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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 286
Thread images: 56

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all I want for Christmas is FOY edition
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are guy.jpg
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did someone say slags?
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walking with wargs.png
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>it's great for the time period

looks like fucking walking with dinosaurs mate
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>you arrive in the america of Europe
world health organisation statistics
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Laughing Daisy.webm
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wasn't me
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me in the suit

phwoar, size of em'
virgin walked a mile to tesco at lunch today.
might do genocide later
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>hi, I'm Da-
kin ell
dont believe these statistics, i wasnt personally consulted for information
objectifying post
Can you beat the record?
where do I apply for Fire in the Booth?
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This holds up imo. There are a couple of shots, like a few overheads from Helm's Deep that are really dodgy, but it doesn't really matter if you're emotionally invested in the characters and the story (which you should be if you don't have a vagina).
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when i press the button on this remotecontrol the screen turns on and automaticaly starts playing a shuffled playlist of ~300 music webms
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>JUFD-752 Chie Aoi – Shamanized Butt Anal Knockout Anal Tower Married Care Helper
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that fat faggot needs to be pulverised with a baseball bat, stop falseflagging no one on 4chan likes him
that's because you paused it at a moving image, our eyes don't see it like that do we?
It's incredible for the time period, I dare you to find CGI better during that age
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been practing my german, hows it sound
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did they do this part with real water rushing over a scale model or something? it looks amazing
that section is awful but it's literally the only part out of the three of them that's bad
dont like anal in jav 2bh
you must be a complete brainlet if you don't know how sample statistics work and if you think you know more than the WHO than you are simply deluded. Everyone in the mainland laughs at you for being fat, your women are fucking ogres mate
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>where do I apply for Fire in the Booth?
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for >>79374042
Its fine m8, looks realistic enough
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aye I'll have twelve cans of Carlsberg cheers rasheed
it's actually worse in motion
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Playing some cards.
fake news
cgi and scale model mix
just (didn't) shag myself in the arse
fucking lads right there. real men. not like these sissies we have today. Britannia is doomed
disagree completely
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You look different...
deluded fat wanker
Sets were models, Ents obviously CGI, Merry and Pippin live action. The scale models were fucking amazing. Last great work of true masters of their craft t.b.h.
when did you move to holland aykut?
rate these in order of best to worse:

include some others if you want
made a peng as fuck chili earlier

would probably inform /ck/ but I didn't use beans and I'm not sure how they would react to that given their profoundly fragile state of mind
haven't tried ket

acid > mdma > nos > weed > speed > coke
please don't ever call me a roach ever again

md is for children
Hate the new Flash advert

so fucking cringe
think i wud really suit the agy lifestyle but not into lads, what do I do?
lmao calm down clogboy
snorting lines of your nan's poo
sounds like you dont really care about the results you just want attention from a brit. well here you go!
More like /shit/
Es ist Ronnystunde in /deutsch/, komm vorbei
underage weak minded child that can't handle trips
How often do you lads wash your bellend? Do you peel it back every single day in the shower or what?
The mum off of Outnumbered is a milf desu
is ket really that good? i've never tried it. whats it like?
k holes are legitimate shit, not even fun tripping like acid
weed is cack
nos lasts 5 seconds
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well did an english lad fuck your crush or something?
just wondering what drives you to post the same inane bait every day
multiple times per day
t. pseudo-intellectual runt who thinks drugs make him enlightened
that's me
wish I was a fit bird with nice tits and a fat crank to shove up my pussy hole
>t. pseudo-intellectual runt who thinks drugs make him enlightened
third eye entombed
i love it
feels like you're floating on a cloud and your head is warm and fluffy and everything is funny
you don't k-hole everytime, k is a plateau drug, low doses is a party drug, medium is for euphoria, large is for k holes
sounds like you've never tried it
I don't take psychdelics and dissosciatives don't give you insight. settle down child
would split in half
>pseudo-intellectual runt
t. unemployed stoner who watches joe rogan podcasts all day
business idea: a TV show where conor mcgregor meets with the survivors of the manchester arena bombing and beats the shit out of them

only done coke and ket. Coke was better.
k just makes you feel drunk, it's wank mate

not to mention it's fucking filthy
How many brit threads have you start
2 for me
I don't smoke weed either which is why I put it near the bottom of my list you sound extremely childish
Sounds like you aren't taking enough or never got your hands on the s plus isomer it feels nothing like being drug for me
start my job tonight

rent boy
I'd watch it
unironically enjoy Rick and Morty
how have you managed to do those but not mdma
is your step dad english?
how much?
who actually listens to podcasts
how fucking runty and boring
>live in northern city
>was pretty white apart from pakis but used to them
>gay pride parade this weekend
>very noticeable amount of blacks appeared in the last few months
A-are we being enriched lads? I don't like it.
only do DMT, mescaline, ayahuasca and mushrooms

anything else dulls the mind and is for brainlets
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>Sounds like you aren't taking enough or never got your hands on the s plus isomer it feels nothing like being drug for me

alright Rens sorry mate

don't ever reply to me again
I listen to so many podcasts I barely have time for music any more
enjoy your free radicals
Live opposite a luxury apartment block and its deserted till 7pm

wagie scum
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english pepe.png
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Posting this because I'm interested, /brit/ ethnicity survey.
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Smashed on a Monday night
need a poverty class chav gf who has big ambitions
i don't see it. it's blurred because of motion
enjoy your artificial chemicals rotting your brain
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follow me on 'gram

isn't she about 11 you nonce
I will mate if you enjoy your free radicals
picked chinese even though i'm white
Voted pakistani but I'm not lmao
i bet you you didn't notice there were two you's in this post
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rainy pepe.png
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Absolute madlads over here.
only do alcohol

love pints
nigga you gay
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/our guy/
everyone should do psychedelics even the 'i dont need to get high I get high off life' types
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>why yes, of course I use mind-altering drugs
fingered her round the back of a club in romford
alright then let me just go down to the psychedelics shop and buy some psychedelics
>talks about handling "trips"
>doesn't even do psychs

how much of a brainlet can you be
shagged the bird off the one show outside a club in glasgow yesteday
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miss Big Dave lads
clicked other because wakefield wasn't an option
virgin post
orange juice is so fucking peng
my cock hurtd
Your eyes take in light, your brain converts it into information and adjusts your perceptions accordingly

Life is a mind altering drug
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are there any normal girls about
seems all their heads have been stuffed with cultural marxist bollocks
the fhuture of whhites ish in our hands
spent my life savings on a carton of tropicana. was worth every penny
orthodox churches
wakefield nonce
no absolutely every girl is like that now.
does he get to bring friends?
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>just a girl with a dick

yeah most girls are normal
stop looking on shitty websites where all the mental ones like to congregate

maybe go outside?
that tranny looks better than the others
Hello Wildcats!
Helicopter parenting. This is not a healthy parenting style, but is sadly becoming the norm.
Edited: Since not everyone knows this term, a helicopter parent is a common parenting style (in the U.S., and I believe other western countries) were a parent is overly involved in their child's life, makes the child the center of the universe, and shelters the kid from any negative life experiences or consequences. Examples: older children not allowed to play anywhere unsupervised; parents applying for jobs on behalf of their kids and attending interviews with them; parents making teens download an app that tells the parent where they are at all times; parents flipping their shit when their kid gets a single bad grade, blaming the teacher vs. the kid. Then, these kids are magically supposed to grow up to be competent, well-adjusted adults, but have never experienced consequences and have been spoiled and sheltered their whole lives. Parents who don't helicopter are accused of child abuse and neglect, in extreme cases.

I don't really have any friends. last time I snorted coke was a couple of years ago on my birthday, my brothers gf got me a few grams as a present. not really my thing. runt life desu.
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was going to start the 'copy pasting old posts' gimmick but actually cannot even be arsed
link me some interesting WWII wiki articles. i spent all day at work reading about WWII and i wanna go further
>tfw no violent tranny bf
rawr x3
got a feeling that won't be true with bigger pictures
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the bf
someone always jumps down my throat when I say even good coke is terrible
just cannot understand the appeal
Sometimes I look at ducks and think, yes, that's an animal perfectly adapted to living in a pond

Bet he does the Dutch Reach
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>please tell us why you would like to work for us (boat deck crew)
Brainlet here

Been struggling on this question for way too long. I just like boats and want money, that's all. If one of you uni lads could help me out that'd be great. I know it only takes you guys two secs to think and write shit out. Thanks.
>attending job interviews with them
is this actually a thing?

i.e. what should have happened to Germany (completely de industrialised, turned into a Ukraine in Central Europe)
JOE is short for JOE's Own Editor
which can be expanded out to JOE's Own Editor Own Editor
and then to JOE's Own Editor Own Editor Own Editor
then JOE's Own Editor Own Editor Own Editor Own Editor
and so on ad nauseam

ha ha, makes me laugh
>I just like boats and want money, that's all.

You answered your own question

95% of your coworkers will be Vietnamese and not speak English, I wouldn't worry
suspect you may have a touch of the 'tism
KFC and Mcdonalds taste fucking rank and awful, food comes cold half the time.

What's a better fast food joint? I'm almost tempted to go to one of those paki halal knock off joints where they probably don't wash their hands, at least they can get some spices in there and make it hot and tasty. Cheap too.
smelly vim user detected
just write a haiku
oh dont give me that shit
like what you're immune to MSG or something
maccies just tastes simply ghastly to your refined palate

fuck off
>I am a motivated and energetic individual who is interested in a maritime career. This is because I believe that I have a number of relevant skills that would make me suitable for this role, as well as a natural interest in nautical pursuits (?).
(back this up with your skills and interests/experience)
good luck anon
Nos (would be much higher up if it lasted more than a minute)
Write some bs about your grandad taking you sailing as a boy and you want to nake it your career or some rubbish
Come on lad
LSD is illegal because it makes you think

Alcohol is legal because it stops you thinking

use that JFK quote about the sea
>Ma! Fire up the Acer, me Christmas Bonus has arrived! Get on asos.com and add those gucci shoes to me basket!
Wok 2 Walk is absolutely fantastic
first had it in Amsterdam, then was overjoyed to find out they have a smattering of UK branches too

cant recommend it enough
americans are mentally ill
something something i blame the jews
>want to see more of the world
>want to develop my teambuilding skills
>grew up around boats and have a natural affinity for the ocean
>hope to make a career in the Navy one day

or some shit like that
Local burger joint
theres a dog that rides the bus to my work sometimes, never seems to be with an owner
wonder where he's off to
VERY good post
>please tell us why you would like to work for us (boat deck crew)
All of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea -- whether it is to sail or to watch it -- we are going back from whence we came.
change the lyrics to a rap song to include nautical references
>boat deck crew
alri shiplad
Haiku style poems work better in Japanese.
Which is why I hated doing them in school.
Read a few (translated) Japanese haiku poems and they were alright.
i use nano
if this is a callback to the other night then well done, very amusing
take away the actual bloke and you have an incredible cherrypicked sample size of 2 there

No mam I need the jeans with the holes ripped in at the knees
maccies tastes shite mate, and i'm a lover of unhealthy fast food
chips taste like pipe cleaners covered in salt half the time, and the chips used to be their best feature
Auzgezeichnete post
good lad
Ting goes skraa
Yeah not like you can get them delivered to your door with realative ease
fuck off
fuck off
fuck off (but said in a slightly less harsh tone of voice)
going to drive to stevenage asda

meet me there in 30 minutes if you want a fight
really can't believe pewdiepie actually said 'nigger' while streaming
emacs is objectively the best editor
yeah wow its mad i dont think ive ever heard anyone say nigger before
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Nothing made think more than this post
not as big a deal as it is in america
still got about 40 VHS tapes

need to throw them out but they're all prized childhood memories so I can't
synapses in overdrive
he lives in sweden
can't believe anonymous actually said "nigger" in /brit/
REALLY attracted to Jessica from rick and morty
LOVE are agent cooper

anyone got any good cooper pics?
good post
he lives in sweden
actually he moved to the UK
a smart choice
once you see the game, you dont want to play
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Britain is fucking grim compared to Sweden
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The girl, who arrived in Italy few days ago, has been beaten, raped and robbed in the night between Friday and Saturday. A young Bangladeshi, who has a residence permit for humanitarian reasons, is accused of being responsible.
really not sure why this is considered a big news story
dont think anyone i know irl would care in the slightest
didnt realize so many nigger sayers were present this evening
Reporting you to the British authorities right now.
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Fashwave = gashwave
So try him like any other rapist

His nationality and refugee status are irrelevant
this is /brit/
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asian on asian crime, who cares?
do you read the news?
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why do people keep getting plastic surgery when they see it always comes out looking weird
I don't get why rapists only rape ugly girls.
shit and porky
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ayy vittu ::DDDDDD
dont get how some racial slurs are more acceptable than others

either its all ok, or none of its ok
wonder what would happen if he said paki
Why get offended over people calling him a racist? It's just a word, Pewdiepie fans, don't let it affect you so much! What do you mean words have context and implications? Don't be such babies.
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this thread is getting far too dangerous, let's wind it in lads
was going to start the 'copy pasting old posts' gimmick but actually cannot even be arsed
oh my...
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imagine being offended by words

leftists are all special snowflakes of course they're easily offended little babbies
I've done my fair share of them. I've tried them all, went through a RC phase and I had a dealer that sold LSD, mescaline and DMT and I went mental on them. I was dropping acid three times a week.
Once you get the answer hang up the phone
kinda this but with regards to all derogatory words, if you're gona have a go at me for saying faggot but then say someone is an idiot or w.e. we gona have a problem
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oh my god who fucking cares about a literal video gaming youtuber
>tfw no more aesthetic empires
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from a JFs perspective
Scotland > Northern England = Northern Ireland > Southern England > Wales




With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
But there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself



love birds of prey
is twin peaks good?
unironically pure kino
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Are you ready for 4x safety car in S*ngapore?
>from a JFs perspective
opinion discarded
im watching the original 1990 series right now and holy fuck YES it is GREAT

dunno about the new one though
>His nationality and refugee status are irrelevant

not even remotely
he shouldn't have been let into the country to begin
south asian attitudes regarding women and rape are well known
you're just asking for this sort of thing to happen when you let those men into your country
I'd wager it's because it stops your mental filter and dampens your ego. Alcohol can be quite philosophical too though
dont actually care that he said nigger its hard to convince the "media" that youre not racist once you do say it
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watching 3rd season right now
bit spooky
always open beer bottles with my teeth
lel is she trying to make us believe she had the choice of getting kids
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>dunno about the new one though
I find it hilarious that we're at the point where being offended by people saying nigger publically as an insult makes you an SJW

like wtf even happened over the last few years
always open beer bottles with my arsehole
not in the uk you dont now shut up
season one >season 3 >season 2 (shit)
oh my indeed

probably menopausal and bitter about no one wanting to knock her up


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is ASOS regarded as poverty over there? over here ASOS is used by snobs
1. The Finns don’t say that someone is “pedantic”… they say they “fuck a comma” (nussia pilkkua).

2. The Finns don’t say it “rains cats and dogs”… they say, “it’s pouring from Esteri’s ass” (sataa kuin Esterin perseestä).

3. The Finns don’t say someone is “drunk”… they say they “threw asses on their shoulders” (perseet olalla).

4. The Finns don’t say someone is “ugly”… they say they “look like a predatory birds ass” (naama kuin petolinnun perse).

5. The Finns don’t say someone “looks unpleased”…they say they their “face is like an elephant’s cunt” (naama norsun vitulla).

6. The Finns don’t say someone is “full of themselves”… they say they “have piss going to their head” (kusi noussut päähän).

7. The Finns don’t say “let’s go”… they say “let’s go cows, the bull has a boner” (let’s go lehmät, sonnilla seisoo).
went to the F1 thing in london jesus fucking christ they are loud
big fan of the budweiser bottle caps you can twist off
bit early mate
yeah mate youre not biased at all
dont worry the UK is still my fav cunt
the dougie jones/mitchum bros plot alone makes up for the show's shortcomings and nonsensical subplots
Thread posts: 286
Thread images: 56

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