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Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 2nd Season

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Episode 40 - Ver. 2.0
Tekkadan will go and hunt down Iok when he'll be vulnerable.

Calling it.
ok gentlemen, how do we make gjallarhorn threatening again?
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Super Slut
it's like a bad Joke
they will probably go for mob guy first

Not make them deliberately incompetent do-nothings who spent 300 twiddling their thumbs.

That's a start.
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when i said i wanted to see Amida get violently penetrated by a group of Ghallahjorn sodliers i wasn't thinking "giant metal spikes"
I miss Fukada, he wrote and directed better than this
They're threatening because a lot of the people in power are retarded. Have you even been punched by a retarded person? They have superhuman strength.
Could the transports filled with the rods be proof of Iok using banned weapons? Is that something McGillis could work with to take Iok out of the game?
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Will this poor thing finally sell now?

Him especially since he was the douche that gave info to not!Zapp Brannigan.

How will they do it is something I want to know.
Rustal and Vidar should get off their asses first.
Iok just made them threatening by killing of Naze. We clearly need to follow his brilliant lead.
>Only organization to enforce law in deep space
>Commit war crimes
way to go
Why does she want to choke him after he saved her?
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> use banned weaponry
> shoot at women and children
> almost get killed
i wish Iok had been around since first episode of first season
That episode was actually pretty sad but the preview for next week is all the female characters in pant suits and that eases the edge just a little bit.
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is there a list of all of the unresolved plots in IBO so far that would never be able to be resolved in 10 episodes?
Derringer said we're getting a movie, so probably the final boss of S2 will be Rustal and Gaelio

McGillis is the movie villain
>around since first episode of first season
He was. But we called him Ein back then...
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>Loses several MS
>Loses an entire gunship
>Fails to arrest anybody
>Almost kills his own teammates
His plans are terrible, he executes them in the worst way possible and still somehow manages to come out on top
Where were you when Iok became the best character?
don't compare them you faggot.

Ein is actually a good pilot and knows how to follow orders.
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>though why do they look similar?

Because all the Gundams look similar at the skeletal level. If you only put basic armor on the frame you end up following the same mold. That's the only reason Kimaris and Gusion look different - they added a bunch of bulky armor and shit, whereas Barbatos and Bael stayed relatively slim. Astaroth isn't that far off in features from Barbatos either.
> McGill's rebellion
> Turbines' revenge
> Jizzley's ambitions
> Vidar's revenge
> Orga becoming kang of mars
> possibly whatever Rustal wants Juli to do that doesn't imply becoming stronger
> possibly mcspurdo paying for the bullshit he pulled in s1
it's not a lot
Can't kill even a fly too.
Don't laugh you scum!
Two named characters. Relatively major too. Not bad.
2 more eps of Teiwaz BS, that leaves 8 for Rustal's defeat, McGillis true colors, Vidar removing the mask, etc

He's done a lot more than every single one of his comrades for good and ill, and that's as thoroughly baffling as it is truthful.

Least he isn't Julietta now, I suppose, who would have died five times over if plot armour didn't favour her.
Any summary for the upcoming episodes?
Maybe the allies of Chocolate Man are going to do it.
Jasley is in next episode, I'm pretty sure Jizzley and Teiwaz bullshit are going to be tied in to McGillis opportunistically going after Rustal and Orga's decision regarding it.
>who would have died five times over if plot armour didn't favour her.
she got shot by a MS rifle, those things never kill anything
Gundam Vidar did nothing and is already being replaced

gotta sell gunpla, I guess

Hey, her words, not mine.
Must've bribed that redhead to give her extra plot plating.
>Next episode Jasley is exiting a club
>Some blonde guy with a sack of potatoes walks up
>It talks and is holding a Tommy Gun
>"Orga says 'Hello.'"
>Jasley gunned down in the streets
Wait, wasn't the waifufags at that Gundam special event crying over episode 41, not 40?
It's Kimaris/Gaelio
Fight once, job once, get spanking new Gundam.
41 will be the funeral
there won't be a Vidar VS Bael fight...
You kill Jizzley and you've got a problem with McMurdo though. This is bigger than just Iok or Jizzley because of the people they are under and how their deaths would have an effect on their respective organizations.
But the PVs don't make it seem that sad. the guy was a lafterfag and was wailing and crying over episode 41...so does she get rejected?
No idea pal
Guess we have to wait
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Turn A went pretty hardcore in the last five eps. The only hope IBO has is a movie and to actually just pick up the pace and go hard at the end to make it a mediocre show.
> Jizzley gets assassinated
> assassin says it's from Orga
> McSpurdo attacks Tekkadan over it
> all according to the plan of the guy who ordered the assassination, McGillis
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>Jasley gunned down in the streets.
That would be a pretty good end for him, but i doubt the writers have the necessary brain-cells to make it so.
>Hey guys we gotta kill the characters off, what do?
>Let's have them barely do anything and wait until the second season to give them backstory and kill them off in the episode after!
But doesn't he still need Tekkadan?
At least until his reformation is over?
mechatalk, animesuki, reddit and ANN will love it!
/m/ obsessed with other websites

disgrace to /m/
it's not obsession, it's making fun of losers since they are here too
>give them backstory and kill them off in the episode after!
So just like in S1? At least this time they weren't brothers of the main... Fuck.
But we don't know what kind of organizations Jizzbox was responsible for...
And I'm afraid the writers will simply ignore this problem when they decide to kill him
he needs Tekkadan, which is why he'll genrously offer to help them against the evil McSpurdo
they'll just need to sign their soul away, offering eternal obedience to him
>these faggots still replying to ANN shitposter and imposter derringer

why are you people so gulible

There was a recent JP event that revealed a couple of things:

- Agnika Kael's dad was the one who created the Gundam Frames, i.e. he's the IBO equivalent of Tem Ray .

- Agnika Kael was hot blooded (lol)

- Baal and Barbatos were made close to each other and are brother machines. This explains why they look similar to each other.
So Tekkadan destroys the mafia and McDick has control over the Kang of Mars
Put Mikazuki in charge.
IBO prequels when?
Jizzley himself said he doesn't care if McMurdo finds out it's him because when the favorite son is dead, he still needs ONE son to inherit Teiwaz.
People will make a Hammerhead variant to represent Naze with Amida.
As if Orga isn't the next in line when Jizzbox is dead
He already has a goal separate from that, he can't change it on a whim again, it will prove he's even more retarded than he already looks. Plus, McMurdo has no reason to give it to a guy who is 19 or 20 at most with no experience.
>- Agnika Kael's dad was the one who created the Gundam Frames
>- Agnika Kael was hot blooded
>The Calamity War was a super-robot show.
Fund it.
You know, the show needed a character like Iok.

We know that the people fighting Tekkadan are supposed to be scum so we can root against them. But they're basically cartoonishly incompetent, making them caricatures, or they're nonthreatening, harmless buffoons like Carta. Or they're so mustache-twirlingly evil they can't be taken seriously. And all the while, they're almost never dangerous, with the exception of Carta who manages to be sympathetic.

Rustal, with his political deftness embarrassing McGillis and destroying Tekkadan's Earth branch, and Julietta and Vidar, two pilots who can compete with the best of Tekkadan's aces, seemed to be what the plot needed to inject some real stakes into the show. But their potential is pretty wasted with Vidar just making GAINZ and Julietta losing every fight.

But Iok... Iok is a bumbling clown who manages to be the most destructive force and cruel, evil scumbag in the show. He represents everything wrong with Gjallarhorn in a single character: the whoring of an unearned title, the incompetence, the lack of purpose, the abuse of authority, the corruption, the cavalier treatment of all those deemed unworthy... it's magnificent.

Bless you, Poo-In-Loo of Plot.
>Agnika Kael's dad was the one who created the Gundam Frames, i.e. he's the IBO equivalent of Tem Ray
Agnika is just Mars-speak for Amuro
IBO takes place in UC 0325
At first I could half ass watch this train wreck, I think I am gonna stop now.
This whole "lol iok pushing plot with stupidity so entertaining absolute mad man lol" is just a bit much for me.
What's next, he's gonna pull a Carta and go down like some kind of supposedly innocent tragic man?
Considering Astaroth's all-cutting sword, it is.
Where's the ''S2 is a masterpiece compared to S1'' crowd now?


There is nothing remotely likable about Iok. He is both a swiveling coward and a remorseless murderer. Carta was stupid and corrupt, but benign and honorable.

Iok is a genuinely awful human being, a one man trainwreck, absolutely hateable. That's why he's great.
I feel Iok is essentially 'good intentions' personified. Guy isn't evil per-say, he's just a determined naive guy that thinks he's doing good but wound up destroying everything with his good intentions.
>Lafter will never squeeze you lovingly
the fact that you're so triggered says more about you than it does them

i'm disappointed in you
>the most retarded gjallahorn ever has the highest named character kill count
was also born with a silver spoon in his ass
This episode very literally showed Amida's soul embracing Naze, pretty much confirming there is an afterlife in IBO and possibly the whole reincarnation phenomenon as well. I bet that if Mika dies he will be shown reincarnated as a new person at the very end.
hopefully he's reborn as jasleys son and kills that bastard
Mika is Agnika
That manlet's his reincarnation? topkek

Or it could just be appropriate imagery.

Lord knows we don't need this getting dumber.

Naze could have simply been delirious.
>implying he has a soul left to be reincarnated after making deals with the demon
He's gonna be eternally trapped inside the gundam
This isn't true at all. Not for IBO and not for Gundam in general. There are a lot of characters who can be deemed superfluous to ongoing plot, but are characters that interact with others either to help further characterize our protagonists or serve to give the audience a better understanding of the motifs and themes of the show. For instance having characters like Ride, Shino and most of Tekkaden have lines, faces and names helps to develop Orga's motivation and characterization as well as help further the themes of brotherhood and family that's building within Tekkadan. The new Tekkadan characters that were introduced in season 2 are to give us a outside perspective (akin to the Greek Chorus) to show how Tekkadan's family looks from the outside looking in. Iok on the other hand, doesn't do anything that Ein, Carta, Galileo haven't already done in terms of portraying Gjallarhorn. Furthermore his interactions do nothing to enhance Rustall's or Julietta's character (especially the latter since her development and growth as a character has come from interacting with Rustal and Vidal). His characters contribution thus far has been nothing more than to trigger the plot. He's the equivalent to Dee Dee going "OOOOO what does this button do?" which triggers the crisis Dexter has to put out. He's honestly the worst Gundam character that's had a significant amount of screen time.

Why not "killed by his own Subordinates"?
Reminder that to top it all off Iok also fired the last Dainsleif volley knowing his allies were in the line of fire. He did quite literally every single scumbag war crime thing you can do in this episode.

Because somehow this clown is inexplicably capable of fomenting unswerving loyalty in the hearts and minds of those who serve him.
Was Amida a better pilot than Mika?
They seem perfectly fine with following dishonorable and unlawful orders, why would they kill their beloved leader?
No Mikas A1
Amida was a beast tho

We know Lafter was able to somewhat match Mika and so was Julietta, although Mika leveled up during the Hashmal fight and made Julietta realize what a shitter she is in comparison.

The only people Lafter really seems to fear in an MS were Graze Ein and Mika. Both of whom had the Allahuvagina Final Form.

Since Amida is better than Lafter and outclasses Julietta completely even in bleeding edge new tech, it might be reasonable to assume that Amida was the single greatest non-AV pilot in the show.
>I feel relieved?

Literally what did she mean by this?
at least we will be able to save Amida in SRW
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rip nameless brown girl
Every time IBO tries to shit up action sequences, I start to miss him. This episode was no exception, Cloverfield level of incompetence for action knows no bound.

She feels Iok saved her from getting her shit pushed in by Amida.
You forgot Mcgillis.
I can see how you managed suck up shit like Delta now.
Made me laugh.
Hmmm. That would also be a good idea.

Tekkadan disguise as his subordinates and make it look like a accident.

Nobody knows who did this and even McMurdo doesn't know.

But she was chasing her.

It's not as though Amida was shot away as she was about to kill her.
except this time, 'Agnika Ikari' is no pussyfart.

Was the death scene supposed to have emotional impact? It was so lame.

An actual death scene done well was Biscuit's because you couldn't see the death flags coming.

>implying Tekkadan can into subterfuge or stealth

They had literally two guys fuck their entire Earth branch by saying "lel the phone to Mars doesn't work" for months.
we are here, happily (and quietly) smiling over the recent tears

I don't know, maybe she felt like she wouldn't have been able to beat Amida eventually or the fight was too much for her to handle. Either way she was afraid of Amida.

It's the only explanation for the line that makes sense.
no, he's not fire-hearted enough...

Are you fucking kidding? People were saying Biscuit would die BEFORE THE SHOW AIRED.
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Yeah it seems in the end she feels happy Amida got killed, so she is a little disgusted by that idea
sasuga aryan rod
Of fans crying over the wasted potential?
ded nig 'muh justiss'

and Naze. But then again the newer series tied character development to their deaths which was why you cant save Neil and Kamina.

The post meeting will be hilarious as Naze talks about going to their own funerals before he changes moods and gets pissed for the blood Jasley has on his hands and kills him personally before punching Orga for going against order before saying thanks. Last time he can forgive him with a smile remember?
Now explain where are the newtypes anon
>Expecting anything out of anyone from Gjallarhorn other then pedo-char.
t-the reginlaze julia is hard to use and requires lots of practice!
In IBO a backstory is a death flag
that anon must be a animesuki subhuman
nice try tumblr
idk but fuck iok
Amida's Hyakuren was special.
It wasn't about them entirely, I think it was also done to show lok's ineptitude which made it all the more anger and absurdity inducing

nice double dubs
hopefully they learned their lesson for next time when they're the imperial army of mars, tekkadan.

Sub division, Mika Platoon will be commanded by Hush
Amida is 2nd best non AV user pilot in the series
yeah, you can even remove Jasley's ambition since he was just was a petty guy that didn't like Naze and had no real "ambition" except for maybe climbing up in the mafia hiearchie
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>An actual death scene done well was Biscuit's because you couldn't see the death flags coming.

Not sure if serious.
>Calamity war prequel OVA
Take my money banrise
just /m/ being /m/
so who will kill Iok "War Crimes" Kuja
I liked Carta better because at least she was cute and not a poo in loo.
Julieta had never piloted it. All she did was test simulations.
Amida is a veteran pilot.
Please you're making me become more retarded than I already am.

Probably Rustal or Julietta acting under Rustal's command because that nigger is just too much of a liability.
who else lad? Mika will, just like that stupid bitch at the end of season 1
Yeah only Atra and Shino are alive of the guys everyone was sure were death meat in the first season
I hope he tries to fire a dainsleif or whatever the fuck it's called and he shoots himself in the face because backwards

Any character who inexplicably gets focus is gonnna die, the only one to survive this was the blonde shota because he was smart enough to quit
and because his buttbuddy died
Aston pay the price for him
>I'm gonna squeeze you real hard

What did she mean by this
Is orga gonna sorty in his white throne shiden to avenge his brother or is that thing gonna rot in the hanger like many other?
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The twist is that he'll do it while hanging from Hush's shoulder, and not in gundam.
Orga can't pilot. That thing is just a Shiden with better armor.
One, great rebuttal there. Two, I didn't even like Delta
When he goes full Gundam, he is.
so, how jealous Setsuna will be then?
None, unless cybernewtypes in form of ayy-vagina enhanced people counts.
Who was still left speechless after performance Mika gave last time.
I would Say Mcgillis is a better pilot while Amida might not be as good but compensated with with experience. Also, Mcgillis still uses proxy suits, give him something decent for a change.
He can pilot but by now any active pilot of Tekkadan is simply better than him
Wait, what?
Oh, innocence.
This episode was essentially the finale of Dort, except the people who died this time were people with names and no Kudelia speech to magically stop it.
>half the season over
>Kudelia has nothing

What's the point of her character?
She'll probably be the plot device to achieve some sort of happy-ish ending for the world.
No other "sympathetic" ruling class characters around.
Iok's theme song:
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Glad they didn’t feel the need to force her in this episode, but yeah, it’s a matter of time before she does something “amazing”
Best gundam
Wait for the last episodes where she'll hijack the show again.
she will start singing at the last battle
Maiden of "hope" and the "revolution".
She will be the one to put everything back together after the fall of McGillis,Tekkedan and Gjallhorn.
Kudes doesn't sing
That's all Marina Ismail and he world peace earth transmitting singing skills
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She was scared of Amida of the difference in the strength of their convictions. She had assumed her loyalty to Rustal gave her a kind of strength that would be unmatched, but the strength of Amida's love for her family was a whole other level above her's, creating for the first time a real sense of doubt in her. Amida also would have killed her many times over if it wasn't for her bleeding edge mobile suit and finally the spear-sucker-punch storm sent out from the incompetent Iok. She's relieved that didn't have to find out conclusively that she is actually weak.
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Also what Amida and Naze talk about before the battle will be relevent between Julietta and Rustal later:
Amida: Men do nothing but tell us such obvious lies.
Naze: Then why are women fooled by men?
Amida: Because they really aren't in love with them.

Basically, expect to find out something like Rustal killed her parents or something.
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Amida was too good for this world…
If Atra doesn't win the Mikabowl I'm gonna lose my shit
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I'm really expecting Julieta to be betrayed or thrown away, with her going on Iok's war crime adventure possibly being the reason.
Barbatos will win.
Hush will win
It's an abusive relationship though.
That wisdom seems sort of counterintuitive don't you think?
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But Mika an unstable individual, I’m not sure if wining that thing could be good, but then again, she is also a little in the crazy side of things
You and me both. Kudelia a fucking shit.
Hush will witn the Eugenebowl. They'll inherit Tekkadan after Mika and Orga bite it. Kudelia will marry Atra. Ride will marry Azee, Shino will marry Yamagi. Akihiro will die because fuck this Lalfter/Akihiro shit.
Not really, people will easily believe those they are interested in or worship but you if you love someone you know them well enough to see through the bullshit.
Its easy to overlook in all the shit happening during the the episode but Iok abandons her in his panic to save his own ass. "Her suit is fast enough to dodge" is just an excuse, he's really fucking lucky he didn't hit her and she knew that.

Also Mika and Julietta are mirrors of each other. Mika show's blind loyalty to Orga in the same way. His reaction when he finds out Orga couldn't save the Turbines may suggest he's feeling doubt in him for the first time.
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>he's really fucking lucky he didn't hit her and she knew that.
he did
Darn now I'm left wanting a Option Set with one of those Dainsleif weapons
Hopefully with the Graze Sniper head or whatever you'd want to call it.
Do you think Jasley will acquire Teiwaz and take the surviving Turbines with him? Given the fact he is the sole heir now is paintimg a bleak situation
my amazonian goddess
I can't believe he dies.

Why all anikis encounter death?
>His reaction when he finds out Orga couldn't save the Turbines may suggest he's feeling doubt in him for the first time.

His reaction suggests nothing of the sort. His facial expression is calm as he's letting Atra cry on him
possibly some of them but when and if they find out Jass man was working with ol' Rus, expect him to be hung by his balls

Basically, an argument against Orga's philosophy of getting to the goal as quick as possible.

Season one ended with both of them being in lockstep, going after the high risk/high reward endgame. And in the end, they each got what they wanted. Kudelia got her half-metal deal and Orga firmly established Tekkadan.

Then their developments diverged. Kudelia has always been about helping the poor on Mars, so the unintended consequences of her actions got to her. More children are being forced into combat situations because of how Tekkadan performed, and more are being forced into slavery. Acts of terrorism has risen since then, and there has been no noticeable improvement on Mars. Not to mention Nobliss is profiting, not to mention she put Makanai back into power so she could profit from his acts of corruption while he continues to employ child soldiers.

She made things worse, and she realizes this. Now she's trying to bring about change through a series of smaller goals rather than doing one big action. That way there is less risk of things getting even worse, even rejecting being Makanai's heir to do so. She knows things were fucked up last season and there is no place for someone like Mika in the world she wants to create.

Orga, otoh, is still charging headfirst towards the goal. He's doing it for Tekkadan's benefit, so the consequences of his actions don't matter as much to him.
>Was the death scene supposed to have emotional impact? It was so lame.

Well, japanese social media is lit with it, so it definitely impacted those fans.
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Yeah for me that’s the face he gives every time someone is grieving
>Orga, otoh, is still charging headfirst towards the goal. He's doing it for Tekkadan's benefit, so the consequences of his actions don't matter as much to him.

No he's not. Naze called him out that he's rushing because he wants to be done living up to his perceived notions of Mikazuki's expectations as quickly as possible so that he can rest easy.
Did anyone actually like Naze?
Also Atra quest to Mika impregnates her and Kudellia.
>hush doing something
>Well, japanese social media is lit with it, so it definitely impacted those fans.

No one ever said Japanese fandom was bright.
99% of people
Based Iok getting rid of unnecessary characters
>>I'm gonna squeeze you real hard
>>What did she mean by this

I'll leave it up to your imagination son.
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>Being part of Atra little game is the main plot point of Kudelia in this season

Not complaining didn’t really like all the focus she got in S1 but that’s kind of sad
Who is first, Choco?
>this sucks, I wish I was killing someone

>not to mention she put Makanai back into power so she could profit from his acts of corruption

Was there actual proof of that in S1 aside from him being forced to exile? The events from the end of S1 alludes to the whole thing is a set up by Iznario Fareed in order to install his puppet as the next Prime Minister in Arbrau, which ended up blowing up in his face when the Battle of Edmonton happened and he got ousted instead
Why didn't Mika cry?
I'm sure Japanese moms will be happy, since they were incensed with the idea of an actual harem in a daytime show for youths.
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They are in a better place now...
He never really interacted with the Turbines at all aside from Lafter and Azee
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Bael is really growing on me.
Has this artist drawn full-on porn yet? Because he draws IBO girls with such finesse.
Political corruption can come in many, many forms. Kudelia's half-metal deal and Makanai employing Tekkadan as advisors to Arbrau's military could be classified as such, depending on how they're framed. Bribes, extortion, exchanging favors, nepotism, cronyism, using one's authority for personal gain. It doesn't really help that Makanai had to resign due to a corruption scandal in the first place.
>Better place.
>The fucking gumpla universe.

Lame place.
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The concept of grieve and sadness escapes him
He was more worried about Orga's feelings on the matter than his own.
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Episode 42 summary, in case someone understand moon runes
Mika understands the mafia life, he doesn't even try to influence the Old Man McMurder since he knows the Turbines be fukt and no crying will fix that shit.
Hey, they will get to meet Mr.Ral. I would love to meet Mr.Ral, and I don't even like Zakus. Don't tell him that.

Voluptuous brown is always necessary
This isn't Macross.
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Sure feels that way to me. Maybe you don't pay enough attention. He told her with complete confidence that Orga would not just stand around and let them die, but he doesn't do anything, to protect his position. When she's crying on him he has to turn his head and looks away to the lower left corner of the screen, it then cuts directly to Orga with the editing creating the idea of him looking down to him.
Counting the war crimes committed by Iok-sama in this episode:
1.) Using the Dainsleif AND its true ammunition.
2.) Firing upon unarmed, technically-civilian-at-that-point ships.
3.) Firing upon a ship that signaled for a cease-fire.
4.) Firing upon a ship that signaled for surrender.
5.) Knowingly firing upon your own forces with treaty-banned superweapons.

Did I miss anything?
He seemed more in a "it can't be helped" state of being, the way I saw it.

hiding behind his chair while shouting DON'T BULLY ME, I'M THE CAPTAIN
Rustal better fuck his shit.

But it couldn't be avoided because Iok conveniently chose to ignore signals for both parlay and surrender.

The circumstances were entirely beyond Orga's control, and Iok wanted them dead.
I wouldn't be surprised to see that.
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Looking at Bael wings, what are the chances those small spikes in them are a miniaturized railgun?
It ain't no summary but names of directors and stuff
There's the episode name but I don't know what it says.
Technically the fleeing ships were resisting capture and had an armed guard.

Shooting at a retreating but not surrendering enemy is legal.

The main ship on the other hand was on a direct intercept course for them with weapons at the ready, so the surrender signal can be interpreted as a ruse.

If they really wanted to surrender they should have cut their engines and came to a full stop.

The banned weapon is the only charge that could stick.
The new sex
Needs more blue
Mika is wise
No, Orga could have mobilized his forces and fucked Iok into a pile of dust. He didn't because he didn't want to have to deal with the high consequences of helping them. But he absolutely could have done it and saved his family, he just didn't. In other words he was too weak to rebuild after the fallout from doing something because the position has become a higher priority than his reason for pursuing it.
Those are lists of staff.
those are ingredients for ramen
>Not All Star by Smash Mouth
I stopped watching ages ago, did it turn into another lots of ideas that could have been interesting but ultimately going no where?

Also did Mika get a personality?

I guess this will be a turning point after the whole affair with Jasley is dealt with. That Orga tasted defeat for the first time. Not the tactical withdrawal kind but an outright loss.

Losing a battle is something Tekkadan has never faced until now and it was a huge defeat. Naze and the Turbines are no more, the remaining turbines may get swallowed up by Jasley and reduced to sexual playthings for his goons and Jasley forcing Lafter and Azee to fight for him under Teiwaz orders. The next ep we will see what happens because Naze entrusting McMurdo with the girls is giving them to Jasley.

I will suck Iok's dick for this to happen. I'd even take a Graze Dainsleif gunpla.

Sort of.

The plot is almost single-handedly being advanced by the biggest, most vainglorious fuck-up to ever grace this franchise.

Also Mika's still kind of static.
Hammerhead had its guns full vertical and pointed away from any Gjallarhorn assets, that's as close to a HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT you can get with a spaceship.

About the only valid spin that can be put on it was that its course could be interpreted as an attempt to ram the fleet.

Typical case of spacecop brutality, cue the NWA mixtape.
Lies, you have no proof.
Atra has to fight a dingo again
Someone even more naive and somehow even dumber than Carta came along and continues to turn every situation into a complete clusterfuck due to his incompetence.
>did it turn into another lots of ideas that could have been interesting but ultimately going no where?


>Also did Mika get a personality?

No. He lost the use of more limbs though.
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What are you talking about.
Mika has a personality.
The spawn of satan.
Why does Ride get to be an ace and not Hush.
>Jasley forcing Lafter and Azee to fight for him under Teiwaz orders
They will sign up with Tekkadan.
>that's as close to a HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT you can get with a spaceship.

No the closest is to kill engines and stop all movement

Not really, but you might as well tack on that being charged with owning an illegal item does not necessitate lethal force or the death penalty.
Ride didn't pussy out in his first MS battle like Hush and he scored good boy points for his performance against the Mobile Armor.

Plus Hush is busy with his new job of being Mika's wheelchair.
So what has actually happened in the plot. I've heard up to the part where some mobile armor attacked people, then Mika saved the day again and then everyone said Orga was finally going to do some big thing

Also has Kudelia done anything yet?
Second season fixed the primary issue of the first season: it's not dreadfully boring anymore and most if not all episodes have robot fights.

There's also actual plot now:
>The Calamity War is explained, turns out it was man vs. genocidal machines a la Terminator.

>Gjallarhorn is further developed, more families introduced. McGillis still doing his own agenda but now faces opposition from other Families.

>Mika is gaining power at a price: the more he asks from Barbatos, the more Barbatos takes from him. Late episodes show something under his normal aspie self.

>God tier mechanical design. Washio and Gyoubu nailed the militaristic, "pneumatic skeleton" type look, as well as the "lost forbidden weapon" look.

>Tekkadan faces consequences for becoming a growing force in the PMC industry, especially since they're favored by the Turbines.

>McGillis may have to tie up some loose ends resulting from his fight with Gaelio in the first season.
Wow, Iok just made the case for an ultra corrupt Ghallahjorn.

Will anything come out of it?
Literally who.
Obvious device to undermine Rustal.
Hush is hilarious.
>join as the upstart new kid determined to get a gundam
>15 episodes later he is instead Mika's gundamless man servant

Well, owing to the fact that the show went on a two-week break over the new year, you didn't miss much.

Mika's lost the use of his right leg after dealing with the mobile armour and can only move freely when connected to Barbatos now, McGillis is calling on vague 'comrades' to begin an uprising from within Gjallarhorn's ranks, Iok takes advantage of Tekkadan's use of the Flauros and strikes a deal with Jasley to plant railgun with contraband ammunition to frame the Turbines and bring the force of the law upon them, and then that results in Naze and Amida both sacrificing themselves both for Tekkadan's sake and so that the others could escape.
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Mika little bitch
Hush is a literally who anon.
haven't kept up with S2, how does brown girl die?
>McGillis is calling on vague 'comrades'
Every episode until it actually happens. I kid you not.
They fired a metal rod into her unit. It wasn't graphic at all.
Turbine girls and Tekkadan are witnesses. Also Mcgillis knows iok took the dainsleif from warehouse 4. He's going to expose arianhods bullshit in 2 eps. No doubt. Thus starting Chargilli' revolution
Is Lafter a virgin or not?
> What is inertia in space

He'd have to fire some kind of retro-thrusters to bring his ship to a standstill. Cutting engines in space would mean the Hammerhead would still barge into the fleet at the speed at which it was going before the engines were stopped.
Tekkadan found a Mobile Armor (Which in IBO are AI controlled killbots that were the primary antagonists of the Calamaty war and wiped out 1/4 of humanity) in hibernation buried in their new property. They have no clue what it is so they call up McGillis to see if Gjallarhorn knows and he practically jizzes himself over the discovery and tells them not to touch it or bring any MS near it until it's been inspected by him and his guys. The information gets leaked to Arianrrhod and Iok takes a force off to arrest McGillis thinking it's some dastardly plot to earn brownie points among the 7 stars by secretly hiding an MA away and then killing it for a defunct award.

He arrived along with a force of MS and ignores McGillis shouting at him not to bring the MS too close. The Ahab reactor waves of his MS wake up the MA and it basically tears through all the MS around it like butter before heading off towards a Gjallarhorn base to resupply after 300 years (Destroys the base) and then towards the city to kill all humans there. Tekkadan and McGillis keep trying to lead it onto a different path and ambush but Iok fucks up their plans twice through his interference, one time leading it to a farm where it kills everyone. Eventually they manage to kill it and Iok gets shamed among the 7 stars as well as making an ass of himself in front of them.

Butt hurt over the loss of his men and his shaming, he works with that Teiwaz pimp who doesn't like Naze, and is convinced to take out the Turbines before going after Tekkadan in order to cut off their support. So he takes an illegal weapon out of storage and plants it on one of the Turbine's transport ships to frame them for owning an illegal weapon. He then chases them down, ignores their ceasefire and surrender signals, and uses the illegal weapon against them.

Also, McGillis is prepping to make some large scale movement against Gjallarhorn and is calling up his allies.
lol I had hopes for hush. He is hodor tho

Jasley will pull rank and use McMurdo's authority and demands Tekkadan hand the girls over or they will be expelled from Teiwaz with all assets frozen since they are no loner protected by Naze's blood oath on the account he and Amida are dead and Turbines is no more


One more: Villains belonging to Rustal arent one dimension baby eating monsters like Earth Alliance.

Wants to "squeeze" Akihiro hard.
I'm thinking McGillis and Tekkadan are going to use this incident to have validation to go against Gjallarhorn or at least Arianrhod Fleet.
She turned into the sun
Banned railgun ammo that shreds through nanolaminate like paper to the MS cockpit.
>Jasley will pull rank and use McMurdo's authority and demands Tekkadan hand the girls over or they will be expelled from Teiwaz with all assets frozen since they are no loner protected by Naze's blood oath on the account he and Amida are dead and Turbines is no more
McMurdo already said he's take care of them and give them jobs directly under his own personal businesses. Jasley can't touch them without pissing off the boss now.
Nah she was getting smashed by Naze. Well at least in S1. Remember she said akihiro was more persistent in wanting fights than naze was in bed which made the other girls go "OMG WHAT!!!! NO WAY!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! xD"

Naze himself said that although he only truly loved Amida, he wasn't one to turn down the sexual advances of his other companions either.

So, no, in effect.

Used goods whore

I hope Guts throws her into the trash where she belongs.
Naze himself said that he was basically letting any of the girls who wanted to screw around with him, and Lafter was thirsty for that D constantly back in S1.

Can they trust him after throwing Turbines under the bus like this? Jasley can turn to Nobliss who cares more about money than principles

Well, duh.
Yes as it was either Turbines going under that bus or all of Teiwaz. If Naze couldn't trust him to look after his girls I doubt he would have had that conversation with him. Furthermore if memory serves me correctly a few episodes ago it was stated that Naze was his favourite so there's that too.
Jasley will huff and puff but I doubt anything will come of it.
>Can they trust him after throwing Turbines under the bus like this?

First, he's trying to protect Teiwaz as a whole and trusts Naze's judgement.

Second, Naze already talked to him and asked him to let them handle it on their own because he doesn't want to drag all of Teiwaz down with him.
In this episode, Iok attacks defenseless ships literally full of nothing but women and children while talking about pride and honor.

How soon until he gets Mika'd?
it would be dumb for Mika to be the one to kill him, literally half the cast has a personal reason to do it.
Naze himself said Turbines was a criminal organization. Those babies deserved it.

If the writers have even one ounce of sense between them they will have him killed by Rustal. It's obvious because it would hurt him more than anything and he's hurt Rustal more than anyone.
So, apparently Julietta's VA is also a gravure idol. Now I want to see Julietta in skimpy clothing.
I cried

I will say Orga be the one to kill him because Naze is his oath bro.
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Julietta is like little boy
She literally said that she will milk Guts to the last drop.
Actually I'd be more interested to see if Rustal can find a way to use Iok's idiocy for one last crack at goading McGillis into something that he can be taken down for.

It's obvious Rustal is going to wash his hands of Iok's nonsense what with dainslefs being fired and all, and it'll probably be framed in contrast to how McMurdo and Naze hashed out their last words to one another, but I'm interested in if there's one last fuck you that can be mined out of Iok's garbage.

Think about it, this is the height of the sort of corrupt bullshit that McGillis wants to purge, you think maybe rousing him to action is the opening you need to remove him once and for all by declaring him an enemy of Gjallarhorn itself or something, I dunno.
she looks like my nephew
LMAO holy shit /m/never stops you all are so fucking brain dead good god
What are the chances that Rustal is the one to have Jasley killed since he led Arianhod Fleet into further problems?

I would like to see that too since they've really established Rustal as crafty, political, highly dangerous, and able to use anyone and anything to his advantage. He is basically the non-retarded threat Gjallarhorn needs to show they aren't just 100% shitters.
Would McGillis go for that though? He knows Iok is a retard and a pawn so surely he's going to ignore him and focus on Rustal instead.
>Jasely looking shocked/scared in the next episode PV.

So what's going down. cornered by Mika? Finding out that Tekkadan is going after him? Threat made by McMurdo?
Are you trying to imply that Iok's crusade against Geneva isn't better than anything we have seen from S1?
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So a brown guy is a massive fuck up, kills a bunch of white women with banned weapons, and yells "AY YO WE WUZ NOBLEZ AN SHIET". Are we supposed to be surprised about what just happened?
By the look of it he's more going for a coup d'état in the coming episodes. He's not playing the long game of politics anymore.

He never has. It was the third episode, I think, where Orga asked if he wanted to say goodbye to the dead, and he said something like, "You told me once that you can talk to the dead when you're dead, so keep working for the living while you're living."

He might cry for Atra, Kudelia, or Orga, but I doubt anyone else.
We got to see Full City with a new booster and long rifle sniping shit and getting girls wet. That was pretty cool too.
>Barbatos' new form is called the Lupus Rex
>The Wolf King
Post yfw Orga dies in the end and names Mika-in-Barbatos as the new King of Mars.
Has any Gundam series ever introduced a miniboss squad so close to the end of the series?

There are ten episodes left and we can assume that this Teiwaz arc will end in the next two episodes.Which leaves us eight episodes to deal with Rustal and Vidar,Chocolate Man's allies,his inevitable betrayal of Tekkedan and endgame.
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Did you guys enjoy Fellini's Self Destruction show?

Remember when people thought he'd get a gundam?
remember when people thought he'd be the Sasuke?

>literally said she was going to fuck naze after her fight with mika in s1
Where are the other girls's spirits to carry him to harem heaven
Kudelia love Mika
>cuck guy is died
/m/ is celebrating
Went to hell for being sloots
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I think I'm in love now
>Rustal, with his political deftness embarrassing McGillis and destroying Tekkadan's Earth branch, and Julietta and Vidar, two pilots who can compete with the best of Tekkadan's aces, seemed to be what the plot needed to inject some real stakes into the show.
>But Iok... Iok is a bumbling clown who manages to be the most destructive force and cruel, evil scumbag in the show. He represents everything wrong with Gjallarhorn in a single character: the whoring of an unearned title, the incompetence, the lack of purpose, the abuse of authority, the corruption, the cavalier treatment of all those deemed unworthy... it's magnificent.
>I feel Iok is essentially 'good intentions' personified. Guy isn't evil per-say, he's just a determined naive guy that thinks he's doing good but wound up destroying everything with his good intentions.
>was also born with a silver spoon in his ass
Yeah, Iok is modern Gjallarhorn personified; He suppose to be an authority for maintaining peace and order, truly believes he's doing so, but is such a royal in-bred fuck up that he's doing more harm than good.

>>I feel relieved?
>Literally what did she mean by this?
>She feels Iok saved her from getting her shit pushed in by Amida.
>But she was chasing her.
>It's not as though Amida was shot away as she was about to kill her.
>I don't know, maybe she felt like she wouldn't have been able to beat Amida eventually or the fight was too much for her to handle.
>She was scared of Amida of the difference in the strength of their convictions.
>Amida also would have killed her many times over if it wasn't for her bleeding edge mobile suit and finally the spear-sucker-punch storm sent out from the incompetent Iok. She's relieved that didn't have to find out conclusively that she is actually weak.
I actually thought it was because Iok stopped Amida before she could destroy his bridge, since Julieta knew she couldn't.
They are complacent idiots.

Power without competent rivals does that to you.
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>at least we will be able to save Amida in SRW
>and Naze.

>>Better place.
>>The fucking gumpla universe.
>Lame place.
Oh fuck you Anon, Build Fighters 'verse is fucking awesome!

>Hey, they will get to meet Mr.Ral. I would love to meet Mr.Ral, and I don't even like Zakus. Don't tell him that.

>Actually I'd be more interested to see if Rustal can find a way to use Iok's idiocy for one last crack at goading McGillis into something that he can be taken down for.
>It's obvious Rustal is going to wash his hands of Iok's nonsense what with dainslefs being fired and all, and it'll probably be framed in contrast to how McMurdo and Naze hashed out their last words to one another, but I'm interested in if there's one last fuck you that can be mined out of Iok's garbage.
>Think about it, this is the height of the sort of corrupt bullshit that McGillis wants to purge, you think maybe rousing him to action is the opening you need to remove him once and for all by declaring him an enemy of Gjallarhorn itself or something, I dunno.
>I would like to see that too since they've really established Rustal as crafty, political, highly dangerous, and able to use anyone and anything to his advantage. He is basically the non-retarded threat Gjallarhorn needs to show they aren't just 100% shitters.
>Would McGillis go for that though? He knows Iok is a retard and a pawn so surely he's going to ignore him and focus on Rustal instead.
>By the look of it he's more going for a coup d'état in the coming episodes. He's not playing the long game of politics anymore.
Looks like we've got a game of Revolutionary/Counter-revolutionary Chicken boys; Who ever blinks first looses!

>Post yfw Orga dies in the end and names Mika-in-Barbatos as the new King of Mars.

I feel the exact opposite. The death flags give it away too soon and it ends up feeling like it's being dragged out too much. This time they did it far more concise with only a few flags and it actually felt shocking and meaningful. Maybe it felt more like I expect deaths of major characters in a Gundam series to be like
Source? I don't believe this bullshit.
Are his allies an army of loli's?
> possibly mcspurdo paying for the bullshit he pulled in s1
You mean Nobliss, you're confusing character names.
Wait, could its wings possibly fire the forbidden ammo?
Oh shoot, this is why I need to read everything before posting.
I'll be pissed if Darth Gali doesn't tap that at the end.
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