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no culture

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no culture
Probably more culture than Japan DESU
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You are just butthurt for not being in the cool meme makers club.
dunno about those other countries but at least Norway has culture
but japan just steal culture from other countries desu
nah you dont
Japan is culturally overrated by western anime nerds and female sushi hippies... and children who think samurais are cool (that's about it).
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WTF we literally existed for 500 years before Sweden was formed (that's like half the existance of the Roman empire).
your country has existed in 112 years tho.
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Why do Europeans copy Each other's flags?
Also to Japan, your rising sun flag was better
Not even remotely
LMAO that's simply not true. Go read a book camping-sven.

We have existed as a country since 872. Back then Swedes had to go to Norway to learn about the world.
You copied Malaysia
100x times more, and I'm not even kidding. You are just like those lefitst fucks who like foreign "cultures" better. You have no idea.

Japanese culture have been blown up because they (and China) are one of extremely few non-western cultures that amounts to anything at all.
Sweden was founded by oden himself you retarded faggot.
>he doesnt know the histry of scadinavia
Then swedes foundwd denmark. Norway was irrelevant until the 900s
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Norway has a culture of big natural clitorises.
Ummm actually they copied us sweaty :^)
Finns have a lot of culture
>Norway was irrelevant until the 900s

And Sweden wasn't? lmao. Btw from about 1000-1300 Norway was the definitive most powerful country in Scandinavia. You don't learn that in Sweden probably lmao.
>anybody wants to copy y*nks
Go easy with the self delusion there, doll.
fuck off you have nothing in common with the vikings who founded the ancient state of norway in 872, these were nords, youre just celtic rapebabies larping as muh viking ancestors :) because youre a cultureless shithole that steals everything from amerishart and shitden. while the real vikings fought celtshits like you in clontarf and in stamford bridge your ancestors were caught on a ship as a slave
left is norwegian architecture and right is japanese
because quality does matter4
Ummm read a book our flag came first
No, I have traced my ancectry back to Odin.
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Just admit it, Scandinavia is a cultureless shithole
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autistic screeching is culture
>ywn live in one of those temple things on the right
It hurts
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>Probably more culture than Japan DESU
all germanic countries are
Both are "recently" built.
At least we try to create something new TODAY - and Nordic architecture is actually (somewhat) popular around the world.

Have you heard of anyone going to Japan to study modern architecture?
>modern architecture
All modern architecture is, is just globalist postmodern glass boxes with no character

The thing is that "germanic culture" is today the culture of the entire world.
>All modern architecture is, is just globalist postmodern glass boxes with no character
Pathetic. Go cry to your youtube channel about your worthless faux nostalgia.
I'm pretty sure Japanese style language is hotter atm than Norwegian. I like Norway but lay off the lip palm, Ole.

It's a fact.
anglo culture is french celtshit
Well, if you count anglos as germanic, that is.
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No because "modern architecture" is the biggest trash mankind have ever created
It's funny because you end your phrase with DESU
Norway is celtic
I do count them as Germanic

Not entirely. But, anyway modern 'world culture' is mostly from Germanic countries (even without the UK). If you look into it you'd be surprised.
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It's okay, we can just steal Japanese culture instead. ノルウェー万歳!
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thats why i addressed you as a celt. celts have literally been slaves for nearly all of their history.

Not if you look at any DNA map of Europe.
We are actually almost the same as Swedes (lost Norwegians).
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80% is shit 20% is nice.
Celts was probably the ones who allied us with UK. something which made swedes shit scared and also ended the swedish occupation of Norway

Any city with ONLY 'classical' buildings actually becomes a bit boring after a while, but depends on the mindset I guess.
Can anyone explain why Danes and Norwegians are so normie yet Swedes and Finns are so hideously autistic?
we invented the MODERN world*
nah thats western sweden, not eastern sweden, because western sweden used to be a part of norway. eastern swedes have nothing in common with norwegians.

>the swedish occupation of Norway

and when did that happen
swefags/mongol larpers have german dna unlike the dano-norwegians, probably why sweden is such a faggy nation.
the occupation ended in 1905

>swedish education

what has that do with the uk? not sure how they broke peace with us about you becoming 'free'.
Lmao. You know so little, ola. Sweden and denmark fought for power 1200-1300. Norway is hardly mentioned in swedish litterature from this era. You could make the case that for a short while around 900 norgay had SOME relevance, but thats it.
There never was any occupation except during the [very short] war of 1814. Even as a lesser member of the Swedish-Norwegian union you had FULL SOVEREIGNTY in all matters but foreign policy. There NEVER was a Swedish occupation of Norway during peacetime (i.e. from October of 1814 to the end of the union in 1905). Compared to the Danes we treated you infinitely better, yet the Dane is remembered with fondness and the Swede with scorn. That truly says something about the Norwegian mind.
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>Swedes and Norwegians (who are the same thing) shitting on each other
STFU Mohammad. Your mother was a pig fucking whore, fucking for bacon.

>Sweden and denmark fought for power 1200-1300

Denmark was WEAK in that time, and Sweden practically didn't even exist. This is the time when Norway built the fortress in Gothenburg and sent a crused to the holy land. This was long before Denmark and Sweden was fighting... it was actually in the aftermath of Norway and Denmark fighting (we had many Danish invasions - also at one point the Norwegian king Magnus the Good ruled Denmark).
nah they are your guys, ahmed, not ours

crusade* blamao
>not sure how they broke peace with us

They didn't, they were our guarantee for independence if hell were to break lose, something they also proved during WW2 when hell did break lose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bofwY6ZA6iI
MATE, you realize sweden best denmark at slaget om fyrisvallarna right. We beat the largest scandi empire and btfod their faggot jomsvikinga raids on several occations.
In the 1300 birger jarl was btfoibg every fucking nigger norweigan monarch
t. culture based around drawings of naked little girls
>muh territory

pretty sure the largest scandi emprie was sweden
You wouldn't even know about that without Norwegian Snorre.

You would say he was Icelandic, but that was pretty much the same as Norwegian at that time.
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>muh ancestors wuz bigger kingz than yours
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Their women are mistery. They are either orange , or manly. Sometimes both.
>birger jarl
what? all he did was marry his daughter off to the norwegian king
That is fucking awful but saved
You mean the ancient Finnish KANGZ dude? :DDD
Perfect breeding stock
LOLing seeing these two fags arguing when the ancient FINNISH kings were their GODS... I am LMAFOING my ass off at the nordics...,,,,
Cut down on the sauna schnapps now Wirkola... ;p
Doesn't matter when germanics can just appropriate any culture and make it their own.
It's should be our right when the entire world has appropriated ours already!
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>all this delusional wewuzing
I agree. Germanic culture is world culture. They have stolen our culture.
>pic related
ofc celtics are always best
>t. chinese culture carbon copy
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>no culture
>still see qt japanese girl tourists daily
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hello my nordic brothers
It's not like anyone will complain.
Norway is the Japan of Europe, so idk what op is even trying to say. Can't speak for those other flags, though...
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thats a weird way to spell best culture
nowhere has as much culture as the aryan state of kashmir
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It's just too bad we lost at Stamford Brdige.
We would have had the finest and bestest and cutest slaves in the ENTIRE WORLD.
Ta med ro nå du
a perfect breeding cow
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Japanese competeing with Norwegian culture
Now show me a Japanese classical piece (that's not copied)

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No competition
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We even have great present day artists (anime is not art)
When was the last time you heard any modern Japanese artists?

These are from Norway.

Culture overload
OMG I really wish I was born Norwegian :(

That's beautiful!
Umm what??
Have a nice day everybody, peace be with you and best of luck in your endeavours
Finland can be alright (depends who you ask)

But expensive tbqh

In summer is bugs
What the fuck do you mean we have no culture? Æksplain yourself psl.
how are those countries so irreligious but all have christian symbols on their flags?
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Because the original cross design was made in the early christian period in Scandinavia.
Pic is more how it was 1000 years ago.

We faced Christianity last time and lost, now we're facing Islam.
>We faced Christianity last time and lost

You mean lost... then won.
Whats with all the island gook shit posting lately?
Its sad than when Europe is finally getting rid of Christianity another desert cult is invading
seems like you won since burning churches is a national past time and most of the area is atheistic. :^) nords must have a natural aversion to actual conversion and submission to these middle eastern religions.
sure you give a lot of lip service to them but naturally they'll fuck off and leave to a more gullible population.
Their culture is admiring Donald Duck
i love you
Problem is not conversion this time, it's outbreeding. A totally different beast.
It's nearing the time we end it once and for all.
Yeah, but we copied it from the East India Company
bruhh, what are you trying to do
You copied it from the East India Company, fucktard
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they copied it from ours
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Why does Finland's flag look like it stands apart?
Because Finland is not scandinavian
Autistic 1 meter personal space
/g/ seems to be experts on their women:
t. schlomo
this japs are just jealous
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>there are people on /int/ who STILL reply to this spammer's lame threads
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This is what they thought and they built this in my city. It doesn't match the rest of the Old Town and nobody likes it. Modern architecture can be great if done properly tho.
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