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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 57

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men of the year edition
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me mouth is as dry as gandhis flip flop

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>Best OKC opener: we should have 100 babies desu
>Her: what haha you're crazy or she gets offended or something
>You: sorry
>You: I meant 10 babies
>*Proceed with normal conversation*
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*gets 4 mpg*
*breaks down*
*dies in car crash because no safety*
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just remembered muslims exist

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What's Charli's racial comp?
dont acknowledge it
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*passes the ball to you*

If they absolutely had to pick a Muslim, I would have chosen Delle Ali. He's a very exciting young player and he's british
>gq awards

FFS what is this shite?
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>what about the grassy knoll?
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>I specifically asked you not to do it. Poor form.
hehe me n thailad getting busted with a harddrive of gay porn
I genuinely believe that all 4chan posts are collated and ran through a government filter. Call me a Tim-tier paranoid melt all you like but this definitely happens.

Consider how many people easily run homemade 4chan archives then consider what resources the government's cyber division have access to. Combine this with the normoid assumption that anyone who would want to post on a forced-anon site MUST be a weird deviant + the remote possibility that some lunatics might post on here in advance of doing bad things and there is no way this site isn't monitored.

There are literally certain words and phrases which I will deliberately not include in my posts because I don't want them flagged.

Think "words which you would be stupid to yell in a [building where flying machines land and take off]" (even saying that word will DEFINITELY get you flagged)
half white half indian I think
literal nonce imagine saving a pic of an underage child
halo alien?
he's not a smelly muslim though
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thanks for reposting this
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>If they absolutely had to pick a Muslim, I would have chosen Delle Ali. He's a very exciting young player and he's british
3000 have signed, I assume some of those have higher qualifications than the guys who run the organisation.
I wish the milk man would deliver my milk, in the morning
I wish the milk man would deliver my milk, when I'm yawning
I wish the milk man would deliver my milk, in the morning
I wish the milk man would deliver my milk, when I'm yawning
I wish the milk man would deliver my milk, in the morning
I wish the milk man would deliver my milk, when I'm yawning
I wish the milk man would deliver my milk, in the morning
I wish the milk man would deliver my milk, when I'm yawning
I would like some milk from the milk man's wife's tits
I would like some milk from the milk man's wife's tits
I would like some milk from the milk man's wife's tits
I would like some milk from the milk man's wife's tits
I would like some milk from the milk man's wife's tits
I would like some milk from the milk man's wife's tits
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new watch
matthew ludford is a nonce shall be contacting your family and letting them now
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yes shes half indian
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if you don't recognise this fella then you DIDNT have a childhood
Build a bomb lads
good lad
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Why do British people sound so fancy & posh? Even your poorfags get treated like wealth intellectuals over here.
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Assume all you want but you have no solid evidence for anything you've been saying
only 90's kids remember zika virus
redpill me on ludders
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What am I looking at?
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bf just sent me this
The closer I can get to bad weather without it touching me, the happier it makes me. Love having my window open when it rains. Would really love to chill in a tent in a thunderstorm.
FOY off
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just because i post a picture of something doesn't mean i want to have sex with it
Fuck off Gerry
highly doubt a nasal-voiced Glaswegian junkie would be mistaken for nobility over there
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utterly grim taste
it even looks like you deliberately used bad pictures of them as well
not a muslim?
There's a pile of evidence here:

the gf and i
Looks like a fucking chimp
I refused to show the African bitch at the ticket gate my ticket and just walked through
She was offended and I pointed out that she didn't check the ticket of the person in front of me
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Next UKIP leader
dont think you've met a real underclass brit yet

never skip leg day XD
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>Marina is Welsh/Greek
>Charli is English/Indian
This proves Englishmen NEED to marry brown girls to build a better future for the world.
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when we having chukka "the british obama" umunna as the labour leader and pm then?
GCHQ have agents watching /brit/ 24/7

one of them is here right now
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The anglosphere really should be nuked
back from amsterdam, toil again in 13 hours

mmm yes
think they have better things to do mate
which one you
I'm going by the same standards as GQ here, when they choose Zain Malik although he has a huge tattoo on his chest which is absolutely unislamic. I'm not saying Delle is a fucking Ayatollah but ALI ffs. A-L-I. I'm guessing one of his parents is muslim-nigerian
fucking LOVE aphex twin
bought some resistance bands, hoping I can use them to fix my rounded shoulders

shall be posting regular progress updates in the months to come
spent half my day on google maps again
me standing up behind
even if they do it doesnt matter
moderate labourites think he's slimy and smug (he is), he's unelectable
youre 5'10"
If you work for GCHQ you LEGALLY have to say so right now
90's internet trekkie

Prince Homo looking FAAAAAABULOUS
It's Alli with two Ls
it's alli. was his father's surname, who abandoned him as a baby. he stopped using alli on his shirt because he feels no connection to the name
You can see my willy from space
ah yes the virgin home workout
Excellent choice. Used them for shadow boxing, punch speed went right up.
no sorry
well we need a 1 up on the french because they got the best leader in europe right now and the only way we can pull that off is with a black or asian pm
feeling very angry
going for a wank to let off some steam
All other stone roses songs are shit, except for you know which one. How is it fucking possible to write a masterpiece then go on being mediocre for the rest of your career lol
fuck GCHQ
how tall
fight the power, you go girl whoo xxx
I reckong WW2 wasn't as scary as people say. Only 15%-20% of actually soldiers fired their weapons in WW2.
Less than that actually fired to kill.
Not scary at all
t. cowedly paki
Ah right my bad.
I bet it's his Caucasian parent who abandoned him. Not. Lol
GCHQ = leftypol
good evening lads
.. Me Richard D James Byrne in my rented flat in Cornwall ...
none of you business
Wee wee
streetview is fucked in the new google earth
>Only 15%-20% of actually soldiers fired their weapons in WW2.
first 5 minutes of Dunkirk scared the shit out if my shan't be listening to you at all
then they came home and made shitty boomers

fuck them
how tall.
just watched black mirror lad? turns out the lad that made that claim is a phony
ah yes thanks for reminding me i been waiting for a brrip of it
honestly HATE veterans, bunch of pussies the lot of them

>ohhh some german shot at me during WW2 give me money and respect me

FUCK OFF you boomer twat, I could crush 4 germans with my steel toe caps tonight if I felt like it, always just laugh in their face when they start telling war stories
could smash an entire 2-pack of jaffa cakes no problem
It wasnt rapid it took hours

Yes that's how building collapse

Explosions would be expected in a massive skyscraper that was hit by a plane

I don't think you understand how powerful a falling building is

I don't understand point 7, whether it was demolished or fell it would be the same. How would explosives make floors dissapear any more than a collapse?

Frayed steal beams were a hazard so they were cut by firefighters
Government wouldn't waste their resources on autists that live in basements, no one is a threat here you fucking mong. /x/ and /pol/ is probably monitored though
Our correspondence is at an end.
I would like some milk from the milkman's wife's tits
>Brazil is whiter than the US

quite funny
snfif coke get choked
watching lionel messi montages again
bought some bombay mix
why /x/?

would have thought here is more likely to be monitored, maybe /k/?
why would you use Google earth for street view you weirdo
greeks aren't brown, mong. Thracians had ginger hair
>that's how building collapse
love jav and sluts and tropicana
I aborted my child and don't regret it.
Applied the old 'ogaine and I'm comfily tucked under the blanket with the A/C at 18°c. Good night lads.
its boring and there's no point of watching it unless its a huge IMAX screen
mmm yes just can't get enough of that sweaty paki taste
american on vacation here they sound posher than us. limmy is seen as posh in my state among the teens
what really gets me is that, pajeets don't get any attention in the UK even though there are more 'jeets than 'sheeds (from pakistan at least).

this comes despite the fact that pajeets are fairly well adjusted, whilst rasheed is always having to be excused in some way.
gchq is staffed by a bunch of nerds who want to automate as much of their work as possible, so they just log everything for future reference. if someone posts about terrorism then a human will probably look at it quickly, but otherwise nobody cares.
just got my 24 months resub lads

its to do with oestrogen in birth control pills which is passed into water supply by urine which can affect fish if it gets into lakes
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Not a fan of this post.

I knew a simple soldier boy
Who grinned at life in empty joy,
Slept soundly through the lonesome dark,
And whistled early with the lark.

In winter trenches, cowed and glum,
With crumps and lice and lack of rum,
He put a bullet through his brain.
No one spoke of him again.

You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
beef szechuan or chicken curry lads
the gov doesn't have agents monitoring these threads. they depend on the people in them to report ne'er-do-wells (like me).
>cites youtube videos
literally can't afford this
fucking stupid runt
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I may be a mongrel, but at least I'm a vaguely European mongrel. :^)
the government can't even get my council tax right, how would they have masterminded a conspiracy lmao
Tropicana is pretty good. I usually get it with a lot of pulp.
any lancashire lads in?
2 for £2.79 at coop
get the beef ask for curry sauce to dip it in
Car is due its MOT next week and I'm gonna have them change my oil while they're at it.

I'm gonna ask them to use my own oil that I've had for a while as its good stuff and not the cheap shit they use. Bit cheeky but they won't refuse will they?
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I want to be American
3 oxo cubes straight up the shitter
>the evidence is hosted on youtube therefore it's invalid
Did you watch the video or just assume that youtube is always wrong, regardless of content?
>it looks like a demolition so it is one
I bet you believe in flat earth?
someone went to the bother of uploading they'are telly programme
at 10fps
wahey still not asleep haha
do you think your local council are on the level of the deep state jewish run government
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>grew up in New England
>parents moved to California when I was 14
its not the government you should be worried about it. its the mega-corporations that get up to seedy shit.
What's MOT? There's always commercials on talksport about it
>hurricane irma

more like hurricane whocaresma
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You in my Autumn thread?
its not the mega-corporations you should be worried about it. its the governments that get up to seedy shit.
and you don't think the mega-corporations control the government?
A test that your car must have every year to make sure its road worthy. Can't legally drive your car without it
was thinking about this the other day and i think they deliberately turn a blind eye to this site unless someone does something really obtuse.

is there anyone on /brit/ who is in the army/navy or works in government. if there are (which there are) - it indicates that the government probably knows but doesn't care that much about being on here.

bit weird sicne they care about shit like whatsapp
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Yeah I'm sure some guy posting his opinion and gmail address is an educated professional
why are the left so desperate to normalise islam?
It's from a book wrote by a ww2 soldier
yes :3
the yearly check to have to give your car to make sure its road legal. tyres, brakes, lights, suspension etc.
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Wish I lived in a colonial/historic house.
didn't you watch it live?
How much does it cost? Do you only change your oil once a year?
I don't
new england has literally awful architecture and building styles though
quite my job to play an MMO all summer

what a wasteman haha
i wouldnt even know how :///s/s/s/s/SSSssss
wish the government banned cars older than 10 y o
still doesn't change my point.
>it looks like a demolition but it's not because the media and government told me
I bet you believe Russia hacked your election?
been watching pretty little liars lads

wish I lived in a comfy American town haha
Kill yourself
and now what did you gain out of all those hours of playing video games?
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Just broke all the glasses in the kitchen
best part of america, will be moving there with my american gf
how? :(
ADORE French colonial architecture me
wish I could drown you in a well
Isn't that show absolute garbage
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was a laugh
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insurance man here

ask me anything about car insurance
love americe simple as if you hate it you're probably a paki that got drone striked
>free speech
>their food
>different cultures
>different climates
>every type of nature on the planet
>best military
>no muslims
>liberals are frowned upon
that's so boring
For me, it's plantation style.
America is dreadful but people that want to be American are worse
gaggin for a shaggin
i like it because it's very white, but let's not pretend that the architecture is nice. looks really fucking cheap and like it was put up quickly. Also it's very cold in winter. Would much prefer the PNW desu
Is it by Marshall or referenced to him? His claims have been disproven
wish theyd make more decent budget phones
seems to be only Motorola on the game and they're making big money from it
Why do Northerners, Welsh, Irish and Brummies all look like they grew up next to a toxic waste dump?
humming for a bumming
Got angry and started smashing them up
Ah yes, the militant mentally ill gay community
Depends where you go. A lot of the chain garages (like jiffy lube in the US) are usually cheaper than independent garages.

My local garage does MOT and service for 90 quid.
reckon he blew whatever scheme he was hatching

religion and politics don't really mix, too many fiscally but not really that socially conservative people. should o've kept quite about it.
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>wish theyd make more decent budget phones
Only empire hating sheeds like Americans pal
Quiet down, Paco.
loads of good chink phones lad
feels like leftymongers are a decade behind /b/
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so the yankoid is saying my thick yorkshire accent makes me sound posh over there?

finding this VERY hard to believe
then it's your fault don't care
PNW is best America. shame about all the leftists.
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Fuck off Bradley posting mong

you need an account here
Anyone else watching Eastenders?
I don't like the idea of trchnology calling the things I write 'me' rather than 'you'. Like fuck off it reeks of black mirror shit
any salafist man in
yeah but they're dodgy and have 0 customer support
love cold winters and snow

maximum comfy
Only guy I know from Oregon wears plaid shirts, has a hipster beard, and supported Bernie.
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>ynw live in the deep south with a qt redneck gf and have lots and lots of kids
he wasn't hatching a scheme

he was just being honest about his faith which is refreshing for the world of politics where MPs lie through their teeth every day
£90 is pretty decent
Do you use regular or synthetic oil for your car?
tfw no southern belle wife to make iced tea and very unhealthy food for me
might do
The bulk of the American, Canadian, and British soldiers in the European theater only saw their first action on D-Day, Jun 6, 1944. Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945. It is true in all modern wars that the artillery and tanks shell the enemy while the planes bomb them. Most of the infantry soldiers never see an enemy soldier in battle. In the military, only about 1 in 7 soldiers will be an infantry soldier, although they all undergo basic infantry training a carry a weapon. So, that's only 14% to start with who might be on the front lines. In the Pacific, the ones who fought the Japanese often got into the up close and personal kind of fighting that persisted for weeks at a time, but statistically, what percent were they. I'm sure this is probably close to being accurate.
Sounds like a top lad
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the final, actual goal
>this many yank sympathisers in /brit/

Fuck off Yanks
want to meet riley sticka and discuss his 5 year plan in detail 2bh
Wew haven't seen PCTlad around for a long time
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dont like having to make accounts :(
looks comfy af though


When i drove from san francisco to portland last year everywhere in between had trump signs. reckon the smaller cities are more likely to be conservative.
unironically the closest one here to that goal
Can you address the argument instead of getting obsessed with the sources? Your entire argument so far is appeal to authority. The government experts said it, therefore only a more qualified expert can challenge what the government says.

What standard of evidence are you holding the 9/11 Commission to? Did you even read their report? Do you know how flawed that investigation was?

That video contains relevant, compelling video footage of demolitions, for comparison with the WTC7 collapse. If it's not enough to see the facts presented first hand, in front of your eyes, then you might as well be blind.
America is sheed central you mong
He's a pretty cool guy. Has a cute girlfriend too.
please do it with me <3
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i remember /v/ invading nico back in 2011
>implying if free movement with the US existed half the country wouldn't emigrate within a couple of years
Come visit in Oakland :3
Not media and government, thousands of experts and eye witnesses

Tell me, if it were a controlled demolition, which would require hundreds or even thousands of workers, how could it be kept secret? Why has no one come forward? We have whistleblowers for things like surveillance, it would be absurd for there not to be any leaks

Unless you're a serious conspiracy theorist, then you'll say the government killed them all.
Need to go outside and I can't find my keys

Synthetic oil has come a long way in past years and there really is no reason not to be using it. It might be slightly more expensive but for how often you're gonna be using it and how much it will save you in the long run its worth it
there are brown people posting in /brit/ right now


you reap what you sow. also i cannot stand people who say things like they are refreshed by the actions of MPs or feel stability from things like the monarchy. What a bunch of meaningless bag of bollocks.
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>America is 'sheed central
Free movement should only happen once we shut our southern border and get rid of the illegals. Don't want the other four eyes getting flooded with Mestizo apes.
Tons of Yanks would emigrate here you bellend they would ruin this country
Yanks post here all the time
sleeping pills are a scam
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about to tuck into my vegan, gluten free, soy free, antibiotics free, raw, non GMO, organic, fat free, no carb tea
I could easily do this
It takes at least 6 months...
>not wanting a mogg pm

literal retard
Not baiting, genuinely curious; What has Sadiq Khan actually done?
there's only 1 percent pakis there
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You'd be right.
imagine caring about benders that much that it influences who you vote for
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>56% white
outlawed white people
Need a haircut lads

What's the current trendy hairstyle? I don't have a fucking clue
over here
saved london from terror attacks

oh wait
he's a muslim (despite stating he's an agnostic)

thats good enough for idiot leftists apparently.

oh and he went to gay pride. what a hero!
There's a cute Muslim girl in one of my classes who has a really cute voice.
isn't the east of the state basically arid desert though?
>reckon he blew whatever scheme he was hatching
You think him so fucking thick that if he had any intentions of being PM he'd have openly aired his views on abortion and gay marriage?

That fact he is honest and true to his convictions is the reason why he won't be PM.
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Yeah, it's comfy though.
>wanting a mogg pm
fucking mong

rees mogg literally just puts a friendly harmless face on the ol' high tory 'stick the plebs in call centres from which they'll never escape and make their lives as horrible as possible for the benefit of the business owners and prevent them from ever approaching the landed gentry through their own efforts'

not sure why redditors have such a hard on for him.
/jp/ used to join rooms and actually interact with the people there, it was fun, but always inevitably ruined by children from /b/ and /v/ spamming unfunny rubbish
>liking conservatives

You dumb fucking paki
i remember doing this with /a/ before twitch got big, someone found an amateur voice actress and we'd descend on their nice quiet stream asking them to say rude words and they would plead "no engrish prease"
redditors love steampunk shit like mr rees-mogg.
You dumb fucking PAKI
>thousands of experts and eye witnesses
Generally support the idea that it was a controlled demolition. The witnesses heard the explosions, thousands of experts say they could only have collapsed like they did from a controlled demolition, which would not require thousands of workers btw. Fred Dibnah used to take down huge chimneys single-handed. And this demolition crew wouldn't have safety issues to worry about.

How could it be kept secret? Don't use the yellow pages to find your demolition crew. Don't hire strangers and ask them nicely to keep quiet about it. How does the intelligence community keep so much highly sensitive info secret? Mossad, the CIA, MI6? We're not talking about the DMV here.
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Old classmate was from Yorkshire. Everyone thought she was a genius (despite being completely average) and insisted on asking her about the glories of Britain.
Did you rape her?
Mountain girls are a gift from God. Not quite dainty southern belles, but very down-to-earth and responsible. Feminine in a religious way.
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shan't be believing this
Ayy, got a called back for an interview i did recently and got offered a part time job.
Thread posts: 303
Thread images: 57

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