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AR thread /arg/ tripfag containment

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Thread replies: 341
Thread images: 150

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Credit Score/ Drive 10hrs to fite me edition

Old Thread: >>34067828
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fit meh
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good night, guys.
if any of you grow a pair and wants to fight, you know where i live.
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Bob wins
>what's credit edition
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I hope you choke on a burrito in your sleep
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>be me
>inna TS
>a wild giddy appears
>spergs out
>dwive ten hours to fite me
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Where do you live again?

pic related
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>big guys fighting
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Leave the door unlocked for me bby.
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>credit score edition

in with 348 not posting ar because reasons
NC, the worst Carolina
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Honestly, how cool would it be watching Giddy and some other fag fight

Someone would need to go there just to get video
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Around spics, drive 10 hours to fight them
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>mfw credit jew knocks on door
would be more fun to just watch all you trips commit suicide desu
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>in with 348
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nice rare giddy
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>mfw Giddy applies for new card
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I dont even know my credit score.
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we're not all richfags, step into the real world some time without daddy's money
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das good shit.png
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Someone update the monkeys knife fighting to OC and Giddy
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>mfw giddy
were not all poorfags, step into a better career some time.
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>autofil info
why are you wearing ear rings?
you don't have to be wealthy to have a good credit score
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>I was forced to use credit
>I was forced to miss those payments and default

How do you even remember to breathe?
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Took em off your mom
easy for someone with a huge safety net their entire life to say
>giddy's life
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>Giddy unironically likes Kid Rock
gf's kids gotta eat
what safety net? i left home at 18 and never got a dime in aid in any way.
That's more you.
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>the lawn mexican opens another credit card
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>tfw flipping DD rails and aimpoints isnt making a dent in crippling debt
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>stroll into /arg/
>debit meme.allgoddamnday
>fiteme credit jew
>trips say no
>go to TS
>fite me bruhs
>get laughed out of TS
>4 missed calls
>credit jew calls again
>hoping i dont wake up
>mfw Double Dave doesn't want beans in burrito

shits on sale now btw.
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it needs
>debt cont
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>mfw giddy has to prostitute himself out for more 77gr's
>guys buy my tailcapts
>guys I need gast for my car
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severely outdated
Needs a serious update
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>I've got these credit cards under control!
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>uhhh misssster giddy
>am from bank
>we're here to reposesssss the goodths
>please hand over sthuff or we will usthe force
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nah dude he's beating the credit jew
he's figured it out
jinx you owe me a soda
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>mfw he out smarted the jew
>trips in this thread

When are you joining the acog master race?
>tfw too smart for late stage capitalism
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All he needs to do is work hard.

Oh wait dads pickup is broke because dum mexican, no more job. Better open up another account and rent a uhaul to keep working.
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Giddy's drift.jpg
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>can't drive
>can't use power tools
Is giddy actually a grill?
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>too smart to be in debt
Next month probably
>Next month probably
Smart, there is a 3.5x one for cheap ($999ish iirc) locally if you want one.
It's going to be either the 31-CH or 31F
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>mfw i hear choppers outside
>mfw atf here with a tank
>mfw credit jew sicked dogs on me
>mfw ms13 isn't coming to help me
>mfw lawnmower training is no help in urban combat
>mfw i bought this rpg with a Discover card
>mfw it all ends now
Good choice all around.
Just dont get amber or green
Yep already settled on red for obvious reasons, although I was somewhat impressed by your green in our environment.
asked in the old thread just as it RIP'd,

is there a difference between the 31-CH reticle and ECOS or are they the same? They look diff on Trij website
Yeah, green only blends in if you're shooting at predator
bright green plants in suburbs, lawns, ect. could hide it, maybe
I have never seen a plant that fucking green
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/msg/ here
I don't know an awful lot about ARs but...
Convince me not to drop a shitload of money on a sexy Colt SP1, /arg/
buy parts and do it you'reself
R8 my soon-to-be build arg

>tn armsco black lower
>Anderson a3 upper
>Faxon Firearms 18" gunner
> moe+ grip fde
>fde magpul rifle stock
>15" fde troy alpha rail with black squidgrips
>troy buis
Help me decide on trigger, optic, bcg ,and muzzle break
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Atlas best bipod

Shotgun shooting tomato
if you can find one for under $1100 its worth it

A1 builds are real pricey these days
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>tn armsco

It's fucking garbage
Shooting what, dirt?
You can shoot anything in your imagination
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There is a lot of dirt to shoot but no, clays at a private club
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What should next poorfag project be?
Post credit scores
>23k in debt
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Anyone know of any good deals this memorial day weekend? I'm looking for a pair of folding BUIS right now too.
>his dad's name is Juan
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czech it.jpg
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Suppressed .22
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What's the point of such a high powered optic on a .22?

Also.. goddamnit. That would require a 3rd stamp. Annoying.
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How long would you guys say this barrel is? Qtddtot is full of idiots.
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relevant video

10.3 inches
Giddys sisters are cute
post pics
No, fuck you
>the spic meme is more true than you realize

Fluffy fuck off
Not fluffer, still, fuck you
His mom looks kinda....manly.

Fluffy fuck off
10.5, looks a little longer than 10.3
Giddy is actually Argentinean
that means honorary white, post his sisters
Giddy fuck off
wheres the best place to get a compm2 in good shape still?
I'm not joining facebook to do that. It's just been an amusing little trip.
Witcherpoo plz
His mom holds a permanent tan
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its a mk18 mod0 clone and it has a 10.3" barrel
are you the owner?

not all mod 0 uppers had 10.3, but if its yours obv you know better than I
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>tell guy i'll buy his lt15-12 if he stops being a jew and goes lower than 170
>no response since
Someone sell me a cheap lt15-12 or KAC mk12 rail
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10.5 judging from experience.

Daniel Defense 10.3 pictured.
>LMT rear
>LMT sopmod
I can't see the FSP pins, but if that's an LMT gun it's 10.5
Goddamn I don't want it that bad

>can't see evidence of being correct but still assumes hes right
It's outfitted with all new LMT parts, and the md appears to be far enough forward to be 10.5. I've looked at a lot of mk18 mod 0 guns, it's the cutest AR and my favorite

If you have a more substantial opinion, you're welcome to post it
I've got an opportunity to buy ris ii removed from dd m4a1 for 300 bucks. Should i go for it? How much could i earn for reselling it further?
which version, fsp or no?
It has a single lmt part. You're a cute idiot
No fsp, 12" rail
the stock and rear sight are both lmt, open your eyes
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>relgin uf peas
Racist shitlord
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I do get paid tomorrow...

The amount of shitposting value too when I put this on a non-clone would be nice too
Well off to shoot up a school!
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cheapest place to get surfire m600v?
Hong Kong
Don't ask if you don't wanna know.
We don't care. Fuck off.
i just wanna buy muh flashlight
>give help
>get spit on
I care.
Look on arfcom EE for current accurate internet pricing.
It's only worth what someone will pay.
Pb pleases old men for money
why are you going to do this to the good mk12 rail though
put on the triangle PRI for maximum bully
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Totally not a Mk12.png
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Cause I've narrowed my choices down to the Mk12 or the LT15-12. If I can't get the Larue on the cheap I'll spend the extra 100 over a new one and go KAC. Turning my 6.5g into this so I have an excuse to buy a Colt 14.5 SOCOM upper in the future rather than spend like 800 getting it done in 6.5g
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Well looks like I'll be getting paid more than I expected. I'll probably sell my RAS and handle too till I buy a SOCOM upper again

Anything else from brownells worth throwing in?
Anyone see anything they're interested in?
The rail in the box is a 9" lite rail, and the trigger is a SD-E
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I'm a moron
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>wake up
>go outside
>no one there
Surprise, surprise, no one who challenged me has the balls to show up
I'm interested in the mk8, acog, aimpoint, and trigger
How much more debt are you trying to go into
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Will you accept $8 in loose change and an old cd changer?
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I'll trade you the mk8 and the trigger for your mk18 ris
A nailgun and tile saw are my final offer
I have access to those things already
gib ris
You dont have to be rich to know how loans work you stupid fuck

T. 23k a year with 746 credit score
No, i like my rail
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yea me too
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Found my wallet
I have not challenged anyone to a fight, if anything the jew should be changing me to a fight
You should still be in school getting learned good on speling
Nothing in my previous post was misspelled, since I'm using Google Voice to Type one of the words may be incorrect but not misspelled
Is that a velcro wallet
looks like leather to me desu
So your saying the words incorrectly is your defense? The south will never rise again
No I'm saying I used the wrong word but it was spelled correctly, therefore I do know how to spell or at least Google voice to type does
looks like nylon to me. go fight him and find out
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You really suspected some soft sheltered autistic manchild would really have the balls to follow through with a threat? Where do you think you are?
Get new eyes
I like my eyes
How much do you want for the ACOG?
No but I was hoping they would just like I hope I win the lottery someday
probably $600
the tritium is good in the front sight and the reticle, but there are some dark spots in the scope if you focus on them. You can't really see them when you're shooting
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>talking about fighting people IRL

Nah man im not 13 with 1000 free minutes of AOL
and I love my my car but that doesn't mean it's working properly oh God damn it
youre not supposed to click on links qb sends

doc says i have perfect vision
i already spent my neetbux on qb and other stuff otherwise id snag that acog.
How much on the troy rail?
Mr.Bumbles is a gastroenterologist not an optometrist
I think it has all the original parts and rail sections with it

I could put it on a Bobro mount for an extra $50 too
>$600 for a used painted ta01 with spots
>with spots
they're not bad at all
But they are there. You can get TA01s in great condition with no spots for less than 600.
fucking idiot
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is that me laughing at you
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>those woodland combat shirts
>those eokeks
>dat pelican with goodies
>operator approved dasani water
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how much for the aimpoint
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$400 shipped
the larue mount isn't the QD version
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if sailors are squids, are marines salamanders?

no one could ever answer that...
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we block ii/ socom posting now?
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I finally sold my PC btw


aw yea
they dont treat them right...stuffing them in boxes all cramped up like that is WRONG
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Say no more familam
youre no fun.
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did they not have the little 9V IR strobes back then?
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Someone buy this RAS and/or handle. I just picked up my check from work and I'm about to order the FF RAS
no one cares about your trash ass guns dude.
have the credit jews called yet this morning?
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>back then
you mean a couple years ago?
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thats why im confused as to why he has that fuckhuge emitter on his helmet when pic related existed.
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gg Is have bought it but I'm too much of an LBT fanboy
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That's a fairly newish pic my dude. The 9v strobes are last ditch isolated personnel IFF markers. Not really good for hard use mounted on the top of a helmet. I have several of those pieces of shit.
ms2000 did nothing wrong
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looks nice
I'll probably just end up getting a ranger green JPC
>my dude

huh, i figured these little bastards were more sturdy.
i have both but its not like a mechanic ever uses them.

>for all the night time super 1337 wrench turning
kek she needs to lose some weight.
You're a fucking dumbass. No one is going to give you much for a RAS you bought used and a carry handle you ran over with a lawn mower.
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>have plates, pouches and, crye cumberbund
>carrier still hasnt arrived
>already waiting on an email back from someone on arfcom for the ras
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where did you order it from?
I can't wait to see you spend $500 for a FF RAS for your 6.5 abortion
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it's $350
also stop being edgy
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dank maymays.jpg
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10,000 hours in ms paint
Brownells has free shipping plus $30 off for over 300 order

Are you sure you're not just mad you can't afford things?
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>Ranger Green JPC
Fuck yes. That's my plan too, though I might to Coyote. I'm kind of torn on it.

God I love Block I's
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nah man those little shits connect right to the batter and had no other way to keep it secure. we would only use them for placing on VS17 panels at night because our unit bought them in whole sale numbers. keep on in a pouch in case you go lone survivor mode. outside of that they were useless

>she needs to lose some weight
>he doesn't use an ms2000 as a counterweight


Welfare queen friend in TN
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mark larue has sent the carrier pigeon <3
now just waiting on noveske, sears, giessele, and PB for muh meme riafu

>FB update #1
>blog post #1
Damn, I've been wanting a picture of a Block I with an AFG on it to pop up!
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here you go then
that sucks ass.

i guess ill just keep my little 9v for memes.
is that an mp7 in there?
>dick is now diamonds
>people that hang their earpro off their belt
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yea, looks like some seal team 6 shit
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(navy seal copy pasta).jpg
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who makes a good fast food breakfast?

im feeling lazy af
>halal MRE
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idk, subway

I was hoping someone would notice that
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>just paid more for a 12 inch piece of metal than i did for a fucking aimpoint
I sure am ready to fuckin kms right now

At least I can profit on it by throwing it on EE when I'm bored of it in a month
all sand-lemurs must die.

subway? wtf they make breakfast?
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you could make at least $100
why the fuck did you buy a fucking 6.5 barrel in govt profile if you were just going to do this
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>should have got a geissele mk8
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>they make breakfast?
they have some breakfast type things, but I'd just get regular lunch sandwiches
Yea that's what I've seen. With these dank ass coupons I also got the gas block basically free too so I can always swap out the rail later at no cost

Now I need to find an ACE SOCOM short stock
hes already contemplating suicide, i think he knows hes retarded.
you have wildlands on pc?
Because originally I was gonna cut it, build it on a colt upper, etc but the cost in work to do that is more than just buying a 5.56 SOCOM upper and I don't really care that much anymore

Also ADD or something

>buying a shit rail that's basically normie at this point
>owning the same rail as gc
i fucking hate this part of the country...

>no braums
>no whataburger
>no taco bueno

i must return to the promised land
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there are probably some good local places where you are
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yea my dude

>owning the same rail as gc
nah my man, get the fde one.
Or I can spend 340 on a quadrail and shitpost about it endlessly

When I sell the handle and RAS I'll have enough to cover it anyways. I already sold a pair of shit AK mags for 80 bucks this morning just cause they're uncommon
we were playing it a lot in the TS when it came out
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>when you pick up the remington R5 with the Elcan
i want muh whataburger and braums...you dont understand.....

>chuck noris jokes
>bama fan
>edgy normie tier moral patchs
>non-regulation eyepro

wew lad
at least he LOOKS operator.

brb need sustenance.
How the fuck is brownells charging 16 dollars for shipping with an expected deliver date 2 weeks from now. Where the fuck is Burt
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>bama fan
aw yiss
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>implying i used my real name
Top kekeroonies
me too

why is the JPC2.0 looked down upon?
Post lewd
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it's not going to work out well for you
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I have no idea what you're talking about friend
Good morning financial counselors.


>Renting from Sunbelt
>Not Blueline

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again its good for last ditch shit or placing some where but having mounted on a helmet for marking leadership roles it can fuck right off simply because the battery isn't contained by anything other than the 9v prongs

those gpnvgs

>peple who are 2cool4U

then that meme got stale af
Job applications
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>those gpnvgs
I wonder how much the military pays for each unit
seems like everyone is jumping on the JPC train
>thank you for submitting this >tip to the fbi

Forgot an image. Nice.
Wow thats an incredibly ugly Walmart AR kys
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the world may never know

If i don't like this paraclete carrier I might be jumping on it too. or pick up one of the numerous MBAV's on Ebay
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>why is the JPC2.0 looked down upon?
Eh, if I wasn't going to go with the JPC, I'd probably go with the AVS
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i just want to kill gooks more
I'm still kicking myself for not going with that bfg lmac while it was on sale.
i know
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>the world may never know
they're like $30,000 per unit for LE

I think people like the low profile
I really wish someone other than Troy would come out with a XM177 clone. And I really don't want to pay Colt's asking price for their limited edition.

I just wanna listen to CCR and dream sweet dreams with a 'nam era rifle
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6B45 with extra pads.jpg
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Low profile is definitely worth the money
>tactical turtle
I like a full cummerbund and I think the shoulder straps look weird
Is this part of your Slav EOD cosplay?
Do you have side plates?
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KSOR suit level 4.jpg
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I need an Altyn one day but I'm not ready to spend 1100 on a glorified steel pot
not anymore
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>>34070336 >>34070360
I thought about whether or not I'd want side plates. I think I've decided against it which is one of the reasons I'd go with the JPC or even the Velocity Systems Low Vis or LE plate carrier.
Why do operators use windowed pmags? Why does anyone use windowed pmags?
why not the troy one?
Rubles Cliff
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because you can see how many rounds you have at a glance?

I guarantee he makes more money than you
oh fuck off
that shit is literally retarded
more protection is better but I ditched em due to to weight, all this gear really adds up. the side plates alone were 5 lbs

Team Wendy fucked themselves the same way. No tolerance means no tolerance
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It's just not a priority at the moment, there are other things I'd rather have. I want more guns, plates, a suppressor, and a down payment on a house before I get into the thousands of dollars I'll have to throw at a decent NVG set up.

Because Troy. Really though, if I came across a good deal on a Troy XM177, I wouldn't pass on it though.

Right now, I'm still trying to figure out what to do with this RRA lower I have on my other build lol.

Yeah, I decided against them for weight and the benefit of easier movement.
yeah sure dipshit
its a training division of troy and they didn't even hire the guy that took the shot

this stupid fucking community can be such pissy little cunts about the dumbest shit
>this stupid fucking community can be such pissy little cunts about the dumbest shit
Even more so, this!
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doesnt hinder ROM unless you plan on doing a lot of pic related in your gear
>he doesn't do his SOCOM approved combat yoga in full gear every week
Nothing I'd buy from troy anyways desu, I'm just sayin why someone else would choose not to get a product they otherwise wanted. If you wanna talk about pissy I have dropped my support for Springfield and RRA till I see a good explanation for what they did
I'm interested in the aimpoint, email me please.
more of a marsoc pilates kind of guy
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>marsoc pilates
what are you gay?

>Springfield and RRA till I see a good explanation for what they did
They really didn't do anything, they just stopped opposing a bill that was meant to require licensing on people who make more than 20% of their annual income from firearm sales.

It's mostly just a way to slap an extra charge on people illegally selling guns (i.e. gangbangers and other people selling guns to gangbangers).

It's mostly the gun community overreacting to something they see as an affront to their interpretation of the 2nd amendment. It's not like RRA or Springfield supported the bill and probably would have passed even if they had continued their opposition. But the firearms community is packed full of reactionary and low IQ supporters and members.
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>he isnt gay
fuck off fag
>a shit rail
I've never seen one negative review of a Geissele rail in months of research. Opinion discarded.
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Dropping opposition is still turning your backs on people. If you and some guy are both lifting something and the other guy stops lifting it's a bit of a pissoff
>caring what the law says
It restricts people unconstitutionally faggot

Mk8s are normietier now, everyone has one
Team Hillary makes some great shit
>I have dropped my support for Springfield and RRA
oh fucking shut up
you weren't buying anything from them anyway
and that's what pisses me off them most about the loudest fat fucking mouth breathers in this stupid community that get the most fucking triggered
they don't seem to realize their support means absolutely fuck all

and fucking boycotts are such a 'tolerant' left thing

SA and RRA really don't make products i want, and that's why i don't buy from them

fucking waht
Nice thumbnail nerd
It's all fake news. It's just the failing firearms media companies trying to sell clicks by promoting alternative facts.

SA and RRA did nothing wrong.
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great weather in mexico.webm
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dat bish uglay

>geissele updated shipping
>mark larue updated shipping
Actually I didn't buy an RIA 1911 the other day because of exactly this

Boycotts should be more of a thing too, not buying someone's products are a free market way of showing disapproval
>Mk8s are normietier now, everyone has one
Because it's one of the best rails around for your money
>muh not get nice things cuz someone else owns it
you do you, retard
They sell shitty guns anyways
>SA and RRA really don't make products i want, and that's why i don't buy from them

this. cant boycott a company i avoided from the start lol
>It restricts people unconstitutionally faggot
Not really, do you or anyone you know make more than 20% of your annual income from selling firearms? Nope probably not. And for a FFL, it's just a business license and doesn't restrict them in any way.
its orangecat...hes only here because he got bullied too much in akg, he even said so.
>Actually I didn't buy an RIA 1911
>because of this
So you didn't buy an RIA because of SA and RRA?
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Too bony
>restricted to 9 ffl transfers per year because lolreasons
>infringing upon your right to do what you choose with your property by imposing an artificial limit
Come on m8

RRA, I was reading the letter from RIA again
RRA is fine and SA actually sells really nice 1911s for the money. Probably would never by an XDm or a M1A, but their 1911s are nice.
RRA makes hobbyist grade shit and I don't think 1911s are good handguns.
>RRA makes hobbyist grade shit
RRA is fine stuff. Nothing special but it's not poor quality.
>I don't think 1911s are good handguns
It's one thing to not care for them, it's another thing to say they aren't good handguns.
>Mk8s are normietier now, everyone has one

Is that really all you have as an argument? If everyone has one and there have been 0 bad reviews, then that must mean Geissele is doing something absolutely right and you're just a butthurt snowflake.
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Uh oh Diamondhead btfo geissele
buy it
Thread posts: 341
Thread images: 150

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