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It's Happening! HPA being added to a land bill and being

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Dick status: diamonds

You better all apologize to trump
Fuck yes niggers

>tfw live in NJ

Just fuck my constitutional rights up.
Nationwide CCW would've been better. You assholes in flyover states can already carry and buy silencers, meanwhile the people actually paying for your Medicare in the blue states are fucked.
Give it time! People were bitching about lack of movement on the HPA and BAM! Here we are!
Assuming this goes through...
Silencer prices should drop like a rock right? It can't be THAT complicated to make them.
It's a lot of cash for a tube and baffles etc.
>not suppressors
Nah they'd skyrocket and nothing would be in stock due to everyone trying to buy one like after Sandy Hook. Eventually the market would level out, but it would be a year or two
Hiram Maxim invented the fucking things and called them Silencers, you uneducated nigger
Depends. Rebel makes their SOS silencers for liek $250. It's not a super high performance one in that youu won't be running around doing FA, but if their hype is to be believed it's fine.
Original patent called it a silencer.
Ok, anyone got any lawyerly knowledge around here? What does this do with regards to homemade suppressors? It says they'll be treated like firearms, so shouldn't it be 100% legal for me to build whatever the fuck I want as long as I don't sell them?
SBRs when
Guy who made the gif calls it jif. Just because he invented it doesn't mean he's not wrong.
They don't make the gun silent faggots. If I invented a injection that regrows limbs and called it a "Hair Growth Treatment" you wouldn't be autistically defending it like this.
You have hair on your limbs. By extension, if you regrew your limbs, presumably you'd also grow hair on your limbs.
>muh federal money may-may
>all on shit sourced infographs
>forgetting that blue states tend to mercilessly tax anyone living there
how will this effect us with stamps already? Can we deserialize? etc? I am happy and hoping this is happening, but I want to know what will become of the stamps.
Magpul will probbly drop a throwaway meme can for like $75 knowing that it's guaranteed profit.
Looks like the serials will remain, but there will be some kind of tax refund (likely underfunded and first come first serve).
Whenever you want to pay for the tax stamp.
Ok thank you, I rather this happen and I never see my 200 bucks but if I can get it back, you know it'll pay for (part) of another can.
>invents the thing
>"I call it X"
>"Oh no you dont" t. 4chan user
Yes I would, because you can call it whatever the fuck you want because you made it. At the very most I'd abbreviate it. Why do you think every fucking tissue is called a kleenex?
This. Funny how the places where you need concealed carry the most (big urban centers in blue states) are where it's the hardest to legally carry. I'd take national ccw over hpa any day.
I'm in Illinois, and I'm fairly certain this would change fuck all for me.
States are working constitutional carry individually right now and making good progress, nation wide CCW will come eventually.
Why the hell is it a choice between the two? This logic is fucking stupid. This is like getting an Xbox for Christmas and bitching that it's not the phone you wanted. You can still get the fucking phone.
Everyone with the means to produce one will be dropping cans, I'm sure many of the big boys already have designs ready to go.
Your dog will be shot and no refunds will be given.

I'd be willing to bet no refund will be given, you'll get a $200 tax deduction.
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Post your form 4, noNFAguns pussy.
That seems rather more likely.
>"The bill amends the federal criminal code to preempt state or local laws that tax or regulate firearm silencers."
This would make them legal everywhere, no?
And to think things will only get worse after Christie's out.
>But buried in the Republican version of the bill is a provision that would remove certain key regulations on gun silencers, devices that mute the sound of gunfire.

Kek, propaganda. In all seriousness, it's neat that they have provisions for a tax credit for stamp buyers going back to the date of introduction for the HPA, they will be serialized and purchased with NICS background checks and they will destroy all records of purchases and transfers for suppressors.
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I figure getting anything off the NFA is a good start to eventually being done with it.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
>national carry passes
>get busted for carrying "8 rounders" "unsafe hanguns" and whatever fucktarded bullshit locals make up to have you imprisoned.

NY and NJ still imprison people in violation of FOPA safe travel protection. But now you think national carry will work?
>noNFAguns pussy
Yeah we're the pussies for not giving the government money and all of our info
>Sec. 1704: Preempting states from levying taxes or registration requirements on suppressors. However, this will not make suppressors legal in any state where state law currently prohibits them.
I just saw that, as I was reading through the bill. I'm going to want like...5 fucking cans now.
Keep not having cans and full auto. I'll enjoy my toys.

They already have all this info already, you're an idiot for thinking that keeping it off a form grants you more privacy.
Aw fuck.
Currently NJ only bans NFA items and should this bill go through, suppressors will no longer be an NFA item. Granted just as >>34246380 just pointed out, once Murphy gets in you can kiss your guns goodbye.
Por que no los dos, motherfucker?
My MA congresscritter is part of the committee. I'll call her up...
NY here we dropped the 7 round provision years ago so woo back up to 10. That said yes our state police occasionally fuck with legally stored weapons in transit but its more for safe act "assault" weapons. NJ on the other hand will rape you per bullet with hollow points and disregard the 4th amendment searching your vehicle(varies by area of course) regardless of guns.
>still paying for freedom
>unironically defending the fact you sucked up to the ATF
Just tell her it stops people from using the shoulder thing that goes up. That ought to guarantee support.
As a native and still a resident (for now), I can confirm the NJ does not respect both the FOPA as well as both the 2nd and 4th amendments.
>You better all apologize to trump

I'm not American, so sorry if this is a dumb question, but does the President have anything to do with this bill? Did he introduce it or something? I thought the President just signed the bill into law after the Senate and House pass it.
tell her you support the bill it's attached to, don't mention the hearing act itself because we don't need to draw attention to it.

trojan horse man
No you're right. The president either signs it into law or vetoes it after it passes house and senate. This proposal is older than the Trump presidency, even.
He promised pro gun legislation and was the first president to be backed by the NRA. So yes in some respects but this bill has been out there for awhile now
good time to get in the barrel threading business.
>Why do you think every fucking tissue is called a kleenex?
that's actually an issue in copyright law, if your brand name comes into common use for the item you loose the trademark
>Ill take national CCW over HPA any day

This, desu. Im super stoked about the HPA but being able to defend yourself from fucksticks nationwide should have taken priority.

That said Im throwing a can on my Glock 19 when the HPA takes effect.
If this goes through would it make Trump the most pro-gun president in centuries?
Law officially are introduced and go through the legislature (House of Representatives and the Senate) before they go to the president to see if he will either veto it or sign it into law (a veto can be over ruled should enough congressmen vote in favor of the law).

The president can suggest that a law be introduced (technically any citizen can suggest a law to their congressmen), but he can not officially introduce a law (he just has a lot of sway when he does suggest a law). A president can broker to help a bill to go through the process (negotiating with congressmen and senators).

>still paying for freedom
>unironically defending the fact you sucked up to the DMV so you can drive a car and pay taxes for the privilege of driving.
Only slightly better here neighbor look to The free Northeast, Pennsylvania, or Delaware if you want to be kinda close otherwise go west
You can't kill a hydra in a single blow anon, you have to keep cutting off the heads and burning the necks one by one.

It may not be a complete removal of the NFA and national carry, but it is one of the biggest blows to anti-gunners in decades.
Anyone think that all the shitloads of anti trump news is actually running great cover for us to pass this shit.

Libs are having such a heart attack from the gop onslaught on every issue from minorities to gay rights that they can't even afford to spend political capital to fight gun laws.

God, lets hope NRA gets wind of this and starts sneaking machine gun and destructive device legalization bills.

>tfw just want to legally buy mgs with ap/explosive ammo from a private seller in the middle of time square in front of asshurt libs and statist cops after trumps first term.
PA is my goal. I don't even plan on moving far into PA, just across the river effectively.

Also, what is a good FA to get in the 8-12k range? Im going to be making some serious money coming up with little expenses, so I figure now is the time to buy.
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>Thinking we won't notice your true anti-gun nature if your subtle about it
You could just move, except for Florida 30 years ago living near or on the coasts is shit tier.
Everything is way more expensive than it should be, no places to shoot, immigrants everywhere, and if you're in UK 2.0 it's cold as fuck in the winter, the people are assholes, and anywhere within 5 miles of the Atlantic smells like dead fish and rotting miscarriages.

>inb4 muh culture muh foods muh socialism

Nah I'm good.
Not the guy you replied to, but I personally can't stomach having to send in finger prints, a photo and $200 just to get my hands on a suppressor, so I have chosen to go without one. Being able to afford suppressors and stamps isn't the issue, being treated like a criminal because I want a cylinder filled with baffles is.

There's a reason Kleenex came to be the word for tissues, my brew.
It's our turn to play the game of incremental progress.
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Whatever, I've been using goose down for years with no complaints. I'm sure they'll start marketing disposable suppressors if the law passes and we'll get the Dixie cup brand showing up in Walmart in a year. Imagine a gun range with a wall of these next to the hearing protection. The important thing is this will make legislators less squeamish about passing constitutional carry laws at the state level.
Must've missed the part in the Bill of Rights that says you can drive your car on government owned roads to the immediate danger of everyone around you without a permit
Difference being there's no law that says you can't own a race car that runs on endangered owl blood and emits 300 dB and is solely designed to mow down people. Just can't use it on government roads without a permit.

So why can't we own machine guns and DDs and suppressors for use on our own property?
Look up the national reciprocity bill in the House.
Thanks famalam.
Fuck you
>muh nationwide concealed carry
I really don't give a shit. I already live in a state with constitutional carry and haven't cared enough to get an optional concealed carry permit for the few days a year that I find myself in a populated area of a different state. If you want looser carry laws in your state then you should be pushing at the state level instead of wasting all gun owners' limited time and resources at the national level.
Not every gunowner is a paranoiac neo-fudd like you.
I'd be dead certain Ruger would throw a centerfire design out immediately, bet money those .22 designs were trial runs for bigger stuff.
You don't put the biggest anal bead on the string first, m80.
I'm hoping Trump does something stupid again to cover for this, maybe make another tweet with the word covfefe in it. Anything, really. Try to shake with the wrong hand, three scoops, something.
Sounds like a poorfag excuse desu senpai. The government already has all of this data if you have a drivers license and went to a public school.
HNNNGGGG the news I've been waiting for.

If treated exactly like firearms you can build so long as you do without "intent to sell." If you get bored of it down the line and decide you don't want it anymore, you can sell.

Now if you're cranking them out and selling em, ATF gonna raise their eyebrows.
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Absolute truth. This could potentially be the biggest breakthrough in gun rights since Heller and these faggots are whining about tangential shit. They should be getting on the phone and calling their representatives or writing them letters.
at least my dog won't go deaf then
we don't have NFA items in Illinois either...
The bill also broadens the "sporting purpose" exemption for shotguns over .50 caliber to keep the ATF from reclassifying them as destructive devices (new production Striker/Protecta/Streetsweeper shotguns when?), restricts the definition of "armor piercing ammunition", and loosens import laws. The bill is being heard by a committee in the House so it isn't to far along currently, but it has been proposed previously and did make it past the house back in early 2016 so you can get your hopes up a bit more than you can for the stand alone version of the HPA (which hasn't made it anywhere, just like all the previous versions).
One bite at a time.
>You better all apologize to trump
What the fuck did that charlatan have to do with this? This is the legislature's doing. I'll thank him once he signs it, if it even gets to his desk.
And by "raise eyebrows" you mean "shoot my neighbors dog since I don't currently have one".
What is a trust?
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Old pic, eat shit.
>thinking this won't get filibustered by the Senate

holy kek, how delusional is /k/
Is it too late to email my Rep/Senators?
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When will commercial loudeners be legal to buy without silly regulations? Used gramophone horns are becoming harder to find every day.
>restricts the definition of "armor piercing ammunition"
You mean completely removes what is listed as armor piercing unless its creator calls it armor piercing.
>No, this isn't armor piercing, it is armor resistant ammo.
Republicans can just use the nuclear option to get rid of the filibuster and pass it with a simple majority.
Technically, all ammunition is armor piercing if it's fast and/or heavy enough.
You need photos and fingerprints for trusts now too. For every person listed on your trust.

Thanks Obama.
Shit, man, don't say that out loud.
Trump is allowed to order a nuclear strike on the Capitol?
And what makes /k/ think they'll get rid of the filibuster just for this shit? Once they do away with it and Democrats get a majority, then they'll get fucked.

They won't risk the nuclear option on something this minuscule to them.
Nuclear option refers to suspending the filibuster to pass thing with a simple majority.
Thanks. Domestic nuclear warfare seemed a little counter-productive.
>unless its creator calls it armor piercing.
No, It's based on the ammunition's intended purpose. If the manufacturer designs it to penetrate body armor then it doesn't matter if they come up with some ridiculous Dr. Seuss esque name to call it, it's still armor piercing and would be banned.
How do you determine a bullet's purpose?
Or if it somehow does manage to pass the Senate, the Dems won't pull a Hughes and stick a poison pill into it like they did with the Firearm Owners Protection Act back in '86?
Exactly! Armor resistant ammo is the thing of the future!
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Holy fuck maybe I'll get a silencer now, I've always wanted one

but I don't have a threaded barrel
Don't hold your breath. If it makes it to the senate Dems will fillybuster it. If it somehow does pass the senate via a miracle then it will have some sort of poison pill ala the hughes amendment in the 1986 FOPA.
Wait how are they hearing it if its suppressed?
>the dems will filibuster it
Reminder that even the Washington Post has come out debunking the claims of anti gun groups about the HPA:

By the advertising/marketing material the company that makes it puts out, and any information about the product's development that has become public, the same way as every other fucking product out there. This bill would not allow manufacturers to do semantic dances around the intent of the law, stop trying to portray it like it will.

>If it somehow does pass the senate via a miracle then it will have some sort of poison pill ala the hughes amendment in the 1986 FOPA.
How exactly would that get added without Republican support?
Someone was attacked with a machete at a train station near my house last month, and two employees were stabbed a week later at a convenience store across the street the following week. I'm not paranoid, I just don't live in the white suburbs like you do.
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Is it even possible to thread an octagonal barrel?

I don't care to send my Henry out for threading as well as my MKII but I want to know if it's feasible.
>Is it even possible to thread an octagonal barrel?
why wouldn't it be?
If the Hughes Amendment technically didn't pass but Charles Rangel added it anyway then anything is possible.
So a newspaper debunking claims about sound suppressors will stop Dems from doing a filibuster how?

>inb4 muh nuclear option
Republicans won't risk getting rid of the filibuster if it means in the future if Dems get a majority they can pass all their shit too.
See what it does. All my rounds so far identify as paper-piercing, so I think I'm exempt.
Well there's two other problems, the front sight would need to be moved back, and the mag tube probably would interfere with the silencer and need to be shortened
I want Coke and Pepsi to start making suppressors and design them so whenever a round goes through them, it makes a refreshing pop top sound.
>the Democrats, who don't have control of the Senate at this time, are going to set out on some mission impossible tier bullshit after hours to secretly add an amendment that didn't pass to a bill

When a paper that people regularly complain about being left biased starts debunking claims by anti gunners on an issue, I have a lot more hope in those measure that the anti gun side is complaining about getting passed.
Where the fuck do you live that going to public school or getting your driver's license requires fingerprinting?
Man, I really wish I could be as optimistic as you. But all this stuff Repubs are proposing is too good to be true.
>Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational enhancement (SHARE) Act

wow they really tried their hardest to make it sound as friendly as possible.
Just don't move to Philly if you plan on still working in Jersey. The wage tax will rape you.
>he's a griffin armament guy

you're ok anon
You live in a shit hole, not my problem.
It really is though. I live near a pistol and shotgun range. It should at least make the pistol range less annoying at 8am on the weekend.
Nope. Most likely bucks.
>You assholes in flyover states

Having spent several weeks each in 32 of our 50 United States, I've found that the "flyovers" were the most pleasant and everything else I'd rather, well, fly over.

Special thanks to the PNW. If you guys weren't suffering california refugee intake you'd check all my boxes.
Do they still not fingerprint every kid in Kindergarten? That used to be a thing to help with abduction recovery.
You live in a shitty state. That's not my problem bucko. Fix your shitty state laws. The HPA addresses a federal issue.
Why in the fuck are they telling people about this? Keep it fucking quiet, pass it in the night, then let us know.
Bucks or moCo is nice. I welcome a /k/ member to our state. We have a great group who's active.

I work in philly live in montgomery country.
>But all this stuff Repubs are proposing is too good to be true.
How so? This bill has already managed to pass the House previously and even if some Dems want to filibuster it, it would only take 8 Dems crossing over to break the filibuster. ND, Montana, and Vermont would already give you 4 Dems, you could probably find 4 more from other pro-gun states.

The anti side is already making noise against it first of all. Second of all, do you really want a government that tries to keep you in the dark about what laws are being passed?
>integrally suppressed guns become an important sector of the market
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VSS Vintorez, when?
I thought NY 7 round limit is only dropped for when you're at the range.
so if people call mags clips does that make it right? also kleenex is still a brand name, you may call tissues kleenex but a company would be sued for doing so.
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>bill somehow passes all the way up to presidents office without too much resistance
>trump vetoes it for whatever reason
C'mon papa Trump help us out just this once.
I could think of no faster way for him to lose 90% of his remaining support.
Lol nigga what? Within 6 months everyone and their mother will sell commercial suppressors
It would be amusing if that happened and a few Democrats flipped sides out of spite for Trump. I can't imagine something better than hearing about Dianne Feinstein having an aneurysm and Trump being crucified all while buying the components to assemble a legal suppressor at home. That would probably make my week if not my month.
>something something upotte
here is what you do, if the hpa passes when it goes into effect and you dont want to wait for suppressors to come back on the market buy the right taps and dies and a lathe then make an ar to oil can adapter, from my understanding because suppressors would then be regulated simply as a firearm, similar or the same as a stripped lower it should be legal to make your own for personal use just like with 80% lowers
As NJ I can assure you that the state respects the FOPA, 2nd, and 4th amendments as well as any other federal laws to the fullest extent required by our liability insurance.
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>piss away money on a lathe just to make an oil can adapter
Both sides are corrupt assholes, just slightly different flavorings of shit.
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Hey, at least you still have your right to marry as young of a child as you set your eye on, so long as their parents approve. Chris Christie recent stopped an attempt to take that right away.
>You better all apologize to trump
>implying this justifies everything else he's fucked up
Yeah, no. How about I just be happy about this, and just this, instead?
>everything else he's fucked up
enlighten me
depends on how badly you want a lathe, I want one anyways so spending the 500$ on a small lathe doesnt bother me, a mill would be nice too but i really dont have the space or money for them right now.
Kill yourself, please
was meant for >>34247637
Mall ninjas rejoice!
that guy didnt have the last name Maxim
If you're going to buy a damn lathe then build the whole suppressor with it you dumbass. Don't just make a shitty adapter for a wear component that you could have made with hand tools.

>not having a conceal carry permit
government already has that info my man
>>invents the thing
>>"I call it X"
>>"Oh no you dont" t. 4chan user
Graphics doesn't start with a J
Really? The sporting purpose and all that stuff is attached too?

Does this mean we can go back to the hay day of gun imports that the 80s were and buy FNCs and Galils over the counter again?
>implying mall ninjas don't already have fake cans
>implying mall ninjas actually buy things that are useful
what about surplus 7.62x39 ammo with a steel core? is that armor piercing? or how about that swedish ammo with the hardened steel jacket? or how about 7n6m? or how about m855a1?

would those be considered armor piercing?
That's what it sounds like it might be. Here's the draft version of the bill, it's 74 pages long but the loosening of gun laws parts are just on pages 63-74:

The bill replaces the "may be used" in a handgun part of the law with "is designed and intended by the manufacturer or importer for use" in a handgun. So even ammunition like 5.56x45mm M995 AP ammunition that would clearly meet the definition currently would no longer meet the legal definition for armor piercing handgun ammunition.
ok so anything designed to be used in a rifle(556 m995 ap, the example you gave) would be fine since its not intended to be in a pistol?
>NY and NJ still imprison people in violation of FOPA safe travel protection.
It's been a while since I've read the US laws on AP ammunition for handguns, but I'm pretty sure it just covers the completed ammunition and not the components. Given this, if a company assembles their own AP loads using M995 AP bullets and markets them for use in an AR pistol, you reload some ammo at home with M995 AP bullets and only own an AR pistol, or the importer of AP ammunition that was designed for use in a rifle (such as M995) markets it for use in a handgun, that ammunition would be classified as AP pistol ammunition under this law and would still be illegal.
yeah like other guy said if you don't manufacture a bunch of them for sale then you're good.

ATF likes to be a dick about it and claim "intent" if they can so limit yourself to what you can put to use immediately.
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Anons please contact your congressmen and include a photo of your dog.

Say "You don't want this poor hunting dog to go deaf, do you?"

"Support the Hearing Protection Act today!"

No it wouldn't have. That's how they get you.

Like when they attached drinking age to highway funding. They forced everyone into a single standard. Nationwide CCW and they'll require everyone to take a DMV style test and do a bunch of other nigger shit and I ain't down with that.

Instead, if a state don't recognize me, I ain't going to that fucking State. Fuck 'em and their fucking freedom hating ways.
This, hopefully
I really want CC in CA. HR38 when
They will go fucking bonkers for a while. This is actually what prompted me to finally get off my ass and register some cans. If HPA passes every manufacturer is going to sell out and go into backorder on day 1. "Right now" price will skyrocket and wait times for an ordered can will go crazy. Maybe longer than current NFA wait time.

Eventually it will settle lower, and prices will drop as volume goes up and new budget suppressor makers come on line. This will take some time though. I figure 1 to 2 years of growing pains.
I'm really doubting that. I worked with a guy who beat a charge in DC with the FOPA. Sounds like they try to just get people to roll over on the charges, but any decent lawyer should be able to get you out of that one.
They're getting smart and using anti gun tactics against them
posting important sections

here's the one about shotguns

considering how simple supressors are to manufacture and the fact that not all that many people have guns that are even threaded for them, I don't think it will be anything like what you say.

The market for 5.56 suppressors will be pretty fucked, but outside of that, most guns are not threaded by default.

Bigger issue will be threaded barrels selling out.
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Jesus Christ, I'm cumming buckets
a5b: it shall be unlawful for... the loan or rental of a firearm to any person for temporary use for lawful sporting purposes;

a9: it shall be unlawful for ... any person, other than a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer, or licensed collector, who does not reside in any State to receive any firearms unless such receipt is for lawful sporting purposes

b3b: It shall be unlawful for any licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer, or licensed collector to sell or deliver... any firearm to any person who the licensee knows or has reasonable cause to believe does not reside in (or if the person is a corporation or other business entity, does not maintain a place of business in) the State in which the licensee’s place of business is located, except that this paragraph.... shall not apply to the loan or rental of a firearm to any person for temporary use for lawful sporting purposes
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>start looking around at 1911 threaded barrels
>everything costs 75%+ of what I paid for the entire gun

When I finally get a suppressor, I'm going to take out the baffles and put my dick in it.
Some Dems are already on board with the HPA

You haven't bought anything on your trust since last July, have you?
>do you really want a government that tries to keep you in the dark about what laws are being passed?

To subvert the left and make suppressors title 1? Absolutely.

This makes me moist.

>yfw the handful of DD dealers find out about this and start buying up every Street Sweeper to resell for $$$ if this passes
the AP section
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Please pass, I need more of this in my life.
is the Bill's text available?
It's in the article from the OP you nigger, where the fuck do you think the anon posting pictures of the text in this thread is getting them from?
Just don't send it to the ATF, or they'll come shoot it just for practice.
We need to write a bill called the "Ban and Confiscate All Weapons Act" that removes GCA and NFA entirely, among others. The emotional children who care about names will love it, and everyone who actually likes guns will love it. Win/win
where did you get barrel


The atf has expressed internally they wanted to walk out a "armor piercing" definition that clearly excludes m855 because of the sheer volume of spaghetti that continues to get spilled on them over the green tip scare.

Atf white pages
>undo ridiculous dog brace "redesign" definition
>remove supressors from the nfa because no one cares and they can't keep up with registration demand
>clearly state m855 is not armor piercing so they stop getting BTFO by angry congressman and confused vendor proposals

Fuck the ATF
Fuck yes. We need to get rid of this meme of "sporting purposes". Fuck it so hard.

OCT 22 2015

^^^^^ Magic date whereas you get a 200 burger tax credit for each suppressor tax payed after the date
Remember to do your nightly prayers to Maxim and contact your representatives.
I got printed in kindergarden and again to get my CCW license. Protip: if the government is digging up fingerprint records, you're already beyond fucked.
Tfw nothing changes in my cucked state of CA. Just fuck my shit up senpai.
First the "cheap AR's" and now possibly cheaper suppressors.
Get killed by "urban youth," senpai.

It's been years but I think this was where I found it. They don't make one for the mark 4... but i'd prefer the smooth tube to ones with a bunch of holes / slots from ruger.

I can live out my spec ops fantasies in the woods!!!

> When you bought a Ruger Mark II for the sole purpose of having it built into an integrally suppressed version.

I've been waiting to see if the bill moved or got passed before starting.
>lives in a libshit hellhole
>butthurt about libshit laws
>thinks actual men give a shit about city mice
Move then, faggot.
I paid about that much for my MKII, thanks anyway
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>no cuck stamp for silencers
>Cconstitutional carry
>blue state retards paying my living expenses
>large shooting property
>no niggers

Blue state cucks BTFO again
Dear people arguing that suppress IRS will go up in price: do you have the homemade suppressor Info?
Do you realize it would make them regulated like a regular rifle?
Which means kit building could be a thing?
Which means a home made suppressor would be legal?
Which would mean that just about all of us could at least make cheap suppressors until the market levels out?

The HPA would be one of the best things to ever happen to us, because it opens a shitload of possibilities in the market for people to just invent better suppressors unfettered with NFA bullshit.
The same thing would happen if the Hughes amendment was gotten rid of, and even more so if they were taken off the NFA entirely.
Thats exactly what it means...
Theyll just be useless worthless paper, maybe a cool historical item

The government will give you nothing and youll fucking like it
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>Tfw born and raised WA
>Have to watch this state go down the shitter
>May have to flee to the east side one day
I suppose you could profile one from a blank if you can fit the lugs to the slide.

Slide + barrel aren't drop-in parts, each one is hand fitted to the other...

I.e., buying a new barrel, you might as well buy a slide fitted to it.
The ATF legally refers to them as silencers, eat a dick faggot
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>Acts like having a job and the captivity to fill out a form is special
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>Dear people arguing that suppress IRS will go up in price
>suppress IRS
Looks to me like his phone took an entry of "suppress ors" and autocorrected to a common acronym. Or maybe it even broke up "suppressors" since most phones think it's not a word.
here's my form 4:
Phoneposters who rely on typing prediction should be banned.
if I type ATF my phone will autocorrect to TAG three times before it finally accepts that I typed it correctly and want that
Well you can't own them for use on your own property because they're scared that since fun things are man portable you'll take them elsewhere. But the real answer is "because fuck you that's why".

The NFA exists because people reacted with emotion rather than reason to violent changes to their happy environment. I don't feel sorry for you having paid $200 to the .gov for the privilege to excersize your constitutional rights. I get why you did though personally I wouldn't. A side point; I don't think suppressors are necessarily covered under the 2nd but I don't see why reasonably they wouldn't be included.
Look up annular cutter. You'd need to use one first before threading, but totally feasible

A lathe will make it round and then thread it. Non issue.
Whoops, I didn't read far enough back to see what point you were defending. I thought you were saying it's ok to register and control guns because driving requires a license. I'm not the guy you initially responded to.
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It's cool to see this thing gaining any traction at all. Do any of the other NFA items have a reasonable chance at getting similar treatment?
Like suppressors have a distinct safety benefit with hearing protection, could something similar be argued for SBRs?
Neither am I the guy you're looking for. Just tossing in my .02 cause the dude is clearly upset people are calling him a cuck for paying the tax for his toys.
It's also un-fucking-constitutional.
FUCK THAT, You do not want the feds involved in CCW/CHL
people with disabilities for one.

Illinois here. Will this help me at all?
It would be tragic, but that's like a 10% chance, since his son would just tell big papa trump to sign the damn bill.
are suppressors called out by name or does it just ban "NFA" items?

if 1, no. If 2, yes
>that feel when no qt Asian gf with a skorpion pdw

Well, at least I have the qt Asian gf part down, I just need to get her comfortable with guns and then get her a Skorpion.
you might want to flatten that image Jeff
I...I don't know. Our laws are a clusterfuck and a half.
so I have a question, if you pin a suppressor can you technically have it be an SBR? I know there are some retro AR's which are basically SBRs except for the faux moderator at the end.
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Forgot (resized) pic
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>mfw i'm in the same situation
she's terrified of my carbine
No it's not, concealed carry is not a right and can be regulated by the government.
>"Actual men"
you mean uneducated caricatures of masculinity that have no conception of life beside slavishly following the dying values of their backward culture?
It's not freedom hating at all, if we implement national CCW standards then gun deaths will decrease because retards will be kept from legally CCWing.
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I think what will happen is they will sell barrels with the suppressor body welded to the barrel and removable baffles. Also integral barrel/suppressors(barrel is a full length suppressor) will be a thing.
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I wouldn't did it welded or pinned, but instead more like the SB-X type of barrel. just a shroud that allows you to thread on a regular suppressor. No need to permanently attach anything
What has he fucked up?
I am actually perfectly fine with the restrictions on concealed carry. I live in a major city and don't want every nigger and beaner I see to be packing a prollem solva just to be cool. I know a lot of criminals carry illegally but no where near as many as would carry if it was legal and unrestricted.
Look at the prices that Solvent Traps were being sold for, this is the price that finished suppressors would go for. It's not black magic, these big suppressor companies are just placing enormous markups because it's a nice market.
ARs have had a 'loudener' for a while. I can't remember what it was called. Something along the lines of the exact opposite name to some type of muzzle device.


If the suppressor comes apart in a way that the gun becomes less than minimum length it probably won't be legal.

If it doesn't come apart, or the core or tube doesn't come off of the barrel it's probably fine.

My integral .22 has a monocore permanently attached to the barrel; the tube comes off of it for cleaning. With it removed it is still legal length.
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>he bought a griffin optimus

I'm so sorry anon. Jack of all trades, master of none.
If the permanently attached suppressor or other device brings it to 16" or more, you're good and don't need to deal with an SBR stamp.
>I think what will happen is they will sell barrels with the suppressor body welded to the barrel and removable baffles.
Currently it's pinned baffles with a threaded body.
So fucking leave, CA doesn't have anything you can't get in another state.

Well, besides music. I envy that.
That's probably a dude
west coast synthesis > east coast

you weirdos and your Buchlas
I'm gonna do about 4 form 1 cans if HPA passes. I've got access to a lathe and milling machine and enough practice for simple machining.

My body is ready.
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who else /308/ here?
fuck yes it will be. you wont be able to find an unthreaded barrel outside of commie states.
Yeah, because criminals give a fuck about the law.

even better
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She is actually okay with guns and okay that I carry them (she will even want me to carry to make her feel safe), but she isn't comfortable touching them herself.
Get a MAC-10, they are a hell of a lot of fun F/A, and .45 ACP is easy to suppress.

Plus they are A E S T H E T I C as fuck
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Those are just the salty fucks that voted third party prepared to give the biggest "i told you so" to anyone that was in keyboard reach for the following 4 years and got btfo so now they pretend they can sit on their high horse everytime something doesnt seem to be going according to plan via virtue signalling how offended they are that trump says mean things and doesnt have tact at times like that realistically fucking matters to anyone.

Even resorting to lefty talking points because they dont pay attention and let the msm think for them just like liberals.

Heres one

Probably a tec-9, they are some of the less expensive f/a but they may even be around $3,000 if memory serves correctly


Playing real offence means digging in for the long haul. Just look at the current pathetic state of universities today, that didnt happen overnight, it took work over decades.
This looks like the suppressor thread, and if this bill gets passed then I'll probably have to buy myself one.
Is there a downside to using a larger caliber suppressor on a smaller caliber weapon, like a .45 suppressor on a 9mm gun?
More gas blowing past the round, so more sound pressure escaping as well
Sound reduction might not work as well as built specifically for that caliber, but still pretty good. Just make sure it's rated for whatever your shooting through it, oddly some larger ones aren't rated for rimfire
Not as quiet. That's about it
Less sound suppression than a properly sized for caliber can.
Pure lead bullets and cheap rimfire powder carbon buildup can foul up the interior, on a design that isn't user servicable this can lead to issues when you then go back to using high pressure jacketed rounds.
Yeah, our own HPA is in limbo right now.
Not always the case. Some higher end 45 supressors are near the top of the class on 9mms as well. Bigger holes but usually greater volume. Some multi caliber cans also have interchangeable end caps so you can take your 45 can down to 9mm.

For this reason alot of people go for 45 caliber cans (or multi caliber) for greater versatility.

I suspect this will be alot less popular if suppressors get booted from the NFA.
Is the loss in effectiveness enough that it puts the sound back into the ear-fucking levels or is it still good to go?
Either way, it sounds like multiple specific suppressors would be the way to go with enough money, especially if suppressors are getting doggo-safe.
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Well shit. Highly unexpected TBQH SENPAI. We should probably not expect that the natural resources bill is going to pass unencumbered, since the right wants to do some pretty heinous shit to natural resources, however.
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I mean, I'm still hoping we get the HPA through, I am just perpetually leery of congress actually doing things.
This. I live in Central NY, and some cities up here are fucking brutal. If every meth junkie or cracked out lunatic had access to a concealed carry privilege in Binghampton, it would instantly turn into a warzone.
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I'd much rather have SBR laws repealed to be honest.
A-are you Alton Brown?
And those trips of heavenly truth have been CHECKED!
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>mfw I jut want the HPA to pass so the paperwork wait for better NFA stuff is reduced
This.. any one with some machine knowledge can make one that is very effective maybe not aesthetic.
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I'd like both.

True. Frankly even without much machining knowledge. There are plenty of CNC and DMLS internet shops that will make unfinished components, that you can assemble and drill out for calibre later.
good luck finding m995 bullets lol
What will this do for us poor /k/ommandos behind the lines in commie states?

Will I be able to get a silencer in upstate NY?

wait a fucking second does this mean cheap AKs
I'd like to hope that this will open the milsurp floodgates, but that NON-NATIONAL might be excluding that very thing.
>FN puts out "competition grade" totally-not-armour-piercing rounds

>Dragon's Breath for home defense
Non-NFA Firearm
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Could it possibly be habbenin, lads?
Oh, shit. that makes more sense. Well hmm, mayble I'll hold off on that $290 hungarian M44
Current administration claims to be anti open trade, but muh russia muh guns, will nugget tax ever be dropped? /r/ open season on Soviet milsurp :(
>Not making your own cans
How about you liberals fuck off and die? Clearly you don't care for guns as you for antigun homos.

Inb4 I don't vote for them I just use the same liberal whinning points
If those idiots would stop packing into human rat nests like NYC then they would spread out their voting power and effect more change, not to mention get their rights back. Their own damn fault.
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This, flyovers are comfy as fuck.

The only reprieve we've had here in NJ is that Christie always veto's anti-gun bills.. But they always get passed by a large margin in the state senate.. Once he's out there's no stopping the restrictions.
Alton is a fan of induction technology, isn't he?
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I am assuredly not Alton Brown. Though I am a fan of his. He is big on some new induction tech that is hideously expensive. I'm just some lackey home cook and C&R that likes guns and hates /ck/.
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Fuckyeah! another cookfag who's not a cuckfag!
Tips/feelings on souse vide? Just basic chicken/steak/white flesh nectarines, but it seems a decent option for bachelor chow...
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fuck, sous, not souse or this guy
"i'm too much of a mongoloid to make a solvent trap" the post
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I think low slow water baths are fine, but most ideal for working kitchens. At home I tend to braise when I want low and slow.
I'd still wear earpro, but 147gr 9mm shouldn't be too bad. Like others said, if you get a multi-cal can you can change the endcap and put that extra volume to work suppressing your boolits, since the large-for-caliber muzzle is the cause of suboptimal suppression.
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Though, desu that is mostly because I don't have to set up extra equipment to braise things.
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> tfw you live in illinois
lol nothing happened.
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Just ordered a threaded barrel for my Beretta.
Best. President. Ever.
Well, Washington and Jackson were pretty cool too.
Definitely top five.
So let's say I invent a gun named the flying nigger that shoots fried chicken, would I be able to name it the flying nigger?
>no conception of life beside slavishly following the dying values of their backward culture?

Same could be said for you.
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How big are we talking here?

Pic related:

Just needs a 16inch shell autoloader and full auto capability somehow.
>Natural resources bill
Please don't fucking tell me this is an excuse to fuck up our environment.

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>drop the HPA
>deregulate rifles that go well above +160dB
But seriously, the Short-barrel laws are fucking stupid. This kinda reminds me of those people who argue against the second amendment, saying the founding fathers couldn't have anticipated assault rifle 15s in circulation when they wrote the second amendment. Well, the ancient 83-year old NFA didn't envision there being handguns with 20+ round standard capacity magazines (which I think should perfectly fine to own and carry) that take up less than half the space of any SBR/SBS.

Speaking of pistols, you can make a short barreled rifle and sell it as a handgun/pistol as long as there's no shouldered-stock, so the SBR laws make no sense.

SBS laws make even less sense. Once you get a shotgun down to the length where it might be somewhat easy to conceal in a jacket or something, you can fit 2-3 fucking shells in the tube TOPS.

All the SB part of the NFA does, is restrict guns with less ammo capacity and velocity, from gun enthusiasts.
But it is jif you mong
Holy shit, this.

It is. It's been attached as a rider to neuter the EPA, Clean Water and Air Acts, and hand out public land. Have fun with your fucking suppressors though. Enjoy buying a reverse osmosis machine for your fucking home.
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>Well, the ancient 83-year old NFA didn't envision there being handguns with 20+ round standard capacity magazines (which I think should perfectly fine to own and carry) that take up less than half the space of any SBR/SBS.
It's gif with a hard G, and if you think otherwise I don't give a shit.
People who pronounce it as JIFFFF, are fags, end of story.
Precision German Engineering
So it's literally bait for alt right and retarded conservatives

That is genuinely fucking depressing.
Street sweepers are fucking terrible weapons in every measurable metric. You'd be infinitely better off with a Saiga 12 and a drum magazine.
It's gonna pass, might as well use it to get as stockpiled as possible for when we bring Armageddon upon ourselves (which apparently will be sooner rather than later).
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I have a liberty mysticX that's rated for a everything from .17 hmr up to .308 subsonic. Realistically the only thing I've used it for that I don't wear earpro is .22lr, even 147 gr 9mm is still at uncomfortable levels
I was worried about that, but it looks like they're pinning it to the SHARE act, which has nothing to do with clean water and the EPA.
At least get a good DD 12 gauge, like a civilian USAS-12 or SPAS-12.
Yeah, I read through it and didn't find anything about the EPA, Endangered Species Act, or Federal Land Freedom Act.
Sometimes I wish to either visit or move to fly over states in the USA. However for me to emigrate there it would mean a sponsored application I think. That isn't likely to happen outside of a busy main city.

I just want to do simple things and live quietly.
What is that even supposed to mean? His post wasn't remotely fudd so whatever you're talking about you're fucking wrong and either don't what "fudd"or are horribly misusing the term because you can't think up a proper insult
The irony of calling someone else a paranoid fudd for wanting concealed carry is palpable.
oh great a fucken degenerate. just cuz your papi touched you dont mean you can do that to kids
its happening already
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which one of you NEET autists wants to take one for the team read through the SHARE Act to make sure there arent and "devils in the details" taking away rights, or setting it up for rights to be easily taken away at a future date
>shooting on Rep Congress
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This is super exciting, but I have only one thing to say: CALL/E-MAIL/MAIL YOUR FUCKING REPRESENTATIVES, YOU AUTISTS. I know most of you are drooling, fat slobs who live in their mother's basements and the idea of communicating with an unfamiliar person makes your legs weak and gives you anxiety attacks but


That cheeto powder covered cell phone, your disgusting keyboard which has been defiled a million times by looking at degenerate pictures of underage animu girls, and that thing called a letter which most of you 14 year olds have never heard of. Fucking. Do it.

If the bill is discussed today/tomorrow then it's not too early to start letting your reps know what you want and that your vote in 2018 is not too far away.
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Also from a friend who has worked with a congressman: anything thing in writing, but especially letters, are more effective than calling. Calling is still fucking dandy and you should do it, but putting words on paper is personal and permanent. It also means you know how to write.
hearing is on hold today due to mr asshole with a rifle
House hearing on gun legislation canceled after shooting - CNN

Fuuuuuck! I don't usually buy into conspiracy theories but Jesus Christ this timing.
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