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Kamen Rider General #1591 - Crossover Edition

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Thread replies: 584
Thread images: 112

Old Thread >>15741863

>How to get into KR and where to start?
>List of subbed series
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Ex-Aid 42 Preview

Build Trailer Subbed

Be The One Preview
Are they going to completely ignore he was in amazons or will we get some reference? Maybe in a movie
why does no one stay dead in ex-aid its so annoying.
Extra lives.
Build has mooks on motorcycles again. This is gonna be some good shit
>cant even put /krg/ in title

final vent yourself
In the show? No way.
They usually do stuff like those in the Net movies fuck I miss them so much.
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Is Hikawa the densest fucker in all of Kamen Rider?
but dan and kiriya are both technically dead
Hiiro's girlfriend is dead
Ren is dead
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The budget for a Kamen Rider season must be in the tens of millions of dollars. Can't they hire one guy who speaks English?
>but dan and kiriya are both technically dead
If only they showed actual downsides for being a bugster. Or even just in a philosophical way like "What does it truly mean to be a human?" or bs like that.

Since they showed the Proto-Gacha last episode I'm gonna guess that they'll somehow revive them. I hope it doesn't happen, but it probably will.
They did in Drive and they still made him had an accent to his english stuff.
>m-muh darkness and bittersweet endings
Go watch Amazons then, you emo faggot.

Yeah because wanting characters who died to stay dead is bad and being an emo faggot. Even if Ren's and Hiiro's girlfriend deaths were used for a lot of drama and character development. Death becomes cheap that way, I don't want freaking DBZ where death doesn't mean shit.
yeah fuck kageyama. i'll take perfect english over the best belt jingles to date. great idea dude.
the w manga looks so fucking bad
Even fucking Amazons brought back people through Sigma
Burgermon is dead.
>If only they showed actual downsides for being a bugster. Or even just in a philosophical way like "What does it truly mean to be a human?" or bs like that.

i think that would only work if Kiriya did it. Kuroto Shin Kuroto seems to think being a bugster is great and there are no downsides to it, going so far as to 'comfort' Nico by telling her she can be a bugster with them. maybe it'll get brought up next episode since Kiriya will be doing stuff, it's probably the best shot we have at something like that.
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Which Rider heroine is the best?
Oh yeah I agree Kuroto is already crazy, but they could have done at least one scene with him questioning himself. There are still a few more episodes so who knows, they may actually do something. The drama of him thinking about his humanity would be bad, since it's already the end.
So something cheesy like "Even if I'm not a human anymore I'll try and live on" would be nice. Yeah from the preview I remember him actually being more than just a background character, we can only hope.
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Misora is a cute ! CUTE !
by what metric?
and the fat guy (probably)
how much you love her
Ren is the fat guy
Kiriko or Mai I guess
Maki vanished, right? i wouldn't be surprised if he's in Proto Bang Bang Shooting.

>An actual standby jingle
>That synth voice

Suwabe the god.
Oh god, what a fucking mess.
>re-uses Chronicle noises
>cringy autotune
>the jingle is so fucking long that it completely drowns out anything put in the second slot
Wait if the reset happened, does that mean Saki's data in DKHZ is still there?
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Fuck: Hina, Yuuki, Koyomi, Mai, Kiriko, and that new girl
Marry: Poppy
Kill: Akiko
Become best bros with: Onari

I'll include Akari in the fuck list.
>still sad that my waifu joined Happy Science, and is probably getting gangbanged by old cult members instead of doing reunions with the Fourze cast

Ninja time
It's actually harder for Japanese audiences to understand good English compared to the usual Engrish.
Where have you been? She already quit that cult
I'm new to this Kamen Rider stuff. What are the main differences between the old Kamen Rider shows and the new ones? I'd also like to know which ones you personally prefer.
The Rider atsume update is here
>2 new Riders (Poppy and KAMIDA)
>2 new items
No new background or boss
Wasn't it just that she's back in acting with the cult's agency?
Wait is this Ariproduction the cult's agency ? i have no idea
how come there's still no Kami Da bugvisor 2 vids? is it not out?
It comes out in October
Pretty sure he died of internal bleeding, not exaids.
Nah. He died of game disease in Snipe episode 2. The bleeding just sent him to coma.
Most probably not. Her extraction didn't happen in a game area.
Oh is that out? Thanks for correcting me then.

There are variations even inside these periods, but basically -

From Kamen Rider 1 to Black RX (Showa Riders) - More episodic, many of these shows are really old (Rider 1 up to Stronger ran from 71 to 75, then some from 79-80-81 and two more in the late 80s). Crossovers could actually be plot relevant, although not every show had past Riders appearing. Little merchandising advertisement aside from the Rider and their bike themselves. In many of the earlier shows (up to Skyrider/Kamen Rider '79) you often get monsters killing civilians before the Rider stops them. Most villains were secret organizations with nazi or occultist ties aiming to use cyborgs and monsters to take over the world.

From Kuuga to Decade - merchandising gains stronger presence in the shows, but mostly in the form of large numbers of forms, weapons or Riders themselves. They attempt to go for a J-drama style of storytelling, with battles often left to the cliff hanger at the ending of episodes and short, near the ending of the episodes. Monsters continue killing people. Villains rarely receive focus, which often ended up resulting in underwhelming main antagonists, although there are a couple of exceptions. During this period, there were pretty much no crossovers at all, although that ends with Decade. Each series had a summer movie and that's it, although near the ending with Den-O and Decade, they started getting more movies.

From W and on - More focus on action, with both longer action scenes and more of them per episode. Stronger presence of merchandising, with belts that talk often (or even sing!) and play songs, alongside collectibles tied to the new forms or Riders. In most series during this period random civilians are rarely killed by monsters, and civilians that receive focus pretty much never die. Villains receive more focus again, often featured from the beginning of the show. Crossovers are back, but most only in movies. Each show gets at least 3 movies, often more.
Oh my god! It's Persona 5's Futaba!
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Hina or Kiriko.
where can i download this? is it translated?
Thanks. The older ones sound better, so I'll start with one of them.
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This pic would be doubly hilarious if Reina had secret fujo tendencies.
So did Build invent his belt and Full Bottles or not?
Make it less obvious, please. You're genuinely not fooling anyone.
Paranoid shit like this is why we can't have nice things
Build-san looks like he had a long day.

What does /krg/ think about his english covers?

Inb4 >nigger
Stop posting. I'm serious. Accept the fact that Showa just isn't well-liked by anyone that isn't Spic, Pinoy, or Brazilian monkey that grew up with it. Stop trying to make Showa a thing, it's not going to work.
So let me get this straight, the old shows are less liked? That's fine by me.
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What would a FGO Gashat be like?
it'll have giant ''WHERE THE FUCK IS MY NERO YOU GACHA PIECE OF SHIT'' on its cover.
the jingle will be ''STOP GIVING ME BLACK KEYS MAKE IT STOP''.
>expected a ride player sound
>there isn't one

So basically the mook ninjas are already transformed or are a product of Fuuma's abilities
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>black keys
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Reminder that Wizard had a Giant Dragon Rider Kick.
Why is Build sitting on Kenzaki?!
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Whoever's taking these photos is really good at making them look like screenshots.
That's not a very flattering image of Build, compared to Ex-Aid.
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Since I haven't been paying attention, what does Build's belt say when it's not a best match?
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> by anyone that isn't Spic, Pinoy, or Brazilian

Yeah and you know, the Japanese. Fucking retard.
that necrom needs to be stopped
It just stops after "Are you Ready?"
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in general
>The Captain America fanclub's 12 blocks that way
is, is that how the meme goes? am, am I doing it right?
Kouta: has a lockseed(s) that can transform into a bike (Sakura Hurricane) and one that can transform into a hovering vechicle (Dandeliner).
>Doesn't even use them to reach the location of Takatora and Micchy fighting each other.
jeez, seeing Akiko and Hina next to each other makes me realize how much a fucking upgrade she was to Akiko.

Both visually and earsually?(I mean my ears weren't being rape anymore by girl screeches)
The little thing with fishes is cute.
I'm gonna spam golds until I get Poppy.
He basically doesn't use bikes in the 2nd half of the show, aside from the battle with Kaito. It's really weird, since they at least used bikes for scene transitions in the 1st half.
>No Tomoko
Shit list
Her data was never in proto DKHZ. She became Graphite.
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>No Rinko
>No Chucky
>No journalist girl
Actually yes her data is back in the proto gashat. She will definitely be revived.
I still think Micchy was a better dancer than Kouta
Bikes are not appealing to the younger generation.
Average age for bike owners in Japan is 51. Only around 10K units (combined number from all makers) got sold last year and it is dropping at a rate of 16% per year.
Well it's kind of a fuckin shame then the franchise is Kamen RIDER
Kouta was all flash with the backflips. more of an athlete than a dancer...
That's why the modify the bikes, so they can't legally use them on roads and don't have to bother paying for upkeep, but they can still sell a toy of them.
I kek'd at Onari

>custom Necrom has Miku sleeves
On top of that it's around 1 mill yen for a new 1000cc bike, 70K for a used one. On top there is 80k yen for tax, and almost double the cost for bike maintenance than cars.
It's cost too much to have a bike.
Oops. 700K for a used bike that is.
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Thiccto Tantei
i want them to FUCK nico
Is Ghost's belt the ugliest of all time?
No. As much as I love the various sounds and the motion of swinging open the handle, the Gamer Driver is a much gaudier item and breaks up a lot of really cool suit designs in a very negative way.
Fair enough. Ghost's belt is so bland, though, and it seems to protrude even more than the Gamer Driver.
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I have to agree with >>15745358. I get what they were going for thematically, but it stands out in a bad way on a lot of suits (e.g. Dangerous Zombie and Hyper Muteki) and is really bulky for how simple it is. It also doesn't help when the show takes its darker turns and you're supposed to take the scene seriously when people are holding and wearing what looks like a toy from the 90s.
Erase Takeru
How can you call the Ghost driver ugly when the fucking Gamer Driver exists?
It's still pretty ugly. Another ugly belt existing doesn't change that.
>the ugliest of all time
At least the Gamer Driver has color, and the Ghost belt sticks out the front even more.
>It also doesn't help when the show takes its darker turns and you're supposed to take the scene seriously when people are holding and wearing what looks like a toy from the 90s.
But that's one of the best things about it
Your taste is absolute garbage and you should honestly keep them to yourself, or put a trip on so you can be filtered. Thanks.
WELL HE'S DENSE! Tell him to stop being dumb
What's he making, /krg/?
P-Bandai toys
Who should I go to watch the W/Decade Movie War? Is TV-Nihon my only option?
>makes all the gashats
>only makes 1 muteki gashat
>Have to buy the stupid drill swordgun to get the DX version of the best full bottle

Fuck off, Bandai.
Muteki's almost completely useless for everyone else, even with the 10 second invincibility, so why bother.
If you morons think Foundation X isn't involved now, you're fucking retarded.
hey wasn't there supposed to be a big Figuarts announcement the same day as the Build conference?
Nah, son, did you see how the Skywall splits Japan? It's obviously Foundation Y.
>Excited for Build
>Watch the trailer and the conference
>Now more excited to hear the jingles of the toys rather than watch the show

Fucking whoops.
Who subbed the trailer? Is Over-Time finally gonna put some effort into flashy subs, or something?
Well they do have a gashat. Who knows if they also have a fodder shift car, lockseed, eyecon or wizard ring?
If the Brave Special is anything to go by, they currently have the means to replicate up to Wizard's gimmick. Lockseeds, Core Driviars, and Eyecons are still up in the air.
That would be BananaArms, who likes doing special effects on his subs but unlike TV-N does not mind localization or using captions.
We actually getting two mighty brother recolors, a Maximum recolor, and a Dual recolor? Don't mind since these are the best gashats, but wow. I'd prefer they get rid of one of the mighty bros. recolors for a muteki recolor though.
V-Cinema bait?
Hahaahhha i get it its a sonic joke becuz hedgehog hahahahahaha

Fuck off.
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>Hurricane Ninja

>Mighty Creator VRX

>MC VRX has the same voice as Kamen Rider Chronicle
>mfw it manages to sound like total shit

Build has the worst OP out of all of heisei.
Take a chill pill, autismo.
I'll fight you IRL nerd just say the time and place I'll kick you
No that's Ex-Aid
No it's probably gonna be a finisher gashat for the keyslasher.

We never get new forms this late in the show even if it is a recolor.
That's not Hibiki's Second OP
I like the duck and it makes me sad knowing she was secretly insane and quit acting to join a cult.
What the fuck is this meme
>he doesn't want to BE THE ONE
The singer sounds good, the song itself just isn't very good. I didn't like Excite much either to tell you the truth.
5 am in hell, little girl
World premiere fucking Poppy Pipopapo Rider.
Does atsume have Femme or Marika?
I no longer know if she was in character here or was actually being fourzed to do this.
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fite me
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ok fucker
This. I don’t know why idiots can't understand that she was never going to be revived because she became Graphite and that Masamune could only make a souless copy because he didn't actually have her data.
New version

To be fair, Masamune isn't completely lying, he does have the data for her body. It's just the memories that's with Graphite.
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>subtitles literally say EXTREEEEEEEME
Hey, I didn't hear extreme.
Mach + Chaser and Kamen Rider Jam debuted around this point.
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I only have .gif of this
Blame the writing
She looks better this way
I don't know, there was a point to having Drive there, considering everything that happened in the movie was under police investigation.
She really does.
>It's your fault for not understanding a plot hole!!!
Am I the only person who doesn't despise Akiko? Sure I'm not attracted to her, but I think she was a good foil for Shotaro and Phillip.
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Who is best girl? Poppy or Nico?
Neither. They're both god awful characters
>Defending a woman that bitched at her fiance for wanting to save people because she's a selfish cunt
I don't despise her, I just think she's a waste of space and potential. I remember in the Sweets Dopant 2-parter she had a moment where she was acting so much like her father that Shotaro mistook her for him. Imagine if they kept her going down that line of development instead of just making her an autistic screecher?
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Your pepipapopinion is shit.
Characters are allowed to have flaws
>not writing autistic screechers

We got fucking lucky with Drive.
That's a pretty big fucking flaw.
>Gwenpool poster has shit taste
Who would have thought.
yeah and?
literally nothing wrong with not wanting your husband to go off and potentially get himself killed
Especially one to have if you're married to a cop, a person who's entire life is dedicated to saving other people
Where can I get an Amazons season 1 dl? Can't find it in the folder.
Again, he's a fucking cop.

And Ryu is distant as fuck barely able to communicate with her. They're perfect for each other.
Shit I thought this was Saki. Akiko's a cunt but she has some logic to her wedding blues.
the one i want to FUCK
Wrong girlfriend, anon. Saki didn't frequently threaten divorce or steal Hiiro's Gamer Driver, she just suffered in silence.
Ryu was a bit of a twat but he didn't deserve to be married to Akiko.

OT, please. Unless I missed something.
no but i hate the blue cover so much. stands out really bad on some forms as well.plus it hides so much of the awesome detail underneath
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Which one do you want to HUG_, then?
OZC puts O-T subs on Blu-Ray rips.

Ah, so I did miss something.
Without the cover it would be rather cool looking.
nico to both questions

i think asuna's okay, but poppy is way too shrill
Does Ex-Aid have the most voice actors for their gimmicks? Kageyama for most of the Gashats, the gaijin for the Dual Gashats, the guy who does the Gashacon Bugvisor, Suwabe on the Bugvisor Zwei and Kamen Rider Chronicle+Mighty Creator, and Ruka Matsuda for Tokimeki Crisis
Will build be starting off as a competent rider and not a first time hero because I'm getting that feeling
Akari was pretty alright by the end honestly.

Also Kiriko I guess, even though the writers forgot that she was Banno's kid too and not just Gou.
Seems like he knows what he's already doing, yeah.
>not asking which you want to play video games with

poppy obviously, she's far more casual and chill about it
>even though the writers forgot that she was Banno's kid too and not just Gou
I mean, Gou's verbal beatdown of Banno at the end literally involved him saying how shitty he was to Kiriko.
Also Gemdeus Cronus in literally the same show
what's gonna happen to hiiro?
also speaking of lady side characters, build has both a journalist and the one who makes the bottles out of monster attacks so that's something. i'm sure thread discussion involving them will be fun.

it's nice though that build is bringing back some form of the "collectable operator" role, like ankh to OOO and kengo to Gentaro (didn't watch wizard). I liked that aspect of those shows.
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So what exactly does the driver say for Rabbit Tank?
I forget the Japanese specifically that's used, but it translates to "Steel Moonsault"
"moonsault of steel"
Nice headcanon my friend.
How do you voice act a trick? Do you mean "collectable"?
>A former fighter who uses his sharpness and gut feelings to avoid losing. He was banned from fighting for match fixing and then arrested on suspicion of killing an Advanced Matter Physics member but escapes from prison.

>He can sense the Smash, which gives him the ability to throw even Build off the his trail. Build and Ryuga’s destinies will become intertwined with one another.

Oh my fucking God, he's Gills 2.0, this poor boy is going to suffer so badly. He even looks like Ryou a little.
Except the gimmick of the collectables is having voices, you pedantic faggot.
He looks like a mix between Go and Haruto.
>He even looks like Ryou a little.

That's racist, anon. You are a racist.

I hear "Hagane no moon-sault."

I'm actually kind of glad they're moving away from signing belts again. It still says a lot, but it feels like we're not going to have another mess of jingles and standby noises when multiple Riders transform at once like we've been having the past few years.
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I just can't help but see all the similarities and Suffering Man.

No, seriously. Similar hair color, their "angry" expressions aren't all that different.
I hope Ryuga doesn't suffer.
What the fuck are you talking about anon? did you just learn what the word Gimmick meant in class and wanted to wave your big boy dick around?
He is MC's sidekick. He is destined to suffer.
None of them suffered as much as Gills did.
Also MC has amnesia/lost memories so this could be Agito 2.0
I think the problem I have with "BE THE ONE" is how, I dunno, poppy it sounds? I guess after years of energetic rock socks as openings, having "Excite" and now this back to back is tonally strange.
He's an abrasive man with a past in competitive sports who can sense kaijin and is constantly getting mistaken for a villain even though he only beats the shit out of the hero because he wants to be left the hell alone.

He is going to suffer so badly.
My only insight on Be the One is that it's the most blatantly anime-sounding OP since Alive a Life.
>Ghost is Faiz 4.0
>Ex-Aid is Ryuki 3.0
>Build is Agito 2.0
So are we getting Kuuga next year?
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>Doesn't remember anything from the last 20 years
>Was apparently experimented on
>Has an impossibly high IQ
Calling it now, he's a martian, and was a part of the civilization that made or protected the Pandora Box.
>banned from fighting for match fixing
Fuck this guy.

Also nice joke, Toei.
I got used to Excite pretty quick, as I did with Kyuranger's Lucky Star which went in the same direction. I assume it'll be the same here.
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Remember kids

Gotta say, I wasn't expecting plamo frames made of pipes full of science juice, but it's ridiculously appropriate given the whole build/scientist theme.
>Attacking the people with IBS

Is Agito a dick as well as a stoner?
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>Gills 2.0
>Ryuga will activate his driver, the background turns white, then Claws just walks up beside him to complete the transformation.

Damn it would be great to see that kind of henshin again.
how high is his IQ going to be?
Will it surpass 600?
Alright I'm just going to say it and I don't care if you call me racist
Shouichi looks like an early career Jackie Chan
The resemblance is fucking uncanny and its all I can think about when I see him
That's racist, anon. You are a racist.
It has to, unless he's just the smartest hesei rider.
I don't think that'd happen, but if they're really actually trying to reference Gills, they'd probably do something like have the Claws suit be built from the side before sliding onto him.
The director stated in the first article talking about Pandora's Box and Smash and all that that he was just the smartest Heisei Rider.
I just see all you dorks with Rangerboard IQs going on about the gimmicks every year like you have a 3rd grade understanding of vocabulary.
He's the smartest Heisei Rider only, but does that mean he's smarter than even Phillip?
see >>15745773 and quit trying to be a condescending autist.
Akari was one of the better Rider girls in the last few years, IMO. She was competant, she actively worked toward contributing and the writers didn't just make her "The Girl."

That last one might be because Kanon was "The Girl" and it left room for Akari to actually do things.
Yes and no, Phillip is incredibly intelligent, but if there's something he doesn't know he can just mentally google it in that library of his.
Phillip doesn't know everything which is why he uses the Gaia Library to look shit up

I'm guessing if you had to ballpark the top smartest Riders it would go Hongo Build Phillip and Riderman
How would you guys bring back Metal Heroes keeping in mind it has to be gimmick heavy?
What would stop it from just being a shiny version of Kamen Rider?
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Kamen Rider is already Metal Heroes so it would be superfluous.
I would sooner argue going in the extreme opposite direction and make it as close to Gavan / Sharivan / Shaider as possible for the sheer fact that old would be new again.
Phillip isn't smart, he just has a ton of facts crammed into his brain.
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Never have the hero transform. Just always have him in suit.
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Where do you think Rider got the gimmick toys from?
Make it rely on Sentai a bit more by showing tidbits of that space squad thing from the recent movie, while still focusing on the MH plot.
Go all out on disaster stunts like in Winspector.

Have multiple metal heroes each with their own specialties but don't have any infighting. Have certain heroes crossover as the situation calls for it like a toku G.I. Joe.

Combine all the series into a single universe/lore rather than completely rebooting the franchise.

Rather have a new organisation that is focused on stopping a completely different threat in the universe bringing back fan favourites in normal episodes rather than the crossover movie.

Basically do everything Rider and Sentai try to avoid.

As for gimmicks: New weapons and gadgets that they devlop through the series rather than new forms or mechs
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>Rider focuses on transformation items
>Sentai focuses on mechs
>Metal Hero focuses on weapons
Alright, I can get behind that.
Metal Heroes always impressed me with how ridiculously over the top some of their weapons got. In the span of maybe six shows they went from just a cool as shit lightsaber to having goddamn super railguns.
What's this they're doing?
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Include this in Rider, then we will talk.
>Have multiple metal heroes each with their own specialties but don't have any infighting.
So does the Double manga have tits or what?
You mean the most unconventional rider series that some don't consider it a rider series?

The Hibiki model would do perfect for a Metal Heroes reboot
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Build is the smartest Heisei Rider of the them all, but does he see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
>Build the smartest heisei rider
>when Tendou exists
Haha no
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Grandmother once said, "shut the fuck up anon"
Uchida, Inaba and Katono are going to be in a live action version of Shogi Meshi with Uchida in the lead role. Ryoma is starring in Kahogo no Kahoko right now, too.
Word of God confirms Kiryu is the smartest Heisei Rider, anon.
Yeah but could he pass the dust cloth challenge?
Don't think so.
Looking back on the newest episode for Ex Aid, Dan managed to die a total of 17 times trying to remake hyper muteki and create save files for it. He had a total of 17 heart attacks in one night trying to remake his magnum opus. Let that sink in.
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>Best match!

Why did Toei allow this?
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Oh, looks like you got your hands on a list of trigger words, and you're eager to use it. How's that working out for you?
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>Japanese Level
Face it, Toei should not be pandering to that audience.

And they're racist towards Japanese people, too. Why are these stereotypes okay in 2017?
>Reddit spacing
>Reddit frog
Go back.
>Reddit spacing
I hate this fucking meme. It's called a paragraph break. It increases readability. It makes people more likely to look at your funpost.
>Japanese people

That's an oxymoron.
>Pandering to westerners who pirate their episodes

>Reddit Frog
How dare you.
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Guess Hasegawa will throw Shinnosuke in Futo Tantei as a surprise.
I've always wanted a Rider show like that
You can't do that with a main, but probably with a secondary character.
Shadow Moon
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Well there you go.
>trying to improve his magnum opus
What if an absolute madman writer decides to make the main character and the primary rider separate characters
Bandai would never allow that, and as the show's biggest sponsor, Toei would agree with them.

Some retards will argue Kabuto did that, but they're retards. And the day a retard corrects me is the day a retard dies.
Hibiki. Asumu has always considered to be the main character / main focus of the show.
Well, he could, but then he forgot.
Kabuto tried doing that, but Inoue and later Hiyori's sickness got in the way.

But, yeah, like mentioned above, Hibiki.
Is it really a surprise if he just told everyone he's going to do it?
Den-O kind of did that, considering Yuuto was far more important to the plot than Ryotaro was.
Uhhh. Not really?
Ryuki, Kabuto and Hibiki

Did we watch the same show? I mean, that's actually a possibility, Take REALLY fucked that show up.
Its funny how you say "corrects me" and not "tries to correct me"
Its almost like you know you're wrong

Hi, tards. Still having trouble with the themes of a tv show aimed at children?
>Kabuto tried doing that

It absolutely did not.
Maybe people would actually listened if you explained your reasons instead of just calling everyone retards.
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Why do his pants have music on them?

He's a a very cultured man.
>Ex-aid is the 45th anniversary season
>Build is the 29th overall season, with the 30th anniversary being next year

This bothers me way more than it should do. Fucking Rider dying for a while and ruining the numbers.
>tfw Shouchi didn't become the G3-X user
>tfw we could've had the first double-layered Rider
>30th anniversary
Of what?
Why don't yours?
What do you mean by "double layered"?
>not maximizing your number of anniversaries
Can't wait for Cho Cho SuperHero Year.
Build is the 30th season though.
>G3-X armor gets smashed up
>he just tears it off and henshins into Agito
That would be hype as fuck
It was nice having both the 45th anniversary Rider and 40th anniversary Sentai shows both line up at the same time for Cho Eiyuu Sai 2017.
It's the 29th.
Amazons had 2 seasons anon.
I mean, Eiji was Birth. That's kind of close.
Amazons isn't counted as a "main" show. See >>15745985
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Fair point. Guess I'm not up to date with the fashion game.
Yuusuke wore the G3 armor in Decade, although he didn't anything like that in it.

However the Agito in that AU was a Triple-layered rider.
>Drive = 7
>Ghost = 8
Amazons = 9
Exaid = 10
>counting ZX
So why should I care about what is or isn't counted as a main "show," again?
So....what's in the Full Bottles?
No one gives a fuck what you think, we're just saying it how it is.
I meant in series, they seem to have some sort of liquid.
We don't know yet. I'm betting it's some crazy quantum mechanical way to store information. That or nanobots.
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Omori says Exaid is 10
Well they rattle around like there's plastic in them, just like the toys. Judging by Build's transformation sequence, they honestly seem more like some sort of futuristic plastic cartridges for 3D printing.
Chief producer of Exaid.
So 40 minute special is a season now? I guess how it is is retarded.
>no dentist or veterinarian rider in Ex-Aid
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Omori said Ex-Aid uses multiple representations of 10, but the number theory has been refuted by the toy designers themselves. Omori can run his mouth about whatever he wants, but he's neither PLEX nor Bandai.


>Ametalk trivia about number theory surprised the designers
>As a toy, it isn't intended
>The designers are pleased that people have different perspectives on the toys

The first episode mostly follows Kagami, most main plot reveals follow Kagami's point of view. Often the viewer is only shown Tendo's actions through Kagami. Kagami isn't just a point of view character though - he's also the one with most growth through the series.

Like I mentioned above regarding Inoue though, all that is thrown aside in his episodes. There's also how they handle the supporting cast, like Inoue intending to use Tsurugi as a rival for Kabuto, while Yonemura immediately dismantles that and moves him into a friendship with Kagami. But then Inoue writes Tsurugi's finale where Kagami ends up completely irrelevant and the rivalry with Kabuto comes up again even if just as a suicide by cop.

Another problem was Hiyori's actress getting sick and having reduced screentime, since it resulted in Kagami's romantic subplot with her getting put aside (It still happened eventually according to Yonemura's Kabuto novel though).
Nobody is talking about number theory, dude. Fuck off with that.
>Nobody is talking about number theory, dude
Learn to read a reply chain and look at >>15746020
As long as he got promoted as the master of 10 games. They don't really care about hidden motifs.
That's not number theory, faggot. They're just listing the order of phase 2.
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A vet could work well with a Monster Collecting game, but a dentist would be what? Tower Defense? Mining?
Didn't he use the G3-X Armor in the show?
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Chase goes from Kamen Rider Chaser to Mashin Chaser in the last battle, thats pretty much what you're describing.
Is rabbit the only power so far that Gives Build a leg upgrade?
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Y'all gotta chill.
i don't think anyone's gotten a good enough look to tell, though a lot of them seem to have different arms

like tank has tread feet, they're non moving but maybe he skids on those with special effects. train might give him a Charge Kick like megaman. who knows what lock does.
It give him like a key arm blade or something, it looks like.
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Alright, if you could become a rider which season would you pick as the source of your powers or equipment? Keep in mind, you will suffer to meet the requirements of what you pick, like being turned into a cyborg for showa riders, dying to become a Faiz rider, slowly dying for good on the inside from Bugster, etc.
That's just a repainted MMX arm isn't it?

Toss up between Kabuto and W. Neither has been shown to have any downsides, and both are great.
Nah. Looks similar, but wrist part is way smaller and the 'repainted armor' doesn't cover only the upper part of the armor like MMX does.
Oh shit, the fist is. Nice catchi
Without Helheim being around, the Gaim stuff should be fine, right? The only problem with that was eating the natural fruit that the drivers turn into lockseeds.
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How many versions of a giant hand could you possibly have?
Ninja has a unique leg as well.
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Upon comparing >>15746099 and >>15746140 I would have to say you are wrong. THe main evidence is the thumb. On MMX, the thumb is two notches with no real knuckle at the "base" of the thumb. On Gorillamondo, the two-notched thumb has a big fat knuckle at the base.
I dont think so but I also just realized the fist has a piston on the back of it
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And arm.
I mean, outside of the few people who died, being a Gaim Rider seemed to turn out just fine for anyone who wasn't Kouta and Kaito.
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I don't think Hase, Sid, and whatever her name was died specifically because of the Lockseeds, and more because they were in the way of other characters.

Honestly, you have stronger evidence towards a good end using the Lockseeds than you do a bad end.
Don't pretend like he didn't get exactly what he wanted
Well, did he? He wasn't the strongest. He fucking died in a fight that he was winning.
Never forget, his lover and his friend.
>his lover
Oren would have words with you.
There is a rumor that they're dropping the video game theme next season. Is it true.
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There's only one season that's vidya themed and it's Ex-Aid. Build doesn't have anything to do with video juegos.
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What the fuck is it with these drug junkie statues?
Turning into a monster is fucking awesome.
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Been binge-watching Ex-Aid all week long. Jesus christ Dan has no chill.
its SIC
Takayuki loves designing statues with an abundant use of needles. Please don't ask why, I have no answers.
Where can I buy kaijin steroids?
Yeah, I see that, wonder why didn't he take medicine.
Dentists should only be bad guys.
no man; dentist should only be mooks in series where its expected for mooks to die in painful ways
They shouldn't be only bad guys, but they probably get a lot of business from bad guys. The ones who don't get blown up probably get their teeth knocked out a fucking lot.
>Steve Martin should be a mook
What's wrong with you?
It's Takayuki Takeya but those aren't SIC or at least this one isn't, they were something released in 1994 called Fewture Creature
From any evil organization near you.
Elsa dental surgery

Also implying japan has dentists

Seeing as they think fucked up teeth is cute you've got a point.
Some people actually got their fang made intentionally.
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Which extra rider its the worst and why its the 3rd TheBee? Hint: it's because this cunt
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PunchHopper is okay though.
It's Micchy because he's a little bitch who tries to act like he has a big dick and never gets his comeuppance
Shun is a good boy
It's literally the same thing as Dopants only with direct injections instead of Gaia Memories
Somebody needs to shop him into a picture with sad Keanu Reeves.
In retrospect: He wasnt nearly half as bad as Micchy, and then he actually found his calling as PunchHopper.
Is Build the first show since Gaim to have the secondary be a part of the show's plot from episode 1 but not get a Rider form until later on? Because Ryuga isn't getting the Claws Dragon for at least eight episodes due to the November release.
>Is Build the first show since Gaim to have the secondary be a part of the show's plot from episode 1 but not get a Rider form until later on?
Episode 2 isn't later anon. That's more Kabuto than Gaim
Oh shit, Baron transformed in episode 2? I haven't watched since it aired. Because if so, then I guess Kabuto would be the last instance of it.
which other rider shows have done this?
>wasnt nearly half as bad as Micchy
>Claimed to be "Just following orders" with the smuggest of shit-eating grins
>Was more than happy to kidnap and potentially murder an innocent child just to get at Drake.
>Still tried to grasp at straws of power even after getting shit-canned and becoming punch hopper

Micchy's problem is that he wanted to be the big hero like Kouta, but kept failing to live up to his and everybody else's expectations, and it broke him in the end. Kageyama was a giant faggot to the very end and I pity Yagaruma for even considering making him his little bro.
OOO counts, doesn't it?
Kamen Rider Agito had Ryou appear from the very start but he didn't transform until episode 6, and Kagami appeared since episode 1 but didn't get TheBee until much later and then he lost that and got Gattack a bit later.
To be accurate, Baron's first transformation was in episode 3.
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Looks cute from a distance.
Didn't Ex-Aid have Hiiro in the first episode?

Or is Parad the secondary?
Eh. Not really, since it faked us out with Date.
Both Hiiro and Parad were in the first episode.
Well, Parad is the second quarter Rider like Mach and Necrom were.
Oh yeah, Gilles.
He has one of my favourite heisei kicks.

Just like my boys Agito and Gattack.
Wasn't Chalice in the first episode of Blade as well?
Yes, but he transformed fairly close to the first episode, at least in episode 4 he's already transforming
Parad's more akin to Necrom in that he's sort of the tertiary with a new transformation device. They've been weird about it lately. We'll definitely see something like that for next quarter with NightRogue or Blood Stark.
Fourze obviously. I'd befriend the fuck out of everyone.
I assume Blood Stark hasn't been shown yet at all?
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Parad isn't technically the secondary but he might as well be at this point.
Fucking love how hot-blooded Gattack's kick is. Makes a great contrast to Tendou's.
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So will there be another belt, or will there just be more stuff like the dragon here to get the most out of one belt?

Isn't Parad more like a 1.5th rider? Since he was born out of Emu and all of that
There will be another belt. Gaim had one belt for how many people and still managed to introduce another one? Ex-Aid has three belts, doesn't it? Even if two of them are just repaints of each other.
We know nothing about Blood Stark other than he has the Cobra Full Bottle which will be released alongside the Steam Blade. Some people think the dude in glasses from the Build trailer will be Blood Stark because he seems like an asshole and his name is colored the same as Blood Stark's costume (Like how Kiryu's name is red and blue and Ryuga's name is yellow and blue).
>Ex-Aid has three belts, doesn't it?
2-3 depending on how you view the Buggle Driver Zwei. They could in theory just introduce one new belt then have the MisMatch boys use it for when they INEVITABLY become the good guys.
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Just some art.
>Parad is a Secondary because he teamed up with Emu for an episode or two

Stop this meme pls it's retarded
Reminds me an awful lot of Brain for some reason.

Think these two will be as endearing and entertaining as Heart and Brain?
Is everything a meme these days? This is the first time I've seen people claim Parad as a secondary.
>implying "tertiary" Riders are even a real thing

Stop this meme pls it's retarded
They said the same thing with Snipe and Genm
Nitrouge seems like a smug douchebag. Looking forward to seeing him in action
Tertiary is an English term, but secondary Rider is a very distinct concept of Rider and anything past that is just a sub-Rider.
But we're talking about Parad here
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There is always a cost...
What in the wide, wide world of sports is a-goin' on here!?
That's not the point idiot. Saying he's a secondary because he stood next to Emu at one point is retarded
brain milkshake
Oh, yeah sure. I was just asking if calling that a meme is necessary.

It's like a bad trip.
I mean, his connection to the main Rider is stronger than Emu's connection with anyone else.
IDK, The most we've seen of Night Rogue was of him yucking it up in a gaudy recliner while experimenting on Sento in the seaweed tank. So make what you will of that.
Main Heisei Riders default/main form colors
>Kuuga: Red
>Agito: Gold
>Ryuki: Red
>Faiz: Black undersuit with red lines
>Blade: Navy (blue)
>Hibiki: Purple
>Kabuto: Red
>Den-O: Red
>KIva: Red
>Decade: Magenta (pink)
>W/Double: Green/Black
>OOO: Red/yellow/green
>Fourze: White
>Wizard: Red
>Gaim: Navy (blue) and orange
>Drive: Red
>Ghost: Black and orange
>Ex-Aid: Pink
>Build: Red and Blue
I apologize in advance if I got any of these above incorrect.
There's also a quick shot of him dodging the hedgehog
Ground Form is predominately black, though?
I would say you could just simplify Ghost to orange and Faiz to red. Those are their defining colors in relation to the other Riders in the series.
Agito is always predominantly black.
>Graphite gets his own finisher title screen in the end
It's not headcanon if Graphite himself says so.
>Seaweed tank
What if Sento is so smart because he stayed in the seaweed tank for so long!?

We need more green main riders.
And more orange ones.
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I know this is going to make the assholes crawl out from under their rocks, but I've got to ask;

Why is Hiro using Taddle Legacy in the right slot, and why isn't that turning him into True Brave, who is only Level 50?

And if it's in the right slot then what would happen if he used Doremifa Beat or Drago Knight Hunter Z?
I think we need more purple and yellow.
showa only color
get with the times
Honestly not a bad point. But it's a late series kitbash, so I don't expect it to make perfect sense.
Alright so the general idea is nonchalant as fuck then. I can get into that.
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I'm kinda shocked of the lack of yellow (or gold) or blue main riders in quantity.
>tfw there will be little to no chances of an actual brown Main Rider in the Heisei/New Era.
What's True Brave?
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From the Sentai crossover movie.
Yeah, but there's nothing stopping them from just putting it in the second slot and say "NEW FORM!" Nothing would be different, except it would make a little more sense.
Apparently his resolve conquers whatever turned True Brave bronze. In the debut of the form in the show, his suit is temporarily the same color but it gets blown away.
I thought that was just the overwhelming amount of Bugster virus.
Well, the display on the Driver would be different. it wouldn't prominently feature the new suit in the middle of the belt, and I think they assume that would effect toy sales somehow.

That said, I guess they could have easily thrown the normal Taddle Quest Gashat in the second slot instead in that case.
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>And if it's in the right slot then what would happen if he used Doremifa Beat or Drago Knight Hunter Z?
He gets the armor for that form, but now it has a bomb ass cape.
We need a yellow main rider and a Silver main rider.
Short answer: Masamune made it that way.

Longer answer: In-universe, this isn't the same Gashat otherHiiro used, but a newer on that Masamune specifically had made for Hiiro. Technically, nothing's stopping Brave from using other Gashats in the left slot except costume limitations, since there's no place for DoReMiFa's speaker to go, same for DKHZ's armor.
Because Masamune fucked with the Gashat and made it work the way it does.
You know, I just noticed that twice in a row now in tatakae plots, the knights never manage to slay the dragons.

Ren never killed Shinji (A Mirror Monster did), and Hiiro never killed Graphite (Cronus and Nico did)
So most phase 2 usually features a Kaijin that is at least partially on the good guys side/could be considered an honourary rider at times.

>Dragon and Chimera Phantom
>That chill ass overlord/Baron
>Cubi or that Sword one
>Three different colour varients
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>Ultraseven magnifying glasses for seniors
>Ex-Aid sunglasses for adults that are literally just a cheap white frame vaguely shaped like his eyes

Move over Figuarts!
Parad's the right answer, you goof
I mean it doesn't count unless they got a monster form
Nah. Parado would be like Necrom or Chaser, which isn't what Anon is talking about.
Burgermon, then?
I think Pisces comes too late to count, and I think the Overlord King is probably the best choice for Gaim.
You know, did anyone ever translate the noises the Claws Dragon makes in the Build Driver or was that never mentioned in the catalog?
Good thing he never did, then. He just has her memories.

More importantly, Kuroto, who you may or may not remember actually designed and implemented all this shit, explicitly says the data of people who die from the Bugster Virus gets stored in the Proto Gashats. Which would be pointless if the data stayed with the Bugsters since everyone who dies from the Bugster virus ends up giving birth to a Bugster.

In the end, your problem appears to be that you can't wrap your head around the fact that data could be...copied. Really outlandish idea, I know.
Parad doesn't have a monster form

MotW doesn't count
Thank god it's almost over
Masamune did get Saki's data from Proto-DKHZ. Well her body, anyway. The only thing it was missing was Saki's memories and personality. While it's safe to assume the Gashat has a copy too, it's not false to say that Saki's memories are also inside Graphite, which he does confirm.
Oh sorry, I count his mighty brothers form as his monster form
So basically that entire arc was fucking pointless and only happened just to extend the episode count in time for Build?
No, it was showing that Masamune is a lying, manipulative asshole and Hiiro needed to learn how to let go of his faults in the past so he could become a better person for the future. Basically the surgery episode marks him finally no longer being a tsundere cunt and more just kind of an aloof jerk.
If I use those, will I be able to see The Buddha?
Why even bother trying to make sense of ex-aid at this point. This shit felt like a quick excuse to not have dead characters anymore
Hiiro doesn't have a full understanding of the backups held in the gashats, and just what masamune could actually do. It was a lack of information, yes, but it's perfectly understandable considering Dan refuses to offer more information than he has to.
Only if you are willing to kill the Buddha, will you see the Buddha.
No? It allowed Taiga and Hiiro to finally reconcile, showed us what exactly happens to Bugster victims and why becoming one isn't great, let Masamune really show off how much of an underhanded prick he is, and gave us Kiriya back.
Remember that scene where Nico was screaming outside the operating room that Hiiro was going to sabotage the surgery.

Ex-Aid's been a pretty great ride
It was really great seeing the normally over-confident and cocky Nico suddenly being reduced to helpless screaming. It really drives home how much Taiga means to her, without going into explicit detail.
Wait, doesn't the reset mean Hiiro has another shot at saving Saki?
That scene, plus the bit where Hiiro asked to be left alone and just fucking broke down was honestly really impressive. Like, usually in these shows I enjoy the ham and very few scenes get to me (Ryo's death, Imperer's death, Shinji's death, THE BENCH, anything involving Yuto's belt, Phillip's death) but almost never is there any episode that was twice in a row in terms of just knocking it out of the park in terms of actually hard-hitting stuff.
Depends on if Saki's save data is in the Drago-Knight Hunter Gashatrophy.
Possibly, but with Graphite dead now, there's a significant portion of her data gone. Plus we don't know if Masamune erased her off screen or not, which sounds like something he certainly would do.
i think he'd only do it with a witness (probably Hiiro) there to see it happen again. so there's a chance, even if it's slim.
It's not false to say Graphite had a a copy of her memories, no, but that's not what's being claimed here. It is false (or at least headcanon) to say that her data was never in PDKHZ and they could never bring her back because only Graphite had that data, as these chumps are claiming. That's never been as much as implied in the show. It's, again, a headcanon.
Hiiro breaking down and crying is the saddest moment in Ex-Aid and probably the saddest moment in Rider that i've seen.
Oh, I misread and thought you said Graphite having Saki's memories is headcanon.
Dirty boots. You better take them off before you come inside.
That part really hit me. Supposedly when they filmed that, it actually started raining so at least part of the scene is real rain as opposed to the fake rain they usually do.
I think for ghost you meant Alain.
>tfw when Night Rouge (Nitrouge?) and/or Blood Stark gets a new transformation device/form like Zangetsu Shin (Genesis Driver and Melon Energy) and Genm Level X (Bugvisor and Dangerous Zombie)
>tfw when Night Rouge and/or Blood Stark's current suits would get completely (nearly) replaced if that happens
Man, looking back at Gaim and Ex-Aid, Regular Zangetsu and Genm Lv.2 had far less screen time compared to their upgrade forms.

Stop this meme.
So is ex aid over?
It would be extremely painful.

>not getting the blatant reference
Fug I didn't see that anon had already mentioned that godforsaken belt.
>What are V-Cinemas
Stop this meme.
>Being a weeb
>But somehow not understanding 逢佛殺佛
k XD
theres the possibility that Saki is sill in the Proto due to RESET, about masamune noticing it and deleting her again, given how much stressed he has been getting, assuming she is in the proto and not in the BV2, he might not even noticed her yet.

personally, if they revive her, it must be at least at the series finale, NOT in the movie, only then they might make her revival mean something just as much as her murder.

if they dont, they better NOT make a Brave special, cuz they might revive her in there and it will be forced and stupid as fuck.
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>We never got Zangetsu Jimber Melon
What a fucking crime
It happened in the novel so too bad for you.
what show is this?
That same novel gave us Ryugen Jimber Dragonfruit
Kamen rider Amazons S2
What was Jimber Melon's unique power again? Force fields?
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breaking news, man found laying dead, reported to be of health issues due to random cake laying around nearby, nearby cap and tiger colored poncho considered invalid evidence

its always fun to see the cast interactions.
rate my sentai:
kuuga, blade, W, fourze, ex-aid
i wonder if they just repurpose actual tennis shoes or they make boots from scratch
Ryuki. I've always liked Abyss' design. I can deal with what comes with it.
Honestly didn't know that. Though it would've been better if we had an actual suit
That was in s2? Holy shit. Reminds me of this brain eater doujin I read a couple days ago.
Need to get around to s2.
Be prepared to hate or laugh at Chihiro.
So how would a series be if Kobayashi and Inoue served as main writers together instead of just being guest writers for each other?
More like prepare to mildly dislike Chihiro, then realize this is the closest to a dorama with the main male being the clumsy retard and the female the stoic cold character.
Chihiro did nothing wrong
Being born in this world was his only sin, and living is his cross to bear.
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These wouldn't happen to be on Amazon JP would they?

Also pic related is better
If Over-Time isn't doing Build, I'm gonna watch it with TV-N subs, they are pretty good with cool effects in Ryuki and now I'm watching Faiz and loving their version too..
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If O-T doesn't do Build it just shows their taste is irredeemably shit, and people should just drop them for good and learn Japanese.
TV-N's effects for the early Heisei shows were better than the shit they have these days. The shit they put on screen for Gaim is embarrassing.
I hope they don't so maybe they can release the next Yoshihiko before the winter solstice
I don't understand why we can't get translated manga. It hurts me.
We WERE gonna get scans/translations by Crt but apparently drama fucked him up and now we're stuck with nothing.
Blame the scanlator mafia. Their autism is on a spectrum that normal humans can never even hope to understand.
I know and it's just frustrating.

Where can I at least download the raws?
I wish someone could translate nice novels instead like "Kamen Rider Faiz Seiden: Deformed Flowers" because I want to read more about Mari getting raped.
Anyone got that Nitoh gif where he's pouring mayo on his food in the wind?
>Imperer's death, Shinji's death
I was amazed at how depressing Ryuki was. The last three episodes I was in tears quite a few times.
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It took my PC a while to pull this up.

Amnesia might be a pain but Monster-Sense could be super useful
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Ex-Aid easily. Kamen Rider Chronicle would be fun to play if Masamune wasn't a shitter and just made expansion packs to make the game more fair and continue on even after Gemdeus got beaten.
Interview? I sure wish someone could translate this.
> made expansion packs to make the game more fair
If anything, Masamune would create a Gacha system with Microtransactions and make gashatrophies rare. Good luck getting that Tokimeki Crisis trophy, it's got a 3% drop rate.
>Still no porn of Poppy with Emu
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Ex-Aid could be a lot better as an anime/manga.
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Ghost. Mostly just Necrom
I need more details, what happened? They lost interest or too many projects at same time?
Anyone seeing True Ending tomorrow?
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suck my dikkkk im watching this childrens movie before you do :^)
New KR Game


It's mobile trash
Why can't they just make a new Battride war.
At least make a new 3DS game.
>Why can't they just make a new Battride war.
Why can't they make a new climax heroes
I Pre-Registered.
I think it Might be a Mobile Battride War.
With Very Small Maps. Except Model Rips of Build when it's released.
so what are the chances of a bootleg of the ex-aid movie being leaked? and if not that, a detailed plot summary?
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Amazonsfaggot mad af
Christ, another, how many of these fucking Rider mobile games are there?
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Probably W or Drive. I just can't get enough of those aesthetics.
New thread
Heat actually expressed interest in the manga too
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