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Thread replies: 296
Thread images: 59

lmaoing at lefty students, edition
nice reddit image, mind if I save?
how do i become a RadCen student?
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Are Jez
*makes dick sucking noises*
feel AWFUL lads
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no stopit
spike spiegel

It's all yours, friend
vanilla is pretty much the worst. love me some domination
>Rorkes are this mad about the fact that the working class are lefties
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Where can I purchase this hat
hope to spaff in a girl in Japan
doubt it will happen
comfy choons
nice /v/ post, mind if I use the format to mock you?
On my 5th shit today lads. Knew I shouldn't have drank her piss.
The autism shop
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mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
>£3000 for a hug
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>tfw no qt alt-pop Canadian gf
look up "delivery health"
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>black holes don't exist
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Any footy on today?
Consent is implied by existence.
In future I hope to go back to university and complete a PhD. I'm interested in examining Hélène Cixous's concept of écriture féminine in modern writing, specifically focusing on female experiences of BDSM and sex.

I also want to set up my own ethical queer porn production company (there's a big gap in the market for long-haired guy-on-guy porn.)
they're socially conservative socialists mostly. I don't have anything wrong with those lefties

It's socially liberal lefties who keep banging on about social justice, political correctness, trannies, gays, muslims, love and tolerance and diversity, pro immigration pro EU, anti-racism anti-colonialism anti-imperialism anti-Britain anti-white antichristian anti-male feminism shite that I can't stand
Need a 13 year old gf lads
Don't care about Florida
its Sky Sports™ Super Sunday™

burnley v palace and swansea v newcastle
yeah no thanks pervert
don't understand how PhDs even work for things like literature

just write a fucking book
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do you draw yaoi comics by any chance?
Doesn't sound very super
watching The Core on channel 4

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>listening to Gardeners' Question Time on Radio 4
They write PhD on things to consign literature, they don't just write a novel
>long haired guy in guy porn
honestly not a bad shout
id love to see some of that
you're the guy going with your parents for a while right?

if you're only there for a couple weeks and don't speak the language, you have a choice between """health""" and Roppongi slags and to be honest the former are far cleaner
>the unstoppable force of Burnley vs the immovable defence of Crystal Palace
>not super

head, wobble.
didnt read all those buzzwords sorry
I'd bang her tbqh
>It's socially liberal lefties who keep banging on about social justice, political correctness, trannies, gays, muslims, love and tolerance and diversity, pro immigration pro EU, anti-racism anti-colonialism anti-imperialism anti-Britain anti-white antichristian anti-male feminism shite that I can't stand

So the working class
donning my signature hawaiian shirt
post fucking machines
Swansea AND Newcastle?
sex doesn't count if you pay for it
Any good questions?
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So what are the political beliefs of a radical centrist?
dangerous and downright stupid
blue board mong you cant post porn
What's the British equivalent to this car?

A Disco or a Zafira?

the virgin statement
it's a meme you dip
you always pay for it
the working class doesn't give a shit about any of that lmao

middle class uni students with tumblrs do
Honda Jazz

Define the "working class"
post fucking machines
rip heaton :'-(
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are you autistic?
Have you ever met a working class person you fucking mong? They're the direct opposite of that.
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need more short-haired big-arsed girls in porn iiqhwya

Honestly I don't really listen, also it's really hard for me to make out the plant names with English pronounciation. It's simply very cozy having Englishpeople talking about gardening in the background.
any THICC man in
blacks use it as a term of endearence and say nigga and not nigger, Additionally british blacks don't say it that much with london being an exception but even then not all the london blacks i've met have used the word.

If a stranger comes up to them and calls them a nigger for no reason they clearly are looking for trouble
ironic post
he looks israeli
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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HAVE BECOME.........................................................................................................................................
actual salt of the earth workers, not trendy bourgie students
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those social liberals have little-to-no interest in left wing economic policies. it's useful to call them liberals rather than leftists, because that's what they are.

new zealand gave us an amazing example of this in the 80s. their labour party did most of the stuff Thatcher did here, but the liberal-left accepted it on the grounds that they knew nothing about economics but could leverage their numbers to get the government to pass various pieces of gay, womans and maori rights legislation, as well as making NZ nuclear free.

From Bob Hawke's [Australian Labour PM] biography.
>I felt to compelled to tell him that it seemed he didn't really seem to believe what he was saying [about the anti-nuclear ships policy] and his government seemed prepared to cop the left's view in return for a freer hand to run economic policy. He replied without equivocation, "That's right." He indicated that the nuclear-free policy had been fashioned by the Left and accepted by the party, and there was virtually nothing he could do about it (
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new blazer lads
is google broken?
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don't tell the hedgehog man but i think i'm going to start calling mine sonic
wagwan t-peng
voting Labour doesn't mean you're a progressive SJW who cares about intersectional solidarity and institutional racism you daft twat
not sure this works but it's all about the confidence
I remember this thing in the early 90's where some lad got called a nigger then was stabbed to death and then the police spent their time accusing the parents of the deceased. that was YEARS ago though, cannot fathom why it's still a bad word

if they can call me white then why can't I call them a big disgusting smelly ape?
Because you're all boring cunts I actually went on Reddit. There is a thread asking mods what the worst thing they ever had to remove was, and it is some of the tamest shit I've ever read.
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not responding to you anymore
About 5 sizes too big, nonce.
If you are actually friends with them then it likely won't be problem depending on the person but if you just randomly go up to a black and call them a nigger than its gonna seem like your just trying to be offensive.
don think they go that small LOL
mouse mouse

pasokon mouse
that bit about one GCSE is quite mean, i feel bad that they were ridiculed like that behind their backs
>why yes of course I buy a dozen bikinis each summer IN FUCKING ENGLAND
Are all women this bad with money?
if you were taller and bigger then you'd look great. unfortunately you're neither so look a bit ridiculous.
Japanese women are hot because they have bodies like little girls.
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ah yes /fa/
Transporting by car is called SHIPment
Transporting by ship is called CARgo

If that was on 4chan alot of the answers would genuinely end up in court
it's meant to be oversized
drive a honda civic
reminder that the modern day "working class" are basically just working retail jobs and work in services rather than any good honest traditional manual labour jobs
that particular flavour of left-wing arrogant and condescension that we so much of actually caused some outrage. the bloke actually asked for an apology from her but i doubt he did it, the stuck-up cunt.
u cant touch music but music can touch u
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already do.
that pictures from the 'dit mate
so you want it to look shit? why?
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As you can see from the gray line, women rate an incredible 80% of guys as worse-looking than medium.
well its mostly just child porn and terroristic/murder threats I would imagine
alri david byrne
Deep man I'm talking rhstb
most men are hideous though
most men get their wives through being funny and charming
20% club here
>leaving the street sign uncensored

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*goes back to bbc pidgin*
the one thing skinny manlets should do is wear clothes that fit them properly. literally the least they can do.
because this site is satire
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Fuck you peasants hahahahha
How is your grandfather turned into soap but you aren't?
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can't stand cunts always doing a silly face in photos
spend thousands on clothes but still hide behind a mask of irony
god forbid someone might think you're actually sincere
am serious thouh when I say gas the kikes
I didn't know stormfront had gone. Explains the influx of spackers.
>pressing your face up against a dick isn't sexual
how many gbp is that?
>thinking this is a lot of money

plus you're probably just at work in the betting shop
Well it really does depend who your talking to, a suit or a fag will most likely not do anything but your average pack nigger will probably beat you to shit and Rob you of your belongings
You'd give good handjobs
about tree fiddy
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/r/incels is always right
Things I need to watch:
Tin star
Victoria (S1 and S2 )
From Russia to Iran

Any other suggestions?
how many euros is that?
>a lot of money
Students need to leave.
i usually got at least £50 more dole than that
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>being feminist
>hating the working class
why is she wearing sneakers

why not flip flops

Aren't her feet going to get all sweaty?
Would spunk on her ass and on her fivehead.
like how it looks and feels
a whole 200 pounds!
gonna buy some wine gums and slushies with that?
about tree fiddy
Whats the british equivelant of the word "dude"
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*walks towards you*
Post your favourite Rosy
The street isn't called "Give Way" you fucking mong.
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>look natural
alri turtlemong
So, for the first time in a long time, the few friends that I had left invited me to join one of their parties that they put out from time to time. At first I was reluctant because they invited me not because they really wanted to, but because they felt sorry my sorry ass. I did go, however. Knowing full well that I wasn't going to get any -- but I guess it was a good way for me to actually get out from the fucking house.

As expected the party was insane as shit. Filled with degenerate normies drinking, doings drugs, smoking and doing the various other degenerate shit that they always do. There were plenty of sluts, but they were too busy twerking their asses at Tyrone and Jamal and getting high -- it was disgusting. Me being the Blackpilled incel that I am, just kept looking the freak show, noticing how crippled our society has become. Obviously no one engaged or wanted to engage with a conversation with me; as usual.

Anyway, I went to the counter to get a drink and this Tyrone and his slut was few feet besides me making out hard. The sluts ass was faced at my direction so I decided to touch a feel of that ass. I don't know why I did it, maybe because I was too sexually frustrated, but I groped her ass. She was too high and drunk so she didn't notice it, thankfully.

All in all, it was alright, I guess. Wasn't really much exciting. I left the party after that.
>taking a picture of £200

screaming, what kind of kwik save tier dole dossers do I post amongst
they don't outright hate them, but implied when they talk shit about people who don't go to university or hold conservative opinions while being of lower class
f a m (its wordfiltered)

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pay up piggies
Literally reeddit. Fuck off.
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or less often but still frequently
where to begin

mate mate mate mate mate mate mate
nah its from south park.
business idea: kill incels to earn EXP and increase LV
proper set of triangle tits on her
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>tfw you'll NEVER be a farmer in NI and have Rihanna run topless through your wheat field

it fucking hurts
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Equally shit desu

Southpark is for autistic children

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cherie is fine too
roastie heemed
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
everyone below this line is a queer unless he has a letter from thw Queen stated not so

you can tell by the fact he's barefoot.
that's well gay mate not gonna lie
Rihanna is an absolute dog, looks like she smokes 2 packs of b&h daily and owns an ethnic wig shop
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>Equally shit desu
>Southpark is for autistic children
hope this poorly dressed back-water cretin got the noose

autismos should be shot
rihanna's hideous

everyone above this line is a queer, everyone below is heterosexual
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>That last kick to the face
Ha gets me every time
ive met the queen twice

once when i was in the cadets and she inspected my regiment on Armed Forces Day
and once when my dad got some important promotion and she was at the ceremony. i was only 5 so i dont remember but apparently she said hello to me.
Muslim just stabbed 3 in a church in Birmingham

Barely on BBC news lol
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Are Liz.jpg
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NOT a queer
by royal decree
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>When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

>For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
its from the holy bible
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what happened to people complaining about the DUP being in government?
did the media realize that no one really cares?
Hitler was a pretty bad guy desu
Everyone below is going to get bummed by a coloured chap tonight unless they give me a (you).
stop posting your pictures you dress shit
haha alright fairy
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t. pleb

she is d e l i c i o u s
think some men are hot
do we know what they did to provoke him yet?
People prefer to pretend northern ireland isn't a part of the UK
lads how the fuck do you pronounce almond
I am very insecure about my own interpretation and am worried I am using an americanism
>can tell within 2 microseconds of looking at his dress sense, skin pallor and haircut that he's on the sperg end of the spectrum

can literally diagnose the 'tism by sight
Cheers mate wasn't sure what to do with myself then
calm down autismo
If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
al or all?
correct way: ah-mund

working class way: al-mund
fuck off fedora man
every single one of your ancestor was christians
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watching a documentary about north korea and midway in it shows a really nice life scene from a wedding. all those happy people, not really what msm is trying to sell to us!
like a soft "ahl"
u giving me batty chirps bro
It doesn't say anywhere he's a Muslim. He knew the person he stabbed, it was just general violence. 3 people were injured, no one died, it was in Aston which is a shitty black area so it's just your typical chimpout.
i say ALL-mund
if I meant all I would have said all

al like albert
me bottom right
yeah who would be happy at a wedding lol
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got a package
i wonder what it could be???
reee leftypol reeee
>polo shirt to a wedding

and here's me thinking only scousers did that kind of thing
>tfw I've hit girls before but it was never an issue
This lad's got some problems. I'm also confused by the almost Norn Irish accent 2 seconds in, but then the girl sounds like a yank and I have no idea what name she's saying. It's like "tudgenull" or something.
Based C.S. Lewis shunning those who would unironically apply that quote from Paul to everything in life

Is this a post-ironic meme or did fedora pictures lose all their original context of atheism?
>short pants
why are Yanks such little cretins?
MK ultra programming status: activated
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eating in abundance, splashing each other with the water, all in a very candid and childish manner. Very far from the depraved west!
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>Early indications suggested the offender and victim knew each other and it was a targeted attack

Who was in the wrong here
not having that
hope it's anthrax
A guide to not being a nonce, I hope, for your sake.
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>how did I defend the working class today? did I stand up for worker's rights, the welfare state NHS or anything like that?
>why no! I attacked other working class people I consider too socially liberal
both are. one guy for believing in religious nonsense and the other guy for being a murderous thug.
its a laptop

what do i win
Am a Rorke but I really do love reading the New Statesman

genuinely good lefty paper
>bradley mong is back
Quiz : the most effective countermeasure to islam in europe is

1. Christianity
2. Science
3. Anime
Mum and sisters went through my wallet

Found an appointment card for laser

They thought it funny
Asked where is was getting it removed, they thought legs
My sister claimed again that I wanted to look like "a girl", I don't understand why she's so unsupportive when she knows
nice Chinkpad
what Distro you installing?
500ml of whale sperm, freshly squeezed.
would HEEM rorke if I saw him irl, being an enlightened leftist, I'm 6'8 and built live a tescos(the big one NOT the express)

Would gladly cave rorkes skull in if he even opened his mouth in my presence
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thats right! its a new thinkpad!

i have 3 now. one R61, one X220, and one X230.

my other two run Arch Linux, but this one will run windows 7 i think. its for if I *NEED* a windows computer for some reason during uni.
you need to move out mate
just found out through a friend that my gf once dated a black guy.

what do i do?
not a tankie but honestly north korea seems like an utopia
msm always rambles about reeducation camps and other NK jails but honestly 100k people on a population of 24 million is nothing
would punt you into orbit expressly
Secular Fascism.
what was happening in the period of time where guns hadn't been invented yet and gorillas existed
AIDS test asap.
>mum and sisters went through my wallet
thats not normal darling
mock her about it for the rest of your relationship. you can probably get some passive aggressive punishment in there too.

or just leave her.
The One Number That Shows Why Climate Change Is Making Hurricane Season Worse: '...the air can hold 7% more water with every degree Celsius that the temperature rises.'
I know, they don't understand that though

Guess they're suspicious
how haven't they noticed your tits yet? post a pic of yourself btw
all 3
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To Aru physics.jpg
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Raildex series has all three so it's clearly weaponized anti-Islam
Should probably get out of bed
It looks like it's been used already.

screen's all manky
fight him, lose, then get raped by him with suspiciously little resistance
post a pic moni
why do you need 3 thinkpads
its a refurb
thats why it only cost £110

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I'm just an A cup and I wear baggy clothes

Most the women on my family are quite flat
Let's both fap at the same time. It'll make it more arousing.
britain is so comfy

wish i was there right now having a tea in the countryside
c u t e :3 post more!
What vendor did you get it from
wish I was dead
Post bum
Millions of women are trapped in sexual misery in 'sex-obsessed' Arab world says novelist in controversial book exploring desires of female Muslims

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4869760/Novelist-claims-millions-Arabs-sexual-misery.html#ixzz4sHhZMT4n
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>Most the women on my family are quite flat

how on earth would this pertain to you lmao
lets see the face, no need to be coy since we already know how you look
stupid stupid thread
I am British and I currently live in South Korea. There has been a lot of frustration from British expats towards our government when it comes to citizens getting support from the government.
The U.S. offers the ability to register with the embassy, where the embassy will contact you and give you emergency information and evac points when needed. The British embassy literally offers nothing.
the R61 is big and chunky, thats my workhorse
the X220 is ultraportable, thats for carrying around with me on trips and stuff

the X230 is cheap, thats for running Windows just in case and as a backup if i lose/break the others

just some seller on Amazon
Can't stop wanking over this lads

hope you've got a couple of million spare for that countryside house mate
imagine buying second hand electrical equipment

second hand goods that are engineered to start failing after a few years

imagine paying good money for something that is designed to start falling apart, likely the reason the first owner got rid of it in the first place

As expected the party was insane as shit. Filled with degenerate normies drinking, doings drugs, smoking and doing the various other degenerate shit that they always do. There were plenty of sluts, but they were too busy twerking their asses at Tyrone and Jamal and getting high -- it was disgusting. Me being the Blackpilled incel that I am, just kept looking the freak show, noticing how crippled our society has become. Obviously no one engaged or wanted to engage with a conversation with me; as usual.
Anyway, I went to the counter to get a drink and this Tyrone and his slut was few feet besides me making out hard. The sluts ass was faced at my direction so I decided to touch a feel of that ass. I don't know why I did it, maybe because I was too sexually frustrated, but I groped her ass. She was too high and drunk so she didn't notice it, thankfully.
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I posted that already faggot
off to morocco it is
at the least you look like a bender

how thick are your family that they haven't noticed yet?
Either post something substancial (*ahem*) or fuck off, you dumb attentionwhoring bitch, if I wanted a blurry pic of a washboard I'd take one myself.
Thread posts: 296
Thread images: 59

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