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God's chosen people edition >Discord https://discor

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God's chosen people edition


>IRC Channel
>implying anyone uses IRC
#MEG on Freenode
If you're on mobile look up AndroIRC for the app. Any questions, ask in the thread to get you set up.


For Ranger info, obviously.

SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff. Good site for Marines info too.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

For info on the Australian Defense Force, and how you can shitpost on the world stage.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

US Army High school to Flight school

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke???
tl;dr: Long hard school, to do shitty work, and the job prospects are a lie.

Which branch are you enlisting/enlisted/considering?
Has anyone here in the AF (or any branch really) had to get a TS clearance for their job which normally requires Secret? I'm interested in jobs that require a secret clearance, which I can easily get, but the potential chance for a TS is kinda freaking me out..for obvious reasons.
You will choose youre duty stations 99% of the time after your first one. So you wont be randomly hit with the need for a TS out of the blue. Stop sweating youll be perfectly fine.
What makes secret so much easier than top secret?
Secret is just like a basic background check. aka criminal record and credit check. That's basically it. Top secret they go deeper and actually interview people face to face.
I had to get a TS before i commission as a 13N this year. It was not that bad. Essentially you go onto a website abd list every place you have lived and worked for the past 10 years and put down refrences of people who knew/know you. The incestigator will then go and talk to everyone, and see if you are a terrorist or not. I did not get a poly, but i think TSCI have to
Best way to avoid the Silver Bullet in boot and beyond? I grew up in Florida, so I'm used to the heat. Will that give me an edge?
I apologize for the stupid question but I want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly -- when choosing your station you'll know beforehand which bases require a TS and which ones do not? I was under the assumption that you're given assignments depending on your job and those assignments may require a TS, so you have no say in the matter. Assignment = duty station..?

Pound water. In boot camp, this won't be an issue.

For the fleet, don't be that guy slamming a Monster and putting a dip in during a 20k unless you're sure you can handle it.
I don’t smoke/dip and I only drink water. Good shit. Thanks a bunch

You'll be fine. Boot camp hikes aren't even bad. SOI ones sucked, but it's nothing insane. I'm willing to bet "muh equality" will change the routes/paces.
>beforehand which bases require a TS and which ones do not?
The vast majority of the time yes. When choosing orders you would know before hand what the pre-requesites are for choosing said command. So if a TS was required youd know. With that being said the vast majority of jobs will never have a TS so unless youre in intel you most likely wont. What job are you looking at exactly?
Not him, but I'm looking to go 11x and then maybe go some verity of ranger if I decide to stay around a little longer.
Being an mp. Pros and cons?
Well as said above definitely get airborne in your contract as a side not. And I doubt youd ever need a TS.

Its nothing but cons. Youre a glorified gate guard. Seriosuly trust me and don't do it unless the idea of standing in one spot checking IDs for 8hrs straight sounds life fulfilling.
Mainly Aerial Gunner and Aircraft Loadmaster.
What are the pros of going 11c over 11b
When a war happens your death will be a surprise and enemy air assets and artillery focus on you
Any good reason to go army intel over air force intel?
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Few stupid questions;
>do muh reens look down on the army?
>if so, why does it seem it's usually the POG's that do all the marine shitposting when it comes to "muh pride!1!11!!!!

You hear stories of the very few soldiers from various armies and times in history of one guy that goes Rambo and somehow survives multiple gunshots(or doesn't even get injured at all), multiple huge battles, racks up a huge kill count, gets awards out the ass, and somehow survives it all. How do those guys do it? Is it just really lucky, or are they just that good?
Does anyone have experience with the DLAB or the EDPT? When did you take them (before the medical/after being in the DEP)? Were they difficult?
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Am I dumb
Not really

Also, where did you take this test at? Recruiters?

Fuck, I wish my recruiter used a software like this
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>do muh reens look down on the army?
Only the boots do. I personally know a lot of dudes in the Army circa 2002-2006 who loved to work with Marines, because they were actually able to do their jobs. We each have our jabs at one another: we gab that the Army is inefficient because they're always up to date with technology and get so much more money than we do, and that makes them soft, and they joke that we're a redundant branch and all we do is eat crayons and prance around saying "yut yut kill."

>How do those guys do it? Is it just really lucky, or are they just that good?
Both. Keep in mind that the way we fight today is nothing like how we fought 50 years ago. At all. The Military Industrial Complex has completely changed the way war functions on this planet. Everyone fears death equally, and some manage to escape its grasp while others do not.
Yeah I took it at my recruiters. He told me I'd need a 72 in order for him to forward me to an Officer Recruiter
Is the pay the same between Army Reserves and National Guard?
Well you certainly don't need to worry about your score if it will be a 82. What branch?

Getting to choose your job directly, and more specialty options out of the gate.
How difficult is it to go Airborne after training as 11B if you didn't get it in your contract
Air Force, but I'm also considering Navy. My main holdup is how long until I can ship off to OCS. I've heard it could but up to a year for the AF
I'm kind of in the same boat, need lasik and tuition assistance while enlisted to go officer and fly, just can't pick which branch
Hey I just did that yesterday. I got a 88 on it and the recruiters were saying I would probably do great on the real ASVAB and get any of the jobs I was thinking about easy.

In other regards what is that piece of crap? It's like a program of code built into the BIOS or something? Strangest shit I've seen in a while regarding computers.
BTW make sure you're studying for the areas that practice ASVAB didn't cover. It is deceptively easy compared to the real thing as well.
taking the DLAB tomorrow , will report back afterwords
What can someone with experience as an intel weenie do in the real world?
If I'm an autistic shut-in that needs to make a living should I join the military
I am very fit
>one guy that goes Rambo
What does that even mean?
>Its an "overweight Air Force female brags about feeding her child ice cream for dinner because she was too tired" episode

How are Air Force personnel too tired, what do they do that makes them so tired?
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Looks like every Air Force E-7 I've ever met.
Such as?
The addition part is what nailed him.
worked for me
I fell for the Learn a Trade meme, should I even bother enlisting at 22? Prbably 23 by the time I get 11B with Airborne
Why wouldn't you? Officers join at that age
from what I can tell the sooner the better
I'll probably be 22 by the time I even join a ship
I used to live in Atlanta and I can confirm that McKinney is a complete fucking cunt. I know about (((Fundraising))) but I don't believe a damn thing she says.
recruiters told me I'd do about 10 pts better on the real asvab vs the practice

practice: 86
real: 97

so i guess they were right for me
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>program of code built into the BIOS or something
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I enlisted in the Army today as a CID Special Agent, but need to do MP OSUT first as a pre-req. Any tips? How difficult is the PT?
Any way to explain simply to civilian doctors that it's basically accepted and nearly mandatory to lie to get into US military?
Doc said I'm free to omit what I want, but I'm not sure she understands just how many people seem to omit or lie about on entry.
Just in case it becomes relevant somehow.
I'm shipping out on August 1st and I told my recruiter for the Air Force at my 15th day brief that I smoked weed on July 1st and I marked that I had smoked weed after I had entered the delayed entry program on the briefing sheet.
I was not going to admit it at all but I have an intel job so I figured I had to because I'm given a polygraph test for my job.
Should I be alright? Is admitting to smoking weed after entering DEP okay?
That test is absolutely retarded
5/6 are listening comprehension. It's really more of a test in concentration than anything.
My asvab was a 99 and I've smoked weed like 7 times in my life
You're gunna get popped on your urinalysis
Oh yeah and I forgot about the polygraph test
Otherwise I wouldn't have done it after entering dep
I mean if I only smoked weed that once in a long while shouldn't it be out of my system in 30 days? Or do they do more in depth testing where it's more likely to pick up on such things?
The test they use is stronger than the one they use for jobs and stuff in the civi world. Plus, everyone's body is different. Some people piss clean before others. It also depends how much fat your body as amoung other things.
it will most likely be out of your system in <7 days, but you're still a retard for telling your recruiter. as long as you don't piss hot, the recruiter will likely not give a shit. i cannot speak for the polygraph.
I highly doubt with all the retards in the military I'm unfit but okay
The question is whether or not the recruiter actually cares enough to pass along this information. If he does, then he probably doesn't care about meeting metrics which determine his job performance. How would you have answered a question during a polygraph about pot use prior to 1 July?
The thing is I have to answer a questionnaire about my status at every briefing. I told my recruiter I had smoked on July 1st because I wanted him to update my status that I had smoked weed before so I could say I did on the polygraph test.
The questionnaire however asks whether or not you've smoked weed after entering DEP and I put yes because he told me to, so now someone is going to review that and have a chance to deny me I presume.
Looking back I should have not told him I had smoked after entering DEP but I wasn't thinking about the questionnaire I was just thinking that I needed to tell him I smoked weed so the polygraph wouldn't be a problem.
>but I wasn't thinking about the questionnaire I was just thinking that I ne-
You weren't thinking. It will likely cost you whatever opportunity you thought you had. If you're lucky, recruiter might be able to get you something with no clearance, but I doubt you'll retain your current slot.
Well I'll try to let you guys know what happens when I find out.
I think it's possible that you might end up having to get a different job - maybe even some kind of discharge - I know there are gang members in the military, and they more than likely have records of some sort.
I don't know for sure though, you could get an idea from similar scenarios that are on the internet/whatever.
>fucks himself over
better he did than the polygraph? that would've sucked ass. Or the moment of truth.
either way it sucks
every time I think ive met the biggest oblivious pussy ever, k outdoes itself.

there is no polygraph you fucking idiot
>there is no polygraph you fucking idiot
You have to take a polygraph for an intel job.
I had to agree to and I had to watch a video telling me how I'd be administered one and everything.
You wont be. That's a lie. I knew dozens of people woth TS and none of them took a poly. You got memed kid.

Congratulations, you're both partially wrong. Some positions and specialties are contingent on getting polygraphed, but it's not everyone in intel.

t. Intel guy that has been poly'd twice in my career.
>Some positions and specialties are contingent on getting polygraphed, but it's not everyone in intel.
I know that, I'm saying on entry he wont.
I'm young, angry and stupid.
The army as a total shitkicker is a good choice yeah?
What sort of aircrew positions does the navy offer vs the airforce? The idea of having a job guaranteed is making me lean towards navy
I had to agree to taking one some point during my training. I believe they told me the location I'd be taking it but I don't remember where.

Cool story bro, but I got my first poly at AIT, which is definitely during IET.
You 2 have to be AF fags right?
are the merchant marine part of the military?

No, I'm Army. I don't think Air Force even calls it AIT.
What MOS do you have that required a TS during AIT? I'm curious.

Will I be looked down upon for not being a Marine? Honest question.

You need a TS to even enter the 35N/Q/S, and 17C schoolhouses. Dunno about T/F/M/G.

The polygraph process isn't really related to the TS process. It's an additional requirement beyond the TS.
My bad I meant POLY not TS.
I'm saying why did you require a POLY? what MOS?
Only by POG Marines
Is service in the merchant marine considered military service?
Air Force here, we call it tech school or AETC (which is the majcom that runs it).

I'm not that guy, but there are polygraph requirements to hold some jobs. I didn't get my first one until I needed it for my second assignment. If you're in one of the jobs that only goes to high-security assignments, they won't let you out of AIT without one.


>Cyber operations specialists are required to receive and pass periodic counterintelligence scope polygraphs (CSP) to maintain MOS 17C. Soldiers who have failed a CSP prior to submitting their application will be denied reclassification. Soldiers who are approved for reclassification to MOS 17C will receive a CSP at their first duty station.
OK but is 17C an entry level MOS? If not that's a choice youre making to reclass its not mandatory.
Hey guys, I just got out of the Navy after spending 10 years as an enlisted man. Did I like it?
Depends on what your rate was.

Much of the initial staffing was done via reclass, but most new 17Cs are entry-level now.
Do you have a gf
How many officers bitched you out?
id bet none ever. 99% of officers are complete cowards. If anyone says different theyre lying and haven served. Senior enlisted doe the yelling.
t. enlistee
t. larper whos watched hunt for red October and saving privare ryan to many times but isn't actually in the military
no he is not. you have smoke a metric fuck ton or recently to piss hot.
Only in times of war.
>The test they use is stronger than the one they use for jobs and stuff in the civi world.
no it's not
>shouldn't it be out of my system in 30 days?
yeah if you only smoked once
if you smoked heavy it should be out in 90 days as long as you aren't fat as fatass
>you're still a retard for telling your recruiter.
Navy jobs that are cool but give ample time to use your TA? I'm wanting to go from zero degree to bachelors while serving
whats the chance that i enlist that i end up in north korea shooting commies
sub 10%
If I just wanted a basic 11B contract, nothing like Airborne or Op40 attached, how long should I expect to wait?

CTN, depending on your definition of "cool".
What's the difference between an 11B who is a scout and a 19D?
Let me put it this way, the ENTIRE dang Coast Guard has at least secret.
Nill, sadly
Anyone in Navy IT? Are the autism levels manageable?
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There were no autists whatsoever in IT on my ship.
Public announcement
The most autist heavy rate, aside from NUKE, is easily STG. Nothing but fucking weirdos.
>Become Guard
>Require TS
>Submit SF86
>Can't do basic or tech without TS first per unit policy
>Nearing 8 month mark since submission

Is the backlog for investigations really that bad? Even my CoC is getting nervous.
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Is that coast guard or national?
And I knew an OS who only needed a secret and he was stuck at great lakes for nearly 2 years waiting.
If you weren't here some guy from the investigative service explained it. Basically theyre all lazy and stupid. They do as little as possible and if one looks tough they recycle it to the bottom. So its very possible some asshole is screwing you over.
Welcome to government work.
Nasty. Any other info the investigator provided?
Barerly remember it was a while ago but that was the gist of it. Government work is almost exclusively handled by super lazy ex military people who want to chill after being in for 20 years. Insanely lazy.
any of you in the australian army? Considering joining the army something to do with armored cavalry.. Only issue is I don't particular enjoy the idea of being cooked, perhaps i'd rather just be
a normal soldier.

though someone in another thread said there's a 2 year wait on soldiers so i guess thats not an option
To be fair, he isn't wrong. Officers earned their commission, I cannot deny that they have just as much of a right to be there as anyone else, but NCOs are the ones who really keep the military running.
Are the Army allowed to roll their sleeves up or is that just a Navy/Marine thing?
They were, then they weren't, and now they are allowed to again.
>Marines are seen as the "retards" of the US Military
>have the only non-retarded camouflage pattern
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Wut you say about my corps?
army OCP is better get screwed oh we can make it in different patterns too
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Dude.... what.
>anon is going all out with the bait today.
>I'm too tired for this shit
lol i remember that south park episode XD
why is hating the marines such a huge meme
is it like this in person or just on /k/
What does "merit list" mean in a military context?
It's just the response to the motard attitude that infests so many marines.
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>Army OCP is better
Left: full retard
Center: getting better
Right: good
I think it's because of how fawned over they are, despite essentially being just as competent as soldiers with slightly modified objectives.

Truthfully, this isn't the fault of the Marines. The public has a tremendous boner for the USMC, mostly due to popular culture. The dress blues absolutely warrant more respect than any other branch, though, and I will never be convinced otherwise of this. The Corps has the right person handling their uniform design, because they're top notch.

>do muh reens look down on the army?

Some do, some don't. From my observation, most people who take branch rivalry past banter are eithers motarded boots, or motarded lifers. I got along just fine with soldiers, so did my platoon.

>You hear stories of the very few soldiers from various armies and times in history of one guy that goes Rambo and somehow survives multiple gunshots(or doesn't even get injured at all), multiple huge battles, racks up a huge kill count, gets awards out the ass, and somehow survives it all. How do those guys do it? Is it just really lucky, or are they just that good?

My guess is both, but predominantly luck.


>Learn a Trade meme

Yeah man stable employment is a meme, you really played yourself.

Not gonna tell you what to do, but all the guys I know that enlisted in their 20s felt like camp counselors. I'd tell you to consider the reserves, but I have no reserve experience.


Very, very low.


Why did the artist make them all look like tweakers? I'm pretty sure some generals threw a shit fit over "muh corps" and didn't let the other branches get on board with it. Makes no sense because it's the digital little brother of BDUs/DCUs, and how the fuck is some lifer's fragile sense of identity more important than the well being of troops downrange?




This and >>34604948 are pretty much it. The image from the public and boot camp indoctrination goes straight to some marines' heads. I don't have a problem with someone having (tasteful) pride or a sense of accomplishment with what they do, but a lot of motards are pompous assholes about it. It used to blow my mind, since I was a disgruntled lance criminal that felt like sitting on ships and standing by was anything but an accomplishment.
I want to sign an 11b op 40 contract but i haven't talked to a recruiter yet. If I wanted to sign my contract and ship to basic asap, how long would it take? Also i have adhd but havent taken pills for it in more than a year would I need a waver?
Talk to a recruiter. IF they have a contract available and you don't need waivers, you could ship within a week or two. Most people have to wait months for a ranger slot though, so get in there and put your name on the waiting list.
What's the middle Mexi-Rican's problem?
He's sucking in his gut really hard

>Ship fast
>Ship with the contract you want

Pick one. Shipping out ASAP means taking whatever they have available at the time. Getting what you want means waiting.
Is navy CTR a good job? It was the only thing offered to me other than MM. Also I'm worried about the TS clearance? Do they look into your medical records?

Stop being fucking worried about a TS.

Getting a TS is as easy as being honest. You tell them all your deepest darkest secrets and they say "k, here's your clearance". The list of stuff that can actually disqualify you is minuscule.

Most clearance denials are for lying about stuff that isn't even disqualifying in the first place.
I got a 17C contract and passed the ICTL with a 73.

I ship out in 2 weeks for basic. I got to MEPS next Monday.

What should I know/do? Is th e ICTL a hard test indicative of how hard the MOS is or is it an easy test that's just talked up?

I'm overweight by about 10 lbs and haven't exercised in a month, and am 18.

Exercise/eating tips? I'm planning on 2 mile runs with 40 lbs of extra weight (backpack, maybe 10-115 lb airshit gun) every night, along with about 3 sets of 20 pushups and 3 sets of 25 situps. I'm also planning on not eating much, pretty much only consuming a smoothie of fruit, protien powder, and a fuckton of spinach and a NutriBullet grass mix for most of the remaining days until MEPS.

Think I'll make it?

Also, day to day life - has anyone been to 17C's AIT? What should I expect? Should I buy a phone/laptop soon or is that a waste of money? Anything I should study?
This has to be bait, how can someone this dumb score enough to 17C
100% untrue stfu and never post here again

CTR is a great job no memes. As far as medical goes they know what you tell them. I suggest you lie unless its super serious.
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Hey, fuck you too.

Honestly, how do you not score high enough to 17C? The ASVAB is one of the easiest tests I've taken. The ICTL was even easier. You'd have to be literally retarded to not get a 17C contract.

>I'm planning on 2 mile runs with 40 lbs of extra weight (backpack, maybe 10-115 lb airshit gun) every night

This is retarded, do not do this. Either ruck with a well-balanced pack that is built for it at a brisk walking pace, or run in running clothes. Ruck-running with a random-ass backpack will fuck you up faster than anything.
That's my point.
Only a retard would not do any preparation and decide to just jump straight into that routine 2 weeks before basic. You said it yourself, how can a literal retard get 17C?
Dude, my minimal knowledge is computer-side. Programming, basic networking, et cetera. I do not understand physical shit.

Thanks! Any other advice for getting a little muscle on?

>100% untrue stfu and never post here again

Bruh, security clearance adjudication guidelines are public.

DOHA even publishes their security clearance adjudication results, including why they decided to decline someone. The stuff at the top is all appeals, you'll have to scroll down a bit to find some initial clearance stuff.


Clearances are simple shit, not spoopy magic. If you tell the truth, pretty much the only thing that will actually roll you up is shitty finances (can't really hide shit credit) and dangerous foreign ties (if they're family, that's also impossible to hide).

All the shit people commonly try to hide? Weed, injuries, mental issues, looking at nasty porn? All irrelevant if you just disclose them. Hiding it is the issue, if you're just honest it isn't one.
Lets pretend that's true, its still less of a hassle to lie than to tell the truth and have to clear it and possibly get paperwork. I lied and I don't regret it one bit. If you wanna spend time waiting for paperwork to go through be my guest.
Your body is not really going to change in two weeks.

Here is a tip for not looking like a retard. If you recognize that you don't understand something, do some research and learn about it. Just accepting that you don't know something is what stupid people do and it's why they stay stupid.
If your MOS in the Army has a specific length commitment, is there any rule against building an OCS packet while you are doing it as long as the OCS date is outside of the commitment?
These Pol summerfags need to stop shitting up k with their antisemitism and racism. This isn't a board for inbred hicks, it's a board for people who like guns.
>looking at nasty porn
Uh what?
Pussies and shit. I only watch porn shown in MPAA approved films in the nearest theater. A man of class.

Don't tell me you go to those porn sites.
... No of course not, Mr Recruiter
Could anyone spill the details on what DLAB and/or military/DoD language-learning is like?

I'm gunning to get 02xx as a muhreen and I've heard they take you out of bootcamp for a day to take that language test for certain MoSes, intel being one
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>AF paying for sex changes

But why tho?
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Everyone stops trying to understand the Air Force. Just remember they will fratricide the shit out of you (and cry about it), so be nice.



>s p a c i n g
Should I go enlisted or officer for Army?
Officer obviously if you can hack it
How did you choose which branch to join? What was the deciding factor(s) that pushed you to what you chose?
I like boats
I like water
I wanted to travel
Navy was an easy choice
>Army: I want to be bored a lot but also get shot at from time to time
>Navy: I like the idea of working in a floating cubicle farm
>Airforce: I like watching people have more fun than me
USMC, I only settle for best and the Marines are what offers it.
Running so much past month that I have shin splints now, might even have some tiny stress fractures. I'm shipping in a few days. Am I fucked?
shut up boot
Buy a bottle of Namman Muay and rub it on there buddy.
>Only road I can run on nearby has 3 people who let their retarded dogs run around outside all day
>too spooked to run at night because of the same dogs
If I go to Army basic with a 15+ minute mile, will I improve enough before PFT to not be held back?

Bruh 15 min/mile is a brisk walking pace, you definitely need to run. Find a treadmill or somewhere safe to run. Where the fuck do you live where there's no parks or anything?
What mos did you end up with? I'm looking for something aviation related but I don't know what yet
try your local college or school track field
Please tell me you meant 15+ minute 2 mile.
Yeah, that was a typo my bad. I meant 25+ minute mile.
How awkward will it be if I have nobody come for family day after BCT?
What do you do all day? Sit in the barracks and cry?
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You will get to meet other anons families.

t. heppened to me
Anyone going to Ft. Benning to start Basic on the 14th?
When I get back my ASVAB results (presumably in the mail) what will the sheet actually look like?
My recruiter emailed me an excel spreadsheet with my score and qualifying jobs.

mine looked like your image, I would imagine it might be paperless nowadays.
Any chance I could get my hands on a spreadsheet like that?
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>Air Force seemed boring and soft. Didn't want huge suck, but wanted some challenge.
>Navy seemed interesting, but didn't want to be on a cramped as fuck boat. Also the idea that if my boat is attacked everyone is fucked no matter their MOS throws me for a loop
>Coast Guard seemed like National Guard with boats and slight chance of cool counter-narcotics shit, but being on boats, while cool, seems like I'd get tired of it quick
>Actually talked to a Marine recruiter first, ran into him by chance at my college's parking lot and we talked about my car first, then he got to business. Talked to him in his actual office later. This is when enlisting became a serious option in my mind vs transferring to ASU on my own dime and/or going into debt when my cokehead uncle decides to pull the families education fund for more cheap hookers and blow
>Kicked around a few MOS ideas (11B and such), but Army intel seems like it'd help me reach long term goals the best. Also, other (cool) uncle went in as 18X in the 80s, became 18B, went intel officer in 90s, so maybe a little family tradition gets going as a bonus.
I don't know, maybe it varies by recruiting station. Try asking your recruiter. Also I took the long test at the station then the shorter version at MEPS which is the new way of doing it I think. It was very informal.
First off, its a 2 mile run. Second, your local community college or YMCA should have treadmills and basic workout equipment. My local Y gives me treadmills and other good shit for $35/mo.
>want to join military
>pussy out from being a operator because I like my knees and back and wanted to have a nice career after the military
>Join the Air Force and now I do Cyber and Intel shit
>Guaranteed 6 figure job whenever I get out

On a side note basic is easy as fuck now and most of the new airmen are disrespectful entitled shits now
I should probably get therapy. If I were how much would it complicate things? Is there a way to keep it from having a paper trail
How did you land an intel job? My recruiter wants me to list 10 AFSCs, giant dice roll
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Do I lie about my ADD diagnosis and previous medication use if I'm shooting for a job that requires TS clearance like 35 series? I'm pretty sure there's a 1yr waiting period and then I'm good, but it's still my biggest worry.
When I was 15 my parents made me go to a psychologist once a week for about two years because they thought I was depressed. No medication, no suicide threats, no 51/50 or anything like that. Basically just counselling sessions but with a licensed psychologist.
Could this come back to bite me at all, paint me as mentally unstable or anything?
As long as you keep it under wraps you should be good.
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Ask someone who just finished BCT after 7 months anything
what the heck took you so long
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Coast Guard
Asked recruiter, sent as pdf.
TS isn't bad. SCI isn't bad either if you just need a CI poly. If you need a full-scope, that's when your dick hits the grinder. It took me a few tries to get my TS//SCI w/ FSP. Don't sweat it. There are some seriously cool job opportunities with a ts//sci, but I'm NOT sure if military takes their clearance with them when they leave the service or have to go through the process again as a civilian. Even if its for the exact same job.
>if my boat is attacked everyone is fucked no matter their MOS
Hahahah what the fuck does that even MEAN? lol
I spent all day in riki heaven since we never got to go during bootcamp.
Flex and rotate your ankles, dummy
>got an injury at week 7
>options: quit, holdover until healed and recycle, do long rehab program in BCT environment

I chose the rehab program
I chose the marines. Not exactly sure why honestly. Maybe because of its higher fitness standards and cool uniforms. I don't really know.
what was the injury?
full scope, fsp is short for full scope poly
>full scope poly
never even heard of it. Whats the dif between a CI and FSP? What even is a CI?
Shed some light if you could homes
not him but the SCI asks legalish sounding questions you'd expect from a clearance; foreign contacts, debt, are you a terrorist etc.

FSP includes personal questions like do you have mental disorders, what are your sexual habits, how often do you drink, etc.
>SCI asks
do you mean ci? And do you know what it stands for?
And that's interesting either way
Stress fracture in the ischium

I was butthurt
>do you mean ci?
yes, you could just google it but they're both for TS/SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information) but you may not need the fsp depending on the job/assignment CI stands for counterintelligence
I didn't ask what SCI meant stupid nigger. Google what faggot means sound good?
damn, howd that happen? You fall or something?
always a pleasure to get spit on by belligerant anons for trying to be helpful

you asked what CI stands for and I answered you. btw I was wrong in that last post, but you can simply google "ci polygraph" to find out how so

Its really rare to get a FSP to my knowledge unless you go to a specific agency that requires it OR a contract/program that specifically requires it. I can't get into details, but read up on agency specifics; its a clusterfuck and not every agency accepts another agency's clearance. I.E. NGA doesn't accept CIA, but CIA accepts NRO, and NSA doesn't accept anyone elses and might require new polygraphs on transferring. Its actually a huge problem and I hope I see it get resolved one day. Anyway, once youre in, youre in. Just don't be an idiot, continue to behave, and life pretty goes on as normal with the addition of some minor life restrictions in exchange for viewing highly classified shit all day. Or just go balls to the wall and sign up for deployments. Clearance is pretty much a golden ticket.
>you asked what CI stands for and I answered you
After I asked twice and you even gave the wrong answer? Seems like idiots shouldnt be posting perhaps so they don't give out wrong info.
my knowledge of it mostly comes from secret squirrel military shit friends of mine got into. I don't think any of the standard enlisted jobs receive it unless it's a special assignment

perhaps you should have googled it then
Doctor said I probably developed it over time, changes in running routine, running form, etc. That bullshit can happen to anyone. There were about as many sedentary nerds in the program as there were PT studs with stress fractures in the hip, tibias, foot, etc. Right when I left, a guy arrived with two busted fibulas.
>perhaps you should have googled it then
Youre right. Lets delete the whole board since every answer can be googled. Good call.
I only asked because I assumed the other guy would post a bunch, which he did here >>34614193
and then answer it quickly in addition.
Maybe you shouldn't be answering for other people and your stupidity wouldn't come to light.
is BCT just army boot?
ok I won't bother next time. thanks for the advice
Definitely not true, I work with a fuck ton of enlisted who have TS//SCI with (almost) the same access I have. Most of them have CI Polys, but still work in the same space I do. Most of them are Navy or Coast Guard. I think if you express a willingness / want to get cleared and have the technical skills to make it worthwhile, they will jump all over your dick.

For example, there is a HUGE need for cleared developers and cyber operators in the military space, but almost nobody qualified to fill those positions because they are in the private sector as contractors and don't wanna deal with the .mil bullshit.

Even if you don't wanna be a cyber operator, it will still get your foot in the door, and from there you can pivot to something more your speed down the line. I literally accepted the first job, no negotiation, nothing to get my foot in the door and cleared. Pay was absolutely horrendous, but I put in my time, said thanks, and went on to much bigger and better things.
This is the biggest problem with this board. idiots sharing second hand info. You even admitted it
>my knowledge of it mostly comes from secret squirrel military shit friends of mine got into
What kind of a faggot talks about things he doesn't even know about?
ah sorry, I was referring to Air Force
You forgot to add that the whore McKinney was a democrat. You cannot trust democrats.
>being this much of a spoonfed retard
I miss the days when dumb nigger morons like you would get flamed off the website for not knowing how to operate a search engine.
>for not knowing how to operate a search engine
again, 99% of the questions asked her could be answered with google. Its about discussion and banter lad. Take your medication and go lie down for a bit.
>and banter lad
oh that explains it; you are new. i think i'll take your advice though, this has been enough /k/ for today
>you are new
yep I just started using this site 5 mins ago.
Youre clearly much cooler than I am since you've been here for years.
That's how it's going to be for me. My family is too poor to afford the trip, and even if they could come, I don't want them there. Getting away from them them is 50% of the reason I want to join.
I have been sitting around for 4 years since high school, only time I really went out was for welding work which I could mostly sit around for.

What is a good running routine to prepare for Army basic?
Couch 2 5k
Google and it follow it exactly don't modify shit
This is my biggest fear fuck me.
>Considered all branches
>Airmen were too undisciplined
>Army was too big and had too many problems
>Love the water, so wanted to do something Maritime related i.e Navy, Coast Guard, or Marine Corps
>I'm the kind of person who can shut the fuck up, do what they're told, and take things on the chin
>Like the idea of making every cent count

Marine Corps was the branch I picked. Can't say I have any regrets. It's entirely what you make of it.
What problems do the army have?
Nigger what just store them normally, this aint the UK.
Is the Marine Corps worth it if you join as an officer or will you still have a nicer life in the other services?
If you can do OCS, definitely try it. Bear in mind that it's going to take a lot of time to get your packet ready (years, even) and that you are going to be given a L O T of responsibility.

Marines have a higher chance of dying than any other branch, and Officers have the highest chance of dying out of all Marines.
If you even have to think about the question "nicer life" then don't be a Marine.
Looking for some advice on NREMT EMT-B certification. Say I happen to know someone who is in their last term for a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering at 17 and is interested in becoming a 68w after they finish college. The NREMT site says that the age limit for the certification is 18. Is there any way to get around this?
You can end up working for the NSA as an AF enlisted if you're very good at Cyber Warfare type things.
>most of the new airmen are disrespectful entitled shits now

I can't help but feel a bit peeved anytime I hear someone mention something about "boot camp is so easy nowadays" or "airmen are so entitled/disrespectful/lazy these days".

You're dealing with young men from the ages of 18-24, it's literally been that way since forever.
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>hit the 14 month mark of working on a medical waiver
>sent in the documents they requested on the June 30th
>"haha don't worry dude, you're going through the deferred packet office and they're way faster than the rest of MEPS, call us back next week"
>the next week was the 4th of July holiday
>call in the next week, "the med log says your packet is with the CMO, you should know any day now
>call in last week
>"the deferment office's computers are down right now, but that usually only lasts a day or two"
>call in ten minutes ago
>"bro don't worry about it, we'll let you know when they send us something"

This was supposed to be the last, shortest part of the whole process. These people are going to give me a fucking hernia.
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Post the unedited version.
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>reddit spacing
Go back to your containment board.
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If you do become an officer then please, for the love of god, try as hard as you can not to be a Bootenant. This starts with listening to your NCOs.

Some of the most respectable officers that I have served under are prior enlisted.
You think the Marine corps is "water related" anymore? Have fun in the sandbox
>have fun
Sounds rad
Oh, an airman. Make sure to practice for your walk test. Remember that PT test component exemptions for 24 months makes you a candidate for medical discharge, airfriend.
Some of the biggest retards I have served under have been prior enlisted too.
You can tell who won't be making it past O-3.
just curious, where'd you go to BCT?
I know this is beating a dead horse but does anyone know how likely it is (at this time) to get a jet fighter slot in the navy. Am deciding between OCS and OTS and prefer the navy but also want a decent shot at getting in a jet.
Ft. Sill
it's not a choice, they randomly choose a few people to become 11c's at OSUT
To answer your question though, as a 11c you use your brain more, and tend to be forgotten by command.
it means that in the Navy, you have 0 control over whether you live or die in naval battle.

That's just modern combat. The vast majority of casualties in the last 16~ years have had absolutely no control over their own survival. Modern "combat" is running over an IED or getting hit by indirect fire and dying before you even know what is happening.
what did you buy with your 14k paycheck?
What the fuck is a "merit list"?

what rate? guaranteed "a"?
Got my commercial multi-engine rating yesterday.

I'm already looking at guard and reserve units, though I still have another semester of college.

go to naval akademy, get slotted for flight school, or be a pilot on the outside and go OCS.
Looking towards BM or the aviation ones
>You think the Marine corps is "water related" anymore?

I spent 8 months on a tub off the coast of Djibouti.

If I walked into an Army, Marine, Navy, and AF recruiting station and asked for the rate that would get me out of town the fastest, what am I most likely to get shafted with for each branch?

Marine/Navy/AF will be more than happy to sign you with an Army contract and get it sorted out later after you've already shipped. Army doesn't have open contracts and will make you pick something out of what you qualify for at the time.

>with an Army contract

Meant to say an Open contract. IE, no locked-in job.

I haven't taken the ASVAB, but I did well on the SAT and I've got most of a bachelors.

Im just curious what the fastest way out of town is rn, could an open contract get me out of town within 2 weeks?
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My recruiter hasn't responded to a text I sent him three days ago and when I called him he didn't answer
Pretty sure his boss told him not to talk to me till they have an official response
At least that's my guess
Listen to me, you DO NOT want to go undes(open). Especially in the navy. Youll be a complete slave. No matter what dude no matter what your situation is. Don't fucking do it.

Are you open contract Navy? what kind of rates are they trying to fill all the time that suck so bad?
What sort of questions are they asking with a polygraph for jobs like that?
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Your recruiter hasn't responded because he thinks you're a shitbag and he has dropped you from his pool. I'm not even memeing you.

Whatever your rush to get out of town is, I can tell you this: there are two cardinal sins with regards to enlisted men. One is to get married to get out of the barracks, most often to a girl you barely know, and the other is to go open contract. Those are literally the two biggest no-nos you can commit. Whatever your rush is, please, slow your roll. Take the time to get a job you will actually enjoy and your military service will be all the better for it. Please, I beg of you, DO NOT GO OPEN CONTRACT!
>Are you open contract Navy?
Fuck no obviously I'm a veteran dude that's how I know it sucks. Ive seen it first hand. I was a OS in the navy for 4 years and I'm telling you you will want to kill yourself if you go undes.
Not sure if you can just drop someone who's 10 days from shipping out without telling them something eventually but either way it's not exactly a great sign

Alright. Im researching undermanned positions rn, and Im still on Army. Im reading an article that says they need bridge crewmembers, divers, firefighters, and 35 series (intel).

none of those sound bad
The others are aviation and special forces and shit, and Im not qualified for those.

Any knowledge about what being an engineer series is like?
I thought the Army used civilian contractors for firefighting?
I was navy, but the general rule is the harder it is to be something the better the rewards are. Also intel is usually never a bad choice.
I stopped the med usage 1.5 years ago of my own volition. I just didn't cash in the prescription and haven't seen the doctor who prescribed it since.

There is a firefighter MOS, but it's tiny.


>An article

Articles are a pretty shit source for job demands that change almost daily. I can almost guarantee you that whatever article you're reading is hopelessly outdated.
You need to be off ADD/ADHD medication for two full years I believe.
Just need your medical records to show you haven't asked for a prescription in two years and it will be fine
Do you know if 18x contracts always available since they usually end up needs of the army?
>AShM attack
>Captain is as fucked as the cook
Basically everyone is a POG until combat, then they're all combat arms.

18X is almost always available due to the demand for SF and the attrition before, during, and after training.
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03XX contract and NCO within 4 years to 0372 after reenlistment. y/n? I know it's impossible but might as well dream it up.
I like coasts and mountains, it's what I grew up around and where a lot of the bases are. I hate fat people, and the Corps has fewest. I like women. I don't mind shitty gear. Brotherhood sounds nice. I seek to improve myself as a person, and embrace shitty situations more readily. I've been a /fit/izen so it's natural I gravitate to the meathead branch.
I have read that when people get injured at boot, they will check prior medical records on that recruit, and potentially uncover past injuries. Same with people exhibiting behavior of mental illness.
How often do they follow up like this on these cases?
How does this work, how do they retrieve said records?
Do people get chaptered out at this point 100%, or do small things slide? IE failed to report a broken bone or prior sprain being minor, and massive mental issues being major.
>I hate fat people, and the Corps has fewest.
>I like women.
You're going into the wrong neighborhood
>I don't mind shitty gear.
You will after a little while
>Brotherhood sounds nice.
Another rude awakening awaits you
>I seek to improve myself as a person, and embrace shitty situations more readily.
Then get a job doing shitty work that needs to be done and not be just another parasite.
Jokes on you I'm going Reserve.
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Just talked to some Airmen wearing pink shirts under their uniform. They say they have assigned morale shirts they have to wear with their uniform.

Is that really a thing or was I being fucked with?
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What does this mean for asthmafailures like me

Only ever seen this be mandatory in the Memerines and Navy DESU. We had morale shirts in the Army but they were optional.

I don't doubt that some air force units probably do it.

But you're a neverserved that already knew that and were just doing your regular AF baiting so...
>this be mandatory in the Memerines and Navy DESU
Fucking where? What command you nigger I was on 2 ships navy and ive never heard of this fag shit before

Both joint commands I've worked in, all very crypto-centric. No idea who our Navy/Marines fall under, but they're autistic as fuck.
>Both joint commands
Ok so it wasn't their fault dude
Can anyone comment on Air Force OTS slots? What is availability like? I heard that they're booked up until FY Fall 2018.
Also when is the next Board selection meeting?
You'll likely get to spend 12 hours a day scanning ID's at the gate, or you'll find yourself outside in 105F heat shoveling tar into potholes, or sucking literal shit out of airplanes. If you get any other job, consider it a win. Open contracts are a trap.

Depends on your medical history it looks like. Read the related AFIs and see what the prior official policy is.

I'm feeling a bit hungry for some b8.
Morale shirts are not allowed to be made mandatory, and they're a wide point of contention across the AF.
While the intent was to allow for a squadron shirt (black, gray, tan), many units (looking at you, personnel and medical) have pink, orange, or red shirts, which look terrible underneath the already awful ABU.
New thread
I'm a already a rising senior in college doing Mech Eng. OCS is basically my only chance
I think it's just 1yr, but either way, not too bad since the prescription I didn't cash was in Jan 2016 and I'm looking to join in September, so worst-case I wait 3 extra months, go to one more SHOT Show and then enlist.
This used to be my plan but then I realized it was retarded and decided to do army 18x instead.

No reason to waste 4 years before getting the job you actually want. From what I've heard about the marines and infantry in general, spending 4 years as a combat janitor is a good way to lose your motivation and just say fuck reenlistment.
Is it weird to show up to the gym, run on a treadmill for 20 minutes, then leave?

I am doing c25k for cardio, and push up/sit up routines at home
Why not just run outside? Why waste gas going to the gym for 20 minutes?
You should take advantage of the other things a gym offers. However, you also shouldn't give a fuck about what is "weird." Nobody at the gym is going to pay any attention to you, let alone time your visit and judge you for it.
Everyone is always mean to FIST and Tony on discord
I'm also doing these programs, how's it going?
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How exactly are the "elite" units of the military ranked? Things like Green Berets, SEALS, MARSOC, Rangers, etc.
They serve different purposes so stop trying to rank them.
But doesn't the government do just that with the Tier system?

The tier system just denotes their level of specially-ness

higher tiers have more specific training and more specific uses (but more general capabilities)

its like trying to rank a handyman with no degree against a construction worker with trade school, and a contractor with a degree in structural and construction technologies
Tiers are related to organization and funding. It's not the same as "power level" tier lists for video games or whatever.
My apologies. I will take the L in that case.

In this case, infantry would be like the construction worker- enough training to be told what to do and do it good, rangers would be like the guys with trade school, who are able to do both infantry things and more specific tasks, and DELTA who are trained to do highly specific tasks, and independently operate with little oversight and make their own task decisions. THey also have the most specific skillset and years of training for hostage rescue and counter terror

they are ranked by there K/D ratio, once you hit 300 confirmed kills you get to be a seal
uniforms can be fucked with at command discretion usually, For example I had guys in NWU3 with black boots, because of command fuckery... I was about to internally knife hand at first, until I realized they had no say in the matter

that's not true, with battle stations, everyone makes sure they are human shields to protect the ship and captain

bm has a signing bonus, also the aviation rates are reaaalllyy bottlenecked and super long school wait
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