What happened to it?"

>Two weeks ago...
>You shove the bag filled with bricks down the washing machine and slam the lid down.
>You sit on top of the lid.
>"Anon, I'm not sure about this."
"If we can't go to the amusement park, then we'll bring the amusement to us."
>"That doesn't even make any sense."
"We can't use my car to head there, so we may as well come up with the next best thing."
>"By using your washing machine?"
"No shit. Anymore questions?"
>"Aren't you worried about breaking something?"
"Nah, it'll be fine."
>"Why can't we use your car again?"
"My parents took it away after we used it for last weeks drag race."
>"That's the last time I'm going in the same car with you."
"Hey, we won."
>"And almost got arrested for passing that red light."
"BUT, thanks to that red light, we won."
>Norman sighs.
"Just plug it in!"
>He plugs the extension cord it into an outlet near the back door.
>You set it to heavy duty and slam the start button.
>There was nothing but a small rumble in the first few seconds, but then came the mother of all tremors.
>"How is it?"
>It then violently jumps, moving side-to-side with each hop.
>You bounce off of it when you could not get a good grasp on it.
>Norman stops it by unplugging the cord.
>"Are you OK?"
"What a rush, you're next!"
>"I think I'll pass."
"Bet you ten that you can't outlast me."
>He looks at the machine before looking straight at you.
>"You're on."
>While you run back to the outlet, he jumps on.
>Without a second thought, you plug it in and watch.
>It goes the same for him, except the machine acts up early.
>Norman slides around, but stops when he grabs the panel.
>He holds on for a good two minutes until he springs off, landing on his arm.
>The machine starts to wildly leap around, tilting from each bound.
>You unplug it, leaving the machine stuck on one of its legs.
>As you run over, it breaks, starting to fall right for Norman.
>You tackle for the machine and go head on.
>It falls back and hits the ground with a loud slam.
>The front panel on the washing machine pops off, along with the lid opening up.
>As the partially damaged bricks slide out, you reach out and pick Norman off the ground.
>"AGH! Fuck!"
"Okay, we're going for a walk."
>"The hospital is three miles away!"
"And the only car that I could drive is gone. Do you have any other idea?"
>"What about... No." He mumbles. "Fine, let's--"
>"Anon! What are you doing!?" Your mother drops her folder when running into the backyard.
"H-hey mom, I was--"
>"Risking your own life for some cheap thrill!?"
>You and Normal look at each other.
"You could say that."
>"And now he's hurt. What were you thinking!?"
>"That a beautiful woman could help us?" Norman tries to get on her good side.
>She rolls her eyes.
>"I swear, if your ancestors were alive to see this, they would disown you."
"They would actually disown you for raising me." You whisper to Norman.
>"What was that?"
"Can we at least get a ride to the hospital?"

>Back to today...
>You fold your socks together.
"It broke down."
"Just like every other machine; over time."
>"Okay then. That just leaves one more question; why is this certain getup so important? Someone special?"
"If you must know, it is for my family."
>You slam the door and grab your folded clothes.
>"What's wrong with them?"
"My parents have been in a slump with their relationship for... some time. Now I'm going out of my way to rekindle that spark in their relationship."
>You walk up the stairs and walk down the hallway.
>Bloodycry follows you.
>"Is it that bad?"
"As far that I'm concerned, they fight over worthless arguments."
>"Like what?"
"Two days ago, they complained on who didn't put in a new roll of toilet paper. Luckily, they didn't realize that I was the last one to use the bathroom."
>She chuckles before cleaning her throat.
>"How devious of you." She tries to sound uninterested. "Almost nothing to what I did last week."
"What did you do?"
>"I checked out a book and turned it in a day after it was due."
"Okay then."
>"Oh, that's not enough?" She sounds intimidated. "If you must know, I didn't cry when Mufasa died."
"You must have watched that scene ten times just to get over it. Anything else?"
>"I stubbed my toe last week and only cried for twenty minutes?"
"Fine, I get it. What's next, you're going to read me a poem?"
>You stop to turn around and see her unfolding a piece of paper.
>When you start to pass the door to her room, something bothers you.
"Are you burning sage?"
>She backs away to reach for the door handle.
>And just like that, she goes inside.
>She comes back out, brushing her fingers against her skirt.
>"Not anymore."
"You need to get outside more often."
>"I do go out." She madly replied.
"School and the animals don't count."
>"Then... YOU should get out as well! Starting now."
"Fine, only if you let me find out on what you're hiding in there."
>"First you taunt me and NOW you bother with making petty agreements?"
"If you have nothing to hide, then you have no problem on allowing me to go inside."
>"The Princess of Darkness refuses to let you into her domain."
"Afraid that I'll be right?"
>"I am not afraid! I just... it's messy, okay. Now will you leave it alone?"
"So is my room, but I still let me friends in. Face it, you have no excuse."
>"I, erm... fine, but just a quick peep, understand?"
>Bloodycry turns the doorknob and leaves the door barely open.
>From where you're standing, you can't see shit.
>"That should be enough."
>You slide your arm around her and hold it from closing.
"Oh no, don't pull that shit with me."
>"What? You've seen my room, now you can--"
>As you straighten your arm, you push the door open and get her to back away.
>You walk in, surveying the room from what has changed.
>It doesn't look too different to how it was the first time she invited you a few weeks ago.
>One of the few things that truly changed is that her bedspread once was butterflies with flowers is now purple and black with a flourish design.
>The wall that had posters of animals in their natural habitat is now replaced with a Slayer poster and some landmarks that went through a noir filter.
>Her desk has-- you guessed it, the sage sticks that you predicted earlier.
>There are two books sitting right beside it. One is from Edgar Allan Poe, whereas the other is from H.P. Lovecraft.
>Right behind them is an Ouija board.
>Hold on...
>You grab the board and waive it around.
"What the fuck is this shit?"
>She walks closer to take the board out of your hands.
>"I am a sorceress of evil black magic, remember?"
"That explains the damn smell. What else have you done?"
>"Nothing, as of yet."
>You look at her desk once more.
>With the board out of the way, you did overlook something.
>There is some pill bottles scattered around.
>You pick one up and read it.
>Before you could finish, she takes it away.
>"Don't you have any respect for other people's stuff?"
"Do you really need an answer for that?"
>She crosses her arms and gives you a dirty look.
"Although I do need an answer to what that is."
>"Why should I? You have already seen enough, now you should leave."
"Not until I know why do you need them."
>Bloodycry tosses the empty bottle in a bin.
>She moves you away to grab the other one and puts it in a purse covered with studs.
>"You wouldn't understand."
>It's starting to come together.
>Rebellious, this weird getup, her change.
"Are those antidepressants?"
>The look in her eyes shift.
>"So what if they are?"
"How long have you been taking this stuff?"
>"Does it matter?"
"Yes, it does."
>"Because you feel guilty now, is that it?" She starts to raise her voice. "I swear, day in and day out, people expect me to be nice and always be the quiet one to agree with everything."
>She approaches you and points a finger at the door.
>"Not anymore, I'm fed up with all of it, so I want you out of here now!"
>You stand there, thinking that there must be a way to get Bloody here to see the light of day.
"Fine, but--"
>"This better be good."
"You come along with me."
>She lowers her arm.
"Clearly you need to strengthen it out more by trying it out on someone first. If your friends still don't by it, then you can work on it with me."
>She thinks about it.
>"I'm not sure. You're not wrong about my friends, but why would you help me?"
>You itch the back of your hand.
"I'm not gonna lie but I'll probably hate myself for saying it. I was in your position before."
>Bloodyshy raises her eyebrows.
>"You have?"
"Yes. Maybe not the whole act that you've been putting on, but yeah."
>"What did you do?"
"Can I tell you on the way? Seriously, I'm boiling some vegetables on an open stove."
>"You can cook?"
"Fuck, its one question after another." You whisper. "Not really, but I picked up a recipe from the Internet to make a meal for tonight."
>"That sounds nice." She coughs. "For you and all."
"Now can we go?"
>"I guess."
>The two of you walk out of the room and head for outside.
>It is a clear, bright day. Not too hot or cold for anyone to wear a sweater or shorts.
>"Darn sunlight." She moves a hand over her eyes.
"See? You need some fresh air."
>"Yeah, yeah."
>You guide her down the street, trying to answer some of her questions.
>Thankfully it is only a couple of blocks to get to her house.
>"Before we talk about anything, I just wanted to remind you that I didn't get a clear answer on why would you help me."
"It just seemed sudden for you to act like this."
>"Because no one has been paying attention to me."
>Great, here we go.
"At least you have my attention, so take that however you want."
>"It's a good start. So when you said that you were in my spot, what did you mean?"
>You stop at the corner of an intersection.
"I had--"
>"Hey guys!"
>Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie approach you and Bloodycry from the other side.
>"What's going on, Muddydie?"
>"It's Bloodycry, Rainbow Dash."
>"Right, what's going on with you two?" She tries to make small talk.
>"None of your business, that's all."
>"Okay, fine. You don't have to be so uptight about everything."
>Bloodycry grunts.
>"Hey, Nonny and Bloody, are you guys going to my party later today?"
>"I'm not one for those social gatherings. I prefer to be alone."
>"But you're with Nonny right now."
"It's a long story, Pinkie."
>"I wouldn't be surprised that she's still trying to impress--"
>"Hey, Anon, can I talk to you in private." It's not like you had a choice since she dragged you away. "How did Bloody there take about the old board game?"
"She might have panicked, since I found her burning sage in her room."
>Rainbow Dash smirks.
>"A profit and a good prank, what a good time to be alive."
"What? Is there something up with that board?"
>"She came by my yard sale last week and picked that out for whatever reason. I gave it to her for ten bucks, without telling her that it vibrates overtime."
"You gave her a gag gift?"
>"Yeah, I felt as if I should have told her something, but how she acted lately made me reconsider."
>You can see why she would do this, but to Flu-- Bloodycry?
>"You gotta tell me, how did she take it?"
"Sort of fine." You lie through your teeth.
>"Really? I kind of expect her to panic. I knew I should have checked the batteries before giving it to her."
"Yeah. Hey, will you at least call Bloodycry by her new name?"
>"Hmm, nah. It's kind of fun to see her mad when I call her something else."
"Whatever you say. We should get back over, it looks like Bloody wants to strangle Pinkie."
>"How can you tell?"
>You point at Bloody's expression.
"That is not only a face of a bored person, but one that is ready to choke someone."
>"You've seen this before?"
"As a matter of fact, a lot in our school."
>"Jeez, alright."
>You and Rainbow walk back over to catch the last bit of what Pinkie was yammering about the party.
>"Come on. Fruit punch, heart-shaped cookies, I'll even bake a cake if you want! Did I mention about seven minutes in Heaven?"
>"Yes, you did. For the third time."
>Bloodycry pinches the bridge of her nose.
>"Pinkie, I will not bother on going to your crummy party that always has an annoying list of songs that blare into my ears."
>Pinkie briefly thinks as she sticks the tip of her thumb in her mouth.
>"It'll be red velvet!" She chimes.
>Bloody closes her eyes when dropping her hand to turn it into a fist.
"What's going on?" You hastily ask.
>"I was trying to tell Bloody about what we'll be doing at the party. Hey! Maybe you should come along! Music, food, games like seven minutes in Heaven."
"No thanks, I'll pass."
>"Don't worry about it, only single people are coming over."
"Is that why Rainbow Dash is coming over?"
>She punches your bicep.
>Usually it's a small punch, but this one is much harder than that.
"Seriously? I was messing around."
>Judging by how upset she is, it looks as if you were on to something.
>"If you guys ever do change your mind, you know where I live! Heck, even we agreed that the party will go on all night looong!"
>Pinkie chuckles as she nudges Rainbow Dash.
>"Ah. But yeah, my family left me in charge and that's we're doing for the night."
"We better go, I actually left the stove on."
>"Okie dokie! I hope to see you guys later tonight!"
>"See you later, Buggyfly." Rainbow smirks before turning around to walk along with Pinkie.
>"It's Bloodycry!" She furiously shouts at Rainbow walking off. "Rainbow-haired, jerk."
"Hey now, don't you worry about it."
>You put a hand on her shoulder, but she shakes it off.
>"You may touch me when you have my permission."
>You choose to say nothing and continue on walking back home.

>As you bolt into the kitchen, the lid dances on the pot.
>You prevent the water from boiling over by turning off the stove.
>"At least the house didn't burn down."
>Bloddycry stands by the doorway leading to the living room.
"Thank you for the comforting words."
"Can you go back in the living room? I'll figure out on what we'll do later."
>"I think I'll stay here, it's almost funny when you panic."
>You open up the stove that has been preheated the entire time.
"Sorry to disappoint, but that's going to be a one-time experience."
>You pull out a ham resting in a foil pan to slam it inside the oven.
>"You really went all out for this, didn't you?"
>She goes into the dining room to look at the vase filled with handpicked roses sitting on a polished wooden table.
"I'm giving it a hell of an effort for them, especially with how I tried to convince them to leave for the afternoon."
>You close the oven and walk inside.
>"What did you do?"
"I told them about the unpaid parking tickets that I neglected for the last few weeks."
>"Why would you do that?"
"Hey, a jobless student in high school can't pay them off, now can he?"
>"No, I'm talking about the parking tickets."
"Have you seen the parking lot? What I normally do is park right in front of Cranky's car and watch him slowly rip into his toupee."
>She shakes her head.
"Come on, even you would do the same."
>"I wouldn't. You should at least be mindful of others."
"I may as well just park on the red lane, and why do you care? I thought you wanted to rain madness and all that shit."
>"I do, to those who deserve it."
"And I'm presuming it is those who neglected whatever you had to say?"
>She gives you a hostile stare.
"Forget it, let's go watch something to pass the time."
>The two of you walk into the living room and sit on the couch.
>"So, what do you have to pass the time?"
"Video games, TV, listening to music."
>"Is that all?"
"Just the ones that are legal."
>"Would you care to tell me the rest?"
"That is probably a bad idea."
>"You can tell me. Clearly I have done worse."
"I drove past a red light to win a drag race."
>She sits there, trying to contain her amazement.
>"One time, I... um, didn't feed a dog when he wouldn't sit."
"My cousin pissed me off to the point that I took her favorite doll and stapled it to a tree."
>"Rarity loaned me her eyeliner and I never gave it back?" Her voice starts to grow weaker.
>You're ready to let this go, Bloody will try her best to show you how tough she can be.
"That's pretty cruel of you to do that."
>At first, she is surprised, but goes along with it.
>"And don't you forget it." She sounds self-satisfied from your compliment.
"What did she do to make you do that?"
>"She let me use it for the day and forgot it afterwards and I felt like keeping it."
>Bloodycry has a sinister look on her face.
>The smile and look on her eyes were somehow unsettling to you.
>"And I keep it in a drawer just to look at it every now and then."
>She seems very proud over some beauty product that her friend probably didn't care about.
"Fine, you win!"
>You can hear her whisper "Yes!" as she turns around.
"But we still don't have anything to pass the time."
>"I can go back home to grab my Ouija board. I have always wanted to try it with someone else."
"How about a movie instead?"
>"If we are going to watch a movie, I prefer something gruesome and grisly."
>You consider about showing her some the most terrifying horror films of all time, but that wouldn't be fun afterwards when you're cleaning up the couch cushion.
>You need to hit her on where it hurts, but how?
>It hits you when you get off the couch and crawl over to dig through a mountain of DVD's just to pull out a documentary.
>"What is it?"
"March of the Penguins."
>You pull the dusty DVD player out of hiding to turn it on.
>"Anon, I said a movie that is gruesome. You know, violence?"
“I don’t have any.”
>You feel very doubtful on the idea of her buying that.
>”It has been a while since I have seen anything animal related.”
>With a slight relief, you wonder what she watched.
“What did you do instead?”
>The answer then comes straight through you when Bloody said that she did not cry when Mufasa died.
>She must have re-watched it to be desensitized.
>You only said that as a joke, but it proved to be more than that.
>She was about to speak, but you decided to cut her off.
"Never mind."
>For a moment, she was stuck and confused to your response.
>"Just play it. I still have a passion for animals, but that doesn't mean I will love every movie about them."

>After an hour and a half, you ignore the credits to look over at Bloodycry's direction.
>She seems emotionless from where you're sitting.
"So, what did you think of it?"
>You try to break it off of her.
>She turns to you, unchanged.
>"It was... alright."
>You wait, expecting as if there was anything else?
"That's it? You don't have any other input?"
>"Well what did you expect? That I enjoyed that... part?"
>You know which one she is talking about.
>There was either two ways that she could have gone on it: enjoyed it like a psychopath, or possibly heartbroken inside.

In case if I louse this up, here. That's all that I have, so tarra for now.
Oh shit I remember this >green
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That was pretty good. I like it.
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The thigh gap is real.png
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This is my wife Sunset Shimmer. Say something nice about her.
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She has great tits. They feel amazing in my hands.
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Even more tiddos.png
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Delete this
They belong to be
I staked that claim back in 2013
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>They belong to be
Who is be?
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I'm surprised there hasn't been a Daring Do green yet.
Well shit, Sunset's tits are belongs to him now, congratulations

Would you like em hole or diced?
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>are belongs to him
Jesus Christ I need sleep.
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>still this gullible
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315KB, 1254x1024px
He's been delivering for 2 years. Even if it's usually spaced out, there are people who produce fiction professionally who are way less reliable.
But they at least get it done. This shit is ridiculous. Stop excusing for his mistakes, shit licker.
even every day the samefag is on the loose
What kind of rebuttal is that? It's an ongoing series; it updated less than 48 hours ago and he says he's working on more. If you want to talk about people not finishing things, you can go to a thread about Prequel or James Cameron's blue cat movies.
Same could be said for your petty response. An ongoing series that's practically a joke that's been this long. And hey, so much for him continuing it tomorrow and you guys will still defend it to the bone. That's sad.
>Instead, she has been both fascinated and stone-eyed throughout the movie.
"I expected some sort of reaction, that's all."
>"I didn't know on what to feel about it. That was certainly upsetting, but that's just how nature works. However, I certainly did not enjoy it that way."
>You let out a sigh of relief.
"I was a bit worried there." You mumble when slumping back on the couch.
>"What did you think; that I get some sort of sick kick from animals suffering? I mean, I did feed that poor dog his dinner, but it was at the time to get him to pay attention. It was just one time, I swear!"
>It sounds like she is having some sort of anxiety attack.
>You need to calm her down before it gets even more drastic than it is now.
"I believe you. Torturing animals isn't your thing, let alone seeing them in a bad state and just leaving them like that."
>As she is starting to settle down, you are very aware that it did the trick.
>"Goodness, Anon. Do I really look that heartless to you?"
>You're tempted to answer that question, but she starts to think about it all by herself.
>Just as she was, you start to grow a certain concern of your own.
>Where is your mom and dad? It shouldn't take them this long to be out.
>Even so, you are starting to get hungry.
>You had to skip lunch today just so that you can prepare.
"Hey. do you want to eat?"
>Fluttershy stops thinking about her current life choices and looks at you.
>"What about your parents? I thought you were going to wait for them to arrive."
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“Say, I feel like watching a movie. Whad’ya think?”
>”Sounds great! I’ll go get changed first. You better get changed too and throw those pants to the trash bin.”
>You chuckle.
“Alright, I’ll wait for you outside.”

>Minutes later…
>”Let’s get going then!”
>You open the door for her and help her in.
>”Ooh, what a gentleman.”
“You learn a couple of things from Rarity.”
>”Oh yeah? Like what?”
“You know, how to dress properly, good manners, stuff in general a lady like her craves.”
>Sunset Shimmer giggles.
>”You’re not gonna use that knowledge to woo me right?”
>You arch an eyebrow.
“I guess you found me out already,” you jokingly say.
>Sunset Shimmer slaps your forearm gently, feigning to be annoyed.
>”Nice car Anon! Shame about the window though.”
“Eh it’s fine, I can ask my dad to get it fixed immediately, I’ll take more time to pay for it though.”
>”Aren’t you worried your car might get stolen? It’s getting late and we’re going to the movie theater.”
“Nah, there’s not much criminal activity near the movie theater since the Police Department is one block away.”
>”Okay, if you say so Anon…do you mind if I turn the radio on?”
“Of course not Sunny.”
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>Sunset turns the radio’s knob and you both listen to the nice jingle from the local radio station.
>[”Canter-Canter-Canter-Canterlot Radiooo….!”]
>[“Good evening to you Canterlot! WTCN 99.5 FM Live from Torrington Plaza, your host Radiant Gravel here bringing you more news of the explosion that occurred this afternoon.”]
>“Ugh, this was a bad idea…I want to take off my mind of this crime wave and the first thing I hear is bad news already.”
>Sunset switches the radio off.
>”I bet you regret living in Canterlot now eh Anon? Mareami must be pretty nice, it’s always warm and sunny.”
“Not at all Sunset. I like it in here, mostly because I got to meet you all.”
“You know, if you have a pen drive you can play your own music instead.”
>Sunset Shimmer grabs a pen drive from her purse and sticks it to the music player.
“Yeah, that’s better.”
>”I like it, both Fluttershy and I like to sing that song at the nightclub’s karaoke. We should go there with her one of these days.”
“Yeah we should, it’s not like we will run into those assholes again.”
>Sunset Shimmer giggles.
>”Not after that severe beating you gave them,” Sunset Shimmer sighs and fixes her hair, “…thanks for saving us that night Anon,” she expresses in an embarrassed, yet relieved manner.
“Aww come on Sunny, that happened a long time ago. No need to bring it up now.”
>”You’re right, let’s just watch that movie.”
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>Minutes later, at the movie theater.
>After buying popcorn, soda and candy for Sunset and yourself you both enter the take a seat.
>”Wow, it’s quite crowded tonight huh?”
“Yeah, it seems that an intense session of kissing won’t we possible unless we want to get kicked out in the middle of the movie.”
>Sunset is speechless.
>”…Wow. Both Rarity and Rainbow were right when they said that you were full of yourself sometimes.”
>You shrug.
“They both dug it then, and I’m pretty sure they miss it now.”
>Sunset rolls her eyes.
>”Let’s just watch the movie ok?”
“You know I’m just kidding right?”
>”And you do know that I’m messing with you right?” She says with a smug grin and a raised eyebrow.
“Oh you…”
>”Shh! It’s starting!”
>You both start eating some popcorn from the same tub.
“Made it on time,” you whisper, “I despise watching ads.”
>”Why’s that?”
“I always end up eating the popcorn before the movie starts.”
>Sunset Shimmer stifles a laugh.
>”Oh my gosh me too!” She whispers before giggling.
>Ahh Sunset.
>You’re glad she doesn’t avoid you or think of you as a pervert.
>You take a good look at her soft and nice legs.
>You wonder if they go all the way up.
>This gives you an idea.
>A little flirting here and there should work wonders on her.
>As soon as she places her soft hand over the popcorn tub you place your hand over hers.
>She releases the popcorn she was holding.
“Whoopsie, sorry Sunset,” you whisper.
>”I-it’s okay Anon,” she awkwardly says.
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>Sunset Shimmer’s love: +20
>The movie continues.
>Sunset Shimmer accidentally drops her soda.
“What’s the matter?”
>”I spilled my soda all over the floor…aww, just when I was starting to get thirsty.”
>You remove the lid from your soda and place another straw next to yours.
“Here Sunny.”
>”Wow, thanks Anon.”
>Sunset drinks a bit of soda.
>“Ahh…much better.”
“Uhh Sunset?”
“That was my straw…”
>Sunset gulps down the last drink she took.
>”R-really? I’m sooo sorry Anon!”
>You put on a smug smile.
“It’s okay Sunny, I bet you wanted to know what I tasted like…Sunny! You cheeky girl…”
>Sunset Shimmer blushes hard.
>”T-that’s not true at all!”
>You shrug.
“If you wanted a kiss you could’ve just asked Sunset…” you whisper.
>”No wonder Rarity warned me about you…”
>You know she digs this teasing, but at the same time she hates it.
>But you’ll have to stop for now. If you try pushing her buttons more she’ll grow bored of it and call you out, she’ll maybe even slap you for being a jerk.

>The movie ends.
“Well that was something.”
>”Yeah, it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth.”
“I thought it was the hotdog you ate.”
>You wave your hand in a fan-like manner as if you were implying her breath smells bad.
>She smiles and pushes you playfully.
>”Stop it Anon!”
“Anyways, it kind of was a good night.”
“This was pretty fun, even if the movie sucked I got to hang out with you…so, that’s all that matters.”
>”Aww…” Sunset says before smiling, “I think the same Anon. could you please take me home?”
“Of course Sunny!”
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>You open your car’s door for Sunset.
>Sunset, in a very unlady-like way, jumps on the co-driver seat.
“What’s the matter?”
>”I-I sat on something hard!”
“Bow chicka bow wow…” you mutter.
>Sunset rubs her butt to relieve the pain.
>”Oww…what do you keep under this seat Anon?”
>Now that you think of it…
>Sunset Shimmer checks out what’s under the seat.
>”What the-?!”
>Sunset Shimmer pulls out the pistol you stole used earlier to kill the first three thugs.
>”A-Anon? Mind explaining what is this?”

That's it for tonight. Sorry >>29408620 >>29409419. It took longer than I thought it'd take,
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Get back to building that wall, pendejo
if anything, he's probably gonna use chemicals to blow up the wall
>implying he's that smart
>he doesn't know
>implying it isn't a lie that you keep on falling for
>implying you do
it seems we have reached an impasse
the madman
he actually came through
Well this is gonna have a drastic effect on whether Anon wins over Sunset.
This is interesting
It's for self defense Sunset, you know how crazy this town is getting.
>You pound away at Indigo's pussy.
>Hearing her ass slap against the wall.
>The water pouring all over your face.
>"Anon... oh..." Indigo moans. "Where'd this come from?"
>You breathe heavily.
>"You're so high energy now."
>Indigo laughs and kisses you more.
>You thrust slower, making yourself last longer.
>Indigo keeps moaning.
>You run your hands all over her rippled back.
>"Let's see how long you can go for."
>You feel Indigo lift herself up.
>Locks her legs around you.
>You have to hold her up, so you grab her ass and lift.
>Thrust into her with her in the corner.
>You watch your shaft go in and out.
>Indigo's pussy tightly grips your length as it rubs against it.
>"Faster!" Says Indigo.
>"Come on don't you tire out now! Faster, dammit!"
>She gives you a hungry kiss as you pick up the pace.
>Red in the face, Indigo rolls her eyes back.
>She holds onto you for leverage.
>Working away at Indigo.
>Lasting longer than before.
>You're a veteran at this now.
>You grab harder and thrust more sincerely.
"How's th-this?" You sigh.
>"Go wild, Anon."
>She smiles and feels your arms.
>The water starts to get cold.
>So you turn it hotter again.
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I always keep protection with me, Sunny.
>You only feel your climax sort of coming.
>It's really slow.
>Breathe heavily as you and Indigo Zap fuck in the shower corner.
>Indigo's making high whimpering sounds.
>She's getting close herself.
>This only makes the dick harder.
>You impress her with your stamina, making up for before.
>Indigo moans loudly as you start to get tired too.
>But your arousal gets you through just over another minute or so.
>Before you feel Indigo cum around your dick.
>You can tell it happened from her dropping her jaw and staring up.
>Indigo couldn't help but finish first.
>You thrust with all you got to catch up to her.
>You catch up fast.
>Using Indigo's cum as a lube, you get yourself to climax hard.
>It feels even better than before.
>Your cock releases into Indigo, she sighs in orgasm.
>You kiss her, after coming back to your senses.
>Indigo puts her legs down so you don't drop her.
>She knows you tired out.
>Kissing you now under the water as you rub soap all over each other.
>You admire how toned Indigo's body is.
>It's no wonder she can swim faster than you.
>The hot water runs out.
>You're in towels in the next minute.
>Indigo sighs before a giggle. "Wanna meet up again tomorrow?"
>You nod.
"What are you going to teach me tomorrow?"
>She grins.
>"You'll find out when we get to the pool."
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That was pretty fucking hot. Indie with Rainbow Dash when?
That's probably the best answer you can give her.
>"Ok, just don't use it unless you absolutely need to."
>tfw the PinkiexRD fic will never be finished.

lesbians are shit anyway.
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I'm still here. Life's got busy recently but I'll have more soon.
Oh good. I was starting to think for a second you died like Waid did.
I still miss them

Here's hoping she doesn't find the money.
Fucking nice man. Can't wait to see what else you wrote.
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guys hear me out
Human. Dazzlings.
Guys hear me out
Seahorse Dazzlings and Pony Sunset
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How would you even go about that? If it was EqG I suppose she'd be like a teenage-young adult legit treasure hunter? would it just be her? would Rainbow join her? Would Anon join her and try to be like Indiana Jones but end up failing?
hey that last one actually doesn't sound half bad
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go on
can someone link the pastebin for this please?
the link in the OP is packed and I can't find shit in there
Disco hasn't updated the pastebin in months. Many things haven't been added yet.
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>You will never have stealth anal with Applejack.
>"Ah want you to put it in ma rear sugarcube."
>human dazzlings are loving triplets
no fun allowed
yes, more samefags
Shady ily sfm.
I missed you. Thanks for getting more people posting here since January. Nice to hear it gave you some elbow room to write somewhere else without worrying about this thread for once. Hope your rebound thing works out.
I prefer vaginal over anal to be honest.
for me it depends on if she's taken a shit recently.
even more samefags.
Honestly this.
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you're wrong midnight
guys, im bored since the thread is kind of slow right now. Can someone recomend a good, long eqg fic
(Preferable on fimfiction)
I don't think we push that here, but you can always check out the group link in the OP, you'll have your answers there.
much appreciated anon
Look for Jay the Brony in FF. His stuff might not be long but he has a lot of EqG fics. Not the best, but it's decent.
Epic design
Bump before bed
Why did you have to remind me?
page 1 before sleep
>The next day.
>Get up early again, tolerating the cold.
>You'll get used to it.
>Get to the pool again.
>Damn you're still tired.
>Get into newer bathing suit.
>Old ones still in wash after you discovered you got cum on it.
>Oh fucking well.
>You hear Indigo come in a few minutes later.
>But her footsteps aren't alone.
>You are already in the water when two girls walk in.
>You already know this other girl too.
>It's rainbow Dash.
"You brought company this time?"
>"Me and Dash used to be rivals in high school." Indigo answers.
>"Different schools too." Says Rainbow Dash.
>"We'd race in the pool all the time. It's how I got so good."
>Rainbow Dash looks at you.
>"You're a little fit looking." Says Dash.
>She clearly looked at your waist.
>You know why Indigo brought her here.
>"Let's get started shall we?"
>Oh fuck yes.
What's up with her knees?
To complete their acceptable anthro appearance, the Equestria girls will have pony-like knees to go with their ears and wings in their next movie.
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you what?
>>She goes through the portal to Equestria, but only sticks her head through the portal.
>>Now she has her horn as a unicorn, and she uses her unicorn horn magic to teleport herself into Trixie's room.
>>This works because of course it does, just go with it!

You can't tell me what to go with, you're just greentext, not my real dad!

The mirror portal to Equestria is portrayed as having a whole tunnel that does the transformation specifically to avoid these kinds of shenanigans.
page 1 before, oh again.
He's fucking with us. He has to be.
Bump before bed
page 1 before bed, oh you again.
>Her animals will never see it happen but not be able to tell the tale
lmao it's pretty much been confirmed here that green does whatever he wants and it ends up working somehow anyway. The meme magic from last year has spilled over into this year.
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How do you think she'd do against Gaia Everfree?
yes, even more samefags.
Gaia's main tactic seems to be encasement/entrapment using magically-enhanced plant life, while Midnight uses beam attacks which can destructively create portals (which only lead to Equestria when we saw her use this power), but seem to be ineffective or harmless against human targets. The power boost granted to Gaia by the crystals is substantial, but probably no more than the magic absorbed by Midnight during Friendship Games. Twilight's Telekinesis was the only thing that could subvert Gaia's defences, and Midnight's hold on Twilight was only subverted by Daydream's magic, so there's no clear way that one could subdue the other. I would still have to give the edge to Midnight, as her portals seem to cause reality to crumble, meaning she could wear away at whatever defence Gaia put up, and eventually overpower her enough to take away her crystals. That Gaia's power is confined to an artefact is really the deciding factor in this fight, as she has no way to dis-empower Midnight.
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you know
Curbstomp her.
page 1 before mornings
...in the woods?
>in the woods
Blast her into other dimension.
That's what I was getting at
This actually
Depends if she has more cleavage than her, which looks like the case in that pic.
>Indigo Zap and Rainbow Dash strip out of their clothes.
>Indigo wears a new one piece swimsuit.
>It's looking tighter than the last one she wore.
>That cameltoe is pinched so hard that the swimsuit probably goes up into her pussy.
>She might as well be swimming naked.
>And Rainbow Dash is wearing the same thing.
>Looking just as fit as Indigo Zap.
>She turns around.
>The ripples on her back show through.
>As if you stood a chance against only one of them.
>"Alright, let's go!" Dash jumps right in.
>You and Indigo follow.
>The three of you line up.
>"Since this is probably gonna end up a race between me and Rainbow here, how about you just watch when you fall behind?" Indigo says.
"We'll see." You challenge anyway.
>With a laugh, they take off.
>You fall behind, of course.
>End up in the middle if the pool.
>The girls lapping you forever.
>Watch them go back and forth from one end of the pool to the other.
>Indigo wasn't wrong at all.
>You're a sitting duck.
>The two fit girls start going more in circles.
>You're in the middle. They circle around you.
>"You sure showed us!" Dash taunts.
>"So where's the finish line since we stopped doing laps?" Asks Indigo.
>Dash smiles at you. "Right there."
>They circle closer to you like sharks closing in on their prey.
>You would have pulled your swimsuit down.
>You would have, if they weren't about to do that for you.
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>Not carrying a concrete block around in your backpack for gains and to curbstomp fools innawoods.
Bump from 9
and from 1
What happened to her nose?
No one nose
Evil makes tiddies grow.
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Yo waddup Mexican?

I wrote this new tune about you and your faggoty (and awesome) ways..



I hope that you'll come back to this thread pretty soon
Why can't you feed me your green with a spoon?

The people round here
They say your'e a queer
And i can't say i disagree
You know, some anons have suggested that you'll kill yourself

Anon and sunset
They make me upset
For fucks sake this green is called "Winter Formal Dash"
So if you ship these two
Be prepared for the fucking backlash
The fucking backlash
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Well done faggot.

Thanks you guys, this is pretty much the first time i even get 1 reply on a song here...

Since i am currently studying at a music college, and i'm starting to learn how to use Pro Tools, i might produce actually audible stuff with good quality next time!
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Well, they are most certainly there.
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Haven't worked on any MLP EQG wrestlers, have been doing tests.

Wondering who next though. Sombra, Chrysalis?
trumpets approves
Stop fucking bumping your infinite thread
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kek I couldn't find the shit about Kitty but did see the admins going at it http://pastebin.com/RV7ZeW7Y really shows how fucking useless the chat is
That's actually badass
Eventually, I'll make some kind of virtual fed involving everything.

And just stick it in it's own thread and drop a bunch of matches and bathe in the salt it receives due to waifus losing.
Bump before bed
Shit, didn't mean to reply to you but I guess I gotta say that it sounds pretty cool that id love to see
>still bumping the infinite fandom thread
>Them jugs
What does infinite fandom even mean?
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Dont forget to eat, yall
Nah fuck the superhero thread, they have nothing to do with here and vice versa.
Did you actually read the post? He was saying we should change the name to what it was when we were getting more content but that we should decide it with a vote then gave an example of a thread that did just that. He wasn't saying guys we should be more like the other thread.
Right, then the guy from there who was shilling against Flash and arguing with literally everyone will come back and continue his little crusade cause he will believe he started to get influence here. Honestly I'm glad he left from all this. He can go and stay go.
But think about it. If the change worked as well as it did without a vote, just think about what it would do with one.
Agreed. The shitposting came from the fact is was change by one guy and decided outside of the thread. Imagine if it was decided in the thread that'd get rid of that particular brand of shitposting and leave us with our normal type of shitposting which, lets be honest, would be here regardless of the name and to prevent that we just have to ignore them and not take the bait.
Each side, the shitposters and the ones who initially changed the thread, were at most 2 to 3 people. The rest of the 30-something of us either gave our two cents on the matter one time or didn't say anything. This was only a dispute between a small fraction of us, not a war between the entire thread, especially since everyone else came to ignore it like how you described handling the other shitposting.
It'd be exactly the same as the last EQG thread except, again, the anti-Flash hate train would still be a thing, along with whatever else that guy had up his sleeve. I've heard enough out of him to know he's the kind of person who throws a fit whenever something happens that he doesn't like.
But sadly green did suggest making a vote thanks to the chatlogs from >>29446944
Still sucks that this all was said a month ago but green stayed vague to us about changing his mind because of what the chat said. He really should leave that place.
>But sadly green did suggest making a vote
Well there you go m8
Green wanted a vote for his own reasons, so it had nothing to do with the anti flash dude. Therefore he shouldn't be relevant in any of this nor should he have a reason to come back.
>January 11th
>Fucking eleventh
lmao why did he stay quiet for so long?
Bumping the infinite fandom thread.
Finally, it's the weekend again. I really shouldn't have taken twice as many courses as last semester, but whatever. /Now/ I have time to post more here, despite what I said in >>29404891 before I had to write a 6 page paper about economic stuff out of nowhere. But it's at a convenient time too; we seemed to have slowed down, but that's sure to speed up again. I just don’t like to say anything until I also have content to deliver, so I usually keep how frequently I post without content to a minimum.
Anyway, here's some more of what I've been posting in /nst/.
It's a completely new story, by the way. I can't stop starting new stories.
>Trixie's face turns red as she pulls out the little note from her hat.
>She never saw someone stick it in there.
>And with that, Trixie has no idea who it was who stuck the love letter into her hat on the week before Valentine's Day.
>She takes it home and tries to analyze the handwriting, but can't recognize a thing.
>Trying to convince herself to be angry that someone would try to force her to celebrate such a mushy holiday.
>Trixie has never celebrated Valentine's Day before out of spite.
>She tries to crumple the paper up in her hand, but somehow can't find the strength to do so.
>She sits down in her room and reads it over and over again.
>Secretly enjoying the message it says, picturing the most handsome guy she can imagine saying it to her.
>Creeping up when she's not looking and slipping it into her hat with a slight of hand only Trixie could be familiar with.
>This guy was similar to Trixie in more ways the girl could have possibly conceived of.
>And she's... she's not feeling the way on the inside that she intended to.
>Trixie does the best she can to resist the butterflies in her stomach, but ultimately fails at the next day at school when rumor about her having a secret admirer spreads.
>With her heart pounding in her chest, Trixie begins to be a lot more vocal around the other students.
>Very interested in what everyone's talking about one hundred percent of the time.
>Hoping to find hints and clues about her secret admirer.
>It comes to the point where Trixie's excitement drives her to start singing and dancing in the hallways when she practices her performances.
>Getting the extra energy out.
>Days go by, and Trixie only feels more and more jittery as Valentine's Day creeps up around the corner.
>Trixie questions everyone about the note, but no one officially comes forward, and it's tantalizing Trixie in a way where she doesn't want to admit that she's desperate for the answer.
>This feeling is shaking her down, making her knees weak and her palms sweaty.
>She spends most of her time at home wondering who it was instead of practicing her performances.
>It's getting the best of her, that's the confession she needs to make.
>She's someone's fool.
>Someone who knows her at school.
>Someone who thinks Trixie is really cool.
>Maybe more than cool.
>The notion itself plagues Trixie's head and the girls can't stop moving around. The feeling is just too much.
>Trixie grunts to herself as she lies on the couch, trying to watch TV to distract herself.
>Feeling the moment sink in, the sweet heat of the moment.
>She twists and turns, starting to giggle at every commercial that would come on. Inserting more than enough character in to her commentary of everything she was watching, sort of making her life more like a sitcom where she's the most hilarious and versatile character that will crush this thing that happened at school.
>Trixie's going to crush this crush that she totally doesn't have on this person whom she doesn't even know the identity of.
>There's no way someone got under her skin that easily.
>Trixie races over to the kitchen and makes herself a giant bowl of cereal. In one of the mixing bowls, adds a shit ton of sugar to it and everything.
>Isn't this girl outrageous? Her life is just going so crazy right now, she's totally out of this person's league.
>Trixie starts jumping around with the bowl on cereal.
>It's spilling all over the carpet, but Trixie is too much of a cold hearted bitch to care. She's not swayed by feelings.
>Not at all.
>These bowls of cereal become far too common for Trixie.
>She can't find the patience within herself to make anything else; the girl goes through box after box of cereal with thoughts buzzing around in her head.
>Her life... everything about it, has become a highlight.
>There's someone out there who needs to be made known, almost like the catalyst to an adventure.
>Now that the next day is warmer, Trixie takes a walk outside and goes around the block several times. Imagining the scenery being the setting to the beginning of a movie that just so happens to be her life literally right now lmao.
>Trixie starts imitating movie music to herself and imagining beginning credit sequences all around her, going so far to imagine the prestige of this imaginary movie in her head.
>The Tale of The Great And Powerful Trixie part 1: The Secret Admirer. This is the beginning of a twisting and turning adventure with bizarre attributes.
>Trixie lays out all of the characters in the movie's plot as she imagines the words "Executive Producer - Trixie Lulamoon" and "Director of Photography" on the side of the house on the corner of the block.
>She hums in a higher tone to immerse her mind into the flutes, violins, violas, piccolos and clarinets playing.
>Why has this become so interesting?
>On her way back to her house, Trixie notices a paper flying with the wind right across her path.
>It's sudden position and apparent presence is so poignant to Trixie that she simply has to pick it up.
>And it's as though someone perfectly planned this, sonething that deeply impresses Trixie.
>[Thingking bout me?] Says the message on the paper.
>Trixie gets light headed and damn near falls to her knees with a heavy blush invading her face.
>This movie just won all of the oscars for her.
>Trixie begins to tremble, letting the paper shake in her hand.
>Her heart races, her eyes go glazed with bliss.
>The girl shudders and visible shivers as she stands there.
>Stands there for only a second.
>Trixie can't stop her legs from giving way; she drops to her knees.
>Biting her lip and making quiet grunting sounds to herself.
>Shivers assault her spine, her fingers still tremble with some sort of overwhelming delight.
>She NEEDS to know who this person is.
>Trixie lies down on the ground, and in a fit of playful excitement, she crawls all the way back over to her house and up to her room. Staying on the floor.
>Rolls around on the carpet with her arms and legs stretched out.
>Trixie sniffs the paper several times, sighing loudly in a low voice.
>She hugs herself and imagines someone with that super versatile stealth doing it.
>She doesn't even know whether or not this person is actually hugging her.
>These levels of stealth are unheard of; Trixie didn't see a SINGLE person outside.
>This thought is what makes Trixie's body heat up, her mind swim and her heart thunder in her chest.
>This is already the best Valentine's day she's ever had, and the holiday itself hasn't even come yet.
>At least not outside of Trixie's fluffy little world right now, the one where she brushed herself up against the carpet and feels the softness of her arms hold herself.
>After a few minutes, Trixie makes it up to her bed and starts to think up poems to herself.
>What if this person is making her poems right now?
>Trixie knows that they might as well know everything about her. She squeals at the thought.
>Getting under the covers and closing her eyes, even though it's the middle of the afternoon and she should be at school right now.
>Trixie hears a noise in her room.
>Could it be?
>Trixie lies down, peeking out of the covers, wondering how this secret admirer could have followed her home so easily.
>How they even found a way into her house after she locked the door.
>This person is good; REALLY good.
>Trixie is absolutely flattered that they have such an interest in her. Maybe they can teach her their secrets after a little... fun time.
>Maybe even during it.
>A few excited giggles escape Trixie as she peers around her room.
>No one is to be seen, but they're definitely in here. Trixie feels herself becoming enamored.
>Very... VERY... enamored.
>The intensity of the moment radiates through her body, shaking Trixie out of the covers with a goofy smile on her face.
>She slinks out of the bed and creeps around her room in a cartoonish fashion, searching for the welcomed intruder.
>"Trixie heard you were stalking her." Trixie begins in a breathy, expressive voice. "You have a skill only a fellow illusionist like Trixie can recognize. She applauds your skill. She... admires your skill."
>Trixie's breathing starts to become shaky, and she continues creeping around her room humming more music to herself.
>Pretending this is the best scene of the movie.
>The scene where she meets her... lover. Even though she's totally not taken in by their charming abilities at all. No, not at all!
>Trixie's simply... impressed.
>Really really impressed.
>This secret admirer remains hidden from view. Trixie can't find anyone anywhere.
>Only becoming more and more enthusiastic with the current chain of events.
>Trixie's secret admirer makes herself VERY apparent to the girl.
>Standing right in front of her.
>Now exchanging nervous, blushing glances with her admirer, Trixie gazes straight into the mirror.
>Gazing into those beautiful purple eyes.
>The eyes of a girl who snuck that note to her, went home with her, followed her every entranced twist and turn all the way up to this musing moment.
>"Hey there, sweetheart."
>Trixie smiles at her reflection that smiles back.
>Feeling the warmth radiating back at her, the love in that stare.
>Those eyes of her lover really are something to get lost into.
>Especially with that desiring look in them, they're very affectionate for Trixie.
>"So... you wanted to ask Trixie something, she presumes?" Trixie waltzes over to her bed and reaches under.
>"Why, yes. Trixie happened to hide something in here a couple of days ago without you knowing."
>"What is it?"
>"Reach under your bed."
>The sly grin on Trixie's admirer's face is all the girl needed to know just how good she is at making things work.
>She has no idea how she managed to get something in here, let alone sneak in to begin with, but the very thought of someone so... cunning is a must keep in Trixie's mind.
>"What's this?" Trixie pulls out a box from under the bed.
>"An early Valentine's day present. Trixie made it especially for you."
>"Do you want Trixie to open it now?"
>Trixie's admirer nods from the mirror, and Trixie opens the little red box, which hadn't even been wrapped before.
>She pulls out a half of a tiny heart figurine, carefully carved out of wood and painted a deep pink.
>It's almost shaped like a rain drop.
>Or a tear drop.
>"Oh..." Trixie instantly admires the handy skills it must have taken to make this, then go the extra mile to somehow hide it in her room. "You've gone so far out of your way... but... where's the other half?"
>Trixie looks over to her admirer, who is already holding the other half in her hand. It looks exactly identical to the half Trixie holds.
>"I've had it with me, waiting for you to discover your half." The admirer says with a wide grin.
>Trixie slowly steps up to the mirror, lost in the eyes of her admirer who steps closer to her as well.
>They do their best to embrace one another. Trixie sniffling as she presses her forehead against the forehead of her admirer.
>"Trixie made this just for you." Trixie's admirer holds her half of the heart figurine up to its symmetrical counterpart.
>The two halves clack together with the hands of each girl holding their side.
>It fits together perfectly no matter how nervously twitchy Trixie's hand gets.
>Making a perfect heart.
>Trixie tries to hold her admirer even tighter now, fogging up the mirror with her shuddering breathing.
>"Will you be Trixie's Valentine this year?"
>"Yes. Trixie would love to."
>Trixie lets out a stuttered sigh, looking down as her eyes cloud up.
>"Trixie promises you won't be alone this year. I promise with my whole heart."
>"I promise with my whole heart."
>Valentine's Day soon rolls around, and Trixie keeps the little half heart thing with her because it just means that much to her.
>She gets ready to do... things with herself as the daylight fades in and Valentine's Day begins.
>But she notices something peculiarly different about the mirror in her room.
>It appears to have been replaced with a fancier mirror, one that almost looks like its face resembles the surface of the mirror portal to the pony world in front of Canterlot High.
>This confuses Trixie, but she nostalgically holds the heart figurine up to the mirror anyway because she's that desperate to give herself a good time on this day.
>But something strange happens when the heart makes contact with the mirror.
>The surface glows, and soon enough, the Trixie from the Equestrian world comes stepping out of the mirror.
>She meets eyes with the human world's Trixie right away, and stands there with love striking her heart.
>She's been doing this exact same type of thing the other Trixie was doing for Hearts and Hooves Day.
>And now here they are... both in human form. Staring eachother in the eyes, having planned to have fun with their reflections while pretending it was clones of themselves.
>"Uh... hey..." The Trixie native to the human world gasps as her legs begin to shake.
>The Equestrian Trixie repeats the same greeting, starting to eye her counterpart up and down.
>They both begin to blush heavily as they realize what they are now capable of doing.
>Each Trixie steps closer to the other, taken away by the fact that they are now feeling actual warmth in what they embrace.
>The door to Trixie's room is already locked.
>Hands are sent onto not-so-unfamiliar bodies. Trixie already knows how to undo all of her own clothes, making it easier for her and her lover to undress eachother.
>They furiously kiss and embrace as though they never intend to let go; and they might as well never do so anyway.
>Trixie directs Trixie over to the bed, plopping down with lips still locked and eager hands pulling shirts and skirts up.
>Trixie's tongue in each mouth doesn't feel foreign at all, their breath doesn't seem to be registered by their brains.
>Nothing tastes different when they deeply kiss to the point of swapping saliva. It's as though Trixie is licking the inside of her own mouth from the outside.
>It only makes the comfort more solidified for both of the girls.
>The heart shaped wooden figure lies on its side on the nearby desk, now together as one piece.
>Trixie and Trixie hug hard and rub their chests against one another as their kissing refuses to break for anything.
>Breasts mash up against one another, hands travel behind bodies to squeeze round ass cheeks.
>Moaning is exchanged between the two girls as they feel themselves up against eachother. No longer having to consider a mirror being between them.
>Their body heat fuses as the clothes are moved out of the way. Trixie reaches between the other Trixie's lets, her fingers knowing EXACTLY where to go to really get things going.
>She isn't surprised to feel the same thing happening to her.
>She welcomes it, leaning herself into the other Trixie and spreading her legs, surrendering herself to her clone as the two roll around on the soft surface of the bed and enjoy not only themselves, but eachother.
>Shaky breathing turns to quivering moaning as fingers slide deeper, fondling enough to get themselves coated more and more in moisture.
>The two Trixies grow really flushed in the faces, and do their best to last as long as they can.
>It's so passionate they way they keep on kissing. Trixie lets herself fall back onto the bed as the other Trixie lands on top.
>She holds the other tightly, wanting to feel her weight upon her until the end of time.
>And the two are almost crying from happiness.
>Not even another minute passes before both of the girls are completely naked, and begin to mess up the sheets of the made bed with their squirming around.
>The movements mostly caused by each other girl. They stimulate one another with their hands and lips.
>Wanting to see which one gets a rise first. And it can be heard in the frantic panting from each girl. Welcoming their arousal taking over all of their thoughts and actions.
>Legs lock, and Trixie takes her Valentine by the hands and holds on for balance. Watching her beautiful body glisten more by the minute with sweat.
>Their lips kiss, while the two girls meanwhile mash their faces together and stick eachother's tongues into the other's mouth again.
>The feeling overtakes Trixie... and then Trixie... and it draws them even closer together in a loving bond that heats up the surface of the bed and pulls the sides of the comforter out of the crease it was tucked into.
>It isn't long before wet sounds can be heard coming from between the nethers of the two girls, and they accompany a bunch of passionate moans that couldn't be held back no matter what Trixie did to pretend her mind and heart weren't going crazy.
>The moment would have lasted longer had Trixie and Trixie not given in to their excitement.
>The rub against the other with more feeling and meaning, maximizing the effect the most they can.
>Not caring how moist the bedsheets slowly become in one spot.
>Not caring if they used to want to hold back. This needs to peak NOW.
>It's so urgent that it's something that should have happened when Trixie first came into existence as anything.
>At the exact same time, almost as though there as still a mirror, each girl throws her head back as the climax takes them together.
>They howl up at the ceiling and lose the support they had on their arms that held them up from falling back onto the bed.
>Both girls are so heavily out of breath that their ribcages start to hurt.
>After a following night of fun, Trixie and Trixie fall asleep within the comfort of one another's arms.
>They snuggle under the covers with the widest smiles on their faces.
>Sighing with absolute satisfaction, a feeling they have been dying to feel for what feels like forever and ever.
>The night is spend with them dreaming together, peacefully lying in bed as sleep keeps them in its hold.
>So quiet inside of Trixie's room.
>Until the chirping of birds soon gradually wakes the girls up.
>They yawn, groan happily for a couple of minutes, then go back to cuddling. It's Saturday morning anyway, they can sleep in for as long as they want.
>When the time finally comes, they get out of bed and eat breakfast together. Making themselves and eachother their shared favorite meal.
>Making it just the way they like it, and twice as much so both girls can have as much as they usually do.
>They then go back up the stairs and silently stare at the mirror.
>Trixie goes into her closet and pulls out an extra blanket. And so, she covers the mirror, not intending for it to be used any time soon.
>Both of them get back into bed.
>It's the 15th, but every day is Valentine's day as long as Trixie is together with herself. She will always love herself.
>The two Trixies lie in bed all day long and watch cartoons from like the 90's or something on TV in Trixie's room.
>The air gets warm as the sun shines in.
>And after a little bit more time of spending the moments with herself, Trixie finally catches up to where she needed and wanted to be in life.
>Trixie lies on her side in bed, smiling with her eyes peacefully closed.
>Praying that this dream lasts forever.
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Eh, I think I answered that somewhere in >>29350266.

I had already pretty much stopped listening to the chat by the time you posted that. Just saying.

>all you've done is vindicate that one autist.
It's not at that point yet. I made it pretty clear before that this has nothing to do with anything he said, but what the rest of the thread did. I've simply been ignoring him like most have, until this post, of course.
This is hardly a "back to square one" situation. Everyone just happened to be either done with the one thing they wrote or just busy lately (including myself), but they're sticking around. It's just an inconvenience.
If the last thread were more like thread 222, I wouldn’t have wanted to see Fingerbang back. And if thread 222 was more like the last thread (or better yet, if this was literally any other general on the board) I wouldn’t have bothered doing anything at all in the first place. I care about this thread as long as it's not on par with a dying animal needing to be put out of its misery.
The rebound indeed has a high chance of being legitimate, my plan CAN work so long this thread stays /fb/, trust me.

I know I was told not to reply to you, but there were already a lot who had anyway and it seems like you ran off, so it makes no difference. You appear to be asserting that any of this was supposed to kill off /fb/ and that I had some personal vendetta against the name, which is pretty far from the truth. Even I said in the beginning that it wasn't dead. It's really hard to tell if you're being genuine, since you're also trying to invalidate things like the existence of threads 223-225 and the writers that posted in them. I mean, what world do you live in? I guess I'll just second what >>29351919 said and call it a day. Not gonna try to reason with you.

I was mostly just busy with school.

I can't promise anything except for time to go on.
>The rebound indeed has a high chance of being legitimate
As much as I'd like that too, I don't think it's going to happen unless more writefags start posting. I doubt we can make a miracle work twice.
That ending hit pretty hard man
All my yes!
Midnight confirmed for top heavy
So why don't you leave the that though?
*the chat
It'll just take a little bit.
Funny, /nst/ had pretty much the same reaction.
I like to meme there when no one else is around.
Eh, what's done is done. This'll either work or not work.
>Still bumping the infinite fandom thread.
Take out the two last lines and I love it.
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With all the wrestling EqG/Pones I've made so far, I'm really gonna use time to record a show. Debating if I should commentate it solo or get someone to do it for me.

Would be great if I could actually do imitations of characters but oh well, haha.
Heh that sounds like it would be pretty fun
Sombra when? At least Chrisalys
>Gee those guys who read thing I don't care about sure are annoying morons amirite?
Wew lad
Can't believe this is the first crap I see after winter vacation. Not even going to dive into the heavier mental retardation from the start of this thread, not getting any more (you)s out of me.
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Du du du another one bumps the thread.
On my short list, today's a busy day so I'll probably get them made over the weekend. Just gotta do some google image searching for attire purposes.

Yeah, a full simulated league where anons can cheer on their waifus/husbandos and watch as they wrestle for possibly fancy looking titles that even the fanciest mare would slam down another for. Gonna need to not be lazy though when it comes to threads and such.
NaOH where are you! Wall building can wait!
he only gets internet once a month for a few minutes at a time. thats how it works in mexico. you have to be patient
I did not know that... It explains a lot, and now I feel like an asshole.
That's because you are one.
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New Thread.
fuck the cancer known as discord chat, they don't matter here.
Nothing here said matters in any way so long as the discord chat is still up. Intent, no matter how good, is still useless due to the actions taken.
linked wrong post
See >>29466418
Thread posts: 474
Thread images: 122

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