[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]


This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 302
Thread images: 109

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i love nippon edition!
how do I get one of those slutted up asians that do the really good makeup on themselves
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kys lol
What’s the best city in the United States to find an Asian girlfriend? And not a shitty southeast Asian one either.
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Good edition bb
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>country with many negros
>best country in North America
You may pick only one
Do you love japan
Plastic asians look so fucking weird.

Someone post that 50 pound bug eyed Korean that was posted in /int/ 2 weeks back. That girl is nightmare fuel.

iN that case we are the best country

Yes, nippon is great
not a fan of gooks
You have niggers in Vera Cruz and the Haitian immigrants, so no.
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Japan greatest invention
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Jap becomes French doll.jpg
741KB, 1280x1280px
This is Japan's second greatest invention, the six million dollar nip.
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no u
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Japan's greatest invention isn't even Japanese but a Korean
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U Jew mark.jpg
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If you buy anything from the grocery store you are supporting the Jewish system
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They charge a fee to companies certify food as kosher even though they are a tiny minority. Really makes you think...
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*devours feces*
Never liked that guy tbqh
imagine being this out of touch
Is he pretending California didn't try to secede because they lost an election?
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Rate my ex
are you pretending a twitter hashtag was an actual movement to secede?
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1MB, 1200x1893px
say something nice about seulgi
I don't know I never been there
Ginger with nigger hair/10
he's pretending
1) the people in texas who hate the federal government are those in need. they're not. Houston is a left-wing asylum city, and it's been hit the worst
and 2) the feds are the one's doing all the work. they're not. most of it is charity and volunteer organizations

i forgot about Cali, good on you for bringing it up

only listening to these earlier releases from this project because there's a fucking two hour album from the same dude these releases lead up to
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>The Yes California Independence Campaign is an American political action committee that promotes the secession of the state of California from the United States.
>The organization promoted a proposed initiative to be placed on the 2018 California state ballot, which, if it had passed, would have required an independence plebiscite to be held in March 2019 on the question of California's independence.

>defends California
progs and their nigger pets really live in their own little world, don't they?
>literal meme group
okay, leaf
>pedro bahr
>One-third of California residents in a 2016–2017 poll supported peacefully seceding from the United States, up from 20% since 2014.
>There have been more than 200 proposals for the secession of California over the state's history

>lol, it's just a meme hermano, lol
Juan, I...
Mexicans= subhuman
Italians= master race
I support this movement
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The Republicans would never lose an election again
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they would never lose if voter IDs were required in all 50 states, and/or voter ballots were culled of all dead and displaced people (people who moved).
that's fine
eating sausage because i am german
>tfw Canada requires ID to vote or a very difficult substitute
>lefties here still get mad about whatever Republicans are doing in the US to require ID to vote
Wannabe Americans were a mistake.
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This age guesser thinks I'm 15... not sure if compliment
hate the 2 parties, buds.
almost every single person in the house and senate is either incompetent or corrupt

progs are all disingenuous bastards.
the only argument against voter ID is "it would be a burden on poor people"
to get ANY government assistance as a poor person, you need a government ID
it's just bullshit they spew so they can buss apes in and vote illegally
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Flied on Korean Air this summer, not one single btich looked like one of theose kpop whore, dafuq?
should have flew first class. got to pay to get the pretty bitches.
Which two cities did you fly to/from?
nice hips
I will kill myself if i go all the way to October without meeting a SINGLE peer who isn't obese or Chinese
you can count on it
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217KB, 1091x516px
oops wrong pic
15 is very old for a cat isn't it

>expecting koreans to be qt when they haven't gone through a thousand surgeries

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Do skinny gooks count? I bet you can find one of them.
I was upgraded to first class or 2nd best first class, and they were worse looking there.
NYC to Seoul. Then I went to Vietnam.
SINGLE qt female* peer
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good thread
the logic of my statement implies i want them to be skinny and not a gook (white. there is a snowflake's chance in hell i would find a black woman in my department, so i just didn't mention that distinction)
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Elliot and pepe.png
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anon looks like Elliot Rodger/10
I'd be more worried about it thinking im an asian woman than being 15
I descend from an ancient greek
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woodland BDU.gif
1013KB, 1381x920px
whoever made the decision to replace woodland BDU needs to be lynched
stupendous thread
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I descend from an ancient viking rapist.
Arctic spear chucker
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I descend from a Scottish sheep theif
s/o to all my brown eyed niggas
wtf i love these minion facts
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i'm sure you've lived a long and fulfilling life
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really want to see that anon's /cum/ notes
How about this?........ You shut your mouth...., or i'll shut it for you
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smart story man.jpg
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>mfw the only 24 hour food places are burger places
I want yakisoba.
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The original guy never posts them
they need at least 3-4 plastic surgeries before they start looking good
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>they need at least 3-4 plastic surgeries before they start looking good
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>dad found the diarrhea dispenser
got a hooker in Japan this summer ama
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Was she Chinese or Korean?
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I hope not

well I am grill so it got that right lol..
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Fuck apple products
all look the same
Fake news
Fake news
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making a good post
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>tfw no emma gf

lmao fuckin wh*ties
Marry me
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Would you have sex with lucy
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only if she shaves
I reckon she would not fuck me because I couldn't do various ape-like fitness displays
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I've stopped drinking soda lads. It's been a whole day so far
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My gf wants to try ballbusting but I'm a bit nervous about doing it
more like chode-ahs
nevermind reeeeee
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>tfw had 1 soda this year
Wish I had a gf who pegged me every night
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Good job anon, you'll soon realize how shit pop is and how much time you wasted drinking pop
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I like foreign guys
dont judge
I hope the homos who encouraged the minion spammer feel bad about themselves now
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What do you think is this man's ethnicity?
Recommend some good doujins please

Preferably loli
He looks ugly
Ran out of minions.
My gf wants to crush my balls and make me infertile
File: Grills on the internet.gif (2MB, 304x228px) Image search: [Google]
Grills on the internet.gif
2MB, 304x228px
Why does someone always have to pretend to be a girl here?
I'm afraid my gf wants to do this to me
Just tell me what do you think
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Im from a foreign state is that good enough? I probably even have a different accent then you
Hair texture suggests partial negroid ancestry
A Mexican?
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I pretend to be a cat

what state?
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2 > 1 >> 3 >>> 4
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How do I get a gf like this
New joisey
>reverse image search
>this image available all over the place
Try harder anon
The state of /cum/ would be drastically improved if we kicked out everyone who has kissed a girl
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what if I didn't like it?
>allowing gays to stay
I second this motion
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REMINDER: /cum/ is a NORMIE general please leave if you've never kissed a girl on the lips
Ideal female form
I really want a femdom gf
Mad Max x WWE x Monster Jam x Spartacus

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>listening to negro melodies
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yeah that'd be cool
I'm afraid white people will be wiped out
Sampha's debut is a legitimately good album

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stop posting your sister takahashi
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tfw Amerimongrel même is real
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the first one was cuter
Who was the one who blew a load on your face?
Those companies are a scam to establish DNA databases desu
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better than emily
*claps and then dies from mcdonalds*
i hate black people
suck my dick you paedophile
really want to do 23andme just for a laugh
stop encouraging race mixing

i wanna play runescape with ya
asians are white

recommend me more music like ghis

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horrible edition.
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>thinking that guy is actually a nip
I knew Cara was dumb, but this...
I turned out to be whiter than I thought I would be, decided to order a few other kits just to see how they compare.
do it to prove your white and then spend 14 hours a day on imageboards posting about how you are racially pure or a proud non-white depending on your results

its really EBIN when people do that
< 1% is usually low confidence and just genetic noise, I wouldn't worry about it
Daily Stormer is down again. Where will I get my unbaised, factual information now?
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oh okay
do you like it there?

I got the website to delete the webm he uploaded
I am 32 years old

berate me
What happened to the rapist?
How do I find a cute girlfriend who will peg me and make me eat my own cum?
watch RT all day and then @ Anglin on gab if you have a question about anything
am going to do this now
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>You can learn to code in 6 months and get a job without a college degree
Daily Stormer is great, so many dumb fags can't even tell that it's satire! Fucking idiots

It just redirects to Anglin's gab right now so it's probably still in his control.
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How'd you even get in that situation to begin with? Seems like a bad choice on your part tbqh.
You will have to pay for that
>tfw i ruined the official /cum/ discord server

i feel bad
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What do you mean by this post?
I went to a coding boot camp and got a job without a degree
I'm thinking about hiring an escort
I'm honestly saving money for it
Very disrespectful, the man whose done this should feel ashamed
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3MB, 2448x3060px
Rate my meal
I want a qt ukranian girl to strangle me buds
have fun
Yeah right lol

Good luck finding a decent job that doesn't require a BS in CS or a related engineering discipline
I was a Neo-Nazi until I got a CHI gf.
If you live near a big city it's easy to find one.
t. knower
bit much
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1MB, 1346x1838px
rate my baby
That's not a baby, that's a guitar!
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Looks like Texas brisket, nice dude
new millennial woes video is extremely powerful
Your state must suck as far as tech jobs go

Hello CHI
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21KB, 250x201px
showing my face to guys here is a bad choice
yes i figured that out thank you

hmm, cameras have really simplified the identification titles for individual pics, huh?
please delete this
I need my (you)s
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424KB, 540x628px
its just like in the anime
The only place this is true are big tech hubs
baka was about to give the br*t a (You) too
>Lady comes in to store with a drink
>Sorry ma'am no drinks allowed
>"You kiddin'? $20 bucks I spent on it!"
>Sets it outside and comes back in
>"You happy now!?"
>I don't make the rules ma'am
>"Yeah... well... I just didn't like the way you were lookin' at me"
fucking shitheads
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Facetiming with the gf and her sister
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haha i dont get it.png
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Sorry. I'm just so paranoid about being doxxed that I can't understand the thought process that would lead somebody to post anything about themselves here. Much autism on my part.
You infringed on her freedom, you deserved it King George.
i'd never pay 4x the price for the same gibson model lmao
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3MB, 2150x3041px
File: Gregory's meal.jpg (245KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
Gregory's meal.jpg
245KB, 1024x768px
Hey fellas.
First time poster here.

Rate my supper (or "dinner" for you yanks lol)
He is implying that you (he) is of mixed-race descent
This place has seen its better days. Young are leaving in droves, leaving for literally any other place.
i like to eat roasted pumpkin seeds :3

be my gf
Breddy good looking. I tend to prefer HWITE cheese though.

i'd rather have an american fender strat than any les paul
Huwaito, Jared-kun
This is an excellent supper you've got there Gregory
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50KB, 500x342px
guess im too nice sometimes desu

want to watch a twitch stream with me?
strats r gay lmao

imo les pauls look a lot better
Hello Gregory, welcome to the message board. Enjoy your stay.
File: eeehhrrrrrrrr.png (144KB, 473x355px) Image search: [Google]
144KB, 473x355px
I don't understand.
Stop talking to this underage thot

An american strat is better than hte epiphone lp, maybe it it was the mexican strat lol.

but yeah the body of the les paul is just way more sexier.
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53KB, 200x200px
You've all been had!
It's the same britposter as before.

Can't take your (you)s back now.
They all belong to ME.
Wow, Gregory, that looks superb. Mind if I grab a chip?
that's okay
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Gf just sent me this pic...
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There are too many retards in this general
stop race mixing dude
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actually they're mine
Isnt that where people watch others play vidya? Seems boring, how the hell do people find that interesting?
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>stop race mixing dude
honestly, can't tell the difference between american, mexican, and japanese strats
post your hands

absolutely develish, was the betrayal really worth the (You)s??
Why don't you post your hands ;)
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96KB, 862x639px
literally nothing wrong with this image

fuck off back to /r/asianmasculinity or whatever hole you crawled out of
she's cute desu
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203KB, 1023x682px
I'm not very good at games so I watch people play them
twitch tv/loltyler1
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Nathan Adrian eurasian.jpg
23KB, 630x420px
*blocks your path*
I heard you were bullying hapas?
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Think I'm done posting that Brazilian tranny. Shall be deleting the images.
What're you talking about? She's cute.
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gib sushi

and qt highschool girls

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Who in their right mind thinks this girl isn't a qtp2t?
Alt-right NAZI WH*TES
What is your opinion of jews?
they make good soap

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Me on the right, you on the left.
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She's OK, that's why I deleted the post, I hoped no one would respond. Take a look at THESE Hapas.
Big fan of them making race mixing socially accepted.
the 21st century is the hapa century, entire world will be like kazakhstan
top row, second from the right
They all look fine except for the top second left.
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214KB, 500x533px
First Row: Paki, Mexican with long hair, qt, Brazilian
Second Row: Mexican, Native, Mexican, Downs Tarzan
Third Row: Filipino, Finn, Pacific Islander, Asian trying to be a white cheerleader

All in all not that bad
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Me too
Thread posts: 302
Thread images: 109

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Search | Top | Home]

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