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Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 2nd Season

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Episode 40 - Ver. 6.0
In that they're both monkeys?
Why do people even attempt to ship Mika with anyone?

He literally has no charisma with anybody at all. Not even the two bitches fighting over him or his homosexual man-crush Orga.
Something is off about this picture, I can't tell exactly what, though.
>Why do people even attempt to ship Mika with anyone?

The power of shipping is the one true constant in this universe. It's anime fandom's raison d'ĂȘtre.
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What's her name again?
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What is going to be the next episode WHAM?
Because he's not one of your friendly beta MCs for self-insertion.
Now go back to AnimeSuki
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>takaki is apparently showing up next episode
I wonder why? I know Turbines just died but he's off in Edmonton living his own life. Mika even says tekkadan is no longer his problem. I mean How would he find out? Doubt it was on the news maybe Ride calls him up or something?
Iok goes after him next on suspicion of being a spy or some crap.

Does Iok have no limits?
They should have him kill Atra too.
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>Iok is the only dude moving the plot
That's literally all he is.
It was never going to get descent after the first season screwed up so badly.
Why are you people here?

Most likely, just because he is ex-Tekkadan doesn't mean Takaki isn't going to pay last his respects

> Mika
> friendly self insert

Those two do not go together.

Yeah, you're right. Instead he is an Inaho-tier plot device, which isn't much better.

Okay, but saying "all he is is a friendly self insert" is still factually incorrect, because that's not at all what he is. Even if what he is is just as bad in a different direction it doesn't mean calling him something completely different is actually right.

Well I'm not that guy. I just think he's a shitty character.
well I wonder how large of a role he'll play? I was disappointed with how ibo dropped him soon as he got character development. hopefully he does something before he leaves again.
No thanks, we don't need this to become the Takaki Show more than the first half has already become. He was shit during his own arc and I was glad to see him gone. What's more disappointing is him showing up again to take up more of the valuable screen time that other characters haven't been getting, like Eugene.
who's going to die?
I know you have the inside info
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I thought BAEL was going to be dark grey. . .
Monkey-chan please stop being suck already.
I'm looking forward to the continuation of the "Takaki show"
clearly thats just a place holder color not the final.

It's a museum piece so it's in base non-colored state.
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Why can't this faggot just FUCK OFF for good?
As expected, you're just a takaki fag shilling his worthless husbando. I'm looking forward to your disappointment over what turns out to be a one second cameo.
You know, is Jasley's view of women really wrong in the IBO verse? I mean sure he's a piece of crap,but does it really go against the setting? Early on it was noted that only boys can join PMCs and girls have to become prostitutes. And I have yet to see a single female character that wasn't in love or devoted to a male character. Well, Fumitan excluded. Also, you had Naze being the savior of a grossly large amount of females, with the large number being seriously unrealistic and only made to look him look like even more of a hero. Jasely may be a piece of scum, but this verse doesn't go out it's way to prove him wrong. Women are only meant to be serve as decoration to men here.
He's still a self insert for men who want to be alpha. He may not be a "friendly" self insert, but he is still self insert, albeit a different kind.
please, I'm totally expecting a tiny cameo. If he gets more than 30 seconds on screen I'm good.
I thought his VA was doing a young voice but I've heard him on the radio and holy shit he really talks like he's missing his balls.

30 seconds is already an entire scene, so expect something like 10.

Yea, I bet a lot of people want to self insert as the crippled child soldier who has abandoned any hope of his life being more than a war machine.
>is already an entire scene
if they're going to haul in the VA its probably going to be more than 10 seconds. he'll talk about how things are going in tekkadan someone will ask how he's doing and that will be it.
"Who cares, he's gets to pilot a sweet @ss motherf*cking robot and has a harem of two."
Trust me they've hauled in the VAs for less.

So every Gundam lead ever is a self insert then? Actually, you could probably extend a definition that simplistic to most fictional characters ever if you swapped "sweet robot" for "cool" in general.
obviously, I've seen times where its just one word. I don't see a point showing takaki here if it isn't more than one line. why would the plot bring a dude who was pretty much abandoned on earth by it to say one thing?

I doubt he'll come in with the plot and say heres what we need to do, go do it. that's Ioks job.
He's a more blatant example since unlike many other Gundam MC's, he has little to no character at all.

Amida was an accomplished, well-known mercenary before ever meeting Naze, and women who don't want to be whores can work in freight. That's what Turbines is. It's the entire fucking freight industry between Mars and Earth, which seems to be 99% women.
yAmazin tits
> people complain about Iok slaughtering civillians en masse
guys pls, he still hasn't accidentally thrown a colony into the sun yet

Having little explicit character isn't the definition of a self insert. Frankly I'd say Amuro is a more blatant self insert if you're going off so simple a definition, snc he has half a dozen women hanging for him over the years and has less bad stuff happening to him while he gets to pilot several cool suits. Not that I think he is one - I'm just trying to highlight how idiotic your argument is.
Mikazuki isn't a self-insert. However he is a really bad character. So bad I'd say there's no real difference.
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I knew i was right, you're really one of five retarded slainefag shitposters from AnimeSuki that are destroying /m/ every day, thanks for confirming.

Don't encourage the retarded slainefag shitposter from AnimeSuki.

I'm only two of those fags, shitter. And I hate Slaine and Inaho and all of A/Z and I have never been on animesuki in my life.

The one who needs to go back to animesuki is you since instead of any coherent arguments you just throw out the animesuki boogeyman to defend a shit character.
Who he can't fuck because he can't even move his waist to the point that people carry him around like a sack of potatoes.

You'd have to be a pretty special kind of idiot to want to self insert into Mika.
> Using a generic buzzword

Keep trying animesuki shitposter
Not any of those people but...
1. Most Slainefags watched more mecha than just A/Z and IBO.
2. No one is bringing up Slaine so why are you even bringing him up, do you have some kind of obsession.
Again what does that have to do with anything?

I don't agree with anything they're saying, but the fact that you resort to crying Slainefag the minute someone says something you don't like is really pathetic. You're actually more pathetic than any of those Slainefags that you're so obsessed with.
>All this projecting
>Doubt it was on the news
We're talking Gjallarhorn here. Of course they'd brag about any "good" they did to gain the public favor.
Doubly so considering it's fucking Iok so he can made up for his previous fuckups to Rustal and the other Gjallarbosses.
well It could have been but how the holy hell is Iok going to explain all the crazy illegal weapons laying around with their ammo sticking out of the Turbines ship on the 8 o'clock news?
>one of five retarded slainefag shitposters from AnimeSuki
I also noticed it was one of them.
I've said it like a dozen times, Mika is Inaho with brawn instead of brains. He's not a self-insert, much like Inaho was not a self-insert, but they are fundamentally the same shitty character.

People shat on Inaho because he was completely unrelatable and unfeeling to the point of being basically an automaton that only exists to knock down whatever the current obstacle is. That's what Mika does. They drag him out whenever they need to fight the big boss.

People shat on Inaho because he was the only one able to do this ever, so he stole any kind of development or glory other characters could have. And then with Mika, he dunks on every enemy every fight, to the point where the biggest fight Akihiro has had so far has been fighting Galan Mossa. Otherwise characters like Akihiro and Shino only exist to provide cleanup whenever Mika is involved, to the point where the writers themselves noticed this and made it so they rarely fight together because there's no other way to have them accomplish anything if Mika is there.

Inaho somehow amassed a bunch of women who were juicing their panties for him despite the fact that he was an autismal shithead. Same as Mika, who has two women absolutely fascinated with him despite the fact that he has shown no romantic interest in them whatsoever.

Mika is a glorified plot device. He doesn't change. He doesn't have any kind of internal struggle. In fact, he doesn't even really think. He actively resists pathos and wins every fight effortlessly, without emotional investment, by himself. He is acknowledged as the supreme force in his universe and it's boring as fuck. He is boring and shitty. It's a different kind of boring and shitty from some faggot like Ichika in Infinite Stratos, but that doesn't mean it isn't boring and shitty nonetheless.

No amount of bullshitting about "Slainefags" will change this.


>cries about "buzzwords"
>brings up animesuki, buzzwords, and shitposting, which are buzzwords
Keep your crossboarding bullshit to yourselves.
Keep your sammefaging to yourselves.
Too bad we only got to know that in one episode before she died. It also doesn't change the fact that what protects them all is one man.

Women are usually weak in shitty societies.
Doesn't stop his fans from trying.
NewType - December 2016 Character Rankings

Didn't Lelouch and CC thunder back onto these polls only a month ago?

Or was that just passing excitement at R3's confirmation?
>Multiple people point out my stupidity
>y-you must all be the same person.
You're seriously fucking pathetic, again keep your crossboarding bullshit to yourself, but if you miss animesuki so much then maybe you should go back there.

Then those people are fucking idiots, doesn't change the fact that Mikazuki's wasn't written with the purpose of the viewer self inserting into him.

The people who want to be him are just fucking idiots, there are people who self insert as Heero, Souske, and Suzaku, too doesn't make any of those characters self inserts.

Most liekly serve as a replacment conscience for Naze and giving his honest opinion to Akihiro that Lafter needs someone to care for her or he is going end up like Aston.

Orga is going to take the grim task of killing Iok and Jasley and it is going to irreversibly unsettle him because none of his previous kills was by his own hand or purely for revenge.
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What are they doing?
Atra is the only other character to die, all the other mains including Orga are safe. They even made a super sad violin OST for her death and everything called Pearl Petals.

I cry evertiem ;.;
Why the fuck are you taking Newtype polls seriously?
Implying a faggot who opted out on the account of being a pusy would have any right or nerve to present his opinions to the group who still has to deal with the things he doesn't want to deal with.

Not 'taking it seriously' as much as I'm remarking on a sudden change.
>being a pussy
you know he killed the dude that set him up right? he fucked up and he acknowledged it.
because Otaku and cancerfag hate Newtype and prefers Animage and Animedia.
That's something that literally every Tekkadan member is capable of. Anyway, he chose a safe, cozy life with his sister. I still don't see how an NPC's opinions should matter. The standpoint he chose to assume also makes it really inopportune for him to be passing any judgements.

>hey I'm really glad I don't have to deal with any of this shit anymore, but let me chime in here for a second and appraise your attitude and moral condition.

I would like to believe he's aware of this.
why would he chime in as a support? I doubt he even knows what tekkadan has gone through when he wasn't there like the MA, mika more crippled etc.
>hopefully he does something before he leaves again.
He'll probably be the one to call Orga out on how this sort of shit is just going to keep happening if he keeps going down this path.

>Most liekly serve as a replacment conscience for Naze and giving his honest opinion to Akihiro that Lafter needs someone to care for her or he is going end up like Aston.

>Anyway, he chose a safe, cozy life with his sister. I still don't see how an NPC's opinions should matter. The standpoint he chose to assume also makes it really inopportune for him to be passing any judgements.
Uh, this is EXACTLY why, Orga continuing on the fast track to be "Kangs of Mars'n'shit" is almost certainly going to destroy everyone he cares about, he needs someone to come in and hammer that message home.
>Uh, this is EXACTLY why, Orga continuing on the fast track to be "Kangs of Mars'n'shit" is almost certainly going to destroy everyone he cares about, he needs someone to come in and hammer that message home.
And Takaki is NOT THAT PERSON. It would have to be someone who even slightly understands what Tekkadan has been going through, not a complete outsider who hasn't got a clue and who even abandoned them.

>He'll probably be the one to call Orga out on how this sort of shit is just going to keep happening if he keeps going down this path.
Takaki hasn't got the slightest idea or insight into Orga's internal affairs.

It's like you don't understand what has its place in situations like those and what is out of place and even fucking rude.
Exaclly, he has nothing to offer to them anymore. He'd have all the right in the world to berate Orga if he hadn't opted out, but he did. All that's left for him is to keep his mouth shut.

And Takaki has changed after this conflict. Takaki lived long enough to leave Tekkadan, Biscuit didnt and it would be the same thing. One of them telling Orga not to embark on a journey of revenge for Naze's death. Going after Iok because its war and McMurdo asking for Jasleys head om a pike is fine. Killing them on his own dime is not going to end well for Orga mentally
Takaki is not a wise guy, he is a clueless retard in fact. He opted out purely for personal reasons, not because he was at a fundamental disagreement with Orga's ideals. You're delusional if you think he'll catch up on that the hell is even going on. And I doubt he'll be let in on Orga's plans, he's is an outsider after all. I think you got your husbando's importance seriously inflated in your head. Just cool down that husbando faggotry of yours and look at the reality. If I was Orga and Takaki started talking smack to me I'd take him by the collar and cave his face it, and I'de have every right to do so.

>Biscuit didnt and it would be the same thing.
Biscuit would never leave Tekkadan, he even swore eternal loyalty to Orga right before his death.
Is this true? I mean the "Pearl flower" thing? Is that the music that plays in Naze dead? Really liked that one
>He opted out purely for personal reasons, not because he was at a fundamental disagreement with Orga's ideals.
Uh, NO, Takaki specifically opted out because he realized the whole "Kangz of Mars" thing was just going to bring more of the same shit he had just gone through, and it'd be easy enough to guess that, YES, more of THAT SAME SHIT HAS IN FACT HAPPENED!

>Biscuit would never leave Tekkadan
Did you miss the entire plotline before hand how Biscuit was outright quitting because shit was getting to dangerous and he had a family to keep on living for?
Did you miss the entire scene with his sister preceding the resignation scene? Cause that's when his decision was made. "Don't leave me behind oniichan!" is literally why Takaki quit. Same as Biscuit, people lose their cool when they see death up close and they have the little ones tugging on their pants. If Takaki's sister hadn't cried on him he would not have resigned.

>Did you miss the entire plotline before hand how Biscuit was outright quitting because shit was getting to dangerous and he had a family to keep on living for?
Did you miss how unstable he was right after the death of his brother and how his entire fallout with Orga was caused by that event? Biscuit, just like Takaki started seeing members of his family dying, which caused him flip out. Biscuit however was not a grunt like Takaki but Orga's right hand man bearing almost as much responsibility for Tekkadan as Orga. He would have stood by Orga in the end despite his fears and doubts as evidenced by his death scene.
>people lose their cool when they see death up close and they have the little ones tugging on their pants
Hmmm, I wonder who'd be a good person to do this to Orga now that Naze is dead?

Okay, tone down the use of cruise control.

Takaki left. Of his own volition, no less. I'm not doubting that the narrative will demand he be brought back to inexplicably serve as a voice of reason despite being absent for much of Tekkadan's doings this season, but why him? Why someone who chose not to be associated with them for personal reasons?

Hell, why not Merribit, whose entire character came to revolve around trying to dissuade Orga and his followers from engaging in excessively violent and dangerous plans before she just gave up on trying to reason with him for no reason?
Ex-members can fuck off. Literally none of it is their business anymore. Unless they'd be doing it because Tekkadan is still pulling the strings enabling their comfortable lives, then I guess they'd have reasons to be concerned about Tekkadan.
Why are you so butt blasted that people don't like Mikazuki
>I'm not doubting that the narrative will demand he be brought back to inexplicably serve as a voice of reason despite being absent for much of Tekkadan's doings this season
I think it would a purely thematic choice that has little to do with actual character dynamics and more with the fact that Okada has chosen him to illustrate, uh, something.
I can't see Takaki serving as a voice of reason considering his resignation was more based on emotion rather than reason. I can't even picture such a scenario without it being completely absurd. And as you're saying, Merribit didn't achieve anything, why even wasting time on Takaki running his mouth on issues that barely concern him anymore in vain.
>Amida's Hyakuren specifically had a different gun than the standard issue in S1
>It was a heavy duty 130mm rifle designed for extra power
>In episode 40 she just has a standard 100mm Hyakuren SMG

If she had kept her old gun, would Iok have been fucked?
>but why him? Why someone who chose not to be associated with them for personal reasons?
Probably for this very reason; Remember the whole reason Orga is even getting involved in this whole "Kangz of Mars'n'shit" is because he views Tekkadan as his family and wants to get to the top quick so they can live the easy life, but he keeps ignoring the toll such a route is going to have on his "Family."
At least Mika's trigger-happy carnage and absence of conscience are fun to watch.
I wonder how Merribit feels now her original employers are kill.

It's the opposite for me. I was entertained by the new bullshit wikipedia science they had to pull out their ass for every Inaho fight.

For Mika it's just the same edgy berserk rage every time, which is pretty dull because all his fights are like that, so it loses impact fast.
She also said that female freight workers were in a worse position than men and so tended to fill in all the risky jobs. Deal with it, social progress didn't happen in the IBO world.
You forgot to link your reasoning with your argument. How does exactly choosing to not associate with Tekkadan predestines Takaki to be the one speaking for a "family" he chose to leave behind for a personal gain?
Mika's berserk rage at the start of 38 was about the only enjoyable moment so far in this second half. After episodes and episodes of mobile suits clunking around there's finally a fucking fast, brutal fight.
This poll is a couple of months old. Mika dropped to 5th the following month, then disappeared for Code Geass the month after that.
i posted this last week
don't try to be me
GeASS is about to take over again

God help us all
>He doesn't change. He doesn't have any kind of internal struggle.

Actually, he has changed... in an unusual way. Mikazuki was trying to take steps to be able to function outside of Tekkadan by doing stuff like learning to read or how to be a farmer. However, those took a backseat to him being Orga's killbot since that's all he felt he could do because of his disabilities. He couldn't do maintenence or accounting, so he just killed for Orga and slept when he was on base. Now having lost even more of himself to his devil, he's actually happy because he doesn't have to worry about that stuff anymore. He can just fight for Orga rather than preparing for life outside of that because now he can't even be a farmer, fighting so the the rest of his family can have the happy ending he cannot while pushing Orga to continue down this path.

It's there, but it's subtle and not really emphasized. It's also why Atra's flipping out, because she wants Mikazuki to have something outside of Tekkadan even if he has to impregnate another woman to get it.
Kallen and Suzaku were back in their lower spots too, and it was ranked the #1 show that month.

I'm going to have to get around to finishing it sometime. Probably start over again this weekend,

He changed when he was crippled, like how Inaho's character development only came after being shot in the face and crippled.

That's really shit.
>I think you got your husbando's importance seriously inflated in your head
and your takaki hate boner is ridiculous as well. Takaki left because he knew Orga was crazy after this king of mars thing. So Takaki left tekkadan.

him saying his 2 cents during the funeral to Orga/tekkadan wouldn't hurt anything. in fact with this moment he could change more members minds about leaving since Orga is going to go full Venom Snake/Miller route
>How does exactly choosing to not associate with Tekkadan predestines Takaki to be the one speaking for a "family" he chose to leave behind for a personal gain?
Because the "personal gain" Takaki left for was to remain with his STILL LIVING FAMILY, but if Orga continues down this path, then there won't BE any of the Tekkadan family left.
>he chose to leave behind for a personal gain?
he left cause he didn't want to get killed during Orgas fools errand right? him coming in saying "i told you so" could be this shows Bright slap or something.
Not true. The most changes to Inaho after taking a shot to the face was getting Deus Ex Eyeball. A/Z repeatedly told the audience there would be consequences for overusing it, but all the audience actually sees is one instance of ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL before getting it removed in the last episode. The permanent brain damage threat was dropped entirely (like most the rest of the plot). That's not character development.

>>15145840 is right. It's subtle, but there's a hair's width more development given to Murderzuki than Eggs.
Wheres the new spoilers?
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Really doubt it right now, apart from Atra obsession with flowers I don’t think is related with her, what would killing her accomplish other that making Mika go further in the murder madness
Are you serious? This is the most ridiculously tactless thing he could have said to Orga, during Naze's funeral no less. I don't even think you realize what an ungrateful little cunt he'd have to be to do something like that.
>implying he'd do that during a funeral
>especially when he's coming to the funeral as a guest at best
you know Tekkadan is going to go full biscuit/carta mode with Naze's death. someone is going to have to be the "voice of reason"

will if be takaki? who knows but someone is going to have to say something.

They never fucking listen to the voice of reason so what's the point? Having a "voice of reason" would only serve to make Tekkadan more unlikable because they are just murder happy faggots who don't give a shit about anything else but their feelings.
harem's Mika
>him saying his 2 cents during the funeral to Orga/tekkadan wouldn't hurt anything.

>is gifted a good life by Orga and Co.
>is most concerned with his good life for several months
>doesn't bother with the life threatening situations his ex-family has been through
>doesn't bother with Orga's agenda
>randomly goes to Naze's funeral
>probably has no idea what kind of situation Tekkadan is in
>for some reason suddeny has the equity to berate Orga on his decisions even though he probably has no idea what those decisions were and what exactly lead to Naze's death

Sure, only if you don't mind there being rhyme and reason to how people behave in this thing. Why the fuck would Takaki of all people have the right to have an opinion on Orga's decisions? He fucking quit Orga's business and his decisions. He fucking owes his good life to Orga.
>Julietta wanting to eat the cock
Takaki acted on fear and attachement to his sister so I don't know what he could have said to move Tekkadan in any way. He wouldn't be able to apply his own reasoning to them because they don't have biological familes like he does. Didn't this whole Takaki plot only prove that people with families make bad soldiers? Isn't that what Aston says verbatim?
>Didn't this whole Takaki plot only prove that people with families make bad soldiers?
he was fine in S1
Because he didn't get a taste of the good life with his sister until S2.
Should be McMurdo. There's nobody else left to fill in as a father figure for Orga.
>Why the fuck would Takaki of all people have the right to have an opinion on Orga's decisions?
cause he's a 3rd party person that has personal experience with tekkadan and was in the trenches with tekkadan during the being and at the end of the earth branch's life. Who was able to completely change his life by getting out of the madness?

yeah it'd be a dick move to run in a shit on everyone but there really is no good reason I can come up with takaki being there at the funeral apart from being a shoulder for others to cry on but I don't know...
He can be at the funeral if he wants to, it was supposed to be a private little ceremony but whatever. He's just in no position to be giving anyone advice or opinions on their predicament. At most he should just have a tea with Ride and Yamagi at a bar, so the other two have something to do while Shino, Eugene and Akihiro deal with the Lafter situation.
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Really hope Kimaris 3.0/Amdusias isn't left til the last minute.

When Vingolf gets raided am hoping everyone gets a Gundam frame from it's museums.
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Can someone photoshop this or make this into a comic of Mika using Hashmal's tail on his Barbie?
To make the the remaining Tekkadan his bitches
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>have a tea with Ride and Yamagi at a bar
as a takakifag this is all I want. bugged me that he never contacted Ride who was supposed to be his best bud
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Do wish it would've turned out this way. These two have way more in common than Mika with Atra or Kudelia... Then we could've gotten the stranded-together-because-broken-mecha trope
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What’s her end game?
I want to see the new sex

Avoiding diabeetus.
Kudelias booty hole
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Can barbatos sub par design be saved by it obliterating enemy MSs?
Endless watermiluns.
To set bees on everyone.
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R.I.P best gundam couple
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>best gundam couple
>A pimp with one of your prostitutes.
Nobody cares about them
Get a KFC branch in Mars.
>Even "sweet" fanart has her ass hanging halfway out of her pants

Truly shows you what people think of her.

Her normal clothes show off as much of her body as she can without just wearing lingerie. She's just a sex bomb.
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They had a rough life...
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Will they make babies?
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Well Akihiro is more of a normal human than Mika, so she could have more luck than Atra if they survive of course
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>unlike many other Gundam MC's, he has little to no character at all.

I think you're just dense and not getting that Mika isn't right in the head totally. He's either emotionally stunted, or medically autistic, and not in the "hurr durr Kamille" autistic sense. His character is essentially if you stripped a child of love and gave them a gun instead.

It's interesting, seeing as how no other Gundam protagonist has been like this before. Usually we get "understandaning!" or hot blooded, or whatever. Cold blooded killer is frankly quite new.

For those not getting the implications of him taking orders from Orga for everything, the relationship is VERY similar to John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men", with Orga filling the role of George, and Mika as Lenny (with the pottery being that Mika is small instead of large).

Also reminder, Lenny talks the entire book about having his own farm with rabbits.

Atra and Mika are planning on having their own farm too, with lots of corn.

I am worried that IBO will end the same as "Of Mice and Men" also. lol
Yeah, some anons have mention that as well, to tell you the true I doubt they have the balls for that, but time will tell
Jesus Christ, this animesuki lunatic is still posting about this bullshit.
>Cold blooded killer is frankly quite new.
That's cool, he's not an interesting character though and I doubt Okada took reference from American literature for him.
reading comprehension
Mika killed a person when he was a child.

/m/ loves emotional MCs with shoujo drama and easy to read
Heero wasn't an autismo manlet child soldier, though. He was doing it to be edgy.
Okay, and when is the show actually going to do something with this?
>Okay, and when is the show actually going to do something with this?

I feel like you are the type to not pick up on nuances, and need a show to be "over the top" for you to get anything out of it?

There's been plenty of small things to pick up on. Notably, Orga being horrified by the murder manlet he has on his hands, and doesn't know what to do with long term.
I demand spoon feeding
Yeah, there are nuances, but are those nuances actually going to go somewhere in the narrative? It looks more like the anime staff will show it from time to time, and leave it at just that. They don't know what else to do with it other than hint it exists.

Seriously at this point, it's hard not to see an outcome where Orga might have to put Mika down for the future of Tekkadan.

Do you guys honestly think this show has the balls for that?
The first episode had child soldiers being sniped in the head.

I think it's got the wiggle room.
I think there's a better likelihood of Mika putting down Orga because all of that power has gone to Orga's head.
Reminder that OG Gjallarhorn were REAL hot blooded MEN and current Gjallarhorn are a bunch of faggots.
Eh, that won't truly happen until 2018. Before that, some other big popular show will take over later this year. Maybe even IBO will go back up for a couple of months if the Japanese like how it ended.It's the law of the world.
Oops, didn't mean to reply to you.
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>IBO after story
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Learn to love it. It looked hideous at first, but give it some time to absorb.
>"guys, MAs are raping our asses left and right with fucking lasers, what do"
>"make my paint stronger, I want to look pretty"
>"my katana too"
And that's how you get Calamity Wars
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Mika and Carta.
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11/10 would buy the BDs.

>"make my paint stronger, I want to look pretty"
Gundam pilots were all Shino-s during the Calamity War
>>"make my paint stronger, I want to look pretty"

But still, how do you explain the lack of waists?
cut corners
agnika's dad was happy enough his gundams can fucking stand and move
>being basically an automaton that only exists to knock down whatever the current obstacle is

Mika's even worse than Inaho about that, isn't he? Inaho always came up with the strategy, but most of the time needed some sort of assistance to carry it out instead of completely soloing the enemy.
It was just uploaded. Not hard to find.
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Her pants are barely on to begin with even in official art.
Her and Lafter both are GOT-DAMN THOSE HIPS.
To shoot Kudelia with a pistol after Kudelia finds out she's been embezzling money.
Just to be the eyesore character. Apparently every IBO season needs one.
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You mean three
Just season one we have:
that pig guy, gusion pilot, and hitler

And this season we have:
fat secretary, target pirate, and jasley
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Best MC 10/10. Nihilistic, and have a wicked sense of humor ie. A true military soldier, acting like a real military soldier in a real-life situation.

You can't self insert as him, since he's not a beta faggot who is beaten by a girl for any reason. And definitely not pandering with him being good looking, friendly and to have an open, transparent and regular dialogue with other characters.

He's very different and clearly not the same as those light novel adaptation where the MC got a good looks, a calculating mind, and wicked sense of humor.

Definitely original, and not pandering, and cannot be self inserted, since he's not a beta faggot (based on /m/ said).
Pretty refreshing, if you likes all those NON-shitty LN adaptation, or NON-forced drama triangle love romcom, which is the best genre in chinese cartoon.

And this is the best MC because the personality and wicked sense of humor, and nihilistic really do like me, and the viewers. Definitely not pandering though, they just know what the viewers want.
>implying there was anything bad about Space Jared Leto
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So apparently according to this Akihiro is very popular with all older women?

Can someone who can speak moon confirm what's on this
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Here is Shino's.
>cannot be self inserted
I don't know, I can pretty easily insert as him...
because people need a source of fap you dip
He needs to fart badly or something, after getting a new gundam and got time to relax?
Joblietta Jobris
hes basically a dead man walking. Hell never be back
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Iok is this show's redemption. He's the only reason there's an actual plot, and not just "Tekkadan farting around in space" again. He isn't someone's never-brought-up-before brother, killed the self-insert that was Space Pimp Jesus, and to top it all off he's actually gotten interest up because he's so easy to hate.
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well this is the 10th time you have said it this day. Thanks for reminding
aren't all those descriptions just their respective crews (teiwaz, tekkadan, arianrhod) recounting tales about them?
ガă‚čæŠœă as in "letting of steam."
I mean "off"
What is this?
Akihiro's and Shino's are by people from Teiwaz.
Two guys from Teiwaz say Shino is a good kid but too relaxed. Can't be sure but the letting off steam is about the situation at Teiwaz being so tense.
>äœ“èŁă‚„æ‰ă«çž›ă‚‰ă‚Œă™ăŽăĄă‚ƒ,çŽ°ă„é‡ăźăƒŒćˆșしでも甄çč”ăŻç°Ąć˜ă«ç ŽèŁœă—ăĄăŸă†
Usu's hp has a high-def end card imge.
Barbatos and mikazukis son
Ibo has the best endings i've ever heard of any Anime. Is ridiculous how good they all are. It's a shame they all are gonna die in the end

This could actually be a pretty cool wallpaper.
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Something like this.
Him wanting to do over stuff was a very minor part of his character though, rarely brought up

So now instead of having that tiny aspect, he has none. So he has managed to become a slightly less interesting character
It also later copped out when killing three named characters on protagonist side, and the both executions in s2 were cut offscreen instead of being shown like in the original.
Yes, Mikazuki is worse.
Amida MS went from rank #661 on Amazon jpn to #48

Those gainz
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I wonder how well Lafters will sell when she jobs
Always liked hers better
>Iok is this show's redemption.

He'll be dead pretty soon. He's too simply minded to last in a long term war.
If he doesnt get blown the fuck out by someone next episode im really considering the possibility that Iok is a genius that only pretends to be retarded.
Something bugs me. If those railguns are so illegal,

1) Why did Teiwaz fix the on the Flauros? I know it's in a gray zone because they were using a different type of ammunition, but if those things are such a big deal why didn't they swap them out?

2) Couldn't Gjallarhorn have gone to Tekkadan and confiscated them? Hell, the fact McGillis didn't could be used against him.
It's not the gun itself, it's the ammunition that's banned.
Wait didn't that weirdo that cried during the special cry because of ep 41 not ep 40. . .?

Ugh they're going to make muscle bro deny lafter aren't they. . .
steel rods so vicious
The gun itself is in a grey area, its those spikes that are made out of the same stuff as the MS Frames that are banned. Flauros used a normal playload.

Why was the ammo banned?
For being able to do what you saw it do in the latest episode: one-hit kill mobile suits at a distance and sink entire spaceships.
>this is what the average IBOfaggot thinks
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>what the average IBOthreadshitter posts

It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy with you easily triggered types.
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Quick and dirty shoop.
its fucking hilarious to me that people unironically hate the murder midget
you get your Anti Shinji and all you do is cry about it.
Mika is based as fuck and doesnt afraid of anything. Anyone who stands in his way is doing him an injustice and he meets that injustice with unhesitant retribution
I will admit I wish he lost every once in a while but that my only complaint, everything will stop coming up Milhouse one day and then shit will be real if they can find the budget for a sick fighting scene longer then 6 minutes.
i remember when /m/ wasn't so sensitive
wtf happened
Who are you quoting?
People realized the board had next to no moderation and that they could post almost whatever they wanted.
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>IBO breaks the mould with several main characters embracing war. One unnamed mask pilot is obsessed with revenge; his Gundam Frame is named Vidar after the Norse God of vengeance.
>breaks the mould
>obsessed with revenge
IBO cancerdom happened.
...Wow. Just wow. This sounds complete edgelord and I'm not sure if it's parody or not.
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Why are you even focusing on Mika when even ignoring him the series is hugely flawed and bad in almost every other respect?
Assuming you are not bait, you do realize the show makes it pretty damn clear that Mikazuki is fucked up and he's more of a human tragedy than based, right?
I think they meant it breaks the mold as far as Gundam, which to be fair has had a LOT of protags that were UNDERSTANDING. We bitched around these parts about that plenty, these teenage Gundam pilots who go on the battlefield and yell at everyone to stop fighting.

The problem is that poster is an idiot if their point is "embraces war" because we've had protags like Domon and Setsuna and Heero and Shinn who were all totally fine with fighting and being pilots. Even if you take into account their later changes of "maybe the system IS broke and I/we/ZA WARUDO needs to change to be more peaceful", they weren't exactly Kio levels of anti-war autism.
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Are you legitimately defending Tekketsu having >>15148259
>"the fight scenes are fluidly animated"
>"awesome directorial choices"
>"mid-fight pan from the perspective of Barbato's cannon."

Besides a couple sakuga scenes with Mika fighting the mobile armor recently in season 2, the show certainly fails at all of those claims of "fluid good animation" or combat choreography.
Has there been any instances of other anime directors complaining that they don't have IBO's budget?
Has there been any instances of other Gundam directors or animators being fired between seasons or runs during its airing?
Wing had to change directors halfway through. That's why it had back-to-back recap episodes.

And I was referring to what happened when 00 aired. IBO has nothing on that.
Julieta is for Vidar.
I'm indifferent to season 2 but I still think season 1 of IBO is probably the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen in Gundam. Even SEED-Destiny at least has its first 14 episodes being pretty decent to good. I'm torn between how useless and static the characters are, Kudelia taking up so much screentime just to repeat the same issues with her character over and over again, the transprancey and obviousness of how Fumitan and Biscuit were being set up to be killed off, the horrible execution and use of the Dorts arc, Carta being a worthless antagonist whose comes off more clumsy and naive then intimidating as an antagonist, the dumb shit and predictable twists with the "Space Debris" arc featuring two Captain Planet reject villains as the big bads, the horrid animation, the awful fighting (its just clang clang which is terrible from an aesthetic perspective, the crap with Ein's kills, the show is a disappointment to me.

Why would Mizushima complain about budget? Studio 3 literally has almost 3 years of pre-production to work on 00 before Destiny even finished its airing.
Mizushima and Koroda complained about Sunrise and Bandai executive meddling with the show's story and writing in season 2, I don't remember anything about its budget being an issue. But they did simplify the new Gundams in season 2 to ease on the burden the animators were complaining about with all the lines and panel detail the season 1 Gundam's and other suits had.
Mizushima didn't complain about the budget. Banrise went all out with 00 because it was the first series to be done in HD, which prompted the directors of other shows at the time to complain that they didn't have the same kind of funds 00 did and couldn't look as good.

SEED was a big deal as well since that was one of the first big shows to have it's animation done digitally, playing a major role in moving the industry away from the hand-drawn style. It's budget per episode was 2.5x that of the average anime, and Destiny was 3.5x. And even people who dislike the show are willing to say G-Reco is pretty good in this department. Never heard anything about AGE's though.
AGE still never looked as bad as IBO does and still had some decent animation and scenes, a lot of the guys from Mizushima's team stayed for AGE, just like Ebikawa did a lot of the concept art for the mecha in it.

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone complain as much about AGE's animation as I have as about IBO's.
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Your bait is too low-calorie.
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You are retarded. And I won't fall for your counter-bait.
> I'm ignoring you! I'm totally giving you the silent treatment!
What are you, five? Seriously, people like you are the reason /m/ is such a shithole, just DON'T REPLY TO BAIT. It's not that hard!

Best couple. Ein would want his senpai to have her anyway whilst he remains his horse.
Will they ever explain the rather unusual system?

Imagine soon enough when Vidar becomes Kimaris 3.0?

Gaelio isn't young enough to have the AV surgery either, so it's more than likely conditioning and Ein directly aiding the MS Gundam from within.
unusual system was literally 3 ahab reactors. They confirmed he's just wearing a mask to hide his identity. He's not a cyborg or anything.
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But that would mean Gaelio is a very talented pilot and several comments Vidar has already made implying Ein is still around in a manner wouldn't add up.
The best couple of this shit show
>You're a fat, autistic dweeb, don't kid yourself.
I'm most certainly not fat!
Here's a bigger version.
which gundam is this?
wut does it say about donatello?
Dantalion appears in the dream of Mika, Akihiro and Shino.
I'm giving IBO's dub a try...

Fucking hell. Not only does it sound completely generic in terms of voice acting, something about the voices they went with all seem a little off. Like they're close don't quite fit the characters, which is quickly getting on my nerves. Like, wow. Way to make the show stand out guys.
Only Mika and Akihiro, Shino had a wet dream instead:
>You had a certain "dream?"
>Shino: Mikazuki and Akihiro dreamt of a weird gundam, huh? Me...? I, uh, totally had the same dream...um...yeah...it had some big ones, and was super quick. It-It was a gundam alright....
>Zack: Mr. Shino, you said you dreamt about a lady with some sweet moves!
>Shino: Zaaack! You promised not to tell anyone about that....Sir.
>Gaelio isn't young enough to have the AV surgery either

And yet Ein somehow was...
Wasn't Ein in his late teens? And I think the full-body AV conversion has different rules than the spine-link type.
Mika has more of a snarky personality in the dub. And hearing it in English kinda hammers home how melodramatic the script is.
yeah the dub is shit
Mikazukis VA tries too hard to make mizakuki more "lively" and it kind of ruins the character he actually is.
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yeah hearing him say "you fucking bitch!!" to carta was. . . cringe
Orga sounds like they're trying to play him cooler, but that makes him sound too soft-spoken and doesn't really mess well when he has to sound grizzled.

McGillis sounds like he's strangling puppies while pissing on a burning orphan.
Maybe it's because they announced the dub so early into the show's life and they had to get it ready for Toonami the following Spring, but it really does not feel like they grasped these characters. It feels more like they just looked at the character designs and went "This guy should sound like this" without ever seeing the script.

It's not impossible to get VAs to fit the character. DWG2 goddamn nailed Loran.
>Dantalion is only a dream
It looks pretty cool, skeleton face aside.
Orgas VA does his voice too high pitch for my liking. I wonder if he'll make it deeper since his voice deepened slighting in S2
Ein's version was completly different to the Orphans. They took off what parts of his body they could and kept him contained in a bucket of goo.

The Orphans version is an alternative and less mutilated version. According to gali gali, Eins version is the true AS version and the Orphans is a inferior knockoff.
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>Imagine soon enough when Vidar becomes Kimaris 3.0?
Too soon.
And there are only 9 episodes left, no? And that's already counting the funeral episode.

What if hooking to their gundams through AS implants data into their subconsciousness about other gundams?

Its probobly Rustals gundam and they're being warned about it? Although i reckon it'd be more fitting for them to dram about Bael instead.
11. This show is getting the 51 episode treatment like Victory.
I kind of liked it. Mika, Shino, Macky, Gaelio, and Ein felt right. All the girls sounded good too.

Yamagi's is shit. I was ambivalent initially, but the way he delivered the "Shino!" while running towards the wrecked Ryusei-go was just awful and made me realize his performance the whole show was subpar.
I don't understand what is this thing from.. and why are they all dreaming of dantalion is this gonna happen in show or something
Yamagi's delivery was so flat it felt like Shino's VA had to act against a wall during their scenes and it was super awkward and immersion breaking because of how big the gap between the two VA was.
I guess Dantalion, Barbatos, Gusion, and Flauros interacted with eachother during the Calamity war.
Can't they use the Gundam's AV to find other Gundams? Isn't that what most Ars Goetia demons do? Finding lost treasures?
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I thought Gali's VA was fucking great from what I heard. Chocomans is also good since his VA also voiced Banana, Seabook, and Shiro in previous dubs.
On another note, Ein sounds like a whiny weasley motherfucker, which is disappointing because his VA voiced Io pretty well in the Thunderbolt dub.

> "The Seventy-first Spirit is Dantalion. He is a Duke Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man with many Countenances, all Men's and Women's Faces; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one; for he knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and Women, and can change them at his Will. He can cause Love, and show the Similitude of any person, and show the same by a Vision, let them be in what part of the World they Will. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits; and this is his Seal, which wear thou, etc."

Sounds about right for being midnight dream/succubus Gundam.

So the Gundams are actually literal demons?
It is a mystery.
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So far, it seems Gundam Dantalion alludes most to the Goetia demon it was based off of.
It's a hit or miss for me personally.On one hand Mika actually sounds like an actual living human being, while on the other hand Merribit gives some serious 0083 flashbacks.
The moment she showed up i was like:
>Hello darkness my old friend
Besides Yamagi being a bit off in his delivary the rest are pretty good.
>Inbefore Johnny Young Bosch playing as Johnny Young Bosch in the Johnny Young Bosch story.
Yeah, the dub isn't terrible, aside from some voices being too familiar and/or not really suiting the character. The main thing that tanks the show is just the same stuff we already complain about.

I mean holy shit you all should have seen the rage in the Toonami threads while it was airing. When shit happened like Carta's beat down there was a brief "holy shit this is... actually good..." but then it'd get smashed soon after.

For what it's worth, they generally seem to be enjoying Unicorn, aside from complaining any time there's too much talking, and about Mineva being voiced by the same actress as Yui from SAO. But then, Kudelia's voice actress was Asuna in SAO.
>Bael is the first demon of the Ars Goetia.

Is this thing going to be stronger than Barbatos?
Needs force ghost Biscuit and Maid
Hush MC for season 3 pls
Will B. Lupus Rex appear in the middle once it's revealed? It might be cool to see it accompanied by the other Tekkadan suits too.

Technically they lost last episode, Naze's dead, Turbine survives is up the creek without a paddle and Mika is stuck as a soldier despite trying earlier to do a double life of being a farmer/soldier.

You know, now when you think about it, Naze's greatest flaw was his lack of ambition. Orga getting framed under the same scenario would be telling Naze to kill Jasley or dig up dirt for him while he goes and prepares to find a way to deal with the Dansleifs.
Not to change the subject to UC but what I've seen is the complete opposite. Majority dont like it and almost everyone has no idea what's going on. The only time they like something is when the sweet ms battles pop off and the ost plays. Aside from that UC on toonami is a complete fail. People literally say "well here's our 30 mins of confusion" right before it airs. Ratings are actually plummeting right now tho i don't think it's all UCs fault.
>voices being too familiar
That's Funimation for you.Atleast they didn't pick Steve blum and Troy Baker, who were probably too busy voicing every single male character in every video game ever.Honestly Funi has been turning into the new ADV, but without the over-the-top goofiness of theri scripts.
Still i would have killed for an Ocean dub - Just imagine every single male character being voiced by Scott Mcneil.
>tfw David Kaye would have made the perfect Macky.Yeeesssss.
>>Dantalion is only a dream
TryAge exclusive

>An abridgement of a grimoire similar in nature to the Ars Goetia, the first book of The Lesser Key of Solomon, it contains a list of demons, and the appropriate hours and rituals to conjure them.
>The book was written before The Lesser Key of Solomon, and has some differences. There are sixty-nine demons listed (instead of seventy-two), and the order of the spirits varies, as well as some of their characteristics. The demons Vassago, Seere, Dantalion and Andromalius are not listed in this book, while Pruflas is not listed in The Lesser Key of Solomon.
>Vassago, Seere, Dantalion and Andromalius
I expect the other three as another game-exclusive that is if they actually bothered to design more

On an unrelated note, 72 angelic counterpart
So we're gonna find out that gundam frames have humans embedded in them a-la ein, aren't we?
If that was case I think we'd already know, considering all the repairs and refits Tekkadan and Teiwaz have done to the Barbatos.
>72 angel
while that's cool, I don't think banrise is ready to churn out more kits/designs while the rest of the demons/valkyries/jewish angels aren't even finished
i think that Dantalion is a gundam destroying gundam and that Tekkadans gundams are giving them warnings about it?

but then why not mobile armor?
51 episodes and a movie and/or season 3
The mobile Armors, particulary Hashmael, were considered to be angels that brought condemnation to humanity and the Gundam where created with the strength of demons to counter them.

Although i remember seeing an image of the manga with a mobile armor looking like a bird with a centipede for a tail.
My memory was foggy, turns out there wasn't a tail.
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Yandere Lafter when?
Here you go.
There was also this?

I wish the show would have been about humanity fight these instead.
At least that's what google search tells me.
What was the point of Hush again?
To be the next MC.

IBO is going to be Gundam's Naruto. There's going to be lots of seasons just to sell toys.
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Jasley looking Jasley as usual
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He is the new Ein for season 3
Choco's comrade
New Barbie.
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Turbine cuties
applying for new jobs?
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His comrades are a disappointment then
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Relieving stress
He's got eager young idiots to kill themselves for him.
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I have yet to see how this episode would make someone cry
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Shocked Tekkadan
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Lafter is dead meat. They hit off with the relationship way too early. I can't see Guts and her just hook up and be a happy couple for the rest of the season.
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If there is so surprise WHAM death in this episode then you need to understand that it was the first time the guest was being presented with the revelation that Amida and Naze are dead, so for him it was a shock episode.
the head looks distorted
I'm pretty sure we've all seen the 'casting couch' avs to know where this goes.
Pretty sure they just learnt that Akihiro and lafter had drinks together and they'' start demanding details

If not lafter then i think it's Atra. My guess is that she accidentially overhears Jasley talking about something or talking to Iok about ruining Tekkadan and Jasley shoots her and frames someone else.
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The weeaboo Godfather's has a casting couch.
>Pretty sure they just learnt that Akihiro and lafter had drinks together and they'' start demanding details

No, the tweet text goes:
>Ever since they met in the first part the members of Tekkadan have been taken care of in various ways. They also have something to think about in this case ....
Most likely it's just Tekkadan brain storming ways they could help the Turbines out.

>If not lafter then i think it's Atra. My guess is that she accidentially overhears Jasley talking about something or talking to Iok about ruining Tekkadan and Jasley shoots her and frames someone else.
How do you people even come up with stuff like this. Jasley doesn't even know her face or that she's associated with Tekkadan. Atra has her own baby making plot and that's where she'll stay for the rest of the season.
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Flauros better not job or so help me.
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If they ever kill Atra I doubt is this early in the last quarter, they love to make their deaths dramatic as possible with flashbacks and sad music, I think the guy cry mostly for Naze and Amida but who knows maybe the episode will surprise
It's more the block has a shitton of problems right now.

The first show of the block is DBZ Super. The problem is that due to contract, they also air Super at 8:00 iirc. The later showing that leads into the block is a rerun of that same episode, and this flows into DBZ Kai (they've just started going past the Cell saga) and Jojo.

Jojo has been a massive failure for the block, seeing up to 450k viewer drops during part one. It's meme status has not helped the show. This is followed by Unicorn and Hunter x Hunter. After that is One Piece and Naruto, which have the stigma of being long-running shonen shows and being way behind the Japanese doesn't help. DeMarco likes OP, so it's not going to go anytime soon since he's made it clear that him being a fan of a show is a factor in shows airing on Toonami. OP is beaten out in ratings by 3am reruns of One Punch Man, which also beats Naruto in terms of target demographic.

Basically, right now Toonami is fucked due to a shit lineup all throughout the night. At least when s1 aired, IBO could coast of the higher ratings the Cell arc and OPM could bring in. Sure, it lost ratings but the block was still in better shape then this. Once Jojo hit though, it started going downhill.

In short, unless Toonami completely revamps itself IBO s2 is going to do badly.
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>His character is essentially if you stripped a child of love and gave them a gun instead.
>It's interesting, seeing as how no other Gundam protagonist has been like this before.

the difference is setsuna actually had a character arc
Setsuna also turned into a immortal alien hybrid by the end lol
You know mcmurdos going to put them in jasleys group
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all that drama would be glorious. maybe iok will kill Jasely to tie up loose ends and kill the lafter and friends as well?
He said to Naze he'll place them in the companies directly under him.
yeah you know it'll be tekkadan but jasely coming in and stealing the girls would be something.
Jesus! Look at that elbow joint
Looks awesome and reliable, right?
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Extra protections on the sides of the joints.
Apparently the cockpit hatch is cripple-friendly now and has a entry on the side.
bruh that's fucking biscuits brother lmao did they really reuse him and thought we forgot how he looked?
He looks nothing like Biscuits brother, blindman.
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Don't see it brah.
Different brows and wider iris than this lump.
I want to see its claws. . .
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>yfw it's isurugi's long lost bro
not that anyone would care at this point.
The difference is that Setsuna had a (semi-)normal childhood before he got brainwashed and so any damage to his personality could still be averted. The key stage of child development is 0-6 years. Mika is by far a more extreme case.
Heero was raised as a child soldier and assassin.
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