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Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 2nd Season

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Episode 44 - Ver. 4.0
>Gaelio is the only Gundam pilot to take on Tekkadan's 3 Gundams and McGillis' Bael
New kimaris better be good.
>image is not the shit kimaris
OP stop
I've got my bets on a mutual destruction ending now

If Gjallahorn survives it's going to hunt the Tekkadan down for assisting with the insurrection. But if McGillis wins, it puts the only guy crazier than Mikazuki in charge of humanity's biggest fighting force.

Rustal Galileo and McGillis are going to die. Iok Juliet and Galileo's dad might live. The other Seven Stars family heads will probably die.

Kudelia is going to be left to clean up after/capitalize on the state of lawlessness that will be left in the wake of what happens. She'll probably bring whatever Tekkedan survivors who still feel like fighting along with her.

Martian independence end
What does a Man Rodi look like when its stripped?
Go back to the episode after it first appears. Azee brings up a picture of the rodi frame while trying to identify what it was.
>big black blunt lance
>looks like a drill
>knee drill bits
>Dainsleif rods
>stabby katana
Mcgills is gonna relive his childhood memories ain't he?
>Mcgills is gonna relive his childhood memories ain't he?
hell yea!!!
Sure, I wanna see that scene where they opened injured Takaki's suit and closed it right away so the blood would ""stop"" flowing out
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Gaelio is gonna relive his cuckold memories ain't he?
hell yea!!!
>when you try a shitty dick joke but unfunny anti-gaeliofag steps in for no reason
who shitposts at 3 in the morning?
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>Drill is used by gali
>Ein takes over and most likely uses katana
Makes sense if it happens.
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Yazan would be proud.
>when you try a shitty dick joke but unfunny anti-Mcgills steps in for no reason
>who shitposts at 3 in the morning?
yourself see >>15228532 >>15228542 >>15228567 >>15228582
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Hot damn new Kimaris is some good stuff. Not completely sold on the legs, but it works. And ACTUAL drill bits in a mecha show is interesting.

Will probably try swapping them out though for the original Kimaris legs when I get the kit.

Gaelio definitively still in charge of getting the best suits.
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>Macky promises Almiria her happines.
>He set Gaelio as hero and himself as the villain.
>He will drag the pest Tekkadan with him to space purgatory.
What will old Gali Gali be like?
Big Boss.
Upper body is good. Lowerbody should've just been Vidar's
Fuck. I would actually be fine with this.
Seriously this shit is old and boring. He already feels like an obstacle.
And before you even start with the "Gaelio deserves justice" bullshit, he already got his justice. His mindless actions got him all that was coming to him. McGillis only facilitated his failure.
gaelio was a mistake. The show became 200x shittier now
We are tired of all these bullshit based on galifag said.
Still shit and cuck
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I dont like the feets, otherwise its pretty rad
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>lost Vidar for this
It hurts.
>anally annihilated
Lol the only redeeming thing on gaelio was his suit. Now he's all shit lmfao, you cant make this shit up
So is Macky really the only person in all of Gjallarhorn who knows that Bael needs space rat system to work?
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God damnit, now I can't unsee this Fate/Stay Night Gilgamesh weapon Ea.

Because the lance itself isn't a railgun barrel at all (no hole at the end) and three twirly bits like some tibetan prayer column
Looks like shit.
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Oh god, it hurts so much.

Gaelio, why didn't you keep the mask ON?!
Because he would've made him irrelevant for longer in S2.
Granted he would also avoid death flags because of that.
This thing has weapons everywhere. I like it, now i think he has a chance to survive
according to twitter you're not the only one to notice the similarities
crab claws in stockings. I dig it.
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I wanna bite on that lance.
>t rexfag
What were they thinking with those legs?
What if Mcguillis kills him again?
t. bitter vidarfag
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>thinking the death of a glorious design is a good thing

What the hell is wrong with you sir?
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It would be stupid but also toptier comedy.
I don't even mind the legs, but what the fuck are those feet?
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Screenshot this you little faggits:

>McGillis and Rustal faction are fighting to death, teeth to teeth for the future of Gjallahorn.
>Gaelio fighting an intense battle with other Gundam frames, killing Shino and Guts with it surprise dainsleif bullet and pile bunker.
>Mika crushes Julieta's mobile suit killing her.
>Gaelio engages against McGillis and Isurugi, Isurugi got killed by Kimaris Heaven Piercing drills. Mika helped McGillis; it is a bloody intense fight.
The battlefield is in state of anarchy, Eugine crashes Rustal's ship but died in the process.
>Meanwhile a number of forbidden bullets rain from the distance, followed by a beam, capable of melting and penetrating nano laminate armor. >One by one, unknown mobile suits appears. Shooting the mobile suits and ships of the two Gjallahorn factions and Tekkadan, sinking them.
>A large asteroid slowly emerges for the distance with a number of mobile suits. With Nobliss who reveals himself as the one pulling the strings in the dark. He is the series' main villain.

Trust me, I've seen this before. This thing will be a three-way battle like every other mobile suit series before it.
For what Bael can do, think it might have beam weaponry that can penetrate Nanolaminate armor like a beam saber ala the RX-78-2 Gundam and a waist-mounted beam cannon like the Sazabi's Scattering Mega Beam Cannon and Funnels that are basically flying Dainslef cones that have to be controlled by Alaya-Vijnana?
>I dont like the feets, otherwise its pretty rad

What an over designed piece of shit.
Has Sunrise lost all the good mech designers ?

I'm wondering if Bael can do anything impressive. Oddly, for once, I hope it CAN'T - Mostly because I really, really don't like McGillis, and it would make sense for him to lose because he's dragged down by superior numbers instead of breaking out a superweapon.

I mean, it's strange, but I want Gjallhorn to win this confrontation. Gallilo clearly deserves to win it more than anyone: At this point, Tekkadan's just sort of the goon squad for the actual bad guys.

Like, if this was an older Gundam series, this is the part where the hero has to fight the enemy's aces before he battles the final villain. Mika, Gay guy and Muscle guy are effectively the Calamity, Raider and Forbidden in no particular order.

Then again, one Gundam versus four is kind of an uneven match, so it's all up for grabs. (The inherent dishonesty of McGillis 'hijacking' the prophecy by getting an AV system of his own is hilarious, in a way.)
I'm a Kimaris trooperfag, fag.

Why do they keep saying "You killed Gaelio?" Like, he's obviously not dead! Yeah, he was fucked up very badly, but McGillis didn't KILL him.

I mean, it's not for want of trying, but the man is clearly alive.
The Kimaris Vidar is only "bad" because it came after the Vidar.
It's completely fine as an upgrade to the Kimaris Trooper.
where are all the gurren laggan jokes?
Really start to love the design but the color scheme of the legs are wrong
I mean other than Rustal numbers of ships/Grunts they are clearly at a disadvantage here.

the Kimaris Vidar is the only gundam frame they have. they have the proto type suit Juliet.

it doesn't help matter that Tekkedan are essentallly the antigonsts in this case. it's the complete oppsite of what would normally be doing.

Rustal has done some wrong shit yes, but he hasn't been shown to be evil at all, lok on the other hand. has.
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Thar jewel on the V-fin will probably glow red when the AV Type E activates.
Considering Gjallarhorn's taboo on AV, you could argue that Gaelio is dead.

On a more rational note, changing long-held beliefs is difficult, and the situation would be stressful af. I can understand that someone might have trouble differentiating their language; not unlike when people talk about recently dead people in the present tense rather than the past tense.
>lok on the other hand. has

stupidity != evil
>gets disowned from family at the end
Would be funny.
I dunno, while not black and white, he's pretty scummy as an manipulator. Border conflicts to spite macky isn't that great of an idea. Though depends on what he would do after the conflict if he survives.
Plus Iok is a fuck up rather than evil. Heart of muh "honour" isn't bad and he doesn't seem "evil", but being a pompous blockhead caused him to get roped into Jasley's thing or not understand that the Mobile Armor thing was an actual threat, not to fill McGillis' ego (ironically Bael's that). and go attack some random guys for space rat vengance. Or spoilt irrational attitude not being weeded out because Lord Kujan was a bro before he died. He's just stupid.
He's both.
Rustel literally knew about Iznario abusing Mcgillis (presumably the other boys too) and ignored it. He's evil.
>implying that he could do anything
The Seven Star families are nominal equals; what recourse do you think he'd have without resorting to McGillis-like chicanery? Also, do we know if he was the head of his family at that point? Based on his uniform in the flashbacks, I'd guess he's not quite the head of his family just yet.
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So what's about the fact that HG Julia has parts for making vanilla Reginlaze ? I want the HG Reginlaze but if Julia has the parts for both AND a stand base included I guess it's the better purchase
Is it like HG Barbatos 6th form which had every part from Barbatos except the weapons ?
>In the middle of battle Mobile armors show up to destroy everything.
High chance to make this bullshit again like the aliens in 00?
Sounds preferable to current conflict
Nobliss must be powerful/influence as Fedora Yakuza.
The most possible (even not happing) is a Mobile armors awakened because Bael activation ( the soul of Agnika is just a code to reactive mobile armors)
The MA couldn't even trash Ride with a laser, how the hell are they supposed to be a menacing threat to our nano-laminated armor mobile suits?
Why the hell would you need both parts when you most likely will only need one or the other?
The same way hashmal was kicking everyone's ass before mika went full link.

By having weapons other than the beam cannon.
Any places I can watch the sub?
*Dub, I'm stupid
Mika still trashed the Hashmal pretty quickly, how many do you think they'd need to be a credible threat for Bael, Barbatos, Kimaris, Gusion, and Flauros?
>Needed for rare 3 whisker to kill it
>Needed Gundam to beat it
>Said Gundam narrowly won against one MA, suffering massive damages requiring an overhaul along with faulty AV side effects
>Hashmal isn't the end all be all of them
>What about fighting multiple Hashmals or a new mobile armour type that has a new set of threats and weaponry
Show jobbed it pretty hard since it got Mika'd but imaging a zerg rush of Hashmal, or something designed to counter MS.
Why would you do that to yourself?
Any basic anime streaming site should anyway.

I don't know who is the worse of those two:
Valvrager and all your shit or gaeliofags trying to imitate a delusional slainefag
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The only downside to Gali-Gali being back is all these fags who decided they wanted to be contrarian and come up with half a dozen weak copy/pastes deriding him.

Nobody had a problem with him until he took his mask off, which makes you even more stupid, because the show was telegraphing that he was Gaelio for months and you're still whining.

I can't wait for the new Kimaris to take that new dildo lance and give your buttboy Char some flashbacks with it.
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>Another headcanon based on gaeliofag said.
You're trying too hard.
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>Another MuhGillisfag
I want Chocofag and Galifag to stop shitting the thread.
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Rank them /m/en

1st to 4th in your own opinion.
People just forgot why mcgillis goal is....he may be evil but what he want is....pretty much what SJW want this day....and also avolish corruption

Trooper > Vidar > Kimaris Vidar = Vanilla Kimaris

Kimaris Vidar is ass ugly but the sheer gimmicks it has elevates it a bit.
1) Vidar
2) Trooper
3) Kimaris Vidar
4) Original/Booster

I really want to kitbash these, like the Vidar's chest, the booster's legs, the KV's arms, skirts, and backpack, and the Trooper's head.
Trooper>Vidar>Kimaris Vidar=Original
None are really bad, Original Is alright and Kimaris Vidar has sexy weaponry but I prefer the other two over them.
Trooper wins me over with the booster legs but Vidar is good too because of that colour scheme and design.
Trooper>Vidar>Original>Kimaris Vidar
I'm sorry, but the top half of the Kimaris Vidar is so sexy it cancels everything else out. The only complaint I have with the KV's legs are the feet and the lower body colors, but even then those are pretty minor.
>I want Chocofag and Galifag to stop shitting the thread.
This is practically impossible, because chocofags are boring and galifags are already in the slainefag level.
official thread is always mika
Kimaris > KV > Vidar = Trooper
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Head/upper-half look rad
Dainsleif firing lance
Shields load the lance

Bizarre feet design
Lower half is clearly wrong colors

I don't know what the fuck to thinks:
Those f'ing drill knees
I would like Kimaris Vidar if they used blue on it. The blue looked good on trooper they could have actually made a VidarKimaris
>Mika still trashed the Hashmal pretty quickly,

literally only won and lived to tell the tale because of his plot shield
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will loli be able to find happiness?

See >>15222818 and >>15223607.
This is probably the best way to describe a galifag.
Should've kept the scheme for its legs or just kept Vidar's legs.
Kimaris > Vidar = Kimaris Vidar > Kimaris Trooper

Kimaris Vidar would be great if they didn't give it black legs for no reason
Pretty gay rule bro.
Well Cimeres/Kimaris rides a black horse, so you know.
People really bitching about the miscolored lower half yet wet themselves when a asymmetrical design gets introduced.
Just STFU okay
New kimaris is dope and I'm ordering 3

Sincerely a former kimaris hater
That was a movie
Use your brain anon
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This is all Shinos fault CONFIRMED
So where are all the McGillis apologists at?

I seem to remember a bunch of them defending him before he was BFTO by the oligarchy not wanting to surrender power at gunpoint.
She could always be friends with Cookie and Cracker in the end.
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I hope he fucking dies then.
The Isaribi is gonna get sunk. Too many characters with death flags onboard. Writers have Orga thrown out the airlock so he can suffer knowing he fucked them for the rest of his life.
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>mackyfags are this asshurt
just like Macky himself
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for reasons I fail to grasp Olga is the only character I care about
they need to sell more toys
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Well, he survived the last episode of the first season, thanks to a random magic asspull and fucking bullshit plot armor.

Gaelio has survived so far thanks to its random asspull powerups, stupid massive gains and magic plot convenience.
I like how the Seven Stars are about tradition until tradition dictates that they get fucked in the ass.

In a way McGillis proved that their system doesn't quite work, however the good that does.
I want to marry Macky.
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>DYELs mad that his gains are great that they try to slander
It's because he's the only dude in Tekkadan with a worthwhile arc.
Hell in this whole series. It ain't great, but it's the best here.
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3-kimaris vidar
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>visibly uncomfortable about the 'King of Mars' initiative
>expresses subtle doubt and seems more pulled into it than pushing it
>resigned to follow the group with a repeated "I-I guess there is no way back' sigh
Shino's no free thinker but he's not the one who got them into it. He's innocent, and he's the only one so far to speak for the audience on this case so far:
>King of Mars my ass. Every good thing comes with a catch.
I don't know why McGillis thought that when he did things in an underhanded manner, the Seven Stars would just take it up the ass instead of responding in a likewise manner. It's like expecting all the heads to be Iok or Carta.

We fucking GARO now
>Too many characters with death flags onboard
The only characters on board will be either Eugene or Orga. Isaribi has been evacuated, were you not paying attention?
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Step up yo game.
this looks convincing as a final form
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Eugene showed uncertainty and confusion about it and Shino showed discomfort, but as with a lot in this season, most of Tekkadan had to lose their personality or characterization in order to let Orga get into the situation he is in right now. That's why Mika and Orga have such a dissolved relationship. Above is further evidence of Eugene catching on in S2 to what we're supposed to think is some epiphany in ep 44. These two just had to get shafted in order to not stop Orga.

This. Anyway, it'll be Eugene.
If the feet were just flat or had the hunter's edge blades then it wouldn't be as bad
If he still had that spotless reputation in their eyes I guess it could happen, if they took severals chill pills in the morning.
Well as Rustal said, he's basically acting out his childhood fantasies. It's pretty much safe to say that McGillis isn't as all there as we assumed him to be.
>Anyway, it'll be Eugene.

that much is obvious to me too. if or when orga goes, it'll be in his shiden, but i doubt it now. i think eugene is going to ram an already crashing or damaged isaribi in to rustal's ship.
Can Barbatos' mace shoot dansleif demon killer ammo?
What the fuck is this. Is it appearing in the anime? If yes then what the fuck with the shoulders
>>15228474 >>15228728 >>15228764 >>15228790 >>15228848 >>15228893 >>15228920 >>15228926 >>15228967 >>15229203 >>15229232 >>15229624 >>15229684

>retarded gaelifogas have created a shit thread for this shit. >>15228326

But they continue posting this shit here.
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Even if all the yellow is changed to white, it looks like a hundred times better. Now if the legs were pale purple it'd be perfect.
Bandai's plan to increase paint sales worked!
No, you are pulling my leg here. It can't be the final form here.
Sorry Anon, it's a custom. You can see the paint splotches.
>most of Tekkadan had to lose their personality or characterization in order to let Orga get into the situation he is in right now
>These two just had to get shafted in order to not stop Orga.
That's what I think too. But it doesn't make it any less tragic that hardworking but naive and ignorant Tekkadans are dying for McGillis' hussle. Eugene will definitely hurt Orga the most so they might stop there but Shino is now 50/50 to go too, along with his squad.
For a moment I was actually convinced it was something new...
Is there more SUFFERING ahead for Aki or do you think the writers will let him live? It's almost comical at this point. Also I hope Azee doesn't make a miraculous recovery and sudden appearance only to die for more cheap drama.
the lance is a rail gun dainsleif MAXIMUM POWWWAAAAAAA
>tfw Aki is most likely safe because there's literally no one left to cry for him anymore
>except of Derma who may or may not be dead soon as well
>and maybe Ride too
nop but it does have double pile bunkers
I'd just like to point out that the 'rex' in Tyrannosaurus Rex also stands for "king" so whoever made the connection wasn't completely off the track.
I see nothing wrong with the color of the new kimaris ein vidar

Obviously the top half is Kimaris and the bottom color is Ein

Why am I smarter than everyone here?
Anon, don't kid yourself. Nobody would cry for Derma. He's A. Hasn't had as much focus on him as Lafter, Masahiro, or Aston and B. Isn't cute enough for people to draw fanart of and therefore less likely to pull anyone's heartstrings should he suddenly expire.
Should've made it a vertical split. Horizontal makes it look like Kimaris is wearing pants under a skirt.
That's not the point. The legs literally look like they were kit bashed from another suit. It just doesn't mesh well with the upper body, aesthetically.
Since when was Graze Ein black and yellow?
Plus no flat footed design like Ein.
Or the actual blades that Vidar had and used with Type E?
Only thing that's Ein is the drills.
IBO is black comedy at times.
I meant that Derma and Ride are Akihiro's only bros left who'd cry for him.
Oh shit, my bad. Yeah, that's true.

I get it. We all get it. But if that's what they wanted they could have done this so, so much better.

Those claw feet look like dogshit, unlike Graze Ein's quad-toed drill feet which were pure sex. Why not give this thing the same four-toed type of foot, which can also grab and form a spear, rather than two shitty Hugo-looking lobster claws?

Graze Ein had two huge axes. Why not put blades in the shields or something so they can swing around and act as additional melee weapons?

Why give Gaelio a samurai sword instead of reusing the Vidar's classy epee and retooling it so that now the exploding blades also double as Dainsleif-type ammo and are stored in the shields? Would also make them thinner, letting him fire more of them.
no majority of people hate that it's black
not that its design is different
vertical split does nothing for me
if anything it would look worse
Guys I had a dream a while ago that Kimaris' final form will have black legs
I'm a fucking psychic
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Damn, I have this sheet of Seven Stars seals too. I hope they make another version with the white family crests, I the prominence of it on the suit.
*I love the prominence

Where'd you get that?

According to the bottom of the decal sheet it is from the November 2016 issue of Model Graphix
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Shame about that lower half. The legs aren't even bad it just doesnt fit with the rest of the suit. Could just be the colour though. the feet definately don't fit Maybe its meant to evoke the graze eins colour scheme?
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I think it looks fine, but I do agree about the sword. Mika is Jap sword user, not Gali-Gali. The Burst Saber was pure sex and using the blades as ammo would cool. I'm still butthurt that Vidar didn't have any cool fight scenes.
Mika isnt a Jap sword user, Barbatos is

Whos the say Kimaris isnt too.

Can I get it without time travel?
At least they didn't give us Generic Gundam.

I'm quite happy with the new Kimaris
>kimaris tim allen cusrom

CAN NEW KIMARIS SHOOT THOSE DRILL BITS? I assume it'll keept that thruster thing from vidar so maybe it's possible to shoot the drill bits.
Dansleif? his shoulder shields contain rounds blasted through lance.
The knees? Nah.
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I consent with your butthurt
>Whos the say Kimaris isnt too.
Granted frames are all built to be customised, all it is is production no, it's all armour deep.
Well, they gave a short pause for the headcanons and are now shitposting about this new shit model.
Just ignore them. It's only one or two guys making all the posts anyway.
Atra and Kudelia
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>Atra and Kudelia
I forgot the pic
are you sure
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>Arm shields
>Dual weapons
>Mechanical enhancements

Kimaris became Sundowner
Vidar was sexy but Kimaris vidar is OP

Also the black legs look amazing with the kimaris color scheme

stop the orphan tears
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>stop the orphan tears
They will never stop. Tekkadan is fucked
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You know what?

It's actually growing on me.

Drill knees, drill lance, Dainsleif launchers, the sword and the shields. I like it.
I don't want those two midgets to die.
>ruining the show with retarded politics
>ruining the show with retarded baby plot
>ruining Mika/Orga bromance
Death becomes those two obnoxious broads.
to be fair, Mika is already a corpse at this point. baring he somehow get's control of his body back. he is basically a cripple anyways.
I understand that Mika is most likely ded, but still. At least Atra might survive with Mika's child
>little or no action scene
>terrible pilot
>unbearable fandom

Literally a shitty as your terrible pilot.
Nah fuck the sword.

The rest is okay.
Vidar is still better.
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It's pretty tragic in its own right that Tekkadan is dying for a goal they don't even fully believe in, only went along with it because they thought Orga knew what he was doing, and Orga only went forward because he thought it was what they would want. And he never asked them for their opinion and they never gave it.

I agree, but that falls more on Atra. Kudelia ruined S1, but she has been away for all of season 2 and even seems freaked out by Atra's creepiness.
is it true mika gave her the D?
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Tekkadan wins my general interest over Gjallarhorn and yet orphan tears bring me so much sadistic joy
>Knee drill missiles
Sounds crazy. >>15229779 and >>15229783
>>15229783 indicate ammo and something at least fired.
mabye, I can see death flags for Atra coming, but I don't know if she will die.


To be Fair Biscuit pretty much forshadowed this in S1, with Orga.

Orga had no one to tell his what to not do, so this end was kinda going to happen. now Tekkaden is basically fucked. I can't see them coming out of this fight at all intact.

that being said, I'm 100% certain Gillis is going to betrey them during the "Last" Battle. I dont' actually think Bael had Agnika soul in it, it just doesn't make sense when you think about it. why would his soul be in a machine that's on earth, when the only sighting of a Mobile Armor was seen on Mars? doesn't really add up you don't put your strongest division of troops on the most peacful front, you put them on the most dangerous, and where they are needed most. imo I think Barbatos has his soul in it.

Bael most likely has the ability to control all Gundam frames, if we go by Bael origin. since the Demon Bael had control over like 66 legions of Demons, and all of the frames so far, not counting Vidar mind you are named after Demons....

>Imagines a mobile suit impaled on the spear as the Dainsleif launcher shoots through the immobile MS

This is going to be like Kou with Cima again
You have to stop being such a bitch at times anon.
Talk about MS designs. Shit on that.

I dislike the sword. They should have just kept the rapier.
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>Much dumb supporting characters with death flags.
I agree, it's Orga's fault for what will happen to Tekkadan, not McGillis. They seemed to have show that Orga realized this when he punched McGillis.

As for never asking them for their opinion, he actually did. Remember the scene when Takaki quit? The problem was that the Tekkadan crew admitted they knew nothing but trusted Orga to make the right calls and have absolute say. The wound of losing Biscuit is absolutely gaping right now, as he was usually the voice of reason. None of them now have the balls to confront Orga with their real doubts, unlike Biscuit.

IBO is not great, but it is better written than most of /m/ give it credit for.
Girl Guts should have short hair. And more muscle.
And need a little shota Atra in there, too.
Nothing you just typed is well-written. The show has toyed too many times with the notion that "Tekkadan is in over there heads" or "there's a reason why Takaki quit" yet hasn't done anything with it and now that they've pretty much gave the finger to McGillis we can see how the final battle with go out.
The Kimaris came with a folding sword.

I kinda like the symmetry between Barbatos Lupus Rex and Kimaris Vidar as it pretty much represents the current situation.

Last season was about making our protagonists Tekkadan the heroes. As such, Barbatos graduated from using clubs (associated with Oni in Japan) to incorporating a heroic Japanese katana, even using the katana to finish off the monstrous Graze Ein in the finale last season. As it stood, Tekkadan were in a morally grey spot but generally were seen as heroic.

The Lupus represented the crossroads they were in. It looks like a super robot, but also had some more beastial elements like extended claws and the club and sword were combined into the club sword. Now Tekkadan are working for the series villain, McGillis, and Lupus has fully embraced savagery by becoming the Lupus Rex to fully take advantage of Mika's animalistic fighting style. Lupus Rex meaning wolf king, like the crowned wolf on the Fareed family crest.

Kimaris Vidar represents Gaelio's status as an antagonist (Kimaris being a demonic name) opposing the MCs, but is also heroic figure (Vidar is a hero in Norse mythology). Gaelio is opposing the protagonists by trying to stop the series villain, hence it has knightly elements but also those of last seasons final boss. It also has the hero's katana now.

It's not perfect, I know, but it is a pretty cool way of showing how the line is blurred right now.
Thank you.
I want to impregnate that Eugene.
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Why do you guys excpect child mercs and orphans to make wise decisions?
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Aw yisss.
Depends. People expect protagonists to grow, dealing with their flaws and becoming more refined through their experiences. They want them to learn from their mistakes rather than repeating them. Mind you that not that all character development is positive, see Shinn.

It's really your basic mob story. Protagonists experience success beyond their wildest dreams and this reinforces their behavior. However, their shortcomings lead to some form of downfall.
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That Drill Lance was reminding me of something. I just realized what it was.
Yes its a better purchase and get the MS option pack too
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I like Vidar's colorscheme better
I don't kno what you people are talking about, 4th is sexy
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Holy shit it looks beautiful.
What about giving the lower legs a colourscheme similar to booster or trooper on the original colour scheme?
Did you just make the fastest gundam in IBO anon???
hate the leg colors

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i'd rather impregnate normal eugene

that's not asking them for their opinion, that's telling them what they're about to do as he already made that plan with mcgillis without their consulting. takaki affirmed that more of them will likely die for this goal, and orga was like "yeah lol". that's not really a discussion, that's a debriefing. when someone like eugene out loud admits that he doesn't understand why orga would want this, orga should explain it. but all he did was pitch the idea that it will have them set for life, basically.
Guys its moc, sheesh
I dunno mang, the blue on red is a little garish.
>People expect protagonists to grow, dealing with their flaws and becoming more refined through their experiences. They want them to learn from their mistakes rather than repeating them.
The problem with IBO is that instead of character progress, the usual conclusion of a character arc is death which renders the whole thing pointless. Another problem is with the fanbase, at least around here, which not only supports this but also demands more. Just look at all those posters saying Tekkadan is, and should be fucked for their mistakes instead of living and learning.
It's not that death is the better option, it's that some of them dying is the natural option, based on the situation they've gotten themselves into and that it would be absolutely retarded and yet again ruin all tension in the story if Mika pulled everyone out alive and crushed all opposition with little issue.
>Just look at all those posters saying Tekkadan is, and should be fucked for their mistakes instead of living and learning.
What, you're expecting the Seven Stars to show mercy instead of executions?

I'd be fine if Tekkadan knew they fucked and ran away as fugitives, but going up against the fleet just screams for tragedy. Only plot armor can save them.
Biscuit did not need to die, his death came about because Okada realized none of the members had died 20 episodes into it. If you frequently use death as an excuse for a character resolution then you wind up being as bad as Akame Ga Kill where the cast drops like flies yet you do not give a shit. The series is stuck between a rock and a hard place now all because it didn't do enough to make you become invested with the cast so even if they wind up paying the price like the Fang of the Sun did in Dougram who gives a shit?
I still find it funny that people still find the Seven Stars as threats at this point its like taking ALAWS and the Innovades seriously.
I don't know about apologist, but Choco could literally set the universe on fire and I would still want to plow him into next Wednesday.
Wow, this is a bad color scheme for K.Vidar
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Well guys, what do you think of the original 70's IBO?
Tekkadan doesn't have Trans-Am. Unless Bael decides to go full Neo Zeong, you aren't escaping that fleet without heavy casualties.
Come on bruh

look at this colorscheme, you kno its bad

Embrace the Gali-Gali brother
You only have shit taste if you want to get plowed by him.
Carta/Almiria/Iznario pls.
>not expecting type-X AV to activate and save the day
Interesting how every MS has those sorts of blocks Vidar had for it's unique system
The animation team did a good job at making his body look distinctively adult-like even compared to Tekkadan beefcakes.
So what? CB was at a huge disadvantage against Ribbons and A-LAWs and beat them with no causalities on their side.
Aside of a few obvious casualties like Chad or Dante I'm thinking that Eugene is going to pull off a Biscuit only this time Tekkadan won't go into revenge mode as a sign of the progress they made as a group.
>1st season skirmishes had MS tech outstripping enemy
>2nd season, minor skirmishes with CB always using hit and run tactics
>protracted skirmishes had RAISER SWORD to destroy fleets

So, Barbatos has a Satellite Cannon to even odds too?
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Someone turn the whole thing traditional Kimaris white and pale purple colors and keep the yellow please?

Just have to know if the whole base colors would work on a completely colored version.
100% sure. They even said the place was awfully quite that day. They totally fucked
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>Orga is now a little brown girl
Little too old, but I'd still love to caress her sweet supple thighs.
Olga could have been a mother to me. . .
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like so?
Well, since it has "Ein" inside, I guess it's a reference to that. All this talk about the Kimaris and no one mentions the Bael.
who gives a shit about some stupid Bael when Kimaris is in town? It's like how Gusion got more attention than Barbs back then, except Kimaris is always the sexiest no matter what.

it's perfect
>>Big Gundam finale.
>>Expect random giant superweapons or funnels or beamspam

>>Everyone gets railguns that shoot giant spikes

Well that went better than expected.
> Biscuit did not need to die

I disagree man. Biscuit was the voice of reason, someone who could temper the influences others have in pushing Orga down this path. His death wasn't the show trying to wrap up his character, it was the show motivating it's characters through his demise. So, yeah. Biscuit needed to die for Tekkadan to go down the path the creators have set for them.
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Rood. The new Kimaris is meh to me. The legs killed it for me. Maybe if it swapped legs with Graze Ein it'd look somewhat better. At least "Muh Bael" has a consistent color scheme and multiple blades.
>ruining the Mech action with generic retarded drama (MUH ''Space rats'' - MUH ''I want to get stronger to protect my master'' - ''MUH My master'' - MUH ''I want to get revenge on the space rats, because they use Alaya-Vijnana, so I think they're not human, and my childhood friend said that Mika was a better pilot than me and for that reason he beat me'' - MUH ''childhood friends'', - MUH ''My new friend'' - MUH ''I want to get revenge on my childhood friend that hurt me in the past'') and stupid conversations
>ruining the show with a generic retarded revenge plot (''MUH I want to get revenge on my childhood friend that hurt me in the past'')
>ruining the IBO threads with a unbearable fan base
Death becomes those two obnoxious broads.
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Nice improvement.
Won the Mikabowl.
I still remeber those threads in 2014 with everyone saying she would die because the lolis always die in Gundam. Also that she wouldn't win the Mikabowl. Haha bunch of retards
Soon she will receive a bitter reminder that Mika's #1 is and forever will be Orga. Enjoy your kid Atra, that's about as much as Mika can give you.
Oh she will die. In childbirth.
She's not a loli.
With anime, that's a given.
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Oh come on. This isn't Disney.
Well, it's the fourth time that a Loli wins the MCbowl.
So you can't fault him for this.
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>I can already see it
For reasons we can't explain, we're losing her. We don't know why but She's lost the will to live.
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What if Atra isn't the only one pregnant by the end of IBO?
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>loli and mcchoco sex
He would wreck her, jesus christ.

Maybe it's just like a space mode and the feet can sit flat? They would look so much better
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Mika and Atra have twins for maximum pottery.
A new version of Mika and Orga but this time they are actually brothers
With the way the heel is designed? No.
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>Rustal has done some wrong shit yes, but he hasn't been shown to be evil at all, lok on the other hand. has.

Rustal started a war, complete with hired terrorists, for the sole purpose of bringing the ruckus to a political rival. If that's not showing himself to be evil, maybe he needs to eat a puppy next episode so you get the picture through your thick head.

Iok has shown himself to be stupid.
In the context of IBO that must be like one of the least evil things a key character has done
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>Gundam Couples

Main heroine didn't win the MCbowl, that's rare.
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If they actually had kids, high chances Mika will really end death or as a vegetable, a little sad their interaction in the last episode was cute
Oh, I think I know the answer. It's (You).
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Are you a fujo or something? Is not like Atra is much of a threat to you, she is ok with sharing and respect their relationship a lot
Hush also lost
And after Biscuit, Orga depended on Naze to fill that void, and after Naze he immediately called up McGillis. He's been rebounding from one source of leadership/emotional support to the next.

Though I'd believe Orga betraying McGillis before McGillis betraying Orga. As the show keeps repeating, McGillis is still the abused orphan boy on the inside rushing down the fastest, shortest path to the most power. The major difference between him and Orga is that Orga still has his notion of family keeping him more grounded than McGillis, who only has enemies he's either made or perceives to be there.
>00 winners
My sides.
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He never stood a chance
>People expect protagonists to grow, dealing with their flaws and becoming more refined through their experiences.

This is why I have difficulty jumping on the Gali Gali hype train with everyone else. They skipped this step in S2 by having him stand around doing fuck all except give us a plausible reason for Rustal to know things about McGillis. He's been a plot device up until it became convenient for us to assume all that standing around was supposed to show character development.
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Does it still count as losing when Kudelia ran for the hills as soon as she realized how fucked in the head both Mika and Atra are?

I'd replace her with McGillis in that picture.
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Yeah, he went from a spoiled whiny bitch to a rugged badass off screen, yeah near death experiences change people, but he could be a completely different person for all we know, since he hardly did anything for most of this season
>rugged badass
>getting a haircut and hooking yourself up to a brain in a jar makes you a badass
Galifag pls.
His hair was bad before but now it's just wretched.
he's just a side character.
What are you waiting For?
You can't get pregnant from the ass and you know Macky only likes it in the choco hole.
Vidar > Vidar Kimaris > Kimaris > Trooper
At least with McGillis we've seen something closer to steady character development (for IBO). Regardless whether you still support him, the audience has evidence to show how the character got where they are.
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It helps her a little, but she was still part of the main ship bait, though she did expend a good portion of the season trying to throw Atra ideas back to her, but even now judging at some comments in some forums there is people that stubbornly won’t let her escape
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>generic flamebait
Here's your (You)

Only on /m/ does no one have the capacity to handle any presentation of moral ambiguities in any character, and all discussion dissolves to flaming shit to accommodate little minds like (You) who can only understand self-insert Gary Stus
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Fucking degenerate midgets. They ruin everyone's lives.
The only life Atra is ruining is her own, by giving herself Mika's brat to raise.
Did Atra fucked Mika this last episode?
change it back to blag legs
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Maybe. Mika is hooked up to his Barbie and can movie his limbs and they're both alone on the ship.
Perfect place for romance: in the cockpit of a death machine in a hangar that smells of old grease.
yeh and by extension barbatos

she a sloot
You don't have to be a fujo to despise this god awful plot and its even worse execution. Atra is the embodiment of the outdated, sexist, cringe worthy female character writing presenting a female who lives for nothing else than to be a doormat for the guy she likes. That's entirety of Atra's character now, her single and conclusive role in the story is to be Mika's breeding bag. And she's supposed to be the female lead? Jesus, even Kudelia is million times better compared to that shitty, flat character. Furthermore, she shits on the 'found family' theme so prevalent in this show, implying found family is no good in the end. Although there's shitton of orphans running around waiting for adoption and a home, and who could very well serve as those legacy vessels the show was talking about, in the end nope, there's nothing like having your own in the end. Fuck Atra. I hope she slips in the kitchen and falls on a knife.
Goddamn fuck Atra.
Listen, a flying metal doll with the ghost of some old git is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some dead twat in a suit of armour!

You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because you can pilot an action figure with the brain of an old fart!
God dayum that smug.
Ironic that Tekkadan could probably win a legit election on Mars if they hired a good PR. Apparently they're being seen as dangerous by adults but are seen as heroes by youth. Pull in those youth votes and they're set.
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>galifags can't even be mad at McGillis because if it weren't for him Gali would still be a loser


Gjallarhorn does create a very oppressive system. Just because they don't worship an old fart's brain doesn't change that.
>In the context of IBO that must be like one of the least evil things a key character has done
Bullshit based on gaeliofag said.
They are trying to force Rustal as a good man to emphasise Gaelio as a hero because they still believe that HERO = PROTAGONIST (MC).
Shouldn't the IBO S1 winner be the Jew and S2's be Atra?
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>choco and mika both get their lolis pregnant and then go off and die
Okada isn't that much of a madwoman.
it was Kudelia
Yeah, Kudelia AINA BERNSTEIN won S1.
Atra was nothing but a backstage character.
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Did she? Even in the end of S1 it started to feel like “the midget keeps dragging me in!” but at least it feels like she was a little interested
she is barely 10, degenerate.
symbolism aside, looks like crap
>I pulled Bael out from the stone so obey me you fuckers
>Whatever Bael can totally take the whole fleet out by himself anyways

>Orga: "I thought an all-out with the fleet can be avoided even though I knew the families controlling the fleet are in direct conflict with Macdonaldgillis and they will not hesitate to come for his ass every time he try to seize power"
>I also literally know nothing about Bael and how important it is to Gjallarhorn and if that would even work but I will still participate in this huge coup which would probably destory everything I had created until now
>what the fuck did you say about my family?!
FemOlga is basically Yoruichi, who I strongly waifu'd in my preteens.
This will fuck with my mind each time this dude is in a scene.
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If we had Olga instead of Orga, she would have brought about the nee-san era, unlike that failure Aida.
They should have left the backpack, feet and front skirt pistols. Additionally each of these shields should have two swords wit two more at the gundam's waist and there should be a spare rifle.
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