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/meg/ - Military Enlistment General

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"Hands up, don't shoot" edition


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For Ranger info, obviously.

SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff. Good site for Marines info too.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

For info on the Australian Defense Force, and how you can shitpost on the world stage.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke???
tl;dr: Long hard school, to do shitty work, and the job prospects are a lie.

Which branch are you enlisting/enlisted/considering?
How do I prepare for boot

Also how do I tell my recruiter I only want one or two rates and have no interest in anything else
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First off the butthurt Air Force faggot made the thread. Fuck the AF even more now.

Its rate just fyi
That's a great choice honestly. Its extremely flexible. If you just wanna be abasic one that's great but make sure you go to a ship as your first duty station. Lots fo times corpsman go to hospitals shroe side right away and its not a good thing.
If you wanna go fmf and work with marines thats cool to and if you wanna be billy badass and be a sarc more power to you.
>Also how do I tell my recruiter I only want one or two rates and have no interest in anything else

"I only want one or two rates and have no interest in anything else"
is it a good idea to go 82nd as a 35M or should I just roll the dice with any other division. Im looking to do cool guy stuff in the future, I just want more time to prepare physically while still being in the Army.
Well that's good to hear with the flexiblity and all, any particular reason why it's so bad to go shore side immediately though?

And yeah, working with the marines is something i've really been considering. I feel like that's probably my best shot at working in the field which I would honestly much prefer personally. Sarc seems cool if I decided to stay in long enough to qualify, and if I ended up being good enough to do so in the first place.
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>Sarc seems cool if I decided to stay in long enough to qualify
You qualify from day 1 from what I remember. In A school sarc and fmf recruiters come around and ask people if they want to try out for high speed shit.

ya if you go fmf immediately then you wont have to worry about what I'm about to explain, they'll put you to work right away.

>any particular reason why it's so bad to go shore side immediately though?
Have you ever heard parents tell their kids don't eat desert before dinner cause itll spoil your appetite? Well its true. The way the navy works is SEA SHORE roatations. You do some time at SEA duty, 9/10 that means youre on a ship, and after 4ish years there depending on your rate you rotate to SHORE duty of some type. Its set up this way because SEA duty is tough, its fun but tough especially fi you want to have a family life. Everyone knows this so SHORE duty is kind of a joke, its usually very easy with lots of early days off. Its seen as a reward for working so hard at SEA. So this is a huge problem when if you go to SHORE first. Cause youre spoiled immediately. Ive seen is loads of times. People come to a ship after going to shore first and they are lazy, pissed off about the long hours and get no respect, which they don't deserve. Cause they rank up yet have no idea what to do cause ship vs shore life is 100% different. They simply don't understand what it means to be a young sailor struggling on a ship cause they never were one. You need to go to a ship first to earn your salt so to speak. Those tough times as a young sailor are gonna build your back bone.
Ive only truly hated 1 person in my divison the entire 4 years I was in. This motherfucker is exactly what I'm talking about. Somehow he actually double dipped back to back shore duties in ITALY of all places then showed up to our ship. So he had been in for around 7 years before ever coming to a ship and of course he was lost and had a huge attitude problem.
>You qualify from day one from what I remember
I see, my mistake then, I just remember hearing that you had to be in for a while to qualify, must've misunderstood. I'll keep this in mind.

>He had been around for 7 years before coming to a ship
Yeah from the way you descibed it that really does sound like a pretty big problem.

But yeah I get what you're saying, get used to the hard stuff first then move on to the easy. Makes sense to me. Anyway thanks for all the info, it's been a pretty big help and I really do appreciate it.
>I see, my mistake then
Do some googling just to make sure. But man you better be in great shape. The pipeline is crazy long and grueling.

>Anyway thanks for all the info, it's been a pretty big help and I really do appreciate it.
NP nigga, I'm gonna be up wasting my life for a few more hours so if you can think of more shit to talk about ill be around.
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Alright lad
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Having an internal dilemma about what pathway to take.

On one hand, I love helping people. I've worked with emergency crews and I loved every minute of it. If there is any job for me in the Army, it's 68w.

On the other, I went to a military academy for high school. No it wasn't for delinquent kids. I excelled at leading others and keeping people in line. So much so that, the Academy XO (Former Mil) promoted me to Plt Commander then gave me my own company. I loved it and I honestly wish I could do it over again. Don't take this as bragging of any sort, it was ROTC shit at best but damn it was a great time in my life.

So I guess my question is, if I enlist as a 68w, can I become an officer later on? I know that line medics are usually attached to the Plt Sgt. and don't make many if any, tactical decisions.
I think I've narrowed it to 35 F, M and N. Anyone have any feelings on those and/or know any other MOS that someone interested in those should be thinking of? I'm not worried about post mil salary/skills, not going to be grunt, don't mind white collar style work but don't want to be stuck in armpitsville USA either.
>68w, can I become an officer later on?

also what academy did you go to?
Is 5'5 too short for army infantry
pls no bully
no, the cut off is 5'0"
Not official or anything, it was rather small so I don't wanna give out info on it.

But it was basically like if you took ROTC and expanded it to the entire school.

Battalion PT during 7th period and Battalion Formation in the morning after colors for uniform and homework inspection. Regular high school classes during the day as normal. I feel like a fag because I know my drill movements and a lot of other general military shit like the back of my hand but don't want to seem like 'that guy' who thinks he's hot shit during Basic

Are 68w's 'involved' in the Platoon or do they really just stay in the back with the Plt Sgt until they are needed?
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I went to pic related for High school, I was just curious
Original guy whom you called his sister a retard here (you're not wrong)
The back and forth between you and the AF guy was actually very insightful and I'm still liking the Navy more. You did mention that carriers suck, care to elaborate?
If I could just give my insight here, go outdoors on a hot, hot day during a heat wave. Walk out into the middle of a large parking lot at 1 PM. Feel that sun on you? Imagine feeling that for hours while you're on the deck of a carrier crossing the equator. It's very rewarding when you succeed, but dealing with extremely high temperatures on a runway with jet fumes in the air may not be for everyone. Then again, there's roles that put you on aircraft as enlisted aircrew that are pretty cool.
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How do cashew allergies usually go during meps lads?

am i fucked?
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>Original guy whom you called his sister a retard here (you're not wrong)
Haha sorry about that, glad youre a good sport. Only said it cause MP is such a gay job.

>You did mention that carriers suck, care to elaborate?
Its literally to big for its own good. Its like a giant floating highschool because of it. Cliques form. Gangs form. Plus its so huge that theres no personal level to things. On my cruisers there was about 300 people. You know everyone by at least face and most you've spoken to. So its easier to get favors done for you when you are on a name basis with people. Lots more hookups and convincing people to turn a blind eye when you show up late and hammer drunk. Its a good thing. Plus again due to a carriers size they cant make port calls as easily and theyre a pain in the neck cause most you need to take a liberty ferry into port rather than just being pier side.
This is a more abstract reason but it is similar to what I said here >>34528018

The fact is carriers are easy mode. Again because tehres so many people. The responsibilities do not scale with the people believe it or not, so its very easy to fall through the cracks and not learn much or ge the most out of the "navy" experience. The fact is it needs to suck a little, you need to be over worked a little. trial by fire works and on a carrier that rarerly happens. We had a female show up around my 3rd year and she said there were so many OSs on the carrier in her division that she only had 1 job and that was it. I think she said she stood 1 watch a day and had no duties besides that. Basically she could do about 1/4th the shit I could do. A cruiser or destroyer is ideal.
If you wanna see what its like on a carrier watch
its a nightmare

this to, but being flight deck personnel on a carrier is worse than being a slave. As you can see in the series I posted
>am i fucked?
only if you talk too much
What rate has the least likely chance of being on a carrier?
Well I'm assuming you mean from a normal job pool. Otherwise seals are the obvious answer.
If you go the FC/GM route and get some specific weapon system that doesn't deal with carriers than youll never be on one pretty much guaranteed. But even if you pick a more general rate you can influence where youll be stationed slightly. When I went through A school we filled out a dream sheet for top 3 locations to be stationed and top 3 ship type choices. And even then after you get orders you can sometimes finagle a trade with a willing classmate. Pick a job you enjoy then worry about avoiding shitty duty stations after that.
Ah yeah, I went to a school in California. Looked at MMA. Seemed cool enough.
if you let your recruiter fuck you you win
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>anti-military OP picture
Cruisers are the best.
Just relax, and look up the home ports for the carriers. When you're making your choices, choose different ports. Also, you can rank your choice of ship type. A LOT of people try to go for carrier so it shouldn't be too hard to get a DD. DD's are comfy, but kinda small and cramped compared to CG's, size-wise. There's also a bunch of support ships that get overlooked like surveillance ships and the like.

When you're out of the navy and considering what to do next, look into SWO. I would recommend you not do SWO Nuke since they'll likely bone you with the "needs of the navy" bs and put you in a sub unless you're a woman. Some SWO(N)'s get assigned to surface and they have a good life: start out on a destroyer/cruiser, go to school for 2 years, then serve on a CV for a while as a bottom bitch, then go full SWO and serve on destroyers and cruisers until O-6 (all with excellent pay) but it's a crap shoot since 70% end up voluntold to go to subs, which are cramped, hot racked, and smell like an eternal fish market. Good thing about SWO (non-nuke) is they'll put you on a smaller ship and it's like your own comfy family. Aviator is easier to become and if you go for helicopter aviator, not only do you get to serve on cruisers, destroyers, LCSs, Amphibs, etc, but there's also higher demand for heli pilots in the civilian sector than jet pilots. NFO is a good way to go too (and the navy is so desperate they're forcing aviator applicants to go flight officer). Almost the same pipeline 10 years later, and you'll get to boss around the aviators.
What do you mean anti-military? The Iranian military looks badass in the pic. :^)
america is the only real country
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Any britanons? Got my medical forms in the post and just waiting for the GP to get on with it.

What's it like? Have a cousin who left a few years ago but he's all "it's not like it used to be". I decided on intelligence because I have the qualifications for it and everyone warned me not to be a grunt, how badly did I choose?
>Cruisers are the best.
my nig, which one were you on?
>is it a good idea to go 82nd as a 35M

Unless you go to basic airborne course right after AIT you're not guaranteed to "go 82nd".
>What do you mean anti-military? The Iranian military looks badass in the pic. :^)

You have to let the special ed kid win once in awhile even though your capacity for violence is leagues beyond their own.
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Recently got denied an asthma waiver for afrotc even though I had a good PFA score and my breathing test came back normal with no signs of asthma. What should I do now bros? I'm losing hope in joining the military.
Looking into enlisting 20 years into the AF (preferably). My question is if I were to first enlist for say 8 years, could I re-enlist and receive the same benefits/retirement of a 20 year contract?
Praise whatever God or Gods you believe to be holy.
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>he told the truth
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Why are so many 10-12 year Air Force still E-5s? And why do they have the gall to complain?

Is taking a simple test that hard to the average airman? I thought they were supposed to be smart.
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Which job is the least disciplined?

Which job gives me the most free reign as a low ranking person?
If MEPS requests all counseling records from a location they are aware I've been, and I only give them partial records?
Turns out counseling by US laws or something has to mandatorily give a diagnosis, even if most mild. I was never told this when I used counseling just to go blow off steam from people problems and familial woes.
You'll make a great SAW gunner

You're not guaranteed to go to the 82nd even with Airborne, especially as 35 series.

Navy/Army strat jobs, generally.
How do you guys who have served deal with anti-military sentiment from your civvy friends and acquaintances?
I've heard that Marines who re-enlist in other branches under the DoD get a reduction in their basic training.

How much truth is there to this?
>how do I prepare for boot
Running, sit ups, core strength.

>how do I tell my recruiter I want one or two rates and nothing else
"Here are the jobs that interest me and I'm adamant about not leaving until I get one."
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35F is just an all-source guy. He takes info from each source and pieces it together to help the commander make a decision.

35M is a hit or miss. Not much experience with them.

35N does signals intelligence. They can either be with the infantry looking for bad guys or in a sweet spot like Colorado, Hawaii, Florida, etc. Promotion for enlisted is probably faster as a 35F though.

O-4 35D here.
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WTF are you talking about? Are you from NYC or San Fran? If they don't support your decision then F them.
sounds like you need friends who aren't antifa hoes
>35M is a hit or miss. Not much experience with them.
Do you mean you personally don't have much experience working with them, or they don't get much experience on the job?
I'm a millennial who is currently in college. It's almost impossible to find even moderate liberals in this demographic.
>NFO is a good way to go too (and the navy is so desperate they're forcing aviator applicants to go flight officer).
Which makes no fucking sense, considering NFO is to be phased out in the next decade. Big Navy just enjoys snatching the joy out of young pilot hopefuls' hearts.
If there's anything I learned from going through the medical process, it's that 1. If it hasn't happened in the last 3 years it NEVER HAPPENED and 2. If you were unsure of what it was, DON'T GUESS.
>It's almost impossible to find even moderate liberals in this demographic
maybe you aren't looking hard enough
Maybe saying it's almost impossible is hyperbole, but it is incredibly hard. Almost everyone is far to the left from the people I've met.
By "it", do you mean a full-scale asthma attack or minor symptoms? (Not OP, just another guy in a similar boat).
>strat jobs
More coping by the AF I see
>tfw went Nuke
>shipping out at the end of October
>see this general today
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What's the ETA til the next big war?
Are navy construction batallions a rate for retards like myself, or do you need do have a decent score on the asvab
Why didn't you do any research before accepting the job nigger?

I don't even know if those exist anymore dude. Choose a better rate.
Did your recruiting offices have mandatory DEP meetings back when you first enlisted? I have one today, and they always stress me the fuck out--like there's this invisible pressure in the office.
If a Marine joins another branch they don't do their basic, but a short kind of branch familiarization class. Same way with the Army, unless they switch to Marines. They'd have to do Marine boot camp, but not Navy or Air Force basic.
You mean the PT sessions for Poolees?
I suppose. My office doesn't do much PT.
What branch?
>Tfw my closest recruiter is inside a mall
>Almost everyone is far to the left from the people I've met.

What is your degree program?
Arent they all?
>Found out i am going to be stationed at Elmendorf AFB

Ready to freeze senpai
How much better/worse is Army living quality compared to the Marines?
Like someone already said, it isn't guaranteed. My gramps was told at some point that he was going to the 101st, so he got the screamin' eagle of the 101st tattooed on his shoulder. Some sort of bureaucratic fuckery happened, and his assignment was switched to the 82nd. They made him rub sand into his new tattoo until he bled for days. The funny thing is, 50 years later it's still there but just blurry and ugly as hell.
So I know marine reservists can pick their MOS whereas active can't. Does the same work for officers or is it just enlisted?
Do you gain confidence at boot camp? I'm a skinny loser
I had a friend who refuses to talk to me after I told him I thought he was a traitor for saying he would dodge the draft in the event of an invasion. They're shit friends if they don't support your decision so fuck them.
Buy more guns and have fun
Oh, you'd think there would be some pt at the office. I'm memerines and we do some hard ass pt
What rate? First contract?
not him, but what how do you qualify as a FMF corpsman or for the SARC pipeline?
>what how
I meant how
Gotta be in great shape first off. Then I'm sure like most tough things, you need good eyesight and no medical deficiencies.
I know its shitty Wikipedia, but the training pipeline looks accurate. Give it a read over.
>meg says asvab mc section is pissy easy
>"dude which way is the gear turning xd"
>"if bitch a is going 40mph how far does she go in 30 minutes"
>Go into asvab
>it is fucking physics shit how much force needs to be exerted to drag this block up 40 feet with a 10 foot incline
>how far from the pivot should a 45 pound block if the 100 pound block is 9 feet
>meanwhile the piss easy questions meg was meming are nowhere to be found
>literally have no idea how to solve physics bullshit
>get a 17
Fuck this useless general
what about just as an FMF corpsman? also, is it true that green side corpsman positions are overmanned at this point?
17 on the MC section, or 17 for your overall AFQT?
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>get a 17
>LITERALLY being too dumb to join the infantry
Dude I'm no expert, just try googling it
Is 29/30 too old to enlist?
Do you mean literally or ironically?
if you are serious about it go ask the recruiter(s) and then come back here with what they said and see if it checks out or if they are just telling you bullshit.
appreciate it, is a recruiter a good source of info on the specifics or will they just lie to get you into whatever it is they are being paid bonuses to get people into that week?
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>SARC pipeline
How difficult is this SARC pipeline? Pic related, a SARC.
You learn to handle being yelled at.

But senpai, Active duty CAN pick their MOSes, even in the Marines.
>Active duty CAN pick their MOSes
Honestly as long as you don't drop then the MOS is you sign with is the MOS you're going to school for.
Would fuck the SARC outta her.
I thought you just picked a field and they put you in something in that field.
It comes down to ASVAB scores many times. If you take time to study you WILL GET THE JOB YOU WANT.
You have been reported to the nearest Air Force EO office.
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Be me
>22 I turn 23 in October
>Lift a fuck ton of weight
>265/385/435 Ben/Squ/Dead
>7 min mile (slow... I know)
>20 pull ups easy
>1 year college credits /dropout
>fed employee 2 year (hate it)
So those are my pros (stats)
Here's my negatives
>Glasses 20/30 vision i think... it's not that bad (near sighted)
>dislocated my left shoulder 3 times, but had surgery

So my question is... with my "bad shoulder" can I join the Marine Corps? My dad was a lifer (Marine) and if I don't join I'll feel like my life was a waste... in terms of if my shoulder has problems... the answer is no I've rehabed it long and I can overhead press / pull ups. So in terms of strength of joint it's stable.

I want to be an LAV crewman 0313 (I saw the movie fury with Brad Pitt and was like that's the life I want, I'm hoping it's the same or similar)
I have a bad shoulder/(that I rehabed) and want to be a marine. (Desired MOS 0313) Can I still join?
I got a 94, but I want 0313. They roll all the big potato scores into weapons platoons don't they? If you want 0313 don't you have to get 0311 and volunteer?
The Corps has changed a LOT in the last 15 years. Your best bet is going to be talking to a recruiter and asking him "How can I get a closed contract for X job?" Very very very few people get reclassified, and it's almost always due to waivers or physical issues like vision.
stfu and stop positing faggot you don't know anything

In the marines its not cut and dry. To the ebst of my knowledge you just pick the general field and they decide after boot which specific MOS to put you in.
With that being said youre a fool fi you join the marines. Seriously don't.
Also same fag as above, but since you scored so highly look into every possible field that may interest you. There's always a demand for infantry but if there's no war to be won then you're really not going to be doing a whole lot.
>>Lift a fuck ton of weight >265/385/435 Ben/Squ/Dead
Nigger those all better be for 5 and even then I wouldn't call it a fuck ton.

Either way don't join the marines. I'm not memeing you. They are easily the worst branch dude.
t. Air Force
t. moron who doesn't know anything
I think we can both agree that the best thing for him to do is to speak to a recruiter.
Lol ok I guess im weak...
Anyways would I have a problem joining?
How long ago did you dislocate it?
Agreed, as long as its not a marine recruiter.
I'm not saying youre weak, just its def not a fuck ton.
And if you have no problem with your shoulder then no. But id lie if I was you. If you tell them about it youre gonna have to spend probably a year getting it cleared through slow as medical. Theyre gonna wanna see a shitload of paperwork and have their own doctors clear it.
And again, I'm telling you man theres no reason to join the marines. Don't do it.
I'm just curious: why the severe dislike of the Marines?
they keep fucking the girls im friends with
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I'm an enlisted 11C Infantryman in the American Army if anyone is curious. Duty stations, job descriptions(not just for my own, i see what other mos' do daily) and other shit. Ask away.
Pic is my first tour of lovely Helmand, Afghanistan.
I kinda have to tho...
My parents told me growing up, 2 jobs I could never have were:
>Work fast food
>Join the Army
All the "NASTIES" are in the army, that's why they're weak...

I lived by that nonsense, but there is some truth to it.

Anyways air force is gay and I'm not that smart
Navy unless ur a seal ur gay and I'm not fit enough (sad face)
So that only leaves the Corps
2013 twice
Me and others explain this every damn thread. If youd do any research youd already know why.
Worst quality of life easily, worst bases, worst barracks
Slowest advancement
Least career flexibility
Little to no bonuses
Anything they offer you can get a better version of in another branch
And worst of all you have faggots who love drinking their jizz for no reason like >>34535453

So why don't you get fitter and join the army and try for rangers? I'm just saying you are intentionally choosing a shitter option for all the reasons I said above.
Fuck.. 2013 twice playing football
And I was skiing winter 2016 and dislocated it on bad fall
What branch are you if you don't mind me asking?
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Well, I'm mostly looking at vehicle jobs. Infantry is OK, but I mean, who the hell doesn't want to drive a tank?
Fucking shit up with million dollar equipment is where it's at.
Fuck getting afqt score for seabee rates is harder than I thought it would be

Good thing I only took a practice test instead of thinking I was smart enough to take the asvab
>tfw 30 in GS
Eeeeeehhh 2016 is really recent. That might be a waiver.
Ok but are you going career or just 4 and out? I don't imagine thatd be great for a career. You should look into that.

Navy, did 4 years and loved it. But no matter what my branch was that doesn't refute the facts ive said man. I'm not shit talking the marines for fun I'm actually trying to help you. IF you take a job in another branch youll advance quicker, have a better quality of life and itll be better funded so youll have more schools available and better duty stations available.

Jesus fucking Christ no. that's a dead rate dude. Don't do that.
What am I in for as a 25B? Any tips?
I can already weld, decided I could go for SW or CE to improve/learn new skills.

How are Seabees dead and if they are shit what other rates (or branches) have decent tradesmen. Would rather get into Law Enforcement when I finish with the military but I'm too shit for Coasties and nobody says anything good about the other branches respective police force
Think about it, how many new bases are we building? Seabees are dead and going out of style. Small rate as is and getting smaller. Poor advancement and no good career opportunities.

If you want hands on work though look into engineering rates. Youll get to be on a ship and learn far more.
Click through the different eng rates and give them a read over.
honestly if you want to go into LEO why even bother with the military first? If you want to do mil first you should really just do something that sounds super cool/interesting/exciting.
What if I don't tell those nigers about the third one?
If I told my recruiter "I only want this job and I'm not leaving for boot camp until I get it," how likely would they be to work with me?
100%, that's the way its supposed to be. If they say they wont work with you say fuck em and go to another office.
I am currently reading this thread from the point where you posted this last night, but will be happy to shed some light on what exactly the roles might be of a 68w in a line unit, from my experience as an 11b in a line unit, if you're still in here,
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>Standard Scores are scores that have a fixed mean and standard deviation in the population of examinees. A Standard Score indicates how many units of the standard deviation a particular score is above or below the mean. In the case of the ASVAB subtests, the mean is set to 50 and the standard deviation is set to 10. Thus, a Standard Score of 40 indicates that the examinee scored 1 standard deviation below the mean. A Standard Score of 70 indicates that the examinee scored 2 standard deviations above the mean.
>he got a 17
t. MC: 73
you won't be able to go to nuke school and will be dq'd from a couple other jobs maybe but you can def. still enlist
fuck this OP image, OP. I hope you find yourself infested with a disgusting novel prarasitic infection during your next VA visit, if you are US navy anon thats been talking in the last thread and here.
>if you are US navy anon thats been talking in the last thread and here.
That's me, at you asking if I posted that pic?
It was that AF fag I was arguing with.
Not entirely true, the basic thing yeah but my Marine buddy that joined the Army never did a branch familiarization class. He straight up just showed up to 20th Replacement in Campbell and got sent to my unit like a week later without ever being taught shit
How's infantry? Would you recommend it? Is your back or knees fucked? I'm planning on going 03 and I want to know what infantry is like
Is there even a point to going infantry now? Won't you just sit around doing nothing now that the operations in the middle east are only going to SOF and aviation
Also what is the difference between 19D and 11B besides MUH HORSES
This reminds me how much I hate the SWO guy and his CO for giving up a fucking patrol boat.

Seriously we should have killed them all, what the fuck happened to "dont give up the ship"?
so just to clarify- navy anon is not iranian cock licker? jesus this board needs temp poster ID's
Why would I, the guy defending the navy, post a picture showing the navy in a poor light???
i told you two days ago, the gay ass hat and spurs, plus a mentality where they wish/think they have the same history as light infantry, and they don't. honestly they must not do things much differently though, as i have seen infantry brigades get reflagged as calvalry. not entirely sure how that actually went for them, as i was in a different brigade by that point. i did have a 19D 1SG come in halfway through a deployment, and he was a legit badass and also a great leader. he still didn't have a blue cord though.
that's what i could not figure out, i must have read the replies wrong. my bad, you're cool navy anon. i wish a terrible sickness upon AF fag wherever he may be.
word, well if you got some questions I'm lurking
airborne in contract is what i meant

Which branch is the most respectable and why is it the Navy?
>most respectable
probably the uniform
so is the question whether you should try for an airborne contract and 35M? if so, all you can do is try. tell your recruiter thats all you're settling for, and if you get an airborne contract you'll likely go to bragg if you request it on dream sheet. you could go to alaska as well, but not if you put bragg for first request.
Carrier Battle Groups.
you serious?
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it is the least tryhard
why do you ask questions like the faggot leftists posting for their classroom/credited social justice experiment from /pol/?
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Its a false flag bait question psoted by that butthurt AF faggot. He did it on purpose to get meme answers like
as i said earlier, /k/ seriously needs thread ID's. i am newfag, so there very well might have been in the past and i don't know about it.
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Talked to an army recruiter the other day about ocs and he basically told me I go for infantry, cavalry or artillery or I'm out of luck.
For technical positions, do they not take anyone without a related technical degree?
Seems like either a crapshoot through normal enlistment to get into one of these positions or a commitment to full career military.
if you want to talk about commissioning as an officer talk to an officer recruiter, enlisted recruiters have a bad habit of feeding you bullshit
if i were you, i wouldn't put any faith into anything that the recruiter tells you about OCS, but unfortunately they are the POC for a civ. the question is, why don't you want to be combat arms, if you want to be an army officer? if you want technical shit, join the navy or AF.
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Got my email today about passing the initial aptitude testing.

I'm doing it boys
That's what I've heard, suppose I'll get a second opinion.
Army has the best intel program, no?
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should i join the navy? im 34 with a good job and tons of prospects, but have student loans to pay off. i was going to use the CLRP to pay off the rest of my federal loans, my private stuff is almost paid off. i was thinking CTN or something else and moving to san diego.
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these are your choices. make it count anon.
>best intel
they have a bretty gud intel program yes, but i have seen from personal experience that they are officer heavy, and someone in the last thread was mentioning something about that as well. if you want to be intel, just enlist for it, then work on OCS/green to gold once you've been around for a few years.
Well CTN is an excellent job but theres no guarantee youll get SD in fact I don't even know if CTNs get stationed there my nig.
don't ever sign up first and foremost for gibs, you twat.
yeah i dont think they are. i'd have to luck out with hawaii and hope best korea doesnt nuke us. i should just go reserves as a gunners mate and get another CS job in SD.
dude wtf are you talking about, your plans are all over the place. Why did you just give up on CTN? Are you heart set on SD for some reason?
>get another CS job
it's a big part of it out of necessity, but i love my country and would love to fight for it. it just took me a long time to realize that. i'd probably contribute more to the duty behind a computer though.
i didnt really give up on it. i'm just thinking about quality of life with respect to jobs and location. SD is a great place to be, and i am currently a software developer.
oh when you said CS I thought you meant the job CS in the navy.
>SD is great
I know I lived there for 3 years.
But its not like Hawaii is bad. Reserves are gay dude. Id just go CTN if I was you.
Thankfully I'm a canuck so we're itching for literally every position right now.

Benefits to having a pussified general populace that doesn't wanna join the army.
are you the anon waiting for leaf infantry orders?
is the A school supposed to be hard or whatever? it's like 6 months. i feel like every post online is people wanting to go CTN.

i talked to a recruiter and she said that they always have CTN jobs open because it's hard to get people to qualify for them.
i had to look up each of those acronyms you just used. i think you should definitely pursue culinary specialist.
which ones?
Aside from Seal jobs, CTN is the 2nd hardest school behind NUKE.
Hey dude just saw this. This is actually the first time I've been in /meg/ in weeks so probably a different guy but I would love to hear your stories.
good to know. i can probably make it if i study up. i was chemical engineering before i went compsci.
Nope. This is my first time posting.

Just got done waiting like a month for them to get back to me after my aptitude test. Now I'm onto medical and then interview.
How true is the stereotype of the Army pandering to the lowest common denominator?
Plus youre old. Most people who fail are young stupid kids who don't study. Youre probably more serious than that. Anwyay, I'm in uni atm starting CS. How did you like it? You got a good job? Hows the money?
I cant ever tell the truth cause all I get is meme answers. Some people say CS is infested with normies and no jobs available and some say they love their job and make great money.
you have a degree?
i have two, and a full time job that pays really well.
I'm just spewing shit I heard from /meg/ and my own research on a few other net places, but Marines tend to be harsh about old arm/shoulder injuries far more than other branches. I have heard of people getting denied by Marines for singular instances of shoulder dislocations. I mean if you don't mention it, and you can prove there's no way to trace it to you... Might be best. Get in and if they find out later somehow, take your licks.

Also for all the shit Marines get here, half the reason I want the branch is because I prefer more coastal stations. Fuck being in redneck nowheres ville with Army and Air Force. Sunny coastal places with a shit living space sounds better.
no interest in OCS?
it depends on where you live and where you work i guess. i think i work with normies, but there are two dudes in their 40s who actively play pokemon go. one is the biggest jock/bro in the company. even normies in tech are still nerds. everyone has an opinion on star wars and the new marvel movies.

CS is a good time if you can make good friends i think. some stuff you have to work on yourself but it's a lot of work and having people you can talk to / ask stuff about and work on group projects with is a big plus.

i can test well and i work hard, so i just did what i had to do to pass classes and do well. some people are good at projects and do bad on exams, some people are just young and really lazy.

i would do a lot of research/projects and extra stuff with personal projects to help with finding a job. people want someone who can figure shit out on their own and have a variety of skills. only use java/c++ in school classes? so go and build a GUI or some other shit in python on your own time. do stuff to stand out.
I'd say it's more accurate for the Marines
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Every branch does.

Compare the IQ of:
the average Navy MA
the average Marine Finance Technician
the average USAF Supply airman
the average US Army Motor Transport Operator

I dare you to find any mental differences between them. They are all People of Walmart tier.
i think i would, it would be great for being a manager afterwards. also i would need an age waiver (which i could probably get), but they are not eligible for college loan repayment. and i hate to be like this, but if the navy isn't going to give me up to $65,000 for my student loans then i don't really have a lot of incentive to go shave my head and get yelled at by a 24yo.
You realize marines have lots of bases in the deserts in Cali right?

interesting, makes sense. Overall though how would you rate CS? As in your degree and job? 9/10? Are you glad you did and and would gladly do it over again?
fair enough
The way the stereotypes were described to me was that:

>The Army is for fatbodies and criminals
>Marines are tough but have the brains of peanuts
>Air Force are the opposite: smart and wimpy
>Navy are flaming gay
>Coast Guard are literally who
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Enlisted is enlisted is enlisted is enlisted is enlisted
>but some enlisted are intelligent
Wrong. Community college intellectuals aren't smart they can just repeat facts from the one textbook they read and the one Reddit board they monitor. All knowledge without applicability. This is why we have standardized instructions for all enlisted to follow as they cannot improve in an unstable environment. The closest we have to enlisted who can think on the fly are SOF and the occasional conventional combat arms member.

The officer is there to provide stability, order, the Rock of Gibraltar allowing the enlisted to get their bearings.
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I'm truly stuck with what I want to do in the Marines and I'd like to hear what /meg/ thinks, maybe some guidance too.

I decided college wasn't for me at this point in my life and I don't want a minimum wage job so I joined the Marines. I don't regret this decision, I wanted to do this for quite a few years now. My problem is, I'm 19 years old and I have no idea what I want to do with myself outside of my 4 years of the Marines. I don't want to make a career out of the military, but I also don't know what I want to study for in college. My original goal was to go 03 in Marines and use the GI Bill for my college, but again, I don't know what that would be.

Because I scored so well on the ASVAB and was told I qualify for nearly every MOS, I was advised to get a job that would translate well for when I get out of the military, but I truly don't know what that could be. I don't want to go into construction or welding when I get out, so that leaves out the entire engineering field, any type of desk job doesn't interest me; I don't want to repair fighter jets (repairing an F-16 won't help me for when I get out of the military anyways), I don't want to be a mechanic, nearly everything doesn't pique my interest neither. The only thing that I find any type of interest in is 03, but again, that doesn't do anything for me when I get out. So I don't know what I want to do. I don't have any direction. I told this to my recruiter and he told me to go into aviation, but he's my fucking recruiter, he'll say anything. I can't fully trust him.

What should I do with myself /meg/? Should I go 03 and hope I know what I want to do with myself after my 4 years are up and use the GI Bill, or should I go into a MOS I don't really want, in hopes I'll like what I'm doing and gain some skills that would help me for when I get out?

What should I do with myself.
it's paying all of my bills and digging me out of debt instead of causing me to go further into it. i have to rate it well because it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

other than that like, what other degree would you get that could get you a job that starts at a solid 45K+ per year starting? engineering? it just depends if you are going to be good at CS i think. i spend all of my time in front of a computer working on shit. it seems that i am just constantly working on projects and different aspects of CS/security.

are you willing to spend your free time messing with stuff? it doesnt have to be all of your free time, but eventually the stuff you learned in school will be outdated. tech is always changing, and it will be on you to learn new frameworks and languages and other things to stay on top of technology as it changes.

i knew people at school who threw darts at a board to pick the major, but did well because they are smart. where is a person like that going to be in 10 years when they don't know how to use basic internet protocols because they weren't taught in CS101/102?
If one gets laser eye surgery in order to correct eyesight would that qualify you for jobs that require good eyesight in the military? My eyesight is a bit poor at longer to medium distance and i've been thinking about getting it. Not really poor enought to have trouble seeing, but poor enough to not be able to read or make out too many details at distance.

I only ask because I feel that there may be some sort of exception due to having used a procedure to improve eyesight rather than having it be naturally good.
Total noob here, have started moving towards military as a possible career path. Interested in going to OCS, intelligence, MP, or SERE, probably in that order of interest.

Still don't know what branch I'd pursue.

6'0" 170lbs no allergies, history of minor back/shoulder pain if that makes any difference.
Hey guys,

I got accepted today to enlist directly into 31D. Really excited.

I have to do 31B OSUT first in the training pipeline. What should I expect?
intel? otherwise just go be a raider and send it all day long.
If the ocean is closer than 150 miles I'm good so yeah. I learned from experience I feel very weird when I'm in inland shithole states.
Take the air traffic controller pill anon like me. It translates well into the civilian world if you get the right qualifications. It's 7257 mos
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Now this is shitposting.

First off don't join the marines. Read the thread and youll see why. Next join the navy and go CTN like the other anon.
Also if you don't want something that translates that's fine for 2 reasons. You got the gi bill which you can use and figure out what you like during and after the mil and 2 cause you may love the job you get in the mil and decide to stay in.

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Please respond, I very much want to know this.
thanks for the help with the CTN stuff. i just took a practice asvab and i don't have the patience for this shit anymore lol.
How did they find out that you've been there, first and foremost?
If you are the guy with the 2 degrees youll score 90+ on it don't sweat it.
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How do contracts work in the Marine Corps?

Can you sign your contract to be Admin and then get told you're going to Infantry?
yeah thats me. i guess there is a mechanical section (that was always my worst subject, i got destroyed in physics1) and i got smoked on it.

i might just make an appointment and take it one weekend without studying and see what happens. does it cost any money and how long does it take?

>Turns out counseling by US laws or something has to mandatorily give a diagnosis, even if most mild

First of all, uless you were given a battery of tests in accordance with the relevant DSM, it does not count, many doctors will use a diagnosis as a basis for getting insurance to cover care costs. Any subsequesnt problems will be then taken in context of it.

If you told meps, they can go to the doctor and pull records, whill they though? who knows.

In order to cover your bases, get a letter from the doctor statign that you were seen, but that you did not seem to have any problems that precluded you from military service at the time of care.

You may need a letter for meps stating what care was provided (if they ask you for this as justification to satisfy the "yes" answer to the "have you ever been seen for mental health reasons")

also, what conditions, and how old were you, and what did you tell meps?
Man just go to a recruiters office and ask to take a practice there. I think the real one is like an hr? I just showed up cold and got a 95 but don't go off my experience.
>get home
>everyone is assmangled that the Air Force exists
Never change, /meg/
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im down for that. i just work 9-5, and i'd have to go after work when i'm tired and have brain fry. early on a saturday would be better but i'll just stfu and go take it.
pretty sure you can't join anything but the army at 34y/o
navy enlisted ends at 34, officers end at 35. age waivers are available and i'm sure id get one for a desk job that has very little shore leave and not a lot of people are smart enough for.

that is just active. navy reserves, coast guard, AF end at 39. army reserves end at 42.
>want to 19D/11b/13f/12b
>Also want to have a job when I leave the military
What are useful MOS's that tag along with infantry. Any branch
are you the one asking about 68w?
So go on a Saturday.
Whose the braphog in the photo???
Nope, I did ask about Seabees earlier in the thread though. They would be ideal if they weren't so overmanned
Intel also doesn't really interest me either.
I haven't thought about Air Traffic Controlling, I'll have to look more into it.
It's too late. I already signed the contract at MEPS. It's Marines for me.
>The closest we have to enlisted who can think on the fly are SOF and the occasional conventional combat arms member
Or you can look no further than the wonderful world of cyber, where there is very little official guidance, and the efficacy of the unit is largely dependent on the competency and intelligence of the operators/techs.

I'd say the distribution is about 80/20
80% are your normal enlisted guys who can't do much beyond a sheet of instructions.
20% are your muscle, who actually understand advanced networking + computing concepts and apply them to the problems at hand.

This is all, of course, led by officers who generally have a beginner's understanding of computing and networking.

Enlisted know how to do it, officers tell them what to do.
She's somewhere in WV or PA based on the foodland bag.

If anyone else could please shed some light on this, I'd appreciate it. I also forgot to add, I'd wish to be an infantry officer more than anything else.

Am I automatically barred from that if I enlist as a 68w?
>tag along with grunts
why? why not just be a grunt or one of those MOS that you listed? 13f is definitely the most useful non-grunt in a rifle platoon.

>work upon ETS
GI bill mang, you will get a degree in whatever the fuck you want, as long as you're not a shitbag.
just go be a 0317 and make sure you go to college for something good with your GI Bill. take some IT classes at community college and finish a 4year degree and you should be set.
The real lesson there is moto tattoos are always a bad fucking idea.
Don't fall for the "infantry is unemployable" meme. What is the difference between an 18 year old applying to college and a 22 year old applying to college?

The 22 year old had a unique experience that he couldn't get as a civilian and also gets the college for free. He isn't locked into being a cop or a security guard. If anything he has even more options than the 18 year old since he should have banked up a good bit of money.
I highly doubt there will be a point where cashews will be the deciding factor of whether or not you're going through the military. I don't even know if they give you those at chow or any MRE. Just avoid cashews, no one important will likely care. MEPS doctors are supposed to be lied to however.
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In the Marine Corps yes. Army is fine. Can't speak for other branches.
they ask you about allergies and tree nut allergies in particular
>Tfw already 22 and will be 23 by the time I enlist if I am too picky with mos
You've seen to many movies and been memed. Officers do no leading. They give orders at muster and then go to their office and do paperwork. Senior enlisted run the military dude. And yes you can become an officer later on if you want to.
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They have the best cumaraderie.
>What is the difference between an 18 year old applying to college and a 22 year old applying to college?

It would be 24 for me. Would that make a diffrence
Aye. Band Of Brothers did a number on me I guess.

Anyway, thanks man.
>implying anyone outside supply gave a shit
you will be in a better position to fug loads of 18 y/o puss
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i went to college at 25 after i ets'd. it was fucking awesome having so much more life experience than everyone else around me, but i was also at a pretty small school in a rural area.
But does that work with airforce? I really want an aircrew or select avionics rates, not "pick ten and an aptitude area xD"
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I'm just saying if youre idea of what an officer is is some alexander the great shit where you lead the charge get that outta your mind man.

Look if you want to be a medic and kick some ass you could always go full meme and try to be a green beret medic. Go in with an 18x contract and ask for 18D if you pass selection.
No cause that's set up differently. With the army and navy if they cant gurantee you a MOS/rate its cause the recruiters are fucking you over. With AF and marines to the best of my knowledge the system is actually set up to be hazy. Sorry but I think youre rolling the dice with AF. With that being said you shouldn't be joining them anyway.
Air Force programmer.
I'm in a dilemma /meg/.

I'm currently getting a degree in history, and I want to join the Army after I get out. Part of me wants to get an MOS that will translate well to the civilian world (I'm particularly interested in 35M), but another part of me feels like I would be wasting my time in the Army if I didn't choose a combat specific MOS (particularly interested in 11B, 19D, or 68W [I know this isn't specifically combat, but whatever]). Given that history degrees can be pretty hit or miss when it comes to good paying jobs, would it be more beneficial for me to get experience in the military that would help me get a good career when I get out, or should I still go with a combat MOS and just see where my degree alone takes me?
I actually plan on getting an Opt 40, so maybe I'll get a shot at RASP II later on.

Ops and mission planning seem like my kind of thing, so it's not like I expect to be leading a stack as an officer or anything, honestly my completely ideal scenario would be to have my own inf platoon. But I'm probably reaching. I'll stick to the 10 yard line of making it past RASP first, worry about the other shit later.
>Ops and mission planning seem like my kind of thing
Youre talking like a COD kid. you have no idea if that's your thing. But ya if you go 68W option 40 that's a good deal. I thought I had heard rangers were downsizing slightly but that might have been infantry only idk.

Well its a tough decision but you realize the 3rd option is to do whatever you want in the mil then use the gi bill to go back to school once you out and this time don't get a completely useless degree like history.
And why shouldn't I be joining them anyway? They have better QoL, no? I was contemplating Navy because I'm most interested in aviation at the end of the day, being on a boat didn't sound interesting to me. I was looking at aircrew in particular. What does Navy have?
>I'm currently getting a degree in history
switch majors.
go for the money young man
I explained this earlier in the thread somewhere. basically the AF is to comfy and because of that no one gets out so advancement is super slow. And if youre navy AC youre attached to a squadron and will work from an airfield and will only be on a ship when you deploy.
Why are there so many Asians and Mexicans in the navy, and so many blacks in the army
Fair enough.

Soft-skill MOS's(Particularly 68w) have been hard to come by from what I've heard but I take whatever I hear with a grain of salt.

Thanks though man, I'll navigate some more and let it all work it self out.
Don't know about others, but I like the water and traveling.
big navy areas happen to be near the border/port towns where asian immigration is big
t. San Diego

>Asians and mexicans

live near coastal areas (cali/pacific islands etc.) so are surrounded by naval forces


culturally do not teach children to swim, therefore cultural aversion to water. Also, most blacks live in cities that are not near oceans or other large bodies of water
army bases are usually in the south and within a couple hours drive or less to big cities. and the army is the easiest way to get into the military for some super POG no brain shit, and slime your way through the system for maximum gib acheivements.
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Well now I'm having second thoughts. My recruiter wants 10 rates and an aptitude area but I can only come up with 7 so far, even then the dice roll of it all is still nagging at me. I want to fly eventually through tuition assistance and such, how's the Navy side of aviation?
Anyone here go to the DLI and end up becoming a teacher for the language you learned when you became a civvy?
How about Law Enforcement?
you take the ASTB and if your scores are good enough and you don't have any medical shit you can pilot
if your scores aren't quite as good at the physical piloting parts you can be an NFO (naval flight officer) and basically manage live assets while in the air and do other shit while not actually driving the plane

pilot is quite competitive but they are thirsty for NFOs
>I want to fly eventually
Nigger you just gotta make up your mind. If you want to fly helos just do the armys warrant program. You can go from a civilian to flying helos no degree required.
>how's the Navy side of aviation?
Fine to the best of my knowledge.
I'm not interested in helos desu, but that is interesting still, no degree
Man so you meant what? Flying f-18s? Man you are acting like doing that is easy. people have degrees and train for years and are in the top 99% of officers to do that. You can just casually switch while your enlisted into that.
That's all good info but I should have clarified, what enlisted aircrew rates are available? Similar to AF?
No, big planes
So like c-130s?
Even then its hard to get man.
Granted, but it's still an option I want to keep open. I love flight and have since I was a wee lad, blue angels used to go over my house all the time. I'm not saying I want to fly fighter jets, or hell any jet, just planes in general
Ok but what I'm getting at is take a direct route to doing that if you can.
And I should add, that I want done sort of aircrew position in the event that I don't want to pilot down the road, I can still be in the air and being where I've wanted to be since childhood
And by direct route I assume you mean helicopters? Helicopters while also quite interesting do not allure me in the way that planes do, a lot more working bits in a heli, I've never felt comfortable while airborne in a helicopter, they just rub me wrong
No I'm saying take a direct route to piloting big planes.
Elaborate, you mean a non military route?
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Are you fucking retarded?
Do you not realize yo can become a pilot directly?
You don't need to be enlisted first.
Ok I have a quick question. How do I start by enlisting in the Army, or rather military in general. Expected answer: go talk to a recruiter. Yeah I get that, think smaller.

Do I just go straight to their office which is a bit of a drive for me and just walk in the door? Should I call their office first? Should I try using this "Apply Online" function on the US Army website?
>i went to college at 25 after i ets'd. it was fucking awesome having so much more life experience than everyone else around me


t. entering grad school next month at 30.
You need at least a bachelors degree, right? I'm essentially without college experience
Already figure out what job you want before anything.
Then call and make an appointment. You probably could show up but why not call ahead?
make sure not to mention your autism.
>Ops and mission planning seem like my kind of thing


>Youre talking like a COD kid.


"Ops and mission planning" are not anything like you actually think it is. You're fresh out of high school right? So you probably wrote some shittily formatted essays for your English comp classes that you hated.

Now imagine you're doing that for your entire career because an OPORD is a formatted essay.

The actual planning part takes place during staff meetings where you'll be planning trips to the range, online training, and training lanes for when there's nothing else for the junior enlisted to do.
walk in
they will rapid-fire some questions at you
answer them
look into the jobs you can do but don't set your heart on anything unless you're sure you'll rock the ASVAB
Anyone have exp as 19D? Is it easy to transfer to mechanic after a contract as a scout?
What does infantry even do these days? Sweep and run everyday?
Is there a point in joining the military now, rather than getting an uni education first then enlisting.

>inb4 disregarding GI Bill Benefits
>rather than getting an uni education first then enlisting
Why the fuck would you do it in that order?
>inb4 gi bill
You cant inb4 the actual correct answer
What if I want to discuss with the recruiter what job I might be interested in if I'm not committed to anything?

Like I have an idea of course. Generally something combat related with a couple of different MOS's on my mind, but I'm not sure if you mean knowing *exactly* what job you want.
Please respond I seriously don't know what you're referring to
Who the fuck wants to be a cop for the rest of their lives
not him. I wouldn't mind being a police officer or sheriff in a small town in the western rockies.
I don't know lots of people do. You don't have to be a beat cop, there are loads of options. You could move up in the department, SWAT, Detectives... fuck maybe join the FBI or CIA even.

you can talk as long as you want, just DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING unless you are sure you are getting what you want and are promised. They will try to disuade you if you flip flop on desire to pick a different job, but you are a civilian so there is nothing they can do. Ask what job is like, what perks there are, any personal experiences, then make educated decision with promises in writing on your contract
Does anyone know of any times of ppl being caught for lying on their medical? Or does it ever happen.
>What if I want to discuss with the recruiter what job I might be interested in if I'm not committed to anything?
Enormous mistake. tahts how they sucker kids like you into shitty jobs. Youre already here with us just fucking ask about jobs. And/or do some research youself to get a good idea.
Ideally you should already know.
I did respond seriously. I'm confused as to what you don't get. Are you under the assumption you have to be enlisted first before becoming a pilot? If you don't have a degree id say get one through some ROTC program or something along those lines. If you join as enlisted itll take you a while to get a full degree then apply for a pilots program. Who knows how old youd be at that point.

Most of the time you need to call ahead or make an appointment (at least in some states) because they are worried about ISIS shooting up recruiting centers or whatever.

also livechats


if you apply online for a prescreen, it will probably save you an hour at the station too
I mean I'm not necessarily asking them for suggestions as much as I want more info between a variety of jobs I've looked into. Like I've done some research, and I definitely know plenty of things I DON'T want to be. So I'd be more interested in talking about the jobs I had in mind, rather than suggestions.

Was that what you meant?

someone should add this to the OP pasta, its for high school to flight school, AKA direct path civilian to warrant pilot school for the army

>hey sgt what jobs positions do you have open im looking at MOS : (chose numbers)

well anon right now we have these open

>cool, are there any signing bonuses for any of those

well we have this one for being infantry

>what about the other jobs, are those any good?

then come talk about what you want on /MEG/
Man, essays were my bitch. I actually loved writing, I'm mad I stopped doing short stories n shiet

But yeah I see both of your guys points. I'll take it as it comes and if an opportunity arises for something up the ladder then I'll go from there.
Are you beating around the bush on purpose?
Just tell us obviously what jobs you are looking at dude. And again they'll still stear you in the direction they want. You and all these green asses need to realize the recruiter is not your friend, hes not your enemy either but they are definitely self serving. Which shouldn't be surprising its there job to fill quotas after all. All the info youll ever need is hear on the internet dude. Just fucking say what rates youre looking at.
>it will probably save you an hour at the station too

Oh really? Here's what I had open just now, I got it from the Facebook page of my nearby recruiting office.


So with that in mind, could I just do this application here, and then also call tomorrow or Monday and go from there?
also for all you wanabe squids, the navy has actual recruiters who man a livechat. Its not as good as meeting in person, but they cant try to use car salesmen techniques to pressure you


Im not sure if its changed, usually its just a pre screen, the actual process takes longer and requires a security assessment and other stuff, but the pre screen makes sure you have things like both kidneys, not AIDS and both legs in addition to making sure you dont need extensive background checking

don't use that one, that's just the invite to get them to call you non stop. it might work, but I think You want

Are the practice ASVABs on the interwebs a good indication of what the real thing will be like? I only ask because if I can figure out what I need to study a good bit before taking the actual exam that would be a big help.
Aren't the MOS numbers relatively precise? Like isn't "11B" just directly infantry? Or in your example would you perhaps say "11".

Yeah I understand don't 100% trust your recruiter. I've always intended to keep that in mind. I was just focusing on my actual questions.

I've been bouncing around between 11B, 11C, 19D, 19K, and considering if I would be up for shooting for Airborne, Ranger, or other patches I've seen. The list sounds a bit more narrow now that I put it into words, but that's roughly where I'm at.
if i'm making 80k/yr with no college it doesn't make sense financially to enlist does it... feeling sorta bored/unfulfilled. but already 30+ so if i was going to do military the plan would be to stay military not parlay mil skills into some other thing that is crazy hard to get into like some of you kids dreaming of CIA/FBI/etc


for the most part, link posted explains why answers are what they are
in the last thread someone was really mad bc the physics questions were legit physics and he did really bad... idk

DOD is starting a new retirement plan coming up next year I think so it might interest you, I don't know more about your situation though


I think you would use the 11B or whatever, its basically a job descriptor, I started to join the army (paperwork wise), but joined the coast guard instead, so I don't know how things in the army work.

It might have been an experimental topic. When I took the asvab, they had not yet implemented he "assembling objects" section of the test (if that's even a thing now)
I had already mentioned I don't have a degree, and from my understanding OCS packets without prior enlistment can take up to two years. Most of all, I'm in no financial position to go to college full time, ROTC or not. With the cut off being 28 for pilots training, that gives me plenty of time to get my degree while I am enlisted.
the "actual physics" stuff is ez
>how much force does it take to push a 10ton weight up a 45degree slope, disregard friction
>how much force does it take to raise a 15lb weight in this pulley configuration
it's like a word problem, if you know how to translate it the problem turns into basic arithmetic
assembling objects is a thing
If you do not have college credit, I think you can still get enough to go OCS if you have CLEP credits amounting to a certain value


its 100$ per test for a full subject credit (like as self study test), and they are free in the military

I listed on my prescreen form a "family counseling for brother's alcoholism, 4-5 months, biweekly until resolved", from 2007 that turned out I had misremembered/imagined, after asking my family. But I did factually have counseling from like 2013-2016 at the same place, the voluntary stuff to blow off steam.
I am the Native American guy in the past many threads, so 99% of my healthcare is centralized in one area, records held for 50 years included.

The counselor I saw in recent years was prior USAF enlisted and commissioned, and first thing he knew about me was I wanted to enter the military in the future.
He had listed Depression and Adjustment Disorder, but his language in some of the notes made me think he didn't really hold much weight to them, beyond getting the care costs taken care of. The worst the notes ever said were "I fear he may be becoming depressed" when 2 of my brothers told me they were feeling suicidal. He no longer works at that place, should I ask other counselors there, or attempt to contact him? My Primary Care Provider said she could probably give me a statement of having no records for the family counseling stuff, once I sign a release to get someone under her to scour everything and confirm it. It might make sense to also see about the counseling stuff. She did tell me that from skimming over the counseling records, it seemed what I experienced was normal, and wouldn't count as Major Depression or issues on a chemical level etc, but, I am very worried.

In 2007 I was 17 years old, and am now 27.
The only time I saw a real psyche was in 2007 to get into a program for poorly socialized teens with bad backgrounds to grow into better social skills, apparently it listed me as "Oppositional Defiant Disorder", maybe because I didn't mention my family is full of aggressive alcoholics that are hard to respect. Stuck with the program for about 1.5 years, MEPS doesn't know this part.
That's all the mental background. Thanks.
well man good luck is all I can say. That's a tall order and difficult plan.

That's fine. You want infantry 11b with the airborne option. If you go for ranger you better be in great shape.

hey there guy! I remember you, How did getting that letter work for you?
It was in this thread. See here:
>I started to join the army (paperwork wise), but joined the coast guard
What is your job in the Coast Guard? How difficult was physical training, I have read (mostly here) that it is the second hardest right behind Marines. In interested in ME rate, but my nearest CG recruiter is over an hour away so I don't want to start going only to not make it
Like I said, if pilot plan falls through, I want to still be enlisted aircrew so I can be in a plane like I've always wanted, it's why I was asking about navy aircrew positions
Somebody make a new thread wtf.

>second hardest right behind Marines

haha and we are proud of it

Im not going to say what I do becasue people woud know who I am.

What do you want to know about ME? unless you get selected for voluntary deployment to the middle east, wait time is about 4 years after you make e3 last time I checked

The service is moving in the direction of making ME the "operator rate"
To shorten reiterate things and try to fill out a complete list of my issues in chronological order.

2006, Age 15, diagnosed Depressed, given 1 Trial bottle of Welbutrin. Did not keep with it. I did not tell pediatrician at the time that I was simply having a lot of bad home issues. MEPS does not know.
Teens-current, scoliosis, 23-26 degrees, MEPS knows.
Family Counseling that didn't happen, MEPS knows.
Mom wanted me in a program offered at our treatment center, to help young guys develop better social skills, I went with it. However the ODD diagnoses came with that somehow. I never knew about it until I was reviewing my records, and nobody who knew me at the time thinks it fits me at all, so much as I had a shit family situation. MEPS doesn't know this stuff.
2012-2016 stuff, Iliotibial-Band syndrome for a few months, a right knee mild injury from squatting, wisdom tooth extraction, MEPS knows these.
2016, Bruised left rib that I feel a bit still, forgot to mention it, might not matter anyways.
Forgot to list I am flatfooted, honestly forgot I was, MEPS figured it out during duckwalk. Said 'yes' to 'have you ever seen a podiatrist', I had forgotten to mention I saw one for my foot hurting in 2015-2016, and was discovered to be merely poorly fitting shoes and socks, which I addressed and am pain free there now. My feet are very big. They want to see my 'feet' records, but that should be okay.

I am not so worried about physical things, just the teenage diagnoses and actual counseling things, as well as how to explain I thought I had family counseling of the nature I listed.

Thanks again, been trying to contribute to these threads for others when I can.
right now i have 80k/yr salary (62k after rent lul) w/ medical but cost of living is super high, was thinking rent compensated (how that works) might bridge the gap but looking at the numbers they are just so low... like unless its realistic to think you are banking 75%+ of your wages without making huge sacrifice.

im going to post this in the new thread too i guess then go to bed, but ME requirements are


If you want to get bumped to the head of the waiting list, you can sign up for 6 years which makes you an E3, then at your first unit get all of your qualifications, then request oversea deployment which bumps you up to the next class after a 1 year deployment and gives you all kinds of special training

In order to pass ME school, you need to know about law enforcement rules as they pertain to the coast guard, basically memorizing regulations, getting pepper spray qual, weapons qual, and hand to hand combat training and frisking/search & seize training. Most of those you learn on the job if you go to a unit that does boarding s (or go overseas and get into BO/BTM school beforehand)
Best I can do for you
How overmanned/undermanned is ME?
How many people usually fail training?
What other opportunities can you branch into from ME?

Thanks coastie anon

if you are married, you get BAH to compensate you for your home, intro salary is like 20k after taxes, but no house or food costs. Also free healthcare for you and family. I would recommend looking at reserves if you just want training ad to supplement your paycheck/ get schooling
Also, I can find the PFT requirements online, but do you have tips or guides getting through it? I don't imagine the usual "just run and do push ups" apply here

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ME is moving more towards DSF (Deployable Specialized Forces) which are the "operators" in pic related

I think they do milpol at some units like alaska,

Usually they end up being boarding officers or law enforcement trainers on boats.

From what I understand about getting jobs, your class ranking and fitness score allow you to chose the unit you want to go to, so basically if you work out all the time and study hard, you can get any position you want.

ME is in pretty High demand, thats why the waiting list is long, but depending on how many people leave, it varies from year to year. Overall, you can do any job you are qualified to do, as long as you wait it out. I wanted to do ME, but in hindsight, I learned almost everything they do and I didnt need to take a gamble at being security forces somewhere.

I have not met many people who failed, because they basically put you on probation unless you cannot fix the issue, which means you get at least a second try. The biggest issues are failure to perform tasks like accurately frisking and finding weapons on people ( because that endangers lives in real scenarios) or you cant pass the pepper spray test, or you cant perform physically. for reference, here is the CG fitness standard
for boot camp. Its not much higher in the fleet. All units use the boat crew fitness test (cant fid it now), but its basically like 11 minute 1.5 miles , 40 pushups and 50 sittups or something like that.

Usually the guys trying for DSF strive to get to tier 1 fitness test levels of fit, but its not a technical requirement

MEs can also go to international training teams and teach other navies and coast guards in far away lands once they make e5/e6. Also great for going contractor or law enforcement after
My doc said they need to have me release records to someone under them to review, to confirm the family counseling stuff didn't occur. However wants my recruiter to contact her to understand just what this statement should look like and include.
She knows my history and has been pretty worried about me getting in. Hopefully it goes well.
Not a great result, but, not a terrible one either so far.

A statement that a doctor thinks you are okay to join has a lot of wight to it. Basically you may need to sign a release form at the doctors office (for HIPPA reasons) and then release it to the individual the recruiter specifies (either meps or the govt.) Then its out of your hands. A letter saying you are good to join by the doctors perspective should be carried with you at meps though for entry into your record
That makes me feel a bit better.
The reserve unit I am going for is an MP unit and MP doesn't allow people with prior mental health issues, so it has been worrying me as the only other jobs in the unit are Mechanic and Motor Transport. I kinda think hiding is best, but, also have heard of people with mild and in the past, or just technical diagnoses dismissed and not even need for a waiver. Should I see a psyche to check out my mental health and go through a panel or something to verify I am mentally well?

Also would appreciate directing new replies to my posts to the next thread. Thanks again, gives me a bit of confidence. I heard lot a mixed things about whether civilian doctors opinions have much weight to them.

I know someone who got diagnosed with depression, he had to go to family counseling (where he got the diagnosis), and basically just got a letter saying "anon was seen, but he seems to be fine now, all the stuff about him before has no effect on him now, he is in good condition to join"
Can I still join the Marines even if I want to pursue a POG job? I assume it's not quite as good as other branches but my family is full of soldiers and sailors and no Marines.
>Im not going to say what I do becasue people woud know who I am.
I reckon you're one of those helicopter snipers.
Can I get fit enough to join the military in 3 months?
Currently 28% body fat due to laziness.
Been going to the gym and focusing on nutrition for 4 weeks now,feeling good but I have no idea how fit I TRULY need to be.
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