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Thread replies: 333
Thread images: 140

Let's get a Scandinavia thread. anything from Vikings to Finns. Flatlanders need not post. Pic related is Norwegian homeguards sometime in the 1980's.
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His majesty looking smashing
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Why are OD uniforms so satisfying?
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What optic is that?
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Kallt krig i Karlshamn.jpg
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OK. I'm an American of Scandinavian descent. I have no Viking pics to contribute but good luck.
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No idea, maybe some kind of IR lens
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Finnish officer training.jpg
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Finns arent scandinavian. You could have made a nordi/k/ thread instead
Finland is on the Scandinavian peninsula. Denmark is'nt.
Nightsight addon for the susat sight
>AK5C w/o aimpoint?
The ironsights are worthless on that thing iirc.
What? Its a diopter kind of sight, and for longer ranges the iron sight is far superior to the aimpoint. The aimpoint is good for fast and instinctive shooting, but not that great at longer ranges.
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ill throw what i have into the pile
turns out that i actually don't have that much...
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most of what ive saved are things that are pretty rare, like this. 2 J35s flying side by side under the Öland bridge. 36m sail free height, 13m wide at the widest point.
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robot 17.jpg
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my bad, its probably more than 13m, i just read through wikipedia quickly. its not a very big gap to manouver aircraft in, anyway.

here's a marine hellfire unit as compensation.
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and ill even throw in a picture of some musky men in multicam
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yeah my bad Muhammed, it's unusable with the aimpoint installed*
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and nobody has claimed otherwise...
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KJK anons.jpg
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shh, have some hybrid AK5 a/c.
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geopolitically, Finland belongs to Scandinavia, though i admire your persistence.
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Oh no, its happening again. someone get the poor farmer to end Mr. Carolus.
Fuck me, us Nords have a strange cultural background
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more like get a new king who wants the french throne more than a surplus of cod

but point taken

80's were the golden age of military aesthetics.
>Finland is on the Scandinavian peninsula
No it isn't, dingus. Finland is a part of Fenno-Scandia, but not Scandinavia.
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they're more so than the potato flatlanders
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In your dreams northchink
Negative. Scandinavia is not only a geographical, but a cultural, historical and linguistic grouping. Denmark has always belonged to that Northern Germanic group, while Finns don't even speak an Indo-European language.
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what's scandinavian about this photo?
probably arctic challenge in norway
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Finland is Scandinavian if for no other reason due to rightfully being Swedish clay.
Did someone say frogmen, because I heard someone say frogmen.
We're not flatlanders, we're seaniggers.
This isn't up for debate. Read a book (or Wikipedia) if your schools geography lessons didnt cover this region.
Op here. I quite explicitly told you to stay away.
Source: wikipedia
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>trying to keep danes out of a skandi thread
Nigga, you might as well try to keep a mexican away from chimichangas. Now you're just being silly.
At least the location.
You'r bloodline is weak amerifag. You'r ansestors couldn't handle the harsh enviroment of the north so they escaped to the America. You aren't worthy to call you'r self of scandinavian desent.
Know that you'r blood is weak and you'r offspring will Be weak, they will not survive the wintter.
>Danes so cucked, even their "special forces" wear muslim garbs
>3 guys
>6 different colors of pants and jackets
Do they supply their own uniforms?

Actually I am a little puzzled myself. It originates from an article about the latest NATO exercise here in Norway but on close inspection those weapons like to be M16somethings and possibly a SAW. And we use the HK416. So maybe they are Americans. Sorry about that. Here, have some Telemarkbatallion instead. These guys might well be in Syria now.

My ancestors said: "this place is a shithole, let's move somewhere else".
This, Finland is very much Scandinavia. Swedish claims are alive and well.

Those guys are the Norwegian Home Guard; equivalent to the Territorials or the National Guard. Until fairly recently they used to get gear passed down from the Army so always looked a bit old fashioned.. But the HG were, not so long ago, four to five times as big as the Army so they took all the gear they could get. These guys are wearing M51 field caps and the greyish uniform is also M51 or close version - essentially very similar to the US M1943. There were simple work uniforms as well and there certainly were minor color variations. The only new thing these guys have is the G3A3, so maybe the pic is late 60s or early 70s.

Nah, Finland can be Scandinavians. We LIKE Fins.
It wasn't supposed to be sarcasm.
Fuck off

t. finn
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>"ancestors" moved from Nordic/Scandinavian countries to the US
>settled in northern Minnesota
>began doing the exact same shit here as they did there
>cutting, moving, riding, and transporting logs

I say ancestors when it's really only a few generations back.
You're alright Finland, we only tease you because we love you.
In the same way you love your reclusive alcoholic third cousin with anger issues.
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Why haven't Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland joined together in a magnificent Nordic union yet?
For some reason Norway gets really triggered when you mention unions.
Relax abdul
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We tried two times, didnt like any of them. Also, we want to keep our oil.
Your offspring will also not survive the winter without government handouts, Muhammed.
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FUCK SWEDEN. Thats why. Norwegians are awesome though.

Because the one thing we truly have in common is the dislike for getting orders from someone far away. Of the four, only two are part of NATO and only two are members of EU. Three are kingdoms, one is not. Only one country have massive oil resources. Only one is part of the European continent. Three share borders with Russia.

That said, we are really very similar and there is no animosity between us - I don't think there has been a serious issue of miscontent this side of WW2. If we actually had to cooperate I don't see what should stop us.
I love the swedish winter camo, can see why FSK adopted it. Speaking of FSK
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Some MJK as well
>Swedish claims are alive and well.

Claiming rapefugees perhaps, but Sweden is completely passive and would never go to war against Finland which is rightful Russian clay and doomed to annexation after it's been blacked enough. Of course Sweden is blackening faster so there may be a race to failure.
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Cba posting everything, can post more later if its needed/wanted
>Sweden is completely passive and would never go to war against Finland which is rightful Russian clay
You are right, because if there is one thing Swedes and Fins can agree on it is the common hate of the enemy to the east.
Unfortunately this doesn't mean much today that half of Sweden is populated by low testosterone political correctness champions, random kebabs and LGBT+ people so we can't really bring much to the table.

I love the Superman badge!
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psst its because of Sweden Norway became could become a free nation
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They look to be americans, but in the early 2000s fsk and mjk used Diemaco C8s and FN minimis

Modern Norwegians love Sweden. We do, really. We do our shopping in their EU-enrichened streets, and in return we receive a standing army of smiling young and pretty bar wenches and androgynous male baristas who know everything about service with a smile and a wink. Good times, good neighbors.
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That is interesting. I try to keep up with the general development of our forces but the various special forces are tricky.
Go ahead and call me a racist, but something about their posture tells me American...
Kek. Troll harder fuccboi. Maybe you'll get it right some day.
the swede needs his safe space...
Sorry, Norfag.
Because whenever someone suggest it, everyone thinks "kalmar union" and get butthurt at the eternal dane.
Honestly, though, it would be glorious.

Also the guy to the far left is black. We have some citizens of Somalian or Moroccan heritage but they are rarely encountered in military ranks - although it could in theory happen. I have seen very few non-white faces in our armed forces; a few of Pakistani heritage but they too are very much a minority in our ranks. I don't think the security level issues are helping either. Keep in mind that minority members are very welcome in the ranks as such. Diversity is a goal.
They are american marines
They are americans in Norway during Arctic challenge.
Finns aren't even Scandinavian, they're fucking Mongols.
The SF has always been a little unique
Never stated they where. Only saying Finland is a part of the scandinavian penninsula
Too different and a history if disdain, wars and the like. Sweden and denmark alone had like 20 wars in 400 years. Norway of course either belonged to Sweden or Denmark during this time, so they'd join in as well.
FSK still use the colt c8 instead of the 416, for some reason. MJK is phasing it out
You mean because sweden invaded them after denmark let them go from the kingdom?
what history have you been smoking?

why dont you go ally yourself with Russia, preben
>that picture
Fuck that brings back memories
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>mfw conscription in less than two months

Jesus fucking christ I have bullshitted my way this far I wonder if I can bullshit my way through a year as an artilleryman. I have (diagnosed) autism and knee injuries in both knees along with a history of drug use, and I'm a bit fat.

I'm getting close to reaching the goal weight of 35kg in my backpack when I go out trekking. I'm at roughly 27 kg now, will up to 36 (I'm upping in 9kg increments because autism) next time I go out, which I do every other day or every third day.

What other very important stuff should I start doing? Jogging? I started doing some of that too but I'm not very good as one could guess.

t. Norwegian

What do you mean conscription? You have received your placement, or are you waiting for the session day?
Gråt over at du aldri vil ha en AG3 :(
>autist norweigan

dont worry, no one will notice

Ingenting å gråte over hvis han får en 416 istedet. Mye bedre sikter.
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I have been assigned placement and gotten the scary letter in the mail telling me where to show up.

Håper jo på å komme meg inn i heimvernet da, de har vel AG3 fortsatt?

I have legitimate autism as in I spill spaghetti at any chance, tendency to freeze up like a deer in headlights when danger is impending, very uncomfortable with physical contact with others, and I need very specific instructions when asked to do things.

How will this work in the army?

Har fikla litt med AG3 (ikke skutt bare fikla, demontert osv) og synes den er ganske fin den jeg, men er jo ganske tung.
416 med UGL eller Minimi er det som gjelder i disse dager, gutter ;) Dog, jeg savner FN-MAG'n
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Squid's SCAR.jpg
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Hva må jeg gjore hvis jeg vil bli MG skytter eller lader i art.bat? Jeg vil egentlig kun inn i forstegangstjeneste så jeg kan skyte med våpen og kanoner.

Er også NEET nå så like greit å ha noe å gjore da.
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Have fucking fun, I used to be Force Protection/ranger in the intelligence battalion, a bit of a rivalry between artillery and intelligence. But even tho artillery has a shorter recruit period, it can be shitty from what I've heard, my brother was in the artillery 15 years ago. Here's a tip, do like him, become BTV, sure its desk job 100%, and youll lose everyone respect, but at least you wont be the sergeant and NCO's toy.

A guy in artillery literally had to go all the way to the brigadier in order to get permission to visit his dying grandma, because everyone before in the chain of command didnt see it as a valid reason.

That being said, the camp is great, be lucky you have your recruit during the summer, because winter there can be -45 easily. Dont fuck up, because the sergeants loves to hand out creative punishment.

t. Someone who watched 30 artillerymen march up a mountain with their lockers so it could be inspected.
Hvis du havner i art så er det 99% sansynlighet for at du får Mp7 isåfall
>eller lader i art.bat?
lader i M109ene*

jeg skal i batteri nils
Er ikke MAG'en fortsatt i bruk? Blir brukt til kjoretoy
De faser ut MG3 til fot, går over til Minimi og FN-MAG.

Only one in seven get from session and into service. You have done well and nothing in your papers ruined it for you. Basically you get three months of lots of daily activity, and the rest of the service you'll be begging the officers for some shit to do. Personally I took up jogging and a string of evening courses.

You will get specific instruction, and there is almost always a low level officer around to ask when you are in doubt. I needed space myself but found it through daily walks. Getting stuck in the barracks playing cards every last night will kill your soul. Take initiative over your own spare time.

The G3 is not a bad gun. But it is old, and the sights are primitive, and you can't adjust the buttstock. I loved assembling and disassembling it a lot more than I did shooting it.
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Hele Heimevernet har nå 416, men prov å kom deg inn i Innsatsstyrken.
Har sjeldent sett en i art med mp7, blir mest brukt av sanitet.
A fucking muslim
Wasted get
Go back to /b/, newfag getwhore
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This one reminds me about Rainbow Six for some reason
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>Hvis du havner i art så er det 99% sansynlighet for at du får Mp7 isåfall
Fytti grisen så kult. Jeg er en stor kar da, hadde sikkert sett ganske latterlig ut med den da. Har egentlig lyst til å bære tunge ting rundt da, så MG skytter hadde passet meg ganske bra.

Da så.

>You have done well and nothing in your papers ruined it for you.
Hva skjer hvis jeg ikke får sikkerhetsklarering? De har jo hatt jævlig lenge på seg på å si "du får ikke komme inn" så blir litt sur hvis jeg blir kasta ut [spoiler]med tanke på at jeg ble tatt for cannabis når jeg var 15.[/spoiler]

Jeg har nå funnet meg en del hobbyer som er A) Gratis og B) bra for å komme seg ut, nå som jeg er NEET, så skal nok sikkert klare meg. Gleder meg til morketid og midnattssol osv.

>Here's a tip, do like him, become BTV, sure its desk job 100%
Hmm, kan godt stemme. Da jeg sluttet så var alt kjoretoy-oppsatt folk på vei over til mp7, kan hende det ikke gjaldt for art-skyttere
fuck your digits
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This thing is the swedish answer to the lahti anti tank rifle, weighing in at 10kg more but firing an ever so slightly more powerful 20 x 145 cartridge. In full retard, from a drum mag.
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Aesthetic danish battle rifle
De gir faen i dop så lenge du ikke har provd det nylig, og tar avstand fra det. Hadde en kompis som royka litt weed, hab var helt ærlig om det, gikk helt fint.
Bare ikke vær en lok og royk rett for du skal inn, var en kis som gjorde det i yngstekonten, han ble dimma 3mnd etter innrykk, etter rekrutten og alt.
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Swedish OICW-esque prototype with a fat recoilless rifle instead of a small grenade launcher. Probably still weighed less.
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Weird low-pressure 57mm bofors cannon for use in aircraft

They have already seen your papers and set your security clearance level. Unless something new have happened since your session, you are in. Seriously, if they were to shove out everyone with even the smallest issue in the past there would be too few conscripts left. We ARE a small country.
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i would say the carl gustaf 20mm (20x180) would be the anwer to the lahti.
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>De gir faen i dop så lenge du ikke har provd det nylig,
h-haha, j-jadda jeg har ikke d-det vettu... #cleanteen amirite?

Men nei jeg er ikke dum nok til å ha sporbare mengder rusmidler i systemet mitt når jeg skal luktes på av hund og så kanskje må pisse. Kan godt hende bikkjer reagerer på klærne mine osv da jeg skal på ferie til USA i stater der dette faktisk er lovlig (kommer ikke til å delta selv da pga nevnte rusprove).

Håper virkelig det du sier stemmer. Kan ikke være NEET noe mere nå, blir nok kasta ut hjemmifra hvis de kaster meg ut av milla også. Hakke vært i noe krangel med polisen siden jeg var 15 (som var min feil da foreldra mine tvang meg til å tilstå osv). Har blitt en god del smartere siden det.

Hvor vanskelig er egentlig rekruttperioden? Hva er oddsa for at de sender meg hjem fordi jeg er en feit autist? Jeg er kjempemotivert og har ikke tenkt til å bare gi meg, men er det mulig at jeg rett og slett ikke klarer det? Driver og forbereder meg ved å gå med sekk og slikt i skogen, så jeg er ikke *så* sofapotet.
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oh, and its a pretty fat round too
Regn med en pisstest eller to ilop av året. Vi hadde det etter forste perm og etter nest siste perm.
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Here are some more pictures.
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One of the more noted problems with it was the large backblast (of course) which made firing from prone hard. The backpiece also tended to wear down from the force of the blasts, needing replacements every couple of hundred rounds or so.

Very innovative weapon but by the time it was finished it couldn't penetrate most of the armor on the battlefield anyway.
That's more of a panzerfaust equivalent though isn't it? (in intended role that is).

The lahti and the tripod bofors are both magazine-fed and questionably portable anti-tank weapons. The latter could be detached from the tripod and put in it's proper AA mount, while the former was lighter and had skis.
thats why someone just made a larger version, known as the carl gustaf 84mm.
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yep love the sweds, even tho most of the times i talk to them i need to speak english due to my dialect
I had no clue there was so many Norwegians here. Apart from forstegangstjeneste, how many here are active shooters with anything else than pa's shotgun?
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top panzer.gif
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>Regn med en pisstest eller to ilop av året. Vi hadde det etter forste perm og etter nest siste perm.
Ja har hort så. Har lest meg opp så mye som det går ann ang. pissetester osv i militæret. Får vel bare holde meg til spriten i et år da.

Eller rusmidler som forsvinner fortere enn de kan teste :^)

Yes, a couple of years later. The CG84mm was most definitely a hit, and I'm really looking forward to maybe shooting one.

Do you get to shoot one during conscription?
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Excluding Finland makes no sense. Yeah they're gook mutts with a weird language or whatever, noone cares, they're good bois.

As a Swede it seems to me there's little to no history-based enmity at all between any of the Nordic countries. Maybe some friendly banter among a few /int/-tier memelords on the internet but that's it. That's the upside of becoming deracinated/historyless/decultured - it opens doors to your natural allies despite ancient feuds.
The downside of course being that it opens your asshole to the entire third world and a deathcult with a millenium long history of trying to conquer you.

Although everyone thinks it's a good idea, a Nordic union is not in the cards because that's too parochial and makes too much sense for the NWO globalist ZOGkike powers that be that wish to reduce the first world to the global average.
The only ones talking about Nordic union and infact have it as a major thing they push is the Nordic Resistance Movement. A revolutionary NatSoc organization.
I'm not an active shooter because I am too poor, but I know that there is an active scene for 3gun-competitions here, which I think is pretty cool. If I wasn't so poor I'd join in. Other than that there are a lot of people in Norway who do target shooting competitions, it's pretty big here. We have a pretty big gun culture here in Norway, at least compared to the rest of Europe.

I myself have only shot some guns belonging to friends and been to target shooting range near me a couple of times.
When effective HEAT rounds were figured out many things changed.

Not that guy, but I wish I'd had occasion to visit the other nordic countries more often. Never been to Norway and my time in Finland was very brief.
Really? where is this magical place? up here the closest thing we get to a three gun match is himkok,hagle and hurpe.
Please go away, this is not a thread about politics.

Polite sage.
oh mom, look at me, I can take a flag from HOI IV and be edgy!
I'm against a nordic union because I believe very strongly in national sovereignty. We should all give EU and NATO the finger and start cooperating in matters of defense however. (and trade of course).
I know there are some in Oslo and Akershus. Never been there myself, but I know a bunch of people who are active there through politics [spoiler]stem liberalistene folkens.[/spoiler]

Some people I know have ARs, a lot have Mini14s.

Anyone know the legality of putting on those tacticool stocks on mini14s? I was told it was legal to own a stock but putting it on is illegal. This sounds stupid as fuck though.

My experiences are too old to really be relevant right now. But I was no physical overachiever and I met their needs, if only barely. And I am a 'functioning autist' now as I was then. The three first months were busy busy sweaty sweaty but in all honesty, Tae Kwon Do was harder. As long as you don't go out of your wake to start shit, like being 'funny' or getting into fistfights. the boot camp is a breeze. In my time the ranks were full of assholes, petty criminals and people too stupid for high school. Today everyone they take in are motivated a thousand times more.

Throw in a few situps and pushings, try running 3 kilometers without gear and take the time. They don't kill you if you fail that sort of thing anyway. Lifting strength isn't everything.
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Here Be Dragons

Got rifles, pistols, shotguns, and I shoot them. I am at /k/ for the guns and the army stuff.
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because of this guy!
Some swe-military jargon

(lit. "Loose-nose", but actually refers to a groucho-marx mask) A name for special- or secret servicemen

>"(To) have a reservation/place at the hockeyrink"
It means to be dead, since hockeyrinks are the standard corpse drop-off points in war-time
Can be used as a statement ("I have a reservation at the hockeyrink") or a threat ("you´d better get a reservation at the rink")
her vil jeg skyte inn en kontramelding, kompisen min var så dum at han fortalte en sersjant på fylla at han hadde röyka hasj når han gikk på vgs, konsekvensen av det var at han mistet sikkerhetsklarering.

Or more accurately, to be expecting to be dead soon
Jeg har fulgt med litt på military enlistment general, og fått med meg viktig regel: HOLD DEG TIL LOGNEN NÅR DU FORST HAR BEGYNT PÅ DEN.

Jeg så han legeduden rett i oya når jeg sa "narkotika? jeg? neeeii... huff denslags holder jeg meg for god for" og kommer nok til å holde det slik. Kommer også til å holde veldig godt kjeft om hvordan jeg har autisme og kneskader.

Could you write that last one out in Swedish?
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I know you guys all live in the snowy wilderness but you should get out and talk to other people more, they might help you unfuck yourself a bit
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>dat madsen
>muh diq
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Where my fellow marines at?
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Norwegian here. I can confirm that this is correct. In the 60ies our "Home Guard" or whatever you want to call it ("Heimevernet") had a bad reputation for being filled with slackers and weekend warriors without any real training.

See this classic (sadly only in Norwegian) "Operasjon Lovsprett" (roughly translated "Operation Blooming Leaves"). You get to see just how the Home Guard was viewed by the public, and some of the classic stereotypes as well.

Made in 1962, which fits the photo quite well in terms of equipment and props used.

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What the fuck are those shoulder guards called? Shoulder guards? I really like them but I can't find ones that look just like those. If they're connected to the plate carrier, what plate carrier?
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the shell ejection arouses me
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"Spetsnäsa" is a common one, means "pointy nose", and a wordplay on spetsnaya.
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I want to pet it and play with it
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>have polish blood
>they jumped ship from polan before or around the time hitler came into the picture
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Tugg leif

They come with the Mehler vest (krsk 12) used by sweden.

Anyone here who likes eccentric finns, slings, and absurd workshop projects should follow this guy
oy vey
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the jews fear the polish
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Those masks must have been a nightmare for hearing as well as sight
>scandinavians talking about bloodline
>fully knowing their country will no longer be white in 2-3 generations
Bro, current Scandinavia makes me ashamed of my Norwegian heritage
/pol/ memes made you ashamed, because you're dumb enough to fall for them
If you ever visit Norway, if you have the time take a trip in one of its many fjords

That's just stupid. The vast majority of non-white immigrants live in the capitals and biggest cities. Leave Oslo and Stockholm and there's practically only white faces to see.
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I was at this excersise and drove one of those. AMA
Sure, the nature would be one of the bigger reasons for me going there in the first place. I'm sure there are a bunch of nice museums and such as well.
Függ :DD
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Please translate I love these.
Fullt mulig, som sagt hadde en kompis sjæl som hadde royka tidligere, men han var ærlig om det da han ga informasjon til sikkerhetsærklæringen. Rimelig sikker på at han også sa at han tok avstand fra det, han hadde bare provd det på en fest. Kommer også litt ann på hvilken tjeneste du er i. Men som sagt, ikke royk for innrykk eller tett til innrykk når du vet du skal inn, og du vet at Forsvaret har liten toleranse for det.
Scandis view each other as kind of estranged brothers. We love each other, while still finding each other a bit strange, and not someone we'd like to be roommates with just yet.

Nature is great all over the place, really. Norway has some nice skiing in particular. Sweden has vast forests. Finland has massive numbers of lakes - and the only mosquitos in the world so big, they require plane license number. Don't laugh now but you should check out the oldest buildings standing - wooden churches almost a thousand years old, medieval fortresses and so on. That sort of thing gets rarer every year, unfortunately.
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Don't bother jogging and just get stronk. You'll be jogging 24/7 in recruitschool so you will become fast as fuck, boi.

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The immigrants get placed in tiny towns. Yes. And as soon as they are allowed, they move into the big cities. We've seen that often enough here in Norway.

Do we need to stop this river of third world colonists? Yes. We, and the rest of Europe, and the US too. China and Russia have the same issues but those news stories don't reach us because frankly, we don't care any more than they feel for our issues. Norway have succeeded the last few years to reduce the inward stream and kick much more of the benefits hunters out. I hope Sweden comes to it senses but it certainly took us a long time. You guys can do it too. Focusing on the state's tools like police and immigration rules is what you can get concensus for. 3rd Reich methods and talk only whisks the leftwingers deeper into control.
Finland is nordic. Just as Iceland. Only Denmark, Norway and Sweden is Scandinavian.
Yeah I know; I'm Swedish. Have been to a lot of cool places but only within the country.

My diagnosis is that the west's troubles go far deeper than immigration. I believe we are witnessing the logical conclusion of liberal democracy and all that comes with it. Radical individualism and alienation leading to the dissolution of the social mores necessary for ethnic/civilizational continuity. A nihilistic, materialistic worldview has replaced spirituality and GDP-worship has replaced common sense. Our much vaunted "liberation" of women has decimated birthrates to unsustainable levels. People are being imprisoned for weakass anti-muslim tweets, governments are seizing children from parents who won't go along with their tranny delusions. The swedish state can't enforce its monopoly on violence in 55 areas at this point. Easily ten million illegals make them home in the USA and nothing (effectual) is done. Ragheads are blowing up daily in Europe at this point, most of which were known to the intelligence agencies and nothing happens. Absolutely everyone knows our societies are deteriorating by every conceivable metric and everyone knows why but nothing is done. At a cursory glance at the data we know things are going to get worse but we all stick our heads in the sand as our governments refuse to touch the holy grail that is replacement-level third world immigration. In light of all this, at best a quarter of Swedes will vote for an anti-immigration party. The media is blatantly pushing narratives and ignoring inconvenient truths. No sensible voice is given airtime, no factual argument is responded to.
We cannot inch our way to some level of sanity in a paradigm geared toward our complete dispossession and eventual destruction. We can't allow the left to set the parameters of acceptable discourse and try to maneuver within them.
People need to see the beast for what it is, this falling system needs to hit the ground at top speed and explode so that something new can be built.

I appreciate that we can talk about this in a civil fashion btw.
I like shooting at longer ranges and hunting. I live in the middle of nowhere, so getting a pistol would be a fairly expensive hassle, but still I come here to drool over revolvers.

I get a bit itchy at the word liberal. It used to stand for informed personal freedom. Around here, it was a word often embraced by the right wingers. Then the socialists captured it and it was redefined to mean whatever the socialists wanted it to mean that year. I am even leery of the word socialist, because once you scrape away the big words they are as state-oriented as anyone. If not more.

I agree with your diagnosis to some degree anyway. Our open western world has left us wide open to people who are more than willing to use the weak seams against us, be it hostile powers or endless ranks of individuals who are more than willing to be unemployed in our cities and get benefits a hundred times larger than what they would get for a hard day's work in their own countries.

A vast number of Scandinavians emigrated to the US during the 19th century, to start new and better lives. It does not feel entirely right to close our doors completely now. However, our countries are tiny and we do not have a lot of recently stolen land to give to the newcomers. Let the good people come, even if they have other colors than us. Still we should not feel obligated to allow in every young man on all continents to arrive on our doorstep asking for free money. Clearly they were able to find the money elsewhere to travel here. Then why didn't they use that money to make a living at home?

It isn't hard to get started. Many of those who come here, come on plane flights. When they arrive, they have no passports to identify them with. But they had to show passport to buy the plane tickets. No passport on arrival? Then refuse to let them leave the planes. Whoosh, 50% of refugee stream gone right away.
>. Around here, it was a word often embraced by the right wingers. Then the socialists captured it and it was redefined to mean whatever the socialists wanted it to mean that year.
This is something that pisses me off on an almost daily basis. I think the conservatives and "actual" liberals of old are to blame for letting the term be ruined as well.

The way this word has changed meaning is one of the few instances where a Nineteen Eighty-Four comparison is apt - it's almost as if someone wanted to make it troublesome to communicate and discuss the idea of classic liberalism by making changes to the language.
Nobody but actual Finns know or care about Finland not being a part of actual Scandinavia.
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Swedish military is shit, laughably small and under equipped. Finland has the best military of the nordic countries. Prove me wrong. (pro tip you can't)
does west russia still have a flag?
>Swedish military is shit, laughably small and under equipped.
Yeah, but it's a question of money that could be solved if the political will was there. We have really good domestically produced tech and hardware.
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not an argument butthurt swedes

So you basically admit it's shit. And there's never going to be any more political will since Sweden is getting cucked by the left more and more every year. And we all know the left hates the military.

Words do change meaning. I find it more difficult that they mean something in one country, then you cross the border and it means something entirely different. Even 'conservative'. I consider myself to be a right winger, even a far right winger, but I could not possibly be as conservative as the socialists. And the lines are blurred to hell anyway. The current socialist leader is a multimillionaire who was a right winger until a few years ago. The previous socialist leader used to be rabidly anti NATO. Now, he is the leader of NATO! Our prime minister, finance minister and military minister are all women - but they are all right wingers, while the socialists are the ones who front feminism. Yet none of the socialist parties have female leaders. We are so alike, it is maddening. But the world, our world, IS changing. The more terrorists, the more non-white mafia, the more we get it grinded into our faces, the more we stand together. It takes a while, we are slow to anger because life has been pretty good for a long time now, but the rightward wind is blowing. Our current right wing parliament has almost finished the full four year cycle. That hasn't happened before since WW2. It's not the extremist right wingers who are doing the difference, it is the voters who are demanding stricter policies - and getting them. Last year our immigrant lists were down 80% from four years ago. Denmark have put the hammer down too. All you Swedes need to do is start supporting the right parties as well There's something in the wind now. There will be a cleansing. And we are not going to see it happen without honor. We can't afford that. Either.

Sweden's military has diminished. They are working to reinstate conscription though, which should swell the ranks over time. It costs to be a neutral state though.
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>implying modern Scandinavians are any more rugged than a wet napkin
hej jag heter finnejävel jag är skandinav :DDD börki börk börk

I am trying to imagine what country YOU are coming from but the only image that keeps coming up is a MacDonalds in San Francisco.
>So you basically admit it's shit.
Yes. Duh?
>And there's never going to be any more political will
There's been a recent bit of increased military spending. We're getting the coastal artillery back, a new generation of Gripen and some cutting edge missiles for it and the previous gen. And reinstated conscription, if not universal as before.
It's cool to be racist against finns but don't you say a word about that arab cock up your ass or you're a dirty islamophobe :DD
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>There's been a recent bit of increased military spending. We're getting the coastal artillery back, a new generation of Gripen and some cutting edge missiles for it and the previous gen. And reinstated conscription, if not universal as before.

That still doesn't mean shit. Finland would steamroll you in a week if there ever was a war between our countries. For example look at the size of the finnish artillery which is the largest artillery force in western europe. Sweden has like 20 artillery pieces in it's whole arsenal while we have over a thousand.
Being amongst burgerfats is arguably better than "refugees". At least they aren't trying to fuck my wife while I pretend everything is ok and my country is great because we're not racists.
>Finland would steamroll you in a week if there ever was a war between our countries
Yes. I know.

I'm here to discuss the facts of guns, armed forces and the politics, history and culture related to the two. Not for a by-proxy dick measuring contest with an arboreal chink.

America is rampant with racists. If you don't feel it, you are probably living among Whites Only. Enjoy the burger, it' probably made by Mexican hands just like your clothes and car.

I also dislike the dual meaning of "liberal" and mean what I say when using it. That is, I don't mean what a Trumpist might. Everything uttered in polite company is underpinned by classical liberal thought today. Actually we've drifted so far leftward that we've entered a place with a more assertive and authoritarian far-left that's given carte blanche to deny actually liberal principles. We need to deny this individualistic liberalism wholly for a rejuvenation to be possible. Civil rights need to be abridged and tribalism needs to return with a vengeance.

I eschew the notion that the immigration problem is purely related to economics, crime, culture, religion etc. These kinda of arguments are usually presented by "right-wing" politicians operating in the liberal democratic ideaspace such as Trump, SD, Le Pen, Wilders, AFD etc.
We must be able to voice our concern for the quality/continuity of our genetic stock and the cohesion of our societies. Race is the foundation of identity and also informs creative expression, IQ and temperament.
By inviting people of fundamentally different racial and cultural identity we are introducing more seams by which our social fabric can rip. Nation = ethnicity, not plot of land and we can't share a house with radically different peoples. Not for long anyway. We're not all interchangeable cogs just paying into the same social services and living in a vaccuum. That's a recipe for a high-friction dystopia. All that talk sounds like this to me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99VjCqtRiA0

The US was a huge, untamed land and until 1965 had immigration quotas based on national origin to ensure the stability of its demographics. The US was around 90% white until 1965. It's been dropping ever since and is around 63% now. Whites have the highest median age of all races in the US too. Look at voting statistics by race and look at who's paying for the party. Can you see the potential tensions now?
>sweden helps finland out of occupation
>sweden now ruins itself by allowing themselves to be occupied
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There is no difference between the "conservatives", the SocDems, the greens or the (nominally) Christian parties since the left has been setting the agenda for a good (more like bad) century.
As I've outlined in my autistic effortposts, even the so-called far right parties operate on fundamentally impotent, deracinated, liberal principles that can offer no real solutions. At best they'll get nothing done via the endless process of compromises called parliamentarism and people will go into a revolutionary mode. At worst they'll amp up the police state, get the worst criminals deported and pave the way for a slightly less repressive political correctness (the most taboo topics - race, jews, traditionalism - would still be beyond the pale though.)
This wind of populist change everyone is talking about is a firecracker, we need a nuke.


lel, right in a benis : DD how will the pekkas ever recover?
Fenno-Scandinavian is still Scandinavian anon
>You'r ansestors couldn't handle the harsh enviroment of the north
I live in ND, our winters are on average equal to or colder than yours. Most American Scandies settled in Minnesota and other places of the Upper Midwest because of how similar the climate is to Scandinavia. You're entire argument is invalid.

All my ancestors came here because of how shit Europe was/is. If any of my ancestors were alive today the current state of Europe would be plenty to assuage any doubts they might've had about coming here.

>You'r bloodline is weak amerifag.
My bloodline consists of berserkers, Landschnekt, Kings, and professional thieves. The fuck does your blood come from?
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Thought I'd look for something unique or at least original to our forces. We call this a field shirt, the Brits use/used it too and call it a Norwegian. They are oldfashioned now but ridiculously comfortable.
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I think this one is original with us too. It's thick pure wool and the nickname is the 'coma sweater', because it generates so much body heat that in an indoor environment you boil inside it.
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Have some bear pussy. No really, it's the nickname for this cap. Its origin is fuzzy though. I know the US had some cold weather caps in this style once, but so did Germany, both as far back as WW2.
Norway are very NATO but we have actually bought a few military things from Sweden at times. Like these Volvo jeeps, long phased out now. Their nicknames were 'puppy'. With canvas sides and roof they were not great for winter use.
Racists with horrible diets and imported goods>ISIS members/sympathizers
Is the norwegian homeguard a volunteer or conscript force
Aw yeah
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Another Swede in Norwegian uniform. The Scania truck was being tested out while I was in uniform, and the step up they represented compared to the old M621s in fuel and cargo volume was immense. We also loved the modern steering while that did not require weightlifter arms for hard turns at the corners.

A normal conscript does the first year, then you are called in for excercises every two, three years. I served in 3 repeat sessions. Some people get shunted to HG rather than regular session as it is softer. Some volunteer straight out. There's our small SF HG units there too and getting in ith them i hard to achieve,
That must be a fucking bitch to carry around all day, God damn. They'll probably lose all feeling in their legs by the end of the year.
God stemning?
Would those have had a decent chance at putting holes in older Soviet tanks? Were these expected to be useful in the mid-late 80's? I know little about recoilless rifles.
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>be from ND
>have Swedish gf
>she's shocked by how cold it can get here
>>have Swedish gf

Online, duh. She's visiting here for the first time this fall
Come and get it Sven.
Finland was never rightfully swedish clay.
Fuck you and your hundreds of years of oppression.
Go to hell, putin
Non-scandinavian here. Am I a faggot for putting Finland flag velcro patch on my backpack just because I like the country?
Norwegian here. I don't see the problem with this as long as you're not pretending to be a finn.

Sometimes in the Norwegianthreads on /int/ we do get a few norgeboos, people that make me appreciate how some Japanese people must feel about us weebs. Just don't be like them and then do what you want.
We bought a bunch if aimpoints from Sweden
Ingen danskjävlar tillåtades i denna tråden.

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Deltoid protectors.
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gibe bäck norwegian clay sven
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men asso
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this is where I'm going in August.

Oh I dunno. Been there. Ostersund is okay if boring. Åre is good for skiing. But I worked in Jamtland for half a year, and most of the place is so rural and uneventful that it is mindboggling. I completely understand why Norwegians go to Sweden to shop while Swedes go to Norway to party. So not in any hurry to get Jamtland back, frankly.
CV90, modified Leopard 2, BV 206, Carl Gustav and probably more.. we are a big customer and swedes are still mad that we didnt buy jas gripen.

We get the Leo 2 upgrades from Sweden now? I did forget about the others though.

Does the Swedes buy anything military from us? Not that we are big sellers in the military to anyone but last I checked we were still exporting munitions and rockets.
Look alot like Pinzgauers.
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Haw kan du förget aur historyia norwäy

Bai mina wäpons plees
No, the leopards were from either dutch or german stores. There has been a lot of talk about getting them upgraded to the same package that the swedes are using, though
Ka' du skride ad helvedes til, bossesvensker?
I'm sure we get ammo and explosives from you guys. Nammo has four factories in Sweden, one is in Karlsborg. Nammo being a Norwegian company.
Denmark has better Tank crews. Or at least better than the germans and amerifats.

The equipment is shit though.
Sven you do realize that your army is in no shape to even defend itself.

Finland could probably invade your country and win.

Wasn't there a Danish tank brigade working with the UN forces during the Yugoslavia war?
As far as i know, yes. One of the tankers is the father of a friend of mine (if i am not worng).
Spurdo saluting: Presenting to the exercise supervisor, eyes right! 1st lieutenant, third platoon of armored spurdo company ready for closed order drill :-DD Reported by corporal Fagott-onion-dillydally-töttenström :-DDD

Officer: Thank you, at ease. Good morning, platoon! Today we will be training how to walk! :-DD
If you need to scratch your nose, you need permission! :-DDDDD Ten-hut-atease-tenhut-atease :-DD

Whispering: Make (is a name), ask him if we can go to the cafeteria today :-DDD
Not really, just pointing out that you literally got forced into buying the F-35, and i guess saab could be mad because they spent money in Norway for the trials, when the plane was obviously never being considered.
>An urban combat exercise?
>Firing blanks right next to civilians...

What the fuck am I looking at?
>a weapon attachment is obviously blurred out

It looks like it could be a light or IR laser/PEQ box - why would they blur it out?
In all honestly due to it's size it looks like it could be a LLM01

Not all of us Norwegians are extremely happy about the F35 either, or the process that led to its choice. Not that I think the SAAB could have won in a true competition of abilities anyway, but the F35 has a lot of issues the SAAB doesn't have - the length of the landing strip, the noise, the price, the political tieup with a currently less than dependable partner like USA, and the fact that the F35 is only one presidential whim away from being cancelled. Both the SAAB and the Eurofighter would have been more predictable alternatives.
Sweden before multiculturalism.
Probably not, but its a better alternative for Norway than the F-35 is, if for nothing else than for monetary reasons. Seems like you have to skimp on the rest of your armed forces due to increased F-35 costs now, which you may (note may) not have had to do if you chose gripen or eurofighter.

If the competition of abilites was related to the current responsibilities and operations of the norweigan air force, the Gripen probably would've won, yes (an analysis that seems to be shared with the people i've talked with in your air force).

Should also be stated that i think the F-35 is a great aircraft, so it isn't a definitive "wrong" choice, its just more expensive and not optimal for your needs. As long as you dont go cheap on its upkeep or flight hours for your pilots, it'll most likely be great.
what, are there civilians in urban areas? i am shocked...

The cost worries me a LOT. For one thing it is our most expensive purchase ever. We do have a neat deal where the Americans are buying our ammo for also a vast amount, but we could have gotten that with Sweden too. Look at our F16 fleet.There were 60 of them. They have been used and abused and abused again on North Atlantic patrols and UN missions, and the reality is that our remaining flying fleet are less than a dozen planes. And our only possible foe are the Russians! Why didn't we buy more F16s to replenish the diminishing ranks? Budgets. Now we are spending all our military funds on a plane the US might not be able to keep running themelves? For instance the US Navy's plane fleet is in as bad shape as the Norwegian one, relatively speaking. And our very impressive fleet of frigates - how come we can't afford to keep them with crews or maintenance? We bought a total of five and now most of them are mothballed. Sure Norway gets the modern shit. It would be nice to be able to afford to use it too.
Remake of a classic finnish movie called "The unknown soldier" coming out soon...
Norway invested in the Archer program and never got anything out of it
Such are the risks
Ikke bryt lengdebegrensingene (840mm totallengde) når kolben er i korteste innstilling
This reminds me of a story;

At the norwegian defence museums we have some Swedish canons from the battle of Lier in 1914. the swedes wanted these back for their rememberance or something of the war in Norway in 1814 and called up to ask for them back. the Norwegian museums manager answered him by shouting "Only if we get Jämtland back!" and hung up.

Fuck YEAH! I am so going to buy this one first chance I get. I hope it leads to the original returning to the market because I have never seen it either.

Cute, but an idiot. We have benefited much from our Swedish neighbors over the last century.

I was in Sweden once on a reenactment camp; we were Napoleonic era but some of the others were 17th century. That was a fun weekend. Clashing muskets and sharing soup and beer does not enemies make.
Well, the battle of Lier wasn't decisive at all. Instead, it was the battle of Kjolberg Bridge that resulted in the end of the war. It marked a successful flanking of the Norweigan defence line and the swedes had an open road to Kristiania.
Katsomatta paskaa.
A question for my fellow Norwegians. Do you too have a feeling that our foreign missions are being completely covered up by our media lately? We have units in Mali, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria and there is hardly a word to find about them any more.
afaik, norway is only in Bamako, where things have always been pretty quiet.
Didn't even know we had people in Mali... Haven't heard much about the soldiers in Syria, didn't even know they shipped out.

It's crazy to be quite frank with you.

The Mali unit was a logistics unit; we operated a plane and had a small security unit for perimeter control. Seeing how often the car convoys get attacked by rebels this was supposed to be a high value service.

In Afhganistan our Special Forces, the Marine Hunters and the Coastal SF are/were taking turns training the Afghan Kabul Special Forces and following them into the field shoulder by shoulder on operations.

In Iraq, we were operating a MASH style field hospital supporting the Iraq Army and the kurds, and our Special Forces were training kurd units.

In Syria, our Special Forces are known to be in the Al Tanf area which is just a few bullets away from a large scale conflict. The last newsstory from there was when the base with our, UK and a local rebel group was attacked by ISIS an hour after the US forces had withdrawn - they had to come back at full speed since the size of the attack was unknown then.

Except for the Syria thing our involvement was always supposed to have time limits. I am not sure if the Mali unit is still out there, but the others have had their stays extended several times.

Also, we are about to deploy a unit to Estonia I think. Or was it Lithauen? The Russians are pissed off, that is for sure.

I am proud that our country can contribute. I am however very unhappy that the information about these units get put under the carpet. These soldiers all have families. That the information has to be limited for their safety I understand and accept. But no info at all?
Scandinavia= Norway, Sweden and Denmark
Nordic=Scandinavia+Finland, Iceland, faroe islands and Greenland
Actually it's not sf that are training kurds in iraq, that mission is done by the telemark batallion

Right. I tend to bunch them all together. Marinejegerkommandoen and Forsvarets Spesialstyrker plus the small all female Jegertroppen are the Special Forces. Telemarksbataljonen are the enlisted guys who are meant to go on foreign missions. They are all considered to be elite forces.

This as opposed to the regular forces which are basically conscripts or training staff and stay home, plus the Home Guard as mentioned earlier in the thread which is our militia.

Frankly I am not sure which forces supply our regular UN troops, like the now ended but very long standing Lebanon unit. It is possible they are run under yet another umbrella.

The dude is named "Læffy". Screenshot from some old montage video by conscripts a few years back.

The firearm is a HK416 with a Aimpoint CompM4 equipped.


Here's the video of the guy. Instant classic.
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Question, guys. Do you know the origin of this sweater? I thought it was Norwegian Army issue but lately I seem to see similar sweaters on kurd forces and others. The one on this pic is sold by Miltrad as "teknisk uniformsgenser".

Supposedly the same sweater, but different camo. ISAF, so still Norwegian.

I THINK it was meant for use under armor vests.
Er jegertroppen bare kvinner?! Eller er det en liten del av den?

No, the 'jegertropp' is specifically only women - superior officers not counted. And there are just ten soldiers, for now. The entire concept is just a year old; probably a lot of testing is going on to see just how far they can be pushed. The idea, I think, is to have a few women that can be utilized in places like the Middle East where the female population simply isn't going to socialize with the male foreigner soldiers, period. But still be tough enough to survive encounters with taliban and ISIS and others out for some foreign soldier hostages. I find the whole idea pretty hot but accept that this is an experiment. If it works out, great!

I've seen the same style produced by ARES over at www.armygear.com

I own a full set myself.
>weaponized chad

Hm. The Ares didn't look like the one I had in mind, but the website led me on to American company Crye Precision who claim it is their design. I don't mind, but I guess it originating with Norwegian forces is a false theory then. Oh well.

emergency last page bemp
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Funny little thing. The only time that I know of that Scandinavians fought shoulder to shoulder is when Finland was attacked by the Soviets in 1939. Granted, they were not many, but both Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Estlandish and Hungarian(!) volunteers participated.
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