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/ftmg/ - female to male general

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Typewriter edition

Transition timelines:

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Passing guide for AAPs:

Old sites, but still great one-stop-shops for FTM information:

Last thread: >>8309053
FTMs hate feminism, right?
first for benis
I assume most of the ftms on 4chan hate feminism, I mean Im not a big fan of it myself, but tumblr and reddit trannies eat that shit up

also fuck you
Fourth benis
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>Can't keep my pants up right
>Can't wear suspenders
>Belts don't help keep my pants up
>Pants sag because I don't have a big enough ass

Will I forever be saggin my pants?
Try not to wear pants 3 sizes bigger than your frame
>hate feminism

you're dumb
there is nothing wrong with wanting women to have equal opportunities
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women already have equal opportunities in the us and england, why dont feminists focus on 3rd and 2nd world countries instead of shaving the sides of their heads and dying their armpit hair pink. 3rd wave feminism is idiotic and focuses on all the wrong things.
how am I dumb?
are you going to call me a nazi next?
>caring about people in 2nd and third world countries when there are people suffering in your own back yard
I would consider myself a feminist, in the original sense of the word, but acting locally is more important imo.
feminism of the modern world has caused more suffering than it's solved. feminists have gotten people fired and ruined their lives, terfs, if i'm thinking correctly are radical feminists themselves are they not? terfs literally go around causing suffering by outing trans people and telling them that they are illegitimate.
you missed/ignored the point of my post entirely.
Women do not have equal opportunities, they have extra opportunities, and that's the way feminism likes it.

>in the original sense of the word
"Feminism" has always means whatever is convenient at the time and whatever suits women.
>feminism has caused more suffering than it's solved.

maternity leave, childcare, women voting, STEM for girls, the list goes on and on.
sorry you got fired but it wasn't because of feminism it was because you kept pissing on the toilet seat in the women's bathroom.
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you want to ignore the fact that there are women in other countries seen purely as objects because you think that women in your country (the US) need more rights because my soggy knee.

you need a nap my dude? I clearly say modern feminism, nice job making assumptions but I've never had a job, havent used the ladies restroom in years either.
what good has been brought to the table by feminism in the past 10 years?
No, I want to ignore everyone in other countries because there is poverty, hunger, violence, and unrest in mine. America first.
>maternity leave
Special treatment paid for by men and childless women.

>STEM for girls
Affirmative action at the expense of boys' career prospects.

>you kept pissing on the toilet seat in the women's bathroom.
So you don't know the namefag, didn't read the OP, and are only posting to shill feminism. Where are you from because it isn't /tttt/?
also, STEM fields have never just been for men, girls are always allowed to strive for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, but they never really choose that now do they?

thats not very empathetic of you, plus I thought this was about gender equality, what do those have to do with gender equality?
empathy is a female trait.
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empathy is an animal trait, all humans and animals have it unless your a sociopath or psychopath though it is true that women are more open to empathy than male, what, are you sexist?
Do you even know what empathy is or are you just trying to preseve your masculinity by acting like a retard? Empathy is understanding emotion and being able to understand the motivations of other people. Unless you are autistic or have some other disorder where your perception is impacted, then you should be just as empathetic as the average person. What you might be thinking of is sympathy. However, even this is not necessarily a bad trait nor only applicable to females. Women and men both show sympathy in differing ways. If you don't feel sympathy whatsoever then that is most likely a problem with you and not with anyone else.
>Do you even know what empathy is
They're a feminist, so...
Will try
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I mistoke them for the oher guy. I'm going to bed now.
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Watch your inflections, going higher at the end of the sentence sounds feminine. Also word choice.

I thought biromanticism was just having romantic feelings for both men and women.
If I bind after breast reduction surgery is it going to fuck up my tiddies? If I'm gonna have tits they sure as hell better not be saggy.
Been about 3 months.
>breast reduction surgery
>not just going for the masectomy
Why my dude
Parents paid and were not understanding and said if I brought up a mastectomy with the doctor he would put me in a psych ward or some shit like that. The best I could get is requesting the doctor make them the smallest size possible.
Plus I did not know if I really wanted no breasts, or was just uncomfortable with the size.
I'm a d cup now and it fucking sucks. All I can see when I look in the mirror is boobs.
Oh and to clarify this I have no plans to transition socially, I just have dysphoria. Nobody knows and I intend that they never do.
>The best I could get is requesting the doctor make them the smallest size possible.
When you get to that point can't you just say "none at all" when he asks how small?
Breast reduction surgery is different from mastectomy buddy
But you see the point? Your parents make you book a reduction, you tell the doc to give you the smallest possible, he asks you exactly what size you want, you say what?
Is 18 inches shoulders good or bad
It is good.
what if i'm really short though
is 18 considered manly
>word choice
Mine are 20 inches, which is fairly broad, and I'm tall. 18 is pretty broad for a short guy.
Project down into your chest. I sound like a man when I project down but a turbofag when I project up.
Excessive use of "like", unless you live in areas where that's part of the dialect.
Emphasis on emotive words, "girly" twists on words (gosh vs. god, thingy vs. thing, etc.)
How is 16in for 5ft2?
Whoo boy lotta height related threads on here today, trying to forget being short and straight is a bad combination.
I don't know, sounds more like a meme desu. Most girls will date short men if they enjoy their company.

yeah this is true. the only women who wont date someone short is tall women who are insecure about their height. otherwise, short men have just as much chance as everyone else.
my best friend is only 5'6" and i'd date him if I was more secure.
and he always (i mean almost exclusively) dates tall girls, 5'10" or above.
hey i'm not ftm, but can i vent to you dudes for a second, the mtfg thread is ass ,and unless you trip you get ignored.

I hate life, and being trans didn't ruin myself, but it certainly didn't make things easier, and I'm just so sick and tired of being alone and poor, but getting a job is hard, and dating is hard when you're trans and it seems like no matter what I do everything sucks and I can't change anything. I can't move away from my bigot family because I dont have a job, but no one will hire me, I'm depressed cause I'm poor and can't really date, but i can't date since I'm depressed....
i hate life .

sorry to shit up your thread guys, i just needed to scream or something and your threads are always really nice and comfy.
This isn't an insult, but you should be able to get a job in fast food or a call center, no?
also not meant in an insulting/dismissive/passive aggressive way, but have you tried starbucks? i've heard they tend to be very lgbt-friendly. i also heard they have a health insurance plan that covers tranny shit.
I feel you.. sister?
No one wants to be trans because of all the shit it brings, but in my case, I wouldn't be happy pretending to be cis anyway.
Seconding the other posts, try to just get a job anywhere. I went 6-7 months after graduating without a job because no one in my field would hire me, so I just got a pity job at a local grocery store. I hate the job, but it helps.
Good luck
Do call center work or IT. Learn graphic design? That's what the MtFs usually go for right?
>breathing from diaphragm
Can someone give be a quick rundown?
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I actually think I'm doing okay with that but I'll double down when practicing, thank you.
Could you explain? I've never heard of projecting before.
It's the way you're supposed to breathe (rather than letting your chest rise like most people do) and helps to make your voice deeper
Actually, chest-breathing is rare unless you suffer from anxiety or health problems. In general, mammals are abdominal breathers.
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>tfw dysphoria after you dirty touched the man cave
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*blocks your path*
But why would that be dysphoric?!
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are your nips disintegrating?
they're ascending
Man, that's gnarly looking. How fresh is that?
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after I come i can feel it in my stomach for an hour
move to Australia and call everyone cunt, you'll be a bloke in no time
How do I explain dysphoria to a friend and also that I can like dudes while also being trans? I'm having a hard time, making them understand.
the *blocks your path* meme never fails to make me laugh
Compare your need to be male to their orientation. Assuming they're a girl and straight, maybe something like "You wouldn't feel comfortable in a relationship with another girl, right? It's hard to describe but you know you don't want it. It's the same for me needing to be a guy. And liking dudes doesn't change it."
Why are ftm's the chilliest people in LGBT?
>implying lesbros aren't the chillest people in lgbt
because we legit don't give a fuck
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The apathy is real
what's this picture from?
lesbians are fucking batshit crazy dude
havent wanted to kill myself like this in months...
and its all thanks to my transphobic mom managing to terrorize me from a thousand miles away
cis straight guy who's horribly depressed here
sorry to here that
is it something i can help fix with my penis?
it's kind of large and i'm fairly good at using it.

sorry, it's just my go to when talking to human beings with holes that I want to brutally ruin and fill with semen.
dude fuck off
yeah pound my butthole into oblivion i guess
what did I do?
Location, how far along are you, are you allergic to any lubes or syrups and are you into rape play?
turn your proxy off cissy I'm coming to find you
No that's how skin grafts heal

21 days. I don't know why my caption didn't post with the picture.
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You all hatin on this dude but lets be honest, most of us can relate to
>talking to human beings with holes that I want to brutally ruin and fill with semen
mfw no dick to do it
Anyone here us Grindr? How is it for transmen? Should I even bother using it when I haven't started T yet?
don’t do it

It's by a legbutt from back around /lgbt/'s inception when we were trying to come up with a board-tan.

I had a lesbian wish rape upon me for simply not caring if a bi girl who only dates women calls herself gay for simplicity's sake. They had to split their general into cis and trans versions because they chimp out so easily at any whif of dick.
Maybe I don't spend enough time on the gay generals around here, but lesbian insanity seems second only to the incomparable mtfs.
>wish rape upon me
I can't relate to him at all, he's an asshole
do boys like it when girls fuck their asses
t. tgirl
if they're a good boy
are you a godo boy
that is a very bad boy
whos good then :(
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It's pretty bad, don't do it.
Guessing you're into guys?
wow, what a retard
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I mean why would I download grindr if I wasn't.
Anyways people on this app are pretty bottom of the barrel, so if you're trans and you don't want a bunch of idiots and assholes, I'd skip it if I were you. There are other ways to get laid.
In general, the better apps are the ones you have to pay for. People tend to be more serious on there.
Nah, OkCupid works just fine.
i've used grindr to relative success personally, but i live in a densely populated city and have developed a good filter
>Wondering why you're giving one word responses

You don't seem to understand how grindr works.
These people are hitting up many profiles at once hoping to get a hookup and/or hot pics.
They don't have time to type entire sentences.

sexy = opening line used on everyone they accost
how u = how are you?
ok = you're a weirdo
horny = i'm horny/are you horny?
u = fuck you
sorry what u upto = oh shit, a real person? ummm i have nothing to say why don't you talk?


>that incredibly high voice on the bottom
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Can I violate your ass with a plastic strap on if I let you do the same afterwards except with a real dick?

I dont think sex is going to solve your depression, and I think you might be bi my dude
I'm not trans but expecting anything from Grindr other than mindless sex is useless
Obviously I didn't. I was new to the "gay hookup scene" back then. I still think it's stupid though, and I'm glad I deleted that app. Bunch 'a STD -riddled apes.

Regardless it's definitely not a good place for babytrans pre-T ftm lads.
Does anyone else's family talk about short guys around you forgetting your now one of them because you weren't seen as short before as a grill?

>stupid shorty tom cruise can't play an action hero, he's so short
>hey that's mean, I'm short
>uh no...no....you're t-taller than tom cruise
>no I'm not
>h-how tall are you?
>5'5", tom cruise is 5'7, I'm actually shorter
>no...no, it's, y'know tom cruise, he's short, you're not short
my mother is an inch taller than my bio father, Im taller than both my mother and my biofather, im only 5'5'' also, but oth of all of my immediate family, my brother is the tallest, at least 3 inches taller than me.
we make fun of my parents for being short forgetting that I'm short myself.
I can't do that anyway because sans mom everyone is super tall in my family.
>Tom Cruise
>Actually 5'7"

Did you get that number from the Scientology Celebrity Center?
does taking 100 mg spyro works?

does taking only AA's would help to become less manly? i need to wait 12 months to start HRT fur personal reasons
wrong thread honkadonk
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how 2 deal with chigger bites?
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>when the period hits

Short for an action hero =/= short for a normal person
how do I get a friend to stop being an inconsiderate shithead?
I am of the opinion that anyone can say slurs if they want to, but should be considerate of the feelings of people around them
This friend keeps saying queer and it makes me extremely uncomfortable, she also denies that its a slur at all even though I have personally been called that in a derogatory way. She says that because I say faggot sometimes (even though in the past I have made accomodations for a gay friend who this made uncomfortable) that I am a hypocrite. How do I resolve this?
Ignore this comment bc it's just me whining into the void

I was at a party and my cis gay guy friend that I'm really really attracted to was there too and he was drinking a good amount and we were playing truth or dare and one of the ones he got was to make out with someone and we ended up kissing and it made me so happy desu. like damn I know I'm a thirsty fag or whatever but that shit was nice. And he kept getting dares (they were pre-written) to remove articles of clothing and at the end of the night he was in his boxer briefs and fishnet stockings (another dare was to switch clothes w someone). I learned tonight that he has... A pretty large dick.

So now I'm home and I am proud that I managed to mostly keep my cool, bc honestly I want that man to raw me and cum inside me.
Anyone here have PCOS before they started hrt? How are you treating it?
I think the reason is that grindr is a hookup app, not a dating app.
People are just looking for a quick fuck, and don't intend to understand you or get to know you better.
Personally, I don't really understand the appeal of having sex with someone who's not at least your good friend. Emotional aspect is extremely important for me.
Have you explained this situation to her?
yeah, she just whines about how it hasnt been offensive for 40 years
>for a gay friend
You mean a homosexual friend. Thanks.
In what ways does she use the word? Queer has the potential to be insulting, but also not, depends on the context. But I must say... faggot is a word I'd never my self use in real life, I feel it's a much more negative slur then queer is. So if she's heard you throw around that word, you will kinda seem like a lil' bit of a hypocrite... imo.
Might be better to not really talk to her then. Doesn't sound like she'd be too good of a friend from what you've said.
Oh, come on! What a tiny little shitty thing to end a friendship over! This ISN'T such a big deal and I feel anon is being more insulted over this then necessary. I'm hearing queer being used left and right by gay folks, as long as it's not directly being used as an insult, I don't see why straight/cis people can't use the word either. I feel people are being a little oversensitive, here.
Nah, it's not just because of that. The fact that she whines about it and ignores him instead of actually considering anything is probably applied to a lot more than just the queer thing. Can't say I don't agree with you on that people are being oversensitive, just trying to come up with a fix for the situation. And I can't really come up with anything better other than "ignore it then".

Different anon, but I'd have to really not give a fuck about someone to refuse such basic decency as not using a word they get butthurt over, however needlessly.
(Unless it's funny butthurt, then I'll of course use it constantly, because that's what friends are for).

It's just about the apathy towards the feelings of a supposed friend. The fact that it's such a small request just makes the refusal all the more petty.
That said, she's probably just immature and doesn't get that it's genuinely annoying him. I wouldn't personally suggest cutting her off over it.
>Personally, I don't really understand the appeal of having sex with someone who's not at least your good friend. Emotional aspect is extremely important for me.
That's you, though. Grindr is for people who don't give a shit.
This does make me curious of a paid-fuck app would do any good.
Queer does have some academic standing, and it is kinda useful as an umbrella term, but it's kinda dick to use it around somebody it bothers a lot.
Faggot hasn't exactly been 'reclaimed' by anybody but 4chan tho.
tl;dr you're both kinda being dicks, but at least you're willing to not be one upon request
I wouldn't say I'm offended by the word, but her using it to describe people and also as an umbrella term just makes me incredibly uncomfortable. I'd understand if she felt I was hypocritical if I hadn't explained to her exactly how I feel about using slurs and also demonstrated my willingness to adjust for other people
>umbrella term
Is she into history at all? Because it does get used as an umbrella term there a lot- the problem with trying to find gay/lesbian/trans people back through history is that, y'know, those terms didn't exist, so those identities weren't seen the same way by the society of the time or by the people who identified that way. It's one of the reasons it's so fucking hard to lay clear claim to FtMs back in the day, because some may have transitioned purely for the male privilege, aka the right to actually do shit with your life. And different cultures felt differently about it, etc etc.
...but nah yeah still pretty dick of her to keep using it around you.

You mind if I ask why it makes you uncomfortable?
it just rubs me the wrong way. I've heard queer used more I'm a derogatory manner than I have fag. I dislike it being used as an umbrella term because lots of people do feel uncomfortable with the term, of course I don't have a problem with people using it for them selves, it's just not for me
By having our female reproductive organs removed.
Yeah I hate the term too, whenever popular media sources try to be hip and say queer community rather than lgbt or whatever I just assume they aren't talking about me because I'm not part of any queer community.
How many times a day do you guys masturbate? I'm a cis guy and I usually do it 4 or 5 times a day, though my record is 8 times in a day and three times in a row with minimal rest period.
I'm usually good with once a day but I'll do 3 in a day if I'm horny and have nothing better to do
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Every night I dream about being pregnant. Like LITERALLY every goddamn night. Last night I dreamt about my mom suggesting I postpone my transition to have a baby, and I agreed to it. (btw I've been on T for 2 months and have not noticed any changes, much to my dismay).

Pregnancy is my worst nightmare. I can't imagine being one of those cringey "pregnant men" who waddles around with a male body and a huge pregnant belly. But my subconscious is screaming at me to do otherwise. It also feels like I'm somewhat aroused by the idea of being pregnant in my dreams, as I can feel it in my clit as I wake up.

What does this mean? I'm terrified.
Your biological clock is ticking. The drive to reproduce is pretty intense. No idea if it'll go away, but I know mine at least dissipated.

I got cats when I had that horrifying baby urge, although I blessedly didn't dream about it. Now I'm relegated to about the same amount of piss and shit, but no college tuition and I sleep slightly better.
Random anon here, how old were you when it started ticking? I worry it'll happen to me someday too but I have no idea when to expect it.
>baby urge
Never had that... babies are gross.

I mean, don't get me wrong, if I could knock a bitch up I'd probably go get some stupid Christian preggo just because she's unlikely to abort it, then I'd bounce. Do that a few times and your genetic payload is secure... or just dump loads of cum into sperm donation banks.

I am in my 30s, so less than when I was in my 20s, maybe a few times a week. It depends on stress and how tired I am when I get home.
>>8342785 here. I'm 24 and this has been going on since I was probably 21-22. It's been getting progressively worse and it's horrible and dysphoria-triggering. Hopefully T will mellow it out.

I adopted a guinea pig recently and that hasn't helped. I guess I'm fucked for now.
When I was a teenager, ten or more. Now, about three or four.
Well fuck, I guess I'm due for that stuff pretty soon then. Hopefully T stops it from happening, yeah. Not sure what exactly it is that causes it, now that I think about it. And if it shows up anyways I guess I'll go senile with a bunch of cats or something.
100% biscum.
It used to be once a year but now that I'm on T I can't stop thinking about it. How do I deal with wanting to masturbate all the time? I liked having an ice cold libido so this is a pain in the ass.
>once a year
Legitimate question: were you actually a walking dead? How the fuck is it even possible to only masturbate once a YEAR?

I feel horny to the point where I feel like I'm going crazy and can't think of anything but jerking off if I go three or four days without it, my dick would fall off if I didn't do it for an entire year.
Later transitioner here so.. it really started kicking me in the guts at like 24 I think? Baby fever probably varies for everybody but who knows. I'm sure some people never get it at all.

Luckily someone rescued some feral week-old kittens and I got to distract my idiot hormones with that, and then I was too tired keeping up with them to feel any lack of not-human baby.

It does help that pregnancy scares the fuck out of me. I have a lot of respect for anyone willing to go through with that, human pregnancy is not a fucking joke.

god, they really fucking are gross. I guess these urges are the only way to ensure we continue the stupid species.

shoulda got a baby guinea senpai
kudos for picking something that won't piss on your everything though, I wish you luck with your brain chemistry.
hello /ftmg/, i'm coming here from /fit/.
long story short, a (biologically) female friend of mine i used to have a thing with/am friends with came out as trans, and he mentioned that he doesn't really know how to be more "manly". would it be weird if i offered to take him to the gym with me, or give him some of my old clothes? he doesn't have much money and i want to be a good friend, but idrk how to bring it up without being weird about it or making it sound like i'm babying him. if someone was like "LET ME TEACH YOU HOW TO BE A MAN, BRO" i'd probably be peeved but i'm not sure how he'd feel. it was just kind of an offhand comment, and he left to go home shortly after he mentioned all this, so i don't really have an idea what he thinks about it.
he hasn't done fuck all to transition yet, so he's still in girly clothes 24/7 and has long hair, done nails, etc. if it matters, he was the third of 4 girls raised by a single mom.
>tl;dr former female fuck buddy came out as a dude, how do i help and not seem like a condescending prick?
Masturbating takes too much time (over an hour for a lame-ass cum). If I got horny I would just focus on something else and the feeling would go away almost instantly.
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I wish I had someone forcing me to go to the gym every day
I think it'd be a good idea desu, just make it feel like your trying to hang out with him instead of trying to teach him to be a man but it sounds like he might be a transtrender though to be fair I have both long hair and long nails (for playing guitar)
Just ask if there is anything specific he'd like help with.

Offer to hit the gym together, if he says he ain't got no clothes for that just say, "I got you, bro, I can bring some spare."

Direct him here, if need be, we can always anonymously field some baby-tranboy's questions. Usually with minimal dickishness.
he still lives with his family and he's only 20, and we stopped seeing each other because he had some "stuff to work out first", so he's at least been considering transitioning or something similar for ~2 years. i'm a cis, hetero male so i can't really relate to living with sisters trying to girl you up all the time, nor do i really know how it feels to have dysphoria, so i have no idea if he's a transtrender or whatever.
desu, i think he still looks girly because he lives at home, is in the closet, and has nothing but sisters/women around him.
he also used to do this thing after sex, where he'd ball his hair up and put on one of my beanies and underwear, and do an "impression" of me. but he'd alllwwwayyys stay in character/dressed like that until he had to leave and in retrospect i think really liked thinking of himself as a man. idk, i'm inclined to believe him and take it seriously but i've only known a couple trans people before and they were all mtf so they were all trying to go in the opposite direction from what i do naturally. i'm just kinda out of my element, you know?
thanks dude, i'll be sure to drop by now and then and ask here for second opinions. i really appreciate it, i've known about some of his personal problems but this is something different than the run-of-the-mill anxiety/depression/low self esteem i deal with
Bro, just play him this song and he will immediately get it

hahahaha, good idea
wrong song
Least Aiden facial piercing? Eyebrow?
>what is a man? A miserable pile of secrets?

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all piercings make people look more feminine and I don't know how to explain that
but pic related is the least feminine
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honestly just be respectful of what he wants, I'd probably say something like "hey, I'll support you no matter what, and if you ever need help with this I'm here for you," or some variation of that. you seem to have a great attitude towards this but just remember that transition isn't always linear, and he may want things that don't make sense to you, transitioning can be really scary after all
>piercings make people look more feminine
Very true, although I'm not sure why. I guess because it draws attention to whatever feature, and the idea of drawing attention is a feminine thing?
The only way you could pull off any piercings masculinely is if you're already extremely masculine, think like if Hulk Hogan got a lip ring.

I had a dream where I was pregnant, but my stomach was really sloshy and veiny, it looked fucking nasty.
How often did you think of yourself as a girl pre-T?

Pre-T, it was about once a month, just before my period. Maybe twice in the same week.
After T, it's maybe once or twice a week? I can't imagine going multiple times a day unless I'm home alone with nothing to do. Although sometimes I do get hit with the hormones at work, but I mean.. nothing I can do about it there.
I had a dream last night that I was rough housing with my friends and the this cow came up and started chewing on my shirt so I punched it in the face and it started fighting with my friends and I. Then more people showed up and it turned into a weird party and shit got out of hand and I accidentally killed a girl in like a freak accident where I knocked over her chair and her head hit the floor. I got the fuck out of there, but just then the cops came and one of them stopped me and got my name, then let me go because he didn't know about the killing yet, then I went into hiding for a day, then I turned myself in to the cops and that's when I woke up.
How can I be less twink and more gruff looking? Anything from surgery to clothing. I haven't been on t for long so I'm waiting for more body/facial hair etc.
I feel like being 5'5" and skinny is my downfall here.
just do heroin for a couple years. it will haggard you right up.
I'm not even on t yet and have to do it 1-3 times a day. I feel like my brain made me super horny as a distraction from my otherwise shitty life.
bad advice, this will make you even skinnier
I'll keep that in mind
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start working out, you could buy a fake muscle undershirt or some cheesy shit like that, start frowning and furrowing your brow more often, wear dirtyish clothes with holes in them and shit. Im also 5'5'' and skinny.
I get that too a lot. Whenever I'm super bored or super depressed I masturbate to either pass the time or take my mind off my shitty life.
Work out + eat more, it'll turn you into a bear.
There's not much you can do until the T hits you, though.
My wife and I got mistaken for a gay male couple today even though I'm still presenting as a girl.
This is the first time I've been gendered male by a stranger, but not the first time she has lol.
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Not to awkwardly butt in but I've never done it before, touching The Hole is too scary for me. Is it actually fulfilling at all?
I never touched The Hole. I heard it does not feel as good as touching the masculine clit.
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How do I get over the feeling I'll end up completely alone after transitioning so I can start T already?
I mean, I can't stand my body anymore, sure, but if my boyfriend were to leave me, if my family and friends never thought of me the same way, is it worth it to be content with myself if it implies being by myself? Would anyone ever see me as normal again? Is a life of loneliness worth living? I'm afraid I'll kill myself if something like that happens.
>Tumblr comic
>"guy" in the comic has gauges

Don't transition.
I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand the physical feeling can be sort of ok but on the other it also makes me feel gross.
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A lot of guys live and die alone. Just think of it as an authentic cis male experience.
Mate I just grabbed whatever I had in my download folder
3/10 made me bite but wasn't interesting

This. In my experience the only way to do it and not feel gross is to dilute yourself enough with drugs or very very good porn. Not worth it.
I guess this is one way to put it. If I were to live alone I'd at least be able to achieve my dream of having a huge herp+invert collection.
you can 100% find love as a trans person, and people who reject you for transitioning don't have your best interests at heart anyway

your life how it is right now, the people you know, that isn't your life forever. you will meet lots of people who appreciate you for who you really are

personally speaking, i would be far more likely to kms if i put off transitioning my whole life just to make other people happy
I'm hype, guys. I just landed myself a job after living the NEET lifestyle for far too long. It's only a basic kitchen job, frying, grilling, etc., but the pay isn't half bad because it's for a relatively big chain company, and there are quite a few perks to it as well, including discounts on all the food. I can't wait to start, I've been so sick of being broke and jobless!

How about you guys, what do you work as?
I'm a retard and still working a minimum wage job at 24. At least minimum wage around here (DC) is $11.50 and slowly increasing, supposed to be $15 by 2020.

I currently work at a grocery store full time, but I just graduated with an associate's degree so I should be able to get a decent job soon. It's never too late, imo.

Sincerest apologies for the gay as fuck shit I'm about to say, but sometimes that sort of dream can be metaphorical for some untapped potential and inspiration you're sensing within yourself.
Subhuman caveman spotted
Anyone else have those days where you can barely even look at a guy without feeling a pang of jealousy/sadness over what your life could be/have been if you'd just been born normal, or at least gotten sorted out sooner?
>untapped potential
Untapped potential of being a filthy breeder, we don't need more people spreading the tranny gene around and the urge to self-sterilize should be enough of a hint that nature weeds trannies out as much as possible. The smart ones will go into scientific research to produce genetically engineered people without the risk to pass on the condition
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Yes. But fortunately it happens a lot less since starting vitamin T.
Hey, most of the grocery store workers around here are pretty young, in their twenties mostly, and thirties. Nothing unusual there. But at least your pay isn't half bad, it's better than my own wage and my SO's. And good on you for getting a degree under your belt!
You should come out, even if people reject you, you can make new friends. I was afraid of coming out but all my friends accepted me, I hope it's the same for you, idk if my parents will accept me tho. But you can definetly find love even as a trans person, and even if your bf leaves you, there is always more fish in the sea.

If you feel like you wanna talk I can even provide my discord if you want.
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I'll be going to the mental ward for a while
I already miss you guys
wish me luck
Does anyone here have any trans FtM friends IRL?
>tfw no fellow ftm bro to hang out with and discuss the minutiae of being trans with over beers
You don't even drop a greentext before you go?
Damn, what happened? I hope you get better soon anyway.
not really IRL (though I do know a few, just not really friends with them) but I do have some pretty good buddies on the ftmgen discord
here's a quick rundown, the calls are currently being made

>take acid
>completely fuck myself up
>get all the symptoms of schizophrenia
>think it'll just be temporary
>have multiple breaks from reality
>end up freaking out in front of family members
>slowly withdrawal more so from society
>hallucinate, delusions of world ending, think people are out to kill me
>finally seek help after 3 months of hiding it all
>no help for the next 2 months
>finally tell guidance counselor that I had thoughts of killing people because I know it'll get me immediate help
>here I am now in a therapists room calling *name retracted* mental ward
I know a few but I'm not really friends with them. One of them is a huge drama queen and the other seems like we just wouldn't get along very well. Not to mention that last time I messaged him (and the time before then) he just read it and ignored it.
Mind posting the discord link, or is it private?
This invite will be valid for the next 24 hours:
I joined a support group so I know a couple.
Yeah, there's a lot of drama, but there's some good people too. If you can handle sifting through the snowflakes it's awright, and I'm politically motivated enough to want to keep an eye out for people like me.
I've tried it a couple times, it seems like it'd be better if there was another person doing it (ignoring dysphoria and all that).

Working at a grocery store for a hair above minimum wage. I'm hoping to get a job at Starbucks soon.
I have a bachelor's in Accounting, but I didn't kiss enough ass in college so no one wants to hire me, and I'm honestly regretting that degree anyway.

I'm mostly mad I didn't do it sooner, yeah. Apparently my uni had a clinic that prescribes T, I could've started this shit when I was 18 instead of 23.
How are MtF and FtM not the ideal partners? MtFs are desperate to feel feminine and taken care of and FtMs are desperate to feel strong and masculine, you fit together like waffles and nuttela!
i had an mtf gf but she turned out to be super crazy.
>think I like a guy friend (normally not into guys)
>he's said numerous times he only sees me as a girl and sees me in a sexual way
>want to do stuff but if I ever did, it'd confirm my "femininity" to him even more and he'll never respect or see me as a man
Some MtFs want a girl or FtMs want a guy

Don't do it.
Welcome to being a straight guy, bro.
As anon said, don't do it. It's not worth it when you could instead find a mate who won't disrespect you for liking him sexually.
I would like to date a trans woman. I don't have many physical preferences but I would like a gf who is outdoorsy, enjoys anime or will at least tolerate me being a weeb, shares similar beliefs regarding trans issues (truscum), and wants to meet irl someday since I dont want a 100% online relationship.
This is the only person I've actually /liked/ for a really long time, maybe even love, but even the thought of being seen as a girl is suicidal thought inducing. Doesn't help I thought I was straight.

Are you the one who keeps complaining every time you cuddle? Suck his dick and stop crying about it.


You're not paranoid, the world really is ending.
Shit, dude. Good luck man, I hope it goes well for you.

He sees you as a chick, and has apparently insisted upon that fact. He thinks you're a woman he wants to fuck. If you could distance yourself enough to not give a rat's ass and hit that dick because you felt like it, maybe. But it clearly sounds like you got feels about it.

Don't do it. I get havin' thirst and maybe liking him as a person, but don't put yourself through that kinda fucking wringer. He's gonna be real shitty about the trans thing, and has already explicitly warned you of this fact. Hit it and quit it or just get the fuck away from him.
>Are you the one
Yes, lol. But I feel like shit about it and I know I'd regret it... I'm such a pathetic fuck
All women are crazy man. You'll learn that the more you progress in your transition.

>I'm such a pathetic fuck

there's crazy, and then there's straight up hearing voices, hallucinating events and thinking everyone is out to get you crazy. she's the latter kind
If you were in a bar and some guy slapped your gf's ass, would you fight him?

Hint: if you say "no" you aren't a real man.
Iktf. Like, dysphoria sucks, but it's not the worst fate imaginable. It's not worth losing everyone I love over. But then sometimes I think I'm already unhappy now and I'll never be happy as a girl and transitioning is my only shot at any real happiness. So idk.
Don't get so hung up on this one guy, expand your social pool, meet new friends who are actually accepting of your trans status. Guarenteed there are a bunch of cool guys or even girls who aren't going to use having sex with you as "proof of your femaleness" or whatever.

He's heard all of this advice already and has been doing this for months then whining about it every time he does something with his friend. He doesn't want advice, he wants to complain and suck that guy's dick so he can cry about it after.
most mtfs I know are completely batshit crazy
no thanks
>most mtfs I know are completely batshit crazy
T_T we're not that bad.
> I'm such a pathetic fuck
That fucking self pity, I get why he sees you as a woman
yes you are
have you seen what you've done to this board?
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>gained weight since I started T
>it's all on my stomach
Usually it'd go to my thighs/ass, so I guess I'm putting on weight like a man now?
I'm kinda pissed because I've been doing core exercises just to prevent this. I guess they didn't work.
I've been having the same problem. Don't worry though, you've most likely still got muscle under the fat.
How does everyone deal with their anxiety and depression? I can barely function most of the time and I act like a retard in social situations.
Spot reduction is a myth, you can't keep the fat off of a specific area by exercising it. You need to lower your total bf% because fat constantly redistributes.
for a brief beautiful time with prescribed chemicals

otherwise food and booze

some days I wish I were one of those functioning alcoholics who could drink AND do shit
Anti-depressants, exposure to social situations (practice), trying to keep some semblance of a routine, meditation, eating well and making sure I have breakfast/food before I meet people. I'm not saying I'm cured but these things have helped me a lot especially the mindfulness aspects combined with meds.
Try reaching out to people close to you too, friends or professionals, and if you're life isn't too bad but you're still depressed then meds might be an option for you.
Does anyone here use testogel? If so what is your dosage and how often? Thanks.
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I stole your memeeee.
2 real
>tfw you could live stealth as a NEET but you never bothered to get proper ID
>tfw realizing I'll have to out myself to my emplyer now since I was so neglectful to get proper documents
Reap what you sow I guess. Here's hoping I won't be the new topic of workplace gossip!
Well you can always get an updated ID then get a new job.
Are any of you guys attracted to men? I am, but they also make me very dysphoric, so it's a mixed bag. Doesn't help that I'm perma girlmode so my body is even less masculine.
how feminine do you present in perma girlmode?
I'm not in a position to turn down the job, if that's what you mean. I really need the cash and the experience right now, heh.
But on the plus side, the guy handling my training seems pretty friendly. I'll just have to ask him to keep it to himself, and hope for the best.
>perma girlmode
How long have you known you were trans? Any plans to transition?

I'm attracted to both sexes, but I was faaar too dysphoric pre-T to even consider a relationship with a guy.
are there any trans exclusionary radical mens right activists?
There could be, but I sincerely doubt it's a thing anywhere near as big as "TERF" is. MRAs in general seem to be pretty accepting of trans. Don't know about MGTOW MRAs though.
Some see transgenderism as a feminist thing I think? And some /pol/ types call themselves MRAs? That's the closest there is.
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You don't get to be a woman since you haven't grown up with our struggles, like trying not to seem gay, or not having boys to crack open a cold one with
*you don't get to be a man
I messed up!
I'm heavily attracted to men, but I think I'd be bi if I were cis. While being with a man, I can bottom and at least not feel as dysphoric, but I can't even fathom being with a woman because the thought of not having a dick to fuck them with makes me very dysphoric. I occaionally do get the need to top guys but what can ya do.
Only a little femme. I don't shave anything, have long hair, wear light makeup, and androgynous leaning women's clothes.
> how long have you known you were trans
Probably about 6 years, maybe I had an inkling before that
No plans to transition.
Yeah I'm exclusively a bottom too. I wonder if that would change if I were a cis male, but there's no way of knowing.
I'm pre top surgery but going on 4 months on T and joined a gym, how bad should I expect the stares at my C cup knockers to be? I don't want to risk working out in a binder.
>no plans to transition
Hell, my gf is cis and is still that way.

Women are crazy, man.
People will just assume you're a tomboy, unless you have facial hair.

Do you even bother trying to pass?
>No plans to transition.
Why so? Do you experience dysphoria?
I'm on 40mg of Prozac and I can't tell if it's even working. I think most of my depression stems from being trans and being in a near constant negative environment. I'm also pretty isolated, but I'm trying to deal with it. My job makes me feel better since there's some good people there. Exercise helps too but it is hard to keep a routine.
How do u feel about or think about peeing standing?
I don't worry about it too much at home, but I avoid using public bathrooms because I can't. Should be one of the main perks when I get srs.
literally anyone can piss sitting down, so who cares
I dont care at home it's more at parties, school trips like camping or public
Literally everyone can do almost all guy things besides fucking, so why be ftm at all?
because dysphoria

if i can use logic to sand off some of its sharp corners and make my life slightly more tolerable then so be it
Left is cute as fuck.
I need to give up this fucked up fetish of forcing a smaller submissive FtM to take female hormones and act like a trap.
It's not healthy at all, I'm becoming some kind of rapey agressive asshole.
Circular logic.
Strapless dildos
During my repression phase I had laser hair removal on my legs. Does anyone know if T will make the hair grow it if I'm bound to be a smooth legged boy forever?
>using the front hole

Besides that, enjoy your kegel cramps and spending all your time worrying about keeping it in
it's possible you could regrow some back
Take up cycling you faggot
What made you do laser? I've never heard of any girls get laser on their legs.
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How do I find a nerdy weeaboo ftm bf as an also weeby mtf?
Do any ftms even like mtfs??
Weeb ftm reporting in. I wouldn't be against dating an mtf provided she wasn't too much taller than me and wasn't too crazy. But that's probably asking the impossible.
Yes. I'd fight him, then kidnap him and make him into a forcefeminized cumdump for me and my MtF gf.

No homo
Those aren't super high standards so I think it's totally valid.
Most FtM I know are quite mean to MtF though, for whatever reason.

kek. She would probably be proud of her passing skills if she managed to make you fight some stranger for her.
Ever asked them why they're mean to mtfs?
Dunno, from what I've heard mtfs tend to be "a bit" on the crazy side
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>Most FtM I know are quite mean to MtF
Can't speak for everybody but I socialize better with MtFs than other FtMs. No idea in a romantic relationship but my closest friend is MtF and she's never given me reason to be mean to her.
You'd just need to remove their roids and the ovaries would resume their estrogen production, no need for titty skittles there. If you gotta plan forced feminization an actual XY submissive boy will make a better target
There are a few trans women in a discord server I'm in and we get along well. Some of them annoy me, but some of the trans men in there also annoy me.
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Post pics of /ftm/ approved haircuts? Bonus points for styles which would suit a long oval face.
Why even live if you're not 6'5?
I think any asian style haircut would work because japanese men tend to have more feminine faces.
Also the bangs and sheeit help a lot to hide stuff.

I'm on phone so it's too much trouble to google pics and post here.
I would stay away from hispter styles though, people tend to clock you with ease on those due to both how they became a meme / stigma of lefties and genderqueer stuff and also the fact they don't really hide shit.
I get you. I'm concerned my current hairstyle makes me look like a butch lesbian or its too clockable because it needs styling for it to look good and men don't usually spend much time on their hair. Thoughts on something like this?
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Or this
That will probably be hard to roll with, specially if you can't grow a 5 o clock beard for that "unkempt" style.

Basically as you said yourself, requires lots of attention to set it properly plus one if it's main attractions I guess is the fact it focus a lot of attention on your face.
> he can't even wear a ponytail without being instantly clocked
Are your genes even trying?
Good point... guess the stubble sort of balances out the first picture. I'm just desperate not to get the ol' short back and sides, but I'm struggling to find a style that's "interesting" enough without it looking too feminine :(
Unless they had their insides removed
Well, on the bright side we are just 800% better off than MtF in terms of hormones and shit.
I will take that.
This. The wrong sperm won.
Well, its something at least.
But this way you get to grow as a person and understand things you never would as an average run of the mill Chad.
I feel like no one has ever said this in any way but facetiously. at least I hope so.
Well there's some truth to it. How is your view of how girls are raised different to cis guys' views?
You got that knowledge at the expense of knowing how guys are raised, it's just a bit of trivia and trauma at the expense of the childhood you should have had, only a crazy person rationalizing their pain would think this is a good thing.
It turned you into the personality you are now. Do you not like who you are?

It's not just trivia, it's insight into part of society most people have no idea about, the teaching of gender roles.
>Do you not like who you are?
I also am not so full of myself that I don't think that even if I liked myself, I couldn't have lived a more fulfilling life with greater accomplishments if I were born differently.
How is liking who you have shaped out to be as a person being full of yourself? You can't get what you want now, not 100%, but what's the big issue of learning to deal with it and being happy with what you have achieved? Most people will never know what it's like to live in the shoes of the other sex. I think that it is interesting having this experience. Sure, I would have liked to live as a cis dude, but part of life is learning to accept what you were dealt with. Rather, if you were born as another person entirely then how would you know if you would have had a happier life? Cis dudes have shit that happen to them too.
>How is liking who you have shaped out to be as a person being full of yourself?
Never said it was, but assuming you couldn't have turned out better is.
>Rather, if you were born as another person entirely then how would you know if you would have had a happier life? Cis dudes have shit that happen to them too.
That's not the issue. it's like asking "why not be happy that you were bullied your entire life and viciously raped on a monthly basis, plenty of people are never bullied and raped but still live terrible lives, being viciously bullied and raped your entire life has given you unique insight."
Why not?

Why would your life have been more fulfilling if you never knew how good being your sex is? Being trans teaches you that.

Why would you have greater accomplishments?
>Never said it was
>I also am not so full of myself that I don't think that even if I liked myself...
Er, okay.

Also, being transgender is in no way comparable to being raped on a monthly basis. What the fuck dude?
>Also, being transgender is in no way comparable to being raped on a monthly basis. What the fuck dude?
I just compared them.
Also you're quoting me saying something different. I'm saying that EVEN IF I were to be happy with myself, the act of thinking that I couldn't have been better would be full of myself.
I'm 2 years on T. I have a physical job and I eat less than the amount of calories I need. When will my body take a male shape? Getting top surgery in about a year, ignore that part.

(Pics show boobs)

I literally look like that and I'm a cis male but I'm a shut-in depressed NEET.

Also sorry for entering the thread out of nowhere I just wanted to check it out because I'm bored.
You guys seem to be quite nice though, not as catty as the lesbian thread I saw earlier lol.

So, I'm nowhere near some kind of /fit/ expert but I think if you did some situps it would probably help you get in the proper shape, you already take male hormones and shit right so it should do the trick dude.
Cool people are welcome here. Welcome. Just avoid tripcoding.
You look like you might have a skinny-fat body type. (basically, when a guy isn't overweight, but has slightly excessive belly fat) Look up "skinny-fat man" in Google Images to see what I mean.
If I saw your pictures without context, I would've thought you were just a regular guy who doesn't live an active lifestyle. Don't know how it makes sense considering your job, to be honest.
I'm not sure what type of exercise and diet you need, but there is probably a lot of info online about it.
Well my dick is rock hard.

Would you be upset if I said that I just imagined putting your leg on my shoulder and pounding you out while sucking those nipples?
Just a question.
Oh and as a fit man who knows his way around a workout room and kitchen, I can actually help you out. Problem is that I'm a bit of a rapey touchey prick and would secretly...accidentally make you into a petite yet thick assed instagram girl and keep you as a far too tight cocksleeve.
I joke I joke(not really I'd make you into my fuckslut)
Anyway, eating fewer calories and dicking around with gear for...a year I'm guessing won't do much.
You're going to consistently eat less and up your daily activity to drop the pounds.
I would also suggest doing Calisthenics"google it" every day. It will take about a year of consistent work but you' can get there.
well after your entire rapey shpiel I doubt he's going to follow any of your advice
I'm a dick but I try to give good advice when it comes to fitness matters. I consider it a personal failing if I steer someone wrong when it comes to personal health.

Besides, at least I'm honest about wanting to dick the little fucktoy into the mattress and not feigning bullshit concern.

To tell you the truth, I'm only here because I accidentally broke no-fap while putting up some dick measuring pics and i just so happened to watch some amature FtMs going to town on his fronthole/cock pocket with a dildo.
Blew loads so hard and so profound that I thought I could see god.
But then i saw the face of said ftm and the masculinity of it killed that "yeah I got a bit more in the tank and I have to keep going" post fap, fap.

I don't know. I keep fluctuating between wanting to dick and Ftm down into the ground and wanting to see that clit jump and throb as they grip my fat cock and cream.
But then I remember that they look exactly like dudes or at least feminine dudes and that boner just stops.

Only here to somehow talk myself out of quasi raping some poor innocent FtM i'll sweet/nasty talk into meeting up from craigslits or someplace and just destroying their holes.

How do I get over wanting to fuck an FtM...other then remember that they ususally look like dudes and picturing buck angel. Need a bit of help.
Most trans guys don't use their mancaves and seeing one in person is just seeing another dude... They aren't tomboys or butch chicks
The thing about not using their mancaves..
I've been able to talk more then a few into thinking about and doing some stuff with their mancave. Not proud of it, but it was rather easy.

Lastly, yeah I know. It's the thing that prevents me from ever really going through with fucking the absolute dog shit out of an FtM. Their willingness to use their frontholes would mean nothing. It's going to happen, they'll love it, and they're going to want more of it.

Maybe it's some kind of hardcore cognitive dissonance going on.
Or maybe it's the bro I can hang with and talk shit with but have a built in cunt fantasy kind of thing that is attractive. It sounds really ideal on paper.
Hang out, drink, watch shit on tv, play games, basically force him over the couch and go balls deep in that snatch and watch porn, leave him raw dripping spunk from their frothy still spasming snatch and smoke a joint while he composes himself and says that I was a bit rougher then ususal.
I guess it's the fantasy aspect.

Ah well.
Will go back to lusting after tomboys and the impossible to find butch dykes with rape fantasies and closet dick lust. The former are always cute and the latter are just awesome..but rare.
How do I find a mtf gf, as a ftm?
Probably easier than when a MtF wants a FtM bf.
The thing you have to understand is that passing is usually easier for you so finding one that's super kawaii and girly will be hard as fuck and those funnily enough try to get SRS done as soon as possible and go into stealth mode.

My tip is to find one that's already on the way with all the transition stuff but still is not perfect and stick to her. Building a trusting relationship will do the rest of the job.
Probably you're not eating enough calories and don't get enough protein to build muscle. You're not looking too bad as it is though, just do some extra workouts. What's your job entail as far as physical and manual labour goes?
Your body will take a male shape as you lose weight, you will lose fat faster from the more "womanly" parts. Train your shoulders to make them larger than your hips. Based on what you say, you probably have muscles already but can't see them yet, just use myfitnesspal to track your calories, if you're not losing weight then you might not be recording your calories correctly if you're convinced you're eating at a deficit...

> I lurk /fit/
>My progress so far, pre-t
> those shoulder width
I don't mind dating a lady that is pre-transition or still early in transition. As long as we get along well.
If you were ok with manly face and considered ftm men, I'd give you a chance. You perverted fuck.
I'm okay with manly faces..on men.
It's why I consider FtMs dudes and can't just go through with just rawdogging the shit out of them.
But when I'm in that any cunt is a good cunt kind of mindset and we're hanging out.
You become my personal bitch.
I would probably consider you a convenient tight wet hole to fuck.
It's just the face and masculinity prevents this from just happening.
Doggy style, reverse cowgirl(no offense...not really) and the dark are always an option.
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