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Eternal Onahole Thread - /ona/ : Subject not in the name field edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 429
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In this thread we discuss and give advice about all sorts of rubber vaginas, asses, dolls and other related products.

Read the guide before asking questions.

Last thread: >>16344948

>pic related

It will be shipped next week. It is my third doll, so the last 2 times it took about a week to get from china to here. So 6 weeks instead of the 5 weeks promised. Oh well.
Im just going to continue edging for hours everyday until she gets here. I haven't came since the day I ordered her, which was December 8th. I cant wait to fill that rubber cunt up with 6 weeks worth of sexual frustration and orgasm denial.
The ass on this doll is ridiculous man.
>pic related

Not my doll, but same model from the factory in China.

>that ass
fuck muh dick
hey all, ordered some shit from japland and its been stuck in outward office of exchange, is the FBI gonna come get me? Been saying that for bout 10 days now so idk
what's the best onahole for me to lick?
are powder lubes decent? I´m between J-lube and Cobeco Male Powder right now, does anyone have any experience with them?
It can stay like that for weeks, specially in present-related dates
mine has been like that for 2 weeks already
>is the FBI gonna come get me?
outward office of exchange means is waiting in some hangar in japan for some free space in a plane, so no FBI yet
thanks m8, guess ill get my escape ready just incase they do show up
Been looking for this thread

Anyway, about to get lolinco, recommend me some loli vifgin okusan hentai/doujin for maximum immersion,
My friend is shilling me to get a tenga fliphole instead of an onahole, I'm looking to purchase my first one so before I do i'd ask for advice
Do you guys wash your new onaholes before use?
Is it a good idea to put itching powder into onahole?
Just used an onahole for the first time. For a while there I thought I was going to have to report back "can't figure out how to penetrate this stupid thing" for everyone to laugh at. It was incredible once I managed it, though I couldn't really feel all the particulars it advertises on the box. I imagine that changes as you get more comfortable using it.

How long does cleanup typically take? Mine took 30-45 minutes, a bit much for my typical fap times which end anywhere from 12 AM to 3 AM. I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong here.
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Got my G-Project Nikuman hole in the mail the other day and fuuuuck it's great.

It's a major dick-bully but it personally feels more pleasurable than most other tight holes I've tried like VA:A. It's more accommodating size-wise as well, so that's a plus.
Nobody does that. Get a real woman for that.

Nobody does that.

Kill yourself.

>30-45 minutes


Just take some Irish Spring, finger the hole and water it out. That takes like 10 minutes tops. Not sure why you wanna wash every single spec inside the hole. Make sure to at least talcom powder the outside. And please make sure your dick is clean.
That fucking box reminds me of Hibari. And thanks for the reminder. I need to order this one. So far none of the American websites have added this.
Wait never mind I wasn't looking very well. Toydemon sells Nikuman.
Anyone tried this before? Gokusai She´s wearing a white Shirt

This is interesting, just add water...

Have to account for lube usage also.

I tend to use less lube on my more stimulating holes while more lube on my softer holes.

I take about 10 mins to clean. Water + soap -> cloth in/out -> quick fan dry.
Yes, pretty much right when I open the box so I don't have to when I actually go to use it.
Tenga is overpriced garbage. Your friend is a moron. I bet he bought it from J-List too
how do you anons wash your dicks after a late night fap? like if you don't want to disturb people or make them wonder why you're showering at 2am?
Stand next to the sink
wet hand
grab dick at base
slide hand off of dick
repeat until all lube is gone
What doll was it?
if i could get a real woman i wouldn't be in this thread
am i supposed to lick the crook of my elbow instead?
Don't knock it til you try it.
How long is your dick /ona/?
Was thinking of getting the Puni Fuwa Mocchi 2000, but I'm not sure how good it would be since mine is longer than the 13cm tunnel length.
The body length is 16cm, so is the tunnel length just the tighter area/not including the entrance or is it the entirety of what your dick would be going through?
Pic related.
I don't have a dick
Lube dick or lube ona
dab your finger and jam it in
dab your penis and give it good rub
The tech I learned from this thread is:
1. Pinch top of onahole.
2. Pour lube in making sure it pools near the entrance.
3. Pinch/Rub lips to get the entrance lubed up.
4. Penetrate and lube yourself and the inside simultaneously.
If I have a 15cm dick, can I comfortably use a 13.5cm onahole?
I've got a 16cm dick and I've used Rina. Destroyed her in 20-25 uses though.
For anybody with a Premium Chastity http://en-nls.com/pict1-43494?c2=9999&incart= I'm looking for furniture/pillow recommendations to allow for extremely easy hands free fucking while browsing a laptop on the floor.

Greatly appreciate any assistance.
Looking at this made me do some experimenting.

I've never masturbated sitting or in an upward position before. Always only on my back. I've just now realized that I don't think it feels good to masturbate otherwise.

Some weird accidental conditioning on my end.
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>Get first ona
>try it
>dont feel much
>now have a big rubber object In my house that if anyone finds it will end me

Do I toss it or stick with it
Why does the google doc in the pastebin have multiple tunnel lengths for some holes?
Is it just differences in manufacturing or can you ask for different sizes?
For example the Puni Hole DX has an entry for a length of 14.5 cm and an entry for 17.5 cm.
Try nofap for a week or longer before you using your ona. Using your hand too much can cause deathgrip, and make rubber toys not as pleasurable for some users.
I ordered a Rend warmer from NLS like 3 weeks ago. Came in last week, defective. Emailed NLS no reply. Been waiting for a damn reply for a week. What do /ona/? Are there anyone else who has issues with the rend warmer? Also how long is they typical wait time for a reply from NLS?
You're probably too scared of being caught that you can't enjoy it properly. Calm down nigga.
what does everyone think of something like this https://www.toydemon.com/love-doll-valentina-masturbator#page2

its sorta appealing to me but ive never tried any full body small scale thing. i wonder if its weird when holding it or seeing it in person.
Same here. I don't think it's healthy though. At least not for my back.

At least one early 20th century psychoanalyst says it's "indicative of feminine attitudes" (paraphrased), and as much as early psychology can be dismissed as antiquated, it's true that the act of moving my hips is completely foreign to me. (Also, it's true that I'm a complete sissy.)
The thing in question:
Well for one, the face isn't all that great.
It's cool that all three holes are available for use but if I had the money and privacy to buy something like this, I'd just save up and a more expensive doll that allows more positions.
tried it, was not satisfying
Tried my first one a venus clone

Not bad but i feel like i should have bought something tighter
Thin your lube and use less. Also, don't fap for a few days.
OK, I want some help from you connoisseurs of fake loli vagina.

1) Lolinco vs. Lolinco Virgo?

2) How does Lolinco/Lolinco Virgo compare to Big Rina?

3) Is the EXE Hanjuku! any good?

4) VA:A or this?

>1) Lolinco vs. Lolinco Virgo?
>2) How does Lolinco/Lolinco Virgo compare to Big Rina?
Lolinco>Big Rina>Lolinco Virgo

Lolinco Virgo doesn't feel as good as original Lolinco, and it's pain in ass to clean up.
I've got Hanjuku! coming in within the week, I'll let you know buddy.
Does anybody have a working link to torrent all the FapHero videos? The one in the guide doesn't work.
Venus line is not particularly stimulating, but you get used to it and learn to appreciate it. It's fairly soft even in hard and regular softness, and has consistent tunnel diameter. The smooth stimulation is pretty good for long sessions. You need to get used to subtle sensation basically.
You can't get a real woman because you spend too much time on the internet. I've had pussy and believe me you'd rather lick the real thing than licking plastic, or what ever material is used to make holes. Holes are meant to be fucked.
What's a good doll for somebody that's got a micro fetish. The doll forum isn't exactly useful for something like this.

I bought a fairy one ages ago and while I still love it, I want to kick it up a notch.
Is it worth it for someone who's using a onahole for the first time? It's on Kanojo toys but I'm not sure if that's a legit website.
Is that a store in America? And it depends on you're preference. If you like tight pussy get a cock strangler or dick bully.
If you have thousands of dollars to spend on a doll, you can buy one and install a onahole that replaces the abdomen
A thousand isn't a problem. Thousand(s) reaches the level where I'd rather not.
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God I can't wait for my Premium Chastity to arrive. Gotta get that doggy style feel.
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Venus Real in Soft or Regular? I'm looking for a different experience from the high stim dick bullies that I already own and am leaning to the soft for a nice, more subtle, edging hole.

Also has any other leaf here had something shipped from Queencat to Cuckada recently? Is the contact email to request it just the form they have on the site?
Haven't bought anything for the past 2 years. Is NLS still the go to store? I saw MyOnahole which had lower prices but more limited selection. Are they reputable? Also looking for any small onahole <140mm insertion length if you have any recommendations.
It would probably cost you up to 1k for a doll and clothes
Anon, how are you going to fuck your Premium Chastity hands free? I'm looking for suggestions.
That's not that big of a deal. Provided I even find a place to start looking.
There are a couple anons who have experience with dolls here, right? Seen a couple in the last few threads.
Check out this thread.
Not him but you can try using a pillow and fold it as necessary to adjust it while in bed or something. I have a stack of boxes I can use mine on but I have to move them if I want them in front of a display.
I am in the process of getting a new bed and threw the other one out cause it was broken, so I'm on the floor. Would a folded pillow still work as well, or would I need something else?
Experimenting is half the fun.
jesus are they hand made from gold dipped silk by blind Tibetan monks or something?
With all due respect, I don't have the time or funds to experiment. I'm currently straining my limits with nofap (haven't fapped since 12/28) and working out. Don't plan on using this thing for at least another month. Trying to get as much useful info as I can in the meantime.

Would greatly appreciate advice and will probably make it a habit of asking in this thread to get different suggestions.
Mmm.. Wouldn't know myself, but weight and more to grab onto would probably feel great, no? Idk about 1k great, but yeah.
Not at all my friend, I'm taking dick minerals to increase semen volume, and nofap is giving my body time to properly absorb the minerals it's taking in.
really dumb
>dick minerals
for some reason that makes me laugh really hard.
Poor choice of wording on my part, but it's the best way I could think of describing it, as the only reason you'd take this combination of minerals is for Muh dick.
personally I'd say dick vitamins but that seems pretty bad too, maybe sexual enhancement supplements?

on a slightly related note, testosterone levels start to climb but peak and start lowering after masturbation, so realistically you should be jerking it at least once a week to maintain testosterone levels.
dont take what I've said as fact but use it to do your own research because I might be horribly wrong.
Yeah, I'll go nofap for about month or longer to give my sexual enhancement supplements time to properly absorb into my body, and then fap probably once very 2-3 days or so.
With my own experience 3-4 day break gives better amount of cum than whole month break.
Since upgrading my experience I can't go a day or two at most before going at it 5 to 6 times. Feels like i'm a teenager again. I don't know how you folks can show that much restraint.
There was one time I did nofap for an entirely different reason for almost an entire month, and my volume was more than it had ever been. This was before any minerals mind you, and even with minerals a week still didn't replicate those results. No, I've gotta go a full month+ if I wish to see results I'm looking for.

I bought the premium chastity entirely for the sake of unloading when my nofap is up. The motivation is the intense pleasure I know I'll feel after waiting for so long. I know I'd want to kill myself if I gave in and fapped before the proper time.
Yeah, I kind of lose a bit of chub whenever I hold a seemingly cheaper quality material.

Sometimes I get this urge to hug my tomax toys cause they're so soft and comfy to hold. lol.
>upgrading my experience
what do you mean?
Cutting a hole in bottom of Tomax for easier cleaning, Advised or unadvised
Nah, you'll lose any suction or tightness from pushing all the air out. Wouldn't advise.
Upgraded to hands free
>The janitor deleted the posts whining about deleting onahole images
He really is shit at his job.
Visiting a physical ona store is a weird sensation
I'm extremely jealous.
hmm I should probably do that sometime

from what I saw it was very inflamitory and could cause a bunch of shit flinging, which would be terrible since we've all been getting along so well.

I was there a few years ago, thats the akiba one right? it really is a weird experience especially since the cashiers face is hidden by a curtain
By hands free is he talking about kegels or something?
That sounds great. I wouldn't want to see their expression when they size me up as I drop sex toys in front of them.
no he's talking about hands free fucking his onaholes

yeah its was pretty much that everyone pretended that all the other customers didnt exist which was nice since I was a 5'10" almost albino gaijin in that very cramped store.

at the time I was spooked by the puni ana box that was right in my face after I picked up some tenga travel cups, it was a little too much for me since I'd never seen anything like that before.
you might want to tr adding Swedish flower pollen and stinging nettle root to your stack,adding those two things to the "god tier cum supplements" thing that shows up every now and again took me from a negligible increase in volume to cumming as much as I would after a week of nofap, daily.

the nettle root is suppossed to be good for the prostate and can keep test levels up, the flower pollen is minerals and amino acids and happens to be one of the main ingredients in commercial herbal volume supplements.
Give me the dosage you use for the swedish flower pollen and stinging nettle root, this all sounds amazing. Greatly appreciate this knowledge.

I'm trying to go hands free with my Premium chastity after nofap is over while laying on my stomach on the floor since I won't have a proper bed for a while. Trying to figure out if there's maybe a type of pillow or other kind of furniture I could use to fuck the premium chastity with it on the floor whole I'm laying on top of it, doggystyle, browsing my laptop.

Pretty much just follow the instructions on the bottle, 1 of each, 2-3 times a day.
Can I take the pills all at once, or do I absolutely need to space it out throughout the day? Thanks for this information anon.
do these have any other health benefits, I cant really justify buying these just to make my cum loads better if thats all they do, I dont have that kind of money to throw around so freely.
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Hey, I have money to blow, but not sure what ona hole I should blow my load in. I think i'm around average with a 7.5Inch long schlong with a circumference of 5.5inch. Any suggestions?
Myonahole is legit. I don't know why it's still hasn't been added to the pastebin despite feedback from multiple anons.

NLS is still fine though, and they carry other toys than onaholes.
I've made my second order to myonahole, I love their site but the rewards program is shit because I've bought 4 onaholes from them and I still dont even have enough points from them to get any discount.

good site, great prices but shit rewards program.
Rewards programs always suck.
>good site
>Like 30 external scripts breaking shit
But yeah, they're legit.

>How long does cleanup typically take?
5-10 minutes for most holes. Maybe 15 for something like SPDX, which is large and cumbersome, and which requires powdering to keep feeling soft.
Isn't there a section on cleaning in one of the guides?

>Gokusai She´s wearing a white Shirt
A rubber shirt seems like a pretty shit gimmick

see >>16377829

Warmers are a meme and a waste of time and money. Just throw it out and move on.

>My Onahole
>good site, great prices but shit rewards program.
>Rewards programs always suck.
Agreed. It works out to about a 3% discount but you don't earn points on shipping.

>Like 30 external scripts breaking shit
I just discovered that too. I use NoScript and RequestPolicy Continued and was wondering why I still had zero points - turned out that I hadn't allowed MOH to access or run scripts on the loyalty sites...
I meant good as in a good selection, not a good website.
anyone have suggestions as to what I can say the onatsuyu which will be listed as skin cream on my box if family asks about why I'm getting skin cream with rubber figures?
Is there a "automatic onahole" that isn't based on rotation? I'm looking for a good stroker so it won't feel like I'm the one doing the stroking.
just tell them it's some kind of paint for your warhammer figure or some shit like that
thing is that it will say "skin cream" on the customs docket, and my family tends to look at the docket out of curiosity, do you think I could say that I bought moisturiser from a place that also sells figures? I think jlist sells that kind of stuff alongside figures so I think it might be plausible that other stores do as well.
I am hoping USPS doesn't fuck me. My package is in the fucking homestretch, it's a couple miles away. Their whole website is stupid, and I can't even let it tell them to leave it at my door because of some stupid registration. It snowed yesterday so I doubt about getting it today. The hardest part is yet to come which is keeping people from opening my mail. Well I'm going back to sleep now I'll update later whenever I receive damn thing. Also does Onatsuyu freeze if I leave it outside in 20 degree weather?
Which store are you buying from? I'lm asking because I ordered an onahole + lube from myonahole, asked them to write "Figure set" on the package and they wrote "Rubber figure set": there was no mention my order contained lube at all.
yeah I ordered from myonahole, Im not sure if they will omit the lube since the onatsuyu bottle looks to be about the same size as a soda can so that sort of thing might cause issues if it wasnt declared to customs I think.
Where do you live? I don't think US customs give a shit about the customs declaration thing.

Otherwise, try to be creative: Amazon lists sex toys under "Health and beauty products" or something like that.
Australia, I guess I could just say that its moisturiser that they sell at this store too if i get pressed on it, but that means im going to have to go out and buy an actual moisturiser, maybe even a Japanese one to fit my narrative.

Maybe I'm just overthinking it.
If you have friends, you could just say you bought some kind of special skin care product for him/her along with your toys because it made the shipping fees cheaper for the both of you.
I think I could get away with saying its for me, also I'm such a shut in NEET that I havent seen my friends in almost 2 years, if it wasnt for the internet they would probably assume I was dead.
There is a link to a google doc spreadsheet with onahole specs like tunnel length. Read it.
And average is about 5''. At 7.5'' you don't have a lot of choice. Like R20 or Witch. There was a discussion about that last thread or in the one before that.
what's the logical next step from Puni Ana DX?
full doll
removable tunnels for easy cleaning
Hey guys

Been lurking aliexpress on some onas there and found this one. So the runes on the box are definetly japanese and they are even kind of translatable (make no sense tho), but the fact is, I've seen this manufacturer's logo before and he is chinese.

/ona/, have humanity go so far as to let china make fake onaholes, or is this something that is actually worth the attention? It is somewhat cheap too.
The whole description is in chinese even (I guess? I am a filthy N4 after all).
Bootleg onaholes, whats next
Bootlegs of bootlegs products.

I've already seen one too.
>Bootlegs of bootlegs products.

Any story behind it?
>Any story behind it?

Nothing special really.

Some people created a chastity cage called the "Holy Trainer". Another company copied its design and called it the "Rikers cage". Finally, the chinese made a bootleg version of the Rikers cage.
On electronics SJCAM cloned GoPro, and now there is SJCAM clones out.
I finally tried handsfree and it's actually noticeably better, and good exercise.

Kind of hard to get my dick in though since I'm using lolinco/VA series.

Is this basically how hips feel? I was avoiding them because of the size but it doesn't sound too bad anymore
Copying competitors' products is standard in any given industry. Thanks to their legal system, the Chinese don't need to pretend they are reinventing the wheel by adding pointless design changes.
How did u went handsfree?
Is that in a guide, by a chance?
It was in the pastebin I thought
towel around the hole to keep it clean, sandwich it in a pillow tied with a belt or something

Although don't use a pillow you care about and it should be easy to fold
Is using hand soap as lube fine?
It says in the guide you can use it to clean the hole, so I'd assume it would be...
You do not want soap in your dick hole.
But you wouldn't use that much.
Just enough to make it slip and slide.
Does it hurt? I've never tried it before.
Soap will burn your urethra and can give you a nasty UTI
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It will absolutely get in there. It burns.
Just buy lube, it is cheap and worth it
Do you measure dick length from the bottom or top?
top, why would you think you measure from the bottom?
I've never really ordered anything online before, what's a place that ships similarly to nls so I can simulate what the other people in my house will do if they see the box before me?
Do the other occupants in your home open packages regardless of recipient? I think all the places recommended generally use a nondescript brown box with no indication of what kind of shipment it is.
AmiAmi, or any japanese store really.
If you family sees the company on the nls box it is listed as some random tech company, so you can just say it is computer parts
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>I was there a few years ago, thats the akiba one right? it really is a weird experience especially since the cashiers face is hidden by a curtain
So is yours too, gives a good sense of privacy even though the place is riddled with security cameras.
Place is great because they have fucking everything.
Here were my purchasesand a prostate gear long off camera. Which I'm not sure why I bought, blame onahole.eu, prices are a little bit higher than NLS but I only bought the shit because I had space in my bag on the last day.
a pretty good haul there, you probably could have bought a few more things if you had removed the packaging, most onahole boxes are oversized for some reason, I dont remember seeing any security cameras, but thats probably because of how nervous I felt looking around there.
>setsuna despatched
I hope her urethra isn't too hard to clean...
I figure you can just jam a Qtip in there to dry it out, also as part of play too i guess.

i honestly dont think they needed to add that in there but if it makes it feel more real then great I guess.
Second time. Legit failed to use the onahole (wouldn't stay inside for a long enough period of time for me to cum, after an hour I gave up and went with the hand). It's just too small for my tiny but apparently fat dick. I probably shouldn't be edging for an hour beforehand, or being in a position I'm not used to cumming in.

The washing goes quick, it's working tissues in there to dry it that takes time.
Don't you measure from base to tip?
This looks pretty nice, but it's not on nls?
40 trumples seems kinda pricey on Toydemon so I wanted to compare
This is a little u related but can someone remind me what that type of Japanese porn is called where they get a Japanese girl that looks really young like a school girl and intentionally make her look young?
>type of Japanese porn is called where they get a Japanese girl that looks really young like a school girl and intentionally make her look young?

She already looks young, I dont get it
by bottom I'm saying underside, you wouldnt do that because your dick runs along the underside of your body and would give you an inaccurate reading.
Go to /t/ and search for MUM in the catalog
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No other Canadas that ordered from Queencat around?

Also Venus Real impressions please.
Learned that first hand when masturbating in the shower
Same brotherman, if your hand gets it in there enough to burn I can only imagine it with the force of an onahole.
Damn thx family that wuza good but tbqh wit u familiam
>Just noticed I forgot to buy toy bags
What's a good substitute?
old pillowcase i guess, not the best though.
Don't have one of those either.
go buy a fucking pillowcase then jesus fuck stop living in a dumpster
I use a shipping box that I got some blurays in and keep them in their original inner plastic bag within that
An old shirt
you can knot the sleeves and openings then use the neck hole to put items in and out, if youre fat even better because you'll have a lot more room for toys.

elder or younger? also thoughts
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any kind of bag will do m8 I just rolled on over to my nearest daiso and got me one of those pull bags and you're done
Is this one of those bags normies wear as a backpack
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>on vacation the last 3 days with some friends
>have my own hotel room
>decide to bring some onaholes since I'll have some privacy
>give one friend one of my spare keycards in case I lost mine
>later realize they might come in without me knowing or when I'm not here, but remember it was just in case I lost my own
>come back to my room later that night
>see all the pillows put on one bed, along with my unzipped duffel bag which had the onaholes in it, on the bed as well
>nearly shit my pants
I don't think they saw them, I don't know how but they didn't, otherwise I'm sure they would've brought it up
they're not as big as a backpack most of them are actually the perfect size for onaholes and they should be affordable
Are there any good clear/see through ones? I think it'd be great to see it fill up once I blow my load
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Fuck. I didn't want one until you put it that way.
How do you know it wasn't the help?
I know, I just was looking at some stuff and it came to mind. I think I have a slight cum fetish, so being able to see that would be amazing. It sucks that generally speaking the clear ones I have seen generally look bad and cheap.
>I think I have a slight cum fetish
I know I do, and now I have to search.
Probably won't do any harm to take them all at once, but they probably won't be as efffective as they won't get absorbed as well.
These god tier cum things; do you produce more sperm too or is it just diluted down with a heap of extra seminal fluid?
Because they said they came in and did it, plus I left a "privacy please" sign on my door

CQ Roll, kinda. I bought it because I love the idea of cervical penetration, not because it's transparent.

I can see my dick inside but it's a bit "cloudy".
Been using only Venus Real so far and I'm pretty happy with it. Just wondering if the Lilith Uterus has a similiar feeling to it since the innards look also similiar. Are the Lilith just as durable as the Venus?
>The washing goes quick, it's working tissues in there to dry it that takes time.
Don't use tissues! They stick to anything that's wet - as you're probably discovering - even toilet paper is probably better than tissues. Instead, use paper towel (from the kitchen) or get a microfibre cloth. I use cloth nappies because I have lots of them from when I used to use them to wax my car.
Why is everyone here so terrified of friends or family finding their toys?
It's not as if it's some super secret that everyone masturbates, especially not for half of you weebs who hang up wall scrolls of half naked anime girls anyways.

I hide mine in a box just for the sake of appearances, but if someone were to open that box it's not as if it would matter. It's just an onahole, big whoop.

I don't really give a fuck either (especially since I had to ask my parents to take me to the ER because I had stuck something up my ass back when I was 15) but you know, societal norms and all that shit.
>bringing onaholes for vacation

how long is your vacation? is your vacation that long and you can't stand it without fapping?
There are some in every thread, even here.
It's a great hole - durable, good quality, applies pressure evenly along the length of the tunnel. But it's not too stimulating, so it's mainly for longer sessions, I guess. You need to get used to it.

Different supplements affect slightly different things. Zinc is used in sperm production, but doesn't increase the volume much. Pygeum affects the prostate, and therefore the volume of fluid.
Still, anecdotally, there is a limit to the total amount of semen your body can store. For me, it doesn't increase after two-three days of abstaining.

Lilith is made from the same material as Venus. It's closer in size to regular onaholes - Venus is a freaking giant. The texture of the tunnels is similar, but the shape is different. Lilith has a few "ribs" that go from the beginning to about the middle if the hole along the length. The first half is also a bit tighter.
Then, it widens a bit before the uterus thing. So while Venus applies the pressure evenly across the length, it feels a bit like empty space closer to the end in Lilith.
The uterus itself is a thin, soft membrane that can be barely felt at all. The bumps in the uterus are covered by the membrane when penetrating mostly, and are barely felt anyway.
So if you have a dick below 5'' and want to have a penetrable uterus, the Muses Arkhe might be a better fit.
So I tried to hands free my one hole with the pillow trick tying a belt and folding the pillow etc, I have to say the experience is vastly different and it feels a lot more intense but also it's quite tiring and my legs feel tired after awhile, I guess this is what it means when people talk about stamina because it's not just about lasting long but actual physical stamina.

I liked the experience but I felt like it was a little difficult to physically move because there is very little to grab onto and then it gets kind of tiring and uncomfortable. I dunno maybe I need to try this some more.
>Muses Arkhe

Those look weird, they are as big as the Venus but the tunel is only half long, makes you wonder why they couldn't have made them the same shape and lenght as Lilith at least.
What about Lilith Spiral Dots/Wave? I only ever had a Venus dots but since it was soft I didn't feel a single thing so I can't say how it actually feels since I've been using a Venus Real hard since. I would get either one in Hard.
I'm not sure how but I received this offer in the e-mail:


Is it real? getting a Venus Real for only 2k yen seems way too good to be real.
>are powder lubes decent?
- ridiculously cheap to make literal gallons
- can make to any consistency you want
- no need to worry about using lots as it's so damn cheap

- mixing can be an exercise in frustration (there's guides out there but they're not very helpful)
- getting the stuff to actually dissolve evenly and not just clump up is difficult

My advice is: go for it if you want lots of cheap lube and don't mind having a few wasted batches before you get the process down. Also get K-lube, if you can, as it has a preservative added.
Washcloth. I live alone, but most times can't be bothered to take a shower if it's late in the evening.
i just dry off my dick with a tissue and go pee to flush out my urethra
so it can't get better than that unless i am willing to shell out couple grands?
So I had a Puni Ana DX (the regular bright pink original one) before it somehow got lost in with some other shit of mine when I moved across the country.
Anyways, I'm thinking of getting another.
Which is better, the hard, the "fuwatoro" that I'm assuming is a soft, the original, or the SPDX? I have a job so money really isn't an issue.
shorter ones go for as little as $1500. Ignore the overpriced $10k ones
what's the best way to wash a regular puni hole (not DX)
Also, to anyone that owns both: is the DX worth?
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So Mouth of Truth arrived today, and I´m really pleased about how detailed and good looking it is despite being so cheap.
I noticed, however, that at the sides of the teeth there is a small gap between them and the rest of the inner skin. Won´t that place get damp despite me trying to dry the onahole, eventually turning into one of those nightmare fuel pics that you see every now and then about anons not cleaning their holes? Can it be sealed somehow or is it a minor problem?
Get the Hard. I have it and it's great
*regular DX or SPDX (that one with a skeleton)
They literally sell it on amazon, dumbass
there is one thing I really miss on my onahole that is the progressive tightness a vagina creates as you fuck it, specially in the entrance
how could I recreate that
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Bump, I'm also interested.
the only thing that uterus does for me is accumulate all the fucking lube
a bigger ass. i dont know of any
Just picked up puni virgin mini soft/hards. Haven't tried the hard one yet, but the soft is absolutely a dream. It's like fucking a cloud in a good way.
I didn't read the pastebin until now but I've been lubing up my holes with hair conditioner as a temporary lube replacement for a few days (it's the only shower condiment that doesn't turn your urethra into the surface of mordor)

How fucked are my holes? Only used conditioner once for one hole and 3 times for the other
Just bought a Puni Ana from OtonaJP. Was cheaper than NLS, who I usually buy from.

I know I could've gotten it cheaper from Otona-Sekai, but oh well, guess I'll just eat the 20-30 buck difference. Hopefully OtonaJP ships fairly quickly like NLS does because I've never used them before.
Can anyone say how long it usually takes them to ship?
How big do you have to be to qualify for a big dick hole over a regular one?
Sounding is usually how you get a big dick hole.
So is there a specific email to send the request to or does the "Contact Us" form work? Because I sent it from there last week and haven't heard anything.
Actually very quickly. Just they spend two or three days to make your order, then they ship your stuff. I'm very impressed. They shipped my "I cup fucking tits" and two lubes on december 29 and they arrive this friday. I just recive my stuff. Pay the 7-10 days ship option.
Pressing on it every now and then helps.
Most hole tunnels are about 14-15cm long, but can safely accomodate 16-17 due to stretching.
So above that, I guess.
No I think they mean a onaholes for a big dick
I think you replied to the wrong person.
Nope, I asked if there were any Canadians that ordered from Queencat around, they replied there are some in every thread, even here. Then I asked for some clarification on the subject.
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Also they give you candys!!!!!
Holy shit.
There is the famed pink open onahole seen in doujins.
I meant that there are Venus impressions in mostly every thread.
If you clean your holes and dry them after you used them than I guess it's ok.
well since mine is finally shipping ill mention this
Can I use a&d ointment as a replacement for lube?
Not him but I can't ever go for 2 days without going crazy 2bh
I use skin lotion as lube.
I even tried body shampoo, if it slides it works
a 5" dick would barely make contact with the opening of the uterus on the Arkhe, the tunnel is longer than you would expect due to the curve.

I'm 6" long BPEL and if I am 100% hard I easily penetrate the uterus when going balls deep, but if I'm not as hard as possible the head of my penis just rubs up against the cervix and kinda moves it around.

IMO the "optimal size" for the Arkhe is in the 5-6.5" range.
any longer than 6.5 and the uterus/cervix are gonna get destroyed in short order, any less than 5" and I doubt they would even reach the cervix.

if they had the tunnel on the arkhe setup to use as much length as the venus, the uterus would be pointless to most of the japs that the thing was designed for, it would go from being optimal for someone with a 5-6" dick to 6-7".
Get a plush doll instead for way less than a silicone/TPE one so you can still use your collection of onas?

Also a plush doll won't seep oil into your bedsheets if you decide to cuddle with it at night like a TPE doll will.
Want to buy the "The mouth of true" and found that is a lube called "the saliva of the truth". Someone have this one ? Is worth it ?
Thanks for the feedback about Arkhe. The tunnel seemed shorter than the Lilith on the images, so I assumed it would be easier to reach the end with a shorter penis. Welp.

And the other guy probably meant that it looks like there is a couple of inches of just silicone wall after the end of the tunnel, so they could have made the whole thing shorter than Venus, like Lilith.
okay. I'm 18cm long, so I was wondering whether to get the larger version or not, guess I will. Thanks
There's a google docs spreadsheet with tunnel lengths and other onahole specs. The link should be somewhere in the guide.
im not a fan of how the joints bend, looks a bit rough, though for a budget doll it looks good
They should sell little flesh stumps to attach and replace the arms and legs. I mean, if you're going to make them removable, you might as well get some amputee fetish going.
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just wrap them in bandages like this
I want to buy my first hole, I just try a tenga cup, but I really hate it, My question is, Tenga are soft, harder, or garbage stimulation ?
tenga are cheap shit, the only one I've ever enjoyed was the wavy texture egg, most onaholes are better quality in every aspect
Considering Alice in the Firststage as a first hole. The box art won't raise much suspicion, and supposedly it comes with a bag and a 145 ml bottle of lube
I've only found it on otonajp, I'm on a bit of a budget and shipping doubles the price, anyone know of other places to get it or coupons or anything?
Otonajp just had 10% off coupon.
I can't wait to put my dick in setsuna!
wow that's crazy, I used to fap like crazy when I was younger and first discovered it doing it 2-3 times a day everyday and then it just kind of settled off, getting an ona has made me do it even less because I don't want to get too used to it and get bored of it.
same here buddy, mine is coming in tomorrow.

yeah it starts to get to be a problem when the only way to get off is to hit your dick with a hammer.
It's been 2-3 times a week and the occasional 2 week pause for me since I started at about 14. Can't really understand how you guys are this addicted to it.
Yes, but I do believe it's a hotpowers exclusive.
Naive Little Sister is so good.
I usually don't have privacy on that level, so I wanted to enjoy it, it was 3 days
Salut, I am making my first onahole purchase

So far i have a warmer and Ona Tsuyu... still very indecisive about which hole I'm buying as a first timer!
Regular or Tight version?
be careful with the hole warmers, you can ruin your onahole with them.
My first one was the Monster Alraune, its pretty good, tight, soft and the handle is really good. It's price is quite good too.
I was referring to the h mango
literally warms my heart
you should see a doctor about that.
ah fuck i was worried about that
I don't trust that, it doesn't seem to be daimaho and if you click on the links to other products it just take you to an error page, could be phising?
might be, always remember kids, if something seems too good to be true or if you never signed up for something then it's 99% fake, dont take the risk.
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I've been out of the loop for a while, before I used NLS for everything because confort > saving 3€ compared with amazon.jp and proxy, only used proxy with daimaho
did something changed on these years? a better option?
Check out otonajp and myonahole
Let me put it this way, while the tunnel on the arkhe is a bit shorter than the venus, because of the way the uterus is setup and how thick/tight the cervix is, the head of your dick will just poke up against the cervix unless you have the length to more or less stretch out the uterus a bit.
The cervix is so thick and tight that it just gets pushed to the side unless you can stretch it enough to get it to pop over the head of your penis.

So while I'm sure someone in the 4.5-5" range could enjoy it, it would be difficult to get "full use" out of the uterus on an arkhe
>the hard, the "fuwatoro" that I'm assuming is a soft, the original, or the SPDX?
Get the SPDX if you want something a bigger; I enjoy mine and haven't seen any evidence of it falling apart (7"x5.5" BPEL). Be aware that it is harder to clean, due to the additional size, and it does need to be powdered.

>wash SPDX
I clean mine in the shower, with it on jet mode. It does take some effort, though, due to its weight and physical size.
Has anyone tried the Afterschool Girl ones? I just hit up the store and got the brass band one when I was walking through akiba.
My bank is waiting until Friday to clear the transaction to otonajp for the onahole I bought yesterday because it doesn't know the company.
How frustrating. Do you think I could call them about it and just ask them to release the funds? I'd rather not explain what I'm buying though.
What are some tips for safe warming?

I ended up getting the lilith uterus regular firmness as my first one. Some posts on the /jp/ archive convinced me
So anyone have any experience with the Tomax Muses ones? Coming from a Venus Real. not sure of buying since since I'm from austria and have no choice but to buy from jewmochadreams where they cost 80 euro.
There is literally a discussion of Arkhe in this thread.
I was the guy that asked in the first place but since that one anon said that the Arkhe is better enjoyed if you are better packed, which I'm not, I'm more interested in the other two versions.
Put lube in the hole first and don't leave it too long (past an hour or so).
I've seen a few reviews online. It looks like Kokalo is more stimulating than Venus Real. An it has a tunnel that is straighter than the Arkhe.
That's probably the one I'll be going for, still not sure on Normal or Hard though.
Aren't those Muse holes somewhate new, is that why there aren't that many reviews yet?
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Shes got here earlier than expected.
>pic related
Spent last night emptying out my nuts in all three holes.
There isnt any cum left in my balls, but i called in sick today to spend the whole day fucking her. Ill be calling in sick tomorrow too, and Im off thursdays so, its going to be a 96 hour fuckathon.
>used mouth on my doll
>one of the eyes popped out
>managed to get it back in
>never again
good luck anon
I managed to rig up a hands-free setup using a monitor stand (the kind that clamps to a desk), the end of a pringles can and a shit-ton of duct tape. Might post a proper guide with images when I have some more time.
It looks like they started to appear outside of Japan only last year.

It also seems like Tomax's materials are softer than regular onaholes. So if you want a high-stimulation toy from them, definitely go for hard material.
She looks pretty nice. Nicer than sex dolls usually do. Just out of curiosity, how much was she?
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eyes stay in just fine on her for me.

Just popped a viagra so my marathon can continue. Check back in with you later /ona/
So this is the power of wealth...
these dolls are around 1500~ dollars. even a high schooler wage slave working at mcdonalds can save up for one in 3-4 months with proper budgeting
If they aren't contacting you about a missing payment I don't think there's any reason, it happens a lot with international buying.
Make sure you drink water so you don't dehydrate yourself via dick
What's the best way to warm up a hole for an impatient nig like me? Thighs don't seem to help too much and warm water takes forever and doesn't warm the inside I find.

Fuck this weather.
I wrap my onahip in a towel, then place it on top of a portable radiator like https://www.amazon.com/DeLonghi-EW7707CM-ComforTemp-Portable-Oil-Filled/dp/B000TGDGLU - It's usually heated up within 15-20 minutes.
warm the lube, not the hole
Quickest way is to just jam it in
I'd probably buy one of these if I had some place to hide it.
Read this, I further explained why I was saying about the length of the tunnel on the arkhe >>16391021
>setsuna out for delivery today
hey guys so I got my Hanjuku, setsuna and onatsuyu in the mail today, I currently have 3 of these lube sachets and a 1/3 full tiny bottle of moisty+, should I keep the 3 sachets and last bit of moisty as emergency backup for when I run out of my onatsuyu or should I use them first?
just bought tenga hard vacuum cup(gold/black), can i expect good succ?
if its anything like the regular one expect it to be noisy as fuck, also the suction relies on you putting your finger on a hole on the very top of the bulb part.

I must have done it wrong because when I used the original one it popped and then all suction was gone.
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>Venus Real Soft is in the mail

Turns out they never got my first message. Can't wait to join the meme.
Utea Grace has just arrived. Titty party commence.
gib review
How long is the black dildo. That too many people use for review the onas ?
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Ok, so setsuna arrived.
She's really heavy! And I'd say about twice as big as rina. Her labia is really big so I feel like her suction will be really good. The labia is also nice and thick so I feel like it won't tear like rina's.
Can't wait to find a private moment to get inside her.
The little manga strip on the side of the box is cute but also really lewd.
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Side-by-side comparison (rina on the left, you can see how her labia has deteriorated from normal use).
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I just got mine too, what do you think about her urethra? personally I think its a bit of a waste because sure it adds to realism but she also has these weird giant dome labia that takes away from the realism, I could barely fit a Q tip in there.

I also noticed a hole in mine, looks like it goes pretty deep because after I washed her for later use I found that I could squeeze a drop of water out of that hole, it was on the top left of the labia on the edge.

any advice from people on how to seal hole would be much appreciated.
I just read the supplementary pastebin, its a lot of info.

I don't want to be taking a fuck load of pills and shit just to cum buckets.

Any anons that have tried these things, what is the one main supplementary to take? Is it L-ARGININE? L-Lysine? Both?
L-Arginine just makes your dick harder and overall feel better, if you dont want a huge amount of pills to take just take zinc and lecithin tablets, if you already take a multivitamin check how much zinc is in it or you could poison yourself.

these supplements are pretty good for your body in general, the lecithin is supposed to give you better liver function, the zinc should help with skin and some other stuff, and the L-Arginine improves bloodflow so if you work out half a teaspoon of that a day mixed in water is great.
MagicEyes QC ftw
That sucks man.
Maybe contact the seller for an RMA?
I don't mind the huge pubic mound, it matches her manga rendering and I like to imagine she's embarrassed about her huge pussy.
Really looking forward to the evening when everyone settles down to watch some netflix, so I can load up some sadpandas and have a good time.
I really hope I last longer with her than with rina, who makes me cum in under 5 minutes.
I dont think you can RMA rubber vaginas, also I already stuck my dick in to test her out, I'd rather just seal the hole anyway because I get so anxious about getting these in the mail and my family asking about it.

About her big pubic mound, its not that I have an issue with it, its just that its not very realistic for her to have this dome over her inner lips like that, its still very cute.
Thank you Senpai
thats pretty expensive for a toothpick sized hole, I might look in the garage to see if we have anything like that lying around, my dad is a bit of a hoarder so we might just have that kind of glue around.

you're welcome, just make sure to read labels and make sure you don't go over any daily recommendations for vitamins.
you cant cum if you're dead.
>thats pretty expensive for a toothpick sized hole

It comes in smaller tubes.

>so we might just have that kind of glue around

It's not glue. Whatever floats your boat though.
it says adhesive on the tube though
thank you for the recommendation.
How do you guys store your onas?
Right now I keep them all in their original boxes but now that I've gotten more than a few, their original boxes are taking a bit too much space. I've been thinking of just throwing them all together in one small box, but I dunno if that would damage them or not.

What do you guys think?
I was worried paper towel or the microfiber cloth I happened to buy unrelatedly (specialized for windows and screens) might be too rough.
Spend two hours searching for my first ona, I'm 5" and this are my options
R20 puni is a great hole, sturdy and feels pretty damn good if you like hard stimulation, have also heard a lot of good about Rina but don't have one personally, just keep in mind MagicEyes QC.
make a vid
well I am a goddamn retard, I tried a drop of superglue to seal that hole on my setsuna and while it did sort of make the hole shallower it also melted the lip really quickly, so I might try the soldering iron fix next to fuse this now shallow but wide hole, I'm sorry I didnt listen anon that showed me the sil-poxy, I am dumb.
>The cervix is so thick and tight that it just gets pushed to the side unless you can stretch it enough to get it to pop over the head of your penis.
That has not been my experience. Once I had "figured out" the hole, I found that it was easy to reliable "kiss" or penetrate the uterus.

Note that this is with a Regular hole, softer or harder might change it, and it could be due to the curve of my penis that it works so well for me.

I'm about 5", depending on how hard I am.
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Post /ona/ collections!
toy bags
Well now you know for you next hole at least
I didnt destroy her or anything, in fact if I go buy the adhesive I should still be able to save the onahole.

reviews coming up shortly
its a wall of text
Speaking of. Has anyone had a problem with Alraune feeling a bit too thin near the stomach? Like it doesnt look like the cut away, feel like the hole was misaligned.
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Alright guys review time, I bought these two last week and they got to me today along with a bottle of onatsuyu, let's talk about them a little.
I am in no way sponsored by Myonahole but I really like their site and will use them again.
>>16366439 my previous post

So now I understand the hype behind this lube, it spreads really well and coats everything perfectly, I have issues with my foreskin being fairly loose so when it is retracted it has a gap between my penis head and the skin, with the onatsuyu it prevents this skin from getting caught on anything like other lubes would when they start to dry a little, this one stayed wet for the entire time I used my holes.
I was really surprised when I saw just how big the bottle was, it's literally soda can sized in volume so I doubt I'll be finishing this any time soon
10/10 would buy again if it ever runs out.

Sujiman Kupa Setsuna:
first off Magic eyes appears to have no QC at all, after the first hole on the lip I found a second hole to the right of the clit, what the fuck is wrong with this company that they think it's ok to sell faulty shit like that?
The hole itself was alright, it was so soft it was almost as if I was sticking a marshmallow on my dick, the texture was very subtle and felt quite nice, the oversized labia gimmick didn't do much for me but the new shape was quite comfortable to press against, the urethra hole gimmick is so much nothing, if they had made it so you could do anything with it then great but otherwise it's just another spot you need to clean and dry to prevent black death.
the cleaning is very easy, because of how soft it is you can stretch with 2 or 3 fingers to get in deep and swish water around, urethra was cleaned by sticking a Qtip in the hole because that's all that would fit, doesn't appear to need any powder after 2 washes but let's see how that goes.
6/10 Magiceyes QC sucks ass and the urethra is lacking, if there were no bad holes it would easily be a 7/10 and if the urethra was deep enough to at least put a little bit of a finger in or had a bladder feature this hole would easily be an 8/9
buyer beware for this one.

Hanjuku! (Half Mature):
made by the same company that makes the puni ana series
Man oh man this one is absolutely perfect for me, according to online statistics my dick is pretty girthy at 5.8" circumference and around 6" length so maybe that's why I enjoy this one so much, also I have a bit of a shortstack fetish so the super cute girl on the box who seemed small but not really loli did it for me.
I wanted a hip onahole but it had to be concealable, one that you could hold with 2 hands but still pack away, this one just barely fits inside the extra large toy bag I bought with my set so in regards to size it's just what I wanted, the insides are very soft while the outside is quite firm, so it adds to the overall feeling, when I unpacked it there was a bit of a chemical smell but that is fading a bit, the insides feel great with the grip on your shaft not coming from suction when you push air but from the outer layer not budging at all, the stats say it's only 110mm deep but I can hilt it all the way so the insides seem to be very elastic, the toy weighs around 1200g so that heft really adds to the features, the overall sculpt of the outside is really nice with a cute little belly button and a fantastic round butt, but my one seems to have some lines across the bottom, as if she has whipping scars, I assume those came from the plastic it was packed in and will fade away with time.
cleaning is a little awkward because of the weight and the outside is so firm but once you get the soap in you can give her a good wash which is fairly straight forward, the insides make it a bit difficult to dry as they are a spiral pattern.

9/10 I almost wanted to call my mother afterwards and tell her I found a wife, great for western dicks I would say, the only way to make this better would be to also have an anal hole if it could fit, oh and add a clit for realism.

please be gentle, this is my first review and the most amount of words I've written in 10 years

Onatsuyu great, lives up to hype
Sujiman Kupa Setsuna ok but marshmallow
Hanjuku (Half Mature) my new secret wife
Why they don't make anime sex dolls? I mean, kigurumi is a thing, I'm sure they can make faces that are not too shitty.
I'm fine with the realistic loli ones but customs would probably fuck me over.
The adult ones are not attractive to me.
well you could just stick a kigurumi mask over a doll head, which would be way more customizable that way.
But kigs are gigantic, also made of plastic. Not really what I want.
I have a meiki plush and 2 arkhes one in soft one in regular, so I 'm always using mine handsfree which probably makes a bit of a difference, as in the plush doll I'd expect it to be easier to "push the cervix out to the side" as there isn't a hand in the way to prevent that.
most love dolls have detachable heads I think, if youre serious about it you could probably get in touch with one of the companies to do a custom head for you with big eyes and anime features I suppose, but it would probably cost quite a bit for the custom job.
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Ok, I've used Setsuna twice now.
All I can say is se makes me cum even faster than Rina.
Her bigger outer labia adds greatly to the suction effect Rina had, and because of the cleaner seal there's a lot less sucking/squelching sounds which are slightly offputting for me.
She holds in the lube a lot better so she's a lot cleaner too.
Although cleaning is slightly more complex, it's overall easier due to her slightly looser vaginal canal.
the texture is great, inside and out and so far she hasn't developed any stickyness and wasn't overly greasy like Rina was when she was brand new.
Because of her larger outer labia, she holds in all the cum and lube better than rina ever did, Rina liked to make a mess at her earliest convenience if you weren't careful.

Overall I'd say she's a solid 9/10, because I'm yet to use an ona that's absolute perfection.

As a side note, I seem to have torn her vaginal opening, I'm not sure if it was from normal use, or when I pulled her open to rinse, but the tear appeared after the first use.
Not a big deal, just be aware that her inner lining appears to be very sensitive.
is that the circle just after the inner lips? I think that was part of its gimmick, i think its supposed to be part of her virginity that you break in.
yeah, the ring around the opening to her vaginal canal

i've marked a stock photo with the part i'm referring to with a notch illustrating my tear
on the box the one that points to the entrance says its her virginity membrane, so looks like its supposed to break there, though I'm still plenty upset about my one falling apart.
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Going to save up and add a Ju-C PUTI 1 on my order to save on shipping
I don't own them yet so I can't say for certain. but for any other beginners searching around for low price durable ona with nonlewd box art, the reviews all say really good things about these
otonajp can remove packaging so you dont have to worry about this crap about boxart
also buy soon because it looks like there is a sale on

"We can remove unwanted or problematic packaging and/or accessories upon request: simply leave us a note during your order in the comment section at the end of the checkout (as you can see on the screenshot below). Also if you have any special request as how you want us to declare the contents of your package then you can include the information there as well."

If 1/3 is your scale, like other anons have said grab a volks or obitsu bjd and get a dollho replacement torso.
Though what a lot of people do in jpland is gut out a size-fitting onahole and use that as a replacement torso.
What I have is an aikodoll made by some small business in the states. It's 1/3 scale and has a skeleton (albeit loose), not wire like chinese mini dolls, which are prone to poking through or breakage. The default heads/faces are meh to me but I just replaced it with a volks dollfie dream head (or more like I opted them not to include it at a reduced price, and to also throw in a compatible neck peg adapter).

The thing with china made dolls though is they're made of TPE which is impossible to repair, while the aikodoll is platinum silicone, which silicone adhesives/sealants work on. To me this is a big selling point since you're bound to rip a few things (I ripped the vagoo a bit while cleaning it; silicone adhesive fixed it like a charm). If I can fix it myself and keep her in good shape it's a good investment (which I have quite a bit; got a bit careless and broke a leg).

I used to also have a dollho body but the canal is so short and the TPE so light and flimsy, it ended up just being too fragile. Tears rips here and there from constant installing/removal/jackhammer fugging/cleaning, and I'm only 4.5" asian dick. I did a popular spine mod which keeps the back straight, but that just introduces even more durability issues. Upside is it's not too stimulating, and I can last upwards an hour for an explosive orgasm that literally and audibly gushes out the sides, whereas the entrance on my doll and what I reckon also most 1/3 china dolls are gonna be tight as fuck and make me cum in minutes. Downside is the above and also since the canal is short and the material soft, your dick makes an obvious stomach bulge that makes the TPE so thin you can see the details of the head of your dick. Could be a turn on to some people, not me though.


/bjd/ doesn't really like dollfuckers as far as I can feel. It seems like a taboo topic there. Not to mention I think some of the posters are women.

The vinyl they're made of feels very very nice, they hold poses very well, are fairly durable, and everything is hand made (you can see different xacto knife marks on all the pieces). These aren't PVC figs.
Those of you who own ToysHeat holes, please tell me the smell fades over time.
Or there's some way to decrease it. The holes are great, but it smells like rubber and lighter fluid which kills my boner.

Does powdering help? I washed them a few times with soap, but the smell is as strong as it was before.
I would say yes, I've had mine for about a month and they dont smell nearly as bad as when I first got them, I powder them and wash them after every use
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But does it work on TPE though?
Most holes are TPE and nothing will stick to that shit short of soldering it together.

thank you for your review.

There's a guy in jpland that puts what I think are kig heads on love doll bodies.
where do I get pic related?
Huh, I never really noticed the smell from my toysheart graduation. I ended throwing away magiceye onaholes because of the smell.
I have SCP and 17 Bordeaux. Both have this identical smell.
well I notice a very faint smell from my Daisyuki hold but my graduation smells like fly spray to me which is a problem, and my setsuna while being a piece of shit full of holes had a faintly sweet smell coming from it when i opened the bag for the first time
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no clue.
but i reckon the head alone will cost another $2k because >kig.
here have another blue balling pic because we'll probably never own one.
Talking about smells. I'm going to buy a scent item from otonajp. I really want a heavy aroma and not a sweet scent. This four takes my attention, any recommendations?
Does a guy that young really need Viagra?
Look at his soft chubby hands, people like that dont really have the umph to do it themselves.
Just recieved my Mouth of Truth.
Pretty good, better than Venus Real in my opinion. I can understand why people dislike it because the teeth.

And it was smaller than I expected. I hope I don't tear it up too quickly. Having a big dick is a different kind of suffering.
Guess I deserve it for thinking "oh it's how many centimeters? that's only a bit smaller than my dick" without realizing that is the total length and not interior length.
I think the goal was for him to cum and keep going
Do people sell used onaholes and is it wise to buy them?
Anon they are pretty cheap to begin with, no reason to buy used.

Buying used dolls is another story, and people do sell those used
it most certainly is not a good idea to buy second hand sex toys, they are already worn out and most certainly more suceptable to mold becuase they have been around for longer, you could also get STDs from it, also in the last thread anon tried to sell his doll and the cunt tried to threaten him into giving it for free, so theres that.

seriously just save a little more money and buy them new, if you really want to get diseases that badly go buy a piece of raw chicken and fuck that.
Has anyone purchased from otona-sekai before? Are they legit?
The idea sounded very lewd but I guess it only works as a fantasy or sharing as it is being used.
just buy one and get a friend to do it

if you buy one for me i'll cum in it a few times and send it to you! no diseases, i promise!
yeah its a nice to have fantasies but always remember to keep your health as your main priority.
I have a amputee fetish but I'm not going to go dismember a girl just to use her like a toy.
I think this is the most closest thing to hentai irl as you can get.
Shit this actually looks real good
The cum would be dry and I would have to clean it. Do these onahole stores sell fake cum? I've seen some videos of it being used but I've only found tablets.
bad dragon does
Uuuuuugh, about to be a first time buyer but i cant decide between lolinco or virgin admission. Help me out /ona/? Both look and sound so good.
well what are you looking for in a hole?
Could you elaborate? I guess im looking for a tight dick bully, something like a virgin/loli. I feel like both fit in the catagory
how long is your dick?
if your dick is too long your just gonna launch that admission potato the moment you lose grip
5 in hard baby penis
lolinco for super stimulation but average durability.
VAA for stimulation but good durability.

If I had to choose only one, I'd just keep rebuying lolinco. I have both.

4.5" asian dink.
well on the lolinco you will have a tiny bit of extra wiggle room so if you thrust hard you'll bottom out, but on the admission you will bottom out without getting all in there.

Personally I have the graduation and I find that she is very much designed for pushing you out and stimulating the glans with resistance, the admission would just be more of that but very durable.

the lolinco would most likely be for entire penis stimulation as its both tight and full of features.

thats my two cents
Cheers gov, gona order loli in 3 days. Thanks for the fast reply.
just beware of the Magiceyes Quality control, there is none, so you might get a piece of shit or something good, i keep finding holes in my setsuna and I'm afraid to use her in case i notice more
>stay up to order dolphin regular
>immediately add to cart when it comes up, go through order
>after clicking submit, order flashes back to first page of order process for some reason
>go through it again
>its fucking sold out

Jesus christ, kill me.
you've gotta be swift to catch a dolphin.
And even if you manage to order it, it will probably not feel good enough to warrant all the hassle.
I really wonder if there are bots set up to buy these up. Or nips just zerg rush it.
am I new for not knowing what the dolphin is?
theres a new onahole that looks to be nothing but multiple cervixes along a line that simulates a dolphin vagina
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the outside looks really boring and I feel like it would be a nightmare to clean
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It's a tomax, you could probably just flip it inside out for cleaning.
look at the insides, that thing would be terrible to turn inside out
Hard to decide so.... I buy r20puni, lolinco, mought of true and bitch omanko gal onahole.
Start the no-fap until they arrive.
well it seems that every time I've used hanjuku she feels amazing, I might just throw out all my other holes.
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Just had some fun with my detoothed Mouth of Truth (and repaired air bubble).

She went from "holy fuck, what the fuck are you even doing?" to "holy fuck, this is intense, stop sucking please".

While losing the teeth is a bit of a shame, I wouldn't say it turns the MoT into a generic "vaginal" onahole: the tongue and palate are more pronounced without the teeth and it's fun to rub the tongue against my frenulum. Using it upside down also provides different sensations and there is some intense sucking going on with the lips when I push all the air out of the onahole.
My only regret is that the uvula is not all that noticeable.
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>tfw I threw out my onaholes only to rebuy them because I missed the variation
>over 200 usd
Don't do it anon.
you're right, it would be foolish to do that.

I have half a mind to throw out setsuna though, fucking magic eyes gave me a dud and I eviscerated her left labia with soldering iron and super glue, both melt onaholes super hard, especially ones that are like marshmallows
Yea do it. I didn't rebuy magic eyes because my last lolinco had too many imperfections and smelled like industry even after scrubbing.
>cleaning ona after using it
>use my finger to feel around for any lube/cum that might be left
>notice there is a tear
>i'm talking a dime sized, rond hole.
>luckily it feels like only the inner layer ripped

Like, I only used my Quattro ~10 times. I didn't expect it to go down this quickly. Let's see how quickly the mold sets in so I can buy a new one
she doesnt even feel that good, just like putting a marshmallow on my dick, theres pretty much no sensation at all, pretty disappointing because I was thinking of getting a lolinco virgo but if magiceyes does this shit for all their holes I have to wonder how the fuck they havent gone out of business.
Give me your loosest onahole.
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Found this, quality is probably shit though.

>scroll down to the check'em picture
Some of these pics are hilarious
also that whole hangar full of naked dolls hanging seems out of a shindol doujin
Has anyone disassembled an onahole warmer? I'd like to see what kind of cheap chinese fire/electrocution hazards are inside
Someone send one to bigclive
Actually, nevermind it's already been done.
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What's up anons quick question. Ive already bought and used Lolinco and was shopping around for a second onahole. After my first time with my ona it finally dawned on me that my penis head is sensitive and my first time sucked (dawned on me because when my ex used to give me head it wasn't as enjoyable sometimes because of said sensitivity.) Anyway my 2nd and 3rd time with Lolinco was way better then the first but the sensitivity was somewhat kinda still lingering so if anyone has any other recommendations for my second ona I'd really appreciate it.
>inb4 ex sucked at bj
She was a virgin I had to teach so
>inb4 fuck off normie
I live on 4chan but this isn't my usual board
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y-you mean your anime waifu, r-right?
s-surely he must be talking about 2d
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O-obviously!!! You anons haven't heard of s-Sylvie? Best waifu!!!!
>...I didn't come here to brag or anything I just need onahole help please anons....
Maybe you could try Tomax's Venus Real in soft or a thicker lube to dim down the sensations.
Hotpowers also has a bunch of ridiculously soft onas but they're on the expensive side unless you buy multiple in a set.

>tfw i have to use mint lube to up the sensation because doc stole a part of my dik at the age of 0
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Thanks anon, I was actually considering Tomax because it's single layer and I need a durable ona anyway, but I enjoyed the tightness family lolinco a lot. The sensitivity is there but it's 85% gone versus my first time.
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Are there any anons that have bought holes that are either too large or too small for them? How were there experiences? I was reading the guide and was confused on which size you base the hole off of. Do you do it based off of your erect length or bone pressed erect length? Are holes still usable even if they are an inch too small? What if you cant find any holes that fit you?
Aikodoll is a very well built 60 or 80cm doll
Unless you have a gorilla dick or a micropenis, I wouldn't worry about all that too much. Usually they're able to stretch or shrink to some degree with a little force. Just make sure you buy one that's durable enough to handle bottoming out.
I ordered and the site says it is pending, but it's not showing up on my bank account (there was some fucky stuff with fraud protection), should I reorder? Does reordering duplicate the order?
Wait a day or two
Tomax is in the top section of onaholes in terms of quality, and the smell is very faint and not unpleasant. Definitely top-notch holes.
But personally, my main issue with their holes is that the material is too soft and they don't provide a lot of tightness. If you want long sessions with subtle stimulation - they are for you.

I've actually got a couple of holes from ToysHeart recently, and even though the quality is lower, and they stink like rubber, I've been enjoying those more because of stronger stimulation.
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As of right now, based on my budgeting, I really can only afford 1 onahole atm so I'm leaning more towards toyheart but if you anons think I should invest into Tomax then I might bite.
Tomax is definitely something to experience. It will last you a long time. However, it's soft an not particularly tight.
So if you want something more stimulating, go for something else.
Yea don't panic friend, give it sometime and it'll either go through or decline. Don't double order or risk putting in 2 orders.
Thank you anon
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Never listening to you bakas again, these break way too easy
I never broke an onahole.
Guess that having a tiny dick has its merits.
It's one of Magic Eyes holes, isn't it?
Go buy a single layer onahole for durabilty. Keep a 2 layer for special nights. Or go get some real ass and deal with the emotional problems.
Don't worry anon if you can give amazing oral and keep up a decent stamina and make sure your girl cums first dick size won't matter that much.
Myonahole doesn't ship by RSAL right?
Their shipping rates are absurd.
I live in the U.S. I did my math on 2 onaholes I really wanted and they were in stock on CMST. I compared prices with myonahole and I'd end up saving 10$ from buying from Nip land but have to wait 2 weeks with standard shipping OR 1 MONTH WITH ECON all for 10$ savings.
What ona is that ?
I found a few and very small black dots inside my 17 bordeaux.
Would it be bad to continue fucking it?
Well, best case scenario those are not mold but actually some small scratches that filled with dirt. Try washing those spots rigorously.
But if it is mold, you are fucked. The black part is just the fruit bodies. The actual mold mycelium is nearly transparent. And it will grow over time, so you'll see the spots expand.
From my experience dealing with mold in various places, it's pretty much impossible to get rid of it unless you boil the object in question for a couple of hours. Easier to throw it away.

As for the fucking part - well, I wouldn't want to risk fungal infection of urethra. But if you do decide to stick your dick in it, please report if anything happens.
Opinions on Sujiman Kupa! Cocolo?
I tried washing them away, but the fuckers continue there.
I'm not risking it. Even rubber vaginas carry diseases now. It's a shame becausee it was my favorite one.
At least that was a pretty cheap one, I recently had to throw out my Lilith Uterus because some shit started growing on it. 55 dollars gone, just like that.
If you're looking for more stimulation ToysHeart is definitely a good choice, I'd look at the R20 regular/puni depending on the length of your dong.
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I gotta small dong so imma hit up dat puni
It's the one I got too brother
same >>16401493
Dont worry, all the science bull aside, we just have to put in EXTRA work with a girl. That's all. We got what we got and we gotta use it to a 110% of our ability. I speak from experience.
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