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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 87

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other one reached bump limit.
pro tips:
>rates others to be rated
>try not to obscure your face so other people can get a clear view
>post age and time on hrt
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Angles Masterpost.png
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mtf 20, 1 year hrt
Finally got around to capturing different angles of my face, rip me apart.~
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24 mtf, 9 months hrt

profile isn't great (brow bone) but if it weren't for the abundant facial fur you would be okay

you should probably shave before you take pictures
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6 Month HRT, I know I don't pass yet, but eventually?
Brow bone and hair, but you can fix those with surgery
You're getting closer
You're one of the prettiest people I've ever seen.
You already look like a pretty tomboy.
If you posted said pic in some lesbo thread you would see half of it trying to get in your pants until they found the penis and tried to set you on fire.
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22, 16 months.
You always post cute pics but what is going on with the pic on the far right? .-.
I'm kinda enjoying your eyebrows tbdesu
How tall are you? You're pretty adorable, not gonna lie. You don't have anything to worry about. (My daddy would probably snatch you up in a heartbeat)
fuck no
yes, what's your hair routine?
fuck no. why the earing in the nose? don't you know that's what they put on pigs, to stop them from digging in ground?
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age 19 FTM, T for 2 and a half years
I only wash it like twice a week and just use shampoo and conditioner, then I run my fingers through it and let it airdry.
You already look like a dude though not a good looking one. Think of some oblivion character. Sorry if it sounded harsh.
you look like a middle school boy
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mtf 23, 8 months hrt, tfw turbohon, when will mercy killing for ugly people be a thing :<
Looks like a dude, pass :)
Pass :)
Looks very androgynous/girlish you are probably going to pass
Pass :)
Shave and it would have been pass I think
Lose weight, take better care of your hair and let it grow out. You shouldn't have trouble passing from there.

Start mewing and lifting weights, train your shoulders and chest. Most ftm are afraid to train chest because they are afraid of them looking like breasts but trust me they will help you in looking more masculine.
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kill me
6 months hrt, 18yo
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i'm 24 and a year and a few months on hrt. still turbohon

very close, i think you pass barely

nope, you have an unfortunate jaw like me :(

pass and cute. tfw no gf like you.

pass for sure. look like stereotypical high school kid

nope, but i can't put my finger on why :/

working on your eyebrows will do a LOT for you. eyebrows are very important.
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Not even trying/10

Super qt, your face reminds me of Twiggy for some reason. Some nude lipcolor might help you. Pass

Very cute eyes, easy pass

Sexy style here with the hair and jewelry. Pass is a go

You look like my friend Evan, a cis dude. Maybe gain a little muscle and grow your eyebrows a little more unkempt and it'll be even better

I think you're cute. Don't be so down on yourself, I wouldn't clock you if I saw you outside of this thread.

Maybe it's because I have a thing for slightly androgynous features, but you are totally adorable. Lucked out with the green eyes and blonde hair, plus your lips are great. Some bangs and eyebrow sculpting might help girl you up, but I think you'd still pass for most people as is.
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squarejaw life

you could pass as some girl from alabama
try parting your hair somewhere other than right down the middle. your eyebrows kinda confuse me too

your chin and brow kinda fuck you here. do some work on your eyebrows too. it might really depend on makeup idk

do something with your hair omg

hello benedict cucumberbun, you look like a beta male but if you bulk up even just a little bit you'll do well

can we transbian yet

those genetics will take you far kiddo
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>posting yourself twice in the same thread unironically
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My Snapshot_22.jpg
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ah, my quest for validation continues
Thanks for rating and posting age/time on hormones
always rate after posting picture to get unbiased comments back, but if i rate now people would know it was me, you ruined it, anon!
Sorry desu, I'm new at this
You look like an extremely feminine boy
>can we transbian yet
Sorry buuut she's taken ;)
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Pre-HRT. With makeup and a wig (but my natural hair looks like, is the same colour as, and is as long as that when styled).
Whoops my pic is sideways. Fuck.
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22 months HRT
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You're looking happier than usual.
That food is kinda grossing me out though.
How did you fuck up that many times?
tfw i will never be able to scare children like robin does
I didn't, some troll decided it would be funny / clever to repost my pic at different angles.
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Having fun are we?
it's a beefburger with chorizo, red leicester cheese, a fried onion ring, a fried egg, rocket, pickled onions and smoked chilli mayo
fuckin' delicious
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pretty cute
congrats, you look like a Normal Dude, if that's what you were going for?
You pass! You fully pass. You've made it robin, not even being sarcastic, you're passing now.
made me laugh very loud
the opposite, actually
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Do I pass? :3
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Soft pass



this is me before going on a date. i just turned 21. About 3 years of HRT, but my doses were fucked up and super low thanks to my first endo.
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How can I ensure my phone won't rotate my pic before I post it (iPhone)
Why the mockery?
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>tfw 18
>tfw will still never pass
probably could pass
just look like an uncanny valley crossdresser
cis lesbian
u always look dirty whenever I see you
if this is your girl mode you're fine
maybe a little ffs and you'll be ok
you look kinda like a girl just a little thick in the neck, maybe lose some weight
yeah not very attractive but male
pass, but like it's close kinda. I think the clothes do alot for you
will pass
worse from different angles, but you still pass
it's not mockery, the montage is funny.Quit being a triggered tumblr user wannabe
>Posts a shit pic that hides half her face.
>Doesn't bother with makeup.
>Judges others.

Wow this place is toxic.
I'm not triggered, I was just confused.
Your hair looks greasy af, not gonna lie. If you're going to have long hair, take care of it. Also, how are we supposed to give you advice if you're going to post a low quality pic?
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I thought FFS would make me look younger and more feminine and having a husband who is a plastic surgeon was an added boon, but I feel like maybe fillers and surgery don't always give me the look I want.
What do you think?
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Here's a less washed out but just as obscuring photo
>do I pass?
She said I passed I'm not complaining
you look kinda sad on this picture. Sad.
Do I? D: I feel great today

I choked on some food earlier though and had to deal with that for like 10 min so maybe thats why
Must be because of that. You pass btw
Pass wow so cute babygirl! (Unless you're hiding a man forehead or something)
maybe I can't do makeup because my parents will kick me out if I do anything feminine
I judged others because that's what this thread is for
I posted a bad pic because the only time I think I look ok is when you can't see my face. I'll post a better picture after I get a shower
Look, you look good. But I don't understand what "you look like an uncanny valley crossdresser" means.
My chin is too horrible.
I'm sure I'll be forever no pass.
I'll give HRT a go and try and work on make up but if they both don't work.

I'll just commit sudoku rather than be a hon.
Get on blockers from QHI using a PO Box before you masculinise further
You didn't change a bit, you shaved your head - apparantly you have no intention of ever passing. Not trutrans
omg lol
Mega chin, fake hair, brows but you're pre-hrt so i guess you will pass
you know how to make stupid faces
This really you? Then yeah, you pass
take care of your face damn
Whats the usual Dose for beginners?
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>tfw no qt magic gf (male)
I'm trying, just need to get paid first.
yeah I've been camping for like two days so I haven't been in a shower for a while. I'm going to post a better picture when I get shower
I was being kinda mean tbqh. Basically you look like an alien approximation of what a human female might look like. I think its because you have a lot of make up on, but your face still has a masculine structure.
wdym take care of my face?
*take care of yourself
you look like a hobo :^)
yeah I just got back from camping, I'll try a picture once I get out of the shower
Well if I look like "an alien approximation of what a human female might look like" then you look like a fucking neanderthal, bitch.
eyebrows look way better now
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lolyep it's me. I just redownloaded a picture of me on tumblr. here's one of the ones originally saved on my hard drive.

i'm a fucking piece of shit.
you look like you know how to dress well. And you have dry hair just like me.
I'm always a bit mistrusting when the images start with tumblr_xyer023480 or something similar
I literally tried to re-word what I said to be nicer. Fuck off you balding, middle aged turbohon. You literally look like what 99s TV shows thought trans people looked like. You actually make the rest of the transgender population look worse, and the world would be a better place if you just offed yourself and left no trace of your existence.
If I'm a Neanderthal, you're dirt.
Are you a Quaker or Amish?
I mean, those shoes!
That band-aid on the knee!
You actually are dressed for Manhattan which is why it is weird to see you in front of a Wild West BBQ Pioneer Saloon.

The forehead is squarish but not too mannish.
The huge teeth actually help make your face look smaller.
The giant hands are not posed in a way that a cis woman would do, but whatevs.

I think you look great, very passable, but I wish I could color your hair to make it less mousy, maybe go a bit darker or blonder or something.
Nothing aposematic or anything.
I'm talking natural colors.
Just remove the mouse and add some glamour.
I'd also want a bit of blush on those cheeks, some color on the lip and, yes, a false eyelash, but I'm a glamour queen so that's my style.
I understand you want a more natural look for Daytime in the Desert.
(Where in the hell are you, anyway? Arizona? Nevada? New Mexico? West Texas?)
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don't put eyeliner on the bottom like that
Wait what do you mean make stupid faces? I'm literally just looking at the camera
okay but every picture you post is cut off and right in your face. hold your phone at arm distance, dont bend your elbows - take a picture and post that. stand facing the window, too.
Oooh triggered!!

Stop being a nasty little shit bitch and make an effort. You've got a lot of repressed rage to be filled with so much petulant butthurt, must be from staring at that ugly mug in the mirror every day lol.

You made a pretty bad effort at rewording what you said because it actually came across as more insulting than the first one, just like you made a pretty bad effort at your appearance.

Balding? Haha, if only that were true, and that's a good one coming from you, you ape-faced sack of shit.
Just thought you raised your eyebrows and made your chin look bigger. You actually look very cute and passing, but your skin arround your mouth seems irritated?
Anyways, pass
how do you make your front hair go sideways or backwards like that?
>watching Hons fight
Being able to look down on non passers makes me feel very smug
let's see your pic then if you're so high and mighty.
hm, you're not really worth it. have a good day
no need to call me a hon. I'm sad enough as it is. Please don't rub it in
*nods head
*tips fedora
One describes you, but I'm not sure which
Maybe you'd be less sad if you said nice things about others instead of tearing them down, and therefore elicited positive responses to your requests for validation.
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5 months hrt
if you look at the first post I made, you'll see that I literally just said that 90% of the people here pass, or are really close, and a few people didn't pass or needed help. I only ever started saying actually mean things after that one anon called me a bitch.
seriously I'm not going to lie and say everyone looks good xoxox this isn't reddit
Do not pass

Try to shave better you might pass



Pass as a kid

you pass as a boy

I know it's the angle but your pic made me disphoric, you pass.

weird pass


Are you even trying? Oops wait you're ftm right? If so you pass you have the face of that guy...
You've got a long road a head of you, handsome.
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Oh my b here
These threads always crack me up, they're not about passing at all, it's basically a "hot or not" thread, where horny neckbeards make shallow judgements that are entirely subjective.
Probably not the fedora one. Not sure what the other one means desu.
I'm just here to laugh at hons.
You should laugh at yourself then, kek.
It doesn't hurt to be nice. It comes back to bite you if you're mean though.
Yeah, they're not very helpful to the people posting. It's kind of sad. This should exist to tell people what they can do to improve, but it really is just "hot or not". Especially since passing is WAY more than face. Body, mannerisms, fashion, voice, etc.

Oh well, this place basically exists so that chasers and upset trans people can shit on each other and jerk off to passers.
what does this face mean? D;
Pretty much. It's quite disgusting desu.
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27, a year and some change

Sad af
Frowning hurts your pass potential
Super pretty imo.
Pass, I like the subtle creepy stare.
I like you with or without long hair
I don't use gel, I just run my fingers through it after a shower
I'm not even that creepy </3
moar pics
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Nope. I'm just 5'9" and don't have any flats.

That picture was taken in Clark County, NV, on the outskirts of Vegas. Hence why I'm dressed up so nice. I live in Phoenix right now, but I plan on moving to NYC within the coming year. I hate the desert desu. It's nice for camping, but that's about it. I hate heat.

I would wear more makeup, in fact, I'd love to, but I have no clue what I'm doing with makeup. If I were to dye it, I would probably want to dye it a more vivid shade of red. It's kind of a reddish-brown auburn right now.
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almost 9 months
am I at least more feminine-looking than an average male?

you pass
definitely pass
you're going to be super qt
I like your look
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My face hurts my passing potential

Why would you even wanna see more of me?
sometimes I wonder if 25-30 y/os have more passing potential than 15 to 20 y/os ...

yeah you look really good, let's see the rest of your body though.
you're really cute, but you have a H. P. Lovecraft smile
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Why are you in hospital?
>sometimes I wonder if 25-30 y/os have more passing potential than 15 to 20 y/os
Same actually, it's weird.
it's all genetics anyways
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everybody else: Either I accidentally missed you, you are a hon, or I really couldn't tell. Ask me if you're one of these people and I tell go into more detail.

HRT for 3 whole weeks.

I don't even know what my face is doing in the picture. I'm terrible at taking and posing for photos. Also note those little yellow dots are because of the camera.
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I'm also bad at taking pictures, you look v good for 3 weeks tho
Here's another picture, I just got out of the shower
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Apparently you either missed me or "I'm a hon".

It's funny that in real life, and not on this cancerous board, I very rarely get misgendered, and I pass most of the time.
Kappa Kappa Kappa Keepo Keepo Kappa
People are being polite irl. Not to say you aren't cute, but your face shape gives it away
You look like a 90s surfer bro
You look like an average southwestern native American woman
It's hilarious you say that, when there are so many cis women out there in the real world, and not in the fantasy land of the internet and photoshopping, who have far more butch faces. Plus I don't really see how my face is that masculine anyway.

You could also say that people are "being polite" when any of the transgirls depicted in this thread pass, by your logic. There's more to passing than just looks.
Are you the dumb bitch that said some people here look like they stumbled half-drunk out of the crossdressing community? You better have looked like a fucking supermodel pre-HRT or you deserve to have your mouth sewn shut.

Dumb. Fucking. Bitch.
keep wishing hon
Uh... no? Also I was responding to her venom with venom of my own, so that response was warranted.
Another internet troll. Move along.
Yeah cutting your cock and putting a skirt on doesn't make you a woman all of the sudde-
Oops, did I just said that?
>xoxox this isn't reddit
Reddit says I don't pass, but I'm ma'amed in public and on the phone. What does that mean?

I just missed you don't get freaked out. But other trans people have a way of clocking people that cis people don't. Just because you're gendered correctly in public doesn't mean you don't look 'weird' so to speak.

But the only criticism I have with you really is that your makeup looks weird.
How does my makeup look weird? x

Maybe it's just the lighting but it makes your nose blend in with your face, And the lipstick contrasts with your skin tone way too much it makes it stick out and look... wierd I guess.
Ahh right, well the nose thing is definitely the lighting because I took that pic facing a window with the sunlight pouring in. The lipstick thing, ok, maybe I put a bit too much on.
uncanny valley is the description you're looking for
Oh by the way I meant to say before but you pass for sure. x
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3 months hrt. I've gotten some positive feedback from could I pass threads, but I personally don't think I do yet >_>

You look like a super cute guy. I think the haircut is the only thing stopping you right now
Chin and brow are fucked.
could surgery fix it?
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>u always look dirty whenever I see you

i just got out of the shower and i'm in pajamas
what now pumpkin?
I think it's just because you have acne and the camera you're using is like kinda bad
Jesus, stop fucking camwhoring here, hon.
You always make the dumbest fucking faces. How do you even take these pics? Do you actually set a timer then run and get in place? That's a lot of work just to show your face on a Kezechistani Apple Bobbing website.
selfie stick
well now I feel bad
I'm sorry Ellie ur always a nice person and I've been mean
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20 3 months hrt

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And with makeup
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>always told my twinkhon gf you looked like a chubby boy
>she finally believes me

I have no idea how anyone on this board finds you cute. You're the neckbeard stereotype that decided to transition. Piss bottles are proof of that.
God youre an abomination. I dont know how you have the confidence to post pics.

you would legit pass easy as fuck.

you're slightly manly but not out of the realm of possibility for a cisfemale. youre actually quite attractive wth a twinge of twinkhon aesthetic. Youve got a really cute fem nose.


>It's funny that in real life, and not on this cancerous board, I very rarely get misgendered, and I pass most of the time.
Im cis and I'd clock you irl, but be polite enough not to make it obvious because that wouldnt bring me anything. On this thread where you're asking if you'd pass or not, i can tell you because you're asking for it.

You could girlmode now and pass if you wanted and pass imo, but longer hair will help.

your five oclock shadow clocks you and thats it really.

get more feminine glasses, but you pass in a 50 year old dyke kind of way. it'll improve with hair growth and making better choices. Look into an eyebrow tint, youve got the same coloured eyebrows as me and it makes a a huge difference.
You pass much better in first pic than second
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you kind of remind me of this (cis) girl. I think HRT would do you good
Wow, she's a legit cis hon, I feel bad for her
>she's a legit cis hon
Its called being ugly you fucking retard.
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Just get a job in tech in a liberal place (like Google in Mountain View) and you should be fine. Everyone will be supportive of you and accept you for you.

Best in show.

Everyone else please stop this gender confusion nonsense.
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I don't believe you
remember that you are talking to people with similar hair length here, not bald cis men who will believe anything
bitch please, your hair are obviously brushed and straightened
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Hard to tell with all the writing on your face, leaning towards no
I think you're close, I agree that this is a better picture than the other
I'm impressed that's you at three weeks
More feminine than the average male. I think wearing your hair down would suit you better.

I get gendered correctly everywhere, but I still don't think I pass. Would like some advice.
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just call me hon, hon.jpg
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last thread i was told to get the hair out of my face so it would be easier to tell me why i'll never pass. i hope this satisfies that condition!

I'm 2 years hrt and boymode for the next few months. How unpassable is this mug?

you need laser, the good news is your hair is dark enough for that

striking eyebrows

nice eyes!

pretty pass

abuse that t and get swole dude


not a pass yet sorry

idk why i even rated, im p bad at this.
>I'm impressed that's you at three weeks
Does that mean I pass haha

Also, yes you pass. You're not 10/10 but you're decently pretty and you look 100% like a normal girl.
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2monthes, MtF
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Close up of face
also age 21 sorryyy xD
You have such a cute smile, total pass.
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ur cute also i still think you look exactly like this person
You're a pass.

>>8697034 is nuts and is probably confusing "being pretty" as passing.

Also its been two years, >>8697034 why havent you grown out your hair? fucking commit.

Pass, doing pretty well.
It's curly dude and I pulled loads of it back. i do plan on letting get longer though.
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do i pass
Aaaaaaa b my gf
>You didn't change a bit, you shaved your head - apparantly you have no intention of ever passing. Not trutrans

who the hell are you lmao
i didnt shave yesterday because i had to get laser today.
Why would I lie about this...what is there to gain
for the same reason cis women wearing make up lie about not wearing make up
you retard you can see there is zero product. Also hair learns to grow the way you brush it, if they do this ritual every day every time they shower, the hair learns to automatically go that way. Its why you have to train your bangs when you get them, the hair at the front isnt used to falling forwards.
Thank you anon...didn't feel like arguing with them
but she said she doesn't brush them, just "runs her fingers through them" and doesn't blow dry them, just lets them dry on their own

which i call total bs
>no reply in hours
>2 replies within 2 minutes

hello samefag
first you lie about your hair routine to appear natural and effortless in your appearance, then you pretend to be different anon not to tarnish your submissive feminine reputation

and just like a real woman, you lack brains to carry out believable deception

>to appear natural and effortless

She doesn't have to try to be those things
Did you even look at her face?
She's literally the most passable girl ITT
Why are you picking on her?

Are you sour because you're a brick w greasy unkempt hair?
Last time I brushed my hair was like 3 years ago, but I've always had this style. That's probably why it does it on it's own now, I really had no idea and don't understand how hair works.
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almost there

not yet

not yet


still wifu

not yet

omg thanks for the laugh, also not yet

i love how happy you look!

hmm forehead? but pass from what I'm seeing


please try smiling a bit, you're cute

looks almost like a cis friend from Argentina


if ftm passing gloriously if not we'll it's very early into HRT give it time


almost there


great results for less than a year!!!

almost, ffs might be needed

amazing for 3 weeks!!! can't wait to see progress in a month or two

give it time but I think ffs will be needed

chin is a bit strong but that's not rare on cis females on some races, I see potential

not yet, try dropping a few pounds and see how it works if not clean bulk again.

maybe trying another hair style

cute, either mtf or ftm. you have that androginous look leaning towards male

not yet


so many new faces! i like this. actually looking forward to future passgens
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you fucking thickshit that does the exact same thing why do you thik the action is called /combing/ fingers through your hair it does the same thing.

No, Im someone who styles my hair enough to know how this shit works. Next you're going to be pointing at people in the street for parting their hair and calling witchcraft.
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yes hello am i hon
total qt

your shoulders look small, and your face looks fem just do something with your hair cuz it makes u look like a mom or something
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23 months hrt
>am i hon
no, you are just ugly
oh ok
out of focus grainy whore
lose a hundred pounds and we'll talk
My, you're beautiful.
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Pass if mtf

Pass if mtf

Pass, you look like a little girl with a mom haircut. If ftm you don't pass

Oops I'm 4 months hrt. 5 months in a little over a week.
Of course
i'm not overweight, but I agree my face looks fat
Thank fuck I repressed
>>8697006 here.

If any of you are still here:
Suggestions? This is the one time I straighten my hair; it's usually curly. I've never thought the way i part my bangs is flattering, so I'm going to my stylist before I start the next semester. thanks for the input.
Would you be able to tell me why?
Yeah, you pass. I always knew i wouldn't be pretty, but i'm glad you think I look like a woman (albeit an ugly one by most's standards).
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Im dabbin when I walk up in the trap Tbh hmu
Kik: The_Carthaginian
Discord: The Carthaginian#4454

>I know I don't pass yet, but eventually?
Yeah prob, you are androfem now and you arent actually putting in any effort towards female presentation. So with better effort on presentation I would say yes. You can hmu if you wanna, but we gotta work on that mental illness stare baby girl.

Nice weightloss..... we just need to get you hitting the weights now :P

Dis shit literally had me dying laughing, thank you anon

>Do I pass? :3
Yeah you not only pass you are legit fucking beautiful, perfect tranny gf material. You are one of the few trans girls I would be attracted to regardless if you were trans or cis. I just wish I had met you before you started getting surgeries Tbh

>am I at least more feminine-looking than an average male?
LOL yea. I have slammed a lot of Dutch-Irish prairie girls that look like you. If you put actual effort into your female presentation you would be hella cute, but I kinda get the feeling you are one of those people that will just half ass it until its too late and then complain about it later.

You look like Peggy Hill faM..... does your husband sell propane and propane accessories?
xD xD xD

Your tats are disgusting, and you would look much better with a deeper tan, but you pass and have a lot of potential to be a stunner Tbh
Not certain, something about how your hair meets your forehead. Im not great with this stuff so dont take me too seriously though. Sorry for deleting and reposting, didn't mean to attach another image.
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no pass
Listen to the anon, who told you about applying eyeliner: >>8695604. Best tip for you. Your eyeliner really messes up everything.

I would try another wig, too.

Pic like this one make me think that Ftms have an easy time passing.

You are not passing yet, but you look androgenous as fuck.
I recommend doing your eyebrows.

Take another picture...
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Ok here's one with my whole head not hiding anything this time

year and 3 months hrt
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>amazing for 3 weeks!!! can't wait to see progress in a month or two

Does that mean I pass already? :D And if I do already pass, what effects would Oestrogen have on me?

>I just wish I had met you before you started getting surgeries Tbh
what did he mean by this?

You pass easily why are you even asking at least on these pictures what I see it's a cis girl... Does people recognize you're a man in real life sometimes?
Not really but I don't trust people irl everyone is so polite I live in a college town
He prefers his trans girls to be as natural as possible minus being on hrt
if you aren't a fag what's the point of them having benis
ahahah everyone is so polite because u looks like an actual women if thats photos are legit and uare not trolling
Yeah no trolling thanks :)
Sometimes dysphoria hits bad so I just need to post in here to know the truth idk
>just spent a good minute laughing at spinning hon
I have autism dont I
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Minus the facial hair, will my neck pass as female?
Underweight, actually.
I dont think you pass either. Hair unnatural, lipstick too bright, under-eyeliner, etc. You have an ok face shape so you might be passable in time, and if your voice is good people will typically use female pronouns for you to be on the safe side socially. A word of advice, try not to take this board so seriously. If people are being honest, it's their opinion and you'd be wise to take that as it is or stop asking for advice by posting. If they're shitposting, just ignore it. Replying with more pics due to insecurity is only gonna get you picked on more.
c h a p s t i c k
fuggin life saver, get it
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Could I ever be a cute gurl?
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do i pass as a boi
In thumbnail yes, full size no
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I'll never pass from profile without FFS but maybe it's better from this totally deep and meaningful soul searching blurry angle

Not hon but will look better with longer hair, kinda a hon hairstyle

You'll pass in time, jaw, chin and lips are femme, face is a bit long but long hair suits

Good pass

Good pass

Sum of all parts. Masc features can be masked by more fem features, some not. The worse you pass, the worse you pass, if that makes any sense?

No I'd assume you to be a girl
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Nearly pass
No pass but you're not doomed Mio
Pass, Ps nice name
Look good. If you want one thing to help, your eyebrows could stand to be higher. You can probably tweeze half their thickness off to raise them (even though the thickness now is good on its own)
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aw buddy
you look like that picture of brendan fraser with the bloodshot eyes
>Sum of all parts.
Right, but I want to know how this particular part passes. I like wearing chokers, but I'm not sure if I need them. They also draw attention to my chin/jawline, which is decidedly masculine.

best in thread

>tfw this qt will never be your gf
What's up with the tits? Are you in porn or a prostitute?
Am I allowed to post if I'm interested in transitioning, but haven't actually started yet?
No1 made a Could I Pass thread so sure
Ah, I didn't know those threads were a thing. I'll just wait for one to be posted.
Last thread ended a few days ago so I'm sure another will be up relatively soon.
I found this thread >>8703166

Dunno if it was the right place to post though
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1 year 6 months hrt, whats my body like?
Jesus christ, ellie..please town down the autism. You're kinda scaring me.
You're cute.
College student with supportive and well off parents.

You have a hard time spotting Patricians huh?
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Thx senpai
Why the choice of porn tits then? If you got normal ones, you'd probably pass, but this just looks cheap and draws attention to the gay guy face etc, not going to list everything, you know it anyway.
They look like that rn bc I just got them they are still dropping and they are Dcup but look weird cause they're in the healing process for another 4-5 months
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definitely well aware that I don't pass but at this point i'm like. kind of being more open about who i am and i've definitely got a few ma'ams (maybe just to be polite) in the last few weeks. i have a serious brow ridge which i'll probably need FFS for but otherwise how am I? ~4mo
marry me plz :3
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(((18))), gonna start HRT in a week
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A hair cut or styling it better would help

you'll do good
>gonna start HRT

You already look like a woman.
Why do you even need HRT?
Clearly your balls aren't working.
>You already look like a woman.
Don't be anxious. You don't get compliments often?
>tfw have the same cruddy metalhead hair, long face, and No Fun Not Ever t-shirt

You dont suit a septum, it brings all the attention to your already big, dominating nose. on top of that its fucking massive, wrong size. Youre already feminine, just make better choices and youll pass easy.
only from my bf and I don't take them well.

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found this person on youtube called "everyday oppression" and the claim they were born a male, yet they don't look like one nor sound like one. somehow people buy into this. good for them, right? the shitty thing is just the fact that they shit on non passing trans people and non binary identifying people like that person wasn't just like them. it's more cringy than seeing a man say that all other men are pigs just to appeal to you.
Depends on age and baseline hormones.
Usually 25/50mg cypro and 2 mg estrofem, not sure about progynova or spiro/bica.
Ask HRTgen
you are a fucking hon
I know you're supposedly a femboy but please shave
Laser and weight loss around arms, wear baggier clothes because that top is too small for you.
Would gender female/10
You'll be god tier with longer hair, maybe bangs
Numale but FTM easy mode /10
Pass as 35/37 year old woman at wallmart. Try plucking upper lip instead of shaving or get laser. Your face is too wide and your hair is very thin/unkept. Your skin doesn't look very good for 8 months hrt either. Try grooming more?
Puberty fucked you up too much, sorry
Relative of Ted Cruz/10
I thought life gave me a bad hand before I first saw you. Sorry.
Too old, sorry.
Do something about those lips because the dryness and sanding paper like texture puts me off. Other than that cute and passing
Cute. You look like my dentist from when I was younger
Please for the love of god wash your hair. other than that pass, but please take care of yourself.
15 year old Riley Dennis/10
Stay on HRT more and you'll pass. if not FFS.
You pass and you look slightly younger than you are, though it's an angled picture.
Adorable to the point of being wife material/10
pass but try losing weight
Fix the hair please
Laser and you'll pass
not yet
large nose but pass
pass and cute
Looks like one of those snapchat filters that make your mouth wider
Transcord poster/10
Your bangs are too thin and look weird, other than that you look ok
the bottom of your face is pretty long, you'll need FFS
you look like a drug addict
Michael Jackson/10
Look into a lip lift
Square shaped, male
pluck brows, other than that how are you not full time yet
Those eyes have seen things..
I know youre trying to imply theyre obviously ftm but the real possibility is intersex. Could have been assigned male at birth but ended up with more female aspects.
how should i style it? my hair naturally parts there and if i part it much further over my wack ass hairline shows. I'm thinking when i get it cut soon im gonna get it chin / shoulder length layered with sideswept bangs, like literally getting the front of it cut kinda diagonally so it forms bangs better i just hope that doesn't mess up whatever amount of curl my hair naturally gets.

honestly i don't mind my nose too much but i'll probably get it shaved down a bit cause i have a deviated septum and can probably get it on insurance. what other choices are you talking about besides?
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meh i'll give it a shot...3 months hrt
It looks like you let jack the ripper do your eyebrows.

Even with fucked eyebrows you pass 100% though so congrats.

Quit humblebragging fr

You need layers in it whatever you go with, and the front cut to frame your face better. It kinda looks like a dudes long hair right now all the same length. Just go to a good salon
Ah shit. My ex is the same. I hope you're happy with him at least, I know it can be tough.
your nose isnt actually the problem i was talking about, i was talking about the ring you have in. i honestly dont have a thing against big noses.

choices like choosing to be more feminine instead of taking the comfy road or just going with things because you like it even tho it could be shit for you. do your research on shit that would flatter your body type and make you seem more feminine. make up, fashion, hair etc
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>Fix the hair please

This is a really quick picture is it any better?
>you look like a drug addict
not far off
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Me in basement mode. I think that I'm androgynous.

Once you'll be done with laser, it'll be great

Those eyebrows doesn't really suit you and you've got a skin problem. Other than that I think pass.

Pretty andro, but either makeup or waiting 3 more months = fully pass. Also cute.

Pass, but your ends are screaming. You should cut them.

You look kinda like my friend from middle school. Totally pass.

Start skincare, loose some weight and do something with your hair. Heck, your hair is probably your worst feature, sorry. If it dyed, try slowly going back to your natural color, wash it more often and use conditioner

Eyebrows maybe?

Sorry but that's 4chan so I'm gonna be honest. You look like a transvestite, and I would laugh my ass off if I would see you irl. At least internally, because I'm not an asshole.

Romanian 18y/o girl

Pass :D

Turn off orientation lock before opening the camera, it also annoys me. Looks weird (lips), but pass.

Greasy hair and eyebrows, but well... nope, sorry.

You look like Neets from Sense8

I have a coworker that looks similar to you, pass

Genetics and young age are a blessing, huh?

Well, mostly your hair to be honest. You definitely could.

Are you FtM or...? Either way, I would say woman, but your hair is weeeeird.


14 y/o boy

Pass, but you kinda suck at taking photos :D


Totally pass

No, but your hair doesn't suit you at all.

Nope, sorry

Pass, but really... get rid of nose piercing.

You look like a girl on heroine. It's fine though, people are also saying that about me.

You've got a little bit of hips, but not much. I would say androgynous.

You need more time, it's fine though.
>You look like a girl on heroine. It's fine though, people are also saying that about me.
yeah you look a bit like a meth user yourself
oh well, we've always got makeup to cover our bad habits
Your bangs are too short and messy, but trim your eyebrows and you'll pass for a qt3.14 fujoshi I guess.
That's unfortunate. I hope you can get out of the pit..
Sorry, English isn't my native language. These little mistakes still make me embarassed though.

Well, to be honest, you look like just you doesn't know much about skincare. Do you know your skin type? Maybe I can give you some advice.

I look like this because I've been fighting skin cancer for 2 years, and even though 2 years passed since I got rid of it, recovering from chemotherapy takes a lot of time. Also I've got the worst skin type, dry and sensitive

>Genetics and young age are a blessing, huh?
Is that a yes or a no to passing?
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Ah yeah, didn't mean it seriously, it's just a funny and common mistake.

Pretty oily skin. Not long ago I was like showering once a week max, barely changing clothes, sleeping in very dirty sheets/floor and being dumb with substances. Was really gross. Pic is from late last year, I'd like to think I'm improving, I'd welcome any advice for sure.

and shit, chemo sounds awful. glad you pulled through.
You look like a male with autism
Definitely yes

I know that feel, when you're depressed you don't give a shit about anything. Glad you're going better.


According to this article, it's not very different. All I'm using though is just a facial scrub and wash in the morning (or course designed for my skin type) and just a wash in the evening. If I need to refresh myself at work I'm just splatting some water on it. In overall, don't use soap on your face at all and take a shower daily (which you probably already know). That should help a lot :P
thanks anon, I should look into facial scrubs. atm I wake up and use a facial wash, then again when I shower at night. Current moisturiser I dont think suits my skin type well so Ill have to look into a better one. Also trying to get used to sleeping on my back, since I think a dirty pillow + messy hair + oily skin = bad
Actually, showering two times a day is drying out your skin. I'm taking a shower using moisturizing soap when I'm coming back from work (it's really hot even in winter so I'm sweating like heck) and going to sleep, and when I'm waking up I'm just putting on some nice warm water (YMMV if you're sweating in bed).

You should wash your bedsheets at least every 3 months I think. Some people like doing it more often, but usually I'm just taking it outside for 2 hours every week. Use 90*C program and 1200/1500RPM (depending on your washing machine). Let it spin two times after that, take it outside if it's warm where you live and in 2 hours or so you'll have dry bedsheets :)
I only shower once a day, towards the evening, but wash twice, and yeah just wish some warm water (which also helps shaving face). Just got done washing my sheets about an hour ago
you look like that girl from The Ring, except older
yeah that's me btw
She was intersex...
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Nice comeback for calling you a transvestite. Your argument is invalid though, I'm intersex and haven't gone trough the male puberty. Pic before starting on E.
post your hips i like looking at them
One of you pls be my gf
You pass cutely with longer hair to minimize your features
So you remember me :D

Funny thing about them is that about 2 months ago I still had to use my deadname at work. My coworker told me that everyone thought that I was an FtM... because quote "your butt is too feminine". Like what.
>dat lip to nose distance
why do you look unmistakenly male if you havent gon through male puberty
Don't know, don't care to be honest. If I really would look "HEY MAN" I would get gendered that way. In boymode even if I'm getting "hey mate", as soon as I'm turning around they're like "oh, sorry love". Not to mention my voice. Never got misgendered in girlmode, and in andromode people usually are confused, but my voice leads them to female direction.

Yeah, it's kinda big... but not as big as cis guy's. Nobody's perfect, and neither am I.

T-thanks anon
Well let's hope it's just surgery swelling or whatever then, you're the most passable out of everyone in this thread other than that.
looks like a beta to me, definitely male and many masculine features and not in a Chad way.
probably ffs would help in the future after hormones.
dont give up you can get out of honmode
You remind me of an NPC High Elf from Oblivion lmao.
Your eyebrows are almost too nice.
Also smile!!
Pass, cute af. Would like to date.
that's true, and she also had skin in similar condition lmao
Thanks! I've been happy with him since November :) DESU he's Lithuanian so he is kinda conservative about showing affection in pubic which works out for me lol.
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2 years, HRT, 17
Pass, and quite handsome at that might I add.

Sometimes I wish I were a millennial so passing was easier and more accepted by my peers.
I'm glad things work fine for you and you got lucky there. Ex didn't like affection in public either, but never complained, which made things awkward once when I tried to make her state her needs. I knew she was trying to not bother me and thanked her for that after though.
Looks great /b/ro! I doubt many FTM are kekistanis. Shadilay.
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Am I almost not a Hon yet?
Confirmed for permahon
>and quite handsome at that might I add.
Looks like a fat balding potato faced Polack. If that's handsome to you, wanna get married?
yes you are quite passing, but you look a bit like you still shave and it's noticeable
Hey thanks :3
I am half way though laser. Last session was 5 days ago so it is exfoliating
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It was my 1st time outside.opinions? [4.5 months]
Pass already from the pic imo
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I'm >>8701642
Does my lip seriously puck my chances of passing? My bf likes my lips but I'm always really self conscious about smiling and stuff because I feel like I have horrible mouth expressions.
Pic related is my resting face, I'm a bit of a filthy mouth breather.
Eyes a bit too dark, otherwise you look like an old woman, not a hon. >>8694851 <- this is a hon
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