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Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 60

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b horror movie edition starring hottest daddy ever, Vincent Price

feelgood you need to stop
>he doesn't like Vincent Price
>when online dating sites only have 10 users within a 25 mile radius
>Drumpf's fired the attorney general
it begins
Who doesn't?

I'm saying you need to stop. Move on. Stop telling gaygen you love asians, wanna fuck vincent price (you sick fuck) and other dumbshit.

Get some friends.
Can't (with him)
He is one of the type of men you don't fuck. You idolize and admire them for what they are/have done.

Kinda gross tbqhfamalamb thinking of VP that way.
but I hate asians wtf

Is there someone else going around telling he likes Price?
>playing basketball with bf
>manage to block one of his shots in game
>throw some trash talk his way
>"You never talk like this in bed"
>face turns red and he just laughs

It kinda sucks being bottom
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given the OP post your ideal 50s/60s husbando
that story wasn't even remotely interesting why tell it bitch
>having an ideal husbando for every time period
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literally perfect
Guys, please, help me. There's something very weird going on in my life right now.

I consider myself ugly and there's a really hot guy who has suddenly become very, very interested in me. He won't stop texting me, he wants me to come over and spend the night at his place, etc. Nothing happened between us other than a kiss a few days ago.
The thing is, this guy is friends with my best friend, and I'm starting to think that my friend is asking him to do this out of pity for me, because he knows that I'm quite lonely and that I've been down in the dumps lately.
Now, I have no proof of this. But there's no other explanation for what's happening.
About two weeks ago, I thought I was going to die alone and felt like the most repulsive person in the world. Fast forward to today, and a 10/10 dude is in love with me?

I'm so scared of going through with this. I want to cut him off because I think it's all an evil fucking plan. He wants me to go over to his apartment tomorrow, but I think I shouldn't. I'm sure my friend is behind all of this.

I want to fucking die. If it turns out I'm right, I will fucking kill myself and leave a note blaming them.
>tfw you wake up and thank god that you aren't this insecure
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First of all, stop thinking of hotness as an objective chart. It doesn't work like that. You might find him beautiful but that's about the extent of which you can proclaim anything.
That should help with your insecurity issues, realizing he isn't some objectively hot god trying to take pity on your ugly ass.
Have some confidence.
Just go for it and hope for the best. If you can't imagine him actually bring into you you'll definitely fuck it up.
It's not fun.

But in his case, it's fucking objective. I've shown some of his pictures to a few friends and they all were completely shocked at how handsome he is. When I accepted him on Facebook, people messaged me asking who he was. If he has Grindr (not sure if he does) EVERY SINGLE FAGGOT in town has probably messaged him (except the ones who know they couldn't stand a fucking chance). He could get with pretty much ANY guy, yet he wants me? Pls. Me, with my skinny body, excessively pale skin and awkward face!

I hope I'm wrong about my friend being involved with this. But I'm feeling very anxious right now
post his picture otherwise we have no reason to believe he isn't a 6
It's not objective, it will never be objective. Beauty just simply doesn't operate that way.

Sorry friend, but you have some real insecurities you need to deal with. You'll fuck up the potential relationship anyways with all this "OMG WHY ME? EVERYONE IN THE WORLD MUST LOVE HIM SO WHY ME" bullshit.
were you here when that anon kept going on about his 10/10 bf and then posted him and he was easily a 5, and that's only if you're into the most bland looking dude who looks like his only sense of personality is pepe memes
smdh predictable at this point
that doesn't sound familiar and i'm sorry i missed it
some guy was posting his "10/10 model bf" and it was just some washed out insta baddie with no pores b/c the photoshop was too strong
Well, he's a 10.

Idk, I consider myself very unlikable. But I guess we'll see.
He keeps sending me pics of himself lying in bed. I'm not sure if he expects me to send some back to him but it's not happening
so he's a 5 and you're as unlikable as you say
o wait i think i was there for that one, was he twinkish?

post pic
and yeah i also consider you unlikeable
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Is it better to come out to your family when you're single or dating? I feel like having a boyfriend they're better cements it in their brains but it could be too much hearing the news while the man who's plowing their son is right there

For one, it's harder to even date in the closet, let alone find a boyfriend who will actually be there for you when you come out and have to deal with all that emotional shit.
Simultaneously, doing it while single can make your family believe you're not all that serious about it.

So either way lose-lose basically.
You're a meanie. I've seen your pics. If he's a 5 then what the fuck are you even lmao.

I would never post a pic of someone I respect on 4chan you sick fuck. But if I find out it's all an evil plan I'll try to do something to humiliate him
>Bitter Bob is lashing out at others for his own shortcomings
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my fee fees :'(

one of my bfs was still in the closet when we were dating, and he said not being single made it easier
i wasn't with him for The Moment tho
easier for him to come out i mean, he did after like a month of us being together
>hire gay guy to pretend to be my boyfriend when coming out to my family
>start falling in love with him for real
that sounds sad
i watch a documentary or something (idr what it was) about how there's a company in japan that does that
Johnny was, by the oblivious minds of his peers and elders, a perfectly normal, healthy male child. He liked baseball, comic books and bazooka joe bubble gum. He was a good student, a respectful young gentleman who always minded his manners, and never missed a day of church.

But what the good folk in his town didn't know was that little Johnny was possessed by an unearthly craving for men. Nor did they know what horror his abominable need would unleash upon their god-fearing society when he opened a portal to... The Gay Zone.
Meant for
does teto actually have any actual songs beyond triple baka and kasane territory, anyways?

i wish i had friends that cared for me that much
anyways, you have no basis for that conclusion, so just go with the flow for right now, try not to be so paranoid.
I saw that on that Ellen Page show where she went to Japan to look at lgbt there. A guy came out to his mom is who initially couldn't bear it but then returned but still looked shook
ya good job that's what it was

good taste, i just finished the series a couple weeks ago
(bit a of a letdown of a finale desu) but rod's cute
Is it a bad idea to pluck hairs off of my dick and balls?

I don't have access to waxing.
i don't see what would be wrong with plucking, aside from being unpleasant
i think most people recommend just using a razor, but whatever you do don't use clippers (even if they claim to be safe for pubic area b/c that don't include your sack, i sliced my nuts open one time that was scary)
stop being a fag,just fuck and chill
I like hair on my dick and balls, makes me more erect when I see a boy spitting them out
Funny story someone from /r9k/ apparently learnt to do just that exactly
Me though except no hot guys like me and never will
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no competition
Dude, none has the time to do this just to fuck around with you. The only loser in this situation would be the "10/10 dude", but again this situation that you made up in your head is just.. made up. Maybe he just likes you? Do you share any hobbies?

>Pls. Me, with my skinny body, excessively pale skin and awkward face!
Maybe he's into that? Or your personality?
Protip, if he compliments you a lot, suck that shit up like there was no tomorrow, that'll help you with your paranoid insecurity.
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>tfw no bf
And what have you done to try to remedy that?
Why are there so many flamer gay bottoms, especially the liberal, social media types, that act more crazy and feminine than both cis and trans women??
What's up with that???
>learnt to cuddle himself
the hell he did, probably just finally snapped

he came here and complained about not having one, what more can he do?

because the ideals of masculinity among gay men have died
If I wait in my room long enough, a bf will spontaneously materialize in front of me
Smh I thought at least that anon maybe had tried online dating and apps but I'm disappointed now
>probably just finally snapped
And this will probably happen to me and you sooner or later
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>Me, with my skinny body, excessively pale skin and awkward face!

r u me?

anyway I think I understand your body image issues and I know what it's like to constantly obsess over all your little flaws and inadequacies until you make yourself feel ugly

you've spent so long convincing yourself you're unattractive that when a super qt boy makes goo-goo eyes at you and wants to go on a date you feel like you aren't good enough and don't understand how someone could be attracted to you

in reality he most likely doesn't notice or care much about all the flaws you agonise over and only sees the good points about you which your self-loathing has blinded you to

ofc I'm literally the worst tripfag to get life advice from for obvious reasons
If you close your eyes, how do you know if you're fucking a twink or a tranny??
Wait, that's what happens when you close your eyes? Nothing happens when I close my eyes. Have I been scammed?
>this will probably happen to me and you sooner or later
trips has confirmed this...

I'd think you would feel his peen bouncing up and down
Oh shit didn't realize trips damn
>receding hairline
>worse by the day
>fringe does its best to cover it but makes it even more obvious
w-what do?
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>tfw no radical bf
Buy a motorcycle. All those other midlife crisis dudes do it, must be a good plan.
I can barely afford food
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toupee?...and then kill a bunch of twinks?

I once crossed the road...without looking both ways

>I honestly don't see what the discord has over this place, It just seems like one massive msn chatroom where people's voices get lost in the echo
Eat your remaining hair then. Then you can afford that bike and won't have anything to be insecure about.
come on. should I just cut the sparse fringe or keep it?
Shave it off, don't try to hide it: everyone knows. Grow a beard if you have a weak jawline.
How are we supposed to know without even seeing it? Cmon, my dude.
well I don't want to post a picture on myself here so guess I'll just have to look ridiculous
well your only real options are >>7676146
or that hair regen hooha
Shhh shh shh. It'll be okay.
I miss the way gaygen used to be
the discords made it far too quiet
Oh dear lord I'm supposed to go on a dinner date at this guy's apartment tonight but I so don't want to
Dinner dates are so awkward for me and idk how to act
Plus I don't think this is going anywhere bc I already know he's too silly and immature and just not my type

But he went to grocery store this morning and bought all these ingredients and he's been cooking all afternoon and I feel so bad
He made so many dishes and is SO excited about tonight. He won't stop texting me
No one has ever done something like this for me, yet here I am thinking about I'll get rid of this guy next week
eat his boipussy
more like he'll eat mine

or not really. not sure if i want to have sex tonight. i mean he obviously does but meh
Jesus christ, why did you not cancel the date already? That poor bastard, it is only getting worse for him the longer you let this go on. Just call him right fucking now, let him down gently (as gently as you can at this point) and next time don't lead a man on like that if you've already decided not to go for it... smdh
But what is gonna do with all that food
I don't know man, you gotta eat everything he's cooking, including his ass
Why did you agree to it idiot
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I'm gay. I think I have finally accepted it.
Idk I guess I wanted to have a little fun
Honestly I had no idea he was going to fall in love with me before our first date
Perhaps he's excited because he hasn't dated in a long time, and then you barge in just long enough to make him doubt himself even more
Well he's very cute I don't think he'll have trouble finding someone else
Please stop making me feel guilty I can't cancel on him at this point
It would be even worse
It just sounds like he's trying to impress you
you may just have to go unless you're unscrupulous enough to fake an emergency or something

conglaturation, please report to headquarters for your medal and complementary teenage boy
>Well he's very cute I don't think he'll have trouble finding someone else
Going all out with multiple course dinner would indicate otherwise.
I think the problem is that he really likes me for some reason, not that he has trouble finding other guys

Anyway I just looked up his address on google maps and found out he lives in a really rich area so now I'm excited lmao bye gotta get ready
It would be rude not to at this point, so just suck it up and go. You might end up having a great time with him, silly guys usually end up being pretty fun.
gold-digging cunt, I hope you choke
On what?
God, I hope this is bait.
on the sausage he's having for dinner of course
>I had to do a double take on those digits
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We're all soldiers now
Overwatch? More like OverRated am I right?

I appreciate it's character variety but strip that away and it's really just a rehash of team fortress
>you also did indeed gettem

Ehh they're similar, but going back to TF2 after playing Overwatch for a few months, they do play quite a bit differently. Overwatch does feel slightly moba-esque in terms of it's cooldowns and ultimates, TF2 feels more like a straight up team based fps. TF2 feels a bit more faster paced and individual player skill can weigh a lot more heavily than in Overwatch.

I like both, but they do feel a bit different when played.
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>friend """"""jokes""""""" about me being fat
Eating disorders are several times more prevalent in gay men than straight men.

Hop on it, Jiggly Caliente
But I-I'm musclefat. Please let me pretend.
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no take me back I didn't mean to give you the cold shoulder last year because I thought a two hour trip between us was too much at the time for a stable relationship
Why is the proportion of gay men who want to be promiscuous and want many hookups rather than a romantic relationship significantly higher than the proportion of straight men who want that?
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>one massive msn chatroom where people's voices get lost in the echo

Pure, concentrated cancer.

But go figure that's more defined by the participants than anything. What else could you expect?
/gaygen/ we each state our own personal list of 5 most attractive men
And then we judge each other out of /10 on our taste, determining whether it's good or shit taste.

its not
tons of hetero guys want to be promiscuous, they just cant be because hardly any women are ok with that

if they could get away with it, str8 guys would be just as degenerate as us.
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here are my top 4, in no particular order
straight people will attempt to fuck like rabbits just like gay people
one group is just way more open about it
if you had a grindr-equivalent for straights (hookup/sex focus yes i know there's tinder) you could bet your ass theyd drive it into the ground if people would let them manslut it up
>Why is the proportion of gay men who want to be promiscuous and want many hookups rather than a romantic relationship significantly higher than the proportion of straight men who want that?
Because they can, I think. If women were as willing to screw as men, it'd be about the same
>tons of hetero guys want to be promiscuous, they just cant be because hardly any women are ok with that
tons of hetero guys want to be promiscuous and are

the PROBLEM is that men are actually really sexually flexible and therefore a lot of those encounters are 'straight' men doing gay stuff

like wasn't there a major study about sexual encounters and only like ~2% actually called themselves gay but 40% of all sexual encounters were M2M? I think that was it, i gotta find it again
good night ladies
shut the fuck up queen
That study sounds familiar. Please link if you find it. I'll search also, like the queermo I am.
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Is that really Sadon?
>think a guy is lying about his height, he can't really be 6'4
>ask for another picture, just a bathroom selfie
>he's below the towel hangers which isn't that far above the doorknob
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Does anyone have that image of Raven's face in a pizza?
i don't recall that aesthetic
Why is this bitch always eating

Manlets, when will they learn
i mean she has to maintain that fat fem & asian image now
Which one of you boys wants to be my hot man? :3
There's only dead-inside trogolodytes here, chumly.
I'm a dead-outside mortician motherfucer.
Well that doesn't really make sense, just, like, threw a tangentially-related word in there didn't you, but alright.
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Do you guys think Adam Driver is hot? I mean he's kinda ugly but he's like hot ugly, right? I'd still fuck him.
no he's ugly ugly like benefactor crumpleup
of course you would fuck him though, you're drying the fuck up

At least you're attempting to communicate with others clowny, good on u
Rude. No wonder you're begging for a boyfriend on the internet.
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Adam Driver is so fucking hot anyone who says otherwise has shit taste.
>No wonder you're begging for a boyfriend on the internet.
Never done so but thanks for updating me on what you've been up to. Projection's a bitch huh
serious question, do you find max landis attractive?
Yeah but he's more of a cute femboy
this gen is so slow now this is tragic

she hongry


none of those are sadon lol
left is zombii tho

He's honestly even more disgusting that Bonerkill Crushledick
wait i'm so confused that does kind of look like him maybe it's just the angle that's throwing me off
Naw, things can only be tragic if they previously had value. It's sad.
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Just got my first tattoo ever.
Fake and gay
>you can now set when you checked yourself for stds last time on grindr
uhh so should you? Is it a good thing to put it in if you did it recently
Help me I think I'm dealing with a psycho

I met this dude a few days ago and we had sex last night. While we were doing it he kept saying he loved me and wanted to marry me and run away with me and spend the rest of his life with me because I'm most beautiful guy in the world blah blah blah. I kept laughing at him and saying he was scaring me a little, but he wouldn't stop.
I told him I needed some time to think about what happened but tb h I don't. I hated the whole experience. The sex was shitty, he came across as a weirdo and I don't ever want to see him again.
But now I'm scared he's insane and will murder me or hurt someone I love if I tell him that.
Like, there was a point during the night I was pretending to be asleep and he whispered in my ear: "You will marry me. It's good that you're sleeping because you can't say no."

Pls god help me
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gaygen was always quiet, there have been points where there were whole hours between posts and threads that have lasted half a week
the discord is quiet around the same time it's quiet here too

I miss the good old days, before we started dying and blaming everything for our death, before even you, back when we had funny or attractive trips to gossip about and make fun of, back when we had so many people we could make a god damn collage and threads were so active they could have a skype group, tinychat and discord without any of these hogging up the community.
How do we make gaygen relevant again?

>wiz, kingrice and gatch in the graveyard

good times
will you be my bf?
I don't get it
gaygen wasn't always quiet sweetie
you literally contradict your first statement with your second paragraph
oh and also discord wasn't even out yet for "they could have a skype group, tinychat and discord without any of these hogging up the community." to be true lmao

all the good trips went off and got raped it's so unfortunate but that's the fate of gaygen
It has a pretty faggy explanation.
Congrats on your new hubby, anon.
Pls gib
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i bet this ass is going to waste with a woman

this is why misogyny is a thing, women are literally too retarded to appreciate a nice ass desu neko chano
Well, it's a red carnation placed over my heart and more or less with the same size. It symbolizes romantic love.
gurl the word 'heart' over your heart would've been less retarded
I don't like tattoos with words, but I am very fond of flowers of any kind.
Oh I thought it was a rosebud implying you're into prolapse
this is why I will never post my face here
>1 random qt that makes eys contact with me #1
>2 random qt that makes eys contact with me #2
>3 random qt that makes eys contact with me #3
>4 random qt that makes eys contact with me #4
>5 random qt that makes eys contact with me #5

how's that?

he's a bit odd looking but he's a'ight

dump him or fake your death

>it was at this point that anon realised it did look like a prolapse, a prolapse etched into his skin for all to see
It doesn't, though.
I'm just kidding
I don't really like tattoos but it's nice though
when is the wedding?
Honestly thought this was just a massive scab before zooming in.
forgot muh name :/
What do you like, Sprite? I sure do.
>A broil of fume he sends ahead of his host. The Orcs of Mordor have no love of daylight so he covers the face of the Sun to ease their passage to war.



What did Peter Jackson mean by this?
that was a troll, not an orc
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>There's no one new around you.
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mfw Peter Cushing's mother wanted him to be a daughter so she kept his hair long and would make him wear a dress. Eventually he ran away from home and got picked up by the police. When his Dad went looking for him at the station, the police said "We have no boys in custody, but we do have a little girl." Cushing's dad collected his son, took him to a barber and that was the end of that.
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A long time ago I was in Burma
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>professional basketball and baseball player. >one of only 12 athletes in the history of American professional sports to have played both Major League Baseball and in the National Basketball Association.
Mother, I've tattooed a gaping anus on my chest again.
I finally had sex last night

I'm no longer a hugless, kissless virgin gaygen. At 22, I was starting to lose hope.

The sex wasn't great and sucking dick felt awkward, but idc. It's like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.
Didn't ask for your life story.
So how did you do it?
Don't you think that's a bit rude?

A cute guy I met through a friend became interested in met.
No grindr, no hornet, no tinder, thank god.
don't you think coming here and flaunting your suckess is rude?
But you guys are my friends imho.
No. Just unfunny.

Don't white knight me, faget.
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Good for you Anon! It is always nice to hear happy stories. I guess the first time is never all that great but hopefully next time is better for you. Do you think that cute guy will be doing it with you again?
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>but you guys are my friends
ow that resonated...
Just fixed my computer.

Also just wasted 3 hours on the internet.

Beginning to think I was better off without one desu - God knows I was more productive at least
Didn't ask for your life story.
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rlly makes u think
Didn't ask for my life story.
Charlie, is that you?
You pulled this on me once

That was a very good one
you're fine clown
you're fine
i've been here for so long and never been included in this shit and idk whether to feel blessed or offended

dw you'll get better at it the more you do it
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>No grindr, no hornet, no tinder
you should deffo think of yourself as blessed
imagine being on some shitty collage 5 years from now still being spammed on here talking about 'the good ol days'

even worse, still posting on here 5 years from now to see it personally
y i k e s
>forgot trip
it's been like 7 years since my first time in gg (back when it was on soc ofc)
what meme is this?
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Doesn't time fly.
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Lucky you. I can barely remember the last six years.
The Kandy Who of dating apps
A friend of mine is getting paid to shill surge at bars
hot desu
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Just block and ghost him.
Get a restraining order if necessary.
Hey guys. I love you all
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Guys, gross question here but...
assuming I am, for whatever reason, unable to give myself an enema, what would be the best way of "cleaning" myself?
This place makes me feel less lonely
Fingering yourself in the shower, scrubbing your inner walls with your fingertips, rinsing your fingers. Fingering yourself more, scrubbing your insides more, rinsing your fingers again. Repeat until your fingers start coming out of your butthole already clean.
an enema
you can get a squirt bottle for like 75c, just fill it with water
if you're actually without arms, get your social worker to douche u
if you have capable arms, kys obese scum
Thanks, sounds icky but so is receiving anal with a butt full of poop.

Look, I really don't wanna but water in my butt in any circumstances.

I have arms and I assure you I am not fat.
You're welcome. Take your time with it, do it properly and it works just as well as an enema.

>don't wanna put water in my butt
why? the dick you're gonna take is gonna do more damage than any amount of water
then just douche you lazy cunt
i love you too anon
I don't have a douche, I wouldn't even know where to get one, and like I said, I don't want water in my butt.
>I don't want water in my butt.
Whats wrong with it?
>I wouldn't even know where to get one
literally how do you not know where to get a douche
why don't you want water in your butt
why are you such a freak
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Why are you being so anal about this?
>why are you such a freak
He IS on 4chan, on /lgbt/ on /gaygen/. Being a freak is an entry requirement.
How do you advertise for a cuddle-relationship on apps?
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ok ill rephrase
why is he even more of a freak than the bugchasers on here

advertise that you're into hookups and only want sex and when you get someone to meet up with you cuddle them and dont let go
they can't call the police and they cant report rape so winwin
>"Hi, my name is Anon and I have serious issues with intimacy so I think a romantic relationship can be built on meaningless cuddling, if you agree then hmu bb :3"
>i don't want water in my butt
don't expect people to want to fuck you then
>meaningless cuddling
Sounds like you're the one with intimacy issues
I thought intimacy issues were requisite to post here.
Ask for a sexual relationship. Cuddle when sex is done.
Your butt cleans itself,if we had good eating habits and did not poop wrong for so many years you would just poop,wait 30min-1hour and be ready to go
since that's not the case,clean your fucking ass or don't do anal please
>good eating habits
if you need someone to explain good eating habits to you, just wash your fucking ass because it's clear you're too fucking retarded to handle anything else

I need you to explain specifically how to eat and drink so that I never have to douche again. Fuck you.
here's a shortcut for the entire process
end your miserable life and you'll never have to douche again and you won't ruin some guy's life with your stank ass

Fruits and vegetables?lots of water,not much red meat if none at all but that's debatable,sea food for high quality protein,the quantity of food you eat through the day etc etc.
I've heard of people saying that japanese bottoms are 100% clean,now they don't know if that's because of their diet or if they wash their ass like crazy but thats stuff i've heard,take with a grain of salt.
The food industry is fucked,specially in the US
Also,know your fucking body,first time i've heard that the butthole cleans itself i didn't believe it but after trying it i realized that's a certain truth to it,but depends on stuff.
all and all,wash you nasty ass or become a top
Why are you so mad anon?
I'll field that one. Sexual frustration.
japan also has a bidet every 5 feet

Is getting a message on grindr by a guy in a furry suit a horror movie because that just happened to me ?
Didn't ask for your life story.
talk to him girl
see what all the furry fuss is about
find out how the dog dick is
that sentence
your grill
your existence
It's only funny when I do it.

I mean, that's only just about as bad as being messaged by any other crazy person. In fact, it's better on account you can tell immediately how crazy this individual may be.
Nothing is ever funny when you do it, perhaps excluding suicide.
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>tfw no drunk snuggles with a man who loves you
Why bros?
because emotions are a lie and men are evil incarnate
My man it sounds like you are talking from bad experience surely it can't be the experiences of all.
Didn't ask for your life story.
>rejecting the liquid of honesty
Insecure detected
Why are you so bitter?
Are you big spoon, little spoon, or vers?
What have you done to find such a man?
I fell into a cauldron of extremely strong tea as a baby.
But tea calms the mind. A calm person would not act this way.
the drunk is always the little spoon who asks the bigger man to cuddle and protect him
>But tea calms the mind.
The fuck is this bitch talking about. Caffeine is a stimulant.
We did not ask for your life story.
You misread
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>tfw you bent a straight guy
>>tfw you bent a """""""straight"""""""" guy
Fuck him so hard he dies. Duh
NEED a big willy.
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bf sent me this.webm
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NEED to post lewd things.
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NEED to play with his wand if you know what I mean. Thiccc.
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This general is dead. I tried.
fuck you dude it's like 2am/5am in the us
>mfw trying to noot peek at the big hunky men and their bananas in the changing room
stop being so creepy grandpa

About 30 hours ago I had non penetrative sex with this dude. I sucked his dick (he didnt come in mu mouth), he sucked mine, I rubbed my dick against his ass and there was also a bit of frottage.
I just found out through a friend that he is known for being promiscuous and now Im paranoid. I think theres a cut in my mouth and another one on my dick but Im not sure. Should I take the PEP? Do I have HIV now? What other STDs could I have?
Pls god help me
Im new to this world so dont laugh
Since you're freaking out among strangers on the internet, you should test.
But it was only 30 hours ago so it's too soon

Im never going to have sex again
all I know about AIDS is that is very common to develop what seems like an ordinary flu shortly after contracting the virus. This flu will then go away after a week or so and you can go on to live your life for years without realizing anything. The really hard-hitting opportunistic diseases that are associated with an immunodficiency (like pneumocystis pneumonia or Kaposi sarcoma) only start appearing long after the initial infection.

So my advice to you would be this:
There is no harm in having yourself tested for HIV right now.
But if you, for whatever reason, want to wait for something else than gut feeling, then don't have any sexual intercourse with anyone and wait a few weeks to see if you get sick (look for fever, recurring pain, fatigue, abnormal sweating, diarrhoea,...). When you DO get sick, you should visit a doctor immediately.
PEP is most effective the sooner you gey started on it. After 72h post exposure it is much less effective.

That said, you did low risk stuff. If there was no ejaculation, I'd guess it's unlikely you got infected, but if you are really concerned go see a doctor. Tell him what you did and then he'll get you started on PEP or not.
Why would you not get on PEP? Anything else is curable or not that serious but HIV will kill you.
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>might have scabies
>mfw realizing this after testing out clothes in a store
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you'd think there were more people from other time zones on here

>A contagious, intensely itchy skin condition caused by a tiny, burrowing mite.
Its 12 am I need to sleep
5pm here, thought there would be more people euro-centric
get some sleep smoksz
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>be two bottoms
>can get hard immediatly with him but when it comes to fucking him i go limp soon after
>ends with him fucking me which is nice but probably not what he wanted
not fair lads, im bigger than him so i know he'd like it but it kept happening one night
Will do Ty. Hope you find something worthwhile to occupy your mind
jesus christ, how can two of you betas even find each other.
>be two bottoms
there's your problem anon
you can give your bf to me if you want
Hey, what are you doing right now /gaygen/ ?
playing poochie and yoshi
Fart in each other's butts?
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smoking weed and shitposting
Being on lunch break.

Why aren't YOU at work?
Either way. I was his first man crush.
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But are you a man or one of them grotesque neutered femboiis?

Just use a dildo/vibe on him if you aren't performing

cuddling and kissing while putting stuff into your partner is super fun
For any fans of Xavier Dolan, this is out.

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Be my 2nd bf.
anal sex is a sin anyways, just do oral
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I bet you're a catch, but I do not share
Hunting for shiny Pokémon and shitposting.
in sun/moon?
There it is then.
Nah his quebecois french is kinda grating
Besides, his films are overrated
>someone REALLY similar to one cunt I met last year messages me on grindr
Do I risk it?
why are you talking to roasties?
I haven't even posted. How am I getting (You)s
I dno

however he turned out to NOT be him so maybe I'll get a carbon copy that isn't a sarcastic ass
They're posting from inside the house
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>tinder notification saying 'somebody likes you'
>just about have a panic attack
>work up courage to check it
>mfw no messages or anything, think it was just trying to get me to go back on it for adverts and stuff
fuck it
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Being a sad act piece of shit like normal.
Didn't ask for your life story.
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You're so fucking butthurt. Geez Louise.
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Just being awesome in general. The usual.
Ask life didn't for story your.

Just got done with classes and lab for the day, the lab was easy, but not as quick as I anticipated.
This is the graveyard.
setting up a meeting/date with a guy for tomorrow
I haven't sucked dick since like november ;__;'
new thread

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