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Sunset Shimmer Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 502
Thread images: 223

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Previous Thread: >>29289413

Post pics, and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Pastebin- http://pastebin.com/EG5MyMqE
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin- http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin- http://pastebin.com/u/BG9
Gritsaw’s Pastebin- http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw

Sunset Greentexts-
Anon Sunset Blackmail- http://pastebin.com/mSjEWgh8
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX- http://pastebin.com/8D0At0aP
In Her Defense by Zharkaer- http://pastebin.com/qQZCz4AL
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Gotta love the Shimmy.
That's a pretty horse.
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I love her so much
Why can't we have numbers like the other generals ?
You can't count the Shimmies! we just do it for her.
So did anyone ask the Philomena question? I don't want to spam Ishi.
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I don't think he minds spam. He doesn't get nearly the amount of questions as Jim does. He probably likes that so many people care enough about his work.
Just ask him.
Alright. I did. Trying to word tweets is hard though. Hopefully I got the message across.
>mary sue thread #977298
This is neither the Twilight nor Glimmer thread, friend
You must be lost
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What kind of offering would please the shimmering horse goddess?
So did anyone tweet to Ishi about Sunset's pet?
Your ___friendship.___
Is there a fan fic base on this pic.

No I want to look at your butt.

Knock the stool underneath of her and when she falls fuck her in the ass.
Yes. Someone did
>Is there a fan fic base on this pic
It's based off her origin story comic.
Why Belle from Beauty and the Beast dress up like SS?

Is it wrong that I want to pants her because I don't like her black cargo shorts?
>Is it wrong that I want to pants her because I don't like her black cargo shorts
I want to pants her too but I do like her cargo shorts.
Wouldn't she chase you down for doing that?
Would have happen if SS became an Alicorn prior to EQG1?
I have violent urge to plow her in that outfit is that wrong?

Is there a fan fic where she goes to CPA?

Who and How good is Ponut Joe?
>Is it wrong that I want to pants her because I don't like her black cargo shorts?
rarara pls
what kind of underwear does she wear or should I ask ishi?
How will she chase me with her shorts around her ankles? :^)
her outfit makes me want to stab my eyes out with a tuning fork.
Go ask Ishi and then post a screenshot of your tweet.
She takes it off of course.

Didn't anybody if he consider SS his waifu?
Is there fan fic and/or pic of this scenario?
Why does Ishi like SS?
SS wants to play a video game.

Which video game will you choose?
M.S.A.2.: RainbowRound!
super mario all-stars
She's his favorite pony/eqg

"I just love how much her character has grown over the past 3 DVD’s. She’s made a complete 360 degree change from bad to good, yet she still maintains some of her fiery edge."
Is there an underwear verison of this?
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Christopher Walken as Starswirl woulr be amazing
Good taste.
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Didn't wubcake do this?
Who did she think she was fooling, way to cute to be evil.
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Angry Shimmer makes me hard.
I hope we get another nice nice and pissed off Shim real soon, maybe a little fantasy violence too.
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Seriously. Who needs that much whip cream?
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People who are using it for more than just eating
>To Be Continued.
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Why is this horse-girl so lewd?
is it wrong that I want to lift her skirt up and then spank her on the arse?
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She is pure sex
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What other uses does it have?
>is it wrong that I want to lift her skirt up and then spank her on the arse?
That's called sexual assault asshole. I guess this really is Trump's America now.
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I want to put whipped cream on Sunny's pussy and then lick it off.
Perfectly natural.
I want to lift up her skirt, pull down her panties and fill her vagina with whipped cream and eat out her sugary pussy.
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I gotta do it.
Lilly Peet is that you?
>Lilly Peet
No it means that you are showing attraction to her.
With the exception of the small part where he is kvetching about the patriarchy and the implication that Canada doesn't suck, everything he said was objectively correct.

Isn't that how Toxic Shock Syndrome happens?
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>Not even making an attempt to sound like a female.
>Expecting people to refer to you as a female.
Only with tampons
As long as you lick it well, she should orgasm and it will clean it itself. The vagina is a very clean organ.
>"I'm sorry! I don't know the first thing about genders!"
Is it wrong that I teach her about genders by having sex with her?

Please refer Lily as her.
You know she'd had least have a peek at yours and show you hers in the name of science, then you ask her if you can stick yours in hers and see what happens, she won't have a fuckin clue..
Why do I have a feeling this what happen to Sci Twi at CPA?
>Please refer Lily as her.
Because all the cutie wanted to do was understand everything.
Is Ishi allowed to look at fan art?
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She's in highschool.
They have sex ed, Anon.
She knows what a penis is.
Why not?

Underwear when?
Fuck Scitwi
She is literally shit spray painted purple.
I hope they kill her off in the show.
Ishi didn't even want her in LoE and wanted her to return to CPA at the end of FG.
It's her fault FG was bad. The first script was amazing.
I really fucking hate Scitwi.
Yes. Why wouldn't he be?
Is there a fan fic that use this concept?
>Why not?
>Yes. Why wouldn't he be?

Because I thought it was either organization forbad them from doing that or it was professional thing.
I don't get it.
They can't look at fan fics, art is fine.
>They can't look at fan fics
That's for the entire staff or writers only?
>They can't look at fan fics
That's understandable. They wouldn't want them to get ideas from others work.
I've tweeted him LOTS of fan art though.
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Did you send him this one?
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How about this one?
Please explain why they can't look at fan fic but other fan made let alone fan far is okay
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Because fan fics could influence their stories and they don't want that but that can't happen easily with just fan art.
No, I haven't.
I've sent more appropriate ones like pic related.

So something like this?
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Although I have sent pic related before
It's the lewdest one I've sent him.
We do need a green where Sunset is an innocent girl curious for some cock.
>I've sent him.

How did he respond?

Are you this >>29321597
Everytime we say we need a green of _____, we never get it.
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Yes I am him.
He didn't say anything about it.
So you'll telling me this hasn't been done before?
I assuming he following guidelines that Hasbro set up.
There was a green where Sunset told her friends about a magic "food hole" in the janitors closet where she would suck on a hose and after a while, a warm, salty liquid would shoot into her mouth and then peanut butter crackers would fall through the hole.
Those were her exact words.
Her friends didn't have the heart to tell her.
That's kinda similar
Is Mobile is better then PC when posting on 4chan?
I'm guessing one of the guidelines is "don't comment on porn of our characters?"
He doesn't usually reply to posts that were replies themselves. He only replies to difmrsft tweets at him.

Often times, he will check Twitter once or twice a week and go through and like and reply to all tweets with his name attached.
I can shit while posting which is nice and I can do it while in public places.
Being on mobile has allowed me to save this thread from dying so many times. I often post bumps itt while out doing errands or in class.
It's pretty convenient and all my pics that I save are on a micro SD that I can easily transfer to my PC if I want to do edits and screenshotting certain things to prove a point gives them more credibility since people can't say that a time-stamped, screenshot on mobile was photo shopped.
It has its benefits.
They seriously need to make a playset for her mini.
I'd buy the fuck out of that.
What do you think the theme for a Sunset mini playset would be?
Something magic related since magic is her specialty?
It would be awesome if they gave her a motorcycle to sit on. It would go well with her jacket.
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Are there any "first time" stories with Sunset? This ones a Rainbow Dash one and it's pretty cute cause they're buddies.

I don't mobile but it sound like a dream.
It's quite nice. Give it a try.
But don't use an iPhone because when you download a pic with an iPhone, it changes the filename to image.png and everyone will know you're mobile posting.
>iPhone, it changes the filename to image.png
Why does it do that?
I don't know.
Ask Steve Jobs :^)
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>First time stories about Sunset
>With anyone but Celestia
How naive. You didn't think the princess of all ponydom took on apprentices without a price?
I can't get enough of her
What do you consider the best SS fan fic and what is your favorite SS fan fic?
I can't get enough of her sexy voice, especially in that video where she's slamming Twilight ass fall formal princess, so sexy and bitchy.
>Twilight ass
Twilight as*

Excuse me.
What would happen if the mirror didn't would SS still be the student of Celestia or would the rift still happen?
If you take the comic book adaptation as what actually happened, it's unlikely SS would have been welcomed back as Celestia's student. Honestly I could see her either going for the alicorn amulet long before Trixie heard about it, or pulling a Glimmer and making her own cult.
>It's her fault FG was bad. The first script was amazing.

We have the Script?
So you're saying that her ambition would still create the schism bet her and tia, even without the mirror?
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Go see the deleted scenes.
You know Scitwi's song in the beginning?
That was supposed to be a duet with Sunset and Scitwi. It was amazing. The first script focused more on Sunset and where she feels she truly belongs but then they switched it to focus on Scitwi.
The first I watch it I felt like it was incomplete.
I must ask is Hasbro killing the franchise slowly?
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Yeah, probably should have worded that better.
I feel like once Celestia took Twilight as her second student SS would have lost her shit, there's no way she could handle sharing the spot light with a kid prodigy.

She probably would have played mentor to Twilight (grudgingly) before she couldn't handle it anymore, and would either cause a scene and be asked to leave, or she would go willingly and swear revenge someday.

Damn, now I'm kinda wishing this had really happened.
Well apparently even though Celestia has been a teacher for a literal thousand years, she apparently doesn't know how to handle a trouble student.
It's Celestia's fault. She didn't handle the situation well.
My favorite is one on fimfic called Sunburned.
It's hilarious. Good read it.
duet version
I think they're aware of how good Sunset and EQG is getting and how we anticipate it, and they don't want Sunset's greatness alone to overshadow an entire show.
No, they just like Scitwi more because she is a copy of Pony Twi, their best cash cow, except Scitwi has glasses so they made Ishi push Scitwi more to pander to the little girls.
Celestia is just an idiot and should have went through the portal the moment she found out Sunset went through it and should have dragged her back to Equestria kicking and screaming.
Sunset is only popular with the fandom, Scitwi and Twilight are popular with the kids and Hasbro will always pander towards the kids.
Well there ya go, Sunset is pretty fucking Glorious.
>Yeah, probably should have worded that better.
Yeah I wasn't clear on that.

Did NCMares drew that?

That makes sense

>Celestia should have drag SS back kicking and screaming.
why the heavy use of mascara?
No, that is not drawn by NCmares

>Celestia should have drag SS back kicking and screaming
She should have. Sunset was Celestia's responsibility and she failed her.
She should have gone through the portal, grabbed Sunset by the wrist and drag her back, kicking and screaming, through the portal like you do with any bratty child. And Sunset was being a bit of a brat.
Yeah, it'll make her already huge eyes, even huger.
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She started listening to Fall Out Boy

2005 was a different time.
>She should have. Sunset was Celestia's responsibility and she failed her. She should have gone through the portal, grabbed Sunset by the wrist and drag her back, kicking and screaming, through the portal like you do with any bratty child. And Sunset was being a bit of a brat.

Is it there a fan fic built on this logic?
He liked it though.
>"Nooo! You can't do this to me! I'm gonna be Princess of the fall formal!"
>"Sunset, hush, you're making a scene!"
>He liked it though.
proff please.
look at the image it should say who liked the post.
No, but picturing Celestia literally dragging a screaming Sunset through the school and through the portal is hilarious.
It would make a great short comic.
If Celestia had done that simple task of going and getting her, we could have avoided it all and Sunset would be in the show.
He likes every tweet that tags his name.
That doesn't change the fact that he liked lewd Shimmer ass.
Jesus fuck, Mephiles, could your Twitter icon be any edgier?
You're right, but his likes mean nothing since he likes every post he's tagged
>It would make a great short comic.
Why this is not a thing?
Well maybe an artist itt will see the idea and make it.
I know some artists browse here like NCmares so who knows? We might just get it randomly.
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>editing out characters
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I'm fine with Glimmer but Scitwi enrages me on a primal level.
I really fucking hate Scitwi.
I can't even begin to explain how angry that damn dirty cunt makes me.
She is the sole reason FG and LoE are shit and stole Sunsets spotlight, plot time and screen time.
I hope they kill her off in the show
Damn, this outfit is designed in such away that it looks odd without her cute pants.
I love Glimmer, like Sunset, and have no strong feelings on Scitwi
Most clothes look odd without pants anon, except large sweaters on small girls. That's sexy.
Can we get a large sweater edit?
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I think it's the long legs of the EQGs that make them look like sticks with legs when they've got shorts on, leggings or pants are definitely required.
I swear you guys are only the kindest, civilized, and mature on this board.

Why is that?

See sample. >>29320697
D-do you have any more?
Where she wears sweaters sure.
What happen to the writers?
She's a small girl as a pony
This world needs more Sunset in sweaters.
Gabba posted some last thread and BG9 started a Sunset/Trixie green
We get mean every once in a while. You just caught us on a good day.
We are quite tame since most of us have one thing in common, that we all love Shimmer. It really keeps us all on the same page and reduces fights and chaos. We will get shitposters from time to time and will get a bit crazy with that, but we're tamer than most threads.
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Here you go.
Cutest Shim I have in a sweater.
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And here's the wallpaper one.
This web site helps

Sunset/Trixie green


That's probably why I love this thread because of you guys.
>Sunset dressed as Shantae
God damn it it's already hard enough trying to pick between the two!
I think she's like 16.
I've known about her since middle school when I got the original GBC game.
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Easy just hold a *Tengoku no shita de mottomo tsuyoi waifu
[*Strongest wife under heaven]
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>I think she's like 16.
I haven't watch dragon ball for quite sometime.
SS doesn't have a specified age.
Oh come on its a goddess vs. A half genie. Hardly seems fair.
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That's Shantae is getting help pic related.

God I miss him.
I do to, but if we are going off Tenkaichi Budakai rules it's 1v1, ring out = Lose, no outside weapons, and in case of draw first one to get up from the ground and say "I'm the champion!" Wins.
I don't know what most of those words mean
Through math, reasoning and common sense, I've seduced that she's at least 18.
Also, Ishi tweeted that they are all between 16-18 and Sunset acts and sound more mature and older than the others
She's definitely 18.
Also, there is no age of consent on ponies...
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Fucking auto correct
And on that note have a good night/morning you guys.
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Good night, Anon.
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We're not getting much green recently so tomorrow I'll repost an old green of mine of we don't get anything. Not much but it's something and im sure there are some in here that haven't read it.
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I've seen people asking why we don't get content like over character threads and it's because of shit like this.
It makes us look petty and really picky which makes it seem like we'll shoot down everything that doesn't fit what is perceived as our narrow minded outlook and adds to our already less than stellar reputation. If I was a writefag I'd be thinking fuck that and if I was a drawfag I'd be thinking why bother they'll just edit regardless.
>stole Sunsets spotlight
>I hope they kill her off in the show
It's like you want her to be shipped. You can hate SciTwi as much as you like but if it wasn't for her Sunset would be the one getting ploughed by Timber and any other romantic interest that Hasbro wants the main character to have.

I do agree that cutting the duet was a mistake though.
Doesn't one of the books for little girls and stuff mention that Sunset Shimmer explicitly hasn't had a desire for a romantic relationship since breaking up with Flash? All I remember about it are Applejack liking some dude named Jonathan because that's another Apple joke and Pinkie liking Shining Armor or something? I might be going crazy, but I don't think she'd be getting shipped either way
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Found it. Probably completely irrelevant to canon. But I didn't make it up at least. That being said, I find it hilarious that Sunset's entry is one of the few completely consistent with the movies themselves.
Anything in the books should be taken with a piece of salt. As it currently stands with Ishi as the director and SciTwi as a lead character it's unlikely she'd get shipped unless Hasbro goes for something like all the mane7 need a romantic interest. If SciTwi wasn't in the film's or was just a one shot like the rest of the Shadowbolts and Sunset was the sole lead character you can all but guarantee that she would have a romantic interest and would probably be the equivalent of a pretty, pretty princess as that's what Hasbro would want to push more toys.
Fair enough. It's just something I remembered being a thing. I just don't know if Ishi would ship his daughteru if he could avoid it, but as you pointed out, Hasbro gets the last say.
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Honestly, as far as Sunset Shimmer's love life is concerned, I don't think anyone in thread would care that much in practice. Any love interest of hers would probably be ignored for the majority of the thread's purposes. Worse that would happen would be some mocking funposting from the rest of the board which would die down in time.

There would probably be a bigger blow up if someone said she was into girls than anything else. Which has a very very very low chance of happening. I'm at the point where I'd just be like "Yeah, I can kind of see it now that you mention it" and move on though. So what do I know?

Either way. People here like Sunset and aren't going to stop anytime soon.
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OK, you faggots. Sunset Shimmer is now my favorite pony. Tell me how to fix this. There has to be a way to go back to canon ponies.
Sorry, once you go Sunset you can never come back.
Welcome to your new home!
This is the only advice I can give, Anon.
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Back again, got a Fimfiction page setup and pastebin. I'm finishing making the modifications to my program and will run a test run after work tonight
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I'm not sure what you mean by this.
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damn it, I wish they'd stop giving her a knife for a chin when drawing her in animu style
she could cut glass with than chin

can someone buff out that pointy chin please?
Great pic, but I wish she'd lose the bracelet and be like this >>29324356
I think the bracelet is supposed to be the last remnant of her "bad side", since she doesn't have either of her "leather" jackets on
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I really like this horsegirl
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Sorry guy's here is some more from the story!

After a few minutes, you saw a what you would call an angel in her cute pajamas with a sun on her chest and a towel around her hair
>"Sorry anon it took some time but I'm ready now," she said as she pulled out a blanket for you to share
"It's fine, I also just finished getting everything ready" you lied
>"That's good. The last thing I want is to make you wait on your movie night" she said in a sweet voice
"*Cough* date *Cough*," you said in between coughs
>"Sunset playfully rolled her eyes
>"Yeah movie date," she said as she sat between your legs and used your chest to lean her back on
>Before you could say anything she turned around and gave you a quick kiss on the lips that made you speechless
>"So what are we gonna see?" she asked
"Well, I hoped you could help me."
>"Of course!"
>You finally found a movie to put on "Battle Raiders" but you ended up not paying attention at all since most of the time was spent cuddling and kissing with your beautiful girlfriend
>You woke up after drifting to sleep, as you try to sit up you find Sunset laying on your arm using it as a pillow
"Of course" you whispered looking down at you girlfriend sleeping like a baby
>You tried to free your arm from its current position
>you succeeded pulling your arm loose from underneath Sunset's head
"Sunset?" you said shaking her shoulder gently
>No response
>You try again, this time with a little more force
>"Uhh, what is it Anon?" asked a tired Sunset
"You need to go to bed; you can't sleep on the couch."
>"Yes I can," she said turning her back to you
"Welp looks like I'm gonna have to use a little force this time."
>You put a hand underneath Sunset's legs and one on her back now carrying her bridal style to her bedroom
>"You are so persistent," said Sunny with a smile while caressing you face
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>She kissed you on the cheek while you began to move her to her bedroom
>You gave the door a little kick to open up to the bedroom
>Laying Sunset on the right side of her queen sized bed
>As Sunset pulled her blanket all the way up to her face
>You unzipped your hoodie as well as your pants and threw them on the floor
>As you made your way to your side of the bed you saw that Sunset already was fast asleep
>You finally laid down in on the queen sized bed, feeling your eyes becoming heavier to the point the only thing you could do was to close them and prepare for a good nights sleep

*** Next Morning ***

>You were awakened by the sound of birds peeping mixed with cars driving around the city
"Uhh, this is why I hate the city," you said rubbing your eyes awake
>It took some time for your eyes to adjust to the bright light coming from the window
"What time is it?" you said picking up mobile from your pants that were laying on the floor
>11:34 pm said the clock on you phone
"Wow looks like I got a long and nice nap for once!"
>As you threw your pants back onto the floor you laid back onto the bed
>As you turn your head you see something that your weak heart could not take
>It was Sunset, she used her arm as a support for her soft pillow
>She was also drooling a little bit on her arm
"So god damn cute!" you thought to yourself
>As you kept staring at the sleeping beauty your eyes followed her slim yet a bit curvy body
>You saw as her stomach was showing a bit
>How could you be so lucky to have this girl as your girlfriend
>She was perfect in your eyes smart, funny, helpful, and just staring at her made you feel like you could take on the entire world by yourself
"I guess I must have done something good to deserve her" you smiled as you placed your lips on her forehead
"Well, suppose I should start to make some breakfast!"
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>As you get off the bed you walk into the kitchen looking through the fridge
>There were some eggs, milk, and some vegetables
"Alright, let's get to it!" you said as you were determined to make the best breakfast for you and Sunset or die trying
>Not literally meant
>As you cracked the eggs into a bowl added a bit of milk to it and started whipping it
"Alright, now the salad!"
>You started chopping up some cucumbers and tomatoes
>You took out some iceberg salad and cut it into smaller pieces
>To top it off you added some pomegranate juice so make it a bit sourer
>You took the vegetables and put into two small bowls
>You then heated up a pan and poured the eggs into the now burning pan
>You quickly added some salt and pepper on top
>After a while the eggs began to turn from a wet substance into a somewhat solid omelet
>You took plate and placed half of the omelet on the plate
>The same for the bowl with the salad
>You then put all of the food on a wooden platter
>There was one thing that was still missing
>But what?
"Aha! I got it," you smiled as you went to take on your pants
"I know that there was a beautiful garden near Sunsets apartment."
>You opened the door and made sure it didn't lock the door as you bolted down the steps
>As you arrived at the park you saw a lot of fantastic looking flowers
>But you went with the red rose, it's a classic
>You the started running back into the apartment and closed the door
>You made sure that Sunsets wasn't up
>She wasn't, but she had turned her face in the direction of the kitchen
"Good, if she were already awake it would have spoiled the surprise."
>You found a little vase just big enough to hold the rose that you got
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>You then placed it all on the wooden platter and made your way into the bedroom
>You set the food on the night table
"Sunny?" you softly whispered
>"..." no responds
"Hey Sunny, wake up I made breakfast." saying a bit louder but kept the soft tone
>"Uhh, Anon?" She asked as she tried to open her eyes
>"What time is it?" she asked now rubbing her eyes
"About 12:17 pm."
>"Uhh, damn I haven't slept this long in years" She yawned as she looked at you with the breakfast platter in you hands
"Heres you breakfast Sunny" You gave her the platter
>"Anon this looks and smells delicious!" She then shifted her eyes to the red rose
>"Anon it's beautiful," she said now looking at you
"Well, then you have that in common" you smiled as you placed your hands on her face closing the space between you
>The two of you were now locked into a kiss
"No matter what happens, I'll keep you safe," You thought as the kiss continued
>This was only the start, but you two would remember this forever

*** 2 days later ***

>You close your locker after putting your books inside
>The school day just finished, so you went to put your books back so you could retrieve them tomorrow
>Suddenly you found a hand on your shoulder
"Eek!" you said in a high pitch voice
>"Oops, sorry Nonny," said the pink girl that nearly scare you half-dead
>Jeez Pinkie, you almost killed me," you said with one of your hands on your chest to see if your heart still worked
>Like always
"So what do you want Pinkie?" you said slightly angry for the surprise attack
>"Ohh yeah, do you have any plans after school?" she asked bouncing exited
"Not really no-"
>"Great! Do you wanna come with us to Sugarcube Corner?"
"Yeah, that sounds great Pinkie."
>"Good! We will wait for you at the school statue" She yelled as she started to run
"Hmm, exactly as planned," You said rubbing your hands together

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Well, that is it for today Shimmerfriends!
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Great work, Gabba. I missed you.
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>yeast infection
Yeah no. Maybe the other hole.
Just make sure you lick thoroughly and wash it out in the shower.
The vagina is naturally adept at cleaning itself
Yeah no. Maybe make her into a walking whipped cream dispenser. Press on the belly to get your amount.
Does Sunset want this cake?
What is SS favorite food?
I wonder how Sunset would react to a tornado since in Equestria they are harmless.
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>Trixie ground her teeth
>Why wasn't she taking the insults?
>Why was she just brushing them off?
>"Why don't you just run along back to your loser friends."
"They're not losers. And I wanted to talk with you."
>"Fine. Obviously the Great and Powerful Trixie isn't going to be able to shake you. But I'll warn you, this might be a little difficult for your... well to do kind."
>Well to do kind?
>Sunset just brushed it off and followed her outside
>They walked towards a bakery
>"Just follow me and try to keep up would you?"
"Right, whatever you say."
>Trixie gets a devious smile across her face as they pair walk inside
>It didn't take long for Sunset to realize why
>Using her satchel, Trixie began scooping up a few loafs of bread
>Before Sunset could tell her how stealing was wrong, satchel was shoved in her hands
>She realized this was an attempt to shut her up, as if she were to tell the clerk Trixie was stealing, the bag would be in her hands
>Trixie whispered in her ears
>"Your turn princess. Or are you too upper class for this sort of work."
>Sunset clenched her fist
>She was not going to just stand here and take being insulted
"Not way."
>Sunset moves and with the stealth of 10,000 ninjas, steals even more bread than her partner, even stealing a muffin directly next to clerk
>She had no idea she was so good at the five finger discount
>The two quickly exit and run towards a hilltop
>Sunset was panting like a warn out dog
>"My, my princess. I didn't expect you too be so good at this. Have you stolen before?"
>Sunset blushes, remembering the situation that got her stuck in the human world to begin with
"Yeah I suppose you could say that..."
>"We simply must do this more often, why this will be enough to last a few days."
>Trixie instantly shuts her mouth
"A few days? What are you talking about?"
"I sure didn't sound like nothing."
>She stays silent for a second and then starts to run
>"Try to keep up princess!"
>Sunset takes off after her
Glad you're feeling better.
Well this is gonna be more depressing than I expected.
>They both run next to a lake
"What they hell was that about?"
>"You couldn't possible have thought we were done did you?"
>Trixie starts to unbutton her blouse, revealing her bra
>Sunset blushes
"T-Trixie what are you doing?"
>Trixie takes her bra off, revealing her breasts and looks at Sunset as if it were nothing
>"Isn't it obvious dumby? We're going for a swim."
>Trixie turns around and in one fell swoop, removes her skirt and panties, revealing her bare ass
>Sunset looks away, her face red as a tomato
>Trixie turns around, making no attempt to cover her indecency
"God Sunset is this the first time you've seen a naked girl before?"
>Sunset looks back and her tummy fills with butterflies
>She had a better rack than it looked at first glance
>The blouse had been pushing her jugs in. It turned her from a B to a D
>"Now take of your clothes so we can do this."
>Sunset blushes
>It was time to get naked for friendship
>Sunset strips down, doing her best to cover herself in the process
>Trixie smirks
>"Well, well, well. Who knew princess had a body underneath all those clothes. Puberty hit you in all the right places didn't it?"
>Sunset could feel Trixie's eyes all over her body
"W-would you quit it ok?"
>"Fine, fine. Now come on in."
>Trixie slinks in the water, followed closely by Sunset
>As they start to swim, Trixie explains the reason they're here
>"You know why we're swimming in this don't you?"
"Because it's fun?"
>"Well, yes, but another reason. This lake has been over run with an aggressive type of fish. They tend to mistake toes for worms and try to nibble at them."
"W-why would this be fun!?"
>"It's the rush! Also you might want to keep your-erm-orifices closed. Leaches love to climb inside of moist holes if you know what I mean."
>Sunset quickly shut her legs, putting a finger inside to make sure there weren't any unwelcome guests
>The things she'd do for friendship
>Twilight should give her a medal for this
>>"Well, yes, but another reason. This lake has been over run with an aggressive type of fish. They tend to mistake toes for worms and try to nibble at them."

I'm scared of one thing on this earth and it's fish. I'd run out of there screaming. I'd rather swim in a lake of snakes and spiders than that shit.
they even have color coordinated cups, nice
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>Trixie swims further on in the lake, without a care in the world
>Sunset admired how secure she was with her body
>Sunset had seen more than her fair share of a certain fish if you catch my drift
>Sunset swam after her, still being sure to watch what was below her
>Once Trixie got to the end, she got out and started running back to the start, grabbing Sunset's clothes
"Trixie! What are you doing?"
>"Oh nothing"
>Trixie began to run again, making off with her clothes
>And now she could see Sunset's warning
>But she wasn't going to let her get away that easy
>Sunset quickly gets out and takes off after her
>Putting her hands on her shame, she caught up to her
>She was headed for the old windmill
>The place had been abandoned for years, sporting a large hole in the side
>It must have been where she was hiding all of her stolen objects
>Sunset ran inside
>She stopped dead in her tracks
>There was a sleeping bag and the remnants of a small fire
>She wasn't using this place to hide her stolen goods
>She was living here
>Trixie was hiding behind the large support beam in the center of the room, still completely naked
>No answer
>Still no answer
>Sunset goes and grabs her shoulder
>She stopped by the fact that Trixie was crying
>"G-go away!"
"Trixie... What is this?"
>Trixie swipes at her
>"I said go away!"
"Not until I get my clothes."
>Trixie throws her clothes back at the naked bacon haired girl
>Sunset kneels down and hugs her
"You're my friend."
>"W-what are you doing you freak!?"
"You're my friend."
>"Go away! Just-"
>Trixie devolves into sobbing
>"Just go."
>Sunset doesn't let go
"I'm not leaving you like this. Why are you living here?"
>"Wouldn't you like to know?"
"Don't be snarky. I'm worried."
>"Oh I'm sooooo sure."
"I'm not letting go until you answer me."
>Sunset makes sure to press her boobs nice and close to increase to discomfort
"So I hope you're into this shit"
I'll be back in a while. I've got to get my ass to class. So stay tuned. And get ready to board the feels train to no gf mountain.
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I'm hyped.
This is looking good.
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Gee Sunset, how come your mom lets you have TWO Twilights?
>I've got to get my ass to clas
I thought you were done with school.

So SS and Trixie are lovers?
Is there a fanfic that stars Twi, Trixie, SS, and SG?
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Nope, just starting actually.

Thank you. I actually had my birthday over the weekend. It seemed to do the trick.

All my Trixie stories are depressing.
seriously, we need a green where magic backfires and turns Sunset back into a pony, for like a week or some shit
>All my Trixie stories are depressing.

Trixie is a tragic character. I also put a lot of my own characteristics into her. We're similar in a lot of ways Trixie and I
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What's so scary about fish? Besides the creepy look they give you
How so?
They are just really fucking creepy and you're in there territory. They bite you and they are just fucking scary.
They feel weird when they swim against your skin and they are nasty and creepy.
Just no.
Holy crud. They do. Never noticed that.

Well the closest thing she has to a mom is Celestia, as far as we know. Kid probably got spoiled hard.
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RIP my heart
Anon needs to be his "Anon Green"
>We are quite tame since most of us have one thing in common, that we all love Shimmer.

I just pretend to love Shimmer to be part of the group hug.


Go Shimmer!!!! <3 <3 <3
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*hugs you*
there there, friend, we all deserve a safe space to enjoy our waifu in peace
come, sit down, and enjoy the serenity within this thread
I'd do it but I have no editing skills.
If any edit fags wanna change his grey to green, that would be swell.
Why Smash mouth All Star?
is there a Slice of Life fan fic that take place prior to EQG 1?
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It's nice to have you back pal and happy late birthday!
Funny thing is my birthday is actually today.
Happy birthday!
Why is she dress like Jessica Rabbit?
Happy Birthday
Because sex
I want her to be thrown from a cartoon car so I can pause at the frame in which it shows her not wearing panties so I can masturbate to the still image of her spread legs
Thank you, I appreciate it!

Because she can put on ANYTHING and still look good.
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I still think she looks best adorned in gold armor.
is that true?

I want her to react to 300.
>is that true?
is it censored now?
This is surprisingly degenerate.
is it wrong that I want a SS edition of that?
it's a fucking reference, numb nuts

idk, I haven't compared the original VHS to the remastered dvd
Good to have you back.
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It's funny. I just found that image today. Weird coincidence. Nice trips, by the way!
Wait a minute..
Gabba = BG9?
Where'd you get that idea?

>>29327467 was addressed towards Gabba, who said it was their birthday today.
Ah well I am a dumbass.
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Strangely erotic.
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Thank you and happy birthday to you as well. I'm of drinking age now.

Also no, Gabba and I are not the same. I couldn't put out that much green and still have it be quality. My limit is about three or four posts before I start to get tired. My energy is never high like ever so it's hard for me to put out more than that.
Trips confirm that Anon is a dumbass.
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Good night, Anons.
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Don't let this thread die in the night.
Oh we wouldn't allow that shit to happen.
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Shimmy Shim.
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Did Shimmer's mini sell well enough to greenlight Hasbro to make more?
Hasbro doesn't seem to like her very much since she hasn't gotten a playset while every member of the mane 6 have and she doesn't even have a second outfit like each of the mane 6 who I think have about 3 different outifts/variations each. They seem to be treating her like the side character minis they have like Flash and Vinyl. Hopefully she will be getting a playset or new outfit/variation with this next wave that's coming which is supposed to have the sirens and Scitwi.
>swn look at you like that.
I hurt myself today to see if I still feel.
considering that scalpers were buying her out of stock, then selling her for as much as 50USD (and she sold at that price) it should tell Hasbro that people like her
hopefully we'll get another one of her when the next wave hits, which some of the mini's in that are still TBD
>You will never have an adorable daughteru with her that looks like a mini Sunset.
I focus on the pain.
>You will never spoon Sunset and smell her bacon hair.
The only thing that's real
>ywn go to a comicon with Sunset
why does it hurt so much?
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Thanks, m8!

Well, the beer is one me if we meet.
You don't need to keep pumping out content otherwise, your stories would be as awesome as you always make them!
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Ah! Pickles reference.
Metalocalypse is the best.

I really love her Friendship Games outfit.

I will be getting that after Adagio and her other Sirens.
I know it's a longshot, but I'd love to see Daydream Shimmer and Midnight Sparkle minis.
My life would be complete if they made a Daydream Shimmer mini
I want a playset for her.
>I want a playset for her.
Ideally one with a motorcycle.
has anyone asked Ishi if he has a Shimmini?
or if he knows if we'll be getting more of her in her different forms?
That would be amazing. Though I'm not do fond of the colors and design of her bike in FG.
I'd want her to have a black bike to match her jacket.
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the bacon has been doubled!
The only thing better than Sunset Shimmer is two Sunset Shimmers
I don't think he gets any early info on merch
He just makes the movies.
>Speaking is is singing voice
How can other characters even compete? apart from Rainbow Dash who is also cute.
Rainbow Dash has a unique singing voice but Rebecca is still the best singer in the cast. She is a legitimate singer that does shows. If she's ever in San Diego, I'd go see her show.
Isn't Ashleigh in a band though?
Yes, but not as good of a singer as Rebecca.
true, but she's definitely up there
Rainbow Dash singing is always nice
I wonder if there will ever be a duet with them singing?

the original song in FG is kinda funny because it was Rebecca singing a duet with herself
I still hate the fact that they changed it

hey, has anyone asked ishi if they plan on ever fully animating the original?
they practically have all the work done, just need to use the final models
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>The two naked girls just sit there in the shivering cold for a while
>Finally Trixie breaks
>"Fine! You really want to know!?"
>Trixie wrenches away from Sunset and with a rag, brushes off her tummy, revealing a large scar
>She had been using dirt and blush to cover it up
>It looked also as if some had taken a torch to her skin
>"This is why!"
"What is that?"
>"A scar you idiot!"
"I know... But how did you get it I mean."
>"My dad! He gets angry when I don't do what he wants me to do!"
"So you ran away?"
>"Yes! You think I'm out here for fun!?"
"No, of course not."
>Trixie crumples to the floor and puts her head in her hands
>Sunset gets closer to her
"You're really beautiful."
>"Oh shut up."
"I mean it. You've got an amazing body. And I've never been naked around someone for so long."
>Trixie tries to cover up
"Don't cover up Trixie. You're really beautiful. Even your scar."
>"You mean that?"
"I do."
>The two look at each other
"Are you ready to tell me what's going on?"
>"You promise you won't tell?"
>"Tell me your promise."
"I promise I won't tell anyone Trixie."
>"I ran away because my father hits me. Even for the smallest thing. He wants me to go to school to be a doctor even though all I want to be is an actress."
"I see."
>"I'm just angry all the time. It's why I can't make friends. I'm just always... always angry. The others just don't get it. They have their friends, a loving family... a dad who doesn't hit them... I want to make friends, I do! But I just... I don't know."
>Sunset hugs Trixie
"I would be honored if I could be your first friend."
>"Even after all that stuff I said?"
"If there is one thing I've learned, it's that friends forgive each other. My friends forgave me for turning into a demon and destroying half the school. I think I can find a little room in my heart to forgive a few mean words."
>Trixie smiles
>It was the first time Sunset had ever seen her truly, genuinely smile
>And it was beautiful, infectious even
Is it me or is Ishi is the only one who gives an actual fuck about his work?
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I'll ask Ishi but I doubt they plan on animating it.
This is gonna be one hell of a feels trip
Why did you make SS and Trixie lovers?
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"I really like it when you smile. It's beautiful."
>Trixie blushes
>"Be quie- I mean... Thanks."
"You know what else I noticed?"
"You're not using your verbal tick anymore. You're talking in first person."
>Trixie gets even more embarrassed
>"O-oh thanks.... sorry about that."
"It's alright."
>Sunset picks up Trixie's clothes and begins pulling the sock over her foot
>"What are you doing?"
"Let me treat you to something Trixie. I know this isn't much, but I want to let you get the burden off a bit."
>Sunset pulls each sock over her foot
"Lay down would you?"
>Trixie does as she's told
>Sunset puts her legs up and quickly pulls her panties on, much to Trixie's embarrassment
>After that she clipped on her cute neon green bra and slowly buttoned up her blouse
>It was hard to fit her gigantic tits inside the thing, it took some man handling
>Finally came the skirt and she was all dressed
>Trixie just stared the whole time, mesmerized
"All done."
>Trixie just kind of stares
"You alright?"
>She nods and to Sunset's surprise, leans in for a kiss
>Sunset dodges it like a pro
>Trixie gets embarrassed
>"S-sorry... I guess I just read it wrong..."
"It's alright. I'm just not into that sort of thing."
>Trixie puts her head back in her lap as Sunset get's dressed
>Sunset sits down next to her
>It was getting late
>The moon was beginning to rise over the horizon
>Amazing how time flied when you were having a conversation in the nude
"We have to fix this Trixie. You know I can't just leave you here in this abandoned wind mill."
>"But I'm alright."
"It doesn't matter. You can't live this way. You don't deserve it."
>"But I'm perfectly happy here."
"Trixie why don't you come to my place? I have a nice warm bed for you to sleep on."
>Trixie stays silent for a while
>"Why do this? Why go all this way for me?"
"Because everyone is worthy of some kind of love. Including you."
>"You promise you won't hit me?"
"Of course not."
No I don't think you're the only one who thinks that. I'd even go as far as to say the staff that work on both the series and the films put in more effort into EQG; just look at Daniel Ingram, the latest seasons songs were mostly forgettable but the LoE songs were up to the usual high standard. It honestly feels like the show staff have been giving less and less of a fuck about it as the seasons go on.
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Completely off topic, but why is everyone sucking ACRacebest's cock in the comment's section?

Gif unrelated
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>Already hard enough
You forgot the pic
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>Sunset offers her hand to help Trixie up
"Come on. Let's go get you set."
>"Can I take my stuff too?"
"Of course you can."
>She was such a nervous nelly
>Even with Sunset Shimmer, she was still as cautious as a stray cat
>Which wasn't all that inaccurate of a descriptor
>The two walked back to Sunset's place and she led Trixie to the guest room
"Here's where you'll be staying. Make yourself at home."
>"And when do I have to leave?"
"Whenever we get this figured out."
>Trixie drops her stuff next the bed
"Do you need some time to yourself? I imagine you must be reeling right now."
>"That would be nice."
"I'll leave you alone then. If you need me, I'll be in the living room."
>"Alright. I guess I'll see you then."
>Sunset walks into the living room and takes out her phone
>Oh weren't Rainbow and the others going to be happy about this
>That, or course, being sarcasm
>Sunset texts the group about the situation, of course leaving out the events in windmill
>And the result was pretty predictable
>Top Cunt being Top Cunt
>The rest of the girls just warned her to be careful, as if she was harboring a serial murderer
>No matter
>They'd come to accept it in time
>After a while Trixie comes back out
>"Um... Sunset?"
"I hate to ask for this but... do you have a change of clothes I can use? I've been wearing these for nearly three weeks."
>"I bet you want a shower too. Go ahead and hop in and I'll get you some of my clothes. We're about the same size."
>Trixie walks down to the shower and turns it on
>It had been ages since she had a warm shower
>After five minutes Sunset knocks on the door
"Your clothes are on the floor outside when you're ready ok?"
>Trixie just stands in the shower
>She couldn't believe someone was being this nice to her
>She touched her coarse scar
>The reminder of her pain
>It was so ugly
>And yet
>Sunset found it beautiful
>Trixie sits against the wall
And that's all for now. It'll be ending soon though
That pic.
Does Trixie >Rape Sunset with her mouth?
>Sunset's eyes go wide as Trixie gets closer.
>"You forced Trixie's hand. Don't worry my dearest Sunset, Trixie will make you feel good~~"
Aw man that's a shame. I'd say my two favourite interpretations of Trixie are broken Trixie and sperg Trixie and this seems to have elements of both.
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Such a pretty song
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Alright! Back to where we left off!

*** A few days earlier ***

"Whats the matter Sunset?" you asked her
>"Hmm, oh nothing Anon, it's just that I don't really wanna keep our relationship a secret to our friends anymore."
>"I just wanna-"
"Show me off as a prize?" you asked with a grin on your face
>"Yea- I mean no, not like that," she said a bit frustrated
"I know what you mean Sunny," you said with a reassuring smile
"And if you want to we can tell them when we get to school in a few days."
>"R-really? You'll do that for me?" she asked with a concerned voice
"As long as you are happy, I would do anything for you."
>You gave her a small kiss on the forehead as you looked into her eyes
>"You are so sweet," she said pulling you into a kiss
>You gladly kissed back
>After you separated your lips you looked at her with a devilish smile
"I think I know just how to tell them," you said still smiling
"How?" she asked you with a curious expression
"If you ask Pinkie Pie to have all the girls join us at Sugarcube Corner, then-!"

*** Present Time ***

>All the girls were at the schools now ruined statue
>Waiting on you
"Hey, girls!"
>You yelled as you opened the school's door and ran as fast as you could
"Sorry you had to wait for me, I just needed to talk to Principal Celestia about something."
>"It's quite alright darling," said Rarity
>"What did you need to talk to Principal Celestia for?" asked Twilight
"It's not really that important, but if you would like to know."
"It was about the upcoming "Summer Sun Formal." and the principal asked for my help getting it ready."
>" That's right, the Summer Formal is almost here!" said Pinkie Pie jumping ecstatic
>"Oh, how could I have forgotten! I need to make us each new dresses, not to mention accessories!" said Rarity with a determined look on her face
"Not to destroy the good mood or anything, but do you girls suppose we can talk about it somewhere with chairs?"
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>"To Sugarcube Corner!" shouted an excited pink girl
>As you and your friends keep walking, you looked at Sunset who looked genuinely confused on what you were planning
>You look at her with a reassuring smile and a little wink to say "I got this."

*** Sugarcube Corner ***

>After a few minutes you arrive at the front door
>As you and your friend's enter Sugarcube Corner you are greeted by Mr.cake
>"Hello everyone!" said Mr.Cake behind the cash register
>As you walk by you friend's greet him
"Hello Mr.Cake," you said
>"Oh, hi Anon what can I get you and the girls?"
"Um" you tried to remember what the girls always get's here
"I'll think we'll have two sundaes, a vanilla milkshake, and two chocolate milkshakes, a latte macchiato, black coffee, and lemon tea
>"Is that everything?" asked Mr.Cake
"I think we have the random doughnut bundle," you said pointing at it on the menu
>"Alright, were gonna come down with your order, so please take a seat with your friends." he said smiling
"Will do!" you saluted
>You turn around and find your friends already sitting at a table
>You can see that they are discussing something
>As you get closer, you hear what all the talk is about
>"I'm just telling you I think most of the boy's at our school complete jerks," said Rainbow Dash frowning
>"Well not everybody," said Fluttershy with a hushed voice
"Hey girls."
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>"What took you so long?" asked Applejack
"Well, I had to order us something right?"
>"What about money?" asked Twilight
"Today is on me, girls."
>I hope this is not gonna bite me in the butt later on!
>"Wow, thanks Anon." said Sunset
"No problem, so what were you girls discussing?" you asked
>"Nothing much, just about who we would choose to bring as a date to the formal," said Rarity
"So do you girls have anyone in mind?"
>"Not really." said Applejack thinking
>"Nope," said Pinkie
>"No," exclaimed Rainbow Dash
>"Not yet" murmured Rarity
>"Well, kinda." said Twilight
"Who is that?"
>"Well I hoped that Timber might accompany me if I asked," She said blushing
>"Darling, you know that people from other schools are prohibited from attending the formal."
>"Oh." whispered Twilight
>You look at Twilight, she seems pretty down after what Rarity said
"I might have an idea" you place your hand on Twilights shoulder
"Since I'm helping Principal Celestia with the formal, I might convince her to do me a favor and let a "friend" come along."
>As you finish saying that Twilight's head popped back up
>"You would do that for me?"
"Of course, you are my friend Twi!" you said giving her your signature reassuring smile
>"What about you Anon?"
"What about me Twi?"
>"Who are you bringing," she asked
>This is it!
"Well, you girls already know her," you said with a wide grin
>"Who?" saiD the girl in unison
>You look at Sunset Shimmer
>You get closer and closer until you place a kiss on her cheek
"Her," you said smiling
Alright! I'm just gonna have to recharge a bit!
Hope you guys have a nice day/night
Thanks for the entertainment, senpai
There is nothing better than masturbating to nsfw Sunset pics while that song is playing.
is there a underwear version of this.
No, but this is the same artist.
Is that supposed to be a mind control device and Scitwi is making her lift her skirt?
Kind hot.
I wish there were more panty variants.
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skeptical sham.png
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When will the rest of you posers realize that I am the only one for Sunset
She and I are meant to get married and have fifty gorillon horse children
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Out of everyone here, I love Sunny the most.
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Fucking liar
I bet you wouldn't bleed for her
I bet you haven't cried over her
I bet you didn't even like her before RR
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>not wanting to breed the most fertile waifu
Shit taste you dumb poofposter
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>tfw you liked her more before pre RR because attraction to mean women.
Looking forward to the next parts
Having kids is a mistake.
Yes, yes, Gray we get that you have brain damage
No need to keep reminding us
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I hope the next EQG short or movie shows Sunset working in some sort of place, or her and twilight having a scene where they're working together, that'd be so awesome, I love working girls.
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>ywn go on a first date where everything goes wrong but you still enjoy yourselves.
I wear my crown of thorns
I don't get that referance
I just wanna see her home and where she works so the homeless Shimmer head canon can die.
Guys, guys. It's obviously clear that I am the only one meant for Sunset. I mean, who better than me? She will be my best friend/maid while I live with Trixie in our cottage together. I thank you for your understanding

I absolutely love that picture
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how can you say you love her if you wont even eat her poop?
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I'd bathe in her shit and drink her blood if it meant I got to be with her.
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Sunset is mine. But, here, you can have this.
You guys do know she isn't real...right?
Shh Anon, let us enjoy this.
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I'm not listening to this heresy.
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Don't be silly anon, reality is an illusion.
it's an actual Einstein quote. Sweet,right?
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delet this
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Sunset sucks ass! My waifu would destroy her.
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You shut your godamn mouth
Sunset's kind of a bitch, she'll destroy anyone if they fuck with her or her friends.
She's a broodmother, like a mama bear. I makes me hard.
Imagine having your kids with Sunset, absolutely fierce woman, you wouldn't have to worry about them getting messed with.
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if the sunset we see is from Equestria does that mean there's ANOTHER sunset in the EQG world as well?
>Season 7
>Pony Twi finds a sad Sunset Shimmer pone walking around, eating hay, taking dumps while looking for a way back home, and befriends her.
That's the logical conclusion implied.
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I had fun once. It was awful.png
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epik pic my main dude
I think you deserve an upvote straight into the ceiling fan
She has too much potential to be a stay at home mom. I'd want her to have a career. I'd take care of the kids. I've always thought that would be fun. But I'd rather just not have kids. The cons outweigh the pros.
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I want to lick them
And then be kicked by them
Is there a fan fic base on this pic?
Yes I hope
...I don't think that's him.
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This autist shows up to steal Shim Sham's limelight in the next EQG movie

What happens?
Might not even be another movie if the switch to shorter specials is their plan going forward.
>shorter specials
Did they say when the specials coming out?
is there a fan fic where SS remains Celestia pupil?
No idea. Ishi doesn't even know. Not even an approximation.
There are a few.
>There are a few.

Are they good?
Why a EQG TV Show?
I want to do this to Shim's boots.

If digits Sunny will be mine instead and we will have an adorable daughteru.
git gud
No u
Because it will make Hasbro more money.
EG is a cash cow and the movies are only squeezing 1 teat at a time. A show will allow them to get every last drop from its potential.
Sunset's power scares me, if you stick you dick in her, she could go all white eyed and start reliving your memories, going as far back as you can last.
Use a condom.
Still probably wouldn't work, her body would touch me or I'd see her sexy olive skin and want to touch it, either way Sunset's gonna mindfuck you.
If digits, you will have your daughter with Sunset.

But I get to marry your daughter.
>She is able to cause you to orgasm just by grabbing your hand and flooding you with a mass amount of sexual thoughts
I need this
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Fuuuuu-sion HA!
Yes. And she's still mean.
>She touches your hand and sees you fucked hat bitch trixie
>She leaves your house in a fit of jealous rage
>tfw cockblocked by your own memories
That's what you get for not staying pure for Sunset, you dipshit.
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The most OP pony to ever exist.png
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Who's the sourpuss on the bottom right?
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Didn't that girl at the bottom right get gangbanged by a bunch of goblins? Why would you want sunset and shantae to fuse with her?
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>Didn't that girl at the bottom right get gangbanged by a bunch of goblins?
Do you got sauce on that?
For research purposes
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and she's modest too!

what are you all doing this Valentines Day with Sunset?
Well now she's fused with a master Swashbuckling genie and a Goddess, I think she can handle and monster.
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Sitting alone at home, wishing she was real.
Drawing something that isn't shit like the last Valentines Day thing I drew
what did you draw last year?
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those obnoxious ponies.png
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You just gotta work on your proportions
My style's changed pretty rapidly since then, and I think I might be able to churn out something decent as long as I don't get too ambitious with posing
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>What was she going to do?
>This just didn't feel right for her
>She couldn't take being such a burden to a girl who had shown her such kindness
>Trixie ran her hand down the scar on her belly
>It was so brittle
>So hard
>Trixie just let the water rush down her body as she stared into the middle distance, her eyes glazed over
>She stayed in there for what seemed like an eternity before finally getting out
>Sunset had left her a black shirt with her sun emblem on it and some PJs
>She didn't deserve such kindness
>She puts the clothes on wand walks outside
"Well hey there. I was wondering if you were ever going to come out. The shower must have felt really good huh?"
>Trixie just nods
"What's the matter? Why so glum?"
>Trixie sits by Sunset on the couch and hugs her legs
>"I just feel like I don't deserve this."
"Don't deserve it?"
>"I've been nothing but mean to you and your friends. I've never done anything with my life so far. Why do I deserve this? There are many more people who are worse off."
"Because you're my friend. And I will never leave my friends out in the cold."
>"Your friend?"
>"Don't lie."
"I'm not lying. I would never lie about something like that."
>"You mean it?"
"Of course. You're my friend and there's nothing you can do to change it."
>"Thanks Sunset."
"You're welcome. Can I get you anything?"
>"No, I'm alright."
"Ok. Well if you need something just ask."
>"I will."
>She wouldn't.
>Trixie gets up and stretches
>"Well I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Trixie. See you tomorrow."
>Trixie walks into her bedroom and lays on the bed, waiting for Sunset to go to sleep
>It took a while, but her patience had payed off
>Trixie picks up her sleeping bag and the rest of her stuff
>She couldn't sleep comfortably at night knowing she was mooching of Sunset
>She refused to take advantage of someone else's kindness
>She had already done enough damage
>Trixie quietly sneaked out of the front door and headed back to the abandoned windmill
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>It was such a cold night, just being out there made her shiver
>Trixie placed the mat down and laid on it
>It was so much more comfortable without the weight of being a burden on someone else
>Just as Trixie closed her eyes she heard some footsteps and shot up
>"W-who's there?"
>Out of the darkness, Sunset Shimmer stepped forward
>"S-Sunset? How did you get here?"
"I figured you'd do something like this so while you were in the shower I set up a trip wire. If you were to cross it it would drop a penny on my head and wake me up. The rest was just obvious."
>Trixie just stares in disbelief
"Come on. We're going back."
"Come on Trixie."
>"I said no!"
"Why not? Why are so you so resistant to help?"
>"Because I don't deserve it!"
>Sunset kneels down
"You do though."
>"Stop spouting lies!"
>Sunset hugs her tight
"Come on Trixie. We'll get through this. Together."
>Trixie starts to cry
>"I... I don't want this."
"It doesn't matter. Like I said, I never leave my friends alone. So come on. Let's go back. Together, as friends."
>Trixie wipes her eyes
>"Fine. But you have to promise me I won't be a burden. And you won't let me be."
"I promise. Are you ready?"
>"I'm ready."
>Trixie packed up her stuff and headed back to her friends place, knowing now that she would never be alone again
>The solo act was finally over and she could be free


Dedicated to Diana

>Dedicated to Diana

Nice. You managed to finish a story.

I am the same way with my drawings. I have a tough time finishing what I started.

Great job.
Who is Diana?
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I'm gonna marry my Sunny.
>Pouty face with that adorable outfit
She needs a hug.
needs a nude edit
My best friend. I made this story with her in mind. She often watches my writing (probably is lurking in this thread now or will be). It's my little gift to her.
Most of my stories are unfinished because I tend to go for the long haul. I've been trying to finish Trixiequest for a while but I can never make a thread last long enough. It's only in it's infancy. I also just get board of stories sometimes. I'm having that problem with the Way She Shines so I'm taking a break from it so I don't just rush it. I've done that a few times and don't want to do it to this one too.

Thank you though. I appreciate it.
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Right up your ass.png
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I already married all of them
Step it up, kiddo
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Really good story m8!
Good to see some new takes on stories
I want to sex the filly.
Filly is not for sex. Filly is for love and cuddles
Just a finger?
She will like it.
I want to make her cum magic from her horn.
No. Filly is for loving and cuddling and hugging. Filly is not for sex. Do not sex the filly.
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I'm gonna sex the filly
A grill on 4chin?
They exist. They are few in number but exist they do. The person who did the Pony Secret Santa was a grill as well.

Also what music do you writefags listen to while your write? I was listening to this over and over while writing Solo Act

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We already have one confirmed gril that browses itt. Shes a cute cosplayer. I guess we have at least 2 now with more that have been alluded too but not confirmed.
When ever I write or read, I listen to those emo bands from the 2000s like Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance. It makes me more creative.
How do you think Shimmer acts when she's drunk?
She will go the fuck off on a tirade about how she got ripped off and Twilight was somehow the best Celestia could find, and then burst into tears.
I was thinking something more along the lines of where she starts acting like a pony again but sure, depression is just as fun.
she wouldn't
she has to maintain control at all times, lest "it" comes out and hurts the ones she cares about
I like to think she would do both depending on her mood.
I would like to see that happen to Sunset since it happens to Twilight.
It's an interesting concept but I don't think she has that demon in her after she became a LITERAL FUCKING ANGEL
imho if we see human Sunset, I hope that she'd change into the demon form somewhat yet be in control (pic related or like >>29326782)
then it's Sunset's mission to "save" her
a hero who is "also" the villain would be a lot of fun

her CM is clearly based on the yin-yang symbol, no matter how good she is, she has a little bad in her

just like all of us, we choose which side to act upon at any given moment
If we ever get human Sunset, I want her to be a sadistic mad scientist that's good with tech and has a robot army. Preferably spider robots.
>her CM is clearly based on the yin-yang symbol
I've always had a head canon that she got that yin yang symbol because she was really good at balancing "normal" and dark magic like we've seen. It would be quite unique if there was a unicorn that performed well with dark magic.
I knowing her origin comic, it showed her looking at books on dark magic.

I'll ask Ishi if there is a reason her mark looks like a yin yang symbol
>no matter how good she is, she has a little bad in her
Oh hell yeah, I love that.
>I'll ask Ishi if there is a reason her mark looks like a yin yang symbol
you're better off asking McCarthy, she created Sunset
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Well, while I was writing my current story, I mostly listened to this song all the time

Diamond Eyes Shinedown - It has a very solid rhythm that just gives me the extra energy I need to write while also having good lyrics... I'm also a sucker for guitar solo's

While if I want to write a serious scene I always listen to some soundtracks like


And if I want to brighten up a sad scene up I always use this

And if something bad happens or a character is killed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csMuTzQ-2Ro - Because of the silent and beautiful music becomes a hard and angry toned song
It's just perfect!

If you want I can send you a playlist that I have on youtube with songs like that, I used it back when I was really good to draw and now to writing.

Now sorry for the long post guy's I hope you don't mind two writefags sharing music.
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So she'd basically be Doctor Klein?
I don't know who that is.
Fuck McCarthy. I'll see that bitch in hell. Just another corporate suit now.
Doctor Klein is a character on a DLC of "Fallout: New Vegas."
I'd rather pop her.
That's a code word for giving birth, right?
Like a pony. A literal pony.
She forgets how to walk on two legs.
She forgets meat is edible and it's not cannibalism.
She forgets how to talk and makes horse noises.
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>Take her to the bar
>She gets drunk
>Starts eating food with her face rather than hands
>Whinnys every now and then
>Asks for you to scratch her behind her ears
>Eventually starts crying as she remembers the life she abandoned in Equestria
All she wants for Christmas is that damn crown.
That's pretty hot, desu

Imagine the hot, drunk, horseplay sex
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>Starts eating food with her face rather than hands
I like to imagine little specks of food covering her face.
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I bet she fucks like a wild animal.
I want to tame that mare.
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Sunset is such a sexy and powerful horse, I understand why Twilight is tackling her.
I'm a little surprised that Twilight was fast enough to run Sunny down. She's supposed to be one of the least athletic members of the cast.
She was all juiced from the adrenaline and she was resting, Sunset may have been up all day at school, and decided to sneak round and steal stuff.
more like Sunset hasn't been a quadruped in a while so she's a little slow on all fours
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your hate has made you powerful.png
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You can do amazing things when enraged.
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I want to cum inside Sunset Shimmer.
Sorry, she's mine.
You can try again in the next life though.
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My nigger. I love Shinedown. Fairy Tail is also pretty gud.

When I don't want to change songs a lot I just listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KXtnDYREwE and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC244gYVLsU&t=291s
Kek, the actual scene is really brutal, Sunset is a bad ass bitch, being prejudiced towards applejack and shit.
That was fucking hilarious when she insulted all country folk.
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super happy shimmy.png
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>"Did somebody say horse treats?"
Aren't horse treats just sugar cubes?
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2MB, 1904x1064px
Did somebody say "sugar cube"?
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Shia Lebouf just got arrested.
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That's what the bars are for.
I wonder if they're gonna put Shia on house arrest like in his 2007 film Disturibia.
NO natural America nigger get out!
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large (5).png
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I want to touch her butt
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I want to lick her.

stop appropriating starlight glimmer culture
That was Trixie, stupid
>ywn be a new student at CHS for Sunset to give a grand tour to

it was from a starlight glimmer episode baka trixie is her waifu
Hot new Shim.

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