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/gaygen/ - cute 2D boyfriends edition

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Thread replies: 331
Thread images: 75

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Do you ship? One of my favorite pairings is Bart Allen x Jaime Reyes, from the Young Justice cartoon. As you can see, they are very cute together. Please something nice about this couple.

Join our cute Discord server @ https://discord.gg/3NrSCsk
I ship Nightwing with Kid Flash
>Can't get laid on Grindr except with tranny hookers
>Calls others losers
Anyone else like tea? I got some loose leaf peach oolong tea for free from this online tea place, it's really good.
>loose leaf peach oolong tea

tell me more about loose leaf peach oolong tea. Im dying to know more about it.

It's gud, I'm starting to transition from tea bags to loose leaf, there's a ton I want to buy and try.
>nightwing with kid flash
That's pedo shit. If you're going to pair kid flash with a robin, at least pair him with someone his age like Tim Drake.
1 pls
you have such an interesting life.
>I could sleep with people you jerk your cheeses dick over
>Doesn't post anyone who's more then a 6, on a good day

Shit edition by yaoi boy yet again
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>I ship Nightwing

Dick Grayson is dead and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
I'm pretty sure he's just dead in the Injustice timeline.
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Who wants to read yaoi with me?

>implying this isn't cute

>shipping guys who are canonically in straight relationships
This is the first mistake.

I think he meant the Wally West version of Kid Flash, who is about the same age as Nightwing.

You can stop asking this chink.
I came up with a ship
Me and the imaginary qt I invented to cuddle in my head at night

Never really been fond of tea which is wierd me being a brit and all :/

Leave him alone reeeeee

How do I deepthroat without vomiting? It's so fucking unpleasant
It's such a funny way life runs out

I lift and train to look macho and strong and yet I'm the exclusive bottom of my relationship being fucked by my slightly smaller but older and more ripped bf
I don't see anything wrong with that.
Well I had a phase of try hard Hetero macho lifting

So it was hard to admit to myself all I wanted was to be a mans musclesub bf
Should've watched porn. Especially the ones made during the late 80's to late 00's. Every popular gay porn back then has muscles because they're perceived as more healthy and probably didn't have aids.
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Tweek and Craig
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>tfw no bf to accidentally poke with penis while cuddling
>he blows me so aggressively that I have small cuts on my dick
>but he keeps blaming me because I skullfuck him too hard
who's in the wrong here???

"""accidentally """
Why isn't there a way to filter out trannies on Grindr? Tired of seeing 30 fucking trannies every day. Fucking cancer
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tfw you sit down next to a cute guy on the bus and you start to imagine that you're making a journey with your bf
lol that's sad

Go out and find a date already.
>sit down next to someone on the bus because it's crowded
>he starts blushing
but why
e v e r y t i m e
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>Spend a week doing nothing but getting fucked by bf and eating good food and coffee
>come back to gym
>strength gains and new PRs

Sweet, I'm an Androgen vampire.
fuck this thread
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German sausage, meet Canadian bacon.
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This is pretty much the only otp I cared about.
Why are gays so transphobic. Grindr is for all lgbts
>'Grindr is a geosocial networking application (or app) geared towards gay and bisexual men'
men and women trying to be the opposite gender are oft not wanted by us
That doggo at the end.
Get your own app.
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Kek you can make up whatever terms you want to self label, but no one is going to use your contrived bullshit.
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there's also something profoundly creepy and sinister buried in that statement as well, I think.
Who are you to tell me that I owe you sex? Who granted you this right? And hasn't it always been the entire point of feminism and the whole sexual liberation movement, that it is precisely nobody except your own autonomous self who can decide something so fundamentally private as this?
the assumption that you are these goes with being gay or straight
Men cant be raped
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No wonder trannies are getting killed often.
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Not imaginary. Fake. He's still a guy.
>Than when you were a man ...
>You'll never be a REAL woman...
Which one is it? Is she a woman or a man?

>I was never a man, I just looked like one on the outside.
>tfw no bf
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Like gays are somehow better than trans* people
>You don't have the right to refuse sex
Left wing re squads when?
>Dear trans people,

Just because you are trans doesn't give you the right to police who I decide to have sex with. My body my rules hunny ;-P
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Men cant be raped

even if my boyfriend gets agressive and makes me stop whatever im doing for sex

i dont feel violated. im just being a good boy.
because i know it makes him happy to know im his little fucktoy 24/7
kys feminist
i mean they cant
i lift

twinks and tranny faggots arent really men
could if you were drugged
i dont really drink, only time is if me and the bf go to a fancy meal
You can't argue with stupid.
>it's another snowflake gays are triggered by tumblr queers episode
WHEN will you learn
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Aren't they just so cute together?

Good taste.

>cute 2D boyfriends edition
>cute 2D boyfriends
>cute 2D

TimKon is pretty kino. I really wish DC would make them canon. Basically every fan of Tim and Kon ships them together anyways, so it's not like there'll be any controversy. They just work so well together.
Oh is the shitposting over?
>Oh is the shitposting over?

It will never be over so long as YaoiBoy is still breathing.
Too bad.

In spite of that, how are the gays here this evening?
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I think my bf broke my dick: he was sucking me yesterday, and suddenly he hurt a bit in the shaft but it was ok.
I used to get hard almost vertically, today not so much (pic related): is that possible, or I'm just freaking out about nothing?!!
Penis fracture is a thing but it's weird that it would happen because of oral.
>tfw you sit down next to a cute guy on the bus and you think "fucking hetero piece of shit str*ighties REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" with the same blushing wojak face
Possibly this? Describe it more?
I'm chubby and a bit of a shut-in but moderately successful in life and have a decent personality. How do I find a bf, /gaygen/?
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Is this a cute 2D boyfriends?
Depends on how chubby. Height weight?
Pics? :3
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5'10", somewhere around 240-250 lb.
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>when that kinda weird kid turns into a smoking hot handsome man on the span of a few months
what the actual loving fuck?
>100+ kg
You're morbidly obese, you disgusting fat sack of adipose tissue.
Fortunately for you there are people whose fetish is exactly your body type.
mmm I didn't have a huge pain, no swelling or any hematoma, so I doubt it's that (thank God). it should be ok.
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Here's your (you).
Don't be sure, this is internal damage to the corpus of the penis, not a regular injury like a cut that would obviously feel pain.
when the fuck are u gonna unban me from your discord channel
yall unfair
Hot the gym.
yes it is
>tfw no short qt to smooch
Fucking degenerate gays

Why the fuck would you want to be on a cancerous discord?
>not joining mascgen or any other gay group for your gay needs

Hell even wizzy's group is better.
Looking for cute gay anons in Ontario Canada to press penises together with
how fast can you come to Germany?
How fast can you come to Canada?
cuz @mvgic is cute and also frogboi but you are right gaygen is cancer anime fat asses

pls link but anyways being banned was hella unfair i think they need to get sued im only in the /polgb/ atm and yeah theres way less cancer in there

>Have this friend
>We're both into dudes
>Euro qualifiers coming up
>He knows fuck all about soccer
>Decide to make a bet with him about this one match
>Won't go into too much detail but it was pretty obvious which team was in the better position
>Anyway tell him that if said team losses or draws, I'll let him fuck me but if the team wins, then he's all mine
>Match commences
>It ends in a draw

Anyway, I've never done this before so how do I bottom? I have till Saturday to prepare but I've only ever toped so I have no fucking idea what I'm doing. Any advice?

So I normally wear boxers but my bf is pretty insistant on having me switch to briefs. Just wondering if this is something a lot of gay + bi guys are into or if my bf just has a weird preference?
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>my bf
>gaygen is cancer anime fat asses

Most of the "guys" in that group are bitchy cunt twinks and skinnyfats.
What's the gay equivalent of a thot?

Just a thot.
Wizzys group is better when he's not kicking all like 5 members every week in a mental breakdown, doxing 18 year olds and cheating on his bf lmao

Didn't everyone leave after they got sick of his bullshit anyway? Why would anyone want to be in a group with that manipulative fat 32 year old NEET sociopath as an admin? Does he even have any friends left anymore?

I figure that's 99% of the reason for his little war against the gaygen discord since he was banned
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who the fuck types like that? "just ban me already"
buy lube, eat fiber, poop & clean your butt ~2 hours before hot buttsex?
Your bf is weird. There is nothing hot about briefs.
They are for little boys and old as fuck men.
jockstraps = full gay
trunks = always hot
briefs = they're ok I guess
loose boxers = trash-tier

no underwears in tight pants = <3
I full on agree minus the briefs thing.
They're literally gag inducing.
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Cruisers are fucking gross

Depends on the type. Ordinary white briefs? No, obviously not. But a well fitted pair from a decent brand can be hot.

Then again, I was involved in competitive swimming and waterpolo in high school so I grew up with other guys who all wore speedos.
I'm your height and weigh 100 lbs less. I still have love handles. Time to admit you're fat.

Jockstraps are hot but if you plan on toping someone, I'd go with something else. Jocks just scream submissive.

Oh look more discord drama. Can you guys just stop?
Cruising is hot. HOT. I mean not something you can do often since you can wait a long time for someone bangable, but if you go to the right cruising grounds you can find really hot hook ups and have awesome risky sex.
But with grindr why not just find a guy you like and meet? Cruising is obsolete.
You can, sure. I think it's the thrill of finding a stranger in a park and having sex outside.
Some guys will just bend over a tree stump and let as many guys as possible fuck them raw and get filled with nonstop loads.
I mean I think that's like.... just.... yeah do you boo.
It's the thrill. Have you tried it?
Like I said it's not really worth doing often because most of the guys will it be sexually appealing. Although if you're into mascgen tier guys there will be A LOT.
The last time I went there was this really beautiful boy who looked like he was fucking 14 or something. He said he was 19 and just looking to give a blowjob so I took it at face value. I got super protective of him and told him to not go there but whatever.
>all this degenerate shit
that's exactly why I repressed hard for years & years.

Thanks for the answer - on a similar note, how much will it hurt? The pain and the mental preparation for it are my main issues now.
I mean I guess. I get turned on by the idea by being fucked by a ton of guys, but actually doing it is a different thing.
This. Compared to cruising, Grindr is cozy. I don't know how old gays did it.
after too many online dates turned out weirdo or mismatch
cruising again
for sex when i want to, with some i want + who wants me
best places: where closet gays go
(mostly hand- or blowjobs, some looking for friends)

faster and higher success rate than waisting time before meeting
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This is why the discord was a mistake as all of you are terrible people.
Wtf are you crazy?
Grindr is way better than cruising if you give a fuck about how the person you're having sex with looks.
I get the thrill of cruising, having sex outside with a stranger you've just met. Not even having to speak, just fucking on a tree in the cold.
But there is no way the success rate is higher than grindr or it's easier to get laid than on grindr, again if you care about looks.
Sure you can fuck non stop at Hampstead Heath or Clapham Common, but the calibration of guys will be much lower than on grindr and if you have any standards whatsoever you'll be waiting a while before someone comes along who gets you hard.
Grindr it can be a matter of minutes.

No offence, but you must be really ugly.
After long session of kiss/cuddles/foreplay/bj, that's how I take care of my bottom's butt:
gently stretch his boipucci with one, two then three fingers for a while; apply lube; gentle slow fuck at first, then if it doesn't hurt, increasing speed/thrust until I go balls deep.
I don't like butt-rape people raw.

It'll be fine bb (unless your friend has a 12-inches monsterdick.... in that case, RIP ass)
guys, I need your advice
there is this cute guy I'm semi in love with, but I'm absolutely not sure if he's gay or not (the only indicator is that he is very soft-spoken and always greets me very emphatically and with a big smile).

Should I just outright ask him if he's gay?
I'm scared that if the answer is no, it'll be super awkward from then on, whenever I see him.
I'd ask him.
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I've never said a word to this guy. Why is everyone on this app crazy as fuck?
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Hey I lost my virginity to my bf last week :3
I enjoyed it a lot
Does anyone know the exact amount water in MLs they personally need to clean their butt out for anal? I realize every body is different, I'm just curious if some more experienced people know exact measurements for how much they use. No matter what I do I can only seem to not use enough, or use too much that it causes diarrhoea.
>fucking a kid
That face.. Jesus fuck why do all the creepy gays have no ability to present themselves and go for full creep?

Because it's how most of us are. Just shut the fuck up and cum inside us already.
>Finally move to a city
>Install grindr
>It's bloated with ads and an absolute pain to use

Do guys actually use this? What else is there?
Wizzy has been a plague on these threads for years
I cheat and just use pure for men tablets
I'm probably going to do that next week. I'm really looking forward to it.
they do
alternative options suck
why do gay men make it so hard to be just friends? i just wanted to talk to some guy about how shifty my broken foot is but he immediately tries to steer the conversation to sex
scruff doesn't have too many ads but it's 70% full of ""bears"" (AKA hairy fatties who pretend to be thicc; they're often chill on the other hand)
Literally he started the convo off by asking me how I was then immediately switched to wondering if he could fuck me
>placing the blame squarely on him

There are others that made this place bad.


I could list more but it's no point
>list of people that no longer here
>the one consistent poster has been wizzy

He would post his own rotten yeast ass pics and try to humiliate himself under anon in the thread and tinychat because he gets off on it
It seems like he is being an issue in the discord and not here.

Discord drama and thread drama should be separated.
/gaygen/ I had a dinner date/ meet up with a black guy a week ago and I'm having a problem. I really enjoyed the sex we had but I don't know if I should boyfriend him or not.

What should I do??
He's not in the discord, he got banned months ago. The problem is he's been samefagging whining about the discord IN THE THREADs, as he has every other time he's been banned, if he wants to bring his drama here every day that's on him.
Guy can you help me out with my question? I'm having feelings I never had before.

I don't even see any drama besides some Peru anon bitching about being banned.
>I really enjoyed the sex we had but I don't know if I should boyfriend him or not.
Do you like him as an individual?
if it's just the sex then don't bother.
If you're having a blast just being with him (or despise him so much you're plotting his downfall every few minutes), and he feels the same way, you could try.

I had a wonderful time with him it's just I come from a fairly southern GOP voting family. If they found out I got fucked by him it would shame them.
Good looking creeps don't reveal their powerlevel until they have their claws sunk into you.
>I come from a fairly southern GOP voting family. If they found out I got fucked by him it would shame them.
Then don't have them find out.
>having a racist family
time to choose that BBC bro
Have any you ever dated a foreigner to your country before?
>He's not in the discord, he got banned months ago.

>Implying Wizzy's cancerous yeast-infected asshole doesn't have at least 3 sockpuppet Disco accounts still polluting that place because he's obsessed and gets off having other people pity him.

Okay guys! I really like him.
Why do we have to hear about discord drama day in and day out??
I think you spend too much time here if it's such a big deal for you.
Don't listen to them, they're misanthropes who want you to get aids.
Your conservative family still talks to you, but you're willing to fuck it up? Don't you love your mother?

Being gay has turned you into a monster.

Would rather here about gay stuff.

I use condoms and we are both on prep.

I know my mom wouldn't have any issues with it.
Sorry meant to reply to >>8834508
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Never stopped being about gay stuff, it's a gay discord made for gay general full of gaygen posters. Plus wizzy started it by spending every day bitching about a discord he's banned from and whining every time it's brought up or the link is posted, like >>8826061 >>8829827 >>8829697, as though we can't recognize his posting style

It's funny how now that someone actually challenges him on it, the same posting style comes up with no new IP in the threads saying that it's everyone else causing drama
I called the guy up for another date. He said yes.
Can we talk about something else then?
Aww gee that sounds awful so wanna fuck?
When is the wedding?
No wedding this soon. I will make some videos of us fucking for gaygen in the future.
Can't tell me what to do.
What even is that gif?

>tfw will probably never have qt bf to take out on dates
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>Have one night stand
>Its one of those tops that just cum themselves and ignores bottom
>When I leave I am still super horny
>Bicycle through more rural area
>Dark as fuck cant see anything
>Say fuck it, I'm gonna finish myself off here
>Go inside bush
>Squat down and start jerking off
>Still got tube of lube
>Decide to finger a bit
>For some reason being in public is really fucking hot to me
>Get more eager and start increasing finger count
>Keep just working my ass till I manage to somehow go wrist deep in
>Some guy bicycles away right next to the bush but never even looks at or sees me
>Keep going for a while and finally finish
This was the most satisfying sexual experience Ive ever had
what is wrong with me
>wake up with a boner
>need to pee really bad
>think of a masturbating woman
>boner lost within seconds
homosexuality was never this convenient
Am I just as bad as the cheater if I hooked up with him?
Like I knew he was cheating since I hooked up with him in his house. I also hooked up with his husband in his house and I mentioned it and neither of them had no idea the other is cheating.
Both are bad, but the cheaters are worse. And you seem like you didn't do it on purpose. You didn't know.
I had no idea they were together until today when I went to their house.
My personal feelings are that a cheater will cheat with it without you. You might as well get your rocks off.

If you feel bad about it, you can always snitch.
Honestly it dosen't matter, cheaters will find someone to fuck no matter what.
I've been a cheat-enabler for a few people, the main downside is how fucking paranoid you get when you realize how easy it is for people to fuck others behind their boyfriends/husbands back.

I used to think they would need to be out of town, or go somewhere else for a night or something.

I've had one dude where we would basically discuss a time and place and when he had to do something out of his apartment I'd be there ready with lube.
One time he was going to wash clothes in his apartment complex's washing room late at night (since its easier to get a time)
His boyfriend was literally home and he just went down there, let me in, put the washing in the machine, fucked me senseless for around 10 minutes till he nutted, and then we just went our separate ways.
I could yes, but fuck I was cheated on in April so this shit is bugging me.
Yeah I'm paranoid about meeting someone nice now because of that.
>spent the whole afternoon cuddling with bf in a deserted park
>sun is shining but there is a nice little breeze
>cuddles quickly turns in hot fondling, stroking cocks, kisses, etc
>bf give me succ & then he keeps sucking after I cum until I go soft
>then we pick blackberries and eat them
>1 hour later, we're still horny: we go in some bushes, and I fuck him bareback for 5mn only (he's very tight & we don't have lube) & cum in this mouth
>we wander in the park for a while and meet a cute fawn
>afternoon is over: time to go. One last fuck: I pin him on a tree, and fuck him standing while he moans loudly, and cum in his butt
>we head back to car, and bf gives me a lewd look "thank you anon, my ass is sore and your cum is leaking from my ass..."

so, how was your day, /gaygen/?
Do you even try to get a qt bf?
I finally have a chance of getting at qt bf. We get along well but still gotta set up a date.

Nope not at all. Do you.

So you fucked both of them at separate times? Sounds like you all need to fuck together at the same time.
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what is your [spoiler]sportman[/spoiler] crush

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>rolled out of bed at 5pm
>fixing crap on my pc ever since

I'm not good with people
Most gay relationships are open anyways.
Sounds like a good day.
What does his war entail? Sounds exciting

Wizzy is the worst
Nome of those people are as bad as wizzy whatsoever. All wizzys fault. What a disgusting person.

Rugby is unique and interesting and Freddy is... Rather simmilarly unique..hmmm.. but also rather cute if its not rugby so hes fine.
>What does his war entail?
The most petty kind of "revenge" you can imagine. I dunno, he's traumatized or something. Caught in a cycle of bullying.

Wew lad, I know at least 2 on that list might as well be batshit insane. I'm guessing the other two are. But then this is 4chan and it's gonna always attract the same kind of people.
i like it when my bf plays with my cock
I used to get dysphoric when mine did that but not anymore, nowadays I like when he gently fondles it tbqhon

excuse what fucking general is this
A few guys are still able to overpower you.
If you commit a crime or get framed you CAN get raped while in prison.
Don't be stupid, think before you make a statement.
>things that never happened nor will ever happen
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the only other gay ppl here are fem twinks
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Bisexuals exist.

Also how really strong are you?
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im not a yank so rape doesent happen to men here
I am just a gay boy on estrogen, I s-swear! tbhon
Your same fag detector is broken wiz

Why do you post here?
with the emotional instablity and pathetic weakness that comes with it

t. musclesub who doesent let submissiveness define their identity

Whoa now. Don't bother him.
You keep claiming that without posting evidence.

Just because you're submissive doesn't make you a muscle sub.
Rude (but tru tbbqhon)
I am so sad and lonely tbhon

Me too anon, me too.
i lift

unlike you pudgy "bears"

shud de fugg up

in the pecking order i get to bully numales
tbhon i'll let you fondle my cone tits
Christ the one thread the trannies haven't hijacked on /tttt/ and its rife with weaboos. Every year, every board it gets worse. I remember when 4chan wasnt wall to wall weaboo faggotry. I need a new chan.
>i get to bully numales
Does that entail bullying me sexually too?
well if you are more masculine and have a bigger dick like my bf, im your little bitch, although my bf is not as swole as me his masculinity and dick exceeds mine by far

but i have a small dick so thats not hard

if you are a fem twink looking fag though i will bully u

I'll eventually get arrested, I do something similar. I like to go into quasi rural areas, strip down and wank somewhere.

I like to go deep into the sticks, strip down and just start screaming offers to suck cocks and loudly confessing every degrading thing I've ever done.

Its kind of a rush, to be butt-ass naked outside in the middle of the day in the middle of nowhere, not really knowing who might be lurking in the forest and screaming "ANYONE WANTS THEIR COCK SUCKED? I'LL SUCK ANY COCK RIGHT NOW! TOTAL FAGGOT BITCH WAITING TO GET FUCKED HARD!"

Its partly hot, but sort of funny too. I get a thrill from risk. I used to wonder the city ghettos at night half hoping to get mugged so I could suck my way out of it.I still do stupid shit like that sometimes just for kicks.

Just the other night I was passing a hotel and some country boy asked where he could get some pussy. I asked if it had to be a girl and he said yes. Then he called me back to tell me he was a recovering addict and I 'didnt have to do this'.. I explained I wasnt charging, but it was fun being mistaken for a junkie whore.
>on estrogen
What a waste of a perfectly good boy
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You yanks have no class

>T. Scot

Try that shit here and you die. I have a stable exclusive relationship

I wish to god I could understand why muscle boys like other muscle boys. Im a total bottom, mostly femmy and am drawn to masculine guys.

There has to be something to explain it cuz I see it all the time.Its just hard for me to conceptualize a masculine looking guy being attracted to the same thing.Just like I cant understand femmes who are into femmes. It doesnt compute with me at all. I would love to understand it just to relate to it and understand why Im different.

I know plenty of fags like me and plenty of men who are more masculine who like femmes. I cant figure what the difference in thought patterns are, why we are different. It has to be more than just taste because theres a lot more to it than looks.
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>I have a stable exclusive relationship
me on the top
>tfw fem twink looking fag
Yay! tbqhon
Bully me funpai, bully me hard

and slap my face while you're at it
It's okay, I'll never cut off my feminine benis tbqhon
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Were both nazis and not part of the gay scene
He's been barebacking me for a year

I like it as long as I know its sincere, its just sad if someone tries to fake it. I need the thrill of not knowing where their limits are, that I might've actually bitten off more than I can chew. Fear can be a rush.

But yeah, choking, slapping, spitting. My only limit is no weapons or permanent serious injury. Theres one other but its too involved to explain briefly
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idk.. when you say relationship, its sounds a bit gay to be nazi.

If you had said he was just using you as a cumdump, it would be easier to interpret. Ernst Rohm would never have tolerated a 'relationship'. Is that what you want? You want to shame Ernst Rohm? Is that how you were raised? What kind of nazi fucks another man but leaves flowers and candy. Male on male violent sodomy is one thing, but goddammit we will not tolerate faggotry like that. Next you'll tell us you were kissing.Gott im Himmel
Cone tits though?
No thanks
>I like it as long as I know its sincere
My own limit is: just don't kys or disfigure me tbhon
I like when a guy leaves a temporary mark on my body like on my neck or something, a hickey that shows I am his
tbqhon i want your feminine benis in my face
Thats pretty cool. I could live with a small scar alright. I just dont want busted bones and such.
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Me and my bf were at an anime convention and one of convention center employees thought I was autistic.

She asked if my bf was my caretaker or something. I didn't say anything and she just called him over. Anyone else been mistaken for being autistic
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Hey, idiots. What's up?

I might go out every night of next week. Probably not, though. What about ya'll?
whAT Hahahahhah
dance for me, bitch! dance for me!
>I didn't say anything
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You broach something on my mind, my lack of interpersonal skills. Oh sure, I try. But I am a stupid white goy who still is conditioned to treat conversation as the relaying of honest information. This has always been a social liability. I have always struggled with the more sophisticated use of language as a way to manipulate a mind to reach an end. God knows I practice and wish I was a better schmoozer, silver tongued salesman. It requires the ability to be thinking one thing while saying another and Im simply not good at it. It makes it easy for me to be conned and baited into interpersonal traps where I am being led and manipulated myself.

I am trying to learn though. I seek advice. Who has some tips on being insincere, disingenuous and sweet talking.

I am pretty good at empty flattery and faux empathy. I dont lie on the spot well, but I can fake it almost well enough. I am pretty good at stoking egos and pretending to be interested. But I am missing something. The social scene is full of sharks far more experienced than me. I need to be able to out schmooze the veteran bullshitters.

Idk who you are.


And I have no fucking clue what this is supposed to be.

But it takes practice. And a lot of sit ups. Also stop eating sugar.
DANCE FOR ME BABY!!!!!!!!!!! DANCE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Im not autistic (idt) but its kind of terrifying how many people cant pick up on schizoid personality.

For a period I was a raving psychotic deep in delusions. When I recovered, one of the things that scared me a little was how no one in my life realized I was stark raving mad because I was successful in hiding it. I was a full blown whack job and no one in everyday life realized there was a total, dangerous nut job right in front of them.

People would hear me talking to myself and would believe I was on the phone. They thought my jewelry pendants were neat and didnt realize they were actually coated in my burnt blood. They thought my scrawlings on the wall were 'art' instead of whacko psychotic glyphs. They thought I was just nocturnal and didnt realize I had a literal phobia of the sun. I would whisper incantations into my hand and they thought I was just clearing my throat.

When my behavior finally snapped, I went to jail for a very violent crime 'involving a knife'.

Its just terrifying that there are people like I was out there roaming around, getting by on a soft voice and gentle smiles and the people around them dont even pick it up.
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>stop eating sugar

well just fuck my shit all up why dont'cha

What the hell


I have a suspicion that I think many share - a lot of celebrities, businessfolk, etc. are raving sociopaths. Like just look in Ye's eyes and tell me he's not struggling to feel anything for anyone including himself. Even the ego is an act, because he knows being extroverted and cocky is a better path to success than openly being a loser.
I used to watch you dance in gaygen.. You are so beautiful.

Are you that Turkish guy?
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Interesting. I have said that the sociopaths that sit in jail actually have the skills you want in a lot of areas of life and simply were misapplied.

It was odd for me because I did have a wavering sense of humanity, that is I was quite able to feel "love" and, in a pragmatic way, compassion. That is, I had a sense of decency and morality but it was so misconstructed that it worked against me because it lacked a sane framework. So eventually, I seemed to have concluded in my delusions that those qualities were the problem and departed them eventually, which is what more or less lead to the incident.

A degree of sociopathy isnt actually a bad thing if you have the capacity for it but not the compulsion for it, which I think might be closer to your point.

In my case, it emerged chaotically with no governing identity, and eventually just blew up in insanity. For example, there was a period early on where the names, faces of real people and places in my past were being mixed up such that I was having life memories of a life that didnt exist. In the end, I was convinced life itself was the hallucination, had a name and past that wasnt real, and the real person, me, I was convinced had been dead for months.

I should leave it there. It wasnt a pleasant time to remember. Sorry for blogging.

>mfw not being regularly abused by my personal hot nurse/caretaker
...what kind of autistic weeb outfit did you wearing?
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>manage to gather the courage to ask a cute guy I'm in love with if he's gay
>already has a bf

nothing can ever go right for me
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To be fair I was licking one of those curly lollipops and wearing jotaros hat
Damn who invited Justin in th first place? Looks like a lame party anyway

Thats just Murphy's law. You dont suffer alone.

You deserve commendation for your courage and confidence. This is how we learn.

Keep an eye on him though. Something about a young gay male saying he has a bf as a reason not to go out is frankly suspicious. Even if he's telling the truth, he's not telling everything. Either he is naive or he thinks you are, and perhaps so, its nothing to be ashamed of. Like I said, this is how we learn.

You deserve big credit for your courage, and a bit of encouragement for seeking a guy as a bf, even if you eventually discover thats a lot of work for less reward over time.

Thats cool. Just for fun, my 'pimp' (straight wing man) used to amuse guys by having me do 'lollipop shows' for them. I would take a caramel apple lolly and work a hole through the center with my tongue. That straight guys would sit there transfixed was sort of cute.

To be fair, I teased girls the same way by very slowly eating an orange. Funny the reaction you get from otherwise reserved people that way. I should get back into that. It was fun and a great pick up trick.
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>when suddenly the Gay Dead invaded the thread with gay music from 3 decades ago


>mistaken for being autistic
>not being actually autistic or whatever the fucks wrong with me
Get on my level scrub

>cute guy I'm in love with
At least you had that to begin with...
What is the best website for meeting dudes?
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I'm not aroused by sucking cocks (I'm top), but actual bf seems to like it... BUT it goes limp after 1-2 minutes of me blowing him :S He doesn't complain about this fact but I'd like him cum in my mouth once, it seems fun.
How can I be better at this gay talent? Do I need years of training at the local gloryhole?!

pic related
Yeah I'd have thought you were autistic too.
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It's not you, it's him.
Bottoms don't like having their cock sucked.
They can only cum from prostate stimulation.
His pleasure's in his hind-parts.
Just add some anal play when blowing him.
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>tfw no Georgia peach bf

I remember one time having what amounted to phone sex with this cute boy visiting from Georgia. He had the prettiest accent and was cutes as can be. He also had one of the cuter names imaginable. Ollie.
he likes being facefucked (he cums usually in this way), so I'll try again the good ol' 69 position. Or finger him while I suck him.

tldr. bottoms are sooo weird eww
>i'm a top!
>i crave sucking cock

pick one

>I'd like him to cum in my mouth

Just admit that you're a sub mate. Nothing wrong with it. You're clearly into it.
sucking a cock doesn't arouses me really (it's like "...yup, I have a big fleshy sausage filling my mouth; what about licking the head & the frenulum with my tongue.. bf seems to like it?! mmk let's continue for a bit I guess...": that's pretty boring desu)
Him cumming, with lots of sperm exploding from his cock? yep, that's pretty hot, but I'm pretty sure every gay is into that.

I might be vers eventually IF I have to.
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The Theory of the Gay Gene.

1. Everyone is born either gay or straight.
2. Gays have a gay gene. If you are 24 before you experiment with another male and realize you like it enough to want to repeat it, it just means you were gay all along and it took 24 years for your genes to activate.
3. This means the entire 24 years earlier, you didn't know you were attracted to males all along. You were constantly around them, saw them in various states of undress, never felt any interest in them sexually, but were gay. It turns out your genes were in the closet all along, because see #1.
4. The role you prefer does not matter. The genes govern whether or not you like sex with a male, be it a trap, a gloryhole or a catfish. Your personality has no affect, it is all about whether it was a male or not, because the genes imbue a yet-to-be-documented part of your brain with the ability to externally determine male from female contact absent any sensory input and processing. It just knows its a male and that's that.
5. Upon your first enjoyable sexual interaction with a male, the following wholely legitimate, scientifically sound process takes place:

Your genes transcode sequenced amino acids into peptide chains which then form gay proteins. These proteins then race to someplace in your brain and effect neuron structure with the ability to distinguish male from female and zap your brain into making the decision you actually prefer males, proving the existence of gay proteins, otherwise there would be no path from DNA to the brain. The gay proteins then instantly reconstruct your brain, fooling you into thinking you've made a decision about what you like.

And then, hocus pocus, you realize you were gay all along.

The end.

PS: Identical twin studies are all lies and lesbians are made of pure science fiction.

More grant money please.
diamond grant that shit my dude
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If you ever use the terms masc, chill, cocky or bro, you instantly reveal yourself as a flaming faggot.

No one who fits any of those terms actually uses them.
Wait what?! Seriously?

...well THAT explains a fuck of a lot, goddammit...
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anyone remember Swede?
his transition is really coming along well
The correct answer and patrician choice is of course boxer briefs.

Boxer briefs > all

Also loose boxers > lots.
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>Date with fat guy
>Seems genuinly nice and like I could be in a happy relationship with him
>Hes just that part above fat where its bitch tits
I dont know what to do
>Hes just that part above fat where its bitch tits
what does that mean
he got bitch tits
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when did you realize that chasing love and romance is the most wasteful use of your life
>bitch tits
.. like manboobs? in that case, yuck (just make him wear a tee-shirt all the time)
faking love & romance is pretty easy tbhdesu
and it's one of my favorite hobby
anon clearly just fits the based Japanese seme/uke archetype more than the Western top/bottom one
sure, but there are people who actually think those things are real and this is very silly
Gay guys just can't do long term love.
It's a fact.
I just spend a little bit of time chatting daily
then like once a week for dates/hookups

Seems to work fine
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That seems healthy.
One shouldn't devote their life to finding love, but setting aside some time each week is wise and will eventually bear fruit.
what fruit? what do people expect to come of searching doe-eyed for a construct designed to sell shit on fake holidays
Whatever bro.
sorry to burst your bubble, but....
barebacking >>>>>> fucking with condoms
Sucks when people want you to wrap up though
getting eaten by a wolf, obviously
sorry to burst your bubble but
not being pozzed >>>>>>> getting HIV, Hep C, chlamydia and a shitty dick all in one evening
i'd rather eat myself desu
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Joyce DeWitt now2.jpg
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you must be quite limber
are you a dancer?
no, i'm depressed
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"what kind of guys are you into?"
Why the fuck every hookup I ever have ask me this question? Why do they want to know? It actually rattles me so much when they ask me about this stuff. Pls explain
this question rustles my jimmies as well tbqhon
I'm a thin person. Hardly skinny fat even. Just twinkish
And I want to gain weight.
Lately I've really felt this desire to gain a few pounds around my waist and chest and arms, some extra pudge so I can fill out
I also really like bears
What's happening
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You have been hit with lycanthropy, except for bears.

Now you're turning into a bear-man.

But seriously stay a twink and live out your bear fantasies vicariously
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They are trying to find out if they will meet your criteria/expectations (if they measure up).
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I wish I were stockier
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Eat pizza and several litres of Coke every night and you will soon be stockier.
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>this pic
Because some bears like skellies and if your not naturally bulky you'll feel like a tryhard
>have a bf
>gaygen doesnt

Feels good man
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Can't be that great.
You felt the need to come back here after all.
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>stopped posting here a year ago
>look my old tripname up in the archive for fun
>people are STILL accusing other people of being me in disguise and shitposting about me REGULARLY

absolute state of you runts, cant believe it
Sean pls
I do too and it's nothing to brag about. Relationships are worthless.
why do that care at that point. it almost makes me sweat bullets when someone asks me that
You must have made a monumentally shitty impression.
what is so stressful about telling someone what you like?
have you ever seen a blonde twink in real life before?
when you have mental disorders and like men...

so when do i an hero
which mental disorders anon?
Yeah but mainly there are more black haired twinks where I live.
Ginger twinks >>>>> the rest

the one where you like men
but that's a singular disorder
what about the 1+ other disorders that makes it plural?

rugby, is that you?
Anyone who tells you..

"follow your heart"
"listen to your heart"
"let your heart guide you"

Is a liar, a deceiver, and satan in disguise.
would you be okay as fwb with biscum, knowing it won't lead to anything more serious?
why aren't you married yet?
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tfw when no twitter neo nazi bf
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no bf
do you want to be married? Even though it's legal now I don't know that by large gay people consider it necessary, like there's no cultural expectation for there to be a marriage endgame
some day, yes.
I'm one of those love>>>sex type of gays. But I only turned 21 recently, so that's still some time away I think
Suicide pact when?

is that millennial matt? he's so adorable and has a cute lisp
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i loved him since /hwndu/

he can hide from society in my bussy anytime uwu

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tf no bf
>buy two pizzas because it's cheaper
>send snaps of them to both of my bfs
>they both shit their pants and ask if both of them are for me
blond twinks are kinda my daily bread desu. They comprise like 90% of the guys I have luck with.

My secret? I'm blond too. And we're all narcissistic so...
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