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South America is low-key the most literary continent.

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South America is low-key the most literary continent.

Songs of Maldoror, huge influence to the surrealists, is the work of the Uruguayan-French Lautreamont (Ducasse). It's on a front-burner now that I just finished another book.
just because of argentina, aka "the true home of the white man"

the rest of the countries are shit/hue
Argentina has no literary laureates of its own, fuckface.

Why would you post something this blithely ignorant and wrong? What compulsion is it within you people to criticize and denigrate everything around you on reaction?
Argentines have no culture.

Ever other country BTFO's them in the richness of their cuisine while those annoying Spanish-butchering stuff their faces with steak
>ostensible euro language
>ostensible euro heritage
>no white guilt

recipe for success. if it wasnt for all the amerindian blood it would be a great continent
t. butthurt negritos

if argentina is so bad, why are so many people from neighboring countries migrating to it?
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>ostensible euro language
>Spain isn't european
don't people from argentina end working as waitress in fucking mexico? lmao

Did kc go down or something? Why are you boy nazis here?
Nigga, only ignorant pieces of trash go to your trash ass, economically ravaged country lmao
no, mexicans come to argentina to sell drugs

the story of the argie waitress in mexico was spread by a butthurt mexican
>tfw I'm in love with an argentinian girl
>only ignorant pieces of trash
yes, basically the rest of south amreica
why won't mexicans wait their own tables?
Argentina went through one of the most horrible financial crises in the region.

It is common there.

And, no, everybody is going to Chile and previously were going to Brazil.
Argentines are so far up their own asses.
I've heard Chile is actually a pretty nice place.
This, plus the artists and academics tend to go to Mexico.
because theyre trying to hop the border
I want South America GF
>hoping border

Time to leave, anglo
>implying they dont

lol, just look how many of them end up in the usa after a while
most ppl who jump the border are poor desparate people from rural zones, especially since they got fucked over with NAFTA ruining the agriculture industry
>most ppl do x
>that means nobody does y
>academics and artists jump the border for some fucking retarded reason when they can just get a visa

Your brain on burgers
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here is my ranking of latin american countries:
>costa rica
>all others
yeah, that's pretty empirically objective desu
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>puerto rico
>that white
Spanish and Portuguese are still romantic languages you illiterate
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do you faggots know what ostensible means
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You're not wrong, friend.
I do, and that's why I was confused by the OP's use of the word ostensible, because Portuguese and Spanish are both European languages.
How is it that Costa Rica is so predominantly white? I was aware of this, but not sure how it happened.
As an ecuadorian, it´s so sad that we are that down, but it´s sadder because it´s true.
Also, why is Costa Rica so high? Rec something from there, negro
costa rica is like florida in the 70s, lots of american retirees and burnt out surfer kids. mad cozy spot
julio cortazar? lol
Brazilian people are generally dumb as rocks.
to you and the others that support this listing, what makes it true? what makes peru the best here?

>Peru above Chile

Since the 40's, sure
Just saying, every country south of USA is pretty much Mexico.

And therefore trash.
As today burgerland is just spanglish mexico
Nice thread OP. I bet you saw it all coming.
I've always wanted to go to Argentina. I've always wanted to see Buenos Aires because I'm a big Borges fan, and then go to the wine country because I love wine.
in SA they speak in what we civilized people like to call a 'dialect'
Typical Self-Loathing Mapuche.
yeah same im going mad expensive to get there from burgerland though
The kicker is that actually getting around Argentina itself seems cheap as fuck, from what I can tell. Even the nice hotels don't cost all that much, and the peso/dollar relationship is heavily tilted in America's favor. It's just that the flights down there usually don't get cheaper than a thousand dollars.
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The greatest south american writer
It was shit for large scale agriculture in colonial times, so they didn't import black slaves, on the other hand, its highlands had good climate so European migrants went there and created small farms.
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Buenos Aires is shit now, though. It's full of Paraguayan and Bolivian indios who were invited by the Kirchners to vote for the Peronist Party.
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>good wine
Pick one. Mediocre Malbec/Carmenere blends is something you should grow out of by the end of puberty. The only think Mendoza has going for it are the views.
>inb4 muh Alpha M
Just stop being a basic bitch pleb.
Okay, so if there was a South American country you'd recommend that wasn't just some American tourist trap (like Costa Rica), what would it be?
Chile is literally the only good thing about latin america, eveything else should be nuked
Costa Rica is part of North America. Americans prefer not to venture into South America. But to answer your question, Chile.
They're all good to visit. I just wanted to assert my dominance over a random internet person through pretentious wine comments. Patagonia in Argentina is GOAT of GOATs.
Actually Chile probably has better wine than Argentina, come to think of it.
Is anyone else on this nigga's level? How did he do it?
it's not

t. actual south american
Indeed it does.
>2-3 great writers
>10-15 above average ones
>infested by illiterate niggers and apes
Most European countries alone are more literary than the whole of South America.
Machado was a cuck.

But you're right.
Your contries are not good enough for a dick measuring contest spicanons.

You have to go back.
It's Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. The rest are as shitty as most African countries. Although Peru and Mexico have some good writers.
t. Br
Brazil has five greats tho.
Then again, size.

>the southern cone countries are better

haha no, dont believe their lies, the bickering is just a mask to hide the fact that they are just as shit as the rest of south america
have any of you read Roberto Arlt?
is true.

Vallejo >>>> all of chilean poets including Neruda.

Vargas LLosa > Bolanho
Actuallly the influence of Llosa on Bolanho is huge even bigger than Cortazar. Anyone can tell.
>Vargas LLosa > Bolanho
Yeah, nah.
Bolanho is a /lit meme. And half mexican btw. After him the best chilean prosist is Isabel Allende, and that fact is sad. .
Also Peruvian food is 100X better. And the peruvian girls less ugly. And even incas were more based than mapuches.
>It's bunch of third-worlders argue about which of their countries is the least terrible thread
>After him the best chilean prosist is Isabel Allende
What the fuck are you talking about? Baldomero Lillo, Manuel Rojas, Blest Gana, Edwards Bello, they are all better writers than Isabel Allende, which isn't very hard since she is like the chilean version of Stephenie Meyer.

you have plenty of energy to read with uncut cocaine
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este hilo esta sarpado en chetos porteños macristas y pretenciosos
peguense un corchazo mogolicos
pd: salu2
*Mueca de disgusto.
sobame la quena chetito de palermo
Gabriel Garcia Marques
Pablo Neruda
Clarice Lispector
Machado de Assis
Guimaraes Rosa
Jorge Amado
and the master of all masters: Paulo Coelho
South America is mostly nothing but a neo-feudal hellhole with zero cultural tradition.
nah, there's plenty of good ones in all those countries

Argentina > Colombia = Chile = Uruguay
The fact that the countries aren't first world doesn't mean that great minds can't appear. Ramanujan was a mathematician and he came from rural Indian from example. Great minds can come from everywhere.
>anything relevant

i give you borges faggots, but that is it
Sure, but they are exceptional individuals, while the country itself has no tradition.
The writers followed the tradition of the country that colonized them and also many writers read a lot of French literature. Machado for example read a lot of English literature too like Sterne.
That reinforces my point.
>Throughout its early years, literature from Brazil followed the literary trends of Portugal, whereas gradually shifting to a different and authentic writing style in the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, in the search for truly Brazilian themes and use of the Portuguese language.
Look, unbiased people from other countries more qualified than me have read literature from South America and they said the shit is good. Why don't you give a try?
I'm not saying it's bad, I've read some of it.
Encima de marica tenés la pija llena de huecos, negro pelotudo hijo de lupanar.
Your country gives visas to people who create intellectual work. No need to hop borders.
Anyone here feel that Vallejo is a meme?
jaksjaksjaksj miralo escribe con puntitos y mayusculas el loquito se nota que sos muuuuuy culto jaksjaksjaksjaks
rubio cagon tragasables, ya vas a correr
No vuelvo a ese antro de normalfags y amantes de travas.
Nope, it's a shithole.
jskajskajsk yo me muero si este cheto refugiado habla asi en la vida real jsksjskajskaj alto descanso
>no vuelvo mas
se te notaba lo taringero pero ahora no hay dudas
I love living in this shithole.
Qué penosa es lationamerica juas juas juas juas.
si latinoamerica es una garcha es por estos salames recesivos pseudo-intelectuales y elitistas
hace falta calle picanteada y amerindios aca
Los amerindios hablan con más propiedad que tú, mestizito acomplejado.
noo jaajajajjaa
anda a comer pija gallego retrasado, vos debes tener menos calle que julian serrano
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tall mogolics in this thread

menos mal k no soi un cheto komo estos jiles yo me meto alto corcho aaaaaaaaaaj
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la mejor literatura de argentina............... son las letras del pity....................

Y FUMESE...............................
What are the five greats?
que te haces el callejero """""amerindio"""""" si ni salis de tu casa bobo
excelente aporte
¿Por qué eres tan evidente? ¿Te sientes menos y por eso tienes que hacer escándalo como una histérica?
WAAAAAAAARDA SELLORES SALTO EL """"""""""""""""""""""""poeta de la calle""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

io no lo puedo creer es por esto que te hacen el bullin en la facultad pive

se cae de mogolico JASKAJKSAJKSJKAS
y ustedes de donde salieron manga de pichis? alta baranda a taringa tienen
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uuuh miralo escribe todo "bien" el bobo

se cae de pelotudo este tambien

hacen los posts para que los descansemos yo no doy MAS
Herni o Moot?
yo tengo dos idolos nomas
mi viejo y maradona
gracias por los puntos pa
no me lo agregas a favoritos ya que estas?
Hacete un hilo taringuero en bant
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gracias pa
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>tfw no nobel laureate chilean bf
deunciado por crapero vendehumo
Ramanujan anon, stop that. Every thread with a related subject you come using Ramanujan as example. Can you think of another guy? It gets annoying.
>ITT. el tandiga
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>he will never aggressively whisper on my ear one of his 20 Love Poems nor a Song of Despair
jksdsakaskj muakkk :3
yo en la derecha
Eso es un sí.
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>tfw a first worlder chilean will never invite you to a 'mall'
cuidado con la ñata
yo a la izquierda
ven cuando quieras
vale jefe
Ecuador seemed great when I was there. What's the issue?
Clarice Lispector is Jewish, though, it doesn't counts.
vamos al mall
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ayy nu se :3
>0 results
El burro por delante.
>tfw at least one brazilian in bloom's 100 geniuses list

not that it means much but its nice
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fuck off

>euro language
>euro heritage
>colonized by spain/portugal

Africa begins at the Pyrenees
>and the master of all masters: Paulo Coelho
are you high
He is right though.
>8% arabic language

This is what makes it truly literary. No other European language comes this close to understanding the Qur'an and other beautiful and profound nuances of the arabic language. As we speak, Islam is spreading throughout Latin America. The untapped potential of the continent will be unleashed onto the world and their drug problem will come to an end, Allah willing.
Lol I remember the argentinian simpson memes thread... or was it another board
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shitholes like russia and spain tend to make really good authors for some reason
american culture is anti-intellectual as fuck
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