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/srwg/ Super Robot Wars General #847

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Thread replies: 715
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Previous Thread:

If you need help with any game try checking Akurasu for help:

Current status of the games availability in the English language as of the end of August 2014:

Detailed Version of Game Availability in English as of Late August 2015:

Music Pastebin:

Bring Stabity's Quick Guide to Katakana:

Game Modification Pastebin

Translated Plot Pastebin

Art Pastebin

SRC Pastebin:

Make your own SRW character Pastebin

If you wish to help with the SRW fan game they are always in need of more musicians and artists
Please contact the following e-mail: [email protected]
You may also reach them in IRC at #SRWEternity on Rizon.

You can also visit their website at: http://srw.eternitychan.org/
no ttgl no hope
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>Koryuoh! Shin Bushin!

Where the fuck did he learn that? I don't remember him doing it in the older games. Did he literally pull a Vindel out of nowhere?
Shit Gym leader.

Lorelei is superior.
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Will you save her?
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>Shit Gym leader.

I will fight you faggot

those fucking faces. holy shit.
>gym leader
>then starts talking about Lorelai

B does not follow A, anon.
There's no reason coustwell and vorlent can't be in as secret units.
Never mind the D mechs got shafted. We got all the A mechs right?
So there is a small chance.
Vorlent is more likely as it should already be in as an enemy.
I want to have sex with Melua, Katia, Tenia and Touya's hair!
>Boxer is better they said
When Gunner thoroughly trounces it everything that matters.

And no, your opinions don't matter when talking stats. If we started talking opinions then we'd have people saying that the Hyaku Shiki in OE was worth a damn
Boxer > Gunner
>Caring about stats in SRW

Kill yourself
Vorlent is even less likely because it's an enemy unit.

Raftclans will be Al Van exclusive.

Coustwell may get NTR'd by Ja Mu
Man, remember when the R-1 and R-2 had MAP attacks?
>Coustwell may get NTR'd by Ja Mu

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean
Metalphosis are bad ripoffs of garbage, and you are shit if you even remotely like them
>Coustwell is the first thing to appear in the PV

That would be hype as hell. Everyone knows Coustwell is the best,
Just another term that has lost any semblance of its original meaning, let the retards spout it in peace
Too bad they were both shit. Well, R2's was P, but it did fuck all damage most of the time.
He's either actually expecting Ja Mu to not be a crazy stalker asshole and join, or that he'd drop from his high-ranking Knight machine to use some barbarian hybrid.

So in other words, not happening.

Also using NTR like a moron.
at least her
we can't save Shouko anymore
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Look at the Coustwell fag and point and laugh at him.
The mech at the end of the video is called Valefor, right? The mechs have got a religious naming theme going on, I think.
Anyway here's Ialdabaoth's attacks.
Yes, all the important Shura IIRC (and maybe some of the grunts) are named after demons.
Daily reminder that, despite being called Moon Dwellers, nothing actually FROM the Moon will be the last boss.
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Agares' sprite is way too goofy looking, the head is gigantic
That animation is fucking hilarious though
Will the power puff girls get more fanart?
The actual head's not super big; it just has that large fin or crest on the back.
I was talking about the sprite in Compact 3, the head is like the entire size of its torso, and the shoulders are way smaller
Oh. That sounds ridiculous.
>that face portrait
>Calvina is that you?
Calvina confirmed for dickgirl.
Is sad panda offline or it's just me?
seems good here boss
Shit. Just at the moment I feel like going there.
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He head too big for he gotdamn body
He's a big horse, dragon, thing.
Valefor looks like a P2 reskin of Ialdabaoth
That's exactly what he is.
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That's kind of the point
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Is this a shop?
Huh. Compact 3 has some weird and funky things about its music.
I certainly wasn't expecting the vocals to Tetsuya's Theme (no, not THE Theme of Tetsuya, the OTHER one) along with what is essentially chiptune music
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What video player is that even supposed to be? If they're gonna fake people out they could at least go through the trouble of shopping the Youtube video player instead of whatever the fuck that is.
no shit

christ anon come on

There's also TRI ATTACK
It's facebook.
If it's a shop, it's one with effort.


For the first time ever from the Super Robot Taisen OG series, Super Robot Wars OG: The Mood Dwellers will be in English for the #PS4! Join the giants of steel in their fight against hostile invaders!

Releasing exclusively to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia, 2016.

Disclaimer: In-game dialogue for video illustration purpose. Actual dialogue in game differs."
You lost me.
Yes. Not even the youtube player.
Mechander, mate
Man this silly shoppers should do some basic research

>Hyperion is broken in 2nd OG
>nigh unhittable
>Three spirit banks
>Can decombine and recombine for an extra move
>Attack list covering all ranges

It pains me that sleigh will be on Calvina's route for most of the game to separate them. Bitches with emotional problems usually go on her route since she's personally one.
Well yeah, the moon doesn't have any natives, only immigrants.
>link works for me
Yeah and my dad works at Nintendo and gave me Pokemon Onyx but no you can't see it
They might not appear at all they got Crossgate'd between the ending of @2 and @3
That sounds really weird

Also never heard of Mechander
Is that facebook page a scam? Because the post is real.
Pick one
>Mood dwellers
What did he mean by that?
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The facebook link in the article is still "page not found"
It's a show from the 70s, the last show from the 70s to make its debut in SRW for that matter (though if, I dunno, Danguard Ace or something gets in, that'll not be a thing anymore.)

It's also not very good. I haven't seen all of it since that'd require me watching all of an MotW show in RAW, but even just from the first episode with bad subs and random RAW episodes there's some obvious issues.

>Pokemon Onyx

But Onix is the worst Pokémon, it has lower stats in everything but Defense and Speed than fucking Spearow.

Its not coming to the west, but english translation for Asia.

At least thats what it sounds like. I'll fucking TAKE IT.
>broken link
>only source on all these articles is neogaf
yeah ok
I mean this works.

They realize their "source" link doesn't work, right?

It didn't say anything about the west.
Don't tell me you don't like Rai spinning his yo-yo around his head like an asshole kid trying to hit someone.
My only guess is maybe the deleted the post to fix the typo? Or they weren't supposed to post it yet? Or it's a REALLY fucking elaborate fakeout.
SEA version seems to be PS4 only.
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>tfw I got my hopes up for a moment and it was dashed right back to reality.
Despair route is canon just deal with it

It's also getting a steam port.

You heard it first.

I'm the anon behind all the localization 'hints'.
>Click link
>Sorry, this page isn't available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.

yeah no.
Oh boy it's time for everyone to panic again
What kind of cruel monster would pull off Doublas' heads like that?

They're trolling us.
Why would someone do that?
Just go on the internet and tell lies
Lets rev up Perfectio then time to say never ever while blasting Despair
Great chan obviously
I'll be honest though. I wish I was skilled enough to be able to edit trailers like that just so I could troll people.

Is that Robot girls show subbed anywhere? Or even worth watching, really? The novelty of cute mecha-based girls intrigues me.

Yeah, it's time for more insane panic. Still, it makes for a fun wild ride. Better than the usual shitposting concerning MD around here, at least.

Thank you for speaking English.
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Elma is the best
>everything is indeed going to shit
>even Mark Sein and Nicht are getting overwhelmed
>another Festum comes in
>Suddenly it's that battleship from the movie
>Kurusu's fucking back

Na, that was cool. Does no fucking damage, which is the problem.

Its on Crunchyroll I believe, but yes, its been translated.
I got it off Nyaa. It's not really obscure or anything.
Come on, guys, did you let yourselves believe it again? It wasn't true first time, don't believe it without intimate proof and an actual link to the video to prove it for truth.

I mean, fuck's sake, it was supposed to be a picture of a Youtube video. You'd think anyone posting that picture would, you know, post the fucking video, which you could immediately check.


Based Bamco
It is literally
on the official
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> Or even worth watching, really?
Matt, while I agree that no one should believe it until we get an actual source link that works, it's a fucking Facebook video not Youtube. And until we do get a link to more than just the video seen here >>13889515, I will believe it is an elaborately fabricated heap of bullshit.
>English translation
>Asia region

>tfw Malaysia

How many copies should I buy
You mean the video in these posts?

They did post the video though.
Don't tell me that on top of not playing the games you also don't read the fucking thread

Thats not new you know, DoAX3 is getting english for Asian regions.
Can someone get a screenshot of Bamco's SEA facebook page? Apparently I'm not allowed to see it without a Normiebook account and fuck if I'm gonna bother with that
I mean. English version of games getting released in Asia regions isn't exactly new. It actually happens more than you would think.
they do that all the time you coon, hong kong speaks hella english
Oh really.

Then post a link directly to the facebook post.

Ah yeah, true.

No? I see a lot of links to something more than two lines in length, and I, who have been on the internet for a very long time, am smart enough to know not to click links like that.

I agree with you on the link policy but they're legit.
I have a facebook account and I get "Sorry, this page isn't available" so either they can block the page to a certain region or it's fake.
RIP Kazuki's arm though.
My only guess is maybe it was posted by accident and taken down, assuming it's legit in the first place anyways.
>even Gematsu reporting this

I-its real?
>Video game news sites
>Not jumping like rabid dogs on any piece of news without doing any research first
Again, I'm not trusting it until I see something posted directly on an official Bamco page
To make the video in the first place, they'd need to have a "clean" version of the PV with no japanese text introducing the game.

...which looks like exactly the case since they talk about the backstory and shit in english text, it's just the battle dialogue which hasn't been touched (which was noted in the video description in the first place)

How else would they make the PV? It has to be legit.
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Please don't let this be a fake. My girlfriend of 4 years just broke up with me and I need some good news.

English versions of games getting HK releases even if they never make it to the West happen, as other have pointed out, so it is possible. I really want to believe.
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I need more than a lone video link to believe anything
It looks like the page is region locked.
>The news is spreading everywhere
>Being reported by game sites


They're just posting the same broken link as their source.
The video was literally posted on the SEA Bamco page, but it got taken down for some reason shortly after.
Maybe they didn't mean to post it yet? Who knows? I'd just watch out on the same page till they repost it.
The problem is the SEA Bamco page doesn't seem to exist, at least for me. Going to the link to just their main page directly from their official Twitter leads to a dead page as well.
At least like four separate people on the neogaf thread say it works fine, so it might be a region-locked page or something (apparently those are a thing i guess)
mongoloidman324 btfo
No it isn't only fighting games, musou, Tales, and english voice only games get ported to Steam. All the good games stay on Sony, they give shit to Steam

Oh boy its time to get a PS4

release date when


Is it really so unbelievable though?

I mean. OG game, no licensing issues, they repeatedly said it's made to be a good starting point for people new to the series...It seems like as good a game as any to translate to English.

Fucking PxZ and its sequel both got translated to English, so why not this?
I know


But someone on Neogaf said they can access the facebook page. May be region locked and not deleted.
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Fake and Gay, just like everyone who believes this shit.
i can't view the video???!???!???
> Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia
Is that legit?
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so fucking fake holy shit will you faggots SHUT THE FUCK UP
the uploader is UNOFFICIAL

It's as legit as Bamco Taiwan, which if you remember was partially the reason why there will be a Traditional Chinese version of the game.
well fuck

obvious fake
when will you faggots learn? SRW is NEVER EVER getting released in english again

kek. Can't wait for it to flop and for them to never release another SRW in English.
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I want to believe but I refuse to get hype. And I still haven't gotten the good end for 2nd OG
It's okay to have hope, anon. You don't have to hold back anymore.
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>Touya will be the starting point MC for most westerners

Yeah with 3 waifubait and Calvina around him seems good
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>BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Asia

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I don't know what to believe anymore.
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>mfw people falling for this obvious ass fake


a scummy ass 'facebook page'? give me a break, we are never fucking getting OG
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you can't fool us, satan
Try harder.

I'm almost wishing that its fake so I don't have to get a ps4
Well J was where a fuckton of baka gaijins started anyways, so it's like pottery.
>Implying anyone but us losers will even buy this
The video is unlisted you stupid fuckers
Its fake Perfectio cast guts three times
I don't know why I still haven't watched that movie.









Why don't you already have one?

So? What does that have to do with anything?


Look at the rest of the channel, there's tons of official trailers.

Its unlisted meaning it will not appear in the page .... yet
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Retards fell for it again.
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Your argument don't even make any sense. If they hadn't uploaded the video it wouldn't have their name attached, unless you're saying someone uploaded the video on a different account but hacked YouTube to make it seem like BNEA posted it.

Oh my saucer is expanding alright Katya.
Hey, when was the Korean version confirmed?
>They're using Super Robot Wars instead of Super Robot Taisen
>When Robot Wars is getting a reboot
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I don't know why people seem so enthusiastic to shit on this. I was skeptical but that youtube link is all the proof I need.
Yes, and the video itself is not there.

Nothing is confirmed. This is like the ESRB shit a few weeks ago.

I'm not saying it CAN'T happen, but as of now, its all just smoke.
It's an unlisted video, senor cockgoblin
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It was still uploaded by the account, which has a ton of other official videos on it.

For someone to have uploaded this they would have to have access to the account somehow. So if it is fake, then the person who made it is really damn dedicated to have hacked into the account to upload their fake, or the actual uploader suddenly decided to be a dick ass troll out of nowhere.
SEA don't give a fuck.
Link to this?
Seems different to that video.

The game is quite popular here

Maybe won't sell millions but 100-200k are possible
SRW doesn't sell millions in the first place man
It did during the PS3 era.
Indeed. I didn't even know Robot Wars was a thing before, what, the other year?
Yeah, Bamco has been getting a lot of success in China and SEA with the localized versions of their games. It was basically an untapped market.
So how many heads are going to explode if tomorrow an English trailer for BX shows up?


Didn't it also have success like that in the later parts of the PS1 era?
>this meme will never die
I would, if only because it would actually mean Bamco somehow proceeded with the licenses.
>Having Macross in it
Well the good thing in SEA release is they don't need to include dubs, which made this possible
Does Robotech/HG have any power in Asia?
Dude that dub thing with Sony has been dead for ages.
The Sony dub thing has been dead for fucking ever, if it was ever actually a thing in the first place.
Sony dubs have been dead since the latter half of the PS3 era.
It's just that Namdai's America branch can be retarded sometimes that we get things like dub only God eater sometimes.
>Bamco will ask people to watch the anime for the story of OG1/2 as GBA alternatives

OGG and OG2nd anime when
It's a boogeyman that will linger forever.
technically we kind of have an early OGG animu thanks to that shitty bartoll OVA
Later PS1 games got close, but AFAIK, Impact was the first SRW to sell 1 million+.
Hell, they used the anime for the game PV intro. Lazypresto at its finest.
Oh man, I remember those threads. Eat shit SoulStealer.
>Impact was the first SRW to sell 1 million+.
When did Japan lose its hardcoreness?
I'm not sure if I should be hype or not.
It was the first one out for PS2. Launch games always sell a ton. I think Shin had ridiculous sales numbers too.
Who knows. Japan really did used to be hardcore though. They used to bring manuals and guidebooks to the arcade to play tower of Druaga.
Now their fighting game community is the last hardcore people left.
They never had it. Japanese release of Battletoads had an easy mode that starts you with more lives, and they made the Turbo Tunnel slower.
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Considering getting a PS4 for this. Are there any other good/recommended games?
Hm, that Linebarrels theme is... odd.
I don't know if it's good or bad.
Honestly, I kinda like it.
No, not PROUD. That's just good by default.
How about waiting for actual confirmation first?

Im still not convinced.
DQXI but won't be out for awhile
FFXV too but i am not that hype for it
Summon night 6
its on the same channel, just unlisted
what the fuck is wrong with you

Whatever happened to that faggot anyway?
EDF 4.1. Guilty Gear Xrd.
Dragon Quest Heroes. Well, provided you like Musou games. if you don't, it probably won't change your mind.
Which one, the one in L or the one in UX?
He's permanently left 4chan to go bother other SRW communities, so I think that's really as good as we can get here.

But Impact wasn't the only one. @2 and 3 were million sellers and I think MX and Z1 got close.
If you're talking about the L theme, it's good in a 'so bad it's good' kind of way, unlike most Ali Project songs that are just straight bad.
EDF 4.1
DQXI when it's out I guess
EDF maybe?
Ali Project did a good job on the World Break OP. Admittedly that only had the Ali Project composer, petit milady did the singing.
This is some reverse Gatchan shit.
>Kurusu's return is accompanied by a wicked guitar solo

It's fitting for that goofball.
Perfectio please.
Stripping out the vocals actually made it kind of tolerable.
>no ttgl but there's hope
Personally, waiting for a PS4 emulator.
>the Kouyou/Kurusu byplay

This is far more amusing to me than it has any right to be, probably mostly because Kouyou is amazing.
>>Fucking PxZ and its sequel both got translated to English, so why not this?

In fairness that only happened because Harada pushed for it super fucking hard, and when Tekkenman talks, Bamco listens.
>bringing SRW to the west with a subpar game and a, so far, uninteresting OG reveal

Rest in peace Super Robot Taisen.
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Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
But that's on PC too
Too bad the PC version doesn't run as good as it does on the consoles.

Speaking of PxZ 2

>midway through the game
>enemies still die incredibly fast and there's barely any challenge

I appreciate that they listened to complaints for the first game about it being too tedious and enemies being damage sponges, but it seems with 2 they nerfed it too much in the opposite direction. Now everything dies so fast you don't even really get to take full advantage of your supports and combos.
>Impulse gaming

Pretty good. I
>Soushi raises his arm

Oh shit, when did Demonbane get here?
UX can change a man.
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I just wanted an excuse to post some Schenkopp.
Winkysoft has officially gone bye-bye?

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Best girl.
Welcome to last month
Hell I don't even fucking remember it might be longer than that.
RIP. They made the best SRW games.
This is a glorious time to be alive gentle/m/en.


Albeit for Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia but who fucking cares when PS4 is region free anyway.
That can easily be followed with worldwide release like Digimon and VS Force games.
I'll buy them all.
>can finally go to a nearby shop to buy SRW
>tfw no PS4
I care, if only because I can't afford the system for a long while. Still, I'll be binge-watching videos like hell once they come out.
>No PS3 translation
I don't wanna buy a PS4 just for one game.
I am looking forward to Super Robot Wars OG The Mood Dwellers in English for PlayStation 4!
I think we'll all rest a little more peacefully now that it's over. This looks like it really is the end of the Super Robot Wars, General.
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>mfw no PS4
Neither do I. I don't have the money, the space, or the desire when I still have PS2 games I want to play.
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>mfw owned PS4 since launch and now it will finally have a game to play on it
Meh, it'll at least be getting Dragon Quest eventually.
Same here. I'll just get the PS3 version.
But is there going to be an English PS3 version? The announcement just says PS4.
What about Disgaea 5?
>mfw Alpha 3 plot happening next game will never be translated after this game bombed in sales

T-Thanks OGMD
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>yfw you lived to see this day
i ain't buying a ps4 for just an english translation either. who needs english anyway
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>mfw this and all the localization for DQ

What a time to be alive
True, though two games in three years is still really fucking abysmal. PS4 has basically been DOA because Nintendo was the only company this gen who remembered a video game console requires video games.
Honestly at this point we should be happy for any English translation at all. Any time an SRW gets translated, it's a lightning-struck-twice moment in history.

PS4 only, I'm assuming. That anon was just being like I likely will and physically getting the PS3 import while probably watching English PS4 vids at some point.

Though in a future where I can afford it, I'd happily buy another copy to have an English version on hand.
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NEVER EVER they said
>yfw you bought a PS4
Yeah, PS4 is basically port station 4.
I got quite a few games on it, but it's mostly ports. Like SW4-II, GGXrd, DoA5 LR, DMC4SE, WO3U, Transformers Devastation.
I just can't stand playing on my toaster, cause I use it mostly as work machine and want to get the fuck away from it when I'm done with work.
KH3's coming out soon, that matters, right?

ahahahaha who am I kidding it'll get a 2017 release if we're lucky.
All of the non-Japanese versions (Chinese, Korean, SEA) seems to be PS4 only.
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OG MD will have shitty sales and they'll never translate another game. Never again
It was a thing at some point, that resulted in some games not getting translated or even removing the japanese voices so they don't have to dub it (looking at you Wild Arms ACF) but it didn't last very long. Half the PS2's lifespan, maybe.

Well there's Gundam Breaker 3 coming up if you're into that.

They have the time to make maybe three extra games (all on different consoles obviously) until 3 comes out
Why don't you play multiplats?
KH2.8 is currently listed for January 2017 at Gamestop, meaning I wouldn't expect KH3 until 2018.
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It's up on the video page, definitely not hidden. Gotta say I'm feeling casually optimistic this isn't a ruse. I still don't think we'll get it localized in the west but an Asia version with an English setting sounds most plausible. I'm still going to wait for a bit before truly giving up Despair route, but I'm feeling frisky.

Because he probably has a functional PC or is aware of the fact that most of what EA, Ubisoft, and Activision pumps put as multiplats are hot garbage.
What's the catch in all this?
Is the Fire Emblem: Fates team in charge of the TL?
>only ps4 ver is english
We don't have "those" people round these parts, anon-kun.
>Before we begin, I would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for my life, and all the gifts which I've been given in it, including the ability to make this extension. Your name be glorified, my Savior, even in something as small as this. Amen.
wew lad
Your waifu is removed from the game thanks to a bizarre bug that was never caught in testing. They never release a patch to correct this.
In what possible scenario would Nintendo Treehouse translate a 3rd party game that isn't' for their console?
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Even better you could have the group that translated the English Asia released SAO game. Which is the more likely choice than Fates.
NoA would turn a trick or two for some fast cash
please don't
That's already happened to me in FMW
>Look ma, I'm topical!
The trailer translation seemed competent enough, certainly not Hong Kong bootleg levels of terrible. But the people who translated the trailer might not be translating the game itself so who knows.

Most of Bandai's SEA/Chinese localized games recently have also gotten English localizations released in the west so it may be an American localization company doing the work.
After all these years, I can't believe that it's actually fucking happening.
the title and lack of numbering is a sign anon

we told you...
And it's not gonna happen anymore after the English version flops hard.

Mark my words
>Well there's Gundam Breaker 3 coming up if you're into that.
Yeah, grabbing that, tho I wish PS+ online wasn't paywalled, can't make myself pay for that piece of crap.
>Why don't you play multiplats?
I spend with PC too much time already to use it for some rest and videogames, and I like physical copies.
Why are you mad now, anon?
And who is your waifu there?
Welcome to /srwg/, newfriend. Do be careful, though. This userbase is a bit different from the kind you are accustomed to on Gamefaqs.
But its the same with the waifu shit here

Everyone's a sazukeex
Waifu shit is the same everywhere.

It's a nightmare and I want to wake up.
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I don't know about that. Namco, KT, Falcom, Sega have been pretty successful with their expansion into Asia. Those guys love Japanese games, they just don't have easy access to them, so once some effort is put in, they eat that shit up. Some games are even selling as much or more in the rest of Asia as they are Japan.
She walked in on Big Boss undressing.
I was on her route on You and after Mima saved her ass I wasn't able to deploy her for the rest of the game.
Like she fucking vanished man
I meant is that an old photoshop or did someone fuck around with inserting text like that @3 translation project that guy was trying to get started recently?
That kind of sucks considering she's supposed to be like one of the main characters
Mechaextreme in charge of TL.

definitely not the case for the new Digimon game.
Maybe he is. What if he accepted the ad?


Then /srwg/ will get really interesting for awhile. So many new materials potential...
It means you angmo gina nid 2 lrn singlish lor.
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Well, kinda suprised by this announcement.
We'll see how it goes from here, have some fresh OC.
>bamco's english translations are by mongoloid rice niggers

That explains so much.


You prefer someone else, senpai?
we are going to change it

It's for SEA you dweeb.
>Exodus's ending


Just give it a few more weeks for the announcement
We still were right then, it's not coming to the west
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>literally using footage of year old anime for your latest game preview

Lazypresto baka
Are you seriously comparing stupid censoring to FUCKING DUWANG
>yfw they hire mechaextreme to translate MD
Builders of the Legacy After the Destruction of Earth

It's about as literal as you can get if I'm not mistaken
Are you seriously saying they should have left it as Beyond the Logos Artificial Destiny Emancipator i.e. fucking gookspeek nonsense?
With the world's blessing, we can meet them again and again.

Safe to say you enjoyed Exodus then?
Translation overall seems to be not that bad, but I'm really hate term changes.
Tho some quests (usually basic ones) have mistranslation pointing out on wrong places or wrong (not existen) enemies and such.
So it isn't good either.
>Instead of Orgone it's Orgonite now
Oh boy, can't wait for LUFTKRANZ to become official
>My nam is,(u dont need to remember) zǐyún tǒng yè, age 15, the past month to me is, only graduation tests. The entrance to high-school brings really exciting and worrying days

>till i met these 2 very special girls...
But are you good friends with a Singaporean and Malaysian for no reason?
They're just outsourcing the job there because they think it'll be cheaper.
Do Flips count?
Sure why not. All the smart Flips go work in Singapore/Malaysia.
Do underpaid wageslave domestic servants count as friends :^)
Y-You can be friends with me anon.
HI, anon.
How's your sex life?
I-I haven't had sex in ages...
what the fuck is this shit,is she russian?
friends with LATVNE for no reason?
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Super Robot Wars Russia when?
And a vodka kiev to you too young man.
I like Chen's translation better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AJdzboXmso
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In Super Robot Russia

Valsione pilots you!
It was significantly less suffering than I thought it would be. I mean, plenty suffering, but I thought fucking everyone was going to die, and, uh... Of the people from earlier series, who all bit it? Canon, Hiroto, Maya's sister, Sakura's mom, Akira, and technically Soushi and Rina?

It has the Matt Seal Of Approval® though.
I lives in SEA and I wouldn't trust any translator around here..
How many things have that seal of approval?
Pretty sure you meant Seri but shut your mouth you whore, she's still alive.
That depends on which seal it is, quite a few things have the basic level "it wasn't shit" one, but Fafner's is the "this is pretty good" one and that's somewhat rarer.
Same. I'm wondering if I should get the Singlish or TW-Chinese version.
Don't you mean Valsione rides you?
I mean, technically, yes, she is, but literally she's as dead as - oh, I forgot one. Orihime too, she was technically in HaE so she counts.
What would you rather have?
OG Cromartie, OG Mitsudomoe or OG Milky Holmes?
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Then I'll take your word on it, and check it some time.

I need to go through the Fafner shows at some point anyways.
Kyosuke: Alamak, bet on so-so odds also can what siah
I dunno what you're so steamed about, she might be dead now but death is pointless when you're BFFs with a Mir anyway.
Get pure nipponese version
She's not dead.
Shu: Can die one grand wyrm sword 啊!
I just realised that english J fans probably have it better than any other group.
>SRW got an R3 release
Fuck yes. Don't really care about the shitty translation, but at least the game is cheaper.

>implying that they don't do the duwang thing and transliterate the name from chinese

Gongjie: Alamak, bet on so-so odds also can what siah 啊!
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minus Coustvell fans

OG Series
G Gundam
Sakura Wars
Muv Luv Schwarzwhatever (or was it TE with Russians?)

Insert more series to fill up the joke here
They're fans of J, that's already punishment in itself
>Sakura Wars
hah, nice one.
I guess add some KING GAINER
That's TE. Schwarzesmarken is full of edgy germanese teen.
>my aim is true

Please, Japanese has been integrated into Singlish during the 00s J-drama craze. Korean is more popular now though.
I'd commit mass murder for a crabstick OG
Yeah that seemed awkward to me too.
>Disclaimer: In-game dialogue for video illustration purpose. Actual dialogue in game may differ.
Still doesn't make a good first impression.
>Implying Coustvell has fans
Fafner Exodus trecked through what was left of Russia, that counts too, right?
>death is pointless when you're BFFs with a Mir anyway
Well, that has its own downsides though.

If we assume Kazuki works the same way as Soushi now, the two will just keep getting baby'd instead of dying, forever. They have to keep fighting, eternally locked out of the weird Gordian crystal afterlife that everyone else on the island gets.
Someone's aim being true is an actual English phrase, you SEAmonkeys.
Are you party to the plot?
Unless both are killed at once. Or if something else happens.

I'm fairly convinced that when Fafner truly ends, it will end with Kazuki and Soushi either leaving, allowing themselves to fade away, or allowing themselves to be assimilated to the Festum, completing the journey of the death of Maya's hopes, dreams, and innocence by leaving her alive.
Yes and?
Indeed, the correctly localised version will be much longer
> My aim zhun zhun one, okay? Don't say I ne'er tell you, later you cry mother cry father.
Yeah, if they get assimilated by an outside Mir then that'd be that. I wouldn't be too surprised by your idea, I didn't even expect Exodus to have any possible ending where Kazuki lives.

Almost two months later though and baby Soushi still fucks me up. Technically we don't even know what the deal is there, Soushi did fade away and Soushi2 doesn't act like he has his memories. So it's not entirely comparable to say, Orihime and Kurusu.
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got a feeling so complicated
A man who had been placed on a nationwide wanted list on suspicion of killing his former mother-in-law and injuring his ex-wife in Sapporo was captured by police Wednesday afternoon.

Police arrested Shuichi Shirakawa, 30, at around 4:40 p.m. in the city of Bihoro, eastern Hokkaido, where he is presumed to have fled following the crime on Sunday night, local media reported.

At around 1:40 p.m. on Wednesday, a resident contacted police informing them that a suspicious car had been parked in the city’s mountain area. When police arrived at the site, they found Shirakawa sitting in his car, the same vehicle he used to flee the crime scene on Sunday.

As police attempted to persuade Shirakawa to surrender himself, he doused himself with gasoline and remained locked in the car, Sankei Shimbun reported. After about three hours of trying to persuade Shirakawa to give himself up, police officers stormed into the car and captured him.

Shirakawa is suspected of hitting and seriously injuring his former wife Yuko Ouchi with a bat and then and fatally stabbing her mother Mayumi. He is also believed to have taken his 1-year-old son from Ouchi’s house after committing the crime. The boy was later found safe at Shirakawa’s parents’ house.
Looks like someone is going into a DARK PRISON
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>dat fucking name
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>there's actual srw news to talk about
>matt and fags keep going on about fafner

don't you cockjockeys have your own thread for those
Oh, also, to compound that last point, Mizoguchi dies. So does the elder Makabe. And Rina, after saving everyone by piloting Zero Fafner by herself, which also completes the fact that all the movie pilots died at least once.

Also Mimika almost dies again, but the spirit of Goubein saves her, and in a moment of confusion it's almost like three people are on the battlefield - GOUBEIN SMASH into GOUBEIN SONG into GOUBEIN SPARK.
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So this is what Shu got up to after CoTE.
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>SRW in English

>For the PS4
Astranagant review thread up on Futaba.

I don't think Mizoguchi actually can die at this point, his collection of red herring deathflags can only grow.

And Rina can't die until we get confirmation her and Sui are actually fucking.
You're right it's time for yugioh, 2hu, and others.
>people actually like that mech


Literally just a R-Gun variant

Why is this allowed
>Can't dead end shoot
almost fooled me
You know it's kind of a shame Calvina will never get her Mustanglion again.
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Arc-v really turned to shit, lost motivation to watch it, let's talk about something cute for once
cute OG's also acceptable
Cute is not allowed.
>Arc-v really turned to shit
Arc-V is barely a bit better than Zexal and not as well animated or with a good OST, it started out good but went to shit after the whole parallel dimension bullshit. I really wanted to like it but besides a few moments it's not a really good series, unless something happens after this trainwreck of an arc and Jack saves YGO again.
I don't know anything. In fact, I'm pretty stupid.
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>English version is PS4 only
>Liking Anchor Arms the unit
There's no point in watching YGO at this point without thinking it gets bungled up at some point, Battle Spirits is the better card game franchise anyways (not sure about Duel Masters, that never gets subbed).

All the more reason to buy the console, really,
Now you'll have TWO games instead of one to play on it!
Duel Masters had delicious Mimi.
>voiced by Koyasu
Well, I'm still waiting on the movie, DM was a good series anyway, it's just everything after it that got lackluster.
I remember playing a psp Battle Spirits game and not liking it, but I've never seen the anime so I can't really judge, fact is I'm getting old and these things don't really cut it for me anymore unless they're super over the top and not too serious.
Maybe I should get back into Magic too...
Arc V got dragged out because of the DM nostalgia movie stealing most of the cash.
What's the first one?
The nostalgia garbage movie has nothing to do with it, the series is just boring, they had another tournament arc 20 or so episodes after the last one, the tournament itself was pure garbage, the characters are fucking worthless, they do next to nothing
The plot is pants on the head retarded most of the time, every time SOMETHING is about to happen, it gets cockblocked
Because uptil like the last decade it was technically illegal to release videogames on consoles in China and the rest of Asia are third world countries who'd pirate more than they actually buy due to import costs and near non-existant IP laws.

but there is another good PS4 exclusive
Judging from the trailer this probably is the catch.

The translation already has hints of Duwang-tier, plus anybody remember the 'Z3 translation'? Yeah...

At this point I'd rather buy FF games, at least those actually look decent.
Which Nep would you Nep?
Disgaea 5
I'm cumming and I'm not even touching my dick!!!!!
But who sahibs the sahib?
Anon please stop reaching for the bottom of the barrel, Nep games never were nor will ever be good.

Suggesting people to play Compile Heart/Idea Factory games should be a be a crime against humanity.
Big Nep
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>PS4 exclusive
Allahu ackbar sahib, for that is haram.
not believing it until official IFI announcement
You tell me old man, you're the Sahib.
You wouldn't know haram if it bit you on the god damned dick.
That is what Allah said last night when He bit the dick of six fat balding Japanese salarymen, sahib. Allahu ackbar.
>Some e-celeb picks up the game
>People start memeing hard with it

Do you regret the english version now?
Will you jews just get a room already.
That's still better than Mechaextreme
Now THAT is what I'd call Haram.
>let's players doing a no-action outside of animations strategy game
>implying we're not already 90% memes
>English Version is PS4 only
Fuck you, Monkey's Paw
How does it manage to be successful if all it does is sell waifu?
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They won't.
I'm waiting for some QUALITY review though.
it's pronounced V2
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You're whining but what you're actually saying is

>I wish more people liked things I like ;_____;
>pewdiepie please save my franchise ;________;
>I don't wanna have to keep coming to threads with VF-kun talking about Ingram all the time ;_________________;
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Last point is pretty much true though.
I was just pretending
>Shapiro in his early years
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yo yo hold up

>not knowing patalliro

It is literally Internet Meme's: The Game.

The games themselves barely has any noteworthy actual gameplay.. Writing is almost exclusively unfunny recycled memes wrapped up with a few moeblobs, even the Japanese dialogue is basically common pun upon puns layered with more puns.
Fucking disgusting. I guess pandering is okay when it's for us?
It's "okay" when japanese version does the same with 2ch
This. I bought Fairy Fencer F to see if they could actually write something that's not memes (They couldn't). There's a time travel in the middle of the story that does fucking nothing except to recycle dungeons and some asspull moments. Seriously what the fuck is the writer even thinking.

Aside from the story being so shitty, the gameplay is very lazily done. It was a torture to finish it, really. Every fucking boss is an hp sponge that requires no tactics.

Also the bonus final boss is goddamn fucking strong that even NG+ characters couldn't scratch its toe. Yes, you're expected to grind multiple playtrough of this shitty game to fight a cheap bonus boss that gives you nothing.

Waifu? What waifu? Only two girls are waifuable so it's not enough to redeem all the game's flaws.

Sorry for the blogpost, I need to vent this somewhere
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It's okay my child, your post tells me your repentance is sincere.


Go play the original SRW trilogy now. May the Great Father have mercy on your soul
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/v/ exists for a reason anon
What's wrong about that?
I think his complaint is that the saucer really isn't doing any expanding. "Deploy" would be a better translation.
Star ocean 5 as well. And persona 5 as well.
>Star ocean 5 as well
I'm really, really tempted to actually give in and buy it but the cast already looks like utter garbage and SO4 was too much too bear, I want to trust Tri-Ace but I'm still not sure.
>Mizoguchi dies
No. Fuck you. That is a bad idea and you should feel bad about having come up with it.
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People won't get confused about Continuous Action, they'll just call it a Fire Emblem ripoff.
>And persona 5 as well.
Nope, English version for PS3 was and still is confirmed.
>another "Marth/Roy are from Smash" situation
Like pottery.
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>baka gaijin will never ever get Neo Granzon
Asia english only the West has no interest in SRW.
And so we import it like always, big whoop
There's a limited production and SasukeEX will buy all of the English copies.
Literally who
>no esther
Calvina is his new waifu
>implying neo granzon won't be ingame

You can just imagine it now.

>Fury use cytron time freezing shit
>They move in to wreck the other mechs along with shuu
>"My, that's an interesting trick you have. Too bad it doesn't work on my machine."
>Releases a field that nulls it while alvan and the knights shit themselves
But I do have one,still need to build it tho
Considering how involved Zeorymer was in J's OG plot, I won't be surprised at all of Shu starts sticking his smug into things
>I want to trust Tri-Ace but I'm still not sure.
They've made virtually nothing but kusoge for the last few years, I think you'll be safer just ignoring them.
>Star Ocean 5
There are five games already? I played 2 once in my PS1 but it was shit. Can't believe they made it until five.
Yea 4 almost kill the series somehow it survived
3 was good
R-series status

>R-1, R-2, R-3 = Upgraded several times, still in use and capable of transforming into SRX with near 0 risk.
>R-Gun - Remodeled into R-Gun Powered.
>R-Sword - Modified into the Boxer Frame for the Huckebein/Exbein.
>R-Dagger - Stolen by Levi Tolar during OG1 and sent to the home world. Current Status, unknown.
>R-Axe - Taken in by Mao Industries, being remodeled into a new machine.
>R-Blade - Lost during space exploration, hinted at returning in moon dwellers.
>R-Cane - Currently in development at Tesla Labs. Jonathan Kazahara.

But what happened to the R-Knuckle? Did we every any confirmation of where it's at?
Your memes end here old man
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That game actually is even built on the Neptunia game engine the real kicker is Fairy Fencer F relatively speaking is possibly the best game Compile Heart have put out in over a decade.

Yeah, when that is your best attempt than you have some real huge problems.

The other issue is Compile Heart have some druglord style business going on. People know the games are bad for them but they still keep buying because memes and waifu's. CH actually can't stop putting out the halfassed games either because they're running so close to breakeven taking the time to actually put out a decent game (assuming anyone can write and design a game work for them) would actually kill them.

It's one vicious cycle, CH are the Sonic the Hedgehog of JRPG's.
Seriously take your parroting shit back to /v/, hell take everything back to /v/
>no R-Spear
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No memes, Anonymous.

I'm only reshaping the laws of causality.
>I'm only reshaping the laws of causality.

You don't have nearly enough bags to do so, Sahib.
He's right though

I actually finished FFF. Sure the time travel thing was shit, and was clearly done to recycle things all over again, but i found most of the characters fine, and the dialogue is fun at times.

It's compile hearts best game, but it's still pretty mediocre all around.

Neptunia is just all around trash. I just don't understand why its so famous. You can get cute girls and shit from other decent games. There's no need to resort to nepshit.
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OG when
R-Rapier is a secret
>FFF is mediocre
>Neptunia is trash
>They are pretty much the same games
How does that even work?
You don't know how many times i've had to answer that question.

I've always failed to convince the other party. I don't know. All i know is i was able to finish FFF and couldn't stomach 4 hours of neptunia.
Then I'll take it you just didn't like the characters and/or the setting
Probably some dumb prejudice against Neptunia. There's your answer.
At least FFF has some really, really vague semblance of actual RPG instead of shameless otaku circlejerk pandering.
Or maybe Neptunia is just shit
by dumb, you mean well founded.

Probably. But someone will say that it's the same or similar or whatever if i try to explain.
Sahib does not like Neptunia therefore it is now law.

Neptunia and all Compile Heart games are now haram.
Just ignore him, judging by the conversation so far this fag has shown up in other threads and can't seen to grasp the concept of people not liking things they like.
Did /v/ raid us?
So I take it that Duvan's mecha upgrade was already in another game? What was the story behind it?
That's nothing new
>can't seen to grasp the concept of people not liking things they like
In the meantime...
> I just don't understand why its so famous. You can get cute girls and shit from other decent games. There's no need to resort to nepshit.
Reminder to ignore the neptunia fag trying to argue in this thread.
Yep, it's the same guy alright.
>Neptunia and all Compile Heart games are now haram.

I thought they always were?
Cry harder, shitlord.
>oh no, I have no arguments
>I know, I'll call him a samefag
Really anon?
Don't respond. Reminder that neptunia fags are subhumans who you can't just reason with.

The moment he started liking neptunia he was already beyond saving.
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>I hate thing is an argument
>I like thing is an argument

Shut up and look at this Nep.

SRW when?
If the only character involved is that one Brave knockoff then sure. The rest can stay in the trash.
So, what's with all this anger /srwg/?

You guys even got a SRW in potential Duwang and here you are shitting on each other over someone who likes Nepshit?

Pushing my Xingke here, gun familiars.

No really, stop sperging over stupid shit.


i doubt it'll be that bad
It'll be SAO level at worst I think
That was pretty bad though.
>Shu unveils his super sekret mech, the Great Granzon
>is last boss again somehow
I'm kind of not happy about this now.

in SAO, it was understandable, but you had to piece stuff together since the translation is a mess. It was pretty horrible.
Well when you consider that bamco wants someone that actually UNDERSTANDS the lore for the translation...it can either be absolutely horrible or it will be good
>implying shu would ever be the last boss again

He'll probably show up on the enemy side for shits and giggles, or because we don't understand what he's doing and people are regarding his actions as bad.

Or Masaki's pissed at him again for being so smug. I think he's already over Shuu killing his mentor after 2nd OG's and DP.
SAO level translation with mix of Cyber Sleuth as cherry on top.
That's how Bandai Namco "Entertainment" rolls lately.
It will be horrible. We SEA people have shitty english. We're the mexico of Asia.
encik don like dat one lah we where got bodoh owl english dem si beh good one siah
>We SEA people have shitty english

Speak for yourselves.

Though i probably would be trash at translating.

Still, they should be able to read their translations and say, "Yep, that's a completely well rounded english sentence".

Because SAO didn't seem to have those people.
So how would one go about digitally purchasing SRWOGMD from the asia region?

Is there a SEA PSN you could make an account for?
Or do we have to physically buy this?
You're a minority, brother.
SEA has a joint PSN region (you can probably get it by registering an account under one of the countries).

Or you could just get it from Play-Asia who'll almost certainly ship it before release as always.
Wasn't Magenta from SEA?
You step outside and buy it from a local store.

Well, for me anyway.
Anyway, you PS4 owners will support this right? RIGHT!?

Singlish SRW when
I might have to buy it twice if there is a shit ton of DLC that favours Japan
I thought I was done buying SRWs twice after Z3 ended...
Well it looks like I finally have a reason to get a PS4, so I guess
Why would I buy a singlish translation? Actual Japanese would've been easier to read.
If I had a PS4, maybe...
I'll pirate the ps3 version because i can read nip just fine.

Not supporting a botched up translation job.
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If it's like cyber sluts it's serviceable
>"Wah why they don't localize OG"
>"Fuck that shit"
Kyousuke really stakes?

No dignity
We haven't even seen any of the translation besides a few screenshots and the trailer, calm your tits.
You fuckers have to meme up everything.

There's nothing that makes any if you happy.
Who the fuck cares
>"Wah why they don't localize OG"

I've never said this ever since i can read the original just fine. I even said this in the post you quoted.

Tell me /m/, why haven't you learned japanese?
This translation will also be censored because I say it will.

Nobody cares.
Because the next year Japan will instate Arabic as the official language and all of their games will be converted to the Sahib language.

The real question is why you haven't learned Arabic?

We could watch Riot School and Witness Who Witnessed Nothing together.

You'd like Adel Imam, /m/.
>Implying I play srw for the stories
I just want robots punching stuff
Cared enough to reply.

I don't learn languages i'd only probably use to scream something seconds before killing myself.

I wanted both, but that's an alright reason as well.
I jus wanna play SRW mang

I was gonna buy it in Japanese anyway.
Even half-assed English is a step in a good direction.

Why do we always have to argue and nitpick over goddamn EVERYTHING?
>Tell me /m/, why haven't you learned japanese?

But I am, it's actually the fifth language I'm learning.

Maybe I'll actually learn arabic so I can shitpost like a repectable Sahib.
I do know Japanese. I'd still rather have the game in English.
>I don't learn languages i'd only probably use to scream something seconds before killing myself.
Yet you learned Japanese.
moon dwelling allahu ackbar sahibs, why have you not praised allah for this great gift from allah, are you haram?
>I don't learn languages i'd only probably use to scream something seconds before killing myself.
With that said old man, what is the Arabic translation scene like for videogames and anime? I know you guys got a bunch of mecha translated back before the millenium way before the English scene ever took off.

Please no.

Singlish is a lazy unintelligible bastardization of all things holy and good about languages. If there was a official language for the apocalypse Singlish would be a candidate.
I have no interest in learning Japanese.

Besides, if I want to know the story, I'll just read Chen's summaries.
attic killed him senpai
Chen almost died though, so you should plan for the future Anon.

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>am poorfag
>tanking dollar in ym country has made importing absurdly expensive
aaaaa fuuck
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Yes, I will buy it.
Aiyo, why you liddat?
Chen is not a person, but a title.

If one dies, another will take over.
All jap games should be Japan/Asian/w english subs so that scary spooky skeletons won't touch them.
Canada? Next time I'm up there I'll bring some maple syrup, just for you.
Russia? Get some money saved, importing is not THAT bad. I still do it, just to time more rare.
At least if you don't have family, in such case, poor you. You knew what you were getting into.
I think Canadians have their own maple syrup, anon.
But their syrup doesn't taste like artificial additives like FREEDOM
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It literally grows in trees.

You just poke the tree, and coax the syrup out.
It's like that one Alice in Wonderland doujin where they fuck the giant tree dude, only the cat-girl is just a cosplayer from Animethon.
Indog? Yeah, there's no solution to that
still one of the coolest looking OGs
Did they remove him from Masoukishin games because of religion issues?
SRW actually helped me get a handle on kana. I'll eventually learn everything else. I'm just scared of my non weeb friends getting into the games if it's localized. Though that's just my Irational fear.
He shows up in Dark Prison just fine so I don't see why there would be any real world issues preventing his appearance. Probably just something plotwise, but I don't know shit about Masoukishin.
They straight up retconned his lines in the DS/PSP MK1 port, in the SNES version he straight up says he was a Muslim terrorist and had Allahu ackbar as one of his battle lines.
>Alice in Wonderland doujin
>instantly thought of that K Cross doujin
Don't do this to me man, it's too early.
Why would a non-weeb friend get into a turn-based strategy rpg about Japanese styled giant mecha, bursting with animu tropes out the ass?

Shit I have weeb friends who think anime and giant robots are awesome, but hate SRW solely because "SRPGS are the scum of the Earth" to them.
That was a fun little romp to look at once the clear scans came up. I like his stuff.

That's kind of the name of the game around here. Positive feelings aren't allowed.
>Shit I have weeb friends who think anime and giant robots are awesome, but hate SRW solely because "SRPGS are the scum of the Earth" to them.
>not liking sRPGs
you have shit friends.
You'll have to enlighten men on what that is.
I'm bad at remembering names of things like that.
For scientific purposes of course.
Yeah, Pat's a piece of shit.
I lost more body fluids when it got translated
I'll post it when I get home.
In Masoukishin he just straight up quits and replaced by a character voiced by Sugita that does nothing.
Why anon? Did seeing it translated make you piss and shit yourself?
I try to convince them otherwise.
But the ones that like robots don't like sRPGs, and my friends that DO like sRPGs don't like robots.
I got one friend who likes both but he's one of those assholes who gets you to buy and play a game with him, only to play it for a day, get bored, and forget about it.
Come to think of it, you're right, I DO have shit friends.
Why do people feel the need to force their friends to play the thing they like even though their friends have no interest at all? They would just complain and shit on your favorite games.
either way, no matter friends quality, you should care less about them, and just enjoy stuff you like yourself without seeking for approval.
It's impossible even for close friends to share every interest anyway.
It's translated? Damn, never got informed of that, now I'll have to go digging, or hope for non-panda linkage.
I have one friend in my group where we influenced each others tastes to the point where they're identical. He's the only person I can talk to in everyday life about srw.
I reached the point when I rarely need to talk to anybody about my interests, even tho I have one friend as roommate which we share some stuff in common, not all of it.
That is sufficient. Quality over quantity. I don't think I did talk to any new people to socialize in 5 years.
I don't force them to play anything, nor do I seek their approval on such matters.
My friends and I have many interests at don't align with each others, but even if someone likes something the other does not, everyone is cool with it. (except for that one guy, you know that one guy)
I'm just lamenting that I don't have anyone in real life to talk about SRW to in anything beyond a superficial level.
that one got translated?
New OG game for steam or Vita when?
Hot damn.
I can be your real life SRW buddy, Anonymous.

Just call me up whenever.
Yes, Muslims are delicate little flowers
>pewdiepie please save my franchise ;________;

Jesus Christ I wasn't thinking about worst case scenarios like this but now this'll never leave me.

In a few years, you'll see the truth. It'll happen, whether you want it to or not.
I already had a friend show interest because it's in English.
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>get 10 missions into J, doing good
>suddenly realize you forgot to change this asshole's name to "Touya"

Ah shit. There's gotta be some way to fix this in post, either through codebreaker or a hex editor.
Pewdiepie would never have the attention span to play anything that isn't an indie horror game or Happy Wheels.

The worst case scenario is Game Grumps.

At minimum they'll call it a Fire Emblem clone, at worst endless OH LOOK BIG ZAM jokes.

Fuck I hated that Gundam episode. And the Ultraman one.
what about one of the other ones?
like the irish dude, or the one with the wacky hair?
Arin wouldn't play it for more than two stages, either.
but Toya is correct
Either could be written as such and could be construed as "right"
Yea but it's also fucking garbage like Koji and shit like that.
>mudslims had one track from Noragami S2's soundtrack vanish from the face of earth because muh allah
>when noragami itself already takes quite a few shits on a lot of religious beliefs
>but no, it's that one song that went overboard
They really are.


Seriously Arin you're so far into the closet you're in Narnia.
I heard Danny called him out on the D Club shit.
>watching inferior western game reviewers
>not watching top sahib top game hour

Now you know why a large part of the world refers to you all as infidels.
>watching anything beside raw gameplay and GCCX
pleb taste, VF-kun
>insulting top sahib top game hour

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I'll do that when you make your own LP channel with facecam.
This means I cannot skip all the talking anymore since I couldn't read it anyway.
My friends like to watch me play these games, and now they're gonna need a moment to read all the things.
Pick a game and I'll review it tonight.

For Top Sahib Top Game Hour.

With Facecam.
Votoms PS2
Hyper Dimensional Neptunia

I'm >>13891435 by the way.
I don't watch any of them, the best LPer retired years ago.
this t͘bh f͘am
I want to see you to play Undertale
XCOM 2 on max difficulty with only /m/ tripfags as soldier names
Yeah, but that's just a video Woolie put together for Pat to bitch at while Woolie misidentifies robots.
You're a terrible person and I really wish you'd keep your distance.

See above for my reply.

You missed out.

Only Finlander got to see it.
Crazy bus
I couldn't watch that intro for more than 4 seconds it was so bad
That's great, it's also not the best LPer so I don't give a shit.
Psychic Force 2012.
A Yugioh game, which ones are good anyways?
>You missed out.
>Only Finlander got to see it.
Alright, starvedforattention324.

Who's the best LPer?

The ironing.
Retired, now. There is no more best LPer. He's gone. Left Youtube in late 2013.
cute floor Longplays
me ;)
check out that Varg Rally Dog
I do let's plays all the time, I do them for every game I play. I love to commentate on these things.
I have been doing it since I was 5 and had a Genesis.

I don't record myself ever because I have an ugly face and no self esteem
Youtube culture was better on Atreem.
Sounds fun anon.

Where'd you hear that?
Only time I ever did anything public is a briefly streamed Z3 for my friend on twitch when it came out.
And I ended up making a crap ton of those webms out of the footage that I posted here cause someone asked.

Can't be worse than that guy who streamed Z3.2 and turned off battle animations.
>Search around nico for Gundam videos
>Someone's using lewd Puru-nee as a video thumbnail

That sick bastard, I'm gonna kill him.
Nah, I watched all the animations.
I would use the FF button on repeats of simple one like simply firing a beam shot.
I have a habit of skipping it right before the enemy explosion though.
This is what I fear from a localization, that and dumb TTGL references from people who don't know the game. Its a silly fear, I know.
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I wish. It would immediately redeem MD's lack of interesting stuff
Ooh, is it time for fakes to start showing up already?

I hope there's a Beowulf fake that shows up soon!
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inb4 someone invents SRWZ4 - Esther Hen
We're not even at the PV2 stage of the SRW hype train.
Let them wow you with false pretenses again before you cast judgement.
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I wish I could cast Judgement but I'm not in the right class to do so.
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Allahu ackbar
We're not even at PV1, what we have was just a teaser PV
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hey guys try putting this together
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Getter remake in SRW when?
Funny, I remember that old ad, but I can't remember the original game it was for.
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Damn, talk about blast from the past.
Those kind of gory ads where all the rage in the 90's.
I want Getter Robo Daikessen in SRW.
I want the super robot pilot choices just to be the the created pilot characters from the game and your OG mech is simply a Getter Machine.
This means when it ever got around to be inserted into OG they would have to invent some kind of OG Getter rip off, and that would amuse me to no end.
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srw when
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I can't wait for the first Famitsu scans with Mist in an OG.
If people think the shitposting is bad now, hoo boy
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>dat Zero face
>tfw it's expensive as fuck
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srw when

>three months of posting MIST ES FAKE
>PV drops

I want Mist's first appearance to be out of order and kept hush-hush until the game releases and we get Mist leaks.
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Brain problems that make learning new languages difficult

Before you ask "then how did you learn english". I didn't have this problem as a kid.

Like unironically?

Probably Chip and Ironicus when Voidburger isn't involved. Geop and Kuvo are good together.
>Woolie gets a million things wrong
>Pat is just there to bitch
>Liam is the only one that actually played an OG game

Yeah that's about right.
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TE spoiler guy
Chip and Ironicus are okay. It's much better when they're aren't trying to be funny.
New thread: >>13892041
>not praying to Demonbane

wew indeed
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