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Middle East Thread "ANIMAL EDITION"

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Thread replies: 316
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"The Syrian regime retains the ability and intention to use chemical weapons" / text "declassified" the US government's report on the chemical attack in Syria
USA believe that April 4, 2017 the Syrian regime dealt a blow to his own people with chemical weapons, using chemical agents (CA) nerve agents sarin, in the city of Khan Shaykhun in the southern province of Idlib. According to observers in the region, the number of victims of a chemical attack ranged from 50 to 100 people (including many children), several hundred people were injured. We are confident in our estimates, as have data intelligence and geospatial intelligence, the results of laboratory analysis of physiological samples collected from numerous victims, as well as extensive and the evidence from open to reliable sources, which gives us a clear and consistent picture. We can not publish all the available information on the attack because of the need to protect sources and methods, but the following information includes declassified summary of the analysis of the attack carried out by US intelligence agencies.
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NW. Aleppo: AlCiada spotted large pro-Regime movements & gatherings on N. and W. axes, saying there are facilitated by YPG.
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ISIS uparmoured T-55 looking sexy.
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jaish al islam showing off inventory
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drone killer?

>those giant shot traps on the turret cheeks
What do they do? I know nothing of tanks
Fuck Assad and fuck Alawite """"people""""
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we wuz jihadists

allahu ackbar gib democracy
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the metal attached to the cheeks that make those triangles serve as extra armor thickness and ricochet points for KE projectiles.

however because of the downward angle on the bottom part of the cheek additions you could have a round that ricochets directly into the top part of the tank where the driver is. what normally would have been a KE that didn't penetrate or ricocheted harmlessly away is now going into your top tank armor which is ridiculously thin.

what makes it worse is the very generous angling given making the shot trap area way larger and allowing more shots to get trapped and possibly ricochet into the tank.
So what is the general consensus around here about the recent usage of chemical weapons on civilians?

Was it Assad/Russia or was it a false flag?
True, didn't even think that deeply. Definitely reminiscent of Panther models shitty turret shot trap. You fucked up ISIS, should've learned from the Germans.
I'm beginning to think it was Assad, two meta levels deep. He's testing the water and banking on muddying the water and claiming false flag but in reality when you peel the layers away it is him. Though just my speculation.

if another attack happens by the end of the year, that will raise questions and concern. Cause frankly I don't see Assad doing it again now after the tomahawk event, so if it does happen that'll make me question things.
Who the fuck knows
I personally think it was probably just some chucklefuck SAA officer/warlord
Until someone posts actual proof of who is is responsible and how I will continue to believe that, Russia has unironically taken the least retarded reaction to this
I can't see why Assad would want to use gas then, not that I think he's moral at all, but as a political move at this stage in the war it's fucking beyond retarded, why wouldn't he have started gassing when it looked like he might actually lose if he was gonna gas, and why on a front he's winning in an area without much actual gain
Aw, how adorable. It's trying to be a current generation tank.
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great photos, very truthful, intelligent, 10/10
My conclusion leans more into that as well. Even the possibility that rebel stocks of CM was accidentally bombed is more plausible than Assad authorizing the use of CM because the latter is pretty much political suicide.

>why on a front he's winning in an area without much actual gain

The Hetesh was pushing rather rapidly towards Hama from the borders of Idlib though. It wouldn't be surprising if SAA men on the field flipped their shit when these guys were able to advance this quickly within a week.
I that a T-shirt cannon?
>Even the possibility that rebel stocks of CM was accidentally bombed

that could maaaybe make sense if it was like dirty chlorine, but people seem very adamant it was sarin from symptoms and apparently substance testing. Sarin isn't just kept ready to go in drums, you gotta like pre-mix it before use and stuff, and a bomb blowing it up would simply roast and vaporize most of it not disperse it in any effective way.
Yeah, I'm more doubtful about that theory from the start. It was just brought up a lot when the Tomahawk shitstorm happened.
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Ram Z Paul's analysis of the conflict is the biggest load of cringe I've come across. WTF is wrong with you Americans and your absolutely shitty pseudo-intellectual e-celebs?
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Had to google this dummy didn't even recognize the name. Saw 1 video of him bumbling about Syria and just getting blatant facts wrong so I closed the video. Seems like a super smart and well read guy, clearly.
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Got to be.
I'll bet he's a blast at parties.
goddamn commies
He's be pro-assad and anti-Israel/US/Saudi. That's the side Russia is on now
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Literally every putinbot on the chans. The types of guys that hand you a towel after using the bathroom. Bidet operators/assistants.
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dude lol he fought for Rojava and said he hates Assad/Russia
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>comedic-sized calculator
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How do you ruck in a third world country and not lose atleast 20% of your body fat?
he's a manlet
Manlets I've met in the military are skinny fucker
Who is this guy? Judging by the fact that's he got his little personal library behind him, I can only assume that this photo is not taken in Syria? Is this a commie user from Reddit?
>shit taste in books based on the titles that can be read
>commie flag on wall
>soviet seal on shirt
>PKK scarf, complete with Abdullah Ocalan personality cult iconography
>vinyl, and a record player sitting precariously at the edge of some kind of table
>exaggeratedly large hipster glasses
>that fucking cap
that pic specifically was taken when he returned home, the others posted in the thread are him in Syria
his twitter handle is @PissPigGranddad
Holy shit he actually looks like he gained weight in fucking Syria of all places
How the fuck does this happen
>being well-off enough financially that you are able to travel abroad to fight but still having the money to maintain a residence in your home country where you keep all your private property
Does he understand that the only real irony in his life is his political stance? This is the epitomy of "red wine left," except that he actually went and did something (although it seems he didn't do much actual fighting).
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Shot traps are essentially non existent in the modern age against legacy MBT's. Especially against presumably hollow steel armor boxes put there in an attempt to improve protection with infrastructure which has no experience building tanks or tank armor in a serious manner.

But some uparmored T-55's have actually proven themself to work in the middle east. Sadly these up armored tanks were done by a real state which had the real economical powers for such thing.
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I want to send him to Syria and leave him there just because of those godawful tattoos.
Kurds and Syrians need to get some recording footage on the level of ISIS.
ISIS has to be hiring people to edit their videos, no way they themselves can do this
Syrians need to first learn how to fight properly. They're useless.
Anyone know what camo pattern is this? Looks like some sort of MARPAT knock off and I've only seen the Kurds with it
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How many ISIS fighters are realistically still here?
So from a realpolitik standpoint why would the Syrian regime even use those kinds of weapons?

Using them to attack one target and inflict modest casualties, chiefly on a civilian population even, with no clear tactical of strategic advantage and a massive international penalty is pure idiocy.

imho weapons like that excel when used to saturate an entrenched position with a lot of clustered enemy combatants since you can kill/disable a multitude of them and even effectively disable the location for a longer period.

tl;dr why even use such a high-risk weapon on an irrelevant target

it just doesn't make sense
Because the regime themselves doesn't have control other the myriad of pro-government aligned participants in this war.

Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia along with the half dozen warlords (Hawks, Assad's brothers personal division, etc) all have much more say in day to day operations than Assad does.

Outside of the newly established Baath brigades there is no real "SAA" anymore, that means all kinds of sketchy shit can do down.
>So from a realpolitik standpoint why would the Syrian regime even use those kinds of weapons?

They wouldn't.

Why would you believe the narrative peddled so eagerly by the entire regime-change cabal? How old were you in 2003?

>Because the regime themselves doesn't have control other the myriad of pro-government aligned participants in this war.

There's no evidence for these asinine rumours. The bombing was allegedly carried out by the Syrian air force, and you're implying the pilots, or the entire squadron are rogue, doing what they desire, and with access to tactical level weapons.

Did one of these pilots just snatch a chemical warhead from the depot while the other guy wasn't looking? Or were they in cahoots?

These are retarded conspiracy theories.
Because there is a chance they could get away with.
Because it is terrorizing and demoralising the enemy.
Because they hate the enemy so much they stopped to care so much.
>Because there is a chance they could get away with.

Yeah, no. With White Helmets and their expensive film equipment lurking to aggrandize every tragedy, and a saturation of smartphones at every corner, there's no chance there was premeditated chemical strike.

>Because it is terrorizing and demoralising the enemy.

Yeah, no. It only gave the Jihadists a giant morale boost and they seemed energized because of the potential propaganda value this would deliver for their cause.

>Because they hate the enemy so much they stopped to care so much.

Why would the government murder civilians in Jihadist-occupied areas and not murder civilians in government-controlled areas.

You realize how utterly retarded your thinking is?

Or you're simply carrying water for the regime change plot.
Are there any good twitter accounts that can let me stay up to date about syria?
>Yeah, no. With White Helmets and their expensive film equipment lurking to aggrandize every tragedy, and a saturation of smartphones at every corner, there's no chance there was premeditated chemical strike.
In a perfect world maybe in the real world not, not even close.
>Yeah, no. It only gave the Jihadists a giant morale boost and they seemed energized because of the potential propaganda value this would deliver for their cause.
People can only take so much, at one point they break and dont resist anymore. Everyones a hero, til you need to be one.
>Why would the government murder civilians in Jihadist-occupied areas and not murder civilians in government-controlled areas.
Because the jihadist have supporters there, because they recuit people by force, those people are shown what happens when you do anything against the syrian regime.
>You realize how utterly retarded your thinking is?
I am always suprised how well such questions fit on the poster themself.
>Or you're simply carrying water for the regime change plot.
Do you anymore of those meme oneliners to derail on your personal implication comfy zone? Hurr durr he questioned X that means he wants Y, which means i can ignore anything he says. How comfortable.
Holy Shit, they actually PAINT those flags? I don't know, I kind figured they printed them. Like a German officer's Luger in my book.

I guess that would make one of those flags quite a collectors item. I wonder if any US serviceman ever picked one of them up. I would buy it. It's wartime "folk art"
i thought the same too, i wonder if allah is pissed when they mess it up on the first try
Not him, and personally i dont think its what probably happened, but it seems entirely possible to me that some SAA members might store both parts of the binary chemical right next to each other or even in the same pile for ease of use. in that kind of a situation it would seem an indirect hit with conventional munitions could very well mix the two and produce a cloud of end product. However, given the craters pointed out by others that are indicative of airborne delivery that seems like the most plausible answer currently.
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Anyone read this debunking of the Sarin attack claim yet?



You haven't convinced me and I don't value your opinion. IMO, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Lets say you are not easy to convince...in the bad kind of way.
>Tanks firing APDS or APFSDS
>Believing in Shot traps.

Shot traps ceased to exist when AP rounds ceased to exist.

>That's what happens when you sleep on the job

Pretty sure he survived that. Slow it down and you can see the bullet hit on the top of the helmet.
Probably around 50-100.

Looks like a bootleg anti-drone gun, like the Battelle DroneDefender, used in Iraq (most likely Mosul). It uses a similar antenna and AR platform, but it seems to be a battle-hardened copy of the concept.
What about rep. guard? They are under direct control of assad.
Republican guard are under his brothers control lol, or whats left of them rather.
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Supposedly the US has bombed a Jihadist Chemical weapons storage yesterday near Deir Ez with lots of dead people as result.

Any more news on this?
someone explain what this is and how it works
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Could not be further from th truth. But instead of deflecting shells into a trap, It deflects rockets.
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Dan I spent so many hours sitting in a turret on guard duty...
You've pretty much nailed it. Buying a set yourself is a different story though, since Kurds domestically make them. Here's an old video from Qamishlo.

>top of the helmet
Then how do you explain the belt of ammo being cut?

Could have been Assad, he has the stuff and no scruples. But also he has some political brains and that questions the likelyhood of being him. Consider that such weapons are not difficult to produce, or to have gained as war booty from Assad losses. This gas attack, coming now, was clearly going to cost Assad more than he could gain, and he would have known that. By contrast his enemies could have seen the cost as small compared with the gains in political world support. And these guys are not exactly clean handed moralists.

I could also have been some Assaf flunkie officer who thought he was being clever. If so, his head would have been on a pike by now.

As for the Russians doing it? No officer would have dared without passing the bucket to the top, and Putin is no idiot.
Thanks, anon. it's similar in pattern but with a different color scheme. I wasn't sure if it was being supplied by by a foreign supporter of the Kurds or if they made it themselves
>But also he has some political brains

If he has political brains he wouldn't have fired at the protestors.

And sarin is very complicated to produce, it's not something you make in your garage.

Japanese cultists managed to make it and spread it on the Tokyo Metro subway, five years ago. Evidently you can do it if you are interested enough.

Noone are going to deny that Assad COULD have done it. And he MAY HAVE. But I feel a lot less certain this time than a few years ago.
>Did one of these pilots just snatch a chemical warhead

Sadly we can't ask him, he died recently under "unclear circumstances".
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>five years ago
plz elaborate
>five years ago
If that was 5 years ago for you anon then gratz on the lie-in, but boy do you have some catching up to do on the world...

is what I presume he's referring too, unless I'm the one that's been sleeping and the Japs have since made a habit of whiffing sarin.

Woops, I was clearly a bit too fast on the dates there. The attack was in 1995. The arrests of the gas makers, two of them anyway, was in 2012 - five years ago.
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you were only 17 years off m8 don't worry about it
News say USA claims to have dropped a Mother Of All Bombs, a 20.000 pounder, in the Nangarhar province of Afghanistan. Target was some IS-tunnels.
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Odds of the target being some rabbit holes just so they could finally use a MOAB are pretty good I'd say
Trumps been looking through the inventory lists
>ooooh I want to drop THAT one
>yessir right away sir!
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>Mother Of All Bombs

In September 2007, Russia exploded the largest thermobaric weapon ever made. Its yield was reportedly greater than the smallest dial-a-yield nuclear weapons at their lowest settings.[30][31] Russia named this particular ordnance the "Father of All Bombs" in response to the United States developed Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bomb whose backronym is the "Mother of All Bombs", and which previously held the title of the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in history.[32] The Russian bomb contains an approximate 7 ton charge of a liquid fuel, such as pressurized ethylene oxide, mixed with an energetic nanoparticle, such as aluminium, surrounding a high explosive burster[33] that when detonated created an explosion equivalent to 44 t (49 tons) of TNT.

ISIS deserve all they get fired, dropped or sprayed at them. But I really would like to know the bomb cost versus the tunnel digging cost.
The bombing was done by a MC-130, the fancy version of the classic Hercules. As far as antiaircraft measures went, they might as well have used a wheelbarrow tied under a couple of hundred seagulls.
russian marpat copy

Cost comparisons are hilariously pointless really, USAF routinely drops enough in ordnance from a single sortie to pay for a shitload of goatfarmers/fuckers to run around for you with an AK/shovel for the year, there's a hell of a lot of incredibly dirt poor people throughout the middle east that will work/figt for basically nothing by western standards.
That's wrong though. Binary sarin only became a thing decades after the Germans first synthesized (and produced, but never used) G Agents. There were shells and warheads filled with nerve agents (not the binarys) in US/USSR stocks for a long time. The binary agents are not only harder to synthesize, as long as you don't have a well funded CW program that can develope shells that mix it on their own its a nightmare to use because now you've got to mix this shit up and fill it into shells outside of lab conditions. Before IRFNA became a thing the USAF wasn't willing to use RFNA for their boosters because it sucked so hard to handle it under field conditions. Sarin is orders of magnitude worse.

So if the rebels really have/had sarin, whatever the source, it was most likely sarin and not the binary compounds, stored in whatever contraption they wanted to deploy it with. Wherever the labs they may have prepared it in may be, I doubt they'd be this close to the frontline.
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The MOAB drop looks like a retaliation strike for the Green Beret that was killed in the same area recently.
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>that when detonated created an explosion equivalent to 44 t (49 tons) of TNT

>faint "Sound of silence" start playing in the distance
This makes no goddamn sense. I've read accounts of other guys who've gone to Rojava, almost all of them lose weight in some capacity/look like shit after a couple months.
>pic related
This guy was ex-Norwegian mil (no, he's not Peshmerganor. Different Norwegian) and was in with the YPG. Look how different this is from that fat fucker.
How old were you in 2003?
not him but how old are you? 40.
>Russian tryhards
I hope Assad wins. Don't approve of chemical weapons but considering ISIS is worse and pur intervention never helps I hope he stays in power.

As an Orthodox Christian I think Assad is the best leader for those people in terms of stability. Bless them and hope Assad doesn't take the same measures again.

Heh. Assad and ISIS are just two of many factions warring for power in Syria now, and both of them are likely to splinter into ten more factions each should they be sufficiently defeated. Between USA, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran there's enough military support available to continue the infighting for another decade without a problem.
Assad can't "win". In truth nobody can (militarily). Assad forces are barely holding the advantage, when they take one town another falls. We've been hearing "victory is near" daily for 6 years now. Even massive Russian/Iranian aid can't decisively end this for him.

This war is still conventional, with frontlines. The Russians/Iranians/allies are slowly schlogging through this phase. They haven't even made it to iraq-style sectarian warfare yet. Because in these kinds of conflicts it means bullshit if you control the cities and not the countryside. This is why the "hurrr it doesnt matter that assad doesnt control 2/3rds of the country he has most of the cities" rings hollow. The soviets controlled ALL of the cities in afghanistan and look how that turned out.

I do think eventually the russians and co. will be able to take every city, though raqqa will fall to the kurds first. And then the best part starts: Iraq-style chaos, suicide bombings, guerrilla attacks, sectarian violence, etc.. The war has really only just begun.

Alternatively, the opposition can't win. And they don't really try to win anymore, they're just vying for their own territorty. This is even true with pro-assad forces, who are far less organized than al-manar or RT would like to admit

The only solution is some sort of peace agreement where the sides gang up on ISIS who are too crazy to come to terms. After that, assads best hope is to wait several years and start trying to subvert the peace agreement and eat away slowly at opposition territory. Which is what I think will happen eventually.
Looks similar enough to me. Beats joining the YPG to get one of these.
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>As an Orthodox Christian
Welcome to 2014 pal it's 2017 currently Assad won
Idlib just doesn't know it's dead yet

>And then the best part starts: Iraq-style chaos, suicide bombings, guerrilla attacks, sectarian violence, etc.. The war has really only just begun.

Agreed. All one has to do is look at Iraq and Libya. The fighting in Syria is a long ways away from being done.
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>but people seem very adamant it was sarin from symptoms and apparently substance testing
Yeah, reported by the White Helmets and Turkey
truly the most unbiased of all groups
desu, Nusra probably fired a chlorine shell in that region after figuring out their was a flight overhead
Yep, I was thinking the same thing. Kinda like, testing the new administration to see if they were all talk like Obama.
Because they were testing/attempting to cow this US administration just like they did to Obama.
nigga theres a pink mist
wow this jew's gone full Apo. I'm suprised they didn't put him in the YPJ instead so he can be one of Apos wives like the rest.
lol Median Empire is a (Kurdish)Dutch Biker gang. Say hi to Kawa and tell him to get his fat ass back to Sulimanayeh.
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You and a couple dozen men of your choosing gets all the tanks in this image, as well as full provisions, extra munitions, and equipment. You are promptly beamed to the middle of ISIS territory. You have 2 days to build up dirt mounds and create a defensive perimeter. Crew members each get an M4 or an M16A4 and can leave the tanks and fight as infantry along the perimeter.

1x M103
1x M48
1x M47
1x M41

How much destruction do you do? Also, which tank are you in?
Assad must go
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guise is this video real?
They're all pretty useless really as anything but mobile guns to support an infantry offensive so I use my 2 days before anyone realises I'm there to start running for the nearest not-IS place I could possibly reach with heavy armor, and maybe snag a few kills on surprised checkpoints on the road as I go but that's about it. If I make it then I can enjoy my sweet historical tonks at leisure.

Fuck riding in any of the deathtraps in a modern battlefield, I'll be in a stolen truck carrying some of the additional supplies we're supposedly getting, at least when we eventually get lit up by ATGM they're likely to prioritise hitting the armor first and there's a chance we can keep on trucking out of their line of fire before they can reload enough times to take out everything in the convoy.
Just use the Syria live map. There might be inaccuracies and biases, but it's a good aggregate when multiple sources verify events.
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Either the IS pocket is fighting hard or there are more of them, judging by a SOHR update.

This is all I managed to trawl. The claim appears to come out solely from the SAA's General Command, probably riding on the hysteria of the Idlib incident.


Seems to have been debunked about 12 hours later.

From what I understand
>Chemical weapons had " mostly" been destroyed, in the same way Russia and the US were supposed to destroy their stock of CW, so Assad most likely still had some left over.
>The CW was delivered via aircraft (disputing rocket distance, launch capability and military presence doesn't really apply this time around)
>The hospital that victims of CW attack went too was hit by a Russian airstrike, apparently.

The other claim is
>Rebels had chemical weapons stored in a building somewhere
Which is entirely possible.

So if there was any evidence it's most likely been destroyed or too dangerous to investigate. So we can never really be sure.

Was is Assad himself that gave the order, if the attack happened at all? Probably not. The guy isn't an idiot considering the US was about to jump into Syria over the first 'attack' (that is if that pussy Obama would have been actually willing to do anything at all) it would be foolish to try his luck with Trump.

My money is that it probably DID happen but it was some fuck head General who did it.

It's a RAYSUN MD1 Multicopter Defender, a Taiwanese drone gun.
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>Deir ez-Zor

Well, the Afghan Army has been mopping up after the MOAB strike. They count 36 ISIS corpses, more or less.
when a chemical plant burnt down in my hometown all they could find of one worker were the steelcaps of his boots. I doubt there is much that remains of anyone that was in the center of that explosion but i may be wrong.
With Business Insider quoting a price tag of 16 million per bomb, that's about 444.000 usd per scrawny ISIS fighter ass. There's 19 more bombs on the shelves, or at least that's how many the US is known to have purchased.

Trusting the Afghan Army to be able to count that far without using taking off their own shoes is already further than I want to go, but that's what their statement said. Maybe they just took what they could find, put it in a wheelbarrow and weighed it. And that's before we consider what interest the Afghans might have in reporting a smaller or bigger result than the actual number.
wasn't there a US airstrike that killed 18 SDF yesterday? That might be the cause of the SDF losses

The story is that the SDF managed to call an airstrike on one of their own forward positions. Shit happens.
>444.000 usd per scrawny ISIS fighter ass
That sounds a lot at first, but as
mention it's entirely possible there were a bunch of fatalities with no discernible remains left to count, plus if it was used on cave/tunnel systems there could very well be even more buried and uncounted. Considering the number of Apache videos of Hellfires being slung at random guys with AK's for $100+k a pop if you factor in uncounted dead you might not end up too much more expensive per kill, and if at least some of those were indeed in tunnels/caves that might not have been a certain kill with smaller munitions it would be worth the extra cost.

And of course, Trump got to trump any future presidents by being the first to have a MOAB dropped.
No thats old footage. Thats just a huge ammo depot they hit months ago
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>post yfw you realize 250k-300k bullets are used per insurgent kill by the US
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Broken arrow type reports coming out of Daraa. Rebel op room has been claiming progress all day in Manshiyah district starting with what looks like a mine clearing line charge. Step says they captured the entire area.

Pro rebel sources are saying the sky is full of jets and helicopters bombing everything in sight. SOHR says there has been 50 airstrikes.
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This video out of Hama showing a captured T-62m and some dead SAA after a fail attack on Helfaya. Pro rebel sources say this these are 5th corp guys.

whats up with Daraa ,how important is that place actually ?
>no sticks in butts
are they getting soft?
i sure am redpilled right now
Non southern front rebels (Jihadists) with some FSA have been fighting a month long battle over the Manshiyah district, Daraa. Their progress breaks a long held stalemate in the city. Rebels had concerns the SAA was going to go on the offence to take their main Jordanian border holdings.
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eat my ass fascist insects
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Go back to r/socialistRA queer
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too busy fighting ISIS guys
Do the Kurds not realize how much Communism sucks ass or does it just "work" for them
When will Assad finally be taken out and when will the real war, the war against Iran, be starting?
they haven't had a state yet that could've collapsed due to it. They'll eventually figure it out should they get their rojava

Sometime before Trump's re-election.

(((They))) will award him a second term only if Trump starts a war with Iran.
Even if you get hit there, that's a lethal hit.
Helmets can't stop rifle ammo. They can deflect them at the right angle, but can't stop the bullet dead in it's tracks.
Dude's dead
Brilliant. Mad Dog Mattis will finally get his wish.
Hehehe. The current spin is that Gen. John Nicholson made the decision to drop the MOAB, not Trump. This according to "officials".
what's the box with all the holes in it on top of the turret?
>Requiem for a Dream
Are Slavs stuck in 2009 Youtube?
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45 is not getting a re-election.
New ATGM strike on a tank by IS near the Palmyra silos. So the general situation around Palmyra is the SAA has advanced south with almost with no resistance but IS strikes the silo area everyday like a obsession.

The jihadis are crazy religious goatfuckers, but they don't gas their own. Remember that everyone with legs and some money left Syria by now.
The sunni jihadis are crazy enough to use gas against the shias though, especially when they are losing (think East Aleppo, Al-Haer). They didn't use sarin

Therefore, it was likely some butthurt SAA general who was mad that the Hama SAA front got embarassed. Assad is intelligent and Westernized. He knew all a sarin gas attack would bring is a shitshow right as he started winning in Syria

Funny enough, since the gas attack the jihadis have been losing
>dat beat up UAZ
Ruskies dumping their old stock shit? I dont remember seeing any 2012-2015
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>of course they couldn't demonstrate how a stateless society will be a complete failure, they don't have a state

read a book nigger
Lmao guess what the gulf states did to their protesters in Bahrain/Qatar
Yes , T-62m and old jeep. The Russians are pouring more slavshit into the war as if Syria didn't already have a large stock. It's the sheer amount of tanks, armor and Soviet era arms involved that has always engrossed me about this war.
when did the kurds have their own state?
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It appears that the more active Russian ground support has really helped in the anti-ISIS operations in East Aleppo/Palmyra.

What's interesting is that Russia has lost maybe 30 personel and spent about $2.5 billion in Syria so far.
The US spent that much building up pic related

I believe that shows that geopolitically, a unified pro-Assad Syria doesn't matter much to Putin. He'll drop Assad the moment someone better comes along. Which is honestly intelligent
Appears that both Zabadani and Madaya are occupied by regime forces tonight.

Lot's of questions about if Foua will be evacuated of all civilians and regime soldiers right now. Objectively, this means that...

Of course it did, about two week after IS took Palmyra I could tell the Russians were mad as fuck. They personally took over operations from T4 at least up to retaking Palmyra. It's been a 5th corp shitshow ever since.

>Friday's evacuations were notable because they were reciprocal — seldom during the war has there been an organized population swap between rebels and the government.

>But there have been other cases of expulsion of the government's opponents to the country's contested northern provinces. The government maintains it is offering its opponents amnesty and the right to stay in their homes, but its brutal military campaigns have already pushed tens of thousands of people into Idlib and Aleppo provinces.

>In the last year alone, the government has uprooted residents and gunmen from the towns of Moadamiyeh, Hameh, Qudsaya, Darayya and the Barada Valley around the capital, as well as once rebellious neighborhoods of Aleppo and Homs, Syria's largest and third-largest cities, respectively.

>Most of eastern Aleppo was depopulated through force, as well. A U.N. inquiry said the evacuation of east Aleppo amounted to a war crime because it was coerced through the joint Russian and Syrian government campaign against the city's civilian infrastructure. More than 20,000 people were bused out of Aleppo at the end of last year, to rebel-held provinces in the northwest.

>For the displaced, the war goes on. They face daily bombardment at the hands of the government's air force in Idlib province.

>"I have conviction that we will be back," Hossam, the man from Madaya, said in the video.
It sort of works since they are an ethnostate and it's not progressive Western leftism. The people are still very traditional.
Hopefully this story puts to rest this notion that the SAA/Russians aren't winning.

If y'all haven't noticed, Damascus (Rif Dimasq province, etc.) has only 2-3 rebel pockets now.

Homs has only the one north of it.

Daraa has one big front.

Palmyra has a big front.

The pockets are almost all gone after so long.
Can you comment on this>>33644755

Don't big fronts favor the regime? It looks to me like Assad is moving towards autonomy for Idlib/Kurds.
Daraa province is the question though.

Only Western intervention could change the current circumstances.
I thought this deal was in the works since the end of Zabadani. They finally got around to moving people out. Before this happened the ceasefire was broke by both sides at Foua and Madaya to the point where it was a joke. Cooler heads prevailed.
give me a rundown, how/why did some commie loser make it into the YPG and why hasn't he gotten beheaded yet.

You're gonna need bigger bait, kid.
is ypg communist
They take literally everyone willing to help except neonazis. The hardest part is getting a flight to Iraq. Most people choose to do civil work though.

>why did some commie loser make it into the YPG
I think he did it partly for the lulz, partly because he is an unironic tankie.

>why hasn't he gotten beheaded yet
Because ISIL military is worthless and he's already back in the US.

>is ypg communist
Yes, but: >>33644777
The regime soldiers still haven't left Foua or the other shia town yet.

There isn't much incentive to give up those towns anymore. The only real pocket left is East Ghouta.
what position has trump taken on this, is the US still training rebels
Do you mean Kushner? I think he supports the rebels.
Ok , I didn't know Foua wasn't evacuated. That would be a big deal as basically rebels would have got nothing from it. You have a source on this? I am not a pro rebel or pro SAA cheerleader so I don't follow this minute by minute unless it's exciting like a large battle or i'm bored.
they haven't, that's the point

the dreaded C word refers to a society with no state, markets, private property, or wage labor. While Rojava doesn't actually meet these requirements (they have more important things to worry about than the fact that landlords still exist), it's the kind of society they wish to build and they openly admit to seeking to abolish the social relations of capitalism when they're not busy fighting ISIS

Not in the Soviet or North Korean way. It's more like the socialist dreams of a people who have not been a state since they invented horses. Equality, freedom, local government, that sort of thing. Considering they are only a small part of the kurdish whole I doubt Stalin will wake up again any times soon.
more footage from near Palmyra today. Two SAA saps are running the wrong way and get gunned down. Asian looking IS in the beginning strapped with stick grenades.


>inb4 the Russians get mad again
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Kashmir: Indian forces arrested a local civilian and tied him to the front of a jeep to prevent stone throwing by angry youth.
SAA/Hez claim ot was only for Shia civilians. The few sunnis and the regime soldiers are staying so far.

SOHR agrees with the SAA here according to the Bloomberg News article I posted above
We'll see what happens.

Also, I'm the anon who always talks about PDR and calls you a pro-US biased anon once in awhile. I've been here since mid-2014 when Zabadani was originally supposed to have fallen
Lel, taking a page out of the Israeli's own playbook
You would think a simple helicopter could massacre all of these ISIS guys.

Based upon the US experience in Iraq/Afghan, it's not that simple
This is a fake photo tho
I read SOHR soon after
SOHR has a long story on how they are all leaving in waves.
>and at the same time the buses of al-Fu’ah and Kafriya arrived to al-Rashedin area at the outskirts of Aleppo city, the convoy of al-Fu’ah and Kafriya included 5000 person, including at least 1300 of the gunmen loyal to the regime, they have arrived on board of 75 buses and 20 ambulances, while it is scheduled during the coming hours for the remaining people to exit in a second batch according to the first phase of the four cities’ agreement

SOHR doesn't state any are to remain in his claim at least.
Interesting NDF video of them training to fight a mock IDF force posted today


They will probably will never fight Israel but instead die fighting Sunni insurgents in places like Daraa and Damascus. How ironic.
>capable of fighting the IDF
Makes me kinda wish Israel would invade now, I'd love to see that grudge match go down.
The sad part is that contained better basic infantry tactics then what we usually see from Syria.
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>broken arrow
Pls gibbe
I'm bored to hell that would really spice things up

Having IDF invade anyone in 2017 would be a sight to behold. Lots of gear, no so lots of budgets for fucking around any more.
The Kikes would absolutely steam roll Syria if they went to war right now

Would they, now that half of Israel's jewish population are first generation Russian immigrants or the children of the same? I think there would be a little bit of political backlash at home if the IDF started to hammering Russia's best friend in the area. And it is a little late to decide to visit and offer some military help to Assad.
Yes, Israel could easily occupy the southern half of Syria including Damascus if they wanted too

Syria as a nation no longer exists and as a result wouldn't be able to defend itself from Israeli aggression (not like they could in any other conflict they had against the jews anyways)

well yes, they are cabable of that from a military point of view. But Assad have been sheltered by Putin for years and IDF will find him harder to deal with than the locall goatviolators. It's the russians the IDF would have to deal with. But for every minute they play warlords the money sloshes away.
You're insane if you think Russia would get in an armed conflict against Israel over Syria, especially in this day in age.

Over syria? Nope. Over their navy base there, absolutely.
>Naval base

Literally a dock and a couple warehouses, lel.

>Muh naval base

You have basically no idea what you're talking about.

have you even seen what that facility looks like?
So, you're operating on the premises that Israel is a democracy, that new arrivals get to cancel well-established projects, that Russian expats feel tremendous loyalty to the government they left, and that Israel can control its lust for land under any circumstances not involving humiliation?
I'm surprised the Israelis haven't tried to take more Syrian land yet. I guess the international community has to give up even pretending they can fix it, and Assads regime (not just Assad) would have to die as well.
>I think there would be a little bit of political backlash at home if the IDF started to hammering Russia's best friend in the area
No there wouldn't. Russia would try to best prevent such a conflict from happening, but if Syria provoked them to, and there was good reason for Israel to invade, Israelis would have no problem in fighting Syrians. Also, the Russia population in Israel isn't as big as you're making them out to be and they're extremely nationalistic - putting Israel first.
They don't need too, they got their Golan Heights. Conquering more Arab land would just be a headache for them on both an international level and a security level.
do people here unironically believe in the "greater israel" meme?
If he messes up they just behead him and make him re-do it.
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Journey of a T-62M:
On the way to Novorossiysk port.
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Tartus port
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Hama frontline
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Captured by rebels
The incompetence of the SAA is staggering sometimes lol
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The people have spoken.

It's time that Assad steps down.
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seems like a really close shot. If it was fired by a 7.62 54r. 200 to 300 yards....
and did the bullet hit the turret and jump up into his head?
I genuinly couldn't find his right arm (camera left) for a full 10 seconds. The fuck is wrong with me.
think it hit just above the point where the collar bone attaches
Nusra is saying that all will go. Others are quiet.

Seems odd that Zab-Madaya would leave before Foua. I assume the SAA will honor the agreement though.
You can say the same for all of the Syrian factions. Arabs in general are amazingly incompetent.
You can't be this retarded. It's obviously not about the physical installation itself and the current state of the infrastructure.
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That's a very unrepresentative view of internal Israeli politics.

1. The majority of those Israeli-Russians consider themselves to be Jewish before anything else- and that's why they're in Israel, and not in the US or even Russia. The younger generation has no connections or special feelings towards Russia, and the older one is often outright resentful to it.

2. The actually Russian Russians (Christian or atheist), surprisingly (perhaps due to Russian methods of education), often act as the most nationalistic demographic. In every war/operation, they're the ones (along with the Russian-Jewish population, as they're often refereed to as one for sake of simplicity due similar mindset and political affiliation) that usually go "it's about time"- even when going against RF affiliated parties such Hezbollah.

3. Russia, in eyes of most of the population (including the Israeli-Russians), is seen as an adversary state (though not an enemy) that helps our enemies out of pride and financial interests. Connections with RF are seen as necessary evil, due to the ever growing risk of the west betraying and abandoning Israel altogether (in Israeli public opinion). The only positive sense that Russia is usually being brought up in, is how, unlike Israel, they're not going soft on terrorists.

4. Israeli public opinion would still be largely (almost unanimously) against any invasion into Syria simply because there's nothing to gain there and because "when your enemies kill each other- don't bother them". Unless, of course, someone in Syria will do something very funny- which will resolute in popular support from all the sectors of Israeli population to fuck their shit up.
Incidentally, the Afghans who reported 36 dead ISIS guys after the MOAB bomb probably pieced together more limbs. The count is now 90 dead ISIS. Gotta admit that triples the deaths-per tax dollar ratio.
Does anyone know who the Maghawir Al-Thawra, aka New Syrian Army, are? Rebels under training by western forces for sure, but beyond that?
Whats a broken arrow situation?
whawhawyyywha is Borat wery nice, great success!
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand someone was not all too happy with the whole evacuation deal

76 dead so far, with the count rising
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Hmmmmmm a pleasant surprise, perhaps?
looks like a literal brick holding the foliage in place
Is it Sunni cunts suiciding Shia's?
Cigarette smugglers apparently
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Yes, IED explodes busses leaving Fou
fucking scum
Is it unsurprising if the MSM doesn't report about shit like this?

>Rebels stage fake gas attack, show 3 dead children

>Jewish global media has a shit fit, EVERYONE is reporting the same within 12 hours


>Rebels actually kill a bus load of families with kids with graphic photos of scrap;s of kid flesh hanging off the framing of the bus


5 star must be having a good day today.

Dunno about the crickets? Been on all the news channels here. Associated Press reports the death count is up to 'at least' 100 now.
Source for this pic is Reuters.
Good. Those Idlib rebel shitstains deserve to get the negative press they've long overdue to get.

The news outlets can't tell who actually did this, not the ones I have read yet anyway. What seems to be agreed on is that the guys on the buses were civilians being evacuated from two villages recently taken by SAA, along with the armed rebels presumably formerly in charge of the villages. Then there was a car bomb, possibly mainly aimed at the around 20 rebels hanging around outside the buses but it seemed to have ripped good and well into the buses as well.
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>looks like a literal brick holding the foliage in place
There's so much chatter on the livemap as well. Can't verify most of it but various sources are pointing to a VBIED, which wouldn't be the usual SAA modus operandi (Only a couple of sources are pinning the blame on an SAA airstrike). It could very well be a part of a rebel feud with civies as collateral damage, but it's real dickish for whoever was responsible to involve civilians in the first place.

That does beg the question on who ordered the bombing though.
Who would've done such a thing??!?
Lmao the rebels stopped the buses before they entered Aleppo. They wanted to wait for the FSA buses to enter Idlib province first.

It was a VBIED. You can clearly tell based upon this pic>>33653280
and SAA doesn't do VBIED.
SAA never has done a VBIED. Especially against its own fucking people. Most of these are the literal families of the soldiers.

Some hardline factions of Nusra? Sham? ISIS?
Yes. I guess someone was butthurt about the chemical attack.

Funny how 150 civilians blown up in their buses is minor in world media, but 70 civilians gassed gets international commendation.

The truth is that Assad is gonna use this to maximum effect. No more deals. Ghouta and Jobar are going to be destroyed in a brutal fashion. Soon we'll have tens of thousands of more dead civilians. Whatever
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>Soon we'll have tens of thousands of more dead civilians. Whatever
fuck off mandic, no one cares about your meme pictures
they're not funny
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>Soon we'll have tens of thousands of more dead civilians. Whatever

I've been here since 2013, and this is just another event in a long list of tragedies.
It would be pretty weird if the SAA wanted to target civilians they were already allowing to evacuate into rebel held territories. Holding back the buses would have been enough to stop them from leaving.

And this bus evacuation thing has been a daily occurrence, too. Even busloads of armed rebels have been sent off on the buses without more than a couple of stray bullets as a goodbye kiss.
I appreciate mandic

>select all buses
Some groupmshot up a bus leaving Foua as well

SAA has respected their side of the deal far more than the rebels. If I was SAA, I'd call off the deal and kill everyone on the FSA buses.
Just line them up, children and all, and execute them ISIS style. Blame it on North Korea
The civilians killed were SAA. Over 120 now and rising lmaoooo
>Funny how 150 civilians blown up in their buses is minor in world media, but 70 civilians gassed gets international commendation.

It's desensitization. Westerners are collectively accustomed to IED in far flung places, but not chemical weapon attacks.
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>tfw you trust jihadis not to liven up you roadtrip for the lulz xd

But McCain did meet a lot of jihadis for sure
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We red alert now
joo tank or SAA captured joo tank?
The fundamental difference is that the SAA supporters deserved it. Hopefully the death toll rises further
>Assad is the bad guy

it was a joke

He's dead.

You must be fun to be watched around the elderly, the women and the children - anywhere.
I know

Everyone in Syria deserves death, some more than others.
Can't wait to see how many assblasted (you)s you get kek
Karma for gassing civilians.

>jew tank or captured jew tank

Neither. It's either a Turkish or Saudi M60.

The Israelis Magachs don't have cupolas and the turrets feature more armor.

Actually, correction, considering the webm has 'sinai' in the filename, it's likely to be an Egyptian M60.
weren't there some images of M60s or M48s being used to stop the moderate jihads advance in Damascus a month or so ago?

The only group in Syria using M60s are the Turks. Nobody is using M48s.

Anyone using M60s who aren't Turks probably just captured them from the Turks.
IIRC Jordan has had M48s and M60s. Who knows, though, if they are giving them away.

I can guarantee you that nobody has used M48 pattons in Syria recently. People with poor eyesight and brain problems tend to confuse them with M60s.
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Yep, other than that not much to add as the thread is close to bumping. SDF made progress on Tabqah. Saaf/Ruaf launching heavy bombing raids on northern Hama, Daraa and around Jiarah airfield. We'll see what tomorrow brings or if this city swap is going go as planned. The Syrian civil war is never without drama and whodoneits on the next horrific act.
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Who's behind the bombing of the bus convey?

I'm asking for a friend.
Elements in HTS. They probably liked keeping Foua besieged and didn't agree with a deal made without them so someone decided the throw in a parting shot.
Assad. But there is no proof that there was a bus bombing. The videos are fakes. False flag by Assad and Russians.

The SVBIEDs targeted military transport carrying weapons the civilians were causalities of Syrian regime using them as human shields.

Chances are it was ISIS or some small rebels group, not sure who since all SVBIED happy rebel groups fallow HTS line and they lost a lot with this attack. Plus ISIS has shown to have the ability to strike like this outside it's territory before.
huh? you said isis, but ended off with isis?

Not yet determined.
Also there are reports from Foua civis that the vehicle that exploded was with the red crescent. Those guys operate in regime lands not rebel ones.
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Is there a pattern for suicide driver cars to be marked clearly with the faction sending them out?
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The largest military convoy in the SyrianWar just headed towards Hama protected by choppers.
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N. Hama: whole parts of Al-Lataminah burning tonight after hit by several (((hateful)))RuAF incendiary raids.

>The news outlets can't tell who actually did this

What a shock.

Yet they were willing to announce gassed MUH KIDS, 5 seconds after the White Helmets made the claim...

Load of shit.

Really tells me that Assad are the good guys.
Is there anyone here in the Syria general who knows enough about the conflict to write articles about it?
>SAA doesn't do VBIED.

It probably wasn't SAA, but this isn't any kind of point. If the SAA wanted to use a VBIED, all they have to do is ask their Hezbollah friends how.
Not if the right-leaning West is more likely to support the SAA at this rate.

is that a 14.5mm round?

I have been wondering about those two events myself. The gassing blame was not definitely placed, and neither is this one. I keep wondering if there is some third party involved that is stirring up shit, black ops style.
americans love their jihadists
Video of the aftermath of the terrorist attack. Pretty disturbing.
Jesus christ.
God this is fucked
more like too busy eating everyone's rations you fat fuck
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