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/ssg/ - Super Sentai General #575: Be Good to Doggo

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- sulking dog.webm
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Previous thread: >>15439393

>Links for beginners

>List of subbed series:

>Super Hero Time OSTs: https://mega.co.nz/#F!fddkkZiK!fau0lSCNv0MedCNpS_Ihew

>Super Sentai Monster Designs (currently Gorenger to ToQger): https://mega.nz/#F!Mp8hVQ7K!tm2cp0d9_GZiZdGaXt1nXw

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Garu, no, get out of the rain.webm
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Such is the fate of an Utsunomiya-produced show. I mean, if he wanted to produce a show that never progresses at all, he ought to just do Pokémon or something.

At least Returns will show life in a newly-fused Earth/Zyuland.
Did anyone else besides me cared more about the Deboss generals in Kyoryuger than the actual heroes themselves. The only Kyoryugers I liked was Torin, Nossan, and Utchy.
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what do people think of jark motw's so far, as compared to the last five years of monsters.

I think they're better than Deathgaliens and Object-Yokai, but not as good as Deboss Monsters or Shadow Monsters
I wonder if those people are PAID well.
I think they're on par with the Deboss monsters, if not a little bit better.

They're very unique and colorful. I really enjoy them.
I don't understand the complaints about recent seasons being "redwank." A team's red is always the central character, even if he isn't the leader of the team, and the one that receives the most development.

Even seasons that people generally love and prop up like Kakuranger, Shinkenger, and Dekaranger focus more on the red than any other member of the team.
Imagine Kakuranger, Shinkenger, and Dekaranger without the others, just the red. Does it work?
Now do this with Ninninger or Kyuranger.
focusing more on the red is different than focusing only on the red
Red's getting more focus isn't the problem. Red's getting almost ALL the focus is the problem.

People use to think Gekiranger was bad with it's Red Focus, but compare that to how much Red focus Ninninger, Kyuranger, or Kyoryuger did and it's tame.

The difference between "red focus" and "redwank" is when the red stops being the focus character and starts being the only character that matters.

The problem with seasons people call "redwank" is that the rest of the team is just there to say there's a team and to prop up the red. The others never get any significant focus or development, and if they do it's because of, or directly connected to, something the red did.
>In Gekiranger Jan fails his trial to get his power up and only through working with his team does he manage to even qualify and it's only through failure is Jan able to realize what's needed to get the Fierce Ki

>In Kyoryuger King was so awesome that's why he failed Grey's test, and the reason he got a power up was that Gabutyra loved Daigo so much and wanted to fight with him so much he became a power up for King

In one series, teamwork was required to get a powerup. In another the Red was just so awesome he got it.

That's the difference between focus and Wank.
what are these exactly? stage shows or something?
I left the twitter handle in the filename just in case people were curious.
Kakuranger's my favorite season and you can honestly remove everyone but Sasuke and Tsuruhime and lose very little. Saizo and Seikai are entirely unnecessary, and Jiraiya quickly drifts into the background after his introduction.

Early Sentai are especially bad about having Red get the main over arching plot, and everyone else fighting over focus filler. Zyuranger for example didn't need Dan, Boi, Mei, or Goushi for the most part. Just Geki and Burai are really plot important and Burai is part of Geki's plot.

Ran and Retsu might get power ups but Ran can be entirely excised from Gekiranger, and Retsu only really clings onto relevancy through his brother. Who ends up falling out of relevancy pretty quickly.

This show has always been Red wank centrally. Lucky is just louder about it.
I normally wait until a Sentai is finished before I start watching (I like to watch shows in big chunks, also the toys will be on clearance) but Kyuranger looks really interesting. I'm a bit tempted to start watching weekly again.
good luck
I don't exactly want to defend Takaharu, but the show seemed to make a point of reducing his focus after the Gabi Raizo arc. A theory at the time was because the staff realized how bad his actor was, so they shifted focus to Kasumi (who had a more experienced actress).

Then there were a lot of shitposts here about Kasumi being too perfect, but eventually the show started to give her flaws and even attempted to prop up Nagi near the end. Yakumo and Kinji also had plenty of screentime throughout the show.

Takaharu was a shitty character and Ninninger was a weak show, but the staff at least seemed to have some self awareness about their problems.
Takaharu has a, more or less, exclusive power up but he's non-stop shit on by his team and Kasumi, Kinji, and Yakumo all manage to overshadow him on multiple occasions. It's hardly a red focused season.
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Have y'all noticed that ever since Jetman, we've been getting more that 1 hero of the same color in the same season? (not including evil teams)

>Jetman: 6 Blacks (Gai and Neo-Jetman) & 2 Blues (Ako and Dan)
>Kakuranger: 2 Blues (Saizou and Ninjaman)
>Carranger: 2 Blues (Naoki and Signalman)
>Hurricaneger: 2 Reds (Yousuke and Ikkou) & 2 Blues (Nanami and Isshuu)
>Magiranger: 2 Reds (Kai and Isamu)
>Shinkenger: 2 Reds (Takeru and Kaoru)
>Gokaiger: 2 Reds (Marvelous and Akared)
>Kyoryuger: 3 Reds (Daigo, Dai-kun, Juyong), 3 Blacks (Ian, Icchan, Hyeonjun), 7 Blues (Nobuharu, Nobuta-San, Ramirez, Yuko, Dai-Kun, Ami-neesan, Sechang), 3 Greens (Souji, Soujiro, Pureun), 3 Pinks (Amy, Ami-neesan, Dohee), 3 Golds (Utsusemimaru, Uppy, Juhyeok), 3 Grays (Tessai, Shinya, Soujiro), 3 Violets (Doc, Yayoi, Uppy) & 3 Silvers (Torin, Dansetsu, Icchan)
>Ninninger: 4 Reds (Takaharu, Yoshitaka, Tsumuji and Yoshiharu)
>Kyuranger: 2 Reds (Lucky and Houou) & 2 Blues (Garu and Kotaro)
Removing Jiraiya would also remove his fight with Gali and I don't think anybody wants that.
Kaku had a lot of problems with characters. The Hanarangers never did much after their introductio, Prince Jr went out weakly, the plot was resolved sloppily and I wanted Kappa around a whole lot more. He was fun. When everyone went off on their journeys to find their scrolls but Saizo and Seikai shared their plot I gave up on them.

Agree on Zyuranger.
you say that yet I feel more invested in Zyuohger than in Kyoryuger, Ninninger or Kyuranger so far

it's not about being safe or not blown up, it's about being watchable

the seasons you mentioned, the red doesn't create a black hole absorbing other characters

same with zyuohger, Yamato might have gotten all power ups and is central, but he never took over the plot from the zyumen
The problem with Zyuohger that despite being balanced, it doesn't really "stand out" compared to other Sentai. It's basically an average season that doesn't stick out. It just gets lumped in with everything between Kyoryuger and Kyuranger because it doesn't do anything to real make it feel unique, same with TQGer. It's more than they're sandwhiched between really decisive series that piss people off that they get any flack. Goseiger use to get a lot of flack for the reverse reason because it was between two really popular Sentai and thus people shat on it for being mediocre, compared to being stuck between shit that pisses people off so you get shat on for not being the exact opposite of those things.
I knew some faggot would finally come out and say "Zyuohger is only 'good' because the previous show was bad". First off, go fuck yourself, Zyuohger is a good show regardless whether it came after Ninninger or not.

Second, it doesn't have to stand out to be good, it's good because it's a good watch, with entertaining characters and really great action. Don't take it out on Zyuohger because your post GB show is seen as garbage.

And fuck you, ToQger is unique in its setup and its setting, has memorable villains and certain heroes, and has a great build up to its reveal.

I would say it stands out in the character department. Leo and Sela didn't get great payoff but it was a dynamic that I don't think has ever been done in Sentai before, and Yamato and Misao had top tier character arcs.

And the action scenes really tried to be dbz-level
But he's not wrong.

In 10, even 5, years Zyuohger won't be recommended as a must watch the way shows like Shinkenger, Dairanger, Dekaranger, or even Kyoryuger are. It's just a bland forgettable season that got a bit more love because it followed a bad season.

The characters go almost no where and are even more shallow than most Sentai characters, the plot goes mostly no where, and the filler are rather generic. It's a serviceable show, one I personally enjoyed, but it's in no way a season that's going to be remembered for years to come. It just doesn't stand out.
I never said what you implied I said. I said that Zyuohger doesn't stand out as amazing, and thus it's flaws are magnified because it's sandwiched between two series that a lot of people feel are bad, so it gets lumped as "bad," and same with TQGer. Neither of those two are bad, but get shit on because they weren't amazing enough to make them stick out more than how much people hate the two shows that surround it.

The hate for the shows around them washes over into their show and makes people treat it harsher.
you tell yourself that then

>plot goes nowhere
>literally every episode they are either looking for Kusacock, fending off a monster, or trying to adjust to life

it's weird that Zyuohger gets this shit piled on it when other shows literally have "nothing happens after the first few episodes and the finale"
Except only shitposters do that. You can easily tell it when they can't even get their facts right in the show, like the "oh Misao reuses his shit" even though after that vocal episode he finally got his shit together
I blame ghostposters, they keep bringing up zyuohger in an attempt to falseflag by saying "oh both sentai and rider shows sucked that year"
Anybody else expected Bud to be evil before it turned out he was an all right guy?
Nah but I was expecting them to do an arc in Zyuland. Especially after we learned about his past. Shame that potential got wasted.
it's kusaka

even then he still caused misunderstandings so it was hilarious


also Zyuland is an end-goal, that's like saying you make an arc about how Takeru gets his girlfriend Tube Princess freed
Zyuland didn't need to be an end-goal though. There was no actual reason for it to be either. Going back never meant they had to stay there.
reminds me of people saying Nico should temporarily be a rider after grabbing Snipe's Gashat then being pissed that it didn't happen

like they make up their own rules while ignoring the established stuff then end up complaining because they ignored those rules

but it was, like it should have been obvious from the beginning, that the whole set-up is Yamato has to take care of these beastmen because he likes doing that, all while making sure they find a way home

you know what we call those shit where a new arc suddenly happens right near the end? tumors, tumors that ruin a show's pacing

see: Ghost's sudden MUH TENKUJI TAKERU
B-but daigo is perfect. he has no flaws
No we call it plot movement.
are you those retards who think a dumb, retarded main character is full of personality?
No. I'm someone who actually understands how a plot is meant to work.

Zyuland never needed to be endgame. Zyuland could have come into play at anytime and the show would have been better for it.

Look at Ex-Aid. Any other Rider season Chronicle would have been the last 5-6 episodes. It's better that it's initiated midway into the show.
You're comparing two different things though. The Chronicle arc isn't meant to be and end-game, as it wasn't brought up as something as the end. It was revealed around halfway in the 10's. If it was an end-game, it would be terrible as it meant it took that long for it to be resolved.

Zyuland is meant to be an endgame because that's the main goal of the cast. It's why they were all going with the "we probably wouldn't see each other" at the end - because reaching it is the poignant moment for the character. If we suddenly get a Zyuland arc at the end, it will come off as pointless and rushed.

And you call yourself someone who understands how a plot is meant to work.
ToQgerfags have no taste
In any other show Chronicle would have been endgame though as it's Dan's masterstroke and what he was hoping to accomplish.

Getting to Zyuland before the end actually has a chance to move the characters forward in an interesting way. The reason they were upset at the end is because Bard's plan involved completely cutting off the connection between the two worlds. Before that they had just assumed they could visit Yamato at any time because they had the champion symbols.

Go-Busters and Magiranger both are good examples of reaching your endgame mid-way through and finding something unique to do afterwards. There's absolutely no reason Zyuohger couldn't have done the same. A goal being met does not mean an ending, it means a new goal is established.

The Zyuman group returns to Zyuland and sees the corruption first hand and must learn to deal with it. It could have happened in the 30s if the show wanted to. It could have marked real progress for the show.
You know what would be great? If Cerberus Kyutama is actually related to Garu's past or something, like maybe three clansmen or some other.

Probably not though.
What corruption are they seeing? The only thing they mentioned was treating humans like shit. That was years ago.
GB did it because of a retool though, and it was a special case at that. And I do commend Kobayashi's writing for making it not obvious and it flowed well.

For Magi, wasn't it more near the end though?

As for Ex-Aid, that's the thing - it seemed like an end-game for the villain, but as you see it wasn't, and then you look back, you realize how small Dan is compared to the Bugsters so it wasn't really an end-game.

Them returning sidetracks the whole issue of a big flying roulette in space. They made a point that while they want to go home, they still want to save Yamato's world. And then there's Azald.

Yeah the corruption plot is there and seems like they're doing it for the V-Cinema, and honestly most Zyuland stuff are in it. But honestly I don't mind with what we got - Zyuland is not perfect. That should have been enough as it doesn't really clash with the show's plot. It makes a good post-show story though.
I agree with Ian being handled well by Kyoryuger, but not Souji. I absolutely hate arcs that suddenly appear to make someone more 'relevant' like what they do with the Feather Edge being passed down to Souji from Torin, even if on paper it works. I suppose I just wish they started planting the seeds for that earlier instead of bringing up that plot point 40 episodes in.

In contrast, I really like the Souji/Ian friendship because it was a thing constantly running in the background that got referenced every now and then but wasn't too crammed in your face as ~these characters are now important~, because that's what Souji's endgame arc with the Feather Edge felt like - an attempt to compensate for how much he gets ignored by the show
>Early Sentai
You're talking strictly the ones that have Red be relevant in the plot, right? The oldest entries have the Red be the leader, and that's the extent of it.

You could even have Sun Vulcan just be about Hiba, since Owashi has even less personality than him (granted, Hyo is the only one in the team to have any, despite being a Yellow).
>since Owashi has even less personality than him
You could grab a brick, write "Owashi" on it, throw the suit onto said brick, and throw it at Black Magma and you would have the same amount of character than Owashi did, it's amazing.
>and then you look back, you realize how small Dan is compared to the Bugsters so it wasn't really an end-game.
What? If anything the Bugsters are small. The threat escalation with Chronicle happened due to something Genm was about to complete. Genm was the one pushing everything bigger, while the bugsters are fairly static in comparison. Even the strongest Bugster right now only fights with tools made by Genm.
And yet he wasn't able to realize he could complete it because of Pallad. And then all of the other things that came out. He was played like a fool.
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what about TimeRed and TimeFire?
is there a good set of subs for boukenger ang magiranger?
Boukenger - Kind of, FreeJoker is scrubbing it, but he's kind of dead.
Magiranger - Yes, it got a complete resub by tinyhenshin a while back.
>not making it obvious
The series suddenly ending at 30 and Gavan showing up for two episodes out of nowhere has been a very jarring experience for me, but it's still an entertaining show.
I always consider promotional episodes out of consideration, like that Kikaider ep in Gaim
wtf is wrong with Spada's persepctive?
The first min-album for Kyuranger comes out soon, doesn't it?
Yes, but in this instance, it felt like it was done to give them time to think of new plot
Does it? I haven't seen a listing yet.
I remember the first one coming out within the next month for the last few years. I could just be remembering wrong, but I assumed Kyuranger would follow suit.

The next album release that Columbia has for Kyuranger is the OST 1 which will be released on May 31st. Usually the 1st mini album is released in late April but I'm guessing Columbia and Toei is experimenting with how the albums are released again.
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>kyuranger ratings plummeted to 2.0
>this is the 3rd worst for a sentai episode ever
>this is the worst in over 20 years
>Episode 7 got the worst ratings
>It was also the only episode of Kyuranger I've enjoyed

What is the episode with the worst rating ever?

Carranger episode 25 with a 1.4% rating
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Here's the top 10.

I just realized this is the worst rating since they switched to sunday mornings.
>Mostly Mid-Twenty episodes

I guess thats a drop off point, huh?
For anyone who's curious:
>It introduces Radietta Fanbelt, a peculiar alien girl who tries to join the Carrangers as "White Racer"!
summer vacation, etc.
It's also the one with the evil sentai of the background villains. They redid the OP with new lyrics as their insert song.

It's a good episode.
FUCK, I knew I forgot those 2!

Still though, why so many of the same color in the same season?
So it's either

1. People don't care about Kyuranger
2. People were busy watching CSHT at 7:30am instead of watching the new episode
Question, what would this be blamed on? The previous episode not attracting the viewers or the episode itself? Or would it be both?
CSHT, maybe. That came out on the 25th, a day before episode 7 aired, but I really can't see that having any effect on something that airs so early.
Do we have the ratings for Ex-Aid? We could see if there was a particular drop that day
What's the list for digital viewings?
It was the crossover episode. The audience knows not to expect much from these ever since Gaim had 3, I think.
Good, maybe in a few years that'll make Toei decide to drop them entirely if no one is watching them.
It says a lot about how much of a damn people gave about Fushigi Comedy at that point, since White Racer is a big in-joke towards that series.

Ex-Aid had a viewership rating of 3.2% that day

>at least two 0.0s for Heybot
It really does repel the casuals, doesn't it.
It depends on the trend in terms of ratings is. Though if the ratings continue to tank, the Western Side of the community will never get a say in anything Sentai again, which is garbage because it wasn't the design and aesthetics that likely is killing Kyuranger. It's the storytelling
what episode is 0.9 for exaid
Any idea when free joker will pick up boukenger again? My friends refuse to sit through TV-N but it's the next series in our 'to watch' list together.
Did the western side of the community ever had a say?
Saban had some stuff to with with it.
Teach them some basic Japanese.
Watch what FJ released and hopefully the wait for new episodes will make them want to watch it, even if its TV-N only
Bandai of America, not Saban
In which Saban is a shareholder.

That figure is from the same episode. The numbers that is after the 3.2% are viewership breakdowns.

The 3.2% represents the overall household viewership and the numbers after represents individual, kids, teens, M1, M2, M3, F1, F2, and F3 viewership.
>Queer ranger

I love how Google Translate has no idea how to translate Kyuranger,
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this one is my favorite
would you watch a sentai about currency?
I guess I would.
>say the change!
limited express jar is my favorite

Too bad google translate changed it.
>flips a coin up
>falls on a piggy-bank shaped device
Kyoryu technically was, since the Deboss Army generals were named after currency.

I probably would though.
What's your favorite Post-Gokai Changer?
Changer or changing sequence?
Changer would be Zyuohger, sequence probably ToQger.
It's not even that. Sentai just isn't cool anymore.
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SamFlam did it
reminds me of changeman and another one, but I can't figure out which one
>Giving evil its just dues!
>Coinage Sentai Changeman!
Flashman? Denjiman?
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Goggle V?
>Sentai just isn't cool anymore
Because they don't try anymore.
ok the pun was entirely unintended

I think it's bioman, but also the gold details are familiar somehow
Maybe I'm forgetting someone, but do any rangers use sai? That'd be a cool personal weapon for someone to have someday.
>Credit card chest pieces
SamFlam was too good for us
so pink is bitcoin?

also, what the hell is black? Franc?
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Watching Megaranger. Why is Girell so based?
So basically we're not getting Balance episodes anymore then.
>Balance and Naga, the two actually decent characters, will now be snubbed in future episodes

Fucking nips.

They REALLY need to rethink their demographic. I know sentai is oriignally for YOUNG kids but possibly they need to think about making it for older/more fan oriented. Sentai has worked best when it's darker/more serious.
The last time they tried to make it serious, they completely shat the bed toy sales wise and no one gave a fuck about it. Go-Busters killed the chance for "serious" Sentai in this decade.
This will only happen IF the episodes following it don't have low ratings as well. See, the way you SHOULD look at ratings is that ratings reflect more the previous episode than the actual episode. What episode aired before the Naga/Balance episode? The god awful Pegasus armor episode.

>It's the "Go-Busters did poor with toys because it was serious" meme

Go-Busters did poor with toys BECAUSE IT HAD NO FUCKING TOYS TO SELL.
You had 5 Zords, a pair of glasses and a flash light/gun sword. There was NOTHING to sell. Look at fucking Ex-Aid, it's serious and the Gashat's are selling because they EXIST TO SELL. What this means is that they need a serious show but one that actually has toys.

Then sentai is essentially doomed.

Another thing killing sentai. Over reliance on supplemental mecha. Was cool in Gaoranger and Hurricanger. Now it's a joke.
>they need to think about making it for older/more fan oriented
I think that Akiba S2's failure pretty much killed that chance. Space Squad/Girls in Trouble has the tone down pat, at least, even if it's a V-Cinema crossover capitalizing on Space Sheriff nostalgia.

At the least, they should make those new Carranger specials that the cast and Toqger Returns director want.
How did Go-Busters do, rating wise?
SamFlam was too good for this world

It's overall ratings was a 4.1% which at time made it the lowest rated sentai and was nearly a 1% drop from Gokaiger.
Interesting. Was Gokaiger a spike, compared to Goseiger?
Yeah Darkonda is pretty cool
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It continued a downward trend from Shinken that was slightly stymied by the nostalgia in Gokai.

No. Gokaiger overall ratings was 5.0% which was down .4% from Goseiger. Sentai ratings has been on a free fall since Boukenger with Shinkenger being the only sentai in the past 10 years to have increased ratings.
Holy shit, Gorenger was a BEAST
Is Gaoranger any good?
They also were still attempting to sell Action Figures back then. In fact, Nick and Gorisaki had weapons in the toyline, so everyone thought the Buddyroids would be fighting alongside the Rangers before the show started.

Although there were only 5 mecha, were sold in a different way. Basically, Go-Buster Ace was sold as the usual combined main mecha, while the other two core ones were sold like they were auxiliary attachments rather than part of the main combo. Then, Silver's and Gold's also were sold separately, and finally there was Lioh. It was basically an attempt at selling less, but larger mecha, with more functions by themselves. And, yeah, it didn't work.
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I'll interesting to see how the toy sales are when the 4Q report is released next month.
Dekaranger is that one modern sentai that gets referenced in anime and games and shit all the time, would've thought that it had higher ratings.
Consensus here seems to be that it's boring and not worth bothering with, but after watching it all fairly recently, I didn't understand those comments whatsoever.

It's a good series with a great cast, fun villains and really good suit acting and suit action. The Rouki plotline felt like a bit of a drag at times, but it gave out some really good fights, so I was okay with it in the end.

Watch Gaoranger VS Super Sentai. I LOOOOOOVE that movie.

Well, in context:

1)It was a NEW concept (although Gatchaman did it before, just animated).
2)It was the 70's so less other distractions for kids at that time.
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Is GoRider sentai?
What is this nonsense that keeps showing up on my feed?! For the love of god someone tell me!

that was a clip show
Fuck, I miss Kiriya. He even holds his card in an adorable way.
>2)It was the 70's so less other distractions for kids at that time.

Well, no cell phones, computers, and video games to distract them anyway.

There definitely wasn't any shortage of TV shows for them to watch in 1975.
Where can I get Gaoranger subs?
I'd hesitate to include the extras from Kyoryuger 100 years later and Kyoryu Brave since they're not part of the original season.

also, are Lucky and the phoenix form not the same?
I just have no clue what theme they follow.
Nope, Houoh Soldier is a separate Kyuranger, not a power up.
look at the links in the OP
>Nope, Houoh Soldier is a separate Kyuranger, not a power up.

holy shit my dick is diamonds.

>Zokuranger episode is lowest viewed in franchise

Japan, how?
the true unofficial sentai
Where are people getting ratings from? My old source stopped updating years ago.
>Dem dinosaur sales

Brave Da Ze!
What was Aigaron named after?
Galleon like what Garren is based on
Galleon, apparently.
Oh, interesting. Hadn't come to mind.
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What are the rest of Kyuranger's ratings?


wow, interest really dropped off?
Not having high ratings as it aired doesn't mean much. Between rental, dvds, repeats, and other means Dekaranger had plenty of chances to find it's audience.

The one that always surprises me with that list is Jetman.
Something could have happened that day that drew attention away from it. The ratings were raising up until that episode.
It was the kamen rider crossover, also it was after the pegasus armor episode
it can't be the crossover aspect though since it was short and ignorable, and hell Ex_Aid had that too yet has 3.2 in ratings.
Probably the birthday monster then. I mean, his plot was dumb.
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Which one you prefer in a season /ssg/
Bad suits but good helmets or
Good suits but bad helmets
>Thanks to RTA for the guest translation~

>Go-Busters did poor with toys BECAUSE IT HAD NO FUCKING TOYS TO SELL.
You're not wrong, but IIRC that meme was started by Bandai or Toei execs trying to sell Kyoryu as a fun alternative to "dark" Gobus. If execs or investors actually still believe that then we'll be stuck with these trends for a while.
>over 4 months later

So we'll be getting zyuoh vs ninnin in august?
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Started off with Super Sentai a few months ago with Jetman since I like Gatchaman. Should I watch something earlier like Liveman or Dairanger next?
I'd watch Zyuranger, but I heard that it was kid of the week. Dairanger might be the same as well, but I'm a fan when it comes to Asian martial arts media.
Don't worry about kid of the week in Dairanger.
I'll watch this because I miss the Zyuoh gang
I think that's low for Ex-Aid though isn't it?

That's always the crossover episode since it's the start of spring break in Japan. It's probably meant as an incentive to watch. The Dracomander will be a better indication of ratings.

I don't know but Ignis said recently that Rider 4 is almost ready for release. We'll probably see that next.
Shinkenger grasped the fujoshi market since Tori is a pretty motherfucker, Aiba already had a sizable fandom in Japan, and Shogo Suzuki wasn't a slouch in the looks department either. The girls were also cute and the team was incredibly fashionable and trendy. The show being about Takeru's harem didn't hurt. From what I understand it did well with teen girls too because of the cast.

I assume Goseiger's decent ratings were thanks to Kyosuke Hamao's fujo fandom. He was already popular with them from Tenimyu and the Takumi movies. As well as a little post-Shinken hype.

Gokaiger's lower ratings were likely due to the Tsunami. I know it threw OOO strong ratings run off.
Honestly thinking about it I'm shocked Goseiger's ratings aren't stronger. I guess Agri doing jackshit hurt them a bit in the end.

The poor guy left Japan to escape his fandom only to learn that he had sizable stalker following her too.
so... anyone catch the cameos at the end of this?
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i looked for a few minutes but it doesn't look like they brought Doggie out of retirement.

i'm both happy and sad to see Shafu there. it reminds me that his VA is dead
who is RTA anyway
It is a mystery.
Since he overlocalizes so much, he must be Magenta.
>you got your ass burned so hard you return to /ssg/
Weirdly enough, One Piece and DBS also had lower ratings this week as well.

Did something happen this week in Japan that made almost everyone stop watching the sunday morning shows?
And you got your ass burned so hard you now hide behind another name.
Doggie and Torin were there. When the raw came out months ago we had people find them in the end credits.
and the references weren't just them

the bluray/dvd release had a complete list of all sentai references
>Misao retreads the same plot over and over until finally letting the development truly take.
Glad someone else feels the same.
samefagging doesn't mean someone else feels it
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Finally, time for clown/trainer-punching.
>all those engrish
God I fucking love Zyuohger choreography
to that selafag asking if she did the traditional shark handgrab, here it is
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daily doggo
>Over-time can't even finish out Zyuoh by itself

Sounds like OT needs a new translator
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I seem to recall a couple months back someone here was wondering about Taiko no Tatsujin and Toku songs, it turns out you don't actually have to go to Japan if you want to play the latest series' songs like I thought, you just need to be able to get the DLC for the games.

Fushigi na Orb on the 3DS has Go-Busters and Switch On.
Jikyu Daibouken on the 3DS has ToQger, Switch On, Just Live More (DLC), and Surprise Drive (DLC). I think it has Ultraman Orb as well, it's either this or the next game but I can't remember if it was DLC.
Mystery Adventure on the 3DS has Zyuohger, We Think Therefore We Are (Can't remember it was DLC), and Excite (DLC).
V Version on the Vita has Ultraman X (DLC).
Wii U Version has Kyoryuger but good luck finding this game on the cheap.
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Adorable doggo. Also, BEAR! (' - ')7
what's a baked dragon
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>Can't use actual Kyutamas in it
What's the point?
Make dumb collectors shell out a heap of money just to get a single kyutama.
Does Sentai ever get better collectibles like Kamen Rider later on? The DX Ryutsueder looked really disappointing outside the kyutama.
wow his pajamas glow in the dark
must be pajamagic
From toy catalog scans, Kyuranger's toys are all pretty disappointing so far. When put up against Zyuoh's they look fine, but that's about it.
And not really, Sentai collectibles are pretty much in the "what you see is what you get" range. Bandai takes more risks toy wise with Rider because it's a nice, safe cash cow for them. Sentai has been selling less each show for some time now. Zyuohger selling slightly better than Ninnin seems like it was just a blip.
Oh shit, really? Does anyone have pics cause I'm retarded and couldn't find them
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It was the start of spring break. It's likely many families went away.
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Hey /ssg/
Usually we have "What theme do you want to see in a series" questions.
But I want to ask you

What theme do you think will be the next one?
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no fuck you raceing semi trucks
Sentai budget would never allow for that, especially in the state it's in now.
>Implying there will be a next Sentai

Don't lose that shine, Anon.
What would TV Asahi put in it's place? Another toku or a new anime?
Prism Ace
If Sentai goes, what will Saban do? No way in hell he'd make his own suits and craft his own show from scratch.
Masked Rider Medical Aid
Finally use Go-Busters, ToQger and Zyuohger.

Alternatively, shit out more Dinosaur stuff thanks to Kyoryu2
There's the skipped seasons now. And they might attempt a rerun again, or maybe even making new seasons with old suited footage. If the toy sales fall enough and Bandai gives up then the show is finished.
>Muh zordbuilder doesn't work with that zord
Good luck with that.

>The monster suits only last so long, and that's a consideration because they're not inexpensive to make

Nope. Too bad for you, shitposter.
Yeah. Cars or dinosaurs. Ninjas and animals underperformed. Even if Kyuranger is a success toy-wise they'll want one of their two heavy hitters to go after it.
I hope they don't try another faux-Carranger like Go-Onger was. That show was divisive enough even before the Gobus schism.

That is assuming they would do anything associated with a Sentai series that bombed.

Besides, the next Ultraman is airing soon.
I think Toei only likes to repeat a theme after a considerable time. Which is why I can see Cars coming back soon since Go-Onger is almost 10.
Yeah but when you're desperate you'll do anything.

I'm honestly shocked they never did birds again.
Maybe they think that without Inoue it wouldn't be TRENDY enough.

That said, I wouldn't mind Go-Onger getting a celebration as long as the Carranger crew is allowed to get in on that party as well.
I'd imagine if we don't see cars next year, we 100% will before the new decade.
Don't know if car themed series, but car/vehicle mechs will certainly be used soon.
Mystic Knights: The Next Generation
1.) We haven't seen a show with a fully mecha theme of mythical animals for a long time. Might be a good time now.
2.) I think that if Sentai ends, Saban could start just making its own cgi show.
fuck off

I will if this flops. Threads are getting fairly lame.

Rest assured I won't just keep pushing the invite, this will be the first and last time you see this.
ehhh fuck it
Who are the best evil ranger group?

Also why weren't the nezirangers called the NegaRangers?
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I love the Questers, fantastic designs
The questers are just such an uncomfortable concept for me plot wise...
How so?

Because they're from Nezire? Nezi I believe means screw or twisted, making them more along the lines of Twisted Ranger.
Werewolves suddenly become the evil rangers because...?
I guess I misinterpreted your use of uncomfortable.
they look more like lions than werewolves
>half man half beast hyrbrids that have been hunted for centuries

>Werewolves suddenly become the evil rangers because...?

Weren't they purposely turned that way by Gajah to counter the Boukengers? Maybe I just love the idea of an ancient lifeform getting a cybernetic upgrade, probably why I like boukenSilver as well since it's similar.
yes and? you do realize there are more than werewolves as far as werecreatures are concerned right

this is zyuranger levels of "dinosaurs"
>Still no Kyoreager subs

My smile is gone for good.
Gaja gave them the Anti-parallel engines, an upgrade over the tech used by the Boukenger. And then the one who hunted them also became a Boukenger, with the Neo Parallel Engine which was immune to the Anti-parallel Engine's effects. And later the entire team upgrades to Neo Parallel Engines too, but there's no visual change. They just stop getting nerfed when facing the Questers.
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Buy me one
I dunno how much information there is on this but are there any major differences between this and the Legacy Thunder Megazord?
No zordbuilder shit is the only thing we know for sure at the moment.
I'm usually not a big fan of the movies, but this one really did it for me. I think it was the huge audience they had almost the whole movie, that really made it feel like they were putting on a show more than anything which made it a lot of fun. It must have been an amazing experience for the kids.
Sentai monsters don't always have themes
sometimes they're just aliens like the zangyack.
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A few are blatantly based on Cryptids tho
anyone got a MEGA folder for GoGoV?
Lucky not shutting the fuck up. I mean is this really what japanese kids like and up to grow up to be?
It needs a break like KR. Even the toys they used to make, like the action figures aren't even being made because everyone doesn't give a shit anymore.
Like the UMA in Goseiger.
>Almost 200 days since the last Deka release

O-T please, I need muh sentai cops
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does OT need new translators now that it seems they don't have time to translate movies or any of their older shows
I thought they were based on past villains or some shit.
Wasn't the last we heard that Heat has a proper professional translating job now which is why they're having help for the movies mainly?
Yes. Heat has a lot on his plate with work right now and it's harder to do backlog.

I think he wants to do Agito too. A shame.
No, they grow up to have the souls sucked out of them by the corporate machine. Let the dream for a little while longer.

Really? Agito's subs are great.
Thanks for letting me know never to come to you with questions about subs.
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Maybe Space Squad will give that the boost it needs, since O-T will have to focus on that soon.
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I don't see a problem
Hurricanger subs when??
It would be nice if he got to at least complete Ryuki before that.
Ask the Imagination Station owner.

the scrubs are decent enough

Balance/Naga episodes are goat
So I've watched the following:

What's been subbed of Fiveman (ugh)
Almost done with Megaranger

On my watching queue:

Which should I watch next?
You can't go wrong with Carranger or Jetman, imo
Watch Go-Busters
Ryuki isn't on Heat, it's on the other members. Heat finished translating Ryuki.

I'll probably go with Jetman since that's the one many people say is the best older sentai.
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movie is full of little weapons cameo in background like pic related, BFJ Penta Force or Goranger Hurricane
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My favorite pink ranger.
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>school trip episode
>pink milking a cow
>wow they feel just like Yellow's

I came
Amusingly enough, Arakawa wrote that episode. Even back then he sneaked in innuendos.
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My other favorite pink ranger.
what really needs to happen is they need to move the Superhero Time block to a different time, as it's been going head to head with Pokemon for years and that's a competition that Super Sentai always loses

I'd say Kakuranger then Carranger
I was more of a fan of Juri.
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concept art for Raptor and some furfag's OC
Everyone in Megaranger is a best.
Japanese George Costanza is the best George Costanza, that's true
>bald garu

I'm so used seeing him with a mohawk that now it feels weird

also even in concept art he still has sad dog eyes
super sentai wouldn't survive without power rangers
This is actually likely no matter what anyone wants to say. Power Rangers extends the brand world-wide and gives them a second change to earn money from it. Even if Saban and others take a cut first.
Sentai is still very big in Japan itself though. Ultraman is alive and Sentai makes more than twice as much money in the toys and hobby category, which doesn't include Power Rangers money. What would likely happen though is Sentai getting even lower budgets.
>is more than able to notice when someones lying
>encourages Kenta when he is down in the dumps and tries to hide it
That's for sure, and just from the first few eps I've been watching.

So, how long until it reaches Spectreman levels of cheap? At this point there needs to be a villain that makes old monsters smarter rather than stronger.
what the fuck is up with the influx of "yeah no sentai is finished guys" posts recently
Bad ratings and bad toysales two years in a row, and Kyuranger's ratings so far aren't too optimistic. Though I think that 2.0 is just a fluke since One Piece and DBS also had low ratings that day. Likely due to spring break.

Toysales however we don't know yet. I expect them to be up personally.
Kyuranger has the lowest rating of the past 20 years
It's ratings were going up. Episode 7 just tanked for some reason. Likely due to Spring Break starting.
Its ratings dropped from 3.9 to a 3.6, that isn't going up.
Ratings make a lot of people nervous.
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at least it has cutes
cuter than the show
It has Madako, or whatever the Squid lady is called. She's the only cute thing on the show.
I feel a bit sorry for the designer, he clearly wants to have her appeal to older viewers when Sentai hasn't been on primetime since the 90s.
Please don't tell me they killed off the only character I thought was nice.
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Nah, Ikargen took one tentacle of her when she blew up, and Octopi can regenerate, so she'll be back.
Okay good. I haven't watched anything past episode 7 yet as I'm in a weird spot with Kyu currently, so I'm waiting for a few episodes to be out so I can watch them at once.

It's nice to know she isn't gone for good yet.
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In fact she's in next weeks preview.
one more for the fans
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tired now
sources are on the filenames you should know how to find them
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retard whore
I'm only watching kyu for dragondaddy
Good taste.
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Is there face actor art with Dragon and Kotaro doing cute things with the team yet?
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not many
4chanx is acting like shit again

I doubt they'd also make the kid actor join the face actors in their romp, sadly
I'm sure the full team will get plenty of cute art together.

A lot of candids with the actors is unlikely though.
You getting that hiccup were the submit box hitches on a random number?
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in fact, these 2 were the only good ones I found

but these are from pixiv, there must be something else from twitter or something
but sadly I don't know the good pages for that

they don't even make the voice actors of the suit actors join the romp, I doubt they'd make a kid join them

it's for public photos for the actors to advertise anyway, so it's expected
>using 4chanx
Hello, best character.
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