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Chinese Poetry General

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Hi /lit/

I wrote a poem whilst procrastinating this morning, let me know what you think;


Readers familiar with 任航 (RIP) will probably find a lot of parallels with his works (I'm a big fan). Maybe being a Chinese learner I'm a bit biased towards 白話 poetry, but I think there are a lot of good writers (notably 席慕蓉 and 顧城) who write using 白話 yet still have a considerable amount of depth in their poetry.
How long have you been studying chinese? Mandarin or cantonese? Do you use any particular system or book to learn hanzi?
No offense but I've seen poems written by primary school students that are better than this (stylistically at least); granted, they are natives speakers and you are a learner. The idea is somewhat fine, but the execution needs a lot of polishing up.

You need an object for this sentence. Sounds really clunky.

Drop the 也 here. It's unnecessary.

What Chinese poems have you read before?

I speak Mandarin, Cantonese is on the to-do list but it's a relatively impractical language to learn - specifically, there are few unis in Australia and China which teach it to foreigners, although now that I am becoming more fluent in Mandarin this is less of an issue.

I lived in China for just under 3 years, 4 of that was spent at university and the other 2 and a half spent travelling and working (shitty fill in work like teaching and translating). I had next-to-no Chinese knowledge before leaving and learnt by forcing myself to interact with local people whilst travelling (who invariably didn't speak English).

That being said, the culture shock was pretty jarring, and I think a more sane way to learn would be to enrol in a proper Chinese class. If possible, I recommend learning in-country, as this not only gives learners a chance to practice oral speaking skills, but also helps them become familiar with Chinese culture, which is intrinsically tied-in with understanding the language (ask any anthropological linguist!), and helps contextualise what's being taught.

I've met some people who've self-taught to limited success, some can only read/write whilst others can only speak. The ones with the best language comprehension are invariably the ones who learnt in-country. Hope that helps!

thanks for your insightful comments
I was actually thinking about only learning to read/write, but I'm not sure. Is it worth? I don't think I'll be going to China anytime soon, but I plan to in maybe 5 or 6 years after I graduate from uni.
>You need an object for this sentence. Sounds really clunky.

>Drop the 也 here. It's unnecessary.
wanted it there to keep the rhythm, will consider what you said

I have two anthologies by 顧城 and 席慕蓉, have read through all of 任航's poems and some of 艾青's works, 席慕蓉's “時的價值” is a favourite. Difficult part is finding poetry that's not well beyond my language ability (古文 can fuck right off) and finding time to read (although now my term's finishing up, so will have more time from start of next month). If you have any recommended poems/texts, I'd appreciate it, otherwise thanks for your feedback.
I wouldn't recommend learning to read/write without learning to speak. In particular, unless you already speak another Asiatic language, you'll most likely find the grammar and syntax really jarring. Plus, speaking a second language can open up a lot of new possibilities for you!
If you ask me
Why I write poetry
為什麼 不去做些
Why / I don't go do other
more useful things
那麼 我也不知道
Then / I wouldn't know
How to reply
我如金匠 日夜捶擊敲打
Just like a goldsmith / hammering away [day and night]
Fashioning their hard work into
[Exquisite] paper thin gold adornments
[Does] my toil and travail
Transforming [my] source of sorrows [into]
Slick, [yet] delicate verse
是不是 也有一種
[not] also / have a kind of
Intrinsic [beautiful] value?”

meaning in the last 4 lines gets chopped up a bit, wasn't sure how else to translate it without losing the flow (it should be more like "I don't know whether toiling like this...would also hold a kind of..."
It will be better, but 垃圾桶 has too many syllables to flow with the rhythm. I would consider substituting it with another word but nothing comes to my mind right now.

For some reason, your poem reminds me that of William Carlos Williams. It will not surprise me if you have been heavily influenced by him.

A particular favourite of 席慕蓉 of mine in my high school days was一棵开花的树. Really had a time reciting it back to back with my friend every day.
I was considering “直接把它扔掉” initially, but changed my mind as felt it wouldn't hold the same dejected feeling that 垃圾桶 conveys haha

>your poem reminds me that of William Carlos Williams
I haven't heard of Williams before, looking into his works now (anything I should start with?)

>A particular favourite of 席慕蓉 of mine in my high school days was一棵开花的树

Pretty sure that's in the anthology I have, will look it up later. Where did you go to high school btw? I'm assuming you grew up in mainland
Great. I would love to read your poem after revision.
For Williams Spring and All would be a good start. Your poem reminded me of That is Just to Say in particular, I can't ascertain for what reason though.
I went to a vernacular high school in Malaysia that was awarded the "Cluster School of Excellence", which sounds fancy and all but doesn't signify much.
>Sekolah Kluster Kecemerlangan
the title sounds like a clusterfuck in itself...I've heard bad things about Malaysia's secondary education system, so hopefully that means the fancy title balances to make it a half-decent school?

btw, thanks for you 鼓勵 mate, hopefully will have more time to work on poetry (reading and writing) after returning to mainland this weekend. Certainly won't be a shortage of inspiration amongst the sensory overload that is urban China...

>Your poem reminded me of That is Just to Say
It's not just because of the common theme of food as a metaphor is it? haha
Is Mandarin verse typically accentual, syllabic, accentual-syllabic, or something else? I'm guessing it's syllabic.
whats some child oriented chinese literature I can read to practice the language?
I am impressed with all the camera angles
I'm not quite sure (not sure what the differnce between accentual and syllabic verse is), our Sea Chink friend might have an idea, or Wikipedia might know. Not sure if this answers your question, but Chinese 'words' are either monosyllabic or polysyllabic, with each syllable represented by a single 漢子 (Chinese character), where (with rare exceptions) each morpheme corresponds to one 漢子.

Can't think of anything off the top of my head, I know there's a lot of translated literature. I found a translated version of one of Sean Tan's books from a Chinese online bookstore which was great.

the what?
Accentual counts the accents only i.e. the stressed syllables*. The number of total syllables can vary each line.
>*Baa, baa, *black sheep, (2 accents, 4 syllables)
>*Have you any *wool? (2 accents, 5 syllables)
This type is common in Germanic languages because those languages randomly stress certain syllables in words (think el-a-vay-tor vs e-la-va-tor).

Syllabic counts the syllables only. The number of accents can vary each line.
>I labour by singing light (7 syllabes)
>Not for ambition or bread (7 syllabes)
It's common in Romance languages because all syllables are usually stressed equally in those languages.

Accentual-syllabic counts both.
>She walks in beauty, like the night (4 accents, 8 syllables)
>Of cloudless climes and starry skies; (4 accents, 8 syllables)
This is common in English verse because it's a bastard language.

So if all syllables are equally stressed in Mandarin then it's likely to be syllabic, otherwise likely accentual or accentual-syllabic.
>*it's a mongrel language
Here's my favorite Chinese poem:


Genuinely surprised to see a Chinese thread on /lit/
A poem by 任航 to bump the thread, will reply after I've finished 午休ing



>古文 can fuck right off
Your Chinese seems easily good enough to do some classical, anon. Do it, it's fun.
ching chong
you like fry rice
two dowwa fitty
spicy spicy make pant shitty
ching chong
well with the exception of 兒, all syllables in Chinese are stressed, so my guess would be syllabic

I'll, uh, work on modern poetry first...at least that shit makes an ounce of sense without a 1000+ page dictionary on hand
this whole post just reminds me of that one japanese pasta

>Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)
Go spend time in Chinese-populated regions in Malaysia, then you'll know the true meaning of Bahasa Campur
>Go spend time in Chinese-populated regions in Malaysia
no thank you, i know people that have been to mainland asia and i've heard firsthand horror stories about chinese people. i love the language but the people are fucking robots, fuck the chinaman.
Ching Chong,
Ping Pong,
I like to,
Sing song.

Ni haaaaao!
fun fact, the phonetic unit "ching" does not occur in Mandarin

Chinese Malaysians are quite culturally distinct to their mainland cousins
A lot of classical poems are actually very simple in their language. Eg

I can recognise all the characters in that poem and get the general gist, however I'd need the help of a native speaker to understand the underlying meaning, and things like, what exactly is 試卷 referring to in this context? I can't think of anything but the literal 'exam paper', which seems out of place in a poem otherwise concerned with the natural world.
>Write a poem in moonspeak
>Ask people that speak freedom what they think of it

You're retarded OP
Both are verbs- the line describes rolling up the canvas to take a look outside.
>Chinese Malaysians are quite culturally distinct to their mainland cousins
I've been trying to overcome my status as a deracine. I know a lot of peers who are more than willing to be white-washed and embrace """""9gag""""" culture.

Triple or even quadruple code-switching can get really common. It's funny how they never really pay much attention to that.

Apparently some particles such as 的 and 地 as well, but here's the real kicker.

Once you've mentioned it (first time encountering that term my bad), it is pretty syllabic.

I would say it's more of a tangible evocative effect if that makes any sense haha
Granted that the usage of 薯片 was quite jocular (which I guess is one of the intended effects?), it felt somewhat genuine in the delivery.

The system is a total mess; the only book the whole nation was assigned for English was Catch Us if You Can, which is some children's book that doesn't even have its own wikipedia page, and we were supposed to analyze its themes or characters and banalities of the sort. The standard has been raised somewhat; at least they have literature like Charge of the Light Brigade in their syllabus now.







>Difficult part is finding poetry that's not well beyond my language ability (古文 can fuck right off)
don't be a pleb, get yourself Archie Barnes' "Chinese Through Poetry", it's great.

There are a couple of other books on same, but more technical, advanced and drier.
>fun fact, the phonetic unit "ching" does not occur in Mandarin
>implying phonetic doesn't refer to sound
>implying Wade Giles' *ching* is not a transcription of Chinese
我前女友是麻坡的,我記得有次給她打電話時一不小心順口地說出了“why she jio她 but not jio 妳?”這句話···都差點嚇死自己了···

I didn't mean so much whitewashed like SNGers are, more like you guys have absorbed some of Malays' inherent laziness haha

Did not know that, thanks for the insight!...I've been meaning to look into phonetic differences between different dialects of Mandarin for some time but never found an opportunity, not to mention it's a huge rabbit hole

I think they undervalue the merits of English proficiency, although in a way this conservatism also helps to preserve the local language; Malaysian English's (and Malaysian Chinese's) peculiarities are still really strong despite the availability of foreign media, and you ironically have your bullshit education system to thank for that (although this is will most likely be changing from Gen Z onward)

I'll look it up, is it just translated/annotated classical poetry?

WG is some proper bullshit.

At least the dental-alveolar as 'ts' is fairly accurate, but it's main flaw is not differentiating between retloflex ʈʂ, alveolo-palatal tɕ and their aspirated variants (all transcribed as /ch/ in WG, but denoted separately in pinyin as /zh/, /j/, /ch/ and /q/ respectively).

So what we commonly say in English as [tʃJŋ] ('ching') would be more like [tɕJŋ] (jing) or [tɕʰJŋ] (qing) in Mandarin
great taste, Li Bai is the best
Wade Giles is not some proper b/s as you state:

>Quote Victor Mair: Wade-Giles has some conspicuous phonological virtues, such as distinguishing clearly between consonants that are voiced and unvoiced, aspirated and unaspirated. Indeed, of all the many Romanization systems for Mandarin that I know of, WG is probably the most scientific in resembling IPA with regard to a number of significant phonological features. http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=32434

and that is what I pointed out: the "ching" in "ching chong" is precisely "qing" according to the pinyin system.

Now, "chong", on the other hand...
interesting translations, doesn't have the same feeling to it though w
>I'll look it up, is it just translated/annotated classical poetry?
No, it's a workbook to actually studying the vocabulary, thematics, rhyming schemes and so on. In other words, how to read the poems directly.
Ya, Cantonese is quite impractical, it's interesting to notice so many Medieval Chinese(around Tang and Song dynasty) is remaining in the daily conversation of Cantonese but most of them don't know how to write it anymore, they had to write in the Mandarin way
You can't read Classical Chinese like modern Chinese, every character is a single word.
The first translation is by some Mainland translator; the second is the product of my attempt. I tried to recapture the evocative simplicity of the original and perhaps with a hint of contrite playfulness, but I have only achieved no more than the simplicity, which is not really saying much.

Never thought would see that word on this board haha
I'll say the conservatism has its merits despite all the hate it gets deservingly; no one likes a banana.
Last time I visited there was only an /asean/ thread. Couldn't harm to go there once in a while.
I'm a pretty big pinyin fanboy (mostly due to familiarity) so I'm probably biased in this regard. Also I believe the 'chong' refers to pinyin /zhong/

Sounds interesting, thanks for the recommendation

It includes compounds too, like 昨晚 and 青山. I'd forgotten 卷 could act as a verb, which is why I assumed it was in compound with 試 (a silly mistake of course)

Even modern written Cantonese is enough of a headfuck, I'll probably continue to struggle reading it unless I learn some basic spoken Canto

Translating English > Chinese isn't exactly cake, you might have better luck with less 'simple' poetry though!

/sino/'s begun to pick up recently, just hoping the resident shitposter doesn't lead to the group's unravelling haha

sounds like you really hate bananas ;)
You need to get better-informed prejudices. People who hate on Chinese people (including other Chinese people) call them uncivilised, loud, chaotic, selfish etc. 'Robots' is pretty much exactly wrong.
No, 昨晚, 青山 should be considered a idiomatic compound, like in Latin you got res publica, since 昨means former times, 晚means night, that's why 昨晚mean yesterday night. Classical Chinese is very flexible due to this, it can create words like 昨非今是. So you should consider 青山 is equivalent to green hill, but 青 is a complicated color, in 青空, it's blue sky not green sky.

Btw Modern writing Cantonese is kinda fucked up, the education system is forbidden to teach kids words which commonly used in daily conversation, even though those aren't Modern slang but relic of medieval Chinese, but still writing in traditional character will make less confusion in reading wise since they're the characters which 李白,杜甫,白居易,李清照 is writing in.

Makes me remember how painful to recite this
I gotta put in some 5 years into uni for translation then. Don't want to end up as some cheap Chinese caricature of Ezra Pound's efforts haha
I am friends with a lot of bananas and have nothing against them as their upbringing was not within the control of their 命运, but I abhor those who revel in their deracinated status and go all "this is just how i am la dont judge", and even worse, can't articulate a sentence in their only language without solecistic fuckups even though they claim their being monolingual (some cant even speak Malay) renders their English better than the rest of the population. Pardon me for my strong opinions on this matter.

I've only read a snippet of this as a requirement for my exam. No idea it was that long. Really lives up to its name.
>Don't want to end up as some cheap Chinese caricature of Ezra Pound's efforts haha
sadly misinformed prejudice by proto-SJWs who got BTFO by the book by the Chinese scholar who discovered his letters: Pound's knowledge of Classical Chinese was greater than most plebs give him credit for, and hardly limited to Fenellosa and Mathews.
shut the fuck up retard
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The 5 character per line poems, how the fuck do they work? I myself am able to listen and speak Mandarin much better than I am able to read or write it, but the 5 character poems always strike me as exceedingly impressive at how concise their wording must be to convey meaning and at the same time keep internal rhythm, with stress being put on certain parts of a line and not others.
And on the offchance that someone knows this, what was the poem by Lu Xun I believe that there was a tree next to another tree? I don't know the exact wording so I can't search for it but I've always found it hilarious
Ah I didn't know that before. Will have to revisit some of his works then. Thanks for clearing that up.
長恨歌 is a neat love story, it's easier to remember when I was copying it on a piece of paper. Although it helped me to remember to the characters more than the literal meaning lol
Get to know a Hong Kong uni student if you want to know how to speak Cantonese, their English properly better too?
Can't really help you with the first, but for the second were you referring to this?

you mean these poems ?
I don't know any chinese, but this is really pleasing to look at
I'm pretty sure I understand what you're saying. I remember hearing once that Chinese have only one word for blue and green, obviously this isn't true, but it probably stems from 青's ability to refer to either colour

HK students here all prefer practising their English (or Mandarin haha) with me

Manglish is a legit language though, don't dis it! But yeah, never worth wasting your time on 裝逼 types.

this sounds weird, 問下sounds Cantonese 上大學學的是什麼專業sounds Mandarin
Cantonese: 想問下你大學系讀咩架?
Mandarin: 請問一下你在攻讀的是什麼?
You're probably right, although "问下" is used informally in Mandarin too. Because I haven't learnt Mandarin in a formal setting i.e. university classroom等, and spend a lot of time talking with people from different regions, my language becomes a mess where I don't know what is a) correct 普通话, b) inaccuracies based off regional variations c) colloquial language and d) inaccuracies based off my own misunderstandings. So whilst my spoken language is very good (where these things aren't as important or at least aren't as obvious), my written language comes off as a strange mix of formal and informal language at times, and plain incorrect at others.
I don't into scribbles. What does this say?
Some historical shit, headache to translate

My poem from OP;

I'll give you a packet of chips
If you don't eat them
I won't mind
If you just throw them directly into the bin
I won't blame you
But I won't share
my chips with you
isnt this just some rupi kahr level shit?
Well, I on occasion use capital letters
It's more about the tones behind the language since all kinds of Chinese languages are tonal. 問下 and 問一下 mean the same but Cantonese always omit the 一 because 下 already contain oneness, I do occasionally heard Mandarin speakers use 問下, but their sounding is kinda different, their一 isn't omitted but glide to the next
word, from 問wen4 一yi1 下xia4 to something like 問weng(2?)下, I don't know how to express this I hope you understand
I don't speak Chinese, are there any good Chinese poems that are still good when translated to English?

Also what are some good Chinese Writers that have their work translated? Any genre will do.
when reading poems in translation you need find those translated by a poet, that's a rather obvious but sadly neglected rule of thumb. leave the academic versions for the fedoras.

In English try Red Pine/Bill Porter's translations, or those by David Hawkes. In French, those by Daniel Giraud.

also see this handy website for a whole bunch of resources: http://wengu.tartarie.com/wg/wengu.php?l=Tangshi&no=0
click on the poems, see the originals plus existing English translations.
Seconding Red Pine. Some of his translations of Wei Ying-wu have brought me nearly to tears.
because they were 感动 or because they were bad?

rip 四川
this is most likely concocted though
I know this is off topic (I know no Chinese) but, is it possible to teach yourself Chinese to any useful degree?


>A thread on /lit/ that's actually literary and good
>In 2017
Genuinely impressed. That said, do you guys that know chinese consider any of the translations for Jin Yong's wuxia novels to be adequate?
yes, the archaeological findings disprove the killer last stanza, which ought to read this instead:

still, it's a great story
depends on what you hope to achieve. there are plenty of resources for all areas.

conversational Chinese? yeah, just get a couple of books and download Pimsleur, then find a language partner online or irl.
reading and writing? plenty of resources but you'll need to go to classes, or failing that, a good tutor and iron discipline and lots of time.
want to read some ancient poetry for your own patrician enjoyment? some decent resources for that too.

Source: pretty much taught myself modern and classical Chinese, lived in China and the sinosphere for a few years and improved things all round. now doing postgrad studies through Chinese.

No offense, but all I can see here is

>I will share my chips with you
>You can choose not to eat them
>I will not mind
>You can choose to throw them away
>I will not mind
>But I will not give
>My chips to you

This isn't any different from that ropi kaur meme, except that the content is not political. Can you defend this?
Didn't see these >>9638387, >>9638425. Keep it up with practising, OP.
the deer and the cauldron translation is serviceable

which sucks cause tahts arguably the worst one to start with

I've been surprised at the quality of responses too!

here's a classic from 顾城 whilst I wait for my connecting flight. Sorry to non-Mandarin speakers, the translation really doesn't do it justice :(

——顾 城《远和近》

look at me
[and you] stare at the clouds

I feel,
When you look at me, you're far
When you stare at the clouds, you're close"

~ Gu Cheng《Close and Far》

Unlike some of 顾城's other works (notably 一代人) which have been analysed to death, I've never seen a concrete explanation of 远和近. It's a double whammy where it's on one hand so explicitly visual, yet so open to interpretation. Plus the layout is so beautiful with the sole word "你" in the opening line, this is what Zen poetry should be rather than just soe false-deep shit

Why is the metre so flawless? Does greater perfection even exist? inb4 李白 memes
i think the translation should strive to preserve a semblance of the rhythm/meter

Sometimes look at me,
Sometimes look at clouds.
I fee like,
Looking at me you're very far,
Looking at clouds you're very near

I'd call it "Near and Far" and not "Close and Far" personally.
I'll try my hand at this

Sometimes look at me,
Sometimes at the clouds.
I feel that,
When you look at me you're so far,
When you look at the clouds you're so near.

Also, r8 Mr. Mao's poem.

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Mao has been acknowledged to be pretty great in the arts even by his enemies (lmaoing @ you Hitler), but of course the proper way to experience his poems is through his much lauded calligraphy でござる
Though I find it an interesting piece of contention how apart from their very obvious different in artistic style the other largest thing most noticeable in Eastern paintings vs the West is that they include poems and aphorisms on them. It's also obvious how without the symbology and condensed nature of Chinese characters, putting poems on Western paintings with language based on an alphabet would never work.
I haven't posted in this thread yet, but I do like the modernism movement in China just as well as modernism in the West, I can't say I approve Gu Cheng murdering his wife with an ax and anyways much prefer his contemporary Bei Dao (my mother was a large fan of his when she was in fucking middle school, though now she prefers classicism so I guess the influence carried over).
Good night 同志们
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