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Post some sick Armor

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Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 151

Post some sick Armor
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Punk as fuck.

+1 resistance to drunken fists.
Thanks, took a hell of a long time to make and a lot of caps and wire.
I had a very punk adolescence in the late-80s/early-90s - People did shit with lighter tabs, beer caps, dental floss, and hoodies that was amazing, for what it was worth...
I hit the tail end of that in the mid to late 90s. Its mist post apocalyptic but I did in 97 coat a jacket with pop tab chain mail. That was fun.
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I guess I should contribute. OC from a years-ago trip to the Invalides war museum in France. I always thought this thing was neato. Gauntlet, shield, and knife all in one!
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My combat gauntlets. 4130 spring steel.
You make them yourself?
Do they articulate well?
Or just because?
You know, I can't really tell from the photo, but it looks like the caps are facing inward. If you reversed them, then all of the crimped metal on the rims of the caps would be facing outward. If someone landed a punch on you, their knuckles would get cut the fuck up from all of those sharp edges.
No didn't make them. They articulate extremely well and have full wrap around thumb enclosure. I use them for combat in HEMA and EMP. EMP is more or less SCA combat without rules, so head butting punching kicking grapples shield edge strikes etc.
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This hardened knight gets on his horse and charges you 200 meters away. You only have an unloaded Savage MK II in hand. You have a box of 50 22lrs in your pocket. Can the legendary 22 long rifle penetrate steel armor? Can you defeat the knight?
>Can the legendary 22...
Doesn't matter. Shoot in eyes.
If no eyes, a light jog for about a mile should suffice. Then shoot in eyes.
Shoot horse
Climb tall tree
Shoot knight
22 will not penetrate most armor. Sorry we tried it.

Period accurate armor that is, if its shit tim armor I dont know.
>that pregnant look
why though?
well, 1: you really need to learn some basic anatomy, if you think a pregnancy bump is somewhere around your sternum.

2: because an arch or pointed arch is the strongest structural form to allow deflection of impacts, and that type of breast from the 1530's is a very exaggerated form of that.
Im kinda confused about whats going on with his helmet
these are really neat. Supposedly they were issued to guards on night patrols, that little hole at the top center would have a candle or oil lamp in it.

The guards could carry a knife, shield, and lantern all on one hand, leaving his right hand free for whatever.
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Do pajamas and mustaches count?
armor threads up on 4 boards atm. nice.

full armors in real life are a disappointment after playing any MMORPG

look at that fucking feet
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that's just poorly made.
the chainmail chub n tuck
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Srsly tho
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This thread's still afloat?
Okay, a little more.
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Those were really uncommon, so I don't think they were issued to anyone.

It was probably a private possession of some guy that probably became known as 'Frank and that fucking shield of his' or something.
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>armored chastised fleshlight, for having a hand free safe wank during a fight.
For when you have to bludgeon someone to death... with your dick.
It was the only one in the museum.

I bet you're right. I bet the owner totally was "that guy" and wore that thing everywhere.

"Hey guys!"
"Dood, why'd you wear that? We're just going out to watch the jesters perform in the common, and then drink ale."
"Well, I mean you never..."
"Yeah, yeah. You never know. Come on man, ever since you got that thing you've been wearing it nonstop, and you got it like a year ago!"
"Well... I dunno. I think it's cool."
"It IS cool, man, but... all the time? Really? You're not even wearing any other armor!"
"Well, I just..."
"Whatever. Let's go, shield boy."
I think it looks pretty good.
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How thick was the metal of REAL FIGHTAN full plate armor, and how much did the whole getup weigh when you had it on?

I have a reason to want to know.
Shoot his horse, hopefull the animal will buck him off and he'll be injured in the fall. Run over and shoot him as much as possible in the joints, or just club him in the head with my shit .22 rifle.
What going on here, my Iron friend?
About 60 pounds.

This is a good channel, he has videos on each piece of armor, though kind of limited (the guy seems to only talk, mostly, about his own armor, but its very good for learning about that particular kind of armor)

period accurate battle-ready armor would probably deflect a .22 from 200m

This thread needs less shiny stuff
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deflects force. Also babby does not in center of mass, babby is in tummy

the lines on that armor
elegant as fuck

probably about the same as the guy that insists on OCing a huge revolver to go to Chili's

Full suit would be 50-60 pounds and surprisingly strong. We got really good at armor geometry.
Could people really sword fight in a helmet like that?
I have an idea that it was for something else, but don't want to influence your answer,
What the fuck is this?
Its for 22 rimfire

Damn pic twisted tho
Its a jousting helm anon
Von Der Stark EisenMench
Yeah, how boring. I bet it was only used for tournament jousting too.

It looks protective as fuck, but seeing seems to be the issue.
Also yes it can, I've tried it bfo, 22lr will go through up to 10 gauge steel
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You have to remember some rather famous jousters died because a few lances broke and angle up into the gorget. Its not fun choking to death on a wooden splinter of a lance in a friendly game of joust
that's a helmet for tournaments where mobility is not that important.

If it is as good as the london lobsters armor then it wont penetrate


>Though they were defeated the armour they wore apparently served them well; Haselrig was shot three times at Roundway Down, with the bullets apparently bouncing off his armour. After firing a pistol at Haselrig's helmeted head at close range without any effect Richard Atkyns described how he attacked him with his sword, but it too caused no visible damage; Haselrig was under attack from a number of people and only succumbed when Atkyns attacked his unarmoured horse. After the death of his horse Haselrig tried to surrender; but as he fumbled with his sword, which was tied to his wrist, he was rescued. He suffered only minor wounds from his ordeal.
Chain is quite often very unflattering when worn correctly.
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Why does the left have an extra plate?
It's a jousting helmet. It's not for sword fighting. You don't need to see to sit on a horse running down a straight track. It's like a hockey helmet/mask vs. a military helmet.

extra protection for the shield hand
Go home Iron Man, you're drunk.
Jousting puts quite tremendous impact forces at work, I mean the whole point is literally breaking your lance on the opponent through sheer force, sooo yeah, its quite damn protective.
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i get wanting to have a slight point on your toe to guide it into a stirrup easier but what in the name of Saint George's dragon dildo is that snap on piece of stupid for?
/k/ringe your hearts out

>lady samurai
>english nobs being honorbru
>battle ready samurai on a budget desu senpai
He's on a horse. Even if he weren't, he'd still probably be able to keep up. Knights kept up their training like crazy.
To show you're a knight. You know peasants are only legally allowed to have shoes of a certain length or face fines, right?
If you're leaning forward, like when you're holding a lance on horseback, you can see out the slit.
while some sumptuary laws were about things like shoe length, its impossible to make a generalisation like that - what was the case in germany wasnt the same as in england, or even in another part of germany. and the same place could be different at dates 50 years apart.
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That's very true. I shouldn't have generalized like that.
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Is sci-fi shit OK?
Custom chestpiece
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Malta 1/? Ayy Lmao
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Malta 2/?
Malta 3/?
ceremonial armor
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>mfw some craven archer is using an arbalest
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Samurai armor is best armor
it's a phallic thing, and i don't mean like how feminists say that about everything; it was intentionally, explicitly meant to say 'this is how long i am'. Just like the giant codpieces in armor from that period.
combined with the katana its a wonder how they did not take over the world. The japanese truly are the most honorable unlike the europeans who pillaged and raped when they got the upper hand after they stole technology from the africans, arabs and asians
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>I bet it was only used for tournament jousting too
There isn't any other kind. The tournament event that simulates two lancers charging at one another is called "the joust." Outside of a tournament it's just a cavalry charge, and in that situation there are more utilitarian options. Cavalry usually are more worried about pikemen than other horsemen riding right up to them and poking them with their sticks.
It's For stabbing unmounted opponents in the fucking face of course
What were you doing in Malta?
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See all those brass rivets?
They're holding together steel plates.

Punch it and get a broken hand.
While in theory we're generalizing, I think it was widely understood as a symbol of rank.

>wants to tire a knight from a "light jog"
>people that have been trained since they were kids in fighting and wearing full plate for as long as it takes

Bitch you better believe those fucks had incredible stamina to endure fighting, marching and riding with all that crap on. Plus, armor was relatively light and didn't block your movements much, as its weight was evenly distributed across your body.
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>I think it was widely understood as a symbol of rank.

Certainly, it's fashion that uses more material than necessary, and thus costs more (especially if you take the chance to show off a large amount of highly expensive materials) while it also shows everyone that you aren't about to partake in manual labour where such shows will get in the way any time soon.

On sabatons, the more exaggerated forms can come with a quick-detach system, since with a field harness you may find yourself partaking i manual labour where they could get in the way sooner than you thought.
>Supposedly they were issued to guards on night patrols
>>Skallagrim said it so it must be true
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Post some sick spins
That is functional, not ceremonial. Asswipe.
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Check out these sick spins, you traitor!
>While in theory we're generalizing, I think it was widely understood as a symbol of rank.

Not particularly. >>28408875 for instance, is one that's just lying around in a rubbish heap in London with loads of other lower-class stuff. manuscript illustrations etc seem to show they're mostly worn by middle or upper-class (ie, those who arent working in the fields). and while there's a degree of sumptuary law - that those over X inches are limited to people of certain ranks, they're still long below that - and there's plenty of evidence that sumptuary laws were broken deliberately - the merchant class in England, in particular were keen to break sumptuary laws, and be fined, because that showed they had the wealth to not give any fuck about the law.

So while its sort of a class thing, its that in a very vague sense. much more of it is about fashion, and the shape of fashionable footwear being demonstrated in the shaping of the steel, to match the fashion of the age.

later on, you get the "bear-paw" shoes, where they flare out really widely, instead of narrow points, and the sabatons change to mirror that fashion too.

>Chosing the brigandine and not a jack of plates.

What are you?An archer?
>Deus Vult, baby, Deus Vult.
dat messer
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here ya go
The french made them so big they had to cut them off to retreat.
Literally symbolically castrating themselves before leaving the battlefield in disgrace..
The french. Those guys...
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When you have dickrot due to syphilis and need extra protection due to sensitivity.
Battlerections were common back then?
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Gotta be stylin when you be gliding through the fields of battle.
Didn't a king die like this? Or from an infection from the same type of splinter injury?
Kicking peasants in the face.
Have you guys seen the Knyght Errant channel? Pretty good shit. His stuff shows how amazingly well designed medieval armor is. It's long winded stuff but really educational.

Henry II of France.

Also, on the theme of jousting injuries
>tfw riding on horseback into storm-force winds
shoot the horse and put 7 years of cross country to work
>Disdain for plebs

I wonder if they got any influence from the greeks that they invaded. Or if it is all from their origins from asia.
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All vital areas protected.
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Why do they keep doing cartwheels and rolling?
>all of this bullshit
>on top of the fact that these faggots have really nice looking tachis in some clips
all of my WHY
also tfw no good accurate production tachis
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>replace heavy iron with modern plates, reducing weight and increasing protection
>make the cloth a kevlar weave
Could it be done?
From the looks of it, I'd say "getting abducted and probed" is not off the table.
alright looking but probably even thickness sheet steel
hot chick though

That is fucking awesome! What is that?
Ouch, man...
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I'm 'Enery the 8th, I am
got a codpiece as big as a ham...
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Knyght Errant and Scholagladiatoria are the shit.
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Fuck yeah it could! Will it though? No.
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I'm wondering how well it would protect and how much it would weigh. I'm thinking of contacting Weaboo Mountain Armory and asking how many yards of fabric they use in a set of armor and looking up ballistic vests so I can figure out if this would really work. I don't care if it happens but I often do this for fun.
A cool vid about said sheild.
why the fuck am i the only one dumping, come on you lazy fucking /k/ocksuckers
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this is in a collection somewhere iirc
Back when I took jiu-jitsu they told us to practice cartwheels because in the event you trip, it is the fastest recovery you can make, and you do not want to be facedown on the ground in a fight. That being said those guys are just showing off.
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>Nito before becoming the First of the Dead
Loyce af desu
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That sounds like an awesome idea. I've just started getting into cosplay armouring as well as Medieval Armoured Combat so ideas like that tickle my funny bone.

I've been trying to find a polynesian island equivalent of heavy armour, seeing as I'm Samoan, but the closest I can find is the Kiribati armour.
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Is it just me, or is his breastplate really weirdly proportioned?

It looks like it goes down far too far on his torso, so that he'll barely be able to bend over.

Compare it to this guy, where the pivot point is around the waist where it should be.
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Judoka here, please don't try to cartwheel out of a throw.
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Pic related is my friend's new SCA helmet.
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for agatha!
Oh, I usually just do conceptual builds and it usually isn't armor.

Should I try to make the armor stab-proof or bulletproof? How effective is Kevlar 779? All I see is testing on Kevlar panels, not fabric.
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And a second picture
>wearing protection
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Best armor
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>its an arms and armour thread
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kettle helmet master race
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Why leave the armpits exposed? That seems like a bad idea
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i think it was just a guy in a workshop putting it on with a gambeson for display purposes/getting it fitted
since he DOES have a gambeson underneath im sure he knows what mail voiders are
He is wearing a gambeson (padded jacket) underneath. Armpits always have to be exposed to some degree to allow the wearer to move.
He just needs to replace his spaulders with some pauldrons.
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Henry VIIIs field of cloth gold tournament

no gaps in the armour apart from eye slots :^)
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This may just have won the prize for the sexiest harness of all time.

I can't wait until our armour gets back to that kind of standard of coverage, mobility and craftsmanship.
underrated post
I love all kinds of short swords.
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Great vid, thanks.

>Enjoyed the jab at "tacticool, mall ninja, zombie" shit.
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all i know is runnin up
finna run my money up
Ah ok, thanks. I don't know much about middle age/renaissance armor.
His vids are excellent, definitely recommend watching him as a youtuber.
Wanna link them all?
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still got more friend
that helm in particular is pretty damn fierce
it may or may not be made by >>28418903
filipo negroli like this breastplate
woops forget next pic
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when I say no gaps, I mean NO gaps
then how are you supposed to have sex in it?
Logistical query:
How difficult is it to take a dump once you're strapped into that?
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you gotta take the ass plates off
actually i dont know the process of taking th ass plates off, including if its even possible to take just the ass off without taking other pieces off
you prolly need to take the whole suit off
From personal experience, you can't take a shit in armour in the first place.

You have to take at bare minimum your cuisses off, but since they're on one of the lower layers you basically have to take everything off.
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Someone made the Gaiseric helm?

/k/ drops the fuckin' science!

>best board.

I feel bad for knights who got diarrhea.
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>Someone made the Gaiseric helm?

No, someone copied the helmet made by Fillipo Negroli for the Archduke Ferdinand II of Tyrol, Ambrass and Innsbruck, somewhere around the year 1541, for their cartoon character.
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i have a feeling the gaiseric helm is based off the helm in the pic.
yeah man i imagine it must really have sucked to be a rich man at arms or some kind of commander, but actually a pussy
when time comes that you shit your pants like thats extra time on cleaning your armor
arms and armor need fucking maintenance man
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Oh, nice.

Either way, it's a beautifully made helm.
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>Henry VIIIs field of cloth gold tournament

Was never worn by Henry VIII.

In fact, it wasnt actually polished and assembled as a complete harness till the reign of James I of england / VI of scotland, more than 60 years after Henry's death. Prior to that, it had lain around in the Armouries, unassembled, as a "black harness" that had been abandoned.

This is the actual harness Henry VIII wore on the field of Cloth of Gold.
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If he has momentum, he'll still skewer you even if you do land a shot: the infantry of WWI's Eastern Front learned that the hard way.
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It was made for Henry VIII to wear at the tournament then the french changed some rule meaning tonlet armour was needed
oh my god those glaiveguisarme are beautiful
but he never wore it.

it wasnt even polished, yet alone assembled -. its like saying that you own an AR15, when you've just had a an 80% upper plop through your letterbox, still in its packaging.
upper? Lower, I mean.

And that's a sign I need to go sleep. Braaaaaains.
running low on armor pics so will now post weapons
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hes a big guy
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Almost had respect till i saw the stack of $10 wallhangers behind him.
Nothing in this world is perfect
>shitty big red cross crusader meme
crusaders didnt wear giant crosses on them
wasted trips
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Need this for my next fetish ball...
The m60 is airsoft. Look at the wires under the belt of bullets.
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>If Romans wore mail and plate armor
I'd bump armor plates with her if you know what I mean
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lacking in kettle helms here m80's
inb4 'the indents attract swords'
its not swords you have to worry about, its a mace to the face. the indents will trap the mace and stop it from glancing off.
>Ruin Sentinel Helm
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Not a short sword
Just a pos made by cold steel
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Often times an armourer would make a single piece an put all that he could onto it, simply as a demonstration piece of what was available. someone could come in, pick it up and decide if they wanted this bit or that.
Kevlar has a relatively short lifespan I think, a soft kevlar vest is good for 5 years of use, then it ain't so bullet resistant,

Metal armor like ar500 seems to be the only thing that "lasts."
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is SCA armour allowed in this thread?
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I've already posted some
So I'm guessing yes
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to my knowledge he made his gear himself
You would get an erection after bludgeoning someone from halfswording?
>Aye, siwmae. great minds think alike, no?
You wouldn't?

Jokes aside, inopportune erections are always likely no matter what situation you're in. Might as well plan for it.
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yes but the breastplate i posted was an antique from the 1500s
> >>28418723

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>wearing armor in the rain
Having a tourney in the rain...
new thread
thats in the wallace collection in london, was there last weekend. some cool shit in there
It's a pretty standard varangian helmet, the chainmail hangs off because no face= spoopy
>Wearing a Jack of plates
Nice faggy duelling armor, have fun picking up chicks while us real men in brigandine do the fighting
The curvature of this helmet is thought by most to just be ornamental. The reality is that it would catch and redirect enemy arrows right back at them. Thus ensuring that you'd only engage in gentlemanly duels on the battlefield.
That sword he has strapped to him is BudK shit. I used to have that when I was an edgy teenageer.
> Taking a dump in plates

Can be done in armour with removable fauld or no fauld to begin with. Basically if you can sit on a horse with your ass touching the saddle and can reach belt of your braiess - you are good to go.
This character only showed up twice in the entire game. I don't understand why they put any work into him.
The fuck is this?
You dont take such plate armor to a horsepack, it ways a ton, and decreases your agility to maim enemies.
Also if someone knocs you off the horsepack you cant get up whitout two of your own men
Wearing it =/= owning it - it was still ordered by him and produced by his workers
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