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Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1803

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 780
Thread images: 97

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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous thread: >>16879647

This thread is for the discussion and learning of Japanese with raw VNs, LNs, anime and manga.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Let's have a nice thread by reporting and ignoring off-topic posts.
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The "strong guys"
The "strongest guys"
The strong
Which one is the best?
>The strong
Without any context, I would go for this.
The strong is like 強き物

奴ら totally makes it like "strong dudes" or "strong guys"
Read a book.
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Japanese is easy
Kanji is hard
For what purpose?
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How hard are the classics to read, like stories by Akutagawa and Kawabata?
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I used to do things like that.
Let me give you a better manga challenge that will be better in the end for you.
1 - Read a manga you want to read
2 - Read a manga you want to read
3 - Read a manga you want to read
65 - Read a manga you want to read

Don't make a game out of it like that. There's no point. Don't read things you don't want to read. Just read things you want to read. If you don't want to read things then there's not much point in Japanese. I see the point of challenges, but making arbitrary stuff like that doesn't make any sense. In the end of the day you'll be reading things you probably don't want to read. Don't do that. Just read things you want to read.
Go to Aozora and find out.
Texthooking japanese subbed anime is truly the most efficient way to learn this language.
For an N5 Ankidrone? Impossible.
Manga isn't reading though.
Best way to learn japan is to go to japan for a year or so.
Correct. But how is that related to learning japanese?
Only if you're able to make japanese friends and then make a total idiot of yourself in front of them every day for a year.
Does anyone here actually need to learn spoken Japanese?
The thread is split between two board.
Only if you want to learn Japanese
any other easy games on 3ds like youkai watch?
Two questions I must know:

1. When you want to say that someone wants to eat (or any verb) , do you say:
”彼が食べたい” or ”彼が食べたがっています”?

2. When you say some shit like ”私は音楽を聞くのが好き” , does the の turn everything before it into a noun? The sentence means "I like to listen to music," but the の kinda makes it mean something like "I like doing X", where whatever before の is the activity you like to do?

I hope that makes sense
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Are ee gateau
Tell me if there is anything wrong with this phrase
Prostitution is wrong.
How proficient do I have to be to be able to read 源氏物語?
About three Japaneses.
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/a/ looks at us and they say, "You're just dreamers! You will never learn Japanese!"

We can only answer: "You idiots, if we weren't dreamers then where would we be today? We have always believed that DJT would become a great source of knowledge and community. They said that we were just dreamers! We have always believed that we would break free of the shackles of translations. They said we were fools! We have always believed that DJT would learn Japanese. They said we were insane! AND NOW WHO IS STILL READING SUBTITLES, DJT OR /a/?"

My conviction is as strong as ever that one day the hour will come when those who chased us out of /a/ will kneel before us and recognize what we have struggled and fought to learn through our own labour, our own diligence, our own determination, our own perseverance, and our own will!

An entire language lies menacingly and tauntingly before us and it sends forth its massive armies of challenges. Today we strike deep into the heart of the language and fight! The war to learn Japanese nears its dramatic climax!
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>didn't write all of that in Japanese

I'm not amused
what are some good methods to learn kanji pronunciation other than "just read and get used to it"?
I did rtk and know ~2000 words, still reading is frustrating not because you don't know the meaning of the word but rather because you can't spell it.
When I learned english it was easier because even if you didn't get the meaning you could read everything, the process was more enjoyable and rapidly you would be in a virtuous circle.
It seems I can't enter this virtuous circle in japanese because of this fact, either I have to learn more vocab or indivual kanji prononciation...
I'm not an expert but:
1. Second one seems right.
2. That is correct, it nominalizes the phrase
The problem isn't learning kanji pronunciation, the problem is learning word pronunciation. Learning word pronunciation is basically just a matter of learning the words. Kanji study is a shortcut to make it easier to learn the few words made out of morphemes in relatively regular ways, but you still have to actually learn the words. That's all there is to it.
You already fucked up by doing RTK.
What could the phrase 「女は間に合ってる」 mean in response to being offered a woman? Does it mean that he has more than enough women? He has enough of women?
Generally you use たがる when you're making a statement about what someone else wants, because たい is about personal inner desires and it sounds presumptuous to use about someone else's.
I want to go to Tokyo. [Using たい for your own personal desires is fine.]
Where do you want to go? [Question instead of a statement, たい is fine.]
WRONG, only he can use たい to state his own desires.
He is acting like he wants to go to Tokyo. [Correct because you are not making a statement about what he wants, but only about what he appears to want.]
He said that he wants to go to Tokyo. [This is also correct because he is saying it, not you.]
In a lot of cases pronunciation is determined by context, for those cases reading more really is your only option. However for your particular gripe it may help to study those components of kanji which often decide the pronunciation, for example that bit that makes 検, 剣 and 験 all say けん. There are a lot of those and they can be really helpful, but I'm not sure what resources there are for studying them, I tend to just try and pay attention and spot them by myself.
If you really are at a level where you don't need to rely on a dictionary and can learn things from context you should know just about every reading that doesn't get ruby.

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Literally just keep adding words to Anki until you hit about 25k. By then you should rarely need a dictionary. This is the easiest way to master Japanese, but most people consider it to be boring / will settle for intermediate (always dictionary dependent or guessing). Good luck!
This looks like a pronunciation guide for a pidgin like Yokohamese
Don't be dumb never /a/ said that you couldn't learn Japanese, in fact the threads started there so you could help other people and/or enjoy your things without subs to get the full experience.
The only reason in was chased off and frowned upon was because it was a general and because it attracted lots of external people that started leaking out of the general plus many off-topic posts and blogging in general.
Then again I'm probably replying to pasta so whatever, but at least I can see the quality of the threads has gone up slightly since the exile from /a/ and split from /int/.
>Don't be dumb never /a/ said
My bad for not proofreading the post, however my point still stands.
Whats the difference between 「目一杯」 and 「精一杯」?

From what I can tell, they both mean "with all one's might" but 精一杯 seems to be much more frequently used. Are they interchangeable with each other, or with 一生懸命?

How do you do that?

Just hook your media player with ITHVNR while you have a show with jap subs playing.
I bet you think subs help you listen. All they do is tell you the answer, but as soon as you turn them off you'll still be shit at listening. You need to suffer through a few hundred hours of mostly incomprehensible dialogue to actually get good at listening. You hear people brag here about reading all the time, but how often do you ever hear about people brag about listening? All I hear is people talking about "but my listening isn't as good". Subtitles, whether they are Japanese or English won't help you with your listening ability. It's like those people who do RTK and think they can read because they can guess at meanings of words afterwords.

I don't read the subtitles as they're talking. I read the lines I didn't understand afterword in firefox. Just listening to dialogue you don't understand has small learning value.
Is this an accurate translation?
Depends on what you mean by don't understand. If you can understand with the subtitles, you should be able to understand without, but you haven't practiced enough yet to hear it. The other thing that people do when they "listen" is they don't even try to understand. They just let it stay random noises with a desu here and there. You need to actually actively attempt to listen. If you're decent at reading, you don't need subtitles, you just need to actually put in time and effort.
the pleasure of being cummed inside
精一杯: せいいっぱい
目一杯: めいっぱい

If it helps, they're both from a line from a song:
目一杯のSmiling! 精一杯にShining!

Two different sources translates that line as
>Our eyes are Smiling! I try my best to Shining!
>Smile till your heart bursts! Shine brighter than anyone!

The first one I feel is wrong, and it seems like it was translated with google translate then touched up. The second set of translations, the guy went with things that sound good even if it meant sacrificing the original meaning.

I'm not very far along with my Japanese yet and this may be more advanced than I should bother with, but I was just wondering about it.

The problem is you're trying to translate it to english.
So just don't worry about it for now, and come back to it later?
I'm not sure, but it looks right.
You need to forget English translations for questions like these and just compare the J-J dictionary entries. Forget 'with all one's might' because that seems particularity misdealing for 目一杯
Alright. Thank you very much.

is there a difference then between
I assume you haven't had your appointment with Dr. Kim yet
it's a long line

Yes, 食べてない means "is not eating" representing a continuous negation in the present. So, someone not eating at the present moment.

食べない just means "not eat". So, 食べない人 might be someone who doesn't eat generally, whereas 食べてない人 might be someone who isn't eating right now.
I think that's easier to see if you learn long form first and then short
thanks a lot anon.
I think there's some truth here, but I sti lrefer subtitles when watching content, so instead I just use content I can't get subs for when I'm only using headphones no video. I do this with youtube vids of japanese people talking with 外人 or music. Normally this is when I'm exercising or jogging anyways, so I'm not wasting study time on things I can't mine or check well.
>suffer through a few hundred hours of mostly incomprehensible dialogue to actually get good at listening
perhaps i should stop watching nhk 7, they do subtitle most of it
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What's カギする meant to mean here? Doesn't seem to make any sense.
Anyone has experience with the Marugoto textbooks? I skimmed them and was impressed with how up to date they are. The basic book has some bonus exercises for you to know common Japanese emoticons and meme words. Really made me realize that Minna no Nihongo is 25y old now.
Kill yourself.
Sounds fun anon, a good way to expand your interests. If you're reading digital versions or scans, would you mind adding a column for mega links?
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So it's some sort of metaphorical "locking in" a memory of her?

Also with this page, does 昭和 have any other meaning besides the era? Because I can't find any and "It's not the showa era" would be a strange thing to shout in the context of a wrestling match as far as I know.
>but at least I can see the quality of the threads has gone up slightly since the exile from /a/ and split from /int/.
Serious? Most of these threads on /jp/ have unfortunately attracted the very worst and most cancerous anon from the threads on /a/. It's terrible for beginners.
Are you seriously this upset about writing?
正確に判定しろ! という意味


she's referring to 喫茶店 right? she has a antenna for it?
Dat's pretty deep, thanks anon.

that's actually the start of the article
喫茶店で合ってる。 You are right.








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Automatic flashcards make it all a bit easier but it's still a pain in the ass because it tries to capture the nuances of every word and ends up putting down a bunch of english words that more or less mean the same thing, I find myself having to custom edit close to every card so the information on the flashcards stays somewhat concise. Does anyone know if there is some kind of card layout customization with Yomichan? Because the way it is now, it's kind of a hassle.

それかたまたまかな 割りと普通に使う言い回しだと思うけどね

クロールとか逆にマイナー過ぎるでしょw 凝りすぎてるw






lol DJT EOPs
>can understand anime decently
>but want to watch proper TV shows with real people
>can barely understand TV shows

Do I keep watching anime until I get better or watch TV shows where I can't understand much and improve that way? Which way is faster/more efficient?
the latter

the latter

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Yo why does it say it means this are not "there is a handkerchief entering my right pocket"??

Feels like I can't follow it long enough to improve
Because you don't know about the 結果残存 usage of ている form.
Yeah when I watch anime I feel like I understand way more of it than when I listen to Japanese podcasts.
Tae Kim made it sound like resultant states were only when ある was added to the て form
That's what you get for reading Tae Kim.
Yeah, you really showed that clueless beginner. What a badass.

just google whatever you're having trouble with + japanese grammar and a resource comes up. or use the dojg.
Where do you find good podcasts?


With an Anki plugin sentences are being taken from a database with a lot of Japanese sentences and the way I understand it all the ones marked with {CHECKED} have been controlled manually and are guaranteed to be correct.



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You sound like a little Tae Kim reading N2-kun.

Maybe you should stop considering websites you read to be the extensions of yourself. Then you'd be able to leave them and read something better instead. Hopefully the guy who asked the question was able to do this. Probably yeah, considering he didn't bitch out like you.


Actually, he implies resultant states are possible, in a really terrible and unnoticeable manner, with ている using examples with stative verbs.
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theres only ever one sentence in mine like that, i dont get it
theres nothing to witness
I think sentences have also be manually paired with words so while you may get a checked sentence for one word, you won't get the same sentence again if you have another word in that sentence on your flashcard. I'm getting no sentence for some incredibly common words and as you can see, three in that one. It's a bit random.
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I believe that just like I eventually have learned English by sitting on websites and watching movies to the point when I can read, listen and understand ~80% of information (I still cannot write and speak well and don't know any grammar rules) I and everyone can learn Japanese by reading news, VNs, manga and listening Japanese podcasts and radio. You could laugh at my English skills but if I had listened to people who said "You will never learn English until you move to an English-speaking country" I wouldn't be here reading your posts and talking with you guys. A new language opens a huge chunk of content like articles, books, movies, music and so on. It's really awesome.
Is there an easier way to check if a 3rd party seller on Amazon ships outside of Japan other than putting it into your cart and viewing at the checkout?
>"You will never learn English until you move to an English-speaking country"
Complete and utter nonsense. All that matters is exposure. English is my third language and I speak and write at a native level if you disregard my accent. Recently got my C2 (CEFR) and I have never even been in an English speaking country. It has almost gotten the point where my proficiency in the other languages is suffering because of lack of exposure, all I do every day is hang around on the internet. What heavily contributed to me getting proficient in English though is active interaction with the English speaking community. That means browsing and writing on forums and image boards like this. I don't think it's possible to be proficient in any language if all you do is passively absorbing so attempting to talk to Japanese people can probably go a long way.
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>趣味:ホラー小説 **活*

Can someone read what the small text says?
I think my problem is that ive never written any clear goals out with my japanese studying.

My goal no is too get the JLPT1 and comptia for computer stuff
Makes sense. Thanks anon.
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Fuck off back to r9k, faggot. Also, you forgot your name.
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My goal is to read pic related.
Context is guy gives a girl candy
"If you accomplish it (?) all day tomorrow, don't lick it, accomplish it only once and go lick it." Probably made a big mistake somewhere but I don't get it help
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My goal is to read pic related
Then go for it. It's easy. You can't be expected to know Himemiya-sama's dialect, so just look it up as you go. Same with medical terms in Alice's route. And also old Japanese Takijorou speaks.
That looks pretty blurry. Did you try finding a different image?
"This is today's portion. The rest is for tomorrow. Tomorrow, if it takes you the whole day to finish it [an assignment?], you're not getting a taste of it, [but,] if you do it in only one round, you can have it [a taste of it]."

Sorry, I tried.
Sounds like he's trying to get her to do stuff by setting up a reward system.
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Does it? I believe it looks okay.
Eh, I don't know. ものべの is something I'd like to enjoy to the fullest and not just "get the gist" of what's being said, so I think it might be best to wait a bit longer until I'm confident and proficient enough to read it properly.
Hmm, if you're a beginner then wait, yeah.
I tried making a joke on you wanting to read the robot's imprint.
Hm.. I don't really see what he could mean about finishing because he just met the girl 5 mins ago in the hospital. He gave her the candy as reward for guessing right what's in his pocket. Also a bit later he said this
Fuck. Nice digits btw.
Then I have no idea of what やり遂げる could refer to. Sorry.
Maybe he's talking about her accomplishing something in her treatment, like getting back on her feet or something like that?
What is this ものべの meme? Is it some easy and boring VN?
Presumptious new people like you make me sick.
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Are you ok? You're projecting a lot here.
Meanwhile in sakubi:

>Normally, intransitive verbs plus ている act alike transitive vebs plus てある. Any more is outside the scope of this guide.
I've probably been here longer than you. ものべの just looks like another one of those memes meant to make people read a boring VN
I guess I can see it being boring for an ADHD guy like you.
Anyone know anything good and compelling that I can listen to on my phone for listening practice when I'm out of the house?
Anyone got a link to the Genki answer keys that aren't the poorly photographed version?
If you have studied less than 1k cards today you really have to ask yourself if you belong on the /DailyAnkidroneGeneral/
i don't think that's even conducive to your learning
I'd rather not fall asleep in the process
you know whats dope as hell reinforcing functional japanese through normal people videogames and media as opposed to fake fantasy hentai porno games and double spaced pretentious teenage drivel aka light novellas
You know what would be even doper? If you stopped shitposting and actually tried to learn japanese instead of judging other people who are ultimately a lot better than you.
alot of assumptions there squiddo but dont worry ill help you out with yotsubato and hanahira later (because those are the only things i know)
Is it weird that I stopped doing anki but I still mine the new words I find regardless
>is it weird that I do something that doesn't achieve anything
I see, thanks
You fucking spoilered me right there..
Reading it right now..
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It's just a CG. That's like saying pic related spoils FSN.
Holy fuck, I love this channel already.
Anybody have the epub or azw3 files for 銀河英雄伝説?
It appears to be free on Amazon.

Seems to only offer a sample unfortunately.


I'd have to buy 10 volumes for the full series.


I'm taking a mentor course.

Fuck this.
<sounds of being pleasured by a tutor>
You can't learn japanese.
I'm just retarded and need an adult.
>A character dialogue written in hiragana while another written in katakana
Why would you do this?
It's good language.
One of them is an inhuman entity, the katakana is used to put emphasis on that
>character's dialogue is written half-width katakana
I seem to remember in jpod101 they once mentioned that sometimes foreigners speak in katakana on TV subtitles in dramas and stuff. Never seen it myself though
ハンカクカナハ アマリツカワナイホウガイイ
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Probably pitch accents or something.
See pic related, the guy ends every single sentence with katakana since he's a foreigner
If you're so annoyed about nuances and it matters so much to you, then why don't you just make cards with J-J definitions? Compare 期待 vs 予期 vs 予想
strong laddies.
Define Ankidrone
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the first and not the last time you obliterate the audio from a card

i love this guy's voice, i don't know why.
Core is so nostalgic nowadays.
>>16911221 >>16911174 Okay
How many hours do you guys read a day?
Just went 5 hours and 30 minutes here, and yesterday I did 5 hours and 20 minutes.

I think this makes me better than most of you guys who will probably give up in a few months.
20 minutes.

I'm going slow and steady
Probably around 2-4 hours, if manga counts as reading
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>implying I read at all
>implying I practice Japanese
>implying I'm not just here to shitpost and tell myself "yeah I could learn Japanese if I put in the effort"
Who are you quoting?
That's better than not reading at all.
That is good too. I wish I had that kind of patience.
It does, better than not reading at all.

Good on all three of you. Keep at it.
I read for like 30 minutes in bed because it bores me to sleep.
Same. Sometimes a little more when I pick up something interesting.
I haven't read for months
How's N5?

I don't really see it as a matter of patience. I just do this because I like learning japanese. If I go at a faster pace it makes it less fun.
2 chapters of manga after anki and vn after dinner
it try and hit 20 new words mined, its getting harder on flyable heart so its up to an hour and a half every day
More like N2. I have nothing interesting to read so I'm just playing games and watching anime

have you tried reading real books
When will you fuck off from these threads?

What? I mean shit like novels. If he's bored with manga and the like then he should read a book. I'm struggling through NHKにようこそ right now (even though its more of a LN) and its a lot different from manga. In some ways it is harder and in some ways easier to read than manga.
I am thinking of watching some anime/tv shows to try and see how much I know/learn how people would actually speak nip. Any suggestions for stuff to watch/things to avoid for this purpose.
I have trouble recognizing most Kanji outside of Anki. This is really bad. I hope it's only because the font is smaller.

Has this happened to anyone else when first starting out?
completely normal
Yes. I don't know how far you're into Anki but I only started to really notice 6 months out I guess. I'm coming up on my 10th soon and I've experience an incredible amount of growth, including noticing Kanji outside of Anki, even in different fonts.

Grow up """"N2"""""
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Fonts will fuck you up. I spent 20 minutes the other night trying to figure out what the fuck pic related was. Turns out it's そ.

Try some radical study. Shit gets a bit easier to read (and look up) if you can identify the radicals involved.

The woman's voice gets a little too manly sometimes
Anyone know how to pick up on casual usage of the language? Typing sentences and shit is swell and all but translating that to actual speech makes me sound like a robot.
Watch anime
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Any kanji pros about?
In need of words which contain any of the following kanji, with the caveat that they cannot be names.
yeah just noticed, habit
Are you living with こんにゃく?
it has enough bacteria on it now i thought it qualified
lol angry N2-kun (more like N4-N3 in reality)

I want to get good at conversation/output.
What's the fastest way to find a jap to talk to not by text online, I can't do irl.
I never understood this. I have never spoken to an English speaker in my whole life. If your output by text is good enough and you are capable of thinking in Japanese speaking should just come come naturally shouldn't it? It's not like Japanese pronunciation is hard or anything. If you can't speak to Japanese in real life you probably don't live in Japan so that also makes me wonder why you feel you have to actually talk to a Jap when any interaction should do.
I want to get confortable talking, before someday hopefully going to Japan.
I'm sure there's some bored japanese person out there wanting to get good at english aswell.
Play Overwatch on Asian servers.

Yep, knew a bunch of ESLs who could actually communicate for the job without knowing how to decently read or write.
>wanting to get good at english aswell.
From you, im certain they're going to get gooderer in no time(´・ω・`)
just use streamlink gui, disable all but nihon flags, get comfortable with a few native streamers and it might lead somewhere



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So I was starting 装甲悪鬼村正 on the advice of a friend, and I'm going at a decent pace while learning a lot, and then I get to this. What the fuck do I do here. I couldn't find a way to text hook it, nor a could I turn up any website where it's transcribed, though that may just be me being shit at Japanese googling. Apparently it has a lot of stuff like this, should I just give up until I can reasonable do it by eye?
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head quartersってどういう意味?

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英語で 「表」= heads
「コイン」= quarter
I mean, you're based as fuck, but that doesn't really solve my problem in the long run. This is just the second of I think 4 of these in the first scene.

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Can anyone help me here?
Can't quite figure out what she says after "一緒に"
She says "yiff in hell".
Just to confirm, you've actually read and not watched manga, correct? If so, good job. You can make it.
>hey master today is cold, how about we yiff in hell together
Somehow it works
at first i thought たり will be だり after ん but its the verb ending, む
im too dumb to work it out, is it something to do with 五段 and 一段 verbs?
僕 is the thinking man's 1st person pronoun.
>not 俺
How to spot a beta faggot
The thinking man is a twink
Most common reading for 瞬く?



Google to see if you can find a transcript, ask someone every time you see this pop up, try to read it with Kanjitomo, or just struggle thru it and decode the characters one by one by drawing em in google translate and looking em up on Jisho.
Seems to be まばたく based on my very limited experience.

Roleplay somewhere else you sad cunt.
Is there a Chrome equivalent for the clipboard inserter?
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P for Popular?
Question from a complete beginner:
How important is it to understand grammar? If I was intending to only read japanese, how would grammar benefit me? As I imagine it, simply understanding the words would let me understand the sentence, regardless of the sentence structure, assuming it's not vastly different to English. Is this incorrect?
>simply understanding the words would let me understand the sentence
You'd know this is wrong if you ever learned any other language or even bothered thinking about it a bit.
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>assuming it's not vastly different to English
take an english sentence and take out the grammar, see if you can understand it
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Anyone read No Longer Human in the original? How long would it take to understand it?
Between now and forever.
If you can read eroge fluently you won't have trouble with it either.
sentence grammar take understand english out see you an and the if can it take

That doesn't sound so bad.
>people always say eroge is the pinnacle of easiness
>pick up taimanin asagi
>tons of government terms along with political terms and position names like minister of some shit
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its almost like they're part of the language
>people always say eroge is the pinnacle of easiness
No one has ever said that. Eroge writers are generally more obtuse and harder to read than normal book writers. Of course the stuff talked about in djt is gonna be easy.
Understanding grammar is important because you need to be able to get where words start and end because there are so many hiragana words. The issue is all the grammar guides I've looked at kind of suck at explaining things, either going in to too much detail or not enough.

The important things I'd stress to a total newbie are that verbs and adjectives tend to have an okurigana, which are hiragana attached to kanji, like 大きい (big) or 見る (see). Those are important because you use those to change the meaning of the word, like 大こない meaning "not big" or 見ない meaning "not see" or 見せる meaning "to show". Similarly, words ending with okurigana ending in a る or other う sound tend to be verbs and words ending in い are probably adjectives. That stuff is important and you want to be aware of it going in to vocabulary study, or else may start reading up on grammar and realize there was a whole aspect of study you were missing out on.
Look I learned 5k words from core without doing more than maybe 5 hours of grammar study and I could not understand shit unless it was a short sentence and context made it obvious. Now the upside is that when I learned a bit of grammar the words I used became insanely useful, but you need some amount of balance.
>万引き(まんびき) - shoplifting, shoplifter

So, if you pull 10.000, you're a shoplifter.
Why are you reading エロゲ if you don't get off on the convoluted plot?
Is this a joke? I find it hard to believe someone would be this foolish.

What's the function of the ・ in the middle of 経済 and 労働問題?
I love learning languages, but vocab is always the hardest part for me, so in Kanji ever my worst nightmare. Is there a method or trick to help me with it? I've left it and come back multiple times, but the whole "one character is one word thing" just makes the language way more difficult than phonetic ones.

What pisses me off about it is that the language could totally be phonetic and not suffer at all. They had no reason to implement Kanji, unlike Chinese. Yeah, I know the history behind how they came to use it and stuff, but it would be way easier to learn if it was phonetic.
Ah, cheers.
Oh I see, so it's not very hard to read. For some reason I assumed it had difficult writing.
>it would be way easier to learn if it was phonetic
Not true at all. Learning Kanji is easy with spaced repetition no matter how you do it and Kanji give vital clues about what word is actually meant. With the limited amount of sounds there are in Japanese there are quite a few homophones. Kanji helps out. Sentences would also be harder to read because it gets more challenging to figure out where a word start and where it ends.
You don't even need any special method, just stop complaining and start studying. I'm probably replying to come copypaste, thinking about it.
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Has anyone of you guys travelled to Japan by himself and not ended up like this guy?
Any advice? I'm German and autistic too
its so perfectly constructed (You) bait its pretty embarrassing to reply to it
Yeah, that's true. Never thought about that. Guess there's no away just crunching it. And no, it's not pasta. Thanks for replying.
Go to /int/. This thread is learning Japanese for the sole purpose of consuming media.
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Rosetta Stone is pretty fun as a beginner.
If you use hebpurn you're never going to learn japanese. Nihon siki is the only true romanization system.
Real men use Learner's Romaji.

I have to run my chrome browser at 175% zoom to read kanji, and I'm farsighted with nearly perfect vision. How the fuck does everyone do this? Does everyone just use binoculars or what?
Read more. You'll start seeing the general shape and not needing to make out the radicals.
Make a screenshot of how it normally looks.
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You're just bad, though.
目が。。 いた
Read more. Zoom back out once you figure out what a word is so you get used to seeing it small.
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I don't get it?
Gotta use the Japanesiest characters to get the most japanified words
any tutorials for parsing a visual novel script for vocabulary and turning it into an anki deck?
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>romanizing at all
Probably because you use romanji
Set up ITH + Rikaisama Auto Importer. Go through the VN manually parsing it and adding words to Anki. By the time you have finished parsing you will have an Anki deck and you will have read a visual novel.
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>he doesn't exclusively use historical kana orthography
I haven't written such a thing but I happen to be an expert on this topic.


Take something here to rip the script then either mine it manually or feed it to an analyzer.
Nuances in writing and pronunciation can change the meaning of a word, which might be imperceptible or wrong through very flawed romanization methods.

病院 = びょういん - byouin
美容院 = びよういん - biyouin

One of them is a hospital, the other is a beauty salon.
Seems like a silly way to try and show that.

Not at all, but "romanji" is wrong and it is not the fault of romanized Japanese that the dude arbitrarily makes up words.
It's like if he asks why she is learning "Hirangana" and she will correct him, saying it's ひらがな. It just doesn't really make sense.

I agree with that but I don't feel that is the message the comic gives.
I don't think you get it either, anon.
I cant understand the last part. たって is the "even" but I don't see the meaning or implication of でなく
I don't know which tools specifically, but I'm pretty sure you can use these https://sourceforge.net/u/cb4960/profile/ to do just that
Bad idea, these use a low quality morphological analyzer.
Yeah, I probably made more a case for why Kanji is necessary instead of why romanization is not the way to go.

A better example would have been to list all the different words with "kiru" or "kuro" readings.
Is there a way to add furigana onto webpages with Japanese?

I want to switch my language on Facebook to Japanese but I know I'm going to struggle with the kanji and I don't want to have to go to Google Translate every time I see kanji I'm unfamiliar with. I have the Furigana Inserter addon via Firefox but that shit don't work. It apparently worked years ago but as far as I know it hasn't been updated since.
Try learning the words. Facebook isn't exactly classic high class literature.
Do you have Rikaisama? If not, get it.

Anything that automatically adds furigana will have so many errors that it isn't even worth using.
Couldn't you just use rikai anyway?
You know how I know you're new?
私でない is a negative statement, "is not me," and then たって attaches to the 連用形 なく to give an "even if..." meaning. Altogether, it means something similar to 私じゃなくても, 私じゃないとしても.
I want to write "Will X eventually come to Y?" in polite speech. Does the following work, if not what's the best way?
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I can't seem to get audio and video to show up in subs2srs made flashcards. The import works fine and I can see that the files get properly made but Anki doesn't seem to want to play the video and audio. Anyone got an idea what I might have done wrong? It's not the styling, video and audio are on the back as they should be.
Alright I did a stupid mistake, I just had to move the media files manually into the Anki media folder so that is solved. I still can't seem to properly play videos however. Anki seems to attempt to open a separate video player and it closes before I can even see the video.
That's what happens when you try to be a fancy ass and add videos into your cards for no good reason.
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I believe having audio and video will make whatever flashcard I review that much more memorable.

It seems I can play video properly now on my phone but there has to be a way to embed the video player inside Anki right? Please help.
What the fuck is this setup? Seems like a waste of time to me.
How long does it take you to add a video for each card?
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It seems Anki uses this video player that I have seen popping in and out but there is no section about my issue, namely that it doesn't stay within Anki and just awkwardly starts and disappears in the backgrounds playing a 2 second clip.

Well, in Anime you have a near infinite source of translated audio and video material. Why not use it for flashcards? The only issue I still have is playing video inside Anki which this mplayer is supposed to do. But obviously there is some kind of issue with video playback.

The only thing I do is put the English and Japanese subtitle (might have to point sync them first) into sub2srs and it automatically creates flashcards with video, audio and the translation. You can see it in the first screenshot.
at the end of the day you save a lot more time using pre made decks
How does it feel to never be able to learn Japanese?
Where can you find premade decks based on anime with audio and video? Or even more specific, the anime I'm currently watching. This is just dumb. It takes no time to make these cards.

I don't know. How does it?

If you could isolate a single word as the front of the card then sub2srs cards would probably be worthwhile, but when you memorise a whole sentence you'll end up just using other parts of the sentence as a cue and the words which you wanted to learn often won't come to you when you need them in a new context.
I'm not memorizing sentences. subs2srs lets you import hundreds of sentences at once. I'm just doing it with one sentence right now to try to get it working. I'm just going to do it with gif and audio now but the basic principle is simply that I put in sentences I previously did not understand or had some grammatical structure that was new to me and simply see and read it in full Japanese on the front and if I understood it I press good, no memorizing just comprehension. The English on the back is merely to control myself.
I find it astonishing people here miss the concept of subs2srs so badly.
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Quick question, what's おイモのハンコ?

I'm guessing はんこ is 判子 but I can't find the meaning of イモ

Context is that Fuuka is asking how Ena made an elaborate postcard and her response is to the left
imouto :^)
look it up in google.

Did that for at least 10 min before I posted here. Funny that the thought of answering answering a simple question triggers you so badly.
No you didn't.
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she's talking about cutting a potato into the shape of a stamp
japanesedecks dot blogspot dot jp

Since we are talking about subs2srs, this site has a bunch of premade decks for it.

I'm not sure what my strategy would be for sub2srs deck. I know one guy who was using it a lot for French and Spanish and I think he said he deleted 90% of the cards and only kept them if they were interesting. That seems like a good strategy.
Wrong. Don't believe this post, he's trying to fuck up your learning.
Anki is for memorisation, right? You use it to associate the information on the front of the card with an answer on the back. This is elementary shit.
Your brain will use any information it can find on the front of that card to link it with what is on the back, there's nothing you can do to stop it. If there's sentences on the front of your cards, (and you are trying to recall what's on the back when you review them like you're supposed to) then you are memorising sentences, there's no question about it. With the back of the card you can pick and choose what you pay attention to to some extent, but with the front integrity really matters, there's no way around it.
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i am never going to be able to read japanese without furigana

but i am okay with that
How useful is the sound in the Core decks?
Honestly, though, you'd be better off just watching Japanese Teletubbies than adding videos to super basic stuff like that.

It's pretty nice if you wanna learn, you know, pitch accent.
An invaluable asset. You're pronouncing everything wrong.
Fair enough.

I'm not.
Why exactly does it sound like that? Did the woman just turn 80 years old all of a sudden?
probably from an anime or something but I'm not a stupid weeb so I don't get the reference
english sentence take out grammar see understand
that's grammatical though it's just lacking the necessary punctuation

English sentence. Take out grammar. See? Understand?
>I spent 20 minutes the other night trying to figure out what the fuck pic related was.
Are you stupid? Good luck reading any actual handwriting, I guess.
That's still grammatical. Saying English Sentence is in the correct grammatical order. Try Sentence English.
I was merely demonstrating
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Is 中出しの喜び really correct? I'm not outright asking for a translation I'm seriously trying to understand.

Shouldn't it 中出されるの喜び or something? Maybe 中出されの喜び maybe. The point is, shouldn't it be on the passive form for "the pleasure of being cummed inside"?
Japanese has an animacy hierarchy so the valency of relative verbs doesn't actually matter that much.
I have no idea what you are saying so I'll just go with "It could be the way you said but it doesn't actually matter."
This is not wrong.
中出し is a active voice and passive voice.
>中出し is a active voice and passive voice.
How? I thought 出し was simply the masu stem of 出す which means it's the noun form of it.

Are you saying that if I nominalize a verb, then it can act as both active and passive?
You can't separate 中出し.

>Are you saying that if I nominalize a verb, then it can act as both active and passive?
There are cases like that but, you have to memorize 中出し as special case.
Isn't it the same way in English?
>Being beat felt good.
>The beating felt good.
When you're reading something, when do you know it's time to move on to something harder?
>you have to memorize 中出し as special case.
Alright, I can accept that. Thanks familia.

There is still some loss of information there but I guess that is often the case since Japanese is so dependent on context.

Oh, so basically 中出し mean both

>being cummed inside felt good
>cumming inside felt good

by using the same exact sentence and context changing the meaning (中出し being either passive or active voice)?
It's voiceless.

Aren't all nouns voiceless? My synagogue visit to kike kim didn't teach me this
In this case 中出し is noun form.
And 中出し is a active voice and passive voice.
You can't separet because It's noun form.
Verbs can have a voice before being turned into a noun. In this case there's no voice before being turned into a noun.
If you're enjoying it, when you've finished it. If not, then now is the time.
This is a good post.
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中出し is NOT 中出す conjugated. 中出し is it's own word (noun/suru verb) while 中出す doesn't exist.

So if anyone is still in doubt, just consider that 中出し is the actual un-conjugated noun and not a verb. Then there should be no issues.
it's 中+出し(出す). Yes, there is conjugation going on here. And you're an idiot.
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Maybe once upon a time, but not anymore. It is it's own word now.

Fight me.
Not "once upon a time", literally right now. There is nothing remotely morphologically strange about nominalizing a verb, making a compound noun out of the nominalized verb, and then turning that compound noun back into a verb. The nature of 中出し is exactly as I just stated, and you have literally no idea how grammar works.
Find me an instance where 中出す is actually used. Or any conjugation resulting from it and not 中出し or 中出し+する and I'll go away.
the fact that you bothered to take a screenshot of jisho for a word everyone knows only makes you an idiot
There's no such thing as 中出す. I never said there was. >>16917403 didn't imply it either. You're implicitly assuming that people think it would be conjugated to し after it was compounded. This is not the case.
>There's no such thing as 中出す. I never said there was.
Then there is no problem here and you are actually agreeing with me, you are just very angry about doing so.

> >>16917403 didn't imply it either.
He is making conjugations going from 中出す as a starting point, so of course he is implying it's a thing.

It's 2017. Took me 3 buttons pressed to take, save and crop that picture in less than 5 seconds. In fact, you took way longer bothering to write your post than I did with that picture.
>Then there is no problem here and you are actually agreeing with me

Me: "中出し isn't its own word, it's made of 中+出し" >>16917687
You: "Nuh uh, it's not 中出す" >>16917699 >>16917712

>He is making conjugations going from 中出す as a starting point, so of course he is implying it's a thing.
He never stated that, and entire phrases in japanese can be conjugated anyway, not just dictionary verbs.
>you are just very angry about doing so
it's more like you're a fucking idiot and seeing you try to help people that already got their help is a pain in the ass

Don't worry about this, you're just arguing with monkeys
>Find me an instance where 中出す is actually used. Or any conjugation resulting from it and not 中出し or 中出し+する and I'll go away.
Why are you responding to yourself?
>中出し isn't its own word, it's made of 中+出し
I see now. So you are one of those people that go "without isn't actually it's own word, it's with+out :^)".

Well fact is, 中出し is a thing by itself and people should not think of it like 中+出す(then conjugated to し) because it's not. If they do that, then they might assume they just conjugate 出す if they ever need to work on it, which goes to bad shit because it's actually a する verb. Just like >>16917403 did.
Is "The weight of judgment is a necessity
Especially for sinful wandering souls" a good translation?
Is there a better word for 重し? Burden?
oops, pic related.

I agree with this nigga desu
>I see now. So you are one of those people that go "without isn't actually it's own word, it's with+out :^)".
Without is its own word. 中出し isn't. 中出し is much like ordinary phrasal verbs from english like "put out". There's a very big difference, and strawmanning doesn't get you anything.

>Well fact is, 中出し is a thing by itself and people should not think of it like 中+出す(then conjugated to し) because it's not.
Yes, 中出し is a phrase that acts as a suru verb. It's also the completely valid masu stem of 中出す, which is a perfectly valid ordinary japanese phrase, just not a word in its own right because it's not a word of its own, it's a phrase/compound that continues to grammatically act like one, and is not fossilized as 中出し at all as is evidenced by literally any google search you could have thought of to double check your understanding of the situation: >>16917758
Why are you responding to yourself?
>中+出す(then conjugated to し)
he never said that

>There's no such thing as 中出す. I never said there was.
Man are you the same person? If yes then make up your mind.

I never said he did, I said if people do that they end up like >>16917403 which, in case you don't realize, is the person who started all of this. If that person had not done that he wouldn't have been in doubt in the first place.
I'd been using it for a few hours now and I'm in love with it.

Yeah you're right how stupid of me to use Facebook to communicate with Japanese friends and follow pages in Japanese. Using Facebook in Japanese won't help me become more familiar with kanji or vocabulary so I'm just wasting my time.
This might surprise you but when you get responses that say different things that kind of implies that they're from different people.

You are arguing with monkeys. 安心しろ
>I never said he did, I said if people do that they end up like >>16917403 which, in case you don't realize, is the person who started all of this. If that person had not done that he wouldn't have been in doubt in the first place.
That person never assumed that in the first place. You just assumed they did. Which is patronizing and toxic, especially because you discredited the other people that helped them. In short: fuck off.
Why are you responding to yourself?
And thats why the post worked based on IF's. I was unsure if it was the same person.

Maybe you didn't read it though, you just hurried to shit flinging. Good going.
That was why I couldn't see it. I couldn't imagine writing そ using two strokes, and my focus was on the top z instead of the lower section. So yeah, I'm sure I'll have the same issue reading handwriting. At least I'm aware that most of the time they turn the squares in to circles.

Point still is fonts will mess you up if you haven't been looking at them and you aren't aware of what the critical aspects of any individual character are.
Yes, your passive aggressive "uncertainty" is truly valid of my intentful consideration.
It did not discredited the person who helped him, because the guy who helped him told him it was a special case. That doesn't stop being true.
Apparently you didn't even keep track of the original conversation, because multiple people responded to explain what was going on, not just you. You're not special.
and y'all niggas know of any podcasts or some such with direct .mp3 download pages I could grab for listening practice? I'm going to be offline for like two years.
I'm not a nigger.
>passive aggressive
Now you are just projecting really hard. If you actually stop and read, you'll realize you guys are the ones being aggressive as fuck.

That was a genuine if sentence. In case you were the same person, since we were in the same conversation, then make up your mind.
I'm being literally aggressive. You're being passive aggressive. There's a difference. Veiling it and pretending you're acting in good faith when you're defending jumping into something (that you were wrong about) to be a dick is, yes, in fact, bad.
>not just you. You're not special.
I just mentioned the post that ended up helping the guy in the end, so clearly I'm not implying it was just me.

This guy posted the help >>16917516 and in response here is the question person >>16917565 being satisfied. I just refereed to this in the post you replied to.

He said it was a special case, and he continues to be right. I did not discredit him.
What happened to taking it easy?
Anon. More than one person helped him. There's more people that responded to the original post with valid answers than the one you just quoted.
While that is true, the question person quotes 2 posts in his "alright I got it" post. You can assume that those 2 posts were the ones that helped him out and I did not discredit any of them.

I agree with them both.
>jumping into something (that you were wrong about) to be a dick
I wasn't wrong about it, and how was that being a dick? I literally said "if anyone is still in doubt, this helps". How on earth is that a person trying to be a dick?

Damn son.
Yes, congratulations, you found a way to consider a small number of posts as the ones that helped anon, rather than all of the valid responses, while continuing to post something of your own to help him.
I see now. So you are one of those people that go "without is actually it's own word, it has nothing to do with "with" or "out" :^)".
You are currently going off topic to defend yourself against at least two people who thought you were wrong/rude, and haven't conceded on anything you said.

Think about what you're doing. Close your web browser and take a shower or something. This is pathetic. Pride doesn't matter.
I do the same thing. It's because I tell myself that one day in the future I'm going to start doing Anki again.
A lot of those are just slight Chinese or kyuujitai variants on common characters.
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Been doing this for a while. At this point all my viewed words are probably up for review at once.
Dude that's fucking weak. I have 13000 mature anki cards and more than 10000 unseen mined cards at this point. I really don't think anyone should stop doing Anki until they've gotten around 10k mature cards.
I know but reading is so much more fun. Besides you are clearly going at it for waaay longer than me.
Which is the best archival website if, say, I wanted to download a couple hundred DJTs' to keep my company? fuck, just any archive website

also c'mon stink niggers I need podcasts

and stop leaving your chicken bones on the sidewalk
I can't even speak english.
I mean threads that've already happened and are already archived. I'd just use wget or ctrl+s to save them.
First for threads that are still alive on 4chan's site.
Second for copying existing archives.
where are the threads anon
desuarchive and warosu
This might be slightly off topic but holy shit sometimes I feel like it's 10x harder to find raw manga than it is to find the translations. And when I do, the quality of the scam or just lines in general is clearly inferior.
Indeed. The worst is when the only place that has the series you want is a blog that was last updated in 2011 and, if the files are still up, they're all hosted on some godawful site that makes you complete 6 captchas, wait 15 minutes to download, and 24 hours before the next download.
Then again, I don't use PD/Share. Maybe those are better.
It's hard to get into. I have like ~30gb of raw manga downloaded but it's just from jcafe, nyaa and madokami. Hopefully by the time that's exhausted you or I'll have access to proper 10,000 times-folded japanese-language illegal filesharing websites and then bring that knowledge back to save mankind.
This is why I bought a kindle.
My best guess is that the author is a cretin
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Can anyone else out what this is?

is what my mind told me as soon as I saw it.

Also, when asking people to identify handwritten kanji, please post the full page/sentence if possible.
Thank you.
Does this say it was built 100 years ago, or that it looks like it could withstand 100 years?
seems 100 years could have passed since it was built
You have to memorize 貧乳 together also.
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Free yourself from 出来ないちゃん.
good image

but i'm not gonna lie, anki was a huge boost for me at the beginning. dropped it later on though and haven't looked back. except occasionally when i wonder if i wouldn't be better off in terms of results, not mental health, if i was still doing anki
I almost have all of hiragana memorized

How much harder is memorizig various Kanji? Can I get away with ~5 per day like with hiragana or is that unreasonable?
You should learn vocab instead.

I thought that was what I would be doing
とお vs じゅう
Whats the difference please? My Textbook just says they both mean Ten.
Kanji =/= vocab
You can change the number of new cards on Anki to find a pace you're comfortable with.
kun and on readings, used for counting different things
That's like "deca" vs "ten"

they both mean 10, but one is used in everyday speech and the other is used in compound words and such
Revision is a huge boost to retaining information so it would be hard to argue that something like Anki wouldn't be a huge boost over nothing.
As for the image, it was just a meme I wanted to throw together on the spur of the moment while after being prompted by something in another thread. Loli porn makes for great reaction images.

I see. I don't understand the difference. I will stick with the Kana for now anyways and maybe will understand later.
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give in
The difference is covered in pretty much every beginner guide, but yeah, I would suggesting getting kana out of the way first.
辞 = kanji
辞める = word which uses aforementioned kanji
What are you learning about the kanji in particular?
>>How much harder is memorizig various Kanji? Can I get away with ~5 per day like with hiragana or is that unreasonable?
Kana should legitimately take you a day, 2 if you're on the lazy side.

5 a day is an abysmally slow pace, especially for something like kana where you really don't have to go over them that much, because you'll see them so often that revision doesn't add anything.

Kanji study is a minimum of 20 a day. People will tell you to learn words, but that's just because they're dumb, and think that learning 20,000 words is somehow easier if you don't know any of the component blocks, despite them taking a tenth of the time to learn.

I'm not learning any of it yet. I'm just pleaseantly suprised at the rate at which I'm learning hiragana and am wondering if it's possible to keep this pace or if it will slow down.

Ah, well I only really have an hour a day, so I was happy with 5 a day. Maybe that is far too slow. It is difficult to find more time with school and work however.
It really doesn't matter, do it at your own pace. Learning Japanese is not a race or competition. Strive for progress, not numbers.
It takes me half that to do 300 cards a day.

You're spending 10 minutes on あ. How is there that much to learn about it? Something like that should take you a minute, tops, and that's just because you're not used to it yet.

You're underestimating your brain by a lot if you think you can only deal with 5 new symbols a day. Kids learn that much without even putting in any effort, and you've got an hour to concentrate on something for.

If you're sat there, drilling the kana over and over, there's no point. If you forget it tomorrow, it doesn't matter. Basic reading alone will reinforce kana for the rest of your life, there's no need to drill it more than once for 80% of them, maybe twice for the other 20%.

I see your point. I will strive for more tomorrow. I did not want to rush in without a good foundation, and learning the alphabets seemed important.

Children learn faster, but I am 30, so my learning ability has slowed down in comparison.

I used this drag and drop game for Hiragana. Its really not the best but it helped me at the start






Children don't learn faster, they're just in school most of the time.

Kana isn't the foundation. Grammar is. If you mess up a kana, the worst that can happen is that something reads like gibberish, so you go back and double-check. If you mess up grammar, you can read a sentence completely wrong.

The only way to actually strengthen kana is over time, through reading. It'll come very naturally, there's not much point in trying to grind it out.
Never gonna make it breh
>Children learn faster, but I am 30, so my learning ability has slowed down in comparison.
I started when i was 29, 30 now. It's really not that bad.
And the latest research points to language being absorbed even younger than we thought, and plasticity of definitions locking out soon after. If you weren't brought up bilingual, chances are it is already too late and the cutoff for this advantage is lost quite early on in age.

The neurons won't form a carousel for a words definition, its a straight track from then on for monolinguals.
Anki is a tool first and foremost. If a hammer is for hitting nails into walls it doesn't mean I can't use it to break a window or smash someone's head in. As for memorizing sentences, no I am still not. You are not making any sense. If I have a Japanese sentence on the front and I understand it I mark it as good. Even IF I remember the translation word for word it will just mean I know what the phrase means doesn't it? So what would the issue with that be? That is of course assuming I am memorizing the translation, which I am not. Anki doesn't help you memorize things if you don't actively try to recall the information on the back. That is a simple fact.

Another thing subs2srs is good for is listening practice. You can extract pure audio and have the transcription on the back. Cards take no time to make and you have as much audio available as there is subbed anime.



For someone who is essentially a beginner, I've gone through "Tyler Kim" and read through a good bit of よつば's first volume without too much help from the "reading guide".
About how brutal should something like 穢翼のユースティア be with a text hooker?
I want to try reading a VN whilst avoiding something like はなひら, after reading what that's mostly about.
What you're training isn't comprehension, it's rote memorisation of sentences.

While you might think that you're understanding them, in reality, your brain is just picking up on the flow of the sentence, where the kanji are, and how it starts to deliver the same stock answer every time.

If you learn what "the cat sat on the mat" means, that doesn't mean you know what "sat", or "the" mean. Only by learning those individual words in isolation can you develop the ability to piece them together mentally and actually comprehend the sentence.
Knowing the words is a prerequisite. What gave you the impression that I am ignoring vocabulary?
Now the rest might be true if done with 1-2 sentences. But remember, subs2srs lets you turn anything said in anime into flashcard. This equals a couple hundred phrases in one episode. Thousands for one season of anime. The sheer quantity negates the merely remembering effect. There comes a point where merely knowing the words doesn't do because a whole ton of sayings are rather colloquial and don't necessarily adhere to established rules. You can also get used to unique accents and unusual ways of speaking. As I only go for comprehension I will not see one sentence very often as chances are I will understand it most of the time. Again, I never said I'm not learning words. Why would I not be?
Considering you sound like you'd use a J-E dictionary, I don't think you should go for it.
For the second it would have to be something like 建てられて百年経っても崩れなさそうな...
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I'm assuming this is something like "It seems my lesson today is that if I sleep to the last minute Shu will wake me up."
Does the generic object counter work past 10?
After 十(とお), I don't think I've ever seen anything like 11つ.
Is it just impossible to count objects in Japanese unless you force yourself to use the closest fitting counter?

He doesn't get up to the limit every day as much as waking him up becomes my daily routine.
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1こ 1つ ひとつ
2こ 2つ ふたつ
3こ 3つ みっつ
4こ 4つ よっつ
5こ 5つ いつつ
6こ 6つ むっつ
7こ 7つ ななつ
8こ 8つ やっつ
9こ 9つ ここのつ
10こ 10 とお
>People will tell you to learn words, but that's just because they're dumb

Why not both? Its not like you can't learn a Kanji and a word at the same time.
This. Absolutely this. When I learn a kanji, I need to know where I can use it. Sure, if I see it by itself, I can identify it and even know its reading and meaning by itself, but if I don't know where to use it, doesn't do me much good. Especially in the cases where the compound word is not obvious.
Most jouyou kanji are so common there's not a huge difference between learning 1 word off the bat and learning 0.

For uncommon kanji it becomes almost mandatory to learn an example word (maybe even all the words it appears in) if not just to justify the time you're spending (wasting) but there's no need for that for common ones.

Then again, I'm not about to tell you not to waste seconds of your time, because that's really all that it takes.
Having thousands of cards isn't going to "negate the remembering effect", because anki specifically times your reviews in such a way as you are most likely to memorise the content of the card. If you don't want to memorise the content of your flashcards then putting them in anki is just about the stupidest thing you could possibly do.

What baffles me most of all however is, if you're not trying to memorise anything why on earth are you wasting your time with flashcards? It is possible to use anki simply as a way of scheduling a particular type of exercise, but in this case you must vary the content of the exercise or you will just end up remembering the answer. If all you're doing is reading anime sentences, why don't you just open a new episode rather than rehashing sentences you've done already?
It doesn't matter how Anki times cards. I can only repeat myself, if you don't try to remember the back, you will not remember it. But perhaps it is wrong to say that I am not remembering per se. I am remembering the meaning of a phrase or special expression, not the literal translation. And what's wrong with that? It doesn't even matter if I just remember the literal translation because I will still have gained understanding of that phrase and will know what it means when it pops up in the future. It is no different than vocabulary cards. I am a flip flopping a little bit but we seem to have established remembering is bad earlier, and to be honest I don't agree.
Look at it like this:
There is this phrase, line of dialogue or whatever that I did not understand. Now I looked at the explanation and know what it means. But if I don't see it again I will simply forget it and this is where Anki comes in. Opening a new episode won't solve that. Of course you could argue that if I don't see it again, I will not need to remember it but I'd like to achieve full understanding of Japanese. I mark everything I would like to keep understanding and as the time passes I will check my understanding of that sentence.
I've been away for a while, why the change from /a/ to /jp/?
Hot pockets are arbitrary.
>It doesn't matter how Anki times cards. I can only repeat myself, if you don't try to remember the back, you will not remember it.
Anybody who has been alive as a human knows that is wrong. You memorise things without conscious effort all the time.
>we seem to have established remembering is bad earlier, and to be honest I don't agree.
It's not actively bad, just a waste of your time. If you genuinely enjoy memorising sentences then of course go ahead.
>There is this phrase, line of dialogue or whatever that I did not understand.
Then isolate the parts you don't understand, whether they are words or grammar points, and review them individually. The sentence can be set aside as a reference, but not used as the trigger, because otherwise when you do this:
>as the time passes I will check my understanding of that sentence.
Your incidental memories will interfere with the integrity of that check.
what do I search here to get the DJT threads? I can't find shit

Responding to a 11-hour dead argument. Yeah. Toxic.
Press advanced search
That was advanced search. Halp. Only get four threads from 2014-15 with this.
take a look at the OP, then look at your search parameters
What are you even trying to do?
Oh. I didn't notice text to find referred to the body of the post. I'm sorry.

Your mother.
That was rude; I'm sorry. I'm going to go through these pages and download a couple hundred DJTs so I have something to read.


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I just wanted to know if I could be of assistance.
My hand is itchy, anon.
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Somewhat worried about my mature retention lately. It used to be around 87-88% a few months back. Is the gap between young and mature percentage worrying or is this a consequence of the sheer amount of cards in the deck?
Sheer amount of cards.
Is getting high correct scores like that an IQ thing? I have a hard time remembering shit without like 5 or 6 presses, and even then it's spotty. Maybe I'm just too fat.
No, IQ isn't closely associated with rote memory.
Don't know, I have pretty good short term memory but no idea where that comes from.
your genes or placebo.
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Who has more mature cards than me?
I (different person) get high scores like that because I use mnemonics for everything.
Post your kanji grid.

Is anyone doing this? What is your feedback?
It sounded like a nice idea to follow this on memrise, but for me identifying the meaning of the kanji alone is not enough, I must know the readings and some vocab. I'd find myself going back and forth between memrise and jisho to see the readings and some examples of the use of the kanji.
But what made me export this deck from memrise to anki and modify it to add the readings and some vocab examples was really the reviews system.
For me it was a pain to do them separately. And the fact that you only get a fraction of the points for doing reviews as you would for learning new content drives me crazy. I didn't have any incentive to review kanji because if I wanted to complete the daily goal, all I had to do was power through a lesson or two to make the points necessary for that day, even if I forget everything 5 minutes after I finish.
Anki, on the other hand, gives me discipline.

If you go to the old, old /a/ threads, you'd really have one DAILY Japanese Thread, in which the OP would post a new kanji. Good times.


Maybe drop the tripcode and just post images with a special filename. That way you can still be filtered but it's not fucking annoying.
how long since you started?
Which outdated kanji do you like most?

My favorite is 瞞す over 騙す
This is a weird translation

More naturally it means

>I wake up shu when he's sleeping in so much that it's becoming part of my daily routine.



2 years and 3 months.
Maybe consider making good posts instead of bad ones.
Your IP address disagrees
It's pretty simple. I read it as my third or so.
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Also just went through my Eustia screenshots and found this. Very fitting for DJT
Alright, thanks.
Someone else replied and suggested I not try it seeing as I'd probably using J-E dictionary translations, is that so bad to do as a beginner?
Not sure how to really get the gist / meaning of a word otherwise initially.
All beginners do that, it's fine.
>is that so bad to do as a beginner?
Not at all. I and pretty much everyone else did too at the beginning. I'd say read about 10-15~ VNs and then switch to J-J, that should be about the time when you can handle it.
I'd also recommend doing a mining deck if you aren't already.
its a crutch that can lead to bad habits with understanding but whether or not you become dependent on that is up to you

also read w.e you want but i suggest things literally for children who still poop in their drawers to reinforce good feelings as opposed to jumping into the <meme deep eroge writer here> library and reinforcing bad ones

youre supposed to read at and slightly above reading level for a reason
Cool, thanks a lot, I appreciate it.

Yeah, I can see how it'd become a crutch and it's something I'd love to break asap but I feel like I'm a bit off from that.
As for reading things at a kid's level, I've been handling Yotsuba pretty well, it actually feels pretty damn amazing reading through it and not needing much in the way of having to look up words.
Had more issue trying to read some of the handwritten kana than understanding what's being said.
yotsuba honestly is two or three levels up from where you should ideally start imo. id read it after youve mastered your ehons such as はらぺこあおむし and どこにあるのぼくのいろ and can write kana from memory and then arrange them into words to express basic ideas to your mommy
It's not funny.
you wouldn't have links to those, would you?
Don't listen to the village idiot. He spent a decade reaching his current pathetic level and hangs around here to trick beginners into following his path of failure.
I mean, I don't appreciate the stock passive-aggressive lowercase one liners either, but that was a legitimate post, and those books take like 5 minutes to read anyway.
i dont know where to steal books for children but i have a suspicion you might find something to meet your needs on youtube if you try to look

why you get so mad at the idea of starting from the bottom

you just end up there anyway if you neglect the basics

your post describes djt fairly well though so maybe youre reflecting on yourself there as you project
I'd like to thank you guys.

I have been learning Japanese for a few months now and I am making good progress, but that really isn't the reason. It is only through this place that I found Anki and so far it has been an immense improvement of my life. I have to remember a whole ton of stuff for my studying and I always forget it after exams. I could never remember names or phone numbers and I was a loser at geography. Now people think I am some kind of genius who never forgets anything and I can prepare for exams months in advance without worrying about it slipping my mind. I wish I'd have found out about SRS earlier because the advantage it gives you in daily life is simply enormous.
Yeah I have become a walking telephone book in my friends circle, work and family. People just come to me when they want to contact someone and I pull out the appropriate number out of about 300~ saved in my brain and increasing every day. Feels good to be useful!



I'm a beginner myself, so I'm just putting this in the room and awaiting opinions. I haven't completed it myself yet.

Many people complain about Rosetta Stone not giving you grammar explanations and them not benefitting from it because they didn't understand anything. But if you put it to display full Kanji, isn't it a good way to get started after you laid the basics in grammar because it completely immerses you in Japanese, reinforces the grammar rules you hopefully learned elsewhere and pretty much exclusively teaches basic vocabulary (which can also be reinforced in Anki)? It is also clean, formal Japanese without anything weird to confuse you at start. Of course, buying it is retarded, but I think pirating it as a way to reinforce the basics of basics and just reading real Japanese is better than texts aimed at children, stripped of all Kanji.

位 means what here?
The problem with rosetta stone is that it's just too simple. It's actually better than people meme about it being, but it's not worth the money, and it will only take you to a trivial level that's easy to reach even if you don't know what you're doing and try to teach yourself everything.
the reason i recommend ehons is not because they dont have kanji but because they are simple to understand and use day 1 shit you learned at tyler kims a lot of the time

theres ones that have kanji in them too if you really wanna be a big kid btw
I've started ( Genki 1 ) textbook and plan to move on to ( Genki 2 ) for Grammar and some Vocabulary. aswell as Tae Kims Guid to Grammar.
I plan to buy ( Remembering the Kanji ) textbook to learn Kanji

for Reviewing i use Anki app

For practice I plan on using italki to get native speakers ( i don't live in japan so its a issue )
oh it's THAT くらい? i was because the rikai doesn't show any similar definition at all
I'm another anon. Not a fan of RTK myself, but sounds like a good plan.
Don't forget to read native stuff like manga or any other form of written text you like. It really helps you nailing everything down and put things into context.
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Only the 6th definition, but Yomichan managed to pick it up.
downloaded the 6k deck since anki messed up on me because of the email reverification thing. I literally used a mined deck for three years and the whole thing confused me so i just downloaded the 6k deck. I finished the 2k two years ago or so and have read and listened extensively. How long do you think it will take for me to finosh the 6k?
You don't have backups?
No i never made one. I might still have one saved on my cpu but idk...i never really cared tonmake a long term one.
anki automatically makes backups
Do you have brain damage or why are you starting Anki after 3 years, with a premade deck of words you should already know all of? Just go read more.
Ahh than i should probably look than. I havent really played around with even after 3 years of using it daily. I try to keep it simple.

Ive read a ton but anki is still good to have. I dont take it too seriously just something i do daily to review. Ive got it but im breezing through it.
I prefer the translation 中出しされるときの快感
I've done about 4k words on the core 6k.
Can I pass JLPT N3 this July?
Still don't know a lot of stuff on Tanos vocab list
Post your J-CAT score.
cant you just google prep materials for that test and then decide for yourself if youre doin good or not
Why, Japan?
I cant seem to log into the account.
But it was between 150-200 at the least -- back in Jan.
Same meaning, same kanji, two words. I can see no difference between them.



きー だよ
Ah, I see. So you're just retarded.


It seems like 材木 is especially used to refer to wood that has been processed into boards to be used for construction, while 木材 is more generally trees that have been cut down to be used as some kind of material but that have not been processed yet.

lumber vs timber
Thanks, anon.






Fuck off forever
How do I say "Read more"?

Pretty sure it's not もっと
The only person you're going to want to say that to is yourself.
>all this talk about global warming in Yotsuba

You people told me this was beginner material
地球 - Earth
温暖 - warmth
化 - change
Global warming is the biggest problem facing the world today. It is good to learn important words like that sooner rather than later. In Japan, it is generally a baby's 3rd word, after mother and father.
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not the existential threat of societal control through big data? you're already cooked a thousand times and you don't even know it

dear /jp/ mod: thank you for your service


>not talking to yourself in Japanese
It's like you don't want to learn.
/g/ かえれ
>read 五車学園 as ごしゃがくえん for hours
>after a while in the VN someone with a voice says it
>it was ごぐるまがくえん all along
Is there a way to avoid this? I feel terrible.
/g/'s a consumerist board
Not really. the way that you can add furigana to a website is to actually add it to the HTML. Since Facebook wasn't designed that way, you're shit out of luck.

ぼく の ひご
>read your post
>think the same exact thing
>post is about that very thing
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I'm at kanji 484 with Heisig
>for no good reason
Fuck off you cancerous sperg, deal with the fact that not all anons approach Japanese the exact same way as you do.





>jiggy jiggy fooney
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Dumb question but how do I end an email to my sensei?

I've always used ありがとうございます, enter key, then my name, but I feel like that's not appropriate enough.
don't worry about it, you're a filthy gaijin that didn't grow up under the same social pressures, they know that
I think you're supposed to say よろしくお願いします.
I don't think that means what you think it means.

I want somebody to kill (me).

I want (you) to be killed by somebody.
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>i'd rather spend hours adding videos to super easy starter cards than do something that's actually productive in terms of learning
Well, whatever floats your boat, I guess.
I know that but I just want to sound like a decent honorable 外人

I'm a little on the fence about that. The meaning could probably vary depending on the situation but I know that as meaning "nice to meet you."
weaponize autism and face to productivity
It's also what you say when you're asking a favor from someone. Let's say you sent your teacher an email asking to meet with them. Then you'd say よろしくお願いします. ありがとうございます is what you say after something has already been done, so it's actually presumptive to already thank them when they haven't even agreed to it yet. Very different from English.
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yes, I can read simple manga and know fewer than 10 kanjis

in reality I probably know like 650 kanjis if you count the ones I understand the general "meaning" of and can identify their common chinese readings if I see them read that way, but he has the right idea
i know all the kanjis but there all stung together with weird words i dont understand

400 kanji doesn't equal 400 words tho, it may sound misleading to new people
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this is misleading
kanji is not the language, its just what they use for it
Is your teacher native Japanese?
If so you need not be correct.
If not, in the case of you need be correct, you need to say "ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします。".
>kanji is not the language, its just what they use for it
The way I put this is "kanji is just an orthography". That way people don't gloss over what you say, like if you say "just a writing system" or "just what something they use".
O in case you need to be correct
O in the case that you need to be correct
X in the case of you need be correct
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yeah thats where i first heard it but i cbf to spell orthography
spot the esl
or-tho graph-y
"in the case of you need be correct" is not valid English.
but "in the case of 'you need be correct'" is you southern hemisphere dwelling ape
esls dont need it to understand bitch
Thank you my Daily English Thread.
I decide to use that 2nd form.
I'm a native English speaker and I know more English than you. If you want to operate on a quote as a nominal phrase you have to actually quote it. Such things never actually happen in the spoken language unless you say something like quote-on-quote or gesture to insert the punctuation.
Form 1 is the most natural. Form 2 is technically correct and shows up sometimes, especially in technical writing, when they want to avoid the nuances of the form 1.
thanks for prefacing your post to let me know i need not read the rest of it beyond the first sentence
You're welcome, now go take a shower or something instead of sperging out at the things people decide to do on 4chan.
whos sperging i just see another muppet dancing

just like any other day
You apparently
you forgot to put the you in parenthesis in your post how am i supposed to understand your english now
for names and shit most of the time you have to use the jap pronounciation.
dont just randomly guess at shit or something

as for how to avoid it? i guess its actually read more (shit with narration)
Which is you?
I wouldn't even be able talk. I still need to work on my speaking skills.
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found the djt segment lmao
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What did this swede mean with this?
penor train obviously
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ちんちん電車(路面電車) is an ordinary word, but ちんちん is a dirty jokes.
Didn't you know チンチン?
Or you want me to explain it?
Do you guys like writing kanji? I myself feel a thrill remembering and writing. It's just so much fun.
What this guy said, I studied abroad for a semester and you really need friends that are willing to shit-talk your Japanese to learn.

Unfortunately most Japs are too polite to tell you that you sound like an idiot so I had to rely on the Chinese and Korean students to tell me that I was being retarded at times.
Characters tend to enunciate much more clearly in anime. Whereas in normal speak Japs tend to go for 0 emotion monotone speech which makes it much harder to pick apart.
Atleast thats how I feel




Did they actually tell you that you sounded stupid or did they just say what was wrong?






They would laugh and make fun of me a bit and tell me I should know this stuff and then tell me the correct phrase

Fuck chinese people learning Japanese though none of them could understand that Kanji is fucking hard to memorize without having learned the characters your entire life
They sound pretty rude but at least they helped by giving you the right answer.


Any recommendations for easy-ish japanese ps1, ps2, psp, nds, or wii games or VNs? I know the zelda games are easy-ish and have furigana (playing 夢幻の砂時計 right now) but I'm looking for more recommendations or more obscure untranslated titles. They don't necessarily need to have furigana, I'm trying to stop relying on them anyway.
Persona 3 and 4
Mother 2 - Gyiyg no Gyakushuu for the super famicom using higan
yokai watch if you have 3ds. as for it being 'easy' im currently going through genki 2 + other references & 80% on core 6k. any other level 5 games have furigana
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i see who you quoted there.
>Hand + Red = Bathroom
what a retarded language system
赤い = red
洗い = wash
piggyback ride
english, not even once
Is this what happens if you ignore all Kanji writing?
or your lens prescription
What does this phrase mean? Can't find it in Google
Maybe it's saying they're fat or look like 提灯 for some other reason in the context?

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>rotten woman
What did japan mean by this?
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You may or may have not completely missed the point of my post
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teitou? deffo teitou
Welcome to gook words.
Another one I found recently is 松明.
めいにち? めいじつ?
Same thing.
These are actually examples of three different types of readings.

This is a proper 漢語, but read using the 唐音 reading. Words like 椅子 and 布団 are also examples of this.

This is a 外来語 borrowed from modern Chinese. Some people might argue that it's technically 漢語 but しゅう and まい are not recognized as 音読み for those characters in Japanese.

This is a 和語 read using a 熟字訓 reading, where the kanji are chosen for their meaning and the reading is irrelevant (the opposite of 当て字).
Thanks for the clarification, 先生. I had no clue.


Does 下手 (へた) classify as a 和語 with 熟字訓 reading?
Is there a database with those readings? Jisho gave me nothing.
Yes, the Wikipedia article >>16926206 posted lists it.
Ah, thanks a lot.
Where can I find light novels in Japanese? I want to read NHK ni youkoso
>DJT library
Anyone knows this kanji? I am transcribing manga to practice Japanese by translating it, but I hadn't seen this before and I don't even know how to write it.
thanks dude
I can't believe it was the font having the character drawn somewhat different.
>drop tae kim before the end and start reading
>a month or two later I come back to finish
>turns out I already knew most of the grammar I didn't do on tae kim from reading
I feel like I should have started reading even sooner.
>I am transcribing manga to practice Japanese by translating it
That's about the worst possible thing you can do.
If you couldn't recognize that symbol, then there is a lot of studying to do before "translating" manga.
>>16926456 (意訳版)



What are some good manga / light novel to read as a beginner?
The one you want to read the most.
Apparently we had to do this twice in one thread.
can someone explain the title "子供はわかってあげない"?
since i've seen the title, it's always confused me. てあげる just seems so odd to me when attached to わかる.
Reading this, I feel like it takes much longer than it should just deciphering the slang. It's not that bad after a bit of reading, but for most that went from grammar books learning "proper" Japanese to this will be a little overwhelmed. I'd probably think VNs are better for beginners anyways, given how easy word lookup is.
I've seen that no matter what you start with you'll struggle at first. I remember the first thing I did as soon as I started was play the Love Plus games. Oh boy, it was mentally draining to even go through the "mails" the girls send you.

However it gets better over time, but I would really recommend reading whatever you want instead of going through the "easy" ones. I remember mining some words from To Love Ru: Darkness since it was fairly easy to read, maintained my interest through the power of ero and I was desperate so always relied on raws anyways.
Yotsuba is probably the easiest ways to learn that slang thanks to the Yotsuba Reading Pack.
Out of curiosity, what slangs are you guys talking about? Stuff like saying あい sounds as えー and shit?


What does that mean?
He is his wife's thing. He belongs to his wife.
I think you need some restraint on just picking up whatever you want, since you still want to enjoy what you're reading and not have it feel like a chore. I'll probably be in the same position anyways, since I can't seem to find a beginner VN that isn't a moege or actually has a plot. It'll be a bog either way.

I struggled with contractions, like それでは to そりゃ or 言っていた to 言ってた when I first started.
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I've got a few questions regarding this page


I'm guessing 今の is an abbreviation for another word because の can only be the subject particle in relatives clauses, and "under of now" doesn't make sense. What's the use of の here?


I'm guessing this isn't だって meaning "too/even/because" and that it's just ヒモの下だ with って signifying that this is what he observed/saw, is this correct?


In Tae Kim's "Casual Patterns and Slang" lesson he gives examples of っつうの meaning like an exasperated "I said X" but I'm not sure where this comes from. というの doesn't have this meaning, so should it just be considered a separate expression? Also, とーちゃん is making that statement for the first time (he's not repeating himself), so I don't know how any statement like っつうの meaning "I said ~" would be valid.


What is this? I'm guessing he's just using 通って to mean "go over-and" and だな as a verbal pause before explaining the rest in the next panel, is this correct?
How many new words do you guys learn per day?
>inb4 anything less than 10
It's 今のは or 今のが. "The one just now"
Yes, it's だ copula + って quoting
"I'm telling you, it was above!"
you are correct
I shoot for 20. Only got 10 in today.
can somebody explain the grammar in


I just don't get the らせちまおう part
10 since 20 would require a lot of reading that I don't have time for.

Does there exist a gameplay VN that surpasses Evenicle?
>explain the grammar
終わる + あ form of last character +せ can only be causative conjugation. So 終わらせる.
ちまう is a contraction of てしまう. So 終わらせてしまう = 終わらせちまう when you are a lazy shit.
お sound of last character + う can only be volitional form conjugation.

So it's 終わる in causative form + てしまう in volitional form. The contraction is not really hard to guess, so you probably need to work on your conjugation skills most likely.
I was having trouble understanding the causative plus the volition, but I get it now.

Shit still gives me issues.
Found an article just for you guys
When you say ケツ, is it more applicable to the anus or the whole ass region?
尻 is to ケツ as buttocks/bottom is to ass.
Left it at 20 in Anki, but I learn a lot more than that from reading whether I like it or not.
To all of the advanced people: what really got you to reach the next level? I feel like I haven't progressed much at all lately and that there is something very important missing from my studies.
is it bad that I started jacking off, and came at 16:12?
I don't regret it.
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