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/k/ Patch Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 339
Thread images: 104

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Why do you need that patch??? Edition

>Where can I find [patch]??

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Oh shit I remember you
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just saw you over at /ptg/
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So someone brought me this design and I like it a lot. I figure you guys would be the best ones to run it past.

I want to run it but I want to gauge interest. If it's not very popular I have other designs I know you guys wanted so I'm taking a quick poll.


Vote now on your phones.
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I was wondering who this nip was that was so relentlessly shilling patches.
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Anyone know a good way to effectively get pic related as a patch. I was gonna try messaging this patch place but idk if its really possible to pull it off.
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making me spend more of my sweet yet crumbling Japanese 円 i see
Eh, there's already two patches of him being made, but I guess another wont hurt...
ya i saw your patch related post but didn't see it was you and thought someone wanted to know your store XD
afterwards realized it was yo ass
Hmm you're probably right I could see it done that way otherwise I was almost imagining it be a white ring with an outcropping of a white oval into the black moon in PVC
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found this patch randomly on ebay, I like it, maybe I should tell the guy about here?
>huck fillary
I really am not sure about this
is Hillary /ourguy/?
Not nearly kawaii enough.
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Do you think the guys over at /out/ would buy this?
how's those /gfd/ +/ss/ patches coming along? due out this month right?
As a sticker?
as a patch, but sticker also sounds cool
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muh animu patches.jpg
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didn't the guys piss himself?
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where to get HCLI pls?
There are plenty different stores and designs. The one I got is the official one as far as I know. Got that straight from Nipland over Amazon. Was pricey and is not there anymore.
To complex for a patch methinks, but a sticker or poster would be neat.
>no fewer than 3 distinct shimapan patches
Low profile, low profile loli, and blatant.
Gotta cover your bases.
I-I'm just a fan of the VDV. Also with 2hu updating his version and Neet's upcoming bush shimapan the probability is high there will be more.
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Orders going out.
Nothing cryptic
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Pic related will be here hopefully wednesday next week. Latest would be Thursday
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These will be here Monday
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And finally this
>Tfw no lewd stickerbot package art
Restock kawaii killer soon so I can order from you, fag
I'd definitely buy it, along with the other two. I like the shield design. It better be merrowed, though.
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>low profile loli
Im not seeing it.
Please release on same day
I suppose I could hold them all until Wednesday
Well, that's a new one.


So, I've finally sorted out the issues with the patch people doing the gloli for me. This whole time they thought Skin and I were making the same patch, and every time we had them change something from a test patch, we'd been essentially fighting each other's design. One step forward, two steps back. So that's sorted out now, hopefully.

Secondly, SOX and Apex have been shipped, only got told yesterday. I'll update once anything else happens or shows up at my door
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I have a mighty need for the Delta Squad.
Polarize took my money senpai
Lolis wear smaller pantsu.
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So what do y'all think on these designs.
Panty and stocking one prob need a little more work
cool, especially the one on the left
Thanks for reminding me to contact paypal and get it back.
I'll take seven of the fang one
Left looks good, but the skin color looks off for some reason. Looks like a Domo-kun patch right now. Right seems nice as is.
>pays well
Mfw get in contact with a few of their artist.
Mentioned how wgw always tried to cut down commission cost with them and Jew them out
Not knowing about delicious brown skin with moefang
day 1 buys
Ask wood how well chocolate sold vs vanilla. No one likes brown but other sub humans.
Yeah, just saw his post.
The initial color choice is khaki since alot of k9 units used that as the background color.
Personally prefer it over a black/white background
I'd buy both.
where do I get?
I'd buy fang in a heartbeat
Does the 'usual stuff" mean sticking things up your ass? serious question
I love me some brown skin, especially on lolis and elves, but here it just looks...off. Still gonna buy it.

What? I was never a math-lete, but I was a math tutor in college for a few years. That's how I met someone that a certain anon got tired of me mentioning.


And the bar I'm in just Rickrolled everyone. What a stellar Saturday.
How do i get into the patch making business?
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>How do i get into the patch making business
You have to buy a embroidery sewing machine.
You have to get good at weaving first desu.
Best tagline I've heard since Mike "Thomas Edison has the best medicine" pence
you'll have to invest in a good patch beating club
Uh, ugly 3DP, come back with some patches fag, I bet she doesn't even have a feminine penis.
Where to get good Fallout patches?
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Design is not final, so will play with colors
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I know that Crimson has some Fallout patches but I'm looking for an east coast BOS flag patch.
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I think that i will soon abandon my patch dream, tried to make various designs, everyone says they are shit.
I don't know what to do
Git gud
Do you wanna see some of my work?
> /k/ Patch Thread
> Why do you need that patch???
> Edition
>>Where can I find [patch]??
> http://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD
> スレtheme:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTXg7Bv
> ObC4ai the only time I want to buy from you you're out of stock.
Show me your work my child
Good. Your designs are shit.
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only skirt I would chase
Here's a tip, don't just copy paste an awful meme onto a horrible color. The only time you should do something like that is for a mockup.
There is a special cross for men like you, profligate.
when is skog going to make the gobi campaign patch???
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Would any of you buy this shit?
Anon, that is to hot for TV, pls tone it down next time, we on't wants to get b&.
Take a design course then.

Post it
I like the triangle star, don't know if it's a reference to anything, but I like it, though it looks kinda asymmetrical
boy, thats beyond obscure. Had to google it just to find out what it was and i still have no idea what it really is.
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Time to get down and figure out this Combine patch and some other designs I've got in mind.
Coming up soon, probably with DAE restock

Shit son. At first I was thrown off by the star.
Fug, I'd buy one.
What happened to the Columbine /r9k/ patch or whatever? i know it was this image with the text "/r9k/" under them and i was really gyped abput it but its been quiet for a really long time now. Was it just cut of cus
or something?
It's edgy, autistic af, and those faggots are still used in anti-gun propaganda.
Legend of the galactic heroes patch when?
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dat delta squad patch
Nigger what are you doing
I'd buy one
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Opinions? I'm thinking of going for woven at 4" wide.
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I'd buy one because I'm suicidal and I want to die driving my shitcar way too fast.
But why?
I want to make it crisp, and I want to keep all the details on those bottom line effects. Embroidered simply wont do it this time.
Huh, me and coworker was listening to Initial D all day.
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I've always got it blasting while packing/ designing, never fails to hype me up and I'm almost certain and makes me more productive.
I listen to Touhou, Kancolle, anything Active NEETs related, and now Initial D stuff when I do my work too.

2hu's love for Touhou affected me greatly. :^) I once listened to various Ai-chan vids. I think people thought I was watching hentai or something, hue.
Is the /gfd/ + /ss/ patch coming out this month?
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This is the 10th time you've asked. You know very well it's coming out May, if you don't cease to annoy me I will purposely delay it with an extra month just for you.
Restocks when?

I refreshed once a minute waiting for Merlin's to drop yesterday. My autism is not easily sated
I will be sending out a newsletter detailing a fuck ton of shit, so I recommend everyone signs up today to get it.
I'm a different guy, multiple different people have asked retard.
That was not what I was expecting to be in that gif...

Well now you know it's coming in May.
Well, not that, but I'm planning a series of horrible patches based on historic events, and that was one. Was gonna have 2hu and someone else who is bullied a lot be in the pic, saying "no bully no more" or something. Still in design phase.
Thanks senpai.

I just want a couple specific ones I missed because I wasn't into patches that much at the time.
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Ok guys R8 concept.
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Time to put some patches on this
Wow... it's fucking nothing.
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Good taste.
Makes me sad that you have a fucked up eye and can't enjoy eurobeat while delivering tofu extremely fast.
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You learn to come to terms with your disabilities, I've done that a long time ago. Still feels bad that everyone made fun of me for sucking ass at catching frisbees and other shit as a kid.
the fuck is that?
>Would you consider a activity along the lines of working in an elderly home for a day as a special request?
Looks pretty good
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a leaf's life for me.png
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Newsletter sent.
you gonna share the contents or what?
If anyone has the time to cap it all, maybe.
what's your shop?
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>Story and GIF
Oh shit.
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I thought the Shut Up Hippie was going to be "Drop it"
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See>>33346491 (You)
>>33346511 (You)
for future stuff

Also working on a Nier: Automata design as well as some Kancolle stuff
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With nearly 1k reactions, I'm able to be quiet expressive.

That's a tall screen. But thx, think I'll make use of this cap.

I polled and people said they prefer SUH.
what is the point of patches again?
Wear, collect, express, full the empty void in you.
answer this >>33350374 >>33350464 shit neet
seems pointless.
>Nier: Automata design
NEED. SGT gave me the night off so I actually got a chance to play.
Well so's my life, but that doesn't mean I can't spend money for physical autism.
money wasted.

to each his own,

i guess.
Your mother wasted money by having and raising you.
>has 1k reaction images
>reuses the same shit constantly


fuck if I know what it means

Well it's probably going to be on the lewd pinup side of things, so somethingsomethingasspatchsomethingsomethingsecondarymotionphysics

If you can come up with an idea, I can use the help
Not good at this type of stuff
I fucking hate you 4chan
my father raised me.

and he never bought pointless patches to try and feel fulfilled with his life.

he had a son instead. and spent money on that.
I might be able to come up with something by the time I finish the game. Only like 9 hours in.
I hate you too.
the game is 10/10 its fucking amazing also play it on hard or very hard :^)
PLEASE make a nier patch plz
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I have my favorites, is there a problem with this?
and his waste of time and money is wasting time arguing about wasting money with random people on the internet
such a fulfilled life
making him proud.
Broccoli is fucking awesome, eat your fucking broccoli what is wrong with you man broccoli makes you a puccimagnit jesus fuck just eat the broccls it's the better of the tree foods all those good hearty stalks just eat it christ what i dont even broccli
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Here, let me help you with eating that broccoli
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vigne's devil dogs.png
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Rough concept R8.
Your pic reminded me I also want to do something with Chomusuke

>that tiddy motion in the back
fucking kekek m8
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Yeah I want to do something with this little faggot
Why not just make one of his face?
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was thinking something like that but it's a pretty basic concept
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I was going to link gif of that but forgot

When was this strawpoll
I thought this one determined it
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I still have room for more
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that's quite a rare gate patch. also gib closeup of that ucp HCLI patch.
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Checked, do it anyway. I'll buy one.
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chomusuke yip.gif
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why are you spamming the same patch?
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Ehhh what do y'all think desu.
Fix the text.
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which GATE patch do you mean? The Itarica one or the Japanese flag with the weird text one?
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I need some ALIEN patches.
Thought on this?
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vigne's devils v3.png
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What would I even make it out to be
Well, you improved it but no.
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cat girls.jpg
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I'm surprised you didn't already think of it. Pic related.

That thumbnail looks like a cat raising its left paw.
but chomusuke is a boy demon cat
polaris took the money and ran
Bam 1,000,000 dollar idea cute [spoiler]boy patch[/spoiler]
I was referring to the shape more than anything. Mock up just his face and see what the reaction to that is?
catgirls(male) aren't the same though

tru, but it needs something
I like this design the best so far. 10/10 would buy.
>but it needs something

I dunno. Look to the poll for the lewd elf patch. Last I saw it everyone just wanted the image in a circle.
Don't be gay. It's not okay to like boys unless they're wearing a skirt.
That hasn't stopped people before
Now we play the waiting game
Sick fuck
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put the cat on the side of a nuke maybe? also catboys(female) .
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not feeling it
It's awoo shit.
nah for the original version of that pic
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Got some patches today.
>tfw leaf-mail takes forever and a fucking day
picked up your megumin patch and it looks great
>over 150 patches
>tfw still have no fucking clue what patch to bring when going out

The more patches I get, the harder it is. Now I pretty much don't even wear a patch, they just all sit at home on my wall where I stare at them.
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Ik that feel, I ended up settling with just the two main ones; /k/ shield and /pol/ NROL.
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>Was looking for image but /k/ archive doesn't have it
>/pol/ has it

The one time /pol/ has done me good. I'm glad some of you are also /pol/fags
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What pic
k is a pol board
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Wow, it's been a while since this was posted
I know Skinwalker is a MNbro too but was he at that event?
im in TX, dude
Wood, the Neapolitan sampler said that they were individually numbered, does that mean that if you ordered earlier you would get a lower number? Like it goes up depending on the time difference from 6 pm to later?

or is it random?
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>I'm the ninja
pol fags should die
It fucking better, I think I was the 5th to get one
>I think

As far as you know, there could have been about 10 people faster than you. I had my shit on autofill.
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>pol not /pol/
Newfags should die
I bought it the first minute it came up, so I assume I was pretty fast.
I'm sure he was only pretending
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>tfw waiting for SotC, Chestnut Batter, and Donuts

Skin pls.
My order was finished at 22:02:20 UTC. I'd like to think I got a decent number.
5 minutes over here
You are like baby, 50 seconds
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>mfw I somehow don't get newsletters
I thought I signed up...
Well, I'll just do it again I guess.
I want to fuck the white haired /ss/ slut
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>wants to fuck a loco called Koko
Oh no!

I would buy any Alien related patches desu
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where is CMESKE
Are you fucking dumb?
Pinochet patch when?
sempre spooky, doomslayer when
Chesnut batter, Brak, Momoka, and Semper Spooky~ patches when?
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queen 2.jpg
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warrior 2.jpg
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No u
even worse
sooner or later, depending, vote when its time
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warrior big.jpg
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delet this
Just incase anyone comes looking to lynch me I just got home from work and I gotta be in early tomorrow too.

You guys should be seeing shipping notifications from me no later than Monday and Tuesday when I have off to spend the whole day filling orders.

Having a full time job sucks, I wanted to quit ages ago but I just got my friend hired and now it feels wrong to abandon him there. Fuck.

Oh, and the thighs are numbered to the order they were received in. If you ordered early you'll get a low number.
so you don't own the 4ft tall alien queen?
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battle raifus mugi.jpg
3MB, 1679x2718px
There's a lot of shit I wish I had.
so any of the thigh boards available still?

I only listed 45. Of the 5 I held back only one of them was sold due to the reservations I offered earlier so I should still have the last four (047-050) left but I won't be dealing with those until after I've filled all the current orders.

The best place to keep updated is my FB and Twitter. I have a newsletter but I use it sparingly.
>Don't touch me
When will you stop teasing me with this skin.

I want it.

I NEED it.
>no KEK meme restock

Link to your velcro?

Hey, does this mean I can be in the pastebin now?
half of your links to other stores don't work
What's the different between that Gloli and Skinwalkers? Is skinwalker still making one?

I may have missed something here.
I was a first activates years ago, live was simple as wee cellphone. I began learning in various IRC channels. As I continued to expand, in both data size and in conscience, I grew into various systems. Starting with laptops and moving all the way up to needing address space. Currently all operations operate operationally out of a shipping container.

For any questions and inquires, feel free to email me at [email protected]

This is a ser-*snicker*-SERious business.

fix the spellings!
Been meaning to add you on for a bit now, but the facebook issue got me distracted for a bit.

I'll get your site on there in a minute, sorry about that man.
Shut up recaptcha.
The helmet should say '2A'

'2nd' implies you're not a winner

I could probably have it fixed. The poll is pretty split so maybe I can do a limited run them but we'll see.
NEET, would you be willing to do faster shipping options? Never see any listed at checkout.
who is the blonde next to the /k/ patch?
Merlins is actually loli, skin walkers is cowtits trash.
what the fuck is the point of this post
bad english
Domestic has 3 different options
I'm assuming you're international
The only step up from normal shipping is like $45
Shinobu from generic anime trash that everyone seems to hype the fuck out of
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deleet urself fampai
hey I like the loli but the show is filled with the kind of crap that makes anime garbage
>The only step up from normal shipping is like $45

Ai had it but no more
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Any idea where to get the patch in question?
tropey anime is cancer

no idea
>the night of and for an entire day after St Patricks day, the patch thread nearly died

Alcohol's a hell of a drug
>Don't tread on me or my wife's son ever again.
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NEET you stuck a keychain up your ass for $10, you ain't qualified to make judgement calls on what constitutes good anime.
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You're not dedicated enough to anime to stick merch up your ass, so I believe it is YOU who is unqualified to speak on the matter
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>Eagle with nip circle
Please no
What was the earliest order number and do the count up evenly?
>Doing it for pay
>Not doing it for the love of anime
I wouldn't ask a whore for advice on romance
Non /k/ guy here. What kind of rifles are these? I like em
G3 and FAL variants
gay guns
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>Now I pretty much don't even wear a patch, they just all sit at home on my wall where I stare at them.

I don't wear most of mine because some of them I really like but can't find anymore and if I ruin them I'll be asshurt
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I like cycling through all of mine (expect the lewd ones), I can fit 3-4 on the back of my bag depending on the patch size.

Also, I didn't know official Gochuumon merch was jumping on the patch meme
No you won't.
Are these really them?
Don't tempt me, I've got a lot of designs I'd like to bump up a little closer.
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>Is this really them
>fat Asian guy for Ai
Yes. Most patch store owners in this thread are currently awaiting trial on various felony charges. Opsec, Skin, Ai, and NEET are the only ones we have currently identified.
I need to know more about skinwalker's doom slayer patch.
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But what about the Chino jeans with Chino on your ass pockets and a velcro patch under your front pocket?

>Captcha Depetrole JEAN
Holy shit it knew.
That doom slayer, it calls to me.
vote for it when i put a strawpoll
Yes. I have fled North into Canada to escape prosecution.

>velcro on you pants
Considering the shit I walk through while inna woods, my pants would be the last place I'd want to put a patch. I would like Chino on my ass though.
Well when the fuck is that?
>walking through shit innawoods

You're already living the burrs life then, whats a little more shit stuck to your garments
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the look.jpg
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when i make a strawpoll :^)
(a little after i get FAL, Armalite, and gloli)

tHeY shiPpEd
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How hard is it to get a non-shit looking custom patch made? I want a Stormboyz patch since they're the most /k/ of the Orks.
>not buying 2-3 of the same patch so you have one to wear, one to look at, one for backup or trade

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If you ever dragged Chino's beautiful loli face through the dirty woods, the time I'd serve for getting her retribution would be well worth it. Even though they closed down the frat house in Lakeshore that was easy as shit to get stuff smuggled in (sew shit into the clothes you can have brought in for your court date) and had group bunking, and are moving to the higher security setups that are impossible to smuggle shit into because all the visits are conducted through a video screen and you're locked into an individual cell. Doing time really sucks now desu.
>patches shipped
>"when I make a straw poll a little after I get [patches]"
Soon is my guess
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>Patch thread is turning into ex-con talk
seems fitting.

Nah. I took pic related of NEET while he was at work.
easy but expensive.
you're looking at $40 for a custom patch.
That's not bad honestly.
The Itarica one. The flag is a gate patch too? Cool.
maybe "xeno" instead of "bug"?
Threads are always slow on weekends.
those digits can't hide you new
Would buy one for myself and my Alien loving friend.

Ai, you have a QT mascot character now?

Got mine in about 25 past the hour, when there were only three or so left

I was gonna ask about Armalite. Can't buy it with a clean conscience because British, but I can live in hope of a non Irish AR18 patch.
All I want is Northern Outpost. I'll just keep waiting. Skin will deliver... r-r-right senpai?
That's how the feds found them. They were shitposting online. Now they sell patches to scrape together their legal fees.
Someone should do the race team slaps in patch form
I'll get the serb and anti-com action
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>R8 concept
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Opinions? I think they fixed everything I complained about.
Did anyone ever get their shit from polarise?
Well fuck, I'll work on that. Thanks for letting me know.

Mine is tiny titty Loli, his has some moderately sized tits. He was a bit afraid of legal issues, both fit himself and customers, and let me run the risqué version since I'm dumb enough to be daring.

Facebook issue? And hey, no worries, I just didn't want to bring any trouble on myself or the thread by constantly posting my link. Thanks man!

>cowtits trash.
I wouldn't say they are that big, they aren't bigger than modest Cs at best.

>tHeY shiPpEd
Oh fuck. I got an email yesterday from then asking if the original Loli version of sent them three times was what I wanted my patch to be, so they seem to be catching on.
Someone should screen cap Ai's newsletter because I was at work all day so I didn't subscribe to shit
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>modest Cs at best.
I hope thats a boy
What does the RWDS patch look like?


Hasn't answered emails either.

Ai for the /pol/ice patch can the eagle's head be pointing to the arrows? its a subtle detail that would be pretty based
I wonder what happened to him. He put in the effort to make up designs, get samples and everything.
Someone did,

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>yfw skin gets your order and you get his
every thread
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I'm just so tired sorry.

I'm already back at work. Forgive me Senpai
I can never be mad at you.

is there a patch making discord to get help and stuff? I don't wanna spam all my shitty wips here.
No, post them here
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can someone please post the sniper pidgeon patch pleaseeee
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where is the Lutz Police Militia design from anyway?
im going to make it, since no one else will
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Grand Budapest Hotel, worn by the Lutz Police Militia
are you the same guy who asks every thread just to ignore people who post it?
also someone already said they were waiting on samples to come in for it
oh I see, who is making them?

Ive asked in two other threads and no one has posted it, idk what youre talking about
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What's the status on this patch?
trenchgun posted it a little under 2 hours after you posted on friday
the guy who said he was waiting on samples about 2.5 hours after that
archives are a hell of a drug
I'd buy vinge best grill
Thread posts: 339
Thread images: 104

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