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Let's see your country's police uniforms, /k/

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Thread replies: 295
Thread images: 151

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Scottish Police 19.jpg
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Let's see your country's police uniforms, /k/
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Only cucks have police. Sherrifs and deputies are the best and are not accountable to a political appointee.
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Also the standard ones.
É nois
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Pls be civil, no niggerspeak.
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Sorry sir
Happy and generic as cops can be.
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Rhode island winter patrol
Additional important duties of NJ cops (catching stray goats and handing out tickets).
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More important duties of marching around occasionally at parades n shit.
looks like literal nazis,, yikes
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Oops wrong one.
fascist disgusting
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Shit these guys take awards for most generic uniform as possible. Comfy in a sense.
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It's a nice uniform for such a horrible place to live
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I like their desert camo(???) more, even though it makes no sense for them to use on the places where they operate.


Pls delet, they're not rayciss
>Pls delet, they're not rayciss
i didnt say they were but their uniforms look something a teenage edgelord from /pol would think is bad ass.
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Not exactly from where i live, but it is from the same country.
It isn't a desert camo, it's a rainforest camo
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u ok fam.jpg
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I know senpai, just jk.

That coat it's their winter uniform so we don't get to see them wearing that often.
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It's not desert yeah, but not rainforest either, i mean it's yellow.

The army uses rainforest.
Dr Pavel...
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and theire car
hello /k/ watshya doin?
It's alright, it's sort of like Pennsylvania in anywhere that isn't a major city. Wish the gun laws and taxes were the same.

On a lighter note, fireworks are now legal and we have ceremonial M1 Garands.
Shit forgot pic related. Funny thing is, worst fear you get from being around these guys is a ticket for speeding.
Guy on the right looks like chad from the chad vs vigin memes
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OHSP uniforms are generic as fuck
Ein Volk, ein Reich!
I have the weirdest boner
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Technically not the main force but theyre the only ones worth giving a shit about
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Its OK, its 10/10 Anon
captcha: grove street
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I like the old school look of the Detroit swat guys. Camo fads come and go, but black is always a classic.
Literal Power stance
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>british esque uniforms and hats
>nazis and fascists

>Jimmy FallonandZakBagansfromGhostHuntersOper8.png
I was there for that lmao. What a glorious day.
You just know that ugly motherfucker brapped the fuck out of those poor cops.
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And prettt much everybody who isn't RCMP or Québécois just looks something like pic related.
Pic is Calgary
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Edmonton is better
get the fuck off my board Nazi bootlickers
CPS is at least planning on switching back to 9mm though
OPP too actually, they're like the third adopter of the G17M
Get a wash and get a life, scum.
>virgin antifa vs chad cop
Rhode Island is god-tier. Even more Nazi than the Nazis were.
Honestly firearms units in Irish and British policing must be the most underappreciated job ever. You're under a constant microscope and if you make a minor mistake you'd get completely fucked off for it.
Is everyONE there balding?
Somebody see if they're stationed under high tension power lines !
My board he says Lol....Fuck off commie
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That paint job was a thousand pounds well spent.
I remember reading that in some British departments they don't have enough firearms officers, but they can't get enough people to volunteer for it because officers feel like a shooting will ruin their career and their life, and nobody will support them.
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And their car
Nah man, they're all olive-drab. They're gone full Scotch/Irish now.

In my country police uniforms vary by state, and sometimes even by county.
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So random professional white dudes that act as police?
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This what I mean.

Admittedly during WW2 the Irish did copy some of the uniform design from the Germans.
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there we go.
Kinda like they're checking someone out.
No, anon, police whose boss you vote for. As opposed to police whose boss' boss you vote for.
american carabinieri?
Damn I'm getting some 1930s -1950s germanish feels from that uniform.
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Words fail me, friend.
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as generic as a German state cop can be
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and generic federal cops
Now post a pic of the guys who deal with the end of soccer games.
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he looks comfy as fuck
i wanna have a beer with him

heres a pic of some Raleigh SWAT guys
>UK using cloned versions of a failed cheese eating CIA experiment for cops
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>Be 30 year old brown guy who randomly decides to fill out a police department application for the Christiansburg PD

>Not worried about whither or not they'll even interview me.
>Worried about how what the fuck I'll do if I actually get selected.

I don't think I will, I'm sure they've got a bunch of highly educated kids to choose from.

Someone mind explaining to me what the fucking deal is with Officers becoming overweight on the payroll? Is there no standing fitness culture or something?
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>high-ranking police officers caught in cocaine-fueled gay orgy in Passaic apartment

Go home. Shave. Then report for duty you slovenly gits.
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Massachusetts State Police look faschy as fuck. 10/10 uniforms.
Theoretically, you have to stay fit to keep your job.
In practice, bureaucracy and unions often make it really difficult to fire people for being fatasses.
>right this way mr prime minister.
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here, that's better

That shit makes me salty as fuck for some reason.

In theory unions are great.

But I've been seeing far too many garbage examples of them lately.

my lady is a USPS worker and the amount of fucking hot garbage people get away with due to their union is absurd.
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Thai police with a rediculus fit uniform
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Just a normal day of corruption of traffic police in Thailand
Lieutenant General Sanit bangkok commissioner (right person) who did saran heyo symbol for reduce brutal merder case

Fuck my country.
USA has boys in blue

Same deal here in Canada, the postal workers union is hilariously retarded and constantly demanding more money and benefits for performing retard-tier menial jobs that are becoming more and more obsolete anyways.
I remember a while back they found that one mail carrier in a city somewhere refused to deliver mail to any house that would require him to go up any stairs, and he'd just take it home and keep it. Did it for years.
Somewhere else out east another one was just dumping every parcel he was supposed to deliver in front of the neighbourhood post boxes because he was too lazy to go to each house. Of course they were all getting stolen every time.
Honestly not one thing I've ordered that came through them has ever been delivered. Not one. Every single time, "oh we tried but you weren't home come get it yourself" when I had never gone anywhere.
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Bright yellow to match their bellies
It's green you nigger
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t. butthurt britbong
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Austria jagdkommando5.jpg
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Australian Police
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Calgary police get spiffy hats.

I guess.
Such an improvement over the former office clothes and retarded cap they used to wear

>New Germany
>Peoples Republic of Jersey
>no chest
>pregnant belly

0/10, probably can't even properly run
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not strictly police, but have some DSI

The only way you can get away using roids in the netherlands
I don't read slav runes.
What does it say?
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I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that it says "police"
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The cops from my hometown are lazy sons a bitches, but I'm currently living in Chicago for uni so here's some of them CPD fuckers
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Nothing wrong with some heavy duty leather
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Ours look pretty good, I think
At least when they have those awful dayglo vests off
Brit cops are actually scared of being cops now becuase of the lefties saying that cops are racist. Especially in london with all the yardies and tusken raiders, The met are trying to hire more 'ethnic minorities' so people wont call them racists. It's disgraceful and thats coming from a brit.
if Rob Halford were a policeman. I dig it.
Yes, I am ok with this
>Cross-draw revolver
Way to go Ritter.
>Brit cops are actually scared of being cops now becuase of the lefties saying that cops are racist.

That's a fat crock of shit you liar.
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British police.webm
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Lefties are dumb. Water is wet.

Somebody make this, please.
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the best desu

If you think they look roided you seriously need to revaluate your life.
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LV Metro seems pretty based
>WC 1911s are approved duty guns
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The DSI BMW's are cool af
Someone should make these as Prussian skins for M&B Napoleonic Wars

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_6AQA4uzD0 Comes to mind, fucking sweet dress uniforms.
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>when you can't trust female officers with ammunition
>When 007 infiltrates your unit
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>I'm wrong but I'll pretend to be right anyways
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North Korean Traffic Cop.jpg
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>TFW no QT nork traffic cop patting you down for being a fast capitalist.
Same. I understand the prison outfit in the NJ Constitution Wojak.

Only fascists can be okay with such uniforms. Seriously, who approved those ?
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>only l*ndon get the neat turtleneck uniforms with the nice motorbikes and cars
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Best uniforms.
>Gee Nigel, the queen lets you have TWO ARs?
>teaching your nations children to stretch their holes for Muhammed
Didn't even look too bad. That said, maybe they should put more of the budget on regular police than these one in a million operator nerds
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Looks like M Bison
how did Aaron Eckhart get so fat?
mirrors edge as fuck
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>Seriously, who approved those ?
Hugo Boss.
>ywn be that horse
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They're Counter Terrorist Specialist Firearms Officers (CTSFO) that are from the Met. most Police services in the United Kingdom have a team in their agency. Police Scotland have one and so do even the British Transport Police.

Anyway Bong uniforms are all the same practically and already posted so why not have some aesthetic Belgians?

if you look at new jersey police and new jersey gun laws they are pretty fascist
This whole police force was generated by hitting randomize in the Oblivion character selection menu.
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Kiwi cops...
>Vascular mid-30s European guy with a busy cop schedule
Yeah, I think you need to reevaluate why people who are not bodybuilders take gear, genius.
They are replacing the leather jacket. Arc'teryx won the contract to make jackets for them.
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most aesthetic police force coming through
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Generic slav operators coming through.
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operator as fyck
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Calgary police are fucking garbage
10 police killings in Canada
4 are Calgary
fuck Calgary

That lard ass in the back though...
whats up guys
The giant patches make it look like a villain from a serial's henchmen
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literally LITERALLY the fashion police.
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great night, loved following both dutch and turkish coverage of this
didnt understand a word of the roach streams but words that sounded like democracy and fascism popped up frequently, and footage of a police dog nearly biting a turk was repeated over and over again
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>Hi. My name is Tyrone Jean-Paul Francois the 2nd, and welcome to >>>/o/osg
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A motorcade was intercepted but the car with the minister managed to drive away. It reached a small yard at the rear of the Turkish consulate. The Dutch police stopped Betül Sayan Kaya's entourage just metres from the Turkish consulate building. About twenty police officers, forming a special forces unit, the Dienst Speciale Interventies, masked and equipped with body armour and automatic weapons, arrested ten members of Kaya's bodyguard, on suspicion of illegally carrying firearms. A German source had indicated they had obtained a German weapons permit. No arms were discovered. Two other men were also arrested, who later proved to be the Deventer Turkish consul and the chargé d'affaires of the Turkish embassy. They in principle enjoyed diplomatic immunity. The twelve arrested men were detained for two hours and their passports were seized. A stand-off ensued for several hours in which the Turkish minister refused to leave the car. ...
that dude on the left looks REALLY SAD about that motorbike
Just after midnight, a special heavy tow truck, a lift flatbed, was driven into the yard and prepared to vertically hoist the 3.5 tonne car on the flatbed, with the minister still in it, to transport her back to Germany. The minister now left the car and demanded entrance to the consulate invoking the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The Dutch police had orders to arrest the minister if necessary. Ultimately, she gave in to the police demands to leave the country. At the time, many news sources assumed that she had been declared persona non grata. She was, loudly protesting, taken to another car, a black armoured Mercedes, by masked Dutch police officers who accompanied her to a police station at Nijmegen near the Dutch–German border. Her passport was seized She was not allowed to leave the station for one and a half hours, while being reunited with the ten bodyguards. She returned to Germany under German escort. Sporadic rioting occurred among the about a thousand pro-Erdoğan protesters who had come to the Turkish consulate. They were met by Dutch riot police, who arrested twelve people for violent assault and not following police instructions. Kaya's passport was returned on 12 March, 18:00, to the Turkish consul. In April 2017, Kaya's lawyer said they would file a complaint against the Dutch government at court claiming that her expulsion from the Netherlands was illegal because she was not given a written statement of the reasons for the expulsion. However, on 2 May the case was dropped when it transpired that Kaya had never been formally declared persona non grata and that from a judicial point of view she had left the Netherlands voluntarily.


>Turkey status: BTFO
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dude, fuck, calm down

>wannabe muhreenz
delete this
>>Turkey status: BTFO
sounds like turkey was mildly inconvenienced while the dutch or germans or whoever proved that they are bumbling imbeciles who try to arrest diplomats for literally no reason
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the most well coordinated assault force on earth
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>Let's see your country's police uniforms, /k/
Its the /cm/ police uniform
wow thats almost half the value of the car
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show your colors !
that foregrip/handguard/barrel shroud/whatever is fucking hideous
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Nothing like cruising down the street in your BTR-60 to beat up some people with a wooden baton.
>Erdogan wants to increase his powers in turkey by transforming it into a presidential 'democracy'
>send ministers to the turks living all over europe to promote the referendum
>Dutch deny turkish foreign minister landing rights so he cant attend the rally
>turkey decides to secretly send over another minister to Rotterdam
>Dutch find out, deny her entrance to the consulate
> >>35115341 and >>35115345 ensue
>Erdogan responds by calling one of the most progressive and democratic nations on the planet a fascist state, banana republic, a remnant of the Third Reich as well as claiming that Dutch(and other tourists) should not feel safe if their countries remain 'hostile' to the Turkish 'democracy'
id be pissed off too if i went somewhere for work and immediately got arrested by spooks
>id be pissed off too if i went somewhere for work and immediately got arrested by spooks
id be pissed if i denied someone entry to my home and his boss sends someone else to do the same job through the back door
dont talk about my butt that way
I guess they don't wanna lose their job they hit it on camera they're fucked because its a nigger.

Bear in mind that there were parliamentary electoins in the following days so the ruling parties wanted to look and act tough to undermine far right parties such as the PVV. The tactic worked.
Back to Tumblr with you
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its ugly ASS fuck
I wanna be a UK cop so bad

>light as fuck nylon belt with only a few items on it
>get to walk around and not trapped in a car all day
>aesthetic stab vest
>give people directions and shit most of the time
>part of a legacy of modern policing
>top tier training program

Too bad you have to live there 3 years before even being eligable to work there so you have a better understanding of the culture.

t. American cop
Yea but you can't pretend that you're Dirty Harry and you might get killed by the local town cult
How can you tell from one post I am a huge Hot Fuzz fan? Not that you're wrong...
Lucky guess. It's also hard not to be a Hot Fuzz fan.
Trinidad and (irrelevant island)
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PSNI - Northern Ireland

They get send over to England to teach them how to handle riots

Only service in the UK where they all have a gun, and their police cars are all armoured. They still use army land rovers with bars over the windows. If they stop next to a traffic collision, one guy gets out and stands guard with a G36 or similar because there's still a threat against them
Swiss state police. When you see them with MP5s they're usually a manhunt.
They were all justified so who fucking cares?
LV is a based fucking city, hidden gem tbqh

t. resident for almost 7 years
>the virgin swiss polizei
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Virgin Chad Police.png
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Gave me the idea for this meme, thanks
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Generic french cops
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And the CRS (crowd control units)
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Real shit.jpg
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1st stage evolution
But it's literally just a British Officers Service Dress Uniform. Even right down to the color and caps
goddamn why are Italians so /fa/? like as far as people, fashion, cars and architecture goes the Italians are always fucking perfection. Why did we have to get the spaghetti nigger reject dagos in our country?
looks like you're literally retarded, yikes.
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Alberta Provincial Police... Disbanded in the 1930s. (fuck the RCMP, eastern Canadian bastards).

tfw you run down bootleggers with a motorcycle mounted lewis gun with you partner using a WWI captured MP18.
Because everyone in America massively overcompensates for their separation from their national origin by playing up their heritage to the breaking point.

Bada-bing, bada-boom, you get what I'm saying, capiche?
Just confiscate the local man's massive arsenal.
Are those fucking grease guns??
Beretta M12's
gun jesus has a nice short video on it
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Fuck me that's looks like Deus ex
The sheriffs in broward and palm beach are more corrupt than the cops.
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Infinity and Beyond!

Looks like a chopped maglite lmao
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Kekd hard
Its highlighter yellow.
>That woman in the bikini and funny looking hat

>I remember reading
>Police should never kill anybody for any reason.
Those numbers seem low.
Looks like they're going to the skatepark after shift change.
French , Belgian and dutch cops seize them from drug dealers ( no joke ) theres a pic somwhere with GIGN operators around a porsche cayenne
help me
>An American police officer fueling up on McDonald's after an assault on Wendy's. A typical scene from the Burger Wars.
>Roach detected.
You have absolutely no idea how politics or power works.
Пoличeя, pronounced Polichea

>i know no russian but i can kind of read cyrillic
Trininad and Tobacco
Holy shit your dumb. Go look at pictures from facist uniforms and tell me that is the same.
>tfw learned most of Cyrillic from Snek Eater
I think the riot vehicles in MD were based on the german watertrucks
linking because of image limit
You mean like Turkey?
0/10 shit form
It's come to our attention that someone on this force has been stealing chromosomes from the evidence room.
Kys commie
Why is everyone saying fascist vibes? It reminds me of older police uniforms and they look nice
Holy shit that titan in the middle left.
Three copatiers?
>BOPE and a tranny on the same pic
yup checks out.
>When you're trying to be the MA State Police, but sie sind die Essen und wir sind die Jaegar
>They were all justified
Haha good one
All of them either threatened police with weapons or drove at them in a vehicle, what the fuck do you expect?

>Guy on the right
>Bane stance best stance

Right but the minister didn't make the decision to keep threatening Europeans for not helping and facilitating his crazy agenda, Erdogan did. Just like he made the decision to try to fuck with the sovereignty of the Netherlands by sending another to do a job that the Dutch already told them was not permitted.
>people never attack others at random
To be fair, he has a knife and all they've got is a whacking stick.

They should really give them guns but
>British police
I bullshit you not, Anytime our cops go into bad areas of london and other citys to get rid of drug dealers and gangbangers etc, they always have CSO's there to hand out leaflets saying what they're doing otherwise lefties start throwing bricks and shit.
>Jeans with armour
Best aesthetic
Why do Norwegians use the Chicago Police tartan pattern? Is it just for high-vis?
>levitates campaign hat using power of sex appeal
>chicagonians trying to take credit for something they didn't invent

Sillitoe Tartan is the nickname given to the distinctive black and white chequered pattern correctly known as dicing, which was originally associated with the police in Scotland, but which later spread to Australia, New Zealand, and the rest of the United Kingdom, as well as to some other places such as Chicago and Pittsburgh in the United States and in parts of Canada to distinguish members of the Auxiliary Police. Based on the diced bands seen on the Glengarries that are worn by several Scottish regiments of the British Army, the pattern was first adopted for police use in 1932 by Sir Percy Sillitoe, Chief Constable of the City of Glasgow Police.[1]
The Sillitoe tartan was an exclusively Scottish phenomenon until introduced in South Australia in 1961.[2] From 1972, within the United Kingdom, the original black and white Scottish version began to rapidly spread throughout England and Wales and it is now used by all police forces in Great Britain.
>Ive seen some shit
>Ive seen some shit
>I cant wait to see some shit
>"pick up that can"
lol. I love this meme
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