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/gaygen/ - Gay General - Westminster Attack Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 308
Thread images: 56

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Thoughts on what happened?

Previous Thread >>7941385
will you ever post your face here, Delta?
I live in London and I don't care.
None of my peer group care either.
My friend did say people on his Facebook were posting Britain First videos, but they're his old school friends from Bexley which I don't consider to be part of London.
It wasn't an immigrant, and one of the people killed was actually a muslim, like most terrorist attacks soooo
What the fuck does that have to do with a /gaygen/ thread ?
idfk it was topical
what does anything have to do with anything any more?
you hear about Donald Trump?
>them digits
He's such a narcissistic turd wanting to stamp his name on something someone far more popular set up
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well that's a ridiculous exaggeration but he's still not a good person
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Who wants to read yaoi with me?
can smoking weed once make you stupid forever

im scared
i smoked weed 5 hours ago and i cant think/concentrate

have i just ruined my life?
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It's how you normally feel after smoking, although chances are you're overthinking it therefore making you think it's actually happening.
It's an alright drug but I get too much anxiety from weed. I prefer ecstasy and acid if I feel like being a degerate.
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I think if you're this uninformed and paranoid, you don't have to worry about the weed making you a dumbass.
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>Be seeing a guy
>actively dating
>say something about being my boyfriend
>"Would you say we're boyfriends though? I haven't really considered the label but I guess so"

I wish everyone but me was dead.
he has an extremely sensitive prostate and says that getting buttfucked right has been the best sex he's ever had historically

and still he falls for the woman meme
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>tfw you will not have a qt tall bf
Hi boys
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my first kiss with another man happened after trying weed.
Last night I ended up meeting with a guy who's back in the city on his spring break. We almost missed each other completely, but he convinced me to come out late with some friends of his, and I also agreed to bring him back home when it was done. I live with my family, but they've told me they are accepting of homosexuality despite the fact I haven't come out yet, so I decided why self cockblock?

I brought him home and it was lovely. Kissed and cuddled and played with our dicks for like 2 hours before finally going to bed and cuddling. I didn't sleep at ALL and just laid awake with him, resting in one position, then shifting into another one, and so on all night. God it was amazing, except it was so very hot too LOL. Seriously, it was like a furnace under the blankets. 10/10 would do again.
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What's the worst that could happen if I bareback a guy that has no std's?
Like, if he doesn't clean out properly?
Could my dick get some terrible ass bacteria and die?
Ever watch Moonlight?
That's what happens
I become a nigger?
you might get some shit on your dick
that's about it
Kissed and cuddled and played with your dicks for two hours?
Are you 14?
I'm glad you had a nice time tho
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>friends with a hot straight guy
>homolust towards him won't stop growing
wew lads

What the fuck do I do?
I want a normal, completely platonic bro relationship with him. I hate the fact that when I look at him the first thing I see is how fit he is and how gorgeous his eyes are, and I catch myself thinking about what his dick is like since he'll occasionally make a remark about how big it is and has said he has foreskin (which is a huge plus for a guy for me). His personality also makes him A1 boyfriend material in my mind.

>playfully slaps my ass, sits on my lap, calls me babe, or something else in a playful manner like all close straight friends do
>can't do anything like it back because it feels weird since I have a crush on him
best way to kms?
Um in what world do straight guys sit in each others laps and call each other babe?
I mean babe alone proves he's a faggot.
Get it girl.
You must not spend enough time around normies then desu senpai. They always say and do shit like this.

Examples of what he's done (not necessarily only to me)
>"Aight I'm gonna go throw this shit away and get more food"
>Bye babe

>Sitting on a couch
>He walks by me to get to an open spot on the couch
>Sits on lap for literally a second before actually sitting on the couch

>Walking in front of him
>He slaps my ass

>A friend of ours was leaning on a table
>He slaps his ass

I've also heard straight guys saying "I love you" to each other

This guy is really straight, though. No doubt about it.
>and has said he has foreskin (which is a huge plus for a guy for me).
Most gay guys think this. Does that make circumcision anti-gay?
You sound like you should get out more
I'm only fascinated with foreskin because my parents had mine cut off when I was an infant.

I used the word normies because I spend too much time on /r9k/. I'm able to socialize and pass as a normal person, I just have a hard time holding a conversation and am very, very guarded and reserved.

Also, he's not gay. He gets mad when you call him gay for being a male cheerleader or call him a fuckboy because he dresses like a skater and will tell you he doesn't care because he gets more girls than you.
He asks his friends, including me, what their opinions are of the girls he knows and the girls he matches with on Tinder.
He's only done the sitting on the lap thing with me twice and nobody else that we hang out with. I guarantee you he does this shit to me because he wants to make me uncomfortable because, like I said, I have a guarded outside and have a hard time showing intimacy.

In short, what >>7982996 said. You must not see many straight guys that are close friends interact that often.
>male cheerleader

He's a college cheerleader, not one of the faggots you see in All-Star cheer that compete at Disney World every year
Explain the difference to a non-American please.
Is he sexy?
Is he cute?
Is he popular to boot?
Is he bitchin?
Does he have great hair?
Do the boys all love to stare?
Is he wanted?
Is he hot?
Is he everything you're not?
Is he pretty?
Is he cool?
Does he dominate your school?
Is he major?
Does he roar?
Does he swear he's not a whore?
Does he cheer?
Does he lead?
Does he act like he's on speed?
You could get an UTI but that's about it. You can prevent this by drinking alot.
I live in a straight as fuck town. This makes me miss gays, we just don't do this shit. Even the lesbians have more chill.
I'm not ashamed to admit I went out and got a boyfriend after trump won.
After brexit I figured we had won and I can stop larping as a nazi
It was the best sex i ever had, the musk of a man, the muscles, the protective squeeze of him holding you tight, the gentle ecstasy of his cock slowly entering you and you mind races "this is it, oh my god I'm gay, a cock is inside my ass and I'm enjoying it! I'm gay"
All followed by the climax when he cums inside you, you feel like a girl, you feel so vulnerable and safe with him, assuring your addiction to cock.

Fucking amazing.
Thought you needed to act now before they started rounding us up and off to the camps?
I get ya
Nah I realised how empty my political victories were and how they were just tools of my repressed feelings for men
College male cheerleaders sit on the side line and shout things with the girl cheerleaders and mainly hold the girls up and throw them and shit.

All-Star cheerleaders are the ones that do the choreographed shit and go to competitions. This attracts the gay male cheerleaders.
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Who else /babyface/ here?

>be me, 22 year old
>look like a skinny twink with a teenage boy face
>everytime i buy liquor the cashier and other store customers look at me funny like i'm some kid in the store
>cashier pulls out my id and is surprised to find out i'm 22
/gaygen/ will from now on be the mother board of the coolest new meme:

TFW no cam chat room to meet my long distance bf and husbando to be
how does it work?
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i was, but then i lost most of my hair, and now i look like a cancer patient

enjoy it while you can
most people would kill for that.

what is friendly-posting?
Does that mean I can't be a bitter hater anymore?

if you have a psychotic episode you literally never recover

cheat on him

get your legs shortened dumbass


yeast infection

>most people would kill to be ugly
you must honestly be deformed to think that
I just came home walking under the stars listening to some really awesome spanish music I just discovered and man, no matter what crap I've been through I can't help but think like is fucking beautiful, my heart is filled with love right now, such a cool feeling
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Those are the best moments. I'm usually unhappy and pessimistic, but every once in a while you just realize how amazing life is.
I wish people would grab onto those moments longer, we all seem so prone to dismiss beauty
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>I can't help but think like is fucking beautiful, my heart is filled with love right now
What's the problem ? :^[
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I'm allergic to positivity and happiness.
I cannot thrive in it.
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life is disgusting and too long and you should feel bad all the time
oh that's not really what I was trying to say, I'm neither happy or positive, in fact my life is pretty shitty right now, and my future will be way worse, I know it

but it doesn't prevent me to witness beauty or to love :^) I'm very much in love with this world, yet I'm not happy
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thank you!
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>trying to find new activities to obess over to cure yourself of the straight homolust curse
I accidentally swallowed when I was horny, now 2 hours later after tons of drinks and food I still have the cum in my throat, how do I rid of it??
Now that'll teach you to be a cock sucker
Favorite colognes?
Vote Kouya
Grow a beard

My beard is shit but I keep it tidy enough that it looks decent and it ages me by like 6 years
I can't familam. I can only grow stubble and whiskers, no matter how long I go without shaving.
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I've been stalking a gymrat dudebro on facebook for like a week trying to find out he's gay and the desperation and thirst is starting to bum me out
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who dis
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Max Summerfield and Aaron Dickson
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One more before I get banned from spamming /int/ with gayposting lmao.
I don't think I'm gay anymore.
I kissed a man. And I liked it.
>tfw squealed like a little faggot last night as he came inside me and clung to my boyfriends chest all night

That's it isn't. I'm a faggot :D
>and clung to my boyfriends chest all night
cuet :3

>tfw repressed gay bottom
>adopt persona of a Dominant Hetero

I can repress trans. i can REPRESS you!

join my discord faggots.
Yesterday I was at Ikea and saw a super prissy looking twink faggot.

He had one of those stylish haircuts, was wearing super tight jeans, and had a handbag of the type women usually carry.

I wanted to fuck his brains out.

Thank you for reading my blog.
warning friends, don't get involved with any communist gayboiz or twitter gayboiz

instead find urself a nice egoist bf
>gay dude comes through my register at work
>thinking to myself how I would love to ask him to fuck my bp

I just wish I didn't have such a top look, I just want a cute guy to fuck me in the butt
>tfw so bottom looking that even in my tryhard straight acting mode and lifting weights erryday people still thought i was gay
>random guys would squeeze my ass in clubs

ive just given in and become a femmy faggot
W-where are you?
Would you fuck a 6'0 guy and let me cuddle with you afterwards?
Im 5'10

yes i love cuddles, but i am actully a bottom. i just had a bad time accepting it.

turns out being a fat kid until you lose all the weight at 18 makes you look super feminine...
wark it sis make that bussy pop

you two should just buy a double ended dildo and go @ it
when i tried to be super masc and lift a lot. people thought i was ftm
probably the baby face 2bh
its annoying. even though i was able to lift loads.

my small frame made me still seem dyel
cute 2bh
well at least you'll be some tops wet dream now
its pretty funny, my i was tsundere to my boyfriend at first, then after the first time we had sex became a lot more feminine in behaviour i said "that was AMAAAZING" after sex

and he responded "was that a lisp? hehe" and i covered my month not realising
when is too old and "no longer a twink"??
Are you me?
I used to be a fatty until I lost all my weight (still losing) and I've become more attractive (or at least that's what I've been told. But I'm not too fem really, or at least I've never been told I'm fem. Still I wish I was one of those lisping short small gays so that way everybody would know I'm a bottom. So annoying when I see a cute gay dude like that and find out they only bottom. Oh well
That's the stiff upper lip I've heard so much about! Tally ho!
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That's fucking adorable.


Iktf. I'm really androgynous and act quite feminine most of the time, but because I'm 6'1 and deep voiced people will never really see me as feminine. I usually don't have that goatee.
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This is not the face that is usually on a 26 year old. Lol
its been pretty nice
i had a napleon complex towards taller and bigger guys when i was repressing

now i love it when he lifts me up like a girl and just love being in his big strong arms
trons individuale

twinkery ends when they stop looking anorexic
you're fucked. should have considered that before engaging in degeneracy
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>tfw you see a cute guy but he is probably much younger and is out of your league anyway.
tfw fd up my only chance with my oneitis
he thought i was qt but i had to ruin it and be fucking crazy bpd i hate myself so fucking much arhghgfjdk
interesting observation about humans; they operate like feathery egglayers without heads
Seeing happy gays is revolting. Seeing sad gays is revolting. Seeing gays exploit str8s is phenomenal.

What is this called?
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I'm not sure how that applies to my post.

I never knew how hot size difference was until I met the guy I'm currently dating, I'm 6'3 and he's like 5'7 or 5'8, it feels so great to be easily able to overpower him and just play with his body, fucking in prone bone position and he can't really move at all.
You'll get over it.

haha who am I kidding welcome to hell.
I'm his height and dated a subby guy your height. Size difference can be fun.

That would be interesting, I'm not opposed to role reversal once I get back into the habit of playing with my butt.
its super hot. i love it when hes on top of me and i wrap my smooth legs around his back and he kisses me
So basically you're a rapist.
I legit fucking hate men.

This general is so fucking cringe.
The trannies are way better.
>The trannies are way better.
tranny here, nah i found what he said hot.
sub here. i love that shit

Yeah anon, because you know when I'm on top of him and he's moaning like crazy and I still ask him if he's alright while I'm fucking him, it's totally rape!
>I still ask him
im get rly hot and makemyself a better nice more loving person so when i see him again hell have fall in love with me ;-;
>I still ask him
I would immediately dump you

why do beta cucks try to act like doms
desu its so annoying
like if i initiate it all and we both fully understand its rapeplay, keep the fucking act going, stop asking me if im ok, ill say some fucking weird ass phrase to get you to stop anyways
I'm at a point where I've started asking people if they're ok/enjoying it just because I've had it done to me so many times, despite thinking it's retarded and that it kills the mood
2bh there's just a lot that people do during sex that are mood killers and they don't even realize it, one of them being asking for consent every 25 seconds
another being asking questions over and over again and expecting me to respond
let me fucking suck the dick instead of trying to get me to recite that shit over and over again

I don't do it every second, just if we're trying a new position, he has kind of a tight hole and we've only just started having sex.
everyone has a tight hole when they can't relax unless they've been blasting their holes with a baseball bat every day for the past century

you're only making him not-relax more by asking him when switching positions, try not asking him shit and instead continuing the flow of seduction when you switch positions

your dick will thank mi l8r
slay that bitchboy top kween
Because you have a man brain.

Do I care?
Clearly you're a rapist if you enjoy overpowering people.
>Because you have a man brain.
women want to submit too.
After seeing happy gay couples I'm of the opinion that russian anti-gay propaganda laws should be enforced globally.
>anti-gay propaganda
>not just banning all forms of sexual expression worldwide
Be puritan or be pleb.
Your choice.
I'm actually ok with old people finger banging each other anywhere. Everyone else can get b4nned tho
>I'm actually ok with old people finger banging each other anywhere.
Well I'm not.
But I'll allow pornography of it.
You'll have to phone Her Majesty's Pornography Administration Centre in order to view it though.
What's it called when you put yourself through hell all because you can't stand to be perceived as poor?
Something that's vital to marketing.
Yeah what if I hate it but also crave it?
That means it's doing its job.
>Buy expensive shit so you don't look poor.
>Dinner at McDonalds
That's consumerism for ya.
It's not even buying expensive shit, I don't feel comfortable unless I'm living alone and unfortunately I have to for the time being which also means I can't date because I feel restricted there too.

Overall, it's a bit more than consumerism.
what do lads do together
Conspire against the machine while listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS9f6_i6v3Q
tfw wish i had a masc bf to cudle me 2 sleep
Clearly you're having some weird mental issues.
thx I had no idea daddy
zaddy stop
ops wrong thread sorry
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That's why they are normies and we are not.
>hop onto some gay apps
>see basically all of your school mates who used to be str8 and bully you
This would be pretty great if they weren't so fucking ugly 2 b h
Enact vengeance.
Do it.
I'm not petty enough and I'm also a clumsy bitch so watch me fall for them like a cunt.
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I'm your moral consciousness and I demand you to
Literally same.

Although I did some bullying too out of peer pressure
how do u act qt and make boys like you...apparently im bitchy and unapproachable
i had the weirdest fucking dream during my nap today where i met this really hot dude and i was so enamored with me that he strung me along doing all kinds of illegal shit and then at the end when we were about to bang he arrests me because he was an undercover fbi agent

first of all that's entrapment secondly what the fuck
>your own bio father calls you a sugar daddy because he thinks it's punny while you're baking
On the verge of constantly being figured out that I do actually have a sugar daddy.
You have to be stupid and smiley and seem like you have no interior thoughts
no-one cares about me iwish i could just dissappear
Meant for >>7992086
>hit on someone
>they're straight and not homophobic
>hit on someone
>they're already in a relationship
>stop hitting on people
>anon you have to get out there and hit on people!
fuck advice
Me too. I'm anorexic so may as well be dead
Are you kidding? Anorexic people are great

Too many fatties around
You're the only one who thinks that. Everyone despises underweight people especially with all the "fat empowerment" and "T H I C C" people are being conditioned into liking.
You're not going to fix his insecurities by pointing out he's wrong because he's only seeing things to give him a reason to wallow in sadness.
Don't have high standards for a bf, really he just has to have a voice, is relatively healthy, and laughs at all these shitty ideologies.

Where he fucking @ tho
same 2bh

I want cock
This Closet case just had his first gay kiss...holy fuck I am in love
>tfw you don't know how to befriend anybody you don't need something from
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Watch him out you like my first love did to me

he was doing what was best for you
Not at the time. Plus it robs you of doing it on your own terms
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Brings back my memory of the first guy I truly felt romantic AND sexual attraction for. I did the exact same thing. Realized I was talking with a lisp and prodding around. A few months later I was a full on flaming faggot.
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Flamers genocide when

meh I'm not obnoxious at all. Flamingly gay mannerisms and body language but quiet and "shy"? Ultimate combo to be a cute.

lol just realized I said prodding. I meant prissing XD
its weird catching my FWB in a lie and lying to others.
he lied that he "accidetally" removed himself from my post and now checking his grindr he said he was neg in feb and he updated it to march too. im taking him to get checked and i find out he's never been checked before which i feel is the truth.
if he wasn't so cute to me and and didnt have that great ass i'd dump him.
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Your brain is fucked. You're definitely gay now.
So basically effeminate gay
How do I know if I'm worth dating?
If you're on 4chan you're automatically disqualified
Fantastic. See you in Hell.
I've reserved a spot for you already, anon
>tfw have no feelings towards mainly looking men at all

>major crushes and feelings towards twink like boys

Is this normal?
gaygen discord link?
i tried acting 'qt' and smiley n shit but i think it just looked desperate bc thats not how i normally act. once we was just hanging out and he was flirting with me a lot and he just randomly squeezed by leg just to get my attention and idk why but i just went psycho and had a anxiety attack and started yelling at him to stop fucking touching me and ran away crying...i came and found him afterwards and apologised and said i like him and i just have rly bad anxiety issues and it was nothing to do with him personally...after that i could tell he wanted to make a move on me but he was worried of what my reaction would be...i tried to make it as obvious as possible that i liked him but he just wouldnt do anything.
Whites are the biggest terrorists by far, now and in the past. He was half white... so...
Whites are also impermeable to criticism, collective guilt and checked privileged
this desu
i d e o lo g y
pleb tier thinking u need to upgrade
>commit mass genocide on all non-white races (slavs are not white they are mongols) and establish white utopia where everyone peacefully lives happily after
enlightened by my own euphoria U P G R A D E D
>my own euphoria
redundant and therefore downgraded
It's funny how racist Americans are considering they're all mutts.

White countries:
Scotland, England, Northern France, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Iceland (minus Bjork whatever the fuck she is) and Belgium.
Germany and Switzerland are way too close to the Slavs not to be tainted.
Americans are not white so stop trying to be.
Race globally should be separated by regions (ie the italians/greeks/portuguese shouldn't be considered the same as swedes/norway). Alas, due to America's exploitation during the World Wars, they've been granted the dominant position in society, and their stupid "white" "black" "asian" "hispanic" categories are fucking it all up.
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in this moment, i am euphoric. not because of any phony GLOABLIST AGENDA. but because, i am enlightened by my own euphoria.
i h8 u so much right now
save yor hate for the BLOABLSITs were coming for you trump is just the begnining for you libcucks kek
mascgen told me you all moved to discord. is it more active than this gen?
everyone moved on with their life, it's time you do too
but I need to blog about my closeted gay life and this (or discord if you could answer my first question??) is literally the only place to do it
>tfw no cemu 60 fps hack yet

What for Breath of the Wild? It's only been almost a month, still going to take time before everything is sorted out. Will 60 fps even be possible for BotW, I would think going about 30 would possibly fuck with the physics.
I am really happy I'm gay
Same but the benefits of being so are wiped away due to the severe stress and unease of being idealess.
Who here is /florida/ and going to the faggot parade in Miami in two weeks?
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>Pushy, Wiz, WSG still alive
pushy and WSG are both 10/10 people and you are a lame loser
White 2,046,218 (74.34%)
Black/Af Amer 495,757 (18.01%)


pushy and wsg are literally the most unfunny liberal tryhards ive ever seen in my entire life
are hispanics "niggers" now too?
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>twink that likes twinks
it's like cancer got cancer
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>pushy and WSG are both 10/10 people

They are quite literally human garbage.
Remove kebab.
u sound jealous sis

me lying

>goes outside
sucks to be poor

only when i'm there ;)
twinks should exclusively be into twunks/thiccums
daddies/thiccums should exclusively be into twunks/twinks
fatties should exclusively be into fatties
Pretty much this.
Wasted quads
all quads are wasted you nutcracker
And mascs should exclusively be into mascs
>all the bulges at the gym
>that one guy doing jumping jacks with his huge meatdick
just end me
mascs don't exist that's why i didn't mention them
In either case gays trying to act masc do exist and even if it's a bad act it's still a hundred times more attractive than femfaggot """""""men"""""""
So we should call them actors? That's a profession though not a body figure.

>it's still a hundred times more attractive than femfaggot """""""men"""""""

Imagine believing this. Wow truly horrifying.
You can label them however you want, I hear labels are this community's speciality.
>imagine people having different opinions than me. ME. The one with the objectively best opinions.
I know, it's truly something else
yeah but did you not notice i was focusing on body images and not random ass labels?

>>imagine people having different opinions than me. ME. The one with the objectively best opinions.
@ >>8002112
Hold up a mirror once in a while friend, otherwise you just wind up looking a fool!
Why are you a Wsg apologist
You started with calling my opinion horrifying. Remember? But if you have monopoly on that sort of behaviour then whatever
>tfw twink who likes twinks who has resigned himself to masc/fem heteronormative relationships
pretty much every twink i meet doesnt seem to like the more feminine aspects of my personality.
Dating in my area sucks. The masc gays are anti dating,anti romance. The fem gays are incredibly rare.
Move to London
That is not feasible.
>tfw fem guy with masc bf
How can you think this?
Even when I'm deliberately trying to be as outrageously wrong as can be I don't hold opinions this wrong.
Well then suffer in silence.
>so many excuses
>"fix my life for me!"
>Posting a female in a male only thread
You are a retard if you think everyone can drop everything and move to another country in the hope of an expanded dating pool.
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>implying Reba is female
we weren't talking about everyone.
we were talking about you.

if you want to improve your life then you need to make changes to do so.

insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
>tfw 21 and really wanna date but live with homophobic, meddlesome parents
get a job and move out
Why does every gay have the worst political mindset? Idgi like what is so appealing about being a democrat or a tankie?????????
If you think the first thing that should be done is flee the country then you may have a problem.
That doesn't negate his point.
>tfw my bf loves me cause all the other subs are lefties, while im a soft subby little previously repressed nazi
>forget to include the inbreds in one post
are you always this sensitive
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w-w-what about being a twink with the kind of extreme pro-gun views that are considered insane here in Britain?

I generally hide my power level though when it comes to gun rights
Yes it does because that was the only solution mentioned. Unless your logic is

>If you are not willing to flee the country then you are not willing to do anything.
>Idgi like what is so appealing about being a democrat or a tankie
You don't have to think, you're always right and you're always a victim of the system.

Essentially living with no responsibilities, which is a perfect deal but it requires the ability to completely shut down even basic moral functioning.
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>massage husbando I paid massage for just because his handsome chad looks has increased his price by 30%
No.... NO!!!!
>No.... NO!!!!
Yes. Sacrifice your wallet to Capitalism.
Or see if you can get a discount.
That was the only solution he mentioned doesn't mean it's the only solution period.

If given the opportunity, would you flee the country? If yes, then all that is left is to create the opportunity.
Not interesting at all. Like commies and cappies tbqh.

>but it requires the ability to completely shut down even basic moral functioning.
I think moreso it involves the inability to differentiate an authors work from their own mind. In which the books they read encapsulate what they want to believe. So they become {{author's last name}}ists because it's much easier to go through life with this umbrella of an author rather than challenging yourself.
the robots will kill us all lefty and righty and moderate centrist pussys
I have no interest in permanently leaving the country. I do plan on leaving this area after my father has and recovers from surgery. I am also concerned that the problem is widespread concerning masc men being anti romance.
Actually they won't but if it comforts you to believe so, then continue.

masc men will always be anti-romance because masc men view vulnerability as feminine.
You should be more concerned with the problem that romance as an ideal doesn't exist outside of hollywood movies.
they probably wont kill us (probably) but it just seems obvious to me in our lifetime that technology is going to advance to the point where the same political arguments we have been having for the last 150 years if not more basically just bc redundant. we are at an apex point in human development.
They won't become redundant at all. Political arguments humans used to have millenniums ago still occur today in some form. Realistically all that has changed are the labels on the box and the technology that we have created to fit inside that box.

I don't believe we are at an apex point in human development.
I have had romantic relationships before.
>it's much easier to go through life with this umbrella of an author rather than challenging yourself.
But still.
You gotta like, willfully mindwipe yourself of everything life has taught you to get to that point.
Or at least I would.

I hold some contradicting views, but these are only maintained by my own irrationality and deliberate denial of reality and strains me, but with these people it almost seems natural.
Because most gays are intelligent.
Only retarded people support right wing views.
Like there's a reason the best countries in the world are all left wing liberal nations.
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>only women are capable of loving
>masc men will always be anti-romance

dumb trannies actually believe this!
In what capacity?

When you are desperate, you believe the first seller that talks to you. With this in mind, it's much easier to understand why some have become these sort of fanboys to certain dead beings.

Your mind automatically creating a left v right argument is very telling.
Imagine being this illiterate.
Next time, just post your abysmal filtered image & go.
Romantic dates and intimacy instead of " straight acting,no gay shit,anal only,no eye contact,final destination" that the masc men around here do.
>Romantic dates and intimacy
What does that consist of? Explain human.
Dining out,seeing movies together, staying in and cuddling, activities for the two of us. Spending time with each other and enjoying each others company outside of sex in a closer way than platonic friends do.
So romance doesn't differ from any other human relationship outside of a desire for them to be inside you? Fascinating human, continue. I must learn before my trip to your planet.
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Grindr is not real life, gurl.
Try dating instead of fucking around.
Plenty of masculine men are into love and romance.
Maybe not forever but I had a loving relationship that lasted 10 years and I know a lot of guys who have had longer lasting love affairs.
And, no, they don't all have to have 3-ways or cuck parties to stay in love with each other.
Not everyone is a disaffected street whore.
>I had
Count yourself lucky that your gay population does not consider dining out with just the two of you to be " gay shit".
A lot of guys will not even make eye contact with me. Straights are not that insecure. These masc guys act like this because " i'm no faggot".
I don't use grindr. Where in this world do you live?
>A lot of guys will not even make eye contact with me.
Why is eye contact important to you human?

>I had a loving relationship that lasted 10 years and I know a lot of guys who have had longer lasting love affairs.
I can't stop laughing @ this
If someone can not look you in the eyes when conversating then they cannot be trusted. Even the few shy fems were not as bad.
>If someone can not look you in the eyes when conversating then they cannot be trusted.
How can they understand the rules of your game if you have not communicated that to them directly?
That is just common decency around these parts. Straight men look me in the eyes when talking,so do the few fem gays and women. Why can't masc gays man up and look at me instead of turning away from me. So many have done the exact same thing,they face their body toward me then turn their head and look away. If someone was trying to sell you something and kept doing that, would you trust them?
Why is it a common decency around those parts?

> If someone was trying to sell you something and kept doing that, would you trust them?
I do not buy from humans.
I'm bored of your roleplay. There is nothing else to explain.
If someone can not end a conversation appropriately then they cannot be trusted. Even the few shy fems were not as bad.
Stop dicking around like an /x/ poster and I will talk to you.
tell me your life story
>Stop dicking around
If my logic serves me correctly, this also applies to your behavior. What is the label for when a human does not realize he is doing the very thing he dislikes?

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I can't find another cheaper massage qt husbando
Fuck off

I'm 23 but look 30. Guys my freakin age are rejecting me for "being too old for them". Now it's another 8 years of downhill for me until my official gay death.

Enjoy your stupid babyface and all the sex you'll be getting until you're 40.
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>it's yet another "birthday and ~10 people on facebook among the hundreds of your facebook 'friends' will awkwardly congratulate you"-episode
Excellent digits, /r9gay/!
>having facebook
>having people congratulate you
that's normie tier anon.
You must leave.
I would delete it if I weren't required to have it for uni stuff and apartment info handouts but alas
>I'm 23 but look 30
I only have that problem if I don't shave though. I either look extraterrestrial without a beard or I have a beard and look at least 37.

I try to at least text the person if I remotely care about their existence. I just don't feel comfortable posting a FB status @ them. Probably strange to most though now.
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You have friends that congratulate you.

I can't remember the last time a friend did that to me.
Happy Birthday anon. I'm a real human being and hope you're dealing with the internal tension between success and happiness this year.
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Am I creepy for looking up the male masseurs' names, through the booking service, on facebook to see if they are qt irl?
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okay I think I found one. he looks somewhat like a serial rapist but he's a father according to fb so it can't be too bad
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Is this THE gaygen discord and the reason this thread is dead? >>7989747
no one uses discord anymore
no one uses /lgbt/ anymore
its time you grow the fuck up dude
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>g-grow up
oh it's you again
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>tfw Leninist twink

Unfortunately I don't remember you.
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I love what I've become.
From being repressed and closeted on /pol/ to being an utter faggot and loving it

I love bragging to /pol/ about my bf, about how I've become completely submissive and gay I've become since being converted to /lgbt/
>hop on facebook
>expect shit
>instead get shit on the timeline of relatives who have reacted to videos with animals who have been scalped/starved/etc

Just goes to show, even when you expect garbage, you'll just get worse garbage.
Where the fuck are all the gay men at who just want to be with another person as they figure life out and don't care about all this adventure shit??

Why don't any of the apps have a way to filter out the cunts who ~love adventure~?
We are 4/10 and under so we get ignored.

What do you mean by "adventure shit"? If I may be so corny, I thought life was the adventure?
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