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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 51

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Arachnophobia is bad and racist edition.
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Where is the icelandic poster
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any fashy lads in?
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posting a pic of a girl in latex to de-spook myself
I've got archnophobia so bad the thumbnail on OP made me shiver
ok i am officially FREAKED THE FRICK out right now

I think it was secret russian parachute mines, mixed with infrasound and scavenging animals

lots of good things have happened to me after midnight
Have any Irishmen ever been haunted by Cromwell?
we done talking about spooky stuff then are we?
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Salish sea feet lads
do NOT watch this then...

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I am a left wing authoritarian and you?
whats the best piece of kit you could get to fight the midnight man in the next 3 minutes? i got a 20 gauge shotgun w/ buckshot under my bed. he wouldn't stand a chance
/brit/ is 100x better at being /x/ than /x/ is. that board is so fucking boring, this is actually fun
Authoritarian centrist
i'm not schizophrenic
going over to a big chebbed tinder slags place after she showers
used to cycle a fair bit
sometimes got lost in the countryside at night on narrow unpaved roads

bit spooky haha shan't be doing that again
right wing authoritarian

but that test is shit

https://8values.github.io/ is better
This baby seal club

*grabs my clearly bulging cock through my pants*
but a loser virgin who has shittons of trannie pics
probably got some kind of dissociative disorder
daily reminder that they're trying to open a portal to hell at cern
that's because brit is not full of schizophrenic mongs
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my music dimmed for a moment when i opened this
so how long have you been a member lad?
Had a bad acid trip where I thought I was dying and my body was floating to heaven. Then I could hear an ambulance outside, paramedics running up the stairs and banging on the door. It turns out it was the landlord banging on the door because we were playing music too loud. It was one of the worst experiences of my life.
I have an old nazi dagger and a straight razor in arms reach
so she's smelly and she's fat then
hes ethereal tho so u might not be able to make physical contact
I cycle in the very late night all the time, sometimes through dark areas and I very rarely get spooked, I have to start thinking about monsters and ghost stories first. (though it does make you go faster)

maybe because I'm usually a bit drunk or stoned if im out riding at this hour
>couple years ago
>Tuesday night
>was sick so no work and up later than normal
>sat shitposting
>hear knock at the door
>very, very gentle knock
>instantly grab my bat from behind door
>go to top of stairs where I can see the back door
>see someone stood there through the glass
>they're stood perfectly still
>they keep knocking
>gets louder and louder
>shout and ask who the fuck it is
>they call me BY NAME and say to let them in
>ask who it is again
>no reply
>tell them to fuck off
>they stand there doing nothing for around another minute and leave

To this day I have no clue who it was. I thought it might have been a mate or family member fucking around and maybe they were hammered but I didn't recognise their creepy as fuck voice and the handful of mates that I have would have told me eventually because I told them about it and they knew how much I shit myself.

Just thinking about this and looking at the time has sent shivers up my spine. What's worse is that I live in a rather rural area with only a handful of detached houses on my street
one time i had a bad acid trip after going hiking with my mates where i thought i was drowning. i felt like i was being "crumpled up" and did an honest to god somersault off my chair onto the ground completely unwillingly

she's got an hourglass figure
feeling lucky
Post toot
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all this spooky stuff is not helping my anxiety
Pocket knife
Jian waster
Spike chisel
REALLY want to play the midnight game lads
how is the malaysian airlines flight weird as hell as no explanation? it's the opposite. impoverished south east asian country has shitty airline, the thing crashes into the middle of the ocean
I can cast fireball magic within 0.6 second
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consider myself a strasserist
watched a lot of stuff about bohemian grove one night before bed and had an ultra vivid dream, the most vivid dream ive had in years, where i encountered an owl and "cremated my cares" like the members of the bohemian club do. i set the owl on fire and woke up.
you're both fucked
if he's ethereal how can he hurt me
>Jian waster
good lad. fuck culter scum. praise circe
>nazi dagger
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NEED a rockabilly gf
disregard this post please, it's all wrong
I used to enjoy horror movies, but now I have enough horror in my life, thank you very much.
Fuck off with this. This is getting to creepy now
ugh girls with tattoos are such wasted potential

absolutely hideous.
You should play P. T. on ps4
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real witching hours
smash that mf Submit button
Does Lindybeige have a girlfriend?
you suck
Just got back from the gym, smashed my shoulders, triceps and traps

You got something to say couch potato?
P. T. ?
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>ugh girls with tattoos are such wasted potential

>absolutely hideous.
think i got a craft knife in this room somewhere
would probably just use (and only need) my bare hands
quite like spooky videos haha
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>Ta-Nehisi Coates is a national correspondent for The Atlantic, where he writes about culture, politics, and social issues. He is the author of The Beautiful Struggle, Between the World and Me, and the forthcoming book We Were Eight Years in Power.
it means Post Toot
we all end up decomposing in the ground at the end
I don't have pics that i've taken but its one of these

except mine doesn't have the diamond anymore since it fell out
they were distributed to hitler youth originally so I presume whoever my dads uncle looted it from in '45 was quite young
things i wish i was:

>A Roman legionary
>A Viking raider
>A knight templar in the Crusades
>A settler/explorer in the New World
>A pirate in the New World
>A cowboy in the Wild West
>A British officer in Raj India
>An aristocrat or poet in Victorian London
>An RAF pilot in WW2
>A yuppie in the 1980s

what I am:
>a shitposting NEET
I got my two best mates
*Kisses fists*
Jack Johnson and john Jackson. Ready to punch any ghoul in the balls
But why crashed? Two men in the plane used stolen passport to get in

Was it hijacked?
I think so

Shut up
you forgot
smalltime feudal lord in medival france or england
when i remember things like this i treat it as a dream that got lodged in long-term memory, like how deja vu works. the circumstances are usually absurd and i have no memory of what i did after.
anon injecting us with the realest wisdom here
Right, so it makes sense to be the best you that you can possibly be in your short time on earth
>>A Roman legionary
would've been pretty dull most of the time i imagine
>>A Viking raider
pretty cool
>>A knight templar in the Crusades
crusades were interesting but pointless ultimately
>>A settler/explorer in the New World
agreed, have many ancestors who went out to america and canada
>>A pirate in the New World
bit grim
>>A cowboy in the Wild West
>>A British officer in Raj India
nah imagine trying to keep the pooinloos in line
>>An aristocrat or poet in Victorian London
dunno why but the victorian era makes me feel nauseous
>>An RAF pilot in WW2
nah, pointless war
>>A yuppie in the 1980s
fuck off
Stupid fucking cunt mong
North Korea Openly Threatens Electromagnetic Pulse Attack for First Time

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going to bed lads
hope I dont get spooked to death
Imagine if you looked out your window and just saw a man in your garden staring back at you. He's there now.
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not really since its all pointless in the end
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the CIA used to have a program where they explored psychic phenomena and this program was funded for well over a decade. officially, nothing came of it, but some people involved with that program came out and said that that was bullshit and a lot of interesting work was done. remote viewing, people vaguely being able to see crime scenes in detail at different points in time, how they were able to replicate it with people from all walks of life, some investigations were actually carried out.


banned ted-x talk on the subject.


cia's main website, searched for psychic and 94 pages came up.

heres a wikipedia page detailing the normie version of events.


didn't realize this was out, cia page on the stargate project with a shitload of documents. pages and pages. will go through these soon

seriously need these runts nuked
why is fat boy so goddamn insane? you have to think that there's an ulterior, hidden motive driving this shit
Hurr Gondor and Rohan should accept Orc refugees, let's not be racists. #diversity

*sticks head up butt*
Anyone else remember Craven?

*Drags on cigarette*

Good times.
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i used to live indawoods and i'd routinely walk down the trails in the woods after dark because i'm a bit crazy. anyway, one night at around 3am i was walking around in the dark with no flashlight when i heard a loud knocking sound that couldn't have been even 100ft away from me. i stopped and stood there for a moment and heard it again. three loud knocks in rapid succession. it sounded like someone was hitting a wooden baseball bat against a tree trunk. upon hearing it again i decided to begin jogging slowly and quietly back to my house about a mile away. i heard it a third time and then a loud crack like a large branch being broken and then some leaves shuffling and twigs breaking like something very heavy was running through the woods. there's no animals around here that could have possibly made that sound. i would have assumed it was somebody fucking with me but i had no neighbors for miles. i was in the middle of 176 acres of forest so it couldn't have been a person. it also happened in an area of the woods that always had a spooky feeling about it. it was darker and more overgrown than the rest of the forest for some reason. it felt like it was haunted. i bet it was a witch or something even worse. i never went for night walks after that.
Never found clowns remotely scary tbqh.
Even if I opened my closet right now and found one Id just tell him to fuck off.
men who stare at goats was about this

ok film
ooo you're hard
Nary a pixel.
The point is to make the most of the time you've been given, friend. Death is irrelevant.
I heard one of the things they want is to be officially recognized as a country by the USA.
Im only joking. Im not really a nihilist
>dunno why but the victorian era makes me feel nauseous
that is weird. Victorian Britain was our societal peak imo
had the most powerful empire in the world at the time, were rich and prosperous, things kept getting better throughout the century, manners and virtue was idealised and respected, interesting fascination with Ancient Egypt, the Occult, and the macabre, lots of poetry and literature, social cohesion between the working class and the aristocracy, innovators and inventors making things all the time, industrialists shaping this country's railroads and factories and creating comfy small towns for their workers, etc etc

very rose-tinted glasses I know but I love the era
>we all end up decomposing in the ground at the end
>not really since its all pointless in the end
there is, believe it or not we get biased reporting on NORK
I saw a really got realpolitik break down of the north korea situation once and it made complete sense on both sides, with norks acting the way they do with the missile tests and america responding how they do. I forgot what documentary it was but it was quite eye opening.
when my sister was little and i wasn't born yet my mom had a vision of blue, and she rushed home to my grandma babysitting my sister. my dad also had just got there and they both said that my sister was in trouble. they went inside and my grandma acted at first like nothing happened, but they found that my sister had almost drowned in the pool that day. a woman stranger knocked on the door and told my grandmother that she needed to check on her, and she found her about to get in the pool
Im not. But it's such a dumb cliche that chances are it's just some stupid teenage cunt underneath.
it was interesting yeah but i would NOT want to live as some prole in victorian britain working in the coal mines, literally hell
I wonder if ancient peoples such as the germanics who spent most their lives in forests got scared by stuff like this like we do.

did you go and investigate the area the next day?
Willy poo bum poo bum willy bum poo willy bum poo bum willy poo willy bum
>interesting fascination with Ancient Egypt, the Occult, and the macabre
really enjoyed amnesia the dark descent
>walking back from a night out at about 3/4 am
>have to walk through a park
>im at the entrance and there's this guy just by a tree
>I pass him and he slowly looks at me
>feel his eyes looking at me whilst Im walking away
>nope the fuck outta there

Why are people so fucking weird?
ah yes
Romans were shitscared of forests
Medieval people had bare superstitions about strange noises
i don't think people were alone often back in the day. so they'd never really be that scared
i did and couldn't see any broken or damaged trees
They just prayed to the forest God to save them

>Rahm Israel Emanuel (/ˈrɑːm/; born November 29, 1959) is an American politician who is the 44th and current mayor of Chicago. A member of the Democratic Party, Emanuel was elected in 2011. He was re-elected on April 7, 2015.
>Emanuel's grandfather was a Romanian Jew from Bessarabia (now Moldova).[8] The surname Emanuel (Hebrew: עמנואל), which means "God with us", was adopted by their family in honor of his father's brother Emanuel Auerbach, who was killed in 1933 in an altercation with Arabs in Jerusalem.[9][10]
>Emanuel's father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a Jerusalem-born[11] pediatrician at Michael Reese Hospital[12] who was once a member of the Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary organization that operated in Mandate Palestine.[13] His mother, Marsha (née Smulevitz), is the daughter of a West Side Chicago union organizer who worked in the civil rights movement, and briefly owned a local rock and roll club[9][14] and later became an adherent of Benjamin Spock's writings. Emanuel's parents met during the 1950s in Chicago.[14]

yeah, even in that exact situation you described, if I just had one friend with me I'd be like, lets at least get a closer look before we run, but when you're alone and its pitch black and spooky things are going on, its hard to be brave
god dammit

spoopy as all heck. kind of scared now

so many legends and myths come from people being scared shitless out in the wild.
Found your thread mate
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>fascination with Ancient Egypt, the Occult, and the macabre,
Just had an idea. Did Victorians actually invent LARPing?
nu males are effay af
North Korea is based as fuck
Yeh they were all about neoclassical architecture and wearing togas and that too
Every fucking time.
you shoulda said something, desu I rate myself in a fight so when its a confirmed human being I rarely get spooked. Its just when theres strange unexplained things going on and I let my imagination get the better of me I freak out
think the pilonidal cyst is coming back
i was about to suggest that maybe a big animal was just jumping through the trees but thats still terrifying because what could be that big and what could jump through trees like that... maybe a gorilla escape from the zoo
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>le nü-male boogeyman
Have got an exact replica of one of those. When I was younger I would collect a lot of ww2 memorabilia particularly Nazi but one day I noticed that I couldn't find any of. My Nazi flag, Hitler youth knife, my Luftwaffe medal all mysteriously gone when it could only be in my room. I was convinced it was paranormal.

When my nan who had worked in a lot of psychic fairs came around she came in my room and determined that it was actually Nazi soldier haunting my room and hiding my stuff so that I would not be influenced by the Nazis and make the same mistakes as them. She told the Nazi ghost that I was scared and it wasn't nice. Shortly after I actually found the stuff and my room felt a lot less colder. To this day I'm still worried that the Nazi told my dear grandmother the things he see me do to myself. Very filthy things.
>ever leaving the house without arms and armour
Enjoy getting stabbed
Not quite as creepy but this happened to me a couple years ago

>dog is nudging me
>probably wants to go for a piss
>go downstairs and let him in the garden
>hammering it down
>look out onto street
>all the house lights are out
>hear someone 'walking'
>only hear because of how bad they're dragging their feet
>see them walk past my gate
>they do a double take and come back
>some dirty druggy/piss head stood at my gate looking at me
>asking me if I've got 2 quid spare
>tell him I don't
>pretty much starts begging me
>tell him I literally don't have any money
>call my dog back in who's barking his head off
>he opens the fucking gate and starts walking up the path
>dog starts going absolutely CRAZY
>my bull mastiff is usually chill as fuck unless he senses something is really wrong
>guy is still walking towards me
>this kinda tipped me over the edge as my dog is fucking HUGE and no person in their right mind would keep walking towards him while he was losing his shit like he was
>shout as loud as I can
>stops in his tracks and stares at me for a good 10 seconds
>felt like a lifetime
>turns around and walks away

I don't know what this cunt was on but he was definitely more than just drunk
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Take caution before visiting; you may prefer to have not been aware of certain aspects of this world
Googled it.
You got me cunt
can't get the image of a paralysed infant dancing with a man made of static out of my head
would love to go to an eyes-wide-shut like party in the victorian era
im unironically a werewolf this is the first time ive ever told anyone
i have a french gun from WW2 with swastikas and various other german symbols on it
ah yes, buckinghamshire
Well now he knows where you live... :o
>pointless war
In what regard?
Every day a crusade
why are they posting green letters
Look at the runts go, they just keep doing it
Beto is a virgin
sticky caramel flaps
Something is supposed to happen at 3:33 ?
I was reading up about them the other day and apparently theres 4 different types that were made in different eras, mine is from 1939

although I remember my friend bought a (non-nazi) replica of this type of knife, and the craftsmanship was quite shoddy compared to my original, on my one the blade is sturdy as fuck, how does yours hold up. I have a bunch of medals and other trinkets from the war too, general stuff a nazi soldier would carry water bottle, coins, instruction manual of some sort, but obviously the knife is the best item
He was scrawny as fuck and I'm a decent sized lad, so 1 on 1 I could kick the shit out of him any day of the week, but its just how creepy he was. He was just so 'vacant' and not with it. Not only that, but like I mentioned before, my dog NEVER goes off on one like that unless he REALLY doesn't trust someone and he was pretty much foaming at the mouth and I was having to hold him back with the door
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Was quite proud of that turnip phrase
yeah you are going to post it
might purvey a poo and postulate a wank
I can feel the midnight man getting closer...
>there's no animals around here that could have possibly made that sound.
>in the middle of 176 acres of forest
it was probably a bear
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yes i also was impressed by it
im very well thank you
How much longer will our patience be tested, brother?
You sincerely suck
Is the midnight man gonna get all of us or just the britlads?
>almost 3:33

Did social media make you racist, or maybe more racist?
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static-man forcing the young kid to dance reminds me of something i saw/felt when i was a kid. i was pretty young and the memory isn't very clear but i remember something touching my leg or my back and me tuning around only to see something like this, one of the summons from final tantasy 10. a few years after that i saw my brother playing this game and encountering this summon for the first time i was like "holy shit, thats it. thats what i saw when i was younger"

like the static-man poster, im getting dread/fear like symptoms just remembering this event. the hairs on the back of my head are standing up and i was a bit nervous typing this out.
>An Australian schoolboy who decided to transition into a female has changed his mind two years later.
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it probably was but it must have been doing some gymnastics to make the noise it was making

i saw a huge bear lumbering around the other day. it makes me wonder how many times i've been mere feet away from a 600lb bear whilst out on my walks through the woods
Haha cya
seems like it'd be nice 2bh. r-really would love to have an active romatic+ social life too.... th-thats the hardest one for me. and fulfilling career.
Don't trust people with thin lips or people who don't show their teeth when talking to me

spoopy choon lads
ancient meme
bears are really fucking fast. i think they're faster than humans, right?
north korea is a jew free paradise
don't fall for the demonisation

they will kill kim jong un just like they did with hitler, gaddafi, saddam, jfk, napoleon, jesus christ

all these people tried to get rid of jewish usury
might date a chubby girl with a cute face.

only thing is i really care about my image and i dont want people to think of me as their friend that dates a chubby girl
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4 hours till freedom lads
My Dad's friend makes customised hats. Might ask him for a tailor made fedora with a unique pattern. I think it would look rather spiffy whilst reading the Chap magazine desu.
they are,
however human agility is pretty elite for an animal our size

if you were being chased by a bear or a rhino or hippo, agility not speed would be the trait to rely on, if you wanted to survive (and stamina)
the parasite state of Israel dislikes north korea, thats why they are doing financial blockades against north korea, and using CNN to demonize the country
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0 hours until freedom here
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i'd literally shit myself if i came across a mama bear and her cubs
/x/ is a good board desu, they keep in line with the general theme of 4chan which is >tfw no gf but instead of doing nothing they try and summon demons to be their gf's

Provides good entertainment desu
made me realise just how much people hate whites so more i guess
I could easily disappear in the undergrowth if pursued by a great oafish predator
Or in the trees or rocks or even i suppose water
Thats if i didnt kill it head on
I've just learned why men tend to be darker skinned than women. I always thought it was just because men spend more time outdoors, but testosterone stimulates melanocyte, which makes your skin darker.
check this out lads. QT american skying singing rihanna and there's a bear chasing her behind her, and she doesn't even notice.
lucky bastard

healthy eating - 70% check
Fulfilling career - soon
active romantic - kinda
Social - very much so
regular exercise - very much
sensible bedtime - nope
responsible finances - never
drinking lots of water - yes

overall I feel decent to good most of the time
/o/ is horrible
its dumb nigga central
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>White women
im very well thank you
Don't use it. People irl aren't attention starved nutcases so seeing it here doesn't effect by judgement
fuck Canada
just zip in and out of those close trees and the bear will literally never catch you
looks a bit fake
why does israel hate north korea?

you #woke as fuck
The knife holds up quite well in terms of sturdiness although I haven't seen it in awhile since I put a lot of my ww2 in the loft although I still got my gas masks close by in case shit hits the fan.

Am actually a bit gutted that my uncle sold all my grandads war collectibles. He apparently had a whole bunch of original Nazi knifes and medals before he died. But at least I got his framed picture of Adolf Hitler meeting the pope.
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The recent purchase
is he there?
who was phone?
Fake af
i'm here
Israeli-North Korean relations (Korean: 이스라엘-조선민주주의인민공화국 관계) are very hostile,[1] and North Korea has never recognized the state of Israel, denouncing it as an "imperialist satellite".[2] Since 1988 it recognises the sovereignty of the State of Palestine over all of Israel, except for the Golan Heights, which it recognises as part of Syria. Israel considers North Korea and its nuclear missile program as a major threat to global security. It has called for international action on the issue. At times, Israel has been the subject of fiery threats from North Korean state media.
Your best beat is a can of bear spray. Even then you're fucked if it's a brown bear, female especially. I've camped up in the Rockies a few times in the middle of nowhere. I always bring a 12 gauge loaded with slugs to keep in the tent just in case
Didnt fucking ask twice
When you going back to pooni
hey man, sometimes you just gotta nut
You people do realise bears run at 30mph and are adapted solely to live their lives in the forest? You couldn't escape one if you tried, it'd be like trying to outswim a shark
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Why the fuck are the bottom of my eyes always so red?
man & girl go out to drive under moonlight. they stop at on at a side of road. he turn to his girl and say: "baby, i love you very much" "what is it honey?" "our car is broken down. i think the engine is broken, ill walk and get some more fuel." "ok. ill stay here and look after our stereo. there have been news report of steres being stolen." "good idea. keep the doors locked no matter what. i love you sweaty"
so the guy left to get full for the car. after two hours the girl say "where is my baby, he was supposed to be back by now". then the girl here a scratching sound and a voice say "LET ME IN"
the girl doesn't do it and then after a while she goes to sleep. the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there. she gets out to check and man door hand hook car door.
would you date a chubby girl with a cute face if you really liked spending time with her?

im athletic, so it feels weird considering a girl that doesn't exercise and take great care of herself
no no no
still at uni
finish uni permanently next week
my god, the evidence is all there. its like they've been rubbing it in our faces, evil bastards.
isn't that a bit much, wouldn't a .44 be sufficient and much less of an encumbrance

Reeeeeeeeeee, reeeeeeeeeeee, reeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Not working today hehe taken far too much annual leave
Could heem you in Overwatch with Zenyatta
If you enjoy being with her, stay with her.
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if those parasites are afraid of a weak country like north korea, imagine how scared they are of hezbollah or Iran
What's this from?
I've just learned why men tend to be darker skinned than women. I always thought it was just because men spend more time outdoors, but its because white women are actually more attracted to darker skinned men making them seem lighter in comparison.
Am literally none of this things. No wonder my life's a shit
I got the highest score on the illinois agility test out of anyone in my school where there were 200 lads in my year, and can run a sub-11 100m

I'm confident that I could escape a bear if my life depended on it and It wasn't right up my arse when I noticed it
kek 333
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That pipe is a Peterson System Standard. I have one too, in a different shape. The Rolls Royce of tobacco pipes.
yes thicc women are the best at sex
I've read all the rangers up in Alaska carry 12 gauge, that's what they recommend. Plus it has more to do with shot placement and with a shotgun its pretty hard to miss if you have time to get a shot off. Then again bear sightings are rare anyway. Just a "last resort" measure
Absolutely fake
Do you know what's so special about tomorrow?
Guns are for benders
Bears are for spears
>would you date a chubby girl with a cute face if you really liked spending time with her?

yeah sure. she can always lose weight and go up in hotness too. maybe if she spent more time around you and you set up activities thatll get her walking around at least and introduce her to higher quality food she can lose a bit of weight
interview with a dutch former banker
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i bet it was a bear doing this and hitting a large branch while scratching its back
>tfw will never go camping and take my shotgun just in case

literal worse thing that could happen is a really angry badger attacks me and I have to kick it to death
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If you ran into a bear in the woods and it wanted to kill you, it would kill you.

You can't outrun it, you can't out climb it. What's your plan? And please don't say zig zagging through trees because these bears spend their lives navigating those trees and you don't have the speed of a deer
North korea has also shittons of mineral resources, and we all know how the jews enjoy stealing natural resources from other countries
i thought this would be bear related since that's where the conversation is, instead it's a woman in a mardi gras mask shitting herself
These Twitch e-celebs are shit
>random picture with random text
Well what do people see you as now?

>Butt ugly martians
Holy fuck that's nostalgia. Tfw my mum banned me from watching it cause they said naughty words
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I don't take it in the arse. Pussy only

I could really go for a good fuck now as well. Wanna eat a bitches fanny so bad and then fuck her raw and cum inside

This is how they should look but lately they're just so red and fucked up
And so called youtubers too
go bk 2 work
the wonders of /brit/
suppose this is also relevant
in fact South koreans were protesting against THAAD deployment
I'm watching the chick who always gets spammed on wsg and she's awful
>you don't have the speed of a deer

I do.
I would simply outrun and outmanoeuvre the beast, I would pick terrain that would be most difficult for the bear to cross at speed while using my fleetfootedness to traverse the 'scape at speed

I'll even try this out once i have enough dosh to fly to bear country I am that confident in my success
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eat whatever's in the house, not fat though
no job
no friends, KHV
drink lots of water
hardly do any exercise
am tight with money
sleeping pattern is awful
In netherlands..........children........are sacrificed
And also, a bear would smash usain bolts 100m world record by a few seconds.

Delusion if you think you can out pace one
a guy that occasionally pulls cute girls and probably would date a girl considered objectively cute

dont want people to be surprised when they see i have a chubbythicc gf
what the fuck sort of post is this
piss off spacker

don't even need to be in the woods lmao
Dumb pirate frogposter
however long whites accept it
really, imagine if all whites woke up tomorrow and decided to embrace fashy purges
they can't run fast for very long at all

they got 30 seconds of sprint in them at most, they may be fast but I'm fast and agile
Are you mentally ill my friend?

Bears are ambush predators, you'd have no time to react let alone come up with a cunning plan to escape and saying you're as fast as a deer is fucking hilarious
t. bear
/brit/ during wagie hours is numero uno
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chinese proverb: its better to fuck a fat girl than to not fuck her and then regret it years later
fuck off mate. Maybe I'll fuck you in the arse and make you my bitch you bent bastard!
You need a swift boot to the vas deferens
Cheers, watchign now
It wouldn't ambush me and it would take less than a second to come up with a plan, its not even a plan just the instinctive reaction

bear might be fast but they can't accelerate as fast as me and they can't turn well when running at speed

would literally never catch me. fact.
9th of September, a day which will live in infamy, the day when that majestic Godly warrior, William of Normandy, the head of his race, took his last breath.
the cryptobin link i posted earlier is just a transcript of that if you feel like reading it instead
Have always been an advocate of personal media because i believed that will eventually crash biased as hell mass media like tv network and newspaper

But lord those youtube and twitch live are just god awful i lost all hope
Holy shit mate

Bears are acceleration kings, they aren't suited for long distance running but it wouldn't need to be to catch you. Do your research.

these dudes literally zig zag and it works
Cao Cao, the crafty villain
oh right 19 year old has had 3 beers and stayed up until, wow, nearly 4am and think he's hard as a result
also dont call me mate. im not your mate at all
ahh no,
the (((ELITE))) enjoys raping children and later take their organs
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*blocks your path*
>getting chased by a bear
would literally climb up a tree and piss on the absolute spastic and spit on the cunt
listen lid, it wouldn't catch me and thats all there is to it, I am a supreme athlete
Will i get arrested for opening it
just climb up a tree with branches thick enough to hold human weight but too thin to hold bear weight

OMG i never expected you to come here
umm sweetums

they climb trees you mong
Opinion on UBI?

My train of thought is, 90% of adults already make a regular income. If that income became unconditional, rather than dependent on employment, and the majority of people are still employed (as UBI experiments have proven they still are), economically the impact would be minimal. Whereas the social benefits would be great and might offset any economic impact.
Most bears weight less than a human
Too bad it still has a trunk you muppet
Not like they climb trees too or anything right?
only one way to find out
you underestimate the average lazy fuck
10:51 pm lads, going to sleep soon

Less than an American more like lmao
yeah then piss and shit on the cunt and sit and throw branches at it.
it's what humans should do, just take the micky out of inferior beings

they aren't very good at it they are dopey mongs, if you went on a branch that was long enough and could only support you it wouldn't dare
they're fucking brainlets with about 5 iq
Oi dickead link doesnt work
why does ur flag looks tiny????
would just shoot a bear with my 1 Kel- Tec-KSG

blow a hole in its stupid fucking chest. take a shit on it after for coming near an alpha american soldier like me
bears dont have trunks those are elephants you fucking retard
doing a midnight man
honestly think i could stun a bear long enough with a single punch to bash its head in with a rock. i honestly think that.
grizzly bears can't climb very well it's black bears that can climb.
black bears aren't hostile to humans unless you provoke them
if it weighed less than me I'd just spark it the fuck out, we were talking about brown bears
a black bear you just shout at and kick it in the chops and it would sod off

ADDitionally, there was this like 60 year old man who killed a brown bear that attacked him with his bare hands

I'm in the prime of my life and could heem the old man, so obviously I could kill a brown bear too if it attacked me, would just put my arm down its throat and choke it to death
You used to be pretty rude to me
Cuz you got squinty latino eyes innit?
I would've shit myself
lmao look at him shaking. what a pussy
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you're supposed to click it
>image is 920x613
mental init
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