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SHARE Act Passes Committee

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Making a new thread because the previous one became a shit show.

The act from the congress.gov site:

And the act as revised from the Committee on Natural Resources:
Am I gonna get these fucking suppressors or not holy shit?

Sadly no, the resolution passed by the Senate to combat white supremacy is going to target anyone posting on 4chan as such and put them on a no buy list.
No way it got passed committee?!

Maybe... maybe there is a God.
Summary I typed up in old train wreck of a thread:
>silencers off of NFA, basically considered regular firearms
>odd language that restricts ability of states to regulate silencers through taxes, registries, etc., but still allows (afaict) states to ban them entirely or require licenses to buy/possess
>only the outer tube of a silencer is considered the "keystone part" that requires an FFL, similar to how an AR lower receiver is considered the "firearm", i.e. 80% suppressors (more like 95%) will become commonplace -- buy all the innards, pop it in your own tube that you personally "manufacture"
>covers serial number/marking requirements for imported silencers, doesn't look any different than requirements for real guns
>requires silencers to be taxed at 10% like pistols and revolvers (I didn't even know about this)
>changes armor piercing ammunition definition to only include ammo "designed and intended by the manufacturer or importer for use" in a handgun, instead of "may be used"
>specifically excludes ammo "designed and intended by the manufacturer or importer for use" in rifles & shotguns, or handgun ammo "designed and intended by the manufacturer or importer to be used for hunting, recreational, or competitive shooting"
>removes restriction on assembling a rifle/shotgun from imported parts that is identical to a rifle/shotgun that is prohibited from import if not particularly suitable to sporting purposes (srsly the existing law reads fucking weird, SHARE deletes that section entirely)
>some more shit that requires the attorney general to authorize within 30 days (previous law had no time limit) a bunch of different shit, not sure entirely what changed from existing law
>changes DD definition exclusion for shotgun shells from "particularly suitable for sporting purposes" to "suitable for lawful purposes"
>appears to make the same changes in a damn-near-identical looking piece of code
>changes some more shit from "lawful sporting purposes" to just "lawful purposes" (too much for me to fuckin read through)
please correct me if I fucked up anything
praise jesus, almost everything dies in committee so it's a good sign it's made it past the toughest barrier.
>toughest barrier
nah, that'll be those worthless fucks in the senate
Since this made it past committee, is it guaranteed to come up for vote at some point? Or can Paul Ryan or the other leaders in the house pull some shenanigans so that it doesn't come up for vote?
any republican that votes against this will be primary'd

In fact /k/ should just spend the next month lobbying congress and making memes about this.
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IDK, Paul Ryan just shat on national reciprocity. I do not doubt their ability to completely fuck up an easy win.
What do they have to lose to? The only other choice is Democrats (don't bring up the third party meme, as if there was a pro-gun third party anyways) and at least with Republicans you know you might get a stall on the infringement of 2nd Amendment rights. With Democrats it's full steam ahead.
Do they have an ak handguard taped to their mag?
thats because it would mean we could walk into his office and plug him.

reciprocity will never be passed by politicians. especially after the baseball (almost) massacre. That is a supreme court fight.

Suppressors are different. IF the NRA fails to buy out every single republicans vote on this plus some democrats they are not worth your money anymore


If this vote fails pull your NRA membership
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Cuckstamp-free suppressors
Kid rock is running for senate and will likely win in a landslide

A fucking stone thats been painted by a 3rd grader can replace most of these incumbents.
Yeah but they're confident in their ability to lame duck all the newcomers just like they lame-ducked Trump.
>kills 922r
Sweet baby jesus make it happen for this alone, the rest is just gravy!
how do you lame duck a fucking senator? most of them have been there decades
PROTIP: Buy your suppressors now. If the bill passes in the next 12 months you can cancel your pending form 4 and get a full $200 dollar refund. If it doesn't pass you get a head start on your wait vs. buying 6 months from now.
I dunno, threaten them with North Vietnamese torture until they capitulate at the first sign of a knife? Worked on McCain.
yeah, some kind of ghetto monopod setup.
Yeah what the fuck? We need answers.
Nice try, silencerco! Enjoy a second crash in demand while this bill sits for half a year in legislative hell
So are Reps gonna let the Dems have the DAKA thing in exchange for letting this go through? Most of the kid beaners from DAKA are in school or working, so its not the end of the world if they're given citizenship.
They'll vote dem, it might as well be the same thing.
>implying i wont just make my own suppressor
>its only 800k kids

the problem with pretending DACA is different is that its a give a mouse a cookie situation

the second republicans say "look how much we love our dreamers" the cloak will be pulled off the whole thing and you will have 20 million illegals marching in the street for amnesty. A potential color revolution

That cant be allowed to happen.
thank god
Plus that's 800,000 slots that could go to natural born US citizens, regardless of race
Fuck that shit, we don't need to be funneling more people into college and further exacerbating our current problem.
No, they'll vote Dem on DACA, and they'll vote Dem on this too.
If you haven't been paying attention, Republicans have been showing that they'd rather just come out and say they're Democrats than actually have to appease their voterbase. Fuck DACA, fuck this system.
>Thread about SHARE
>latest posts about DACA to distract from the matter
definitely no shills in here trying to divert attention away from certain issues
>changes armor piercing ammunition definition to only include ammo "designed and intended by the manufacturer or importer for use" in a handgun, instead of "may be used"

5.45 LIVES
I would be shocked for any republican that votes for this that is up for election.

the usual fags like graham and mccain will vote for it sure. But people up for election? on what planet?
>we don't need to be funneling more people into college and further exacerbating our current problem.

you're right, everyone in america should be a welder or an electrician.
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tfw live in california and still ain't getting shit, ever.
Because like I said earlier, what's the fail state here? Maybe for them personally, but if both the Republicans and Democrats want DACA legalized, then why should they care if they betray their voterbase? What are their voters going to do? Vote Democrat?
Someone fill me in, what's share act?
Read the fucking thread.
College is not all terrible. I work as an engineer at a US firearms manufacturer because of my college degree.
College is 90% of the time, useless, but it can be huge to some individuals.
These people are also taking away internships and job opportunities from actual, legal, citizens
College-goer here.
My education is worthless.
Everything I need to know has an online tutorial.
It's a piece of paper.
The only thing that matters is connections.

The whole corrupt higher education system needs to be brought down.
I feel you, Us calibros are fucked for life.
>Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources passed H.R. 3668, the “Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act of 2017” or “SHARE Act.” This bipartisan bill expands opportunities for hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting; increases safety and hearing protection for sportsmen and women; and protects Second Amendment rights.

It was the house bill that the Hearing Protection Act, a bill that loosens restrictions on silencers, was packaged with.
important bits are >>35156851 and >>35156854
Read the fucking thread next time.
Then you should've gotten a worthwhile degree or pursued something that could get you into the firearms industry.

Go take CNC or CMM programming courses and land yourself a solid job for firearms machining shops.

Or even a marketing degree can get you into a sales job at S&W or Beretta or GLock
>The whole corrupt higher education system needs to be brought down.
yeah guess what isn't fucking happening any time soon
And we should only be putting those individuals who will truly benefit from it through college. Not everyone needs a fucking business degree or some bullshit, besides us funneling people through college is what cause the issue of everyone needing a more advanced degree to be competitive and now motherfuckers need grad school where a decade or two ago a bachelors would've been more than enough.
lol no. Most are uneducated, low iq, high crime, high welfare use and will vote de and petition to bring in their families.
When does SAGA go to committee?
No that's my point. Even the hard engineering stuff all has online tutorials now. Hell one of my classes was basically the professor plagiarizing free online tutorials for Python.
It wasn't uncommon for gun owners online during the 2000s to be against legislating national concealed carry reciprocity, because it brings the federal government in that area which drastically increases the likelihood of the federal government attempting to push minimum standards on states. The widespread support for national concealed carry reciprocity you see today is a very recent occurrence.

Why would I buy a suppressor when I have access to the equipment I need to make my own? Only reason I haven't already built my own is that I lack experience and don't want to pay $200 and wait a year only to possibly mess up or not like the final product. Without the tax stamp or waiting period I'm free to have fun experimenting and even make mistakes along the way.
The only degrees that matter are engineering and business.
>but muh STEM
>going into acedemia
Why can't you just tell me?
We did. Read the post. We're not going to copypaste it verbatim just to save your scrollwheel a few clicks.
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Can you fuckers take your DACA shit to /pol/ we want to talk about guns here.
You keep saying they have no choice but the incumbent, but can't some other person just run as a Rep and unseat them? All they have to do is spam ads saying "look this dude has voted to let beaners in, he voted to keep obongocare, hes basically a democrap. Vote for me in the primary, because im a real republicrap."
Because I'm not gonna copy and paste some guys comment when I can just tag it for you
Doesn't matter. Rebups have a "majority" in the Senate yet still can't pass jack shit because they upped the ante and refuse to change it.
Interestingly, I don't see the $200 refund in the passed version of the bill. Richfags BTFO.


fuck every single one of you dumb niggers arguing about DACA and whatever, go shit up the old thread
>the only degrees that matter are the ones that make you the most money

what if you don't want to be a fucking engineer or a businessman?
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This is guns you tard
Then you're an idiot.
>implying he won't just do the same shit
We expected Trump to be different too. And maybe he was for a while. But now they've tamed him.
So do an online degree. It gives the same degree whether it's online or on campus.
Most of the engineering jobs I've seen don't really care if you went to a top tier 60k/year college or if you went to community college. Just having the degree and some way of showing you have that knowledge is enough.
>deciding who should and should not go to college is guns related

please stop.

mm, tasty image
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So when does this thing get voted on?
I'm getting kinda bored with him desu. He's been lowered to the level of G-Wash. I want my lulz back.

i'd rather work a job i enjoy for 40k a year than a job i hate for 200k
Im not seeing where it says it passed committee
probably next summer
TIL we don't need any more scientists or doctors.
Republicans can't even repeal Obamacare, and that was basically what they ran on as their major position.
Why the fuck would this pass?

All of his "extreme" elements have been phased out, the last of them being Bannon, and the MSM is praising Trump now for being a warhawk and not talking anymore about that silly wall.

the congress.gov entry hasn't been updated yet.
Today I learned that the E in STEM doesn't stand for Engineering.
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>and the MSM is praising Trump now for being a warhawk and not talking anymore about that silly wall.
medicine isn't an engineering degree
I doubt they'll have time to ban them.

>t. Californian

no you misunderstood, he is making fun of you for balking at STEM while at the same time praising Engineering.
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This is awesome guys.

Now it goes to the House of Representatives right?
It should pass the House pretty easily, so the Senate is the only real hurdle?

It is as simple as going to their website, and clicking their email link, filling in your info, and just saying:

"Hello Congressperson so and so.

I'm constituent of yours, and I support the SHARE act. I am writing to implore that you support this important piece of legislation on my behalf. Thank you.

T. soon to be suppressor owner."

Come on guys lend SHARE your power!

We need to push all of congress, but especially senators.

Write emails guys!

I also heard that if your stamp gets sent out, and this particular bill passes, it has provisions for $200 refunds going back to 2015.

Bump for this. When is this going to the House of Reps?
>I also heard that if your stamp gets sent out, and this particular bill passes, it has provisions for $200 refunds going back to 2015.
Well you heard wrong you dumb nigger.
Seriously people understate how huge that is
Literally only impacts importers, which is kinda nice I guess. No private citizen has never been convicted of, or even charged with, a 922r violation.
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I bet some faggot like John McCain is going to vote no, I hope I'm wrong.
It's not huge because no one cares about 922(r) except licensees.

The sporting purposes thing is way more important for imported firearms.
Not really that huge since nobody gets sent to jail for it, of course it would finally shut up all the bitches that say not 922r REEEEEEEEEE.
brain cancer do yo thang
Literally the "Jaywalking" of firearms. Nobody gives a shit except for crotchety old fucks and nobody ever gets a ticket for it.
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>tfw I live in cuck jersey so none of this even matters anyway

Life is suffering.
John McCain is like a reminder that Arizona is slowly becoming California the Squeakuel.
same, I live in NY and you're not allowed any NFA item including silencers
Just have to graduate and get my masters and I'll be out of here, buddy.

We're all going to make it.

Only two and a half more years, maybe four.
>tfw my congressman is an antigun kike who is currently trying to get Trump impeached and has whined about muh holocaust on the House floor
None of this shit will ever pass until people from /k/ start running for office and winning.
But this would remove silencers from the NFA, right? Unless Jew York specifically bans silencers, you may be good.
I'm pretty sure they flat out ban silencers
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Politicians are snakes and will vote where they perceive the wind to blow. Send an email regardless.
>Nobody gives a shit except for crotchety old fucks and nobody ever gets a ticket for it.
922r is an actual concern for owners of NFA items.
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Move to PA bruh. Your vote actually matters in this state!
>922r is an actual concern for owners of NFA items.
It literally isn't.
what exactly is 922r?
922r is a definition for what is and is not a firearm 'made in the us'. It causes some PITA issues with importing firearms and owning imported firearms, but it's more of an inconvenience than a real problem (for gun owners, manufacturers it's a giant pain in the ass).
do this
The stupid provision that requires imported guns to have a certain number of US-made parts before they can be sold in a non-sporting configuration. It's why WASRs have to be imported with single-stack magazines and have Tapco triggers put in them, for example.
so is that the reason why some foreign rifles like the ace have to have American made triggers or something?
is it possible to simply import a WASR trigger and with a good double stack mag separately?
Precisely. Of course, who cares? How are you going to figure out if something was made here or not?
Yep. See >>35157639
>have suppressed SBR CX4 Storm
>stupid police officer who's ignorant of the law arrests you because of evil shortened silent rifle
>get charged with an actual crime due to CX4 being in violation of 922r because it has a threaded barrel
Parts to make the CX4 Storm 922r compliant don't actually exist, and it is a concern for CX4 owners who want to have more fun than normal.
Yes, and since it doesn't apply to handguns, it's why the ACE pistol was imported first. If you want to "manufacture" an SBR by putting a stock on that pistol, you would also need to put on some other US-made parts like the trigger and magazine.
He meant a single stack magwell. The magwells are dremeled to accept regular double stack mags by the importer, CAI.
No you dunce, the single stack with 10rd mag is due to the sporting purpose clause. Don't quote me on this but I believe it's a relic of the AWB era. They're imported with a single stack well, 10rd mag, no FCG and no grip, all of which are added in the US to skirt "scary feature" restrictions and then they're fitted with 7 US made tapco parts and a us-made 30rd mag (3 parts on its own, technically).
The Tapco trigger isn't even bad, I don't see why you'd want the original Romanian FCG.
AWB came after 922(r). AWB was from Clinton, 922(r) was from GHWB. It's why you can look on Gunbroker and find "sporterized" versions of a lot of guns that were being imported before the AWB, such as the MAK90.
"No one has been charged with X" is a really stupid reason for doing that thing when your chances of interacting with law enforcement are significantly increased. Ever heard of the phrase "don't break the law while breaking the law"? The same applies to anything that's likely to attract police attention whether it's illegal or not.
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Tfw it won't matter cause they'll still be banned in my state
Just by an 80% can and roll your own. Fuck unconstitutional laws.

Just keep your yap shut about having that shit.
So how do you propose they actually go about using said illegal gun accessory when it would be exceedingly obvious to everyone in the vicinity when being used and most people already assume suppressors are illegal even in areas where they aren't?
>just make a toy you can't use
Only the truly antisocial enjoy shooting alone. If you can't use it for 2gun it's worthless.
good luck proving it was illegal.
State law says possession is a crime you dumb nigger.
lemme know when I can burn my cuckstamp.
>not having buddies you trust that you go shoot inna woods with

Guess you really are cucked
atf pls go
So when does this go to the House of Reps for voting?
Someone should draft up a SHARE act support email that we can blast our congress people with.
Thats the thing, being a state that specifically bans 80% lowers

but if you build that lower and the state doesn't require registration, you're scott free and theres no way to nail you
>So when does this go to the House of Reps for voting?
probably next summer
>aspiring low-hourly-pay no-benefits gardener
Why would ATF care when silencers get deregulated down to firearm status?
>>not having buddies you trust that you go shoot inna woods with
There was a guy in the town I used to live in who did that. In the end he got arrested because one of his buddies did something stupid and got arrested, then ratted on the guy with the suppressor because he though it help him get off easier.

No state bans 80% suppressors you mongoloid, they just ban the possession of any suppressor whatsoever.
So get a 79% lower
Wait fucking really?

Sorry nvm, I didn't read the full conversation.
When you say 80% I keep thinking 80% AR lowers
>Wait fucking really?
it takes a long time for laws to pass
Before 1998 rifles could be imported with double-stack magazine wells. In that year Bill Clinton banned any rifles that could accept a double-stack magazine.
>lawful sporting purposes clause dead
This would be fucking HUGE! So many firearms that get imported as fucked up bastardizations, or as fudd guns that then have to get converted by the importer, raising costs without actually altering the firearm that gets into the states. Its an undue burden on them that needs to die.
I'm a production engineer.
I don't know about NY but here in NJ threaded barrels are banned so even if supressors are legalized we still can't have them.
what if the silencer was integrated?
In new york you can own Machine Guns but you can't own SBR SBS or silencers like wtf is this logic
>you see Ivana, when handguard is of tape to magazine, hand will make magazine faster reload
>Why would I buy a suppressor when I have access to the equipment I need to make my own?
Wow what a special snowflake you are!
Together though, it's great. And in the bill, it's obscure and dense that I have hope that it might make it through even if HPA gets knocked out
oh boy!
there are something like 15 billion rounds of ammo in a certain stockpile at a certain somewhere.... it's all AP though. if this passes it can finally get imported.

So keep an eye out for cheap gun food after it hopefully passes. Just a heads-up......
I think one of those QD flash hiders/muzzle brakes that's pinned & welded would still be legal and allow a suppressor...not that it matters for you.
No. Enough NJ trash here already
Not really.
Honestly if this gets passed I'll get an FFL and start cranking out cheap suppressors with a mini/bench lathe.
They're not complicated pieces of equipment until you get into the really fancy shit. A baffle stack that screws into a pipe and has a mounting system isn't too hard.

This, only immigrants I want are Slavs with 20+ round magazines.
Don't bother with the FFL. Crank out the parts for DIY kits. The only thing regulated is the tube, which can easily be "manufactured" by re-purposing something else, like those TOTALLY NOT FOR SUPPRESSORS YOU GUYS LOL tubes mentioned in the other thread.
How'd you get into that?

I'm studying mechanical myself and I'd love to work for a firearms manufacturer.
>tfw the law passes and you crank out one piece baffle stack/1/2x28 threaded pieces with threads and a tap for 1/2" tube and make a fortune out of them
>you then start into the pocket pistol and MSR industry, cheapening shit and taking the world by storm
Man, delusions of grandeur can be fun.

I hope this law passes so I can start into a capitalists wet dream.
Don't forget barrel threading / threaded barrels. I think I'm going to pick one up now that we've made it this far.
>was going to do it anyway, but better to do it sooner than later in case this really happens and they go OOS everywhere for the next year
what if you just had the suppressor permanentaly attached by a gunsmith?

the firearm won't have a threaded barrel because a device would be permanently attached over any open thread. it would be like getting over the sbr limit on a 14.7"bbl by having a long enough muzzle device perm attached.

and yeah like >>35157994 said you could have integrally suppressed 10/22s which bypass that altogether in addition to the SCO maxim
>Parts to make the CX4 Storm 922r compliant don't actually exist
So? Custom parts. Say you had it made. The burden of proof is on the ATF and there's literally no way to tell.
>>have suppressed SBR CX4 Storm
>>stupid police officer who's ignorant of the law arrests you because of evil shortened silent rifle
>>get charged with an actual crime due to CX4 being in violation of 922r because it has a threaded barrel
>Parts to make the CX4 Storm 922r compliant don't actually exist, and it is a concern for CX4 owners who want to have more fun than normal.
922(r) is part of the GCA and doesn't directly have anything to do with the 1989 import ban.
>using your shit trip outside /arg/

dude seriously hit yourself in the head one more time so you forget to breath and die you fucking retard.

nice double but that gun is ugly as sin
>and MSR industry, cheapening shit and taking the world by storm
AR-15s are already hitting $350 if you assemble the lower yourself. That's the cheapest AKs ever were in the past decade, when they were built in countries with much cheaper labor (Saigas) with maybe a small amount of work over here (WASR-10s). I don't think prices can go much lower than they already are. Hell, even Masterpiece Arms' wasn't able to build an AR-18 cheap enough to compete with modern AR-15 production (the cheapest the MPAR got was ~$700 IIRC).
You forgot
>enables gangland assassins by removing common-sense restrictions on firearms ownership
>replaces $1 earplugs for hunting and target shooting with $400 accessories to enrich gun peddlers and enlarge NRA coffers
>no one needs a silencer
>kills children and minorities
>black lives matter
>Even the hard engineering stuff all has online tutorials now
Engineering dropout here

This is wrong. I remember so distinctly the change between being able to use google to help me with my homework and then suddenly being on my own. Of course there are online tutorials for Python. There are not online tutorials for mixing a pulp bleaching solution.. and then how to use it. I mean, you can buy the textbooks and teach it all to yourself, but it's much easier to learn with good instruction, and nobody is gonna hire a self taught engineer.
>kills minorities
you say this like it's a bad thing....

Click the link in the OP, you mong. The important part is literally one sentence.
>business degrees

Might as well major in psychology
How about working a job you hate for 28k a year? That's a little bit more realistic.
>dude just go plinking
If I can't take it to 2gun it's worthless to me.
You'd have to do something like a long stroke roller-locked abomination made of square tubestock using as many off the shelf parts as possible to hit the $300 mark.

But I'd wager it could be done. The Gerat 05 (06?) had an incredibly simple trunnion/breech assembly that could be cloned for this purpose.
Plz send tastykake
I'm gunna reach through this dang screen and give you a wedgie, you overgrown bitch.
Damn, it only still has to be scheduled for a vote in the house, pass the house, be scheduled for a vote in the senate, pass the senate, then get signed.

ain't happening.

I mean, wildlife biologists in wyoming literally get paid to go out and shoot any bison that isn't back in yellowstone by spring. If I can get $40k+ a year starting, government benefits, a government truck to drive around in, AND get to shoot buffalo for a living I think its worth getting a wildlife biology degree.

PA gun laws suck

>handgun registration
>no semi auto hunting besides gay shit
>no hunting on sunday
yea but thats woopty do shit.

Easier to get a PA handgun registered than NY or NJ
>Easier to get a PA handgun registered t

you have no choice, it gets registered moment of sale and sent to the state police, PA blows gun wise.
Maybe if we give the bill our collective memenergy it will somehow pass
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>handgun registration

I have bought eight handguns from gun stores and have not had to register any of them.
Beats NY where you have to buy a handgun, it stays at the store while you call up the county clerk office to schedule an appointment to get a handgun added to your license which takes like 2 weeks in my county anyway. Get a new license issued with the permit printed on it which takes like 7 days on its own. You go pick up the license then you can go to the gun store and get your gun. All in all its a huge pain in the fuckin dick
You're thinking of PICS. PICS is not a registry. It's a layer on top of the FBI check that also looks for domestic violence charges.


Now you could get all tinfoil haty n shit and say they're logging the PICS checks, but that's the same shit as the FBI logging every gun sale.
>>changes DD definition exclusion for shotgun shells from "particularly suitable for sporting purposes" to "suitable for lawful purposes"
Other than supressors, this allows for the most opportunity in fun and development.
Can get started on say 1 gauge mortars?
anything over half an inch is a DD
Yeah, the wording is unclear but I believe it may completely remove large caliber firearms from the DD list. You may not have to make it a """"shotgun""""
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I just want a 20mm raifu.
Read it again m8. All the way through this time.

God damn you're fucking stupid

how big is a 1 guage?
Stem engineering-fag here.
Anon, >>35157199 , is right. The entirety of the knowledge can be learned from about 5-12 books and only about 6 months worth of the learning has any utility/use in industry.

If there was a tradeschool available for engineering, I would have gone there instead.

Sure you did, that other piece of paper you filled out after the 4473 and the dealer sent to the PSP.
>PICS is not a registry

It is a registry, and PSP uses it as one, which is against the law but who's going to stop them, if your pulled over while CCW, it's not unheard of for them to run your handguns serial with the database to make sure it was sold to you.
Imagine a one pound ball of lead.
>Can get started on say 1 gauge mortars?
You can already build a mortar if you want so long as it's a muzzle loader that doesn't fire fixed ammunition (which really isn't that much of an issue since making actual all in one ammunition for a mortar would be more work and give a significantly higher cost per shot just to increase the rate of fire). People already make mortars designed to shoot beer cans filled with cement or even bowling balls that aren't NFA items.
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Here, I'll spoonfeed you.
>The term "destructive device" shall not include any device which is neither designed nor
>redesigned for use as a weapon; any device, although originally designed for use as a weapon,
>which is redesigned for use as a signaling, pyrotechnic, line throwing, safety, or similar device;
>surplus ordnance sold, loaned, or given by the Secretary of the Army pursuant to the provisions
>of section 4684(2), 4685, or 4686 of title 10 of the United States Code; or any other
>device which the Secretary finds is not likely to be used as a weapon, or is an antique or is a rifle which
>the owner intends to use for sporting purposes.
I intend to use my 20mm raifu for long range target shooting which is a valid sporting purpose.
>kinetic mortar
What a faggot.
Can you or any lawfags answer if the SHARE act would affect guns with integral suppressors? IE Maxim 9, etc. Just curious.
>>changes armor piercing ammunition definition to only include ammo "designed and intended by the manufacturer or importer for use" in a handgun, instead of "may be used"
It would be treated just like a normal firearm. Possibly two firearms, not sure how the current Maxim 9 is classified.
There's plenty of "blue collar" jobs which pay really well because of how specialized they are. Those two professions are only a few out there
Any sort of explosive shells are still going to be considered destructive devices if the SHARE act passes.

Handgun sales individual to individual is also Illegal in PA, all handguns sales must go through a dealer so that the handgun can be registered to the buyer.
Y'all gotta cut this shit out and instead tell liberals that gun control is racist and expecting the cops to protect you is white privilege

I convinced a bunch this way. You don't win these fights by turning it into a Red Team vs Blue Team clusterfuck

>mfw when I know I'd make a great engineer
>fucked off in HS so no scholarships
>couldn't afford to go to college
>wasn't willing to put myself in $60k+ of student loan debt
>went straight to work instead
>excelled at every job I've ever had
>still can't get a job doing something I wouldn't hate that pays well because lolnodegree
>half my STEM degree friends are fucking retards
>I could guaranteed do their jobs better than them with 2-6 months of on-job training max
>will never be able to because glut of degrees on the market
>stuck in corporate sales / marketing / etc instead where I can lie about education

I've been pulled over CCWing and when I gave them my pistol it was not "mine" but my dads because lol poor fag at the time.
Not a word, got my ticket and pistol back.
Blame commie faggot leftists and their unions/licensing.
If the world was as it should be (read as: used to be), I would have dropped out at 15 to start training as an engineer.
>Not WV
Try again faggot, enjoy your gay hunting regs and pistol registration.
start networking, friend. Get jobs based on who your friends are. Keep your jobs based on your skill.
Fuck off, networking is how you develop a nation with shit engineers.
Same. I don't actually mind selling cars, I make a lot of money and I've always liked cars. Lot of work though.

>Blame commie faggot leftists and their unions/licensing.

I already do senpai, but that doesn't pay the bills. So to make the same wages as my faggot highschool friends who got ME/EE/CS degrees that daddy / mommy / government / loans paid for I have to force myself into horrific extrovert roles and play bullshit corporate hierarchy games that make me want to kill myself. Hell, one of them has a physics degree that his parents paid for and he works at a fucking comic shop.

Listening to them talk about their jobs and in doing so reveal how actually fucking terrible they are at it combined with the social exhaustion of my day job has resulted in me not even wanting to be around them anymore.

>6 years in school
>can't comprehend laser diffraction

>4 years in school
>can't read a basic circuit diagram
>can't solve basic logic problems

>complaining about management while describing a very effective system for ensuring robustness
>literally unable to understand why a military system needs to be developed in that manner

>fucking ping pong tables at work

Meanwhile I spend every day pretending I'm the fucking wolf of wall street for the same money.

I don't know if I'm more embarrassed for myself that I didn't see this coming when I was 16, for them for being brainlets who actually think their degrees mean they're capable, or for my country.
You don't actually need a degree to become a licensed engineer. If you learn the material and manage to get a co-op or apprenticeship, then after a few years of experience you get licensed and bypass academia.
Lol stupid gungrabbers protested and it still went through.

because they had no argument. >it makes guns harder to hear
Bullshit. I have an omega, and while it's nice to not go deaf, shit's still loud.
try community college and get into a good college based on how you do there
No way the Senate Democrats will allow this to pass, assuming it passes the House.

>inb4 Republicans will get rid of the filibuster
No they won't. They won't give up power over a fucking gun bill. The will allow them to veto the Democrat's agenda if the GOP ever becomes the minority
You underestimate me, anon.
I think I can do better than $300 in a normal boring caliber like 7.62x39 and 5.56.
I could probably push the $250 and lower line.
Like a hi point, but less shitty and with more aftermarket.
Lol, this would work out well.
Move to Vermont
>West Virginia

Nope, poor state full of stupid white people
They probably only know of silencers what they see in movies, in which having a silencer means someone in the next room can't hear your gunshots.
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This. Plus if 922(r) goes away, and sporting purpose goes away, does that mean we get real deal chf ak barrels again! (Or at least more options).

That would be grand!
>does that mean we get real deal chf ak barrels again!
Huh? We do, now. If you mean surplussed barrels, probably not.
>That Galil
Dude. I just washed this pair of underwear, now I have to wash it again.
Said importers are going to turn around and sell you legit quality foreign arms instead of cramming shit tier American parts at an outrageous markup
Blows my mind a man with a terminal illness and confirmed brain mass is allowed to make decisions on a federal scale
>calling the cops and expecting them to rush over is white privilege

THIS. This anon speaks the truth.
It is just a shitty century Golani. I liked it, except it had some issues as per the early serial number Golanis. I miss it.

So is it true that the SHARE now won't see any more action until House of Representative voting next summer?
It really sucks that you're kept in the state by travel restrictions and secret police checking your papers, I hope I never cross into NJ and end up unable to ever leave
If it passes can us IL fags get suppressors?
thank you sir, I have to be in a certain mood to actually read statutes
>'ve been pulled over CCWing and when I gave them my pistol it was not "mine" but my dads because lol poor fag at the time.

lucky, there are cases of getting your pistol confiscated because the record of sales database doesn't match.

how the hell do those New polish CHF AK barrels get into the country?
You said it, they're new.
>>changes armor piercing ammunition definition to only include ammo "designed and intended by the manufacturer or importer for use" in a handgun, instead of "may be used"

this would flood the country with 7.62x54r, the middle east wars dried it all up, what was available to us was the regular plain jane steel core ammo which was made up until 1993, (if you paid attention over the years you'd have noticed the 54r surplus went from 60's,to 1970's, to 1980's dated stuff over the years as the supply ran out.

In 1993 they switched to true AP 7N14 ammo, which cant be imported, with this it could.

what time is voted on in this clip
What the fuck, if it's a 160k jump then fuck it. I'll take it even if I got to suck dicks.
Trump is a traitorous self serving moron. How the fuck would he ever be a positive change? Goddamn. This sort of gullibility is why the NRA is able to fuck over gun owners while taking their money to fund further fuckery.
>tfw legal immigrant slav
thanks anon

fuck the illegals and their democrat enablers.
Do you have a sister?
This. I literally tell my liberal friends that gun control is rooted in classism and racism. That minorities and LGBT need to be armed against the assholes who would lynch em.

It works and it's true.
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The 2nd amendment only protects a collective right for states to operate militias. The National Guard are the militia, but individuals may only have the privilege to privately own weapons on the implication they're willing and able to serve if need be via Posse Comitatus to aid law enforcement or are registered with the selective service in times of invasion.
It's why Maryland can ban unusual weapons like flamethrowers or how Utah can ban the detonation of nukes. It's also why convicted felons and those convicted of any domestic violence charges can be banned from owning firearms. For all of US history there have been laws regarding guns such as where you can carry or where and how you can store your powder; the sensible regulation of arms as part of the regulation of militia for the sake of safety and efficiency of safeguarding society.
The only truly protected guns under the 2nd amendment are black powder muzzle loaders, the NFA of 1934 exempts antique arms (1898 and prior) from any regulation, but black powder muzzle loaders which can't be converted for center rim fire no matter the date or invention are also exempt as those were the type of guns used in the American Revolution and hence are undoubtedly protected cause they're certainly not unusual or as dangerous to the public as fully automatic machine guns or sawed off shotguns. Even felons as aforementioned may own black powder guns.
>only protects the rights for states to operate militias
but thats fucking wrong kiddo
fuck off to >>>/trash/
no one wants your kind around here. stupid nigger.
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See: US vs Miller
See: Posse Comitatus
See: the fact criminal can have their guns take away
The private ownership of guns is a privilege, and Congress can't legislate individual privileges. It'd be constitutional to ban guns from everyone not active in the militia.
And before you bring up DC vs Heller, that implies you're a law abiding citizen to be allowed the privilege (again not a right) to guns as home/self-defense. Felons can still have their guns taken away.
Go away. No one here cares about your drivel.
SCOTUS > you

TAKE MY ENERGY GUN JESUS. dubs if you are listening.
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You know there are other states you can live in, right? Like, moving is a thing.
bloomberg shill detected. gb2reddit
Also, before anyone brings up Caetano vs. Mass. and how they ruled that weapons useful in warfare are not the only arms protected under the 2nd amendment, you're forgetting how it overturned a particular state's action when the 2nd amendment was incorporated against the states as per McDonald vs Chicago in 2010 and how she was using the stun gun in self-defense, it's not she was going hunting or anything like that with a stun gun.

Fucking this.

>oh but muh family muh job

Well then you don't deserve funs.
>Some people have interpreted the constitution
>their interpretation is correct even if it clearly goes against the intent of the people that originally drafted the constitution
I bet you think that Patriot Act isn't a clear violation of the 4th amendment either, faggot. It's not a living document. Kill yourself.
I can't find the source at the moment, but I believe a couple of English professors reviewed the contextual meaning of "regulated" during that time, and found that it meant "trained" rather than "chronically subject to state scrutiny".
Not disagreeing with you. That is still a far cry from what we think it means today. A citizen does not have to be a government employee to own a firearm, or any weapon for that matter, though many today draw that conclusion from its wording.

Armed civilians are difficult to subjugate. This is a crucial component of the "checks and balances" system that keeps the state in check. Disarm civilians, and they effectively lose their voice and vote. It is really that simple.
Nothing on imports though
well regulated meant "in proper working order"

A properly functioning pocket watch would be considered well regulated
naw dude all I'm saying is research showed it meant "equipped" not "trained". nothing to agree or disagree over. just correcting a nigga.
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>The 2nd amendment only protects a collective right for states to operate militias.
Wrong as evidenced by you, know, the people who wrote, voted on, and passed the motherfucking Bill of Rights, and their contemporaries. There was no misunderstanding, except that some people thought brainless loosers like yourself would take the idea of enumeration of rights, to mean only those rights enumerated were protected, and completely miss the point that the BoR *is a limit on government power*.

>National Guard are the militia
Militia act of 1792. Militia act of 1903. News for you: if you are a male citizen, and if you registered with selective service at 18 like you should have, you are a member of the militia, whether you are active or not.

Disregarding this basic fact, learn to read, then learn to understand. The second amendment is like two sentences long, for crying out loud. How can anyone pass middle school and not be able to successfully parse such basic English? Pic related.

> It's also why convicted felons and those convicted of any domestic violence charges can be banned from owning firearms
Due process. Due process can be used to remove your very person, no less your rights to freedom, firearms or to vote.
>In 1993 they switched to true AP 7N14 ammo, which cant be imported, with this it could.
There are no 7.62x54r handguns though. AP ammo restrictions were never an issue for 7.62x54r. This would change absolutely nothing when it comes to 7.62x54r.
Nope it's still a right, even though it can be taken away if you break certain laws. Your right to vote can be taken away too if you break those same laws, but its still a right. The constituton made provisions for the removal and of rights too.
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>SHARE Act Passes Committee

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>naw dude all I'm saying is research showed it meant "equipped"
>well regulated meant "in proper working order"
this anon gets it.

A sub-type of clocks are sometimes still called "regulators" to this very day, as an artifact of this original meaning. Regulator clocks were clocks of precision accuracy, much more so than your average clock. They were the ones used to set the time across a college campus, for example. This was obviously before we all had GPS synced nanosecond accurate clocks in our pockets. And so, a well-regulated clock was a clock that kept good time-- that is, in proper working order.

Well educated, cosmopolitan people of the 17th century would understand this meme without the backstory. A well regulated militia, therefore, would be a body of people possessing the qualities of an effective militia. Being armed with effective tools would be among those qualities.

A well regulated engine, using the period definition, would be one that runs properly. What it means is that a militia cannot function properly without arms being readily available to the citizenry.

Of course you should probably consider that the "militias need regulation" argument is usually presented in the context of the national guard being that well regulated militia which would satisfy the constitution. This is a legal argument that has actually been used multiple times.

Which is rather hilarious considering they are essentially nothing more than a large standing army that exists so that the government has a means of inflicting it's will on the people without technically deploying the "military" in america which would be a legal shitfest due to the constitution which expressly forbids such an action.

The founding fathers are spinning in their graves.
>The stupid provision that requires imported guns to have a certain number of US-made parts before they can be sold in a non-sporting configuration.
It's not that it requires a certain number of US made parts(though that's often the implication), but rather it's a limit on the number of foreign made or imported parts that a gun may have. >(a) No person shall assemble a semiautomatic rifle or any shotgun using more than 10 of the imported parts listed in paragraph (c) of this section if the assembled firearm is prohibited from importation under section 925(d)(3) as not being particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes.
The relevant parts to consider for 922r compliance are:
(1) Frames, receivers, receiver castings, forgings or stampings
(2) Barrels
(3) Barrel extensions
(4) Mounting blocks (trunions)
(5) Muzzle attachments
(6) Bolts
(7) Bolt carriers
(8) Operating rods
(9) Gas pistons
(10) Trigger housings
(11) Triggers
(12) Hammers
(13) Sears
(14) Disconnectors
(15) Buttstocks
(16) Pistol grips
(17) Forearms, handguards
(18) Magazine bodies
(19) Followers
(20) Floorplates
If it can be taken away it is, by definition, NOT A RIGHT.

multiple importers have stated they cant import AP rifle ammo, ATF has a mind of their own, so it doesn't really matter what the law says.
>they cant import AP rifle ammo
In the case of 5.45x39mm, 7.62x39mm, and other calibers that you can actually get pistols that fire you mongoloid. This has never been a problem for 7.62x54r.
okay well thank you for your meaningless definition because everything can be taken away if you try hard enough, numbnuts.
Pheonix Contact offers apprenticeships, a full ride to college, and full time work. I almost got it too but I'm super shit at mental math it's pathetic.
What makes something a right under the US constitution is the fact that it cannot be taken away without due process, not the fact that it cannot be taken away at all.
>7.62x54r ak pistols
>wrists get yanked off joints from pure force of recoil
This has always made me wonder why .308 AP is still around since .308 pistols exist. Is it because it's manufacture in the states and the law is only about import?
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>there is a chance that sporting purpose will die within your lifetime
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>le black powder meme
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms
Don't send shitposters there, we have a nice little thing going. At least, outside of the HG and Loud House threads.
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Then by definition, there are no rights.
By that logic, since the death penalty exists in many parts of the country and existed, AFAIK, in the entirety of the country when the BoR was written, then no one has a right to life. No right to life means no self-ownership. No self-ownership means slavery is legal. Still liking your definition of right?

Bullshit give me proofs this is a real job. Id go back to school for that.
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>live in CA
>am felon
>tfw I can never own a firearm and have to live vicariously through gun bros and /k/ommandos
You can do that without a degree? I need a new job and I have already worked sales for 2 years in the healthcare industry.
You could always move to a non-cucked state and get some black powder firearms.
How many years ago was it? What kind of felony?
It's possible to get a pardon and regain your rights.
2 years ago

i beat my dog to death in front of the neighbor because the piece of shit kept shedding fur everywhere
... Yeah, sorry. No sympathy from me.
This kind of behavior is exactly why I don't mind that felons have their gun rights taken away.
308 ap is illegal.
They're unthreaded "sporter" barrels.
They were also never attached to a machine gun, which is why the so called barrel ban stops surplus barrels and barreled kits from being imported.
Not me.
It was back in 09, robbery in the 2nd degree. I can get my rights restored but I dont think gun ownership is on the table.
This anon is probably right.
How long ago is irrelevant
It doesn't just drop off.
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>tfw Brit
>tfw police encourage you to apply for a silencer so the people in the area around your range don't murder you on a sunday morning

How does it feel now Americucks
I just realized the suppressor ban exists to get people used to the sound of gunfire so they dont shit themselves during the happening
>National Guard are the militia
No they are not, which is why Pose Comitatus does not apply to them.
nah think it was due to the jewish, irish,italian mafias running wild during the 20s and 30s and people with suppresors murdering whole herds trying to get food poaching and something about hollywoods ASSASSINS AHHHHH.

they did the same thing with switch blades guinea wops kept just stabbing people and hollywood vilified it too
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Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes
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For fucks sake, OP. Did it or did it not pass? You aren't clear on this. Neither was the other thread.
Dumb fucking anime poster.
It passed COMMITTEE. That means it can now be introduced and voted on in the future.
It passed ONE committee. Still has like 5 more to go. And we will need the support of like 9 Democrats in the Senate.
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Do you know how the law making process works?
Does this mean we'll see non-Yugo surplus 7.62x39 as well?
If it's steel core """"""""""'"""""""armor piercing""""""""""'""""""" then maybe
>thinks he'd be a great engineer
>didn't have the self-respect or foresight to work hard in high school for dem money fo dem programs
>doesn't have the discipline or drive to save money and go back to school

Yeah, you'd make a great engineer.
wait so how were insurrections amd riots put down before the natl guard?
Nah fuck that. I hate thieving scum. No guns for you.
He'd make a great Indian one. The country Is a Diploma mill for shitty engineers.
You used to be able to buy AK kits for 150
>Born just in time to see /k/ threads where anons get suppressors stuck in their ass
>silent but deadly
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Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?
The most important thing...
PA has CCW shall issue instead of NJ "may issue"

Fuck Jew Jersey and its democrat scum.

Looks like that's from the IPSC Russian World Rifle Championship.

I see a bit of a rod connected to the hanguard, so it looks like that's Open Manual division. So basically a pump action rifle. The small red dot and the rifle optic means it's open division, since in that division there's no limit on the number of scopes that can be mounted - so competitors leave the rifle optic zeroed for the 200yd shots and the micro for the inside 50 yd targets.

basically one of these

Hope you got fucked in prison
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>implying guns are more important than family or a job
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