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Why don't my classmates read any books?

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I'm the only one in my class to read book for fun. What is wrong with young people today?
/a/, /vg/, /tv/
the screen >>9762812
Because books aren't instant gratification. Due to technology, people want instant pleasure and entertainment. Smartphones accomplish this, people would rather mindlessly browse snapchat/normiebook for their dopamine hit than sit and chew on a book for a time.
What's the difference between snapchat/normiebook/wikipedia/etc and books?
There is none, it's a different medium and books as a fixed thing are quickly growing obsolete. Obviously they are going to lessen in popularity of there are other mediums.
books are instantly gratifying all the time, for me anyway.
>young people

>books are instantly gratifying
You are reading the wrong books.
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Yeah just keep jerking yourself off dude. You're so much better than them. You're definitely not pretentious
This has been a thing for decades, it's nothing new. It was like this when I was a kid.
You probably just read YA in which case you might as well watch TV or capeshit because it all has the same value. You get no cred for reading bad books.

But on the off-chance you're asking why nobody reads literature, it's because of the belief that newer forms of art supersede the older. Video games are better than films which are better than books. It all comes out of a culture of youthful arrogance. Bad video games are thought to have more "literary" value than good books, and so the whole structure of literary value is thrown on its head, keeping the majority of otherwise intelligent and passionate people from deeply pursuing art in a way that eventually leads them to books.
Serious question why care? Also the op image seems manipulative as fuck. Comes across as very pseud. There are scenarios in games and movies that are way more interesting than some of the books I've read. Is it what you get out of it? Knowledge? Why read fiction when you could get straight to the point with dry philosophy then? Why value that more than movies or games when everything is then second rate compared to just philosophy?
>newer forms of art supersede older
What planet do you live on? I've literally never heard of this happening. Who complains that books and Picasso aren't art? Yet you hear that all the time about comics and games and shit. I don't think people think bad vidya is as good as a great book, they just want to play vidya instead of reading for a few hours
This. I haven't read a book since I got into anime. I write, though.
Stop jerking yourself off, pseud. Kant is the definite 'bad philosopher' archetype and he isn't even the fucking worst.

Letzter Mensch: reading; 'appreciating'; absorbing in general
On the way to something greater: producing; endlessly expressing oneself without traditional social limits
The best anime, Eureka SeveN, is better than any book, anyway.
anon you're upsetting me.
Kant is unironically within the tiny percentage of philosophers who advanced the field.
>read book for fun
Stop this. I bet you only read YA fiction too
Far from it. He only 'advanced' it in the wrong way.
Only if you advance something in some way. What difference would it make if you made some run of the mill shit vs just consuming? Unless you make a quick buck you're just adding more mediocre garbage to a world oversaturated
E7 was a very disappointing experience early on in my anime watching. Had just gotten hooked with Utena, Eva, Berserk quality stuff, wanted more, ran into sky naruto.

And feel free to reveal exactly how you're only pretending to know what you're talking about with Kant by elaborating on how he was wrong.
>sky naruto
You don't think I can smell what this is?
>And feel free to reveal exactly how you're only pretending to know what you're talking about with Kant by elaborating on how he was wrong.
Sorry! I don't fall into rhetorical traps set up by people that think NGE or Berserk were good.
How is that relevant to Kant? Regardless, your reliance on ad hominem as an excuse to avoid elaboration just reveals you aren't very educated in philosophy.
>if somebody doesn't react the way i want them, then they aren't educated
One of us has literature published, the other subtlety pleasures themselves to 'enlightenment' philosophy and thinks Berserk is good. Now, cut it with the rhetorical traps. Jesus Christ you act like I haven't seen them before.
I'm not talking about anime, I'm asking you about Kant, which you responded with anime. I asked how anime was relevant to Kant, and you're responding with more anime as well as blogging now. Why are you so scared to talk about Kant? Were you pretending to know what you were talking about?

It's not a "trap" if you know what you're talking about, it's discussion. I'll ask again: Can you elaborate on how Kant was wrong?
If you think Berserk was bad then what is good anon?

not looking for recommendations or anything
I see more rhetorical traps. Claiming it 'isn't a trap' does not make it not a trap.
I see through your nonsense. Your opinions on a subject are not separate from you.
Tell you what: if you explain to me, in meticulous detail, why E7 is bad or whatever you claimed, I might explain why Kant is 'wrong' (something I never actually said). Note that I know this series incredibly well, so more rhetorical traps will be even less effective on me.
The '97 adaptation is not a 'good adaptation' in that it somehow ended up being faithful in someways and not in others, in a completely nonsensical way. In other words, it doesn't even adapt. The source material is garbage for edgy teenagers. I can't see how anybody else could enjoy that grimdark fantasy trash other than obese Dawkins-loving teenagers that have probably moved onto ASoIaF by now. Really, what they want is Tolkien but with rape and gore.
The sort of people that like Berserk are a step away from the people that actually enjoy Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo, They're dopes that love hip action and offensively American soundtracks. They don't actually enter a medium and hope to experience that medium, but rather they hope to experience a shtick on Western genre. You know, there's a reason why these series were so popular on Adult Swim: the entire damn network was aimed at those types of people. Berserk is the same shtick but totally hardcoar for kids with tit-sweat circles on their Dreamtheater t-shirts (that have never seen a concert).
Why are you so terrified of talking about Kant? Why do you keep bringing up anime? It's entirely irrelevant. Can you answer my question?

You thinking it's a "trap" reflects that you answering the question would be bad for you, which means that you don't know what you're talking about. Unless you can prove me wrong by answering the question instead of talking about anime for the third time.

I'll ask again: Can you elaborate on how Kant was wrong?
Is this bait?
Berserk has an arc that isn't anything whatsoever like western media, and Susumu Hirasawa does the soundtrack which is extremely Japanese. But that's aside the point, I don't actually like Berserk and was asking what someone who doesn't like it thinks is good. What do you think is good? You didn't answer...
Stop the rhetoric already. My ass, I'm not going to fall for it.

If you can't respond to me, I'll get the ear-plugs. You are overestimating how much I care about arguing over a bad philosopher with some dope who is 22 at the oldest.
No. This isn't /r/eddit where everything is le bait that you must downboat to get away because 'negativity (i.e., contrary positions) is toxic and counter-productive to building close-knit communities'.
More ad hominem...why are you so terrified to answer the question? There's nothing to "fall for", if you knew what you were talking about the question would be easy to answer. I'll ask again: Can you elaborate on how Kant was wrong?

If he answered without irrelevant rants, people would find out he didn't know a damned thing about what he was talking about and that would hurt his feelings. Even though we find out that he doesn't know what he's talking about anyway by relying on irrelevant rants and insults.
It's totally irrelevant if it has an original arc, that doesn't change that it is Westaboo.
I didn't say Berserk had a poor soundtrack, either.
>ad hominem is bad
'no'. Yes, your entire spiel is something to 'fall for'. You've been planning something from the beginning. Do you seriously think that avoiding that will let my guard down?

You do what I say, or one of us leaves. I've argued pointlessly on the same subject for a fucking year once, don't think that you can tire me out.
>if people dont do what i want then they're le dumb!
This is a rhetorical trap. It is a planned scheme to make a person look bad regardless of how they respond. It is absolutely ancient, you cannot expect me to fall for it. If anything, I would be 'philosophically uneducated' for falling for it.
No, I will not let you 'make the better seem worse'. I will not play into your games. I'm not so insecure.
But what anime is good?
Read the thread.
Yes, I've been planning to demonstrate that you don't know what you're talking about as far as Kant goes by asking you to elaborate on how he's wrong. It worked beautifully, because you revealed that you can't say a single word on the subject.
I didn't really like Eureka Seven. What else is good?
>if you don't respond the way i want you to then ur dumb
Again, I will not fall into your trap. You're in my house, you will play by my rules.
A word is enough for you people to work with. Why should I play into your scheme? Why do you think that I will drop the matter if you continue denying it long enough?
Watch it again.
That's not what I said. I recommend avoiding straw man arguments if you want to appear intelligent. I asked a question, and all you've done is demonstrate you can't answer it.
Is it the only anime that you like?
I don't want to 'appear intelligent' you rhetorician. No, continuing your spiel will not convince me to fall for it, not now and not ever. If you want a response, then you will answer me first. You can bet how that will go.
No, it's just necessary to understanding contemporary series and is also wonderful if you actually watch it. You watch like you read: poorly.
Kant was so influential to western philosophy that he is often used as a dividing marker, since nearly all subsequent philosophers applied his epistemology in their works. Not sure where you get off calling him a "bad philosopher". Compared to what good philosopher?
There's nothing to fall for. You said Kant was bad and I asked you to elaborate. What's the problem?
He won't because it will demonstrate that he doesn't know a damned thing about anime.
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This thread is hilarious.

OP reading books for fun in school won't get your pecker puckered if you catch my drift.
>influential means good
Non-sequitur. Philosophy is not merely a number of fashion trends.
No, there is much to fall for. The devil lies, but I do not listen. You will do what I have asked of you first, and then you might get a response.
Stop responding to yourself. There is a recommendation board and two anime boards.
So if being foundational towards subsequent works isn't "good philosophy", what is? What's an example of a "good philosopher"?
What does this have to do with Kant? Why are you so scared to talk about Kant? You weren't in your original post.

>Respond to yourself boogeyman
I wouldn't ask someone for recommendations who thought E7 was good and Eva was bad.
Why do you still think I'll fall into your trap? Changing your aim isn't enough. Answer me.
Stop this. I won't fall for 'babby's first rhetoric'.
What do you mean?
If you weren't pretending, wouldn't it be easier to demonstrate your knowledge than to avoid the question with endless fallacy?
He isn't going to answer you. He only pretends to know what he's talking about, with philosophy and even with anime.
I mean that from your very first post (>>9762956) you've been attempting to lure me into a rhetorical trap. It is terribly obvious.
>fallacy is bad
Why would I do what is easier, rather than what I enjoy? Again, I did exactly this (to a much greater extreme) for an entire year. This is one of my passions.
Stop responding to yourself.

"I was published once. I wrote a letter to my favourite knitting magazine and it won 'Correspondence of the Week', so don't ask me about Kant, you silly baka."
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So you're just admitting that you prefer fallacy to actual discussion?

That's a fancy way of saying "I was only pretending to be retarded!"
Sorry, I didn't realize I was walking into some screeching autism. Carry on.
>arguments are good
You keep at it mate.
You don't want discussion, you're a Keikaku man who wants me to fall into their long-winding scheme.
A screencap doesn't mean anything, it's not like this website is coded well.
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
>m-muh samefag boogeyman!
>anybody i dont like is le retarded
Changing your methods won't make this happen any sooner.
just quoting you.
Your rhetoric is just getting worse.
How was Kant wrong in any way?
How is E7 bad in any way?
Gary stu MC, cardboard cutout characters who were dragged along by the plot instead of advancing the plot themselves, antagonists who were more interesting and relatable than the protagonists, just for starters. I don't see how that's relevant to Kant, though.

How was Kant wrong in any way?
None of that is valid criticism or even correct. You don't understand the genre. This discussion is over, Keikaku man.

Kant is wrong because you're wrong and I said he's wrong.
Well, it's >>>/a/ anyway, I'm just humoring you. And there's no such thing as "valid" subjective criticism. You thinking the word applies reflects your own ignorance ironically of philosophy in an anime discussion.

>Kant is wrong because you're wrong and I said he's wrong.
pure tears.
There you go, trying to set up the same old rhetoric. Good lord, no wonder you adore NGE. Face-forward intellectualism is your thing; you try to 'appear intelligent'. What are you, 19?
E7 is trash

>E7 sucks
>Utena is godly
my man
Stop samefagging flower-boy
This is a board for the discussion of literature and philosophy, why do you keep trying to talk about anime or about the person you're talking to?

How was Kant wrong in any way?
Those post times, though...

As an argument veteran, I recommend you avoid the "samefag boogeyman" argument, because it will only lead to situations like this that make you look even more retarded than you've made yourself look.
Because I can?
I don't care what I look like. I'm not some face-forward intellectual.
Pure anal hemorrhage. If you weren't pretending, you would have answered the question.
More rhetoric.
Isn't that accusation a little bit ironic coming from someone who talked about anime instead of Kant after being asked about Kant?
I don't care about Kant, I care about anime. Kant is totally a non-entity to me (and anybody else not caught up in Enlightenment memes).
Read him first.
I have, much more than you. See, I just don't make a point to make that obvious, because I'm not some 19-year-old Keikaku shitter.
becuase young kids are often told that they have to read
that its good for them

yet they know they have read somethings that are boring as fuck.
or that they have to think really hard about it.

reading for fun is reading anon posts on 4chan

they read a bunch of stuff online and in video games.
People read
Some read YA, some read genre fiction, some read classics
A few are interested in philosophy as well, but most people view reading as a fun pastime, not an intellectual pursuit
If you think your animosity towards your peers is anything other than a masked inferiority complex then you probably stay inside too much
you really should take this guy >>9763173 's advice in the future my man.
I don't care, I'm not some flower-boy that only does a thing to be seen doing.
Can one of you reply to my post rather than argue about your weeb shit?
You need to go back
You are saying that reading books per se is good. Why do you think this?
are you trying to translate literally an idiomatic expression from your third-world mother-tongue?
Nobody wants you on this board.

Shut the fuck up.
How old are you OP? Have you spoken to each and every one of your classmates?
>Due to technology, people want instant pleasure and entertainment.
yeah okay pal
You seem to have quite an obsession with traps.
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why the fuck is this asshole just sitting around reading kant in the evening at what looks to be 40+ years of age

god fucking damn this picture makes me angry. that hotdog loser in the foreground is probably enriching himself more with vaporwave and nick land memes than this crypto-jew reading his manual on cuckoldry
What went wrong?
How much progress will it need before people get fed up? Will it never end because mediocrity by necessity is for the masses?
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