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Cis LesGen

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 69

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Cis Lesbian General (/clg/): Pets Edition

Cats are low-tier. Dogs are mid-tier. GOATS are GOAT.

Here are a list of filters via pastebin. They help by removing typical bait. Please use them during raids.
If you have a mic, take a look at the Discord pastebin. Join us for daily shit posting there too!
Filter list: http://pastebin.com/hmZKdbmE
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Recent News
>not taking a qt to eat you out for breakfast
>/clg/ still has a propensity for sister and mommy fetishes
>My nipples got hard
>Michigan-anon before cutting her hair was such a cutie
>Someone has a gf that looks like Lara
>Normies, normies everywhere
>Anon has no idea how to crosslink boards
>actually playing Andromeda
>Haha back at it again with the curvy burlesque dancing gf
>If you're american, the exchange rate alone is like a discount.

Previous: >>8001278
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ty for making a thread before I go to sleep
Where are you at hotshot?
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>Anon has no idea how to crosslink boards
> Tfw spent the night at gf's place and we both got shit sleep.
Kinda wanna die anons.
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I wanna see S's boobs.
I understand board/thread etiquette quite well you ass, I've been in cislesgen for like 2 years
But waiting for you gets frustrating and annoying especially when all the other threads are about to run us off the board
Don't be afraid, darlin. I am always watching. Always prepared.

Willingness to settle for me.

What part?
>If you're american, the exchange rate alone is like a discount.
>tfw I can sell weeb shit at good profit because of this

Ty exchange rate.

Ty for new thread.
Hello dykes, I wanna start watching an anime series. I just finished dennou coil, and these are the ones I'm interested in:
Cowboy bepop
Samurai champloo
Stein's gate (is it worth watching? The time travel thing seems interesting)
Rev. Girl utena
Eccentric Family

What I want the most is a nice art style and good and unique story+characters, like Michiko to hachin. Any recs?
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Most of all, I'd say a certain level of intelligence. Nothing is more off-putting than some dumb bimbo.
Willingness to communicate is my highest priority in a relationship, mutual trust coming along with it.

Utena's a classic. It has a large cast of nuanced characters, cool imagery, and amazing choral rock songs play whenever there's a duel.

>Cowboy Bebop

Lots of nods to classic rock, martial arts movings, Americana. A nice starter anime. Almost afraid to rewatch it in case it doesn't live up to nostalgia.

>Samurai champloo

Tried to repeat the Bebop miracle, this time with nods to hip hop culture. Fell on its face.
A vagina.
someone to connect with
I don't just want a roommate that I occasionally get to fug
>also someone to work out with
Yea, always been meaning to watch that. I've only heard of good things from different people about Utena, but that long episode list kept me from watching then. Guess I'll deal with it now before my schedule gets tighter
Utena aged badly, it's slow as fuck and way too long.
Cotton ceiling.

Just don't take Juri as your waifu. She's my waifu.
^I agree with everything this anon said
(You're just as bad as Republicans)
>dennou coil
Dennou Coil is so. fucking. good.

It's not on your list, but you could also try Kyousou Giga if you haven't seen it already.

Personally I think Utena is amazing, but I can see how it might not appeal to everyone. I'd strongly recommend trying to get through all of the first arc before deciding whether or not to give up on it. Pretend it's a single-cour show or something, and watch the successive "seasons" if you like it.

Ugh I should get around to watching Eccentric Family.
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Fuck off. You're not women. You never will be. You people have some serious boundary issues, always obsessing over how the big bad TERFs won't fuck you. You've ridden the coattails of the gay rights movement and dominate many lesbian groups and it isn't enough for you. You even made the women's march all about you, pissing and moaning about vagina/uterus imagery on signs.

It's a perfect example of male entitlement. No other sexual minority behaves like you people. FtTs don't obsess over gay men not wanting to date them.
>assuming that person is trans for no reason

Can't you just ignore trolls for once and not shit up the thread?
>>Gf has been having a rough week.
>>Bought her flowers, put them in a vase next to pink LED candle lights with her favorite candies so she would see them when she walked in.
>>Cleaned the house spotless as well as did all the chores.
>>She gets home and just laughed and said I wasted money because she hates flowers.
>>No thank you or kisses
>>She just bitched for 5 minutes that I wasted my money.
O-Okay then..
I think "Fuck off. You're not women. You never will be." applies if they aren't trans. They aren't a woman because being anti-Republican is such a misogynistic viewpoint.
Interesting relationship. You're a housewife and she's a guy.
i want that kind of relationship SO BAD
I'm trying to think of anime to recommend to >>8010850 and realizing a lot of these shows are kinda lame without the nostalgia element or have lazy animation. Or are based on unfinished manga and don't have any resolution. Here's a partial list of recommendations, skewing to 90's and early 00's stuff since I'm old(29).

So anyways:
>Perfect Blue and Serial Experiments Lain
(Actually more relevant to today's world than they were when they came out in the 90's)
(Funny, short)
(One of the only 2010's anime I like)
>Azumanga Daioh
(If you like comedy and slice of life stuff)
I'm definitely the "husband" of the relationship. She's definitely the house wife.
>>I like outdoors, always fixing things, work constantly, I mainly support our household and bring in the most income
>>She does the house chores and works part time and runs errands and manages bills
>>Both feminine, she's more of a lipstick though
But it just sucks whenever I try to do anything romantic or sweet, it backfires..
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If you like the 80's I highly recommend Bubblegum Crisis. If you are interested in art style it is interesting because as you watch the very short series progress you can see the shift in styles from late 80's to early 90's. Beyond that it is rather silly but fun. Just make sure to get the original 80's OVA and not the remake

Honestly that would make me so mad, you put all this effort into trying to be sweet and caring, and she just blew if off like it was stupid. Fuck that.
>I'm definitely the "husband" of the relationship.
>whenever I try to do anything romantic or sweet, it backfires..
It checks out!

Honestly, I have Zero Tolerance for a partner using me as a punching bag because they're mad at their mom or boss or w/e.

I feel like watching these kind of dynamics playing out in a het relationship we'd say "what an asshole" but lesbians are allowed to be unhinged/ingrateful/moody because we're a small close-knit tribe.

Old anime is best anime. My small town video rental place had a weird selection of VHS stuff, some subbed and some dubbed. Watched a lot of stuff I might otherwise not have like Vampire Princess Miyu and Lupin III.
Surely you mean she and her?
And the "deep message" or whatever is dumb. Utena is for the desperate.

Males pls go
Who's saying it's okay for her partner to be like that?
She's a jerk and anon should explain her feelings so maybe, if she cares about anon, she can listen and act like a good person from now on and not just think about herself.
No one is saying that's ok. That's the point. Some people are jerks and that woman is a jerk. I hope anon tells her that her feelings were hurt, because that kind of treatment is seriously bad for a relationship.
Watch season 3 of Sailor Moon
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Flip Flappers should be required viewing. Although I don't care what anyone says, it was true love, they were more than just close friends
whats special about that season?
t. overcompensating stealth tranner
I don't think I've heard someone rec this since the turn of the millennium. I still get the stupid egg song stuck in my head sometimes.

>00's anime
>Not mentioning ROD the TV
>Utena is for the desperate.

You take that back. Now. Or I'm revoking your lesbian card and casting you on The Bachelorette.

Actually anon, do us a favor.
Watch ALL THE EPISODES of the original Sailor Moon and then ALL THE EPISODES of SMCrystal and tell us which one is better.

Thx in advance talk to you in four years
>>Made lesgen news
>>I'm the anon with a gf that looks like lara
Yeah. I'm just gonna go to bed depressed now.. Probably will sleep out on the couch tonight since I really don't want to sleep next to her right now. Her doing that really fucking hurt my feelings..

Captain Anon here might be single in awhile if this keeps up..
How close are we to building that lesbian island? Can I just mindlessly eat away my sorrows in qts pussies and give up on being a romantic?
What women wouldn't want flowers, expensive jewelry, exotic candies/chocolates randomly or during hard times as a little reminders I love her?
i dont really have time for that!!!
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>Go to specialist to talk about starting a family
>She makes me feel like a selfish sexist monster when I ask about methods that could guarantee a girl
>Proud of myself for sticking up for myself. Usually I back down when someone criticizes me
what a bitch. it's not her place to tell you what kind of baby to have.
its possible to chose and guarantee a certain gender?

I'm having a similar quandary. I mean, all the screencaps I've seen of Crystal look gorgeous. And apparently they've removed the monster of the week silliness and condensed all the major plotlines which is plus as an adult with a job and other hobbies.

On the other hand, I have a hard time separating Sailor Moon from 90's nostalgia. :/
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I had to push my girlfriend to watch it and once she got to 4 episodes she was more into it than me. In fact, whenever I have recommended her something she has loved it, so she's either going to great lengths to humor me out of love, or she just refuses to admit that my taste is patrician.
>What women wouldn't want flowers, expensive jewelry, exotic candies/chocolates randomly or during hard times as a little reminders I love her?

Is she introverted? Personally, it is very easy for me to get lost in my own thoughts, especially with pressure from work. If she is anything like me she probably feels bad, lost in her job, and does not feel she deserves those things so she pushes them away to punish herself.

Its a communication issue

It's a lot more expensive than a simple random artificial insemination. A batch of fertilized eggs are created and you pick the one(s) you want.
It's funny because I only see the "t." utilized by males.

You're the one who likes a show where both leads sleep the same garbage? Goldstar or death, you filthy piece of shit.

As long as you aren't making more dudes. But I've heard some disturbing things about that method. Adoption of female babies is my solution. Until same-sex reproduction is finalized.
Natural habit to say 'they' in reference to people who's names you don't know. Don't be so fucking reactionary, it's like talking to men.

Does /clg have any love for British girls?
No, you dipshits don't drink coffee and are constantly wet from the rain
>>She makes me feel like a selfish sexist monster when I ask about methods that could guarantee a girl
What did she say?
Why do you even want to have a baby, anon?
Fucking barbarians
The first two seasons apparently are awful but the 3rd season had a new lady at the helm and she made it much better.
That's what everyone says, I only saw the first seasons so far. I prefer the english dub of it, too, because that way I don't have to listen to Usagi's VA's obnoxious screeching.
I love how your national drink is really only enjoyed by Americans snuggled in lounge pants and bing-watching TV.
I bought an electric kettle for the first time this year, whereas I set up coffee for my parents in the morning from a single digit age.

Tea is shit and only fat girls who love Harry Potter like it here as a true alternative to coffee.
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>tfw acid reflux
>tfw no tea and no coffee
Absolutely subhuman
What's the issue with tea? Is it just the heat, because here in 'Murrica, we fucking LOVE ice tea.
If it's just too harsh, you really can't find a more gentle tea to suit you?

What's like the 'normal' tea over there?
Americans are just Brits going trough a rebellious teenage phase
Unfortunately, no. If that were true, we'd grow out of it one day.
I'm pretty sure Brits lick American asshole at every opportunity.
why wouldn't you want a boy? it's not like you'd be dating him.
Because boys are evil or something or other. For hating 'SJW's, we've got a lot here in our ranks, whether they want to admit it or not
share interests with me
I find her physically attractive
compatible personality
S, les be honest, no one wants to see your boobs, plus this is a blue board
not her but I just don't really like male people very much. I mean I don't hate them, but I wouldn't want to raise one.
it could be a pleasant reason like not wanting to raise a child with no parent who understands being that sex...

but if you raised him he wouldn't be as bad as the men you'd had bad experiences with?
Here's my cat with the dog filter
what tier does that count as?
If you're going to raise a child as an island, with no other role models or guiding figures other than yourself, kill yourself and your child.
You're a fucking dyke, not a silly hetero that got stuck with a kid accidentally. Act like it.
nobody said no role models but obviously the parents are the most important ones.
SJWs would hate anti-male stuff as much as the anti-woman stuff. Why do you think there's no female-dominated 4chan type site full of male hate? Because they preach against stereotyping even if it means they start denying things that are right in front of them.
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Are twins made for each other?
She looks like she's going to murder you in your sleep.
Who is quinn, you or the cat?

People always seem to marry people who look like them. Both gay and straight couples.
let's not go there with trans-species shit!
and I hope he isn't considering he sleeps on my bed every night.
Quinn is me btw, I should have removed that but forgot, oops.
>Both gay and straight couples.
and mtfs?
Be careful. Don't mention males - they show up here and stir shit up. Daughters only.

Identical twin sisters are made for me. Fraternal twin sisters...can come too.
Oh hey doggie.

Question: Do there exist lesbians who are not also feminists, and how common/uncommon are they?
[thinking emoji]
recommend me a good amateur porn, lesgen
There are some lesbians who don't hate men, like >>8011955

But mostly just feminists and feminist apologists >>8012032
The ones in this thread are apparently all Trumptards, but tbqh I'd rather a chill liberal feminist gf who isn't full SJW, but also not /pol/ levels of retarded "I can't take you to parties because you'll say something weird".
I think the problem is that kids associate feminism with being an sjw and having specific political opinions. If she says she's "not feminist" what would that mean? She doesn't believe women have to put up with things in society and life? That she thinks men don't physically abuse and rape women (they do, and it's exceptionally common).

I know this is bait. But why would a male care if a lesbian is feminist or claims to be anti-feminist? I think the worst thing for a lesbian to be is a male apologist. Those ones are all batshit insane.
Fuck off.

>liberal feminist
Double fuck off.
All seasons of Crystal are trash. Haruka x Usagi shippers need to be gassed
Boys are so cheap tho
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Be aware we're being raided by one or two /pol/tards. Ignore them and don't respond to their stupid questions (anything about feminism, because they fear feminism, and anything about politics, because they don't understand politics).
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Who Birkenstocks here?
>/fa/ pls go
post the rest of your outfit.
So much anime talk today. Things are also moving really fast already 94? Busy humpday

This is uber shit I am sorry.
Who NY subway here?

>Lesbians who like Trump
Now I've seen everything. Am I to suppose it is primarily out of a fear of refugees raping them and/or dropping them off buildings?


>they do, and it is exceptionally common
Not sure how common "exceptionally common" is. The 1 in 4 statistic for rape is nonsense, but the real number isn't exactly insignificant either. With regards to spousal abuse, a number of studies have suggested men and women both do it about as often, although women are more likely to report it, since no man wants to admit his wife is abusing him. I think a lot of people in general are pretty terrible to each other in romance.

>why would a male care if a lesbian is feminist or claims to be anti-feminist?
Morbid curiosity. Most lesbians I've met have a similar archetype, but 4chan breaks the mold for typical people, so I figured I'd ask you girls.


I'm not actually a /pol/tard. I just felt like dropping in and asking a question.
>/clg/ OP confirmed feminist misandrist
Sorry I took a shower since then. I'll take an outfit pic tomorrow.
>although women are more likely to report it, since no man wants to admit his wife is abusing him.
You mean because a man who reports abuse from his female partner is more likely to be arrested, charged and convicted than she is.
Survey time! Incest edition
1.Are you into mommy or sister? If sis, younger or older?
2. When you had your first crush on a family member?
3. Have you ever masturbated thinking on a family member?
4. Have you ever *gasp* had sex with a family member?
5. Anna or Elsa or both?
6. Should incest be legal in our lesbian island?
7. Call me mommy and I'll give you lots of love and cuddles
2. I never had a real life crush on a family member. I just love the fantasy between other people? Sister/sister and mom/daughter is just a wonderful fetish.
3. Nope.
4. Nope.
5. Elsa.
6. It's gonna be mandatory - Supreme Judge of Lesbos
7. Please give me love, mommy.
That person IS trans
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>I'm the anon with a gf that looks like lara
What kind of adventures are you planning?

If a police officer gets called in for a domestic abuse claim, chances are they are going to arrest the man regardless of who called. Charged and convicted, I think, is a different story. The prosecution would require actual evidence that the man did something wrong for there to be a conviction.
You're doing good, keep those /pol/ posters hidden and ignored

Your girlfriend is hot but she's a bitch. What a conundrum.
no just what do you mean boys are cheap?
They cost less to raise
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>tfw no Robin gf
I feel like my urine smells good close to ovulation.
>Being physiologically attracted to myself due to the pheromones in pee

Well. Apparently heterosexual females smell the best based on their pheromones.
>Charged and convicted, I think, is a different story.
Statistically, you're wrong.

>The prosecution would require actual evidence that the man did something wrong for there to be a conviction.
You are very bluepilled on DV court cases and false accusations. I recommend doing some research.
>Flip Flappers
GOOD TASTE. I was thinking of recommending it but it's so recent.
wouldn't it be the same? anyway that's a reason to have one instead of a daughter.
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Redpill is just propaganda that men want to believe.

I remember this one time redpillers got up in arms blindly supporting some dude ranting about how his 'bitch' wife scammed him out of custody of his kids, and it was later revealed he was a violent abuser of the wife and maybe the kids.
Gj OP. I love this edition, and both varieties of pussies!

Implying this is new knowledge. The better quest is why aren't you?
>tfw no cherry grove but with a younger and possibly polygamous cult of women

>The better quest is why aren't you?
You know why. I'm not going to say it.

I probably should do more research, to be honest. I can't necessarily take your word for anything, but I do know that in a number of cases, how the law is written and how it is interpreted are two different things.


And this is why we do research. Until you dive into the gory details, what is just may appear injust, and what is injust may appear just.
>propaganda anecdote lie
Do not respond to the maleposters. Do not give them any attention.
>I can't necessarily take your word for anything,
Quite right. Not taking that precaution is how people fall for >>8012032 and the like.
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straight dude here, is this chic considered andro?
They look more like a boy than a girl, so yeah.

>everything I don't like to hear is a lie
Trump's America.
Is that.. like gay? I mean for a dude? Like I really like chics with the andro look, something about pointy facial features and short hair... gets me HNNNNNNNNNG

Or tomboys in general, which incidentally I usually end up hitting on lesbians...

My taste is so weird man
Yes, liking women is gay
>everything I don't like to hear is a lie
Only according to >>8012032 >>8012448
I mean like masculine features on a chic, or the in-between, like andro chics

It confuses the shit outta me
Well not all tomboys are gay. Trust me, I know.
I mean if you're still only into vagina I don't think that's gay.

We get asked all the time "hurr you're a lesbian but you date women who look like guys lol what"
Well maybe, maybe not, but either way: boobs and vagina. Still there. Still gay.
Dykes make a lot more sense now actually...

no offense

; - ;
>Trust me, I know.
Dumb her.
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I live near a river.
Someone be my gf
scared of heights but would like to live in one of those mansions by the river on the other bank.
Who wants to go to South America with me?
>tfw virgin
>tfw round something inside right outer labia

Whenever I touch it, it hurts. Why. What is it. It doesn't seem like a zit, as there's no opening or cap or whatever.
Genital wart.
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>going to a 3rd world shithole
Take a pic so we can diagnose you.
My vagina looks absolutely disgusting. I actually took a couple pictures to see and I wanted to vomit. Being ridiculed about it online does not sound fun.
Dude I just found the same thing. I think it's a Bartholin cyst.
>I actually took a couple pictures to see and I wanted to vomit.
That's normal, don't worry. Post an extreme close up, nothing else visible, but good resolution.
Alright. I'll regret this, but fuck it. Trying to get it at a high resolution. Trying to take a picture of details of your vagina is not easy.
Got the photos and cropped them. Give me a couple minutes to whip up some magic, then I'll upload them somewhere.
I doubt people here could diagnose them for you.
So should I not post them? Like, if people are doing it bc they wanna see sexy vaginas, this is definitely not the case. It is angry and red and lumpy and gross.
Remember that it's not just women here. There are dudes with the worst fetishes on the internet. Go to a doctor.
I had a genital wart, so I could tell you if your thing looks the same. Mine wasn't red and angry though.
Shit m8, you right. I was so caught up in the fear of what the fuck is this painful lump that I forgot the implications of where I was. Thanks. You the real MVP.

Aren't genital warts transmitted sexually?
That's what I thought but I've never had sex.
It's not genital warts. Those types of warts tend to be painless. You said you are experiencing pain, thus is something else. Probably a cyst of some sort, especially if you shave.
It was painless and not red and angry like hers.
You have HPV then?
Primarily just compatibility. I've had a few flings here and there, but none of them have ever held every real passion or substance behind it. I only ever got a glimpse of having that sort of chemistry with someone once, but she was still heavily in the closet at the time and didn't work out.

A part of me thinks that anyone with boobs and a pulse should be good enough to even just casually date, but I can't do that shit, too uncomfortable
I can't do, I had the vaccine. Right? I'm worried now.
There are multiple strains of the virus. The vaccine doesn't protect against all of them. Genital warts are caused by HPV.
How could I have got it without having sex? If it's a strain the vaccine didn't protect against it won't be a harmful strain then?
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So I was helping my girlfriend with some of her dress/corset making stuffs. I was taking all her measurements and eventually get to her butt/hips at the widest part. 42" while I am a measly 36". Mine is way more toned though. Still such curves.

This is an anon board we only want to help you hun.
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Also just throwing this out there, but the vast majority of the adult human population has come in contact with HPV at some point. It is nothing to be ashamed about.

It is generally harder to get if you are a virgin but I think you might even be able to get it from parents.
Remember, HPV is a different virus than HSV. If you have herpes in your genital region, then it's probably HSV type II, but you can get HSV type I in your genital area as well (type I is usually the one you find around your mouth; you can also get type II around your mouth). A simple PCR test will tell you what virus it is since it's unlikely to tell the difference just by appearance.

If you haven't had any sexual partners, you probably don't have it. Again, it's probably a cyst of some sort.
HPV is what causes planter's warts on your feet too. Lots of kids get them from shared gym showers /school.
Oh my god. That aside, no one would say it's something to be ashamed of. But it sure sucks and you better inform the other woman.

If you have genital warts then it's one of the rare strains of the virus. So, really only a doctor could tell you what you have with some tests and a practiced eye. If you're a virgin I'm willing to bet you don't have any real genital warts.
We are still waiting on that pic, anon.
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>people who are barefoot in public lockers or showers
Makes me want to scream, the floor is fucking filthy people, wear sandals.
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good evening lesgen, how art all thou dykes fairing this beautiful night?

pic is old of my two cute pussies before the white asshole ran away
I bought new but cute underwear and I'm all frisky! I want to make beautiful love and snuggle and cuddle while listening to Disney music
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Cute underwear? Disney music? Snuggles?
Can I join? I promise I'll be whatever spoon you want me to be
What could it be if it's not a real genital wart?
Only if we have sensual bondage and make food together! Then we can spend the day in bed and cuddle
Girl, it's 3AM. I'm about to go to bed. Got to get up in like 2 hrs for work. ;_;

Cute cats. I took my pussy to the vet the other day. Apparently he has some sort of anxiety disorder. I don't understand why. He just hangs out all day in his tower. I don't know what is stressing him out.
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yes please I shall buy the plane tickets now
Good girl!
>tfw no one will actually come to Helsinki
>tfw no foreign gf
I told you it's probably a cyst of some sort. Just go to the doctor since we can't actually tell you what it is based on your description.
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Not for me! Only midnight up where I am

Maybe that's why he has anxiety? Maybe needs some fresh air
Then again, my asshole got a little too much fresh air and decided to live with the neighbors instead

That was a different poster. I've had mine for years but always been too embarrassed to mention it to a doctor.
Whaaaat! Google tells me that's Finland, I would love to fly to Finland for any reason
Even if that reason was disney music and cuddles
>now if only I could explain the importance of that to my wallet
You seem cute and nice! Where you're from, kind anon?
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Thread is in need of more pussy.
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Does this count as a pet?
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Why thank you! As are you, cute underwear anon. I'm from Homer, AK, born and raised
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That's not a pussy. :(
>tfw no American gf
>I'll never be an immigrant
>I can never gather an American harem
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That dog looks terrified of that thing next to her.
You should cook that lobster and feed it to your pupper.
We Alaskans shamelessly like to pretend that we are Canadian instead
I'll marry you, anony. Then you can stay and gather your harem.

Oniisama E

Get sum of dat awesome old-school drama and still frames.
I'd like to move to British Colombia or Pacific Northwest. They seem to have beautiful nature!

I could work in Seattle or some big city and own a cabin in the woods. Then me and my gf would listen to rain and Disney music/piano music, cuddle in underwear and just be happy innawoods.
No you don't
Kamsi noMiko.
Strawberry panic.
Two stars.
Below her mouth. < you should REALLY watch that one.
Move to Vancouver Island and chill with me, and you will also be helping drive our sky high cost of living up! :P
>sky high cost of living
No thank you! In that case I might have to ask for some nice American anon to be my gf.
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alas, you caught me

Yesss that sounds beautiful. I've already decided when I have the money I'd love to buy off-grid property and build a beautifully cozy cabin out by a lake somewhere. Canada seems like an awesome place to live and if it were ever possible I'd totally move and build my cabin there. Something nice and small like in the pic.
And good luck if you don't have a car!
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I want to retire to a temperate rainforest and play vidya all day long.
> tfw gf just told you that she wants to be 'raped' in the bedroom
I'm both turned on and confused, considering she told me she's a dom.
>tfw seemingly no girls at all are true dommes
Weird, I just talked about this with a friend yesterday.
She's a switch but only at extremes it seems. At least you're open with each other and she admits she wants to feel helpless under you instead of just putting up a front.

Probably. I tell women I'm a dom. But I'm still excited by the idea of getting gang raped by female soldiers or something along those lines. A slave to the v.
I'm a switch leaning domme so I'm happy either way. But you're right, I'm yet to meet a full domme.

Yeah, I'm really glad she's been able to open up. She likes being beaten too but I'll need to work up to that. I'm a very passive person normally. But I want to do what I can to make her happy, I'm falling pretty hard for her.

Side note: If you see this, soz. I just needed to get my thoughts out lmao.
1. never got along well with my mother and have no sisters besides in-laws. excellent porn material though
2. older cousin when I was in middle school, she rode dirtbikes and had a track in the back of her property.
3. not that I can remember
4. nope
5. Elsa, but preferably both
6. I don't see why not, no risk of mutant babies
7. mommy, I've been bad. do I have to write my name on the paddle again?
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>I always get home right after everyone goes to bed
>have to use vpn at work because McBurger blocks chans
>can't post at work because chans has my vpn blocked
I'm awake anon, let's talk
stuffing my face with a reheated 6hr old burger and trying to find something to watch and fall asleep to
trying not to stress about date tomorrow night
and wanting a cigarette really badly, but trying to quit

Nothing fancy. Reading a surprisingly interesting book about how dictionaries are written, basically have the day off and the weather is pretty nice so I think I'll go to the park with my dog and/or my sister, lie in the grass, read a bit, get my first sunburn of the year.
But thanks for reminding me to eat, I'll probably make myself some noodles.
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noodles sound good right now
shit, even instant
dad sent me a new book the otheer, said it was just my taste
>another urban fantasy
but the summary on the back makes it seem like a garbage romance so idk when I'll get around to it
I got these pretty nice Udon with sepia and since noodles are pretty much the only thing I can manage to cook by myself, that's what I'll do.
There's so much garbage fantasy out there, feels bad.
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he usually has good taste in books
intro'd me to this gem
>one of the main characters is literally a black lesbian samurai sea captain
>who falls with a bad case of "rescued princess syndrome"
>tfw you will never rescue a princess who keeps your cabin bed warm on long journeys at sea

I'll probably just end up re-reading one of my old favorites and make up some more head-cannon about the two main characters actually getting together instead of the author being a tease for seven books and saying
>"nope, she was actually straight the entire time lolololol"
>nope, she was actually straight the entire time lolololol
Fuck, I hate that so much. I don't even care if a character is straight or gay but I really hate the teasing and indecisiveness. Make them gay or make them straight, but keep it one or the other. Ugh.
the author teased so hard
So hard
there were at least one or two scenes in every book that made me go
>holy shit, will they actually finally fug?
>even establish the main character becoming addicted to vampire hormones and turning into a mewling heap every time her vamp roomie gets even slightly aroused
but nope
the closest they ever get is letting vamp get some neck
almost 8 years later and I'm still mad about it
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> Be me a big deal on the LGBT scene.
> Drag, Genderchill, have a guy partner.
> This beautiful girl, intelligent, interesting, spiritual, wanted to fuck her for years.
> Messages me out of nowhere. BUT, she us a fucking weirdo, a zero
> The LGBT scene would laugh at me if I got with her, unless I just fucked her in private.
> She is so pretty though.
> But....She is BIPOLAR.

so, I'm sort of a big deal on the scene.
have my own drag nights,
She's cute as, and a good person, but also, crazy as, bipolar & whatever else.

So /lgbt/:
> Should I fuck her?
> Advice ....?
>even establish the main character becoming addicted to vampire hormones and turning into a mewling heap every time her vamp roomie gets even slightly aroused
That's kinda cute
>tfw no vampire gf to make me her blooddoll
I know right?
author even has another vampire get her all worked up and dumps her at her feet, literally playing with herself and begging for it
and she goes
>"but that will make her a mindless puppet and ruin everything I love about her"
and I'm just screaming
>you don't have to brainwash her
>you just have to
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>somewhat related
That kinda teasing is just cruel.
I can't tell who was pining harder, me or the vamp
I've stopped reading the series out of frustration
>she wrote at least four or five more plus another prequel comic
I'll break down and buy them eventually
I'm weak like that
Yeah I'm a sucker for suffering too. At least all the fanfiction I've read lately has been horribly angsty, or so full of teasing (clit-blocking?) that I could die.
you know, I don't know why I never thought to look for any on this series
there's probably loads of it
There's loads of fanfiction for *anything* anon.
fell asleep while typing
I don't want to go to bed yet
stop it brain, you're not the boss of me
Go to bed anon, you're much cuter without dark circles under your eyes
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Utena, for sure, Lain, Bubblegum Crisis, Perfect Blue (and the rest of the stuff by Satoshi Kon, he's brilliant), Oniisama e (just ordered the manga in Italian, orz) are all recommendations I completely agree with from the current set of replies.

Can't go wrong with old shoujo, so I'll recommend Ace wo Nerae and Rose of Versailles. Top wo Nerae Gunbuster is pretty much the same story as Ace, but made in the 80s, by Gainax so it has boobs and giant robots instead of tennis.

Also Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine.
You don't need to know much about the Lupin franchise to get into it, plus Sayo Yamamoto (Michiko and Hatchin) directed it. The art director is the same as Redline, too. Add all those things together and you get a wonderful film noir type anime with beautiful art and boobs every episode. Also, Fujiko is bi in this version.
okay fine
lemme get a quick O and I'll knock out
>gotta clean truck And room in the morning in case of sexy times
>nothings more of a turnoff than a week's worth of unlaundered clothes on the bathroom floor and fastfood wrappers taking up the passenger seat
Have there been any lesbian island stories yet? I'm bored at work and want something to read.
Looks mtf to me
not that I'm aware of
but I hope she posts soon
>I'm totally patient tho, really
>I'm not going to break into you house just to read your notes
Sounds like a plan anon. Sleep well!
Bislut here. Just wanted you fags and hags to know that I use desperate lesbians for cheap but good orgasms. Then I date them use them for regular sex and then break up with them.
But anon we know that already.
Yes but "reeeee" comments are good for my ego.
You'd have better luck on /r9k/ if that's what you're after. I mean those guys freak out about the mere mention of a woman, let alone one who's sexually active.
It gets boring in now time. Men have kind of bad self esteem and they get too aggressive. Women on the other hand are more cute, even when they reeeee and cry themselves to sleep.-
I doubt anyone here would cry themselves to sleep because a random bislut posts about her hook-ups. But enjoy I guess.
Lesgen has way too many "tfw no gf"-NEET's for me to believe that.
Yeah but they mostly don't want anything to do with bisluts.
the sun is up, the neets are napping
idc desu famalam
Here is your (you) bishit.

Now, take your STDs and ego elsewhere.
>the hospital I work at blocks the forbidden chans due to horrific dark web material
>shitty signal in the department lobby and cafeteria
>skip lunch, walk across to the park
>chill and shitposts next the giant dildo statues that are convenient placed next to the children's playground
>giant dildo statues
what is this madness?
Man, this sucks.

I've been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD since I was 7, but stopped taking meds at 12. I finally worked up the courage to talk see a psychiatrist and possibly get on meds again so I can actually focus on schoolwork.

...Only to find out that a few years ago they took away my diagnosis and a doctor I have never even met diagnosed me with aspergers instead. I read up on it and I can't relate at all. What the fuck?
Transbian here. Good for you.
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>they're just trying to sell you drugs
buy weed, cheaper, more effective
begone vile daemon
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Do you like the suicidegirls-look?
not really
but I've never been that big on tattoos and piercings
No, it's kinda trashy imo
You have to watch 'Rin: Daughters of Mnemosene'.
Best anime. Only six episodes but the story is complex and spans about 400 years. I've watched it several times now. The main character (Rin) is an immortal lesbian with an adorable immortal girlfriend.
Highly recommend.
Who wants a Finnish gf?
>posts 40k
You're obviously not cis either.
I don't know what their 'look' is but I really like both of those girls.
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sure thing tranner, whatever helps with your delusion
you'll find some used up bislut one day and find happiness
>don't get bottom surgery, you'll fall into a deep depression after spending thousands of dollars on a glorified open wound and probably end up killing yourself

>science fantasy in a dystopian super-future
whats not to love?
it feels tailor made for my particular tastes in fiction
>don't get bottom surgery,
I'm not an idiot.

>>science fantasy in a dystopian super-future
>whats not to love?
No genderswapping.
Anyone here play anime/cute cartoon apps, like fe:heroes, llsif, lineplay, or granblue fantasy?
The qt grill I kept staring at on the train on Tuesday, I ended up running into at our university a day later.

Obviously, we are destined to be with each other.
you get her digits this time?
She just walked past where I was sitting and I was too surprised to do anything.
You got a second chance and you blew it
Burger anon got a date by being a creeper, maybe give that a shot?
I played line play for a while but I didn't have any friends and I got bored when I ran out of money
>tfw first thought about "getting her digits" is getting fingered and not getting her number
I really need to get someone's digits
you can always ask S
But she's probably far away
"Oh, QT, I've been riding this train for hours every day because I was hoping to see you again".

The plan's to get one first and then the other, isn't it?
I need a romance! Something with all the Tumblr-cliches and lots of loving!
Like, one for yourself or one you'd like to read?
I streamed this for 8/u/ a while ago. OST is fucking god-tier. Mad Machine is specially good, also Victory and Kodoku no Angel and Remember and Asu e no Touchdown. Yes, 5/5 bretty gud.
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She said the story would start with her character being introduced to the island etc. So the begging will be mostly just how that character escapes normie life and heads for the no longer nova scotian island du lesbos.

At this stage she is likely still making story webs/planning it out. I am fine waiting.

These two in particular barely qualify. Certainly not representative of the core ascetic.

Fuck the above noise. If you want to call yourself a lesbian, you should dam well get bottom surgery. I actually saw the other thread about it last week, and from what I saw your still better off with one of those, than trying to hit up other lesbians with your little pick.

Seriously you gotta make a move in that situation. Start with something as simple as "Hi! Don't I know you from somewhere?" Take it from there and be sure to give her a compliment or two (Which should be hard since you think she is cute) Then ask her to go do a thing!

I am always so tempted to make a bad pun about digits when someone brings it up in this thread haha.
As an aside do any of you actually finger your gf's but while going to town on her? I never do. (It feels sort of meme tier for a number of reasons, but I suppose I would if she was specifically into it)
Yeah, of course I do. I always liked it myself and I figure most other people do too. It's a nice bonus to clitoral stimulation imo.
Anon I would want you to do it to me.
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>These two in particular barely qualify. Certainly not representative of the core ascetic.
They don't really enough metal on them but left has the hair and right has a lot of tattoos.
>piercings, nose ring, etc.
>unnatural hair colors
Oh god the highschool fetish tier necklace on the right haha. (She had it in the first pic too but I didn't notice)

Yeah usually I think: Body Mods, Tattoos, loads of piercings, edgy clothes, dyed hair, high contrast colors, sometimes hyper freckles, when I think suicide girls. (hinggg on the last one. Beautiful, beautiful skin cancer)

Spooky. I never would have thought. I would be super nervous doing this with someone new. (like I feel like if they weren't into it I could blow any progess I had made thus far with her)

My girlfriend is REALLY touchy about it, and wants nothing to do with it. I have played around with anal straps like twice with an ex, but didn't really get into it.

I did have this one ex who liked to just sort of rub around the hole without actually putting anything inside, while giving me oral, that I did really like. She also surprised me with a few fingers up there while we were in the shower one time and I ended up cuming while she kissed my neck.

Holy shit you dragged the lewd right out of me. >_>
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Also I think the anons you replied to are talking about normal fingering and not butt stuff. You made a typo in your earlier post, right? But maybe I'm wrong and butt stuff is more normal than I thought.
>Oh god the highschool fetish tier necklace on the right haha. (She had it in the first pic too but I didn't notice)
It's called a choker.
For me fingering is more about the feeling of intimacy, like you can't be closer than actually being inside her, that's hot to me. And I love feeling her contract on my fingers.
Someone call me mommy!
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>but the butt!
Yeah I missed a 'T'
>But maybe I'm wrong and butt stuff is more normal

Yeah that is what is surprising me.

>It's called a choker.
It know it is called a choker, but chokers are still a type of necklace.

>And I love feeling her contract on my fingers.
>feeling of intimacy
It is really good. Honestly, I love fingering new women. Everyone likes things in a different way, and it is like a little puzzle to solve to find her favorite spots, and while obviously there are structural similarities it is crazy how much variation there is.

My gf is not super into the deep penetration (though she was when I met her...) so pretty much just clitoral stimulation these days.
>everyone likes things in a different way
Yeah it's pretty exciting. I haven't been with a lot of girls but I love that too. My ex had this strangely sensitive spot top left of her clit, it was like all her nerves were concentrated there. Made her go off in a minute.
>tfw no 1984 style lesbian tyranny
>no Big Sister to watch over us all
>No ministry of Truth to rape us into submissio
>no brain wash to ensure utter loyalty to the Party
H-hold me anons ;___;
I'd rather die a virgin than be a slave to Orwellian socialism
I would probably ask you to do it. I cum a lot harder from clit + vag stimulation than clit alone.
What's "high school fetish" about it?
Then it's Room 101. You will learn to love Big Sister without question.
And spend the rest of my life drinking gin? Oh well.
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No, you'll serve as the sanctioned pussy licker for the rest of your days. We break and rebuild you into something better. You'll be used by a number of women and you'll love each and every one of them
Apparently Room 101 has a fanclub of little submissives.
(Rainbow or other color) thigh high socks, snake bite piercings, specifically those chokers. Were all things that were big when we were teenagers and didn't really know /fa/.

That is why you see so many transwomen wearing that kind of stuff too. They are immature women mentally, or gravitate to the fetish tier stuff, I don't know.
>They are immature women mentally,
How could that be?
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is there any other cis lesbian server beside that dead one who is moded by a cunt ?
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>so many transwomen wearing that kind of stuff too. They are immature women mentally.
>immature women
Are they ?
>sanctioned pussy licker
I guess I have no choice but to submit to that cruel fate.
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dildo statues.jpg
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My colleagues and I refer the them as giant dildo statues. Why they are next to a children's playground, I have no idea.
(Picture is an online source since the camera from my phone is fucked)
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Does my Danger Noodle chilling on my guitar count?

(Don't have the snek anymore, still have the guitar. It used to like biting my gf too much.)
Those are some fucked up dildos. Like bad dragon style or something.
Play us a song, anon.
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>PRS guitar
Nice. I'm jealous.
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strat/telecaster master race !
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No. Most of the straight girls I know have this kinda style and while it's not hurting anyone, it's a turn-off for me.
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I had a Strat before, but I have wanted a PRS since I was in highschool. Prs is like the best of both worlds (strat/lespaul, but is still more strat) I will record a clip later. With the coil tap you can get very straty tones on the bridge pickup.

I also love the textured case that came with this. Notice the pattern on the bottom left. It is a crushed brown velvet in on the inside too.

This art is causing me pain.
Why is there a carpet hanging on your wall?
must be russian
nice ! i was always curious to know if it had the heavy/distorded accent of the Les paul.
but still strat and telecaster = master race.
can u share the sound that cute thing can make ? or maybe join the discord server and upload something on it.
ps: I'll totally bang that pre-amp <3

I love that this is a thing.
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Intelligence and similar hobbies to some extent.

But I'd really like somebody who's a natural dom since I'm such a submissive brat.
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My old apartment was pretty bland (puke yellow), and I wasn't allowed to paint the walls so I got this at hipster type store and hung it on the wall. It is meant to be hung like this or over the ceiling. It is thin material like a sheet.

Here was my older PRS before this one. (it was still a bolt on neck swamp ash special. Also my first american made PRS) I sold all my other guitars and the swamp ash to afford this one. I will post my first strat with the clip when I do.

I am not digging out my actual recording equipment right now so you will have to deal with this usb compressor mic sitting on my computer desk away from my amp. (Aka poor quality won't do the setup justice haha. I might upload a better quality one someday though)

For the record you can absolutely get both kinds of tone. The coil tap really does wonders. I still need to get a better head, but the Tubemister 36 is a cheap hi-fi sounding tube head that could attenuate down to bedroom levels. (important for apartments)
It's finally spring break for me! Now I can finally spend my time playing Civ VI until 5 AM.
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Sorry for the grainy photo.


24 hour time limit on this. Sorry for the really sloppy playing too. It has been living in it's case to keep it safe while the gf continues clothing creation madness for months. (The apartment is seriously a wreck at the moment.) The audio is the partial beginnings of a song I wrote for an ex girlfriend like 6 years ago. Again condenser mic quality.
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Pls ditch your gf and marry me
so the pre-amp just filter the song and add gain ? cuz i never had the feeling that i need one .
Nice ! but your rhythmic is kinda lame :p
But yeah I kinda dig the mutation of the instrument, can you try some distorted riffs?
how much it cost ( if may ask ?)
( also dude, pls come to the discord I need someone to talk about music with )
Damn, you're good! Keep it up!
>so the pre-amp
It isn't a preamp haha. It is a Head. Amps come in two formats. Combo (Where the head is built into the cabinet.) and Head + Cabinet (cab) which is what this is.

The bottom part (cab) houses the speaker cone and that is

Here is a video review of my amp head in better quality to give you an idea what it sounds like properly mic'd, and here is another for the guitar. McCarty 58


>but your rhythmic is kinda lame
I mostly play lead. I will wank about and show you some more distorted Strat style sounds later. But yeah, my rhythm playing is my weakest aspect by far.

I have never been much for discords. Too much drama, and the way people describe ours it sounds like it could get that way.

Have this picture of a fox I took at a zoo a while back to tide you over.

But I love her....
Nice but
>tfw no sexy dyke voice to also sing some lyrics to lonely anons
My gf is the one with the voice. I just play. (so does she) we really want to get a set together to go play coffee houses and stuff. Lesbian folk or something she wanted to do. (Which means I need to get a job, and then an acoustic...)

The guitar was 2400 Used it was a crazy lucky deal to be honest. I traded my swamp ash special part of that deal too. New you're looking at just under 6000 from a store. (I couldn't afford either right now)

I actually traded the strat you see above for the amp head. (~1300$) and had to buy the cab separate (I think 450$?)
I didn't want to babysit ya'll or hear your complaining tonight

Just because i like it so much

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