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Frostbitten (CYOA) #15

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

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Greeting Phil and Peach and departing from the shack, you walk down the ever downtrodden streets, ones that seem to have a tinge of frost to them now. Everything seems to have this layer of coldness around it. The ground beneath your hooves feels as cold as the ice from Misty's house. Speaking of Misty, she walks silently by your side, head drowned in thought. You weren't sure whether it was the fact of what you said earlier, or the fact that you both would rather not bring any attention to the gigantic black cloud soon to be looming over the city.
You decide to break the silence.
“About back there, I didn't mean to make it sound like I don't want to tell ya my thoughts-”
>Hey, I get it Chance.
She rolls her weary eyes and smiles.
>You don't gotta worry about what I think. I get what you meant.
“Well you were acting a bit weird back there.”
>Was I?
>Well don't worry your silly little head about it, alright? It wasn't because of you, I've just got a lot more to think than say lately. With the storm coming, with me thinking about what happened in that basement, with everything related to the Pitchurst, I've got a lot of stuff on my mind. So don't get all worried and think it was your fault, alright?
You sigh and nod.
>Good. Now let's get to Pete's, shall we? Don't wanna keep the old bum waiting.


And keep him waiting you do not. The decrepit city grants you passage to Peter's relatively quickly, and after a short while you're back in Peter's room. His dark, creepy, terribly lit room. He speaks.
>Well. Checking the power once more, I see one more generator is running. So unless my equipment failed to function properly, I'm assuming you did your job. You have my thanks, even though you didn't have much of a choice.
>In any case, those last two jobs are still available. Who knows, I may even have more after those ones are done.
“Actually, I had an idea. Perhaps we could do both at the same time. We could head to the lighthouse where...what was his name again?”
“Right. We could head to the lighthouse Wallace is at, pick him up, and take him back with us to scavenge the black cloud in the city. We'd have more room for stuff we picked up, and really, doing as much as we can before this storm hits is a pretty big priority right now.”
>Hm. Well, the way it gets done isn't a huge concern, as long as it does in fact get done. So if it's your choice to do both at the same time, so be it. I'm guessing you'd like some background info on Wallace and the other job, or would you rather just be on your way?
The background info is welcome. Also, we should tell him about the condition of the basement, incase he ever needs to send anybody else down there.
I'm concerned we won't be able to get to the lighthouse before the storm rolls in. We are not going to be caught in it.


“Some backround would be good, I think. As long as it doesn't take long. I don't want the storm to hit the lighthouse before we get there.”
>Good choice. I'll try to make this as short as possible. I didn't know a lot about Wallace while he was still here, only that he knew a lot about boats and the sea. One day he just up and left, however. Muttering to himself about toying with ponies and whatnot. But you knew this already. What I doubt you did know, however, is that he was very interested in Delestra's relics. There's rumours going about that one of them took hold of his mind and that's the reason he became so deranged and ran off. As to which relic that could be, we just don't have much information about them. It's odd, they're one of the most powerful and mysterious artifacts in Delestra's history, yet so little publications of them have been found. Only tattered journals from sources that are less than credible. If the rumours are true, he may be more of a threat than previously thought, so take caution approaching him. The only reason we think he's in the lighthouse is a radio signal coming from that area. If I had a radio near me we could tune in to what it's sending out there, but all we'd hear is a crackling noise.
Misty speaks up.
>As for the dark fog?
>Unfortunately, that's something we know even less about. Where it came from, what it's purpose is, all these questions have no answers and it's likely we won't have them any time soon. Only witnesses we have say that it shot up from the earth below and refuses to spread any further than it already has. Take caution while going inside, if there is a deity above Celestia not even they know what's inside that fog besides darkness and rain.


“Alright. One last thing before we go. Do you actually know what the basement is like? Have you ever been down there? Because the conditions are... not safe.”
>And hot.
Misty chimes in.
“And hot. There's some crazy stuff down there, and I'd hate to be the one who wasn't informed enough to know to go down there without a weapon.”
>If only the pony before you knew what you know now.
“Wait. I thought you said that everyone's been too scared to go down there for a long time. There's been ponies before us?”
>Of course there has. I could've told you before, but I couldn't risk him...discouraging you.
Misty slams her hooves on the table.
>We could've gotten killed! What if they had information that we couldn't survive without!?
>Well, that'd be a terrible event, yes. But I don't see a point in getting angry with me. You're alive now, right? All you're doing is wasting time getting mad at me, and by the looks of it, you don't have much of said time left.
He turns his chair around and pulls on a switch hanging from the ceiling, opening the blinds behind him to reveal a huge window facing the sea. The entire horizon is completely black with storm clouds. He turns back to you.
>Don't you have a storm to race?
Misty turns around and begins to walk away before Peter speaks one last time.
>There's something on the desk that might help if you encounter William again. Along with something you'll need if you get to the lighthouse in time.
You look on Peter's desk and spy a necklace with the small leg of a pony doll attached on the end of it. Next to it is a rusted key. You take both and place them in your saddlebag. Misty doesn't turn back.
>We're leaving. Chance, let's go.
And with that you both exit the room, standing outside of his door. Misty slams it behind her. She looks at you and sighs.
>Should've known he'd lie to us. We heading out or what?
Think it's a good idea risking this storm? I know it's one of the only way for getting some info but...
Add "Not to be a bitch but," at he beginning of that.
“Well I mean, not to be a bitch or anything, but do you really think it's a good idea to risk this storm? It's one of our only leads right now, and I get that, but we're taking a serious risk."
>We are taking a huge risk, but it the potential payoff is worth it. I mean, if we fix Wallace's mind, if we get rid of whatever made him crazy, he could be our ticket out of this city. And he even knows about relics! He could tell us all about the relics in that book, even the time travel ring we have! Is that really a risk you don't want to take?
“I don't know, Misty. I mean yeah, the reward for finding him would be great, but think of all the things that could go wrong. The lighthouse could crumble before we got there, or even when we're inside it.”
>Yeah, and then we'd die. But what would happen if we didn't take this chance? We lose a surefire way of getting out of this city. Maybe the only way to get out. Do you really want to take that chance?
She sits on the floor in silence for a bit before speaking up again.
>I don't know Chance. If we want to go we're losing time just talking about whether we should go or not. I've been stuck here for too long, Chance. A situation like this might never come up again.
She looks up at you.
>I'm not sure if I can let myself lose it.
Lets go! Things are getting worse with every passing second so playing it safe in the short-term, would only hurt us in the long-term.
Then I won't let you. C'mon! Let's get moving!


“Well... then I guess I won't let you lose it. I mean if things are only getting worse as stuff goes along, playing it safe will only hurt us in the future.”
>So we're going?
“Yeah. We're going.”
Her eyes light up a little. Smiling, she wraps her hooves around your neck.
>Thanks, Chance. I knew I could trust you.
She lets go and gives you a playful jab in the shoulder.
>You're still a bitch though.
Misty happily leads you out of the building and north of the prison. You can just barely see the lighthouse in the distance. You're glad you can make her happy like that.
It was a different feeling to be walking across shore of a dilapidated city, and being able to see a giant doom cloud right off the coast. The docks were all but destroyed. The broken splintered wood platforms barely resembled anything you would think of as a dock, and resembled a war zone much more. Gigantic metal ships rose up from the waters at awkward angles, being clearly abandoned by their captains in a time even before your time. Perhaps their ghosts still haunt their ships, blissfully unaware of their nonexistence. It's only right that the captain goes down with their ship, is it not?
Looking the direction opposite of the shore, you're greeted with the sight of decapitated skyscrapers and black smog in the far distance. The suburbs of the city outskirts did little to hide the darkness at the city's core. Looking at it makes you feel uneasy.
You walk for a good half hour, you guess. Maybe it's been more, maybe it's been less. You don't have much in the way of time-telling devices. Maybe you should've bought a watch or something. Is that really a worthwhile investment? Is thinking about a trivial thing like buying a watch really a worthwhile investment of your time?
You stop thinking and opt to just take in the scenery instead.
Eventually you make it to where you can see the lighthouse clearly. The building is painted in the traditional “horizontal red and white stripes” fashion. The paint is faded pretty badly due to the constant barrage of the sea, but not enough to make it fade entirely. The entire structure is somehow leaning slightly eastward toward the sea, which makes you a little nervous. But really, besides the paint fading there isn't much that looks unstable about the structure. Perhaps Peter was misinformed?
...Or you were lied to.
Beyond the lighthouse, further north, you spy a large collection of collapsed buildings making an arch, one you assume people use as an entrance to...wherever is behind it.
The storm is closer. You can feel it getting colder.
You stand at the red, wooden door of the lighhouse. You can hear the crackling of a record player.
Misty whispers to you.
>Why are there so many ponies with record players in this city?
You shrug.
>You sure you're ready for this? We don't know what's going to be on the other side of this door.
The only way to find out is to open it. Also, records are probably one of the few forms of entertainment left.
First thing, first: Knock politely.
“Only one way to find out. But first thing's first, let's knock.”
She nods. Raising your hoof and striking the door softly twice yields nothing to happen. You try once more, knocking a little more aggressively. You wait for a minute, and look around the door frame for any other way of bringing attention to the lighthouse's denizen. When no such device is found, you take the key out of your saddlebag and slide it into the door's keyhole. The door unlocks with a click and slowly opens, creaking the entire time until it's fully open.
Every window or door has been boarded up, even the entire top of the building has been boarded off, leaving the room to be pitch black. There are no sources of natural light in this building. The only lights are the ones coming from the copious amount of TV screens, monitors, and other electronics piled up and facing you. All they seem to have on their screens is static. The amount of electronics is astonishing. Tangles messes of wires and tubes carrying unknown substances sprawl within and throughout the building, reaching further upward than the light of the monitors can reach.
But all of that isn't what caught your eye.
In the middle of the room sits a stallion with a light red coat and an orange mane. There is hardly any hair left on his head however. You could've easily mistaken him for bald if it wasn't for the tiny amount of orange hairs barely clinging onto his head. His tail is almost completely gone as well, it's almost shorter than Misty's. Attached to the stallion are multiple strands of surgical tubes and wires. They're attached to almost every one of his limbs. The wires and tubes seem to be coming from the floor, which is covered in a dark, murky liquid.
Wallace doesn't move, but slowly speaks in a cracked voice as if it causes him pain to just speak.
>I... I thought I locked that door.
Show him the key and ask for his name.
Apologize for our intrusion.

It's been so long I've forgotten what exactly we're supposed to do with him.
“We're sorry, but we needed to talk to you.”
You decide not to tell him about your plan to take him straight from his home and make him build boats for you quite yet. Small steps.
Misty stays behind as you slowly trot over to him through the murky liquid, and get a view of his face. His eyes are bloodshot. He looks like he hasn't had a single hour of sleep in days. His cheeks look a bit wet... it looks like he's been crying. Tear marks stretch all the way down to his chin. He hasn't blinked since you've looked at him. He just keeps staring at the static.
“We got in using this key.”
You hold it out to him in your hoof.
His head doesn't move, but his eyes do. They slowly and lazily drift over toward the key.
>...You're here to take me away from here, aren't you.
“I'm sorry?”
>Only one other pony has that key. The one that leads here. I have the same key. It leads...somewhere else.
“Uhm, Wallace, is it? You're not making a lot of sense.”
>I don't know who Wallace is. Perhaps it was someone else I used to be. I forgot him now though. I always forget.
Tears begin to fall from his face.
>If you plan on taking me from this stallion I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. If I disconnect from him I will perish.
He's crying silently. A sadness creeps up from your heart and into your head.
>If you want me to leave you're going to have to talk to him. He won't let me go easily. He can be so d-difficult sometimes.
You see him reach down into the murkiness on the floor and bring up a key in his hoof. You take it from him.
It's the exact same key as the one you used to open the door to the lighthouse. Down to the patterns of the teeth, down to it having the exact same pattern of rust. The only difference is this key has a dark red tag attached to it.
>We don't have much time. None of us do. Use the key I gave you. I know you know where to use it. You just used it.
He cries silently as he turns back to the monitors. Back to the static.
Go out and back in with the other key. Can we ask for it's(?) name?
>Wallace plays the pronoun game so they have to ask who the hell "he" is.
Let us do as instructed then.


“Alright. Before we go, can I ask for it's-er, his name? And who is “He” exactly?”
>Why don't you just ask him yourself?
Well aren't you helpful.
You don't respond and walk back out, closing and locking the door behind you.
Misty looks at you.
“I don't know. He gave me another key and told me to use it here. There's no way this is going to work, though.”
>Stranger things have happened.
“Nothing like this.”
You take out the key with the tag on it.
There's no way this is going to work.
You slide the key into the lock.
I mean, there's just no way, right?
You turn the key. A click rings through the air followed by slow, low pitched ballroom music. As you slowly open the door, you hear Misty gasp behind you.
What used to be the interior of the lighthouse has become the edge of a cliff. Beyond the cliff is a gigantic blue cave with slightly glowing water stirring below. Wallace is still sitting where he was.
It actually worked.
You walk into the cave and take a look at Wallace's face. His eyes and mouth have been replaced by pitch black pits of nothingness. TV static leaks out of his agape mouth and onto the floor, forming a small puddle of static. His body is fading occasionally, disappearing and reappearing into existence at random times. Your brain fails at attempting to process what your eyes are currently seeing, so you turn around and find a naturally formed rock bridge that leads to a black suburban house on a pillar of rock. The music is coming from there. It's making you sad.
>Ch-Chance? What is this place?
You don't know.
“I don't know. But I have a feeling whatever is keeping Wallace captive is in that house.”
You have the feeling.
You feel sick.
The rocks settle beneath your hooves as you walk towards the house. The entire building is seemingly having troubles existing as well, acting much like Other Wallace's body. The only part that seems comfortable in this plane of existence is the door.
The music is so loud now. You feel like throwing up it's so sad.
You touch the door knob. You can't stop. You can feel something licking your hoof as you touch the door knob. You feel so depressed.
You're inside the house now. There's a stone sitting on a pedestal. There's nothing in the room but Misty crying her eyes out in the corner. You're in a worse pain than you've ever experienced. The stone is the source of the Music. You raise a hoof to tou-

You open your eyes and rocket up from your laying down position. You start to hyperventilate before you look into Misty's eyes. You look into her eyes and she looks into yours.
>Shh, shh, shh, it's okay Chance, I'm here, I'm okay, just calm down. Please.
You look around you. You're in an antique-looking ballroom. There's a giant mirror behind Misty stretching across the entire length of the room The music is quiet now.
“H-How did we get here?”
>You turned the key and I passed out... You were screaming in your sleep when I woke up. Are you okay?
“I'm fine, I'm just really confu-”
A door on the other side of the ballroom opens. A completely dark pony with bright, white eyes walks toward you, non threateningly. You feel at ease here.
It speaks, but the sound of it's voice comes from every direction.
>I don't have visitors often, so forgive me for any lack of comfort you may be feeling right now. But do tell me, why have you come here?
His voice suddenly shifts from welcoming, to concerned, to accusative
>Is Wallace hurt? I hope he isn't hurt! Did you harm him?!
We came looking for Wallace, but when we found where he was supposed to be, we found something suffering. Could've been him or something else. It gave us a second key to the same door and what happened after we used it escapes description.
We came here to find Wallace and any information on what's going on here or any way to escape. If I may ask... who are you? You have quite beautiful eyes.
“We came here looking for Wallace, but in it's place we found a pony that couldn't even remember it's name. He gave us a key to the same door we used to find him and after that... I don't think I can properly explain what happened.”
The dark pony sounds relieved.
>Oh thank goodness. I mean, forgive my hostility, I don't have visitors often. But I already said that, of course, heh...
“Right. If I may ask, who are you exactly?”
You look into his eyes. They sparkle and shine like diamonds reflecting the stars in the night sky.
“And if I may, you have a beautiful pair of eyes.”
>I-Er, really? No one's ever said that to me before. But no one's ever said a lot to me before in the-
He pauses.
>Ahem, Thank you. Now, let me introduce myself. I am what is known by, well, me, as The Pastwalker. As my name suggests, I walk through the past and fix the little hiccups that the universe tends to make. It's not often that I must do it but, hey, if I don't who will am I right? Heheh...
The pony slumps down and covers his face with his hooves. His ears perk down.
>Oh who am I kidding. You two don't care about me. You're probably just treasure hunters or something. Sorry to disappoint you, but there's nothing here you can take. There isn't even a “here”. It's just...nothing.
The ballroom strips away, replaced by a peaceful castle garden. Stone walls and old statues rise above the small newly cut hedges. The grass felt nice underneath your body.
The night sky is full of stars. But even with the change of scenery, the music persists.
>What do you want with Wallace? Here to ask him something?
He says, not moving from his slumped down position.
A person asked me to bring him back. We needed his knowledge of boats and the sea to leave this place. But, Pastwalker? Does that mean you know all about the past?
I want to ask if he knows about the ring we found and also if he's somehow connected the the artifacts.
Ask about the silent album at home.


“I wanted to ask him about this ring we found, and if he's connected to it or any of the other artifacts. But, Pastwalker? That means you must know all about the past, right?”
>I mean, I guess so. I don't really question much of anything anymore. I just go in to fix stuff. I can't go into anyone's memories or anything, that would be great because then I could see more ponies! But, er, no. I can only go to locations and only if there's something wrong there.
He gets up and walks over to a hole in the side of a wall that looks really out of place.
>You know, like this.
He takes two sides of the hole in his hooves and forces them together, repairing the wall. The courtyard strips away and before you know it, you're back in the ballroom.
The Pastwalker trots back in front of you and slumps down again.
“Huh. Well, on an unrelated note, do you know anything about silent records? We found one but I think there might be more to it.”
>I wouldn't know the first thing about something like that. But perhaps Wallace does. Funny that The Pastwalker can answer less questions than a mere scientist.
“Well, we could ask him but we were asked to bring Wallace back to a place, because we need his knowledge of boats and the sea to leave this place we're in.”
>Wait. You want to take him?
Misty speaks up.
>Well, we kind of need to. A lot of lives are counting on him, including ours.
He stays silent. The glimmer in his eyes begins to fade.


>You... You can't.
“Why not?”
>H-He chose to be this way! I was just minding my own buisness fixing the mistakes of random stuff and I heard someone. I actually heard a pony for the first time in my existence. Wallace was looking for a way into the past and when he saw me, he spoke to me. And I spoke back! And we kept speaking for a while until eventually he got here with me. I-I mean, can't you feel his presence around you? For the first time ever, I feel just a little less alone than I used to. It's the first and only presence I've felt besides you two. In fact, the only reason you two can speak to me is because of him! Because of the stone! I don't know how he did it but somehow he made a portal to my dimension. My small, yet ever expansive dimension, and I can feel something now! I can feel!
He sounds like he's about to break down.
>He has to know all of this. I hear him sometimes. Sometimes he speaks to me, but I don't understand him a lot of the time. But at least it's something. Something tangible that I can feel.
He sighs, his voice shaking.
>I never chose to be the one to fix the mistakes of the universe forever. But he chose to talk to me. How could I let him go?
Wasn't a stone one of the artifacts? Like the ring?
If you're his friend, you'll respect his decision to leave. It seems like in our... dimension(?) he wasn't happy. It seems like he was suffering. I know you're lonely but if you let him go, maybe he'll come back. Maybe with more ponies too. He says we don't have much time. I don't know until what but I want me and Misty be gone and the only way to save other ponies is Wallace's knowledge.
“If you're really his friend, and you really care about him so much, you'll respect his choice. I don't know how it is here, but in our world, dimension, whatever, he didn't look happy. It looked like he was going through some intense pain. I know you're lonely, but would you rather him be happy with you or be suffering with you?”
“If you let him go, maybe we'll find a way to come back. Maybe with even with more ponies we can talk to. But you need to trust us. Please.”
He stays silent for a while before clenching his eyes shut. Black tears fall from his face and onto the floor. He looks upward.
>All I did was cause you pain, Wally... All I did was-
He falls to the floor, sobbing to himself.
>I-I...I'm so sorry...
Before you have a chance to comfort him, you feel yourself falling asleep.
“No, don't let me leave him like this!” you think to yourself.
You gallop toward him but you only feel yourself getting pulled further away. It isn't long before you're carried upwards into the sky, up the stairway to the stars.
The ballroom music has slowly turned to toned down piano music, and the sound of rain pattering against marble floors.

Some unexpected stuff came up which is why I took so long to write this. I'm done for today.
If this thread is bumped till 12 AM MST tomorrow, I'll be persuaded to run again. Feel free to discuss this CYOA as well.
In any case, I hope you enjoyed playing this as much as I enjoyed writing for you. This session was a bit weird but at least we made some more progress.
As always, thanks for playing.
Aw man. I hate to leave the dude like that.
You faggots need to bump.


Opening your eyes, you look around the lighthouse's interior. Everything is how it was before you used the other key on the door, which you have somehow lost in the confusion of the events that just transpired. You lift your head out of the dark swirling fluid on the floor and look around the room. Wallace and the machinery around him has fallen silent. You can hear Misty banging on the door, but there's something you have to do first.
Examining the room further, you find a large plug sticking out of the wall, with many wires and tubes coming from it. It was somehow obscured from view the last time you were in here. The water makes it difficult to get on your hooves. When you finally end up standing, you can't stop the sensation you've been feeling since you woke up. Your legs buckle beneath you as you throw up a mixture of blood and other bodily fluids. It all mixes with the fluid on the floor before long, and soon it's as if you never did it at all. It all mixed in so well.
Disgust races through your system. You felt disgusting wallowing in all of this filth. But that will all be over soon. All of this will be over soon. You stumble towards the plug on the wall and grasp it in your hooves. You can feel the power through the plastic itself. You gain as much footing as you can and pull as hard as possible. The plug soon releases it's grasp from the wall and falls to the floor. The sound of electrical machines powering down echoes throughout the building, and you look back over at the slumped over figure of Wallace. Stumbling back to the front door of the lighthouse and opening it to see the worried face of Misty. She hugs you, which you feel was a bad decision considering how filthy you are right now.
>Are you okay? Are you hurt?
“Misty, I'm fine, I just... had a bit of an experience, is all. But we need to wake Wallace up.”
>Yeah... you think he'll be alright?
“Let's wake him up and find out.”


You stumble over to the slouched over pony sitting in the filth and give his shoulder a little shake. He still has wires and surgical tubes attached to them, but you figure he has a better chance at removing those safely than you do. You hear him take a deep breath as his eyes open, looking around frantically. He looks in your directions and lets out a short scream before falling over onto the floor. Misty slowly approaches him
>Hey, hey, it's alright, we're not here to hurt you!
He quickly tries to reassert himself, but stops suddenly and lifts a hoof to his face. He looks in horror at all of the tendrils attached to his body and hastily tries to pull them out one by one. Eventually he resorts to shaking frantically to try to get them off, most of them detaching from his body. He takes the remaining cords attached and rips them out, causing pained whimpers to come from his mouth. Both you and Misty do your best to comfort him. After it seems like he's calmed down, he slowly trots towards where he was once sitting and reaches into the filth on the floor. He pulls out a small light brown stone and stares at it intensely. He turns to you and speaks frantically.
>D-Do you have anything I can put this in? Any container, anyplace safe?
“Uhh, my saddlebag I guess-”
>May I use it? Please?
“Sure, just right in there with everything else.”
Shoving it into the saddlebag and closing it, he sits back down, seemingly nonplussed he's currently sitting in a pool of unearthly fluids.
>Has...Has the storm hit this city yet?
No, but it will be here soon.
“If it hasn't yet, it'll be here soon.”
>Ugh, I can't believe I'd let myself get taken like this at such an important time. I'm truly sorry for wasting your time trying to get me out but we're going to need all the time we have. How long has it been since I was gone?
>Never mind, we'll talk on the run, we have no time for trivial stuff like that. If you have any questions I can answer them as long as we keep moving.
He already begins to head for the door.
“Don't you wanna take any of this stuff?”
>I don't need it! Everything important is where we should be headed!
And with that, he's off. You step outside and you can already feel the air getting colder. It's getting dark outside, but you're not sure if that is due to the sun setting or the storm clouds covering the sun. In any case, the cold will come with the darkness, and like Wallace said, you likely don't have much time left.
You gallop up next to him, Misty meeting him by his side as well. Destroyed ships off the coast begin to creak and groan as their metal hulls are pushed and pulled by the increasingly violent tides.
>If you have any questions ask 'em, better to get them out of the way now.
He says impatiently.
Tell him about the ring.


“Well, we found this ring a while ago that seems to transport me to sometime in the future, but there's been some times where the things I'm seeing when I have it on shouldn't be real at all.”
>Hmm, I believe you're talking about one of The Taker's relics. See, there are many, many relics around the planet, Violet City, and beyond. But they are mostly made by different ponies and entities. The Taker dabbled and experimented with travelling through time and space specifically, and manifestation of different places within it. The Taker's Ring can take you to the future, but only if it wants to. It can also take you to places within your subconscious, take the thoughts out of your head, and manifest them into real things, places, and the like. Of course these places cease to exist as soon as you take the ring off, but whatever is held while the ring is taken off is then manifested into the world we live in. Though of course, anything that tampers with the mind in such a way is bound to have repercussions and risks.
“What kind of risks are we talking about here?”
>Well, when something from your mind is made reality, there can be serious risks that need to be taken. Mind you, the same applies for things taken from the supposed “future” but that's a different subject entirely that I would rather not delve into right now.
Wallace looks towards the clouds getting dangerously close to the shoreline. The wind and cold have both picked up quite a bit.
>Hmm. Anyway, as well as objects, The Taker's Ring can manifest entities and creatures. Entities and creatures that would do anything to get out. So if something goes wrong and a creature taken from your subconscious gets taken into our world, well... things could end badly. Thankfully, The Taker's Stone, the stone in your saddlebag right now, is far less malevolent in nature. If handled correctly, of course. I'd advise simply using the ring with caution, and don't trust any of the visions it may make for you. Anything else we need to discuss? I'd like to reacquaint with Peter sooner rather than later, and if my memory serves me correctly, that prison up ahead is where he currently lives.
Mention the other mission he had for us.
Yes. But what's going on? You know something that's going on here.

Fuck that. We're sticking with Wally right now. He knows shit.
I didn't say to leave him. It's more like I'm curious if he thinks it's a good idea to go there first, or at all.
“Well, speaking of Peter, he wanted us to do something else while we were out as well.”
>Which is?
“We have to head into the center of the city. Recently there's been a giant fog that's covered the entire place and we were tasked to go into it and see what's going on.”
>Well one, if we don't want to get frostbite or freeze to death we're gonna want to get to someplace warm soon, and for another... well, in my experience, mysterious fogs are best left alone. A scary thing, fog is. In any case, I strongly believe that getting somewhere safe is more important than wandering in a dark fog.
“Alright... you know something about this storm, don't you?”
>I know it's been a long time coming. I know it's big. And I know it's going to be rough.
After a while, you make it to the front gates of the prison. The guards at the gates let him in without a second glance, and wear a look that seems to be a mixture of respect and fear. You're standing at the front gates when you feel something hit your forehead. You look towards the sky.
You look down at Wallace, who looks back at you.
>I have things of my own to do. Ponies I haven't seen in far too long. You may come into the prison, or you may go adventuring in the fog. I've already chosen.
He begins to walk into the building. He seems set in his decision.
Are we prepared for travelling in a blizzard?
Personally, I want to follow him all the way to Peter. Ask Misty what she thinks is best.
“Well, what do you think, Misty? Are we even prepared for travelling in a blizzard?”
>Probably not, honestly. I mean, I doubt just a winter coat is going to help much if the blizzard is as bad as everyone is making it out to be. I couldn't imagine why we wouldn't have the chance to check it out after the storm is over, but I do have equipment at my home for blizzards. But then we'd be leaving Wallace behind, so... geez, I dunno. I mean we could probably take the chance and see if they have blizzard gear for us but if they don't we'd be stuck in Peter's till the storm's over. Wallace might have more info for us, but the fog might too, and whatever loot we end up finding in there. I guess whichever one you value more. I'd like some more loot since we haven't had a good scavenging run in a long time, but you're the boss, mister.
She looks up at the snowflakes.
>We might not have much time.
If we head home, we could get the blizzard gear and come back here for more supplies. He did say that he had things to do so he'll probably want a bit of alone time anyway.
I say we go ahead and scavenge. The SECOND it turns bad we head back to the prison. Remember to not go too far.

This is likely the last post from me for tonight Numb. Just to let you know.
“Well, we could probably get away with some scavenging before it gets bad, as long as we don't stray too far from the prison. I say the second it gets ugly we head back here.”
>Hm. Well, good enough. I gotta have my scavenging, Chance. I feel weird when I don't do it enough.
“That doesn't sound healthy.”
>Eh, there's worse things I could be addicted to.
“True enough.”
>Shall we go?
“We shall!”
And with that, you head off with Misty to find loot.
Today, you discovered an inter-dimensional being, found an extremely knowledgeable pony, learned about a ring that taps into your brain, and learned that Peter is a liar.
How productive.

Huh. I was about to stop running anyway.

Don't bump the thread, I'm done until.../maybe/ next weekend. I'm really glad we made the progress that we did and that the thread had more than 15 posts. It's a nice feeling.
Thanks again for playing.
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