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/mtfg/ Transgirl General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 472
Thread images: 148

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thirsty edition

▶Informed Consent Providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
▶Makeup Tutorial: http://imgur.com/a/JO33K/
▶MTF Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/36HC6ZmT (embed)
▶Trans Info Dump: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9KKqP9IHa5ZxU84a_Jf0vIoAh7e8nj_lCW27KbYBh0/edit?usp=sharing
▶Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge (embed)
▶HRT info: https://web.archive.org/web/00000000000000/http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶Minecraft Server: minecraft.is-so.moe
▶Discord server: https://discord.gg/0XFIQ4xa7RcYJuo
▶MTFG Radio https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/mtfg

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oh, really?
do you go to a physical one?
I was home schooled and now I'm in online school

ur senior year I'm guessing?
I came out fresh year idk
wish u the best Kuppy <3
can u self med at all ?

>that picture
op pls ur making me feel things
4th for no bullying allowed.
*bullies Jamie*
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>tfw probably not gonna make it
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>not chin and jaw edition

Who /non-op/ here? Realising earlier in the evening that I don't HAVE to have SRS to transition and can just be a girl with a dick is one of the best feelings I've had in a while. Feeling all warm and fuzzy.
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started 2late
*bullys (you)*
same desu
Yeah I go to a high-school
and a catholic one too :/
Some people seem pretty tolerant (including a few teachers)
but there are some people who look like they'd bully me if they found out.
I don't really wanna come out at school (pretty much the reason I put off doing anything in my younger years but I don't want to wait any longer now.
I could self-med, but I need a credit card to buy online.
I'm not a fan of my junk but I'm hopefully awaiting the glorious transhumanist future
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nth for dicks are gr8
>tfw started too late
god it's a feel that hits me hard, just 5 years earlier and I could have passed perfectly well instead of being an obvious uggo tranny getting stared down in public every day ;-;
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you're younger than me and i had low T

i like to think we're on the same page
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>tfw a victim of the 5'11 height meme
when does this end
prepaid works
kinda wish i did sometimes
me too but am gud
when u become a grandma and shrink

idk how catholic school works but no one in my school knew that I was on my mones except for my gf and the counselor

why would they have to know o-o

and prepaid cards work for online yeh
yea yume's is pretty fun
Jk I think you're sweet and kind and would never bully you <3
500 cal a day until I'm thin or dead starts tomorrow
it's ok, as long as bullyanon isn't here we can fail to make it in peace
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>500 cal a day
make it 800-1000 cal a day and you're good
Yeah I think I'll get one, I'm just don't exactly sure how to go about it.

I want to hide it from everyone but people have a tendency to find out. I mean, wouldn't it be suspicious to see that kid in the class grow boobs?
I was exactly in this same situation actually. I came out to my parents because I knew they wouldn't disown me, and asked to transfer schools and start hrt. I got to change schools, but after 2 years of therapy still no hrt and I decided to self med. I would say fuck it and self med and try to change schools in the mean time, I wish I would have done the same instead of waiting 2 years.
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>tfw 5'4"
the height meme is mean desu
>catholic one
fug, i was in a parochial school from K-8th grade, they fucking blow
bobs aren't that fast and baggy clothes are gr9 senpai
but bullyanon will be back ;~;
go to walgreens or cvs or smth buy a visa card
order off inhouse
say ull fax prescription
that or qhi or smth
also maybe alldaychemist? idk
just what u could do in theory
>wouldn't it be suspicious to see that kid in the class grow boobs?
they don't grow v fast and ppl don't pay attention lol
trust !!
esp if ur in ur last year they're not going to notice before it's over

baggy clothes help too

>500 cal a day
pls you're less likely to stick to a diet if it's a huge deficit like that
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bullyanon will always be back, what's important is this moment in time

good for you sheen, it can be hard to resist cravings but just do literally anything except cave and you're good, burn it all
I can bully you GUYS if you want :^)
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Why do so many MtFs fuck other MtFs?
You'll regret it more if you don't
You have to tell at least one group of peers, why not the ones who matter least?
They aren't attracted to men even though they pretend to be and have such low self esteem they toss away every guy that is into them.
We're all desperate sluts
although i think i liked switch/mainly sub yume more than dom yume
choking her was pretty cool
I don't really wanna transfer schools, it's the best school in the area. At worst I'd get teased, but in another school I'd very likely get beaten up. Besides I have friends at that school at the very least.

This school isn't too bad desu, people don't seem very devout or anything.
Also, I live in Australia, we have uniforms.

Australia doesn't have any of these stores, though I heard you can get one from a gas station or something.

Why do I need to tell someone?
I did that for a while and got tellogen effluvium. So you might want to reconsider.
they're attracted to MtFs
well more mtfs are into girls than girls
idk is easier to relate and easier to feel equal i guess
maybe its social circles too
who /slut/ here.
You're gonna be a girl one day right?
only for one person tho
does that count
idk i'm disgusted by the thought of it

probably because they're too ugly to get a real woman
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I would be if I had access to dicks rn ;_;
yea look around
idk what site to order from for AUS ask reddit
wow u keep it real
we'll make it count someday rofl
Idk I'm not sure if I'll see these people much after leaving school anyway, I want to go stealth but it losing my friends does feel bad too.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do actually.
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sry only /puremaiden/ here
Do I get to be a slut if I'm just into really kinky stuff but don't have indiscriminate sex?
'cause I've only had one partner
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am not even out to my friends and pookie knows how much ive changed since high school

u should be fine and ur attitude might change
ima keep my friends and be stealth otherwise
>At worst I'd get teased
I don't see what's holding you back then, fuck other people. Do what's best for yourself. If you need someone to talk to that's been in a similar situation let me know.
but right now is just me staring at screens listening to xiu xiu, and that isn't the happiest time to be in.
oh, fuck i forgot about the uniforms, can you wear the bigger shirts at all, or are they strict about that?
maybe if i wasn't so terrible looking. who /arcanefuture/ here?
I'd you're not gonna see them, just start hrt and if anyone asks just say something along the lines of "yeah so?" and discard their opinion
also people say a lot less than u think and most of it is hair/eyebrows desu
unless you get huge boobs lol but trust me
id say starting now is 10x better if ur gonna stick to it
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oh my god i've been thinking about my friend that i slept with a few weeks ago and i think i might try to get him to fuck me again even though i have literally no idea how to do that but the thought of running my hands over his hairy chest and his dick inside me...unnnnnnnf
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nope, i'm kinky but i only get involved with people i care deeply about

it sucks

>xiu xiu
time to look this up
here senpaitachi
that gif pls
>yeah cataclysmic battles as in the entire set of battles taken as a whole, i can understand how it gets misinterpreted but intentionally denying my intent is dumb

1. You first say "cataclysmic battles".
2. You accuse me of saying it was singular, when I never did.
3. You then say it's a collective whole of "cataclysmic battles", which doesn't address anything.

It's not about misinterpretation. It's about you trying to use a word that's not fully understood. Then proceeding to manipulate your own words around. I'm pretty sure I'm not the dumb one here.
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"Hey, I just wanted you to know that I keep thinking about you and wanting to run my hands over your hairy chest and feel your dick inside me; lets fuck again sometime." Try that.
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>tfw people only love you for your frog pic's.......
1. Trans people are dead sexy. MtFs are trans.

2. Shared experience makes it easier to relate with one-another.

3. Many trans people wind up coming out and joining the LGBT community (IRL), where we're still sort of outsiders, which puts us in very close contact for some sense of community.

4. I've never even seen statistics on this. Like, ever. I know no trans women in a relationship with other trans women, and I now know many trans women. Have you seen a recent study about romantic/sexual partner selection among trans persons?
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It depends, do they ever call you a slut

if so, yes

Do you have his number?

ask him out or something

if you're really uncomfortable at the thought of losing friends and stuff just start blockers instead for now

that way you wont have enough changes that people get suspicious, but you wont get more masculine
>tfw 6' 5" when back is straightened
>tfw Fucking hips pop out
>tfw choose to be girl
>tfw passing giant woman and all gay friends want me in pumps
Fucking gays always wanting pumps.
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I'm already bald
I should have expected /mtfg to be goth tier
Kinda want them to

What's up


I'm goth as SHIT
This is nice anime posting.
not trutrans. you can't just choose to be the girl

(also damn, being able to pass at 6'5", you must have some really feminine facial features or shit)
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good to see you've changed your direction Sheen and I wish you all the best, I made my new years resolution today, I need to stop stepping around it
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bexe triggers me too. she always desperately tries to sound smart. she has a delusional ego and doesn't like to admit when she's wrong. best to let it go and feel sorry for her.
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i love ur aesthetic and realness slug...
u are a great person with great style
am a fan...
if u werent a celeb maybe i could have deeper friendship 4 u
if ur so goth then why dont u wear ur 0th date outfit+distressed jeans...
also i read ur post xd
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i'm not actually that goth desu senpai
Question for y'all, would you the black haired one or pink haired one?
Well you've had a ton of regrowth though. Dont want to go through TE trust me.
Straight cis male here
Just passing by to say you're all

Like rozz Williams with a belt goth or..?
easily the black hair one

pink one looks kinda uggo
Good luck sheen. Please don't do 500, though. You will almost certainly suffer illness.
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losing weight is kinda fun, though think i got a small problem in the future.. maybe
>bmi 20.7
still fat, 19 is the only way isnt it?
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thanks senpai after my song, next up is Party with Gina by Tera Melos which is a great song but it can wait


>a word that's not fully understood
come on, it's an old word with multiple contexts, a cataclysm doesn't mean a flood just because centuries-old greeks understood it to be one

i feel weird saying this but calm your autism

nice meme :^)
by anime standards that girl in the pic doesn't pass
Best part was being fat and then suddenly not.
>"How are you so fat for being 250lbs!"
>"Dude, its my back"
>Back straightened
>"Okay, that's hell of a transformation."
And yeah, I've got a pretty girly face. Passed before I even started HRT. Mostly got HRT for the natural boobs. Had hips before I was out of high school, sooo... Probably have whatever XXY thing is; haven't done DNA test so whatever.
Summer uniform is baggy af, but winter has a jumper (not required but I like to wear it) and it's kinda tight.

Got it, gonna try and get hormones soon

I'd say it's not really that they'd abandon me (some minor ones might) but I might abandon them to go stealth or something.
Why merzbow but no afx >>5484961
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hi (you)
People are actually able to pass at such heights? How? I'm 6'4" and don't think I'll ever be able to pass because of that (and other things, sure, but the height is a big part of it); what is the secret?
You want her because she's fat and she loves shotas. But she doesn't take much care of herself.
gl !!
i know cis women at that height. having a passable face and voice should really be enough to keep people from suspecting you.
My secret is probably being a receiver of a double X chromosome. See: >>5484974
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how do i stop bein a celeb

thank you you're okay too except for being a stupid idiot that doesn't know spoilers don't wokr here

>what is the secret?
[spoiler]looking like a girl[/spoile]r
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what post xd
uhmm I wanna wear that desu

no like a mall goth

if I HAD to choose then prob black haired
or pink haired since she's taller l-lol
Makes sense, I wouldn't mind having a relationship with a cute transwoman, you've convinced me.
Hairline feels ;_;
>come on, it's an old word with multiple contexts, a cataclysm doesn't mean a flood just because centuries-old greeks understood it to be one

You already said that. I then told you it's incorrect to say "cataclysmic battles" followed by a "a global flood" since cataclysmic is more accurately describes a flood. Did you forget that already? I don't understand why you never address anything directly, but try to dupe the conversation by bringing in an irrelevant point.

>i feel weird saying this but calm your autism
How original. :^)
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u cant..it a reality now
but if u help me be celeb we can be friend
no wear my clothes gur
wh0a convinceded...
I'm going to guess she acts like this often.
fug, you could say fug it? i mean they wont be really noticeable at first
i never got into idm desu. i like WLFGRL, blt that's the farthest i got into idm
>,since cataclysmic more accurately describes a flood.
I just came across this image as i was lukering. I had this and i fixed it by getting transplants and after that I using rogain with biotin.Its been fine for two years now.
tfw fulfilling your new year's resolution tonight
tfw your new year's resolution was to stop being such a little bitch and kill you'reself
>gets proven wrong
>accuses them of autism

you're bretty stupid t b h
ok here's my guide
1. create memes
2. be cool
3. succes
Can FFS fix a long face or should I just kill myself now?
hi everyone im new
does that make my parents celebs
slug ive held onto my banana slug club card for yrs can u change my name on it?
Do you exercise or are you having bulimic episodes after eating?

I only gained weight during Christmas even when tried to avoid eating over my normal calorie intake of the day.
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ok dress me up then ^ _____ ^

is it rlly that easy??
the 3 guides 2 success??

hi my name is boxxy xdddddddd

it can't. just kill yourself now.
it happens a lot and makes people cringe.
come play with me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no, you can try squeezing it really hard though
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hi new im uguu
> non-passing but still cute anime girls
That is my fetish; it's always a nice change from the usual "draw a girl, say it's a boy" approach to trans and trap characters.
Is this madoka witch house
What is this
Don't do it anon, please seek help instead =(

Might not fix long face but you can still pass with some.

Leave before it is too late and you're stuck here. (jk)
hi boxxy

hey ugu

new isn't my name. my name is clarissa. i chose this name because i thought it was special and uber femme
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>tfw don't own physical copies of any of my top 4

>You already said that. I then told you it's incorrect to say "cataclysmic battles" followed by a "a global flood" since cataclysmic is more accurately describes a flood. Did you forget that already?
you're cherrypicking A definition of a word to be THE definition, plus ignoring the context of any-definition-of-cataclysmic followed by the-literal-greek-definition-of-cataclysmic

>2. You accuse me of saying it was singular, when I never did.
i accused YOU of saying it was singular because the way i used it only worked when referring to a set

link me to something that proves me wrong because at this point i don't care anymore because you sound autistic even to me
>please seek help instead =(

there is no help for broad, bald, long faced non-passing trannies. i sought the help of transition and it failed me, so now i'm giving myself the only freedom we're allowed
It can help aspects of it yes, ie. jaw and chin shaping for lower face, maybe liplift for long philtrum, rhinoplasty to improve appearance of nose, etc.
it kinda depends

I don't know them so they can't be that good at memes
and whats a banana slug club card?????

that's what i did and look where i am today hooo boy
this is the best track off the album desu, but it's breakcore i guess?
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hi and welcome to /mtfg/!
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s-stop the mean anon calls me that UGH

hi clarissa

the keys 2 success
being slug has never been this easy
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>tfw you know the girl with pink hair personally
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consider tripping
just watch ur step
sorry pookie i didnt kno ;~;
its the banana slug club membership card...
dang i thought u would kno
but ur gonna be a bug in a rug with my clothes rofl
<3 _ <3 soft to hug
what really
explain PLS
shut up poopie
who the h*ck is she?
gonna cry ok

can u be my blanket xddd

it's ok ur a qt
gonna be like a big hunting net desu
or a couch...
or a blanket.................
or a cape xd
> Am drunk
>Told one of my roommates I have ptsd and I'm trans
Sober me is going to have regrets
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Not going to give her real name but she goes by ts mayumi.

She used to the partner of one of my friends who lives in FL.
She used to work in CS befor breaking up with my friend and leaving for porn.
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it rings a bell but................ fuck banana slugs
yellow lookin ass mothefuckers thinking there cool
Own it
whats good slug...
sea slugs are p dope desu
just lay on top of me desu

hm interesting

y u do this
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"she" looks like a muscular dude with a wig tbhon

what kind of friends do you have, weirdo
what do nets do beb...
too late ur already caught and covered
>you're cherrypicking A definition of a word to be THE definition, plus ignoring the context of any-definition-of-cataclysmic followed by the-literal-greek-definition-of-cataclysmic

It's not cherrypicking; it's the lack of clarity on your behalf. Since you seem forgetful: you shouldn't use an ambiguous adjective followed by a direct verb of the former description.

>i accused YOU of saying it was singular because the way i used it only worked when referring to a set
It sounds like you were trying to convince yourself you were somehow right, while I never insinuated it was singular one way or another.

>link me to something that proves me wrong because at this point i don't care anymore because you sound autistic even to me
You don't need links from me. Look at our exchanges in the last thread. You get called out, then always try to dupe me by bringing in an irrelevant point while not even addressing anything I said.

You can cry autism all you want. All that's happened is you got called out for missuing a word then got overly defensive instead of admitting you were wrong. It's obviously your attempt at rebuttal.
i was really fucking drunk when i got that lol.
also. it's a reissue, so i got it new.
because you deserve it
Oh, I love that
It sounds like jolly ranchers in my brain
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>tfw shopping for gril clothes and the mannequin triggers me
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r00danon pls.
Hey legbutts,
What is your experience on weight and fitness while starting tittyskittles? I'm not over weight but have a flabby belly. Plan on starting HRT soon so I'm wondering if I should lose weight (or at least work on my core) before or after starting HRT. And also, since I'll be going back to the gym, when can I start working out without ugly guy muscles?
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she doesn't look bad imo

w-what did I do

<3 ~ <3
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Well she was never my friend, just her partner was.
The problem with this girl was that despite being an adult wanted to live out the fantasies of being the little girl by having an major obsession with pink stuff and having a sweet 16 birthday.

It was pretty weird desu
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and people would actually pay for this in the era of free internet porn? LOL
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>tfw phobia of mannequins and need to go clothes shopping
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we already went over my lack of clarity like 30 mins ago

you refuse to interpret

do you regret it?

it's slightly harder to lose weight and slight harder to build muscle on HRT, that's about it
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not any of those
and aww dw you will lose it all in few days

>mfw had pizza for a week in a row and so much xmas food and and everything

its funny how much work it takes to gain weight and how easy its to lose it, inb4 diabetes tho
uh after like 14 mo hrt
consistently like 8-15 lb more than i used to be
id lose before but id also just start honestly
idk i lost belly fat
thanks...needed smth for family movie night
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>anime school girls that get a little bored
holy shit
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this kinda of slug is cool it curls up in a ball when it gets spooked, just like me
not the purchase, just being a drunken retard when talking to gira desu
Ignore that retard its not worth your time
Its her routine
She tries to sound smart then gets called out by someone who can smell the bs
Goes full autistic she really has autism to defend herself
don't bully

you did everything and we don't want your happy go lucky attitude around here bud
this is a no fun allowed zone
Hello how are you?
thats actually dope
ill ttyl ill b on http://seaslugforum.net/

do u think raccoondogs r cool tho
best of both worlds..ppl stare at em
just like me
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>we already went over my lack of clarity like 30 mins ago

>Since you seem forgetful

I'm interpreting your bullshit just fine..

B-but fun is nice and it makes ppl happy ; _ ;

that's rlly cute desu
hes chubby
i love him
dead on
no bully, i just don't want you to bully
so he's basically the "stefonknee" of our generation, got it

if stefonknee was growing up today and got on hormones as soon as he started puberty, everyone here would be all over dat bp boyah including all the resident transbians like bexe. that's some food for thought
I like to feed them when they come onto my patio
But that hasn't happened in a long time
I was once called a raccoon
But no longer -.-
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ur rly cute desu....
can u not realize that is female raccoondog...
it looks like i have found my niche....
see u in success world, slug..
i'm ok, how are you anon? ^^
hi pookie!!
hiiii i dont think i know you but hello!
do ur makeup rite and u will be called raccoon
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It will help, at the least.

Hi, I'm the princess.

drugs anon, life is always worth living because its another day to get fucked up.

If you trip, people will hate you for it.

Fucking plastic bitches.

I agree, she looks alright. Faggot anons gonna troll
no you don't understand. this is a grumpy cat safe space and you are not welcome here, poopie! your attitude is triggering

this is a free country so don't make me slap you for stepping on my right to bully people, nerd
ok so hes a girl but.....that doesnt mean i cant love him......... gay rights and all that
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hey moap how are you tonight
fuck off you nazi faggot
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Traditional FFS can only remove 5mm off of the chin and do a lip lift.
You have to do the whole Korean double jaw surgery for more and there's a lot of risks with gum recession and tooth loss.
Oh god you're a trip now.
Fuck off
that may or may not boost ur fame..being gay..
ur eyebrows look like mine
idk if u pass tho
where do I sign up
kiwi told me to trip
>idk if u pass tho
i want to pass so i have to fix my buttchin
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I hate doing my full waterline though, it makes my eyes disappear when I smile all the way
ur eyes look hooded, it might look a little nicer if you had less eyeliner on but idk
n-no u pls

hi maddie!!

a raccoon came into my room once in the last place we lived
since we left door open and it wanted cat food

was right next to my FACE I screamed and hit it w/ a broom
-end of blog

A lot better than some ppl
idk I looked through her tumblr and she's pretty l-lol

oh no
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that's m00t.
>drugs anon, life is always worth living because its another day to get fucked up.
those are wise words senpai.
i can speak out against bullying because of free speach.
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>taking the advice of the most hated trip
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Im alright, my allergies are nuts since I vacuumed for the first time in ages yesterday.

Fuck off you faggot faggot

I warned you, people will hate you for tripping.
>drugs anon, life is always worth living because its another day to get fucked up

you're one of those "people gender me female and shit but it's all a conspiracy to hugbox me" cunts so you can fuck right off thinking you can talk to me about this shit. get the fuck out of here
what are you posting yourself right after i did to show everyone you are prettier than me?
but ily ; ~ ;

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lol look at you defending random angle-abusing agp hons you don't even know in person. Also for some reason you sound bitter and prejudiced against anons. Did anons touch you on your no no places, hon?
its a joke, u pass
hmm you could line it in white to make eyes look bigger
dont gotta line it
omg scary
we had raccoons for a while i love ur blog
my mom poked a POSSUM with a broom off the fence and it fell into the creek
kinda like bragging abt my mom but she sold her soul to be able to do that kind of thing so yknow
i brag about your soul to vic desu...
Are you sure that's not Kayla?
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ily2 pooks
i know what that's like
i sneezed in the shower today like 4 or 5 times in a row cause of dust, my chest hurt after that
>hmm you could line it in white to make eyes look bigger
this is a good tip and i use it when im hungover to make my eyes look less shitty and tired ^^
>he thinks he's the most hated trip here
delusional david pls
I'm doing well, watching X-Files and playing some games.

Surgery is crazy, daaang

Should i join the trip party that is this thread?
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DOES my butt pass?
hrt fucked with my eyelids. my makeup skills are getting better but my chin is the worst

i dont hate you at all why would anyone hate you?

>I warned you, people will hate you for tripping.
they already do i think so it makes no difference

>oh no
you were fucking rude to me one time and i was willing to look past it. if you want to make it into a problem then you got one, i will say mean things to you as anon whenever i see a chance to fucking bitch
Oh, no, nothing like that! I was trying to point out how small my eyes look when I do my entire waterline because of >>5485183
Korea, I'd imagine
kek, why the long face?
id slap it
oh wow!! what episode are you watching? xfiles and buffy are my favorite shows :3
please don't be mean to my friend pookie
It's like completely flat with the smaller top part of your hips and lower back.
Imma say no
I love you moap. You're not a person, you're a beautiful goddess of despair. Please rain down your cynicism upon me.
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Let's try this again
What's the correct way of measure hips? Is it to go around the fullest part of my butt?
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vics a meme ok
I always thought possums were rlly cute l-lol
I followed one under a car once .-.

<3 __ <3

blue board PLS

@___@ so hostile idu

t-thank u maddie ily too

beautiful post desu
stop lying. i know what you were doing you were being catty and territorial
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yea mebbe youre right about that
how are you today kuppy?
my name is dakota
cause i dont pass
Bad and good desu
Watching the one about some wierd virus bacteria, and there is a doctor with a bunch of monkeys.

Isn't hips around the waist? Or am i dumb?
Yehyeh my horseface shows without straight bangs, I know
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i think it was prego..
really weird to see here
I give that booty a pASSing grade.
I have a feeling this Clarissa person is going to be the void us dramacrats here have been missing since the old insane trips left.

Let's just let it all unfold before we step in anons.
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Do people really hate trips just because they don't pass?
Well in that case I have 41 inch hips apparently.
Sounds off but I got that from measuring a few times.

No, the waist is around the waist, hips is lower
>tfw huge quantities of tension followed by a qt falling asleep on you
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not everyone is out to get u
stop accusing others and ull be alot happier desu l-lol

>Isn't hips around the waist
like around the top of ur groin I think
where ur hips are widest obv

awww poor possum

sounds gr8 desu
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Everybody post which terminal illness you want to give to Clarissa right NOW.
>... and so kiwi successfully integrated into the circlejerk thanks to the right combination of anime roleplaying and tedious stories from his bland life to pass himself as more interesting than he is and everyone lived happily ever after
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iktf kuppy, same here today
anons and chasers do
wait what did clarissa do wrong i must have missed something?
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Well I don't pass (to be fair, not on HRT) and I'm not hated

Perhaps, my first measurements was around my pelvic bones at their widest.

None desu, horrible way to go.
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depression so she overcomes it and rises above her expectations
>please don't be mean to my friend pookie
i am nice as fuck but idk she def bullied me before. im just trying to be ready for another cat fight if she wants to start another one

>@___@ so hostile idu
like i said i will be nice as long as you are not uber condescending to me again. if you want to be civil then you have to do your part

>cause i dont pass
i haven't seen you but not like i pass. no wonder they hate me, shit

>pls not everyone is out to get u stop accusing others and ull be alot happier desu l-lol
see what i wrote above about you being condescending? fuck you african haired albino negro looking bitch
>"talk about your noxious load bug chasers"
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don't be mean to pookie
Ainsley posting makes everything better
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No hips.

Also people in my town of 2000 have found out that I'm trans. I can't go outside without having ferals I'm utes yell insults at me and when it gets darker they actually slow down their cars and threaten to bash me. How do I move with minimal money and like knowing no one?
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you are a pasty white dude and you literally want people to call you by a native american name? HAHAHAHAHAhahahaha

ma, get a loaf of this fag
>>cause i dont pass
that would make me the most hated then. :^)
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I don't pass and ppl h8 me

uhmm none those are v bad !!

yeh I think that's the correct way to do it
honestly prolly a page on wikihow abt it lol

>fuck you african haired albino negro looking bitch
ok ; ~ ;

that pic omg
which i'll extract from korra first
wow now youre starting a bully movement against me? whats your problem bitch? maybe you are even uglier than me

thank you why cant everyone else be this inspiring?

i might be an ugly buttchinned bitch but i do have a life i just go out selectively since im introverted as fuck
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go fug urself
You need to take your AAs, rawr
Yeah some tutorials told me that
others told me the around your butt thing.
39 inch for the former, 41 inch for the latter.
I'm not sure which measurement to go by.

Aids, but like also have her have access to the drugs that keep her alive and live healthily.
I just want no one to find her desirable for a sexual relationship so she stops being so up herself
You should get your t levels checked to be sincerely quite honest.
hahaha i already like you as a trip, too bad the mtfg clique will fucking crucify you alive
sorry i dont like being bullied but i will try to contain myself as long as she is civil too

>ok ; ~ ;
i will apologize if you apologize for being a bitch too. in fact i will be a bigger person since it's obvious you don't seem like a take-action type, rather a hold-a-grudge-and-shoot-catty-remarks type. i am sorry
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*shrug* better than most of the people who post in this thread, at least.

Mushrooms will give you the answers.
LSD will show you the truth.

Kayla is way more hated, so are ufufu and dollface. Dollface wont even post as dollface anymore for gods sake.

If anyone hits on you, they are a chaser.
If anyone compliments you, they are hugboxing.
If anyone properly genders you, they are just being polite.
Gawd, get it right.

Hons make me insecure about my womanhood by proxy, like Chris-Chan. They horrify me, and make me worry I'm no different, just a man in a dress lying to myself.
I can say one thing with confidence, though.
There is no such thing as AGP.

It's miserable, I had my bf drive me home early so that I could take a hot shower to try to clear them out. My nose is all red and chaffed from constantly blowing and wiping it. Shit sucks.

Infamy is a type of attention, I think thats why she and kayla thrive on it.

Welcome to being mtf, everyone secretly hates you.

Ice bergs can't cut steel hulls.
The Federal Reserve is going to collapse.
No one really wants to help you, they just want to inflate their own egos and have others think they're good people.
May the mope be with you.

Be gentle with her, anon.

I pass, I trip and avatar, there is no correlation. Its just that most of the people who post in these threads do not pass/are not fulltime.

Are there any terminal illnesses that are actually beneficial that I can give her?

Awh, how cute. You're jealous of the attention she's getting.

Do you want hugboxing, honesty, or for me to just leave you be?
The most dedicated troll since Sage
O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:

Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver.

O Lord my God, If I have done this; if there be iniquity in my hands;

If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; (yea, I have delivered him that without cause is mine enemy:)

Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Selah.

Arise, O Lord, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies: and awake for me to the judgment that thou hast commanded.
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i just posted a picture of myself that wasn't 3 years old for comparison
i don't want hugboxing
anyway i'm gonna go play cs:go now
stop being rude to me there's nothing wrong with my t level i go to an endo unlike your pre-everything bitter hon ass

i can fend for myself, sit back and watch
Why the fuck are you here? Take your cancerous ass back out into /lgbt/ where you belong. There was a reason like 5000 hons got posted the last time you showed your face in this thread. Fuck off with your AIDS infested gaping asshole you piece of shit.
Oh, I didn't mean that like "get a life", just that being alive is a terminal condition. Sorry, I can see how what I wrote could be taken the wrong way.
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Good to see this place is just as catty as it was when I left.
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sounds like a solid 40 to me

bye Kiwi have fun !!

and fulltime
prolly just jealous of her honestly

saved pic
get robbed
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I really need to leave this shithole
Mtfg never changes
>Welcome to being mtf, everyone secretly hates you.
it doesn't seem like a secret at all

i don't get that reference but im not really a troll im fucking probably the nicest person ever as long as you dont give me a reason to resent you

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I hope it's a good size a least.

It's too early for these feels
Wouldn't be /mtfg/ without the cattyness. Hormones cause some people crazy, lack of hormones causing the rest to be crazy.

That is advice we can all follow.
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>mfw bf acting up again and p much saying my only mission is to hurt him
>i suck as a person and a gf but i never hurt him on purpose or do anything to upset him like that
>been like this for months
im done, my fault or not. its over
ill get a chaser that drops me dead if i dont obey him
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Are you sure? The truth can be very painful.

I didn't show my face last time though, some one else did. And then anons started demanding more pictures of me. It's honestly the best way to make me go away, I thrive on the attention of your hatred. Of course the other way inflated my ego, there's just no winning really.
it's mostly the diff between ur waist and hips but yeh ur hips sound p big @_______@

aaaa sucks it's over but I think it might be a good thing
he definitely didn't treat you right and now you can find someone who truly cares about you
That's terrible, what's wrong with people. I take it from "ute" that you're somewhere like Australia or New Zealand? I don't know what sort of resources there might be in your country, but maybe there's something set up to help people in situations like that?
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There's just nothing here anymore
What's it like being terminally retarded? Does your aid help you construct full and complete sentences or is it simply the result of amazing luck and coincidence?
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maybe he did but i made him turn against me
only someone like me could manage to do that

how's your laifu, found any neat puddles this year?
(if you want her to go, you have to ignore her. Like all women, she's a whore and thrives on any kind of attention, even negative.)
Need to lose weight to give my hips a better shape though,
Not sure how small I can get them but hopefully 33 inches or smaller
i like living unlike your sorry asses

prettier and already more popular than your spic square bob ass

if you want another person to get aids/hiv then you are fucking hateful and pathetic. not like i am telling you something you don't already know pillow biting queerbaits
>tfw it's incurable
trips of truth desu
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Yeah, usually Holdens and Fords in this style....
When I was pre FFS and social transition they'd do the same thing with 'are u a boy or girl' and sometimes threatening to bash me, a few months later after I'm more or less full time they pieced it together and just go straight for it, driving past and hearing faggot, loser, freak, cunt or whatever they think of at the time
>Gawd, get it right.

oh, sorry, i forgot there was degrees to the "privileged mtf bullshit that we make up to pretend we're as bad off as people that don't pass." totally my bad. cunt.
Is Dakota actually even a Native American name? I think it's not too uncommon of a name for non-Native Americans, in any case: Wikipedia says "Dakota is in use for both girls and boys. It was the 203rd most popular name for American boys in 2007, having ranked in the top 100 most popular names from 1995 to 2000. It first appeared among the top 1,000 most popular names for boys in the United States in 1985. It was the 239th most popular name for American girls in 2007. It has ranked among the top 400 names for American girls since 1991.[3] The name has been in occasional use for both sexes in the United States since at least the 1940s."
>i like living
not trutrans
trutrans anthem right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S63CsAgfURM

not like you're any better. you contribute to the shitposting every time you post.
rude for someone i've never met
The threads have had some good moments, but yeah they're mostly bitching and argueing
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not yet !!
haven't been outside much l-lol
moving this week tho so that's exciting

don't blame yourself too much okay ??
I think you'll find yourself a lot happier now

@___@ I thought big hips were good though
and idk if you'll lose THAT much

I thought you were nice until ppl gave you a reason to hate them
those ppl didn't even do anything to u lol
I meant make my waist smaller, should've elaborated.
My waist is like 35-36 inches right now I believe, just gotta lose weight.
I like living, that doesn't mean you're not going to die someday. Sorry, maybe I should just shut up, it looks like you're dealing with enough bullshit from other people at the moment.
ohh yeh
that diff sounds really good
could always waist train too !!
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bubut i know i will think of him for an entire year already

uhoh way to start new year all fresh, moving to a new city chasing the perfect puddles?
sounds super exciting though, good luck w that
i actually like this song. thanks

sorry i had to see your rachel dolezal hair on a brown brick body dressed like a frumpy loser

>I thought you were nice until ppl gave you a reason to hate them those ppl didn't even do anything to u lol
how fucking blind are you? i am literally at a batting cage having to fend for myself. anyways you seem civil enough so i dont hate you anymore. lets be nice to each other and maybe they will learn some manners too
>rachel dolezal
i mean, i wish.
if i had to suffer through life like you want me to wouldnt death be a relief? its fine really no problem no real harm intended anyways (maybe)
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Well I'm not going around insulting people.
All I care about is people living their lives and being happy

There are a few, but they are becoming rarer with each passing day.
hands down you should burn alive for appropriating POC culture you ugly cracker

my sides

wow serophobic much? it's 2016, bigot
it's really not worth taking maliciousness from people on 4chan to heart, even more so giving it out
pookie = ufufu 2.0
It's Bambi and she wants to be a typical catty girl who hasn't grown up yet
I don't want you to suffer. Really though, you might consider just getting off the internet for tonight for your own good, nothing good is going to come from the current shit-flinging that's going on, maybe try starting to introduce yourself again when you're not so angry.
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; ~ ; You'll think of him sometimes but you'll also find a new qt you'll think of more !!

uhmm moving a couple blocks away w/ my mother to a less nice house
I just hope it's cozy I haven't seen it yet !!

it's also like literally 2 houses away from the ocean so that's v cool

>anyways you seem civil enough so i dont hate you anymore
>lets be nice to each other

>i am literally at a batting cage having to fend for myself
But oddish and elanna rlly didn't say anything to u l-lol

>All I care about is people living their lives and being happy
aww pls you're actually rlly sweet

how tho
What can we do to better the threads? Or are they lost to the trips and shitposters?
how would YOU like it if someone told YOU to get aids/hiv you fucking retard? stop trying to be all chillaxed about something nasty you said

i know but im only defending myself. you say stupid shit to me, i will say shit right back because its the reality of life
don't let the banter die lads
Just ignore them if they're being an asshole. Why not try and be the better person and just walk away or ignore them? It is the internet you can just get off.
fuk u hor *john cena music*
bambi? like it's a bad thing to be a cute little fawn

i'm not mad enough i just see this bullying as a point of weakness in their own lives and additionally i want to remind them i ain't no bitch who will crumble under pressure like they all would at a grocery store when they get sirred infront of everybody

>But oddish and elanna rlly didn't say anything to u l-lol
how sincere are you with that ok? you don't seem very sincere and suspect enough for me to ask. anyways, oddish said i didn't exist and elanna said she wished the life's suffering. i don't care enough to really hate them, but i am sure they have great personalities if they are the type to hurl insults are people out of no where.

if they are worth it as people then i am sure they are just being tsundere at first out of shyness
we could talk about something else, out of curiosity are any of you girls/cartman listening to music what are you listening to, or what do you like to listen to
I'm the anon from earlier that was watching X-files and i still am just got to season two.

About to play some Hearthstone (Xaiz #1147 if anyone wants to play).
>tfw u show up to work 2 hours early
i have a trip now. i cant dampen my reputation by being a little bitch who runs off under fire
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I'm trying to be

Talk about positive stuff
Help people live better lives
you type like a retard trying to pass for a 13 year old girl feigning stupidity for cute points. basically ufufu repacked as a cool new thing but it's still the same manipulative double faced shit
hey so i'm 6 months hrt and some change, that's p. cool ^^ wish my boobs would get bigger faster tho
You're an adult, not some Disney cartoon

But replying to trolls makes it worse
Mistyped trip ;_;
listening to this desu
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>how sincere are you with that ok?
idk I mean I don't like arguing w/ ppl so I'd rather just be nice !!
Sorry if u felt I attacked you before

Oddish just didn't know who u were
Pls don't get mad at me but pls don't try to talk everything ppl say on an image board to heart

this is what I'm listening to rn

I've been listeing to a lot of touhou vocal music lately tho
like felt and shibayan and bossa nova
it's rlly nice I love it

but anon
I am 13
idk it's how I've always typed lol
and I don't think I'm manipulative or double faced tbqh pls

y tho
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Gravity doesn't grant me the privilege of failure my bough never breaks;
I don't stumble into anything,
so I climb and I carve my initials in the bark with that feather I found, but its all so contrived.
My genes didn't bless me with the foresight of a sage but I know how this will end, in apologies and ink on the page.
I'm excited/nervous to start hrt. Still not sure how to get them legitimately, don't really want to just order them online, and i'm in the US so it shouldn't be the hell that it is other places.

Grats on the changes, hopefully their will be more to come! Are they super noticeable or just some little things?
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i know but bambi's still cute

and i think it's dying down now so no problem here
Amy x alchahol & cold pizza is canon
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it's true
ur v nice urself maddie

grats btw !!

Where in the us are you located?
if ur on the west coast there's prolly a informed consent clinic near you

bambi was my fav when I was little
now I watch it and it's like really dark @__@;;
it's okay and i'm glad we can be civil one to another. i'm not being weird but i thought you were cute? just got a lil mad when you insulted me. i really don't take any of it seriously since they dont even know me

Oh, Grimes sweet Bb be still my precious palpitant heart
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softer skin, fat thighs/butt/hips, A cups, girl smell, no morning wood/erections. idk if anything else important has happened. female orgasm is pretty fucking legit
ty ^^
lol trip explorer
Wow that's incredible @_@
Yeah, actually looks like there is one in my city. But do i just go in and be like "yo i want some hormones and stuff where do i sign?" Cause that feels so strange

Girl orgasm? Like you orgasm differently when on 'mones? didn't know that.
You've done quite well for yourself.
>i thought you were cute?
R-really o//o;;

aaaaa I thought u were rlly pretty and passed well so that's why I asked y u kept posting ur pic a while ago

like u look good dw abt it senpai

also ur chin isn't even too bad
similar to mine I think
we can be butt chin buddies l-lol

have u found any other trips codes yet? o-o

Well you call them up before hand and explain what you want and they tell you
I was so nervous calling my place for the first time l-lol

I got my mones after like my second appt and I was a minor att so you can get them v quickly

I really love ur haircut maddie <3 __ <3
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i'll have you know i am going to bring GLAAD on your ass because this is a bareback masc4masc safe space. we don't want your homphobic kind around here so check your privilege and leave the premises you insensitive bastard
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Looking amazing desu
go play grimes with the speakers facing out the window to let everyone know how much you like her music then?

how old are you if you dont mind? nice results
People say that it's different; I haven't managed to have experience anything like that, or really orgasms in general since starting HRT. There's probably something I'm not doing right, I don't know.
I think I'm nice enough tho...
I am super jelly of your face shape, you look great.
thank you, i just turned 27 two weeks ago
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looking for variations of "megahon" rn
O kek I know who you are now.
Go back to gaygen.

Aren't you that femboi that takes HRT but doesn't consider themselves trans that trashes everyone?
i will fuck you until you love me fagit
Well i guess I've got something to do tomorrow, been a little anxious cause I've been out of town for the holidays and stuff.

Thanks Pookie, i needed some advice (and a little just go do it).

Huh, well i guess that is something else to chalk up to "Everyone reacts to hormones differently"
find me a trip that says "girldick"
okay well im sorry then. i was jj if i have to explain it. let's be nice together?
Yeh I hope it goes really well for you !
gl anon <3

sounds dank
gl senpai
I am super jelly of your face shape, you look great.
I cant wait till I can get ffs.
Just don't take ultra-hon that's my title desu
It's normal to scream/cry "fuck" into a pillow on Saturday night because you're alone and you'll always be alone, right?
Menopause, better have kids before you're 40.
>tfw craving gt
being transbian sux
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Maybe I will ;)
I wish i could give you a hug or something. Anything i could do to help?
i like grimes too. how do you like art angels?
Idk you i think. Friends.
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My right side canine teeth are sharp and prominent, but my upper left is rounded and my lower left is rounded and level with the other teeth
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You don't get me anon, Im simply 2deep4u

B-but, I don't want to hate pookie.

>Pretending these threads didn't always belong to trips.

What you call being mean, I call being honest.

I would never want to date another mtf, were all trainwrecks and most of us are hons.

I used to do that sometumes. It's understandable when you're so lonely it's killing you inside
No. I'll just ride it out, thanks.
thats a big record
My schizophrenic lover cries in my arms to Art Angels
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>Tfw I've never been to a wedding
I am smol person
i like visions as the whole album a lot more but i really like realiti the song and the video tickle that spot. funny how she says it's incomplete
went to a wedding just before I went fulltime

was boring as shit tho
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>ywn be the bride/bridesmaid at a wedding
I was an usher at a cousin's wedding
They're not terribly exciting unless you're old enough to drink
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yea i am not joining to battle a literal autist so sit down kid #stumped #trumped

yes, do i pass gurls? :^)

sorry sweetie but for the insults today i don't think i ever want to give you the gift anymore
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Tfw the only friend who would have let me be her bridesmaid didnt have a ceremony for her wedding
Been to my cousin's wedding was pretty fun seeing my grandma dance. Was less fun when they asked about a girlfriend and i told them i had a boyfriend.

My sister just got engaged and she isn't getting married for another 1- 1 1/2 years, so i'll hopefully be passing and get to be a bridesmaid then. I'm pumped.

Oh yeah a lot of the people in this thread are pretty young. Huh
xfiles is fun, I'd come play hearthstone but I don't have it installed
the sound of tranquility?
the last touhou music I heard was Bad Apple, I still quite enjoy it
>video not available in my region
I have a strong biased against this song because we had it playing every 15 minutes, every day for a whole month at work
Amazing progress Maddie! you look great, I look a little like your 'then' picture facially, you give me hope for myself
interesting fun little piece
I quite like the original, I was worried this mix would be too much but it was still nice
you're having quite the morning
it's still possible, time will tell
>My sister just got engaged and she isn't getting married for another 1- 1 1/2 years, so i'll hopefully be passing and get to be a bridesmaid then. I'm pumped.
a few months ago my bestie was talking about getting married to her boyfriend and mentioned me being a bridesmaid, which never even crossed my mind. i started happy crying, such a great thought.
itkf desu

>B-but, I don't want to hate pookie.
I-I don't want you to either ; ~ ;

tfw never want to

Bad apple is v good u have A+ taste
Death can't come quicker


Only relatives who might get married are cousins
>tfw probably will disappear from family by then

I'm not sure, I'd probably look ridicolous in a dress either way.
good go away. like i want to talk to your otaku-tier hygiene ass
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>ywn have your father pay for or give you away at your wedding.
Her and skrillex mentioned trading external hardrives stacked with unfinished music and cuts and stuff, so I don't think we'll ever have a grimes shortage. She just seems like she really puts a lot of pressure on herself to excel at every project she releases, or maybe I'm wrong and she just doesn't want to flood the market and be out of new creative material within 5 years. Who knows.. I'd like to see her do a project with JJ Brine. The ebm would be most supreme
The video version of realiti is better imo than the album version, even if the aesthetic or whatever is less polished. I felt the same way with the video for crimewave back in CC's reign. Maybe some things are never really perfect, especially in live artistry. Songs in electronic genres are very much made to be adaptable to different crowds and energies, so maybe a finished version of anything Grimes does is an idea more than the thing.
mine shows a lil when i smile...
wish it showed more desu
i wanna be a vampire
idk why i just told u this hi myna
i went to one and went on the empty dancefloor and did disco moves and got ppl dancing and ppl gave me high fives
i was a gay kid
come be maid of honor @_@ at mine
come to ours..
But this isn't /mu and I should be asleep
Goodnight bored board
It would be weird for a man in a dress to show up
What the fuk is happening
as if you stop replying to me, trigger-happy retard
Are you okay?
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cs:go sucks tonight
i checked my music page and my latest song hit 10k plays which is kinda cool
anyway i'm going to bed early 2n, g'n thread
i see your autistic endeavours here so i will be autistic right back

i like grimes because she's a control freak and wants to do everything herself. that's the best way for her to translate what she wants to create. a big part of her appeal to me is her leftfield production. there were some songs on art angels that were disappointing, but i still think it's an okay album. i agree the video version of realti is better. crystal castle is cool too, especially their second album. i really don't like skrillex at all. the only song i can tolerate he's touched is wild for the night with asap rocky
Life is happening, right now all around us.

g'night kiwi.
just fuck off you googly eyed weeb. go eat your cheeseburgers and waste your money on lottery tickets, whatever it is you losers like to do to ruin your life
i didnt ask one to tho
with the right fitting dress, decent makeup, shaped eyebrows and styled hair and very important a smile, then you would be set
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Well, so long as you don't actually become ufufu 2.0 everything should be fine.

>tfw you wore a dress today and got complimented on it.


Why would you post and then immediately go away? I feel like you're hiding from the truth
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ok tell me the truth then i'll go to bed
ik i'm still gonna be a hon a year from now
is that what you wanted to say?
How to shape eyebrows? I have no skill and I worry I'll fuck up

You'd be receiving one if you asked for me
Check back in a few years when I might pass

Someday this will be me
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I didn't really see her post much desu l-lol
idk what I'd even do to become her @______@

nite Kiwi !! sleep well
also that's a lot of views wowie o-o;;

pluck from bottom and make an arch
you'll prolly mess up first few times but ull find a shape u like and get better (Y)
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You need to trim your brows and part your hair more towards the center
thanks for proving me right by compulsively sperging out, honissa

now make it like transgender statistics and slit your wrists you abundant waste of oxygen
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well that was nicer than expected
thx moap, sry i'm pessimistic tonight
anyway g'n
nite pookster
i know i'm a hon so what? i'll get my buttchin fixed and feel better about myself after
do this >>5485626 or alternatively get them done by a professional, even if you get a unisex trim you can do it in boymode, professionals in Melbourne will ever give you trouble about it, I can walk into Benefit or MAC and they'll treat me like they would any other customer
you're like the new cheska. u got moxie.
make sure to cuck somebody here before you leave for good
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>tfw you are laying in bed with someone from mtfg, they're flying away in 5 hours, and you're not sure where to draw the line when it comes to physical contact
(btw if it wasn't clear i want you to stay)
more like younger version of aife
cheska was bad to core, but she never acted like a foul 10yr old
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I hope so, its an amazing feeling.

Dont post gifs on /mtfg/ of you sticking sex toys down your throat, that's a good start.

It's ok, I built it up like I was gonna be mean. Don't let the trolls get to you, you might not pass now, but you will if you keep trying. Listening to me will help.
How long HRT are you?
Hey thread idk why I'm awake how are you all?
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Hi Kari I haven't seen u in awhile !!
how've you been ;o

I have a throat infection. At least I've finally got the bassy resonance to my voice I've so long desired...
I feel down and I'm trying to feel happier.
How are you?
Ups and Downs really, idk I've also been hiding away in Fallout.

Aww that sucks =\ Hopefully you got some antibiotics or something or is it just a mild sore throat time thing?

What has you down? Always a good goal to have though ^^ I'm just bored and idk, I've been in lots of random moods lately too. Sometimes feeling super happy and cute and next moment sad about stupid random life stuff. Progesterone is an interesting beast.
How are you though as well ofc gah, hah yay distracted by actually having (You)s to respond to XD Hope you've been well!
>laying in bed with mtfgers
Wowe gay
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I just feel ugly and manly desu. I feel like life won't get better and I'll never pass or be pretty.
Not long before I was actually feeling rather good about myself, which sucks.
because you were listening to anons on your unsee posts 9/10 they're going out of their way to make you feel bad about yourself
A lot of those seem to be pretty common feelings. I know I definitely struggled heavily with that but am getting shades of actually seeing past that dysphoria finally, but I'm also like a year and a few months in. How long have you been on hrt? And do you mean before you were feeling sad you were feeling good or before starting transition?
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yeh I've been okay, moving soon and just missing my gf desu
We shud play league again sometime !!

Fallout seems rlly fun I was SO hype for it
bought it then saw my computer couldn't run it oopsies xd

also is prog rlly that bad for u o-o
I've been on it for mayb a month and a half now and I haven't felt THAT diff idk
maybe I have actually rofl

do the lewd desu

aaaa Kuppy you're going to be fine
You've v young and already look good
u shud be optimistic abt the future !!
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Getting close to four years now, full time for most of that.

Doing pretty good save my allergies being intolerable.

I got fallout 4 finally but am having difficulties modding it.

I felt that way too, we all do at some point. Things get worse before they get better.
Yeah what >>5485689 said sounds like it may apply if you've been letting what people say here get to you. It's just how this place is. There's a lot of jealousy and making others feel worse to make oneself feel better that happens. It's not really all reflective of how people will react irl though, in fact I've found the stuff here to be more than what I've heard irl ever.

Aww yeah moving is sad and hope you didn't split up?? I'm definitely down to play league sometime though! I've really just been only playing ARAM though cause idk I've been on tilt so hard lately it just is frustrating to play.

Fallout is super great but yeah idk seems bad optimized, some of it is really shit even on my comp that is like, r9 290x.

As for prog not really just idk I'm really emotional today. I'm also doing the crazy person version of cycling it on a week and off the rest so there's that.

Allergies suck. It's been super windy here stirring it all up too which definitely doesn't help.

I haven't tried any FO4 mods yet myself, I should look into them soon. IDK I just am really enjoying the game even as it is somehow.
Thanks for applying your experience to that expert analysis.

We were waiting for your encouragement.
It's not them, I can usually handle that as I know they are being fuckwits.
It's what I can see when I look at the mirror.

I'm not on HRT
and by before I meant like a few hours ago I was feeling good.

I know, people say this all the time. Sometimes it's just hard for me to believe that.

Don't come across many as long as you.
No problemo
Oh damn =\ yeah I hope you can get on it soon then, it helps a lot with that feeling of slowly becoming less masculine and everything.
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I mean
I guess I'm not uber masculine (in some places perhaps)
I do have some good features, but my most masculine ones always come back to punch me in the head.
>It's what I can see when I look at the mirror.
I know what you mean, but like I've told you before I'm a fantastic hypocrite
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Thats what my bf says, I just have impossible standards for games.

Yeah it's weird, because in reality it's not that long. Most the posters here are nonpassing/nonfulltime and have been on HRT for like less than a year.
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well how was it
don't keep us waiting @____@

nooo omg I still live w/ my mom l-lol
ARAM is a lot more relaxing yeh

ur cycling prog ?? my practitioner told me there's no point to it wowie was I lied to

>it's just hard for me to believe that.
Ik what u mean ; ~ ;
ppl tell me I'm lucky for starting so early but I still wish I started earlier l-lol

pls don't take this wrong way but
y do u still come here o-o
it seems most leave once they're longer than like 3 years on mones
Yeah, I guess alot the full-timers like to avoid this place or something.
How long did it take you to pass btw?

>I just have impossible standards for games.
Been plagued with this too

Yeah, some MtFs say to me "you're so lucky that you can start young" but, I really wish I had made the attempt at the start of puberty. Who knew I'd end up so big? ;~;
Despite my youth, I still feel like I can't pass a lot of the time.
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I did leave, for a while. I started browsing 4chan again though and eventually that brought me back here. My main board atm is /cgl/, but its so slow.

Mmmm, Id say about two years to pass completely. It's a lengthy process.
War thunder is what I'm playing atm, and it's totally free of all things.
I need to upgrade my video card, I can only play fallout 4 on low.
Yeah I know that feeling. There are some features I hate that destroy me but sometimes I actually seem to be able to pull it together idk.

Understandable. It's definitely not like New Vegas quality in some aspects but I mean it has better gameplay to make up for it at least.

Ohhh haha mb lol. But yeah I'd totally be down to do some ARAM tomorrow but I'm gonna be getting to sleep in a while here, almost dozed off for a few minutes lol.

Yeah I am cycling prog. IDK I've heard lots of mixed stuff from prog does nothing outright, to prog works in small amounts whole month, or that cycling is best, idk. I just am going with advice from Elfie and a bit of what I picked up reading. It could be that I'm just making it harder on myself than it needs to be.
Played that for a bit
Got a bit bored because I'm terrible at it.
Lately I've just been playing random games I haven't touched in a while, such as Dishonored.
I'm no fan of my chest at all, but sometimes I get the thought that I might be able to make it work. And then I go back into this state like 1-3 days later.
In all seriousness can we have an alternative to 4chan mtfg where it's actually chill and we can ban people?

You could even have cute chasers come in and actually have fun but this place is just cancer and bad for everyone.

Why doesn't everyone just move back to 420chan?

Imagine a site where all the shitty anons can be banned and the really bad trips.
this was my sunday morning also, and I shall repeat it just the same tomorrow. maybe a wander around the city buying stuff will cheer me up in the morning
I need a job
So I can buy some stuff if I go to the city
It just feels like it's the inherent problem of power. By having someone who's able to ban people from the community if they go overboard in that person's opinion. That would be all n ice though but it takes people putting in positive effort towards something as well. Kinda hard to get around here.
Id take one person that we know in charge over nobody in charge
I've been banned about that many times. I ip switch every post. I've been banned from static ones like the coffee shop about fourty.

At least with ids on 420chan it will expose the really dumb shitposters who don't know how to evade.
Yeah can't really disagree there.

Anyway, nini mtfg sleep has caught me finally.
is that the real hitler .....
Good night
Bye Bye
That's true, I find myself enjoying it much more when I think of it as a shooter as opposed to an RPG.

I love skill games, and war thunder has a level of detail that other games can't match. Maybe I just haven't played any other good fighter games and am easily impressed. Ive also been playing lots of Shogun 2 since they announced total war: warhammer.

Is it really time to jump ship from 4chan now that moot doesnt own it?

Are you getting paid by 420chan, anon?
Shogun II was fun
I'm terrible at skill games I think, my skills don't really tend to develop.
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a job can make you feel better overall sometimes, it can give you a purpose and the money is nice too. I should really be saving for surgeries and hormones, hairgrowth treatments and my tastes in fashion is going to keep my wallet empty for the rest of my life anyway.
On the subject of things that can ruin a day (other than my broken jew nose or caveman brow) even though I have to pull my hair back to see it this still bothers me, I know some people have it worse but it makes me sad either way
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That pic is of a shota, that is inappropriate
Thread posts: 472
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