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Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 2nd Season

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Episode 42 - Ver. 2.0
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Bye Bye Gali Gali
You do realize he's going to get the new mech in the opening anon?
>Episode Tittles

Episode 43 "Journey"

Episode 44 "Curse of the Past"

Episode 45 "Woman's Resolve" (Mika will to fuck Kudelia)
Well, at least Vidar got to have one pretty good fight.
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The head is certainly Kimarish-y
Yeah and I expect that to be the final boss for this season.
>Episode 43 "Journey"
I thought it's "Revealed Intentions" now?
Come on OP, 1.0 is still on the front page.
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Look closely at the background in both images. It seems like this is the place where Gjallarhorn keeps all of the Seven Stars Gundams, including Baal and notKimaris 2.0.
>muh Rustal-sama
She's Ein 2.0

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Well that was quick
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>Jasley didn't get scissored
I am disappoint.
Barbie gotta sell man
>Vidar gets defeated/damaged(Episode 43)
>McGillis gets Bael (Episode 44)
>Iok goes to jail for committing crimes against humanity (OVA?)
>she decides to go full-Ein to protect Rustal (Episode 45)
Is she really going to be the final boss?
Gentlemen, I present to you: that one fucking guy
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Bael big anime reveal next week apparently.

Looking for Bael?
It makes sense, it seems next fight episode will be in the Gundam treasury >>15176189
>that picture
really made me think
Give me one scenario where Mika/Barbatos lose, because everything else stacked against Vidar.
At worst, Rex'll get a paint scratch.
Are that Grimgerde's swords?
The shit was Jasley got resolved faster than I thought, though Akihiro should have been the one to land the kill IMO.
the blade is, yes
the crossguard are different though, probably a similar case to barbatos' katana
McMurdo made a deal with Rustal about the banned ammo, is that right. And since Rustal wouldn't allow McMurdo to arm Tekkadan with that ammo or make deals with him knowing it would eventually go against his interests, then McMurdo must have allied himself with Rustal now and might use the Dainsleif against Tekkadan or McGillis.
>ever being human
>expecting anyone but Mika to get shit done

how did they find out about rustal's game on abrau again? galan blew himself up to make sure there's no traces behind connecting him to rustal
i can understand the illegal weapons, since mcgillis already know about it by the time iok do the deed.
It's IBO, you should know by now to just shrug and go along with it when they inform you via an exposition that a thing happen.
If by getting shit done you mean killing slave child soldiers then Aki got a lot of shit done today.
>slave child soldiers

Next time you're going to say that Atra cooking some potatoes count as getting shit done.
whats the deal with mcgillis fuckboy squad? how come the show keeps hyping them up? are they young enough to get whiskers?
The Comrades are just there to spread the revolución.
Devices characters. Like pretty much everyone else in this show.
Yes, but he didn't get to kill the Big Bad, Okada must think this alone makes him not guilty of giving in to revenge.
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I can't be the only one who hears RESTART in their head as i see the next episode previews to any Gundam show after 00 right?


Also looking forward to next week's revolution.
It'd be funny if Guts kill steal THE Big Bad from Mika/Orga in the final episode.
RIP Vidar, you'll be missed.
May whatever gunpla anime you end up in be nicer to you.
>McGillis knew Galan was connected to Rustal but had no evidence to prove it
>his underling literally just says "yeah someone told me Rustal is up to no good"
It's just an accusation to damage Rustal's reputation, I doubt they have any evidence to back it up.
> "oh boy i sure do suck"
> "just saw our arms off and become gundam lol"
that perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with IBO's power levels
You mean "everything right with IBOs power levels", right?
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Why is Papa Gali pissed, /m/?
why? it's almost never about becoming stronger with practice, even Hush who tried really hard to git gud only became decent by using the newest MS, and even then he was still somehow average and easily got rekt by angry vagina orphans.
Why are you assuming he's pissed?
> angry vagina
You mean Yashki Warashki?

The deal was literally "We won't go after Iok and you for using the ammo if you look the other way to our criminal activities"
Need more newtypes
Thats not his. Isurugi will pilot that gundam

Finally they come out and reveal her as the next Ein. I always thought that McGillis might be the big bad at the very end with all his secret torso AV tech but the average gjallarhorn engineer seems to know about it too.

that organization really is rotten. Excited to see Gali vs Mika. Hopefully he won't job too hard, but my hopes are not very high considering that all he did this season was fuck on some mooks in style about 10 episodes ago.
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Because Gallus just watched him kill other Seven Star family heads and found out his son in law admitted to killing his own son and marrying his daughter purely for power.

You'd want to choke the life out of the little shit as well.
He grabbed him by the collar.
So either he's angry or he's asking Chocoman for lunch money.
>muh Vidar is going to get destroyed next ep

You know you retards have not accurately guessed what was going to happen in a SINGLE episode so far in the season, right? I'll be back here next week laughing at you when all of you morons get BTFO YET AGAIN.
>>Episode Tittles
>Episode 43 "Journey

I see no collar grabbing
>purely for power
Lies and slander, Choco-man's love for his loli is honest and true.
has mika ever lose a single fight?
plus tekkadan has no backing from teiwaz anymore, he can't total his new toy when there's still 8 episodes left
plus his kit will be released the same week
so no way mika will lose
check the lower right corner where his thumb is

GaliGali will probably stop her.
9 episodes left

51 ep show confirmed
Because power-ups shouldn't be free and experience should count for something. Amida had years of combat experience, a strong motivation and thus managed to beat Julietta, it's completely fair. Now Julietta is being a sad cunt and just wants a random power up because being a good pilot with an exceptional machine is apparently not good enough for her.
Alright then, if she wants her power up then she should be ready to sacrifice something for it and not just some edgy bullshit like feelings, "life force" etc.

He went from mechanic to decent pilot over the course of a few weeks/month, that's a pretty good pace and it's only natural that he can't handle 2 pro-pilots at the same time.
>GaliGali doing anything positive
Yeah right.
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If he survived the next bout that is.
>And since Rustal wouldn't allow McMurdo to arm Tekkadan

That was never stated. Gjallarhorn have the Dainsleif weapons so without Tekkadan or McGillis stealing them Tekkadan could never use them.
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>All those Gundam Frames that are sealed behind those big grey doors
About to watch.. how were the fights this episode
I want to see Issue Gundam!!!
its ok
rely too much on blitzing line in space
If McGillis doesn't turn out to be the big bad in the end it could easily sway my opinion on whether or not IBO is the best or worst gundam series to date. They've foreshadowed him so heavily that it'd actually be quite shocking at this point if it turns out he is just trying to exact Agnika's will and restore Gjallarhorn back to an organization devoid of corruption and greed. But it'll likely just end up with him turning on Tekkadan and accusing them of being monsters just like Ein and Vidar.
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And why again was Hush allowed to pilot the Hejika instead of Dante or Chad?
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>Tell me about this thing I'm about to watch before I watch it, quickly
FFS Ride should had it !

Also where is Azee now ?
Azee is taking a day off
Mourning or some shit

But Hush really pisses me off
>Because power-ups shouldn't be free
i never said that
and "just upgrade the MS/get AV" is more free than "keep training and become a better pilot"
heck the whole "power of resolve" thing would've been better than "just get AV lol"

Hush only became average after getting what is literally the best Teiwaz MS that is also ultra easy to pilot.
eye sea now
chadx2 and dantes-inferno pilot the rodis becuz ex human derbis and all that.
Hejika probably doesn't have the AV system installed.

He is surrounded by AV pilots, to get this far and get his first kills says a lot for Hush.
Azee had a mental break-down after seeing lafters brains spewed all over the floor of the teddy bear shop
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I wonder when Shino walks up to Chad and he's like
>you should totally paint this thing black
>yeah trust me
>it also needs a cool name
>ladies will definitely fall for that
>sure, name it Chadman Rodi
>now you need a special attack that you can yell in battle
Nobody thinks it's odd that McGillis wasn't on TV? Is he setting up a revolution to fail so he can be seen as the savior? It's kinda their MO.
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IBO as became a lot like Seed Destiny lately.
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Reminder that space guts will go full NUCLEAR soon
It's nowhere near Destiny levels of bad, not yet at least
Not really. The Comrades never said who was behind this revolution.
Only the 7 stars and Tekkadan know it's McG.
>Arianhod raids them
>Chocolate man gives some to his trusted allies
If only
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Except by this point Destiny shit the bed so badly it was irredeemable.
My point is that he might've not told the Seven Stars he was behind it.
I thought Azee was going to join Teiwaz as a non-combatant.
/m/ sure does hate second seasons....

what's worse? 00 S2 or Seed Destiny?
This suck... Barbatos has just been repaired, so it will not be damaged so soon. Poor Vidar.
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Seed Destiny
>needs special attack
>Chadman already has the boomerang hammer
How many Seven Stars Gundams will they show/tease?
Seed, easily.
>implying we'll see any of them
Anyone have each of the Seven Stars logo?
Why Vidar's handguns became suddenly long?
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At least 00 S2 had some good fights, unlike Seed Destiny
He's happy to see Mika.
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IBO is the first Gundam series that actually makes me want to see what the other Gundam looked like.
I don't even care if some of them are butt-ugly either, provided they can also do cool shit.
Why people hate 00's S2? It was perfectly fine. Some characters were A MISTAKE, but overall, nothing else to hate.
Unwittingly caused an increase in demand of child soldiers at the end of season 1....

Don't care when they kill said forcefully conscripted child soldiers....

The side we're supposed to root for, ladies and gentlemen!
>9 Episodes Left
Does it feel like the episodes are building up to anything? Tekkadan never has an end goal, and there were so many possible ways that they could have been given one.
We're supposed to root for someone?

A big showdown with Gjallarhorn and the eventually betrayal of Tekkadan by McGillis.
The one on the left belongs to the bald guy with the long beard.

The one on the right would have been Carta's.
so rustal's is a snake while the fatass' is a snake too?
also, what about iok's?
>Unwittingly caused an increase in demand of child soldiers at the end of season 1....
And the show does anything with it until today's episode, just in time to show how bad Jasley is.
I don't hate it either
00 as a whole is still one of my favs
it just seems that /m/ and /a/ like to hate second season
enough to draw interest in s3 and s4
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I hope Chad survives until the end.
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*does nothing.
Rustal's is actually a dragon, upon closer inspection.

Iok's is a pair of hawks.

So in the end its going to be a bunch of Gundams fighting each other and some non-Gundams jobbing and watching?
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Isn't it obvious already?

Gaelio/Vidar will probably lose hard next week and he'll stumble onto the mystery aircraft.
I'd even try to make a vector of those, if I was bored enough.
>Iok's is a pair of hawks.
I think they're Odin's crows.
>Why people hate 00's S2? It was perfectly fine
Exposition galore, character assasination, try to emulate Zeta mindlessly, focus is all over the place due to way too many pointless characters, visuals downgrade from S1, retarded drama, etc.
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nice to know
thanks, Thor
>Odin's Ravens
What does it means?
So what? Vidar is defeated, remove his mask and becomes the new Milliardo?

You missed out Garm. They're probably just there because of the Norse theme going on.
Yeah, that's more usable, I'll try it. Not like I have anything better to do anyway.
So Ratatoskr, Sleipnir, Fenrir, Hugin and Munin, Jormungandr, Nidhoggr, and... what's the eagle?
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>s3 and s4
We can only hope...
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To be totally fair, the first season of IBO was mostly bland with the odd important plot episode.

Many agree and so do i for the time being, the second season is definitely an improvement over the first.
Actually Jormungandr is probably Rustal's since the green one looks to be coiling around a tree root, which is where Nidhogg is supposed to be.

Oh shit right, Fenrir
>character assasination
nothing bad here
>try to emulate Zeta mindlessly
it's Gundam after all
>focus is all over the place
absolutely not
>visuals downgrade from S1
absolutely not
>retarded drama
like every other Gundam before and after
Ribbons reminded me of the Big Bad from just about every Super-Robot MOTW series.
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It’s either Garm or Fenrir, more inclined in the latter thanks to Vidar
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It means Fareed's "Fenrir" is about to ruin EVERYBODY'S shit for very laughable reasons.
If we get one, Barbatos is still getting trashed at the end of this season. We'd need either a new cast or have the main characters be the surviving Tekkadan members done subscribing to Orga's bullshit
>Fenrir kills Odin but it's killed by his son Vidar.
Will Gali actually have revenge?
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They were mean with him when he was little?
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You welcome!
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Only to get his own shit ruined by Vidar.
At least according to the legends.
Mikazukis seed will pilot a gundam
Give him a wifebeater, dye his hair brown, keep that shiteating grin and he'll make a good impression of Heero.
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>Enter Mobile Armor
>Oh shi~ we mecha-kaiju series now! This is going to be a fun ride.
>It's over as quickly as it started.
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Fenrir is pissed at Odin in legend because he was tricked into testing a chain bondage that was clearly meant for him. Odin is killed by Fenrir but Vidar avenges Odin at Ragnarok by ramming his bladed boot into or through the wolf's mouth.

In Norse mythology Wolves are considered distrustful deceitful animals that exist purely to fuck shit up like how modern culture views Wasps to be psychopathic rage monsters.
who knows what he went through before lord pedo fareed adopted him
why does he have dirt on his back
00 season 2 is definitely a step down in terms of the combat choreography. 00 raiser becomes a jack of all trades and all 4 of the main gundams become much less situationally suited for specialised tactics. Having cherudim and seravee get involved in melee battles every other episode was a terrible decision.

Also, the decision to almost entirely write Allelujah out of any action sequences was atrocious. The combat scenes in season 2 really were all over the place.
Unfriendly reminder that Hush still exists and is ready to take Mikazukis place anytime
people are speculating that the 7 stars people raped him
>The side we're supposed to root for, ladies and gentlemen!
Why not? They're freeing them out of their misery.
It's a hickey.

>marrying his daughter purely for power.

Wasn't that Iznario's plan in a bid to consolidate his power just like acting as Carta's ward and his attempt to install his puppet into Arbrau?


Those are probably bruises caused by Iznario
you implied what I already implied :^)
>MC who just got a brand spanking new upgraded suit

>00 raiser becomes a jack of all trades and all 4 of the main gundams become much less situationally suited for specialised tactics. Having cherudim and seravee get involved in melee battles every other episode was a terrible decision.
I'll give you that
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More than likely all Seven Star family Gundams are housed under Vinheim, hence the water.
>modern culture views Wasps to be psychopathic rage monsters.

Because they are, those bastards.
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She has to lay low until Ride rescues her.
Hush will get a Gundam and be the new MC for season 3
Huginn and Muninn=Kujan(grey)

not sure on the Baklazan one, rest is 100%
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>action this episode
>action next episode
So Vidar shows up. we'll get to see that unique system finally.
>Rustal made sure no evidence to tie him to Galan
>Rustal covers Ioks tracks with Teiwaz
so how is Rustal going to counter McGillis' plan here for revolution? McGillis really called him out.

I also hope Vidar does something awesome next episode.
finally showing us these GAINZ
who gave it to him
I'm cautiously optimistic cause I'm sure he'll show up near the end and then the vjdar Barbarossa fight will be a barabatks smash fest in the beginning of work 44 that ends before the op
where is vidar here? clearly in the cockpit of vidar but he is clearly on earth in the next episode. is Vidar just chilling and waiting at Gjallahorn base waiting for mcgillis?
>Norse mythology in Gundam
>No valkyries
I'm sad.
>no rustal or iok at main meeting
>vidar is somewhere
>julieta totally getting surgery
So where is Iok/Rustal right now anyway? is Rustal ready and waiting for McGillis' move?
Because there are no such things called valkyrja frames
Valkyrie frames?
>getting more past on McGillis
deathflags? before the end, weird

The last few episodes have shown that a good MS isn't enough to beat a good pilot and we know since S1 that adults can't just "get AV" without paying a horrendous price.

>heck the whole "power of resolve" thing would've been better than "just get AV lol"
You can't be serious
>wha wha I want 2b stronger
>lol here random hax power
better than
>if you want to become a better pilot you can just let us cut your arms and lower body off and put you in a fish tank inside the MS:^)
Rustal probably sits safely in a spaceship
Or at Arianrhods headquarters if they have one
>Hey remember when we turned that guy into a mobile suit?
>You mean the one who failed to kill anyone?
>yeah lets do that again
Can we take a moment to appreciate how Guts finally killed not one but two kids with his ass scissors?
Absolutely no relevance.
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I never noticed but do all Gjallarhorn cockpits have those red cables on their seat?
Just to make sure Vidar is AV positive or something
Also, those two boxes next to Vidar looks kind of different
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Pixiv is a treasure.
Amida beating Juli is literally the first and only time experience trumped better gear, and how is that going to be developed? by giving Juli better gear.
>random hax power
the fuck are you talking about
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Behold the symbols
I remember months ago some anons thought these boxes contain what's left of Ein and Carta...
Bruh, it's Ein. He's AV'd into the system w/ Gali.
>Mika almost lost against Lafter
>Akihiro was struggling against Amida and Azee
>Shino struggled against Ein
Okay what if when they returned kimaris it was kimaris ahab stuck inside of ein graze and the 'ein graze system' was stuck in the kimaris frame and then you get vidar

sorry >>15176960
meant to reply this guy >>15176961
Akihiro's example isn't quite as strong as the other two. The Hyakurens seem to be pretty comparable to a standard Graze, it was two-on-one, and the initial Graze Kai lacked AV.

If anything, Akihiro did the best job given his circumstances.
>Mika almost lost against Lafter
his MS had shit optimization at the time, rewatch
>Akihiro was struggling against Amida and Azee
2v1, Guts was using a fucking graze against Amida's special snowflake Hyakuren
>Shino struggled against Ein
shino used a graze (often without AV thing) all throughout s1, ein used a graze all throughout s1, then he became a bigger better graze and plowed through everyone, only losing to someone who was using a gundam and went balls in on AV
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>shino used a graze (often without AV thing) all throughout s1
Uh, Rysei-Go definitely had AV from the start; they retrofitted the AV system from the Man Rodis they captured from the Brewers. Akihiro's original Graze Kai lacked AV, but not Shino's.
Why Mika is so best?
Because he just wants to be a farmer
i don't really remember the fight, but you're saying someone with military training, using a graze, didn't win against someone that had AV, was using a graze, and first started piloting MSs like, 1 week before that
so, yeah, experience and skill don't seem to matter much.
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>no Iok Kujan this episode
I'm sad.
>Mika vs Lafter
>Mika vs Gali
>ChocoChar could keep up with Mika
>just in this episode Hush vs AV Mooks in Rodi's
Having a baller machine was never a guarantee for a victory.
>the fuck are you talking about
That's what "power of resolve" generally is, for no reason the MS(or character) suddenly moves faster, hits harder and the enemy can do nothing except say "h-hes too fast". Fuck that shit, "power of resolve" is complete shit-tier writing.
He had some babies to punch in the face.
He'd probably sink Jasleys ship while trying tu help him...
For Rustal of course.
It's what his subordinates would have wanted.
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so when in the episode do you guys think this is happening?

beginning? cause Vidar is probably telling Rustal McGillis' plan to him. So Rustal can get ready for a counter attack.
>1 week before
Not necessarily. The Tekkadan crew went with the Turbines to Saisei, and then back to Earth. Once they fought the Brewers, and it was clear that Shino was getting the Graze, it would make sense for Shino to have trained with the Turbines in the same way as Mika and Akihiro.

In the case of AV, it seems to shorten the learning curve associated with piloting. A lot of things can be offloaded to instinct and feel, rather than having to meticulously practice. That would allow for the fast rate of improvement we see with all the AV pilots whereas people like Hush struggle to catch up.

Doubling back to Ein's situation, the Schwalbe is supposed to be a bitch to pilot. It's highly sensitive and covered with thrusters, representing the best Graze they can make, but it's performance is too high for most pilots, hence the rarity of the suit. In this case, whatever training Ein had with the standard Graze doesn't necessarily translate 1:1 with the Schwalbe. It's also unclear how quickly he got the Schwalbe from Gaelio, which means he may not have had a lot of time to accustom himself to it.

What I'm trying to say is that the only fight we can really infer a difference in skill from is Akihiro's fight with the Turbines, the other two examples have mitigating circumstances and are missing some information.

He is going to intercept McGillis and learn about his past in battle
What if it happens at the end, kinda like the Hashmal conclusion at christmas episode
>Yo Rusty, spacerats are on earth wrecking some shit'n stuff. Want me to sortie?
>Sorry Vidar, I'm busy covering up warcrimes
>K, so I just go there and kill someone
>Ya sure whatever
after McGillis takes over the Seven Stars he will marry the loli to solidify his position
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So who did they kill?
>modern culture views Wasps to be psychopathic rage monsters
Which they are?
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>>Chadman already has the boomerang hammer
It's called a HAMMA CHOPPA!!!

>Why Vidar's handguns became suddenly long?
Added muzzle attachments by the looks of it...
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Atra best grill
akihiro's big brother
A more competent director than cloverfield.
McG's daddy
Cartas daddy
Some Arbrau bigshot
>That's what "power of resolve" generally is, for no reason the MS(or character) suddenly moves faster, hits harder and the enemy can do nothing except say "h-hes too fast". Fuck that shit, "power of resolve" is complete shit-tier writing.
power of resolve is literally how Amida justified beating the shit out of Juli
and i'm not saying that's good, i'm saying it's better than getting AV/better gear as a way to get stronger, as it actually has meaning.

generic faceless asshole adult
vidar isn't even trying, but is the closest to winning the meatbowl.
iok and juli try too hard.
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I wonder who "Some" are? Has McGillis created an underground faction of Eins Graze?
Or he'll hook her up with a Rather Unique System
>Ever being human
I wonder if she'll get a tail too

Her and Mika can touch tips
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>and how is that going to be developed? by giving Juli better gear.

Not sure if you are saying this is a bad thing or not. Of course she will just get better stuff, she (and this series) doesn't have the time for her to accumulate years of experience
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Sad Atra is sad
>What I'm trying to say is that the only fight we can really infer a difference in skill from is Akihiro's fight with the Turbines, the other two examples have mitigating circumstances and are missing some information.
not sure what you can get out of that fight, Amida clearly didn't want to fight them, it was a 2v1 and i don't think Guts had VA

This was a really nice shot, just Orga super imposed over a looming Barbatos.
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>MCGillis made a team of disposable tools
>they take care of the rebellion
>he kill any survivors and take the power for himself
>this may also include Tekkadan
>Shino struggled against Ein
Shino was still very much an inexperienced rookie at the time he fought Ein. I also remember some staff talk that the AV in his old graze had particularly shitty data transfer.

>Please halp

or reversible for later

>I need new Gendumb
Brilliant. Ruthless scheming scumbag we deserve.
give her a crash course in MS piloting or have her do some intensive training (she said she trains more than anyone, but anyone is ghallahjorn and we all know how shit ghallahjorn soldiers are)
just going straight to VA the first time she gets blown the fuck out just sounds bad
It will be revealed in a flashback in the penultimate episode.
>Her and Mika can touch tips
Fucking really.... Mika was the one who landed the kill on Jasley? It was Mika AGAIN? Akihiro, in the meantime, got like 30 seconds on screen despite his waifu getting slain one episode ago. He barely did anything. And Tekkadan didn't seem to lose a single pilot.

Every time this show seems like it's about to get real it goes two steps back.
Tekkadan Blade?
The eagle might be a chicken
its also been speculated that he has the marks on his neck from the AV surgery
Hush will get a Rather Unique System with Mikazuki in the Ein Jar
I hope Barbatos get Fangs in the movie.
he had a moment where he somehow realized his otouto/waifu died because he didn't sacrifice enough orphans to the blood god or something

it was weird
>No Iok
He will come back with a fancy Gundam and a Sniper that shoots Demon Killing Rounds." Him and Rustal will try to job McGillis but he'll probably end up shooting Rustals Gundam.
Rustal in his last dying breath will kill Iok for ruining his life time and time again.
>Would have just killed Jasley
> Iok is in the episode
> ancient evil wakes from eternal slumber
> Iok is in episode
> ancient evil decimates a small village
> Iok is in episode
> best hips and bro die
> Iok is in episode
> Guts loses waifu

> Iok is not in the episode
> evil adult gets maced, mcgillis' scapegoats start la revolucion

really activates the almonds
>See S2 teaser shit
>Vidar looks rad as hell
>Shows off in one episode, does nothing for awhile
>stands on a cliff episodes later
>Reappears again in the second half just to get its shit kicked in
fuck this
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Chargillis is going to kill him next ep. . . isn't he
This was actually a really good episode, too bad Akihro didn't get to be the one to do Jasley in.
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Maybe looking how he is holding McGillis almost sure he is angry
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Why should he, dude's a doormat.
They have to sell the new Barbatos kit.
>No valkyries
One of the valkyries is called Reginleif. Leif = laze.
But Hush got to pilot and kill bad guys!
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I just realized the tail on the lupus came from the hashmal.
And yet, somehow, it doesn't match up with any of the parts from the Hashmal itself. The original tail was way too big, it's definitely not the head, at best it's one of the nails that's been reduced in size.
cant wait til we see this guy in berserk mode like the previous 2 incarnations of it.
>touch tips

l-lewd. What next, Mika and Atra holding hands????
Reginleif only appears in norse mythology.
But the Valkyrja frames are based on the german music-drama
Only the cable I think.
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Something like this. Anyone interested in me doing the rest of those?
That tiny heart on Barbatos' crotch looks cute.
he was busy killing the people he swore to protect
human derbis
go on
It's about the same size with a slightly different casing.
i would wife atra if I was mika
So is pimp man still alive and well?
They were not *his* human debris. There's nothing wrong with killing them.

No he died like a bitch in an absurdly one-sided slaughter.
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Here's it against the Reginlaze, either that's an animation error it got broken during the fight. The original size of it is massive.
Too bad she'll have to go and make hushpuppies instead. She's a good doggie, but she doesn't deserve murder-manlets tiny ham-like offspring.
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Now that Hush is piloting an Hekija, hopefully it will get a better color scheme.
Someone shop it with Gundam colors to see if they will go with blatant "Season 3 Protag Confirmed" foreshadowing
Nah, i prefer Shino's color scheme :^)
I don't understand how Guts' giant axe wasn't the one smashing down. On the cockpit
Its a completely different design anon
>implying they would easily ditch the Kimaris

>Lafter's face is on the box
>She died after piloting it 1 time
This series really drove itself into a corner by overusing Mikazuki so much since the first season. It really can't run by not having him curbstomp whatever is in front of him, because that's been this whole series. At this point, they can't give the "boss" kill to someone else and not make it look like a one time thing and Akihiro already had his in the Earth arc.
Like just like Ein, Crank and Coral did?

They could have had him get swamed by Human Debris and then Akihiro shoots past him and says he wants to land the kill on Jasley and Mika decides to give it to him.

It would have been really easy to break the string of Mika dunking on LITERALLY EVERYBODY to the point where it's just boring as fuck.
Seriously why does this plotline even exist when it's so vastly underused?
What happened to Hashmal's beam?
Would this have been a lesser issue if Vidar wasn't shown since the beginining of the second season?
It's not a "plot" dumbass, it's a theme.
WHATEVER, the point remains it's still underused.
Its kinda not that useful considering everything has antibeam coating that works
I hope they make more IBO decals. The first set is pretty nice, it has the Issue, Fareed, and Bauduin family crests as well as GH markings.
Who cares
Beams are almost useless against Mobile Suits
Completely destroyed.

Mobile Workers don't have it, probably. It might not be useful against Gundams but mount that sucker to a ship and you could rape all non-MS shit, supply depots and bases.
Ships have the same Nanolaminate Armor as Mobile Suits. Mobile Workers might too, but even if they did, the Beam would likely still be effective just due to the heat it gives off. A larger body like an MS or battleship has plenty of surface area to displace it, but a little MW? Whoever's piloting it would be roasted for sure.
>non-MS shit
Like Mobile workers? Irrelevant
Like humans? Might be a warcrime
>supply depots and bases
nothing a Gundam couldn't destroy by itself
Also it'll lose plenty of power if you had to use it from outer orbit range
>not reverse engineering the remains in order to come closer to understanding technology of old
>not using it as deterrents against minor threats
>or style points
To be fair it's still good for terror and buildings and shit can at least cause ammo and regular weaponry to explode.
Plus even with the beam being weaker than most Gundam beams, it can at least deform armour when not focused on a MS.
I guess since Hashmal's head got smashed.
>Like Mobile workers? Irrelevant

Being able to oneshot the most common land-based armed vehicle seems pretty powerful. Imagine if they invented a weapon that let you eliminate all non-tank vehicles from the battlefield instantly from a huge range. And while it doesn't destroy MS Ride couldn't do anything else but block while the beam was hitting him, so it still has use for suppressive fire. it can also destroy ammo caches and barracks.
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He won't die, right?
Assuming Vidar is a combination between Gali and Ein using the Rather Unique System what other combinations could be rigged up?
Could you combine say a man and a dog to make a wolfman MS? The smarts of a people with the ferocity and reaction time of a beast?
A Rather Unique system combining two dogs into a Cerberus-like MS?
Combine a jack rabbit and an antelope to create a Jackalope MS thats super nimble and head butts people?
Combine a man and a MA to create some crazy cyborg pilot that can use pluma as funnels?
>>not reverse engineering the remains in order to come closer to understanding technology of old
Gjallarhorn probably had the blueprints.
he died last episode
Nah, he has to suffer by living and watching people he cares about dying.
>no waifu avenging
>only murders some Debris
Deserves to die
>If we're reborn again and reunite... Let me apologize to you then
As if Tekkadan had any interest in old technology...
Maybe Gjallarhorn took the beam and locked it away because it's 'forbidden weaponry'

>oneshot the most common land-based armed vehicle
A Graze can do that too
>eliminate all non-tank vehicles from the battlefield instantly from a huge range
We already have MS-Sniper

>use for suppressive fire
>destroy ammo caches and barracks
usefulness highly depends on the situation
But that's not even true. It's the most consistently explored theme in the show, you pretty much constantly get insight into various aspects of human debris mentality through various characters like Akihiro, Chad or Aston. Martian powerty doesn't even get this much screentime.

How about you stop thinking of everything in terms of >muh gundams.

A tank can blow up a Jeep but it's easier and safer to launch a drone or missile. The laser would be the same. It would be a huge tactical asset.
What about Teiwaz's mechanic crew, that dude fawned over the Gundams, imagine having a relic like that?
Apologize 4 wut?

Did he finally realize that lafta wanted to choke his dong?
How about you stop thinking of everything in terms of >MUH BEEMS

A beam can blow up a jeep, but it's easier and cheaper to build artillery shells.
>Apologize 4 wut?
He didn't protect them
Pretty sure he just realized that they needed him in their lives and he was too absent.

They being his brother, Aston, and finally Lafter. He hasn't clued into what her actual feelings were, probably never will.
Right. Forgot about him

>huge tactical asset
I don't think so. Why should I use a laser if one of the crappiest MS ever with a long range rifle can do the same job
also what this guy said >>15177375

Because the beam is lighter and has no need of physical ammunition? Because you can sweep or bend the beam in order to take out huge amounts of targets that needs only one beam but would require multiple artillery guns? Use some fucking creativity. If people thought like you warfare would still be dudes standing around in fields just shooting larger and larger longbows.
That wasn't my point. I'm talking about how at the beginning of S2, the demand of child soldiers increased and being forcefully conscripted into service. And we've only seen it in use two times.
A beam needs energy
So you either bring a shit ton of fuel (which would be dangerous) or you mount it on a MS/ ship that runs with a reactor

Firing the laser from a ship towards the surface takes time and additional energy.
A MS simply takes its gun, pulls the trigger and sweeps across the targets

rewatch ep1 when Orlis Stenja wipes away the CGS troops
I don't think a beam would do a better job

I think the worst part is that despite the whole intro with Tekkadan having created a more unstable world with more child enslavement, Tekkadan doesn't give a fuck.
Anyone else surprised at how many Gusion frames Jasley had to spare?

Since those are gundam frames you'd think they'd be less common.

Those are just your garden variety of Man Rodis
That's because Tekkadan didn't create it and there's no reason for them to give a fuck.

He had to physically fly there in his MS and then kick them around with 2 other guys. Why not just launch a missile strike? A beam would have swept once and instantly killed all the CGS kids. It would be easier, faster, and he wouldn't have to be there in person.

Why do we even have tanks in real life? Why not just use some dudes carrying bazookas? Why do we have guns when we could just build really long crossbows? This is what you sound like.
Rodi frames, not the same as Gusion, similar but not the same.

But they did, retard.
Prove me how. How is Tekkadan DIRECTLY responsible for human debris situation.
It was outright stated in the episode 26 post-timeskip info dump that there was a spike in the popularity of Human Debris Child Soldiers after Tekkadan's successful conflict against Gjallarhorn.
Start of season 2, it did mention that due to their actions or something, more groups were fielding child soldiers than before.

Something like that anyway.

Their victory over Gjallarhorn also led to Gjallarhorn losing a lot of credibility which created more warlords and conflicts.

They actually fucked everything up. It was explicitly stated they fucked everything up and made the world worse. And then they didn't bring it up again and they just don't care and don't even think about it until this episode and then they still don't care.
>Since those are gundam frames
They aren't.
Hashmal loomed, but wasn't actually that big relative to the mobile suits.
And you, like a guibilbe retard who takes everything at face value somehow came to the brilliant conclusion that Tekkadan is "to blame" for that. Fucking fuck you, this is like saying child prostitutes are responsible for child prostitution because they feel so good and tight.
You must also fully agree that Kudelia ist truly sugoi then. They outright said she is!
>Their victory over Gjallarhorn also led to Gjallarhorn losing a lot of credibility which created more warlords and conflicts.
And THAT is actually Gjallarhorn fucking up at its ONE JOB. Nice responsibility shift there.
>kick them around with 2 other guys
>Why not just launch a missile strike
they did use a saturation attack
>swept once and instantly killed all the CGS kids
not on an area this large
>and he wouldn't have to be there in person
being so far away would suck up a whole lot of energy thus making the laser less efficient

But it was. See >>15177223. You can also look at the model kit where Hashmal is slightly smaller than it is in the show but the tail blade is still as big as Barbatos's entire head/torso/waist combined.


Are you trolling or retarded? It was outright stated through narration not as some character's opinion but as a summary of the objective outcomes of what occurred after the end of S1.

When Hashmal awoke it blew through miles of solid Martian rock and the beam shot all the way up into the atmosphere. So it could indeed cover an area "that large" and still maintain destructive capability over a long range. You are wrong and lacking in creativity and your arguments are poor.
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>Hush gets this color scheme onto a Gundam


Odin has to die for Fenrir to begin Ragnarok.
>miles of solid Martian rock
Wow. It still didn't do shit against a Landman Rodi at short distance
This is not SEED or 00, buddy. This is IBO. Beams are close to useless.
And don't even start with that tank and crossbow shit again. There is nothing relevant in IBO where a beam would do better than a MS other than frying civillians

Yeah because a Man Rodi is the exact same thing as a Mobile Worker.
I really do love how the the intro narration of this episode was thus:

>Mobile Worker
Like I said, nothing relevant

I didn't. It was just too chuuni and then the episode itself failed to impress me because it was another "hard battle" where Tekkadan lost nobody and Mikazuki stole everybody's thunder with his usual boring bullshit.
It wasn't a hard battle though. It wasn't even presented as such.

Tekkadan vs. Turbines was a hard battle.
Edmonton was a hard battle.
The Pirate Ambush was a hard battle.
Hashmal was a hard battle.

Jasley? Jasley was a fly to be swatted.
Bah. I must've had that photoshop where someone turned Hashmal into Quebeley-style binders for Lupus on my mind.
>Are you trolling or retarded?
I want to make you think for yourself a little bit before you regurgitate the retarded shit Okada pushes on you.
Tekkadan did the god's work of exsposing Gjallarhorn for what it actually is. They do not enslave children, other people do, and they take inspiration from them because Tekkadan are so fucking good at what they do, which is why they fucked Gjallarhorn's shit up. But that doesn't have anything to do with them taking in slaves or being kids, those other guys are retarded to attribute Tekkadan's success to that and I don't see a reason to see them as the bad guy in this situation, they are simply good at what they do and they happen to be kids, they don't bear responsibility for what retarded adults take from that. They were forced into this position in the first place.
I also don't feel the need to feel bad for a hegemon who is so corrupted and stangs on such thin legs that it crumbles under a little bit if pressure from a bunch of illiterate kids, and loses authority and control over an entire planet-sphere in the process. It was their job to keep peace and they royally fucked up at it, complete with awakening ancient weapon of mass destruction and endangering the lives of everyone on the planet.
>it was another "hard battle"
It wasn't.
It was clearly a one sided massacre.
>The days when everyone thought the Hashmal would become an 0-Raiser for Barbatos
Instead it got scrapped and the salvage used to turn Barbatos into a motherfucking T.Rex.

Oh how wrong we were.

You are fucking retarded.
through their actions
destabilized the world
conflicts increased as a result of their actions
the usage of child soldiers increased as a result of their actions

This is not an opinion, or unclear, it is explicitly stated in establishing narration. Nothing you said matters because it does not change this fact. It does not matter that Gjallarhorn is corrupt or adults are le ebil because Tomino told you so over three decades, because the shit you are spouting does not actually change the point, that Tekkadan's actions led to more child soldiers and less stability.
>Jasley? Jasley was a fly to be swatted.
Sort-of. This battle wasn't hard, per se, just prolonged. Jasley seems to have fielded a shitload of suits, requiring the Tekkadan pilots to make several sorties. There's a certain difficulty in that, but it's also true that Jasley was never threatening to Tekkadan's survival without Gjallarhorn backup.
So you blame Gjallarhorn for the bad situation because they lost the battle?
That's like blaming Hillary for immigration bans because she lost the election

Tekkadan should've simply left earth after delivering Kudelia. But because they opposed Gjallarhorn till the end, shit went down so hard.
Of course they're not 100% responsible for what other people do. But they sure played a big role, don't you agree?
You realize those have short arms, right? If the Barbatos is anything now, it's an Orangutan or some other ape with fuck-huge arms relative to its body.
Werewolf. They're often depicted with proportionally long forelimbs/arms

i wonder if they off-screened and she has seed inside her in this scene.

>Lupus Rex
He's supposed to be a wolf or canine-like
You've just proven you're both clinically unable to think for yourself and see the big picture. Have fun being retarded.
T.Rex =/= Wolf King

Aki felt he was too soft to realize how deep the stakes are until it was too late. He wasnt firm enough with those who he cared for. Always waiting for the cue instead of seizing the initiative.

He wont let Azee go throw her life away if they reunite.
I really want to like this series because it does some really cool shit with MS designs and world building, but its just so fucking dull as a series. Like we are 42 god damn episodes in and we barely know everyone's motivations. If they do a second series I hope to Jesus Yamato that they drop most of the main cast.
I said T.Rex just because "Rex" and its common perception as a "Monster".

Azee will end up with Ride.
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>She gets SUPER A-V surgery done SIX times to outdo Mika
>Essentially a brain-case in her MS
>Jobs out by the half-mark of her debut episode.
>Last thing she sees is Iok crying bitchtears for her
You spelled Dante wrong
Literally how does that make any sense. Ride is, what, 14? Azee is at least early 20's. She makes more sense cucking Yamagi by hooking up with Shino. Eugene and Orga would even make more sense.
If we want to get slightly chuuni, Barbatos could now be called the Tyrannolupus Rex.
So still a T. Rex in a sense.
Follow the quote-chain back, you'll find T.Rex being part of the person's initial statement.
>slightly chuuni
you mean almost autistic

Why would she end up with Akihiro?
Akihiro doesn't even seem to comprehend love or dating. He would probably start hyperventilating in uncomprehending fear if he ever got an erection.
Or Tyrannolupus Dux, as Barbatos is a duke in the Ars Goetia after all. :V
>Tekkadan should've simply left earth after delivering Kudelia.
It's been discussed to death already, but
>Makanai threatening with letting Gjallarhorn in if they don't escort him
>Gjallarhorn right at the gate ready to attack them anyway
>the only way to leave the planet is through hypothetical teiwaz channels requiring to leave all their belongings behind and leaving themselves defensles against Gjallarhorn in space
No they couldn't "simply leave the Earth." At least not in the way that wouldn't cost them their entire livelihood.
>Confusing any of these with Akihiro
I don't understand.
I know that
No need to roll that back up for me

It was just a 'should have'
nothing we can do about it now
Pretty sure the trick would've been organizing a better atmospheric entry to drop Kudelia off in the right place... preferably without the rest of Tekkadan.

All they had to do was NOT go to the Dort Colonies and they could've skipped out of there without confronting Gjallarhorn. Drop off the arms for the militia assholes and left immediately. But no, muh soap, muh detergent, muh onii-chan. Just goes to show how valuable that shit is.
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So you knowingly made a pointless argument, cool.
So you didn't really read what I wrote and just focused on one particular sentence, cool
>Pretty sure the trick would've been organizing a better atmospheric entry to drop Kudelia off in the right place... preferably without the rest of Tekkadan.
But Tekkadan's job was escorting Kudelia until she reaches Makanai, how can they do their job if they're not with her?

>All they had to do was NOT go to the Dort Colonies and they could've skipped out of there without confronting Gjallarhorn.
That was at Kudelia's special request, she got them involved in the conflct with Gjallarhorn, triggered Carta's intervention and made it effectively impossible to land on the planet quietly as they originally planned for.
>Seriously why does this plotline even exist when it's so vastly underused?
>It's not a "plot" dumbass, it's a theme.
>WHATEVER, the point remains it's still underused.
>But that's not even true. It's the most consistently explored theme in the show, you pretty much constantly get insight into various aspects of human debris mentality through various characters like Akihiro, Chad or Aston.
Good point...

>That wasn't my point. I'm talking about how at the beginning of S2, the demand of child soldiers increased and being forcefully conscripted into service. And we've only seen it in use two times.
Which is true, but those were the only two times Tekkadan would have been up against Human Debris.
I mean, Gjallarhorn outright calls AV blasphemy, and the Ancient Killbot isn't exactly going to be using it...

>I think the worst part is that despite the whole intro with Tekkadan having created a more unstable world with more child enslavement, Tekkadan doesn't give a fuck.
>That's because Tekkadan didn't create it and there's no reason for them to give a fuck.
More that Tekkadan knows they're not in a position to give a fuck in the first place.
I mean, really, what are they going to do to stop others from implanting AV systems into child slaves?

>I said T.Rex just because "Rex" and its common perception as a "Monster".
"Rex" is latin for "King" moron...
Hence Tyranno-saurus rex is (Tyrant)-(Lizard) (King).
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We agree this is best trio, right?
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Chances the episodes starts off with McGillis ordering tekkadan to back him up while he retrieves Bael and Kimaris V3?
Is this even a question? SEED Destiny.
The shota squad was ggod but i would prefer hang out with the bro squad
The Kujan family crest is Huginn and Muninn, Odin's pet ravens.
>That was at Kudelia's special request,

Actually it was at Teiwaz's request. Teiwaz was sending a shipment to the Dort colonies (Which turned out to be weapons from Nobliss) and had Tekkadan take them since they were passing by anyways. Kudelia's request was to go to the other dort colony for a shopping trip while they were unloading the shipment.
replace Yamagi with Shino and I agree

>People still think it's Kimaris 3.0
I like how the Barbatos has this inquisitive head tilt, like a raptor eyeing its prey.
Your entire argument is built around Tekkadan not going into the battle which couldn't have been avoided in the first place without essentially putting them out of business.

And if we're going to drag Tekkadan into responsibility for what their actions brought upon the world indirectly, then why can't we do the same with Gjallarhorn for creating such a situation where entities like Tekkadan exist or co-creating most of the conflicts.
Teiwaz got them to drop shit off, but the whole issue with Kudelia and Biscuit is why they couldn't leave when they had the chance. No, they had to go rescue their meal ticket, and biscuit, and their cook.
It's like Mika's desire to become a farmer, it's subtle but it does reflect a greater change in the character. Mika gave up his dreams and any idea of bettering himself, instead somewhat relieved that he can be Orga's weapon without anything else to distract him.

Akihiro has been defined by his Human Debris status, giving him a chip on his shoulder initially but later regaining some of his humanity as time passes. He was even known as the more merciful one compared to the Devil of Tekkadan, and adopted other Human Debris. Now he's losing that merciful side of himself.

Orga was all about finding his comrades their own place in the world, hoping to eventually transition over to running legitimate businesses. However, his desire to do so ASAP has him being led by McGillis under promises of being the King of Mars. Not to mention how he starts the series talking about how he will never lose his pride only for him to continuously bow his head.

Season one is about making Tekkadan out to be the heroes, season two so far is about how far they are falling.
Oh, that makes a lot of symbolic sense.
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I thought the intended irony is she calls Iok weak during one of their first scenes and then spends the rest of the show cursing her own weakness so far.

Iok is actually succeeding whereas she is failing now.
There's a problem with this logic though. It was the policies set by the Earth nations like Arbrau that created the economic problems Mars suffers from. And on top of that, we're told constantly that Gjallarhorn loses strength the further you go from Earth, which results in the area out by Mars being lawless which creates a demand for PMCs.
>the intro narration of this episode
They should have killed Azee last episode.
>Oh by the way, that revolution we've been talking about since episode 1 and hyping aas the main conflict of the series will begin next episode, hope you enjoyed the prolog
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>replace Takaki with Shino and I agree
Fixed that for you, Yamagi can at least find himself useful or simply better to have around as an escape from the hot-deadded idiocy, Takaki has been useless or downright detrimental every time he tried to do anything topped off with getting his pal killed. He's also a dumbass.
I meant that IF Tekkadan COULD have just left Kudelia on earth, things would've gone another way but that would
>essentially putting them out of business
so let's just forget about that

I never said that Gjallarhorn was not responsible for this whole situation. Having a corrupt aristocratic world-police sure gives ground for revolutions...
But Tekkadan also did a huge part in fucking things up
The only thing Yamagi ever did was invent these light flower firework things for the funeral

Takaki is simply more likeable
>"Rex" is latin for "King" moron...
Yes? A name attached to both the prehistoric reptile, and now the Barbatos.

I called the Barbatos a "Motherfucking T.Rex" because of A) The shared title of "Rex", and B) The common perception of the Tyrannosaurus Rex as a "Monster" in popular culture. My point was the more "Monstrous" appearance of the Barbatos after taking on parts from the Hashmal to become the Rex.

As others have pointed out, a werewolf is more consistent with the Barbatos' design and name scheme, but "Wolf King" isn't exactly something with a memetic reputation in our popular culture.
It's impossible to weed through all the exposition to fetch such minute detail when what is showcased in the show goes against that. The very first ep shows you who's the top dog in town, Gjallarhorn everywhere on the streets, the only one around with mobile suits and unlimited number of mobile workers.
Let be honest, this shit is the only reason people wanted a S2.
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>Takaki is simply more likeable
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>Takaki is simply more likeable
Takaki's sole presence makes me want to punch babies. I'm so glad we got rid of that insufferably sugary faggot.
Jesus Yamato what's wrong with you guys?
Is it because Yamagi is gay?
No, his personality is simply more tolerable than Takaki "more of a faggot than the actual faggot" Uno.
Takaki is an insufferable little cunt. Yamagi is a bland homo.
You guys are just hatin' because the Arbrau arc was boring as fuck :^)
Most of the show is, doesn't take away from the fact that Takaki is an annoying little shit.
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>You guys are just hatin' because the Arbrau arc was boring as fuck :^)
Takaki's to blame.
Lol, I remember that scene from Little Witch Academia.
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rumor has it takaki's va was in for lines. and the plot is back on earth next episode

dun dun duunnn
That ep already aired, he's probably voicing some random background chara.
well twitter info has been wrong multiple times before so who knows if takaki's VA even showed up or that he was in ep 40 something.
It was a drinking party post ep 41 recording, he was never even confirmed to be in the studio.
Mirin those abs, Juli.
Yeah and in case you didn't notice Coral wanted to use Kudelia's death at the start of season one in order to spark riots, and then use those riots to expand the Mars branch. We constantly see Mars as this lawless place filled with PMCs, pirates and mafioso (and they both have mobile suits of their own, even making them in Teiwaz's case). This is stuff the show constantly reinforces.
>We constantly see Mars as this lawless place filled with PMCs
Lawless - yes
filled with PMCs - not really, not ones that could pose a threat for Gjallarhorn

>pirates and mafioso (and they both have mobile suits of their own, even making them in Teiwaz's case).
Mobile suits weren't really a thing before Gjallarhorn "lost its authority" over Mars. Brewers had a few, but groups like Dawn Horison were also said to invest in mobile suits after Arbrau.
All in all, nothing Gjallarhorn's Arianhrod that's even said to control Mars sphere couldn't handle.
Like it or not rustal is clearly Odin
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