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Why would Mexico help the US after everything the US has done to them?

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Why would Mexico help the US after everything the US has done to them?
sheer stupidity or some supposed propaganda boost
Because it's human instinct to help another group of people during a time of natural disasters

There's examples of this that occured during wars, between harsh rivals, etc.

Even the U.S. and the Soviets would've worked together if something terrible happened to either one, such as say a massive meteor hit one of the countries population centers.
Because our goverment is USA cucks, also probably our military dont want to help them, but they are obligated to do so, in other words goverment =/= some people.
Smallpox is the example your reaching for. Diseases and natural disasters are apolitical enemies of all people.
We're allies.
Fake news are fake, everybody is literally celebrating in here that ameriturds are suffering.
based mexipedes #maga
Im 100% sure, if a disaster occur on Mexico, under trump usa would never help Mexico.
This, not even the white Mexicans are sad, they are indifferent.
#maga only works for americans, it's like, jews helping nazis on a disaster and nazis yelling heil hitler.
The Mexican government only sent people for diplomatic reasons. The average Mexicans doesn't give a flying fuck about people they don't like. If anything they're probably unironically celebrating Luke these guys are saying


If it was a different president in the US, maybe Mexicans would care, but now? Its more like fuck USA amirite lololol
This. Trump loves his precious shekels too much
Bruh, every time a natural disaster happens every country offers assistance.
usa was one of the biggest provider of humanitarian aid to north korea during their famine in 90ss and still occasionally gives them some aid, even in this year they did

Everybody except the US.
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Lol you're kidding right?
What the fuck? I love Burma now
All the people theyre helping are already from Mexico so theyre just helping their own people
We are not empty souls, we actually help people
That and makes us look good
We are such good guys
Burma gib muny
Speak for yourself, some of us are proud Mexicans and if someone call us rapist they made an enemy, not a formidable enemy but still an enemy.
Can you honestly say you have never once raped somebody in your life?
And right now we need the moral high ground
Its a perfect white glove hit
Drumpf and his supporters are idiots and you cannot convince them otherwise, if you go down to their level then they will win
Yes i can, also you sound like you did something bad my friend.
Hey i just beat you on the past and all of you problems that you have now is because of me, but let me help you just this time, right.?

have u ever seen a real mexican
i mean a real one not a fucking narco or a fucking cholo those niggers are the only ones that rapes people actually middle class MEXICANS are kinda good m8.
This only the hardworking class are the best mexicans
No because all you send are your shittiest pieces of shit.

Wall and genocide can't come soon enough.
not true
Do you mean the working class?
Me being middle class I'm not a good Mexican?

USA should kill narcos and cholos, you will do us a favor
And they wonder why we don't like them, we've learned that the average american are hypocrites who only care for themselves.
If you have to ask, what does that tell you.
Because dumb fuckery aside is the right thing to do, and while the motives of our rulers may not be exactly "pure" they do have to align with some semblance of national dignity, even if it's just for show.
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There is some truth to this.
>Says the cuck mexican.
I wonder where I've gotten this impression that foreigners hate Americans and have thus adjusted my world view accordingly...
How does helping America help with our national dignity? Wtf

i personally dont hate americans, i think americans are good people but their goverment actions and all that kind of stuff gave them a really bad view all around the world, that is maybe the reason why all the world hates america.
itt people who were on diapers when Katrina happened and don't remember Mexico also helped the US even when most people here hated them because of Irak2
>hated them because of irak2
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>americans only remember things that makes them the victim, like 9/11 but they LOVE to forget when other countries help them, so trying to reminding them all the help Mexico has done for them is useless and a waste of time.
Because the Mexican nation is nominally a friend to the American people regardless of who's sitting in the White House, that's what dignity is about, to act in a manner that's graceful and high minded, not like a petty, resentful dwarf.

It's fucking class man, I certainly don't think our politicians have it in them but they damn better act as if they did, because Mexico, the nation, does.
Mexico is american as well, isn't it?
One of those working/middles class Mexicans happened to threatened my family and payed people to assault us but ok...
It was in 2005 the world was still in the wake of The War on Terror, french fries were named freedom fries
Yes but americans don't like to see it that way, are they?
For example when coca cola show their new commercial on the Superbowl saying that america is a continent, must of americans were angry because for them america is only usa.
A rich white mexican framed me on my good paying job and because of him i lost an amazing job, but that doesn't mean i hate white mexicans.
Because I don't believe the Mexican government should act as an emotionally stunted child? We are discussing matters of state, apparently this is beyond your education level.
Considering America has built its wealth on taking resources from third world countries all around the world, by force, that little graph is fucking nothing.
The USA has taken a hundred fold than it gives back.
Wow, cool, we sent help so now we get to be a tweet on some liberal/lefty person's tweet and then nobody will give a shit again. You REALLY showed them.
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This, they screwed Africa, the middle East and now Lat Am, the only ones that are protected against them is Russia and China.
i also like this poster, usa is so sexy when it is at war :3
t. butthurt 5th place
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What the hell did the USA take? Land from Mexico after a shitty war? The Philippines?
this was way before trump.
Trump has done nothing against them,just bla bla
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So do people not get this is just a fuck you/one up move against Trump or what?
What are deportations
What are infuariting americans in to believe we are bad.
Now if i want to go to the USA and eat on their restaurants someone will spit on my food just because I'm brown.
If you want to look at the cost/benefit to this it costs us nothing. What? A few million dollars in aid? That's nothing when it comes to our federal budget even right now with the government in deep austerity. To be able to have those images of Mexicans helping Americans when Trump starts talking shit about our people would be well worth it in and of itself.

I'm not saying we should help because of that, that wasn't my first argument, but if you want to talk cost/benefit things that look good for whatever allies we do in fact have in American society is a worthy investment.

Which is the exact same reason Trump rejected any help offered and is gambling things won't get so bad it will come back to haunt him, which in all fairness it looks right now like it's a bet he can win, they don't actually need our help as they did with Katrina.

So yeah, all things said is good policy to offer regardless, and it really is what good neighbours should do.
Is this about YOU feeling discriminated? fuck you snowflake there's more important stuff on the line here.

are u defending the burgers?
let me refresh your mind, what about pinochet?
Both are important
Because they're decent people, and they have many natives that live in the area.

It's called humanitarianism.
Americans get treated good when the stay here and some of them become Mexican citizens and live a happy life forever
But when an average Mexican goes to Usa, they are discriminated.
It's not about me, it's about millions of Mexicans being discriminated.
But hey, you are a c.u.c.k for americans so I'm just waisting my time here.
this. help the ones in need.
Go in, on a humanitarian basis. Then we should pay ourselves back from their oil.

t. Mr. Presidente
Turning every single spectrum of Mexican politics, society etc. against our country was a very good prank for our president to play on us
I don't have any alternative motives by saying that. I'm not my government and I'm not one of its corporations putting on a show. I'm speaking for myself.

>after all the US has done to them

Kek. They're sending all their low class subhuman peasants to the US and flooding it with their shitskin 'people' intentionally to destroy it.

They leech welfare, health care, cause countless American deaths with their illegal drivers and drug trade, bring down property values etc etc. They're going to bankrupt the fucking country and plummet it to third world status.

"After all the US has done to them." Kek FUCKING KEK. You mexcrement subhumans should've been wiped out 200 years. You're a fucking bane on the United States.
I'm just saying that irl things are not like in Trump's rhetorics. Irl people care for each other and Trump is pure talk because he is powerless. Calm down tacos, we wuv u
This is a fine example why we don't at americans when a terrorist attack, a nuclear threat and a natural disaster happen to them.
yeah but let's keep in mind that like 80% of our economy comes from there so let's let the rapist do his thing as we'll see how it goes, not like we got a choice on the long term.
we unironically would though depending on the situation, the navy helps all over the world in natural disasters there's no way we wouldn't go to mexico
stop posting
Dude you're fucking tying foreign policy to emoptional arguments, that's dangerous and stupid. We are discussing a specific action from the government not airing imagined grievances about you feeling discriminated via tv, assuming you're not that much of a dumb fuck you believe you should have the right to migrate to the US, or that the Mexican government is somehow responsible of providing you with that. Ad hominem, that's calling me names instead of making a reasoned argument, just shows you're not mature enough to even handle this as a conversation.

I've travelled to the US and never been discriminated. I decided at some point however, before Trump ever came along as a nominee, not to subject myself to the visa process, I can travel to Canada or Europe instead. Maybe you can do the same and simply not go to the US if there's something about their nation you don't like, but it isn't the president's job to symbolically avenge you by refusing help to Americans in this scenario, or do you expct him to laugh it up and mock Trump in social media as well?

Regardless of YOUR entitled snowflake feelings, millions of Mexicans do depend opn NAFTA to put food on their table and support their families, the Mexican government should act knowing full well the cost in real human suffering a mistake could bring. This doesn't mean yielding, Mexico will not accept to pay for the wall and it will not accept conditions that are nopt reciprocal in NAFTA, but it does mean acting with gravity and responsibility.

Quit being such a stupid brat and wake the fuck up.
Lol did i triggered you?
>millions of Mexicans being discriminated is not important.
>implying the average Mexican wants and receive the government help.
We don't care about our stupid president in the first place.
But hey keep living in your bubble, all of your arguments are missing the point, stay out of /pol/ for once.
He has as much right to speak as anyone you salty cunt.

Mexicans get treated just fine where I'm from. Some of the nicest people I know are Mexican bros.
I'm a leftist, dumbass, and if you think having your feelings hurt on fucking taking television too seriously is the same as people losing their jobs you're a fucking moron.
>Speak for yourself, some of us are proud Mexicans and if someone call us rapist they made an enemy,
It's been like 10 months and you still don't understand what Trump said.

He said "Mexico sends their rapists and criminals." Not "All Mexicans are rapists and criminals." You send us the trash of your society, because if they were actually upstanding citizens they'd be making an honest wage in Mexico.

Jesus fuck you're dumb.
>saying that america is a continent,
it isn't

north america is, south america is
What about this:
I believe americans are:
And self centered
But some are good people.
The only ones justifying his stupidity are americans.
The ones that illegally enter your country are.

All 6 of them.
Why don't you think racism is an important issue? Are you white?
He's a billionaire and current president of the US. I don't believe he is stupid. Ignorant and racist perhaps, but Clinton is an evil bitch. Hence why she lost.
Explain that to millions of americans who can't find countries on a map and most of them aren't even poor.
>denying the average american sees america as country and not a continent.
>denying the average american sees america as country and not a continent.
"america" is shorthand for "united states of america" you illiterate retard

when we talk about continents we specify north/south. always.

stop trying to apply the rules of spanish to english like some uneducated peasant.
>Believing he is not a puppet of a higher elite.
Presidents are puppets, they are just actors, a face of the country. I'm not surprised most of them are stupid.
A lot of those are true and we embrace them. You should embrace your inner rapist and criminal.
Are Mexicans on /int/ becoming progressively more hostile to everyone, especially towards Americans?
I have seen a lot of these kind of post recently.
They've been calling us shitskins, beaners, or any other insult since trump was president.
But when we become what they called red pilled, is it bad?
Maybe we should go to /pol/ and be red pilled there.
Mexicans have always seemed to hate everyone, especially Americans. What countries do you consider to be your friends?
Yes I'm white but I'm not a fucking burguer for you to guilt trip me with this, I'm not less a Mexican and Trump wasn't specific about only brown Mexicans being bad hombres.

The insult is not an important issue in the bilateral relation because in case you haven't noticed the motherfucking racist is president of the United States. What do you expect Peña to do? Close the border and break relations until Trump apologizes? Go to war? Organize a world blockade of the United States? What kind of delussional fucking bubble do YOU live in?

The government has to be mature about it because millions of Mexicans lose their jobs if they don't, and even if Trump ends up tearing NAFTA and applying some form of punitive tax to pay for the wall our economy will still be better off if investors perceive Mexico acted responsably during the crisis than if the government gets on trump's levels so victim like you can feel comforted.

People losing jobs means lives cut short and ruined, it means divorce taking parents away from children and families that never got to start becauyse there was never enough money to marry. It means some people get so desperate they fucking kill themselves. We are talking a lot of effects on the economy, but no, fuck that people, fuck Mexico, let's avenge your hurt feelings, that's far more important,

You dumb fuck, you continually refuse to address the issue, what the fuck do you expect the government to do? Act like a butthurt asshole? there's people hurting in the US, you're offended the Mexican government expressed solidarity and offered to help?

We really need to bring this discussion to an end, you can't do anythjing but be offensive and I'm wasting my time trying to argue.
Not him but i like:
All the countries that suffered the american imperialism.
Yes, please, if you're "redpilled" go to /pol. I see it far more likely you'll eventually kill yourself if you post there.

The US always offers assistance to people, the fuck are you on?

Hell, you're in on it too Mexico, especially in North America. We have fire fighters in California all the fucking time helping.
Dude that's autists on /int, real world the only people we have a problem with is your Trumpsters, no one else in the world.
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More importantly, why are USA fucked up by the same natural disasters every year? Do they never learn?
When will the Pajeets learn they suck at comedy?
I'm only really hostile to conservatives and non-whites who are house niggers. Liberal Americans are mostly alright.
>but they LOVE to forget when other countries help them

Yeah, no joke

>Canada risks national security and allows all stranded US planes to land and houses all the passengers
>Bush has a press conference to thank people
>Thanks half the planet for giving condolenses
>Never mentions Canada once
>Couple years later lies about the hijackers coming from Canada as revenge for not joining Iraq

Fucking backstabbers.
Shut the fuck up and stop assuming everyone you don't like is just one fucking person.
Has this happened in Houston before?
I don't know but it've happened to cities on the southern coast where hurricanes strike basically every year.
I'm really happy most of Mexicans are waking up right now, we should only care about becoming Mexico a better country for Mexicans and then helping other. It's all about priorities.
I don't care enough about you to make any asumptions, I'm taking you at your word, you're "redpilled" means yeah, the world is better off if you're dead. And besides you'll be happier in /pol.
I'm not sure it happens that often in Houston. Additionally, it's strange that the hurricane basically got stuck there.
But, I agree, your point is valid. It would make more sense to build cities where natural disasters (predictably) don't happen.
Lol, I'm not him, maybe this is the type of discussion that should be discussed where there are Id's.
because mexicucks are eternal cucks who can't live without daddy america's cock
You're our vassel too.
kek, way too many Mexican flags in here.
not to mention their help is extremely insignificant. it's just used as propaganda
Sri Lanka stronk
i wish
t. single cuck
first america destroys other countries either directly or through funding and supporting coups, revolutions and rebel groups to secure their trading routes and steal resources, also get rid of anyone who somehow may oppose them, they cause millions of people to suffer and die. and then they use like 0,00001% of what they stole to "help" those countries. fucking hypocrites, america is the most evil thing that ever happened to this planet. literally a nation of war criminals
Exactly this, but the sad truth is that Russia has done the same to the middle east before 9/11, don't get me wrong, i like that you now the truth but you should now all of it.
bullshit, lies, and dumb CNN propaganda. where are the proofs?
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I bet you don't know that your retard fireworks shopping center accident created a lot of burn kid Mexicans on that day. Texas took in those Mexican kids to the best burn center for treatment.

>Shriners Hospital released the following statement to ABC13: "At Shriners Hospitals for Children - Galveston we provide world-leading pediatric burn care. We are aware of the firework explosion in Mexico and are standing by to help in any way we can. Our thoughts are with the individuals and their families affected by this terrible tragedy.
They always act like this
America loves to blame Germany and France for not following them into the stupid Iraq war, yet they conviniently forget that we support them in Afghanistan til this day
Just like that shitty disaster movie, The Day After Tomorrow.
Shriners≠Texas's state government
> after everything the US has done to them
Closing the borders to ilegals?
All European countries
>slurp slurp
I love you Russia, plz send qt Russian girl.
come and meet one if you want. they are easy as hell and easily brainwashed though they are quite manipulative if your penis isn't big enough
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america is a 3rd world country they have a lot in common
Nice we should visit each other nations and taste the natives qt's of our countries.
Great now i feel like cuck, but i like Russia, so it's ok.
an average russian stinky piece of rotting crap stands no chance with any women except russian. russian men are dirt, piss, shit and grease and should be castrated and fed to dogs
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I don't believe you, Russians or any foreigner are praised in here, except from brown Mexican nationalist. But the majority of people just don't care.
cant be real 2bh
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